Thuringia 2017

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Thuringia 2017 JEWISH VOICE FROM GERMANY Special Report on Thuringia 2017 Neumann, Papenfuss / Atelier für Gestaltung / Atelier Neumann, Papenfuss Living Traditions and Lasting Visions The green heart of Germany invites you to explore its cultural treasures ung Weimar, TSK / Barbara Barbara / TSK ung Weimar, Ō Ɵ , Samuel Zuder / Thüringer Tourismus GmbH, Stefan Kranz , Alexander Burzik / Klassik S , Alexander Kranz Stefan GmbH, Tourismus Samuel Zuder / Thüringer , Ō Gesellscha u. Digitale Ō Wissenscha Ō Thüringer Ministerium f. Wirtscha f. Ministerium Thüringer furt Treasure, which dates back port of the state of Thuringia, – deserves its place at the top CONTENTS to the 13th and 14th centuries. the state capital of Erfurt is of the list of everyone inter- The Erfurt Treasure comprises applying for recognition as a ested in European culture and more than 4,000 items, includ- UNESCO World Heritage site. history. This year marks the ing silver coins, tableware and These eff orts are accompanied 500th anniversary of the Refor- jewelry. The most important by many other activities that mation and the year in which object is a Jewish wedding ring make Thuringia one of the most Martin Luther made his 95 the- from the early 14th century; important and exciting destina- ses known in Wittenberg. 2019 Brotherhood in 2015, a replica was given to tions for everyone interested in will mark the 100th birthday of Erfurt’s Achava Festival the Beit Hatfutsot Museum in Jewish culture and history. For the Bauhaus movement, which PAGE IV Tel Aviv. The Erfurt Treasure example, Weimar’s University was founded in Weimar and was discovered in 1998 dur- of Music has a chair dedicated went on to become what is ar- ing archaeological excavations to the history of Jewish music, guably the most infl uential art and has since been displayed while a research center at the and design school in the world. in New York, Paris, London University of Erfurt is dedicated This, too, will be celebrated in among other locations. In 2009, to the study of religious practic- Thuringia in grand style. it was installed in a permanent es and rituals. On the cultural From the Bauhaus movement, display in the Old Synagogue. side, the spectrum ranges from to the Reformation and Jew- Bauhaush ish culture, Thuringia off ers a Cradle of modernity Ladies and Gentlemen, wealth of history and culture PAGE VI Dear Readers, to explore. We would like to extend our warmest invitation Thuringia has a rich Jew- to visit Thuringia and enjoy our ish heritage whose origins date “Thuringia is brimming with famous hospitality. There is no back to the 11th century. Particu- other place in Germany or Eu- larly in Erfurt’s historic district, discoveries – come take a look rope where you will be able to much of which remains intact, fi nd this unique combination of Prime Minister Ramelow many architectural and cul- nature and culture, relaxation Embracing responsibility tural traces bear witness to the Taken together, these wit- the Achava Festival in Erfurt to and excitement, as you will here. city’s fi rst Jewish community, nesses off er a unique glimpse the annual Days of Jewish-Israe- Thuringia is brimming with dis- PAGE VIII which fl ourished there until the into Jewish daily life and com- li Culture, in which 17 cities in coveries – come take a look at 14th century. munal existence as well as the Thuringia will be participating These include the Old Syna- coexistence of Jewish and Chris- this year. gogue – one of the oldest, larg- tian life in medieval European But even beyond its impor- est and best-preserved medi- towns – with a wealth of detail tant Jewish heritage, Thuringia With warmest regards, eval synagogues, which also and an intensity that is virtually – the birthplace of the Refor- Wolfgang Tiefensee has a mikveh – as well as a large unmatched elsewhere. In Erfurt mation and of the Bauhaus Treasure number of material relics such we can retrace the blossoming movement, the home of Wei- Thuringian Minister for Medieval findingsgs as gravestones, manuscripts, of Central European Jewish cul- mar Classicism and the birth- Economic Aff airs, Science PAGE VIII and of course the unique Er- ture. That is why with the sup- place of Johann Sebastian Bach and Digital Society II | LEGACY SUPPLEMENT | 2017 THEN AND NOW Traces of Jewish Life in Thuringia Embracing a rich tradition immigrants today secure the community’s future By Hartmut Bomhoff founded in 1856 by Löb and Moses Sim- son in the city of Suhl. In the beginning, bout 600 years ago, Hillel of a steel hammer formed the basis of the Erfurt, a Talmudic authority, company which would become known left for Palestine to spend the as a manufacturer of weapons and ve- remainder of his life in the hicles – mainly for the Prussian Army. HolyA Land, thus fulfi lling a vow he had From 1896 onwards, Simson expanded made. When he had reached Vienna, its product line into the civilian sector he was seized by a longing to return to and built its fi rst bicycles. Simson soon Thuringia because he was convinced that became one of the largest bicycle manu- the Talmudical school of Erfurt would facturers in Germany. After World War suff er through his absence. He then I and the Treaty of Versailles, the factory turned to the rabbis of Vienna who ab- was one of the few armaments plants in solved him on the grounds that he had a Germany permitted to continue opera- greater task to perform in spreading To- tion. With over 4,000 workers, Simson rah to the Jews of Erfurt. produced small arms, automobiles – in- Jewish merchants have been recorded cluding the Simson Supra racing car – in this part of Central Germany as ear- and other metal goods. In 1935, the fac- ly as the 10th century. The presence of tory was “Aryanized” in a particularly Jews in Erfurt has also been document- aggressive and public way. The owners ed during the 12th century. During the were arrested and fi rst escaped to Swit- Middle Ages, Thuringia produced many zerland and later to the United States. scholars who contributed signifi cantly Today, Simson vehicles are collector’s to Jewish learning. The majority of Jews items, but hardly anybody knows about lived in free cities, which did not recog- the company's Jewish past. nize the authority of the landgrave. After Another example is the success story the Black Death pogrom, Erfurt became of Hermann Tietz, a merchant in Gera, again the largest Jewish community at a textile center in Thuringia. A Jewish that time in Germany. At the end of the community was formally founded in 14th century, Erfurt’s Jewry called four or 1885, and in 1895, there were 90 Jews in fi ve synagogues their own, as well as four Gera engaged mostly in commerce. Her- ritual slaughterhouses. However, in 1458, mann Tietz and his nephew Oskar Ti- they were expelled from Erfurt, and in etz, who came to Gera in 1882, were the 1536, landgrave John Frederick the Brave, founders of Hertie, a department store a fervent supporter of the Reformation, chain with stores all over Germany. ordered the total expulsion of Jews. An act which was enforced in 1559. Towards destruction The landgraviate of Thuringia subse- für Gestaltung / Atelier Papenfuss quently experienced a period of disin- The Old Synagogue of Erfurt In Erfurt, Jewish entrepreneurs be- tegration and was divided into a large longed to the city’s establishment, number of minor duchies and princi- and Walldorf, the Jews are very fervent the development of Mühlhausen as they among them shoe manufacturer Alfred palities. While prohibited from living in their religious devotions!” were one of the largest employers in town. Hess, who made many generous dona- in cities, as of the latter half of the 17th It was not until the fi rst decades of the Today, the Jewish community of Erfurt is tions of Expressionist paintings to the century, Jews were allowed to settle on 19th century, that Jews in the four duch- responsible for the two restored historic Angermuseum, fi nancier Wilhelm Moos the estates of the nobility, with a few ies received charters, with the communi- synagogues but doesn’t own the Aschen- as well as horticulturalist Ernst Benary. rich court Jews granted protection by ty of Saxe-Meiningen becoming the larg- hausen synagogue. The fi rst two are used “We bring beauty to the world” was the est one. In the early 1800s, Jews occasionally for worship, a concert, or slogan of the seed and breeding compa- were permittted to live in Erfurt other events, but are mostly maintained ny, founded in 1843 by Benary in Erfurt. again, which then had become and kept open to the public by volunteers. It quickly became a household name in Prussian. A new synagogue was 150 years ago, in December 1867, the horticulture and counted Gregor Mendel built in 1840, and eventually a “Israelite Community of Eisenach” was among its prominent customers. Under larger one was built to replace it. The opulent domed struc- ture of this Great Synagogue with seating for 500 stood un- til 1938, when it was destroyed in the Kristallnacht pogrom on Neither Hitler nor Stalin should November 9. “ During the 19th century, nu- have the last word. That s why merous new synagogues and ’ Jewish schools were built in small towns and villages, for I’m committed to help build a example in 1842 in Mühlhau- sen, followed by Aschenhausen dynamic Jewish life in 1843, and Berkach in 1854. In 1938, the latter, together with Reinhard Schramm / Thüringer Tourismus GmbH Tourismus / Thüringer Schramm Reinhard the neighboring school building, founded – which by 1904 reached a Nazi rule, many members of the Benary Community president Reinhard Schramm was spared from arson by inter- membership of 422.
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