Den Svenska Dataspelsbranschen Samt Eventuell Undertitel

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Den Svenska Dataspelsbranschen Samt Eventuell Undertitel Den svenska dataspelsbranschen samt eventuell undertitel Kandidatuppsats 15 hp Företagsekonomiska institutionen Uppsala universitet VT 2015 Datum för inlämning: 2015-06- 04 Anton Söderman Handledare: Anna Bengtson Anton Söderman C-uppsats, Företagsekonomi STS4, VT-15 Abstract: This paper deals with the Swedish computer and video game industry. The aim is to reach a better understanding of why it has been so successful and why it has seen such a large growth during the years 2008-2015. In the paper, this is shown by looking at Sweden’s computer and video game sector as a cluster, as defined by Porter. The analysis is based on a model using national systems of innovation. The paper presents a narrative of the development of the Swedish video game industry as well as cases describing specific companies in more detail. The reasons for the growth during the period are found to be primarily three different aspects of the sector: (1) success of the Swedish game Minecraft (2) the specific market conditions (3) a cycle of growth in the Swedish game industry. The conditions allowing the Swedish game industry to be successful are found to be tradition, international focus, the Swedish national welfare system, all supported by well-developed technical educations. Tack till: Jag vill härmed tacka Paradox Interactive för deras samarbetsvilja samt att de tog sig tid för intervjun. Jag vill även tacka tidiningen Level för all kunskap de har förmedlat och Michael Porter för alla användbara texter han har skrivit. Jag vill även tacka min handledare Anna Bengtson samt alla de respondenter som läst igenom och kommenterar min text, där särskilda tack går ut till Emil Svensson, Martina Olofsson och Eva Söderman. Slutligen vill jag tacka Ulf Sandqvist för hans avhandling som använts som utgångspunkt för detta arbete. Keywords: computer games, video games, video game industry, cluster, NSI Nyckelord: dataspel, tv-spel, dataspelsbranschen, kluster, NSI 1 Anton Söderman C-uppsats, Företagsekonomi STS4, VT-15 Innehållsförteckning Abstract 1. INLEDNING ........................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Syfte & Frågeställning .................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Avgränsningar ................................................................................................................................ 6 1.3 Disposition ..................................................................................................................................... 6 2. TEORI ................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Teoretiska synsätt: Branscher ....................................................................................................... 7 2.1.1 Definition av bransch .............................................................................................................. 7 2.2 Produkt- och branschlivscykel ................................................................................................... 7 2.2 Teoretiska synsätt: Kluster ............................................................................................................ 8 2.2.1 Definition av kluster ............................................................................................................... 8 2.2.2 Analysverktyg: NSI – National Systems of Innovation ................................................................ 8 2.3 Operationalisering ....................................................................................................................... 11 3. METOD ............................................................................................................................................... 12 3.1 Helhetsstudie ............................................................................................................................... 12 3.2 Kvalitativ studie ........................................................................................................................... 12 3.3 Fallstudie ..................................................................................................................................... 13 3.4 Källkritik ....................................................................................................................................... 14 3.5 Analysenheter ............................................................................................................................. 15 3.5.1 Urval ..................................................................................................................................... 15 3.5.2 Valda analysenheter samt motiveringar .................................................................................. 15 DICE ....................................................................................................................................... 15 Massive .................................................................................................................................. 15 Paradox Interactive ............................................................................................................... 15 Starbreeze ............................................................................................................................. 15 Mojang ................................................................................................................................... 16 3.5.3 Resterande urval .................................................................................................................. 16 3.5.4 Validitet av urvalet ............................................................................................................... 16 4. EMPIRI ............................................................................................................................................... 18 4.1 BAKGRUND .................................................................................................................................. 18 4.1.1 Dataspelsbranschen ............................................................................................................. 18 4.1.2 Dataspelsbranschens funktioner .......................................................................................... 18 4.1.3 Dataspelsmarknaden ............................................................................................................ 20 2 Anton Söderman C-uppsats, Företagsekonomi STS4, VT-15 4.1.4 Svenskarna ............................................................................................................................ 20 4.2 Början på den svenska dataspelsbranschen ................................................................................ 21 4.2.1 Analysenhet 1: Dice .............................................................................................................. 22 4.2.2 Analysenhet 2: Massive ........................................................................................................ 23 4.3 Mulle Meck åren.......................................................................................................................... 24 4.3.1 Analysenhet 3: Paradox Interactive ..................................................................................... 24 4.4 Grin-krisen ................................................................................................................................... 26 4.4.1 Analysenhet 4: Starbreeze.................................................................................................... 27 4.5 Små studior slår igenom .............................................................................................................. 28 4.5.1 Analysenhet: Mojang ............................................................................................................ 29 4.6 Teknisk analys .............................................................................................................................. 29 4.6.1 Omsättning ........................................................................................................................... 30 4.6.2 Anställda ............................................................................................................................... 31 4.6.3 Antal företag och nya företag .............................................................................................. 32 4.6.4 Reflektion av teknisk analys ................................................................................................. 32 5. ANALYS .............................................................................................................................................. 33 5.1 Kluster .......................................................................................................................................... 33 5.2 NSI – National Systems of Innovation ......................................................................................... 34 5.2.1. Utbildning och träning ......................................................................................................... 34 5.2.2 Kunskapsutveckling .............................................................................................................. 34 5.2.3. Resursmobilisering .............................................................................................................
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