Hardy Eveareer.s. In all cities, villages and to some ex- tent in the country, it is becoming quite PL'BI.TSilKP EVERY KKIIMY .MUHMNC, in th« Third fashionable to plant different kinds of S orv if £tlM iii-ick l~> a •.. . • I " r aM HflMB and Huron S weta trees for the purpose of ornameut; and in a few cases for protection from tho cold winds This " fashion" is very laud, Entrance <»n Hare* SI reet, opposite the Franklin. able, nnd there is no danger of its ever becoming too prevalent; indued, it isasu. EL1HU 13. [POJNTJD a:iy ' more honored in the breach thau KdiLor and. 1'ublisrier. in tho observance.' No man was ever I'E.'IMS, «.l,5O A VEiB IK ADVANCE. heard to say that ho had set out too many shade trees, or that ho was sorrv ADVERTISING-. "Vol. ARBOR, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1862. TSTo. 848. for the time .spent or the money outlay One square (12 Une« or less": unc greek, M)o©Bt»; ana1 in thu endeavor to make his home moru 15 oenis for«vcvy insertion tin.it-;iiler, less than three n——•— comfortable or beautiful. Many persons ^ months... -S3 Quarter col. 1 year $20 From Si H:S h r the Littlu Ones >t Hi>mc. t Of Fed, a« it he had not seen a com Her father heard her Bobbing a Postal Incident. The Peninsula Between the York and Brilliant Exploit of Col. Geary. arc deterred from putting out evegreens, >ue do 6 do Hfilfcornin G mos 18 Jamea Rivers llali do 1 year 35 The Snowdrop. fur months. His trousers were mi night, as sho knelt by her mother' A young man from tho rural districts New York, April 7. both fror* the supposed certainty of los- i sq'r«s 0 mns 8 (me do 6 IDos 35 Now th« spring is coming on, at tlie knees, and his only Other gal knee io fay her prayers. went to the postoffice tho other day with The peninsula between the York and A special dispatch to the Philadelphia ing a large portion of the frees, and from diT 1 ™ 13 One do T yoar 60 Now tlie snow and \ He was told that paper money was not •April 2J, 1862, via Baltimore, April 6, noils, As was stated in a former article, Will you not begin to shoot 1 point of especial* interest, and we there- : ebftrjjreJ accordingly. Louii stared in boyish curiosity, bu thewtti-ng room. received. He went for Spanish quar- fore publish the following description of says : " A rebel force of seven regi evergreens can bo us easily transplanted as \0p4 idTwttwments, first insertion, fiOoeat n p#r ments of infantry, two regiments of cuv olia, 25 cents per folio for »ftch lubaequent insertion. Ah, I see your little head Kitty's kind little face worked om " Oh ! no, unusually good ; buters, it which wo fiLil in the Chicago Temm: deciduous trees,/;, ovidei .decays, that the airy, and three batteries, were thrown >v;..»n a postponement is added t<<»n advertisement the peeping from the Bower-bed, DOusly, betraying astoLishmoni anc when she came to pray for ' all poo "We don't receive them now " said the No portion ctf the American continent roots are never suffered to get even par- irhole will lie charged the s;tme as for first insertion. Looking out so green and gay, very strong sympathy. little chillren who have no fathers o attendant, " for moru thau twenty cents across the Rappahanuoek to cut off Col- tially dried. In putting out evergreens On this fine and pleasant day. is richer in kltttoric interest than the nar- Mrs. Lynian went forward as themothers,' as she always does, she burs apieca " onel Geary's oomjawad at White Pluiiis. all that is necessary is that the roots row strip of land between the York and By a forced march they reached Salem, C*hapW8t8,Hand-WUa. i freukra, Cardi,Ball Tickets^ For the mild south wind doth blow, child shrank back, apparently througl outcrying for a licle boy who was hen The countryman thought Undo S;tm Jismes Rivers. The first English settle- should always be kt-pt moist, tho trees \nv1 «tner varit'tk-8 of 1 i. in aud Fancy Job Printing : within five miles of the Union band last carefully planted and hardy kinds chosen. jxocutcd with promptness, a ad In the van STYLE. And hath moiled all the snow; fear. Ke was but a very little talie this morning; " and then Mrs. Lymai mighty particular, so he went and obments in America were made here, and it And the sun shines out so warm, evening, with the intention of attacking Theru are so many hardy species to bo than Louis, and did not look ns strong told the story. tnined a dollars worth of coppers, is the scene of the adventures of those BOOK BINr>TNGh, You peed not fenr another storm. Colonel Geary in two columns, cuttiin- obtained, either iu tho forest or any- " Did you want some breakfast, mj " She says she never knew before '• Now," said he, on returning to theiii-^t Americau pioneers who fought In- Connected with the Office is a Bm>k Bindery in boy?" she said very kindly, for he how good G-od was to her, and Louis yffice, and laying down his pil« on tho off his retreat, and then seizing this forntr good nursery that no one can hfivo any 3f a c"inpo1fttt workman. County Records, Ledgers So your pretty flowers show, dians and roughed it us backwoodsmen, idulile gap to intercept the progress of re- Journals, and all kinds of Blank Books made to order And your petals while undo; heurt wns stirred at such childish wan and Gertrude, to give thorn 'such a window of the delivory, " I guess I can excuse for neglecting so important uud Md of the best ,*tock. Pamphlets aud Periodicals bourn 1 within sight of the suit water. Tho por- constructing the Mauassas Gap Railroad. necessary a souwe of pleasure and com- in a neat and du -able manner, ai Detroit prices. En- Then you'll hang your modest head and desolation. nice home, and kind father an.I mother, suit you.! tion of tho peninsula u-rar tho mouths of irance to Bindery throujrli iftuuB Office. Down upon the flower-bed. Tho attack was to bo made at daybreak fort. "If you please, ma'am, I'm hungry.' and sho wants to bo a better little girl The man inside looked at the display the two rivers which form it is mostly It was no new thing to feed traveler and please Him, when he is so kind t( of copper* and coolly replied ; this morning, Their movements were (l low and flat, but further back towards. made secretly with the intention of mak- In specifyng a few hardy evergreens, son foot at the Maples. Almost every her. You should have heard her We never take more than three cents Kic-hmond the country becomes rolling ing-a dash and cutting the Union com- we shall name aa they occur to us, prom- A Story for the Little Folks. childish faith, when she prayed, sob in copper at one time—it is not a legal day some weary wayfarer found res We should judge it to bo very favorable maud to pieces. ising that any, or all, can be depended CARDS! CARDS!! CARDS!!! BY MRS. ALICE B. HAVEN. and food in its hospitable kitchen bins all the while that God would give tondor above that sum." to military openuions on tho largo scale' on for beauty or adaptability to the cli- Havmj? purchased a UrnoLKS ROTARY DIAMOND Card The countryman looked at the com- Colonel (Jeary became apprised of Press, with a fineassnrtment of Card type, the Alters whore the good-natured cook contri the little boy a place to sleep to-night likely to transpire. It is cut up by nu- mate. Ofliceia prepared tn print Cards of ail kinds in "Ministering Children" ved to find " a bit and a sup " for al and friends to take care ol him. I do posed oilicial for tho space of a minute merous creeks, running into the York their presence und designs, and moved The most common evergreen hero is aeatest possible ^tyli^ and ai a great reduction frm his whole commaiid off quietly during 'ormer prices,iiicliu'.it;^: Business Cards for men of all comers. So Kitty lost no timo inbelieve she has learned how much she without stirring, and thon belched out; and Janui River, but the Chickahom- the Red Cedar, or Virginia juniper.^- trocitfonBanclprofessiona, Ball, Wedding,and Visiting Kitty Lyman was feeling very bapp; pouring out a cup of milk berseff, anc has to bo thankful for, in finding the " Look here, you—ain't you almighty the night and battled with the mountain Crds, etc., etc. Call, give us yours orders and see any is the only stream of inipoitauce. This is thu most widely distributed of how it is doot and healthful. She likod to ba oi usethon there was a nice slice of breac reality of the suffering there is in thekind of particular, for a fellow backed up roads, w.ui.ng .troaui.j, and rivers of mud all evergreens and will grow on any reas- to her mamma, and no pet name of th already buttered, which Gertrude hac world." in such a jail as this 'ere? You dou't A GLAX0E Al THE SEVERAL C0UXT1K3 OFfor i'u-j miles and by daylight occupied THE. IT.XINSUL.i.. onably dry soil from Texas to Canada. W. N. STRONG many that she said ever pleased her left on her plate. Have you learned it yet, little boy take only three ceuts of copper at a time, this g;,p, where ho prepared for a reso- It is however of alow growth ' but it ia like " Little Housekeeper." " .May I, mamma ? " arid girl, whoso homo is as happy as hey ? Well, then, s'poge you give me Commencing at tho southwestern jtoint lute and determined stand iu tho moun- cheap and pretty, and will bear shearing, NALL, DTJNCKLEE & Co., She was only five years old, scarcely "Yes, dear;" and Mrs. Lyman Kitty Lyman's, or do you murmur anc three cents' worth of stamps anyhow." of the peninsula, we have Elizabeth City tain defiles. The movement was most or cutting back. This quality renders it H0L>?SAI.E and RETATL dtak-rs in Dry Goods, Car- tall enough to keep the bright rec told the boy to sit down on the steps complain when anything crosses and Tho official very politely cut off a sin- county, one of the original counties into important, frustrating a design to accom- W petings, Floor Oil Cloths, Feathers, Paper Hangings, suitable for ornamental hedges or screens, Bod a general assortment of Furnishing Goods, border of the " glass-towel" iron) of the piazza, while Kitty brought the vexos you ? Do you over think of the gle &|amp, and passed it out, for which which Virginia was divided in 1634, hut plish a victory, and, by the destruction if sot in rows with the trees about eighteen No 74 WoooVaril Avenue, touching tho floor, but for all that she food, with great efforts not to spill "lome'ess, wandering children, all over tho countryman laid down three cents. now dwarfed, by successive changes in its of a much dreaded command, to rcvivo inches apart. Corner of Lamed St., - - - PETRO1T, Mich. boundaries, to very insignificant propor- was helping wipe the breakfast-thing: from her full cup on the nice clean ho world, who have no place to lay He was about to pass away, when tho the drooping feelica of the rebels in Vir- The American Arbor Vitas, or as it is rs solicited and prompt)/ attended toTS* 809yl ?or the first timo in her life. Nol matting. heir heads, and are beaten and thrust latter cried out: tions. Hampton, Fortress Monroe, Old ginia. Tho calls were beaten in the eve- Point Comfort,' and liig Bethel, in this called in some places, the White Cedar, RAYMOND'S much " help,'i for her mother could The boy scarcely raised his eyes, but out to starve, or steal, or die ? God " Look here, you 1 That ere's one ning and the camp fires kept burnine as is of more rapid growth than the red t»o- lave wiped all the cups in the time it drank the miik with one deep, full lolp thorn, aud send them friends, as time. Now, s'pose you give me three county, aro names which the civil war usual after the command marched. Photographic and Fine Art has made familiar to us all. Big Bethel dar ami is equally adapted to hedges or ook Kitty to polish two spoons—and draught. Mrs, Lyman did not speak iitty Lyman prayed ; for this i9 a true cents' worth more on 'em !" Although in such superior force, the screens. The Siberian Arbor Vitae ia GALLERY. he little figure in its high chenk-apron to him again until the bread had almost tory, and may you all come to say iu Uncle Sam's clerk was not slow in dis-—nothing but a large brick church, with rebels had not the temerity to follow Nos. 205 aad 207 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. earthwork embankments thrown up by similar to the American species, and was sadly bothersome, darting about disappeared, but Kitty hovered round •our hearts: covering that he had caught a Tartar. and attempt an entrance into the ragged holds its cojor better but it co.-.ts more. Photographs, Life Size, colored or plain, cabinet, im- n the restless way peculiar to active the rebels—is on the turnpike road from defiles hero. It 13 supposed they1" re- perial, Melainntypes, Daguerreotypes, Ambrotrpai, and replenished the cup, and gazed at " Are these th>- favon dny by day, He turned back to tho window, and The American White Pine is hardy Me. $3- CARD" PIC.URtS by the Dozen or Thou children, while her tongue prattled on him, to tho neglect of her housekeeping To me above the rest ? asked : Hampton to Ycrktown, aud is about ten turned to their original position, south of land. 809yl Thon let me love tliee more than they, miles distant from each placo. It was in the northern part of the State, and n a-deafening stream of questions her duties, which her mother speedily and " How many coppers have you got*" the Rappahannoc-k. Ono of the Union perhaps it would be found so here. Wa mother did not pretend to answer. quietly finished. Arfd try to serve thee bust." "Well, ouly about umety-sevou of 'em. here that the gallant Theodore Winthrop scouts was killed and three of the rebels I. O. O. F. — Western Advocate. and Lieutenant Grebal fell victims to the have seen none but small specimens here. fXTASHTEXAW LODGE No. 9, of the Independent "I shall be nix years old my next Where have you been living?" I had a hundred when I begun." taken prisoners. Thorofare Gap is west At the north, it is a very rapid growing VV order of Odd Fellows meet at their Lodge Room )irth-day; shan't I, mamma? Shall Mrs. Lyman asked kindly, as the eager " Pass them in," was the gruff reply. blundering of a Massachusetts militia of Manassas. It is a gap iu the Bull ivery Friday evening, at 7>i o'clock, THE" (TIITNTRY. General. Hampton, which contained, tree, sometimes making in good situa-% E. RICHARDSON, N. G. S. So.vnnEra, Sec'y. I be as tall as you—well, most as tall eyes were raised with a half-grateful, " Pass out your stamps fust, and then Run Mountain. 1,600 inhabitants when the war broke tions, three feet of growth iu a singla —as tall as the door-knob—and go to haif-frightened look. I will; but 1 reckon you wont ketch me year. L. STUBBS. A Tale which Every Pers:n -will Read. out, is now a deserted village; and its Matrimony in France, school as Louis does ? Oh ! 1 shall "Up on John Taylor's farm, ma'am." again." Another beautiful tree is the Austrian TITnoLESAl.K and Retail Dealer in Tobacoo, Cigars kc, get ahead of Louis fast enough—don't site is only marked by the ruins of antiq- A married Frenchwoman is in every VV Main St.—sign of " LS.g Indian." Franklin Block, '•And why did you come away ? I BY BEV. A. C. THOMAS. The stamps were passed out and the or Black Pine. The young shoots ara uated houses. respect her husband's equal; he is not Ann Arbor, you think I will ? he can't dry the cups hope you have not run off." coppers hauded over, when the country- Ktiff and covered more or less with loi g, her lord and master, but her friend.— and saucers." " No ma'am, he hunted me off f and ' Who so readclh let him understand." man went off, saying: Adjoining Elizabeth City county are dark, leaves, and it is one of the most 6. G: SUTHERLAND & SON, " Moii ami," is the title by which she ad " No, it's not a boy's work, but papa the boy looked quickly over his shoul- " S'pose because a fellow holds office the counties of Warwick and York.— rapid growing trees we bare. Pleuty of rrTHOLESAI.E AND RETAIL Grocers and Commission dresses him. The law may requiro her Vr Merchants, East side Main Street Ann Arbor. is going to teach him work fit lor a der towards the road, as if iu dread of "Jonathan Hardwork, having pur- under Uncle Sam he thinks he is smart- Newport News, in the first named, is now room must b« given it, as it grows so to lovo him, to honor him by virtuous boy. I heard him say yesterday that a pursuer. hased an extensive farm, and provided er'n all creation ; but I guess they larn't a most important point, and judging from largo that the branches cover a very TVVITCHELTL & CLARK. conduct, but not to cflbey him. He has, he was too large now to plav all the "Hunted you off! poor chird."— imself with every requisites to prosper- something that time." the rebel papers, is the rendezvous for largo space of ground. 4 TTORXEVS and Counsellors at Law, General Lift* and ti.-ne." the Federal expedition concentrating in indeed, a certain superiority in the man- 1. Fire Insurance agents. Office in City Hall Block, That was tho shy, appealing look ex- us husbandry, proposes to furnish sub- The Scotch Pine is similar to the Aus- m Huron St., Ann Arbor. Collectiotis promptly niade that vicinity. It is on James River, two agement of their common interests, but "I guess not," said Master Louis, actly, the look which had roused Mrs. cribers with one quart of wheat weekly, Practical Joke in Camp. trian, but its foliage is of a lighter color. Jidremitted, and special attention paid to convevancing. who was hanging about the store-room miles from Fortress Monroe, and in aher rights are none the more affected for D. 8. TWITCHELL, f7-±3tf] K. P. CI-AKK. Lyrnan's sympathy more than the t the low price of two dollars in advance, A Correspondent writing from the One or both of "these pines are indis- place of much historical fame in the early that; iu certain cases her concurrence is door, and inspecting the pies on the shoeless feet or famished manner. d two dollars and fifty ceuts if paid amp of Gen, Nelson's division, iu Kcn- pensable in a lawn, however small.— J. M, SCOTT. history of Virginia. Turupiko roads indispensable, and sho has a deliberate lower shelf, that had just come in from "Yes, ma'am, he got drunk last fter six weeks. /ucky, relates this incident: Some trens of these species may be stein MDRDROTTPC E k PHOTOOBPH AKTI&TS, ir. the rooms lead from here to Yorktown. voice with an absolute veto. She re- \ forirmerln y occupied by Cord lev, over the -store of Sperry the kitchen, "I'm not going to work!" night, and abused me and hunted me " Tho facilities afforded by the govern- Our boys are famous for practical in this city, on Mechanic Street, between t Moore Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. mains the miatress of her whole fortune, " Papa will see to that," said his ff at daylight." lent for the transportation of wheat to okes, and are cousequently on the lookout York county, adjoining Warwick on Main and High struts * mother. '"Suppose you stop swinging by making a reservation respecting her At daylight, in the chilliness of early very section of tho country and adja- or subjects. One was recently procured the north, is no doubt destined to be The Balsas Fir is another hardy WINES & KNIGHT. on that door, and find your reading- personal property. The husbaud and KiLERs in Staple, Fancy Dry Goods, Boots &I d Shoes, dawn, when her own children were ent provinces are such as must prove n the person of a teamster, who had thethe sec>ne of a conflict very soon between tree; and grows i;uiie rapidly. It takes &c. &c, Main Street Ann Arbor. book, it's almost school-time." wife arc two partners who club thoir cap- inging and chattering like so ma'ny atisfactory to every subscriber ; and.the charge of six large, shaggy mules. Jehu the Union aud rebel armiea. The coun- imt little room, as tiie branches do nut " Well, but I'm not going to—" ital for mutual advantage, but who keep lappy birds, in thjeir comfortable beds, roprietor of tho Granary assures all was also the proprietor of two bottles of ty is very small, comprising but seventy get very long, before they ui i and fail olj'. EISDON & HENDERSON, " Hush, my son," and Mrs. Lyman it distinct in their accounts, to facilitate KALFRS in Hardware,Stores, house- furnishmggoods, this child, no older than her own boy, 'ho may patronise him that, lie will exert Id Bourbon—a contraband in camp— square miles, aud is situated on the south It is seldom that a specimen is seen with interrupted him before he could repeat any partial and complete dissolution — D Tia Ware kc. &c, New Clock, Main Street. who had never yet been taught what imself to supply an article of the first which a wag discovered, and resolved to side of York River, aud at its entrance brauphea more than four feet in length, his disobedient sayicg. " Go at once. She can make her will, and leave her abor meant, was flying from the blows uality, possets. Being aware that the 's into Chesapeake Bay. At Yo-ktown, even when the tree attains the height of ~~A. P. MILLS, Come, little housekeeper, those plates husband without a saic of hers; if she ind angry curses of a brutal master! " N. B,—Agenta will be allowed a resence was an impediment to the theft, the shiretown of the county, tho rebels, thirty or forty feet It is, however, KALKR in Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and will be so cold you cannot dry them, if dies intestate, her property, in some cases, D Shoes and Heady Made Clothing, Huron Street Ann There was too much honesty in the onerous percentage. io hits upon the following to get rid ofunder Gen. Magruder, have been long worthy of a place in every collection, us you stand gazing out of the door. If slips completely through his lingers.— story, aDd tho simple way in which it " Address (post paid) proprietor of the lim : preparing for an attack ; and, it is said, it gives variety to the view you could stay by the table two min- She must will it to him, for it to be safe BEAKED & vas told, for Mrs. Lyman to question [ranary, Hope well." Approaching the driver, who wasnearly all the buildings in the village utes together!" have bten removed, to make way forand sure. The Hemlock is a veiy graceful nnd A TTOR^F.TR & COUNSELLORS AT IJLW, aud Solicitors in t.s truth. Such was the prospectus issued by my usy currying his mules, he accosted him hardy evergreen, at least in tbo northern fi. Chancery. Office La City Hall Block, over Webster It was not wonderful that Kitty " Here's how he beat me," said the •iond Mr. Hardwork. Feeling a lively vith, fortifications. Batteries have been plant- The profits arising from tho industry t Co's Boot; Store, Ann Vrbor ed all along ','je York River, to prevent part of the state. If the summers ayg liked to take her vork into the sun-wy, who had already learned that iterest in his welfare, I visited his farm, ' I say, old fellow, what are you doing of the husband and wife, aud the savings not too warm for it hero, U will be foai i KINGSLEY & MORGAN, vessels attempting to reach Richmond by shine. It was early spring, and thedoubt and unbelief cling to the unfor [though it was a long journey from my here ?' they may be able to put by, form a come valuable, for like the cedar, U will bear A rr«R\EYS, Counsellors, Solicitors, and Notaries Fub 1 this route, which is one of the very best, children had been shut up in theunate with their tattered garments; ome, and was pleased to find everything Can't you see,' replied Jehu gruffly. mon stock, to the half of which tho wif-shearing. i. lie, have Books and Plats showing titles of all lands Louse so much during the rainy sea- as far as it goes, to the rebel capital.— is entitled- The law places such confi- ID the ^ounty, and attend to conveyancing and collecting ind he turned back his shirt, exposing n nice order. lie informed me that he ' Certainly,' responded the wag, ' but The Norway Spruce, (or Norway Fir, einands, and to paj'ins taxes and school interest in any son, that now, since the clouds were York lliver, from its mouth to West dence in her, that in the event of her tart of the State. Office east si*e ofih*; Square. Ann Ar- the livid stripes on tho fair, white skin, ad contracted a large debt in the ptjr- t is not your bu.sines?. It is after tattoo, Abies evev'sa, ) is one of the best, hardy, gone, and the muddy roads were dry, Point, where the stream divides into the widowhood, she, by right, is the guardian jor. hat might have been a baby's. iiase of the premises, stock and iinple- and there is a fellow hired by tho Gen- rapid growing evergreens in the world— and the short, tender grass began to Mattapony and the Pamunkey, is broad, of her children. Between brothers aad "O mamma! won't father have tbe lents of husbandry, but that he had no eral who curries all tho mules and horses it. will grow in almost :iny soil, except a TAMES E. COOK, carpet the lawn, they could not enjoy oubt of the ability to discharge every straight and deep. At West Point, a sisters there exists a perfect equality as USTICE or THE PEACE. Office near the DeDot, Vpsilanti, wicked man sent to prison?" burst rought in after tattoo.' heavy, wet clay, and iu any part of tho it enough. They were country children railroad connects with Richmond, distant to tuoir rights of inheritance from their J Michigan. rom Kitty's parted lips. " Won't you bligation in a few years. He also stated The mule driver bit at once and want- Uuited States, it will bear cutting back, and (heir papa's house wa3 called about thirty miles. The historic interest father and mother. If tho parents aro eep tho little boy and take care nf iat he had already received mauy hun- ed to know whare the ' hair-drosser' kept also; and will make a beautiful screen WM. LEWITT, M. D., 'The Maples," from tha beautiful red subscribers, and that in four or five that clusters about Yorktown is familiar inclined to disturb this equality, or to HTSICIA.V & SCBOEOX. Ofilce at his residence. North lion ? Hasn't he got any father and limself. Whereupon he was directed or hedge. If left uncut, and if it has maple trees that shaded it. to every school boy, It was hero the favor a third person to the prejudice of P side of Huron street, aod-'1 house West of Division nother?" •ecks he would commence the delivery o Gen. Nelson's tent, with the assurauce plenty of room no tree is more beautiful. jtreet, Ann Arbor. British made their last stand, in 1781, in their children, the law fixes limits to the They were just putting out pale " Have you ? " f the wheat according to proposal, hat there was where the ' fellow hung It preserves its conical form, unless cut their attempt to coerco tho colo power of bequeathing A Frenchman green leaves; and in the flower-beds " No, ma'am, thoy'er dead in New The scheme appeared plausible; and iut.' back, as long as it lives. Ool Marshall O. COLLIER, nies into submission to tho authority of cannot put off an offending sou or daugh- about the door, the hyacinths, and York, but me aunt lives in Connecticut, ly friend was so confident of success P. Wilder, of Massachusetts, set out *TiSCFjicrc»«B iml dealer in Boots and Sboea. 1 ' You can't mistake the man,' said the George III. aud his Parliament. From ter with a shilling, nor can he impover iVX door West of the Post Office, inn Arbor, Mich. pink and white, nodded "their fragrant nd it's to her I'm going; me uncle iat I h;id uot the slightest doubt of his a row one mils in length, eight feet apart, wag; ' he's a large fellow, and puts on aYorktown, there are numerous turupiko i*h his neglected family by leaving large bells, and the gay tulips were begin- )iit me with John Taylor when he prosperity. I entered my name as a cultivating a strip of ground ei<;ht feus MOORE & LOOMIS. •hundering sight of airs for a man in hisroads running through the peninsula, to sums to charitable institutions. ning to unfold. On the lawn, the noved away up there." subscriber, and when I left him he was)usiness. He probably will refuse to do in width, on each side of the rosv, for sev- ACTCKEBB an'l JcgLor in Boots at graceful spireas trailed their bridal 1 preparing many thousand quart sacks. Willianisburg, Richmond, etc. sti Phoenix Block, Main Street, o&a 4°Of Cannot your uncle keep you with t, and tell you to go to the devil, but eral years—At the end of ten vears the Vaehington. wreaths, and the birds sang; jn the urn?" Every week for the space of two years Ion' mind that. He has beeu drinking Adjoining York county, on the west Substitutes for Coffee, trues averaged thirty feet iu height, aim trees above them. Every thing was No, ma'am, he's but a poor man I received a quart of wheat, and I con- •o-day. Make him come out, sure.' and south, we have James City county, RYE COFFKE.—Take a peck of rye and the lower branches were so interlocked M. GUITERMAN& CO,, so bright, and pleasant, and sweet this cover it with •water, let stoep or boil un- tTTiiOLES limself, and sick mostly, but he'd t:.kecluded, from the excellent quality and Jehu posted off, and entering the tent on the north side of James River, and that Mr. Wilder removed his fence, as Retafl deal«ra and manufacturers of morning, that Mrs, Lyman herself til the grain swells or commences to VV Reaaddy Made Clothing, Importers of Cloths, Cassi- no in and get me another place mav- prompt delivery, that everything was There our Napoleon of the 4th Division extending across to the York River.— nothing larger than a mouse could got oeresf Doeskins, &c. .No. 5, New Block, Ann Arbor. could scarcely keep in-doors; and ae burst, then drain or dry it. Roast to a be." prosperous with Jonathan Hardwork and at in deep reverie, probably considering Williainsburg, its capital, ig but 58 miles through, or see through the hedge. lu she looked at all this beauty, a thought deep brown color and prepare as other C. B. PORTER, " What can you do ? " his farm, So I gave myself no concern he most expeditious method of expelling from Richmond. It was at one time the the lawn, no Norway Spruce should be cf thanksgiving arose in her heart, that coffee, allowing twice the time for boil SURGEON DENTIST. Office corner of Main " Most anything, ma'am ; chop wood, about my indebtedness to him ; for said he rebels from his own native State, scat of the colonial government, and in set nearer another trree than ton or fif- this pleasant place was her home, and iug. Serve with boiled milk. »nd Huron streets, over P. Bach's sture, and mind the cows, and teed the tur-I. to a farmer so extensively patronized lapped him on the back with a force ante-revolutionary times was one of the teen feet, and the limbs should bo suf- Ann Arbor, Michigan. that God had given her these busy April, 1859, ceys, and water the cattle, rna'iim." as he is, the small pittance of two years ufficient to annihilate a man of ordinary most important places in tho colony. ANOTHER.—Take some rye ; Iat, scald ferttd to grow untouched-^rho tree will little ones, with ample means to train Mrs. Lyman tried to think that she arrearages would bo but' a drop in the ize. Springing to his feet the General Charles City and parts of New Kent it; 2u\ dry it.; 3d, brown ii, and thon then resemble a cone, or an inverted top; them up for usefulness here, and hap- ~WM. WAGNER, could employ him, but Willie,Patrick, bucket. It is true there was occasional- tccosted his uninvited guest with, and Henrioo couuties occupy the remain- mix with it one-third coffee, aud you will branches from the ground. Some fiuo EALER in Read}- Made Clothing Cloths, Cassimercs and piness hereafter. .he present errand boy, who lived wiih ly printed on the sacks a gerreral notice have as good a cup of coffee as you ever specimens are to be seen in this city. D Vestingg, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, &c. Main * Well, Kir, who are you, and what the der of the peninsula. The first named 't-, Ann Aibur. The house itself was old-fashioned, to delinquents; but I never suspoctej drank. lis mother in the village, had the 'evil do you want ?' is on the York River, which forms it We have thus given tho cnotes of suf. but very comfortable. The dining- this was intended for his friends. SWEET POTATO COFFEE.—Take SWBCJ trcngest claims. Sho could only dis- ' Old hoss, I've got a job for you nowon the east and north. This county has BACH& PIB-RSON. room in which she stood, opened on a potatoes, cut them fine enough to dryfioient varieties to satisfy any one ex- aatch Mary, her right-hand woman, to The notice, however, became more fre- —si? mules to be curried, and right off. given birth to two Presidents—Harrison IALERS in Dry Goods; Groceries. Hardware, Boots & piazza shielded by vines. It was conveniently, and irben dried, grind in acept the wealthy amateur.—Springfwlft, Shoes, &c., Main street, Ann Arbor. he garret for the great "give-away- quent; and having leisure, I concluded oo,' said the captain of the mules, noth- and Tyler. Henrico is the county in D neatly and comfortably furnished, and coffee mill, dry them by the lire or stove, Ohio, News. jag," wherein all such clothes aa the1 would visit my friend, the proprietor of ng dauutcd by the flashing eye of thewhich Richmond is situated. New Keut the blight silver and pretty shapes of in this season of the year, or by tho sun, MAYNARD, STEBBINS <& CO., children had defaced or out-grown the Granary. He greeted me cordially, Jeneral. is a small county, and contains no im- How to Make a Home Happy. the china before her bespoke the pros- when that will do it; grind and use, BALK.KS in Dry OOoik, Crocrrii-s, Drugs k Medipines, vere deposited regularly, for just such but I saw that there had been trouble.— ' Do you know who you are addressing, portant place, except West Point the CBoots sShott^ &c.j j comer of MaiMain and Ami streets perity of the family. imes of need; and Kitty, still hover- mixed with coffee in such proportions as Do you jest with your wife upon a aubr is>t 0el= w the Kxchangeh , jinAn Arborb . Ele was evidently worn with toil and ir V asked the indignant commander. terminus of the railroad running from Up-etairs there was a little room ng about the pooY boy like a little you like. Soii'.o of my neighbors omit ject in which there is danger of wound- anxiety, and in the conversation of tbo 'Yes,'said Jehu, elevating his voice Richmond to the head of York lliver. with a green carpet, and white cur- nother, had the pleasure of finding half of the enffeo ; some more. ing her feelings. Remember that she evening he entered into particulars. o a pitch which rendered the words aud- ^Jjt;.",. PROVISION S: CominiBslon Mercl]anH,anddea- tains at the window, and a set of oak wo old jackets and a pair of stout POPULATION. BARLEY OOFJKE.— We aec it stated treasures ever;,- word you utter, though •J lersiu BTAIERLIME. LAND 1'I.ASTEB, and 1'UISIKK OF '• Here I have been laboring day and ble a square off, ' you aro the fellow furniture, a bed, and small dressing hoes, that fitted him exactly, and stood Tho population of these counties ac- that the demand for this article is rapid- you never think of it again. Do uot iKia.one door East of Cook's Uottl. night for two years, and am more in debt ired by Uncle Sam to clean mules, and bureau, and a bookcase filled with fas- >y while he put them on, and saw his cording to the census of 18G0, compared ly increasing. Probably not more than speak of some virtue in another man's now than when I began. My creditors won't have any foolishness. Clean wife, to remind your own of a fault. Do ~C. BLISS, cinating "juveniles;" and this Kitty Ireary little face light up with the first arc pressing for payment; I am con- with that of 1850, isas follov/s: one-third of the ainfftint of real coffee is EALER iaClocks, W;itclios, Jewelry, and Fancy Goods, hem mules and I'll give you a drink of not reproach your wjfy with personal de- and her little sister Gertrude called mile that had visited it for many a d:»y, 1 18C0. 1850. now sold per week, that was sold previous D »t the sign of the Big Watch, No. 27, Phoenix Block! scious of inability to meet their demands, utshottd. fects, for if she has sensibility, you in- " their room." when he found the corr.fort of them. and can perceive no result but bankrupt- Elizabeth City, 5,798 • 4,580 to the coft'oe tariff. The barley coffee is J. C. WATTS. ' You infernal villain !' exclaimed the flict a wound difficult to heal. Treat n c So you see they had a great deal to Warwick, 1,740 1,540 said to bo an excellent article; just as '"<*3, Wa tches, Jewelry and Silver Ware No Louis felt sorry too, but his plav- cy and ruin." your wife with attention ip company.-*- ew Block, Ann Arbor. make them happy—pleasant things general, now perfectly furious. ' I am York, 4,916 4,020 good to all intents and purposes, as tho nato, Harry Page, had come for him "But have you not a largo list of sub- Do not upbraid her in the presence of » around them, a kind father and mother, oimnandcr of this division !' James City, 5,708 4,020 genuine artiele. Ordinary barley is first T. B. FREEMAN. o go to school, and that diverted his scribers ?" said I. third person, nor entertain her with whose greatest earthly happiness was Jehu placed the thumb of his right Charles City, 5,609 5,200 soaked in water until a little softened, OARBER and Fashionable Hair Dresser, Main Street, attenlioD ; but Kitty scarcely took her " Yes, a very largo list," was the re-land against his nose, and extended bia praising the beauty and accomplishments U Ann ArborArbor,. MichM eh,. Hain«;r _ Frontv ..s .an ' di Curl«__*s _ kepi_.t^ studying the good of their children; Sew Kent, 5,884 6,004 then dried and roasted as we roast ordi- constantly on band. eves from the tad while he rolled up ply, " but too many of them arc like of other women. If you would have a neat and comfortable clothes, abun- fingers, swaying them slowly, in a man-Henrico (Richmond) 61,610 48,572 nary coffee kernel. It is then ground.— he aecond jacket and a pair of trow you'." plensaut home and cheerful wife, pass dance of good, nourishing food, nicely ner supposed by some to indicate great To about as much cf this as of ground SCHOFF & MILLELLERR >ers Mrs.. Lyman had brought out, and " Pardon me," said my friend, in mel- your evenings under your own rool. Do S in MisHl Sh wisdom. Incidents of the Battle of Winchester. AlERS in MiscHlaneous, School, and Blank Books Sta served, aad not a care or trouble in the hanked the lady and the little giri a ancholy tone, "pardon me, for oppression coffee as would be used at a meal, add one 7> The General^ sword leaped from its not bo stern -and silent in your own frborr ^P" ^"P^"- *••• Hrtl Street Ann world, except ew.h as they made for great nTany times. will make even a wise man mad; I have The MaBsachusaets Second, with Col- tcaspoonful of the extract of coffee to scabbard, and Jehu from the tent, just onel Gordon's brigade, was twenty miles houso, and remarkable for sociabilityelso- themselves by naughtiness. May I say something to him,a ,largo list of the came kind of patrons, make a flavor. D. DEFOREST! in time to save his head. away from tho conflict, but three men of where. Remember that your wife has They had all learned the hymn, mamma?" Evidently her mind was scattered hero and there over thousands PEA COFFEE.—It is probably known x ajid Retail Dealerin Lumber Uth S!,in- Our boys drank the big mule driver's the regiment engaged in it. One of them as much need of recreation as yourself, at Li which I dare say you know—even baby lent on 6ome childish consolation. of miles; if they would pay me the trifles to many that a very large per cent of the " «d River health in bourbon. The story soon got had been taken prisoner last July, car- and devote a portion, at least, of your Gertrude could lisp it as she sat on her they severally owe, I should be perfectly ground coffee sold at tho stores is com-leisure hours to such society and amuse- papa's knee on Sunday night:— You've got one Father left, little out, and is now the joke of the season. ried to Ru-liuioiid, and only lately ex- mon field peas roasted and ground with boy, haven't you V " and her brown freed from embarrassment, and go on my ments as sho may join. By so doing, "Not rm>re than others I deBerre, changed. Hastening back to rejoin his the coffee. Thero arc hundreds of thous- eyes ivere raised reverently to the sky way rejoicing. But they reason as you THE LKSSON OF MES'S LIVES.—Goo. you will seoure her smiles and iuoreasa Yet God Ima given me more, reasoned and among you I am brought regiinent, he arrived at Winchester on ands of buahols of peas animal!) used for ForJ have food while others starve, overhead, and her hands, just busied Brummel! entered the fashionable world Saturday, and found it gone. When her affection. Do not, by b.eing too ex- to the door of poverty and ruin." that purpose. Thosa who are in the hab- act in pecuniary mattei's, make your Or beg from door to door." D labors oj love, instinctively pointed at tho age of twenty-one, with a princely the light began he eagerly rushed into it it of purchasing ground coffee can do bet- upwards. "God takes care cf you I felt the full force of the rebuke, and fortune at his command, lie gave him- wifu fee! her depei.d,ence upon your boun- But whether they understood it or lf to revenge himself for h'n long impris- ter to buy their own p;-as, burn and gijud not, we shall see. now, doesn't he 1 paid promptly, arrearages at the increased self wholly and entirely to the cultiva- onment, lie was among tho foremost ty. It tends to lessen her dignity of prices named in the prospectus, and also (hem aud mix to suit themselves "It's a nice day, isn't it mamma?" The boy looked wonderingly into tion of the highest tastes of fashionable of tho skirmishers, and when the rebels character, and does not increase her es- a year in advance. I bid adieu to the CARROT CorrEi; is recommended by teem for you. If she is a sensible woinnn, said Kitty? traveling to the open door ier face. Alas ! to him his Father in life. He spent £H0O a year on dress ran, rualiig in, ho took o'.io of them pris- worthy and wronged farmer, resolved to an exchange. Cut up, dry and grind, for the ninth time, slowly rubbing a leaven seemed as far off and unknown alone ; aud so refined was he in his man- oner and brought him triumphantly off. she should be acquainted with your busi- Go do everything in my power to repair the and mix wjth cojTeo in quantities to suit cup, with her eyes fixed on the tulip- ae the parent who had died in his ners and grace, that lie c.aine to be ad-'•' Now," paid he, " I am pveu with them.'' ness and know your income, thst she may injury which had accrued from my de the taste. beds. " A beauty day, as Tooty says; jabyhood. mitted to the highest circles of the nobilr Captain Svhreiber, of General Bank's regulate her household expenses accord- Boois., linquency. MAKING TKA.—Water for making tea ingly. Do not withhold this knowledge, AND- ' and O mamma ! here's some one com- ity, aud " tho Prince liegent," says his staff, had a very narrow escape. He She wants to tell you," said Mrs. O, ye patrons of Jonathan Hardwork 1 biographer, " would occasionally attend should be used tho moment it boils.— in order to cover your own extravagance. COLORED MEDIUMS, ing—such a queer little boy™-0 dear !" was on the field urging up tho stra • Lyman, standing between the two—whereve, r ye are, or whoever ye are ! his dressing room for an hour in the The reason assigned is that if it is boiled Women hsve a keen perception—be sure Wrapping 3Papor,*c. " He has a message, perhaps." that God is your father if you love and cowardly to their places in the nght, for sonic time, ajl the gas Unit is in it es- I gu.ess not; he hasn't got any shoes Ye have received and eaten the wheat morning, to watch the mysterious grace when, as ho rode up a small hill, fix reb- she will discover your selfishness—and AM* AIIBOU MICH. him, and he will always take care of from his Granary, without making pay- with which he discharged tho duties of capes with tho steam, aud it will then though no word is spoken, from that rai- on, and I guess the gravel cuts his you if you try to please, him, whatever el cavalry dashed at him, firing their pis not make tea of the host flavor. Clear, SPECIAL NOTICE TO feet; and he's only got a pair of trow- ment ! Ye are guilty of a grievous sin his toilet." Years parsed away, aud this tols as they passed. The smoke blinded ment her respect is lessened, aud hor aappens to you." of omission. Therefore repent! Pay man's fortune was spent. His friends pure, soft water is best. confidenco diminished, pride wounded, JUSTOMEES. sers, and a shirt, and a great vest, that him, but ho could eseo one a little behind SUBSTITUTE FOR CREAM.— Beat up the comes way down. I think hflVs a beg. And who knows but that Kitty's the fanner what you owp him ! Uncle then deserted him; he fled to the Coa-the other, close behind him, |\Iechanicr and a thousand, perhaps unjust suspic- \ M-accounts over nix months must lie (icttlertie l at words of comfort and sympathy may Sam's teamsters will briug you tho sacks whole of a fresh egg in a basin, and then ious created. Prom that inomeut is " «IM. Call ^ tho oiiici- andpay up. gar-hoy I " ° tinent, begged for his bread in the streets allv he poised his sword, and as the rebel 0 1 selectedt fitock lf have cheered the boy's lonely, empty pour boiling tea or water over it. gradu- Ci.h* ' < New Goods ClCheai p for _ "Where!" called out Louis, bursting of wheat every week, and Uncle Sam's of Paris, and died jn a lunatic asvluin. dashed un him, the blade entered his your domestic comfort on tho wane.— lieart, for all that weary jnurney, and teamsters will carry the money safaly to He had sown the wind—he reaped the ally, to prevent its curdliug. In flavor There can bo no oneness where there is MAYNARI) , IrtBBTNS t W11..-0X. jnto the room ; and even Tooty-craned breast, Jjis own momentum drove it and richness this preparation resembles out her little fat neck from"tho high Tor tho hard journey of life that lay Jonathan Jlardwork. whirlwind; and with him the fashions of through, and he fell dead from his horse no full confidence.— Woman's Thoughts beyond. As for tho little girl herself, j cream. TT •« B chair by her mother, to see tho queer life Were found U> be " vanity of vanities An orderly, who was with Captain About Woman. ifaiB went thoughtfully about the house. \ USr A soldier in one of the Ken- S J\.-£l A.T O Or A. u.tle stranger. and vexatjou of spirit." Srhroibor, was borno down and killed, J££ Callous hearts that are insensi- and played with her sister, or waited j tucky camps says the motto with them ff£T It is a truth demonstrated by EMPIRE WATER It was * sorry sight, as Mrs. Lyman fln her mamma, more gently than her he himself received a bullet through his ble to the misery of others, are suscepti- is : " United we sleep ; divided we f?^ A father was winding his watch hat two inchr s. from hia head. The no- eeience that not an oath is uttered that FOR went to ,m,eet 'him—a miserable littia loss nature usually allowed. All freoio!" ble of no raal delight. ln ,, Con^tipHtion, N when ho said, playfully, to his little girl, torious Captain Bailor, who enticed a does not vibrate through all time in tha yj,, (figure, >w.ith a bright, delicate face, long she thought nt times, " what ll 1 *. «om»on Cold», r, " Let me wind your uose up." No," citizen of Harper's Ferry to come over, wide spreading current of sound ; not a ,r .i V- and Feverish fj( and clear blue eyes, but there wore if that had been her dear, dear brother !J3^* Pitch upon that course of life ngs, Headache Z'-£" The ancient Greeks buried their prayer is lisped but its record is stamped traces of tears on the dirty little cheeks, Louis, wandering about hangry and said the child, " I don't want my noce uuder a flag of trace, and then shot him, STEBBIM? dead in jars. Hence the origin of the which is tho most excellent, and habit forever on tho law of nature by tl:e ssal Ann Arbor, and the child's hair ;vas matted and beaten I"-•! wound up, for I don't want it ty run all was taken, and it is to be hoped justice j will render it tlie most delightful. expression.: " He's gone to pot." d will be done by speedy hanging. of the Almighty's will. liow the i>vin>ii Frefl Pves*, April litli. |! spared her frail form ; and when the Location of Michigan Regiments. pvctal Con •;•.•!• I the Ai before night we nmy have some ho work The Situation and Strate:ji3 Importance TJnveiling of the Statue of Nydi*. lessor ashes fell over her, she shook them :n Stocktons Regiment to do HuBut we arec readready fofur it,. always , °-of Corinth- VVe\veru.loy but one part whirii t!:.-y are taking in the prosit | ANN AEBOR. YOHKTOVTN, Va., A-i'rt! 7,.l -1 • fpops nuve occupied connth, as first o-'er vvliic,h..>'ue.i cie pera c fighting took ue of Nydia. The exercise* of tlte eve- wish, sil'io was the very emblem of Psyche DE.' I; ]5I;OiiiK;:%: battles. 1 here are so many changed ! CLKU.AU orders. The whote army, offi reported. Tho rebels will probably p :tce at Piitaburg Lmding. It jg ning were introduced by an t in her wanderings; of Hope, walking FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 18, 1862. Thursday, the-'M of April, w.-is ;< very in tJ.c Geoeral, aud all the slime and J- Corinth is a very important stratejyi The hill';!' moved from and rapid movements taking place. c r.s and men, put tlie utmost confidence muke another stand there, ii .;.s' Buttery iusteud of Dees', ftg of instrumental music, followed b\ ll !l1 th o i«h the valley i f the shadow of death and volunteer officers ..re su negligent warm day here. Lithe forenoon orders slurs thrown upon him by>.ijc i.f the '•• i" - l« ia a hilly, s-irni-niountain- Point to New Madrid u short liino in tJ>c General, :iuJ all the slime and Corinth is a very important stratejjir Matedn . Tlte hillor moved fruin Uird's .•1:1 introductory address by Prof A. 1). a very emblem of tho soul itself, lone but about reporting ni ueitdquurters, th.it 1 M ue, and slmreJ in the great victory White, 0:1 art, ancient and modern.— came to prepare to move the next inor- ite in I he North eanuot 3esr>oy ou^ country, a branch ot the Apu|a- comforted, amid the dangers and the il is jclifrioult to keep track of them.— uniuu range, which diverges (VOID liie tline l.i--l ivueV, without tut" log* of u The address was a ffioge excellent one, ii ing, and oil wero rejoiced to learu that it. snares of life." This is tho conception The following is tho latest information Atleghnny mountains, and forms the mai. and was listened to with the clu^i^t ;it- of tho sculptor. Ifo represents the beau- as to the location of the Michigan we were oiiee more to march. During It is now rumored that the fortifica-1 mountains uiid g"ld bearing regions of The Second Battery was raised fention. • til'ul Nyilin as she seeks her lover amid soldiers: .» tho night we had a glorious thunder- tions opposite this division were cvacua i Oejrgia ai.d Alabama. The .Village.hj Gfrarid Ua'pid^and was connected with At the conclusion of Prof. White's ad- : the crasli of lulling temples and the de- First Regiment, Colonel Robinson, , i • i i • i .i i ivr • -i , • i T . , .II- ne.ulv surrounded bv an irregular cir- tho first regiment of cavalry raised h» ilrc.-s, 1). Ueihuno Daffiuld came forward struction of all things entirely. is now before Yorktown. It has late- Bhower, wbieh )M the dust. Morning ted last .nght. If ao, the rest wdlbe in L f ^ rfeiofoiTche «i, about Kellogg, h is, however, oitloered «f. and briefly told the sti iv of Nydia, the lo o At the conclusion of the story* the ly anivbd there, and it is not known blind flower girl, as described by Bui Forever Jloat that standard sh et ! came, and the sun rose beautifully. At the same condition. Jt is my cold and | fc,Ur miles dibtant, with the State line tiiely by Detroit then, us follows: ypil was removed from the statue, and it in what brigade and division it is. between Tetoesnee and Mississippi Captain—William II. lloss. .n his '-Last days of Poiupvii."— II here breathes tho foe lid falls before ?•'«? G o'clock the ariny was on the move, and windy this morning. was "first revealed to public gaze amidst Second, Oclo'neJ 1'oe, Third, Colonel it was just the day for marching. All Ann Arbor boys in this regiment are arousing their summit. Tho Mobile Biilwer says in his preface "Foi the ex- All : Fust Lieutenant—William S. Bliss, tiers of applause. It is useless to Ohalnplin, and Fifth, Lieutenant Col- With Freedom's soil beneath our feet, and OU o Railroad crosses this ridge istencj oif tbc blind girl I am indebted had predicted a hot day, but a cool breeze a]] w«ll- J. P- Fust Lnulc/tant _ attempt any description of it, or to point onel Beach commanding, are under And Freedom's banner waving o'er us ! through a cut roveoty-five feet in depili. Second Lieutenant—A F. li. Arndt, to a casual conversation with a gentle- out ;.ny of its beautie.s, as all our citizens, came up. We passed through Big Similar cuts, of lesser depth, penetrate Acting Brigadier General Terry, in The Chicago Times ot Monday Second Lieutenant—0. \V. Laing. man we'l known among the English at of course, will visit it and study it for Bethel. The place once consisted of a the hills on the east, west and south, Heintzluman's Corps*, now before York The Board of Supervisors- Many of the men are also from this Naples for his general knowledge of the themselves. It presented a very h'ue ap- church and a number of dwelling houses, last had a long list of wounded iu the where the railways enter. Beyond town. We append a full and corrocted list city. The ^*st Captain appointed wa» path* of life. Speaking of the utter pearance upon the stage, though, of but the}' are now in ruins. Big Bethel PittabiTg, arrived at Cairo these hills, in the direction of Pitts- darkness which accompanied the firstr e Fourth Regiment, Colonel Wood- of the Board of Supervisors elected at a Canada man, who afterwards ra. course, the expression of the counte bury, is in Morell's Brigade, Potter's and M " »;!'> ^ «"•• P*| tioriol obstacle it presented to the cs sculpture could not be seen at so great a the works were built so as to command '" ,* II\..Tin! t i\ I iiitnin I hii Imf litnir m J Sixth Regiment, Colonel Curteniuh, crept into our list last week. Superior and svv utt cape of the inhabitants, he observed, that distance. It needs to be seen again and every road aud open field around there. of Michigan soldiers : swampy. The particular location i » to bt L m is in Butler's Division, at Ship Island. • was omitted entirely by our compositor, of Lh..io rebel fortifications at Corinth we ! v m ^ , **#?* , ' , 'T the blind would be the most favored in again, and to be studied at leisure. David Dibble, Fife Major, 12th Regt. are unablio rebee lt ofortification indicate; sbu att Corintfrom h thwee !^' *™cmber, where .t was detached from Seventh Kegitnent, Colonel Grosve- Tlu'y extended for miles, and had they v in such a moment, and find the easiest • After another piece of excellent music, and our friend Ooi.u, of that Town, d^' tho regiment. It afterwards was or« nor, has lately arrived before York- been occupied, aud well defended, might Wm. Lemon, Co. E, 12th ! topography of the region it is not difti- deliverance. This remark originated Dr. Tappan made a few remarks on the put down as tho representative from dered to Cairo, ami on the 22d ult. town. It is not known to what brig- Albert Sherman, Co. G, 12th I cult to perceive that tho place is one the creation of Nydia." The bln.d girl connection between sculpture, poetry, Sharon. We also reported tho wrong have given us some trouble; but they left that point to join Gen. Grant's ado and division it is attached. susceptible of strong defense. Tho is introduced to the reader at tho porti- music, architecture, &<;., and the uses of were entirely evacuated. By the looks John Nostand, Co. K, 12th forces on the Tennessee. Here the/ Eighth Regiment, Colonel Fonton, CI.AIIK as Supervisor elect in Lyndon. village of Corinth was formerly called , co of a temple at Pompeii, with a flower those ennobling and soul purifying srts. Alonzo D. Fitstrong, Co. A, 15th attached to General Prentias' is at Beaufort, in what was formerly OUMAX CLAUK, not THOMAS, is tho man. of their old encampment they had at one Farmiogton, aud is mentioned in tho ' basket on her right arm, and a small, lie contended that it was not for the James A. Morgan, Co. F, I5lh ga/.otcers. It is a post village of Tis- division, and wero consequently in the three-stringed instrument of music in Sherman's Division. Thomas was run on a " sort " of Union time a considerable forco here. We very advance of the battlo on the 6th. petty, tho groveling, tho sensual things of Wm. Griggs, Co. —, 15th. homingo county, Mississppi, distant her haud, to whose low, soft tones she this earth that we are placed here, but to Ninth Regiment, Lieutenant Colo- ticket against Orman, but the Demo- halted hero a few minutes, when we again The battery consists of six pieces, one nel Parkhurst commanding, is iu Duf- This settles tho question that botl two hundred and sixty-two miles uorth- was undulating a wild, half-barbaric air. train our souls, and fill them with con- cracy were too much for any such ar- moved on, and C o'clock iu *the evening est Iron) Jackson, the capital of the Parrott guu, three brass fiold-pihceg, At every pause in the music she grace- ceptions of truth, goodness, and beauty. field's Brigade, and, at last accounts, tbe 12th and 15th Rogiments were ii and two howitzers. was south of Murfreesboro. rangement. Tho following constitute found us at another strongly fortified State. There are but three or four fully waved her flower-basket rouud, in- At tho conclusion of Dr. Tappan's re- the battlo, and wo may look for a Ion One dispatch states that it was taken Tenth Regiment, Colonel Lum, isthe new Board: place, called Howard's Mill. The Mill stores in the village, and of course its viting the loiterers to buy : mark, the audience were permitted to ger list of wounded, and for the name population must be relatively small. and retaken not less than six times, pass in front of the statue, aud observo it not in the field. DEMOCRATS. is now in ruins. This place was also en- while another says the mest desperate " Buyray Bowers , 0 boy, I pray, Eleventh Regiment, Lieutenant Col- of some killed. Tishomingo county forms the north- T leblinil girl Comes from afar; from a nearer view, Ann Arbor City, James H. Morris. tirely evacuated when wo reached there. eastern extremity of Mississippi, bor- fighting of the day was over it, Beaui onel Stonghten commanding, was, at —Siuce the above was in typo we If the ea t'.i be as fair as 1 hear them say Ann Arbor Town, HethcottM. Mowry. The advanced forces found it occupied dering on Tennessee and Alabama. regard leading the second chargo upon i base flowers her children are! last accounts, guarding railroads near gather the following additional name it in person. The families and friend* })i itiey h^r beamy keep ! From Pittsburg Landinsr- Bardstown, Kentucky. Augufta, Aaron Ohilds • by about four huudred rebels, but a few and has an area of about fourteen hun- of wounded«soldiers : dred square miles. The Tombigbee of the ofiicers and men aro waiting with are fresh from her lap 1 know, Chicago, April 14 Twelfth Regiment, Colonel Quinn, Bridgewater, Danied Le Baron.* shells thrown from the battery drovo river rises in tho country; the Tennes- fearfal anxiety for intelligence. Not a For I caught them fast asleep is in Poabody's Brigade, Buell'a Di- 'Dexter, Lorenzo II. Jones.* J. W. Fleming, Co. D, 12th Regt A ppecial to tho Journal, from Cairo, them out, here wo encamped. see flows along the northeast border, word had been hoard an to the fate of In her arms an hour ago, says: "Reauregard oalled a council , and was probably in tho battle Freedom, Elias Hairo • Saturday morning, the 5th, came, and T. J. Stimpson, Co. D, 12th Regt any man up to last oight. With the air which is her breath— and it is drained by Tuscumbia creek. of war of all the best rebel Generals of Piitsburg. Newton Sheldon, G. Brown, Co. F, 12th Regt Bet sort and deficate brwtth Lodi, again we were ready for a march. Hard- The .surface is diversified by small hills; before the battle of Pittsburg. There Thirteenth Regiment, Culonel Shoe- Orman Clark. N. Ivory, Co. B, 12th Regt the soil is fertile-, especially in the val- The Rebels on York River- Over them murmuring low.' were present'Pillow, Floyd, Breckin- maker, was, at last accounts, at Nash- Lyndon, ly were we formed, before it commenced leys, and generally has a substratum of WASHINGTON, April 15. Nydia was a Thessalian by birth, born ridge, Hafdee, Bragg, Cheatham, A. ville, and had not yet been brigaded. .Manchester, Philitus Coon.* to rain, and in the rain we started. Uur Lieut. Col. Moore, of the 13th Regt uudcr the shadow of Olympus. She Philip Winegar. 1 Maj. F. W. Wordeo, 13th Rogt. sand A large part of the country is The steamer Yankee, Capt. Eastman, S.;Johnston, Bushrod Johnson, tho reb- Fourteenth Regiment, Colonel Sin- Northfield, route la} over a low and swampy coun- covered with forests of oak, hickory, hud been sold from her native country as el Provisional Governor of Kentucky, clair, is not in the field. E. M. Cole. L. Aster, Co. K, 13th Rogt arrived at the navy yard today, having if slave to a Pompeian, who had bought Superior, try. Alud and water abounded, and walnut and pine. The head streams left York River at 0 o'clock yesterday and a few other gentlemen. The poli- Fifteenth Regiment, Colonel Oliver, Sylvan, John C. Dopow. And so the 13th Regiment, Col furnish valuable her not knowing that she was blind, for cy was fixed on : Jf they beat us they most all the way it was shoe deep; but of the Tombigbee morning. The Yankee wont about when last hoard from, on the third of John Gilbert. SHOE.MAKKR'S, was in the fight. Th her eyes were pure and clear, though would follow us up and drive us north April, was in General Grant's column, Ypsilanti City, on we went. Soon the men began to get motive power. eight miles up tho York River on Sun- they had always been sightless. She is as iar as possible. If beaten, tl'ioy and was probably in the battle of Pitts REPUBLICANS. tired ; then they commenced to lighten privates above named have arrived a The principal military value of this day night, and anchored off Gloucester rescued from the cruel hag who is her would withdraw their forces from tho burg. Ann Arbor City, Conrad Krapf.* St. Louis. last-named place consists in the fact Point, where the steamers Penobscot, themselves by throwing awav coats, that tho railroads from Memphis on the mistress by Glaucus, a noble Greek. She border States, and make a desperate Sixteenth Regiment, Colonel Stock- Lffon,. Morris Thompson.* — A letter from Capt, PKKL, cf th Marble Heart and Massachusetts were blankets, estra clothing, and sometimes west, Columbus, &c, on the north, the already lying. The rebel batteries at at once conceives the most tender lovo stand in the Gulf States. ton, is in Porter's division, now before P;tt>neld, Allen Crittenden.* their knapsacks, and all their olothing 15th Michigan, to the Detroit Trthun principal cities of rebeldom on the cast, the Point, aro said to be very exten- for her savior and protector. JiutGlau "Van Dorn did not reach Corinth till Yorktown. Salem, Royal Wheelock.* savs that the Michigan 12th was in and Mobile on tho south, cross at this sive, mounting mostly 100 pounders cus has already set his affections on £ the fight was over. First Engineers and Mechanics, Col- with them. Men, too, began to drop be- noble Pompeian, Tone, who reciprocates Saline, Augustus Bond.* point. Jackson, tho rebel ho'-ulquar- rifled. They tried tho range of thoir "It is now believed by persona latest onel Innes, under Brigadier General hind ; stragglei s could be seen along the PRKNXISS' Brigade, and was the firs his passion. Nydia is made the messen ters in Tennessee, is thus connected guns on the steamers yesterday after- Irom Pittsburg that the rebel force ia Dumont, was, when last heard Iron), Scio, IS. G. Johnson. regiment which the enemy came upon ger between these two lovers, and is road, and before we got to the end of with Mobile and the East, ami New noon, the shot falling very little short action was 05,000. south of Murfreesboro. The army at Sharon, Jay Evarts. doomed to listen to the most tender sen our journey, they might have been count- aud that it was badly cut up. The Orleans, via Grand 3 unction, is also in of onu. " Tho Ninth Illinois, could count but Nashvillo seems to have separated, one timents of love exchanged by them, all Webster, Robert MoOolh* Captain also says that the 15th left th tho same manner united with other 200 effective men on Monday morning; division going southwest to Pittsburg, ed by hundreds. Some were completely The vessel then dropped down the the while herself dying with love for York, Thomas Gray.* river Sunday morning for camp, with points of tbe rebel confederacy. To the 11th Illinois but 45, and" the Tith and the other continuing south toward used up ; and one man from the N. Y. river, and about three miles below the Ghiucns, who never dreams of such a hold this junction 13 all important to Iowa but 17 men. Shelbyville. In this latter division are Ypsilanti City, Enoch Yost. out any ammunition, fell iu with the point discovered, a party of rebel* thing. Julia, the daughter of a proud 1-sth dropped dead by the side of the the rebels, and if compelled to leave it the Michigan Ninth, Colonel Innes' Ypsilanti Town, Ezra I). Lay.* advancing enemy before reaching building a battery on the north bank, nobleman, becomes jealous of lone, and "Gentlemon from Pittsburg report road. Our destination was Yorktown a most complete isolation of their the wounded well cared for in trans- Fusileers, and the Loomis Battery. on reborn the Yaukee opened fire at a herself desires the favor of Glaucus. Democrats, 13; Republicans, 11.— and long before we got there we could camp, and retreated a mile at double forces East, West, North and South is ports and barrack!. distance of three-fourths of a mile.— In company with Nydia she seeks the CAVALHY. Last year the Board was a lie. The quick before it could get any ammuui at once effected. It will thus be seen The rebels seemed lorh to abandon "No battle is oxpectod for some time. hear the booming of the cannon. At 6 caro of a sorcerer who shall make her a First Regiment, Colonel, Brodhead, Democrats have not had a majority on why the final stand will be made here their works, and although the shells of Heavy rains made the roads impassa- o'clock we reached an open field, op- tinn, after which it participated in th love potion, which shall cause the one who in Bank's column, at Warrenton; if anywhere. the Yankee .fell in their midst they did blo for artillery and army wagons. the Board beforo since 185G. fight. Capt. 1'. reports tho 15th as takjs it to love the one who gives. Pre- Second, Lieutenant Colonel Gorhain posite and about two miles from the for not leave tha vicinity, but cook roltige viously instructed by Arbaces, a rival of St. Louis, April 14. commanding, and Third, Colonel Miz> Those Supervisors marked with a • tificatious which defend the town. Here losing in killed, wounded and missing Fort Pulaski Captured. in the woods and behind some neigh- Glaucus for the love of lone, the sorcer The Steamer January arrived at our ner, are under Brigadier General, wero members of the Board last year, the brigade baited. Over four hundred men, which wo thirrl FORTRESS MOMBOE, April 11. boring log-houses. Tlu Yankee after or gives her, instead of the love powder, a Granger, in Pope's Division, at Island wharf last evening with several hun- and all of the others except, perhaps, Our regiment rested but a short time an exaggeration. lie gives the follow A flag of truce went up to Craney firing some sixty or seventy shot and mixture which will make the one who dred of our sick and wounded from No.. 10. three, have been members in former ing list of killed : Island this P. M., and brought back shell during an hour and a half left. takes it ma'd. Nydia, supposing k. to be when it was ordered out ou a scoutiug As the Yankee was leaving the boat* Pittsburg. Capt. Bartlett, of the Jan- BATTERIES. years. Richard Carl, Fred. Froul, two Norfolk papers. They were taken the love potion, watches the opportunity uary, reports that the Minnehaha, load- expedition. In this expedition some of to headquarters, and although con- oi the Marble Heart were on their way when Julia sleeps, and, cunningly ex- Loomis' Battery is in Duffield's John Smitli, T. J. Hougbman ed with wounded, has gone up the Brigade south of Murfreesboro. t^3 As tho election has already taken the" men went so near a rebel battery, that A. D. Armstrong, J.N. Bartholomew taining the important information of to the shore to burn tha houses behind changing the bottle containing the lovt which the rebels had taken refuge. Ohio. The City of Memphis landed Dees' Battery was in General Pron- that they sent a shell at them. Jt struck George Decker, George Paddock the unconditional surrender of Fort potion for another, seeks tho bower of 1,000 wounded at Mound City.— place it is unnecessary to publish the Pulaski, an eflort was made, in accord- so noar that [t lhrcw the dirt OTcr them Sam McDonald, Bruce Walter. Glauous. She finds him just returned tiss' column, which was the advance proceedings of the Ward Caouse*, wl ich . BBKORB YORKTOWN, April 15. Among the wounded is Capt. Wm. guard at Pittsburg and a portion of ance with the policy that prevails here, from sumo festival, wearied and thirsty. Copp, of the Nintii Indiana, who says took place on Thursday evening of but luckily it did not explode. We re- And says, Joseph Millrood, W. Wool to keep even good news jrorn the re- - Yesterday morning a seetinn ot ar- Ho asks her to mix him some drink; this which was captured. This battery tillery was planted within halt a mileol there is no doubt of the death of Gen. last week, or of the City Convention turned to camp at dusk. The same night nough, and Clark Lor.sbury were ta presentatives of tho press. 1 am, is her opportunity; she mixes with it was in a desperate engagement, having the rebel works. Fifteen shots were Bragg, in Monday's fight; also, that been taken and retaken six times. fifty of this company were ordered out on ken prisoners. however, able to give you the substance what she supposes to be a potion of the Johnson the so-called Provisional held on Saturday. For future refer- fired into the earthworks before they picket. You will sec by this that work —This camping in an enemy's coun of the glorious news, as .published in love portion, and which is to make him Governor of Kentucky, is d&ad. He Koss' Battery was in General Grant's ence, however, we append tho names tbe Savannah R'publican. could bring tho guns ro bear, when wo column, and is believed to have been henceforth love only her. But it wasdied as ho lay within six feet of Capt. of tbu City and several Ward Commit- has commenced. ti"}' without outlying pickets, an< withdrew. at the battle of Pittsburg. The Republican says Substantially poison, he becomes at once a raviug man- Copp, on board the Hannibal. Quite a number of federalists were moving regiments from place to plac that it learns with deep regret, that A fine view was had yesterday of the iac, and rushes wildly out and through Lanphere's Battery, D^olve^s Hat- tees : The whole rebel army in the battle wounded and killed in the bombardment without a supply of ammunition, Ii after, a gallant defense against guns rebel works at Yor&towil and Gimiccs. the streets. He comes to the 3pot where tery, Andrews' Battery and Bidwdi's City Committee.—3. N. Gott, S. Web- wa3 123 regiment, about 75,000 men. T CRIMINAL,, and somebody has an mostly superior, Fort Pulaski surren- ter from a house at the mouth of Wnrn- Arbaces with tho dagger of an assassin Battery are in Pope's column and are ster, N . li. Nye, E. B. Pond, and 0.today. These facts aro obtained from a Brigade dered at 2 P. M. yesterday, (11th ) liih's Creek, Twonty-four guns were lias just struck do.vn the brother of lone. somewhere in Tennessee, at what par- Sunday, April Gth.—All is quiet to- awful account to settle, Who is it? Quartermaster, named Wintern, who II. Richmond. Corporal Law, of the ' Pulflski seen in the water battery at Yorktown, Glaucus is arrested for the murder, ticular place it is impossible lo say. xas taken prisoner. First Ward Cum.—J. X. Gott, J. D. day, except occasionally, when the heavy Guards, who did not leave FortThun ami nine at Gloucester. thrust into prison, and condemned to KIBOKLLANB0O8, Our total killed and wounded ia now Irish, and A. J. Sutherland. booming of cai.nou is heard. This is a Brig..Gen. W. H. L. WALLACE derbolt until after the flag was hauled At tho latter place new works ara nVlit the wild beasts In -the ampithcatre. Captain Girous's company is in the down, brings the intclligemo of the Nvilia by overhearing, conversation dis- estimated at oight thousand. General Second Ward Com.—W. S, Mnynard, very fine country. The soil is good. Inwounded at tho battle of Pittssburg being erected. The wharves wore Wallace, of Illinois, at last accounts First Regiment, Bordan's Sharp-shoot successful event. covers that thore is a witness who saw G. F. Lutz, and J. S. Henderson, every direction fine orchards may be sonn died at Chicago, on Thursday night o covered with Commissary stores, and was t-till living, with slight hopes of ers, leading tho advance guard ngaiusi The surrender was unconditional — tho river dotted with sails. Arbaces strike tho deadly blow, and Yorktown. Captain Stuar's company, Third Ward Cnm.— V. Wall. O. now iu tull bloom. On tho way hero we last week, in the arms of his wife.— Seven large breaches were made in tho recovery. The name of Col. John H. On Saturday Corporal B inn, Com- overcoming almost insurmountable ob- and Captain Mathews' company, Sec- passed a number of largo plantations, This is not Gen. LEW WALLACE. The south wall by tho Federal batterv of stacles-) she finally rescues him from the McIIenry, of the Seventeenth Ken- Sutherland and J, Snapp. pany 15. Berdan'rt Sharp-shooters, was ond Regiment Berdan's Sharp-shooters, latter hails from Indiana, and is readv eight Parrot guns. At King's Land- vault, where he has been confined by Ar- tucky, wounded at Pittsburg, was er- Fourth Ward Corn..—S. G. Suther- with fine large dwelling houses, and plen- shot while on picket duty. roneously printed in the first dispatches were at last accounts in camp of i,i ty of small houses around them, the hab- for the next fi^ht. ing all the barbette guns in that nide baces, and brings him to confront them struction at Washington. land, VV. Jackson, and Aaron Par- were dismounted, and ftlso three of the just as they are giving Glaucus to the as C. MeKindry. itations of ncgroea. I saw more negroes The steamer Woodford arrived last Captain Henion's company of Engi- sons. Ji casemate guns, leaving but cno gun ISTaw Advertisements. lions in the arena. The lion had been neers, recruited at Adrian, were in Fifth Ward Com.—S. B. MeCrack- j between here and Hampton than I .have ev. A. E. BALDWIN, of Conn.,wil bearing on that point. kept without food for twenty-four hours night with about three hundred pris- Colonel Bissell's Fu'sileer Regiment at see n aI1 tl)0 preach at the Congregational Church Real Estate for Sale. when turned into the arena, but, to the oners from Pittsburg. en, H. W. Kellogg, and Silas Pratt. ! *estof the time that I have A clear breach was made in the Island No. 10. next Sabbath and the Sabbath following magazine. T M the twonty-eiffhth daj of nent in the assembly to witness tho death The correspondent of the Miisouri ing one ot the most memorable, ae it is nearly every firo. Hatch A. D. 1862, there »>-i'l be sold at public rondne, regiment is under General Curtis in Tho Election at Ypsilanti. of soldiers are stretched out upon the Col. Olmstod, who was in command, to the h . ;ii the Sontb door of the I'ourt of Glaucus. The vengeance of tho mul- Democrat, Bock IIouso Creek, Mo., one of the most important events o) the C t' "• .*>•• i A iunty of W.-nh- Arkansas, and was at the battle of Pea Our neighboring city of Ypsilanti went titude vents itself on Arbaces. " To April 6th, says: "Tho advance guard grass, and other hundrods aro engaged in tho war, wo have prepared the follow telegraphed tho previous evening that tanan in sai^state, <>ii Saturday tbe thirty Rrtt i!a.v Ridge. at the charter no one could stand upon the ramparts of Maj A D. 1332, at »IIB o'clock in the nfte •• the lion, to the lion with Arbaces !" He of our army, tinder Geu. Ousterhaus, " kinder" Democratic cooking their frugal meal, while others ing brief chronicle of the occurrence ol i!: it vi.iv, (subject to all encumbrances bv in •;•! . gfl - r In the Merrill Horso Brigade, now otherwise existing at the time of the death of said rises to defend himself Just at this noamped at this point last evening, election last week. The Democrats each day from tho beginning of tho for a single mon.cnt, and that over one in southern Missouri, are two Michigan are looking on and wishing that they had thousand large shells had exploded ;.) tliw !ollowi • teal E te io wit: time all eyes aro turned toward Vesuvius. Saving marched twenty miles from their elected the entire city ticket, both of bombard merit up to the time of the id in the Township of Xortunekl.in the County companies; one commanded by Oapt. some provisions to cook aud eat. of Wxshtmiavand Stataof Michigan, a.11 thatceit-iia A vast vapor iGs seen to shoot up from old camp at Cross , Timbers. The capture of tbe rebel stronghold within the fort. J. B. Rogers, and another, Company the Justices, one of tho Supervisors, four The Republican published the above pie.-o or parcer of land known and dMignutedaii the its-summit in the form of a gigantic riuoplu in this vicinity are mostly Union, At this moment may bo heard the March 15. Commodore Foote, with Xor.h-west quarter »>t the : mrtcr of Sec- I, Capt. James B. Mason, recruited at of the five Aldermen, and both Consta- as a postscript to a part of its edition, tion tlir-e in totvnship one South of Range Six K.-»*t, pine tree; the trunk blackness, •he ;here being but threo secessionists on sound £of divine music, the chaplain of several gunboats and part of the mor- - foi i v acree be tn • • • '• •• ta< re i r l.-ss. Battle Creek. and makes no comments, nor gives any branches fire ; that shifted and wavered s road from Cassv'lle to Flat Creek. bles. Wo append tho names of the of- tar fleet, left Hickmao lor Island No. PATRICK WAI.I., riPi-iitor. In the Douglas Brigade, Colonel this regiment being holding divine ser- particulars as lo the nuinbor of men Dated, March 28th, 16C2. s>-i6td. in its hues with every moment, now I stopped with a good Union man hist ficers elect, with their majorities, as found 10. Dave Stuart, which was at tho battle vice. Now, hark, the booming of heavy and ofiicers in the fort ut the timo-ot fiercely luminous, now of a dull, dying light and found several of his ueigh- 16. Bombardment commenced. of Pittsburg, are three Michigan com- in the Sentinel of the 9th inst.: artillery may be heard off towards York- the surrender. It says, however, none red, then again blazing forth with intol- jors present, all anxious to be informed 17. Rifled gun on board the 8t. THE REBELLION erable glare. It moved slowly onward whether our army was going to loavo panies; Captain MeOrn' er's, raised at Mayor—Pnrmenio Davis, 32. town. It is said that the gunboat fleet of its defenders wero killed, and but J Louis, exploded, killing and wounding ON HIGH PRICES FOR CLOTHING, toward the city, and in its track fell a them to the tender mercies of the ee- Dowagiac, Capt. Curtis', at Albion, Cleric—John McCreary, 51. that is to work with us is coming up the four woundud. and Capt. Phillips'- at St. Joseph. fourteen men. HAS COMMENCED AT THE shower of ashes and lava and stones.— cssionists. They said no monev could Treasurer—Richard G. Martin, 156. river, 18. Gen. Pope repulsed tho gun- A Battle Near Santa Fe. The crowd no- longer thought of justice hire thorn to euduro tho constant an- In the Sickles Brigade, on tho Lower Potomac, bcl»w Ocoquan Creek, is a Supervisor, lstdist.—Enoch Yostl. Last night fifty of our company were boat tleot at New ^Madrid. A rebel DKNVKR CITY, April 7, OLD & RELIABLE to Arbaces, their sole thought was of noyance submitted to last summer.— transport, loaded with cannon, reported company raised by Captain Hugo, at " 2d dist.—John Gilbert, 79. ordered out on picket duty. Thoy went via JuLEsnt'-nc, April 9, 1862. Eafuty to themselves. The cloud which They were obliged to leave thoir fami- sunk by the firo fiom the fleet. Information from New Mexico states had scattered a deep murkiness over the lies and crops suffering, and shelter Paw Paw. Justice, 1st dist.—John Cirpentor, 33. after having pitched their tents. Hardly In Bird's Sharp-shooters, last heard 19. Commodore Foote reports tho ;hat on the26th ult, Col. Slough, with CLOTHI N C day had now settled into a solid and im- themselves for days and weeks in the 2d Chas. II. Tisdale, 91. were they gone, when the Colonel, Lieut. of at Fort Djnelson, is a Michigan island harder to conquer than Coluni 1,300 men, reached Apache Pass.— penetrable mass. The denseRt darkness bush to get out of the reach of the Constable, lstdist.Chas McCormiek,4. Colonel, Major, and Adjutant, located bus. Firing continued night and day. His advance, consisting of three com EMPORIUM: i settled upon the city. Through this aw- rebels. Hands of outlaws frequently company commanded by Captain Pi per. " 2d dist. Jas. Mi Forsyth, 93. themselves in some of the empty tents.— 20. Cannonading continued all dav- janies of cavalry, had an engagement ful scone the Athenian weuded his way ame down from Cassville ami would Al! the guns but one in the upper bat1 No. 3 PIKENIX BLOCK, MA*fN St. The Jackson Guard, Captain ±\Ie- The baggage trains not having arrived some distance beyond this with 250 accompanied by Lone and the blind girl. rob Union men of everything in the Aldermen— . tery reported dismounted. Hollins: Dermott, in the Mulligan Brigade, is •ebel cavalry, taking 57 prisoners. The AM nnvr opening a laroe and varied assortment of Suddenly a rmsli of hundreds, in their douse, blankets, bread, bacon, &e., 1st Ward- Calvin P. Ashley, 4. they were minus their own, and they ram sent from Memphis. SpriD • - and in view of the rebell- now on duty as guard to tho rebel Federal lose was four killed and eleven X path to the sea, whither crowds were and if thoy caught the owner hu would 2d " —Henry W. Moore, 6. were therefore under the necessity of 21. Firing continued at intervals. wounded. ion on high prices generally, • . •.. my triemU tending to save themselves on shipboard, bo taken to Cassville under a strong prisoners at Camp Dauglas, Chicago. aodcujiti • ••'!>' Lowittsl Hgurw for Ca»Ii.— 3d " —Charles Fleming, 15. taking possession of those vacated by tho 2'2. But. littlo firing from the gun- This,, in waut o{ a auperkn article ol Clot ha, Casiti- swept by them. Nydia was torn from guard. In consequence of the uncer- In tho Lincoln Cavalry, in McClelhift's At Pigeon's Ranch, fifteon miles from mejreSj ot column, is a Michigan company re- 4th " —Luther P. Forbes, 23. men. The officers, lit present, are not boats, to which the rebel batteries mado the side of Glaucus, who, with Ioue, was tainties of tho future and the unquiet no reply. Santa Fe, on the 28th, Col. Slough met borne rapidly forward; and when the tato of the country, but a few aro cruited by Captain Norton at Grand 5th " —Charles Woodruff, 70. faring as well as the privates, in beds at i force of 1,100 Tezansj strongly pos- Beady-Made Clothing, Rapids. 23. Mortars firod with considerable crowd, whoso forms they saw not, so thick making any preparations to ptitincrops. Republicans in Italia. The total night or rations by day, and they, the regularity nil clay; result not ascer- ed at the mouth of a canon. The There are also two companies in an ight began about noon, Col. Slough -will call on- was the gloom, were gone, Nydia was Farms are laid waste and fences burned vote of the City was GDI. privatea, cannot brag on their rations, as tained. Ohio regiment, believed to bo the Ohio engaging them io front with seven still separated from their side. Glaueus up along tho main road and Union men they are short, the provision trains not 24. Firing continued at intervals; shouted bar name. No answer came."— are discouraged. fifteenth ; one recruited at Adrian by companies; Major Chivington with Three rebel Johnstons or John having arrived. rebel batteries replied but seldon. WM. WAGNER, They retraced their steps in vain—they " Tho secessionists have mostly gone Captain Ward, and another raised i.t ;our companies attacked them in the Morcnci by Captain Smith. sons were Killed iu the battle of Pitts- 25. Affairs unchanged, could not discover her. Their friend, south with their negroes. Some LJiiion Again the booming of cannon may be 20. Main works of the enemv re- rear. This latter force succeeded in who has juat returns! from the Eas|, with a lar^o There is also a company trom Ed- burg; Albert Sydney, the Commander- y usortmoat uf thoir preserver was lost, and hitherto, pooplo have not only abandoned tho j heard, mixed with the voice of the chap- ported overflowed. Iriving the rebel guard away from Nydia had been their guide. Her Hind- wardeburg in this state, in an Indiana in-chief of the rebel army of the West; Operations slack- their supply train which was captured dea of making orope, but aro getting i lain. ened. ness rendered to her alone the scene fa. their wagons out intending to forsake regiment. Bushrod R., who was taken prisoner at ind burned. They also captured one SPRING & SUMMER GOODS Michigan baa then in tho field six- A balloon accompanied the army, and 27. Firing continued at intervals Accr.stomcd throughout a perpetual night all, and emigrate to a place of safety. Fort Donelson, violated his parole, and only. Residents captured report the ;annon and spiked it. to thread the windings of the city, she r fifty wounded. Tho robel loss is BROADCLOTHS, culiar to tho blind. It was lost amid a from Col. O. B Willcox, dated Rich- This morning, Gen. MCCLELLAN sent lot known. Communication between CASSIMERE8, "On tho 30th an expedition, consis- mond, April 2d, 18G2, wo make the immediately enter upon duty. Ho is 30. Heavy bombardmont, to which PQESETNS, thousand shrieks of more selfish terror.— ting of cavalry and two mounted howit- a flag of truce to Yorktown with a sum- tho rebels make no reply. Colonels Slough and Canby was con Again and again she had returned to following extract:— Free Press, April a native of North Carolina, and once inually kept up. \KSTINGS zers was reconnoitering the country 13th. mons to surrender, and giving them 31. Samo condition of aflairs. represented that State in Congress.— —1» the spot where they had been divided, about Huntsville. At the latter place April 1. An expedition from tho —t in to find her companions gone, to seize ev- " I have been here ever since the twenty-four hours to think of it. It is CAVINO IN'.—A Springfield letter of oralld*. »ther with a superior a&wrtmeikt it was found that a force of rebel caval- He is spokon of as eminently fitted for floet proceeded to tho upper rebel fort of Rcadjp-Mnde clothing, ury fugitive and inquire of Glaucus, to last of February, with no more ap- said that their reply was, that he would ho 29th ult., says: ry, whom via intended to bag, had parent probability of exchange than the place. and spiked six guns. TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, be dashed aside in the impatience of dig made good their retreat. have to make every house in the town a 2. Operations not reported, "Many thoughtless persons who On] UMBRELLAS, »nd traction. Guiding her steps by the stall' ever, and without even tho consolation lave been in Price's army are return- " The flag planted by Gen. Curtis of hearing from home. I can only say he flotilla of Commodore hospital before they would give up the 3. Rebel heavy floating battery de- .leiitlcmen's Furnishing wlvich she always carried, she continued, tached fiom shore and drifted down ng home, some of them quietly, hop- with incredible dexterity, to avoid the at Keitsville was ruthlessly torn down, that I am well and entirely in the FOOTE has reached Fort Pillow, 67 miles place. They have a large force here, and ng that no notice will bo taken of their but was recently brought in, and when dark as to the cause of longer doten- their fortifications extend for miles up tho stream. Gunboat Carondelot ran masses of ruin that iucumbered the path, above Memphis, obtained position below, tho blockade. reason; others coming and giving to thread the streets, and unerringly—so last seen was floating over the Provost tion. It is said that our government and down the river, aud are in shape of a hemselves up to the military authori- Marshal's office at Cassville." has broken off negotiations. Wo are and commenced the bombardment. 4. Firing active, and good execution »it!i mimrKMls other articles usually foucl in nmiUr blessed now was that accustomed dark horse shoe. Our forces lie in front of ies, asking to bo permitted to take the establishinoulit. A-< :in confined, as usual, in large numbers to the rebel works reported. ness so afflicting in ordinary lifo—to these works, and extend over a space of ath of allegiance and return to tho take the nearest direction to the sea-side. The Confederate battle flag is in warehouses, without egress to even The President has signed the 5. Transports and barges arrived at peaceful avocations lo which they were EMPORIUM OF FASHION, Poor girl! her courrage was beautiful described as very handsome, being a a yard for air and exorcise. All the abolishing slavery in the District of five miles in length. We have a largo New Madrid. Heavy firing all dav. formerly accustomed. All these re- to behold ! and fate seemed to favor one largo square standard, with blue Columbia party aro here." forco here how many I cannot say. Geu. C. Gen. Pope succeeds in landing turning rebels express their disgust i!i« submribcr Ba|it**»MBi»s»lf, that bis Inner oiperieiiee Columbia. I ,• jucoom ,wiUen»t)l»himtoghr«UM gr»tM| 80 helpless. The boiling torrents touch- ground, rod bars running diagonally MCCLELLAN is here in command of the Gen, 'Paino's division on the Tennessee with tho rebellion as a failure, and are sftttafoction I"-'!' rnomaj tr i»l him intl"-way ol ed her not, save by the general ruin across, and gilt stars on tho bars TIIE . SICK AND WOUNDED OF EBB army. «hore. Tho whole armv to bo moved now convinced thit the government of t^* Manufacturing Garments to order. which accompanied them; the huge equal to tho Confederate States. This AIIMY.—Tho sick and wounded in the Among the prisoners arrived at over, Gunboat Pittsburg ran tho their fathers is a wise rind beneficent fragments of scoria shivered the pave- standard is said to be carried in every hospitals of the District of Columbia Hairo from Pittsburg is a son of Sam Monday, April 1th.—We aro expect- blockade. one, and too powerful to be easily WM WAUN'ER. ment before her and besido her, but action. and Alexandria, number 3,100. Houston, and a son of Pierre Soulo. ing orders to move every monjent, and 7. Surrender of Island No. 10. overthrown." •• ; . A)-: i! PP I ~i'-'- f Seizure of the Memphis Railroad. New Medical Discovery. 1862. The Bugle Calls! The War has Be J'he Latest Special Dispatch! Washington, April 16. For flie speedy an i permanent cure of gun! A War oi Extermination The following dispatch htw been re-Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges against Bad Teeth, Bad Breath, To tae citizens of Ann Arbor aud RIS'DON & IIENDEIISO^^S I by the Secretary 6f War, dated Gmvvl, StrUtui-e, and Diseased Gums, Toothache, Ear- Vicinity ! ! Nushvilte, Tenn., 14th." Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, which baa been ttaed by npirarda of ache, and Neuralgia. THE GENUINE On Saturday morning two expedi- ONK HUNDRED PHYSICIANS, tions were ftm'to! for HuntsVille on tho in their private practice, with entire IUCCOSS, mptrse- FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 18, 1862 ear*. One under Col Sill, t.f tho 33d : BBBS, COPAIBA, CAIJ fuss, ot&ny compound hither INTENSE EXCITEMENT! STEWIRT'S Ohio, vptmt east to StevohK, the junction OUIt AllTILLEilY IS Postoffice Notice, (if the Glwtftanoojja with thu it emphi.-s HELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, rtj in action,often gffefitlug a euro in • fe» days, TOVE. Jliiils tearing Anu Arbor for th East »BJ trnd Charleston Rmlroud, tvbiob pc4nt uail whoii acure is elToelod it is permanent- They «• Hundreds -watching the progress of IV'est.clos.' as follows : tliev seizc'd, 2,000 of the enemy retreat- I bat aru hai ml< i • on DR. WM. B. HURD'S We wisli to call1 the attenlion of ilia publio Going EEast.ttt 4.00 P. M. tin- system, iinJ never nauseate the stomach or Impreg- SPRING GOODS! Daily Events ! ! this celebrated. :il1 io" without, tiring a shot. Col. Sill nate, th« l.r.ath : iin.l teinn mi(;»r-coiUed, allnawous Goiiif Wist,at 11 A. M. taste fa-avoided. JVo change, of dkt is urcissary vlulft JJOHN I. THOMPSON, V.M captured five locomotives and a large uzingthcjn; uor iovB their action iaterfere with bull- DENTAL TllEASUKY! amount uf roiling stock. Another ex- ao3s pursuits. Each boxcnntaloR six losen rills. g PRICK DKE DOLLAR, O COOKING STOVE! TO PRINTERS! pedition under Col. Turchin, of the.•vii.l will hv suit bj mail post-[inul by any a'lvpitisul A COMPLETE SET OF UEJIEDIE9 FOB The Federal Army agaiu Victorious! HE health of the snlmritiM making K fci"*™ Nineteenth Illinois, went west and arAgent- , on receipt of the mouey. Sold by DTuvgisi,* in necessary thai he change li i business, he olk-rd tor Ann Arbor. Whi;h is;ihe only perfect stove made. It will T rived at Decatur in time to save the None genuine without my signature on the wrapper^ PUESERVIiNG THE TEETH, PJ sale tU- do more business with one third loss fuel MICHIGAN ARGtTS railroad bridge, which was in flames.— J. BKVAN, Rochester, N. If., General Agent. 3 1 The Union must and shall than any other STOVJS inndu. From NEWS BOOK AND JOB PRINnSHU OFFICg, with th« dun. Mitchell now holds 100 miles of IT. & L. SMMONEAU, Uetroil, Wholesale Agents for We are now rooeiving a fiuo stock of testimony given by the person* BOOKfelSDEKYconnectedthereirith. Possession given the Memphis and Charleston Rail- Michigan. 806U PURIFYING TIIE BREATH &-MOUTH OQ be Preserved !" referred to below, ou account of its duiubility and letter. road. E. B. POND. Dissolution of Copartnership. AND Ann Arbor April 3d, 1862. J3 FOR SALE ! Entire religious liberty is to be HE Copartnership heretofore existing between the T undersigned, under the dame ofWinoe and Knight, " There was a man in our town, Fuel Saving Qualities, V YOU wish to buy & £Ood two-story brick dwelling, secured by law in Austria, excepting that [vthlsday- tiissolved by mnttml aonaeat All personi Curing Toothache & Neuralgia. 03 convenient to the business part of the City, with iudebtcd to the late firm are requested to settle tha lame. 3 Ha was so wondrous wise," rground.- and yards w«U itockod with chelae 1 ruit of all up to eighteen children must follow the \V. \v. WINES, NEW SPEING GOODS, Q PH unds. Apples. 1'ears, PeaehM, Hums. Ragpbariu, Or- creed preferred by their parents. _ The J. W. KNIGHT, it has proved a saving frjm namental troes, .^hrubbcrv, &c., &c, inquire at the Ann Arbor, March 17, 18B2. But with all his -wisdom, he was not go wise April 3d. 1863. ARGUS OFFICE. eDJoyment of civil and political rights is not to depend ou religious confes- 0O1STXE3STTS a EH O as that "other man," who when he want- FOR SALE ! P.s. Diniel Hlscoek having purchased the Interest ed to buy the Twelve To Twenty Dollars sion, nor to be subjected to any re-of .1. \Y. Kuight in tbesToCK OF taonnstlie businesi will mWO of the most desirable building lots in the City of striction on that account, Difference of be oontinuedby W. w. Winefl and Daniel Hiscock, un- Dr. HurdS Celebrated MOUTH WASH,'one H X Ann Arbor, containing each one acre and a quarter der tin- name of W1XES & CO. 8J5w4 The cheapest and lest of eronnd. They urn situated on State Streot, near Hie religion will not form a civil obstacle to and offer thorn at the Lottie. per year. We would refer you to tha Sost paid, on receipt of TWELVE CENTS, or Conductors, and all kind* uf Job work don« The wODdrous works—the papers (ill, four stamps. Ve«iing», Ae., are being slaughtered by Gen, at the Shortest Notice. Produced by HEBBICK'S matchless Fills. Wagner New American keep- SUSTD&EIX—u> lit the gre.it rush of recroita Cacton flannel undershirts, 3 Peck's Pleasant ing Willow K1SD0N & HEK\D£KSOIT that are pouring in from every direction, all Ann Arbor, 1861. Cotton drawers, 4 Does disease afflict you ? never doubt Pears, A BMril assort liilmarnack Weeping The Neuralgia Plaster, for Neuralgia in iinxioua to have their names enrolled for a This charming compound will search it out, ment,"including the Willow the face, Nervous Headache, and Earache, Towels, 35 And health again your system fill, Weeping Elm If you. fly at once to HEREICK'S Pills. MACK & SCHMID Bfti-tlott sent, post paid, on receipt of EIGHTEEN CENTS. •Chicago Cook Trade, Handkerchiefs, 38 Seckel and Choice Evergreens or six stamps. NEAT AND TASTY SUIT! They'll' safe for all—both old and young— Would respectfully announce to the Citizens of Virgaliea Norway Spruce The 1'lace to Buy School Books. Slippers, pairs, 4 Their praises are on every tongue ; Am. Double Spruce Disease, disarmed-—no longer kills, Pears, dw'f, beat kindt The Neauralgia and Rheumatic Plaster, —loch a3'can only be had at the WHOLESALE Socks, pairs, 1 Since we are blessed with HlKttlOK s Pills. Cherries, staidard and Scotch Pine (large size), for pains in the Chest, Shoulders, J£g- Pu+ up with English. Spanish, German a Washtenaw and adjoining Counties dwarf Corsican Pine Back, or any part of the body, sent, pos;,- Book & Stationery House. • Dried apples, lbs., 85 French directions. Price 25 cents ptr box. Su Peaches, a general flsRed Cedar pvid on receipt of Timor SEVEK CENTS. Head Quarters of Guiterman <£ Co. Coated. See advertisement on third page. 804 S. C. GRiGGS & CO. Dried currants and cherries, 6 that we are now receiving •orttuebt Balsam Fir Address Plums, Apricots American Arboritae OiH'bfthe firm, Mr. M GUITLKJUN, having P 1 crock of butter, lbs., 7J See a woman, in another column, Nectarines, Figs Siberian Arburitaa just returned from Europe wiili a large as Sanders Progressive Readers, Direct from the Eastern Markets, Round Top Box Lint and bandages, Siberian Crab Apples WM. B. HURD & CO., sortment of Cloths, Ca^simeres. and a nice lot N-'v. ]\ Elecivotjped, with new and Drfg^nsl Hla8trat(onj, picking Sambuci Grapes for SPECK'S Wiue. It Downing'a ever-bear Roses, consisting of of fine Vestings, also a few pieees of fine a an admirable article, used in hospitals and are the must beautiful us well as the best Uwok^ cxtan^. Quantity old linen, A full and complete supply of ing Mnlberry Perpetual" Beaver for overcoats which we will make up I. Sanders'Alphabet Card*, 0 in a net. $ 30 Quantity old cotton. by first-class families in Paris, London, and Hop Tne Moss Tribune Buildings,.New York. to or>.er in the latest style, we feel confident II. S*nders*Prtmary cch'IOlMirta, 5on#car&*, 1 W Sew York, in preference to old port wine. It Grapes, best lands Bengal , that we can satisfy all. ]11 SaimtM.-,' I'r in:iry Spelling Book, , la $&• Dr. Hurd's MOITH WISH, TOOTH POWDER, I\', >.\U 1 T8' NeW S ]'(•!!••;• :i[i(! ]) lill.T, J5 The estimated value of these articles Staple *v3txcX IPancy Currants, " " Austrian 1 de.s' Analysis of English Wind*, is worth a trial, as it gives great satisfaction. Raspberries, Brinkle's Bourbon and ami TOOTHAC'IIK DBLOP8 camwt tw scut by mail, but Every family, ai t!.i- season,should Uhfe th ."SO is 6113,98. they can probably be obtained at your Drug or Periodi VI. Sander'^ Pictorial Primer, (bouud) Orange and others Climbing SAMBtCl WINfej \[l. Siinders' German aud Kuglusn 1 riniL-r Delicate females will find no better cal Store*. If tUey cannot, Beod for I be DENTAL 1 Another box has been prepared and DRY GOODS, Strawberries Flowering Shrubs, a TREASURY, Price O.VK DOLLAR, which contains (hem. Celebrated ip Europe for U« DQPdicimil and boneficial VIII. Sander^ New Kir.-L Ueader, 15 remedy to strengthen their nervous system general assortment qutilities m~ ••> gentle Btimulani. To»io, Diuitfcki and !?u IX Sander^ Xew Second Reader, Lawton Blackberries cirri lie, bigblv c.-t> entu d by eminent physicians, used i X. Sai; !'.;•>• .WIN Third Header, 40 6ent to the soldiers. The war still : than HOOFLAKD'S GERMAN BITTERS. Read Mountain Ash, Euro- Paeonies D and American Huspiials, aud b^" eopoe pf the- We are happy to greet you aga n in our XI. Hinders' New Fourth Readier, continues, and until it ends the ener- Ladies' & Childrens' Shoes, Dahlia Xl[. Saudws1 New Fiftfi Header,. 75 the advertisement is another column. pean first lamilico of Europe and Awei a, City, after spend ing your vacation -with the 1 aderaa High-SchcoHighSchcol lli.^d*.c,.d . g All of which will be offered at my nursery A* A TOK1C, '• dear old fjlks" nt home. B<9 assured \ft gies of. the people must not flag."W e Are Dr. Hurd's Preparations Good ? XIXITT. SSrtnieri e ii'oun' Ld« Ladieai ' Reader, 44$ GKOCEKIES, CROCKERY, &c. at LOW FIGURES, to suit the war times. It has no equal, causing an :; j petit* and building up wish you a pleasant term, and shall (jet be XY. Sanders' School Speaker,., ] 00 A CARD TO THE SUFFEBiWG. of the tiy.-.U'in btHBg entirwy a pure wina of a most trust there will always be willing hands, All persons designing to plant trees or glad to iao;t you at the Old XVI. Sandern' Elocutionary CWt3 a The REV. WILIUM COSGROVE, while laboring as a Miss- valuable fiuit. and open pockets until our brave sol- onary in Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all Purchased by one of our firm for cash, and notwith- shrubs are invited to call ar,d examine tins The best evidence tliat they are is, that their firmest These readeri are distinguished for thc-ir strictly pro- other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a standing the hard times we shall continue to stock. J.D. BALDWIN. friends un4 Ufrf* fittrons are those who have used them AS A l:lUitI-.nC, 1 t&tfen fi ihe young. diers have gained the Victory in the earned physician residing in the great City ofJeddo. longest. Dr. WILLIAM I!. Htntn is ;m eijunani Dentist of It IraMrti a bealtliy action to ihe Glands and Kidneys, llead-C^uarters, ISo, 5. They have been received with unprecedented favor and This recipe has cured great numbers who were sufltring March, 1862. 4w844 Brooklyn, Treasurer of the New York State Dentists' aud Urinary Organs, • Gout,p-mi bj noolasB m ire than by Kraetica] To&chuM great battle of Eight. Tom Consumption, Bronchitis, tiore Throat, Coughs and Add Weekly Additions Association, and these preparations have been used in who have tMted theirnwrlta m the school room. 2olds, aud the debilityandnervous depressioncauseci by his private practice for years, and no leading citizen of . R«S WIXK ;he*e disorders. Brooklyn or Wiliiamsburgh questions their excellence, ctobinson^ Course of mathematics. CLAKA A. DICKSON, Sec. Is not a mixture or manufactured article, but is pure, Desirous of benefiting others, I wilt send this recipe, while eminent Dentists of New York recommend thtm O* Our former customers, we feel assured, HY HOKATXO N. ROBINSON, i •• . D, which I have brought home with me, to all who need it To our stock in order as the best known to the profession. Without tho aid from the juice of tbe Portugal ^ambuca&, cultivated in TAX ON TOBACCO. New Jersey,recommended l>v t Doxalsta and Pfaysieianfl will call on us again To you who come as Late Projteaaor of Mttthematics in the V- 8. ~S j^g" The Tenth Regiment Michi- 'ree of charge. % of advertising, dealers navy sold them by the gross. as possessing mediea I j-rop*rji<8 superior to >oy otlist strangers we lvouM Bay a few Words, we 1 Robinson's Progressive frimary Arrthuielic % 15 Address ; gan Infantry, Col. LUM, is to leave REV.WM. COSGROVK, To Accommodate oitr Customers! Tin Editor of the Brooklyn Daily Times says ;—' We Wine In use, and a., excelleni article for all wsah and wish you to call aud look at our fine Coats, II. Rohiudon'd ProgressiTe Intellectual Arith. 823yl 430 Fulton avenue, Brooklyn X? Y. are happy to know that our friend, Dr. Hi;iu>, is sue ^t-biiitut*''! piT^niis. and tbe ftRed and iniiini, iroprevjoj 1'ants, and Vests we can do better by you III. Robinson's Budimenti of written Atttk. Flint for the field of battle on Tuesday ceecling beyond all, expectations with his MOUTH the ;ipp"tiu-, and benefi mg laJias and clliidren. than any other li .use in the City, and if you IV. KobiD8on'a Prugrednim Practical Arith. with evferything they may need to ask for. In anticipation of a tax of WASH and TOOTH POWDEK. The great secret of \\U A LADIES WIXK, call anu examine our goods,and try their fits, V. Kobii.son'n Key to Practical Arithirn'tic, next. Our young fellow citizens, .1 Slight Cold, success rests with th f fact THAT HIS ARTICLES MIV. 1'KE VI. Rbbinrton'fl Progreaaire Higher Arithmetic, ClsKI.Y IMiATTlJKY AllK SEL'itESEXTUP TO liK, AS WE Cltf Because it will not intoxicate as other wine, as it you wiH purchase nowhere else. yil. Ejbinsoo s K*y to Highar Arrthmetic, CHAS. H. MOOKE and NELSON B. COLE, TESTIFY FBOK THE1B I-O.VU USE.' oontainfl no mixture ofepiritfl or liquors, and is admired V'HI. Kubiuaun's JJew Llci;icntary Algebra, And we will farther pledge ourselves to sell as qheap SEVEN OR EIGHT CTS. PR. LB, fur its rich, peculiar fi.ivr. and nutritive properties, or gfaf-e. JX. H-bmson's Key to Kleiwntiisy Alg*^rar .go with the Tenth as Sutlers. The well known P. T. Barnum writes :-c-"I found your imparting a lifitliiiy tone U> (hedigestive firirnns, und a DON'T FAIL TO X. Kobinsuu'.i [jMrersky Algvbra, which might he cheeked TOOTH POWDER so good that my family have used it blooming, soft and healtby nfctn and coropl XI. EoUosos's Kv\ to University A%ebr&, AS TIMES WILL PERMIT being levie on all all up. WE FIND IT SCKK BIOST POWDEB FOB TIIK TKIOIICIIIAT WE REFER TO XII Robinson's Geometry and Trigonometry. with a simple remedy, WKEVRR USRD. I sliall feel obliged if you will send me The Fourteenth Regiment Mich- T? *XH1 Robinson's Surveying and K&7%uH»a, l iu \f neglected, often terminates seriously. another supply at thn Museum at vour convenience, A few u-cl) Jtpown geptlepsea aud pnjsiciajia, ^iiio have with biil." tried the ffiU' Xi\" RebjteQB's Aualyfical Geometry and Conic igan Infantry, Col. SINCLAIR, has been and which is always a3 iections, 1 5) Few are aware of the importance cf MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, T But 1 heir eo#t fa flo small that every one may teat Gen. WmSeldSoott, L .S, A. | Dr. Wilioo, Uthat., N. Y. DR. IJOOFLAKD'S XV Robinson's Differential and Integral Calculus I i>0 paid oft, was reviewed by tho Governor stopping- a ^cau^h. or gfU-Qht the matter for himself GOT, Moraran, N.Y. State Dr. Ward, Newark, X. J, tnuiKtn'B Ek-nientary Aatfi e 75 !£%. Beware of the ordinary Tooth Powders, Dr. IM-..I R. fthilton.K. Y.City. ' fT. D • " BALSAMIC CORDIAL, XVU BobiOBOn's L'niversit> Astroucmy", 1 li and Staff on Wednesday afternoon, and /@aLd in its first stage; that which .A.S Low as the Lowest, I will sell for a few days for I). i':u.,. T, N Y.City. Dr. Parish, Fhiladelphfa HLBD'S ToOlii POWDKE contains no ac d, nor alkali, ttor Vvr the speedy curt' of XVIII Kobinson'sMathematical (J|)frati(ins, 2 '0 left Ypsilunti yesterday afternoon for in the beginning would yield to a charcoal, and polishes without wearing the enamel.— I'rs. 1'aivy ami NK-I.U'1. -\i\ Xiob.n.son's Key to AJgebra, Qeomvtrr, Sur- mild remedy, if not attended to, soon At the same time we hope our friends and custom Less tlaan Use no other. X'-w LLT'K , X. .1 Ovi/yhs, ColJs, Injlaeiiza, Croup, Hoarseness, TSfiag, fee.} 1 5tf St. Louis, and thu Southwest. It is a en will boar in mind that the times compel us to sell And many others ti o oumtrroaa to publish. lironchitis. Pneumonia, Diseases of tht Cow- Forming a FULL MATIIKMATIC.\L CDGRSE, tm- our gouds i attacks the lungs. i{..e'.\(iti(' genuine unices th< signature of •.\^ FBKD els, arisintjfrom Cold, Incipient Con- bracing -irithmetic an in the Highei Math- fine regiment, and will make its mark. What will Dr. Hurd's Rem- Sl'EKH, r.isMiic.N. J.," U over the cotk of each bottle. sumption, aud fur the relief and ,y ematics: J'ur fcxtajt i.f research, i;icilit\ and aptne^d of WINTER PRICES! jJSf-UAKE 0X£ TRIAL OF TijlS WIN'ES at ail possible) cure of Patients illustration and practical uselului-ris, the author of tliis were first introduced eleven years ago. For Cash or Ready Pay. For Sale by MayuaiU, SUIibln^ *& Wilson, in advanced slaves of th?. series is surpassed fty no ^ithematical writer in this Dr. TAPPAH, will deliver a edies Effect ? AUD Arbor. country. This aeries baa bwnrecommended by tho bua| It has been proved that they are the I have on hand a large stock of the Mathfuinliciaus ii: nil septhmtfof the pountrj. lecture for the benefit of the Soldier's A. SPEER, Piopiietor. latter disease. best article before the public for Ann Arbor, March 28,1661. 845tf best grade of 1TARD, Vi\ a <\ N>w Sevpej. rnHEBalsamlcCowljal is entirely a Vegetableproduc- Dr, Kurd's MOUTH WASH ANJ5 TOOTU POWDER 1 lion, combining the healing properties H the Bal Aid Society, on Monday evening April L ^hlL U| (>] ; [Cfi, : OS i'r. a Iway, H. Y. will give voung ladies that finest cfamw wojuaa—a taut, with theinvigpr; • ties of ft Cordi;;!, pro- Gray's Series of Botanies, six books. 21st, at the Methodist Church. Sub- jLs.ihjn.CL, ^alcL^f-k, the Hacking sweet bre'uth and pearly teeth. Try ihun:, ladietf. JOHN LiWFOV, Pa'is. :: combinat •- s; • ... ptid to Ihe [ Hituhcock^s School Anatomy aud Physi- Cough in ^an.&um/iti.an., and DO YOU WANT WHISKERS! FINE CUT CHEWING Dr. Hurd's MOUTH WA8H AND TOOTH POWIKU S;jliii(3 Agen,t lor France aud Germany. i • *re |jut lew cases of disease which ject, « The Uses ol War." DO yOU WANT A MOUSTACHE ! will clean.se tht> uiuuih from all i'oul exhahitior-s, and if v/ill not, at an uarlj | srj >!, boccuinb tu its beaHugaad ology, f|. — We understand that Dr. T. will numerous affections of the J&htaai, used in the morning, will make the breakfast ta-te Lil'c giving prof^rtics. Hitehcbok'fi Geology, one boolj. giving immediate relief. If so, purchase one bottle of K.E, Champion's And Smoking Tobacco s\\. •ficr iind tUs d;y I j o _; i J i nioee plfusantly, Uundjredd For age*, had the tpdaiUM&t nf juihnonarv • speak especially upon the work and of persons can testify to this. Try them. , >i.: '• ., M. JccupSed . ai of the attention of the Well's Grammars, two books Public Speakers St Singers EXCELSIOR INVIG0RAT0R ] Dr- Hurd's MOITJI WASH ASD TOOTH POWDKH are tht Is now re«8ivi»ieivin^g aa la^.larce£ »nJ Well seleci ••! assortme So of the medical world, but none acquired more Well's Scientific Series, including Cheni- success of the Sanitary Commission, to and being desirous of beat preparation in the world for curing HAD I;JIKAT;I and of •.•in ljijiiivdtiu'-M hi ases, than the will find them effectual for clearing The world renowned toilet,—the only article of the kind tpTtnjf li ['tmit's.- mid IK-UUII to tie gums. Hundreds of [>r» Hoofland, ... ,,; IJ,,- iatry, Philosophy, etc Three books, ever offered the people of the United, States. Tiie above cases oi' diseased BLBEDINQ GCH3, SOHB MOUTH) CANKFK, BaUaniloCordial. Bis life T»S devoted to the produc- which the Aid Society is anxiliary. In and strengthening the voice. / Clocks^ Watches, 1 article ia the only one used by the French j in London etc., have been cured by Dr Hard's astringent i\as'u. tion ui remudlefl that wt>u4i] stand aanvall«d. How Wilson's Series of Histories, five booka. veil Le has succeeded] thu Aiiitrir • , , nfcle to view of late and coming events wo may and Paris it is in universal use. Commencing anew - Bold by all (^Druggists and (^Dealers Dr. HL KI>'S HomH WASH AND TOOTH I'OWDBR ^ive an :, Cordi U ia designed for a cl t-ss t,f diseases more service in the M. E. Church, on Sab- to the Scalp, it will cure BALDNESS, and if applied ac- general and mon t;ti.a.l than :iiiy other to which the bopks, cording to d'irectionj, it will cause to spring up in bald people of this country are sulyeci—those spiingipg Found in the hands oi the Sellers from a '•-slight cold.'' Thai eminent authority, Dr. And Many other Valuable Hooks,. bath forenoon last, the Rev Mr. BLADES spots a line growth of SOI-T yxr.su iMiis. which ire liab'eto Impart a taint to the month. U Tbi Celebrated Bell,says: I will not say that Colas are to our Inhab- read the proclamation of President Dr. HL'KD'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure Toothache arising it;iiit> what the Plague ami Inflow Fever are to tho« will be taxed and ffoin expoiscd nurivee, and arc the h^st friends that par- ui other countries; but lean aver confidently that th#y Wholesale Dealers and Eet&il Par- LINCOLN, enjoining thanksgiving for EXCELSIOR IN VIGORATOE i!iits can have in thii li/jniio Ut faave their clijjdrc-n from uaher in disease of greaterfctAnplicIty and mortality torture i\iy\ thi-uast'lvfcs fivai loss of sjjeen and BV^pa- tbau tlitffielatter." cbasers the recent national yictories, the whole Add£d to the selling Price J tln-tic suffering. congregation joined an appropriate and F^a>XEmsand M*CIIANICM ! you cannot wall afford to ivi • • oYst Four Thousand tlifferenl «r- •egligcjt your ti'cth. l'<>r a tnfling .sum, you can now gut ticlea of Statfoi pee Hundred Thouaand Vol- •Entirely Vegetable. JVo Alcoholic umes of bfcots, from uhicJi to make their scU'ctiun, heartfelt prayer, and the choir per- rAGES, I propose to pre»ervatlvefl than which Rotfioblld <>r tstor can ^r< t Both ing Uett) r. Uein jaher thai JJ Y M'i-J'SI A and ( <>N ooniprUidg an . not rivaled by any otiior book Ike subscribers are tho oaly Agents for the above ar- Preparation, houne in the United States, formed a bymn of national praise.— ticle in tLe United State.-:, .-("Ml'iUtN Of n|K |,l'V^ often origjnaio in Neglect of Tcctii. DR. IIOOFLAND'S Thesa erercises were unusually inter- Give all a chanee Silver and Plated Ware, They would also announce to the public that they CELEBRATED S. C. GIJIGGS & GO. esting( and unmistakably laid open the THE HEALTH AND LIFE OFWOMAK arc agents fox hearts of the people. Is continually IU peril if ;>]ie is mad enough to neglect Send for the Traatua on Teeth, TABLE AND POCKET GERMAN BITTERS Are Spt'cisl Agents fop or maltreat tho.se sexual inegutuaities to :,vhicli two- Napoleon's Hair Toilet! To Supply Themselves thirds of her sex are more or tea* subject. Prepared by Messrs Harper & Tiro's Publication*. The only article over offered to the Fiench people that DB. CHEESEMAN'SPUXS, prepare-l frow the game r and rend Dr. Fitch's observation)! on this subj'.^t. If loo Dlt. C. M. JACKSON h VO.t 1'hiladclphia, I';i. " 1). Appkton & Go's " the Chicago charter election on nnula which the inventor, COUN'Kl.lCS J.. CJtEESE- would CURL STRAIGHT HAIR! the itbove Toilft l) eaaeaoi the " Ticknor & Field's f successfully in an extended private practice—immediately article is now indispensable in his Toilet mom. RAZORS AN-D SHEARS, entire city ticket, by an ave'rage major- The subscribers feeling cmfMontthat thiyToik-t must HMneys, and ail dilseases arising hum a disordered " Gould & Liacohi's H ,'e. without pain, all disturbiincs of the periodical liiveror Stumach. . il jirsre. whether arising from relaxation-«r suppres- necessarily take the place of all others ever olVurcd to Lowest possible Cash price, J. J3. Jjippijjcott & Co's "• ity of one thousand, and eight of the ten the public, they take pleasure in expressing their co:-,!i- riuch a- (Ji.n.s:ip;i1ion. inw -:tr-l Piles. Fulness or Blood sion. They act like a chin 1:1 iDretnoWng the painathat NEURALGIA PLASTERS. GOLD PEISTS, ; Aldermen. Considerable of a change dence in the article, gaining it from practical u.se. to the Hea< , Ac «lif\ • i. Heart And furnish uU their Uijuk.s ;it Eastern prices for caMi. accompany difficult or immoderate menstruation, and burn, Disgust for Food, Puh • bt in the St< m that. * are the only safe and reliable rented/for Fianhes, Sick THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET I have received somo of the Dr. Hurd's Nroural?ia Non-Adhesive Plasters are the ach,Sour EruetatK)ns,Sinkin . ; ;n^ ;it the l'it Note J?apers, Letter Papers, and Cap Pa- Headache, Pains in the Lol&ft, Back ami Sides, Palpitation most pU'H.-ant and racOMsfu] roir)tj(lie.s CV-T jn-.-.-'i-il,.-\ of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried HIM! ; i pers, Blank Books, Pass Books, of the Hi as Tremors, Hysterics, Rpafipis, fbr tlnspiuniul ili«-i .'. The i -4ii't applies oae, goo© Instruments, Difflcull ' og at the Heart, Choking The fifteenth Michigan Regiment, Broken Sle^p iml other unpleasani - effects becomes drowsy, falls t sleep, and awake- free from pain, or Suffo< .• i: i are, i lim Andafl kimda of STATIONERY, at the lowest pu«M. of an unnatural condition of the sexual fuDcttofta In VERY BEST VIRGINIA PLUG and no blister or oth er unpleasant or iajuriou » coxue- String* If Hooks for Instruments, ness ol Vision, Dots oi wpbs before the sight, i\ \ ex and ^1. \li.ri by the 'KviD or case. There has been a rumor that the : •i-jirh ace ••' -y ainipleaadwisj, (juA'iii-es ensue. For EaracUe and Nervoui Ura-lache, Dull Fain in.the Head, Detleiency of Perspiration, Yd- the v/vti.l cases of Fluor Albus or Whites, they elTect a Tuis Ifair Toflet (ioea n u in ani planner interfere with Fifteenth Michigan Regiment was speedy cure. applv acoordtng to directions,and felief will (isurdlj fol* i ol tbeSkbiaztd EyeSj rain in the Si h>, Back, the Natural Softness of the Uajr, It neither scorches ij\ market, a]so low. Nothing can be obtained equal to I'r. Uurd's Com- 1 jjgft^t rangers and travelera vUiting Qhicago wiU Sn41 among the captured at the baUle of To WIVES and MATRONS- nordye.sit; but give.-* the hair a BvJft, thrifty appear- SIHI-EET MUSIC, -.;• J[.-;u, Burning ia it interesting to linger for an hour amid the inieruiiafcbJa* ance. It also prevents thw hnir frcjn fulling otl and areai for Neuralgja* 'lry them, They are entirely a It, Constrict i] • ' i'vil( and great De- piles of Iitt-ititure at 39 an-1 41 Lake Mr^cL. Pittsburg Landing. The following CHEESESCAJf'SPTLUSare '. aud KILLIKINICK, RESULT. ThrctmtltUiin referred U> it Pit KCNA NCY~ for which it is reeoir:iuendftd.. 0£f*For s)lcoatly ;iftl valuable Subwsrfptton \^'orhs, ty *ef the regiment. they teftifj thai the Napoleon Hair Toilet la the great- It is BO new and nnlfUa ;ulicle, bit one that has the remit, MISCARH1AGK. Such i> the trrtiUtau o-' Bfjautifler ever offered to the American pei pie. He would call particular atteutiou to bis large stock of any nubk> work ui>"i I , Utvrature, Sei tendency of the medicine torextors the scrnal functions to of stood the test of a twi rial be fore the Apuer- PITTSBURG LANDING, Tenn., ) To prevent thb» TotUej Ironi being oo'untorfeited OT im- and Spanish Smoking Tobacco What are Ifo People Doing ? ir;ui people,and its reputation and sale are unrivalled ^V't) Addross S. C.dKlGGS S CO: a normal condition, that even the reproductive 2'0tccr itated by unprincipled persons, we do not offer 'A l\n sale j.iinilar pti p Cant, 'J'lie testimony April 10, 18G2. \ of nature cannot resist it. at aoy Druggists in the Uulted State*. Therefore any .in by the most prominent and well-known SK i:j.,.\uaiBKH Explicit dirct'inns stating when, and Vfken they should Lridy or (initfeman who desiroy Soft, Luxuriant llaii" The American people arc intelligent enough to appro? r%Lysician8*and individuala In all parts of the country ia That there la no I ktian in thiaoi ig a bot- 200 BARRELS SMOKING! 1 1 T\ B. PHELPS, ESQ.—This is the first not be used, with each Box,—the Price Oue Dollar each iindCuilri. and Long, Soft Vfbiskerg or HouKtache, can ctate preparations Hint contribute wo much to tin' hap- of Gold, Stiver, Steel, and Plated, with iinnifu-i. , ;.iu! a car.lul pev«£al O? the Almumu , oub> ti'mr more extcosirensdortment Uifii ia al.vuja luuad time I had a chance of writing you Box, c-.dntaining 60 Pills. procure the Inviguiatm- or Toilet, either one,for on« piness of those using them, and thev want them, livery Itehed annually by the Propi tetorS, und to be had g ratifl at b9 aud Jl Lake aim t. A valuable 1'a uulilct, to be had free of the Agents. dollar euciosed ia a Uttwr, with th«ir a..ldro»u. Ad- mail brings us letters, lomu ordering the Tjreattse on tnot trat satisfy tlie most since I left Detroit. We arrived hero Pills sent by mail promptly, by enclosing price to any To be sold in Barrels I •me the Kouralgls I Las^ejv,and &o1 a few en- PERISCOPE GLASS, tkeptieal tluitth's remedy la really deserving the greai r.i:.MK.\IBKB-. Agent. Sold W I eral v. u. y. BPENY&ca. closing 37 cent* fof the Mouth wash to be sent by oij last Saturday evening and com- celebrity it has o-btiiued, • supplied'wim H1NIJS, Proprietor. Bux lt>3, ColFinsvillo, mail; bui to th< se we are compelled to reph that it is Riad tlic Kvlclcnco M n(.'Mi-dCo., Cmn. itpnossible to^end a half pint bottle by nya;l. The peo- a. i^perior article. A!so Huntington & Platt'e i Staadftfd WortcsbyS.C.G. ki'o. upon better meaced the big fight on Monday mor- 20 Ctdar-St., New York. And put up in pounds and half I Irms ebw to u pay Ireight For" Sale by MATNARD 8TEBBINS S WILSON, and And it villbe carefully senL by reLum mail. ple want these riMiicdies. * celeb). From J. Newtwi Brown 7). P., Editor of the Encyclopedia nmg. Ho doubt you have more par-GBENVILLE & HJLLEB. pound papers by the dozen, of Religious Knowledge. e t'-ra I.ikr.. ' II;!KT», ticulars by this time than we have here CALENDAR CLOCK! Although nptdfsposed to Fa,vi r or recommend Patent Bchulan in all dsputn : ; . i i, rteri, Suffice it to say that the enemy was Dissolution WHO WII^L SUPPLY THJSM 1 Medicines iu general, through distrust of their ingre- arc invited to make ; »an 1 41 Ui^c street their Bteoe of Important to Xadies, 50 Barrels Chewing, suitable for Offices, Counting rtobmB, Halls o* Dwellings. diestfl and efrects,Iyet knov lent reason why driven back on ^Monday evening after Dr. JOII.V JlAi:Vi:V, bavingr for upwards of twrrty TIllIK copartnership heretofore exfstfng between t'ic are reliable tipae 1-- a ii. a n may nat testily to the benefit he believes years devoted his professional time • telasivety to the J_ iindet'sigoed under the name :u>i ttyle oi MAV- /oombinod,and requite the grinding of the tim to have received fx*oia any simple preparation, in the S. C GRIGGS & CO,. two days of the hardest fighting' since NAUD, BTEBBINS & WIlfON, is this day din.' ulved by ntenta only, to .•• cui e all tl . ; V Ii.jlc.i3li , .ncru, treatmentof Female XDifficulties, ana having hope that h« may thus contribute to tho benefit of ; mutual consent. The business of the firm will be set P. S.—Any Farmers wishing night, ih^wing the daj of • ••• '» \" 41 lakeritreel, Cliicaou the commencement of the rebellion succeeded in ilinu-.aiid^ of Cftffes in restoring the afflicted others. s- 0, OH . ,. ., , to sound health, haj now entire confidence in i tied by W.8 Maynard and the Bookkeep r, Mr. w.,1- ol the month) includin the 29th ol F« > r iary • I do this the more readily in regard to "Hoofland"s K It is reported here that Corinth (dis- publicly bis 1;MT, [who will be found in the office Tor that; purpose) y*ar. 1; ' •• of r< cepl German I : l ack&on, of this or by the other memberscf t'.ie firm in their "absence CHANCE EOR AGENTS, New York anil (he niapufni tuters, and will be iold to 1 was prtyudi< i them i'or years, TO LET. tant about twenty mileh) is taken by WILLIAM S IfAYN Tobacco Seed- "GRBAT AMERICAN REMEDY," suit the times. Persona having difficuH • that they were CIIIL-^V an alcuhol* HE BRICK HOI SKa«dBarn now ocou our troops with 1,2(K) prisoners, if J FRANK L. STEBB1NS with glasses can be accoraodated, a •; my Btoeb is large so I. HARVEY'S Shrewd agents can cnaVe a small fortune in carrying ic nrfatfnre. 1 am indebted to ihyfriend Robert Sb^o*- T ]i:nil..ii-. Esq on , . , ,,,,, IKiAll ]i. WILSON. Can have some by calling at my and cMiij'h'U', MBelongtven ihjb I<1 of April. .think Llie rest of the fighting will be Ann Aibor, April 1,18B2 tkase articlw aronn-.l to Camtlles. The D*\TAL T^KASI-- P. S. Particular attention to the I ag&Buni to ti'.v lliftu, when sullrr- CHR0N0-THEBMAL FEMALE PILLS. ar in t]'c nciif-1 article lhav *^nan or woman <•..., .-,,, Also l ' and pooma in store. This seed pame from the Pa- i n..r.i debility. Th .only guerrilla warfare. Our Colone Which l:.iv never ys1 !';iiic>l (when the directions ry around, bepd ioi one, or, b»(ter, a dozen, wlii.ch vp let togood -i.MH.v i,i.. ;.,„ ,,-.;t. in;, have been Bt'rictly Followed,) in removing will sell, as uamujes, for ?T Agenj^ BiLpnljLed liberally •a, at the beginning of the lgiv«u. Incyiireof hurried us through and would notwai. NOTICE. tent Office. ofall kluda ofnne Watches, such ns - . id resto- difticai ti< I with Circulars. " t. 8. BI/RHOZ fit 8t. Louis lor transportation wagons, liming retired from Merci'iitile trairinesil it tiecome g and Setting new -fewol<, ration to a dtjrrei and mental vigor which I bad Ann ArBor M,i rch 25 . I consequently I am put to great trouble - Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, .lec.essary tbftt all nutes ;nn! accounts due (o Ihe hit I have received {he i dpaired iit in of Hayqardj Strbbius & W'iU)ontbeut}ttled without jfcfow is tl*c lime to go ink) Business 1 [#nd for or in rc&tnrin? the system to |.tti • .1(.n wif del.iy. Tlgjj.-furi-, all these ui'h u 1 i we havi * Pinioni, Staffs, and Cylinder*, Af*a SPECIAL NOTICE TO tof" teams to sund provisions to farinoug rirom SPINAI Amxnoxn, PEOIAPSCH I'TUH TJII- English Birds»Eye Smoking! dirt ctlujB ineto the use of them. J.XKWTg'N 1>KUWN. men. i am writing this in the bush \VniTKs,»«, Also ,uinP will please cull at once, Bettlc and pa} up, CLOCKS, & in all cases of Dmui i , JJ or put in sbape, tocome ai » fffven tlmo. to do good, and make a profit. Wo ;re Rpendiaj , iiat tho eminent Glass Manufacturer, JOHN GUST O 1 l V Ajiril 1st, H02. VV1LLUM K. .MAVNARI>. A new article in this market, thousands h* the benefli nf agents. New blnglamj nn D neatly repaired and'vftrianj^d, at b,U old stand east have but little time, as there is a TBEICH, PALPITATIONS, &C., fee, whicb are th« ruterunn. IAI, l.l.accouuti over si-\ months must be settlol at i 1 I .'' . of more lerious disease. 0t"U Th^te rills arc verfecth the tide at its flood. Add/ens side of Haiti Street. A :. orl i>a\- up ., to Jeave here wiih t,he woun hmmUeM on the constitution, c*rf may be taken by tl . U • J M ifl '•'• ridnd: |Ta*iu A .'ol.-r itook of \,-\v tioodii Cheap for NEW KIBM. South side Huron st, near Cook's Jong t&ne I oted with the virtues of thy Bal- ded of o.ur troops for Cairo in ft fejy 7no.-:/ deUeale femdle without causing distress; ttt the .-am The undersigned havisg this day formed a co-jiarfner. C. BLISS. Cash. tftac they ACT UKK A OB.^BM i \ ,- , .u-.lial in Cou .!\s, i I tnatioD of the BblD und'-r the name and style of Btebfeini k Wilson, Hotel, Sign of Ived Indian. Aun lrb»r, NOT. IS, 1861 820tf saitf MAVNARI1, STl'!>I']\-i .V uoure, and there is r.o inail to this tin^,aii'l renti>r»gl a he<liy conJit-on will be hnppy to see their friends and custoxaeca at Ihe be. I thus freely beaj: toa&mony to Its el placo. There is xiothjuj- to be seen but and by bringing on the monthly period with regularity old stind of Haynacd, Stebbina ."c Wilson, where llicv Wm. B. Hurd & Co., WASHTENAW MUTUAL i ilyeara i Uav# in'\«r been wiihout it in my no matter from what '--AW-- . m maj ariae will bereu'lj to furnish a fullaiid cojuplt^e ansonment family It alsoffiwdb me pleasure to state that 1 ho ?e XT 1 woods for many miles from hero, ex Tiit-v hli"uld, lidwt'Vfr, nof be taken during the firs I.I goods, fur less profit than ever bc/ujy, f r c;;*h and D the treatment of Bowel c Ann Arbor, March 20, '62. 84twG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY- Complaints. Thy iiwn\ 11 «pt a lot of steamers .on the river con.. three or four wonthfl of pregnancy, though safe ready pay e.vclnsiyely, Tribune Building?, New York. rilHBSKoretarj willlK tl Hotel,in the City cf other time, ai miscarriage would be the r«Ru)t, JOHN M. WSTTALL, tajniug ComrDinsary stores, and sick FRANK L, P _L Ann Arbor, mi ri)ur>d;iv of each tvpek;until further Fifth ftlo. 17, 18^8, • Sn-^-Lahuvt, 4th, riula. E M PIRE W A T E R ! Each box oo Lfe. Price OM Dollar, ant I'KIAH 13 Oval Picture Frames notice, ready to ri'ceiyonQ« "d wounded men. As I cannot say TVIIRQ dcsircil will be sen 1 by n.ii II pr«pai«j b^ any a/lver Ann Arbor. April lnt, lS^'i. Tiint remittances mav be mfl'lc with eonfldo^cb, W. U. KKNXY, Beor«< lues are f^ sale by all respectable Drufr- FOR w tited A^eai. on • eoeipi ol I he a • T.I. SIZES, STYLE? and PRICES just received and II. II. K Co. refer to tho Mayor cf Brooklyn; to G. OctoberfKd, VWi, tjii-ts ami deal*] s in Died'cliu ed States. Brit- 'tiwe we are destined for next, I can Kuld by DroggietsiD Ann Arbor, \\\ CKIKIMM, 1're-i'lint Firniers' and Citizen.--' B&olE, i ii i'i .-•< iu.-i'- ;t:n \\ < iiiuiir-,;ii 16 cents pee bottle-— lntor», ADD Aibov Mich. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral l< ii v CO, AnnAibir. GREAT. GREATER GREATEST k'» Notice. ul' Foliey, A] •PBINTING GREAT BARGAINS UOUACE WATERS QTATK OF i.il''ll!i;.'\, Countr .>.' WaiMen., .. iTATK OF UICIIIRAN County of Wuhlcvj BARGAINS EVER OFFERED . ^ 'J'liv- uu'lfi-imif.: Intving been appoiDted by the 11 ' AI .1 .1' • loll Ol till! I nl ML i- I |)U|| I "I Ibg I (> 333 Broadway, S e W York bateCuurtfo' wild Coui»iy, Commissioners i n-ceiv ai Hi.- I'robalel Bcs exantlne and Bdjufctiill claii Wool Growing. Publisher of Aluslc- nnvl Music JUookn 1859. 1859. Tlie Secrot.niy of the Vermont State OK ALL KINDS . Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. AND DRUB 1>' Agricultural Society, Daniel Needbam, Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Organs Org^n Acoordeonfl, Martin's celebra- in I) s annual report, has t!ie following re- Empire (boy will meet at the resilience *>f the uuwrtiigned, J«bu i>ii re.icfng un'l riling the pfilltirm oi marks upo:i the important subject of wool BOOK STORE ted undother Guitars, Violins, Kyan, iti thv township of N'oiu.tiiM, in f.;ii.| county : Thi.'ini!* KKaill , Gdi(uiiinliauof f snii1' ut n r-. thut Iu! T«nor Viols, Viollnoellos, •vforesaid, on R'lturday, tl:e fuarteenth day of Juue.aud • mnyy be licensed toeeil all the r.ghficlii^Jin, Deaeaaad, 1 ed at all. Should the rebellion not be Tremendous Stock of Watches! ••restc.l in >;ti*t estate, of tin pendency oi saJ KoUoe is trareby fftvon, Thai in pursuance o, an order petition and thi bearing thereof, by cauxing acopyoi ARGUS OFFICE. Instruments. granted to the oadarolg&i >;. I£xaoutor,of tha Kstate of suppressed within another year, as vory All of which he binds himselfto nell CBBAPBB than tb 01 let to be i>u. liKhed in the Michigan Ari?u* t likely it may uot be, very little of tho Shoot JVC xx S i C5, can be boutriit went of New York City*. «aid dtceascl, by Che Hoa Judge of Probate for tho newspaper printea and circulating in said Counu «f from nil the publishers in the V. 8., Bertlni's Buntin's, Open Face Cylinder Watches I rom $6 to $10County of WoVD^oair, on ttie twenty*ci.-iitli day ..f \V;i-|ir. niiw, lour Kuccs.-.sive woeks previous to aair) dj- cotton crop of 1861 will find its way to do do Lever do do & to 21Marcli A. I>. I^tj2, there will be sold at pirbllc randue, of hearing. aftd Mn-K'i-n SohOOlj Jiinlall kindfl Of lustrucUcn Books to tho hij[b'e«t bidder, at th« Bectb door of the Court : Hunting Case do do do 14 to 35 (A true copy.) THOMAS NINDE, Jadge of Probate. the market for tho next eighteen months; •i: 'u'.v ;is can be found in the Union for the above instanimonts; Oh^rcli HtnUo Honks; Music do do Cylinder do do 9 to 38House in tbe City of Ann Arbor in tho County ol and when we consider that the people elegantly bounds Uuslo paper, and |>U kinds of JIusic Gold Wiitelies from 20 to 150t ioa w in Bftid Stat«, on Eja-turdav the tw*§Dty (outth «tnrer»,» Kcw anfl Comploteal ;, of CELEBRATED mortgaggg e madey by William W. Anninaud Khna M. fabrics during the present high price of We want Money I New IMano.'i, •; ) Oia followiD ' i'.: crTbed Real Ertate |o wit: D WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL Situated En the Ton • - thfiald. in thia Coontj Anmn to Charles Moore, Delos Showerman, a cotton goods is much more economical; LAW &f MEDICAL JUUOK8, tus S:un-nn,.iated February 18th, A. D. 1857, At W761 SfiOOi *•-'•-•>, S'i"»o, and up to $8Q0. Sepoud AMEU'CAN WATCHES, of Wasbtenaw and ftate of Michigan, all thai c taia , y , 15, i dwi • *UiO; Now MelDdeons, $45 ' in th« office of Register of Deeds for the CountC y of that the million of men in the field wear Softool Books, which I will Mil Ur $35. Ev«ry Watch warranted to piece di ]»arrel of land known and designated as the iml will make $00, STft.SlOO, and up to $200; Second Hand MclodeonH WashtenawvMichigan,February -l-t. A. i>. IH;>7 »t» perform well, or the money refunded. Xurtli-wu.it tmartiT HI tho Houth-East quarter of: S«- and destroy, in weight, a third more of Miscellaneous Books, from $30 to 280; Alt\:' with five stops, S16Q, o'clock in the forenoon, in Liber 23 of mortgage* pan Clocks, tionthreo in township one South of Range Six East, ORDERS IN THE LINE OF «, $185 and $225; thirtc UlStopB, $250, $^7,'> und 3-V). and which mortgage, by writing, dated Junior clothing than in the peaceful avocations Blank Books, dan Joweiry, P!sfed Ware, containing Lbtty tCfcres, be the Barae more or less. $3on. fifteenetops,*820and IB76; A liberal discount •ilht, liO2, was aflfligncd oy said mortgagees to Aloni Fancy Goods, Gold Pens, FK1CK WJJJL Kxecutor. of life; that at the South all the carpets STATIONEHY! Great Sacrifices on Anything to Cl< rjmen, Chnrchee, Babbatb SobooJs, Sembiarie^i tindexaigoed; and the said assi^'auient thereof Musicalloetruments and Strings, Datefl, March 28th, ISC:;. | v,t i. recorded wa the safd day of its date at one and a luij Wall and Window Paper, lie) I. The Trade supplied at the usual trade Cutlery, .fee., have been cut up into blankets, and that o'clor-k in t't* afternoon, in the aaid Rejfister's ufijce Drawing anrl Mathematical Instruments. dJttountfl p.'id, in fact n vfttlety of every thing usually kept by Jew- in Liber 2S, of naortgageapage 733: Upon whichan^. very little of the worn out stock will bo rlusic, Juvenile Libiariv>, Kuvtlopea, Iuksand Owls. ' we have to obtain it, not excepting Tentlmoiilnljiof tlie Horace Waters Pianos elers con be bought Jor the uext ninety , tggpg p n^ g«g« UierfU l la claimelidd 'iw and unpai idd a i thhe datde of th|, Kttcl "" •* l':-!f«it, d&ys at \'iur supplied until peaca is restored—from AYBE'S notice the sum of nine hundred ninety three dulltn the fact (bat the South has uot even the PRINTING OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS OWN V RICES! aad thirty-three cents, and The further installment of John Howctt, of Carthacit. New York, who LM bad three hundred eighty-three and 33-100 dollars with ia. raw material to replenish with—the ouo of the BoraooWaton Pianos, wrttetas [bltovs;— Porsona buying anything at this well known natftb GOIJ) "A frisnd of mine irlsbMiBe topatfshase a piano tot terest from February 18th, last past, to beoome ducont- We cordially iDvit* rinbmo «t ran rely upon (jetting goods exactly as rep- year frum the fast named date, and no suit ur proceed. whole seceding States not producing ns And all other kinds of Pens and Pencils her. She likes tho t>nf( you hold me in Decurab !, orthemon*;y relunded. CaJlenrly and se- >arsaparilla • i\v have been in«titut4?d to recover the much wool as the State of Ohio alone; My piano Is becoming p-jpular m this plftCO, and f think I cure tbe best burgciua ever offered in thif City. AT THE MOST Window Cornice, ey ninl Fixture, can introduce one nr t'.vo more; they will ho more popo% FOR PUElFYHfG THE BLOOD. atow aid elalineddtte or any part tbereolr NotieiJi ALL CASH CUSTOMERS If it can be seen, that not only during the tai I D smy other mako. One wcrd in regard to Repairing : And fur tho speotiy cure of tho following complaints: therefore hereby given that by rlrVw jf-ft'poweria "We have two (%t" Stiffs' Pianoi in use in onrRcmi- saidmartgaM'oontajaed.in order to realize the aroouDt war, but at its close, when the million of We am prrpared to make any repairs online or con Scrofula aiifj Scvt-f«lo:»s A i- t t i« u-,,^noh now claimed an aforesaid due on said mortgago-tbMilh POCKET CUTLERY! to call and examine our Goods and Prices. Wo alwnar^, one of which has been severely tet tin Tumors, Vl««r*, Sovcs, Krv.ptiousy \ud everything pertaining to the trade, and more to mon V/.uchca, even to ma! inpo /*r the entire wutcb, er with Uw interest accruing from the date hereof im men in the army return to their former invite our fears'. • ••'.<' we caa iintify to their good quality and dura- Pinipfcs, P list tiles, l>tot*cll«0j iloii^j the costs of fbreclostire provided lor in ^aid mnrt"afft vhjobthey would iuvitc the attention bility."— Wood & flregory, M^nnt Cirrotl, Iff. if necessary. Repairing of Cloeka nnd Jewelry tie employments, discard thoir military USURI. AUO tbe manufactariDK of KINGS, BROOCTIt* Kluiutt. ami all tsU.ln l>iacasv», f ^ I J : 111 scllab public auction to the highest b'n REASONABLE RATES. of the country. "II, Waters. EH.—DHAB ;*IK: Having used oneof your '>-.:;:.\r.-;>, ic.L. i:-ti .lime, 1869, or aaytfiiuj deuireti, from CnHf«iri-i-i (.old on short no- the front d»»or of the Court Houee (tbe plarc of hf-Mii,' In conflicting our business, we ^h.iH past. I bajve fubu I it a very J. C. AYER & Co. QtfDts; I BMI it ay Outy to ac- clothing, and dress as they were wout, in Prompt Paying Customers tice. Enpruvine in R(litsbranche3Cxcenred -.vithjeat? the Circuit Court for VTaflMenaw Coun(y) in the citri done.so that no reasonable man, woman or child shall superior Instrument. AI.ONZO GKAY, knowlciigo what your Baitmparilla baa done ft>r me, broadcloth and doeskiiis, tho prise of ind any funlt. ne^e ftntldlflpstcn. Ann Arlj.ir, in said CO.UDty.0Q the ii8th day of Jun>, Principal flrcoktyn titilgkts Skminarf. Jluiin-, . 3orofotou»infection, I have eaflSred next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the premises in We poitfeaq facilities which will enable us to supply l(i to come and buy their supplies for tho Winter. To tlms* rhe Piano I received from yon continues to ./. J Cf WATTS. from it in various wajrs for vsm*. Bomeifmei it bunt sniil mortgage described, situate la Washteoaw County wool must continue above the average urstomers at the Ann Arbor, J«n. 28th!Pi59. . 7£4vr We have recently purchased a >hful ones that are afraid to call, we soy to them,tuk« isfnetion. 1 regard it as one of the best inst rument.s lathe out in Ulcers on my bftoa» aad arms; gometl to wit: All that certain tractor parcel of lant,, kttova price for the last five years. In time ot tuint'd inward -if1. dwtrMsed me at the stomach. Two Lowest Possible Figures. place." JjJGBB Iit CL&RKB, Charleston, Va. ;tn'l described us follows, to wit: The north -o:i»t qmj, war, the quality of wool is a matter of **Tlio Ifelodeon has safely arrived. I feel obliged to yon •:•> it bi-oko out on my head and covered my M mn ection number twenty (20) In township nuntbgr VTc propose to sell for READY PAY, at a small advance. fury our liberal discount." Rev. J. M. McCORMick, Important National Works, und <;UH with one wore, whtcti was pfttnt\il nnd loatlinomo fmir rtouth of range No. four (4) east t-xceptingaruJre- no small importance. Vermont has lim- Ve expect a profit on our goods, but beyond descriptions 1 til^• l mam medlchiesand stveral RtTGGrLES Tour Published by I). APPLETON ftCO. , nerving alwriyy from the '•) eraiion <>f this initrumeat 'Tin; piano was duly received. Itcame in excellent phyelclans, but without much relief from aoji thing. Jn about forty one and a half acrea from the south end ited herself to the production of the fuct, the disorder grow wor9o. At length J w*a uy-l fedthereof heretofore conveyed by fcphrafni Gilbert aod Dash Sales will Admit of Lowwithout longer waiting for higher priceif eome in, condition, and is very much admired by my numerous 346 AND 34S BROADWAY NEW YOKK ; finest wools. But tlie wool niost^u de- family* Accept my thanks for your promptness."— to read in t .c Gospel .Messotiger that you had prepared 7. (Hah Jenkins oy deed dated May 7th, 1850 (for Jescrip. FIGURES. ROBUEI GOOPBB, ll'drrrnham, Hradjacd Co. Pa. The following works are sent to Subscribers in any part jin alterative (Sarsapai iilaj. for 1 knew from your roputa^ tion of which see said deed,: AIJW excepting aud re- mand now, and bringing the hig'.iest prices, tion thut uny thing you inadu must bo goods I sent to f about three aen-.s ol said qunrier Kection hcr». Wo liave en#>jf. Kjri.!;v and CttARtBB A. D-UTA, Hided by a numerous :; off. My skin is now etour, and I know by my acres (>i tbenorth (;;^^t corner of ^iii'l quarter section production of a somewhat coarser staple, "The Horace Waters Pianosare known asamon^ the >rps of writers in all branches of Sciences, Art • ilutt tho disease Ins gone from my system. You heretofore soh) and deeded to John Hills, inakfic w dispatch, by mail or otherwise. very best We are enabled to speak of these instru- and hiieraturo. Thin •work Is being pvthti (bed In i boul : Uefltare tlml I fuel wlmt I am string wliwi I toll the amount of land hereby conveyed about and at the same time furnish richer and and have added the latest styles of Card ments with confidence, from personal knowledge of their IT) large octavo volumes,each containing 7&Otwo-column you, tluit I hold you to be one of the npofltle* of tho age, uincty four (94) acres be the same more or lees: Also The "FlMrmviHaoKHioicK," is i:i:';im ,. hy agood 'rrew,' exoelloni tone and iluvable quality.*'—N. Y. Evangelist. pages Vols. I., II., III., IV. V., VI., VII., VIII., ftL \ . aud lyiuaiu ever gratefully. YOUI S, Type, which enables us to print at such prices as will mike up all losses It is haruh granting and conveying herebj t > the -^'i parties of th« higher priced mutton for the market." I they will Jihv:iys be founJ oa the "qu:irter tleck," "We oaaj vpeafc at thje merits of the Horace Waters pi* are now ready, each containing noar 2.600orlginaJ arti AM'KK!) B.TABLET. oeccess:)iy to ouuiuc-iutoour Oooils,lj^r second part, tbeh heifS or a^igntJtaH the rights and r:i'\\ aud trilling to attend to all with pleasure, who will anof-frum personal knowledge, as bding the very finest pies. An additional volume will bo publi^lteU once in St. Anthony's Fire* Rose or Krvsipelus, privileges which said partjr of the first part mayhareoc avor them with a ciill. qual ty."—Christian Intelligencer. about three months. Tetter anil Salt Klttuin. Scald Hcncl, pO9«eSi> of raising water and fltiwiuR lands for uses *•<] Jj}3£ A daily union prayer meeting "The Horace Waters pianos are Dulltof the best and Price, in CIotH.jW; Sheep, $0.ft0; Half Russia, $-4.50 Ringivonst, Sore Eyes, DrOjJtfy. purposes of piopeiliug machinery for c:ill or for an/ NVITATION OAEDS, LJemcmber the "Empire Book Store." most thoroughly seasoned material. We have no doubt each. other purpose. has been commenced in Richmond, to We have Everything! that buyers can do as well, perhaps better, at this than at The New Amoiioan Oje\dpm^M is popular without be- Pr. JEobert M- Piftblc ffriUa from Salem, N. V., 12th JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. : any Othorao,HJB6 in the Union."—Advocate and Journal. iu^ auperfleial, ••Jaraed without betag pedantic, compre- Sept., 1859, that ho has cuu-d mi iitwtfi :ik- * ,i>,. ,,f ALQHZO CLARK, Assignee. supplicate tho Divine blessings upou the Waters' pianos and molodef'tis challenge comparison hensive but sufficiently detailed, free from personal pique Dropsy, which threatened to tQEBtitKte r»tally, by the WEDDING CARDS, Ann Arbor, Jla\-,18S0. :Jf K n WOOD. Att'v f»r Assignee. Confederacy and her soldiery in the A large assortment of .;ith the ELneet made'anywhere in tho country."—Home and part; prejudice, fresh ami yet accurate. It is a pei»yvering HSO of our SursaptirJlUtj aud attto a duuj^erouB Dated, March 20, 1S62. e*3td Journal- com[iIt.*te statement of all that is known upon every im- Malignant Erysipelas by large doses of the same; suys field. ANOTHER & AKRIVAL "Horace Waters* Piano Fortes are <>f fulT, rich and pnrtatit topic within the scope of human intelligence.— he curee the common Eruptions by it constantly. even tone,and powerful—M F. Musical Review. Every Important article in it ban been spe< laUy ratten Brouchocele, Cloftre or Swelled JVcclc. VISITING CARDS, CARPETING, CKOtKERY '-Our friends will find at Mr. Waters1 store iho very for its pages by men who are authorities upon tlie tcjiic Zebnlon Sloan of PtQf-ptCt, '1'- lfl*j irrftea : **TI Mortgage Sale. Great Reduction in the Price of AT THE AND best assortment of Music and of Pianos to be found in on which they speak. They are required to bring the ties <>f your Sar.-;ip;trilht cueed me lioni u Goitre — a bid- EFAULT baring beer, made in the condition of» , ,i Btates.and w< urge our southern and western snt. lit up to the present moment; tostateju»t how it eous swelling on tho neck) niiioli I iiad suffered from D mortgage mv.-]e by William \V. Annin and Elms M, DRY GOODS, over two years." BUSINESS CARDS, &c. friandB to g«M bin a oall whenever they go to New stands now. All the statistical information is Crom the A tin; n to VViuiana li. Bartlett under tbe name *• nd stjl* SINGER Sc CO/S York/"—Qtaham'* Magazine. latest reports; the geographical accounts keep pace with I»eucoirliorn or AVliUes, Ovnrlnn Tumor, of William Hartlett, dated August 23d, A. D. 1S56, n- RELIABLE MEDIINES, Hie latest explorations; historical matters include the Utei'iuc L'lccrutiuik, I'Vnmli-. Diseases. iber5th, A.B. ]S56,at one o'clock, P.M., Standard Machines. freshestjuffl vtewa; thebiographloal noticesodsak not Dr. J. II. S. diannlDg, of New \<»rk City, writes ; " I in Ufe dffice of Register of l eedtfj for Washtenaw Coun- GEOEEIES, Warehouse 333 Broadway^ N. Y.only of the dead but ali>o of tho living. It is a library most cheerfully comply with tho requestor your agent in ty. Hiehtgan, In Liber 23 of mortgages, page 117;»n4 IVtU knotcn Io be the Best for Man- of tBAlf ;i--:: ucd by said mortgage e to the undersigned, AIODM ufacturing Purpose*. EMPORIUM!! layfDgl have found your Sarsiip.-irilln ;i most irxct-llvut PAINTS, SabbathS"chool Bell, A!IR1DGE3IEXT OF THE DEBATES OF alterative in the numerous eoinplafata for whirl) wo Clark! by wrl ing,d«t€d December 18th, A. D. l$61f*u4 No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, for- ii the neatest stylos, and as cheap ns anyIP Si CE 1ST 12C CONGRESS Betog a Political History of tbe United employ anch a remedy, bnt rmieclally hi Ihtuile Diseases recorded March jMth, A. l>. 1863, at eight o'clock iu th* >ther hou9e in the State. We arc also pre- OILS, 100,000 Is9ced in ten Months. Statoa, from the organization of th<> first Pederal Con« of the BobniToUji dlnthenlg. I have cured many Inr, tw- fore, noon Io said Register's office io Liber 23 of mori- merly sold at $'J0, reduced to §70. lared to print MAIN STREET. ereaa in 178^ to 1856. Edltedand compiled by Hon. TBO, Kte caaes of Loucorrhoea by it, and wme uhero th« com- gages; page 117, upon which mortgage there is claimed ITAT«, Tlie unprecedented sale of this book has induced the HART iii:.vT<)N',(rnin the Official Eteoorda of Congress. plaint wsW caused by utoeraUon of the ulents. The ulcer- due and unpaid at the dat« of this notice the sum o( No. 2, of samo kind of Machine, for publisher to add some 30 new tonesand hymns to its pres* ution Itself WftfiBOon ctuvd. Nothing within my knowl- One hundred and fifty )ne dollars and sixty cents,and CAPS, ent si?*, without extra charge, except on the cheap edi- The work will be completed in 15 royal octavo volumes edge equals it for these female derangements," no suit or proceeding at law having been iustitutetl (or merly sold at 8100, reduced to 875. tion- Amoug Ujemauy beftutiful tunes and byrons added of 760 pages each, 11 of which "are now ready. Anad> Edward 8. Marrow, of Newbnry, Aln., writes. "A dan- the recovery of sai-! debt secured by sain mortgage or BOOTS, may be found:—"I ought to love my mother;" "Om ditional volume will be published once in three months. gerous ovarian tumor on one of the females in my family, any part thereof' N( tlce therefore is hereby given thai SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE SHOES be a noo.l child, indeed I will." These and eight others Cloth/ IS; Law Sheep, $3.50- Half Mor.. $4; Hali which had defied all iho remedies we could employ, has on the £8th day of .tune next, ;it two o'clock in tht if- POSTERS, HANDBILLS, Calf, $4.50 each. la tbe best Machine in the world for Family Sewing and lasjust returned from the Eastern Citic.i, with a largi from the Bell, wore sung at the Sunday School Anniver. at leDgtti been completely cured \-y your Extract o'fSar- ternoon by virtue of a power contained in wiid moit- Light Manufacturing Purposes : (with Hemmcr,) and aud desirable stock of YANKEE NOTIONS. Ban Of the M. K. Church at the Academy of Music, with A WAV OF riuxt I.TN'I; Tin- CYCLOTM: DIA ORHEBATKS saparlUAi Onr pliyeteiaa thought noililnglml extirpa- Rflge in order to realise the sum of money new beautifully ornamented $5U. great applause. The Bsll contains nearl/200 tan Form a club of four, and remit the priceor?ourbooks, tion could afford relief, but he advised the trial of 3'OiiiB due as alcuvsaid on said mortgage together with Sarsnparllia :>s (lie last resort before cutting, and it (The N'os. ] and 2 Machines are of great capacity and • FALL AND WINTER &c, &c,, &c. iivmnM.aud is one or tlie best colteotions ever issued. and five copies will be BOnt at the remitter's expense for interest accruing and costs of foreclosure pr«j^ier hundred, postage 4c Elegantly bound, carriage; or for ten subscribers, eleven copies will bt» Actual' After taklogyour remedy eight weeks for in said m< r'gage, i shall sMI at public auction application for manufacturing purposes, BLANKS, no symptom of tho dlseiuce remains." Our No. 3 Machines are especially adapted to all kinds embossed gilt, '25c, $20 per 100 It has been introduced scut at our expense for carriage. to thvhigtiest bi,l.lfi-;if ?!io front door of t..e OcU*t of Ughi and hcivv Leather -Vork, in Carriage Triiu Into many of the Public Sol..>ls. jSyjiliilis nik«l Alefcnrlai Olscane. Rouoe (the pla^e of holding the Circuit Court lor Wish tafog, Boot and Shoe Making, HorneM Making,etc, etc. The :ei is published in small number* entitled A nm- To Agruta. NKW ORLEANS, 25tb Anguti^ 18S9. tenaw County) m the city «»f Ann Arbor in said county, They are of extra size, and with an arm Long enough to DILL HEADS; rersary and Sunday School Music Books, Nos. 1,2, 3, & No other work will so liberally reward the exertion* Tin. J. C AYEU : Sir, I cheerfully comply with tho re- the pi emises in jsaid mortgage described, riz™ AlltM rkich ho is now offering at unusually of ygents. AN A<;V:M WANTED IN THIS Coi'STY Terms certain tr.u-t or'parcel of land known and de»c-ibt-d « take under it and stitch the largest >ize dashes. There (715tO MAYNA1U), STKBBIXS i WILSO 4, in (>rder to accommodate the million; price $'2 & $3 per quest of your agent, und report to you some of the eflects is scarcely any part of a Trimmers' Stitching thut cannot hundred No. 5 will soon be issued—commencement of made known on application to the Publishers. 1 have realized with your Sarpaparllla. follows, tciuit. Situated in the township of HniJgewv he better done with them than by hand ; so, too, the CIRCULARS, PRICES! another book. Also, Revival Music Boots,Ho. 1 it2, Ann Arbor, March, 1S59. 6002aait I have cured with it, in my practice, most of tho com- ter, in the county of Waabtenaw an 1 ^tate of Michigan, taring of time ami labor is Y«ry great. The table of prlw SI & »2 per 100. postage lc. 5Iore thaa 300,000 -^(3$. Bev. THQA. WILIGHT, agent-at Kinne & Smiths plaint* for which it tarecommended , find have ftmndit sknown as being a part ofthe north east'quarter of tee- Among bis Assortment may be found these machines is 24 inches long, and the shuttle will copies of the above books have been issued.the bast Book Store, Ypsilanti. effects truly wonderful in tlie <"u»e of Vhterattoiid Mr.r- Hon Qiilrtl i t tvrenty, in township number four mjufli si hold six times the usual quant.ty(«f thread. The large eighteen months, and the demand is rapidly increasing. curial Diseast* One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers range number four east ; beginning vouih ont- desrw machine works as fast M snail ones. Published br in his throat, which were consuming bis pnlate and tho anfl thirty minutes ea-^t tm chains and n!attv links from • ^PAMPHLETS &c, BROADCLOTHS, quarter post in north Hne of said tfestion, tw«nty si * Wo would ask for our Letter A Machines, the spe- HORACE WATER?, Agent, Blackwood's Magazine top of his mouth. Your SarsSpai'llIo, Rteadily taken, cured him iu live weeks. Another was ftUftcked by sec- certain rellow oak tree, Ynnnhtg tbcaee along qua M cial attention of Vest Makers and Dress Makers, and all CASS1MERES, SCHOFF & MILLER 333 Broadway, N. if. AND THE ondnr.v symptoms in his nose, and tfie nlcernlion hud section Hne south one degree .ami 11; rrtv minutuh uti tliose who want Machines for light manufacturing pur. DOESKINS, & \UF. STILL ON HAND at their old Stand, eaten away a considerable part of it, BO that 1 btlieve tho nineteen cbains and Marty-eight links io a wUie/* poses. They embody the pvMcii'les of the standard British Reviews. dlttorder would s(X>it reacli his brain mul kftl him. lint it i which a \ell«'W onk tiep War* nwlh machine?, making like them, the interlocked sitch, and VESTINGS, A yielded to oiy administration of yonr Snrsaparilla; the thirty-three aud one ball' degrees oa«t fifty fivetufe, are destined to be nseoW'mitod f©t FAMILY SEWING ard &}\ Joscriptions, enpt'cially for Publised by Horace Waters ulcere healed, and he U well again, not of course without thei •••• '.•' ••!; BCV< ntj ninfl d^rt-e.^ and thirty minuti-i light manufaotoring purposes as (our standard ma- some disligiinilioti to his taoe. A woman who had been east B»< • filty liuLs t" a yellow eab tre( chines are for iQanutaeloriBg parpoma in general. GREAT IXDUCESENT'-SIWRIBE! No. 2, Franklin Block, No. 333 Broadway, New York. treated for tho saute disorder by inerenry was suffiiitng marked, (hener north tea rtpgrcwi,wt'i»l ninety -five Ma \\\- hay* always on hand, LNUfiaiK) (;.\IH;ES,PILK TWIST FALL AND "WINTER WEAR ! with the most complete assortment of PREMIUMS and REDUCTIONS. from this poiseu in lier bouee. They bad becoin- l.c, thence north Kixty nine •.•..•>- east niw USKS AND COTTON TUKEAD, ON SPOOLS, BUST 1UCBWI OIL in Vocal, "Kind Words can never die;" "The Angels told eitive to tho wefttlier that on a dninp dny.flbe KUiTered ex- me so;" "Wilds of the Wrst;" "Thoughts oi k SOOTT * CO., NEW YORK, continue to publUb the chains and sixty-two li"l<- t<"> a fltafee, thence north lif* bottles, etc, ftfte* THE rhich lie is cutting and making to order, in the latest am" cruciating pain in her ji>inLs and bouos. She, too, was torn degre>« west seven ••U:r.n-' anri fifty links t-* ;< c«- '•On., :in'buck nay Mountain Homa;" "Day Oreaws;" f;;llowin» leading British PerodlcaJs, vi/; cured enilroly byyfitfr .-;u,-; j.:iiiil:i In alow weeks. I We manufacture our own Needles, and would warn all icst styles, together with a superior assortment of Books and Stationery7 ( tain thorn tree or buj*li tit&v 'ii j on T i J * i-a:iruti>ry-must be a gWat PERFUMERIES, er (if fehee; ''I'm leaving thee in Sorrow;" "Bird of 9 : consequently^ thtue truly remarkable results shore of said p ndj at high wat»*r maik, to place of be- quality at bJghec priew than wu ebarvt for the best. READY MADE CLOTHING7 ginning, conta.ii nacres an3 three tenth* oi The needles sold by us are manufactured MpecJalljT fOJ •Home of our birthj" "ttravc of Rosabel,'and THEtDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). witli it baye not sui^pttetd aie. •Wake, lady, wake..1 price 25c eaah,' ot Uuod. The above described courses are «ti- our ma. bfoefl. A bad ?iecd/c may render tht best machine TRUNKS CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, and FANCY GOODS, FjoaUrually yours, G. V. LARIMER, M. D. mated from ti allowance being mHdcof two almost useless. ' iNsnu-iiKNTAT,—' 'l'alace Garden, or Finding Bird lift: NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Cnnrou). i -10c; "Swinging Sehottisehe;" "Mirabel Schot- degrees tor vajialion of needle June, A. D.lrtSl. Our eostonwra way ml Mil und thtftal? our KraneL 4 tatlsm, Clout. Llv«r Complaint. BOOK BINDERY tiseh;" 'Thomas Maker's Sehottisehe;" "l'iceiiloinini ALONZO CLARK, AwigaM. Offices are I'urnishcil with the •' genuine acttsto " ImntPENtfENCC, i • I .. Vh., f!h,!i:lv, 18S^ Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, Polka, 35 oenta e»eh. The aho»epieoeshaTeb«autlful THE WI^TMINSTKR REVIKW (Liberal) K B ^ooi.Att'y for Assignee. In case of smallpurchase*, the muiiey may be sent in l PR. 3.C. AYfcR: 6lr,l bavo bout) uflBctod with a i .•ir:- Vignettes ' Welmer Polka;" "Arabian Wai cry March," Dated, March ^-4,1862. S4">1<1 postage stumps, or bank mjtam 5 fnl clironic Rheumatism for a long tiine, ubi•!: '., r !i.i•.-•.' publications unusually intereatiixg doritig j(5f Ail persons requiring information about Sewing r» is charge of a the forthcoming yoar. They will oucapy a middle lioalth so niiii'li that i an far butter than beibfo I wns TATS OF MICHIGAN, County ol1 Wafhtenaw.ss:— AN EMPORIUM OF FASHIOS, CORDS, Many of these pieces are played by Baker's celebrated attacked. I think it n woiuM-fcil jnedidno- J. FKEAM. Machines, tlteJt size, prices, working: capaciiii--. aud tne OKhi'St ra with great appirusp.jOJjp- Hailed (cm. Aground between the hastily written Dew*-it*»m* S At a session of the Probate ("curt for the Count; of best methods of purchasing, can obtain it by sending to large lot of Foreign Music at half price. speculationa(and ftjrfng rn«T>or8 <>f the daily Journal, Jules y. Getohell, of Sit. Louis, wr.tes>i " I have lx?cn Watthtenaw, holden at tbe Probate Office, in the Ct.r us, oi" any of our Branch Unices f<»r a copy of he subscril>er flatters himself, that hifilonff experience TASSELS, an I Ib • ponderous Tome of the future histm-inn, written oflllcted for yeuts w ith an ajfiaimnf Hit IMtfy whteb of Ana Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-fifth day <* f aud genera' BacceagtwiU enable bin) I order. The Horace Waters Pianos and Mftodeona, for depth, a to tbeae Periodicals that roaderu htust look for the fur Bfltae yeais (rout no othej cause, than (tartiflffalu tit t*f [n the matter of the Estate of Josiab R. ?loat, late of 769tf WK. only really Intollirible aii quality. Their makers have not the moans to do their "Weean speak of their merits from personal knowl- I 'Icti atioa, C'ai its ami lvvl\>li.i(iun of edge."— Christian Intelligencer. (lie lioncs. heirs at law of said 3ecAa«ed, ami all other persons inter- work noil. They are hid away in secret places, where iti TERMS. (Regular Prices ) eatod in said estate arc required to appear at a sertloBM would be impossible to have :it their command the prop- RECORDS, "Notbingat the Fair displayed greater excellence -"— A great variety- of cases have been reported to us where SANTA CLA US' LINE Per ann, L said Court, then to be hidden at tbe Probate Office, in AT mechanical appliances. It is only by doing a fcrcat Churchman. Torany oneof tho four Reviews, - - - $3 00 etiu-.-' i.-f tinM f'.irit!ii!:ii-ii' coinplninft have resnitctl from the City ot Ami Acbor, jo sai i County, and show c.»u«i business,and hnvin^Vxtt-nsive manufacturing establish- Waters' Pianos and Melodeons challengecornparisr-n For any two of the four Reviews*; • • - 5 00 the u.sn of this remeiiy, but OIIT tpaco hevewitl not admit if an) tbore be, why the prayer of the pttit.oaw that they can secure a thorn. Some "f them may be tumid In our American ments, that stood maehtnos oan be mrnie atmoderat- A. J. SUTHERLAND with the finest made anywhereln the country."—Bom* For any three of tbe'.our Reviews, - - - 7 CO should not be granted* prices. The best designed machines, BADLY MADE, are JOURNALS, Kor fill four of tbe Reviews, - - - - - 8 00 Almanac, whlofa thy etgerits belowluaned ftvs^tlei&att^to .hmrnal. , «•« furnish gratis to all who pall rartln.-m . And it is further Ordered, that Bflfd Petitioner gi« j always liable to get out of order, nnd are sure to cost ASremovedhis Gun Shoptothe Now Block-^n Uu- For Blaokwood'B Ufngasino, - 3 00 notice to the persona ititavrstt-d in said estate, *t tit considerable trouble and Biftiwy to keeu them in repaire Htonstreot.south of the Court llouse.ontnesocond Double Christmas Present ! Kor Blackwoodand one Review, - - - 5 00 Dj*S|iepsi«, Heart T>is;ense, Flfs, Epilep- pendency of s;ii 185S, at 10 o'clock, A. S:, T 4ftJ" Pctroit Office, 5S Woodward Avenue, (Merrill IN THE RIGHT PLACE. 4>f Consumptive Patients and rccoried in Liber 25 of Mortgages on page 02, s»io Clock.) 81 Hf the N'os of the same Periodicals for 18C0 will be furnished in ndvnmiMt Stages was duly assigned on tbe '/8th day of Octobpr, feoiOplete, without additional charge. of the Disease. A. D IBS8, hythe saidAlmondH. M. Pratt to SallyTrslt, BOOTS * SHOES Herrick's Sugar Coated Pills- Unlike the morj ephemeral Magazines of the day, which said assfs^nment was duly recorded at t(ie wan; M. ir. GOODRICH, This ia .t remedy hn universally knowr. tu surpass nny these Peiiodic&hi lose little by age. Hence, it fall J ear •aid lime and place of the recording of paid moitgagti THEUEST FAMILY Cu- other for tbe cure of throat und lung complaints, that it Agent, Ann Arbor. RULED TO ANY PATTERN of the Nos. for I860, may be regarded nearly an valuable on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at iw tfaarlto in the world, For CasIi, is useless here to publish the- evidence of its \ Irtufls. Its (hit., of this notice, tin- KUJP f.f three hundred an 1 t«» as for 1862. unrivalled excellence for coughs and coldn, and it? truly used twenty years ty ty DT« .lollars (M35^K)) principal.and seveniy-threettj Subscribers wishing also the Nos. for 3801, will be wonderful emes of pulmonary disease, have made it TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. iapplled at the following KXXKKMSLY LOW BATES. 63-100 dollars (*;a,IB) interest, Disking in «I1 the suujo" five millions of prison* known throughout tne cfTlmnd nations of the eaith. three huLdre.l and ninety-eight and 63-100 (iullvf, IO annually ; always give Few are the comimntlUes, or even families, among them ($398,03), am! no suit oi proci edlngsat law having t«« And Manufactured in BEST STYLE at Splendid Oflere for1860 , '61, & '62 who have not some personal experience of itaclfects — satisfaction , contain* instituted to reooTer the same, or any part thereof.— npHfc UNDERSIGNED, Hotel Proprietors in this city ol 09 Together. er>mo living trophy in t licit- midst of its victory over the Notice is hereby givedtthat by virtue of a 'power of »• • JL Ann Arbor, respectfully annwinee to the public, that io^ oothinpr injurious; Battle and dangerous disorders of tho throat and 1 units. contained therein, on Thursday, the 24th day of Arn>i BACH tt PIERSON F^r Blackwood's Magailna, the three year.s, S5 00 As all know the dreadful fatality of these disordi on and after the Dm day "of January, 1302, patronized by the prin- A. D. 1862, at tweree o'clock, noon, of m\i day, at tM New York Prices, Kor any one Review, - - ** " 5 00 as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we lit e iMilldirt'ctiODS wiiheach Any of the above works will aho be furnished to iVlw Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson; I'll. Ilil '< l> HI V.^-..^.'»'.^.»»-- T. -~ ' - ---.-;_ RTJBBEES! [XATTABfllt, LBOW Cor.VTY.) Subscribers for the v fit 1866-7, 8, and 0, FARRAXD, SIIKLKV & CO., Detroit or parcel of land situate in the township of MimehejWi BOUND IN ANY STYLE. KloridajJuly 17, I860. / County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, viz: Cem- AND TO At Oue Half tho KegularSubscr^tion SODyl ' J H. B^'feKlLLITmrelliog Agent. General Land Agency. T"Pn. ITitfinifK, Albany, N V.—My Dear DoctOi :—I mcnciii^ on the northwest corner of the south partol nrit« this toiDfotirtyou at tbe wondcrrui ©fleet of your north west fractional one quarter of section six, tona- PERSONS wanting fnrms,orresldenceft no rn the south csst corner Which ta bul little more than the price of the original D. L. WOOD & CO., as goodaitanyinthisOonnty.) Morcthan Heu'» good KipBoot8, from $1,50 to $3,00 Having tbe fullest confidence in ths judgment ol my «t tlie idea of Hard Times. at lands owned by ThomaaGumi """!"• "fth" rornton»i SO Dweling Houses friond, I obtained a snpplvof Hewn-fl,Barnes * Park, works for one year. All Work warranted to give entire its, Park Row, New York. On returning home. Tlie stock includes a choice lot cf A,swe Bhall never again be likely to offer such induce nthisOlty.fromtwo hundred to fourthousanddol lien's good Thick Boots, from 2,00 to 3,0(1 mentfl u those hora presented^ srseach:and ovar satisfaction. ,1 all othttj truntiniTt, and adinimstered your LADIES' DRESS GOODS, HAVE JUST OPENED A PUU, oneoaeb«iglit. Tlie Improvementfo ber foelings, Now is the time to Subscribe!! 3OO BUILDING LOTSI comploxioA, digest ion. etc., surprised ns'a|l. A rapid Men's good Calf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 GENTLEMAN'S CLOTHS, l:$** Remittances must, in. all c^nts, be w.:>do \\i conls. MEDICAL ADVICK given g*»ti», by tlia Acting Sur by sud mortgage or any part thereof, and tho sum'1' Herrick's Sugar Coated Pills nnrl Kieu> by tlieir full nanie, said mortgage will be foreclosed by • sale of the mort- money for them at liWES cmiiloj«il in Uu Dispensary, sent in seale.l lette gagnd premTtes, to-wit; "The Northwest quarter ™ i...j., UK. i,.B. HKKHICK, kCo. STOXES envelopes, free of ebarge. Two or thret stamps fo WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. 1HE above (lrm of Loomis & Tripp having pnrchasec GREAT INDUCEMENTS section No. twenty-three, in Township two.South M Ten Per Cent Interest, (Or More.) postage acceptable. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN BOUGH Albany, N. Y. the entire interest of the former compatv^ v ii range 9veEast, InScio,In ssifl county and Stato, «• 1 1 TOMB TABLES For any one wilting to load, I can at once invest on TON', Howard AMOOiatioj), No 2 S. Ninth St., l'hila continue tjie business at the eld stands, where th:> wW cesUng the East sixty aeres of land of said ,(uart« good oneneottberad abundam REAL ESTATE security dlhiP I5 Mens Fine French Calf Boots LfFK .;;, on the shortest notice, to ail all order.s in lh< • or.some parts thereof, at public veDdueatflw anysuniB of money and wee that the title antl securit; lino of TABLE TOPS, To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. Court-Housoin tlisclly of Ann Arbor, on the twentj are ALL KlQST. Pegged and Sewed. The Connecticut Mutual Life In- sixth day of April next, at noon. jj^- The borrower paving all expenaen, includinK ri Conway Fire Insurance Co., Castings and Machinery, Ac, Ac, ^?%^s%**J~ Ac, Ac, • ' LUTHER JAMES, Mortgage*. cording. E. W. MOKOAN, surance Company. In tho most workmanlila- mannor, nnil on ns libcra Thankful for past favors they will be ever K. IV. MOHOAS Att'y. . So pivo us a cnll before purchasing elsewhere, as wt or."* Ann Arbor, Oct. 7.18.19. 715tf Of Conway, Mass. Accumulated Capital, - $3,500,000. ;.-;i:r. as (myotharshop in iiK« State.Amoikff'the vari inalltholr varieticB.-iii'lina W0KBMAN1JKE manner Hated, Jan. SOlh, A. i'., 180i. W*W boun'l nut to be Dndortold. CT*B£PAiRUiQ DUSK ous artloleamanDfiictur&d by as, we \ d mumMitfl Raving bad considerable experience in the busmen: ready to show their Goods and by fair and Capital paid up, 8150.000 00 CM aJIORT NOTI€K..£8r ELLINS0BKUVBS for any amount not exceeding he flatters hiOGLBell that h« ^vi11 bo able to please ? W.MORGAN, Agent lor W $10,000 :cr the whole term of Life or for a term of all who may favor me with their on'.er*. Ilia price? TATE OI' SUCUIOAN-—Suit pending in the Circuit Assets (Cash), 269,963 years, on the most favorable terms. STEAM ENGINES liberal dealing hope to receive their full shore S Conri fur the County of Wasnteaair— In rhancerr. MOORE & LOOMIS r E Liabilities. N . \i. The Company is purely mutual and the policy of all kinds; Mill GearinR and Fixtures, wrought and Before Hon E.Lawrence, Circuit Judge at Cbambor*. Mutual T.i f> Insurance Company, New York. - 16,440 03 Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 820tf holdersgfttall the surplus over tueWKcteoat of insur- cast; all the varimis eas(i'- Accumulate'! Assut.s, - $5,350,000 ance H accomodjitM the Insured in Ih.e nett)ement of those wishing any thiae in my Hno are ros^oif-ilj of the public patrortnga. loriiy appearing to the underslgnWi the leading Life Insurance Company in tho U.S. thoir premium* ON LIFE POIJ0IE8, tf dastrad, by talcing Iloree Powers & Threshing Machines in/itedto call. D. U BATCHEtDjBiR. by affidavit, Unit th»defendant in tbl» cause, resides wrt D. C. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, of (his Stats, on motion of 1.. li. Noriis, Solicitor '<« Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company, New York, a ii'itf fur one Imlf the amount, bearing intoi-^st at six 0ltI —a fir.>t class sn/VCo.—terms reasonable. HE PEORIA MARINE & FIRE such as are at present, or have formerly been in use in Ann Arbor. May 20,1861. ® ('"Uiplniiiiint, it i- ordered that the said defendsW Secretary. President percent, per annum. iliis part of the State, as well as all tlie Various kinds ol West snle of pallia square. Ilnmboldi Fire Insurance Company, cause his apnearancoin this cause to be entered within New York. INSURANCE COMPANY. .'• work called for by (axineri^and Capital, with aliir»fp surplus, $200,000 T Dividends are Declared Annually! three months from the date of (his order. And It '« OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS. mechanics intliis seotiou of the country. Dissolution of Copartnership. rurtbci ordered, tLat within twenty -lays thecomplsnv I'eoria Marino & Fire Insurance Co., Feoria III. DIRECTORS. anrt ilncfl the;; now amount to nvrx per cent on the pre- Ann Arbor Dec. 1S61. ant cause (his or.Jj;r to be published in tho Michlr»» —hott- x No. 1 Fire Insurance Co's. 7O7tf mium MftU anil note, uml aro iaore&aiug they may be Notice h hereby given that the copartnership J 8.WHITNEY, L. 3ODMAN, W ELLIOTT Argus, ii newspaper published in said county, and tusi Capital, ... *600,000 Capital, - - - $500,000 applied *«> oaneel thonotex. ASA HOW T.AND.D C. McGILVRA Y.E.T). MORGAN of all the various patterns, up in gizesandprices, will be of tho undersigned under iho name of such publication bo continued in said newspaper) •' one of the nEAYIEST, 8AJT58T ami BEST Inaor»M« ^j>- Tin1 ntes «'i pveodumi areas low as anj other re- WASHTENTAW MUTUAL WAIT BKMENT, JOSIAII ALLIS A II BULLKN K-i-ti < ii-^antly on hand, got the most modern and ini- Benkfifl &. Abel, is dissolved. ice in each week for six weeks in succession, ra W.H. DICKINSON, W.T. CLAPp; D.C.ROGER3 C»'s. in tho U.S. Insures on reasonable term-,ami ;»1 KponftiUi.' f'i.inj,:itiv aiui the hirgc aceu«nulatcd fuu'l of provetl styles. All persons itidobl'd to said copartnership, that she causes copy of this order to f>o ]n*rsoiiriii.> yavs pay promptly. Tln-rc ll no better Fire Insuranc $3,500,000 Is Kccurely Ittyeated, ns may be seeu by refer- FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY- 1 Oval Picture Frames served on said defendant, at least Iwi-mla days bei" ' Company. iiiri- to the statement made according to law, on filei n Thankful for former patronage to the old firms,w owill ptot*e call at once and adjust the same nni[[sS»'cretary will be a( Cook's Hotel, in the City cf LL M7.ES, STYLES mid TRICES just received an Ann Arbor References: the time prescribed for his appea <•••• Dr, E. WELLS, L. JAMES. L. DODGE, Iho office ortbe County Clerk,at Ann Arbor .-%£ would solicit a continuance from <>1<1 friends, and a trial by cash or note. JL Ann Arbor, on Thursday of each wcek,unt.l further forxal« eheapat notbe, ready toreceiv e new members. Dated, March 3il, 1862. r. HWRiStGBr A KNOCHJAMES. CAPT. O.S. GOODRICH JAMES GOODWIN. Pres*. by all willing forany thing in our lino of busfnos.*. HIRAM J.BEAKES, GJ VR. t*nsLP8,Sefflr. 1 LOOMIS ft TRIPP. II. Ki-.NNY, Secretary. I.. Ii. Tfotxe, Circ«« Iff- ^CHOFP & MILLER'S. 0 SYLVESTER ABEL. Complafnant^s Siliciio^. bV3* J. W, KNIGHT, Agent. Ayer's Ague Cure*. ForparticnlartflrFT* JAMK8 C. WAT90K, Ann Arbor,May 15th, 1859. «07tf DM*d. March 15th. 1863. c Loberf&Sd, 1861, 824tf Ano Arbor, Miohigsn. Jfe?tl .Aytit fit Aon Arbor, Mich.