Annual Report 2006|2007
Rosa Luxemburg Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2006|2007 US_GB_engl.indd 1 12.02.2008 16:26:55 Uhr Rosa Luxemburg Next to Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg was the most important representative of left-wing socialist, antimilitaristic, and internationalist positions in the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) before 1918. She was a passionate and convincing critic of capitalism as well as anti-democratic and dicta- torial tendencies within the Bolsheviki. She confronted the compelling logic of economical laws and political strategies with the utopia of a new world. According to Luxemburg, this new world needed to be created in spite of widespread despair, deprivation of rights, cowardliness and the corruption of power. Born on March 5th, 1871, Rosa Luxemburg, a Polish Jew and participant in the Russian Revolution of 1905, was a co-founder of the Social Democratic Party in the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania. Rosa Luxemburg was a leading theorist of the German SPD’s left wing. She had a crucial role in the formation of the Spartacus League, the Independent Social-Democratic Party (USPD), and the German Communist Party (KPD) during World War I and the November Revolution. Her fate cannot be separated from the splitting in the German labor movement. Irreconcilable differences developed between the movement‘s different currents, leading to serious consequences. On January 15th, 1919, Rosa Luxemburg was murdered by the same circles of the militarist Volunteer Corps that later openly supported the National Socialists’ seizure of power. Impressively, Rosa Luxemburg combined political commitment, scientific analysis, and the quest for empowerment as a woman. She saw herself as being in conflict, fighting both on a scientific and political level and her everyday life was always essential to her.
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