Nutrient Requirements of Poultry and Nutritional Research
BOOK REVIEWS RECENSIONS DE LIVRES Control and Manipulation of The remaining bulk of the sium held in Edinburgh in 1984. Animal Growth. P.J. Buttery. chapters deal with hormonal control Readers familiar with this very suc- N.B. Haynes and D.B. Lindsay. of growth, with specific sections on cesful series are again presented Published by Butterworths, growth hormone, prostaglandins, with a change in format, and after London. 1986. 347 pages. Price insulin, glucocorticoids, 1-adrenergic the 1985 volume appears, future $125.00. agonists, and various hormone- plans are for only biennial meetings releasing factors. These chapters are and proceedings. This book is the proceedings of the somewhat diverse in approach, The opening and final chapters of long-established and successful some dealing with only biochemical the proceedings deal with nutrition yearly Easter School in Agricultural parameters, and others describing research past and future, and are of Science, from the University of animal function and performance. such a general nature as to seem out Nottingham, England. Over half of In general the reader is given a good of place in relation to the other the 20 chapters are concerned with overview, and current literature is technical papers. The remaining the relationship of endogenous and cited for further reading. In terms chapters seem to be arranged in no exogenous hormones and growth, of endogenous hormone manipula- particular order and the reader is and it is somewhat unfortunate that tion, the reader is provided with continually transferred back and the title does not reflect this topical some thoughts of future direction in forth from theoretical aspects of theme.
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