Downloaded from Brill.Com09/23/2021 05:22:32PM Via Free Access MANUSYA: Journal of Humanities Vol
"ONCE UPON A TIME" : SOME FLEETING SIDELIGHTS ON CONTEMPORARY WESTERN POETRY Reinhold Grimm1 number of new editions since it first Once upon a time, there were literary critics appeared, and has been translated into and historians in the West, i.e., in Europe over a dozen languages. In point of fact, and in North America, who prided many people, and for many years, came to themselves on being· able to subsume the regard Die Struktur der modernen Lyrik as a entire development of modern--and kind of poetic oracle, indeed as a veritable likewise, in those bygone years , ars poetica in terms of modernism and true contemporary--lyric poetry under a single contemporaneity. all-embracing rubric. Or, to be fair, if they didn't expressly advocate such a rubric, they What were--or are, for the volume is still in surely used and proclaimed an equally print, I believe--the basic ideas, the major ambitious, equally all-inclusive principle. tenets and theses, propagated by Hugo Perhaps the most important and most widely Friedrich?2 The answer, apparently known proponent of this approach and, as it complex, is clear and unequivocal turned out, both dictatorial and complacent nonetheless. First of all, modern poetry attitude was the eminent German scholar as conceived by Friedrich originated in Hugo Friedrich, who held the chair of France, with Charles Baudelaire's Les Romance Literatures at the University of Fleurs du mal ("The Flowers of Evil") of Freiburg im Breisgau. In 1956, Friedrich 1857 and, later on, with Arthur Rimbaud authored a rather slim albeit immensely and Stephane Mallarme in particular; influential volume entitled Die Struktur der modernen Lyrik ("The Structure of Modern moreover, it continued to manifest itself, Poetry") after having published impressive according to the German scholar, as an studies and monographs on Descartes and essentially French phenomenon although, by Dante, Montaigne and Calderon, among extension over the decades, also as a others.
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