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APOLLO 16 VOICE TRANSCRIPT PERTAINING to the GEOLOGY of the LANDING SITE - APOLLO 16 VOICE TRANSCRIPT Pertaining to the Geology of the Landing Site * * *: {( APOLLO 16 VOICE TRANSCRIPT PERTAINING TO THE GEOLOGY OF THE LANDING SITE - APOLLO 16 VOICE TRANSCRIPT Pertaining to the geology of the landIng site by N.G. Bai loey and G.E. Ulrich U.s. Geol:ogical Survey Branch of Astrogeology F]agstaff~ Arizona 1915 BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA II. Report No. f2. 3. Rec ip i e nt ts Accession No. SHEET USGS-GD-74-030 4. Tide and Subtitle 5. Report Date Apollo 16 Voice Transcript 1975 Pertaining to the Geology of the Landing Site 6. 1. Aueborfs ) 8. Performing Organization Re-pt. N. G. Bailey and G. E. Ulrich No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. U. S. Geological Survey Branch of Astrogeology 11. Contract/Grant No. 601 East Cedar Avenue Flagstaff, AZ 86001 12.. Sponsorin~ Organization Name and Address 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Same Final 14. 15. Supplementary Notes This is Apollo Voice Transcript Volume No. 5 of a series to be produced for the six manned lunar landings. 16. Abstracts This document is an edited record of the conversations between the Apollo 16 astro- nauts and mission control pertaining to the geology of the landing site. It contains all discussions and observations documenting the lunar landscape, its geologic characteristics, the rocks and soils collected, and the lunar surface photographic record along with supplementary remarks essential to the continuity of events during the mission. This transcript is derived from audio tapes and the NASA Technical Air-to-Ground Voice Transcription and includes time of transcription and, photograph and sample numbers. The report also includes a glossary, landing site map, and sample table. 17. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors Astrogeology 0302 Astronauts 0509 Lunar bases 2201 Lunar craters 0302 Lunar dust 0302 Lunar geology 0302 Lunar photography 0301, 1405 Lunar rock 0302 Lunar topography 0302 17b. Identifiers ZOpen-Ended Terms Apollo 16 03/B Astronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics 17c. COSATI Field/Group 22/A Space Technology, Astronautics 18. Availability Statement 19•. Security Class (This 21. No-.of Pages Releaseable to the public. Available from NTIS, Re~~~tfl <""IF En 323 Springfield, VA 22151 2U. Security Class (This 22. Price Page _. UNCLASSIFIED FORM NTlS·315 UO-70) CONTENTS Paqe Introduction ••• 2 Acknowledgments 2 Glossary of terms, abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols 3 Explanation of keywor-ding 6 Geologic condensation of the Apollo 16 voice transciipt 8 Descent and LM Window 8 ~... EVA I• 21 EVA Debriefing 81 EVA 2 Prebriefing • 87 EVA 2 • 91 Between EVA 2 and EVA 3 • 200 EVA 3 • 205 Pre Liftoff • 286 Transearth Coast 287 Separate communications between Command Module PUot and Mission Cont-rol •• 301 References ••••••••• 323 ILLUSTRATION Figure I. Apollo 16 landing site showing LM location and area traversed by astronauts during EVAs • •. 7 TABLE Table I. Apo! 10 16 sample listing ~cross-referenced to Apollo Elapsed Times 310 INTRODUCTION The Apollo 16 lunar module Orion landed in the Descartes region of the Moon on Apri I 21, 1972 to initiate the fifth manned exploration of the lunar surface. The Apollo 16 crew spent 20.2 hours in surface exploration and traversed approximately 27 km on the lunar roving vehicle. This document is an edl ted record of the conversat ions between astronauts John W. Young and Charles M. Duke on the lunar surface and EVA capcom Anthony W. England at Mission Control in Houston during the descent, landing, and 71 hours' of lunar stay time. It a lso contains -l and lnq site­ observations by command module pi lot Thomas K. Mattingly as wei I as remarks by al I three astronauts during the transearth phase of the mission. It Is a condensation hopefully- of al I the verbal data having geologic significance. All discussions and observations documenting the lunar landscape, its geologic characteristics, the rocks and soi Is collected, and the photographic record are retained along with the supplementary remarks essential to the continuity of events during the mission. We have de Ieted the words of mechanica I housekeep ing and eng i neeri ng data wh i Ie attempt ing not to lose' the personal and philosophical aspects of the exploration. The sources of this voice transcript are the complete audio and video tapes recorded during the EVAs and the Technical Air-to-Ground Voice Transcription prepared by NASA. The voice record is listed chronologically with each individual comment preceded by the day, hour, minute and second in Apollo Elapsed Time (AET) when the statement was made. Apollo Elapsed Time is the true mission-elapsed time after I Htoff from Cape Kennedy at 12:54 p.m, E.S.T. on Apri I 16, 1972. Figure I shows the landing site area that was described, sampled and photographed by the Apollo 16 crewmen.' ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The assistance of Apollo 16,astronaut John W. Young, and EVA cap-com Anthony W. England who reviewed their respective portions of the transcript is gratefully acknowledged. R. L. Sutton, U. S. Geological Survey, gave valuable, assistance with th& <sample and photo index-ing. The cover >: illustration and figure I were prepared by R. E. Sabala, U. S. Geological Survey. This report was duplicafed byJ. L. Remy, U. S. Geological Survey. Thanks are due to'Cyndee'Conditfor her able communication with the WYLBUR text-editing program on the National Institutes of Health Computer System which made possible the efficient editing and reproduction of the transcript. This project was supported by NASA Order No W13,672. 2 GLOSSARY OF TERMS, ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, AND SYMBOLS APOLLO 16 CREW CC Capsule Communicator (Anthony W. England during the EVAs, other astronauts during other time periods) CDR Commander (John W. Young) CMP Command Module Pi lot (Thomas K. Mattingly) LMP lunar Module Pi lot (Charles M. Duke) AET Apollo Elapsed Time - after launch from earth (days-hrs-mlns-secs) AlSEP Apollo lunar Surface Experiments Package BSlSS Buddy Secondary life Support System CCW Counter Clockwise CM Command Module, "Casper" Core Drive tUbe coring device for collecting soil samples CRE Cosmic Ray Experiment CSVC Core Sample Vacuum Container - for storage of chemically ultralclean drive tube sample DAC Data Acquisition Camera, 16 rom DOC Documented Sample - soil and/or rocks that are documented by photography before and after samp ling 001 Descent Orbit Insertion ETB Equipment Transfer Bag for transport of Items between lM hatch and lunar surface EVA Extravehicular Activity - astronaut activities on the lunar surface FS Map unit on the landing site geologic map HEOC Hasselblad Electric Data Camera 3 GLOSSARY CONT'D. HTC Hand Tool Carrier Land A Landing and Analysis display at Cape Kennedy LM Lunar Module, "Orion" LPM Lunar Port3ble Magnetometer LRL Lunar Receiving Laboratory LRV Lunar Roving Vehicle - "Rover" LSM Lunar Surface Magnetometer Mag/Mags Magazine/Magazines - photographic MESA Modularized Equipment Stowage Assembly - a storage area on the LM that contains science equipment NAV Navigation PAN Panorama of 70~mm photographs PHO Photo, photographic reference In transcript keywordlng PSE Passive Seismic Experiment RAKE Rake Sample - sample reference in transcript keywording RCU Remote'Control Unit RTG Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator SAMP Samp Ie refere~ce in ,tran,scrl pt keywordIng SCB Samp Ie CoI IectIon Bag SEQ Scientific Equipment Bay on the side of the L~n5r ~dule SESC Spec! a i Envi ronmenta I Samp Ie Container, SRC Sample Return Container, "Rock Box" SWC, Solar Wi nd Soiar-Wlnd Composition experiment 4 GLOSSARY CONT'D. Strut One of four 1egs on the LM PI us-Z Strut Forward leg on which the ladder is mounted Mi nus-Z Strut Rear leg of LM Plus-Y Strut Right leg of LM Mi nus-Y Strut Left leg of the LM TRENCH Trench Sample - sample reference in transcript keywori:Jing UV Ultraviolet we A fresh 40-m crater 600 m southwest of the LM *** Garbled or clipped transmission Deletions between statements of st~tements that are not geologically relevant Pause by speaker Interruption by another speaker, or abrupt termination of a recording (words) Explanation of words probably said that were garbled during transmission (words?) Explanation of words possibly said that were garbled during transmission 5 EXPLANATION OF KEYWORDING The purpose of the keywords enclosed in parentheses to the r'ight of the transcript is to inform the reader of either the phase of the mission (DESCENT, BETWEEN EVAs, etc.) during which the statements were made, or the particula't"'>'ocation or"sTation (LM',' ALSEP" I 'etc.) where the speaker was, or between which locations (LM-ALSEP, 1-2 etc.) the speaker was traversing. There are also separate sample (SAMP xxxxx) and photo (PHO xx xxxxx) keys to denote the particular samples and \' photos either being described or taken at that particular moment. Normally, where both sample and photo keys occur in the same line, the photo numbers arp c.ross-indexed 'tofhe sample numbers in that I ine. The occasional exceptions can be inferred from the context of the transcript -- AET 05 02 04 01 -- where the core bit sample number is not referenced to the photos that'the!LMP mentioned. Where remarks in the beginning of a statement were neither specifically nor generally about the samp ling or photography ment ioned Iater in the same statement, the 'keywo'rding was pIaced In the particular I ine containing the first mention of the referenced activities as with PHO 109 17828-36 in the statement made at 05 04 32 38. Because the taking of specific photos was not always mentioned, we have keyed al I photos known to show a sample or its location in"the first I ilie thatcontallis"sample keywordihg at the time the sample was collected. Photo keys placed in the "- - _" lines (where non-re I-E~Nan,ti'statenients 'are de Ieted ) show thew interval when those particular photos were taken even though not mentioned.
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