
Planktonic Consumers OCN 201 Lecture 5 Grieg Steward

Jean Marie Cavanihac http://forum.mikroscopia.com/index.php?showtopic=2503&mode=linearplus Consumer Types • Grazers Eat vegetation but typically do not kill it (Herbivore) • Predators Kill their prey (Herbivore or Carnivore, or Omnivore) • Parasites Intimate, prolonged interaction between two where one feeds on the other without killing it • Scavengers Consume things already dead • Decomposers Final degraders of organic compounds Large Grazers Examples Manatee grazing on grass urchin eating kelp


Other examples from video: crabs and marine iguana feeding on macroalgae Small but Abundant Pelagic Predators

• Find large grazers nearshore where and kelp grow, but… • Most primary production in the sea is by microscopic single- organisms • Therefore, most primary consumers in the are also microscopic! Predators


& Dinoflagellates Predators and

Most abundant predators! Flagellates &

Cyanobacteria & Protistan Predators (protozooplankton) • Flagellates (1-10 µm) • Ciliates (100 µm) • Amoeboid • (0.5 mm) silica (1 mm) shell

• No Mouth - Ingest particles mostly by phagocytosis. What do they eat? - -phytoplankton

• Digest particles in inside the cell (in some cases, outside the cell)

Phagocytosis Heterotrophic Ciliates Flagellates

1 µm

1 µm

Pseudobobo tremulans

Monosiga sp. Amoeboid

Radiolarians Silica skeleton Foraminifera Calcium carbonate shells Globigerinella

Bernd Walz


Robert Brons Planktonic Herbivores

• Crustaceans ✦ Copepods http://fishweb.ifas.ufl.edu/planktonweb/Cyclops.jpg ✦ Euphausiids (Krill)

Steven Haddock • ✦ salps ✦ larvaceans ✦ pyrosomes

Laurence Madin Tunicates: Salps

• Gelatinous • Pelagic • Often colonial • Major consumers of phytoplankton Tunicates: Larvaceans

• Small larva-like • Secretes a mucus mesh “house” • Uses tail to create feeding current • Catches food on filter Tunicates: Pyrosomes

Colonial pelagic John P. Hoover http://www.hawaiisfishes.com/inverts/tunicates/neattunicates.htm tunciates

Filter feeders known for their brilliant Parasites Leeches (Segmented Worms) just a couple of examples

Arthropods (isopod) J. L. Justine et al. 2012, Aquat. Biosyt. 8: 22

Photo by Ronald Englund ©HBS Scavengers Some fish, sharks, molluscs, crustaceans, etc.

Illustration by Michael Rothman Decomposers

Bacteria Fungi

Osmotrophic: not phagotrophic – Cannot ingest particles or cells Osmotrophs

Material is digested outside the cell by enzymes and small molecules are transported through protein channels in the membrane

Flagellum Zoom in on membrane Bacterial Cell (primary producers) (consumers) Phytoplankton Predators

Diatoms & Dinoflagellates Predators Symbiont Flagellates and Ciliates parasitic worms & Dissolved Organics isopods & Detritus

Flagellates & Coccolithophores

Decomposers Bacteria and Fungi

Scavengers hagfish & Picoeukaryotes amphipod