ISSN 1809-127X (online edition) © 2011 Check List and Authors Chec List Open Access | Freely available at Journal of lists and distribution pecies S

of Checklist of the (Insecta: : ) ists L of Paraguay including new records for six species Allen F. Sanborn [email protected] Barry University, Department of Biology, 11300 NE Second Avenue, Miami Shores, FL 33161-6695, USA. E-mail:

Abstract: Fidicina torresi Proarna dactyliophora Proarna praegracilis Dorisiana drewseni Ariasa nigrovittata A current checklist ofChonosia the Paraguayan crassipennis fauna is provided. The first records of Boulard and Martinelli, 1996, Berg, 1879, Berg, 1881, (Stål, 1854), Distant, 1905, and (Walker, 1858) for Paraguay are given. The new records increase the known cicada diversity 37.5% bringing the total number of cicada species reported in Paraguay to 22 species in 12 genera representing five tribes and three subfamilies of the family Cicadidae. There are currently no known endemic species.

Introduction geographical distribution of the species were collected Cicadas are large that draw attention to from the cicada bibliographies and more recent literature

et al. themselves through the production of calling songs. (Ruffinelli 1970; Boulard and Martinelli 1996; Martinelli These insects are often found in low population densities, and Zucchi 1997; De Santis 2007; Sanborn 2007a; generally do not cause significant agricultural damage, Results2007b; 2008; and Discussion2010a). collectionare highly efforts mobile and and remain are often undetermined difficult to catch. in various As a The cicada bibliographies and more current literature museumresult, cicadas collections are generally for extended taken periods as part of time of larger (e.g. new records below from specimens collected more New records for six additional species were found in the , provided reference to 16 species inhabiting Paraguay. describing the cicada fauna and providing new records of than 100 years ago). I have published several papers Listundetermined of new species material of the above institutions.

Thiscicadas series in various has been countries to provide in the New information World (Sanborn on the Fidicina torresi regional2001a, b; fauna 2006a, to b; assist 2007a, with b; 2008; further 2009; determinations 2010a, b). Boulard and Martinelli, 1996 (Subfamily , Tribe Fidicinini, Subtribe Fidicinina) continuationwhile simultaneously of these studies expanding describing the information new records on thefor Geographical distribution. The species has been biogeography of individual cicada species. This work is a reported previously from Argentina and Brazil (Boulard and Martinelli 1996; Sanborn 2008). Paraguay along with the first listing of species known for Specimens examined. PARAGUAY, Sapaucay, 06 – I – Materialsthe country. and Methods 1902, 140, Heidemann Col., Cornell Univ., Lot 536, Cornell U., Lot. 732, Sub. 184, Fidicina , L. (1 male, CUIC); ibidem, 26 – XII – 1901, 140/2, Fidicina tibicen, L.” (1 Specimens of six species representing new records for male, AFSC); ibidem, 20 – XII – 1901, ibidem, 06 – I – 1903, Paraguay were found among the undetermined cicadas Heidemann Col., Cornell Univ., Lot 536, Sub., Cornell U., or specimens sent to the author by Cornell University Lot. 732, Sub. 184 (1 female, AFSC); Puerto S. Pablo, II – (CUIC), the University of Connecticut (UCMS), Louisiana 1937, Lapchinoscy (2 males, 3 females, MCSN, 1 male, 1 photographsState of one Museum species (LSAM), that represented and the Museoa new record Civico Proarnafemale, AFSC). dactyliophora di Storia Naturale “Giacomo Doria” (MCSN). Additionally, Berg, 1879 (Subfamily Cicadinae, specimensfor Paraguay for were the sent new to records the author in the by Paul above Smith collections (Fauna Tribe Fidicinini, Subtribe Guyalnina) Paraguay and Para La Tierra). Deposition of voucher Geographical distribution. The specieset al. has previously been reported from Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, and and the author’s collection (AFSC) are listed with each Venezuela (Metcalf 1963a; De Santis 2007; Sanborn species. Records for other species inhabiting Paraguay 2007a; 2010a). were determined by searching the cicada bibliographies Specimen examined. PARAGUAY: Cordillera, Inst. Agro. (Metcalf 1963a, b, c; Duffels and van der Laan 1985) Nac., Caacupe: 17 – 20 – I – 1983, E.G. Riley Col. (1 female, and individual references can be found there. Data for LSAM). Check List | Volume 7 | Issue 4 | 2011 465 Sanborn | Cicadidae of Paraguay

Proarna praegracilis strepens Fidicina mannifera

Berg, 1881 (Subfamily Cicadinae, . The taxon (Fabricius, 1803) Tribe Fidicinini, Subtribe Guyalnina) ofhas Fidicina a tumultuous and their past new with respect Fidicinoides to its application. from what Geographical distribution. The species has previously Boulard and Martinelli (1996) separatedF. mannifera multiple in variousspecies been reported from Argentina and Bolivia (Metcalf 1963a). F. mannifera Specimens PARAGUAY, S. Bernardino, had previously been identified as XI – 1898, G. Boggiani Col. (1 male, 3 to females, MCSN, 1 thecollections. taxon now It may considered be that the to referencesbe F. torresi to by female, AFSC). P 14 de Mayo, G. Boggiani Col.,to X – 1896” Berg (1883) and Torres (1953) in Paraguay were actually (5 females, MCSN, 3 females, AFSC); P 14 de Mayo, G. F. mannifera . This is almost Boggiani Col., I – 1897” (1 female, MCSN); P 14 de Mayo, certainly the case with the Torres (1953)F. torresi reference that G. Boggiani Col., 1897 (1 female, MCSN); Laguna, X – 21 discusses an outbreak of in Puerto Bemberg, – 1978, K.L. Anderson Col. (1 female, UCMS); Laguna, X – collectedMisiones, F.which torresi is the type locality of (Boulard 17 – 1978, K.L. Anderson Col. (1 female, UCMS); Iparoma, and Martinelli 1996) and an area whereDorisiana I have personally semilata 21 – X – 1978, K.L. Anderson Col. (1 female, AFSC); ibidem, , and further supported by the specimen 23 – X – 1978 (6 females, UCMS, 4 females, AFSC); ibidem, fromTable 1. Encarnación above. Similarly, 26 – X – 1978 (5 females, UCMS, 1 female, AFSC). Dorisiana drewseni CICADIDAE Taxonomic Leach, list 1815 of cicadas currently reported to inhabit Paraguay. Cicadinae Latrielle, 1802 (Stål, 1854) (Subfamily Cicadinae, Zammarini Distant, 1905 Tribe Fidicinini, Subtribe Guyalnina) Zammara Geographical distribution. The species has previously Zammara tympanum Amyot and Audinet-Serville, 1843 been reported from Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil Fidicinini Distant, 1905 (Fabricius, 1803) (Metcalf 1963a; Ruffinelli 1970; Duffels and van der Laan Fidicinina Distant, 1905 1985). Fidicina Specimens examined. PARAGUAY, Puerto S. Pablo, II – Fidicina mannifera Amyot and Audinet-Serville, 1843 1937, Lapchinoscy (2 males, 2 females, MCSN, 1 male, 1 Fidicina torresi (Fabricius, 1803) Ariasafemale, nigrovittataAFSC). Fidicina vitellina Boulard and Martinelli, 1996 Guyalnina Boulard and Martinelli, 1996 Jacobi, 1904 Distant, 1905 (Subfamily Cicadinae, Proarna Tribe Fidicinini, Subtribe Guyalnina) Proarna dactyliophora Stål, 1864 Geographical distribution. The species has previously Proarna praegracilis Berg, 1879 been reported from Argentina, Bolivia, and Brazil (Metcalf Prasinosoma Berg, 1881 1963a). Prasinosoma heidemanni Torres, 1963 Specimens examined. PARAGUAY, Puerto S. Pablo, II – Dorisiana (Distant, 1905) 1937, Lapchinoscy (2 males, 4 females, MCSN, 1 male, 2 Dorisiana drewseni Metcalf, 1952 Chonosiafemales, AFSC). crassipennis Dorisiana semilata (Stål, 1854) Dorisiana viridis (Walker, 1850) (Walker,Chonosia 1858) crassipennis (Subfamily has Ariasa (Olivier, 1790) Tibicininae, Tribe Tettigadini) Ariasa nigrovittata Distant, 1905 Geographical distribution. Guyalna Distant, 1905 previously been reported from Argentina (Metcalf 1963c). Guyalna bonaerensis Boulard and Martinelli, 1996 Specimen examined. Photographs of a male from Hyantiini Distant, 1905 (Berg, 1879) the Departamento Boquerón, Parque Nacional Teniente Agripino Enciso, 3 – X – 2007 were sent to the author for Quesada gigas Distant, 1905 determination by Paul Smith. The specimen was released Cicadettinae Buckton, 1889 (Olivier, 1790) because the photographer lacked a permit to retain it for Carinetini Distant, 1905 a collection.The new records bring the reported cicada fauna of Carineta Carineta cingenda Amyot and Audinet-Serville, 1843 Carineta diardi Distant, 1883 listParaguay of species to 22 andspecies their in taxonomic 12 genera positionfrom five is tribes provided and Carineta fasciculata (Guérin-Méneville, 1829) three subfamilies of the family Cicadidae. The current Carineta maculosa (Germar, 1821) Carineta submarginata Torres, 1948 in Table 1. However, there are some species listed which Carineta viridicollis Walker, 1850 are questionable and it would be usefulZammara to have tympanum further Guaranisaria (Germar, 1830) verification of their existence in Paraguay. Z. Guaranisaria dissimilis Distant, 1905 strepensFor example, the references to Tibicininae Distant, 1905 Distant, 1905 (Fabricius,specimens 1803)of Z. strepens by Berg (1883) may actually represent Tettigadini Distant, 1905 Amyot and Audinet-Serville, 1843. I have identifiedZ. Chonosia strepens collected across the Paraná RiverZ. Chonosia crassipennis Distant, 1905 from Paraguay in Argentina and have seen specimens of Tibicinini Distant, 1905 tympanum (Walker, 1858) in collections that have been misidentified as Ahomana . There is no indication of where the specimens Ahomana neotropicalis Z. tympanum Z. Distant, 1905 were collected in Paraguay so it is difficult to determine Distant, 1905 if theyCheck represent List | Volume the 7 | Issue true 4 | 2011 or misidentified 466 Sanborn | Cicadidae of Paraguay

Martinelli, N.M. and R.A. Zucchi.Anais 1997. da Sociedade Cigarras (Hemiptera:Entomológica Cicadidae: do Brasil (Walker, 1850) has been reported fromDorisiana Costa Rica viridis to Tibicinidae) associadas ao cafeeiro: distribuição, hospedeiros e Argentina and includes several D. synonymized semilata species chave para as espécies. (Metcalf 1963a). Some species, such as D. semilata 26(1): 133-143. North Carolina Metcalf,State Z.P. College 1963a. Contribution General catalogue of the Homoptera, Fascicle VIII. were incorrectly synonymizedD. viridis to in the past. Cicadoidea. Part 1. Cicadidae. Section I. Tibiceninae. It may be that the specimens reported as 1502: i-vii, 1-585. may actually have been , another species I have Metcalf,North Z.P. Carolina 1963b. State General College catalogue Contribution of the Homoptera, Fascicle VIII. Cicadoidea. Part 1. Cicadidae. Section II. Gaeninae and Cicadinae. collected across the Paraná River from Paraguay in North 1502: Carolina 587-919. State College Argentina. Metcalf,Contribution Z.P. 1963c. General catalogue of the Homoptera, Fascicle Given that more than 100 species of cicadas inhabit VIII. Cicadoidea. Part 2. Tibicinidae. 1564: i-vi, 1-492. Acta Zoologica Sinica Argentina and Brazil, it is highly probably that the cicada Phillips, P.K. and A.F. Sanborn. 2007. Phytogeography influences fauna of Paraguay will continue to become moree.g. diverse biogeography of the Cicadidae. Publicación Tecnica, 53(3): serie Zoologica454-462. as additional specimens are collected. The association Ruffinelli,Agricola A. 1970. Contribución al conocimiento de los homópteros auquenorrincos del Uruguay. of cicadas to specific plant communities ( , Phillips :1-25. Florida Entomologist and Sanborn 2007) combined with the phytogeographic Sanborn, A.F. 2001a. A first contribution to a knowledge of the cicada regions shared by Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay suggests fauna of El Salvador (Homoptera: Cicadoidea). 84(3): 449-450. Florida Entomologist that more of the species found in Argentina and/or Brazil Sanborn, A.F. 2001b. Distribution of the cicadas (Homoptera: Cicadidae) will also eventually be found in Paraguay. In addition, of the Bahamas. 84(4): 651-652. Florida none of the cicada species currently known from Paraguay Sanborn,Entomologist A.F. 2006a. New records for the cicada fauna from four Central American countries (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea: Cicadidae). are endemic, being that 21 species are also being found in 89(1): 75-79.Southwestern Naturalist Argentina and/or Brazil and the final species also being Sanborn, A.F. 2006b. New records of cicadas from Mexico (Hemiptera: reported from Peru. There is still much to learn about the Cicadoidea: Cicadidae). 51(2): 255-257. Sanborn, A.F. 2007a. Additions to the cicada faunaZootaxa of Venezuela with the cicada fauna and biogeography within Paraguay as the description of a new species and checklist of the Venezuelan cicada providedmajority of (e.g. references to specimens inhabiting the country fauna (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea: Cicadidae). 1503:Zootaxa 21-32. are in summary works without specific localities being Sanborn, A.F. 2007b. New species, new records and checklist of cicadas from Mexico (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea: Cicadidae). 1651: , Berg 1883; Uhler 1903; Jacobi 1907). 1-42. Acknowledgments: Sanborn,Neotropical A.F. 2008. Entomology New records of Brazilian cicadas including the description of a new species (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea, Cicadidae). J. O’Donnell (UCMS), V. Bayless (LSAM), R. Hoebeck 37(6): 685-690.Mitteilungen aus dem Museum (CUIC), F. Penati and R. Poggi (MCSN), and P. Smith provided access Sanborn,für Naturkunde A.F. 2009. Checklist,in Berlin – new Deutsche species Entomologische and key to the Zeitschrift cicadas of Cuba to collections and specimens. D.H.B. Maccagnan and an anonymous (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea: Cicadidae). reviewer made suggestions to improve the manuscript. Literature Cited 59(1): Anales de 85-92. Journal of la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina Sanborn,Natural A.F. History 2010a. The cicadas of Colombia including new records and Berg, C. 1883. Addena et emendanda ad Hemiptera Argentina. the description of a new species (Hemiptera: Cicadidae). 16: 180-191. 44(25-28): 1577-1607. Studies on Neotropical Boulard, M. and N.M. Martinelli. 1996. Ecole Révision Practique des des Fidicinini; Hautes Sanborn,Fauna A.F. and 2010b. Environment New records and new species of Central American Etudes,noveau Travauxstatut de du la Laboratoire tribu, espèces Biologie connues et Evolution et nouvelles des espècesInsectes cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea: Cicadidae).Fidicina mannifera Hemipteroidea(, Cicadidae, Cicadinae). 45(2): 67-76. Revista del Museo de la Torres,Ciudad B.A. Eva1953. Peron, Estudio Nueva biologico Serie Tomo sobre VI, Seccion Zoologica Numero(Fab. 1803) 9: 11-81. y su importancia economica en la Argentina. De Santis, C.L., M.C. Medrano, A.F. Sanborn and P.G. Bolcatto. 2007. 44: MuseoCicádidos Provincial (Insecta: de Ciencias Hemiptera: Naturales Cicadidae) “Florentino del Museo Ameghino” Provincial Serie 285-296. Transactions of the Maryland Academy of Catálogode Ciencias Naturales “Florentino Ameghino” Santa Fe, Argentina. Uhler,Sciences P.R. 1903. Enumeration of the Cicadidae of Brazil in the collection Catalogue of the Cicadoidea of Mr. Herbert H. Smith. (Homoptera,No. 19: Auchenorhyncha) 1-19. 1956-1980 2: 1-17. Duffels, J.P. and P.A. van der Laan. 1985. . Dordrect: Dr. W. Junk Publishers. 414 p. (Series Entomologica: 34). Received: February 2011 Jacobi,Abhandlungen A. 1907. Homoptera und Berichte Andina. desDie ZikadenKoniglichen des kordillerengebietesZoologischen und Last Revised: June 2011 Anthropologisch-Enthnographischenvon Südamerika nach systematik Museums und Verbreitung. zu Dresden I. Cicadidae. Accepted: June 2011 Published online: July 2011 11: 1-28. Editorial responsibility: Matthew Smart

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