North & West

Operational Unit

Caithness General Hospital


Patient’s Handbook

Published April 2013


Dear Patient

Welcome to General Hospital (CGH). We understand that admission to hospital, and treatment, can be stressful. However, we will do our very best to make your stay as pleasant as possible.

We hope this booklet will help you during your stay in Caithness General Hospital, but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Nurse in Charge of your ward, or your Consultant.

Best wishes for your stay in hospital.

Mr Bob Silverwood Area Manager (North) North & West Operational Unit Health and Social Care Partnership Caithness General Hospital, Wick Tel: (01955) 880228

CAITHNESS GENERAL HOSPITAL aims to provide the highest standards of care and service for you

Our aim is to ensure that:  You are treated as an individual person, with privacy, dignity and respect  You receive clear explanations regarding your diagnosis and treatment  Wherever possible you will be given choices and be involved in making decisions about your health  Any information you give to our staff will be treated in strictest confidence  You can get as much information as you want about your condition, assisted by access to appropriate information held about you in your medical records  There are close links between people who provide your care  You have information to help you stay as healthy as possible  Any comments or complaints you make are treated fairly and quickly.

In return—please note that NHS Highland will not tolerate any act of aggression, verbal or physical, directed at any member of staff, be it


Welcome 2 Confidentiality / Notes for Patients 4 Getting to Hospital / On admission 5 What to bring and not to bring with you 6 Mobile Telephones / Communication Devices / Medicines 7 The Hospital Team / Smoking / Consent to Treatment 8 Enquiries about your progress 9 Hospital Chaplains / Church Services 9 Visitors Information 10/11 Infection Control Information 12 Facilities for parents of children in hospital 13 Overnight accommodation / Dining Room facilities 13 Meals / Hospital Shop / Mail / Television 14 Radio Remedy / League of Friends 15 Gifts and Donations / Fire Precautions / Social Security 16 Medical Records 17 Discharge 18 Quality 19 Patients Council 20 Comments, Compliments and Suggestions / Complaints 20 - 22 Useful addresses 23 - 25


All staff employed by NHS Highland are governed by the Scottish Patient Advice and Support Service (PASS) Government, Department of Health Code of Practice relating to all personal health information. PASS is a new independent service which is part of Scottish Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB). The Code of Confidentiality is based on the principles that information about the health and welfare of a patient PASS can assist with:

 is confidential in respect of the patient and to those providing that  Providing you with independent information, advice and support if patient with health care or directly concerned with the social you want to give feedback or comments, or raise concerns or welfare and after care of that patient. complaints, about your NHS care or treatment

 will only be disclosed in connection with the purposes of health  Understanding the NHS Complaints procedure care and social welfare to those who would be unable to provide effective treatment and care without the information.  Getting ready for and going to meetings with the NHS

 will not be disclosed to other persons without the consent of the  Writing letters and filling in forms patient except in certain specific circumstances.  Understanding your rights and responsibilities as a patient.

NOTES FOR PATIENTS Your local Citizens Advice Bureau contact details are:

Patients often talk to each other about confidential matters or 01847 894243 occasionally may overhear a conversation between another patient and a member of staff. In these circumstances, all patients are Wick 01955 605989 requested to observe the privacy of others and not repeat anything to any other person. There are also outreach offices in

In the course of your stay it may be necessary to have confidential Bettyhill 01641 521242 talks with medical, nursing or other staff. If you wish to have these talks in private, please inform a member of staff and appropriate Tongue 01847 611392 arrangements will be made.


Hospitals Patients normally arrange their own transport to hospital but if you do not feel fit enough to come to hospital by private or public transport Caithness General Hospital, Wick, KW1 5NS Tel: (01955) 605050 please contact Patient Transport Request on 0300 1231236 who may be able to arrange ambulance transport, if you meet the medical Town & County Hospital, Wick, KW1 5NQ Tel: (01955) 880389 criteria for the Ambulance service.

Dunbar Hospital, Thurso, KW14 7XE Tel: (01847) 893263 Alternatively you may wish to contact Caithness Rural Transport, telephone 01955 605588 between 9am - 2pm Monday to Friday, , , KW10 6SS Tel: (01408) 633157 as they operate a dial-a-ride transport service. Charges for this service apply. , , IV24 3AP Tel: (01863) 766211 Taxis and private cars can set you down at the main entrance to the hospital and parking is available for visitors.

National Health NHS 24 Helpline Due to shortage of space we request that cars are not parked in the Freephone 0800 22 44 88 car park for the duration of your stay in hospital. Please note, the Hospital will not accept responsibility for vehicles or belongings left in This provides basic information in the following areas:- the Hospital Grounds.

 Health Education Information  Information on Specific Illnesses/Conditions  Patients’ Rights ON ADMISSION TO CAITHNESS GENERAL HOSPITAL  Waiting Times  Primary Care Services (GP’s, dentists, pharmacists, opticians) You should report to the Receptionist, in the entrance foyer who will  Community Services direct you to the ward.  Hospital Services  GP Fundholding  Trusts  Care in the Community  Medicines

Confidentiality - callers are under no obligation to provide information, except when a written reply is asked for.


On admission to your Ward you will be given a bedside locker of your Rural General Hospitals Manager own in which to keep personal belongings. It should be noted that the Caithness General Hospital bedside locker is not lockable. WICK KW1 5NS Please bring with you: Tel: 01955 880221

 Any medicines you are taking (including oral contraception) Chief Executive  Nightwear including dressing gown, slippers, toiletries and NHS Highland underwear Assynt House Beechwood Business Park  Regularly used equipment (eg walking frame, stick etc) - contact the Nurse-in-Charge if you are in doubt IV2 3BW Tel: (01463) 717123  A small amount of money might be required for shops, newsagent facilities and hospital trolley telephone (see “Shops and Facilities” for more details) Feedback Team NHS Highland  Telephone numbers and addresses of relatives or close friends. PO BOX 5713 Inverness IV1 9AQ 01463 705997 Email:

WHAT NOT TO BRING WITH YOU The Health Service Commissioner Please do not bring any valuables or large amounts of money. If you 28 Thistle Street cannot avoid bringing valuables they should be handed to the Nurse in EDINBURGH Charge who will ensure that they are placed in safe custody and give EH2 1EN you a receipt. The hospital will not be held responsible for loss of, or Tel: (0131) 225 7465 damage to, your property unless an official receipt is obtained. You must produce the official receipt when you reclaim your property.


Use of Mobile telephones and communication devices are permitted in 2. A complaint can be submitted either within 6 months of the event designated areas only. Please ask a member of staff for advice on itself or 6 months of the complainant becoming aware of a cause usage. for complaint, provided (normally) that this is not more than 12 months after the event itself. You will receive an acknowledgement of your complaint within 3 working days. TELEPHONES 3. Your complaint will be thoroughly investigated and you will receive a written reply within 20 working days. If the investigation is Trolley telephones (coin operated—10p, 20p, 50p & £1 only) are taking longer than usual, a letter explaining the delay and available in all wards. indicating when the final response should be expected will be sent.

4. A leaflet “making a Complaint about the NHS” is available on the NHS website on MEDICINES The leaflet is also available in other languages and versions on the web site. Leaflets can also be obtained from the Feedback Team – It is important that you let the hospital staff know about the tablets and see overleaf. medicines you are taking, please take them and your repeat prescription information with you to hospital. It would also be useful if 5. If you need help with making your complaint, the Patient Advice you could obtain from your GP a list of the drugs you are taking and and Support Service (PASS) may be able to assist. any recent infections or inoculations you have had, with dates, as these may have some bearing on your treatment. You must also let See section on PASS - page 25 the Nurse in Charge know if there is anything to which you are known to be allergic, eg Penicillin, certain foods, adhesive dressings.

ROSEBANK WING and QUEEN ELIZABETH ASSESSMENT & REHABILITATION UNIT have a policy of using your own medication. A form of consent is signed by yourself and on discharge the Pharmacist issues your prescribed medication (own/new prescription, as appropriate).


MEDICAL STAFF Informal Complaints The Senior Hospital Doctors are known as Consultants. The Consultant will usually be assisted by other medical staff. If you are unhappy about the treatment or services you have received and wish to make a complaint please raise the matter with the staff The Senior Charge Nurse is responsible for the management of the member concerned, or with the person in charge of the ward or ward, and is assisted by other registered nurses, health care support department. She or he will do their best to resolve your concerns there workers and student nurses in training. They wear name badges and then. This is how most complaints are settled. If you are not giving their name and role. satisfied with the answer you receive, please ask to speak to a Senior Manager who will listen to your complaint and suggest a way of You may also meet a wide range of staff from other Departments, resolving it. essential to your care. They will also wear a badge advising of their name and role. Formal Complaints.

1. If you wish to speak to someone out with the ward or department SMOKING concerned, please contact:

Prior to admission , stopping smoking in good time, allows the various The Feedback Team poisons you absorb from tobacco smoke to clear from your blood as well as from your lungs and heart. NHS Highland

Please note that NHS Highland operates a No Smoking Policy PO Box 5713 within its grounds and premises.

Inverness IV1 (AQ

CONSENT TO TREATMENT Tel: 01463 705997

Your medical care is supervised by a Consultant. It is important that Fax: 01463 713844 you should understand the nature of any treatment or operation. This will be explained to you by a doctor and if you are to have an Email: [email protected] operation you will be asked to sign a consent form. In the case of young people under the age of 16 years, the consent of their parents or guardian will be requested.


The Patients Council was established in Caithness in April 2000. The It would be helpful if one member of your family or friends passes Council comprises of 14 volunteer members of the public and 3 news of your progress to others. Staff are instructed to give general representatives from NHS Highland information only when telephone enquiries are received and cannot give details of operations, diagnosis, etc. The Nurse in Charge can The aim of the Council is :- best deal with personal enquiries during visiting hours, where possible. If relatives wish to speak to the doctor they should ask the  to be involved in the design and organisation of patient services Nurse in Charge to arrange an appointment for them.

 to provide feedback from the community about services Direct Dial Numbers  to assist with audits Bignold Wing (Surgical) 01955 880311

 to act as a sounding board for new ideas Henderson Wing 01955 880331 (Maternity)  to generate ideas for further action. Queen Elizabeth Assess- 01955 880343 If you wish to contact us with your views and suggestions write to us ment & Rehabilitation Unit at: Rosebank Wing (Medical) 01955 880308 CGH Patients Council Caithness General Hospital Bankhead Road WICK HOSPITAL CHAPLAINS / CHURCH SERVICES KW1 5NS The Hospital Chaplains offer pastoral and spiritual care to all patients and their relatives. They visit the wards regularly and would be COMMENTS, COMPLIMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS, pleased to talk to you at any time during your stay in hospital. Please let the ward staff know if you, or your family, would like to see one of CONCERNS AND COMPLAINTS the Chaplains. The Chaplains provide a 24 hour service for patients of any faith or no faith. Leaflets are available regarding their services from members of staff. Comments, Compliments and Suggestions. Your own Minister/Priest can also be contacted if you wish a visit. If you would like to make a comment about our services, or suggest ways in which they could be improved, special forms are available in At Caithness General Hospital a short service is held each Sunday in every ward and department. Each form will be read by senior the Chapel at 2.15pm. Patients, staff, relatives and visitors are managers, who will do their best to act on your ideas. welcome to attend these services.


VISITING TIMES - Caithness General Hospital If your are not going home to your own address on discharge, please leave a forwarding address for mail. Rosebank Wing 2.30pm to 4.30pm 6.30pm to 8.00pm

QUALITY Bignold Wing 3.00pm to 5.00pm 6.30pm—8.00pm Questionnaires

Queen Elizabeth 3.00pm to 5.00pm From time to time you may be asked to complete a patient feedback Assessment & 6.00pm to 7.30pm form to assist in improving the quality of service provided. A relative Rehabilition Unit may complete the questionnaire for you if you are unable to do so.

Henderson Wing 3.00 to 5.00pm Please feel free to comment on any aspect of the services which you 6.30pm to 7.15pm (Fathers Only) have valued or you would like us to improve upon. It is our aim to 7.15pm to 8.00pm provide the highest standards of care to each and every patient. Comment and feedback forms are available in each ward and department.

Visitor Safety

 If children visit, they should not run about the ward area and should be supervised at all times to prevent accidents and ensure safety of the child.

 At times, visitors may be asked to leave a ward. If this happens, it may be for important reasons connected with the care of patients, or for other reasons to ensure everyone’s safety.


A letter will be sent to your doctor giving full details of your treatment Visits outside normal visiting hours may be arranged prior to the visit and subsequent follow up care if required. If you need to attend an at the discretion of the Nurse in Charge. At certain times visitors may Out Patient Clinic, a appointment will be made for you. Before you be asked to leave the bedside, eg during a Doctor’s round or at leave hospital: treatment times and meal times. Extended visiting hours may be arranged if a patient is very ill.  Arrangements for getting home are the responsibility of the patient or relative. Ambulances can be arranged for medical reasons, only on the recommendation of the doctor looking after you. If you foresee any problems please tell the Nurse In GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT VISITING Charge as soon as possible – possibly when you are admitted. PATIENTS IN HOSPITAL It is advisable that you plan how you will get home from hospital yourself prior to your discharge .  Only TWO visitors are allowed at your bedside at any one time.  Be sure to talk to the nurse responsible for your care about your discharge arrangements before you contact your family  Children may visit at the discretion of the Nurse in Charge and be or friends. under the supervision of an adult.

 You may be given a letter from the hospital doctor to give to  Your visitors will be expected to limit their visits to thirty minutes, your GP and if necessary a District Nurse. Please make sure as long visits and too many visitors are apt to tire patients, not just you deliver these within 24 hours if possible. yourself but others around you.

 You will be given instructions about treatment and / or  In exceptional circumstances, wards may be closed to ALL medication that you may need to continue when you go home. visitors. This is to ensure safety of both patients and visitors where there is a risk of spread of infection.  If you need to take any medicines at home you will normally be given 28 days supply. If you brought medicines into hospital Please advise your friends not to visit if they are suffering from these will be returned to you, but you should only take what is coughs, colds, influenza, diarrhoea or any infectious illness. prescribed by your hospital doctor. Please allow time for your discharge prescription to be prepared as this may take some time.


For the purpose of your present and future medical treatment ,details Hand Hygiene of your medical care will be recorded and some may be processed on computer. At all times great care is taken to ensure that high  Hand hygiene is the most simple and effective way to prevent standards of confidentiality are maintained in respect of all information infection. People who are unwell may be more likely to catch held. infections. Hand washing and alcohol gel must be used to clean hands. You will find alcohol gel for you to use near each wash basin and at the entrance to all wards and departments. If you cannot find gel, or if a gel dispenser is empty, please tell MEDICAL RECORDS a member of our staff  All patients and visitors must use the alcohol gel on entrance The law gives you the right to see your personal healthcare records. and exit to each ward and department You can ask your doctor or other professional healthcare practitioner  If you visit two or more patients, please wash your hands or to show you your records and explain them to you. Please contact use the alcohol gel available, immediately after each patient. your doctor or other professional healthcare practitioner direct to arrange this. Infection  In hospital, staff will provide information leaflets and advice If you prefer, you can apply for your own copy of your healthcare about infections you may want to know about such as MRSA, records. A charge applies for this service. If you would like to apply C. Diff and Norovirus, including how they are spread, for access to this information please write to: precautions and symptoms and what to do if you are told you have an infection. Staff will advise about how you can reduce Medical Records Manager infections spreading, such as how to care for personal laundry Caithness General Hospital and hand hygiene. Bankhead Road  If your visitors have a cold or have been in contact with any WICK infectious disease such as measles, chickenpox or flu, please KW1 5NS ensure they postpone their visit.  When visiting a patient in a single room with “STOP” sign – please contact a member of staff before entering.  Please do not sit on beds or touch medical equipment. Use chairs provided.

Health Protection produces fact sheets on infections, which you can access before admission at


Occasionally patients wish to show their appreciation to the hospital. A limited amount of overnight accommodation can be provided for We ask that gifts of any description should be for the benefit of a parents of children in hospital with use of bed/recliner chair. group of staff, such as a ward, department or Caithness General Hospital as a whole and not for individual employees who are not allowed to accept personal gifts. OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATION Caithness General Hospital benefits from a number of endowment funds which are administered by its Finance Department. Anyone wishing for more information should contact the Director of Finance, Relatives wishing to stay with very ill patients overnight should speak NHS Highland, Assynt House, Beechwood Park, Inverness IV2 3HG. to the Nurse in Charge of the ward. (Tel: 01463 704836).


There is a dining room facility on the ground floor in which relatives All Caithness General Hospital Staff are fully conversant with the and visitors can purchase meals and snacks. procedures to be carried out to ensure safety in the event of a fire. Fire prevention is important and your compliance of the rules is Opening times are: essential. 9am to 6.45pm for drinks (hot & cold) The fire alarm system is tested weekly (Wednesday am) 12.30pm to 2.00pm for Lunch and

PENSIONS AND SOCIAL SECURITY 5.45pm to 6.45pm for evening meals (Monday to Friday)

Restricted at weekends and public holidays If you are receiving a pension or allowance from the Department for Works and Pensions, you should inform your local office of your admission to hospital. You should also let your local office know when you are discharged even if only for a short period. TOILET FACILITIES FOR VISITORS

These are located on the ground floor by reception Patient toilets are not for visitors use.


The following times apply to the Hospitals in Caithness: Radio Remedy is the local radio station that provides a regular service Breakfast - 8.00am exclusively for patients in Caithness General Hospital. The station is manned by volunteers and aims to be on air every weekday evening Morning Tea - 10.00am from 7pm – 10pm. Inpatients can ask for a favourite song/music Lunch - 12 noon to be played, or relatives or friends can make a request and send a greeting to be played and relayed during any of our programmes in Afternoon Tea - 3.00pm the following ways:-

Supper - 5.00pm  telephone 605555 and leave a message; Evening Drink - 8.30pm  fill in a request slip available in the hospital foyer and leave it in the box there; You will be able to select your meals from a varied menu in advance. A member of the catering staff will always attend to any suggestion/  E-mail [email protected]; complaint you may have.  or, visit our Website and send a message via our 'contact us' page. HOSPITAL SHOP Radio Remedy has been providing a service to patients in Caithness General Hospital for over 25 years. The WRVS run a shop which is situated in the entrance foyer selling tea, coffee, soft drinks, confectionery, toiletries, etc. A Trolley-Shop Charity No SCO10704 service, also run by the WRVS visits the wards on Monday to Friday afternoons. CAITHNESS GENERAL LEAGUE OF FRIENDS

MAIL There is a League of Friends at Caithness General Hospital who raise funds for additional items which will benefit patients but are not readily Patients’ mail is delivered twice a day. Outgoing mail can be handed available from normal hospital funds. They also visit patients in to a member of staff. hospital, upon request and will undertake any other relevant tasks that you may wish eg shopping, telephone calls, paying bills.

TELEVISION The League of Friends can be contacted by writing to the Secretary, League of Friends, Caithness General Hospital, Wick KW1 5NS.

Television sets are available in all wards, single rooms, day rooms New members always welcome—please ask ward staff. and out-patient areas.

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