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Final Program Wireless Power Week 2021 !"""#$%%&'#()*+,+--#./0+*#%*12-3+*# 4/23+*+25+#6768# WPW !"""#."9'#(/*:-;/<#/2#"=+*>)2># %+5;2/,/>)+-?#()*+,+--#./0+*#6768# !"#$%&%'%(%)*)&%%%%@)21,#.*/>*1=# +,-."/0% 121)*)&34-5% WPTC WoW Table of Content Welcome Message from Chair and Co-Chair 2 Welcome Message from Technical Program Chairs 4 WPTC 2021 Conference Organization 6 WoW 2021 Conference Organization 8 WoW 2021 Technical Program Committee and Reviewers 11 WPTC 2021 Technical Program Committee and Reviewers 11 Program at a Glance 12 2021 Wireless Power Week Sponsors 13 Virtual Conference Information 14 Whova Virtual Event Platform User Guide 16 Keynote Speeches 20 IEEE Wireless Power Week Technical Program June 2 2021 34 IEEE Wireless Power Week Technical Program June 3 2021 41 IEEE Wireless Power Week Technical Program June 4 2021 49 WPT School Program 56 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer School 57 WPT-IEEE Project 78 Paper Competition 79 Author Index: WPTC 2021 82 Author Index: WoW 2021 85 2021 Wireless Power Week Sponsors 87 2022 Wireless Power Week Call for Papers and Introduction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We are also grateful to the WPW organizing committee members who have tirelessly worked over the past year for the preparation of WPW2021, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you for your strong support of the 2021 IEEE Wireless Power Week and wishing you an enjoyable conference! Sincerely, Chris Mi Jenshan Lin 2021 WPW Chair 2021 WPW Co-Chair Chair of 2021 WoW Chair of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