
1999 ANNUAL REPORT ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

Open Society Foundation


○○○○○○○○○○○ SOFIA ○○○○○○ 1 ○ Founder George Soros

Board of Trustees Stefan Popov Sofia Chairman

Svetoslav Bozhilov Evgenii Dainov Alexander Kiossev Nelly Koutskova Dimitrina Petrova Yashar Shaban Nikola Vassilev ProletOpen Velkova AuditingSociety Committee Roumen Bobev Hristo Mavrodiev FoundationTodor Tabakov

Executive Director Georgi SofiaGenchev Open Society Foundation Financial Director Veliko Sherbanov

Program Directors Nikolay Ilchev Dr. Yordan Karaivanov Assya Kavrakova Kristin Razsolkova

2 When received an official invitation to start negotia- tions with the European Union (EU) in 1999, the Open Society Foun- dation – Sofia established a new policy: to include a European di- mension in all programs, yet preserve the flexibility to address other important societal issues.

Year OSF – Sofia supported the establishment of a European Insti- tute aimed at providing EU expertise to the government and work-

1999 – ing on government-commissioned research projects. In keeping with its open society agenda, the Foundation participated in strategic ini- tiatives such as the forward-looking National Plan for Economic De- velopment. It also remained committed to longtime priorities such as education and culture.

The cooperation with the European Union strengthened in the past year. The Foundation monitored EU-funded projects and was invited to join the working group for a new EU ACCESS program. The Association of Open Society Clubs administered the PHARE Part-

the European nership program of the European Union. In collaborationOpen with USAID and ABA-CEELI, the Foundation established the Magistrates Train- ing Center, which received an endorsement from the Ministry of Justice and a funding commitment from the European Commission. OSF – Sofia supported a number of projects aimed at democratizing the penitentiary system. Training for penitentiary staff on European and international standards governing the treatmentSociety of prisoners was one of several projects for prison reform. To promote good governance, the Public Administration Staff Training Project and a consor- tium of higher education institutions trained local government administration representatives in basic managerialFoundation skills. To increase citizens’ access to information, several projects helped draft the Access to Information Law and carried out extensive public awareness campaigns.

In the field of education, OSF-Sofia focused on harmonizing Bulgarian higher education with EU requirements, qualitySofia assurance, and management. A joint project on new information manage- ment strategies was launched with the Ministry of Education. A set of indicators was developed for quality management in higher education, a project that was endorsed by the Ministry of Education, the EU, and the World Bank.

Minority issues were another priority area in 1999, with continued support to the 11 Roma Community Centers set up to provide administrative and legal services and mediation with local authorities. Activities included seminars, university scholarships, English language teaching courses, and training for primary school teaching assistants.

Programs of the Media Development Center supported a Romani newspaper and magazine, two Armenian language newspapers, and a Turkish language newspaper and children’s magazine. A weekly broadcast in Turkish and a Romani biweekly television show went on the air in 1999. A network of journalists from the Balkan countries produced The Balkans magazine, with a print version in Bulgarian and a website version in English. The Media Development Center also pro- moted internationally accepted standards of journalism and organized training courses in radio management and journalism skills.

3 In the area of public health, the Foundation funded a feasibility study that served as a basis for new regulations for hospice management, helped set up a Palliative Care Foundation to launch the first hospice in the country, and provided support to HIV-positive patients through counseling and advocacy.

In response to the war in Kosovo, the Foundation provided medicines and consumables for refugee camps, conducted a needs assessment in a Macedonian hospital in Tetovo, which serviced many Kosovo refugees, and created a website to inform policymakers, journalists, and political sci- entists throughout the crisis.

An NGO Resource Center was established early in the year with start-up support from OSF – Sofia to provide training, consultation, and information to Bulgarian nonprofit organizations. The movement toward European Union integration is felt particularly in the NGO community, which will have a larger role and more political leverage in civil society as the democratic process unfolds in Bulgaria.

The Open Society Foundation – Sofia continued to support its network of affiliated organiza- tions: the Soros Center for the Arts, the Media Development Center, the Bulgarian NGO Resource Center, the Step by Step Program Foundation, the National Debates Association, the Bulgarian Asso- ciation for Regional Development, and the Raina KabaivanskaOpen Charity Foundation.

Society Georgi Genchev Executive Director Foundation Sofia

4 1999 – the European Year...... 3 Financial Profile of OSF’s Activity throughout 1999...... 6

Scholarships Program ...... 9 Academia Program ...... 12

Contents Libraries Program...... 17 Civil Society and Democratic Institutions Program ... 20 Joint Legal Program of OSF – Sofia and COLPI ...... 23 Joint Program of OSF – Sofia and LGI...... 23 Street ChildrenOpen – Children in the Streets Program ...... 25 Roma Program ...... 26 European andSociety Atlantic Integration Program ...... 29 Public Health Program ...... 30 OpenFoundation Program ...... 34 East–East ProgramSofia ...... 36 Women’s Program...... 40 Central European University Programs ...... 41 Internet Program ...... 44 I*EARN Network Program ...... 45 Network Education Programs...... 46 Open Society Information Network...... 47

Raina Kabaivanska Charity Foundation...... 48

5 In 1999 the activity of the Open Society Foundation – Sofia was supported by the Open Society Institute with a grant of 9.2 million US dollars (17 million Bulgarian leva). This amount included 5.7 million US dollars allocated to 20 national programs, 100,000 US dollars donated for the completion of the humanitarian project launched in 1997, and 3.4 million US dollars granted for projects under 33 Soros Network programs. The funds granted by other organizations and individuals for projects carried out by the Open Society Foundation – Sofia in 1998 amounted to a total of 68,000 US dollars (127,000 Bulgarian leva), the biggest donation of 50,000 US dollars being allocated by the King Baudouin Foundation – Belgium to support the development of the Street Children – Children in the Streets Program. The Open Society Foundation – Sofia contributed to administering the donations of Carelift International, which included medical equipment, pharmacueticals and consumables worth 1.8 million US dollars, distributed among more than 80 hospitals around Bulgaria. In 1999 the total spending amounted to 9.4 million US dollars. 285,000 US dollars were allocated to grants under contracts signed in 1998.* Program expenditures covered the following categories: Program Areas ...... million USD...... % Democratic Society ...... 2.854 ...... 33 Education ...... Open 2.102 ...... 24 European Intergration ...... 1.013 ...... 12 Culture ...... 0.982 ...... 11 Public Health ...... 0.408 ...... 5 Microlending ...... Society 0.374 ...... 4 Media ...... 0.329 ...... 4 Internet ...... 0.217 ...... 3 Other ...... 0.471 ...... 4 Total ...... 8.750 ...... 100 The OpenFoundation Society Foundation – Sofia financed more than 1,100

Activity throughout 1999 Activity projects in the above mentioned fields. These include:

Financial Profile of OSF’s Profile Financial • 145 long-term and 95 short-term scholarships and fellowships abroad; • 300 scholraships for students in Bulgaria; • 49 seminars in Bulgaria;Sofia • 210 individual projects for participation in conferences and seminars abroad; • 179 external projects; • 40 joint projects with other NGOs; • delivery of specialized literature for 38 organizations; • 36 publishing projects. The Open Society Foundation – Sofia supported 411 organizations, 33 teams and 660 individuals. Compared to 1998 the number of supported projects marked a 50 % decrease because OSF – Sofia gave priority to large-scale projects. The grants allocated to external organizations amount to 90 % of the total spending. The relative share of admnistrative expenses in 1999 was 6 % of the disbursed funds. Administrative expenses amount to a total of 558,000 US dollars covering OSF administrative expenses. In 1999 the activity of the Open Society Foundation – Sofia was audited by Price Waterhouse Coopers – Bulgaria.

* 1999 expenses are according to the International Accounting Standards and include grants contracted in 1999 and due in 2000, amounting to a total of 1.018 million US dollars, as well as depreciation costs amounting to 318,000 US Dollars.

6 Program Expenses in 1999 (in thousand US dollars)

Expenses covered by: Open Society other Institute donors total share in national network expenses total Priority Areas and Programs programs programs program spending

Education – Programs: Academia 428 428 4.9% Scholarships 288 288 3.3% Reform in Secondary Education 88 1 89 1.0% Scholarships in the UK 7 7 0.1% Academic Exchange 2 2 0.0% Central European University (CEU) 25 25 0.3% CEU Summer Schools 6 6 0.1% Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking 15 13 28 0.3% Volunteer Training 36 26 62 0.7% I*EARN 15 23 38 0.4% Step by Step 450 517 967 11.1% Debates 50 64 114 1.3% High School Exchange 14 19 33 0.4% SPELT 12 3 15 0.2% Total on Education Open 1,396 706 0 2,102 24.0% Democratic Society – Programs: Police Reform 18 18 0.2% Legal Education 43 43 0.5% Local GovernmentSociety 10 10 0.1% Civil Society 321 321 3.7% Empowering Minorities 105 105 1.2% Women’s Program 27 57 84 1.0% COLPI 362 340 702 8.0% LGI 293 80 373 4.3% Roma ProgramFoundation 168 168 1.9% Open Society Clubs 681 23 704 8.0% NGO Resource Center 140 140 1.6% Information Services 181 181 2.1% Administering Phare–Democracy Microprojects ProgramSofia 5 5 0.1% Total on Civil Society 2,349 477 28 2,854 32.6%

Microlending and SME Development 44 330 374 4.3%

Culture and Open Society – Programs: Programs of the Soros Center for the Arts 648 119 767 8.8% Libraries Program 142 9 151 1.7% Translation Project 26 38 64 0.7% Total on Culture and Open Society 816 166 0 982 11.2%

Public Health 328 73 7 408 4.7%

European Integration 200 200 2.3% European Institute 430 430 4.9% East–East Program 19 364 383 4.4% Media Development Center 303 26 329 3.8% Internet Program 114 103 217 2.5% Raina Kabaivanska Charity Foundation 65 82 147 1.7% Street Children – Children in the Streets and Humanitarian Aid 100 39 139 1.6% Open Projects 96 96 1.1% Program Investment 89 89 1.0%

7 In thousand: leva US dollars Assets Current Assets Cash ...... 1,083 ...... 556 Receivables ...... 237 ...... 122 Advance payment ...... 23 ...... 12 Receivables from the Open Society Instutute 1999 on approved grants (on accrual basis) ...... 2,105 ...... 1,117 Total in current assets ...... 3,448 ...... 1,807

Fixed assets ...... 1,514 ...... 1,131 Long-term investment ...... 2,373 ...... 2,657 Total in fixed assets ...... 3,887 ...... 3,788 Total in assets ...... 7,335 ...... 5,595 Liabilities Current liabilities ...... 166 ...... 85 Project liabilities (on accrual basis) ...... 1,983 ...... 1,019 Total in liabilities ...... 2,149 ...... 1,104

Grants Open Society Institute ...... 2,254 ...... 1,522 Other donors ...... 18 ...... 54 Total in grants ...... 2,272 ...... 1,576 Balance Sheet Capital ...... 2,651 ...... 2,915 Depreciation Reserve ...... Open 263 ...... 0 Total in liabilities ...... 7,335 ...... 5,595

Note: The figures included in the balance sheet are according to the International Accounting Standards using US dollars as functional currency. The reconciliation made due to the application of International Accounting Standards are certified by the auditor, Price Waterhouse Coopers – Bulgaria. Society

Income and Expenditures for 1999

FoundationIn thousand: leva US dollars Income/donations from Open Society Institute ...... 17,119 ...... 9,152 from other donors ...... 161 ...... 56 Total income ...... Sofia17,280 ...... 9,208

Expenditures Program ...... 16,276 ...... 8,769 Admnistrative ...... 1,227 ...... 727 Total expenditures ...... 17,503 ...... 9,496

Other income/loss Bank interest ...... 34 ...... 17 Exchange rate differences ...... 222 ...... -36 Other income/expenditures ...... 831 ...... 248 Total on other income/loss ...... 1,087 ...... 229 Surplus/deficit for 1999 ...... 864 ...... -59

Note: The figures included in the balance sheet are according to the International Accounting Standards using US dollars as functional currency. The figures in national currency are calculated based on the transformation in US dollars. Income from donations is accounted for on an accrual basis (without depreciation costs), including funds for the purchase of fixed assets. Expenditures include: • depreciation costs: 318,000 US dollars; • grants contracted in 1999 and due in 2000: 1,018,000 US dollars. The corrections made due to the application of International Accounting Standards are certified by the auditor, Price Waterhouse Coopers – Bulgaria.

8 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Genadii Milkov Georgiev $1,000 Master’s Program in Business Administration Sandvika, Norway

Georgi Dimitrov Bonev $1,500 Master’s Program in Business Administration ,

Georgi Lyubomirov Matov $1,500 Master’s Program in Statistics Edinburgh, UK

Daniel Zaprianov Zaprianov $2,000 Master’s Program in Law Heidelberg,

Dessislava Todorova Licheva $2,000 Master’s Program in Commercial

Program Law and Business Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Diana Dinkova Tanamova $4,710 Master’s Program in Business Administration London, UK

Dessislava Stoyanova Stoyanova $4,710 Master’s Program in Business Administration London, UK ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Scholarships

Diman Ivanov Dimov $3,000 Ph.D. Program in Law Osnabrueck, Germany Open Dimiter Iliev Koychev $3,000 Scholarships and Fellowships Abroad Master’s Program in Business Administration Philadelphia, USA Aglica Ivanova Stefanova $2,000 Ph.D. Program in Literature Dimiter Simeonov Staykov 671 leva $4,739 Paris, Economics, Ecoles Normales Superieures Society Paris, France Albena Kostadinova Yaneva $1,000 Ph.D. Program in Social Economics Eva Antonova Atanassova $1,500 Paris, France Ph.D. Program in Social Sciences Chicago, USA Alla Petrova Zareva $3,000 Ph.D. Program in Linguistics Elena Vladimirova Galinova $1,500 Buffalo, USAFoundationPh.D. Program in Education Policy and Theory University Park, USA Borislav Bozhidarov Ibrishimov $3,000 Master’s Program in Business Administration Elisaveta Danailova Petrova $3,000 Milan, Master’s Program in Human Rights Padua, Italy Velizar Petrov Savchov Sofia$3,000 Ph.D. Program in Indo-european Linguistics Emil Assenov Georgiev $2,000 Vienna, Austria Master’s Program in International Economics and Finance Vessela Raykova Veleva $2,000 Waltham, USA Master’s Program in Ecology Lowell, USA Katya Vassileva Galchanova $1,500 Master’s Program in Business Administration Victor Stoyanov Hadzhiev $1,000 Rotterdam, the Netherlands Master’s Program in Political Sciences Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada Klemena Bozhidarova Antonova $2,500 Ph.D. Program in Literature Victoria Pavlova Dorovska $1,500 Oxford, UK Master’s Program in Finance Wooster, USA Lyubomira Vassileva Radoilska $3,000 Ph.D. Program in Philosophy Vilina Georgieva Krusteva $1,000 Paris, France Master’s Program in European Integration Bruege, Belgium Mariana Lenkova Dimitrova $1,500 Master’s Program in Law and Diplomacy Galina Atanasova Markova-Derelieva $4,000 Medford, USA Ph.D. Program in Clinical Social Services Northampton, USA Maria Velinova Koynova $1,000 Ph.D. Program in Ethnic Studies Galina Tzvetanova Andronova $9,000 Florence, Italy Fellowship Program at the IWM Vienna, Austria Mariana Lukova Tuhchiev $3,000 Ph.D. Program in European Integration Birmingham, UK

9 Marta Stefanova Ganeva 650 leva $4,738 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Teodora Petrova Todorova $2,500 Literature, Ecoles Normales Superieures Ph.D. Program in Clinical Psychology Fontenay-aux-Roses, France San Francisco, USA

Mila Alexieva Boyuklieva $1,000 Todor Ivanov Velev $2,000 Master’s Program in Business Administration Master’s Program in Business Administration Rochester, USA Barcelona,

Mihail Iliev Marinov $2,000 Yasen Petrov Deenchin $1,500 Ph.D. Program in Statistics and Management Master’s Program in Finance Salerno, Italy Oslo, Norway

Momchil Nikolaev Atanasov $2,000 Ph.D. Program in Paleoarchaeology Lubbock, USA Scholarships and Fellowships in Bulgaria

Maurice Jacky Bigerano $3,500 Scholarships for Students Ph.D. Program in Political Sciences in Bulgarian Universities 267,833 leva and Public Administration St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia Orlando, USA University of National and World Economy Economic University – Varna Nadezhda Anastasova Peeva $1,000 D. A. Tzenov Academy of Economics – Svishtov Master’s Program in Business Administration St. St. Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo Boston, USA Paisii Hilendarski University of State Academy of Music Nadezhda Ivanova Hadzhova $2,500 National Academy of Drama and Film Arts Master’s Program in European and English Law National Academy of Arts London, UK Sofia Seminary of Theology ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ New Bulgarian University Petko Georgiev Bogoev $1,500 American University in Bulgaria Master’s Program in Hotel and Travel Management Bourgas Free University Amherst, USA Petia Georgieva Hadzhieva $1,500 ProjectsOpen of Foreign Scholars Working in the Field of Bulgarian Studies Master’s Program in Business Administration Barcelona, Spain Alexander Anatolievich Prigarin 1,135 leva Lecture in Ukrainian Ethnography Petia Zdravkova Nikolova $1,500 Sofia, Bulgaria Master’s Program in Public Administration Syracuse, USA Nikolay Dmitrievich Russev 564 leva SocietyNikolay Nikolaevich Chervenkov 564 leva Plamen Ivanov Kuzov $1,000 Writing a Textbook on Master’s Program in Business Administration History of the Bulgarian People Cleveland, USA Veliko Turnovo, Sofia, Bulgaria

Raina Dimitrova Tuzlukova-Vetzova $5,000 Reynol Peres Vasces 1,100 leva Ph.D. Program in Psychoanalysis FoundationTranslation of Leuven, Belgium Sofia, Bulgaria

Radko Atanasov Mihaylov $1,500 Master’s Program in Business Administration Students’ Projects London, UK InnovationSofia Projects Association 1,320 leva Ralitza Ivanova Boteva $1,500 Introducing New Practices in Master’s Program in Architecture Public Administration New Jersey, USA Sofia, Bulgaria

Rossen Borisov Hadzhiev $1,000 Team of students at the Master’s Program in Business Administration Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv 1,502 leva Barcelona, Spain Building Friendships between Children Attending the Kindergarten in Zelenikovo Samuil Petrov Markov $1,500 Village and Their Peers at Master’s Program in Business Administration the Foundling Home in Pazardjik London, UK Zelenikovo, Pazardjik, Bulgaria

Svetozar Nikolaev Shkutov $1,500 Team of students at the Ph.D. Program in Finance and Banking St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia Saarbruecken, Germany and the New Bulgarian University 1,656 leva The Bulgarian Universities in Search Svetoslava Zareva Tasseva 656 leva $4,738 of Their Own Reform Models. Economics and Management Changes in the New Democratic Situation Cachan, France after 1989 – Needs and Reform Opportunities Sofia, Bulgaria Stanislava Zaharieva Zaprianova $500 Master’s Program in Education Management Team of students at the Brussels, Belgium St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia 1,500 leva Images of Bulgaria on the Eve of Tania Lyubomirova Vladova $2,000 the 21st Century – Identity and Adaptation Ph.D. Program in Literature Sofia, Bulgaria Paris, France

10 Team of students at the St. Kliment Ohridski ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Dessislava Velichkova Dragneva 311 leva $50 University of Sofia and the University of Pre-departure Orientation National and World Economy 1,000 leva Budapest, The 20th Century from a 21st-century Perspective Ekaterina Stoyanova Balabanova 941 leva $50 Sofia, Bulgaria Master’s Program in European Studies University of Manchester, UK Team of students at the Bourgas Free University 1,500 leva Maria Stoycheva Pantaleeva 582 leva $39 Program for Establishing a Specialized Developing a Series of Lectures Center to Facilitate the Social Adaptation on Personal Identity of Young People without Families University of Oxford, UK Bourgas, Bulgaria Maya Dimitrova Ivanova 313 leva $50 Pre-departure Orientation Education Programs of the Open Society Institute – Budapest Budapest, Hungary and Other Partner Organizations Nevena Nikolova Alexieva-Ivanova 628 leva $50 Apostol Kunchev Apostolov 434 leva $50 Semantic Adaptation of Anglicisms in Pre-departure Orientation the Budapest, Hungary University of Oxford, UK

Billiana Stefanova Bagasheva 882 leva $110 Petia Atanassova Tanova 530 leva $21 Master’s Program in Textbook on Comparative Economics Economics and Finance University of Oxford, UK University of Warwick, UK Plamen Marinchov Borissov 936 leva $100 Vassilka Valerieva Paunova 697 leva $50 Consumers’ Protection in the UK ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ The Animal Style in Southeast University of Oxford, UK European Antique Art University of Oxford, UK Roumen Assenov Prodanov 569 leva $60 Master’s Program in Vessela Ivanova Sotirova-Prodanova 604 leva $50 Business Administration Comparative Taxation Law Open University of Warwick, UK University of Oxford, UK Juliana Stoyanova Stoyanova 883 leva $100 Vladimir Stefanov Georgiev 530 leva $107 Comparative Research of Orthodov Churches and Nationalism Slavonic Languages in University of Oxford, UK the Post-totalitarian Period Society University of Oxford, UK Georgi Hristov Ranchev 485 leva $50 Bringing Bulgarian Legislation in Line with the Legislation of the EU UniversityFoundation of Oxford, UK Sofia

11 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Gergana Dimitrova Avramova 322 leva $750 American Law Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Gergana Dimitrova Karadzhova 385 leva Internship at the Mission of the Republic of Bulgaria in the European Union Brussels, Belguim

Danka Shtereva Yankulova 513 leva Dramatic Arts in Education Moscow, Russia

Dobrinka Petrova Vulkova 709 leva $227 Dafina Stefanova Dicheva 702 leva $234 The Totalitarian Style in Bulgarian Urban Space International Institute of Semiotics

Program Imatra, Finland

Pancho Vladigerov

Academia State Academy of Music $3,316 Participation of Students and Professors from the Academy at the International Summer Academy – Semmering ’99 Semmering, Austria

Lachezar Koychev Kolev 789 leva $410 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Long-term Scholarships and Fellowships Abroad Transnational Law Program at the Duke-Geneve Institute Maria Rangelova Gyurova 787 leva in Transnational Law The Earliest Archaeological Evidences Geneva, Switzerland of the Neolitic Age on Bulgarian Lands Fellowship at the Center for MagdalenaOpen Stoyanova Gorin 663 leva Archaeological Research Specialized Course in Teaching Spanish Antipolis, France as a Foreign Language Saragossa, Spain Yanitza Zheliazkova Ivanova $911 Scholarship at the Korean Language Institute Madlen Vassileva Danova $1,000 Seoul, Korea Developing Bachelor’s and Master’s SocietyPrograms in American Studies Nelly Yordanova Kaloyanova 1,000 leva Albany, USA One-year Fellowship in Sociology of Culture and Religion Svetlana Stefanova Sovadjieva 586 leva Berlin, Germany Maria Petrova Ladovinska 586 leva Valentina Yordanova Ivanova 586 leva FoundationMaria Ivanova Gancheva 684 leva Short-term Scholarships and Fellowships Abroad Specialized Course in Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language Alexander Kamenov Gevrenov $350 Perugia, Italy American Institute on Political and Economic Systems Nedialka Mihova Mihova 170 leva $130 Prague, the Czech Republic AmericanSofia Institute on Political and Economic Systems Alexander Savov Portalski $298 Prague, the Czech Republic Summer Course in Greek History and Culture Athens, Pavel Georgiev Georgiev $918 International Summer Program in Atanas Ivanov Ivanov $542 European Sciences, University of Vienna Bryce Harlow Institute on Business Strobl, Austria and Government Affairs Washington DC, USA Roumen Dimitrov Alexandrov 385 leva Internship at the Mission of the BBC Center – Sofia $2,832 Republic of Bulgaria in the European Union English Language Course for Brussels, Belguim Secondary School Teachers London, UK Silvia Dimitrova Petrova 170 leva $350 American Institute on Blagovest Zlatanov Velichkov 865 leva $3,050 Political and Economic Systems International School on Prague, the Czech Republic Theory of the Humanities Santiago de Compostela, Spain Siana Dusheva Harizanova $672 British Council Summer School Mariana Manolova Manolova 629 leva $70 in Teaching English to Children Maria Noncheva Papazova 629 leva $70 York, UK Kremena Ivanova Ivanova 629 leva $70 Vesselina Dimitrova Popova 629 leva $70 Todor Tzvetanov Hadzhiyski 874 leva $542 Vesselinka Atanasova Siakolova 629 leva $70 Internship at the Engalitcheff Institute on Spanish Language and Culture Comparative Political and Economic Systems Course for CEE Teachers Washington DC, USA Granada, Spain

12 Alexandra Alexandrova Fol 949 leva ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Scholarships and Fellowships in Bulgaria Creative Program for Young Composers Boston, USA American University in Bulgaria 29,168 leva Scholarships for Minority Students Angel Valentinov Angelov 55 leva $316 Studying English at the AUBG – Aesthetic Practices in Italian Renaissance, a Joint Program with the Civil Society Program Mannerism, and Baroque Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria Perugia, Italy

Darina Grigorova Grigorova $500 Participation in Forums Abroad Fellowship under a Bilateral Intergovernmental Agreement Alexander Baruhov Lazarov 686 leva of the Ministry of Education and Science Art, Religion and Culture Seminar Moscow, Russia Salzburg, Austria

Rossitza Vasco Mladenova 703 leva Alexander Lyubenov Gungov 965 leva Dentiza Sashkova Ilieva 589 leva Lectures on Philosophy of Modernity Danish Language Training Course at the LaGrange College, Georgia Copenhagen, Denmark Lagrange, USA

Elena Markova Hristova $500 Antoaneta Kircheva Georgieva 1,271 leva Kitzbuehel Master’s Class in Violin Juliana Ivanova Stoyanova 1,271 leva Kitzbuehel, Austria International Congress for the Study of Child Language Maria Ilieva Yanukova 632 leva San Sebstian, Spain Emilia Vesselinova Ivanova 644 leva Summer School in French Georgi Simov Goshev $180 Leuven, Belgium Conference on Intelligent ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Engineering Systems Ivaylo Kirilov Nedialkov 450 leva $258 Stara Lesna, Slovakia Session of the National School of Arts Cergy-Pontoise, France Vesselin Zahariev Popov 578 leva Annual Meeting and Conference Irina Lyubomirova OgnianovaOpen 190 leva $900 of the Roma Culture Research Society Democracy and Diversity Seminar Florence, Italy Cracow, Vesselin Metodiev Budakov 596 leva Tzvetelina Yordanova Tosheva 635 leva Conference on Oliver Goldsmith’s Krassimira Ivanova Vassileva 643 leva “The Citizen of the World“ Graduate Course on the SocietyMethodics Ireland of Teaching Spanish Salamanca, Spain Vihren Yanakiev Buzov 415 leva 9th Congress on Logic, Methodolody Christian Maximov Minchev 1560 leva and Philosophy of Science International Film Production Cracow, Poland “Unique Oneness of Christian Savage” Johannesburg,Foundation South Africa Yordanka Zlateva Bibina 426 leva $60 Jengis Mustafov Hakov 426 leva $60 Maria Petkova Nenova 870 leva Congress of the Turkish Lyubomir Ivanov Naydenov 870 leva Historical Society Summer School in French Language Ankara, Turkey Liege, Belgium Sofia Dimiter Petrov Shishkov 79 leva $102 Margareta Nikolova Mutafova 722 leva Ñåìèíàð „Êîìïþòðèçèðàíå íà International Course on the åñòåñòâåíèòå åçèöè“ Demografic Aspects of Aging Yalta, Saint Andrews, Malta Dobromir Grigorov Grigorov 85 leva $60 Mariela Vassileva Inkova 759 leva „The Golden Decade of the 60s“ – Lecture in Bulgarian Ethnography Conference of the Institute Paris, France of Czech Literature Prague, the Czech Republic Neva Georgieva Micheva 635 leva Spanish Language and Culture Course Jenny Nikolaeva Bumbarova-Nacheva 561 leva $86 Santander, Spain Seminar on the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Free Market Economy Rouzha Vassileva Smilova $344 Salzburg, Austria Summer School on Democracy Cortona, Italy Iliana Hristova Nikolova $515 Conference on Education, Yura Toteva Konstantinova 123 leva Multimedia, and Hypermedia Greek Language Summer Course Seattle, USA Patras, Greece Radka Vassileva Vlahova-Ruykova 645 leva $20 Miliana Vassileva Kaymakamova 645 leva $18 Iliana Chekova Chekova-Dimitrova 645 leva $20 Lyudmila Yossifova Boeva-Desnitzkaya 645 leva $20 Congress of Medieval Studies Utrecht, the Netherlands

13 Iskra Angelova Likomanova 496 leva ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Veronika Viktorova Azarova 476 leva Conference of Language, Culture, Congress of the International and Communications Association for Semiotic Studies Moscow, Russia , Germany

Lyuben Petrov Prashkov $300 Daniela Velntinova Boteva 190 leva $100 Conference of the International International Criminal Law Seminar Committee on the Conservation Salzburg, Austria and Preservation of Mosaics Arles, France Nikola Petrov Teodossiev 592 leva $40 Annual Meeting of the European Lyudmila Constantinova Kostova 593 leva Association of Archaeologists Conference of the British Dorset, UK Association for Romantic Studies Keele, UK Stefan Stamatov Komandarev 578 leva $53 Presentation of a Students’ Film Magdalena Blagoeva Ilcheva 1,333 leva Nominated at the 15th International Millennium Film Conference Short-film Festival Bath, UK Lille, France

Mariana Dimitrova Niagolova 521 leva $46 Tzvetelin Yordanov Stepanov 755 leva $50 Conference on the Challenges of Seminar on „Mountains and Sanctity the Changing Society in Medieval Bulgaria: Moscow, Russia King Saints and Patron Saints“ Leeds, UK Marina Dimitrova Stefanova 170 leva $45 Seminar on Teaching Tolerance. Presentation on Roma Students in Academic Forums in Bulgaria ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Bulgarian Schools: The Need for Sustainable Reforms American University in Bulgaria 3,734 leva Prague, the Czech Republic International Students Conference on Nationalism and Peace on the Balkans Maria Atanasova Yovcheva 511 leva Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria Conference in honour of InstituteOpen of Mathematics the 500th Anniversary of the Gennadian Bible and Informatics 7,454 leva Moscow, Russia Electronic Preservation of Medieval Manuscripts and Books – Petia Lyubomirova Kabakchieva $88 Summer School under HESP Sofia, Bulgaria European Sociological Association Will Europe Work Conference Society Bulgarian Association of Military History 3,375 leva Amsterdam, the Netherlands Conference on the Versaille System and the New World Order Svetoslav Petrov Stefanov 619 leva $20 Varna, Bulgaria Conference on European Enlightenment and its Link to Other Great Cultures Bulgarian Gender Studies Research Team 4,440 leva and Religions of the 18th Century FoundationConference on Limits of Citizenship: Saarbruecken, Germany European Women Between Tradition and Modernity Stefanka Tihomirova Kmetova 543 leva $108 Sofia, Bulgaria Annual Meeting of the International Association of Conference Interpreters Bulgarian Branch of the International Posnan, Poland AssociationSofia of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language 970 leva Stefka Stefanova Naumova 412 leva $200 7th National Conference with International Conference on International Participation Social Sciences and Law Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria Warsaw, Poland Bulgarian Kantian Society 211 leva Students’ Open Society Club Theoretic Conference on Kant and National Academy of Arts 2,963 leva the Kantian Tradition in Bulgaria Joint Exhibition “Illustration, Sofia, Bulgaria Calligraphy, Ceramics, and Icons“ Frankfurt, Germany Varna Free University 1,364 leva Urban School on Post-socialist Bulgarian English-speaking Union $664 Urban Culture Public Speaking Competition Varna, Bulgaria London, UK St. St. Cyril and Methodius Stefka Hristova Petkova 719 leva University of Veliko Turnovo 3,600 leva Adriana Antonova Neykova-Todorova 719 leva International Summer School on International Conference Bulgarian Language and Culture “Between Management and Public: Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria Records Management and Marketing of Archives in Universities and Steering Committee on Inter-Balkan Research Institutions“ Communication in Music and Culture 840 leva Haifa, Israel Conference on Inter-Balkan Communication in Music and Culture Boyan Alexandrov Boyanov 750 leva , Bulgaria 4th Students’ Film Festival New York, USA

14 Archaelogy Team at the 1,188 leva ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ National Institute on Education – St. St. Cyril and Methodius Ministry of Education and Science 12,960 leva $2,505 University of Veliko Turnovo Center on Higher Education International Students Seminar 1. Regional Seminar on Quality Assurance on Crafts through the Ages and Management for Senior Academic Staff Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria 2. Developing a System of Efficiency Indicators in Higher Education Paisii Hilendarski 3. Contemporary Profile of the Bulgarian University of Plovdiv 7,451 leva Higher Education System Summer School on the Decentralization Sofia, Bulgaria and the Challenges of United Europe Plovdiv, Bulgaria Publishing Projects and Support for the Media Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv 1,734 leva Bourgas Technical University 2,390 leva Department of Ethnology and Sociology Department of Foreign Languages Conference on Slavonic Liturgic Monuments Preparing Methogological and Training Bachkovo, Bulgaria Materials for 1st-grade Foreign Language Teachers St. Pimen Zografski Association 1,451 leva Bourgas, Bulgaria International Conference “St. Sofia – Wisdom Divine“ Students Open Society Club – Sofia, Bulgaria St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia 148 leva St. Kliment Ohridki “Auditorium 6-5“ Radio Program University of Sofia 7,979 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Department of Classical and New Philologies Conference on the Medieval Perseption of Lik Publishers 3,444 leva ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Pseudo-Dionysius University Autonomy and Academic Sofia, Bulgaria Responsibility – Proceedings from a Recent Conference St. Kliment Ohridki Sofia, Bulgaria University of Sofia 987 leva Department of Philosophy Open MusicaViva 979 leva Lecture by Prof. Dr. Thomas Schwinger Inter-Balkan Communication in Sofia, Bulgaria Music and Culture, Stara Zagora ’99 – Proceedings from a Recent Conference St. Kliment Ohridki Sofia, Bulgaria University of Sofia 1,630 leva Conference on EuropeanSociety Studies in Higher Education Institutional Support Kiten, Bulgaria Center for Education and Students Association for Studying Cultural Initiatives 23,356 leva International Relations 600 leva Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria Conference on the Balkans after the StabilityFoundation Pact for Southeastern Europe Education Projects Sofia, Bulgaria Institute of Archaelogy 910 leva Balkan Colleges Foundation 25,410 leva Students’ Research Project on Urban Preparatory Meeting for the Sofia Structure and Road Systems in the Conference under the Graz ProcessSofia on Region in the Antiquity Education Cooperation for Peace, Chirpan, Bulgaria Stability and Democracy in Southeastern Europe New Bulgarian University 14,378 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Early Language Teaching Training Program for Elementary School Teachers House for Human and Social Sofia, Bulgaria Sciences Foundation 7,688 leva Conference “Between Facts and Norms: Center for Student and Youth Initiatives 1,013 leva Democracy in Complex Societies“ Developing a University Program on Sofia, Bulgaria “Jews – History, Traditions, and Modern Development“ History Foundation 5,688 leva Shoumen, Bulgaria Scientific Conference “The Road to Europe – Accomplishments and Failures“ Institute of Ethnography 9,974 leva $4,204 Primorsko, Bulgaria Interethnic Relations on the Balkans: Interaction between Cultures“ – an international academic exchange Joint Projects project carried out in cooperation with the Comrat University in Moldova French Cultural Institute in Sofia Comrat, Moldova 1. Developing Methodological and Training Materials for the French St. Kliment Ohridski Language Teaching Schools 27,441 leva University of Sofia 7,362 leva Bulgaria Department of Classical Philology 2. Internships for Teachers and „Romulus Bulgaricus“ – a Bilingual University Professors 21,778 leva Electronic Libraby of Latin Literature France (second stage) Sofia, Bulgaria

15 Center for Education and ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Students’ Open Society Club Cultural Initiatives 1,700 leva University of National and Project for Establishing a Department World Economy 3,563 leva for Legal, Psychological, and Information Building Practical, Communication, Services within the Center and Management Skills Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria (a joint project with the Center for Alternative Development) St. Kliment Ohridski Bankia, Bulgaria University of Sofia 3,291 leva Department of Cyrilic and Welcoming the 21st Century Foundation 14,976 leva Methodian Studies Bulgarian Education and the Idea Support for the Fall Session of Statehood in the Modern Bulgarian of the Department Society in 19th and 20th Century Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria

St. St. Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo Research Projects Department of Roman Philologies 1,306 leva $686 Summer Language Course at Students’ Team at the D.A. Tzenov the Castilla la Mancha University Academy of Economics – Svishtov 1,205 leva Toledo, Spain Loan Certificates as a Funding Resource for Municipalities in Institute for East European Bulgaria Humanitarian Research 6,536 leva Svishtov, Bulgaria The Rhodope Mountains – a Model of Tolerance on the Balkans (fourth stage) Academic Ethnologic Society 5,120 leva Smolyan, Bulgaria Ethnologic Research of the Christian and Muslim Communities in ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ New Bulgarian University 10,030 leva the Rhodope Mountains Project for Interdisciplinary Training Bulgaria in Intercultural Communication (in cooperation with Nessebar 9 Students’ Research Team 4,368 leva the Durham University, UK) Archaeological Excavations and Field Sofia, Bulgaria ResearchOpen under the Long-term Interdisciplinary Research Project St. Kliment Ohridski “Messembria Pontica” University of Sofia 2,403 leva Nessebar, Bulgaria Department of Journalism and Mass Communication Reforming Bulgarian Secondary Education – Summer Students’ Exchange with A Project Initiated and Carried out by the Professional College in Societythe Academia Program $89,000 Wisbaden, Germany Sofia, Bulgaria

Artefacts Students’ Team New Bulgarian University $1,500 Participation in a Drama Festival; Foundation Filming a Documentary Chandigar, India Sofia

16 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Membership Fees and Subscriptions

Union of Library and Information Specialists $402 Annual membership fee for EBLIDA for 1999 Sofia, Bulgaria

Forums in Bulgaria

NALIN – 6 Years Later 796 leva Workshop Sofia, Bulgaria

„Nikola Furnadjiev“ Regional Library 1,639 leva Seminar on Public Libraries in the Period of Transition Program Pazardjik, Bulgaria Libraries Stilian Chilingirov Regional Library 1,705 leva „Preservation of Library Collections“ – Long-term Scholarships Abroad Seminar for Librarians from Libraries in North Bulgaria Anna Alexandrova Popova 1,273 leva $146 Shoumen, Bulgaria Scholarship at the Slavic Department at the Yale University Library Peter Stupov 1,266 leva New Haven, USA ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Regional Library „The Role of Public Libraries in the Modern World“ – Short-term Scholarships Abroad Seminar for Librarians from the Region Turgovishte, Bulgaria Alexandra Manolova Alexandrova 1,665 leva $105 Scholarship for librarians fromOpen „Mihalaki Georgiev“ 1,614 leva Central and Eastern Europe at Regional Library the Library of Congress „Public Libraries: Fund-raising and Washington D.C., USA Collection Development in a Period of Economic Crisis“ – Seminar for Librarians Lyubov Dimitrova Dimitrova 627 leva from Libraries in Northwestern Bulgaria Training in Public Library Management, , Bulgaria Library Policy, CooperationSociety and Coordination Helsinki, Finland Equipment Donations

Participation in Forums Abroad Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Archaeology – Library 4,478 leva Âàíÿ AngelovaFoundation Grashkina $336 NALIN Project: Computer Equipment Conference on Public Libraries and Internet Access in the Information Society Sofia, Bulgaria Copenhager, the Netherlands Aprilov–Palauzov Zorka Todorova Ivanova 463 leva Regional Library 4,959 leva Congress of the Association of NALIN Project: Establishing an Turkish Libriarians Sofia Information Service Desk Ankara, Turkey Gabrovo, Bulgaria

Ivanka Encheva Demireva 573 leva P. R. Slaveykov National Library 2,400 leva International Conference on NALIN Project: Improving Information Stabilization and Human Resource Services at the Library Development in Libraries in Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria Central and Eastern Europe Moscow, Russia Blagoevgrad Regional Library Emanuil Popdimitrov 13,296 leva Snezhana Vulchanova Yaneva 1,139 leva Regional Library – Kyustendil 9,036 leva Annual Conference of the American Zora Community Library – Dupnitza 6,343 leva Library Association NALIN Project: New Orleans, USA Joint Project for Improving the Access to Information Services, Developing Modern Tatiana Ganeva Yanakieva 642 leva $40 Policies for Enriching Library Collections, Information Professionals and Facilitating Inter-library Borrowing, and the Challenges of the 21st Century Preserving Library Collections Hanover, Germany Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil, Dupnitza, Bulgaria

Krassimira Russeva Ignatova 912 leva Regional Library 4,434 leva Seminar on Inteoducing Modern NALIN Project: Improving Information Information Technologies in Public Services at the Library, Developing the Libraries: Management and Marketing Local Computer Network and Providing Argus, Denmark Access to the Internet Vratza, Bulgaria Lina Kirilova Yordanova $170 Agro Web Pages in the Countries of Nikola Furnadjiev Regional Library 2,259 leva Central and Eastern Europe“ NALIN Project: Improving Library Budapest, Áóäàïåùà Services by Opening Workstations

17 Providing Access to the Library Database ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Primary School – Gabrovo 183 leva and the Internet Primary School – Gabrovo 185 leva Pazardjik, Bulgaria Hristo Smirnenski Primary School – Gabrovo 183 leva Nikola Vranchev Regional Library 2,434 leva Bulgaria NALIN Project: Improving Information Services at the Library Prof. Benyo Tzonev Regional Library 408 leva $180 Smolyan, Bulgaria Donation of Reference and Encyclopedic Literature in Bulgarian and in English Stilian Chilingirov Regional Library 7,845 leva Lovech, Bulgaria NALIN Project: Improving Information Services at the Library and Providing Higher Institute of Medicine Access to the Internet Rheumatology Clinic $372 Shoumen, Bulgaria Oxford Textbook of Rheumatology Plovdiv, Bulgaria St. St. Cyril and Methodius National Library 2,753 leva Aura Community Library 310 leva Creating a Specialized Database of Donation of Reference Publications Issued in 1878–1944 Literature in Bulgarian Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria

National Gallery of Arts – Library 2,128 leva Peter Bogdan Community Library 760 leva NALIN Project: Establishing an Automated Donation of Reference and Library and Information System to Encyclopedic Literature Facilitate Information Exchange and Chiprovtzi, Bulgaria the Access to the Internet Sofia, Bulgaria Prosveta Community Library 1,275 leva Donation of Textbooks and Municipality of Blagoevgrad 29,543 leva Reference Literature Education Department ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Zlatograd, Bulgaria NALIN Project: Establishing a Library Information Network for School Students Prosveta Community Library 310 leva in Blagoevgrad with Access to the Internet Donation of Textbooks and Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria Reference Literature Bania Village, Sofia District, Bulgaria Mihalaki Georgiev Regional Library 10,160 leva Open NALIN Project: Computerizing Library Svetlina Community Library 400 leva and Information Services Donation of Textbooks and Vidin, Bulgaria Reference Literature Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia City Library 9,492 leva NALIN Project: Establishing an Tzar Boris III Community Library 450 leva Information Center SocietyDonation of Reference and Sofia, Bulgaria Encyclopedic Literature Sofia, Bulgaria Erevan Union of Armenian Culture and Education Organizations in Bulgaria Aprilov National High School 463 leva Library and Archives at the Vassil Levski Primary School 185 leva Armenian Cultural Center 4,748 leva FoundationDonation of Textbooks and Specialized Computer Equipment Reference Literature Sofia, Bulgaria Gabrovo, Bulgaria

Zora Community Library 2,344 leva National High School for NALIN Project: Improving Information Ancient Languages and Cultures 50 leva Services at the Library by Providing Donation of Books in Bulgarian Access to the Internet Sofia, BulgariaSofia Sliven, Bulgaria New Bulgarian University $4,723 N. Y. Vaptzarov Community Library 2,799 leva Donation of Specialized Scientific, NALIN Project: Computer Equipment Reference and Encyclopedic Literature for Internet Connectivity Sofia, Bulgaria Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria Iskra Community Library 778 leva Napreduk Community Library 2,544 leva Donation of Textbooks and NALIN Project: Computerizing Library Reference Literature in Bulgarian Services and Providing Internet Access Gurmen Village, Blagoevgrad District Pirdop, Bulgaria Bulgaria

Stoyan Drinov City Library 3,238 leva Love for Humanity Association 1,014 leva NALIN Project: Establishing an Automated Donation of Textbooks and System for Managing Library Collections Reference Publications in Psychology Panagyurishte, Bulgaria Pazardjik, Bulgaria

Raycho Karolev Secondary School 463 leva Book Donations Donation of Textbooks and Reference Literature Donation of Reference and Encyclopedic Gabrovo, Bulgaria Literature in Bulgarian for the Libraries at: Aleko Konstantinov St. Ivan Rilski Seminary of Theology 4,717 leva Community Center – Sofia 450 leva Donation of Reference and Encyclopedic Dimiter Talev Primary School – Plovdiv 310 leva Literature and Textbooks in Theology The Seven Saints Sofia, Bulgaria Secondary School – Sofia 490 leva Neofit Rilski Primary School – Gabrovo 185 leva Dr. Vassiliadi Vocational Tzanko Dyustabanov School of Mechanics 185 leva

18 Donation of Textbooks and ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Donation of Periodicals Project Reference Literature Subscriptions for Foreign Periodicals for 1999–2000: Gabrovo, Bulgaria St. St. Cyril and Methodius Vocational School on Textile Production 278 leva National Library Donation of Textbooks and Reference Literature Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Gabrovo, Bulgaria Central Library

Progress Community Library 310 leva St. Kliment Ohrisdki Donation of Textbooks and University of Sofia Reference Literature University Library Liaski Village, Sofia District, Bulgaria Central Medical Library Gotze Delchev Municipal Library 900 leva Donation of Reference and Varna University of Economics Encyclopedic Literature University Library Gotze Delchev, Bulgaria St. St. Cyril and Methodius Neofit Rilski Southwestern University $1483 University of Veliko Turnovo Law Department Library University Library Donation of Legal Publications in French Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria New Bulgarian University University Library

Projects Initiated by the Program Pushkin Library Project Carried out in Cooperation with Donation of Latin–Bulgarian Dictionary the Open Society Institute – Russia to 30 Bulgarian Libraries 900 leva Sofia, Bulgaria ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 33 Bulgarian libraries benefited from the first stage of the project. Donation of , vol. 8 More than 5 volumes in to 30 Bulgarian Libraries 1,950 leva Russian have been donated. Sofia, Bulgaria

Donation of “Stefan Stambolov:Open Diaries” International Association of Music Libraries, in 7 volumes to 30 Bulgarian Libraries 1,862 leva Archives and Documentation Centres Sofia, Bulgaria Music Donations from Project “Chance for Bulgarian Great Britain Project 4,870 leva Libraries in the 21st Century 3,117 leva Transportation expenses for donated Society records, audiotapes and note sheets Joint Projects Carried out in Cooperation with the Network Library Program of Joint Project with the Sabre Foundation the Open Society Institute – Budapest Distribution of donated medical literature Central Library of Techlonogy 14,735 leva in cooperation with the Center for NALIN Project:Foundation Introducing New the Study of Democracy 27,620 leva Information Technologies in the Library Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria

Internationa Seminar on Preserving Photographic Documents in Libraries, Museums and Archives 4,217 leva $1,814 Joint Project Carried out in CooperationSofia with the Northeastern Center for Paper Conservation in Andover, USA Sofia, Bulgaria

19 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Emilia Vassileva Vassileva 757 leva $1,490 Civil Society and Human Rights Strasbourg, France

Lyubov Nedelcheva Draganova $500 Summer University on Human Rights Geneva, Switzerland

Maria Gancheva Spassova $1,000 Summer School in International Law Geneva, Switzerland

Irina Rumenova Slavcheva $416 Study of the French Judiciary System Paris, France

Margarita Serafimova Ilieva 671 leva $1,322 Human Rights Session

Program Strasbourg, France

Radmila Simeonova Mladenova $271 International Seminar “Physically Challenged People and and How to Talk About Them” London, UK Institutions Antonia Todorova Angelova 755 leva $340 11th International Course in Civil Society ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Constitutional Law Marseille, France

Participation in Forums Abroad

and Democratic Open Jenia Georgieva Georgieva 1,426 leva Global Training Seminar on the Challenges of Democracy Scholarships in Bulgaria Washington D.C., USA

Mustafa Yuseinov Musov 3,649 leva Êàòÿ Yordanova Kalinova $164 SocietyGender, Culture and Equality in Aldin Milkov Shaygov 3,649 leva Silven Veskov Manzurski 3,649 leva Mediterranean Societies Mariela Velichkova Tananska 3,649 leva Spain Fatme Yufus Djudjo 3,649 leva Daniela Ventzislavova Hadjieva 3,649 leva Ivan Yosifov Ivanov $ 3,180 Hussein Sabri Alishkov 3,649 leva Legal Defense Against Hussein Mehmed Serdar 3,649 leva FoundationHuman Rights Violation Assen Istilianov Radev 3,649 leva New York, USA Hussein Ismet Dail 3,649 leva Stefka Karamfilova Moskova 3,649 leva A team of students 2,277 leva $80 Dragomir Nikolov Stoychev 3,649 leva Participation in an International Krassimira Georgieva Kastamova 3,649 leva Public Law Competition Emel Yuseinova Pentova 3,649 leva the Hague,Sofia the Netherlands Fatme Mehmed Muhtar 3,649 leva Ramadan Nedjipov Zaimov 3,649 leva National Law Students Association 2,384 leva $1,040 Sulza Lilkova Kehayova 3,649 leva 36th General Assembly of the Aliosman Ahmedov Dangov 3,649 leva European Law Students Association Petranka Gorchova Puncheva 3,649 leva La Valletta, Malta Latinka Vassileva Ivanova 3,649 leva Rifat Hayretinov Likov 3,649 leva Issa Mehmed Mersim 3,649 leva Forums in Bulgaria English Language Courses for Minority Students at the Bulgarian Sociological Association 8,347 leva American University in Bulgaria International Scientific Conference Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria „Civil Society: Social Criticism and Positive Thinking“ American University in Bulgaria 29,167 leva Sofia, Bulgaria English Language Courses for Minority Students at the Association of the Disabled – Drianovo 1,674 leva American University in Bulgaria Civic Involvement among People with Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria Disablities: Rights and Responsibilities Drianovo, Bulgaria

Short-term Fellowships Abroad Bulgarian Institute for Development 11,125 leva International Conference on the Blagoy Nikitov Vidin $ 800 Contribution of Social Sciences for Foreign Relations within an Effective Economic and Social Policy the European Union Sofia, Bulgaria The Hague, the Netherlands

20 Union of Judges in Bulgaria 3,326 leva ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Charity Projects Training in European and International Law Valentina Plus Studio 550 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Charity Concert „Stars for the Children“ – Fourth Edition Open Society Club – Blagoevgrad 9,478 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Conference on New Economic Prespectives for the Cultural and Valentina Plus Studio 3,343 leva Natural Heritage of the Western Charity Concert „Stars for the Children“ Phodope Region TV coverage and program Gotze Delchev, Bulgaria Bourgas, Bulgaria

A team of students from the National Academy of Drama and Film Arts, and Other Projects other universities 6,343 leva Discussion on the Social Reaction to B’nei B’rit 2,800 leva the Abolition of the Death Penalty “The Jews of Bulgaria: Sofia, Bulgaria Family Memory and Historical Fate” – Cultural and Ethnological Research Sofia, Bulgaria Equipment Donations Bulgarian Association of Business- Union of the Disabled in Bulgaria 5,237 leva and Self-employed Women 16,739 leva Optimizing the Information Services Encouraging Self-help Initiatives Offered to People with Disabilities in a Highly Dynamic Environment Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgaria

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ State Police Academy 5,260 leva Publishing Projects and Support for the Media Training in Polcie Investigation for Law-enforcement Staff Women’s Alliance for Development 18,565 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Support for the Zharava Magazine Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian National Foundation on Open Multiple Sclerosis and Mysathenia Gravis 15,620 leva Litavra Publishers 4,552 leva Social Integration and Rehabilitation of Support for the book “Gypsies in Multiple Sclerosis and Mysathenia Gravis the ”, the first Patients in Bulgaria through Self-help Bulgarian book included in the Sofia, Bulgaria European collection “Interface” Sofia, Bulgaria Society Knights of Knowledge Movement for Children 17,876 leva Joint project with the Media Discover the World of the New Century Development Center Sofia, Bulgaria TV documentary „The Attitude of Bulgarian Turks towards the Media 6,407 leva A team of students in political sciences Bulgaria Foundationled by Lyubima Yordanova 12,203 leva The Language of Change: Open Society Publishing House 21,912 leva Sociological and Politological Aspects Support for the Sofia, Bulgaria “Bulgaria in Transition” Series Sofia, Bulgaria Market Economy Institute $5,000 The Balkans in 2010 – TV crew led by Reneta Nikolova $1,299 Sofia Economic and Cooperation Scenarios Support for the TV documentary „Secret Services versus Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian emigrants“ Copenhagen, Denmark International Center on Minority Issues and Intercultural Communication 25,733 leva Citizen Association 9,513 leva Establishing a Network of Centers for Support for the Interethnic Relations Democratic Review Magazine Sofia–Skopjie–Tirana Sofia, Bulgaria Chisinau–Pristina–Belgrade

Evgeni Blagoev Yochev 6,528 leva Insight Youth Center 13,510 leva Support for the book Training and Self-help Initiatives “Legislation in Bulgaria Facilitating the Socialization of from 1878 to 1944“ Parentless Children Living Outside Sofia, Bulgaria Foundling Homes Sofia, Bulgaria Institute for Regional and International Research 5,097 leva Legal Initiative for Education Support for the book and Development 5,018 leva “Regional Infrastructural Projects Information System for Maintaining in Southeasern Europe“ Criminal Records Sofia, Bulgaria Varna, Bulgaria

Center for Independent Living 3,545 leva Union of Innovators in Bulgaria 6,699 leva Publishing a Collection of Laws Training and Legal Assistance for Related to People with Disabilities Innovators in the Transition Period Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria

21 Support for the Disabled Foundation 11,122 leva ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Sociological Research and Interdisciplinary Training for Physically Study of Several Roma Communities Challenged Lawyers Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria Outward Bound – Bulgaria 25,687 leva Access to Information Outward Bound Training for Program Foundation 38,667 leva Disadvantaged Children Access to Information Training for Sofia, Bulgaria Journalists and Representatives of Local NGOs Help for Charity in Bulgaria Foundation 9,500 leva Sofia, Bulgaria The Charity Aid Foundation and Its Experience: Lessons for Business Management and Bulgarian Charity Organizations Entrepreneurship Center 15,233 leva Russia Citizens and Local Governments as Partners in Managing Bulgarian NGO Resource Center 15,731 leva Municipal Property Training Program for Bulgarian Varna, Bulgaria Community Centers Bulgaria UN Development Program 28,966 leva National Early Warning System Rehabilitation of Sight Impaired in Bulgaria 2000–2001 Patients Foundation 33,401 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Establishing a Resource Center for Sight Impaired People in Plovdiv, Sofia, Future Association 18,125 leva Sliven, Varna, Stara Zagora and Gabrovo Improving Public Services and Bulgaria Sanitary Practices in a Residential

District in Pazardjik ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Roma Self-help Bureau Foundation – Sliven 15,560 leva Pazardjik, Bulgaria Increasing Public Awareness of the Facts That Illustrate the National Policy on Issues Training for Volunteers and NGO Addressed by the Framework Convention Workers in the Eastern Rhodope Region 7,782 leva for the Protection of National Minorities Sliven, Bulgaria Help for Children at Risk Association 8,924 leva Open Children’s Social Service Bureau Sapareva Bania Foundation 8,747 leva Patalenitza Village Current Conditions and Reform Efforts Pazardjik Region, Bulgaria in Managing Irrigable Waters in the Gorno Pole Village Justice ’96 Association 19,660 leva Sapareva Bania, Bulgaria Public Campaign for Social Protection Society of Stray Children and Underaged Girls Tolerance Foundation 18,131 leva Involved in Prostitution from the Public Attitude Towards Stolipinovo Roma Neighborhood Religious Minorities in Bulgaria Plovdiv, Bulgaria Bulgaria

Union of Bulgarian Foundations Social Adaptation Center Foundation 17,922 leva FoundationSocial Services and Re-training for and Associations 10,542 leva Unemployed Middle-aged Professionals Institutional Support Network – part I Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgaria Orphan Foundation 17,284 leva Union of the Deaf in Bulgaria Municipal Center for the Protection Regional Association of the Deaf – Sofia 8,257 leva of Children’s Rights – Blagoevgrad Establishing a Video Center at the Regional Sofia Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria Association of the Deaf in Sofia Sofia, Bulgaria Center for Youth Strategies 5,591 leva Public Policy Magazine on the Internet Union of the Deaf in Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria Central Council 10,391 leva Integrated Education Joint Project with the National Center for Hearing Impaired Children – for Non-profit Boards – Washington D.C. 6,360 leva Training for School Teachers Capacity Building in Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian NGO Boards Sofia, Bulgaria Initiatives and Civic Participation Foundation 8,744 leva International Center on Minority Issues Establishing a Regional System and Intercultural Communication 402 leva for Preventing Drug Abuse, Documentary Research on the East Violence, and AIDS Rhodope Region Pazardjik, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria

Interethnic Human Rights Transparency without Initiative Foundation 3,889 leva Frontiers Association 35,954 leva Establishing an Interethnic Institutional Support Civic Fund for Development Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgaria Psychological and Social International Center on Minority Issues Development Foundation 5,500 leva and Intercultural Communication 28,755 leva Dynamics Research Project „Poverty and Ethnicity in Societies in Sofia, Bulgaria Transition“ – International Comparative

22 European Integration and ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Legal Initiative for Education Human Rights Association 18,146 leva and Development 37,865 leva Establishing an Agency for Free Reforming Criminal Justice and Legal Assistance in Cases of Harmonizing Bulgarian Criminal Law Human Rights Violation and in with the European Standards Public Interest Lawsuits Varna, Bulgaria Plovdiv, Bulgaria Human Rights Project 55,234 leva Free Legal Assistance for Roma Joint Legal Program of OSF – Sofia abd COLPI Sofia, Bulgaria

European Integration and Human Rights Project 26,681 leva Human Rights Association 10,000 leva Monitoring Human Rights Protection Human Rights Training Program in the Bulgarian Roma Community Sofia, Bulgaria for Legal Practitioners Plovdiv, Bulgaria Drom Association 31,826 leva Free Legal Assistance for Roma in European Integration and Cases of Human Rights Abuse Human Rights Association 35,542 leva Vidin, Bulgaria Developing Legal Mechanisms for Human Rights Protection Initiatives and Civic Plovdiv, Bulgaria Participation Foundation 35,515 leva Introducing a Model for Association for Facilitating Social Re-integration the Re-socialization of Convicts 28,609 leva of Former Convicts Introducing International Human Pazardjik, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora Rights Protection Standards in Bulgaria

Bulgarian Correctional Facilities – ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Training Program for Penitentiary Staff Partners – Bulgaria Foundation 60,380 leva Stage I Developing and Introducing an Sofia, Bulgaria Alternative Conflict Resolution Program in the Curricula of Association for Facilitating Bulgarian Law Departments the Re-socialization of ConvictsOpen 33,969 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Introducing International Human Rights Protection Standards in Partners – Bulgaria Foundation 11,690 leva Bulgarian Correctional Facilities – Establishing a System for Effective Training Program for Penitentiary Staff Conflict Resolution Mediation and Stage II Opening Mediation Units at Bulgarian Sofia, Bulgaria Society Correctional Facilites Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian Association for Civil Society and Legal Initiatives 51,381 leva Access to Information Program Foundation 87,177 leva Introducing Civic Control in Where and how to Exercise Public Administration Institutions the Right to Information Sofia, BulgariaFoundationSofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian Helsinki Committee 18,731 leva Romani Bach Foundation 19,276 leva Free Legal Assistance for Roma Survey on the Conditions in Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian Correctional Facilities Sofia, Bulgaria Romski Put Foundation 43,325 leva Legal Assistance and Legal Education Open Society Club – BourgasSofia 11,664 leva for Inhabitants of Roma Neighborhoods Re-socialization Program for Inmates Sofia, Bulgaria at the Bourgas Correctional Facility Bourgas, Bulgaria Judicial Training Center Foundation 86,748 leva Establishing a Judicial Training Center Assistant Prof. Doncho Hrusanov and Team 11,566 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Establishing a Legal Clinic at the Law Department of the St. Kliment Ohridski Legal Assistance Center Foundation 64,748 leva University of Sofia Establishing a Legal Clinic at the Sofia, Bulgaria Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv Plovdiv Friendship Youth Center 17,775 leva Improving the Psychological Climate NGO Center – Razgrad 21,043 leva and Facilitating the Re-socialization Rallying Public Support for the of Convicts at the Kremikovtzi Minimum Crime Prevention Efforts of the Police Security Prison Razgrad, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria

Ministry of Defense Joint Program of OSF – Sofia abd LGI Military Police Department 39,003 leva Human Rights Protection Short-term Fellowships Abroad Training Program for Military Police Staff Antonia Gospodinova Gospodinova $800 Sofia, Bulgaria Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Ministry of Defense Rumiana Georgieva Mutafova $725 Military Police Department 37,830 leva Fellowship in Banking Law Opening a Hotline at the Department Salzburg, Austria Sofia, Bulgaria

23 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Svetlana Koleva Alexandrova 1,658 leva $120 “Reborn Civil Society” Economic Indicators for Freedom Regional Association 20,968 leva and Democracy in Bulgaria Dialog Project Vancouver, Canada Pleven, Dolni Dubnik, Bulgaria

Maria Petrova Karadjova $322 Civic Participation Association 19,088 leva Federalism, Decentralization and Project for Establishing Local Community Their Derrivatives Centers for Civic Participation Switzerland , Bulgaria

Nevrokop Region Development Center 14,389 leva Participation in Forums Abroad Providing Assistance for Illiterate and Semi-literate Citizens Georgi Todorov Dankov $1,000 in Applying for Social Services Annual Conference of Gotze Delchev, Gurmen, Satovcha the International Municipal Bulgaria Lawyers Association Barcelona, Spain Union of Bulgarian Architects 20,492 leva Effective Municipal Management as Dimiter Georgiev Rashev $688 an Instrument for Limiting 89th Regular Session of the Legal Illegal Construction Committee of the European Sofia, Bulgaria Broadcasting Union Geneva, Switzerland Apel Foundation 9,435 leva Let’s Work Together Project Rositza Nikolaeva Kukusheva $699 Glojene, Bulgaria 89th Regular Session of the Legal

Committee of the European ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Future for Bulgaria Foundation 168,948 leva Broadcasting Union Building Bridges Project Geneva, Switzerland Bulgaria

Future Foundation $7,918 Project Expenses Improving Sanitary Conditions in theOpen Roma Neighborhood Middle Class Development Association 28,257 leva Rakitovo, Bulgaria Peripheral Municipalities: Resources for Local Development Orpheus Foundation 7,517 leva Sofia, Ihtiman, Svilengrad, Bulgaria Improving the Cooperation Between Citizens and Local Administration Bulgarian Association for Fair Elections SocietySatovcha, Bulgaria and Civil Rights – Razgrad Office 8,084 leva The Public Mediator as a Civic Center for the Study of Democracy 5,398 leva Consultant and Advisor Reforming the Structures and the Practices Lozntitza, Bulgaria of Local Administration Institutions and Establishing a National Infrastructure Bulgarian Association of Social Workers 20,890 leva for Electronic Information Exchange Developing Mechanisms for Introducing FoundationSofia, Bulgaria a Code of Ethics in Social Services Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian Association for Economic Development 6,044 leva Danish Education Center 6,622 leva Improving Local Government Introducing Effective Civic Participation Administration by Developing and Practices in the Local Government of Introducing Specialized Hardware and SoftwareSofia Municipality Krushari, Bulgaria Dolna Mitropolia, Bulgaria

Market Economy Institute $13,870 University of National and World Economy Regional Policy and Regional Development: New Bulgarian University, Local Government Support for the Razgrad Region Development Foundation, International Razgrad, Bulgaria Institute of Municipal Clerks 71,998 leva Training Program in Municipal Institute for Regional and Property Management International Research 9,337 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Developing Bulgarian-Macedonian Relations in Political, Infrastructural, Povik Foundation 15,424 leva Cultural, and Civil Cooperation Encouraging Civic Participation Bulgaria in Local Government

Open Society Club – Vratza 16,176 leva Stefka Angelova and team 11,153 leva Traditional Ways for Recycling and Research Study on the Reasons Reducing the Disposal of Waste Perpetuating Illegal Construction Vratza, Bulgaria in Bulgaria Bulgaria Open Society Club – Gabrovo 14,997 leva Opening an Anti-corruption Hotline Partners for the Future Association 10,434 leva for Complaints Againts Local Goverment Democratization in Local Government Institutions and Officials Bulgaria in the Gabrovo Region Gabrovo, Bulgaria

24 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Temporary Donation of Equipment Street Children – Children in the Streets Program A Joint Program of the Open Society Foundation – Sofia, Regional Development and European the King Baudouin Foundation, Belgium, and the World Bank Integration Association 2,894 leva Facilitating the Cooperation between Karitas Association 13,094 leva the Private and the Public Sectors in A Better World for Street Children Project Preserving and Developing Local Bourgas, Bulgaria Resources Sofia, Bulgaria Rada Kirkovich Foundling Home Board of Trustees 18,517 leva Romani Bach Foundation 17,817 leva Establishing a Boarding House for Encouraging Transparency in Street Children the Activity of Social Services and Plovdiv, Bulgaria Enhancing Cooperation with the NGO Sector and the Local Community The Õ Society 18,462 leva Sofia, Bulgaria The Fox and the Little Prince Project Rousse, Bulgaria Bulgarian Association for Economic Education 16,655 leva Free and Democratic Bulgaria Foundation 19,209 leva Introducing Modern Practices New Opportunities for of Good Governance Street Children Project Pleven, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria

Assistant Prof. Lyubomir Hristov Gavroche Association 19,228 leva Lilov and Team 8,722 leva Facilitating the Socialization of The Civil Society as a Factor in Street Children Building Sustainable Communities Varna, Bulgaria ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Perushtitza, Bulgaria Hope Association 11,963 leva Ogosta ‘98 Regional Knowledgeable Kids School Development Foundation 1,612 leva Bourgas, Bulgaria Basic Education and Training Program for 15 Unemployed PeopleOpen Chance and Protection Association 19,209 leva from the Local Roma Community Establishing a Day Care Montana, Bulgaria Center for Street Children Haskovo, Bulgaria Economics 2000 Club 17,860 leva New Mechanisms for Allocating Samaritans Humanitarian Foundation 14,401 leva Municipal Funds Society Off the Street and Into School Project Sofia, Bulgaria Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Foundation Sofia

25 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Zdravka Dimitrova Yorgova 204 leva Dupnitza, Bulgaria Kostadin Georgiev Marinov 495 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Christina Atanasova Georgieva 495 leva Plovdiv, Bulgaria Liliana Danailova Karameshineva 450 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Margarita Alexandrova Mihaylova 495 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Maria Nikolova Markova 102 leva Bourgas, Bulgaria Roma Milena Ivova Ilieva 495 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Miroslava Mitkova Atanasova 153 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Kapka Shabanova Georgieva 495 leva

Program Sofia, Bulgaria Zdravko Goranov Zdravkov 450 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Irena Gancheva Hristova 895 leva Vratza, Bulgaria Scholarships in Bulgaria Ivo Apostolov Karamitev 495 leva Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria Joint Competition for Minority Students Paolina Pavlova Asparuhova 495 leva Organized by the Roma Program and Sofia, Bulgaria the Scholarships Program ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Peter Goranov Ivanov 495 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Axenia Emilova Chausheva 495 leva Rossen Yosifov Atanasov 495 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Varna, Bulgaria Aleko Alekov Assenov 495 leva Sezgin Mumun Bekir 495 leva Shoumen, Bulgaria Sofia,Open Bulgaria Alexander Kracholov Ivanov 306 leva Sylvia Vassileva Sasheva 495 leva Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Shoumen, Bulgaria Andrey Ivanov Iliev 324 leva Sylvia Stefanova Naydenova 300 leva Varna, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria Anelia Ilieva Dancheva 300 leva Natalia Binkova Uzunova 495 leva Vratza, Bulgaria SocietySofia, Bulgaria Aneta Angelova Perova 450 leva Natasha Zarkova Assenova 495 leva Sliven, Bulgaria Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria Assen Boyanov Minchev 495 leva Nikolay Nenchev Kolchev 495 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria Assen Kirilov Konchev 495 leva Stela Stefanova Kostova 153 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria FoundationStefko Mihaylov Borissov 204 leva Billiana Ilieva Raykova 150 leva Vratza, Bulgaria Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Borislav Petrov Borissov 300 leva Tamara Mihaylova Shipova 495 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Gabrovo, Bulgaria Valentin Simeonov Blagoev 495 leva Todorka Ivanova Dimitrova 450 leva Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria Sliven, Bulgaria Tony NikolaevSofia Chakurov 495 leva Venelina Pavlova Yurukova 450 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Shoumen, Bulgaria Veronika Gancheva Hristova 730 leva Hristo Filipov Penchev 200 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Vidin, Bulgaria Vesselina Ivanova Dimitrova 450 leva Yavor Andreev Kirilov 495 leva Sliven, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria Victoria Petrova Borissova 357 leva Veliana Romanova Chileva 330 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Shoumen, Bulgaria Darina Milcheva Boshnakova 450 leva Violeta Dimitrova Draganova 306 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Plovdiv, Bulgaria Dimiter Strahilov Dimitrov 495 leva Zaprian Trifonov Hristov 300 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Plovdiv, Bulgaria Dimo Stefanov Atanasov 495 leva Rozalia Boyanova Manevska 328 leva Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Svishtov, Bulgaria Dinko Bankov Atanasov 495 leva Ivan Dimitrov Georgiev 204 leva Plovdiv, Bulgaria Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Dincer Mustafa Yakub 495 leva Mitko Assenov Iliev 204 leva Bourgas, Bulgaria Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Dian Georgiev Ivanov 495 leva Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Elena Russinova Assenova 300 leva American University in Bulgaria 7,574 leva Vidin, Bulgaria Scholarships for Minority Students Emil Yulianov Chukov 495 leva Studying English at the AUBG – a Joint Program with the Academia Program Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria Zaprian Trifonov Hristov 642 leva Kurdjali, Bulgaria

26 Participation in Forums Abroad ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ National Roma Center 7,574 leva Establishing a Roma Community Center Vereya–Roma Association 942 leva $575 Bulgaria Participation in an International Music Festival Union of Roma Foundations Montpellier, France and Associations – Sofia 5,700 leva Establishing a Roma Community Center Valentin Simeonov Grigorov $160 in the Slatina Municipality Roma in the 21st Century Sofia, Bulgaria Budapest, Hungary United Roma Alliance Regional Organization – Rossen Village 946 leva Forums in Bulgaria Hederlezi ’99 – Celebration of the Traditional Roma Day Roma Culture and Education Rossen Village, Bulgaria Organization 3,657 leva II National Roma Poetry United Roma Alliance Competition – Shoumen ’99 Regional Organization – Haskovo 5,543 leva Shoumen, Bulgaria Establishing an Information and Support Center Trust Nonprofit Association – Vidin 723 leva Haskovo, Bulgaria Joint Performance of the Drama Group at the Nadezhda Foundling Home and the Roma Youth Organization 11,078 leva Theater Company at the Razvitie Community Center for Roma Integration Center within the Month of Roma Culture Sliven, Bulgaria in Belogradchik

Vidin, Lom, Belogradchik, Bulgaria ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Iskra Roma Foundation – Shoumen 2,866 leva Establishing a Roma Community Center Union of Bulgarian Composers 2,794 leva Shoumen, Bulgaria Roma Music Concert Sofia, Bulgaria Doverie MR Association 7,329 leva Open Establishing a Roma Community Center in Loznitza District Project Expenses Assenovgrad, Bulgaria

SOS Roma Association 6,253 leva Roma Women Association – Plovdiv 1,127 leva Establishing a Roma Advisory Center Roma Rituals and Festive Traditions: at the Lyulin ResidentialSociety District Training Program for Roma Students Sofia, Bulgaria at the School Plovdiv, Bulgaria Union of Roma Foundations and Associations – Sofia 5,601 leva Cultural Center for Social Integration 752 leva Developing Legal, Social, International Festival Participation and CulturalFoundation Services at the Orenburg (Russia), Kremikovtzi Community Center Bourgas, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria Nov Put ’98 Association 3,862 leva Mag Chris – Vidin Show Artistic Trio 360 leva Establishing a Roma Children Participation in a National Variety Song and Dance Group Show Competition – Varna 1999Sofia Turgovishte, Bulgaria Varna, Bulgaria Roma Art Academy Foundation 3,758 leva Peter Georgiev and Team 455 leva Roma Art Academy International Roma Day Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria Lozenetz Foundation 9,000 leva Advancement Foundation VII National and I European Festival of Future Association 10,845 leva Roma Music and Song – 1999 Establishing a Community Center Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Pazardjik, Bulgaria Interethnic Human Rights Future for Bulgarian Roma Initiative Foundation – Sofia 6,069 leva International Foundation 5,489 leva Introducing Roma Assistant Teachers Establishing an Advisory Center for in Bulgarian Schools Legal, Social, and Employment Services Sofia, Bulgaria Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Mission–New Generation–Roma Foundation 3,758 leva Roma Youth Club – Stolipinovo 11,495 leva General and Sexual Health Training Intercultural Education – Program for the Inhabitants of the Netherlands ’99 the Roma Neighborhood in Sliven Amsterdam, the Netherlands Sliven, Bulgaria

Elena Lyubenova Sachkova 2,267 leva $367 Rominterne – Right to Live Foundation 1,867 leva Education Policies and Ethnic Traditions Roma Art Festival Featuring Roma in Bulgaria 1878–1999 Films and Documentaries – Osikovizta ’99 Sofia, Bulgaria Osikovizta, Bulgaria

27 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

Rominterne – Right to Live Foundation 2,112 leva Bulgarian Teachers Syndicate 1,867 leva Providing Textbooks and Training Aids Children of Bulgaria Project for Primary School Students Whose Parents Sofia, Bulgaria Have Been Institutionalized in the Stara Zagora Correctional Facility Vassil Vassilev and a Team of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Cinematography Students 1,353 leva Documentaries Publicizing Roma Culture Roma Bureau Foundation – Montana 7,454 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Establishing a Roma Community Center in the Vulchedrum Village Romano Drom Foundation 1,691 leva Vulchedrum, Bulgaria Qualification and Employment Opportunities for Roma Social Protection for Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian Roma Foundation 2,637 leva Computer Training for Young Roma Roma Program Project for Celebrating Shoumen, Bulgaria the International Roma Day 4,343 leva

Blagovestie Christian Institute 6,930 leva Media Development Center $20,000 Overcoming Prejudice between Bulgarian Competition for Media Productions and Roma Communities in Berkovitza. on Minority Issues Limiting the Unemployment of Roma Sofia, Bulgaria Berkovitza, Bulgaria ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Open Society Foundation Sofia

28 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Youth Euroatlantic Society 13,698 leva General Assembly of the Young Political Leaders Atlantic Association Sofia, Bulgaria

Publishing Projects and Support for the Media

International Law Institute 8,667 leva Publishing a Series of Monographs on Judiciary Systems within the EU Sofia, Bulgaria

Classic FM Radio 16,327 leva A Series of Radio Programs on European Integration and EU History Atlantic Sofia, Bulgaria Program Europe 2001 Magazine 5,065 leva 250 Subscriptions Sofia, Bulgaria

Journalists for European Unity Association 4,964 leva Integration Information Newsletter on European Integration Sofia, Bulgaria ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

Project Expenses European and ACCESS Association 11,847 leva $2100 Analysis of the Situation Open in Yugoslavia Sofia, Bulgaria

Social Research Association 11,693 leva Long-term Scholarships and Fellowships Abroad Problems in the Relations between Local Governments Mariana Hristova GerenskaSociety$2,000 and EU Structures European Integration and Sofia, Bulgaria Human Resource Development Bruege, Belgium Balkan Youth Club 3,017 leva Our Common Future Project Emilia Yordanova Gigova 653 leva $100 Sofia, Bulgaria International and European Relations ClairmontFoundation Ferrand, France Dimiter Ivanov Avramov 662 leva Research on Atlantic Integration Irina Daskalova Gancheva $990 and Regional Security Master’s Degree in European and Sofia, Bulgaria International Studies Nice, France Museum of History – Plovdiv 1,694 leva Sofia The Millennial Christian Stanislava Krumova Dragomirova $1,041 History of Plovdiv Master’s Program in European Studies Plovdiv, Bulgaria Leuven, Belgium Open Society Club – Pleven 4,105 leva Elisaveta Zdravkova Simeonova $3,500 The Road Towards Europe European Macroeconomics Pleven, Bulgaria Paris, France Center for Liberal Strategies 5,098 leva $2,000 Danka Lekova Todorova $3,000 Analysis of the Situation in European Studies Sofia, Bulgaria Leipzig, Germany Arts Studies Institute 1,169 leva Stanislava Krumova Dragomirova $2,041 International Balkan Arts Symposium Master’s Program in European Integration Plovdiv, Bulgaria Leuven, Belgium German Marshall Fund $10,000 Scholarships for the Bulgarian Forums in Bulgaria Fellows Included in a Training Program for Southeastern Europe UN Society in Bulgaria 3,037 leva Washington D.C., USA UN Decision-making Model Sofia, Bulgaria

European Youth Movement 5,523 leva European Youth Week Bulgaria

29 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Topteam Company 18,771 leva Opening a Bulgarian Medical Internet Portal – www.medic.bg Sofia, Bulgaria

Doverie Association 5,471 leva In-house Social Services for Elderly Citizens Bourgas, Bulgaria

Rhodope Mountains Association 1,789 leva Training Program for the Prevention of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Smolyan, Bulgaria Public Health Association of Bulgarian Broadcasters 2,454 leva Campaign for Increasing Public Awareness of Socially Significant Diseases – 2

Program Bulgaria

Healthcare and Minorities Foundation 12,176 leva Improving Sanitary and Healthcare Practices and Preventing the Spread of Project Expenses Hereditary Diseases among Members of the Roma Community Bulgarian Samaritan Union 18,455 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Changing the Practices of Treating Tuberculosis Among Convicts Caspar Foundation 14,093 leva

Sofia, Bulgaria ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Counseling and Support Services for People Living with HIV/AIDS Association of Medical Students 10,605 leva International Iternship Program Sofia, Bulgaria for Medical Students Sofia, Bulgaria Alma Association 16,060 leva Project for Increasing Public Awareness of theOpen Rights of Hospitalized Patients Bulgarian National UNICEF Committee 3,499 leva Teaching Values Program for Children Sofia, Bulgaria with Mental Disabilities Elhovo, Bulgaria Association of Stomatology Clinics 7,202 leva Project for Providing Healthcare Bulgarian Red Cross 8,750 leva Information to Patients Plovdiv, Bulgaria Hotline for Free Psychological Assistance. Society Significance and Potential in the Research Ream at the Healthcare Transition Period Information Center Sofia, Bulgaria of the Ministry of Healthcare 14,892 leva Research on the Public Attitude Dr. M. Marinov and Team 13,212 leva towards Healthcare Reform Efforts Humanizing Hospital Services FoundationSofia, Bulgaria Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria Team of Employees at the Vratza Assistant Prof. B. Davidov and Team 3,728 leva Correctional Facility 5,410 leva Developing a Healthcare Investment Crime Prevention among Drug Management System and Alcohol Adicts Sofia, Bulgaria Vratza,Sofia Bulgaria Open Society Club – Veliko Turnovo 1,000 leva Solutions Center – Rousse 9,442 leva Are Healthy People Really Healthy? Research Study on the Quality of Life Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria of Patients with Chronic Kidney Failure Open Society Club – Vratza 5,316 leva Rousse, Bulgaria Project for Encouraging Joint Efforts againts Drug Abuse Vratza, Bulgaria Forums in Bulgaria

Open Society Club – Stara Zagora 5,039 leva Bulgarian Association on Infertility 2,593 leva Pre-health Reform Training for I National Symposium on Infertility Medical Staff and Patients in and Birth Control Stara Zagora Region Bansko, Bulgaria Stara Zagora, Bulgaria Bulgarian Anatomy Society 1,110 leva Dessislav Kostadinov and Team 18,788 leva ÕIV Congress of the Bulgarian Collecting Information on Donations Anatomy Society of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Equipment, Pleven, Bulgaria and Consumables Donated to Bulgarian Hospitals Bulgarian Headache Association 2,811 leva Sofia, Bulgaria First Bulgarian–Italian Symposium on Headache Bulgarian NGO Resource Center 19,311 leva Varna, Bulgaria Medical Evaluation of Army Officers Discharged from Duty Bulgarian Society for Psychological Sofia, Bulgaria and Social Rehabilitation 3,717 leva

30 Regional Southeast European ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Binka Konstantinova Popova-Ruseva 1,442 leva Conference on Cognitive and Behavioral Fellowship in Replantation Physchotherapy and Microsurgery Sofia, Bulgaria Louiseville, USA

National Society for Aesthetic Surgery Borislav Mihaylov Kyuchukov 657 leva and Medicine 1,772 leva The Vitreoretinal Interface in International Congress on Aesthetic Health and Disease Surgery and Medicine Comparative study with OCT Varna, Bulgaria and 3D Echography Ghent, Belgium Ecoglasnost National Movement 1,490 leva „Ecology, Healthcare, Society“ – Galina Ivanova Kirova-Nedyalkova 707 leva A Series of Training Seminars for Computer Tomography Reconstructional NGO Representatives Techniques for Evaluating the Sofia, Bulgaria Dissemination of Lung Carcinoma Marseille, France First Balkan Conference on Microbiology Steering Committee 3,739 leva Dancho Petrov Dekov 353 leva First Balkan Conference on Microbiology Medical Expertise of Body Trauma Plovdiv, Bulgaria and Trauma of the Face St. Petersburg, Russia Finsys–Hristovich Ltd. 3,160 leva National Seminar on the Reform in Iveta Gancheva Petrova 723 leva the Bulgarian Healthcare System Master’s Program in Cardiology Sofia, Bulgaria Pisa, Italy

Heart of a Child – Martin Eliot Foundation 5,523 leva Kiril Vurbanov Mladenov 656 leva 34th Regular Congress of the European ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Practical Application of the Prognostic Pediatric Cardiology Association Symptoms for Inborn Hip Joint Luxation Sofia, Bulgaria Paris, France

Krassimit Ivanov Oreshkov 667 leva Publishing Projects Open Fellowship in Clinical Oncology Nantes, France „Nalya-2“ Ltd. 4,000 leva Publishing a Bulgarian–English Maria Stoycheva Chomarova $1,500 Medical Dictionary Fellowship at the Tabucktok Clinic Sofia, Bulgaria London, UK

Bulgarian Surgeons’ SocietySociety 1,879 leva Maya Nikolova Yordanova 625 leva Support for the Surgery Magazine Alogenic and Autologous Transplantation Sofia, Bulgaria of Peripheral Stem Cells in Treating Malignant Tumors Ministry of Transportation 4,162 leva Berlin, Germany Publishing and Distribution of SpecializedFoundation Reference Publications: Mihail Mitkov Demirev 646 leva $50 1. Transport Services for Elderly and Fellowship in Anesthesiology Disabled Persons Lille, France 2. Transportation Policy for the Disabled (translation) Nelly Gateva Gateva $405 Sofia, Bulgaria Fellowship in Pulmonary Pathology Graz, Austria Emergency Medicine MagazineSofia 3,834 leva Publishing Expenses for 1999 Nikolay Dimitrov Toporov 859 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Fellowship in Surgery Paris, France Heart and Health Foundation 13,484 leva Publishing a Series of Information Pavlina Toteva Draganova 1,262 leva Brochures on Socially Significant Fellowship in Pediatrics and Neonatology Diseases Designed to Improve the Bergen, Norway Quality of Life of Elderly Persons Bulgaria Hristo Georgiev Tzekov 679 leva Fellowship in Liver and Healthcare Management Magazine 2,453 leva Pancreatic Transplantation Publishing Expenses for 1999 Paris, France Sofia, Bulgaria Hristo Kamenov Naydenov 649 leva Central Medical Library 1,650 leva Application of Antithrombine III Magazine on Cerebral and in Patients with Severe Sepsis Psychiatric Diseases Paris, France Sofia, Bulgaria Julian Ivanov Krushkov 760 leva Tissue-Ultrasound Evaluation of Long-term Scholarships and Fellowships Abroad the Systolic Function of the Left Ventricle of the Heart for Angelina Nikolova Vassileva 780 leva Patients with Ischemia Fellowship in Cardiology Zurich, Switzerland Bergamo, Italy

31 Stefan Lionov Stefanov 532 leva ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Nelly Gancheva Ilieva 606 leva Carotid Arteries and Distal Arterial Fellowship in Anaesthesiology Reconstruction in Diabetis Patients and Intensive Care Vienna, Austria Be’er Sheva, Israel

Anastasia Petrova Mihaylova 669 leva Nelly Georgieva Zhekova-Pancheva 1,031 leva Polymorphism of the Genes of NK Cell Echocardiography and Dopler Sonography Receptors in the Tumor Process of of Newborns with Cardiovascular Problems Patients with Melanoma Bordeaux, France Paris, France Nikolay Nikiforov Kovachev 797 leva Anna Assenova Kostova-Konstantinova 585 leva Fellowship in Laparoscopic Surgery International Course on AIDS and other Paris, France Sexually Transmitted Diseases Paris, France Ognian Kostadinov Kulev 539 leva Fellowship in Neuropathology Anna Nikolova Neykova 550 leva Vienna, Austria Internship in Cardiology Turin, Italy Parashkeva Georgieva Boyadjieva 771 leva Research on Autoimmune Borislav Stefanov Sultanov 748 leva and Allergic Diseases New Methods for Examining the Copenhagen, Denmark Immunopathological Illness Associated with Uveites Plamen Hristov Yakovliev 749 leva Paris, France Internship in Allergology and Autoimmunology Georgi Kirilov Kunin 1,417 leva Aàlst, Belgium

Scientific Research on Biochemical ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Monitoring during Brain Surgery Operations Raycho Ivanov Kehayov 666 leva Chicago, USA Fellowship in Child Orthopedics Paris, France Dida Dimitrova Kazakova $345 Bronchodilatants in Close-angle Glaucoma Rumiana Videnova Alexieva 724 leva Milano, Italy InternshipOpen in Endodondics Nantes, France Dimiter Georgiev Terziyski 606 leva Diagnosis and Treatment of Pharmacy Students’ Scientific Society 2,100 leva Sepsis Conditions and Polytraumatism International Exchange Program Be’er Sheva, Israel in Pharmacy: Short-term Fellowships Societyfor Pharmacy Students Dorotea Kirilova Vezeva-Mihaylova 606 leva Internship in a Pain Treatment Clinic Stefan Tzenov Ganchev $450 Be’er Sheva, Israel New Methods in Traumatology Israel Jasmina Mhaylova Milanova 838 leva Fellowship in Lung Cancer Treatment Stefanka Nikolova Mihova 746 leva Perugia, Italy FoundationVoice Rehabilitation Paris, France Ilsa Konstantinova Purjeva 705 leva $59 Overcoming Multiple Drug Resistance Hristina Dimitrova Naumova 946 leva Halle, Germany Postgraduate Program in Ophthalmology Tel Aviv, Israel Ilia Borissov Kyutukchiev 836 leva Sofia International Program in Medicine Hristo Antonov Hadzhiatanasov 606 leva Tel Aviv, Israel Fellowship in Intensive Care and Anaesthesiology Iliana Hristova Pacheva 812 leva Be’er Sheva, Israel Fellowship in Pediatrics Edinburgh, UK Lyubomir Assenov Damyanov $2,000 Hristo Atanasov Damyanov $2,000 Constanza Nikolaeva Alexieva 935 leva Business Seminar in Healthcare Arthroscopic Treatment of Chronic Marketing and Management Humerus Bone Instability Tampa, USA Montpellier, France Yuri Marinov Petkov 1,602 leva $20 Lilyana Dimitrova Chakova-Petrova 1,235 leva Fellowship in Intensive Application and Monitoring of Care and Anaesthesiology Ketogenic Diet in Pediatric Epilepsy Osaka, Japan Baltimore, USA

Marin Atanasov Bozhikov 739 leva Network Harm Reduction Program Fellowship in Nephrology, Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation Dose of Love Association 12,368 leva Paris, France Syringe and Needle Exchange Program Bourgas, Bulgaria Milena Ivanova Ivanova 557 leva One-month Internship in a DNA Lab Open Society Club – Plovdiv 10,900 leva Utrecht, the Netherlands Syringe and Needle Exchange Program Plovdiv, Bulgaria

32 Health Initiative Foundation 32,964 leva ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Radka Savova Hristova 885 leva $50 Syringe and Needle Exchange Program – Pediatrics Prevention of HIV/AIDS Infections among Injection Drug Adicts Deyan Nikolov Deyanov 879 leva $80 Sofia, Bulgaria Peter Ivanov Rouev 955 leva $50 Otorhinolaringology Panacea 97 Foundation 9,075 leva Syringe and Needle Exchange Program Stoycho Dimitrov Stoev 935 leva $100 Plovdiv, Bulgaria Obstetrics and Gynecology

Pleven 21st Century Foundation 6,596 leva Bisser Valentinov Kasabov $573 Prevention of HIV/AIDS Infections among Medical Imaging Injection Drug Adicts in the Pleven Region Pleven, Bulgaria Scarlet Roumenova Markova 997 leva $50 Neurology Atanaska Kostadinova Stoyanova 557 leva $350 Antoaneta Georgieva Georgieva 557 leva $350 Daniela Violinova Andreeva 557 leva $350 Geriatrics and Gerontology Network Program Diana Ilieva Bogoslovova 557 leva $350 Zahari Yordanov Nikolov 557 leva $350 Assen Stoyanov Gasharov $170 Maya Naydenova Naydenova 557 leva $350 Stefan Stefanov Popov $150 Nedyu Nikolov Georgiev 557 leva $350 Architecture Competition – Integrated Ognian Dossev Koychev 557 leva $350 Community, Society for Everyone Sahak Zohrab Chalukian 557 leva $350 Budapest, Hungary Tinka Ivanova Nacheva 557 leva $350 Harm Reducation Training Program Biliana Nikolova Jitarova 331 leva $50 Cracow, Poland Dobrin Ivanov Ivanov 331 leva $50 Stoyanka Paskaleva Nevedesheva-Angelova 331 leva $50 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Zahari Yordanov Nikolov 780 leva $250 Hristina Hristova Kozareva 337 leva $150 10th International Harm In-house Services and Day-care Center Reduction Conference for Elderly People without Relatives Geneva, Switzerland Budapest, Hungary Salzburg Seminars in MedicineOpen – Salzburg, Vienna, Austria Biliana Nikolova Jitarova $330 Marionella Neykova Stoyanova $330 Vessela Stoyanova Batoeva 627 leva $100 Workshop for Experts in Geriatrics Psychiatry and Gerontology Cluj, Ivaylo Assenov Trayanov 669 leva $50 Anaesthesiology Society Albert Schweitzer Seminars Valentin Kunchev Kunev 898 leva $50 Traumatology Anton Slavchev Slavchev 337 leva $50 Dimiter Slavchev Terziev 337 leva $50 Maria Lyubomirova Tzvetkova 570 leva $100 Nadia Borissova Polnareva 337 leva $50 Cardiology Regional Conferecne in FoundationPediatric Psychiatry Iliana Veleva Veleva 681 leva $50 Budapest, Hungary Lung Diseases

Anahid Artune Torosian 869 leva $50 Diana Petkova Gospodinova-Vulkova 938 leva $50 Tuberculosis Sofia

33 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Project Expenses

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Museum of Ethnography 1,000 leva Research on the History, Language, and Culture of the Godech-Tzaridbrod Region Bulgaria

Bulgarian Information Society 5,750 leva $1,260 Research on the Assimilation Policy towards Bulgarian Turks in the Period 1984–1989 Bulgaria, Turkey Open

Vassil Yoakimov Balevski 294 leva The Return of the Modern Slavic Emigrant Literature: Odyseus Travels Home Germany

Program Lyubomir Milchev and Team 379 leva A Flanker in Sofia – Documentary Research Project Sofia, Bulgaria

Emil Ivanov Dimitrov 569 leva $195 Promotion of the Book „Messembria – A Bulgarian–Russian Monograph Participation in Forums Abroad in Honor of Sergey Averintsev“ Vienna, Austria ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Chamber Music Trio 1,686 leva Days of Bulgarian Culture in Berlin Zlatozara Boneva Gocheva 576 leva $184 Berlin, Germany Participation in a Work Group on Compiling a Thesaurus of Antique Cults and Rituals Forums in Bulgaria Paris,Open France Balkan Ecofederation 1,670 leva Yordan Doychev Yanev 628 leva Round-table Discussion on Opening a Bulgarian Cultural and the Ecologic Situation on the Balkans Information Center in Luxemberg Sofia, Bulgaria Luxemberg

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences SocietyNational Federation of Masquarade Institute of Folklore 1,449 leva and Carnival Rites and Rituals 12,800 leva Scientific Conference on Cultural Identity 13th International Festival of Masquarade and Traditions in Northwestern Bulgaria and Carnival Rites and Rituals Chiprovtzi, Bulgaria Pernik, Bulgaria Rodolyubie National Club – Sofia 450 leva FoundationAssumption of Virgin Mary Church 931 leva National Students’ Competition Restoration and Conservation of a in Bulgarian History and Culture 13th-century Icon of Virgin Mary and Christ Sofia, Bulgaria Varna, Bulgaria

Plovdiv Renaissance Association 2,801 leva Bulgarian Ecology Society Foundation 5,461 leva Archaeology Documentary Films Festival Public SofiaDebate on the Consequences of Plovdiv, Bulgaria Radioactive Pollution Bulgaria Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 1,986 leva 6th Bulgarian–American Conference Ecology, Sport, Health Foundation 3,721 leva „Bulgarian Studies on the Eve of Enhancing the Cooperation between the 21st Century“ State Institutions, NGOs and Businesses Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria in Preserving the Natural Environment of the Rousse Region Union of Bulgarian Journalists 2,000 leva Sliven, Bulgaria Summer Camp for Children of Killed Bosnian and Serb Journalists St. Theodore Stratilate Monastery Bulgaria Board of Trustees – Balsha Village 1,892 leva Mural Painitng in the Interior of the Alternative 2000 Foundation 243 leva 10-12 Century Church of the Monastery Music as a Legend Competition, Sofia, Bulgaria European Month of Culture Plovdiv ’99 Plovdiv, Bulgaria Project Initiated by the Program 5,056 leva Research on Political Organizations Antique Europe Foundation 4,500 leva Established by Bulgarian Emigrants 8th International Congress in Tracology after September 9, 1944 Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria

Koprivshtitza Foundation 1,878 leva Participation of Several Folkloric Groups at the Koprivshtitza ’99 Folkoloric Festival Koprivshtitza, Bulgaria

34 Cash and Equipment Donations ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Sonm Publishers 1,010 leva Publishing a Collection of Folkloric Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Songs from the Pernik Region Institute of Archaeology 2243 leva Pernik, Bulgaria Technical Support for Establishing a Digital Archive of the Institute Fakel Publishing House 1,828 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Publishing the Book “Chronicles” by Prof. Guiseppe Del’Agato A Local Group from the Izgrev Village 3,656 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Restoration and Reconstruction of the Local Church Scientific Society of Bulgarian Studies Izgrev Village, Bourgas Region, Bulgaria Experts in Moldova $1,380 Publishing a Collection of Articles on the Transfiguration of Christ Church 1,917 leva History and Culture of the Bulgarian Minority Support for the Restoration of the Chuch in Moldova and Ukraine Panagyurishte, Bulgaria Chisinau, Moldova Bulgarian National Radio 4,802 leva Radio Programs for Foreign Stations in Publishing Projects and Support for the Media Bulgarian, Russian, English, French, German, Serb, Turkish, Albanian, Nota Bene Ltd. 933 leva Portugese, and Arabian Publishing a Monograph on the Sofia, Bulgaria History of the Bulgarian Agrarian Union Sofia, Bulgaria

Oblik Association 46, 310 leva Publishing Expenses for the Monthly Illustrated Magazine „The Insider“ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Sofia, Bulgaria

Slavika Publishers 1,213 leva Publishing the Book „State and Church in the 13th Century“ Open Sofia, Bulgaria

Stigmati Publishers 3,605 leva Publishing a Collection of Turkish Tales and Legends Sofia, Bulgaria Society Vector Publishing House 1,921 leva Publishing the Book „Bulgarian–Russian Cultural Relations in the Renaissance Period“ by Prof. Dr. Nikolay Genchev Sofia, BulgariaFoundation Sofia

35 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Anelia Vassileva Borissova 411 leva $191 Roumen Bogdanov Yakimov 411 leva $191 Internet Application in Everyday Activities of Voluntary Service Organizations Warsaw, Poland

Anelia Wilhelm Dimitrova 920 leva $40 Assya Raycheva Kavrakova 920 leva $40 Valeryi Penchev Rousanov 920 leva $40 Nikolay Evtimov Mladenov $33 Evelina Petrova Kelbecheva 301 leva $65 Ivanka Dimitrova Petkova 920 leva $37 Ivaylo Stefanov Dichev 920 leva $40 Ivan Yotov Krastev 755 leva $40 Lydia Dimitrova Vurbanova 889 leva $40 Elena Poptodorova 789 leva $38 Ognian Dimitrov Minchev 301 leva $65

Program Pencho Petrov Mihnev 592 leva $36 Rumiana Petrova Kolarova 920 leva $40

East–East Working Groups on Issues of Crucial Importance to Southeastern Europe: An Agenda for 21st Century Budapest, Hungary

Anita Dimitrova Tagarova 107 leva $140 Valeri Ivanov Marinov 57 leva $140 Vesselina Valerieva Zaytzeva 57 leva $140 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Georgi Alexandrov Bonev 157 leva $140 Participation in Forums Abroad Ivonne Mitkova Kozhuharova 57 leva $140 Ilko Assenov Vakarelov 107 leva $140 Alexander Victorov Fedotov 1,715 leva $25 Malinka Tomova Tzaneva 55 leva $140 Values and Social Progress Evgenyi Todorov Todorov 67 leva $140 Tashkent, Uzbekistan HubenOpen Raychev Cherkelov 57 leva $140 Regional Workshop: Improving Alexander Vladimirov Razderski 561 leva $140 Interethnic Relations in Central Pavlina Ilieva Kishelieva 561 leva $140 and Eastern Europe Economic Development, Crisis, and Opatia, Croatia Regional Cooperation in the Baltic Region St. Petersburg, Russia Anna Kostadinova Yanina 376 leva $113 SocietyVassil Kostadinov Yanin 376 leva $113 Alexander Klimentov Shahov 540 leva $140 Art and its Role to Rehabilitate Kamelia Doncheva Hancheva 540 leva $140 and Socialize Disabled People Kunka Lyubenova Georgieva 869 leva $45 Tirana, Albania Mariana Georgieva Atanasova 869 leva $45 Palliative Care Advanced Course Anna Slavcheva Krusteva 348 leva $150 and Practical Training FoundationKalin Dimitrov Petkov 51 leva $208 Poznan, Poland Nikoleta Lyudmilova Elenkova 48 leva $203 Community Strategies in Civil Society Alexander Stoyanov Stoyanov 336 leva $25 Itsanbul, Turkey New Economic Factors and Institutions in Central Europe ACCESS Association 3,818 leva $900 Budapest, Hungary Visit ofSofia Bulgarian Journalists to Moldova Chisinau, Moldova Angel Nikolov Nikolov 40 leva $200 Vasko Vassilev Arnaudov 40 leva $200 Atanas Gochev Gochev 1,253 leva $90 Yoanna Ilieva Bencheva 40 leva $200 Dinko Georgiev Dinkov 1,253 leva $90 Mihail Ivanov Gruev 40 leva $200 Ivan Assenov Tuytuyndzhiev 1,263 leva $90 Ognian Dimitrov Minchev $100 Dimensions of Transnistrian Conflict The Bright Side of the Balkans: in the Context of the Stability Pact Mutuality in a Common Future Chisinau, Moldova Macedonia, Ohrid Atanaska Kovacheva Ivanova 368 leva $25 Anelia Atanasova Bozhkova $287 Liliana Zhelyova Kovacheva 368 leva $25 Boyko Kirilov Rangelov $287 Slavka Russinova Petrakieva 364 leva $25 Galina Toneva Pirovska $287 Snezhana Radkova Ivanova 341 leva $25 Emilia Hristova Kostakieva $287 Svetlana Andreeva Vassileva 340 leva $25 Zheko Nikolov Stanev $287 Romani Women and Public Policies: Ivan Nikolov Nikov $287 Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Yugoslavia Madlen Ananieva Georgieva $287 Bucharest, Romania Margarita Alexandrova Harbova $287 Rashko Mihaylov Robev $287 Biliana Yordanova Baleva 245 leva $136 Svetoslav Gerasimov Tzvetkov $287 Diana Todorova Yordanova 261 leva $177 Tzacho Minkov Tzachev $287 Monica Yankova Kostadinova 245 leva $134 Erosion and Preservation of the Cultural and Life Experiences from the Historical Heritage along the Trans-european Decade of Transition Corridor No 8 Timisoara, Romania Golem, Albania

36 Borislav Nikolaev Borissov 840 leva $75 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Ivanka Kirilova Terzieva 238 leva $114 Yordanka Petrova Vulcheva-Stankova 840 leva $50 Stanka Peneva Miteva 238 leva $87 Independent Information about Training Program on the Role of NGOs Pharmaceuticals: National Drug in Stimulating Civic Activity Policies in Central Europe Brasov, Romania Riga, Latvia Gergana Stoyanova Simeonova 1,014 leva $52 Valentin Simov Lazarov 940 leva $69 Emilia Konstantinova Kissimova 1,018 leva $50 Martin Bozhidarov Dinkov 940 leva $69 Toshko Rangelov Todorov 1,018 leva $50 Sylvia Stoyanova Ivanova 940 leva $69 Ogian Lyubenov Todorov 1,018 leva $50 Individualism and Globalism Improving the Quality of Life of Maribor, Slovenia People with Multiple Sclerosis - part II Samara, Russia Valentina Atanasova Zaprianova 604 leva $94 Elena Lyudmilova Vrabcheva 604 leva $93 Danail Kirilov Danov 1,215 leva $75 Katya Atanasova Blagoeva 604 leva $94 Ognian Vesselinov Zlatev 1,213 leva $90 Nya Roumenova Stoykova 604 leva $93 Establishing Structures to Facilitate Milka Stefanova Semova 604 leva $109 the Protection of Freedom of Press, Junior Achievement International Freedom of Speech, and Constitutional Student Camp: Economic Co-operation Rights of Journalists in Central and Eastern Europe Alma-Ata, Kazahstan Riga, Latvia Darina Bozhidarova Milanova 581 leva $40 Valeryi Penchev Rousanov 49 leva $600 Pavel Kirilov Malinov 581 leva $40 Vassil Georgiev Mostrov $543 Training Workshop for People Evdokia Gyurova Gyurova 810 leva $150 Living with HIV/AIDS Zora Ivanova Popova 340 leva $150 St. Petersburg, Russia Katia Kuncheva Kuncheva 810 leva $150 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Lyuben Karavelov Marinov 546 leva $150 Detelina Stoyanova Popcheva 423 leva $25 Maria Sotirova Sotirova 368 leva $150 Zdravko Hristianov Griva 387 leva $25 Summer School on Media Issues Christina Kirilova Donkova 386 leva $25 Strassbourg, France Marina Kostadinova Kostova 386 leva $25 Open Summer School in Demography Vanina Dimitrova Bozhikova 369 leva $73 and Geodemography Irina Dimitrova Durlianova 369 leva $74 Prague, the Czech Republic Brainstorm 99: New Generation in the Contemporary World Diana Ivanova Iskreva 1,053 leva $121 Vadul-luj-Voda, Moldova Regional Meeting on Community Water Management in Central Asia Society Osh, Kirgizstan Vassil Kotzev Vassilev 13 leva $136 Vassil Stoyanov Chaprazov 45 leva $70 Georgi Vulchev Parushev 13 leva $136 Dimitrina Yankova Mihaylova 775 leva $25 Georgi Slavov Petrov 28 leva $136 Irina Petrovna Zaharieva 1054 leva $25 Galabina Kirilova Georgieva 13 leva $137 Reneta Vankova Bozhankova 496 leva $25 Kremena Goshova Budinova 13 leva $136 Alexander Pushkin: Two Centuries Peter RuskovFoundation Malinov 31 leva $136 of Russian Literature Peter Stefanov Filipov 25 leva $136 Vilnius, Lithuania Sylvia Goshova Budinova 13 leva $136 Third International Conference of Dimiter Kostadinov Kamburov 872 leva Directors and Chief Editors of Roma Media National Discourses: Ohrid, Macedonia Post Mortem or post-Modern? Sofia Lvov, Ukraine Victoria Dimitrova Tomova $212 Margarita Simeonova Kyurkchieva $231 Dobrinka Nestorova Kostova 1,149 leva $25 Miglena Victorova Mihaylova $212 Comparative Analysis of Key Elite Groups Seminar in Bohemian Studies Ljubljana, Slovenia Prague, the Czech Republic Evgenia Grigorova Romanova 341 leva $245 Gayane Garabed Minasian 1,275 leva $84 Mariana Vladimirovà Petrova 549 leva $100 Disabled Students in Higher Education Svetlana Koleva Alexandrova 1,275 leva $85 Budapest, Hungary A Decade of Transition in Central and Eastern Europe Elena Valerieva Bozhinova 25 leva $25 Chisinau, Moldova Life without Violence: Expanding the Network against Male Violence Georgi Yordanov Ezekiev 636 leva $123 Skopjie, Macedonia Marieta Lazarova Tzvetkova 621 leva $138 Development of the NGO Sector: Elena Petrova Andonova 461 leva $25 Possibilities for Fund-raising Round-table Discussion on Teaching Warsaw, Poland and Developing Case Studies in Central and Eastern Europe Georgi Nikolov Vassilski 439 leva $25 Kiev, Ukraine Grozio Ivanov Grozev 454 leva $25 Mariana Malinova Velikova 439 leva $25 Iva Stefanova Todorova 25 leva $25 Creating Positive Images of Roma in the Media Peter Nikolaev Nikolov 26 leva $25 Prague, the Czech Republic, Ïðàãà Young Political Leadership Seminar Ohrid, Macedonia Georgi Nikolov Gruncharov 238 leva $87 Gina Ovanes Kafedjian 238 leva $89

37 Ivan Yotov Krustev $357 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Strategies for a Greener Future Democracy and International Relations Timisoara, Romania Warsaw, Poland Ognian Georgiev Lipovski 562 leva $40 Iveta Petkova Todorova 365 leva $77 Grassroots Initiatives and the State: Demons, Ghosts, and Witches: International Discussion Forum Folk Mythology Prague, the Czech Republic Budapest, Hungary Ognian Dimitrov Minchev 639 leva $80 Irena Stoyanova Petrova 428 leva $80 The 1991-1999. East European Summer School Causes and Consequences Warsaw, Poland Warsaw, Poland

Yordan Angelov Baev 430 leva $40 Plamen Mateev Makariev 546 leva $75 Poland 1986-1989: Dialogue between Civilizations The End of the Communist System Moscow, Russia Warsaw, Poland Stoyan Dimitrov Antov 801 leva $76 Yordan Georgiev Sirakov 721 leva $50 Youth for United Europe Stefka Yordanova Stoycheva 721 leva $50 Turbatas, Latvia Computer Technologies in the Intellectual Activity of Visually Handicapped Persons Union for the Protection of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia the Environment 1,630 leva $846 Trilateral Conference Yochka Tzakova Anastasova 1,245 leva $25 Bulgaria–Macedonia–Albania Strategic Bases for the Development Skopjie, Macedonia of Adult Education

Tallinn, Estonia ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Tonia Nedelcheva Yordanova 50 leva $25 Challenges and Solutions in Lyubomira Alexandrova Kolcheva 317 leva $34 the Post-Privatization Period Developing Borderline Areas in Ohrid, Macedonia Southeastern Europe Budapest, Hungary Tzvetan Georgiev Momekov 719 leva $100 CooperationOpen between the Council of Europe Marin Petrov Lesenski 364 leva $130 and NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe The Impact of the Totalitarian Past on New and the Former Democracies in Central and Eastern Europe Novosibirsk, Russia Chisinau, Moldova Julian Dinev Atanasov 440 leva $45 Milena Georgieva Stateva 389 leva $64 SocietyLiberalism: The Future of Social Justice? The Magdalena Project: Training Seminar Prague, the Czech Republic on Trafficking in Women and Forced Prostitution Timisoara, Romania Forums in Bulgaria Milena Ivanova Stoycheva 1,415 leva $25FoundationApos Association – Lovech 8,202 leva International Meeting of European Volunteers’ Support for Junior Achievement Directors the Re-socialization of Convicts Vilnius, Lithuania Lovech, Bulgaria

Nadia Bozhidarova Kozhuharova 417 leva $45 Union of Roma Achievements and Challenges in Foundations and Associations 32,668 leva Anti-Trafficking Campaigns in Sofia Establishing a Balkan Roma Federation Central and Eastern Europe Sofia, Bulgaria Warsaw, Poland Citizen Association 16,664 leva Nadia Georgieva Boyazhieva 355 leva $93 International Conference Kostadin Ivanov Grozev 355 leva $93 on Dissidents’ Vocabulary Christian Plamenov Roussev 263 leva $93 Sofia, Bulgaria Intensive Training Course in European Law Torun, Poland Association for the Protection of the Environment – Kyustendil 23,394 leva Nevena Milanova Pargova 714 leva $145 Ecology School Youth Activities Development in Kovachevtzi, Bulgaria Central and Eastern Europe Drushkinkaj, Lithuania Association for Minority Research 13 668 leva Minorities in Dobrudja and Galicia Nikolay Evtimov Mladenov 969 leva $25 Dobrich, Silistra, Bulgaria Southeast European Policy Institute Network Meeting European Policewomen Network 47,683 leva Budapest, Hungary Balkan Initiative for Policewomen Networking Nikolay Evtimov Mladenov 50 leva $25 Sofia, Bulgaria Shall We Coordinate Ourselves? Regional NGO Information Network Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Skojie, Macedonia Institute of Literature 9,175 leva The Languages of European Modernity Nikolay Krustev Radev 93 leva $120 Sofia, Bulgaria Ecological Living: Developing

38 Institute for Regional and ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ACCESS Association 7,580 leva International Research 43,126 leva Research Findings on Media Images The Policy Agenda of Southeastern Europe of the “Other” in the Balkans on the Eve of 21st Century Sofia, Bulgaria Varna, Bulgaria Charity Hospice Foundation 21,822 leva NGOs Against Poverty Information Center 19,447 leva Planning Your Own Future: Southeast European Regional Training Seminar on Organization Forum for Poverty Eradication Development for NGOs Working Sofia, Bulgaria with Elderly Citizens Sofia, Bulgaria St. Kliment Ohridki University of Sofia Department of History and Theory of Culture 6,980 leva Values Foundation 30,791 leva International Conference: “Talking History” Annual Lectures in Kiten, Bulgaria Honor of Galina Starovoitova Sofia, Bulgaria New Bulgarian University Music and Performing Arts Department 43,908 leva History Foundation 7,599 leva International Conference The White Russian Emigration in Bulgaria “Rock-cut Megalithic Monuments: and the Bulgarian Cultural Process Problems and Ways of Solving Them” Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria Free and Democratic Bulgaria Foundation 23,699 leva Union for the Protection of Journalists’ Exchange between the Environment 18,427 leva Bulgaria and Macedonia Partnership Conference Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgaria–Macedonia–Albania: Nature-friendly Agriculture, Re-cultivation ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Central Cooperative Union 22,419 leva and Recovery of Damaged Terrain along Second International Seminar the European Corridor No 8 on Cooperative Legislation Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria Union of Bulgarian FoundationsOpen Center for the Study of Democracy 18,650 leva and Associations 16,987 leva $700 Coalition Building and Monitoring in Maximizing the Potential of NGO Resource Anti-Corruption: Strategies and Impact Centers through Internet Technology in Central and Eastern Europe Sofia, Bulgaria Varna, Bulgaria

Union of Scientific Medical Media Development Center 12,548 leva Society International Conference: Associations in Bulgaria 9,623 leva Principles of Risk Assessment Are the State Electronic Media in Varna, Bulgaria Bulgaria, Albania and Macedonia Really Independent? Academic Vazov Society 7,915 leva Sofia, Bulgaria The Literatures of Bulgaria and Macedonia: SimilaritiesFoundation and Conflicts Sofia, Bulgaria Projects Initiated by the Program

St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia Summer University 50,915 leva $4,726 Department of Primary and Europe and the Balkans: Pre-school Teaching 16,552 leva Imaging Institutions, Integration of Socially Sofia Institutionalizing Images Disadvantaged Children Plovdiv, Bulgaria Kiten, Bulgaria

39 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Equipment Donations

Anna Ivanova Bozhidarova 5,652 leva Diana Georgieva Videva 5,497 leva Evgenia Prokopieva Kiranova 5,512 leva Zhivka Ganeva Marinova 5,524 leva Maria Stoyanova Zagorska 5,512 leva Pavlina Kirilova Filipova 5,524 leva Radka Genkova Vulkova 5,602 leva Rumiana Ivanova Ilieva 5,599 leva Donation of Computer Equipment under the Project „Women’s Rights Are Human Rights. Step by Step”

Publishing Projects

Virga and Co. Publishing House 9,707 leva „P. S.“ Magazine for Gender Integration Program Sofia, Bulgaria Women’s


Anna Ivanova Bozhidarova 2,251 leva Diana Georgieva Videva 2,240 leva Evgenia Prokopieva Kiranova 2,232 leva Zhivka Ganeva Marinova 2,234 leva

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Maria Stoyanova Zagorska 2,252 leva Pavlina Kirilova Filipova 2,238 leva Participation in Forums Abroad Radka Genkova Vulkova 2,244 leva Rumiana Ivanova Ilieva 2,247 leva Anna Ivanova Bozhidarova 316 leva $160 Full One-year Scholarships Diana Georgieva Videva 307 leva $170 under the Project „Women’s Rights Evgenia Prokopieva Kiranova 296 leva $160 Are Human Rights. Step by Step” Zhivka Ganeva Marinova 296 leva $170 Open Maria Stoyanova Zagorska 296 leva $170 Pavlina Kirilova Filipova 296 leva $170 Forums in Bulgaria Radka Genkova Vulkova 281 leva $170 Rumiana Ivanova Ilieva 296 leva $165 National Conference of Bulgarian NGOs Second Seminar under the Project Addressing Women’s Issues 7,249 leva „Women’s Rights Are Human Rights. SocietyWorkshops Step by Step” Sofia, Bulgaria Budapest, Hungary

Anna Ivanova Bozhidarova 324 leva $180 Project Expenses Diana Georgieva Videva 323 leva $180 Evgenia Prokopieva Kiranova 299 leva $180 Democratic Women’s Union – Silistra 11,038 leva Zhivka Ganeva Marinova 299 leva $180FoundationWomen in a Changing World – Maria Stoyanova Zagorska 299 leva $180 Training of Trainers Healthcare Program Pavlina Kirilova Filipova 299 leva $180 for Minority Women Radka Genkova Vulkova 299 leva $180 Silistra, Bulgaria Rumiana Ivanova Ilieva 299 leva $180 Third Seminar under the Project Hope Association – Vidin 5,636 leva „Women’s Rights Are Human Rights. HealthcareSofia Training for Roma Women Step by Step” Vidin, Bulgaria Budapest, Hungary Change for the Children Association 5,512 leva Vania Peneva Stratieva 125 leva $140 Training of Trainers Healthcare Program Velina Nikolova Kostova 150 leva $140 for Minority Women Diana Georgieva Videva 150 leva $140 Dobrich, Bulgaria NGO Exchange Program Begrade, Yugoslavia Women for Dignity Union 12,623 leva Let’s Make Formal Rights Real Iliana Nikolova Dimitrova 365 leva $113 Sofia, Bulgaria Women Against Violence Training Program Budapest, Hungary Bulgarian Gender Studies Foundation 12,733 leva Campaign for Providing Free Legal Irina Nikolova Muleshkova $878 Services to Bulgarian Women Bringing Participation in the Session of the Cases of Violence to Court UN Committee on Economic, Social, Sofia, Bulgaria and Cultural Rights Geneva, Switzerland Values Foundation 12,037 leva Exchange Training Program for Kalinka Ivanova Slivkova 1,347 leva $113 Women Leaders in Southeastern Europe NGO Exchange Program at the Establishing a Network for Training National Anti-Violence Center Women Leaders Ulan Bator, Mogolia Ljubljana, Slovenia

Stanimira Rangelova Hadjimitova 90 leva $402 Stability Pact Gender Task Force Saraevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

40 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Ventzislav Penchev Penchev 308 leva $90 Master’s Program in Economics Budapest, Hungary

Vessela Dimitrova Vassileva 364 leva $107 Master’s Program in Social Sciences Warsaw, Poland

Viara Georgieva Djoreva 386 leva $107 Master’s Program in Political Sciences Warsaw, Poland

Galina Tzvetanova Andronova 311 leva $90 Doctoral Program in Political Sciences Budapest, Hungary Central Terziyski 324 leva $90

Program Master’s Program in Ecology Budapest, Hungary European Gergana Dimitrova Dimitrova 311 leva $90

University Doctoral Program in International Relations and European Studies Budapest, Hungary

Gergana Petrova Vassileva 314 leva $90

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Master’s Program in Political Sciences Budapest, Hungary

Damyan Savov Stanchev 323 leva $90 Master’s Program in Polticial Sciences Open Budapest, Hungary Daniela Vassileva Kalkandjieva 551 leva $90 Master’s and Doctoral Programs Doctoral Program in History Budapest, Hungary Anton Antonov Nakov 313 leva $90 Master’s Program in EconomicsSociety Darin Nikolaev Stefanov 324 leva $90 Budapest, Hungary Master’s Program in Nationalism Budapest, Hungary Assen Stoyanov Gasharov 315 leva $90 Master’s Program in Ecology Desislava Svetozarova Dragomirova 312 leva $90 Budapest, Hungary Master’s Program in Economics FoundationBudapest, Hungary Biliana Raycheva Raycheva 309 leva $90 Master’s Program in Economics Dobromir Minkov Tzochev 315 leva $90 Budapest, Hungary Master’s Program in Economics Budapest, Hungary Bisser Ivanov Bankov 306 leva $90 Master’s Program in EconomicsSofia Eva Hrabrova Katurova 324 leva $90 Budapest, Hungary Master’s Program in Human Rights Budapest, Hungary Bissera Lyubomirova Zankova 533 leva $90 Doctoral Program in Comparative Elisaveta Stefanova Marinkeva 324 leva $90 Constitutional Law Master’s Program in History Budapest, Hungary Budapest, Hungary

Borislav Klimentov Kavlakov 382 leva $107 Zornitza Kirilova Pavlova 307 leva $90 Master’s Program in Social Sciences Master’s Program in Economics Warsaw, Poland Budapest, Hungary

Áîðÿíà Stoyanova Stoyanova 324 leva $90 Ivaylo Zafirov Zafirov 315 leva $90 Master’s Program in Master’s Program in Ecology International Trade Law Budapest, Hungary Budapest, Hungary Ivan Borissov Spassov 313 leva $90 Valentin Marinov Marinov 311 leva $90 Master’s Program in Political Sciences Master’s Program in Economics Budapest, Hungary Budapest, Hungary Igor Igorievich Valentovich 311 leva $90 Vassil Petrov Vassilev 315 leva $50 Master’s Program in Political Sciences Master’s Program in Ecology Budapest, Hungary Budapest, Hungary Ilin Zhelev Stanev 322 leva $90 Vassilena Simeonova Parashkevova 384 leva $107 Master’s Program in Political Sciences Master’s Program in Social Sciences Budapest, Hungary Warsaw, Poland

41 Kamelia Vassileva Nikolova $260 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Rumen Petrov Argirov 314 leva $90 Master’s Program in History Master’s Program in History Budapest, Hungary Budapest, Hungary

Krassimir Tanev Atanasov 314 leva $90 Svetla Vassileva Vitanova 314 leva $90 Master’s Program in Economics Master’s Program in Economics Budapest, Hungary Budapest, Hungary

Krassimira Emilova Yordanova 324 leva $90 Svetla Velcheva Hristeva 313 leva $90 Master’s Program in Economics Master’s Program in Economics Budapest, Hungary Budapest, Hungary

Margarita Kirilova Poromanska 538 leva $90 Svetla Venelinova Balutzova $464 Master’s Program in Ecology Doctoral Program in History Budapest, Hungary Budapest, Hungary

Maria Eneva Bakalova 322 leva $90 Svetlana Dimitrova Hristova 381 leva $107 Master’s Program in Nationalism Master’s Program in Social Sciences Budapest, Hungary Warsaw, Poland

Maria Manolova Jurnalova $90 Stanimira Stoycheva Stoycheva 314 leva $90 Master’s Program in Comparative Master’s Program in Nationalism Constitutional Law Budapest, Hungary Budapest, Hungary Stanislav Ganev Bozhkov 324 leva $90 Mila Nikolova Mancheva 347 leva $90 Master’s Program in Economics

Doctoral Program in History ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Budapest, Hungary Budapest, Hungary Stefka Hristova Hristova 279 leva Nadezhda Petrova Alexandrova 306 leva $90 Master’s Program in Economics Master’s Program in Gender and Budapest, Hungary Cultural Studies Open Budapest, Hungary Stefka Tzvetanova Petrova 312 leva $90 Master’s Program in Economics Nadezhda Tzvetanova Radulova 314 leva $90 Budapest, Hungary Master’s Program in Gender Studies Budapest, Hungary Stoyanka Vulcheva Petrova 309 leva $90 SocietyMaster’s Program in Economics Nikolay Andreev Andreev 386 leva $125 Budapest, Hungary Master’s Program in Social Science Warsaw, Poland Hristina Bozhidarova Nedialkova 323 leva $90 Master’s Program in Political Sciences Nikolay Ivanov Vukov 313 leva $90 Budapest, Hungary Doctoral Program in History Budapest, Hungary FoundationHristo Alexandrov Subev 311 leva $90 Master’s Program in Ecology Nikolay Ivanov Iskrev 311 leva $90 Budapest, Hungary Master’s Program in Economics Budapest, Hungary Tzvetalina Ivanova Petrova 277 leva Master’s Program in International Peter Gospodinov Iliev 314 leva $90 RelationsSofia and European Studies Master’s Program in Economics Budapest, Hungary Budapest, Hungary

Peter Dimitrov Kovachev $268 Curriculum Development Center at the Master’s Program in International Central European University – Budapest, Hungary Relations and European Studies Budapest, Hungary Short-term Scholarships and Fellowships

Petia Ivanova Ivanova-Radovanova 329 leva $50 Vesselina Grigorova Nedelcheva 330 leva Module Training Course in Ecology Participation in the System Lab Seminar Budapest, Hungary Daniela Lyubenova Koleva 362 leva $50 Radostina Vesselinova Bozhurin 322 leva $90 Session in History Master’s Program in International Trade Law Elmira Nikolova Bancheva 370 leva $50 Budapest, Hungary Human Resource Development

Rositza Kirilova Haritova 312 leva $90 Ina Ivanova Nikolova 295 leva $50 Master’s Program in Economics Session in Ecology Budapest, Hungary Lilia Raycheva Todorova-Kolarova 294 leva $50 Rouzha Vassileva Smilova 313 leva $90 Session in Media and Globalization Doctoral Program in Political Sciences Budapest, Hungary Stela Stoyanova Raleva 333 leva $50 Session in Economics

42 Yuri Elizar Alkalay 330 leva $50 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Cultural Centers in the Developing Master’s Programs in Early Middle-age Settlements Business Administration Mariana Tzebranska-Kostova 338 leva

Human Rights and Forced Migration: Participation in Academic Forums Interdisciplinary Approach Dobromira Naydenova 338 leva Angel Stefanov Stefanov 335 leva Archive Automation Karl Popper Seminar Tzvetelina Voycheva 338 leva

Valentin Pavlov Petrusenko 331 leva $50 Education Reform: The Role of Training of Trainers Seminar Policy Development and Research Lyubka Todorova 338 leva Mitko Atanasov Dimitrov 342 leva Orlin Stefanov Todorov 342 leva Energy Policy in Transition Economies Curriculum Development Work Session Antoaneta Yotova 366 leva Vladimir Dvoretzka 366 leva Petya Zaprianova Yaneva 294 leva $50 Valia Peeva 366 leva Session in Medieval Studies International Business Transactions Law Svetlana Doycheva Stamenova 277 leva $50 Kalina Chakurova 366 leva Session in Political Studies Sylvia Tzoneva 366 leva

Julian Nikolov Konstantinov 342 leva Libraries and the Internet Curriculum Development Work Session Liliana Dimitrova-Pakova 366 leva Stefka Ivanova 366 leva Nadia Karachodzukova 366 leva ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Summer Schools of the Central European University – Budapest, Hungary The New Private Environments Tania Kotzeva 366 leva

Modern Journalism Global Management and Human Society Tatiana AssenovaOpen 338 leva Boriana Katzarska 366 leva Pavel Antonov 338 leva Yordanka Koleva 366 leva

Urban Development and Conflicts in Fiscal Relations between Central Central and Eastern Europe and Municipal Budgets Lina Anastasova 338 leva Municipal Budgets Management Vesselina Penevska 338 leva Valentin Boshnakov 366 leva Petia RadovanovaSociety 338 leva Conflict Transformation: The Situation in the Roma Community The TRANSCEND Approach Mirela Decheva 338 leva Stefan Nikolov 366 leva

Jews and Nationalism Innovative Cultural Policies and Culture Miriana YordanovaFoundation 338 leva Management in Societies in Transition Svetoslav Stefanov 338 leva Tatiana Stoichkova 578 leva Tatiana Stoycheva 338 leva Neviana Viacheva 366 leva

Legal Theory and Human Rights Protection Public Policy Development Mitko ChatalbashevSofia 338 leva Krassimira Trendafilova 338 leva

43 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Real Audio Server Project 2,290 leva Developing an Operative Prototype of a Real Audio Server System for a Selected Bulgarian Radio Station Sofia, Bulgaria

Bulgarian Search Engine Project 3,102 leva Developing a Specialized Search Engine for Bulgarian Internet Sites Sofia, Bulgaria

NGO Portal Project 9,026 leva Creating an Internet Portal of Bulgarian NGOs Sofia, Bulgaria

Secondary Schools Portal Project 9,017 leva

Internet Expenses for Maintaining the Internet

Program Portal of Bulgarian Secondary Schools Sofia, Bulgaria

Automatic Generation Server Project 9,425 leva Developing an Automatic Web Site Generation Server Sofia, Bulgaria

Intelligent Internet Statistics Project 2,909 leva Forums in Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

Internet Olympiade 8,854 leva Internet Multimedia Database Organizing an Internet Olympiade „Bulgarian Folklore – National Archive“ 5,619 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria InternetOpen Research Project 2,572 leva Joint Projects Purchase of Software Sofia, Bulgaria Professional Ltd. 28,150 leva Distance Internet Training Establishing a Public Internet Sofia, Bulgaria Center at the Sofia City Library 47,502 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Campbel Group Bulgaria Ltd. 10,678 leva Society Information Site on Communication Internet Research Project 280 leva Technologies at the End Hardware Equipment of the 20th Century Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria Applied Research and FoundationCash and Equipment Donations Communication Foundation $35,000 Internet Training for NGOs – Medical Univerity – Sofia 49 leva Third Stage of the Project Biochemistry on the Internet „Sustainable Development and Sofia, Bulgaria the Democratic Network Program“ Bulgaria Vratza SofiaOncology Clinic 512 leva Internet Access Options Vratza, Bulgaria Projects Initiated by the Program Democratic Review Magazine 192 leva Global Internet Liberty Campaign 916 leva Democratic Review Magazine on Covering the Problem of Licensing the Worldwide Web Bulgarian Internet Providers in Sofia, Bulgaria the Virtual Space Sofia, Bulgaria St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia 342 leva Department of Biology Global Inventory Project 5,538 leva Departmental Students’ Council Adding English Language Information Establishing an Electronic to a Database of Traditional Bulgarian Communications Center Folklore Music Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria Union of the Blind in Bulgaria 465 leva Instant Messaging Project 1,939 leva Establishing an Internet Center Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria

Media Development Project 16,525 leva School Board Creating a Portal Site of Bulgarian Media 5th Primary School – Stara Zagora 498 leva Sofia, Bulgaria Internet Access Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

PUSH Technology Project 6,500 leva Ecofund RA Foundation 10,227 leva Creating an Operative PUSH Technology Establishing an Internet Center for Model for Office Information Exchange Ecology Activists Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria

44 I*EARN Network Program ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Aleko Konstantinov Elementary School – Plovdiv, Bulgaria 686 leva 1st English Language School – Varna, Bulgaria 323 leva Nancho Popovich High School of Mathematics – Shoumen, Bulgaria 444 leva Ivan Vazov High School – Svilengrad, Bulgaria 291 leva Nikola Obreshkov High School of Mathematics – Kazanluk, Bulgaria 184 leva High School of Mathematics – Varna, Bulgaria 323 leva Prof. Emanuil Ivanov High School of Mathematics – Kyustendil, Bulgaria 504 leva Frederic Jolliot-Curie Foreign Language High School – Varna, Bulgaria 363 leva Vassil Levski Secondary School – Velingrad, Bulgaria 561 leva Ioan Exarch High School – Varna, Bulgaria 323 leva Panayot Volov Secondary School – Byala, Bulgaria 316 leva Aprilov National High School – Gabrovo, Bulgaria 106 leva Peyo Yavorov Secondary School – Plovdiv, Bulgaria 162 leva Peter Beron High School – Svilengrad, Bulgaria 344 leva Tzar Simeon the Great Secondary School – Vidin, Bulgaria 554 leva G.S.Rakovski Vocational School of Economics – Varna, Bulgaria 351 leva Dr. Vasiliadi Vocational School of Electric Engineering – Gabrovo, Bulgaria 317 leva Karl Marx Vocational School of Economics – Smolyan, Bulgaria 634 leva Balkan Regional Conference 945 leva ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

Prof. Tabakov Vocational School Discovery Club 2,195 leva of Economics – Sliven, Bulgaria 441 leva

K.Velichkov High School of Mathematics – Pazardjik, BulgariaOpen 206 leva Society Foundation Sofia

45 Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Program

Program spending for 1999: $27,000 (provided by the Open Society Institute – New York, and the Open Society Foundation – Sofia). In the first year of this three-year program 30 Bulgarian schoolteachers and university professors were trained under the guidance of US lecturers. The RWCT qualification program was developed by educators from the International Reading Association, the University of Northern Iowa, and the William and Mary College. Following the train-the-trainer model, the participants mastered new teaching methods and strategies for encouraging independent learning, critical thinking and problem

Network solving. The Bulgarian trainers formed teams and organized a Programs series of demonstration seminars in Veliko Turnovo, Pernik, Education Pleven, Plovdiv, Razgrad, Silistra, Stara Zagora, and Sofia, which brought together nearly 250 schoolteachers, headmasters, university professors, and representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Regional Inspectorates on Education. The trainers continued their work among their students and prepared a portfolio of the program offering a description of its methods and strategies, as well as sample texts in different subject areas, adapted to the learning needs of different age groups. The American volunteers conducted additional seminars and lectures in Pleven and in Sofia with another 50 educators and 50 students at theOpen New Bulgarian University and the St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia. A small library of English language publications on various problems of education was established under the program to meet the needs of schoolteachers, university professors, students, and professionals in this field. Society Undergraduate Exchange ProgramFoundation Program spending for 1999: $70,000 (provided by the Open Society Institute – New York, and related US universities and colleges). The program offers one-year scholarships for studies in US universities and colleges. In the academic year 1999/2000 the scholarship students of the program included: Alexandina Zanova (St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia) at the University Sofiaof Montana, Gergana Georgieva (St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia) at the State University of New York College Oswego, Hristina Ninova (St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia) at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire. Students receive a scholarship, which covers travel expenses to the United States and all other education related expenses (tuition, accommodation and food, textbooks, medical insurance, personal expenses, orientation).

Secondary School Scholarships for Studies in the USA or the UK

Program spending for 1999: $100,000 (provided by the Open Society Institute – New York, the Rotary International, ASSIST, CCI, CHI, Syracuse University, Choate Rosemary Hall, West Chester University, Olomouc University, Headmasters’ Conference Projects in Central and Eastern Europe). In a highly contested competition 29 students from 11 foreign language teaching high schools around Bulgaria received scholarships to study under 8 programs in the USA and the UK for one academic year (15 students), one semester (6 students), 6 weeks (8 students). Students receive scholarships covering travel expenses and all education related expenses (tuition, accommodation and food, textbooks, medical insurance, personal expenses).

46 In 1999 the Foundation continued to support the network of Open Society Information Centers in partnership with the 13 Open Society Clubs, the American University in Bulgaria – Vidin Office, the Ecohorizons Foundation – Silistra, the Center for Youth and Students Initiatives – Shoumen, and the Trakia–J Foundation – Dimitrovgrad.

The 18 Open Society Information Centers play an important role in publicizing the activity of OSF – Sofia and the Network Programs of the Open Society Institute. The accent in information services is placed on education that traditionally focuses public attention. In 1999 the Open Society Information Centers also provided a variety of services to increase awareness of the Network opportunities for cooperation between NGOs and local governments.

The network of information centers supported the newly established Bulgarian Association for Regional Development Information (BARD), which was instituted by the Open Society Clubs. Open Society In 1999 the information centers administered the EU OpenPartnership Program and continued to mediate between potential applicants and the Soros Center for the Arts, the Media Development Center, the Bulgarian NGO Resource Center and the SocietyRaina Kabaivanska Charity Foundation. Bulgarian and international NGOs, educational institutions, cultural centers and donors rely on the experience of the Open Society Information Network to publicize their programs, competitions, projects, and other funding opportunities. More than 20 consultants around the country offer regular consultations to individuals, organize regional information seminars and promotions,Foundation and cooperate with the local media.

The Open Society Information Centers continued to administer and monitor the Phare– Democracy Microprojects Program and the Phare Culture Program (in cooperation with the Soros Center for the Arts).Sofia

Each of the centers offers free consultations and reference publications in the following areas: • education in Bulgaria and abroad; • NGO development; • international and European funding programs.

In 1999 the Open Society Foundation – Sofia continued to publish printed and electronic materials – brochures, guides, newsletters. The Foundation’s web site was restructured and updated to provide relevant and accessible information on OSF’s priorities, activities and competitions. The circulation of the by-weekly newsletter of the Foundation was reduced, while the number of people reading its electronic version at www.osf.bg/osfpress multiplied.

47 In 1999 the activity of the Raina Kabaivanska Charity Foundation was focused in the following areas: • Funding special music classes for talented childrenchildren in first to fourth grade, who have been selected from orphanages all over the country. The 36 scholarship students of the Foundation live in the Rada Kirkovich Foundling Home in Plovdiv and, along with their primary school lessons in a local school, attend music classes at the Dobrin Petkov Secondary School of Music. Two full-time instructors assist the children in their studies of music and voice practice. In addition, the Foundation organized visits to concerts, performances and exhibitions. • Further supporting the development of the folklore groups and bands at the Rada Kirkovich Foundling HomeHome, which have already made significant progress. In 1999 the little artists included in these groups had successful public performances in Plovdiv and in Sofia. • Selecting talented children who have a pronounced sense of music for the new school yearyear. Professors at the Dobrin Petkov School of Music visited all the orphanages for preschool children in the country and selected 10 first- graders, who already attend classes in a general education school in Plovdiv and in the Dobrin Petkov School of Music; • Supporting underprivilegedOpen children.children. The Foundation organized a competition and supported 45 school students and 27 university students who received scholarships covering tuition, individual lessons, and the purchase of materials needed for their studies in the arts (singing, playing different musical instruments,Society voice practice, painting, iconography, drama). The support granted by the Foundation amounts to a total of 23,000 leva. Raina Kabaivanska Charity Foundation • Providing musical instruments to talented childrenchildren. Seven children and young musicians received musical instruments to pursue their music education. This temporary donation was madeFoundation possible by the Raina Kabaivanska Charity Foundation and the generous contribution of the International Women’s Club. • Participating in the International Lend-a-handLend-a-hand CampaignCampaign aimed at attracting volunteers willing to support children in need; • Supporting art groups at foundling homeshomes; Sofia • Offering additional humanitarian assistanceassistance (shoes, clothes, toys, books, etc.); Zornitza Zagorova, scholarship student of the Foundation, continued her education in opera singing at the Academy of Music in Osimo, Italy, with the support of Ms. Raina Kabaivanska. In July the Foundation organized charity concerts of Ms. Raina Kabaivanska during the European Month of Culture in Plovdiv and the International Music Festival “Varna Summer” in Varna. The concerts also featured Zornitza Zagorova, Mariana Tzvetkova, Konstantin Yankov and Kiril Todorov. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Scholarship Students Boril Vidlov Evlogiev 350 leva

Albena Eliteva Mecheva 120 leva Boriana Stoyanova Vidulova 490 leva

Alexandra Nikolova Petrova 250 leva Boyan Raynov Russinov 420 leva

Anelia Ivanova Ivancheva 96 leva Vassil Petrov Enchev 500 leva

Antoaneta Antonova Advokatova 300 leva Vladimira Georgieva Stefanova 250 leva

Anton Zlatev Velev 365 leva Vyara Lyubirova Dimitrova 250 leva

Bisser Evlogiev Nikolov 250 leva Galia Dimitrova Vassileva 96 leva

Bozhidar Nikolaev Minkov 360 leva Georgi Konstatinov Nosov 150 leva

48 Damian Yordanov Parushev 306 leva ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Nikolay Georgiev Kanev 816 leva

Daniela Todorova Peneva 336 leva Nikolay Dimitrov Zahariev 400 leva

Desislava Grigorova Sinapova 509 leva Nikolay Dimitrov Kolev 200 leva

Diana Alexandrova Kuncheva 100 leva Nikolay Petkov Petkov 420 leva

Diana Ivanova Dimova 96 leva Ognian Slavchev Ivanov 600 leva

Dima Valierieva Dimitrova 240 leva Orlin Petrov Dimitrov 215 leva

Donika Borissova Simeonova 400 leva Petia Dimitrova Ivanova 916 leva

Evgenia Evgenieva Staykova 400 leva Roman Plamenov Mihaylov 600 leva

Elitza Rumenova Neshevska 916 leva Rostislav Petrov Davidov 280 leva

Zornitza Dimitrova Barkova 200 leva Rositza Hristova Pavlova 458 leva

Zornizta Ivanova Goranova 600 leva $648 Sylvia Evgenieva Evtimova 168 leva

Ivaylo Valentinov Vulkov 390 leva Sylvia Stoyanova Pavlova 200 leva

Ivan Mladenov Yonkov 400 leva Slaviana Lyubomirova Georgieva 360 leva

Ioanna Lyubomirova Vurbanova 300 leva Stefka Ivanova Ivancheva 200 leva ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Yordan Kostadinov Dimitrov 200 leva Stefcho Dimitrov Tashev 250 leva

Yordan Slavov Yordanov 400 leva Stoyan Vassilev Bundzhulov 250 leva Kalin Ivanov IvanovOpen 289 leva Tania Alexandrova Kozlova 400 leva Kalin Trifonov Trifonov 110 leva Teodora Valerieva Dimitrova 168 leva

Katia Andreeva Andreeva 200 leva Tomislav Radev Enchev 200 leva Kiril Georgiev ZhelevSociety 168 leva Tonka Todorova Tzvetkova 150 leva Kremena Mitkova Miteva 150 leva Tukur Osman Saad 60 leva

Leon Petiov Babachev 300 leva Tzveta Vidlova Evlogieva 350 leva

Lyubov Lyubomirova Dimitrova 250 leva

MargaritaFoundation Ivanova Stoykova $1,000 Temporary Donation of Musical Instruments Marin Stefanov Shindev 120 leva Oksana Necheva Georgieva Maria Atanasova Atanasova 180 leva violin 95 leva Maria Valerieva TrifonovaSofia 490 leva Kalin Ivanov Ivanov trombone 600 leva Maria Stefanova Stefanova 195 leva Teodora Valerieva Dimitrova Martina Hristova Boycheva 200 leva violin $1,000

Mila Stefanova Dolashka 250 leva Stefka Ivanova Ivancheva tamboura 86 leva Milena Evegnieva Staykova 545 leva Marin Stefanov Shindev Mira Hristova Yaneva 360 leva trumpet $1,000

Nadia Gospodinova Dobrikova 200 leva

49 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Open Society Foundation

Sofia ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 1999 ANNUAL REPORT ○○○○○○○○○○○○ Editor Vladimir Lubenov Layout OSFPress Translation Irena Alexieva Print „Alex–G“

50 Open Society Institute

Carelift International USA

King Baudouin Foundation Belgium

Donors 1999 Hamlet Trust UK

OpenNational Center for Non-profit Boards SocietyUSA Fullbright Commission FoundationBulgaria

Fullbright Commission Sofia Turkey

Education Foundation Greece

Youth and Sports Committee Bulgaria

51 Sofia 1000 56 Solunska St.

phone: (00359 2) 951 65 52

fax: (00359 2) 951 63 48

e-mail: [email protected]

Internet: http://www.osf.bg/ Open Society

BankOpen Accounts: BulgarianSociety Post Bank, Sofia Foundation – Sofia Foundation Bank Code 920 79 400 100 945 54 19 (in Bulgarian leva) 110 945Foundation 54 12 (in US dollars) 120 945 54 16Sofia (in German marks)

Fund-raising Accounts of the Raina Kabaivanska Charity Foundation:

Bulgarian Post Bank, Sofia Bank Code 920 79 400 104 277 09 27 (in Bulgarian leva) 114 277 09 15 (in US dollars)