Subject Index
Subject Index Aberrant hair keratins 76 Allworden phenomenon 167 Acne 329, 333, 334, 446 Alopecia 42, 268, 294, 355, 392, 393 Acneiform eruptions 507 - androgenetica 287,397,407 Acne vulgaris 216,223,224 -, androgenic 5, 10, 191 Acne vulgaris in male castrates 224 - areata 40,41,155,169,240,274,275,284, Acquired pili torti, 33 303-306,308,309,311,318,336-340,350, Acrodermatitis enteropathica 399,401,406 358,397,401,424,446 Acromegaly 284 -- maligna retinitis pigmentosa 400 Acrotrichoma 363,371-373 -- ,treatment 341 ACTH 191 - atrophica parietalis 391 Action of androgens 215 -- symmetrica temporalis 391 Addison disease 285 - cicatricial 40 Adenocarcinoma 368 - gradus frontalis 391 Adenohypophysis 51 - in nuns 390 Adenoid cystic basalioma 373 - in patients with genetic skin disease 396 Adenyl cyclase 316 - in peasants 390 -- activity 314,315 - liminaris striata 391 - - - , hair roots 227 - marginalis traumatica 391 Adenylkinase 36, 37 - mucinosa 240 Adnexal tumor 365 -, nerve fibers 44 Adrenal androgens 225 - occipitalis neonatorum 390 - cortex 191,208,284 - of genodermatosis 399 - glands 195,205 -, pattern 6,40,42,210,216,226 - hormones 191 -, thyroid deficiency 201 - insufficiency 207 - totalis 446 - seasonal rhythm 191 - with wooly hair 398 - steroids and sebaceous glands 225, 226 Alpaca hair 62 Adrenogenital syndrome 285, 330 a-Keratin 418 Adsorption 642, 647 a-Keratose 30 - and desorption/different hair types 647 alpha-MSH 153 -- -, function of the surfactant type 647 a X-ray diffraction pattern 74 -, function of dispersion 644 -- patterns
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