2January/June 017 The majority of Limited Edition models come with a All new items featured in this catalogue are Be sure to stay up to date with all of certificate of authenticity stating the issue number. due between January and June 2017. For more the latest Corgi news including exclusive previews information on product availability of new models and behind the scenes info via our we recommend that you visit Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages: This is a brand new casting www.corgi.co.uk The trademarks depicted herein are used facebook.com/corgidiecast by Hornby Hobbies Limited under license or This model is a new release by permission from the respective twitter.com/corgi proprietary owners. youtube.com/officialcorgi ® ® This model is in stock now Hornby , Corgi , The Aviation Archive, The Original Omnibus, Vanguards, Super Haulers and Showcase are all registered trademarks of Contact us Hornby Hobbies Limited. NEW This model has anew design If you have any questions about the Livery ranges in the catalogue, please contact our Customer Care Team who will be All models photographed herein are handmade happy to help. samples or computer generated renders produced The contact telephone numbers are specifically for the publication of this catalogue Consumer: 01843 233525 prior to production. Trade: 01843 233502 Hornby Hobbies Ltd reserves the right to alter the products at any time. Colours and contents of the products may vary from those illustrated. Design, Art Direction, Printed in the EU Photography and Production by Hornby Hobbies Ltd. CO200826 UK Head Office Hornby Hobbies Ltd 3rd Floor, The Gateway, Innovation Way, Discovery Park, Sandwich, Kent CT13 9FF UNITED KINGDOM T: +44 (0)1843 233500 E:
[email protected] PRECISION DIE- CAST MODELS CONTENTS THE CORGI HERITAGE Key to feature icons MILITARY AIRCRAFT Corgi first appeared in the toy shops of Great Britain in 1956 as a new range of die- Aviation Archive 3-17 Corgi presents The Aviation Archive, a range of high quality detailed die-cast metal model aircraft.