Spatial Patterns of Major Mortality Causes in Kuwait
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Geographical Review of Japan Vol. 62 (Ser. B), NO. 1, 1-13, 1989 Spatial Patterns of Major Mortality Causes in Kuwait M. M. Azlz* Abstract The paper examines the spatial patterning of the three major causes of mortality in Kuwait . Since the population of Kuwait is composed of two well-identified communities: Kuwaitis and non-Kuwaitis , the distribution of deaths will be affected by different social, economic and demographic charac teristics of both groups. Mortality rates are calculated per 100,000 of the total population according to the international classification of death causes. The major groups of mortality causes are: neoplasms , diseases of the circulatory system, and accidents and injuries, which are responsible for nearly two-thirds of the to tal deaths in Kuwait. Of all the causes, diseases of the circulatory system cause the highest rate of death. Accidents and injuries come second, followed by neoplasms . Mortality rates from all causes are higher among Kuwaitis than among non-Kuwaitis . Rates are also higher in most cases among males of both communities than females . The highest figures of mortality, however, are those recorded in the Capital governorate including the township of Kuwait , and Jahra governorate, which is densely populated by foreign immigrants . Immigrants tend to suffer from accidents and injuries. Key words: Kuwait, non-Kuwaiti, mortality rates , cardiovascular diseases, noeplasms, ac cidents, risks of death. exerting influence on distribution patterns. Such I. INTRODUCTION factors, however, will not be dealt with in this study, since it is more concerned with the spa Only a few population geographers have shown tial aspects of disease. The population of Kuwait interest in mortality studies. Most of the work is composed of almost totally different commu remains the concern of medical geography as it nities: Kuwaitis and non-Kuwaitis.3) Spatial var is regarded as an important sub-discipline of iations of disease will undoubtedly reflect the population geography. However, the main con many different characteristics of both popula tribution of medical geographers has been aimed tion groups and identify the causal relationships at the analysis of spatial differentiations of cause correspondingly. specific mortality and their relationships with so Mortality rates are calculated per 100,000 of cial, economic, demographic and environmen total population as in the following table. The tal conditions.1) Since every disease shows seventeen major groups of death causes identi spatial variations, analysis of the relationships fied by the international classification are adopt between diseases and various conditions may ed and regrouped into three principal groups for provide an explanation to mortality causes and the purpose of this study.4) These are: ne distribution.2) oplasms, diseases of the circulatory system, and This paper is being prepared esentially to re accidents and injuries, which are responsible for veal the spatial patterns of major causes of dis nearly two-thirds of total deaths in Kuwait. ease in Kuwait. It tries to identify and recognise The study is based primarily on vital health and the spatial distribution of diseases in administra population data issued by the Ministries of tive units of the country. Analysis of various Health and Planning in Kuwait, in addition to causes can help to determine different variables international sources. Basic data on death causes * Department of Geography , University of Kuwait, Kuwait. 2 M. M. AZIZ Figure 1. Governorates of Kuwait Table 1 Mortality Rates in Kuwait by Major Causes of Death, Governorate, Nationality, and Sex, 1985 (Deaths per 100,000 persons in specified governorate) Basic Data from: a) State of Kuwait, Ministry of Planning, Central Directorate of Statistics (1981): Bulletin of Vital Statistics: Births and Deaths 1980, Kuwait, pp. 110-124, Tables 38 a, band c. b) (1987), Bulletin of Vital Statistics: Births and Deaths 1985, Kuwait, Table 2. c) (1986): General Census of Population 1985, Vol. I, Kuwait, p. 6, Table 2. M=male, F=female, T=total Spatial Patterns of Major Mortality Causes in Kuwait 3 have only been recently compiled on the basis of - Kuwaitis differs to a great extent. Young people administrative units.5) Only in the census year less than 15 years of age comprise about half of of 1985 have such data become available, and the total Kuwaiti population. Meanwhile the they will be used in this paper.6) same age group comprises only about 29% of the It may be useful to mention the following non-Kuwaitis.7) In addition, adults comprise general aspects before discussing the three major less than half of the Kuwait community, com causes: pared with nearly 70% of the non-Kuwaitis. 1. Diseases of the circulatory system acquire The same can be said about sex composition, the highest mortality rates of the two remaining where males comprise nearly 50% of both age groups at both national and regional levels. Next groups for Kuwaitis, but among the non-Kuwaiti comes the 'accidents and injuries' group, and population they represent only a quarter of the finally the neoplasms. under 15 age group, and three-quarters of the 2. Mortality rates for almost all causes of death adult group.8) Such differences can be seen in are twice to three times higher among the Ku all parts of the country. waitis than the non-Kuwaitis. This can be at 4. Because of the peculiar age and sex compo tributed mainly to the fact that the majority of sition of the non-Kuwaitis, it is clear, generally, immigrants or non-Kuwaitis is composed of that female mortality rates for many causes ex adults (15•`59), and also to differing social and ceed those of males, whereas among the Kuwai economic characteristics of both communities, tis the opposite is true. with particular reference to such parameters as 5. Since environmental conditions are almost following: different languages, cultures, tradi similar in all parts of the country, they are not tions, educational standards, occupational struc expected to have different areal impacts on dis tures, housing conditions, and average earnings. ease causation.9) 3. Age composition of the Kuwaitis and non Figure 2. Mortality Rates for Neoplasms among Kuwaitis Per 100,000 persons 4 M. M. AZIZ Figure 3. Mortality Rates of Neoplasms among Non-Kuwaitis Per 100,000 persons higher among males than females of both popu II. NEOPLASMS10) lation groups. Population age and sex structure in addition to other factors may explain such Death records show that this group is the third differences. It seems that almost all types of ne most important cause of death among the seven oplasms have been involved in deaths in Kuwait. teen groups after heart diseases and accidents. Nevertheless more than 27% of them are caused This means that these diseases cause eleven out by those of digestive organs. The Kuwaitis and of every hundred deaths among the country's to the males of both groups are the major victims tal population. of these diseases, where deaths constitute 63% Figures for the past fifteen years do not show and about 80% of total deaths respectively. a significant change in the threat of these diseases Deaths from such diseases in the Capital gover to health in Kuwait, despite the slight increase norate however, comprise only about 15% of to and decrease among the Kuwaitis and non tal deaths in all the governorates of Kuwait. Kuwaitis respectively, and their position in the Malignant neoplasms of lymphatic and hae list of death causes.11) matopoietic organs are the second and third most The rates of mortality in 1985 at governorate important causes of death in this governorate. level differ clearly from those for total popula They each are responsible for more than 30% of tion. Death rates in two governorates outnum total deaths. More than three-quarters of the vic ber the national rates, while those in the other tims are Kuwaitis and female deaths comprise two are lower (Figs. 2 and 3). The highest figures about two-thirds of total losses. These two causes can be seen in the Capital governorate, where of death in the Capital governorate account for they exceed the national figures by more than ten more than 12070 of their total deaths in the deaths. Moreover, death rates among Kuwaitis country. exceed those for immigrants by three times.12) Mortality rates in Hawalli governorate are The risk of death from such diseases is also much lower than those in the previous gover- Spatial Patterns of Major Mortality Causes in Kuwait 5 norate and in Kuwait as a whole. Figures for its ter group the rates are similar for both sexes.14) Kuwaiti inhabitants are almost twice those for Neoplasms of digestive organs prove again to non-Kuwaitis. Mortality levels for both popula be the prime cause of death here as in other tion groups and sexes are the nearest among the places, where about 30% of total deaths in this governorates to those for the total population in governorate are due to this cause. Kuwaitis com the country.13) prise about two-thirds of all deaths due to this Distribution of deaths on sub-causes shows disease, while males of both communities com that neoplasm of digestive organs is once more prise about 55% of them. Nevertheless, this considered the major risk. It is responsible for governorate has only a 15% share of the total the death of one person in every four that die mortality from this cause. in this governorate. For the first time, the majori Neoplasms of the respiratory organs is the se ty of the victims (55%) are non-Kuwaitis. This cond largest cause of death with a figure of 21%. may be due to the fact that Hawalli has the old nearly two-thirds of total deaths are among est concentration of immigrants in Kuwait and Kuwaitis, and almost all recorded incidents are they all enjoy similar living conditions compared among males.