Greenland - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1784-2017

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Greenland - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1784-2017 DMI Report 18-04 Greenland - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1784-2017 John Cappelen (ed) Copenhagen 2018 page 1 of 118 Colophon Serial title: DNI Report 18-04 Title: Greenland - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1784-2017 Subtitle: Author(s): John Cappelen (ed) Other contributors: Bo M. Vinther, Claus Kern-Hansen, Ellen Vaarby Laursen og Peter Viskum Jørgensen Responsible institution: Danish Meteorological Institute Language: English Keywords: Greenland, atmospheric pressure obervations, daily, monthly and annual climate data, extremes, air temperature, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, cloud cover, snow cover, time series from 1784, graphics, weather Url: ISSN: 2445-9127 (online) Website: Copyright: Danish Meteorological Institute. It is allowed to copy and extract from the publication with a specifi- cation of the source material. Important note: This report is an annual update (2017 data) of the “DMI observational, daily, monthly and annual Greenlandic climate data collection” published for the first time in that form in 1) DMI Technical Report 08-05: DMI Daily Climate Data Collection 1873-2007, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland - including Air Pressure Observations 1874-2007 (WASA Data Sets). Copenhagen 2008 [8], 2) DMI Technical Report 04-03: DMI Daily Climate Data Collection 1873-2003, Denmark and Greenland. Copenhagen 2004. [25], 3) DMI Monthly Climate Data Collection 1860-2002, Denmark, The Faroe Island and Greenland. An update of: NACD, REWARD, NORDKLIM and NARP datasets, Version 1. DMI Technical Report No. 03-26. Copenhagen 2003. [21], 4) DMI Technical Report 05-06: DMI annual climate data collection 1873-2004, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland - with Graphics and Danish Abstracts. Copenhagen 2005 [7] and 5) DMI Technical Report 14-06: SW Greenland temperature data 1784-2013. Copenhagen 2014 [13]. Front Page: Parts of DMI weather station, Nuuk, southwestern coastal Greenland. The air temperature series from Nuuk starts in 1784. Photo: DMI Technicians. page 2 of 118 Content Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Resumé .......................................................................................................................................... 5 1. Preface ....................................................................................................................................... 6 2. Overall data overview .................................................................................................................. 7 2.1. Stations ................................................................................................................................ 7 2.2. Data collections overview ..................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Data Dictionary.................................................................................................................... 10 3. Climate and weather in general; Greenland .............................................................................. 11 4. Observational Section: Historical DMI Data Collection .............................................................. 24 4.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 25 4.2. Observational data ............................................................................................................. 27 4.2.1. Atmospheric pressure .................................................................................................. 27 4.2.2. Data Dictionary ............................................................................................................ 27 5. Daily Section: Historical DMI Data Collection ............................................................................ 28 5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 30 5.2. Daily data ........................................................................................................................... 31 5.2.1 Highest air temperature ................................................................................................ 31 5.2.2 Lowest air temperature ................................................................................................. 31 5.2.3. Accumulated precipitation ........................................................................................... 31 5.2.4 Data Dictionary ............................................................................................................. 32 6. Monthly/Annual Section: Historical DMI Data Collection ............................................................ 33 6.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 35 6.2. Monthly/annual data ........................................................................................................... 37 6.2.1. Average air temperature .............................................................................................. 37 6.2.2. Average daily maximum air temperature ..................................................................... 38 6.2.3. Highest air temperature ............................................................................................... 38 6.2.4. Average daily minimum air temperature ...................................................................... 39 6.2.5. Lowest air temperature ................................................................................................ 40 6.2.6. Average atmospheric pressure .................................................................................... 40 6.2.7. Accumulated precipitation ........................................................................................... 41 6.2.8. Highest 24-hour precipitation ....................................................................................... 42 6.2.9. Number of days with snow cover ................................................................................. 42 6.2.10. Cloud cover ............................................................................................................... 43 6.2.11 Data Dictionary ........................................................................................................... 43 7. Graphics Section: Historical DMI Data Collection ...................................................................... 44 7.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 46 7.2. Annual graphics ................................................................................................................. 46 7.3. Data Dictionary ............................................................................................................... 47 References ................................................................................................................................... 67 Previous reports ............................................................................................................................ 69 Appendices - File formats and metadata ....................................................................................... 70 Appendix 1. Station history - File Formats and metadata .............................................................. 71 Appendix 1.1. File formats; Station position file ......................................................................... 71 Appendix 1.2. Metadata - Station history ................................................................................... 72 Appendix 2. Observational section - File Formats and metadata ................................................... 76 Appendix 2.1. File Formats; Observation data files ................................................................... 76 Appendix 2.2. Metadata - Description of observational atmospheric pressure datasets ............ 77 Appendix 3. Daily section – File formats and metadata ................................................................. 78 Appendix 3.1. File formats; Daily data files ................................................................................ 78 page 3 of 118 Appendix 3.2. Metadata - Description of daily station data series .............................................. 82 Appendix 3.3. Introduction of the Hellmann rain gauge and Stevenson screens ....................... 84 Appendix 4. Monthly/annual section - File formats and metadata .................................................. 85 Appendix 4.1. File formats; Monthly/annual data files ................................................................ 85 Appendix 4.2. Metadata - Description of monthly data sets ....................................................... 87 Appendix 4.3. Regarding monthly data of atmospheric pressure ............................................. 109 Appendix 4.4. Note on multiple regressions used in monthly air temperature series; Upernavik ...............................................................................................................................................
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