Message from our Head

Dear Parents

I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new families. The Schmidt, Viljoen and Hadjidakis families in Pre-N, and the Ratheb and Penney 2017 24 Apr 07:45 – 10:00 Moms & Daughters Gr 4a Study families in Grade 6. Monday Skills Workshop All Girls Sport Festival

We started this term on a very sad note, informing our girls of the passing 25 Apr 07:45 – 10:00 Moms & Daughters Gr 4A Study Tuesday Skills Workshop of one of our staff members, Duncan Feketha. Duncan, the Preparatory All Girls Sport Festival Tour return School Foreman, has been a part of the Herschel family for a great number 09:30 – 12:30 Gr 5 Outing to Natural History of years. He had been in his position at the Preparatory School for 10 years Museum 27 Apr Freedom Day – Public Holiday and prior to that worked at the Senior School. During this time he has Thursday All Seussical practices have been cancelled grown to be loved and respected by all with whom he worked: academic for long weekend 28 Apr School Holiday staff, grounds, maintenance and estate staff, even our service providers – Friday kitchen, security and cleaning staff all knew and respected Duncan. 01 May Workers Day – Public Holiday Monday

As the news of Duncan’s passing travelled through the community, it was met with great sadness and many tears. Offers to support his family came from all areas of the School – staff, parents and pupils and this was a testimony to the wonderful man he was and the valuable contribution that he has made to our school.

Duncan was laid to rest in the Eastern Cape on Sunday at his place of birth. Fifteen members of staff travelled to the Eastern Cape to pay their respects to Duncan, on behalf of Herschel. This was unprecedented, never before have we had a group of this size wanting to be at the final resting of a staff member. Again, this reflects the impact Duncan has made on the lives of so many.

We held a special service in memory of Duncan in our first assembly where we honoured his memory.

Duncan set the most wonderful example of leadership to all those with whom he worked. He led by his daily actions and example. Duncan’s deep faith was known to all and often it was for this wisdom that staff would come and ask his advice. He always had a Bible reference or scripture to share, a message to pass on and with that message there was always an expression of love, compassion, generosity and empathy. Duncan emanated a calm strength that many found reassuring. He was an extremely hard worker and took great pride in ensuring that his team always worked to the best of their ability, taking pride in all that they did. Page 1

When asking staff what they would miss most about him or which words they felt would best describe Duncan the most common ones were: empathetic, quiet, dignified, a true gentleman, fatherly, fair, polite, caring, committed, dependable, calm, reassuring, hu mble, insightful, strong, courageous, true, soft spoken, willing to assist, warm and generous of spirit.

He was appreciative of all that others did too and expressed this to them. He was loved, respected and appreciated by all. To us, Duncan was a father figure. A deeply spiritual man, who was a highly respected elder and leader in the Herschel community.

He was enormously respected by the HR and Operations Manager, Andrew Scott, who had worked with him for many years.

Andrew respected him for his dignity, fairness and his wisdom and the fact that he always fought for what was right, just and fair for his team. He was a man of his word – honesty, justice and integrity were words often associated with him when he is described by Andrew. As well as leading the Preparatory School Estate and Maintenance Staff, he was also the Shop Steward and was unwavering in his commitment to five the very best to the support staff.

His presence will be sorely missed, we mourn the passing of a gentle, sincere, and righteous man.

In the words of Andrew Scott: Rest in Peace Tata! Siza kukukhumbula! (We will miss you) Ubuyinstikelelo kuthi sonke eHerschel!

Staff News

On Saturday, 8 April, Claire Harrington married Paul Brittain in a very touching ceremony in Paarl. She looked absolutely beautiful and her husband looked so happy! Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Brittain!

Winter Uniform

The Uniform Shop at Bishops has confirmed they have all sizes in stock of the new winter school uniform. The old winter uniform will no longer be available for purchase. However, should you have the old winter uniform the girls are permitted to wear this until they outgrow it. There is no deadline, at present, with regard to the girls having to wear the new uniform.

Girls will be permitted to wear the summer or winter uniform from 2 May. The full formal winter uniform will only be compulsory from 15 May.


The Grade R girls were very excited to return to school for the second term. They were eager to get straight down to the important business of playing, painting and looking at Big Books. The girls were thrilled to see the Grade 7 monitors in the morning. They have a great time playing chasing games outdoors or getting the bigger girls to draw them pictures which they can then colour in.

Intermediate Phase

International Mathematics Competition 2017

We are so proud of Diyara Govender and Kate Forest who have been selected to join the Grade 7 team for the International Mathematics Competition set to take place in India from 25 to 31 July 2017. Well done girls!

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Eco Club

Outing Saturday, 6 May 2017

All Herschel girls and their families are most welcome to join Mrs Codd on Saturday, 6 May to visit the Nature reserve for the annual Birdathon from 08:00 to 11:00. (You may leave earlier if needed). If you would like to join, kindly email Mrs Codd on [email protected]

Directions will be sent directly to those who will be attending. Your daughter would have to be taken to and from the venue.

BirdLife South Africa, the Cape Bird Club and the City of will be hosting the fourth annual False Bay Nature Reserve Birdathon: Fun Walk and Festival on the 6 May 2017 at the False Bay Nature Reserve.

The Fun Walk approach will once again have a continuous start from 08:00 – 09:30; enabling participants to register and begin walking at a slow pace to enhance their learning experience. Cape Bird Club members will be stationed along the route to assist the participants with bird ID and give them the opportunity to view birds through a scope (a first for many of them). You can also bring along your own pair of binoculars if you have.

The Bird Festival component (from 09:00 – 13:00) will include many of the favourite exhibitors, such as Eagle Encounters, the Cape Reptile

Association, the Fire services and “carnival” - like atmosphere at the picnic area on the Eastern Shore of .


Chloe Boyd, Georgina Stewart, Priya Moodaley and Daniella Jähnig pictured here with the guest conductor, Craig Nicholas (Cape Town Youth Orchestra) attended the Parklands College Festival of Music on Saturday, 25 March. The girls thoroughly enjoyed a day of musical collaboration.

Orchestra Rehearsals - Term 2

Weekly rehearsals for the whole orchestra will resume on Thursday, 4 May from 07 :00 – 07:40

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Easter Service

Grade 1 – 7 celebrated Easter at the annual Easter Service held at St Saviour’s this morning.

Our focus for Term 2 is JOY. We will be launching this theme at our assembly next Tuesday. The girls will be taught that even during the most difficult and challenging times that it is possible to feel genuine joy. Lessons in Life Orientation and during assembly will relate to the theme of joy.

Two great spiritual leaders, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama, have led by example. In their lives, when they have both faced enormous challenges personally and as part of their respective nations – South Africa and Tibet, they have shown that genuine joy can be experienced in times of distress. These wise men said the following:

“Why be unhappy about something if it can be remedied? And what is the use of being unhappy if it cannot be remedied?” ― Dalai Lama, The Book of Joy

“Discovering more joy does not save us from the inevitability of hardship and heartbreak. In fact, we may cry more easily, but we will laugh more easily too. Perhaps we are just more alive. Yet as we discover more joy, we can face suffering in a way that ennobles rather than embitters. We have

hardship without becoming hard. We have heartbreaks without being broken.” ― Desmond Tutu, The Book of Joy

Wishing you a very joy filled weekend with your family.

Mrs Belinda Heidmann Head of Preparatory

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