Report of the Language Committee Jan G4307.Pdf
REPORT OF THE LANGUAGE COMMITTEE (Dr. GOKAK COMMITTEE) 27th January 1981 •S5SS, niepa G4307 III D % T h e H o n ’b l e M in is t e r for E d u c a t io n CoEisequent to the dispute arising out of the issue of oveincnent Order deleting Sanskrit from the list of First anguages in October 1979, the Government have decided » refer the above dispute to an Expert Committee and 5cordiiagly Government have constituted a Committee by suing the Order No. ED 113 SOH 79, Bangalore, dated ;h Juiw 1980. Dr. V.K. Gokak, Chairman 525, Rajamahal Vilas Extension, Bamgalore-56. Sri (G. Narayana, Member Ex -President, Ka;nnada Sahithya Parishat, 3, JlOth Cross, Hanumanthnagar, Bamgalore-19. Sri ^.K. Ramachandra Rao, Member 305, 6th Cross, 1st Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore-11 Sri 'T.S. Shamarao, Member Prof. of Kannada (Retired), Chiidambara Aashrama, Gu bbi (P.O.), Tumkur District. Df. K. Krishnamurthy, Meraber Professor, Department of Sanskrit, Karnataka University, Dharwar. Dr. H.P. Malladevaru, Member Professor, Dept, of Sanskrit, Mysore University, Mysore. Sri S. Manchayya, M ember- Secretary Addl. Sef'retary to Government i)}‘ Karnataka, Department of Education and Youth Services Vidhana Soudba. Bangalore. (ii) The terms of reference referred to the Committee are stipulated in the Government Order constituting the Committee. As per this order the committee had to submit its report to the Government within three months, But having realised the seriousness of the problem, the Chair-!; man and the Members decided it proper to consider ever}^ aspect elaborately and then to arrive at a decision, it was; not possible to prepare the report within the period.
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