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Radio Daily 370428.Pdf Serving the Better Interests of Commercial VOL. L NO. 56 NEW YORK, N. Y.. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1937 FIVE CENTS Five-Day Week for NBC iFive-Day Week for Announcers, Pro­ KMOX AND KWK BATTLE AS('al) Bill Advances Lincoln. Neb. - Anti-Ascap bill , ducers, Sound Men-- WNEW Will was advanced to the third reading VIA NEWSPAPER SPACE in the legislative session by unanimous vote yesterday. Follow--Other Union Deals On St. Louis-Intense rivalry between KMOX and KWK reached a new high ------- ------------ when John Conrad, advertising man­ A five-day week for all NBC an­ ager and special events director for BASEBALL SPONSORS PAY nouncers, production men and sound Thomas Patrick Inc., KWK owners, 4 NEW COMMERCIALS efTects personnel was announced swung a deal with the Globe­ yesterday afternoon by Lenox R. Democrat, only morning paper, for CHI STATIONS $500,000 Lohr, NBC president. Order affects a column of space to exploit the SIGNED fOR WLW LINE all 15 NBC owned and operated sta­ NBC station's programs. Action Chicago- The passion for baseball tions which employ over 300 m en checkmates the deal made recently will cost a pretty penny - a half in these capacities. The new system The "WL W Line," of which WHN will be put into effect just as soon by James D. Shouse, KMOX general is the New York member, has signed million dollars or more-in Chicago manager, and Jerry Hoekstra with as satisfactory schedules can be four new commercials to start be­ this season. On top of the five play­ the Star-Times, afternoon paper. worked out and additional personnel tween now and fall. The first, due by-play accounts every afternoon, all Post-Dispatch, afternoon paper with trained for their respective positions, to begin on or about May 31 , will be sponsored, there are a score or more (Colltlltued Oil Fage 3) pre-game interviews, dugout discus­ Lohr said. sponsored by Bristol-Myers Co. for Meeting of the bargaining commit­ Vitalis, with Pedlar & Ryan handling sions, after the game arguments, Original Radio Opera evening sports summaries, one hour tees of CBS and the "American Guild the account. The other three are of Announcers and Producers" held Franciscan Fathers (Ave Mar i a rehashes during the dinner hour of Is Ordered by NBC an out-of-town gamer and more yesterday morning, culminated in hour) , now broadcasting as a sus­ the Guild obtaining wage and hour tainer to WLW only, but due to be­ roundups far into the night. Gian-Carlo Menotti, young com­ This concentration on sports is concessions for W ABC which may poser whose opera bouffe, "Amelia gin on WHN, WFIL and KQV soon; form the basis for an agreement with Four Way Cold Tablets, for early giving Chicagoland listeners about 14 Al Ballo," was presented with sensa­ hours a day of sports reporting on CBS, Roy Langham, president of the tional success in New York two fall, and a complete football schedule, Guild announced last night. Mem­ (Continued Oil Page 2) six Chicago stations. On days when weeks ago, has been commissioned there are double headers it runs an bership of the Guild will meet later by NBC to write an original opera (Continued 011 Page 4) this week to consider whether the for radio, it is announced by Lenox I • CBS offer should be accepted, re­ R. Lohr, president of NBC. The new WOAI and Ad AgencIes jected, or committees should con­ opera. is to be r:ead~ for its world Starting 8-Week Series Rubinoff's Chevvy Show tinue negotiations. premlere at RadlO CIty by the end From WNEW, Newark, Bernice of 1937. Goes Straight Musical J udis, manager of the station, an­ NBC not only will have first per ­ San Antonio-First program in the nounced that effective Aug. 1 all its formance rights but all radio rights eight-week series being sponsored by Chevrolet Motor Co., sponsors of (Col'ti/!!("d on Fagc 3) for three years, also an option on WOAI and local advertising agencies the Sunday night program which three more original operas by MenottL will go on the air Friday 7-7: 30 p.m. features Rubinoff over the CBS net­ 4 NBC Stations Join from the ballroom of the St. Anthony w ork 6: 30-7 p.m., is completely re­ Paris Expo Buys Time Hotel. Initial broadcast is a co­ vising the format of the broadcast In WOWO Salute May 1 operative affair put on by the station starting May 1. Fred Keating, emcee On Five Stations Here and all the agencies. Succeeding pro­ on the show, is off, and Walter Cassel, Fort Wayne, Ind.- Four NBC sta ­ grams will be aired each week by baritone booked for four guest shots, tions, WJZ, New York, WBZ, Boston, Five stations in local metropolitan a different agency. has been set as a steady member of KDKA, Pittsburg, and WENR, Chi­ area have been signed to air special "The Talent Parade", first show, the cast along with Rubinoff and cago, will contribute to the on e­ programs on the Paris International (ContiHlccd on Pagc 3) t Ccmtinllcd on Pagc 2) hour ceremonies when Westinghouse's Exposition, week of May 2-8. Series w ill be aired on a co-operative basis. .--- WOWO here joins the NBC-Blue bas­ ic network Saturday. At the same Exposition SpO~SOl'S shows, but plu ~s NBC and WOR Expand;ng time WOWO and its sister station, the World's Falr to be held here In I; 1939. Stations carrying programs are I WGL, w ill dedicate new offices and (COlltillllCd 011 Page 2) (COlltillllcdonPage6) In Custom Recording Field 0l.lorn on lllutual Edison "ox 1.011 By HOWARD LONDON Chicago - Frank Schreiber of Radio Problems Aired J. Chicago-Commonwealth Edison. WGN is closing a deal whereby At ANA Conference oldest local sponsor. who just the Mutual network will air ex­ While n o official announcement has finished a Sunday symphony series clusively the popular summer opera been made, NBC a nd WaR transcrip- which had run continuously since concerts at Ravinia Park. local Hot Springs, Va.-Radio problems tion departments this summer will April. 1922. will try a Vox Pop suburb. Chicago Symphony Or­ occupied yesterday's morning session enter the custom recording field in series. three·a-week at 12:15 p.m .. chestra. with such nationally of the Association of National Adver- known guest conductors as Alfred tisers' semi-annual m eeting, w h ich direct competition to World Broad­ starting May 10 over WMAQ. Wallenstein. will be heard in two­ closes today. Talks w ere delivered, casting System, Decca , Jean V. G rom­ Charles Lyon will interview cus· hour perfonnances on Saturday in a closed session, by D. P . Smelser bach Inc. and others, it has been tomers in lobby of public service evenings. of P. & G. on today's radio troubles, learned. CBS, also, due to a r ecent I company's headquarters. A. W. Lehman on rural rad io hab its, amendment to its corporate by-laws, I (Continucd on Page 6) (Conlinucd 011 I'age 3) =2========== =======R A D 10 D A I L y ==========W=e:;:::d=n=es=d=::a=y,=A=p:::;::r=il=2=8,:;::;1=9::=37 EDDIE CANTOR WRITES HE following letter from Eddie Cantor to the editor of RADIO DAILY cominG and GOinG T speaks for itself: " First. congratulations on the alertness and entire sefup of RADIO DAILY. Vol. 1. No. 56 Wed .. Apr. 28, 1937 Price 5 Cts. The Radio Editors' Forum. especially. is the most constructive feature­ CHARLES E. GREEN , president of Consolidafed which brings me to the point: JOHN W. ALI COATE Publisher Ra dio Artists, left yes terda y for Hollywood, to "In fhe issue of April 15. Ina Wickham of the Davenport (Iowa) Democrat be gone about a week. DON CARLE GILLETTE Editor mentions as one of her pet peeves the 'trailers' sent out on various pro­ DON HAYNES of Cleveland office of CRA MARVIN KIRSCH : : Business Manager I grams. which are printed and then. without a word of warning. never take bac k home ye sterday , place on the program. Miss Wickham says this happens very ollen on Publisherl tlaily except Saturdays, Sundays A. S. KIRK EBY , managing d irector of Dra ke the Eddie Canfor programs. Hote l, Chicago, in town for day or t wo. and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, ~ew Y"rk. N. Y. , hy 1{ .ldio Daily Corp. J. W. Alicoate. "May I explain our position'? I inaugurated. at no little expense. a ·pre· RICHARD BONELLI , fea tured on " Un ive rsa l rre ~ident aml Publisher; Dunald M. Merser­ view broadcast'. which we hold each Sunday at 12:30. At this time we Rhythm" , Ford Saturday night program, will ~all, Treasnr~r and (;eneral Manager; Chester allow a representative studio audience to fell us by its reaction what to broadcast this week from the De troit Masonic B. Uahn. Vicc-Pr~si"ellt; Charles A. Alicoate. Temple, beca use he's cont ra cted t o sing Secretary; 1\1. .rI. Shapiro, Associate Editor. eliminate and what to elaborate upon for the actual broadcast, Hen ce " Pagliacci" w ith the De troit Civic Ope ra . Terms (Post free) United States outside ot many times I have been forced to remove a song number or even a per­ Creat~r New York, one year, $5; foreign, TOM REVERE , radio director of Benton & sonality because of length. I have been forced fo rewrite certain comedy Bowles, leaves for Hollywood tomorrow. year. $10.
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