Man Kills His Young Wife, Then Self
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Columbus Day parade sunny By BOUN GOLDSTEIN U>M« BRANCH - For the fir* time In three yeiri, the "u *»ae yesterday on the Columbui Day parade TBMJ wart I lew raindrops, but they came later in the •nenooB, after both marcher* and celebrants wound up 2? ??Tff? *m ** It»Ul"An>«rtcan Memorial Aiaocia- Uon (lAMA)dubhQuie on We* Bid Avenue Tbefe was ample time between the end of the parade and that advent of the rain for the marcheri to sample «b»i|t tad pirn, exchange pleasantries with friends and take theirchances at the game booths aet up on the IAHA fairgrounds. The jnnual parade, sponsored by the Greater Long BrsaehOirtstepher Columbus Club, wended its way down JUS^J* throu«h We* ^ yesterday to the mirchlng rhythms of the Long Branch High School Band Grand Marshal Arnold Maacola led the marchers The Columbus Day festivities, which began Friday aight w»h the man-of-the-year dinner honoring Frank Torcnla ht West End Manor, will continue tonight at IAMA with entertainment, games, Italian delicades and a display of fireworks. But yesterday, all the younagsters could ask their pareau was when they could get to compete In the annual Greasy Pole contest. That meaty co mpetltion will be held tonight at IAMA Anthony Mlgliacdo, Christopher Columbus Club presi- dent, said he was happy with the activities and that this year, It hadn't rained on his parade "But It was pretty cold today," Mr. MigUacdo added. "I From left, Vincent Anello of Long Branch in Italian attire, Belinda Ferrer of Red Bank, city Spanish fraternity queen, Debbie with we could push Columbus Day back to June or July See Celambas Day, page J Eisele, Long Branch H.S. twirler and Jason Jones, of the high school band on the tri-tom drum: Photos by Herman Gerechoff The Daily Register VOL.101 NO. 82 SHREWSBURY. N.J. MONDAY, OCTOBER 9,1978 15 CENTS Man kills his young wife, then self MONMOUTH BEACH - A family, the Petillos, Uve onquestion about It," one woman U-ywMM borough man, ap- Ocean Avenue. wm; spoke often to Mn. Koch parently tnraged after a Neighbors said that Mr. when the was out walking her "awtta! sqaabMe". fatally Koch was an avid hunter, and dog, laid. "He was a very ner- stat has Ifrjtarokt wife yes- waa reported to have had hunt- vous person." tartly Menlag and then Ing guns in hit apartment. "I couldn't have said it was faeratd his aaotgua oa hlmteU, Mr. and Hit Koch were going to happen, but I'm not according to Alexander obaerved often by neighbors surprised," the woman added, Lehnr, Monmouth County leaving their apartment after In her yearbook, Klmberley work to go fishing on theAnn Petlllo waa described as Neighbors said that Ed- seawall. "outspoken." wart C. EtWh, M, who Uved at One neighbor, Don H Chajati Beach Apartments, Bound), said he had been a In 1MT, the yearbook pre- hen, called Ms mother shortly classmate of Mr. Koch's at dktioos tald. she would be a before taking hla Ufe at the Shore Regional High School. "politician." apartment ha and his wife, "The guy was always hunt- OM teacher at Shore Re- Uaberly Aan Koch (nee Ing and fishing He did that In gional High School taid that PetiUo), had ekand here high tchool, too," Mr. RoutaeU the used to talk often with Whaa pottte arrived at tbe recalled Klmberly about the problems scat*, both he aad nil young "But he wasn't the type of of OM of the young woman's wUa wen dead already, au- guy to hit somebody He was a tkertsMield, Uasherty Aaa Each quiet dude." "She always seemed to be The youag couple waa mar- Bat another former ac- an attractive, pleasant girt, ried after Klmberly Ann their apartment several times. quaintance called Mr. Koch who waa very helpful," the Petflo eradiated from Shore The young couple in re- "Ugh strung." teacher said "This It terribly Bagkatal High School In 1177. ported to have had no children Several local residents de- sad." Mr. Koeh, a Met graduate of The ahootlngt occurred at scribed the Koches as a "nice, Fran Turkish, whose sec- the tame Ugh school, re- about Mam. yesterday, hi the quiet couple," who were teen ond Door apartment abuts the portedly worked as a track bathroom of the apartment, out often walking their dogs In apartment when the Koches driver for South Shon Paper Mr. Lehrer said. Mrs. Koch this usually peaceful residen- Uved, said she hadn't heard he., , M Neptune City. Mn. was abot once or twice with a tial community. anything this morning to signal Koch had been employed at shotgun. Mr. Koch used the Police ben say there hasn't that something was amiss. \to Red Bank, neigh gun to take hit own life. been a murder In Monmouth She didn't know Mr. Koch The county medical ex- Beach for at least the last M well, but had become friendly The Koch couple had been was to perform autop- years. with Mrs. Koch because they having tone marital dlf- siM on the vlctlmt yesterday Neighbors said they be- both had the same kind of nnUea reportedly, and neigh- Both of the vlctlmt come lieved that Mr. Koch's mother dogs, Lhasa Apaos. hen art fan. Koch, had left from famlliet la the borough. called the police after her ton "She wasn't rowdy," Ms. arino photo) lad about a week ago, Mr. Koch It reported to have a called her. Turkish said. "She was Just a aha had been back to large family ban. Mn. Koch's "They had problems, no very nice person." Channel Beach apartment, scene ofMonmouth Beach twin deaths yesterday. It's now Jim Gillian., Dodger Theinsidestory great, is dead at 49 TIE WEATHER Captain 1NGLEWOOD, Calif. (AP) hitting ahead of GUllam in the Saaay May. Saaay aad milder temrre*. Ceaspktte — Dodger coach Jim GUllam, Los Angeles lineup, credited weather report page 1. GUliam's unselfishness with the gentlemanly, always-hustl- AaaLaaders. j Azzolina ing Infiekter who won legions helping him establish the theft 7 mark. Weddlagsaaaeaand By BOB BRAMLEV of fans while playing with the JetswlaMg U FOR1VMONM0UTH - club In Brooklyn and Us An- He appeared In teven NFLnaadap I! It'sCapt. AnoUna now. geles, died latt night of a World Series and played an Accepting hit promotion cardiac arrest. He was 49. extremely Important role for BriageAdvke 1 DAILY BBGI8TER to the rank of captain In the GUllam, whose playing and tbe Dodgers In their pennant PHONE NUMBERS Naval Reserve by repeating coaching caner with the drive* of 196s, 1*M and lttt, CsHtaTML lt-17 Mail OOtcc MUM* Dodgers spanned M yean, suf- hitting 300 in 'M and .282 the Ceaatn. Tel Free 171 MM his oath of office adminis- f • i • i i i • i fTM..!. tered bylRear Adm. Anthony fered tbe hemorrhage it his other two yean. i>nBafwVra sTBUJsr.,.,. • Ttfl Free MM1M home In Lot Angeles and un- GlUiam had a longstanding Dee*. MS-17M H. Murty of Philadelphia. If Joseph Anolina of Mid- derwent surgery Sept. li. friendship with Manager KMcrttilMMat dhrtownj politician, super- Known as "Junior" In hit Walter Alston, playing under market operator and Naval early career, GUllam broke Um with Brooklyn's Montreal UNstyte. 7-1 .mmi officer, Peached another ca- farm club In 1M1-S1. then later Hake A Dale II •MBa ktto the major leagues with „ 4 rter plateau baton nearly Brooklyn In UN. He replaced See GaUasa, page 1 Mil Mknds and relativei Ran of Famer Jackie Rob- ajafts. 11 14 Knight nGlbbtHall taeoo, the first black player In ••Only In the United the modern major leagues, at State* o» America could I have Halted at the lowest That season turned out to rung and risen this high in he a banner on* for. GUllam, at MONEYPOWER my carwn t» tbe Navy, WETTING DOWN — Navy tradition colls for newly earned gold stripes to be Nt .178 and won National outness and politics," Capt. be anointed with champagne after the oath of office Is recited by the League Rookie of the Year Anollna, told bit well- promoted officer. Capt. William Kastner of Colts Neck wields the bottle as honors. Ha remained in the Coping awn. i Cmdr. Thomas Gorman of Llncroft holds the sleeve of the Naval Reserve's game u a fuBUme player until Hit cireen Indeed teU a newest captain, Joseph Auollna of Mlddletown. tM. when be took on the role With typical American success of player-coach for two full atary. John Anolina. Capt. In politics Joe AnoUna man until relinquishing that HlgtiSchoolinlMJ Ongrad- ataaaas prior to moving Into a Inflation AaottaaWS-yur-oMfather, was elected to the state As- pott several years ago. uation be was ordered to DriHto* coaching role He was came to this country from sembly in 1115. After serving His naval career was out- Drew University and Holy aan named Los Angeles' bat- See story on page 5 Italy In ltu. Five yean later six yean In the lower house, lined at last night's ceremo- Croat College, when he ttngawtmctor last year. by Benjamin Stein With Herbert Stein be opened a candy store in he was elected to the state nies by Ctpt. William completed officer training In A .MS lifetime hitter and m oyoor HKhlaadp which was to be- Senate In 1171, serving one Kastner of Colts Neck, mas- the Naval ROTC and earned i nwaMernl a cuaasag man at O-Gndy's MAECOM Fall Terms come the nucleus of today's two-year term.