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Download From people, cattle and goods between Asturias and Castilla. and Asturias between goods and cattle people, Camín Real de la Mesa. Throughout the Middle Ages, the Camín was the path taken by by taken path the was Camín the Ages, Middle the Throughout Mesa. la de Real Camín from the heat. the from Somiedo Miranda de Belmonte Tameza, y Yernes , all come under the name of of name the under come all , and Cobertoria station. Cobertoria as the cave of the same name, where, during the summer months, cattle seek shelter shelter seek cattle months, summer the during where, name, same the of cave the as Santo Adriano, Proaza, Quirós, Teverga, Grado, Candamo, Candamo, Grado, Teverga, Quirós, Proaza, Adriano, Santo This district together with with together district This it is worth stopping at the Pre-Romanesque Didactic Workshop, located in the former La La former the in located Workshop, Didactic Pre-Romanesque the at stopping worth is it Yernes, there is a climb to the Cuevallagar pass, a spectacular spot and just as beautiful beautiful as just and spot spectacular a pass, Cuevallagar the to climb a is there Yernes, . Church of Santa Cristina de Lena (Lena) Lena de Cristina Santa of Church . in 1985 and a jewel of Pre-Romanesque architecture in Asturias. However, before going up, up, going before However, Asturias. in architecture Pre-Romanesque of jewel a and 1985 in reos and paneras (raised granaries) in Yernes, some of which are really quite old. From From old. quite really are which of some Yernes, in granaries) (raised paneras and reos Way of Saint James. Saint of Way interest include Santa Cristina de Lena Church, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO UNESCO by Site Heritage World a declared Church, Lena de Cristina Santa include interest Yernes y Tameza y Yernes - hór many the for out look should they , visit to choose that those For Las Regueras is a district full of history and tradition, crossed by the the by crossed tradition, and history of full district a is Regueras Las months, ski enthusiasts can enjoy skiing at the Valgrande-Payares ski resort. Its many sites of of sites many Its resort. ski Valgrande-Payares the at skiing enjoy can enthusiasts ski months, Aller Lena also offer rich landscapes and ancestral traditions. In Lena, during the winter winter the during Lena, In traditions. ancestral and landscapes rich offer also and tation Centre in San Román. One of its most popular festivals is the strawberry festival. festival. strawberry the is festivals popular most its of One Román. San in Centre tation or sabadiego (a local chorizo). local (a sabadiego or - specific times of the year, therefore, if it is closed, it is worth visiting the Cave Art Interpre Art Cave the visiting worth is it closed, is it if therefore, year, the of times specific ciders in Requejo or enjoy its “Folixa na Primavera”- na “Folixa its enjoy or Requejo in ciders the right season, include callos (a tripe dish), moscancia (a type of fresh blood pudding) pudding) blood fresh of type (a moscancia dish), tripe (a callos include season, right the incredible cave paintings declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It is only open at at open only is It UNESCO. by Site Heritage World a declared paintings cave incredible Sanctuary. The capital of Mieres is a hive of leisure activities. Visitors simply must have a few few a have must simply Visitors activities. leisure of hive a is Mieres of capital The Sanctuary. Noreña , the cured meat capital par excellence of Asturias, the most popular dishes, in in dishes, popular most the Asturias, of excellence par capital meat cured the , in Candamo , a must-see is the Cueva de la Peña, a cave offering offering cave a Peña, la de Cueva the is must-see a , of area neighbouring the In Valdecuna romería, a religious pilgrimage held in the area of San Damián and San Cosme Cosme San and Damián San of area the in held pilgrimage religious a romería, Valdecuna the Huevos Pintos and the Carmín de La Pola Siero/ Pola de Siero festivals. Finally, once once Finally, festivals. Siero de Pola Siero/ Pola La de Carmín the and Pintos Huevos the and continue on towards Santiago. One of the most important festivals is the Mártires de de Mártires the is festivals important most the of One Santiago. towards on continue and third largest cider-making council in the region. Its most emblematic festivals include include festivals emblematic most Its region. the in council cider-making largest third lages, the spelt flour route and the Cubia River route. River Cubia the and route flour spelt the lages, part of the pilgrims’ route who, via the Salvador Way, reach Asturias to visit Oviedo Cathedral Cathedral Oviedo visit to Asturias reach Way, Salvador the via who, route pilgrims’ the of part sing mansions is quite spectacular. Siero is also known for its cider production, as it is the the is it as production, cider its for known also is Siero spectacular. quite is mansions sing - help you discover it, including the Conde de Coalla Route, through the abandoned vil abandoned the through Route, Coalla de Conde the including it, discover you help Mieres also forms forms also pits. Bárbara Santa or José San the as famous as are which of some towers, - closely, by following the mining route of Jovellanos. The number of palaces and impo and palaces of number The Jovellanos. of route mining the following by closely, dana mineshaft, in the Turón Valley, the landscape of houses and meadows mixes with with mixes meadows and houses of landscape the Valley, Turón the in mineshaft, dana de los Dolores Chapel and San Pedro Parish Church. The district has various routes to to routes various has district The Church. Parish Pedro San and Chapel Dolores los de towers and shafts such as Pumarabule and Mosquitera. This can all be enjoyed more more enjoyed be all can This Mosquitera. and Pumarabule as such shafts and towers - Rebal la de Socavón the or pit Fortuna Espinos, the to Bustiello of village mining the From significant number of buildings of great historical interest, for example, Nuestra Señora Señora Nuestra example, for interest, historical great of buildings of number significant Siero , its mining history can still be seen in some of the the of some in seen be still can history mining its , for As festival. Exconxuraos the Grau/Grado can certainly be proud of its magnificent Sunday market. Grau/Grado has a a has Grau/Grado market. Sunday magnificent its of proud be certainly can Grau/Grado of car-racing can visit the circuit and the Fernando Alonso Museum. Its festivals include include festivals Its Museum. Alonso Fernando the and circuit the visit can car-racing of Mieres, with a rich industrial archaeology heritage. heritage. archaeology industrial rich a with Mieres, Siero Noreña Llanera . In Llanera you can take the Palace Route. Fans Fans Route. Palace the take can you Llanera In . y , of up made is The Comarca del Nora del Comarca The Oviedo/Uviéu Asturias. of Principality the of city capital the is h iigadca itr oma seta ato tedsrc f of district the of part essential an form history coal and mining The Tameza visiting, Candamo and Yernes y y Yernes and Candamo visiting, and villages villages and according to history, the relics of Christianity were kept. were Christianity of relics the history, to according experience and, from there, visitors can take the Peña'l Vientu route. Vientu Peña'l the take can visitors there, from and, experience For shopping, Grado and for for and Grado shopping, For Monsacro, which is home to Santa María Magdalena Chapel and Santiago hermitage where, where, hermitage Santiago and Chapel Magdalena María Santa to home is which Monsacro, stunning valleys, forests, lakes lakes forests, valleys, stunning area is Brañagallones. Climbing up to the meadow and discovering it is an unforgettable unforgettable an is it discovering and meadow the to up Climbing Brañagallones. is area amid the landscape of the Aramo mountain range. The most popular places in Morcín are are Morcín in places popular most The range. mountain Aramo the of landscape the amid Campu/Campo de Caso, the capital of the district. One of the most impressive places in the the in places impressive most the of One district. the of capital the Caso, de Campu/Campo Riosa, the history of cycling has been established with the climb to the now famous Angliru, Angliru, famous now the to climb the with established been has cycling of history the Riosa, interior which is dotted with with dotted is which interior worth visiting the Nature Interpretation and Reception Centre in the Nature Park, in El El in Park, Nature the in Centre Reception and Interpretation Nature the visiting worth Candás of Asturias. Riosa and Morcín compete in terms of landscape beauty and places of interest. In In interest. of places and beauty landscape of terms in compete Morcín and Riosa Asturias. of emblematic cheeses in Asturias. To find out more about what is on offer in this area, it is is it area, this in offer on is what about more out find To Asturias. in cheeses emblematic Travelling from the coast to the the to coast the from Travelling such as Güeñu/Bueño, with one of the largest samples of hórreos and paneras in the whole whole the in paneras and hórreos of samples largest the of one with Güeñu/Bueño, as such Caso , the home of the wonderful Casín cheese, one of the most most the of one cheese, Casín wonderful the of home the , to Sobrescobio from And Ribera de Arriba de Ribera , towards the plains, has beautiful villages villages beautiful has plains, the towards , wealth.
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