4298 THE GAZETTE, JULY 31, 1866.

iricts bordering oh or contained within the dis- Crown Office, July 28, 1866. trict for which such Local Authority acts. MEMBERS returned to serve in the present ' 2. In the construction of this Order, the terms PARLIAMENT. " district" and " Local Autlwrity " shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Order of 11th Borough of Eye. April, 1866. The Honourable George William Barrington, of Arthur Helps. No. 19, Hertford-street, in the county of Mid- dlesex, in the room of Sir Edward Clarence Kerrison, Bart., who has accepted the -office of Steward or Bailiff of Her Majesty's Manor of Northstead, in the county of York. Whitehall, July 28, 1866. The Queen has been pleased to direct letters July 31. patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting College of the Holy Trinity, Dublin. the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom John Edward Walsh, LL.D., Her Majesty's of Great Britain and Ireland unto Lieutenant- Attorney-General for Ireland, in the' room' of Gen eral the Eight Honourable Sir Hugh Henry the Right Honourable James Whiteside, wKo Rose, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., General Commanding has accepted the office of Lord Chief Justice Her Majesty's Forces in that part of the said of Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench in United Kingdom called Ireland, and the heirs Ireland. ' male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title of Baron Strathnairn, of Strath- nairn, in the county of Nairn, and of Jhansi, iii the East Indies. Westminster, July 30, 1866. Whitehall, July 30, 1866. This day, the Lords being met, a message was sent to the Honourable House of Com- The Queen has been pleased to present the mons by the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, Reverend John McDougall to the church at acquainting them that The Lords authorized by Garnoch, in Strathconan, in the presbytery of virtue of a Commission under the Great Seal, Dingwall and shire of Ross, vacant by the trans- signed by Her Majesty, for declaring Her Royal portation of the Reverend James Skinner Mac- Assent to several Acts agreed upon by both kenzie to the church and parish of Little Dunkeld. Houses, do desire the immediate attendance of the Honourable House in the House of Peers to hear the Commission read; and the Commons being come thither, the said Commission, empowering the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, and several Osborne, July 26, 1866. other Lords therein named, to declare and notify The Queen was this day pleased to confer the the Royal Assent to the said Acts, was read honour of Knighthood upon William Bovill, Esq., accordingly, and the Royal Assent given to M.P., Q.C., Her Majesty's Solicitor-General. An Act to amend certain provisions of the Sheriff Court Houses (Scotland) Act, I860. An Act to amend the Law relating to the qualifications of Revising Barristers. An Act to enable the Postmaster-General to St. James's Palace, July 30, 1866. sit in the House of Commons. An Act for confirming certain Provisional • The Queen' has been pleased 'to appoint Lieu- Orders made by the Board of Trade under the tenant Walter George Stirling, Royal Horse General Pier and Harbour Act, 1861, relating to Artillery, to be an Extra Groom in Waiting to Clynder, Hastings, and Newlyn. Her Majesty. An Act to make further provision for the enrol- ment of certain deeds, assurances, and other in- struments relating to charitable trusts. An Act to authorise the Metropolis Sewage and Essex Reclamation Company to make a new con- Foreign Office, July 23, 1866. duit in lieu of certain portions of their authorised conduits ; and for other purposes. The. Queen has been graciously pleased to An Act to authorise the construction of branch appoint William Gifford Palgrave, Esq., to be railways from the Devon Valley Railway, into the Her Majesty's Consul at the Forts of Sbukhoum mineral districts of Fife and Clackmannan ; .and Kale and Redout Kale. for other purpoees. An Act to authorise the Berwickshire Railway Company to raise additional capital; and for other purposes. An Act to incorporate a Company for making India Office, July 27, 1866. a railway from the South Railway of the Company, near to Saint The Queen has been pleased to appoint Sir Clears Station, to Laugharne, in the county of •Benson Maxwell, Knt., at present Recorder of Carmarthen, to be called " The Laugharne Rail- Prince of Wales's Island, to be Recorder of way;" and for other purposes. Singapore. An Act for making a railway from the Taff < ' The Queen lias been pleased to appoint William Vale Railway at Aherdare to the and ;. '' HSckett, Esq., .late Chief Justice of the Gold Brecon Railway at Capel Ctoelbren, and a branch " tJ'oast, to be Recorder of Prince of Wal'eVs to the Railway; arid for other Island. purposes.