1 Robbins, Carla


Degree Institution Field Dates Ph D University of California, Political Science 1982 Berkeley MA University of California, Political Science 1975 Berkeley BA Political Science 1974


Institution Rank Field Dates Baruch College, CUNY Clinical Professor Public Affairs January 2013 - Present


Institution Rank Field Dates American University Adjunct Professor 1980 - 1981


Place of Employment Title Dates Council on Foreign Relations Adjunct Senior Fellow September 2012 - Present The Times Deputy Editorial Page Editor January 2007 - July 2012 Assistant Editorial Page Editor July 2006 - December 2006 Senior National Security Writer 2004 - 2006 The Wall Street Journal Chief Diplomatic 1999 - 2004 Correspondent and National Security Editor The Wall Street Journal Diplomatic Correspondent 1993 - 1998 U.S. News & World Report Senior Diplomatic 1991 - 1992 Correspondent U.S. News & World Report Reporter in August 1990 - February 1991 U.S. News & World Report Latin America Bureau Chief 1986 - 1989 Business Week State Department 1984 - 1986 Correspondent Business Week Staff Editor, International 1982 - 1984 Business

Robbins, Carla (cont'd) 2


Rank Dates Clinical Professor January 2013 - Present


Robbins, C. (1983). The Cuban Threat. McGraw Hill.

B. Papers in Professional Journals: (1) Articles:

Robbins, C. (1998). Narratives and Analysis. Nieman Reports.

LeoGrande, W. M., Robbins, C. (1980). Oligarchs and Officers: The Crisis in El Salvador. Foreign Affairs.

(2) Proceedings:

C. Chapters in Books:

Robbins, C. (2008). Truman and the Cold War - Chapter Introduction. The New York Times: The Complete Front Pages 1851-2008. Black Dog and Leventhal.

Robbins, C. (2007). Bush Foreign Policy: Grand Vision and Its Application. In John C. Fortier and Norman J. Ornstein (Ed.), Second Term . Brookings Institution Press.

Robbins, C. (1982). Cuba. In Edward A. Kolodziej and Robert E. Harkavy (Ed.), Security Policies of Developing Countries. Lexington Books.

D. Government Reports or Monographs:

E. Book Reviews:


Robbins, C. (2013). Drones: Transparency on Rules for Their Ues Is a Must. Bloomberg Business Week.

Robbins, C. (2012). Missed Chance (President Obama on Afghanistan). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2012). Iran, Israel and the . The New York Times.

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Robbins, C. (2012). The State of the Union in 2012. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2011). The Charges Against Iran. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2011). The Way Out? (Afghanistan). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2011). Libya and the War Powers Act. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2011). The Long-Awaited News (Killing of Bin Laden). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2011). The State of the Union. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2010). Richard Holbrooke / Editorial Appreciation. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2010). Waiting for the President (The deficit). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2010). The State of the War (Full page on Afghanistan). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2010). Afghanistan, After McChrystal. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2010). From the Oval Office (President Obama and the BP oil spill). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2010). Why Didn’t They See It? (Northwest bombing plot). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2009). Mr. Obama’s Task (Full page on Afghanistan). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2009). Missile Sense. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2009). One Hundred (Full page on President Obama’s first 100 days). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2009). Not a Company Man (Leon Panetta’s nomination to head the CIA). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2008). The Horror in Mumbai. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2008). So Little Time, So Much Damage (President Bush’s last days in office). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2008). Thinking the Unthinkable: A World Without Nuclear Weapons / Editorial Observer. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2008). Talking With the Enemy. The New York Times. Robbins, Carla (cont'd) 4

Robbins, C. (2008). The President Goes Negative (President Bush’s speech to the Knesset). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2008). A Shameful, Ugly Ad (Race baiting in the campaign). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2008). All the Time He Needs (Foot dragging in ). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2008). Lame-Duck Budget. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2007). Still No Way Out (Iraq). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2007). Trash Talking World War III. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2007). A Prize for Mr. Gore and Science. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2007). The “Crazies” and Iran. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2007). Notes About Competition (Murdoch’s purchase of WSJ). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2007). What Would a Diplomat Do?. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2007). American Classic: Lady Bird Johnson / Editorial Appreciation. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2007). Mr. Bush Gets Another Look Into Mr. Putin’s Eyes / Editorial Observer. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2007). Nasty, Unfinished Cold War Business (Putin and missile defense). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2007). Wrestling Nuclear Genies Back Into the Bottle, or at Least a Can / Editorial Observer. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2007). Far Past Time to Go (Paul Wolfowitz and the World Bank). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2007). A Suddenly Convenient Truth (North Korea intel). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). About Those Other Problems (Outtakes from the Iraq Study Group). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). Losing the Good War (Afghanistan). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). The Un-Rumsfeld (Robert Gates). The New York Times. Robbins, Carla (cont'd) 5

Robbins, C. (2006). Another Killing in Lebanon. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). Iran and Arak. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). Waiting (and Hoping) for Jim Baker / Editorial Observer. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). Democrats and Iraq. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). Trying to Contain the Iraq Disaster (Full page). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). The Age of Impunity (Sudan, Iran and the crowd). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). North Korea and the Dominoes. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). Out of the Mouths of Aides (What happened to the peace process?). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). Mr. Buffett’s Excellent Idea. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). A Real Test for the Palestinians. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). Lebanon’s Other Border. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). Mr. Bush’s Nuclear Legacy. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). The Spoils (Trial of Saddam). The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). Bush, Maliki and that Memo. The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2006). Explosive Test: Bush's India Visit Spotlights Hurdles In Nuclear Deal. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Jaffe, G. (2006). Why U.S. Wages Diplomacy With Defiant Iran—Strike on Nuclear Sites Could Derail Reformers, Trigger Broader Retaliation. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (2005). Cold War Echo: U.S. Weighs Whether to Build Some New Nuclear Warheads --- Idea Is to Replace Aging Ones With More Reliable Type; Critics.... The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Cullison, A. (2005). Closed Doors: In Russia, Securing Its Nuclear Arsenal Is an Uphill Battle --- Despite U.S. Help, Program Faces Resistance, Delays Amid Chill in Relations. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (2005). U.S. Shares Data With China, India To Build Iran Case. The Wall Street Journal. Robbins, Carla (cont'd) 6

Robbins, C., Fairclough, G. (2005). Chain Reaction: North Korea Sparks Proliferation Fears Throughout Asia --- Historic Rivalries Exacerbate Nuclear Anxiety in Region---A Japanese Plutonium Plant. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (2005). Atomic Test: As Evidence Grows Of Iran's Program, U.S. Hits Quandary --- New Data Suggest Big Effort To Build Nuclear Warhead, But Will World Believe It? Checking Out a Toilet Tank. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (2004). Crash Course: For Harvard Board, Professor's Woes Pose Big Dilemma --- University Weighs Options After Shleifer Ruling On Russian Investments-- Mr. Summers Recuses Himself. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Calmes, J., Jaffe, G. (2004). Damage Control: With Iraq Strategy Under Fire, Bush Faces Some Stark Choices --- President Issues an Apology For Abuse of Prisoners, Backs Secretary Rumsfeld—Options on Three Fronts. The Wall Street Journal.

Cloud, D. S., Robbins, C., Jaffe, G. (2004). Red Cross Found Widespread Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners --- Confidential Report Says Agency Briefed U.S. Officials On Concerns Repeatedly. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Cooper, C., King, Jr., N. (2004). Decision Time: As Insurgency In Iraq Rages, Bush Faces Unappealing Options --- Tough Military Tactics Risk Civilian Deaths, Retreat Could Signal Weakness—Kidnappings Are A New Danger. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (2004). Nuclear Fission: An Atomic Bargain Hampers the Hunt For Illicit Weapons --- Top Watchdog Agency Has Strictly Limited Powers. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (2004). Reaching Out: In Giving Up Arms, Libya Hopes to Gain New Economic Life --- Gadhafi's Son and Others Expect Payback for Move; U.S. Denies Any.... The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Hamburger, T. (2003). Arms Seizure Helped Prompt Libya Concession --- U.S., Allies Work to Block Illicit Material to `States Of Proliferation Concern'. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Dreazen, Y. J. (2003). Exit Strategy: Speeding Transfer Of Power in Iraq Carries Big Risks --- Locals May Not Be Ready To Handle Security Issues; Democracy Project.... The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (2003). The U.N.: Searching for Relevance --- Operation Bypass: Why U.S. Gave U.N. No Role in Plan To Halt Arms Ships --- Sole Superpower's Approach.... The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., King, N. (2003). As Saddam Hussein's Regime in Iraq Disintegrates, Bush Faces Critical Choices Over U.S. Role in the World. The Wall Street Journal.

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Robbins, C., Jaffe, G., Phillips, M. M. (2003). ‘Crucial Moment’ U.S. Targets Troops Near Baghdad Crushing Medina Division of Republican Guard Could be Key to Victory Tough Task: Avoiding Civilians. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Jaffe, G., Cloud, D. S. (2003). Invasion Begins: American Forces Pour Into Iraq --- As Cruise Missiles Pound Baghdad, Troops Start Advance Across Border --- Hussein Was.... The New York Times.

Robbins, C. (2003). Endgame: Ceasing Diplomacy, U.S. Nears War --- American Move Jettisons Cooperative Strategies, Weakens Old Alliances --- A New Policy of Pre-Emption. The New York Times.

Robbins, C., Leggett, K. (2003). Damage Control: How the U.S. Plans to Keep Israel on Sidelines of --- Jerusalem Will Get Live View Of Battlefield, Early Jump On Any Incoming Scuds—The Pressure to Retaliate. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (2002). Bully Pulpit: U.S. Brinkmanship Worries Its Allies -- But Seems to Work --- Bush's Bet: When U.S. Leads, Other Nations Will Follow; So Far They’re Doing That—‘Was That Nuanced Enough?’. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Cummings, J. (2002). New Doctrine: How Bush Decided That Iraq's Hussein Must Be Ousted --- Chilling Warnings in October Sparked Internal Debate On Pre-emptive Strategy. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Cloud, D. S., Pope, H. (2002). Hazardous Conflict: Violence in Mideast Is Testing the Limits Of U.S. War on Terror --- The Issue of How to Classify Palestinian Suicide Raids Put Mr. Bush in a Bind—Israel Expands its Offensive. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Solomon, J., Trofimov, Y. (2002). Other Fronts: U.S. Finds Extending The War on Terrorism Raises New Problems --- An Elusive Enemy, Violence In Middle East, Wariness Of Allies Cloud Outlook. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (2001). On the Ground: Gains in Afghan North Raise Tough Choices And Some New Risks --- Crucial Campaign in South Will Lack Rebel Troops, Need More U.S. Forces—Finding That Big Isn’t Better. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Levine, S., Cullison, A. (2001). Cold Calculations: If Afghan War Stalls, Religion and Winter May Loom Larger --- The Alliance Grows Cranky Over Pace of U.S. Strikes—The Sticky Issue of Ramadan. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Jaffe, G. (2001). Counter-Attack: U.S. Launches Strikes on Taliban, bin Laden With Aid of British—Targets of Nighttime Raids Include Command Posts and Antiaircraft Batteries—Bush Asks for U.S. Patience. The Wall Street Journal.

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Robbins, C., King, Jr., N. (2001). Price of Friendship: The War on Terrorism Means Making Allies Out of Old Enemies --- Seismic Foreign-Policy Shift Has U.S. Mulling Deals From Pakistan to Sudan—Persian Rugs and Pistachios. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Seib, G. F., S. L. (2001). Harm’s New Way: A Looming Conflict Over Terror Presages a Novel Kind of War—With No Nations to Bomb, U.S. Trains Its Scopes on bin Laden, Taliban—“Rogue States’ as Partners?. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Fields, G., Perez, E. (2001). The Suspects: Investigators Discover Hints of Who Led Bloody Terror Attacks—But Larger Questions Loom About Whom to Target for a Retaliatory Strike—The Student Pilots in Florida. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Higgins, A. (2001). Pyramid Power: Decrepit Radar Base Is All That Putin Has For Missile Defense --- Debate Over Bush Proposals May Depend on Russia Confronting Its Weakness—What Rumsfeld Has to Offer. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (2001). Shot in the Dark: One Troubled System Shows Hurdles Facing Missile-Defense Plans --- Political, Technical Snags Dog Crucial Tracking Satellites For More Than 20 Years—Hunting From Lust to Dust. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (2001). Moving Target: Among the Unknowns About Missile Defense Is Who the Enemy Is --- `Rogue States' or China, Too? Despite the Huge Costs, System’s Aim is Still Fuzzy—Trying Not to Rile the Russians. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Cooper, H. (2001). The Burden Of Power: The U.S. In The 21st Century --Perception Gap: America Has the Clout To Play the Weakling In Global Negotiations—On Trade and Nuclear Arms, Geneva Diplomats Vent Anger at U.S. Demands—Alphabet Soup by the Lake. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (2000). Bricks and Mortars: Nation-Building Looms As a Policy Challenge For the New President --- Bosnia, Haiti Offer a Lesson: U.S. Efforts Can .... The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (2000). Fields of Battle: How Bogota Wooed Washington to Open New War on Cocaine --- PR Campaign Was Crowned By Exposing the Military To American .... The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1999). Changing Channels: Should U.S. Even Care That It's About to Lose The Panama Canal? --- Militarily and Economically, Importance Has Shrunk—A Psychological Loss—Fear of Chinese Choke-Hold. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1999). Ultimate Threat: U.S. Nuclear Arsenal Is Poised for War—It is the Right One? --- Configured for Soviet Era, Missiles Aren’t Aimed At New Types of Conflict—A $2- Billion a Year Deterrent. The Wall Street Journal.

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Robbins, C. (1999). No Parades: To All but Americans, War Appears A Major U.S. Victory --- Display of Military Might Makes Allies, Adversaries Doubt Their Relevance ‘Fierce Political Resentment’. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Ricks, T. E., Block, R. (1999). Postwar Battles: If Peace Deal Holds In Yugoslavia, Allies Face Tough New Tests --- Refugees and Reconstruction Will Challenge Resources; A Vindication for Clinton. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Ricks, T. E., King, Jr., N. (1999). Gloves Off: How NATO Decided It Was Time to End Its `Gentlemanly' War --- Milosevic's Resolve Spawned More Unity in Alliance And a Wider Target List—The Value of a Rembrandt. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Ricks, T. (1999). Cruise Control: Attack on Serbia Raises Question: Is U.S. Policy Safe but Not Effective? --- Ambitious Air Assaults Spare Troops, but More Might Still Be Needed—The Loss of Geography. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1999). Next Generation: Star Wars Has Returned, But It's Less Spectacular; Now, To See if It Works --- An Antiballistic Missile System Gets Renewed Support and Raises Russians’ Ire—Like Bus Collision at 300 MPH. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Higgins, A. (1998). Dangerous Diversions --- Fission for Cash: Money Hungry, Russia Finds a Foreign Market For Nuclear Knowledge—But is It Selling More Than A Power Plant to Iran? U.S. Intelligences Says Yes—Days of Plutonium and Caviar. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Higgins, A. (1998). Dangerous Diversions--Out of the Box: Why Nuclear Threat Today Can Be Found At the Electronics Store—U.S. Can’t Control the Spread Of New High-Speed PCs, Raising Proliferation Risk—National Security for Sale?. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Ricks, T. E., Pope, H. (1998). Striking Back: American Forces Hit Alleged Terrorist Bases in Afghanistan, Sudan—Citing Embassy Bombings, Possible New Attacks, U.S. Targets Bin Laden—Support, Mostly, in Congress. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1998). Psst, Want to Hear Some CIA Secrets? Well, Maybe Not --- Agency Sets Up a `Factory' To Determine Which Files Are Safe for Public Perusal. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Liesman, S. (1998). Wild Card: Russia Plays Iraq Crisis To Its Own Advantage; U.S. Can Only Wonder --- Is Foreign Minister a Friend Of Peace or of Baghdad?. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Liesman, S. (1997). Aborted Mission: How an Aid Program Vital to New Economy Of Russia Collapsed --- Harvard Men Built Market, Allegedly Didn't Steer Sufficiently Clear of It—A Trailblazing Mutual Fund. The Wall Street Journal.

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Robbins, C. (1997). Poorer but Wiser: Honduras Illustrates The Issues That Arise As U.S. Support Ends --- Billions in Aid Helped Little, But Smaller Programs Still Alleviate Social Ills—Japan, World Bank Step In. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1997). Key Senator's Crusade to Block Anthony Lake From CIA Post Puzzles Intelligence Watchers. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1997). Initiation Rites: Hungary's NATO Bid Illustrates the Hopes, Risks in Central Europe --- Its Forces Must Be Repaired, And Reaction of Russia Looms as Big Question—Americans Fix Up an Air Base. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1996). Social Insecurity: Haiti Tastes Freedom, But Efforts to Rebuild Run Into Roadblocks --- The Thugs Are Mostly Gone, Yet Question Remains:. Can Nation Stand on its Own?—Another Year for U.N.Troops. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Fialka, J. J. (1996). A Step Behind: Despite Tough Words, Anti-terrorism Effort in U.S. Is Still Flawed--Political, Legal Constraints, Old Technology Hinder FBI, As Threat Grows—Nerve Gas Recipe on the Internet. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1996). To Some, Soldier Is A Hero for Refusing To Obey an Order --- Army Specialist Michael New Won't Wear U.N. ; Father Runs for Congress. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1995). Vicious Circle: The Saber Rattling Over Bosnia Sounds Like a Bleak Replay --- After Four Years of Conflict, Allies' Policy Is in Tatters As .... The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1995). Civics Lessons: As Economy Struggles, Cubans Find a Crack In Castro's Control --- Church Is Quietly Teaching Democracy and Masons Open a Lending Library—Looking for US Support. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1995). Against the Odds: One Republican Courts The Voters by Talking About Foreign Policy --- Lugar Wants the Nomination Even Though His Issues Don’t Echo “Revolution”—Near Miss in the Agnew Era. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1995). Timid Globalism: The U.S. Is Taking A Tentative Approach To Rebuilding Haiti --- Mindful of Somali Violence, Army Is Slow to Disarm Thugs or Restore Services—We Can Say What We Want. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1994). Mixed Message: As U.S. Looks at Haiti, Its Invasion of Panama Shows Limited Results --- Five Years Later, Nation Has Elections, but Corruption and Drug Traffic Linger—The Lure of American Money. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1994). Capital Tale: Christopher, Esteemed As L.A. Lawyer, Finds Rough Going at State --- In Washington, His Modesty And Patience Are Taken As Signs of Weakness—Can Gergen Buff Up Image?. The Wall Street Journal. Robbins, Carla (cont'd) 11

Robbins, C. (1994). A Faraway War: Americans' Inaction On Bosnia Stirs Critics To Debate and Despair --- Blaming Both Right and Left, They Mount a Campaign To Demand Intervention –One Charge is Religious Bias. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Rosewicz, B. (1993). Reaching Out: U.S. Hopes to Move Moscow Into the West Through Deeper Ties --- But Courting Russia's Elites In Military and Industry Entails Serious Risks—Helping Future Imperialists?. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1993). Global View: A Failure to Define Foreign-Policy Plans Is Dogging Clinton --- Critics, at Home and Abroad, Question His Toughness And Will .... The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1993). Balkan Judgments: World Again Confronts Moral Issues Involved In War-Crimes Trials --- Some Feel U.N. Delays Peace In Former Yugoslavia. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C., Ignatius, A. (1993). First Summit: Clinton-Yeltsin Parley Is Critical for Futures Of Both Presidents Russian Needs U.S. Aid in Bid For Stability as American Needs a Stable Russia. The Wall Street Journal.

Robbins, C. (1990). Growing pains in Panama: What kind of a country kept Noriega in power? Book Review - Our Man in Panama, by John Dinges; Divorcing the Dictator, by Frederick Kempe. The New Republic.

Robbins, C. (1981). A State Dept. Purge / OpEd. The New York Times.


Robbins, C., (TV Appearance), CNBC, Frequent appearances on CNBC discussing world affairs. (2003-2006).

Robbins, C., (TV Appearance) Washington Week in Review, PBS, Appearances on Washington Week in Review. (Mid-1990s).

Robbins, C. (Moderator), Council on Foreign Relations meetings and symposia.

Robbins, C., Lectures at University of Chicago, Stanford’s Hoover Institution, Wellesley College, Maxwell School at .

Robbins, C. (Discussant), Second UK-US Strategic Dialogue, Council on Foreign Relations and UK Chatham House, New York (March 2-3, 2013).

Robbins, C., Paul Schatt Lecture, The Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona, "Sorting Through the Cacophony: Opinion Writing in an Opinion Filled World". (February 28, 2013). Robbins, Carla (cont'd) 12

Robbins, C. (Panelist), 2012 Halifax International Security Conference. (November 2012).

Robbins, C., Inaugural U.S.-U.K. Strategic Dialogue, Council on Foreign Relations and UK Chatham House, London, United Kingdom. (June 2012).

Robbins, C. (Moderator), “London Calling” panel on Power, People and Social Media, Albright Institute. (December 3, 2011).

Robbins, C., Times Talks, The New York Times, "Interview Nick Kristof on the Arab Spring (Video Link: http://tunein.com/radio/New-York-Times---TimesTalks-p165240/)". (April 1, 2011).

Robbins, C., Opinion Pages Live, The New York Times, "Interview The Times’ Nick Kristof, The IHT’s Roger Cohen and Le Monde’s Sylvie Kauffmann on the Crisis in Europe and the U.S. live-streamed on NYTimes.com (Video Link: http://www.livestream.com/nytimesopinion/video?clipId=pla_5d70736c-6e94-4375-8896-11d199 de0897)". (January 12, 2011).

Robbins, C., World Focus, WNET, "Regular participant on WNET’s World Focus weekly roundup 2008-2010 (Video Link: http://worldfocus.org/blog/tag/carla-robbins/)". (2010).

Robbins, C., Winter Conference, The Albright Institute, Wellesley College, "Interviewed Madeleine Albright". (January 20, 2010).

Robbins, C. (Moderator), Carnegie Nonproliferation Conference, Carnegie, "Nuclear Crisis Points". (April 2009).

Robbins, C. (Panelist), “A New Era of Nuclear Proliferation?”, Yale Center for Globalization. (April 2009).

Robbins, C., Times Talks, The New York Times, "Interview Nick Kristof on Africa, Genocide and the World (Video Link: http://video.nytimes.com/video/2006/11/07/timesselect/1194817096122/africa-genocide-the-world -part-1.html)". (October 24, 2006).

Robbins, C. (Moderator), Carnegie Nonproliferation Conference 2005, Carnegie. (2005).

Robbins, C. (Chair), 14th International Security Conference/Strengthening the Nuclear Regime, Sandia National Laboratory, "Closing Panel". (April 2005).

Robbins, C., Harry Truman Dinstinguished Lecture at Sandia National Laboratory. (2003).

Robbins, C., Panel on the Iraq War at the American Society of Newspaper Editors. (2003).

Robbins, Carla (cont'd) 13

9. WORK IN PROGRESS: A. Papers submitted to journals for consideration.

B. Other completed papers.

C. Research in progress.


Edwards Media Fellow, Hoover Institution, . (2005).

Elizabeth Neuffer Prize, co-winner, U.N. Correspondents Association. (2004).

Peter R. Weitz Prize, co-winner, German Marshall Fund. (2004).

Edward Weintal Prize for Diplomatic Reporting, . (2003).

Edwards Media Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. (2003).

Pulitzer Prize, co-winner. (2000). Awarded for National Reporting on the Post-Cold War defense budget

Pulitzer Prize, co-winner. (1999). Awarded for International Reporting on the Russian financial crisis

Nieman Fellow, . (1989).

Morton Frank Award, co-winner, Overseas Press Club. (1984).


12. INSTITUTIONAL SERVICE: A. Service to the Department

B. Service to the School

C. Service to the College

D. Service to the Graduate Center

E. Service to the University

Robbins, Carla (cont'd) 14


Asia Society, Member of Selection Committee for the Osborn Elliot Prize.

Aspen Strategy Group, Member.

Council on Foreign Relations, Member.

Wellesley College, Member of the selection committee for the MacFarquhar internship.



B. New courses/programs developed