Mayor & Cabinet
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MAYOR AND CABINET Date: WEDNESDAY, 31 JULY 2002 at 6.30 p.m. Committee Room 3 **Please note time of meeting** Civic Suite Lewisham Town Hall London SE6 4RU A A Enquiries to: Mike Brown Telephone: 020-8-314-8824 (direct line) G G MEMBERS E The Mayor (Steve Bullock) (L) Chair E Councillor Moore (L) Vice-Chair and Deputy Mayor Councillor Best (L) Cabinet Member for Environment N Councillor Donnelly (L) Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning Councillor Garcha (L) Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion N Councillor Holder (L) Cabinet Member for Social Care & Health Councillor McGarrigle (L) Cabinet Member for Culture Councillor Whiting (L) Cabinet Member for Resources Councillor Wise (L) Cabinet Member for Housing and Community D Safety D Members are summoned to attend this meeting A A Barry Quirk Chief Executive Lewisham Town Hall Catford London SE6 4RU Date: 25 July 2002 The public are welcome to attend our committee meetings, however, occasionally, committees may have to Consider some business in private. Copies of reports can be made available in additional formats on request. 1 ORDER OF BUSINESS - PART 1 AGENDA Item Page No. No. 1 Minutes 1 2 Declarations of Interests 1 3 Exclusion of the Press and Public 9 4 Capital Programme Issues – OSCP and HIP Final Outturn 2001/02, 10 OSCP and HIP 1st Quarter Monitoring 02/03 and Overall Review of Capital Programme 5 Report Back on Matters Raised by the Overview and Scrutiny Business 50 Panel 6 Applications for Licensed Deficits in 2002/03 57 7 Best Value Review of Pupils Out of School 62 8 Best Value – Scopes of the 2002/03 Best Value Reviews 110 9 Consultation Results and Implementation of Introductory Tenancies 142 and Tenancy Charges 10 Pepys Estate Compulsory Purchase Order 164 11 Street Crime Action Plan 173 12 Response to Lifelong Learning Select Committee on the 179 Recommendations on School Catering 13 Social Inclusion and Equalities Budget 185 The public are welcome to attend our Committee meetings, however, occasionally committees may have to consider some business in private. Copies of reports can2 be made in additional formats on request. MAYOR AND CABINET Report Title MINUTES Key Decision Item No.1 Ward Contributors CHIEF EXECUTIVE Class Part Date: 31 JULY 2002 Recommendation It is recommended that the Minutes of that part of the meeting of the Mayor and Cabinet, which was open to the press and public, held on 17 July 2002 be confirmed and signed (copy attached ). MAYOR AND CABINET Report Title DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS Key Decision Item No.2 Ward Contributors CHIEF EXECUTIVE Class Part Date: 31 JULY 2002 Members are asked to make any declarations of pecuniary interests or other interests they may have in relation to items on this agenda (if any). Members are reminded to make any declaration at any stage throughout the meeting if it then becomes apparent that this may be required when a particular item or issue is considered. 3 LONDON BOROUGH OF LEWISHAM MINUTES of that part of the meeting of the MAYOR AND CABINET, which was open to the press and public, held on WEDNESDAY, 17 JULY 2002 at 6.30 p.m. at LEWISHAM TOWN HALL, CATFORD, SE6 4RU. Present Steve Bullock (The Mayor);(Chair); Councillor Moore (Vice-Chair); Councillors Best, Donnelly, Garcha, Holder, McGarrigle, Whiting and Wise. Minute No. Action 1MINUTES (page RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Mayor and Cabinet, held on 8 July 2002, be confirmed and signed. 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS (page None was declared. 3 EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC (page RESOLVED that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act:- 101 Disposal of 21 Peak Hill Gardens to Hyde Housing Association 4 CHANGES TO MEMBERSHIP OF SILWOOD SRB PARTNERSHIP BOARD AND REPORTING OF DELEGATED DECISIONS (page and Appendices page RESOLVED (i) that the changes in the membership of Dir. the Silwood SRB Partnership be approved; Regen. (ii) that the decisions taken by officers in accordance with authority delegated by the former Executive Committee in respect 4 Minute No. Action of the Silwood SRB be noted; and (iii) to note and endorse the existing delegation to officers set out in paragraph 10.1 of the report. 5 LEWISHAM’S FIRST HEALTH IMPROVEMENT AND MODERNISATION PLAN (HIMP) 2002-2005 (page and Appendices page The Mayor declared a personal interest in this item as he was still the Chair of the Lewisham Hospital Trust. RESOLVED to recommend the Council to: (i) endorse the HIMP as the strategic plan Dir. Soc. for the modernisation of social services and Care & the commissioning of community care Health services in Lewisham; (ii) endorse the content of the HIMP (particularly the Council’s contribution to the stated vision priorities and actions); (iii) commit t continued partnership working to implement the HIMP (through the Lewisham Health Partnership, other established partnerships and corporately); (iv) endorse the HIMP as a key supporting strategy to the social wellbeing theme of the Community Strategy; and (v) the HIMP as the lead strategy for addressing health inequalities and as a key supporting strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal in Lewisham. 6 IMPROVEMENT PLAN OF THE HOME CARE BEST VALUE REVIEW 2001/2002 (page and Appendix page RESOLVED that the improvement plan outlined in Dir. Soc. Appendix 1 to the report be agreed and Care & Health the best value review process brought to a formal conclusion. 5 Minute No. Action 7 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES (page and Appendices page RESOLVED that (i) the priority list for small scale traffic Dir. management measures set out in Appendix Regen. B be agreed, but the limited funding for this area of work and therefore the limited ability of officers to be able to respond to requests for action be noted; (ii) £30k of the highways’ budget be allocated for small scale traffic management and pedestrian facilities; (iii) if any funding is identified via S106 or other external sources, items from the priority list be investigated and treated, even if this results in schemes being addressed out of priority; (v) officers report back next year on additional requests received and action taken in respect of this year’s priority list; and (vi) the schemes carried out in 2001/02 listed in paragraph 5.3 of the report be noted. 8 AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO TRAFFIC CALMING, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENTS AND SAFER ROUTES TO SCHOOLS IN LEWISHAM (page and Appendix page Councillor Moore asked that , in the light of the need to identify resources for area traffic calming, the NDC Board be approached to assist with funding for the New Cross West and Telegrapgh Hill areas. RESOLVED (i) the latest prioritised list of areas to be Dir. treated as laid out in Appendix A be Regen. approved; and (ii) the continuing use of the underlying methodology of area studies including its use to co-ordinate the street scene within 6 Minute No. Action residential areas, and bring about environmental and road safety improvements be approved. 9 STREETSCAPE GUIDE (page and Appendix page RESOLVED that the Streetscape Guide be approved as Dir. a reference manual for future highway Regen. schemes, traffic schemes, private development and maintenance works. 10 ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND PREVENTION (AIP) PROGRAMME (page and Appendices page RESOLVED (i) that the Borough Spending Plan capital Dir. allocation for 2002/03 of £531,000 be Regen. allocated to the implementation of accident remedial schemes as listed in the priority lists in Appendices C and D to the report; (ii) that officers report back next year on the action taken in respect of this year’s priority list; and (iii) to note the schemes carried out in 2001/02. 11 CAPITAL STRATEGY AND ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN (page and Appendices page RESOLVED that (i) the content of the authority’s proposed Dir.Res/ Capital Strategy and AMP be agreed and H of CB submitted to the Council for approval prior to submission to OPDM and GOL by 31 July 2002; (ii) delegated authority be given to the Executive Director for Resources and Deputy Chief Executive to amend and complete the documents as necessary before final submission; 7 Minute No. Action (iii) the property mission statement, goals and objectives (AMP section 1) be noted; (iv) the strategic action plan for the property function (AMP section 5) be noted; and (v) the use of the five ODPM performance indicators as outlined in the AMP (section 6); the use of local performance indicators detailed in the AMP (section 6); and the results and analysis of the property performance indicators as detailed in the report to the Finance and Asset Management Officer Group (FAMG) be noted. 12 FINAL REVENUE OUTTURN 2001/02 AND PREPARATIONS FOR THE STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR EXTERNAL AUDIT (page and Appendices page Paragraph 8 of the report was amended by the deletion of the word ‘deficit’ and the inclusion of ‘surplus’. Councillor Moore questioned why the Council was holding balances of 2.5% in respect of the Local Schools Budget in the General Fund Balances of the net revenue budget even though there is a reserve against the schools budget. The Executive Director for Education and Culture and Executive Director for Resources and Deputy Chief Executive undertook to inform the Mayor and Cabinet of the reasons for this. RESOLVED that (i) adjustments to and from Directorates’ Dir. Res. earmarked reserves in 2001/02 totalling £1.074m and £4.205m, as detailed in paragraph 5.3.1 and Appendix 2, of the report be agreed; (ii) the final outturn for all Directorates of £326.087m for 2001/02, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, be noted; 8 Minute No.