INCLUSION for PEACE ACTIVITY (IPA) Twelfth Quarterly Status Report

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INCLUSION for PEACE ACTIVITY (IPA) Twelfth Quarterly Status Report INCLUSION FOR PEACE ACTIVITY (IPA) Twelfth Quarterly Status Report July 1 – September 30, 2019 AWARD: AID-514-A-17-00001 Twelfth Quarterly Status Report July 1- September 30, 2019 AWARD: AID-514-A-17-00001 SUBMITTED TO: Cristina Barrera U.S. Agency for International Development Carrera 45 No 24 – 27 Post 2 Bogotá, DC – Colombia Email: [email protected] SUBMITTED BY: Hugo Tovar Chief of Party IOM Mission in Colombia Carrera 14 No- 93 B – 46 Bogotá, DC – Colombia Phone: 639 77 77 Date prepared: October 31, 2019 Prepared for the United States Agency for International Development, USAID Cooperative Agreement No. AID-514-A-17-00001, INCLUSION FOR PEACE ACTIVITY (IPA) Implemented by: International Organization for Migration P.O. Box 253200 Bogotá, Colombia pág. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 5 Summary of Key Quarterly Results ................................................................................................ 5 2. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 8 Activity Description ........................................................................................................................... 8 Context ................................................................................................................................................. 9 IPA Regions .............................................................................. ¡Error! Marcador no definido. Differentiated Approach ................................................................................................................ 12 IPA’s Contribution to Peace Building .......................................................................................... 16 3. ACTIVITY IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS ........................................................................ 17 Progress by Result Area ................................................................................................................. 17 Result Area 1: Enhanced GOC capacity to respond to ethnic communities affected by conflict and greater engagement of these communities in peace-building ......................... 17 Result Area 2: Reduced vulnerability to income poverty through economic opportunities .................................................................................................................................... 24 Result Area 3: Increased awareness and respect for ethnic diversity ................................. 29 Result Area 4: Provide humanitarian assistance to Afro-Colombian and indigenous people ................................................................................................................................................. 32 Grants Fund ...................................................................................................................................... 32 4. ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................... 33 Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning ........................................................................................... 33 Challenges and Lessons Learned .................................................................................................. 34 5. FINANCIAL REPORT .......................................................................................................... 37 6. COMMUNICATIONS AND DISSEMINATION .................................................................. 39 7. PRIORITIES AND NEXT STEPS .............................................................................................. 41 8. Annexes ......................................................................................................................................... 43 Annex 1: Activity performance indicator progress as of June 30th, 2019 ................. ¡Error! Marcador no definido. IPA – Performance Indicators – (Q11) .............................. ¡Error! Marcador no definido. Annex 2: Sub activity rolling list ................................................................................................... 45 pág. 3 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS APS Annual Program Statement ART Territorial Renovation Agency AUNAP Single National Aquaculture and Fishing Authority CDP Corporación de Desarrollo Productivo CDLO Community Development and Licit Opportunities CEV Truth Commission CNC Centro Nacional de Consultoría CNOA Conference Afro-Colombian Organizations CONPA Consejo Nacional Afrocolombiano para La Paz CRIC Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca CSIVI Follow-up, Promotion, and Verification Commission CSO Civil society organization DANE National Administrative Department of Statistics DNP National Planning Department ETCR Territorial Spaces for Training and Reincorporation FESOC Federación de Empresas Solidarias y Sociales de Colombia FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FID Feria de Inclusión y Diversidad FPIC Free and prior informed consultation GBV Gender-based violence GCE Global Connections to Employment GDP Gross domestic product GOC Government of Colombia GIRPI Grupo Interagencial Regional de Pueblos Indígenas ICAE Institutionl Ethnic Attention Capacity Index ICOE Ethnic Organizational Capacity Index ICT Information and communications technology IOM International Organization for Migration IPA Inclusion for Peace Activity JAC Community Action Boards (Juntas de Acción Comunal) JEP Special Peace Jurisdiction LGBTI Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersexual MEN Ministry of Education MGA Adjusted General Methodology MinAmbiente Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development MinCultura Ministry of Culture MINTIC Ministry of Information and Communications Technology MinInterior Ministry of the Interior OACP Office of the High Commissioner for Peace OAS Organization of American States OCAT Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool ODR Racial Discrimination Observatory OIT Organización Internacional del Trabajo ONIC National Indigenous Organization of Colombia PATR Action Plan for Regional Transformation PDET Development Plans with a Territorial Approach PEAMA National University’s Special Admissions and Academic Mobility Program PND National Development Plan PTA Programa Todos a Aprender PS Prosperidad Social RPR Reintegration and Prevention of Recruitment Program SENA National Learning Service SIVJRNR Integral System for Truth, Justice, Reparation, and Non-Repetition SUIFP Unique Public Investment and Finance System UEPNN Special Unit for National Natrual Parks of Colombia UNC National University of Colombia USAID United States Agency for International Development VISP Victims Institutional Strengthening Program WFP World Food Program pág. 4 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Executing International Organization for Migration (IOM Mission in Organization: Colombia) Activity Duration: November 2016 – November 2020 Key Activity MinEducación, MinCultura, MinInterior, Departamento para Partner(s): la Prosperidad Social, ONIC, Afrodes Reporting Period: July1 – September 30, 2019 Total confirmed funds: Total cash disbursements: USD 50,000,000 USD 27,126,805 Summary of Key Quarterly Results During this period, progress was made in each of the Inclusion for Peace Activity’s (IPA) four intermediate results (IRs), including: Result Area1: Community and Institutional Strengthening GoC response to the differential needs of ethnic communities Work with the GOC institutions has focused on knowledge transfer, institutional strengthening and collaboration in various sub activities aimed at promoting inclusion and ethnic awareness. The strengthening of GOC institutions in ethnic issues in coordination with communities had major achievements this quarter: First, regarding the ICAE1 process being applied to GOC institutions, IPA’s institutional strengthening strategy finished the implementation of improvement plans in the areas of accountability processes and implementation of Action Plans in local and regional GOC institutions. There was evidence of an average increase of 16 points in 15 of the 26 GOC targeted institutions. Their ICAE baseline score was 47/100 on average in their diagnostic or entry evaluation. On transfer knowledge, the production of the Ethnic Backpack to be used by IPA and the Ministry of the Interior during technical assistance activities in the territories. The main objective of this kit is to provide training and technical assistance to ethnic groups and territorial entities from a learning experience, on the cycle of public investment and the SGP (AESGPRI)2 through the Territorial Portal of Colombia3, and identification of the implications in territorial ordering and regional development, of the existence of collective territories of ethnic communities. 1 “Índice de Capacidad Institucional de Atención Étnica” – ICAE (Institutional Capacity Index for Ethnic Attention). This methodology is composed of a three step cycle: entry or diagnostic evaluation, improvement plan and output evaluation. In it, perception, objective and context variables are considered to measure the ability of GOC institutions to offer a differential attention to ethnic population. 2 Asignación especial del sistema general de participaciones para resguardos indígenas. 3 Portal Territorial de Colombia from the DNP. pág. 5 Also, the construction of five sub activity profiles with an ethnic and gender focus presented by civil and public servants of
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