2i 00 > > — ^0O

"See special section 3 0 a 21 — > *—4 .—. 33 > O -O' 7< < —33. *— 6 cr XI r- ~ z. >

• % '-•' Filing deadline Feb. 11 onto run Three of the four members of.the Springfield Board' accomplished a lot in the past three years. of Education whose terms expire in April said Monday "The major accomplishment," he notes, "is that they "definitely "plan to seek re-election. stability has been brought to the board." ~ V ' . j Responding *tb a story in last week's Springfield If re-elected to a second term, Samblir Hopes to be 1 -Leader which said none of the incumbents was seeking able to help the board maintain-that stability/' ! feel- re-election, the three, Ruth D. Brinen, Ned Sambur and •"I'v' e don" 'e a goo' d••••• job -fo r the town." he.addedd-A- - • -Myrna-Wasscrffian, saldTWonclayThey defirfltelsTplan Wasserman, who is seeking her third term\on _thje__ to seek re-election to the seats which expire in April. board, said she is pleased with accomplishments • The fourth incumbent.-Arthur-Weinberg, said he is—-during her tenure. Among them, she cited 'Vretunf to % "strongly considering" seeking re-election to the, normalcy, solid "leadership coming from A Dr. • unexpired term he now holds. That seat was formerly^ Priedland's offide, the remolding of the middle school held by M. Donald Davidson, who resigned last spring program and the strengthening of the writing when he moved'out of town. Weinberg wasiappnintftrl curriculum," ; . last May to fill the'unexpircd term last May, but by law can only serve until the next election. Davidson's term See editorial on Paged expires livApril 1989. . . Brinen, who is seeking a second three-year term on If re-elected, Wasserman says she hopes to be able to the board, said that had she not planned on seeking re- improve articulation with the high school, build on election, she would have issued a statement. "I feel I „ curriculum to strengthen it, build student, per- owe that to the people who have supported.me," Brinen " • formance through motivation and challenge and work said Monday. •• ' . effectively^with staff andAdministration,.",; j_m.: —-I-feel-that-in-the past-three years* the Springfield- V WeinHerg said he has enjoyed the opportunity to Board of Educationhas accomplished n lot, Wcworked . serve on the school .'board and is i"strongty con- hard to take Springfield to a place where we are ftcing'" sidering" seeking re-election. ' - • noticed by other districts for our innovative programs. "It is challenging and it is gratifying to be Involved in, The teachers,.bonrd and administration have worked decisions that have a positive impact on children and it Jiard to accomplish.this," „_ li_. „....!...... -..'..-, is-gratifying-to work towards a high' level of ex- Brinen said she hopes'that if she is re-elected, she ' cellence," he commented.. ••' ' •.••>,. ' can spend the next throe years (making the Springfield The filing deadline for the school board elections^ public school district oge" which "everyone is talking BLOOD-DRIVE — Girl Scout Sarriantha Holmes, far right, displays one of the 1 scheduled for April 5, is Feb. 11. Interested persons sterile, disposable bags that will be used to collect blood during a drive Sunday about.: ' may obtalnnominating petitions at thft-school-bonrd- from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at4he-former-Ghlsholm=Schoo|-bulldlng on South Springfield Sambur, who was apEgjnted,_to_the-board.i trffice^rloeated in "the Florence M. Gaudlneer School^ AvenoerEach bag Is used once and then discarded. The drive will be conductedby -1984TmanHen won a three-year term the"following South Springfield Avenue, in'the'rear of the^building.1 the North Jersey Blood Center. It Is sponsored by the Washington Rock Girl Scout April, said he also will seek re-election. Vi : Information can be obtained by ca.lling"37.'G-b060'or^7G- Council. • •_ ' • ,-- Sambur, like Brinen, believes the school board has 94G3 anytime between 8 a.m. and 4 p.Ym. daily,'-.- ^*" ,

,.ipy; JOHN A. GAVIN. . \» resolution in order to enforce this . Reserve Police Department/ »rs'who fall to heed to nan- 2JlawLon'-any_piibIic,pr.opertiCor_any •Approyed-the-appointment of._ budget app roved; dicipped parking restrictions ••in" property -owned by the Peter.Hylkoria, township sanitarian, v ByJOKNA.GAVIN most' difficult things a addition, Friedland adds that municipal parking lots should municipality." . as the township representative on Plahs ipr launching the superintendent of a school . costs have soared because there beware. In Springfield, those ' Mayor Jeffrey Katz-echoed those -the Clean Communities Program, $6,06G,%80.-Springtt6ld school' system has to consider (n n new jare jmore -sludent.'j needing VOLKSWAGENS '87 DODGES violators will be pprokecuted . . ' sehtlments addingg that he Is ' •Presented ccrtlflcates_of_ap- -_budget_fbr the 1988-89 school school year with a-budget is "special education and tran; OnTuesday-^vening^pringf ield~~"particulHrl5rseiBltlve'11;oThe issue, preciation to Gary Butler and Ar- year cleared the first hurdle' IN STOCK! IN STOCK! ; ; whether it provides for What sportatlon costs have in- .iTqwnshiphiCitt: ;C,omniltte6- membersb" "It tneve r ceasesrt to amaze meh how thur Goldstein for their efforts in the Monday evening when mem- you don't _antlcipate. Our creased./ ••'.'. unanimously^approTCd an ordinance people who should be so thankful tor membership drive jto attracL _b_ers of. theSpdngfifeld Board Qf_ budgelreallv doesn't have a lot BRAND NEW 1988 DODGE CARAVAN ithe fact.that-they-are-ambulatory- BRAND NEW 1987 VOLKSWAGEN VANAGON GL 7 passenger $ enforcing handicapped parking "^vollfflteers^to'the'SpHngfield First Education approved the ten- of plans in terms of things that Std: Pwr. tlfng./brakas, 3.1 liter EFI 4-cyl. eng., rr. de)o(j. Opt: • • . Std: P>wr. strhg/brks, 4-cyl, ong,, l$onh. fuel lank, drlvor/pass. • Buy For 1 1,999 regulations; "on\ munidipally owned can go and deprive others of han- Auto tranimlHlon,' radio prep, air cond., hooted pwr, mlrron. 1 » ' e .* • A. Ck O O seat, rr. do log. Opt: Aultf trans., conv. spare, deluxe seat trim, 7- Aid Squad. Butler and Goldstein* tative package, are not anticipated." See Page 10 for this passonoer soatinoi value wagon discount packsgo. 1 In 5tk. at dicapped parking spaces," said. InStfc.atlhliprlcBVIN. No. 079210. M.S.R.P. JlT.BJT . Buy rur , | "fy y W property. Police will be authorized contributed their 'professional The school budget will be However, Friedland em- this price VIN No. 53583A.M. S.R.P.S13(3I7. NoBlr cond. ' per month's Student Payments a <0xt249 wllh no money down and 1400 refundabls 4 Payments => AOmlW with ho money down and 1400 refundable , or lease for *196 to issue summonses for illegally Katz. ''It bothers me that it happens wturlty deposit required. , • ' " •' -HL l«a$8 f Or month* services to assist the town in the submitted for approval by the phasizes that much of .the i'n- security deposit required. parkedautomobiles_' —Union—Gounty—superintendent— "crensedxost is the result of the Writes;—— — BRAND NEW 1988 DODGE DAYTONA 2-dr. HATCHBACK Deputy Mayor Jo-AnaPJeper, who ship... Springfield residents. before it is presented to higher expenses in salaries,' BRAND NEW 1988 VOLKSWAGEN SCIROCCO 16V introduced the ordinance/said she is . Katz added that the township will Sid: 5-ipd. man. tram., pwr. ttrna., I.B IH«r li-valve EFI ono., sue Pwr, sirng./Brks., 4-cyl. J.s lltor En ono,, rr. dtloa. Opl: Springfield voters on April 5. hospitalization . and special Although a budget increase pwr. brks., tnl,fll,, rr. dafoo, iteohballod radlall. Opt: Air cond. 1 AiilcrTrnni., AM/FM tteroo csis.v air cond., t/whl., pwr, mlr* pleased about the new legislation still need permission from, private •Approved four students who inSlk.nllliliprlC«.VIN.No.00UWM.S.R.P.115,205 .. ' rorc door mall, llQhl packagD. 1 In Stk. al IJilt prlco VIN No. $9999 Although the new . budget education needs. For example, was expected, Friedland says 3IM«.M.S.R.P.«II,>*8. Noalrcond. - Buy for and emphasized thqt it is necessary property owners to issue similar work with tho Recreation Depart- Paymontt - 60x1734 with no monoy down and S40O njtttdablo exceeds last year's package by Friedland says that salaries that many considerations were iecurl!ydop«l1r«a,ulrod. . • ... • » . . lease for Paymonl* a 60 KIIA7 with no monoy down and MM refundablo per because too many people seem to summonses. •*-'".•.' ment as employees of that depart- -locudty deposit roqulrod,—'.—• t : —_ __ —moro-than-$400iOOO,-Springfield— have increased by 7- percent" made to save money to tax- f_mbn!hi_ sregardsigns-designatingTwrking- pi othef~business, committee Ditullio as a gymnasium assistant Schools Superintendent Dr._ since last year. Also, he says payers. In fact, ho says the areas for the handicapped. members made the following Gary Friedland labels the" that employee hospital bonofits package is $78,000 below the BRAND NEW 1988 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 2-dr. BRAND NEW 1988 DODGE COLT 3-dr, HATCHBACK "This Is something that we. are and Andy Huber as a.small fry> Std: 1.0 Htor EFI'onoIno, S-ipd. manual Irani,, rock & pinion Sid: 4-tpd. manual trantmlltlon, rack 8, pinion strno., 1.5 liter ' . moves: . proposal as a "tight budget.". like BlueTFoss/Blue Shield state cap. ilrnrj-. pwr. brakes, rr. dofog., body i((Jo mldngt., stool boltod ,.ilcvl. ono., pwr. brkt.-Opt: Rr. dofoo. t In Stk. VIN. No. 0IJB8S. • „...., very proud ^of,'^ said Pleper when •Approved the appointment of scorer/timer. Also, Danny-Mpnaco- rndloli, plui moral 3 In Slk. at this price VIN N0S.WAW4, 003405. ' Buy for *7899 M.S.R.P.lSUSNoalrcond. • • . . • BUy for and Rick Lissy were approved as "There ure some financial" have escalated by 27 percent. "The taxjnerease reflects a M.S.R.P. 13310. No air cond. C - Introducing Hie" ordinance. "It Cynthia L. Puchel as the new deputy Payments » iflxlW wllh no money down and 1400 refundable Ivy League scorers. ' limitations In our.budgct," says Consequently, he says there has small one when you think about Pnymonts = 60x1104 with no monoy down and $400 rofoodnblo per security depbsll roqulrod. . • • - . • lease for por seems that throughout the . court • clerk.' Puchel's appbintmont Friedland about the prudency tocurlly dopoill rtmglrod. . . : \ lease for * 1 36month* $99 month* - been a $80,000: increase in the- major operation_costs," municipality some various people will become effective on Feb. 1. _ • Approved a proclamation of the package. "One .of the employee medical care. In Friedland adds. are parking in handicapped parking, •Approved the appointment of designating February as BRAND NEW 1988 spaces. We are enacting this John Westerfield to 'the Armed Registration Awareness Month. GRAND OPENING VOLKSWAGEN JETTA 2-dr. APR "TSId: i-iptl. man. Irm. 1.8 Htor EFM-cyl. ong.,pwr. Q FINANCING brki, rr. dofoo.. body tldo moldlnoi, llool-boltod. imam rndlalt. Opt: Pwr. itri1{j.l'radlo prop, slrconcJ. 1 In TJ% -Elkral.lMl prlcn VIN. No. MB5«rMiS.RrP:->10i«>0r^— AND -ofleaso for SUNROOHM- CASIT mic issues' 5 WARRANTY PROTECTION- SELECTED MODELS. ••---•— per month1 BACK PLAN on NEW DODGES, ' , fty MARIE DDTTER the job as mirnager. Anderson said that decision "distorted what tho citizens committee to review the county manager form of government to Siia dsoUr lur dilaili. Doai no I apply lo advarliiad vahictsi Payments = 6O«149 with no money down and S400' -. See dealer for details. • refundable sbcurlly deposit requllrod. • • ONSEUECTED MODELS "Does it make sense to continue balancing aH the stress factors or is it manager's officois intended tobe — from chief executive officer to chief~~look-at-what-worksrwhat-s-uniqueF-ahd-what-noeds-to-be4lnfctuned-for_ more appropriate to consider some other alternatives for myself? This is a .administrative officer—a big difference" success. ,-.-'-' 1. ••: u question that needs to be looked at on a regular basis," -•'. =^r — *~ —,^Andersonexplainedr Amidministratlveofficer mdkessqreconcerns are Anderson said the county manager system should be reviewed — "to make So saying, Union'County Manager Donald Anderson responded orf Jan. 19 carried out — he is really, responsible for the day-to-day administration and this thing work," . '•'".• to the recent flurry of rumors that he was planning to leave his post, either not the day-to-da_ y. focusing_ or direction. I am not ready_ to suggest _junkin ug "There is a real downside to the county executive," said Anderson, ad- voluntariljjjorjdue to pressure from the Union County Board of Chosen (the position of county manager). It has nofbeen givon the opportunity to ding: "The county executivo has to build his own political base which raises •KV^hhWowiFreeholders]•, • '' "••'. ' ' ; '" :: " " •"". •"•"" "v: succeed;'^ ":' '' :~•'• •• --•••--.- ; --:- -•'•••7 • -.• --•-. .• - the question of whether the executive remains in a" balance of power or. has On Friday, that speculation ceased to exist, Anderson rendered his '.'Jt worked under .George Albanesc for a number of reasons," noted An- significantly more power than the freeholders. There 1s no balance between • resignation at a press conference he called aridto which the frechblders" derson, including-ffie fact that at. the time Albanese took over as the first the board arid the administrator and he has to bring in somebody to run the —wero Invited. In his statement, Anderson expressed a willingness to remain county manager following adoption of the manager format in November day-to-day operatlonsr •Lease payments based on 60-month closed-fend lease with no- 900 E. ELIZABETH AVE., LINDEN until a replacement could be appointed. He indicated that he had no definite 1975, thore was nioro "federal funding and the_facLthat-Albanese-had- ^H^ihifl purchasa.optlon available, and.15,000 mile/year allowance. 1st . s [ plans, Insofar as another job was concerned. — worked within tho system for ajong time and had his own base." - The beleaguered Andorsbn said his relationship with the freeholder board month's payment duo at Inception, prices and payments Include BID freight and dealer prop, exclude tax and tags. . ' '. Therfollowing Is an account of the Jan. 19 interview With Anderson, four was "cordial" and that he did not ".fault tho freeholders," rather it was the APR = Annual Percentage Rate. -486-6200 Way in which tho state had Interpreted the county manager form of gover^ "I would like to be a part of seeing .whether thecountv manager form of "That position Is one that gives legal opinion to nment. "-We need to redefine the way it works," said Anderson., , .government can bo viable.. .like an older statesman," said Anderson who gufd¥ Both the board offreehUVders erntf lHe~ "". Recalling the bitter "disputes between . previous managers and the "" freeholder boards, Anderson said: ''There have been no major battles with Was appointed In July of 1986, ,"'.-. administration. If the manager has a difference nave Anderson, said there were "systemic Issues" involved in the county the board. That does not exist between me and the new board. We been - manager's position — "There.ls no surety, no way to vlably dlsaisajunniot jLfUnhnJrom the board of freeholders,and If working very closely with the new board on the budget. It's a very cordial ; working relationship," . •'._'•• " -difference. I have had no special job offered, but individuals — both in the there Is a ruling from counsel, that does not public and private sector — have called me, Whoever comes in (as county Anderson was the target of'-criticism when it was discovered that the manager),thero-wlllbothesamelssues." . : .",....•: J^ '...- ._... .phase the board or the manager, how does It county had failed to got $522,149 in federal funds for Its summer youth job "^eate31n fits sixth floor office-at the county's Administration Building in get resolved?" asked Anderson. program lastyear. • . "I accept responsibility for a few things," said Anderson, 8pecifieajlyjor__ Elizabeth, Anderson explained that the county manager form of government ; 1 ' was established as an option to bo available to counties that would enablo -''noHmmediatclynotlfying'th'e' board'we~hffd beeri closed 'out — and thatrit;— baa ' * J ' • »,- *llh • .L —.___.*. ^ Bid * .* •.'... professional management to ibe put .in-chargo of a county's day-to-day Andersonjaid thiiLAlbanese "had a significant Impact in shaping the did happenon my watch'. But did we lose $500,000ror did we not get an ad- operations, Union County is the only county In the stale' which has adopted administrative code - he named every single department head and there dltional $600,000? Thore's n difference," Anderson said that the job program was theusaumptlon. that thecounty manager always hada lifetime job. .. that there was an increase In the number of people we :•:<>• the c6unty manager form was mamtamcd and . .. "The position has been eroded over the years.^Jt.ls different from what-^-gg^^ ^antj^hadjobgg,, Egging .t v ••h-^-warintended-brthe^orlglnal-charter;" said-Anderson, who Is the third ^ervcq ana we naajoos go pegging...... r—.-_.-r--- - . - !,_„.»• county, manager to serve wlthin-tlie-pasHlve years following Albanese's ' directors'is the board.of freeholders^ elected by the people, who have a. temu.p . • . • . supportive of the needs of their conatltuencles,'" " iaryH,concerfnrbelng Anderson said there Is the tendency to maintain department heads which the manager Inherits when he comes into the position and said he thought "it •' "Union County Is tho 60th largest county in the UnltedJStates, its govern^, "It's always a balancing act between fiscal conservatism and response to WOUld be lmpOr]tan.t tnlnnt r <\* (hn-yjilntlnnchlpil-hntuHwuj rinpni-lfnnnt hnnrlg tttuenclesr-That'a-the-dlffioulty always-with government," sald-An^' nient Is blggeTFtffih^Tstate" governments "of Alaska~aitd[Wyoming, There "anathe manager"," : , , :. .. !,; • are S.flOO employees. It Is a major operation," said Anderson, adding: -derton—• — •—•——•—•—•—^' . . '. • — '~—-— ——Another-aroa-of-county-governmcnt-whlch-Anderaon-said-needs-to be - 1 1 . •"There are always snagsif someone wants to f [fid them," _ "The manager is In a very tenuousTjosltlon because the fltatejfl ^o)ia>nlHe-""" ••.••"'•.'"^v. - •" ' ••• The manager poffi^^tlrprtdirto-a^fflimbei' of aeeompHshments Inthe permit a contract," notedLAnjtaciL^^-^^' ••'"'.' ' :• "That position is one that gives legal opinion to guide both the board of j J r l freeholders and the administration, If the manager has) a difference of county, such as "the largest bond Issue over and we were able to obtain a ... ••" ^ -*'~ jp|vlalon s opinion In the suit brought by former triple A rating, which saves residents millions of dollars In terms of In- Bgiln^the_freehoMetajo.V.erJ»ls,ouater-ln opinion from the board of freeholders and If there Is a ruling from counsel 1985 Anderson noted that the court was "clear" in stating that tho board of that does not please the board or tho manager, how does it get resolved?" terest," • " •' • , • ' • • , • ' . ; 'freeholders was Jresponsible to the people and the manager is not, and so flio asked Anderson. \ Anderson ulso noted that tho county's "set-aside program" will provide a board can remove him without cause. ^~ Anderson said that before a county executive form of government —. the total of 25 percent of all contracts to be set'aside for bidding by small ia|:ruiinB*camB'down1n^prll-of I987rnliri alternative most frequently mentioned — Is considered, there "should be a businesses, minority business and women In business. "That's been very positive." •'..•••'. '. ,-:•--.

-v— 2,3,4*-coUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS- Thursday,January28^ 2 —Thursday, January 28,1988 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS -2* BOE filing deadline is on Feb. 11

^The^Board~bf"EducaUdn_oC;the Mountain Avenue, Sp7ingfieKI!_on_T3e_a_citiren_oj(the;_ United Statesjo/_ Union County Regional High School any school day betweeh~9'aTnT"and"4 America; be at least 18 years of age; District No.l has reminded residents p.m. The completed nominating be able to.read and write; must have that~ihe-rd^MnB~~{oT^lhng~^Z^^^6^^^^etn»yet^gedrto^ Been a resident of the munlcipaUty -nominating petition to run for a seai, , board secetary's office by 4 p\m. on from which he/she is to be elected on th••-••e Regiona- l Board of Education Feb.,11. ' . for at least one year preceding the isFebnTat4p.m. Candidates filing a nominating date of the election; shall not be "Three seats on the nine-member petition'for"Regional Board mem- directly/indirectly Interested in any Regional Board, one each from the bership must meet the following contract with' or claim against the communities of Springfield, qualifications: Regional Board of Education. Mountainside and Garwood, will be contested on school election day, April 5. Each of the candidates elected on that day will be chosen for a full, three-year term.. But, to be Town library meetings set .eligible to run for the. Regional Springfield Public Library board 8. No meetings are scheduled for Board of Education, interested of trustees "meetings will be held July and August. ndlviduals must obtain_a__Eeb.Jl, March 10, April'14, May 12, Board meetings are held in the nominating petition in the office of June 9, Sept. 8,pct. 13, Nov. 10, Dec. Library at 7:45 p.m. • —— the board secretary at the Jonathan • " Dayton Regional High School, Becky Seal lunch menu The following is the schedule of margarine and milk. ,. Feb. 3' — Beef stew, with meals to be server-Over the next' Feb.. 2 — Salisbury steak with vegetables, hot apples with clnn- week at the Becky Seal Nutrition mushroom gravy, • carrot raisin nambn, egg noodles, ice cream, Center, the former Raymond salad, rice, fruit jellOj_pca_ soup, orange juice, biscuit, margarine and Chisolm School building, bread, margarine and milk. . . milk. ' • . ' • •: Springfjejd, : I HAVE A DREAM — The pupils In Ottawana Anderson's second-grade class at Lunches are served Monday - . - . Photo By Jo« Long Thelma' L. Sandmeier School, Springfield, recently reflected on the dreams of Dr. through Friday between noon and 'CELEB-RATE' PAINTINGS — Maryl In,. Schneider's classes at Caldwell and ,Fraenkel, Renee Gow, Samantha Kessler, Stephen Horwltz and Pater Singer. Not' Martin Luther King Jr. In back, from left: Anderson, Joey Caprlgllone and Jeffrey 12:30 p.m. "to senior citizens 62 and Sandmeier schools, Springfield, had palhtings-selected_by Channel 13's,10th Annual shown are Klmberly Kenny and-Julia Keller. The Sandmeier Scnoor^students at Miller. In front, from left; Monica Rlchey, Cara Tregllo and Laura Stler. over, regardless of financial status. . School lunches right, are, third row, from left,.Steven Walker, Gregory Whalen, David Kessler, *• Reservations must be pnade one -Students-Art Festival whlchwlll bj chosen forexhlbltlonon-13 and at exhibitions In ' x\ ••• • U: • >:'• REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS , sandwich on soft roll, vegetable, the Trl-State area In addition to the International Art Exchange. Caldwell students Jamie Frjedman and Krlsten Rusak; second row, from left, Anthony Baslle; Jenna day in advance by calling 376-5814 FRIDAY, pizza, Salisbury steakt tuna salad sandwich, large salad •above, left, are, third, row, from left,.Samantha Holmes, Stacey Rauchbach, Moskowltz, Rlkl Jaffe, Josh Kay, Zubalr Mohamed, James Gullas anckLavern between-11 a.mrand 1 p.m. Monday on bun, tuna saladsandwich, carrot plafter, homemade soup, desserts, AAlcheleDe Nlcolo, Angela Aplcella, Nicple Nelson and Sharon Farrell; second Young; first row, from left, Marlsa Conte, Beth Harris, Jimmy Porter,^AJyssa through Friday. : and celery sticksTvegetable,' fresh milk;.WEpNESDAY, macaroni and- row, from left, Adam Lfeb, Nadla Paclfico, Dana-GoW, Lucy Cucclnlello, Melissa Stadlln, Stephanie Gladstone, Chris Carlella and Llndsey Brooks. Not shown 'Arctic Dreams' discussed In the seiV/ce TODAY — Roast beef Au ;Jus, fruit, large salad platter with bread cheese, bread and butter,—tossed Bruno and Den.ise Amlano, and first' row, from left, Saorlna Paciflco, Jason picture are Wendy Horowitz, Jonathan Ritter and Melissa EstevesT "Arctic Dreams" by Barry Lopez National Book Award; deals wlth.the _sweet_pea.s with_ipearl onions,_ -and butter, homemadel_soup,_ —salad-with-dressing,-fruit,-minute -landscapej-Jhgwildlifertheweatherp —Army Private—Ernest -will—be the focus—of—the nexti Broskoskle, son of Theresa and mashed potatoes, fruit cocktail, beef desserts, milk; MOND'AY, breaded steak-ori' roll, potatoes, ham salad Springfield Public Library book andthe history of exploration in the barley soup, dinner roil, margarine veal cutlet with gravy on bun, fish. —^Policeblotter • _ i Arctic. . -.••-•- Ernest Broskoskle of. 315 N. 21st sandwich,---large—salad—platter-,*, discussion.' Group members will St., Kenilwbrth, has arrived for and milk. . ' sticks on soft roll with tartar-sauce, -homemade soup, desserts, milk; , Campus corner meet in the -library, children's '• "Jan. 29 — Baked fish with lemon salami, sandwich, potatoes', THURSDAY, hot turkoy sandwich Springfield Girl Scouttroops are sponsoring a commynityblood driye department Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. duty with the 54th Engineer Accident proves costly to driver Charles A. Stila of Fieldstone- . The library's book discussions are Battalion, West Germany. ,.. butter, broccoli stalks, potato gems, vegetable, juice, large salad platter, with gravy, cranberry sauce,' Sunday from 10 aTni. to 4 p.m. '• ' ._. Subtitled "Imagination and Desire held the first Tuesday of the month lemon pudding, clam chowder soup, Homemade soup, desserts, milk; potatoes, vegetable, fresh fruit, The'drive, which will be conducted by the North Jersey Blood Center, M-Oh Jan. 22, Dwayne Coppinger, court. Also, once Hernandez was ' Drive, Springfield, was among the Broskoskie; a combat engineer; A fender-bender on Milltown Road 700 freshmen and transfer students in a Northern Landscape," Lopez and are open to the public at no is a 1987 graduate of David bread, margarine and milk. frankfurter on roll, cold submarine- will take place at the Chisholnr School and Recreation Center located on prpyed more costly than the an- 21, Summit, twas arrested for booked at police headquarters, writes about his travels in the far charge. Anyone wishing to borrow a Feb. 1 — Italian sausage, steamed. TUESDAY, hamburger with chese, sandwich with lettuce, large salad South Springfield Avenue and ShunpJke_Bpad. All healthy—area— - police found 50 grams of marijuana enrolled at Qulnnipiac College, Brearley Regional High School, -ticlpated-repair—bills- for—ojocat- treating—a-^disturbance^—Ac- Hamdcn, Conn., In the fall. __ ^_ northern reaches of Alaska and copy of the book to be discussed may Kenilworth.- :•..._== -,=__-=^ zucchinij^O'Brlen-.potatoes,- UallanL Jettuce^Jomataijind pickje."pnjbun,...._platter,_homemade-soup,-desserts,; residents are urged to give blood at this drive, and fielp make the motorist when police found out that cording Jgj_repoct,_ local .police .J!ltlsfipssesslpn,.the_jsport,said..._-.._ - Canada;-The 1986 book; which-won a "•inquire at thereferencedeskr" — ice, minestrone soup, Italian bread- -potatoes, fruit, hot baked ham milk.' scouting project a success" " ~~~. • '• ~ ~~: ' " Vhe was dFiving with a suspended answered a call that'a man was •On Jan. 22, local police arrested The Delbarton Schoal of "The girls have put a greafrdeal of effort into coordinating-this blood ' license and had apparently been "yelling at store ' owners and Harvey Franklin Spaulding Ji'., 19, ' MoWstown announced the head- drive," said Doris Wise, a Blood Center representative. "They are drinking. . " " passersby" at the Morris Avenue and charged him with driving with a master's list for the fall, 1987. . involved in learning about blood and the need for blood donors, and they On Jan. 20, Springfield, police and Caldwell Place intersectlorr suspended license, According to-a Robert Valentino, grade 12 of are worldng'im activities that will help them earn a special 'Blood Arrested Vincent Palumbo, 28t South Coppinger, who was apprehended by report, Spaulding was apprehended Springfield, has been named to Uuv ARE YOU DROWNING The Ground Round Buddy' seryicebadge.Theywill nltfo help out at the blood drive, serving- - Springfield-Avenue;Springfield, and ' officer Scott Brok'aw, was cited for after being stopped for speeding 78~ headmaster's list with honors, V — Rt. 22 EastrSpringlieid ^467-4004 juice and cookies to the donors." - • . • .charged him with driving without a violating township ordinance 3-2:2- mph in a 55 mph zone'on Interstate IN.PAPERWORK? A««M Ireht Ch«w>*ULutnbJ LutnbMM SUPER BOWL All M«|or Cr«dlt Cirdi Acc«pl*d ' The SpringfieldTroops' blc^^JflveisTsmroTSBvietal drives sponsored license jindHdrlving while in- B, an ordinance prohibiting un- ft. .->. . " . • TRAVEL AGENT by area ^Girl Scouts, in celebration of the 75th anniversary of Girl toxicated. According to ' police necessary noise. - •On Jan. 24, Maad Al Assaf, 28, TOUR GUIDE WE CAN HELP! : Scouting. Each Girl Scout, council Is responsible for a "gift otservices-— reports, Palumbo, an aviation •On Jan. 22, Pablo Anthony Leon, Ferrand, France, was arrested for AlkUNE RESERVATIONIST SUNDAY 6th Annual project, and the Washington Rock Council, of which Springfield is a 'company employee, had been in- 19, Elizabeth, was arrested on a harassment, According to a report, Start Locally, full time/ part DISASSOCIATES " member, choseto help provide hospital patients with needed blood and volved in a traffic accident on bench warrant from Elizabeth. Assaf, a Syrian native, was ap- lime. T.raln on live aTFirno-eorh- 8 FT. T.V. SCREEN bloodcomponents...the"giftoflife." ' Milltown' Roadi _Onco police in- •On Jan. 22; Edwin Orlando . prehended after a. cleaning woman putqrs. Homo study and resident, -Health-Insurance Claims & Benefits • BIN Paying • For more information on ffilTNorth Jersey Blood Center's blood training. Financial aid available Hot & Cold Buffet at Halftime vestigated the'accident, they found Hernandez, 26, Irvington, was at the Springfield .Holiday Inn Job placement assistance; ' Reconcile Bank statements •Mailing Lists program, or on other Girl Scout blood drives, call the Blood Center In,_. that^is driver's license had been arrested for driving with a revoked complained that he had been 1- National Headquarters East Orange at 676-4700: rr^-^r ~~^1 lidfilti hv A.C.T. TRAVEL SCHOOL SUPER BOWL Harriet Singer • (2011 the Super Bowl SUNDAY Sunday at «:oo pwi Are you tired of ™ 8 FT. T.V. SCREEN HALF! Hot S Cold Buffet at Halllinie so! Hot & cold DellgHts MAKE IT AM. BETTER! THICK COMPREHENSIVE FOOT TREATMENT OF:. ' . •. SUPER BOWL JN-GROWN NAILS .'HAMMERTOES • ARCH &1HEEL PAIN • BUNIONS, CORNS, • DI»BETfCTOOTCARH^RDfINERSTOOT=- Atlrmovation optics wespecializeIn the CALLOUSES -HEELSPURS •• PROBLEMS SUNDAY Turkey's & T-Shlrts - __ -SPORTS INJURIES • AF^ORDABllE RATES EVENING & SATURDAY HOURS AVAILABLE • 24 HOURANSWERING SERVICE 8 FT. T.V. SCREEN Enjoy 9 Dif f erem NEW HIGH INDEX F»i,ASTI^LENS I53CCOMODATED • IN OFFICE OPERAfiKTGROOMS Hot & Cold Buflet al Halltime Beers! PODIATRISTS • FOOT SURGEONS • 3O%fHllHNER «25% LIGHTER DR. R.J. LEBOVIC • DR. W.A. PASTERNACK . Imported & Domestic 12 OZ., 23 OZ., 60 OZ.,&-B0ttleS \. 623 N.WOOD AVE., LINDEN, N.J. • (201) 925-1 500 SUPER BOWL IN THE BAKERY: Reserve Now bjiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiaiimiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiH THIS .50 SUNDAY LEMON MERINQUE PIE-WEEK • Washington vs. Denver 8 FT. T.V. SCREEN Redskins Broncos NO COUPON NEEDED/1COME SAVE TODAY/ Hoi & Cold Buflet al Halltime LARGE SCREEN T.V.! We Are NowMaking... FRESH STRAWBERRY CHEESE PIES/ONLY P SUNDAY br. David LEIdelman IN THE DELI DEPARTMENT: 8 FT. T.V. SCREEN The Finest BOARS HEAD BOLOGNA Hot & Cold Buffet at Halftimc Dr. Kevin J. Corry and BOARS HEAD LIVERWURSH, SUPER BOWL And the entire staff at Your THIS WEEK Associates in oral and Maxlllofaclal •Red cross Choice UB.r ••;. -ONLY • SUNDAY . Surgery, PA. Other products avalla INNOVATION OPTICS:: ^Selby 8 FT. T.V. SCREEN vi«it«h> PTinnt irv Ttvp A WTMFNT Hot & Cnld Bullet al Halftime Are happy to announce that as of February •Special Color Tints fpfcomputer operators •C0bj3lfiS "•For the Finest in 1,1988 our practice will be located In new •UV Filters ipr new I^rfees~as~we1;l- as quarters-Justone-hal^mile-jims£a£:aur-ex±=\ recoatlng your currenf lenses •Life stride isting office. rhWsWftmove will allow us FARM FRESH APPfcES • FRIOT^ CITRUS to continue to provide care to the com- •Ski Goggles and Sun Glasses__ _ T^Dexter munity that we have served for two •Carrera • Vu.arnet •Footworks SUNDAY decades, while affording our patients the • Bausch &.Lomb •Porsche ^EXTRA LARGE EGGS 8 FT. T.V. SCREEN benefit of a conveniently located, modern •Winter Boots and expanded facility wltto ample on site • Invisible Bi-fjocajs • Licensed ppticanJorEersonai professional care- Hot & Cold Buffet at Halftime parking. ' M \ •Superj^jo-L|ne •Younger Blended • Doctor's Prescriptions Accurately Filled •Handbags GREAT SNACKS •ViP» Varilux jfand more. orjTcal^pr referral ZEN FINGER FOODS • LensWDupJJcated -- : . COCKTAILS All Prices Good Thru(February 2nd, 1988 As we start 1988 we wish you all health and .and more! happiness In the new year. ;

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< •»f t T iwffff f n y H F?l^^*»tf^TTTT # Mini ill iiiiiiijiiiiiillilllllll ould home births be outlawed? By KEN MALLS —— available on campus. the services available to you, Dickinson College News Service ..--.-Orientation can be one or several because many people run into YES NO—— Editor's Note: This is the last in a days long depending.on_the school. problems they need help In solving. A centufy ago, almost all bir- 1 When a perfectly healthy five-part series on "Selecting the Most universities have one day of '. There are many people on campus ths occurred in the home, It was woman enters a typical hospital Right College." orientation whereas small colleges to help you adjust to your new en- common then for women to die to have a baby she receives an • Once you ha ve'selected the college may have several days. In addition vironment. Perhaps the most im- during childbirth. Infant mor- enema, a pelvic shave, a needle you will attend; your initial ex- to academic discussions, the portant person' is the' Resident tality was criminally high com- in her spinal_cord, and an IV in It's time orientation programs may include a Ad visor/ Assistant, also' known as pared to modern standards. The her arm. After repeated vaginal citement Is likely to be replaced by some, nervousness - about what tour to familiarize you with the , RA. The RA is an upperclassrrian reason? The lack of trained exams performed by totals J. he message from the county this week is very clear: awaits, you when you arrive on campus and a "fun night" where/you . ..who lives on your freshman floor medical help, sterile surroun-:__jClair'Ree's strangers she is rolled onto a It's time to consider a study of |he form of county govern- campus, get to meet your classmates. In the and is trained to handle the dif- dings, and adequate emergency equipment that pro- delivery table where her arms may be lashed to her This—is-• nahu-aleiAztrrahmair^~process~y6U will learn what is ex- ficulties new students face. blem births often resulted in the death of the mother, sides, her legs spread-wide and her feet buckled into ment. T ' •" arriving on campus for the first time pected of you In. and out of the Your RA is the first person to the infant—or both. * ' ' ^steel stirrups. Druggednand hog-tied, her membranes The resignation Friday of Don Anderson, county manager •. will know very few people. You will classroom. consult when you have questions or Why would any modern woman choose to give birth are artifically ruptured. Then, as a knife is being im for the past year-and-a-hglf^marks the third time in five have to make new friends and learn Most colleges feel they have a. 1 problems. RAsflre familiar with the -under the same primitive conditions her great- . serted to widen her vagirta, she is scolded for not be- how to function in a new en- responsibility not only to educate " campus and its facilities. If you have grandmother did? P^r^—. ing able to relax, open up, and let the baby roll uphill years the county has lost the man responsible for the day-to- Proponents of home birthing claim it's unnecessary day operations of Union County government. •'. vironment. , . you in the classroom, but to see that a.problem they'cannot solve, they out her womb so the masked manwith forceps won't "Most colleges have taken steps to you develop healthy social skills as know who can help you. to have a trained physician and expensive equipment have to reach in and jerk it put. . Whether he resigned voluntarily or was forced to submit on hand for a normal birth. That may be true. But It's no jvonder babies bocryit home are.just as like- . help ease your adjustment through a well. Just as RAs are Instrumental in what of births that DON'T turn out to be normal? AD- his resignation is irrelevant here. The problem is that no As a new student, it is necessary helping you adjust to the social ly to survive-as those born under the watchful eye of combination—of* orientation the social proximately 1 of every 20 births result in a dead or " _ matter which political party is running the show, the cbunty ! Bcademlc programs. and student services :for_yoii-fn-hpeomo acquainted with ,. - „ ., .- "~disabled baby. Between 3 and 5%bf babjeiborn ex- bom in hospitals were 3.7 times more likely, to need managerjs in a difficult, nearly impossible position. advisers are avalable-to_assist youperience hemorrhaeine that can be fatal if not.quick- resuscitation, four times, more likely to be treated for In the course of running-a multbiliillion dollar operation, with course selection. —- [y stopped. Umbilical cords can drop into the vagina", infection, and nine times more likely to suffer in- the county-manager, actually serves at the whim of nine'in- In high school, you had to choose cutting the flow of blood and oxygen to about-to-be-- _juries. Of the mothers; those in hospitals were 2;5 from-among-perhaps 10 classesJllLborn infants. An emergency cesareari'delivery may. ' times more likely to receive oxytoxic stimulants-to dividual bosses. There is no contract involved, and the voters college,, the selection is at least ten- be the only chance to save the baby or prevent per- can only express their dissatisfaction, or approval, by induce labor, 22 times more likely to experience fold or greater.-You need someorie manent brain damage. These and countless other • forceps delivery, and nine times more, likely to ex- casting their ballots for the freeholders, not the manager. Conflicts and with experience- to guide you problemscan be safely solved in a hospital—but NOT perience severe lacerations in spiteof increased The time has come for a citizens' group, perhaps the through the vast array of of fcrings. at home." .' . . _ • . v . epesiotomies. County League of Women Voters, ttfundertdke a review of—- Davis C, Tracy, director of the People give birth at home to save moriey. The pro-J If a woman prefers to have her baby al home, ' confusions^ counseling and placement center'at blem is, having a baby, isn't like buying a car. Taking rather than be subjected to the above horrors, that , county government and determine if'there is a better way to Dickinson College, says. While .the cheapest royle can be horribly costly. One study , choice should not be taken from her. If you agree conduct Onion County business. .. , By RONGAETANO • ' _. -feeling confused, excited, and albne has shown that home childbirthirig doubles tVe .. • call: • • • ..- ,,'.-.• And if that is the case; the citizens^ group shouldpetition I'd like to take this week's column to update you. on the latest state is expected "and normal, it is.not neonatal death raste. ' the county clerk to put on the November ballot theljuestion of legislation concerning substance abuse and use. • •- ' .. comfortable and it needs to be talked If you agree that home births are a dangerous First, the New Jersey state Senate recently voted, 37-0, to establish a . about." . - 'anachronism that should be outlawed,-call: '- Call 1-900-400-2505* :_i whether the electorate wants a charter study commission to statewide program that would battle substance abuse among our school Most people ,do not want to admit, -be impaneled. At the same-timc^the-Gitizens^group-could children with a broad-based educational/prevention effort. The bill-has they have a problem so they are seek interested citizens who would serve-on-the-nine=memher been sponsored by Sen. Raymond Lesniak.D-Union. -~ . reluctant tolseekJielpJIhis^is why Call 1-900-400-2500* Following its Senate passage, the bill was sent to,the N.J. Assembly commission, which also would have to be approved on the RAs can be useful because many of Let y0Ur vote be counted! Results of'the Nclson-ReejLSurvey go to-thejVhltc House, the-U,S..Scnate and House of_ where it is currently pending befor.e.that-bodvis.Appropriatlons Com^_ e s _hjj]n|: ' . ,_ '••-_•'1^- : r :£ nvhave:MSi imila>^ addition to reaching over 10 Tmtteer""" , ~" _ I ."~7~.~' ~~ their freshman year. mllllbn Amej-icaniLna^nw^JJirpughLoyeraso partlclpatlng-ncwspapcrs. Calls will be accepted by AT&T's 24-houi- TTRefirst step> a citizens' committee ST^iewTfieiSaff _JOndec-the-bill,-all school districts would -be required to establish an— You Will be sharlng.^out-room-—mswBTiiiB-scrvIce.from.8* p.m. Central time, Monday, Jan. 25 until 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 29. Results will be published -form7is"essential7anci is recommended by Anderson himself; anti-substance abuse program that incorporates educational treatment with a stranger so naturally there tn this newspaper. AT&T charges a long distance toll of fl.00 per call. . , T .'. Perhaps there is no better wayJo run the county. But the only 'and discipline aspects'. The bill would set guidelines for school personnel will be stressful moments. If you are *If your long distance carrier Is not AT&T (Sprint, MCI, Tel America-, etc.), you must dial 10288 before dialing way thatSyill be determined is by conducting a review of the —\ in situations where they would be~required to intervene with a student patient and understanding you ought either 900 number listed above. \ • • , ywho is suspected of using drugs/alcohol and would require that to be able to work things out. Keep in Letters from readers arc welcome (or possible publication in 350 participating newspapers. Write: Editor current form of government. , . V -.**-•. / suspected student to be tested by a physician and his/her parents mind that your backgroundsniay be Nelson-Rccs Survey, P.O. Box 531, Sprlngvllle, Utah 84G«ai:, .. • .' • , ' Private enterprise certainly would study a management notified. " radically different, which means process that changed hands four times in 10 years, Why Tha bill-would-also-provide-for-an-outreach program-that would -that you-both-will have-to make "should government" beanydifferent? ~~~"~~. '• educate parents as to the school's procedures-and which would invite _compromisesr . . I Previous survey results: Abolish capital punishment? Yes: 9.4% No: 90.6% " The time has come for a review of county government. And them to take part in'the program. „ With the help of your RA and other The programs are to be funded-through state and federal monies. The staff on campus, adjusting to college it is time the citizens-of the county, who are quick to point out N.J. Senate also recently approved legislation that would allow lan- Jife can be lots of fun. All it requires the problems and faults on the county level, get involved in dlordsJo oyict tenaiiis_whp haye been cpnyjcted_or plead'gulltyito a ^ _.is that you get acquainted_with the ° No ifs, onds or butsl _someform,:eitheras.a citizens' group-promoting the"study, drug-reiated offense and which wouJd-setHStiffer-penaltles-for-anyone Yes, there should be stiffer pehalties for drunk • who borrows or lends a driver's license for the" purpose-of buying drivers. After two convictions the person's driving ~~ or as candidates for a charter study commission, if the I have enjoyed reading the Nelson-Rees Siirvfey, review determines one is needed. • alcohol, The Senate-approved both measures, 37-0, and passed them on breall),-and congratulate yourself. license should be revoked for at least 10 years—no • to the Assembly for consideration. • .You have made, it through the and have called many times witl^my vote. . . « . ifs. ands or buts! Penalties should be applicable in all JLagce,e_itithJElees_thaLShidey-MacEaine:&'_thinking_ ——Jhe^first~Iegislatlon-would-p«rmlMaridlord^.4o-evict^any^tenant^- —college-selection—process—and—a- Jg, 50^tat4judghltlhld^I4jg b -is.ridiculous-i^not-absurd. kieked^ut-of-officer— convicted or who has pleaded guilty to a drug-related offense com- fantastie future is yours.just beyond Mrs. James T. Attcn, Buffalo, New York mitted in that apartment, building or complex with only three days , the horizon L - Rev. J. 11. Kurkcliee, Rochester, New York notice. The bill's aim is to reduce the number of "shooting galleries" — apartments where drug abusers congregate regularly to use drugs in thestate. • - "wv Jhe-sccond-"leglslation-woiild-amflnd-thB CORRECTION much as we hate to adrnfi it, misTakes"6!olTaTSpeiT stlpulates-a:$100: ftne for anyone'eonvicted of lending or borrowings BRIVISDell ran 3 coupons and last week's story about tnVsfchool-,board 'electioirin —driver's license^to buy alcohol to a fijde of $300 and a 60-day jail sentence. . In-the Jan-.-2-ist~issue-of- Springfield was just that —a mistake. •, : The amended penalties woukLaJso-apply to those trying tousosbmeono countv Leader i _. As stated in this week's Page-l^tory~ reports that the in- else's driver's-licehse to gain entry to a nightclubor tavern that serves Newspapers. The expira- alcohol. ' .• i, •••,. ' .(1; ,-, ... ••••'». ' -,..._ ,.^. . .. cumbents were-not running were prematurei A miscom- Student art works My feeling is that all three of these legislative bills warrant im- • tion date In the coupbhs munication between reporter and editor—or_repoEtftK-anrL was submitted J read 2-27-88._The date mediate passage, and I would urge the Assembly to act on them as soon -should have read-1-27-88— school board apparently led to an incorrect statement. To the Gaudineer aspossible...... make matters worse, the error was'picked up and used in a School in Springfield.) An internationally known export In tHeflolds_a[ dtSff and alcohol We regret any Inconve- headline. abuse, Ron Gaotano has addressed over 15b/000 parents, teachers, teen- nience this may have agers, collego students and senior citizens on these and other related caused. BRIVI'S Is located While we regret any inconvenience thatTnay have oc- topics as a pharmacist, educator and counselor. Gaetano is the director at 234 Mountain Ave., LAWN and GARDEN TOOLS curred as a result of this error, we must set the record By Sara Elscn of the Alcohol and DrugAbuse Program at Union Hospital, Union, Springfield. straightas to our role in the upcoming elections. We intend to Money management _-remain-asobje,Gtive:as-possibig. Last week's mistake~wasjust that — a mistake. We, do, however, encourage residents of SpringfiekHo take an interest in scfibol board activities and become con- To buy or lease -- irtatter of need a tributing participants. To buy or not'to buy? That is the you love may have a limited appeaf, ". Those taxpayers_who do not itemlzo, .generally easier to accomplish this . The Springfield Board of Education has had its share of question-facing many individuals—lowering-its-resale-value-andratsing—^onriotrfealizeTmy lax benefit^f~^irffTBlattVBly^hoTtrpeT16d"6Ttimeif~ problems in the past. It now appears to be on the-road-to— who are in the market for'a new car your costs., ownership, you arc renting. When you rent, your Poly Think Shovel or residence. According to the New There are two basic types of On the other hand, home owner- commitment is limited to the term of recovery. As several of the incumbents stated, it has your1 lease — not-a 30-year mor- • returned to normalcy. ' , . Jersey Society of CPAs, It ' is leasing agreements—open-end and ship does require a hefty "down Family Haircutters generally a person's individual closed-end .— .of. which closed-end payment, which ?ould otherwise be tgage, Your day-to-day living ex- needs and circumstances that has become the most prevalent. invested,•• and a commitment .to - penses will probably be lower than if "Survlng Th«tn«r« Family With Th» La ft determine whether it would be best With a-closed-end lease, the com- you were an owner. . . • ' Cutting And Styling T»chnlqua»" AAMES^T, many-years 6f monthly-payments.- OO LA*h tM QAKMM TOOll LcUers to the editor must be received no Inter than noon on the -to-buy or lease.-Each option has its pany takes the car back at the end of And as a homeowner, your Taxes, major repairs, mowing Aluminum Monday proceding the date of the Issue .ln_wiilch they nre_to.appcar. own set of advantages_and-dlsad—theieaseperiodrThecompanysells responsibility doesn't end there. You grass and shoveling snow may all be Aluminum "Long John" Aluminum •vantages, all of which should be Snow They should be typed, with double 'spneing[between lines (not In all it and takes the profit or loss: Sounds will have to devote a great deal of the responsibility of your landlord,' Thrso Atp Our Fvpryrliiv Ptiri's Snpw Snow Snow capital letters, please). _^ ~ _ carefully examined. •. , - easy enough, but you'll want to read time and money to^th e upkeep of ".Another plus—if ydu're hot sure you Pusher Pusher ~ All letters must include a written sipinturtvu complete address and a Not long ago, the question facing the fine print to be sure of your your home, o like an area or neighborhood, ren- Shovel Shovel -phone number where the writer may be reuclicd during daytime liours - "nWcrir buyers was whether to pay responsibilities. Most lease' Now, what about renting? Yes, ting can,give you a chance to test (for verification purposes only). , ' v ' cash or to finance.'Now leasing agreements require'that you return. like leasing, it tjpes cost more in the your surroundings without making a Shampoo, Cut Thls-new8paper-reserve?tli^-rlglit-to-cdlt-or-rojecUany-lettcE-and-to__l the car in godd condition, less or- long run, particularly in the sense large financial commitment. -. publish only one letter from any one person within any four-week lease-a car, you, the lessee, are dinary wear and teatWust-what- 1 3 V< " x 1 4 V4 " Ou TFE tin thatyou do not realize the build-up of num alloy blider— numallrty blade? period. ' . ^- .',-.• using a vehicle that. belongs to constitutes ordinary weaK»and4ear Which is better foV you? It depends and Blow Dry cirbon ils*J woar carbon SIMI w«ar dbbod bl«d« Blua sheds.snow • equity, nor do you receive the tax imp TFEOIuaflrv strip TFE Olu« Im- nish to holp 15"it 16" •alumi- someone else, the lessor,' under is. something you'll want to in- benefits. In addition, unless you are oh your circumstances, CPAs ish hfllps keep <3h helps hoop shod snow. ica. num alloy blir** suggest that renting or. leasing may snow Iffjm stick- snow from slick- .1 s h. h n n d I o roinforcsd do certain conditions, the lease .Jtestigate before signing. Also, if you protected by rent control, yoti can ing 48" handln •A16770 • 35 VJ" tubular very wcll.be more appropriate at *A6 stnal hand'" agreement. Better yet - just think exceed the agreed upon mileage, «A163flO of It as a long-term rental car. you will be re-sponslble for the ex- never be quite sure of future rent orie stage oryourJife; ownership at cessmileaco-usuallvtothetuneof - -'"creases. And If they_come, you- another, "•'_• There are several good reasons to Money Management Is a weekly lease a car, although saving money each additional mile. - . Renting does, however,^ provide column on personal finance is usually not one of them. It almost With an open-end lease, an you with more financial flexibility, distributed by the New Jersey always costsjnore in the long run to estimated resale price is specified' If you lose your jab, get transferred Society of Certified Public Ac- lease a car than to buy one. when thft lenun Is signed. Whnnthft-.•• t\r nthftw^lftp iWlrii> in rplnrntff .it In BTjnwpeopleTirid ll more Iease explres if the car sell3 tor PERMS & COLOR leasing companies would-like-you to y klHliHMtll BODY WAVES believe that leasing costs less for less,, you pay' the difference. Letters to the editor must be received no later than noon oil the Monday . because-thcM's no down payment. Your monthly payment may be preceding the date of the Issue In which they are to appear. They should b* A AMES.. . And, yes, the monthly payments are lower with an opon-end lease bu'tyou typed, with double spaclnjf between lines (not In all capital letters, please). FROSTING often lower,.but that's because .they do run the risk of losing monoy in the All letters must Include a written signature, a complete address and a *3O "WinterWpnder" : end. .••••• . . • phone number where the writer may be reached during daytime hours (for fare Free* Carefree Lightweight are based on the new car price less : V Its-resale value at the expiration of . Although the fact of the matter is -verification purposes only);—-—rr INCIUDEbCUI&blVIL Poly Snow Aluminum ice Scraper -the-leasei-Whenyouflnanco a car, that leasing a car will cost more, It; This newspaper .reserves the right to edit or reject any letter and to publish •A Snow Shovel yourinonthly payment Is based on may very well be the right decision only one letter from any one person wlthln'any four-week period. LONG HAIR & CURLING IRON EXTRA Shovel for some drivers, - • .--- Pusher ..,, _ .the car's entire cost less your down Mjur Choice . 7 749 , payment. But "when"Hiei carla paid The choice to buy or lease one's Lonp-HandltLor off, it's yours. When your lease residence, has been around longer Poly D Hindi* expires, you usually own 'nothing, than: the'corresponding choice on BrtfVltllCaill Cfii-s. Althouggh (tin fnrtfl nnri fgl WO and can't afford the down payment, differdiff , once againi , In tthhe lonlg run, It pleasing may make your dream come Is generally cheaper to buy than '13-9-l-Stuyvosant Ave. Union * 2625_ Morris iive.» 851-2525^ M % -rent,—However,. there-are many Walter Worrall- B'M OtO&L "true. •' •—-..'• " ' \ . "~ •"•" Union, N.J. 0/083 ' ( tECG instances where renting may make Publisher ~ "Madison * 23 Waverly Place • 765-9610 As for tax considerations, CPAs more sense — even when it's not Editorial office .. ..684-/700 ' report that under tax reform you'ho cost-effective. A house provides you aH longer have~an itemized deduction with, a stable and generally high- . Subscriptions..., , A8&-/700 East Hanover» 320 Rt. 10 « 428-9433-^ Business Office ., . .686-//00 Executive.Et|||tor f=tor^tho snles tax on your new car..and ' yielding investment, - You bulld-up- • ' • ••,•'• '• * "• ' this year you may only deduct 65 s equity and your-homo can serve as~ ""Kenneth-Schankler— —Eatontown^RU5 & 36VCircle percent of the carjoun Interest. That • Springfield... Loador/'tUSPS 512-720) Is Associate Edltpr amount will gradually bo pliaaed out. -__^_. ia publlshod weekly by/ County Loador • ,.,. Lodi • 1 So. Main Sf 472-2474 I -until It reaches xero after-1990. definlto tax advantage to hoffio : "flowspapors IticrMall Subscriptions $15.00 ' . Don Patterson coav.enknce_OLho^_owneMhlp.J&n.use^mj!>rJgageJni :J~c"6Wi73W» V°ar ITrTI!n Unio'und«iblDr-"Si!ccmi)'~classn County, 35 conts por~ Advertising Director- —Wayne • RV46 • WillQWLSq.JIeiiierJL256^893^ cash-down features of leasing ap- tcrest costs and real estate taxes are . 'postao'o paid at Union, SI'.J, and additional peal to you, shop around, The best deductible, your ownershiJ p costs are malllnoofflco, POSTMASTER i .Sondradi- deals nml lowest monthhUM.vrnflntfl -U!rootJy-rolatec!-to-your lncome-taK—— dresschae8oth«Stirlhote :Wwdhr»dgr^Rt7l*Caldor Plaza •636-1818 'I - • generally are available on cars that bracket, the higher yburl.lncomo^—- P.O, Box 31O9,Unlon, N J.07083, have the highest resale value. So and your tdx bracket, the more you ., West New York • 64th & Bergenline Ave. 854-2715 boWare - that loaded pink Cadillac . stand to save by owning your home. • 6 — Thursday, January 28,1988 ^COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS -2,3,4* 2,3,4*; COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, January 28,1988^ 7 j>aytoijtOLholdannual art auction 'Cozy Corner' preschool expands The tlnlon County^ ^^^- ,. „ "Going, going, going, gone..." Dayton Regional High School foot, as well as offer the experienced r D SchoorDlstricOfo.l announced that from 7:30 a.m.-tgj3:.30-ajn.-and/or—Corner—Plaamtpa:30jnd^ntPl y £ ShlCt^ U-be-heard- Jlai^hlngj^awidjGoacexfcBAndio^ -pnHivfni'-^whanpA-tn-^nhflncf^hifl- lt~will~expand"ils "Cozy Corner" - from3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. For the „ . . - Saturday, Jan._30«lien the Jonathan -display their talents in competitions— coUecrJon~wlttrvery "fine~artr~Ad~ preschoo' l" progra ' m to a five day per past six years, the successful "Cozy Registration for the 1988/89 school Dayton Band Parents Organization Bruce Andrew-Galleries Inc. of mission will be $4 and there will be a week, full day session • starting in Corner" Play School Center has year is already under way and will presents its 1988 Art Auction at the Closter is preparing the program beautiful selection of art in every September. The district's program followed a limited three day per continue until Feb. 19. Space inTfhe'i Baltusrol Golf Club in Springfield. and making certain that the show price range. The program will suit is located at the Governor week, two hours per day schedule. . "Cozy Corner" full-day program is The exhibit and sale will feature will have a work of art to begin the the taste and pocketbooks of all who Livings torTRegional High School in The "Cozy Corner"" program-is*—limited, Registration information - oils, lithographs, etchings, starting collector off on the right attend.". Berkeley Heights. _ conducted from-September-to-June—can be obtained by contacting Mary serigraphs and posters by such This program will provide daily and is open on days when the high Ann Kjetsaa, program director, at "artists as Agam, Boulanger, Dali, preschool activities from 8:30 a.m. school te in session. Three to'five- $? ^1°"!™ k^*0" Regional _DeIacroix, Ebgi, • Erte, McKnight, to 3:30 p.m. and extended care for year-olds who Are toilet-trained are Hi8h S**00'at aringlandfiIl-nrid'otheTsoIia^7forward lo working with him during away." ~AsITWednesday marks the of fun Inn somewhat more restful program will be held on Feb. 6 from 'the pre- and s^st-operative -ANDSAV&&AS- I ^ihatBheTexpects legislatlye approval _waste management issues." ^these next two years." ^' ;lstart of Lenten_fastingJrom*-meaL_-..setting-iniKenilworth -Theinight will 'i;30-11:30 a.m. for parents ex- procedures involved^ recovery SHOP OUR ADVERTISERS I of the governor's programs. -.^ _ and drink for 40 days. CarnayaIeLon_ _start with a full-course Italian HIIT——:pecting ababy who have a child at period and more. A^slltie presen- AND SAVE MONEYS —^"Irr effect," the goy^rnor_putllned _" ' ~ our~ob1igatlbn to future generations' Golden fsnoTmedlj^hapt^ir including programs to strengthen TALENT SPOTLIGHT the quqlity of life of all New Jer- ' Helen L. Golden of Springfield has Golden, who may be contacted by' LLOYD - ARIELLE GREENBAUM . seyans,"' she said. "He wants to beon named to serve Union County phone at 379-6334, is available to (By Appointment only) TFV\IN Ariclle is 7 years old and in the 2nd grade ""build'upon ..the, lead we presently as an area representative, to the answer questions' concerning TO BE A at Mt. Pleasant School in Livingston. This —enjoy in-high technology-programs" „_...,_—• ~. . .-- ••|enia—myasthenlagravisroften referred to~ '-EXCHANGE TRAVEL PROFESSIONAL year, Arielle is attending the Jr. Division of and to position ourselves to compete • asMG. • . • WORLJ0.yroETRAVEL3EilVICE ."PERSONALIZED SERVICE Perlormors Thoatre Workshop. Arielle's SECRETARY voider sister, Erica> is a membor of the efffectively in foreign markets. That ..,,.' ' "Achronic neuromuscular disease; FOltEICN & SEC/RECEPTIONIST DOMESTIC .. U3 cind ^Regular Division and Is entering her 4th year translates' into new jobs for New . announcement was made by it"is characterized by abnormal WNMMABHN SCHOOL • EXECUTIVE SECRETARY at Performers Thoatre Workshop. E FOXW Jerseyans, and l"ehdorseTy'.'she .!;. Ss^^vaE'stelle Novaj^orUnjonk ofJJnto^Lchapter/^ ' weakness of voluntaryr=muscle3r= coiiFDTEinzeB Start, locally,. Full tlrrn/pirt ~MM. • ^——^^chglfBiah;—Chapter—offices—are-—ihose-muscleffTion trolled-by" will, time. Learn word processing 4 COMMERCUt rr^ft^S^lngfleld^rs^cond^graaeTs " •Ogden^who-wlll-again-serveTre located—on—the—campus—of—the—The-disease-derlves-itsmamcrfrcrnr ACCOUNTS PARENTS INTERESTED IN SENDING THEIR S-S YEAR OLD •nd ralated wcr«Uri»' (kills. Scott Rosenbaum, left, and Jessica Stapfer en|oy a popcorn party as part of chairmaiairmalni of the AssemhlAssemblyv 'Energftwwy UiHver8ity_o£ Medicine-and Den- Latin and Greek words meaning CHILDREN TO OUR NURSERY/KINDERCARDEN PROGRAM Home Study and Raiidanf December's National Reading Week. and Natural Hesources Committee, ustry ot New Jersey in Newark. "grave muscles weakness." THIS YEAR (FEB-JUNB ARE INVITED TO MAKE AN AP- It -• ALt MAJpn CHEDIT CARDS ACCEM'ED " - POINTMENT FOR A FREE-CEI •AUiVMNIkU.tLAbSKOOM also applauded the governor for his 3900 Morris Aycmia_(\i Uaiop Cvuloif)! Union,,N.J. AND APPOINTMENT. • FtNANCML AID AVAILABLE OPEN THURS. EVENING TIL 7:00 • JOBHAC£MENT ASSISTANCE Seniors given free tax help Offer Limited to children 3-5 vrs. 1-800-327-7728 -FIRST READING"" ~~~ — TOWNSHIPOF SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIPOF SPRINGFIELD- heroin will bo within all debt limitations 1 FREE VISIT PER CHILD Introducodby: Hurt UNION COUNTY, NJ. UNION COUNTY, N.J.' proscribed by that Low. THE HAW SCHOOL WHEREAS, tho Local.Contracts Law o( tho BOND ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE Senior citizens of Kenllworth are Seniors should bring to their ap- VISIIS.BY APPOINTMENT ONLVI -Seconded by: Jackson • * (d) An aggregate amount not oxcoodlno m Roll Cnll Volo: Yl>as6NaysO ' ' Stnlo ol Now Jorsoy (N.J.S.A. .40A:lM.tt. soq.); -ACQUISITION- AND RENOVATION -OF SB S25,000 tor Itoms of oxpenso llstod In and pormlt* - roqulr«s''tho p»Wno*- and fldvorllalno of it •>IORTH TRIVETT AVENUE FOR USE AS AD- ! being offered.free'assistance in.the ,P9 ,t"io—d-valoron TH~ rosldont who Is a mombor of tho pooi, provided, PE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Iho loos Soctlon 1. Tho Improvomont doscrlbcd In Soc- taxos upon all tlio taxable roal propertoporty withiwlthini pOinimeniS Will DC necessary. 10 House from 1. to 3 p.m. No ap^ Arielle's mother, Ilcnc., is very clfcar howovor, rosldont mombors may only sponsor to bo paid Richard Uslan, Esq., shall bo at tho tlon 3 of this bond ordinance. Is horoby authorliod tho Township for tho paymont of tho obligations make-an . appointment call the American Cancer Society Recommendations: and CUPCAKES NOW! ono nonrosldont momborshlp, whothor slnolo or hourlv.ralo ol SS5.00 por hour. to bo undertaken by the Township of Springfield, and tho interest thoroon without limitation of pointment needed: 695 Springfield as lo why she chose PTW for her family. Momborshlp Is limited to a maximum of DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, thai this Now Jersey as gonoral Improvement. For tho ralo or amount. , • * - ' library,.276-245l. •'. ' ; Ave.', Summit. ' " . . Women Age 35-40-Baseline - children. "In addition to excellent 3,300 momborshlp bodc-os and shall not bo Resolution bo publlshod In the official nowspapor* Improvomont or purpose descrlbod In Soctlon 3, Section 9. This bond ordinance shall takcoffoct Well deliver our special transferable.-Borouoh rosldonts shall bo afford-- ol tho Municipality within ton (10) days ol its , ' there j arc . horoby appropriated Iho sum- of 20 days aftor tho first publication thereof aflor A disabled or . shut-in senior First Wednesday of Each Month- - From- Age 40-50 - Every ,1 or 2 years training, the girls lovcilreirrcachersr od a proforonco ovor non-rosldpnis' applications passage • $300,000 including tho sum of $15,000 as tho down final adoption, as provklod by tho Local Dond wanting this free tax assistance SUPERBOWL SUNDAES" have madejiew friends and are having In tho ovont that Ihe numbor of applicants ox- Joflr.oyKatl . payment for tho Improvement or purposo ro- •- Law, - . • Blood Pressure Test, free, Red Over Age 50 - Annually coeds 3,300. Non-rosldont_fomlly momborshlps Chairman Township Cominlltoo qulrod by tho Local Bond Low. Tho down pay-_ • TOWNSHIPOF5PRINGFIELD should_call the library leaving a Cross, nurse., at the Rational State • 7 a lot of fmi. '„...-'. —shall bo limited lo 350 por-soasorv - - —mont Is now available W vlrtuoof provFslons foe _ _ IN THE COUNTY OF. UNION -(Death by Denver aftedsklnsRiBvenge) As Gerslnyin so aptly put it,"Who (3.) Subporaoraphs 1 and 3 of Paragraph b ol . January 13,' down paymont or for capital Improvomont pur- - '••• / , Jolfroy. Katz. Mayor name and telephone number. A Bank, Maple Streef, Summit, from 7^ "TTHE IMAGING CENTER - LIVINGSTON ' Soctton 10-1.3 aro amondod lo road: Holon E'. Magulro* poses In ono or moro previously adopted budgets HolonE.MtfguIro „ • : : orany of your Ice crearrPfavbrites could ask for anything more?' " Township Clork volunteer' will call^and^ make io""a.m"."b'l p.m. No appointment 315 E. Northfleld Road, Livingston, N.J. • 994-0020. X. Family momborshlp Includes husband, wlfo, of tho Township. * • Township Clork ' during the game,..OR STOP BY or slnglo paront, and all children, foster, natural TAKE NOTICE, tho abovo resolution was Soctlon 2. In ordor to flnanco tho cost of tho Im- . * Notice of Ponding Bond Ordinance arrangements for a home visit. needed: —or adopted, unmarrlod (undor 31) and living at adoptod at a rogular mooting of tho Township provement or purposo not covorod by application Tho ordlnanco published herewith was In- DURING HALFTIME homo. Unmarrlod chlldron ovor tho ago of 31 My- Commlttoo of- the Township ol Spr.lngllotd hold of the down payment, negotiable bonds are. troduced and passed upon first reading at n Second Wednesday of Eoch Ing at homo and parents llvlng-wlth tho ' hereby aulhorlzod to bo Issued In tho principal mooting of tho Towqshlp Commlttoo of tho DILIUIRV IN KHHILVPORTH ONLY PERFOR/HERS may bo Included lor an additional foe. .. —MAGUIRE amount of $285,000 pursuant to tho Local Bond, Township of Sprlnoflold, In tho County of Union, Month— Blood Pressure Test, free, Township Ciork Minimum brtier Sto.do _ 3. Slnglo momborshlp- Is avallablo to anyy In-In- _ ,. ... \ow Law. In anticipation of tho Issuance of the bonds, • Stato of Now Jersey, hold on January 36,1980. It DON'T MISS A WEEK_ Red Cross nurse at United Jersey dMdual ovor 16 yoars of age. — —0837.* Spflngllold Loador, Jan. 2fl, 1988 —nogollabla bond -anticipation notes aro-"hcroby"" "wlllbofurtherconsldorodforflnarpassaao alter THEATRE. 13.) p'aragraph n"o( Soctloh 10-1.5 Is amended to (Foo:$15.75) authorliod to bo Issued in tho principal amount of ' a public hearing; at a mooting of the Township OF LOCALNEWS Bank. in. ISfew Providence from 10 CHARLES CHIPS road:. »' $285,000 pursuant to and within tho limitations • Commltloo to bo hold In tho Municipal Dulltllno - 13 N. 20th street •Kenllworth • 276-5423 'proscribed b/tho Local Bond Law. CALLBSO-77rfO a.m. to 12:30 p.m. No appointment is Pi a. Diving Ispormlttodonly whorodopthof pool In said Township on Fobruary 9th-at 8:00 P.M. r Under New Ownership Is five feet or more' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that soalod bids Soctlon 3. (a) tho Improvement horoby Copies of said ordlnanco will bo mado avallablo FOR HOME DELIVERY needed. ., % 'II/C)RKSHCP r4.) Paragraph d of.Soctlon 10-1.0 Is amondod to- •will bo rocolvod by tho Borough Clork of tho authorliod and-tho purposo for which tho bonds during tho week prior to and up to and including, road: . . • Borough of Mountainside, County of Union, Stato aro to bo Issuod Is tho Requisition of title to land the (into of such mooting ot tho Clork's office in | GBQOMING-BQBJHE d. All chlldron under too,years ol ago shall not of NowJorsoy, for tho sale of ono 1981 Dodgo. , and building known as Lot 30 In Block 49 on tho said municipal building to tho mombors of tho PERFORMER ON ALL LEVELS bo permitted on pool grounds unloss accom- Dlds will bo'oponod and road In public, at tho taw map of tho Township of Springfield also gonoral public who shall request tho samo. panied by a responsible chaporono (a person ago Municipal Dulldlng, 1305 -Rt. 33 Mountainside, known as' 50 North Trivott Avonuo In tho . " .' HELEN E.MAOUIRE Ages 5 through adult 14 or older.) Chlldron 10 yoars old to 14 y*oars old Now Jersey an Tuos. Fob, 9,1900 at 10:30 a.m. Township of Springfield and tho ronovatlon, Prevailing tlmo. All bids shall bo accompanied ' • Clork PUBLIC NOTICE Choose From a John franks .'• ACTING'DANCE who have not passed tho swimming tost will not repair'and Improvomont of said building and < 08375 Sprlnoflold Loader, Jan. 20,19B8 bo permitted on pool orounds unloss accom- by a doposlt In tho amount-of toh (10%) of tho properly for-use as additionalTauiriii in*r tli Delicious Assortment of: JLIp to. SONG INTERPRETATION THffporono fa porson ago prlco bid. Tormiof Iho nuccham-Jiro-cjich TowmHtpT^rreiUdlnraoBTnTTncldontala lncldont.il silslto work aannd iflyabtoTvUMimhiriy (30) days of tho accoptanco otho" r costs rolatln• " o to said renovations, ropalr Notlco Is horoby olvon that tho Board of Ad- TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD. Potato Chips • Fresh Cookies TV ACTING • SHOW PRODUCTION iSSKllO-l.l Is amondod as follows; • of bid. The Borbughrosorvos'thorighi and Improvomont." . lust mont of tho Township of Sprlnoflold, County ' nr v r l l Dl 8 , UNION COUNTY, N.J. COMMERCIALS (a) SubparaoraphUJintLlQLEacaatflpluwir-o— • V .° .?. . _ .V - to ro|oct (b) Tho ostlmntod maximum amouht ol bonds ol Union, Stato of Now Jorsoy, Will hold a public • TAKE NOTrtE.tho Ethics Doard of Review Candies • Holiday Items amended to road:' . . . Spociricatlons, Instructions tablddors and all or notos to bo issuod for tho improvo'rnontTs'as hearing on Fobruary 14,* 19SS at 8:00 P.M. othor details aro contained wltnln this Notice or- . will moot the First Thursday of tho Month In tho AUDITION TECHNIQUES Residents stated In Section a horool. . ' provalRno tlmo In tho Municipal Dulldlno, Moun- Planning board Room, Municipal Dulldlng at and more! 1. Family membership: Dld. Prospective Dlddor Is to. mako ar- NOTICE TO CREDITORS tain Avonuo, Sprlnof'oldi N.J. to consider Iho ap- 50% OFF SALE! (c) Tliit ostlmatod cost ol Iho ImproVDmont or 7:30 P.M." . . •• • VOICE CLASSES • ACROBATICS (I) Family membership $130.00 rangements for appolntmont (or Inspection with purposo Is equal to tho amount or tho appropVla**. ESTATE OF HARRY R. HARTFORD, Deceased pllcBtlon of P. p^Etildrq.for n Uga_chAnoe to the John Rakbwokl ol tho Mountainside Pub. Wks. pursuant to tho order ol ANN. P. CONTI, iuu • HELEN E.MAGUIRE "ARTISTIC DIRECTORS: Esther* Howard Ktaulti" (II) Each unmarried child ovor,21 living'at homo lion horoln madothorolor. . .^ • TIL- - . - ..---. SanlncUrflinanc'o,^ocTTonMT concornlno Block • ••-.--• Township Clork or parent living with Iho family - 25.00- Dopt. (50D33J-3409. 83 Lot ID locatod «t 391 Mountain Avo., 5pr- IDENTIFICATION t-U8l-DODGE-D3SO-RAM soctloh A, All bond nniiclpntlon notos Issuod rogato of the County of Union, mado on Iho 33nd 00341 Springfield Loader, Jan. 38,1990 FREE HOME & BUSINESS 3. Senior ~ cltlion :mombor&hlp: 30.00 horoundor. ihnll mnturo at such tlmoi as moV bo day of January-, A.D., 19Q0, upon tho application . ingllold, M.J. - (F$375) Soloct Dress Shirts -Winter-Outerwear- -—Gotton-Flannel-Robes 62yoorsof agooroldor DUMPTRUCK " ^ • Socrotary OPEN HOUSE REGISTRATION s SERIAL NO:1Q6WD34TXBS17I4&9 dotormlnod bv tho chlof llnanclnl ofllcor; provid- ol tho undersigned, as Exoculrlx or tho ostato or (b) Subpnragraphs 1,2 and 3 of Paragraph b are ed that no noioshnlt-matoro latonhnrronirvirar said deceased, notlco Is horoby glvon to tho • HarryA.Kolb Sunday, Feb. 14,12-5 at aniondetltoroad; Non-Rosldonts. MILEAGE.-49,704- 0B334 sprtna'letd Loador. Jan. 28,19B0 . _!! DELIVERY* Reg. tai6.00 5O% Off Off- Reg. 37)50 Now 18.75 INCLUDES -SNOW PLOW, REVOLVING Irom Its dato. Tho notos shall boar Intorost at creditors of said docoasod to exhibit to the .. 1..RamlllRllbhy momborshlpl ; (Foo:t5.25(F ) 20Summit Street, West Orange (I) Family momborshlp --UGHT-.CHUmr.^DU^P.NXL^ J^;%-d^^ittSt!;i^f3d^. TOWNSHIPOFSPRINGFIELD • Call Joanne for Free Catalog or More Information & Brochure Call " TO OE REMOVEM l D ^^IS^l%^^9^^^'^R S^CWlH!^^ PUDt.CNOTICE '. '^~ COUNTY OF UNION, NJ. lhllors In connoctlon with notos Issuod puraunnt to Sinn o or rocovorfnof Iha. iXo'saalmt tho NOTICE IS HEREDY GIVEN THAT PUBLIC on n» • Dorouah Clork Knthtoon Tolnnd ordinance, nnd Iho chlof flnnndfll-olllcorit_-.;K' IB0? rocovortno tno snmo /aoamti mo hMHn g wM, bi) ho|d by ,ho P|annlno DoBrd o( "AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES F5?"TAtNncFirppCAU*YuePAV*"n OVIBOneO SlSa SU SUCtTHfi.or'Mln.ST.ona. All notoii : Dulldlno, 1395 Route No.23, Mountainside, NJ on . OF CERTAIN, POSITIONS (c) Paraoraphs c and d aro rodoslgnatod o and f ~' TFfloTtll.75) WITHIN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT IN THE Issued horoundor may bo ronowod from tlmo to • n,,i.a H« cninnln AI February 11,-1900 at 8:00 p.m. on the'following Sport Shirts Activewcar Sweaters respoctlvoly and now Pnrflornphs c, d ond g aro :. UP' •• ' —•'••'- • tlmo subloct to tho provisions o) N.J.S.A. 40A:2- V& MaolSSSd5KI' applications: TOWNSHIPOF SPRINGFIELD IN THE COUN- flddodasfollows: ) Introducodbv; Maas TY OF UNION FOR THE YEAR 19BB" ' Q(a). Tho chlof llnanclal ofllcor Is horoby poDoias^ • _.MartinLSlcaLa44_Sommlt Road) Block 7.DiLoJ 50% Off 50% Off CrA-chlld-undor-tho-aoo-oUA-mav-lflltUhC-POOp^ Jincnndcdbv; Hnrt • _flUlhDrJiocLlo-5elLDflr.LOLfllL-OUhpi-nDtoi-(ronri——M ni*w Now 50% Off CLASSIFIED proposals for tho purposo of sotcctlnp an or- rato and Iho maturity schedule el tho notes sold, tainside, aftor public hoarlno, took action on tho . ARTXSALLEM membership rato, Tho llrsi yonr roolstrallon foe chltoct to advlso the Dorough In tho abovo tho prlco obtained and tho namo ol Iho pur- .following applications: * TOWNSHIP OF SPRINOFIELD for non-resident momborshlps must bo paid In 'endeavors and to provldo specific planning and Mountain Plaia Associates, 1450 Route 23, E\|ock PICTURE FRAMES 1 chase/. 1 . TOWNSHIPOF SPRINGFIELD UNION COUNTY, N.J. olt: •*—• design and construction monitoring sorvlcos as Soctlbn 5. Tho capital budQbt of tho Township 3.C, Lot 9 - site Plan* Development and UNION COUNTY. N.J. ..TAKE NOTICE that Ihe reoular meellnos of ADS SELIi This Ordlnanco shall take of(oct~twonty days jiuthorliod by Iho Council; and -lof-SprlnollottHs horoby amondod lo conform Variances-APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS TAKE NOTICE that tho njQUldr scheduled' '••'Indujtrlal Commorlcal Relations Committee after the first publication horool. aftnr 'f|nal with tho provisions of this ordlnanco to tho oxtont Suburban Four'Seasons, 1249 Route(33, Block moellno of. the Mavor't Committee on Aplna< will be held on Ihe third Monday ol each and passaae. • -. .' slonal sorvlcos" as doflnod In NJSA 40:11-3 and of any Fnconsistoncy horowlth. Tho rasoiutlon In ' lA.ArLoM6-Slon-Appllcatlon -APPROVED • Friday, February 12, 19B0 has oeah ichoduled eviry month at.7i.ts P.M. In Ihe pll Bd MEN'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT CALL ' RODERTVIGLIANTI, Mayor nood not bo Iho subloct of formal, compolltlvo tho form promulgated by tho Local Flnanco Air Con, Inc., 1350 Route 22, Block 15.1, Lot 40. and roschoduled for Friday, February 5,19flfl dim J*Ste!ltta '06339, Mountalnsldo Echo, Jan. 3Q, ivoo tildd l_ngjittjlor hi J S A40 jll;.5i_. Ooflrtl whowlnnj[ijj ^^11 nf thp qgifj^gdjcnp^tnl Ei£iiSiaDofiHrJxlaa^i^lo^ft^6Hdtty^ — Varlancos-: HeLBNB.-/MAOUiRB~". E.IWAGUIHe~ -theGovernlnoliody ol the-Borough Director ofifio Division of Local Gbvornmont • -Please-noto that said action It subject to TowmhlpClarK Township clerk sldo-thar MDA Assoclafos of Morrlstown, Now 00340 sprlnofloltl Loador, Jan. IS.)»«« 1 ORDINANCE NO. 74807 ' Soi'vlcos Is on f 1 to wllh.lho clork and Is availablo rotolutlon. . 09342 Sprlnallqid Lea'der, Jan. 39, .i»ff ' " Jorsoy Is horoby hired tor tho purposos Identified —there forpubllc Inspoctlon. s -._. AN ORDINANCE- WHICH -AUTHORIZES . " ~~ RuthM^Rees- —Mon'a-Ovorcoatn-nnd-Iiiiiiicoats— -Men's Slacks Ro«..42.50to 89.50 Suits ond Sport Jackets 686-7700 abovo and In .con|unction with tholr propsai Soctlon A, Tho following additional matters aro • J, . 1 - , '——Secretary.. _i_. AMENDMENTTOPDACONTRACT dated October 30,1987; and —~ horoby dotormlnod, 'doclnroci, rpcltod 'and. ReR. 135.00 to 475.00 FIRSI T READING SECOND READING . 00331 Mountainside Echo, Jan; 20,19B8 Rog. 125.00 to 450.00 , 'got cash for your itcms'_^. • . DE .IT FURTHER RESOLVED tho RDA " stated: ... (Poe:t7.25) - In compliance with.Chapter 331, P.L. 1975 OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS ACT ol Ihe State of New Now 21.25 to 44.75 Introduced bv Darro - . Darro Associates will be paid tho sum of Sovon Thou- ' (a) Tho Improvomont or purpose doscrlbod In Jersey, the Governing Body of the Borough of Mountainside hereby provides public notice of lha Seconded by Wyckoff ^ * schon sand, Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500,) for Plmso I, Soctlon 3>of Inls bond ordlnanco Is not a curront scheduled meetlnojlateInoJat, s for the year, 19B9. -...... Now 62.50 to 225.00 Now 67.50 to 237.50 Roll Call Vote: Ayes 5, Nays O - Ayes ft, Navs 0 the Inltlalplannlno phaso, and that \j win under expanse. It Is an Improvomont or purposo that, .Meetings aro helhefdad a Route33, Mountainside, Now Jersey. .. ' ' $ KeepingReco(*ds lnouuorl ; WORKSESSION ...... '.. REOULAR MEETINGS [no-uinrk-«t-IMM«pB»«rwrlllii)njDthorlljro( tho general Improvomont.anii no part ol tho costs TOWNSHIPOPSPRINSPIELD —AU^)ther4Vinter Clothing 20% Off! Borough and at toes to bo dolormlnod-at the con- thorool has beon or shallbo specially assossod on REORGANIZATION MEETING Colors: Mauvo, Peach AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE RULES - COUNTYOP UNION, N.J. ^ Cot You Down? § clusion of Phase I. properly spoclallybanolltod (horoby. , - Tuesday,January 5,1988• B'elgo, Seafoam Greon AND REGULATIONS GOVERN ING THE AN OD'blNANCETIXING-THe-SAUWJIBS January 11. .Borough clerk Kathleen Toland (b) .Tho porlod of uselulnoss ol Ihe Improve- OF CERTAIN OPPICBRS AND PAY OR COM- Blu.e&Grey This sale includes most but not our entire stocl :r MOUNTAINSIDE POLICE DEPARTMENT 09337Mountainside Echo, Jan. 3D, 1(99 ' 'mont or purpose-within tho limitations of Iho February 9 •TiidlUdflilOII . . Introduced by Btrra - narrt PENSATION OP CERTAIN POSITIONSAND March B. __ *Cfc ' (Foe:i!4.35) Local Dond Law, accordlnp to tho reasonable llfo .. CLERICAL— EMPLOYMENTS IN THE Seconded by Wyckoff - Wyckolf thorool computod from tho-dalo ol the bonds AprlliJ -Holl Call Voto: Ayes 5, NayiO _ .Aye? 4, Nays0 • „ , — NOTICE ' ' l"" TOWN5HIP OP SPRINGFIELD IN THB COUN- May 10 : AUlhorllod bv this bond ordlnanco, Is ton tlo) TY OF UNION AND IN THE SWIM.B00L-. ,~~>~*Abii»nt Romak NOTICE OP MEETING OP THE DOARD Op yoars. ~JuneUr""~ Dnt«13-5»-8» J MM! ADJUSTMENTOP THE TOWNSHIP OF^spR- -UTILITY -IN THB TOWNSHIP OP 5PR- July 13 - 1 (c) Tho Supplomontal Dobt statement "ro- INGPIBLDFOR THB YBAR 1MB ^—ORD/NANCENOr?50or INaPIELp.N.J.i .. . „.„.,,, qulrolUlrod by the Local Dondond Law han«s beeiutulbe y 1 TAKE-NOTICEV-thiiMhe-ioMOolnotlrdlniiiiEL AN ORDINANCB TO AMEND CHAPTER 17 OP iii.im.SriJ? ih»~*~pfdtsared-«TOJillooninhirD«ic:e;o|-tHcrc red-JTOJ niobnmho-DMIce;of-thircl«'rkt , antT -THE-iCOPB-OPVTHE-OOt»OOGH"OF-T«OT)— l h i was passed and approved at a reoular meetlntt of u uv..jplold euocuted duplicate.thereof has been . tho-Townshlp Committee of the Township of Spr- -2433 John fpants^ TAINSIDE, N.J/ Township*! sprlnWd will be held mtSiJH ' ««Wl«t« «M"'«

•••1-^. t.r

1,2,3,4,5,6* • COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, January 28,1988 — 9 .8 —.Thursday, January28,1?8B — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS-1,2,3,4,5,4* County register's report Freeholders: resignation no surprise — By MARlEDDTTEir "*"' Speaking from the rn inprityL__ "^?Stel§ no needrTTWe shouldTje -derson would beasked to leave after - 1987 collecJiiDns set record • RepublicaiLperspecUye, Freeholder. able to find a man or woman who hey_took—over^n January. It is -Onion-County-Regisferof-Decds—^The~Office^oF=Hegister records, however, Is expected to be offset by . Chairman Michael J. Lapolla Bald William Eldridge commented oh comes from this county with over unusual forl^someone at (An- 500,000. people for a job that pays derson's) age to leave without and Mortgages Joanne Rajoppi preserves and files all find tran- •the continued popularity 'of home Monday that he had known for Mondayr"My feeling was that once 1 recently announced an end-of-the- sactions within the county including equity loans. . - " several months of the intention of the Dems won the election In about |80,O00 a year. .' • another position. One does not have ^ear report which has surpassed all mortgages, deeds, . liens, can- The Register "said shkjS; also County Manager Donald Anderson November, They would ask Mr. Eldridge said anyone taking on the to be,.Sherlock Holmes to figureit hlstpric records in revenue cellations and others. continuing to upgrade and automate •< to resign. ..'••.' Anderson to leave; Apparently that's •job from outside the county would out." — , ^~ collections for her .office for the "1987 will be remembered as a the office in order to streamline Although he said the decision to what happened." • — require a year juil to get to know, the people and- the' municipalities. Eldridge said he had heard "on county of Union and state of New landmark year in revenue. recording procedures and improve resign Friday came as a "surprise," Eldridge statedjhat he believed ' the rumor mill"'that there was a Jersey in 1987. '„•••- production for this_office," Rajoppi_ services. In 1986 a computerized Lapolla said Anderson "told me in any new manager candidate "should -: Commenting-on the quick-turnover 'person being considered who was Rajoppi reported that 1987 said. "The tremendous increase in accounts receviable program was County government: November that his intention was to be from UrJonJJpunty, have both a with managers, Eldridge said a from Essex County. ., • revenues generated by her-office land transactions and refinancings inaugurated. In 1987 a computerized leave." - ' strong academic and managerial person might get to know the county at about the same time he -or -she "Should a change of government be totaled $8,495,782.62,-an-increase of in the past 20 months has resulted in 'indexing~program was initiated for Asked whether there was truth to .background in the public or private more than 30 percent" from the peopje have a voice sector — a master's degree in public would quit the job. - -• considered at this time? Eldridge record-setting volumes, for this the filing of mortgages and deeds. In the rumors" that Anderson had been responded that "any form of. previous recordset in 1986. Revenue office,'; she added. the first quarter, of 1988', she added, asked to leave, Lapolla said: "There administration or.:, business ad- "I am concerned about the type of , New Jersey state law provides counties with a choice jn the ways in which person (hired for manager). It could government can work where there is generated for the county in 1987 this program will be expanded to they may govern. Citizens have the right to adopt alternatives, among them was' no action by any of the ministration — and have con- totaled $3,501,456.72, while revenue siderable experience in running or easily become another patronage good, faith on-the part of those in . More : than 100,000 property include all miscellaneous are the County Executive Plan, the County Manager Plan, the County' freeholders to force him out. He had government. They are in.a dream transferred from the Register's transactions were recorded and documents: Supervisor Plan, and the Board President plan. _____j . made the decision." managing aunit of some size." • job, ; .appointed to facilitate more patronage." world if they think another type ofv. office to the State Treasury totaled. processejd in this office,during 1987, "We are,very pleased with the In 1974, following a charter study, Union County opied-to-go wlth-a— Referring to "career options" Reminded that the sfate statute $4,994,325.90. The Neighborhood governing bounty manager required Reinforcing' his contention that government will solve the' according to Rajoppi. This success and progress of the •com- manager form of government. Previously, the county had operated under a which he and Anderson had iproblemsi ' • ' -••: ^-^ Preservation Non-lapsing Revolving represents a significant increase puterized system," Rajoppi said. "It STAFF ADDITION — IneldJrAnthony Cabrera, center, teaches dlesel truck _commiBslonfonn.of-government,-with-a-board.of-chosen-freeholders-Fora^^ discussed-some tlme~agorLapolIa thatFthiFttrdlvfdual be a resident pf —Anderson had been forced out by-the- Fund, a state-mandated fund, from 1986 and a 60 percent increase has made the- recording process —mechanics, followlng-approval-of the-Boardof EducatIon"as"areplacemenHor brief period before the switch to county manager, there was a county ad- noted'the fact that Anderson had Union County,-EIdridge vetoed the new Democratic majority, Eldridge' Attempts to reach Fahey regar- "received a por.tion of these total fees over 1985 recordings. more efficient, accurate and easily James Pitts, second from rlghf. Pitts, now the head of the mechanics department, ministrator appointed, George Albanese, who later became Union County's been a Lutheran minister and had idea of a national search or even a said: "Brian Fdhey _was_qupted . dlng^Eldridge'scomments-proved- • amounting to $1,197,544.50. Rajoppi added that the Volume accessible and referenced;) In. ad- came to Union County Vocational Technical Schools with Industrial experience, • first county manager. . ' gotten into administration "late in statewide one. :" " ""after the election as Ssful by press time.._ — By law a portion of all realty increase Is directly correlated to the dition, it is, to my .knowledge, the plus five years experience working for the Elizabeth Public Works Department as The statute that spells out the job description for a county manager states; lifer" transfer fees is returned to the state economy and the decline in mor- first totally integrated * recor- a certified mechanic. Cabrera is a graduate of Rutgers Universlty^-as a "The county manager shall be qualified by administrative and executive - "He got his master's degree in management ma|or,' and he has over 25 years of trade experience_as a service for general revenue use; another tgage interest rates which spurred __ding/ac!iounting programof its kincL s experience and ability to serve as the chief executive of_the_cdunty. He shall business, administration about five portion of the fees'ls mandated to the the tremendous demand irThome in the state." She said the program T^anagerand mechanic. ~ir " 1 Overcrowding at JDC a< 1 be appointed by" a majority .vote of the whole,jiumber of the board of or six years ago,' , said Lapolla.. Neighborhood Preservation Fund. refinancings and purchases by* was cited ' by the National freeholders and shallserve for an IndefinTleTcrm. ... Lapolla said. Anderson -had been ^The remaining portion is tran- young families. She said that 1988 Association of Counties in 1987 for an Various measures have been ease the problem include increasing juveniles^iti' general, has' had a "He may be removed by a majority vote of the board subject to due notice asked "to hold off until he submitted instituted to address the over- staff members on all shifts, in- dramatic effect on the overcrowded sferred to the county treasurer and revenues are expected'to decrease Achievement Award for its in- and a public hearing..Such notice shall be in writing and shall be .ac- the county budget. He will.be on- placed in the general-fund-to-offset- slightljrdDirtirtlie. rise in intefesT crowded situation that presently - stitution "of a home detention situation,"-according to Lapolla. novativeness. '_ : ^ ResolveCenter'Peekingvolunteers companied by a written bill of particular charges and complaints and public -.- board through the whole .budget exists at the Juvenile Detention program, and ongoing meetings • The: Division of Youth Services tax rates. All recording fee revenues _ rates and general downtrend of the Among other programs continued' hearing on those charges shall be no less than 15 or more than 30.days after— process," '._ ._ . are retained by ihorniintv. ... economy. Some of this decrease, As all growing service agencies soon discover, • volunteer corps would be the. extra hands needed by^ • Center in Eliiabethr according to with representatives of the Youth also plans to begin a wristlet in 1987, Rajoppi-said, is the Law personal service of notice and charges—"".' -"".'• "•' 'Lapolla said some discussion with- program currently used at the Union Resolve Community Counseling Center is finding a our board members to run these additional functions -iWichffel"Tr: Lapolla, Union County and Family 'Services Division Student Internship • Program, other freeholders, had been held Freeholder Chairman. (DYFS) and the State Department County. Jail, which allows them to established. In 1986 between her •need for more and more hands to do the jobs needed to and other peripheral community assistance- following Anderson's public, an- "The overcrowded situation,is a of Corrections, to facilitate the electronically monitor an individual office and .Rutgers'rind Solon Hall , keep the agency going and growing. programs."- • -...-• While a cdunty executive /s elected to a-four- nouncement of his resignation on universities' law schools. The A youth and family counseling service, headquar- statewide problem, not one that -placement-of residents-currently in -TthrpughTtKeTBe^of a wristlet.hooked AIDS program introduced year form and has the power to approve or veto Friday. He said fellow freeholder exists only in Union _County," the county facility...... up to a telephone, program provides hands-on ex- tered in Scotch Plains, Resolve provides individual and - 1 ' In citing qualificationSSsought. in "prospective Walter Borlght had "suggested a Lapolla said. • "The needs of the ""The 'Juvenile^> Quarters' In The Division of Youth Services is A press conference to introduce the new, Union County AIDS In- perience In recording to second and family counseling, substance abuse intervention and • volunteers, Pizzi says, "We simply need people of any ordinances, a county^manager has In^effect no committee be- formed and a .other programs throughout Union County. Fees.are .residents of the facility are being . Elizabeth is a- short-term detention also working with the Family Court formatiofi and Referral Program, •will be held at 11:30 a.m., tomorrow thirdrvear law students and provides•' • age. who believe in what we are doing and.are willing to contract or term of tenure and, additionally,y , ^^nationw 'search be conducted to knowledgeable temporary based on ability, to pay, with much of the funding raised .. met through the superb efforts of the facility, and (he recent .increase in~"Judges, Prosecutor's Office and the on the 6th floor of the county administration building in Elizabeth, -give the extra, effort needed to provide our services to Juvenile Detention staff""^~ • assistance to the office in times of from flea markets and art auctions, plus staterand— more"and more people within the community. We even Joes not have such approval or veto powers. ~\ iNU+few county manager. 'drug related arrests', coupled'with Probation Department to try to -announ(^-Michaei-Jrl3rpolla7cha1rnraTnirthe Union County Board of y p q Some of the measures taken to the severity of crimes committed by" develop alternatives to in- Chosen Freeholders. ' •"--.. ' ' high volume. federal grants. . * — see this as a good base from which to recruit future '' • • ' x yA response to arquestion on 1 . "This is where a volunteer corps is; needed," ex-' : ^^-wlicther the time might be'right to ' ' . ._._. J— ..'_. stitutlonallzation.—- —- Sandra Flack, directors the Hyacinth Foundation, will bejntroduccd~ The office has also taken 4hc " board members," she adds. _%... ._ ' —,-i'At the time of his appolntment 'the_managetineed not b e a resident of th^lte ~iooip"afh ~th alternativ ti ieh 'form bish of plains Nancy .Pizzi/ executive director! "As the . Anyone interested in participating in the. Resolve' r .."Even though we have no control as the county's AIDS coordinator-for the progra"m7according to Lapollir; ; initiative in statewide recording county, but after his appointment he may reside outside the county only with government for Union County, over admissions and discharges, and Christine Grant,, the new deputy commissioner of the N. J. concerns through the establishment de,mand for puiVservirJes-increases, our need for fund- Volunteer Corps should call the Resolve offices at 322-- raisers to moot thostti needs 'incrcnom: too. The ' permission of the board." " •' Lapolla said: "I am in favor of County C ofC sets session since theyare judicial decisions, our Department of Health, will attend the press confercHce. . ''•'-. ••- of an ad., hoc committee in 1987 9180.Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ' While a county executive is elected to a four year term and has the power examining how to make county •. • • \ •• • ~ - • goal is. to keep the length of in- —composed—of—the—state—)Bar— —to approve or-veto ordinances, a county manager has in effect no contract or manager better — not changing T- I Peter E. Rogers, president of- Chamber offices at 135 Jefferson' carccration. to a minimum,' and to Association;—-title—compnnres^~ term of tenure and, -additionally,, docs not have, such approval or veto think we can work it put within our • Rogers^Associates, WcstfioH _a—^ye1i_EJizabcthJ_^_ •provide-a-range otseryjces;to-tbe mortgage bankers, savings in- -powera,- r~ :; -.z^=^ -r=r—. ^— ~rcodeorstatestatute." - --safety ~ consultant^* ""will be the .Seating is limited and reser- residents while wbrking closely with stitutions;—county clerks—and A manager's "protection" Trom unfair dismissal is the stipulation.that a speaker at the Unlon\.N County vations "are recommended. To g y PSYGHIG^f Lapolla said the'committee being other community, state and county Parents of a child between 3 months and 3 yeans of age, should be aware recorders to review and assist in the public hearing be held so that the manager may counter any charges against considered would be bipartisan and Chamber of Commerce's Small reserve seating call the Chamber drafting of updated legislation. This Business Council meeting Feb. 3. office, 352-0900- . agencies to provide appror»-i-ti that UCP of-Union County offers an Early Intervention Program for ^Astrology Readings him. The manager'may in essence clear his reputallon, refute the charges, have representation from both the aftercare," Lapolla said.. - developmental^ delayed children. Any child between these age's who seems working "committee recently sub- and expose what he views as unfair pratices on tKifpart of the board. The majority and minority political - mitted a" .proposed legislative hearing is not setup to clear him or_reinstate'him, however. In past_ pourt JHewilL provide information on._'.. to be slow to sit, crawl, walk jarjflllcmay-be-n-eandidntc for this early '- by membership on the board;.He said how the federal and state "Right to ' -_ education program, _•. _, _ ..-.. ..._.. _ : ...- package/which will streamline the: opinion,thepoint wasrnade that ultimately it would be the voters who would that Anderson-would also be asked to recording procedure within the , camp .Know" laws affect small businesses. make their views known at the time the freeholders rim jorxe-electlon. sit on the committee. • • • Forfurther information, call Ethel Moore, social worker, at 354-5800. . .. state. • . ~"" Lillian Ross A question and answer seSsipn will- Advice In all wnlks ofllfci Ont^ Ages 2-12. • 5 mlnules from Llv. & Shorl Hills Mall The man or woman best suited fontHe, jobof county manager then would- One of the major coneeTns~Srv"" follow. '" •. ' — reading will tell you all you be one who was-capable of running-Otmultldmillion-dollar-businesst-super-. derson had found~^ith~the^cmintjr want to know, vise thousands of personnel; appoint an array of skilled department heads, manager form of government was The program, which will start at 8 I don't want to know." Opon Sundays Gam* I pm t- k • Van Transportation • All Sports* Music . or be able to get along with those already in^their respective posts; be a.m. and-end promptly at 9 a.m.,- Conveniently V • 2 & 3 yr. old shorter day program • gymnastics the fact that the manager served OPEN DAILY 9-9 apolitical, since close; identity, with a particular, political party presents without a contract "or job tenure. with registration at 7:45 a.m., is PUT A SMILE Located k • Computer instruction • Optional lunch program problems considering the whims of the voters; and be willing toserve nine Lapolla said he was "in favor of a open to all area business people and. SPECIALTAUOT $ COO • ^ • Swim (3 pools! • Ar|s & Crafts • Drama diverse "bosses" who can fire him without cause, contract." ' \ .'. . will be held at the Union County Cnri Wo .roAchod olf Morris CARD READINGS *£> • —k-«>-Glubs • Tennis • Danb^« Aerobics .How many times have you heard someone say Avo. & Vauxhtill Rond. From IN YOUR DAY (acto'ss-fcqm-Y.csterd»Y'«) . •kjjjrofesslonal Shows • Rainy Day Program Camping Association' something lilcs/ defense against cancer any of us has. : orithololt. • ' CALL JUDY 533-1600 NEIL ROTHSTEIN, CAMP DIRECTOR Thanks in part to early detection tests—knowing ' See JustHow Easy It Can-Be! ••^about cancer in its-earliest stages — 75r/r of all diagnosed, Bonding 'Porcelain Laminates 'Vases•ofcotorectal cancercaij.be cured. This year;vlone, Maryland-Bridge* Roi>t-earial-=— 21!lJlLblild : conimon cancer aiiiong botli men and women over 4.0'. ] General Dentistry'Crowns The tests are simple and painlessand.can help you Come . avoid drastic surgery later. They can be performed fight iii .a doctor's office, loo. See Remember, it's what you doii'l know that can hurt you. FRANK L. MURPHY, DDS Ask your doctor about an eai'ly detect ion test right away. . • For more information about early detection call 1256 Liberty Avenue, Hillside -686-0611 the : JSJeiv ^HUW)!!I}GT5 T Look! of the Early detection. It's a way of me. Celebration lane? \|iul)lk

Diner &Bistaurant ~ Not all doctors take the time to- One Week Only Come in & Enjoy continue their medical education. Physicians who belong to The. Our Super Lunch^ Celebration'-Specials! Medical Society of New ENTIRE • Jersey do. It's a 40%70%orr COLLECTION Specials FREE j •-" • "requirement Served with Beverag£sTSri Cold fur slorago vtiull on Extetldeo X\. glass, mirrors, & -' %. Malost '88 fashion's. P'miiDi , Mellil ^vV chandeliers • Custom gia'do all around fur 'Jmae-m accepted sorvico ., ' • No intarosl layaway To include more of your .. Diner &n - •' MaalerCtird, VisaJtAmericanEtpn'&iaccepted Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 5 a.m.-2 a.m.; Fri. &. Sat.: 24 Hours; Sun: 5 a.m.-12 at /• 10 — "Thursday, January 2B, 1988 — COU KITV-LBADETRN E WSPAP6BS-a,3,4 *• 1,2,3,4,5,4*-cOUNTY-teADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, January28,1988 — Jl Recycling schedule PiC, county award job training contracts KENILWORTH- Gurbsldepickiip:^^ -$22,800-toenroll~5rstudents~lrr1ts' , The college alfjowasawartied jobs "Monday—north side of town, glass and aluminum cans. "dustry Council and the Union County- ~who qualify fon this program: Basic Studies Certificate Program.' training grants of $23,840Jioconduct Tuesday—north side of town, newspaper. Division of Employment and Under the contracts, the college Students in the Institute for In- a' Computer~~Accounting ClerK1, Thursday—southside of town,-newspaper^-- Training have awarded Union' will provide adult basic education -tensivc-Engllsh-and-in-the-Basie—-program—for—10-students-atrnts— Friday—south side of townTglass and aluminum cans. County College five contracts and high school equivalency .ser- Studies Certificate Program. will. Plain/ield Center, and $23,840 to run „ vices at its Elizabeth Campus for •••• • ' '• . LINDEN •" " ' totaltog "$107,680 to provide jobs Ualify for federal students financial a Clerlcal/ESL program for- Newspaper—curbside pick-up: " •"'••' -training and educational services those enrolled in Union County's new programs known as EelLGraiits tudecl;u>li^JElliab^M>mpjis._ . | , First Monday of the month, Wards 2,4,5,6,7. •.'••> • for REACH-participants-through-welfare-reform-program- , and~win First Tuesday ofthe month, Wards 1,3,8,9,10. June 30,1488.. enroll others in its existing Institu "••••; MOUNTAINSIDE ~ The contracts were awarded to the for Intensive English, a program .Newspaper, glass and aluminum cans, curbside pick-up: .college- under the ftEACH/Jobs English—for _speakersi^of_other programs . Second and fourth Wednesday for residents with Wednesday gar- Training Partnership Act Sup- languages, and in its Basic Studies bage pick-up. • ' . plement funding, Dr. Derek N. Program which leads to a cer- The American Heart Association • also available. . Second and fourth -Thursday for residents with Thursday, garbage Nunney, UCC president, says. tificate. ' . : "• -offers the public p. variety of car- With the advent of National Heart pick-up. • REACH, Realizing "^Economic- diovascular related presentations • Month in February, the American encounter with Lucifer Achievement, provides that welfare Nunney says the college was for meetings of local organizations, Heart ^Association stresses the Second and fourth Friday forre^ldents with Friday garbage pick- corporate professionals and clubs. importance * of community As I descended the long, spiraling We sflt down at an elegantly ap-- -LaiirierThat is our deal, isn't it?" up. 'recipients with children 2 years old awarded-$2S,200 to enroll 17 students or above must accept employment •in the adultbaslc education or high' Topics include warning signs of a awareness-ofheart-healthy topics. stairway, I felt the panic rising in pointed table, the table having I knew I had risked my soul just by ROSELLE heart attack, high blood pressure, the pit of my stomach. Dressed to appeared out of nowhere. We spoke coming here and now I was having Curbside pick-up; . or participate in jobs training or .school equivalency programs; Any group interested in requesting hion' programs^to—prepare" " $12,000 to enroll 80 students In the risk factors, exercise and nutrition. ' a speaker should cajl 376-3636. the nines, I was wrapped injLslcek, of trifles over dinner. I conversed second thoughts. How could I get out First ahd third Fridayjilass and aluminum cans. ' cpg^pp Other topics of specialjnterest are black satin- strapless^ "dress, high- with this man as easily as if he were of this predicament? I pushed my. Second and fourth Friday, newspaper. ' them for employm£ntl£t7 7 Therh e arc Institute for Intensive-English; and .heeled sandals with my flaxen blond, my fnthpr. Pnt he wasn't: he was the chair back with a scraping noise and ROSELLEPAHK -tresses-becomingly-curled^-As-4—AnHhrittifStJ -slowly-st«od-upr-"ibeaving-so-soorir- -Glass-and aluminum cansrweekly curbside plck-up*onthe~firstrday reached the last step, IJurned my plainly, the Devil. Iliad come here to Laurie?" Jie asked in a deep bf regular garbage pick-up. • ' . ur lamous holl yoarl/ st "nolhing held back" heaa-and-surveyed-lhe'raesolale njake a~ deal,-my soul foFelernal masculine voice. I was scared. Newspaper, Adase Contracting lot, Laurel Avenue, off Webster, GRAND OPEISIING-10% OFF PRICE place-in front-of me. "Why am I fame and fortune. Was -I willing to. Would'he let me~go~without a fight? Saturday8:30a;m.-l2:30p.m.; Department of Puhlic Works, Webster doing this?" I questioned myself. I give up .a place in heaverL.for_ -Would I be able to return to a world Avenue, Monday-Friday 8:30 a;m7-4:30 p.m:— 7 ~ """ '~r' GOLDEN CHINA tried to • rationalize my presence notoriety? He was so physically that I never knew I cherished so SPRINGFIELJSPRINGFIELJOO ^ here by repeating, "This is all a. _PELiqiOUS_CHINESE FOOD TAKE OUT appealing as well as charming - to until now? Would he snatch me up on Newspaper, glass and aluminum cafls: Select from over 7,000 current uniforms and shoes - dream; it's not really happening." weaken one, to make me soften his- strong, powerful arms against Flretanadd third Fridays. —*— \ . specialties In OREN . Suddenly he was in front of me. Of under this beguiljiJif behavior. my will? As I began walking awayl" ResidentRidt s are advisedidd to set out their recyclables by 8:30 a.m. the HUNAN Mpn-Thurs --llain.J.Opm- in. 2 great-locations! course, he was handsome with dark . I put the question to himjdirectly. prayed softly Under my breath. day they are scheduled for recycling. '• ..7 Fri-Sat-Jlam-llpm' wavy hair, aquamarine eyes fringed "Will you give me fame arid.wealth '•• UNION-— ' '; ., .-• . SZECHUEN ; Sunday lpm-IOpm with jet black lashes and smooth, if I hand over my soul?" 1 By Laurie Grzymala —- —By Chrlstella Larosa Newspaper, mixed glass~ana"aluminum cansi CANTONESE olive skin. Tall and lean,- he was my Now the Devil sat back grinning* ", f ' Tirade 12 / • ' -• . Grade 12 • Both garbage and recyclables collected on the second collection day ideal male. each week.. ' : MANDARIN like a Cheshire ca£ "Of course, David Brearley ' r Jonathan Day ton iaai MIORRIS AVI., UNION G88-a717 20SJ latest fashions from every manufacturer A Winter Wonderland for men and women In all sizes 2-52 , V. unitof m/houico/e When winter comes snow^whitens : In the dark, cold, wintry night, have hot chocolate. We turn up the 339 Mlllburn AvonUB _^ i^fci Danlo Pl««n. RI.32 E< something Is falling out of the the whole town. Bushes are dressed heat to stay warm. Then holidays Millburn ^^ W Norlh Pl»lnll«ld clouds. It is drifting down-to the in white clothes. Bare branches^turn come and we get presents. 379-3172 ' . '•• „ " 753-D3S3 nnlh.ti>i..op.n'diil(»llltom.to»oni from brown to white. Chlldretnrom - " ' Millbufn alorAOpan ThU(a.-«v*nmo III 0 |)-M. ground, It covers all of nature's -- I find winter pleasing in the' ways-- Wi ua.i>l*inliald iloi« op«ti Thun. 1 *rl- •mnwa 'I" • P beauty. The bushes look like white, all around create snowmen in the that I get to celebrate holidays and ''Vl«a. Matlirc»rd I HamJI-ChKat AccapUd cream puffs. The trees, look like front yards.. Children dress in have snowball fights. I don't like they're dancing. Everything is mittens and hats. to keep from winter because it is hazardous to' white. I go outside and feel the cold, • freezing, I wonder who bleached the drive. Winter also brings sickness. 30-Month brisk air hit my face and body, I ' town? By David Gubernat build n snowman a^d-then-I-go-back -- --When-thesnowcomesand-weare' —-—FltthGradtr- Variable-. Inside. ' • ' stuck inside, I invite friends, over to. Gaudineer School Rate ' Ieat'nfy hot chicken soup. When -TH UWSrN1t?HTS-TI ClBTPTVI I'm done I open my.presents by the Sayings. 4 —welcoming and cozy fire. I watch the .snowballingon_all {hejfouses, Ithen_7 Winter wonders Certificate watch all the holiday specials. I go Winter is one of"my favorite looks like T Just came out of The" upstairs and read-the new books I, seasons'. Outside of- my house the showor. Then I have hot chocolate to got. I finally fall asleep. . snow falls like little crumbs of warm me up, As Hie hot chocolate" I love winter' because most popcorn. Ilikctorplny outside as it's goes down my throaTTt tickles me holidays- are in it. I also love snowing out.' I play with my sister and warms me' up. When I'm mushing my galoshes in- the •and mjrdog. f like to throwthe.snow finished.and I put a warm.blanket ^541 and my dog likes to catch thesnow in around mo land watch t.v. or read a ftate'available Jan. 26 • Feb. 1 glamorous snow. My favorite part Is '. . • Minlmem $1 ice skating in Rockefeller Center. her mouth.. When my dog is jumping book, Sometimes I make cookies and _. Open to the public! up to' catch the snow, the snow falls '__•_, 30-rhonth maturity .Winter is the best I . .the chocolate, chips melt in my Rate ohahges weeKly - / /• - _ oin her and looks like Uttle pieces of mouth like hot fudge. - By Michelle Sounders * crystal sHihfngair over her. My __ - Fifth grade Winter-Ir one of my favorite ' In any amount at any timo. Mattress and Box Springs —sistcrand-Hay-down-the"snow-and— seasons. I play outside and throw the Made on the Premises .7 Gaudincer School the snow traces our whole body. Fenceposts arc covered . with snow. Winter is a happy season.' glistening wet snow. Houses have When I ge\cold enough I go out-'' . By Andrcn Brownstcln dripping icicles'on their Yoofs. The sjde to warm up. First I take off my . Flftb Grade snow is fluffy and white and soon. bodts and my. socks are so wet that it _ • . ,', .-•". Gaudlncor School siiow-plows-comerhumming~down Also on Display the street. Children make snowmen F\xed which melt in the sun. The snow GARWOOD PARAMUS stings' your face and hands. Winter Rate J--.-S.BNORTHAVBNUE jW ROUTE US cheeks are ruddy from the cold. Savings Individual Retirement Accounts FACTORY SHOWROOM WAREHOUSESHOWROOM WAREHOUSE SHOWROOW Inside the house my mother, • Mattresses , • FREE Delivery makes hot chocolate'while I watch Certificate-, from Investors Savings • Box Springs • Bed Frames- -.-—•- .Sue Wright television.and sit by the heater."It • Brass Beds— •looks"very peaceful outside with the •Bedding Removal Grade 12 i • Hi-Risers - DnvldUrcBTley—soft-flakes-falling-to-thergroundr JU? -—Uncer-taln-future?-lt-doesn t4)ave-to-be^so. Individual- •-eirstarrrSl Sometimes I go outside and-build a % Retirement Accounts are still excellent investments for No Ph'one orders ooooooooooooooooooo slide with snow. I pourvwater down I yiold on • m^0 W everyone, and at Investors Savings you'll enjoy the.further |. Mon-Frl., 10 AWI-« PM» Thurs. 10 AMI P/j^« S*t. 10 AM-5 PM Hands It, so it becomes slippery, There is a benefits of our outstanding savings rates. ~ Masculine appendages Winter is a wondeTftU time. fl7 lot to do in winter. Rate available Jan. 26 • Feb. 1 that's Anjali Mullick's point of view Minlrnum $1,000 'with colored nails '_ —— stores 'fluffy white snow waitingf or on the best season of theyearl - I find it more .pleasing during dangle at the ends of her arms the right time to Romn'nnt. tn this' wlntpr Hinn nthnr crnionnn hwqHflp L_L. T30-mopth'maturlty bamo roiu.paiu lor I.UII T" still tax deductfb~ie If-yau-are not : great season the snowflakes dance- Anjali Mulllck can play In the snow. Also, that is the • 30-month torm. an active participant in'a retirement plan. Crystalline droplets of sweat quietly to the ground making .sure Fifth Grade only season that It shows. Winter is form rivulets not to disturb any of its. fellow Gaudlilccr School my favorite time of the year. ' inthe deep creases of her palm . friends. When people do awaken By Amy Lipmon And even if you are in a .retirement plan, IRA deposits' from their deep sleep, the dancers Fifth Grado may still.be fully-or partially, deductible depending on .. It's tirne for our big Harsh lines triss-cross this pale have already whirled and twirled Fenceposts look like candysticks . ' ' Gaudlilccr School your income level. • . '•"•.. - flesh "•:••;•• > and are now quite dizzy. covered by ^magical snow. Bushes . Snow falls down making the world 5-Year which looks concrete look like. Ice balls. People all join so.white, A blanket of snow covers All Incornfe^lrned in an IRA continues to be tax deferred tANNIIA but feels so very soft to touch People love to awaken to a. nice, together under the brisk wind. Snow " Fixed- the ground. Trees bow down Jo tho_ until it is withdrawn. VVithdrawals must begin following quietwjnter_morning.coveredjvith.a_ _fallS-So£tly_and.you.don!t.even.know-!_ ground. I walk'in-tho-sriow7malcing7 1 nguailsTextend-outwards- -white-laoe-blankaW-It-dlffers-fronv -WJncLmakes-howling noises-ns-you—squishy-and-sloshyTonrdsTBusKct Rate age 701/2 and may begin as early-asiSE. ,/?... Regulations - -intriguingly defying her sexuality other seasons because it is peaceful come and go as snow gently falls to look like popcorn balls all ready to Sayings • require substantial interest penalties-for premature - which longs.to bedelicate and'pretty to look at,. especially the ground. ' - be eaten. Showfiakes fall In my hair Certificate withdrawal from .savings certificates anda tax penalty through n. stained-glass window Fireplaces warm the house and all and some' land [ri my mouth, -f or-ea.Hy-with d r-a w a~ h.of-taxab I e-amo u n ts=—'~^~—^—r——— Carefully manicured nails when everything is beinJtb1ore"d'511^~^therextra-blanketsiarfrout-Everyone-—Snowf lakosdance-in-the-sky-asthey— severely-maintained .'•"•".. at once in different tones. During is cozy, as. a chill sweeps though 'the fall to the ground, • painfully pronounce her obsession other seasons there is . hardly house. Everyone is as happy as a • The trees are bare and there is a rfTp anything white to color the world. lark. ' . . cold sting in the air becauso of .the 04 oH.cn..' y on» the best of all worlds from Investors Savings. For elegantieminine-hands — .Everyone finds joy'on a-cold day—winte^cold-Winter is different from with colored nails- - I personally love winter, so there seeing snow drifts, on .the' ground the other seasons. In the other 8 -hrdangleTjt-tHcfondsrofhBrarms. .. is riot much that isn't pleasing. I like 6utside. : seasons trees still have leaves. In .Rate available- Jan. '26 -Feb. 1'_ By Lynuc Duhmcn building funny things out of snow J like sled riding and school being winter, animals.- hibernate and Grade 12. and I also like going to the Poconqs, closed. I also like snow ball fights, I migrate. In other seasons animals Jonathan Dayton with friends in the winter. Well* dislike traffic jams* people getting ruti around. • save 20% to 50% on every suit and sportcoat home later, and freezing cold. At I find winter more pleasing-than In our store for one week only] school you're not allowed to go out at other seasons because I get to play Iunchtime. Jtars are blocked in and in the snow and ride on sleds. I find SALENOWII\fpROGRE$S- people shovel snow." Roads are winter less pleasing because winter slippery. I really don't like winter! 1! is cold and I catch a lot of colds, butl Mon who know our stylo, soloction ond sorvico know this is a can't-mlss ovont. still think winter is great. 10-Year You'll find fall ancTwintor's'finost substontitilly roducod lust In tlmo to woar and renioy-thom nil.' Hurry in todny. A lot of mon hnvo boon wolfing for'six months for* - By Michael Prnshker By Mary Nlu -JEixed- this gro.it snlc to bogin ond you won't wont to miss out. .; ' t .;••..••' Fifth Grade •'••.'. Fifth Grade Gaudincer School Guiidlnccr School Rate suits'^1^...... 1...: io% to 50% OFF Sayings Certificate Sdor£Jackets .....'.....„ 30%to50%OFF_ press Shirts...... ;..".. .X .^.-.-^0%0j-F - By Ted Roth Grade 12 Casual Shirts 25% OFF You— . • • T You—yes.you INVESTORS Jonathan Dayton are my Biwflhlne on o : David Brearlex •^"•'"'D^hwoyBondAdalphlaR SHORT HILLS: Tlio Mull [Uppor Lovol) Interest Is payable, month"ly~and- -BPRINORELDH 73 Mountaih-Avanue- compounded continuously on all : 54 Union Avonuo1 SPRINQ LAKE HEIGHTS: Hlnhwoy'71 of these certificates, 1331 Bprinflllpld Auonuo ond Wurfon Avonuo 336 Chestnut St. * union —1 DBS-Stuyvoannt-Avonuo —.; --UNION: B77-Q70-StuvvoB?nt Auonua '*=1XED-RATE CERTIFICATES ARE : Why do Wove you ' ALSO AVAILABLE FOR NON . (5 Pts. shopping center) •..IRA,,DEPOSITS... 7^—— Mombor F.S.L.'I.C. So tainted are your views but cause meglrler" Free Custom AltpratlonsT So careless are your thoughts" . Still, forever, 1 will lovo you, we Accept All Major credit cards So cold is your heart ' - AT&T Ay Sue Wright • So why—why do I love By Fran Tr^mer the-right choice. Crude 12 you as I do? — Grudol2- Hours: Daliv to 6 pm • Thurs a Fri to 9 pm Dijvjil Breurley For you do nothing, nothing

A 12 — Thursday, January28,1988 — COUNTV LEADER NEWSPAPERS-1,2,3,4,5,6* 1,2,3,4,5,6* • COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS;— Thursday, January 28,1988 — 13 harmful Insects and which shall Israel Scholarship committee of the ~ Parenting workshop Jean Murphy by calling her at 486-" UNION TOWNSHIP brave all dangers." Jewish Federation. 2172. All women are welcome, it was Congregation Beth Shalom of "The federation has a strong The Couples' Club of Congregation announced. _' _ Sheepshead Bay High School, Out of 200 graduates, nine have not .Weequahlc High School contact Dr, Leonard Morvay at 762- Newark Central High School, ADULT Union, Vauxhall Road at Plane commitment to encouraging high Jeshurun, Short Hills,, will Classes of 1963-1B65 been accounted fbr__including _A_reun]on-ia_scheduled-for-all 3331 ,_We're" anxiouff to_ know .the ClfJ Tp^jgyfe; =sohool;students:to experience —graduates of Weequahic Highgchopl—whereabotiiyof-any-clagsmate —Sheepshead—Bay—High—School- Genevlve-Bardysewgld-Grace-Gall*; Seder for the generafcommunityr "with their peers;" Lap!dus"saysr"It" Christian, music slated "Classes~of-1963ri964"and"1965"are Xelia Jenkins, Wllfer Ley,"James from"l954-iS59, . Further informatio..... n " Fair Uwn Hlghfichool.^^ , Central High School is seeking SCHOOL Archbishop's Appeal .Ty-Blshevat Seder set At the seder, there will be "a is for that reason that we invest called "Transitions In the Teenage planning reunions. - • Lundqulst, Lauretta Mursell Haydu, may be obtained bycantacting _. : Class of 1965 - classmates for a 50th reunion to be l j Ypnrs," ;r Offering Classes The_Ar<:hdfQcese_.of_Newark-will- Congregation Beth- Sha|om will _variety-of-fruits,-especially-those-—precious-community-dollarsnn this- —Members—of—these-«lasses—are—Kenneth~Neudeclr^Doi'Othea~Sch Gloria Sonnessa713Teronla Vfay, The Fair Lawn High School Class held Oct. 7, 1988, at iheTHar Tuck hold its first annual Tu-Bishevat which' have blessed the land of program," \The program will be led by Dr. John the Apostle's Church, Linden,— asked to write to REUNION mitz and Robert Waldron. begin this year's Archbishop's Candlce Nattland, a New Jersey RufherforaTorby calling 935-M*:— : of 1965 is looking for all class Inn, Cedar Grove. Interested MOIM.-THURS. Annual Appeal, AAA, with Pledge Seder Tuesday beginning at 7:iJ0 Israel. As on Passover, four glasses The requirements of this year's will be hijst to Beverly Gallucci Feb. UNLIMITED INP., at P.O. Box 13, If-you know fhe whereabout of any r w me are licensed psychologist in private , Graduate of the January and June, members in New Jersey. If you have- classmates should contact Bob —Sunday, Jan. 31. The goal for this p.m. The community^ invited to °f , served,' and four pVogram, accordingJo_scholarship "6at8p.m. ' . : Florham Park, NJ O7932.or call,(201)-^of__these_classmates_or-of-their CED/ESL 1 practice in Montclair. The program —classes of jl938 are also being-sought—moved since the last reunion in 1985 Beller, 79, NoTTGlenwbodTldrr Fan-" year -appear is J5 million, it was attend. / questions are recited. Into each committee member Blanche Cherin,, Gallucci, a resident of southern 780-8364. • families, contact. Edith Chandler to attend their 50th reunion to be, or have npt reported your address Wood, 07023. isopen to the public and is free of announced. The 1.3 million Roman On Tu-Bishevat, the reth day of the successive glass of wlnera bit more are -that-the' "students and their New Jersey, Is ^"graduate, of: the. . South Side High School, . Cottrell at 79 Hickson Dr., New. held June 4 at MayfieldTarms in for any "reason to;the Association, .Jamaica High School, charge. Further information can be ~~ Catholics in Bergen, Essex, Hudson Hebrew month of Shevat, Jews wine is added,,symbdlizing a process . parents engage in a learning process Prestigious InsUtute_of-Music; -Classes-or-June-1938 and January Providence, NJ 07974. Classes of 1954-1957 obtained . by contacting Lori Sch- —West Orange. All , graduate are please call Liz (Blum) Power at 796- • and Union counties are being asked celebrate the New Year_of_Trees. of 'ripening,'...the ripening of about the Jewish community of in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and 1937 ' i Penn Hall Alumnae- - -.encouraged (pmake reservations by ^ 0028 or write to her at 17-02 Alden A gala reunion Is currently being wartz at 376-B738.. . .-,_'— -has dedicated-hejvvoice-to singing : to "pledge their financial support to "Shevat is the month when in Israel nature's fruit and the ripening of ' Central New Jersey. Each student is A reunion is being planned for The -Penn—Hull—fAlunrnaer —contacting—Waiter—Reinhard, Terrace, Fair. Lawn, 07410. The organized for the Jamaica High history-leading to theTedeniptioh 6T~- also requirecTCr perform a com- Christian music. She is known • Association, Wilson College, programs in pastoral care, social "heavy-rains still fall and the slopes' South Side High School,' Classes of Chariman, at 6 Windsor Drive, Association would also' like the School classes of 1954,1955,1956 and services and education." the Jewish people in its land." it was [ munity service project. • ' " throughout-the northeast-for her June 1936 and January 1937. Chambersburg, Pa.; recently 1957> If you are a member of one of of the hills stream with water. The : Livingston, NJ 07039; Latuetta— addresses of any classmates heavy rains mark the end of winter reported. . Further information £an_be ob- ^Author-teacher to speak voice and |)&werful presentation of Interested class members, or reorganized and is currently_seeking Olshan,'2792, Carol Road, Union, NJ throughout the country or abroad. these classes, write to Reunions" Reservations can be made by tained by contacting Nancy Kislin at the gospel message. She has made former alumnae. Thd school, which "The Lord asks us to follow Him in . and the beginning of spring; In the Rabbi Meyer Korbman of Temple those with Information about ulumnl 07083 or Ruth M, HedJin, 5 Laurel , Preparallon-wUl soon begin for the Unlimite-v —d Inc.. , —P.O•. Box— ,13, reach out to' the poor who are contacting the synagogue office at the federation office at 351-5060., television appearances and also is should contact the reunion com- opened in 1906 and closed in 1976, middle of the month, the severe Israel of Union, 2372 Morris Ave.,_ • Drive, Springfield, NJ 07081. ' celebration of the silver anniversary -.FlorhamPark,07932orcall780-8384; without food or clothing, the poor rainstorms taper ofP-and signs of 686-6773. known as a keynote speaker and mittee at P.O. Box 831, Springfield, was I prepatory school-andjsnj$>r_ South Side High School, .-^= oLthe.Clas£Lof'65 graduation Weequghlcjljlgh School, ^ Union, has announced that on March retreat leader. • - NJ OT0817Z —.:_ . "college for women.' _whp_a>e-lacking in health.Jhe noor spring begin to appear/The weather 6 at 7 p.m., Dr. David Lazcrson, . Class of 194Z, - John Bowne High School,— XJla«sofl9B8 _' who are desperatelyjonely, the poor becomes milder and the fields begin, A free will offering will be ac- West Side High School, • Currently 725Ti!umnae addresses _ A reunion for the January and Classes of 1987-1909. A gala reunion is currently being "SOME OF THE SUPER author of "Skullcaps and Swit- cepted. . arc known. About 4,500 alumnae are who are ignorant and confused," to sprout green. A riot of flqwers of 'Love Is a Choice' chblades," will speak.as part of the" Class of June 1957 June classes of 1942" of South-Side A gala' reunion is currently being organized for -the Weequahlc High COURSES THIS SPRING" says the Rev. Theodore E—Mc every kind and color carpet the Birthday-party s lated All are welcome. A reunion Is currently being—believed to exist. annual Scholar-In-Residence mgHignh bcnooSchooil is. currently being organizeda fotorr thme 1967,1968 and 1969 Schooscnooil class ofi 1968. If you are a Carrick, archbishop' of Newark. earth." . Doug Burford,.seminary assistant, The Higher New Thought Center _planned-for_the/JurteJl957_classi.oL : Linden High School, -planned^Interested-classmates-of—cIa8ses-of-John-Bowrie-HighSchoolr~"member-of-thisT;l8Bs, please write •NEW TRIPS -DESK TOP at Oscdola Presbyterian Church, program. " • Senior minister to talk •SAUCES 'AEROBICS "The AAA provides services to lecture topic for this Sunday is "Life • Lazdrson, "with beard-and yar- West Side High School •• ." Class of 1943 the January class should contact Class members should .write to to; Reunions Unlimited Inc., P.O, people.who are experiencing various The Jewish people''in ancient 1689 Rarlitan Road, Clark, will be in Is Full of Surprises" by Dr. Estelle Dr. Riley Jensen, senior minister Former students should,, contact The_Llnden Senior High School Sylvir...... a Gordon Zwalsky.. , 9Knollwoo— .. d. Reunions Unlimited Inc., P.O. Jox Bo~ x 13, Florha' m Park~ ", " 07932 or call •CIRCUIT TRAINING 'MONEY the Oscfeola pulpit Sunday and will melke, taught biack children" at the at' Central Presbyterian Church, ; forms of poverty and need our help." Israel, many of whom were fanners, , - - Piercy, speaker, in the United Connie Puledat _ (201 >_, 239-8498,0^';,Class of 1943 is planning their 45th Drive, West OrangeL07052; 992-6464. 13, Florham Park, 07932 or call 780- 780^364. • . •YOGA MANAGEMENT reacb n sc mon to Martin Lutber King Jr. .Community Summit, will be-guest speaker at Some of the programs thatbenefit- were "sensitive to these chan!e

Thur., Jail. 28 to PRESBYTERIAN L OFTHEP.C.A. THE ORCHARD PARK CHURCH THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SPRINGFIELD CHURCH . ~— —DEUVEftANCEJESUS IS . . W0Fb4i98 Colonial Avenue and Thoreau "STrLUKE& ALL SAINTS ~ 1544 Victor Av.crtuo, Union 6p- ;'.•"""••'. EPISCOPAL CHURCH , 0F THE NAZARENE COMING ASSOCIATION ., Services on Sunday 10 a.m. & u Terrace, Union. Church tBBWSi 34 •• Evergreen Avcn\ip,~ 0364, Service hours: Sunday 9:30 Study 944-8439. Dr. Robert A. 398-ehestnut Strppti Cfnlon,, 488- 801 Springliold.Ave;, (at Harrison A.M.T—Wednosday night bible A.M. ' ChristiTrn Education 7253. Sunday Worship : Sprvlces Springfield, 37'9-7222. Rov. Place),' Irvington. ^75-8500. Dupont Certified * 4 Riismusscn, Minister. Sunday: ; Richard A". Miller." Sunday:— study 7;30-8:30 .p.m., Youth (Biblical Teaching lor ALL Ages) 9:45 AM. Sunday School for all arc held at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Sunday School 9|3"0 a.m., Sunday _Mjnistry_a_Women^s Fellowship, 10:3C A.M. Fellowship Break, ages; Morning Worship with Sunday School and Nursory at "Sunday Schoo|"forallago;groups,— Worship 11 a.m. and 7:^0 R.-rri., True te the bible Reformed Faith 11:00 A.M. morning worship ser- 9:30; i Morning Worship and Tueday 4:30 p.m. Prayor and STAINMASTER^ nursery facilities through 9:45 a.m. Mornlng-prayor daily Children's Ministries (1st and 3rd Great Commision. vice, S:«-p.m. Evohlng worship Primary^ige; 5:45 P.M. Junior & at 9 a.m."Evening Prayer daily at Bible-Study, Annointing Service service., Tuos. a Fri. 7:30 p.m. Sonior'HIgh Youth Meeting; 7:00 Sundays pf the"month, children's ^.Erlday 7:30—p.m.—Evangelistic^ Homo Bible Studios Wed 10 A.M. /5 p.m. The Holy Eucharist Mon- choir rehearsal;"2nd," SOTTd'ay oC~ P.M. Evening- Praise Service day at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday at 10 Sorvico 24 hour prayer lino 375- REFORMED Womens Bible Study, 7:30 P.M. Wednesday": 10:00.~A.M. Ladies tho month, children's missions 0777. Christine pay School, 4year HOLIDAY SPECIAL $ | Q Pr.iiso & Prayor. Friday 7:3d -Program; 4th^-Sunday—of—tho -oldrK^BthGradcrfor-inforirnrtron— —Biblo-Classi-^-30-P'TM—Pioneer a.m.,-&-F-tIday-at_7-a.rn. Vicar-r- THE REFORMED CHURCH ; —PrMrVoutrnSniutrrWoTHoii's mis- Paul Burrows. month, children's sormon) 10:45. call 478-2554, ' " 26oolors - -r,n\|\KAw» sionarv prayer (ollowship .- -3rd Club lor children grades 1-4, 7;30 Evoning Service and Children's Thursday ol each moV' P.M. Bible Study and Prayor Blblg Study, 4:00. Wednesday: ZION GOSPEL CHURCH 600 Ngrth Wood Ave., Linden, Mooting;. 8:40 P.M. Choir ; Hxmry C.Cierwinski, Jr.] LUTHERAN Prayer Meeting and Bible Study, (A Foursquare Gospel Chujxh) John L.- Magpe,: Jr. Pastor, LINOLEUM ROLLED SPECIALS Teacher; • rehearsal. Saturday: 7:30 A.M. "7TDTT —-—: Sunday Worship -and -Church Men's Bible CLiiss (second and CHRIST. IUTHERAN CHURCH Third XvbhuQ ^ t School 10 a.m., Junior Chir 11 fourth of the montlj); Men's 1359 Morris.Ave, Union, N.J. 484- Stroot," Rpsollo, N.jr07203, 241- a.mr Youth Fellowship .7 p.m. $A99t°$Q99 Fellowship Breakfast (third of 0188. Worship Service 10:30 A.M.", ' I . -NON- ^ 4470 Church, 241-4076 Parsonage. Tuesday: Men's Brotherhood 8 ASSEMBLIES OF GOD . the month). Women's Missionary Sunday School 9:15 A.MTagos 10- Edward J. Klena .Pastor. Sor-. • p.m. Wednesday: Women's Guild Installation Available circles meet monthly. 13, 10:30 A.M. agos 4-9. Nursory DENOMINATIONAL vices Sunday 10:30a.m. 6:30 p.m. 12 noon. Thursday: Scouts 7 p.m., Nursery available a.m. sorvico -, ' We Carry 1 during worship sorvico available. -Sonjor-Choir-8 p.m.. : CALVARY ASSEMBLY OF GO EVANGEL BAPTIST CHURCH Holy communion 1st Sunday. / GRACE Bible Study 7:30-p.m."Wodnes- - • Mohawk • Mannlngton •'Columbus day. Register your child now, to •"Co'ngolourr^* Galaxy • Tarkott 242 Shunpikc Road, Springfield, Confirmation Class Wednesday Word ol Grace -953 WcstChcstrAit Stroot, Union, insure thorn a place this fall at • TRUE JESUS CHURCH ^* Solonn •^Pbllactblphla • Armstrong 379-4351. Wodnesday:-7-j-15-p.m,— - 7:00 P.M., Choir Rehearsal Sun- Fellowship 9641133. Sunday School 9:30 PrayerMeoting.Choir, P.G'sand •, day 9:30 A.M., Love Circle 1st our "Thy Will Bo Done" Chris-. '. 329 Elmora Avenue, Elizabeth, a.m., Worship Sorvico 10:45 a.m., ' YMCA, Maple & Braod Sts, Sum- tj.in Academy Educational 352-7990. Sorvjce Hours": Friday, FREE ESTIMATES • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Battalion. .Sunday: 9:45 a,m. Tuesday 12:00 Noon, Faith Circlo mit • Sunday 10 anT'TficTgraco Evoning Service 7:00, p.m., 1 Sunday.School; 11 a.rn. Worship; LCW 2nd Tuesday 7:30 PiM., Contor.j 1/2 to first grade; with 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.; Saturday 11:00 Call Days Call Evenings - Wednesday.* B-iblo Study s mpsshge has wrivod. Have you pro-school and aftor-caro •a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. 4 p.m. Evening'Sorvict. Friday: Seniors Group 3rd 'Thursday come out-from under tutors a Prayer 7:30 p.m. Pastor, Rev, 7:15 p.m. PlonOer Girl$, 12:00.Noon.'. -. .. available-for the-children, of to3p.m.skyh-Kuang Yang. ... (201) 298-1333 (201) 298-1331 Harry Dietrich. - govprnors? Wo have too I" Bible workingrparonts. Rogistor nowr^ Stockade 7;30 p.m. Youth Grouo Study - Wednesday i7:30 pm:- Rev. Joseph Lombardi, Pastor. for summer.vacation school and REDEEMER LUTHERANiCHURCH YWCA, 1131 E. Jersey St, tho fall term. . ' ROMAN CATHOLIC Elizabeth. Join us. John Hogan, 134 Prospect Avenue, Irvington, ST. LEO'S CHURCH -GHARISMATIG —NrJ—374-9377—Rev—Hqnry— E^ Pastor: Don Carson, 'Assoc. BAPTIST Diork,. D.D. . Pastor 743-0878. Pastor^ F6T moro. intormalloir 103 Myrtlo Avc.,-lrvint|lon, N.J. GRAdE& PEACE call 925-51117. . -^_ — Wor3hip-sor-vicos-r8h36-and-10ri)0- 372-127 —-CLIWTON HILLBAPTISrCHURCH a.m., Choir practice 9:15 a.m., COMMUNITY PRESBV-TERMN- McKonna, Pastor. Schedule of J.. -2B1S Morris Ave,, Union, dB7i94iO,_ 950 Rar.iton.Road^CranJord^T^ Boy Scouts; Mondays 7 p.m.., CHURCH OF MOUNTAINSIDE Masso's: Saturday Eve. 5:30 p.m. Pastor/Toacher Tom Sigloy. 8740. Rev. Doan KnudsonTPastor, •"* Sonlor^Followshlp;—_lst_ Wod^. :Sunday_-7-i30_a.m., •—10.00—a.m.,- and" \ 11:30 a.m.—and 12:45 p.m. 5y?;p Shl FSundays=^10^^a;m>_Rralso__al ^ -i.iuu_aprucu Linvu, Mountainside _Lana Mountoinsidc, ?'l7-9 il^oJ for children, youth and adults. 11" Teaching Service and Children's T.M.:. . 1 r CARIBBEAN: 23y3?r5<. Pastor: RovT WfaflfHow"" Rev Christopher R. Bclden Friday:^ 7:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m., a.m. Worship Service, Children's Ministry. Wednesday In- Council 8 p.m., AA Stops, Fridays E. Garippa Wookly ActlvitiBs: Pastor. Worship Ser.vice and Sun- Church/ Nursery. 4 p.m. Gospel tercossory Prayor Mooting 7:00 B p.m., AA Saturdays 8 p.m., Friday 8:00 PM College and 12:00 noon. Saturdays:'8:0O a.m., _1988: dny Schoo'l 10:30 a.m., Nursery 12:00 noon.. Holydays: Eve. 7:30 Hour. Monday: 4:30 a.m.'Men's ' P.M., Wednesday Evening A.A.R.P. Irvtngton Chapter 2919 , Cnfeer Bible Study. Sunday 9:45 r.irp rtnrinn service.—Ckoi.r_ Prayer. Tuesday: 12nd & 4thJ EARLY BOOKING- £800BM ' _TJlillrtX!Jfisilii.yi.l.pjn. - •>—AM-Sunday-Schoo|-ClaSsos-foi7 Rehcrsal Thursday G.p.m. Holy 7:30~p.mi Home BTKIo "STuay. ALL ages, beginning with two-' aim., 12:00 noon. Miraculous Wodnosday: 7:30 p.m. Prayer Communion 1st Sunday ol each Medal J\|ovpna: Mondays DISCOUNTS!— year olds, with Nursory provided month.. . ' , ,Meeting. Friday.- 7-p,m^-Pionoer— CONGREGATIONAL METHODIST for nowborns to two-year olds. following the 12:00 noon Mass and Girls, Boys Stockade & Battalion. Adult Elcctlvos this Quarter aro: at 7:15 p.nti Sacrament of LSAVE--? FIRST CONGREGATIONAL., Penance; Saturday: 1:00 to 2:00 "Saturday: 7:30 a.m. Men's Bible' COMMUNITY UNITED "Walk Through tho Now Tosta- I TOWNLEY PRESBYTERIAN "^ v CHRISTIAN CHURCH rnpnt," taught by Pastpr Garip- p.m. and following the 5:30 p.m. Study (2nd & 5Th), Men'si I CHURCH -..••• Broakfast (3rd); 7 p.m. Jr. & Sr.i 1,240 Clinton Avenue, Irvington, METHODIST CHURCH; pa; . "History of Christian Doc- mass. (Rev. WillijjmR. Mulford, Senipr' High- Youth Group. (Ladies' trine," taught by our Director of Salom Road and Huguenot (Exorcise Class: Monday 8 Pastor; Rev. Dr. Audrey V. Leef, CHESTNUT Stroot, Rosello Park Christian Education, Roy Mc- 245-2237, Sunday services are at Avonuo, Union 686-1028, Worship ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL •Thursday 7 p.m.) Transportation- Associate Pastor, 373-6883. Sun .Caullev; a study of the book ol I and Church School Sundays at provided if needed. day: 9:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal, 9:30 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Thoro will bo. a between sorviccs coffee Corlnthi.-ins7 taught by Elder. 10:30 a.m. Nursory Caro During 1212 Kelly Street, Union. Rev. 10:00 a.m. Worship and Church John Hooplnoarner; and tho all Services. Holy Communiion School. Monday: 9:00 a.m. Food hour at 10:30 A.M. and child care -Ronald J. Rozniak,' Pastor. Book three rrtonths prior to departure-and cruise Is available at tho 11:00 A.M. ser- Ladips Class will bo studying the tho First Sunday of Each Month. Schedule of Masses: Sat. Eve. Pantry, 7:00 p.'m. Girl Scout .book of Phllippians. 11:00 AM Youth groups, grados 1-12, moot 7:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:00 lO.days SltmarClasstor a s little as $1695.per person* Troops 507, 509, 602, 413; Tues- vice. NEXT WEEK In worship we will observe-The Third Sunday MORNING WORSHIP SER- Friday evenings, 7-8:30 p.m. aim., -10:30 a.m., 12 p.m. And Sltmar pays ypur roundtrlp alrfaj&Jil day: Noon Beginnings Group VICE. Nursory provided ., for Visitors Wolcomo! THO Rev. Jack leisurely.c(ay.5.tal ~—Currently;—local~bbards ofrrthat"7"merely^settlng~course~Bnd" "session, visit the book-fairr the — mlssioner—of—Education^-Saul" "approved assessment center; a 30- Ume devoted to such experience recent meeting of the New Jersey proficiencies beyond the core for education can require additional credit requirements for a state- communityr"Share Our Spirit." computer center and "generally _Cooperman's proposal to revise the to 60-day pre-residency program unde" r th" e proposed" 'residency State Board of Education. each course. courses for graduation and are endorsed diploma is in-' . Parents; studentsrfaciilty. and experience a day at St. '• state's principal certification upon a commitment of employment program is stifficlent-toTneet the The panel recommended that In its report, the panel recom- required by the state to establish^ "Sufficient...The most important school staff will demonstrate the Joseph's." , process. • • - __ by a local school district; and a one- commissioner's goal," he continued. statewide_core_proflciencles_be mended that Individual-committees and~assess~proficiencies~for~ the"^component of the required 'Integration of their-many-gifts- —Friday-will hold" an Honors ~—The NJSBA action came cluring-a— ;toHwo:±year--residencjr=under-the established for each course required be appointed for a two-year period to additional required courses. The /curriculum is the establishment of" through a week of celebration Assembly for all students to give ~Under"the"commissioner'sIprbposair and involvement, it was " an- ; meeting of its board'oN}lrectors ih guidance of a "mentor" -/-an ex- candidates would be required to for higg h school ggraduation. develop statewide—course; . panel recommended that the student proficiencies for each recognition to those students who perienced principal certified by the nounced. . Princeton^ At the meetingxthe 36- teach from 25 to 50 hours during the Proficiencies generally specify th proficiencies in each.ofJhe_fo)18Sing_ development of proficiencies for/ course." ' " ; have demonstrated excellence' member board heard addresses by state — during actual employment pre-residency and 50 to 100 hours knowledge and/or skills a high areas: Social studies, fine._, per such locally required courses should' . . .. , —Monday-will-mark-the opening and-effort in their school en- Cooperm.an and Dr. Leo Klagholz in the district. -jcontinuejo occur at thelocal level... /___Cooperman responded by ap-. of Catholic Schools Week events deavors.' In the afternoon; the 1 Tfaringxesidency. school student must master in order—forming and practical arts, science,-, and discussed an evaluation of the After thejjrst year_of-residency;r "This number of hours is suf- to complete a course "successfully, —mathematics, career education -. Based on the recommendations of._ pointing the Statewide Panel on with.the beginning of a book fair. school staff will attend a special —proposal-prepared-bjrthe NJSBA. the" mentoFcould recommend that ficiently flexible, for someone who Currently, local boards of education English, physical 6ducatibn7heaitn~ the High- School Graduation High School Proficiencies in- Tuesday will provide parents Catholic Schools Week Liturgy staff; The directors deliberated on the candidate be approved for brings prior, teaching experience to are required to establish and foreign languages. Requirements Study Panel ap- November 1986. The' panel was with the opportunity-to visit the with Archbishop Theodore Mc- school and to have a conference Carrick. _ the issue for nearly two hours beeforf e standard. certification, that the the candidacy,"_NJSBA's position proficiencieii s and methods of ' With the exception, of foreign pointed In 1985 and on the recom- vcharged with studying -how r with teachers. adopting their position. * ~cflndidate not be approved, or that- -paper-reads^It-may-or may nofcbe assessing proficiency levels for all - languages, these content areas mendations of Commissioner proficiencies should.be developed- The.week of celebration will "Our board bf directors found the the residency be continued for up to sufficient for someone who does not. courses required for-high-school -correspond to the curriculum.areas Cooperman, the State' Board of and assessed. • . . . • Wednesday is Teacher Ap- conclude with a parish Mass at proposal, as a_whole, to be far- one more year. . We strongly recommend that the graduation. required forstudents to earn a state- Education in December 1986 preciation Day. _The Student 10:30 Sunday mni-nlng The sighted, innovative and one that The most controversial aspect of mentor and-, employing district be The panel recommends that, for endorsed high school diploma. adopted additional graduation _. "The panel members are to be ; Council has special plans for- -liturgy, will provide the school undoubtedly will place New Jersey the plan is~ellmination of the state's free, to extend the hours devoted to each of the curriculum areas Currently, all New Jersey public requirements. The following new commended for their diligent work expressing gratitude to the community with the opportunity in a leadership position in the way current requirement that candidates gaining teaching experience for mandatesjis.pa'rt ofJNfew Jersey's high school students are required to course requirements will'be phased - in studying the many facts of the teachers, it was reported, and in to thank the parish for its sup- principals jire trained Und licen- have three years prior experience in those candidates who demonstrate a high" school" graduation •' complete the following courses as in over three years: • proficiencies issued' Cooperman • the afternoon, the students will port, invovlement and presence"' sed," said Cctavius T. ,Reid Jr., a public school. need — even if it means extending . requirements, as well as for foreign part of: their graduation said. "Their - comprehensive "will shout our, spirit" with a in the lives of the students of th ti'One additional credit year of •spiri_t rally in the schoolfjym. NJSBA executive director . Said Reid: "Our board of directors the residencyjvell into the second languages, a committee of out-; requirements: r :- ^ . social-studies — in the area of world recommendations will help the school. _^'However,~NJSBA has several was concerned about the elimination - year." __ , standing' professionals should be English, one credit year'for each history and cultures, beginning with . department determine how to suggestions that we believe will oLJhe .rcquirement~for~previous A statewide, non-profit ' appointed to establish the statewide year of enrollment up to four yearsr ninth gradersin fall 1988. proceed regarding proficiencies." • improve—several aspects of the teaching experience. After ex- organization, the New Jersey School FOOTBALL AWARD — Robert Valentino of Springfield; left, Is presertted.wlth the core proficiencies. The committees mathematics, two credit years; Q One additional credit year of plan." tensive debate, however, and for Boards Association is a federation of William O. Regan Award, one of three new Delbarton football awards by Coach ~ will also Identify the Irarlous social studies and history, two credit natural- or physical science, The commissioner added that"He~ Introduced earlier this month, the reasons put forth in our position more than 600 local boards of William O. Regan of the Morristown school. Valentino, son of Mr. and Mrs. Car- methdds and instruments, for years; natural or physical science,. beginning With ninth graders lit fall will review the panel's report during Scholarship winners named proposal involves ' a sequential paper, they supported - the com- education. It serves as advocate for mine Valentino, won the award for having made 'thelfTosTvaluable contribution to assessing student mastery. Though one credit year; physical 1989^—, "' . the next few months and present his process through which an individual missioner's view that- teaching the interests of public school the committees and the State educatlon/health/safcty, one credit recommendations in late winter or Sister Percylee HarlTpTIncipal of p tuition scholarships in .the Delbarton varsity football program/Tie w*s named to the First Team, All- f-'-Ti One additional credit year of Union Catholic Regional High would be licensed as a school experiences during the proposed students and school districts and Conference"and the,Second Team, All-State. He also Is a member of the Delbarton Department of Education will "year.for each year of enrollment; /mathematics beginning with ninth carlyspring. . , . • . , the amount of. $1,000 a year, principal. The process includes residency would give new principals provides inseryice training and, basketball and baseball teams. The award trophy will remain the school-and be- School, Scotch Plains, has .an- renewable for four years.-have been' •completion of a • state-approved •sufficient experience to develop an- technical assistance to .the state's engravedwith Valentino's name,. He also received an Individual plaque. . -nounced the winners of the 1988 awarded to Deryl Mitzcn of St, master's degree program in the field appreciation of, and sensitivity:to 4,900 local school board members. Archdiocese to conduct Sunday morning Masses on cable television competitive scholarship Elizabeth's School,. Linden, and to' examination. Shelly Carolan of St. Hedwig School, The Archdiocese of Newark-Tv'ill Sunday in Ordinary Time by the—Union. The congregation will include the Archdiocese of Newwark. The conduct its Sunday Mass this Sunday Elizabeth*. \ .__-. ^ Rev.-PauLL.-Bochicchio,pastor-of_jLmembers_of_the New_Jersey_State . .Office—o!—Communications—and- Christlan"Thoma7a student in St. at 7:30 a.m. on WWOR-TV, a local Holy Rosary Church,. Jersey City. Columbiettes of Bloomfield. ". Publlc Relations of the Archdiocese cable television program, The feast Michael's School, Union, is the The scholarship examination was Mass to begin week's celebration l-Gash prizes Celebrating the Mass will be the .of Newark coordinates production of recipient of a full tuition.scholar- • administered on Jan. 9 at the school. will be celebrated-on-the-fourth- choir from St. Michael's Parish, . The Sunday Mass is a service of Our Lady of Lourdes ScHool in 'On Tuesday,' Children Ap- prospective' students.- Members. of School celebrations !•/*- the Sunday Mass. „ . ' - Mountainside, will begin the preciation Day, the students, will be the school -board and Home and for poetry St. James School in Springfield kindergarten classes. . • , .celebration of Catholic Schools Week provided with a special pizza lunch. •School Association and.the prin- will kick off Catholic Schools Week A special closing Mass will be held with a Mass on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. The school spirit will shine whenr —cipal, Diana Travers, will:-be The Coastal Classic Poetry by honoring its teachers on Monday.: at noon on Feb. 7, followed by open Contest Is offering $1,000 in cash , followed : by refreshments for -the annual senior citizen luncheon is available (o answer qnesdons. The highlight of the Teacher house with refreshments'. All are families and friends. All are invited held on Wednesday. Students will set On Feb. 5, there will be a closing" ^prizes to new poets and Appreciation Day will be the faculty -invited to attend. „ CATHOLIC SCHOOLS to a slide presentation and-tour of .tables, serve lunch',_and provide liturgy at 11 a.m. in conjunction with professibnflls who enter, the luncheon, sponsored by the. Homcj- Special kindergarten open house the school. . entertainment ^for approximately First Friday. In honor of teachers, competition. In addition to the School • Association. -The festivities will be held on Feb.-3 from 11:30 WEEK •_ - In keeping with this year's theme,- •120 senior citizens. The snow date is . Friday is - Teacher Appreciation $500 grand prize, there is a $250 for the remainder of the week are as a.m. to 2 p.m. Mickey Mouse will be _,"_Catholic..S9hQ0lS-Shar.e.th(LSpirit,iL_ Feb. 10. " : —DayrThe-Home'School-Assoclation" JiraLprize?_a_$100_second-.prJze. folloWsrTuesdayropen'*house~witK"' "•on~hand~tb~distribTiteTbalIobTa~to" JAN-31— and three third prjzeg of $50 eac|iv school cheerleaders will lead a pep JUid-the^-SchooLbaard-will-holp-to- 1 —:classroom-visitntinn-.fifnm_9 i -rally—with—a—physicffl^TR) DcaJiotP An open house will take place Feb. ctilminate the week by holding a -AILpoems will be considereaTor a.m.. and 1 to 2 p.m-. and pro-school parents learn what the all-day demonstration to-follow on Monday. ' 4 from 9 to ii a.m.. for parents and luncheon for the faculty. publication in the ^.1088 registration 'from '9 to 11 a.m.; kindergarten program has to offer. American Anthology ,of Con- Thursday, Feb. 4, grandparents- Refreshments will be served and all temporary Poetry." Winhers will _^tudents.lunch;-and Friday, Fob. 5,- be notified by'Mayl, V 7" Tare welcome to attend; —-— Chora/ Art Society spring rehearsal. Reason to begin Ethnic Night with entertainment More information may be ob- Each poet may enter one poeni, provided by the pre-school and CELEBRATING 25 YEARS 20. lines or less, on any subject, tained by calling 376-5194. ;' .»• . "The Choral Art Society of New . formed on May 14. Further information can be ob- '••• . ••• ". OF Benedicttne Academy Jersey,_undcr the direction- of tained bv calling M2-2173. - .^ written in any style. Poem and poet's name and address must be Evelyn meeke, has Begun its spring Thc society encourages anyone Auditions to be held for Musical Club rehearsal.season. Rehearsals are interested in performing choral typed or printed on one side of a An OutstandingHigh Schoolfor Young Women held every Tuesday at 8 p.m., at the sheet- of typing paDe'r. Auditions for membership in the where no organized musical club masterpieces to' audition for < - DON'T MISS A WEEK Musical Club,of Westfield will be now exists.' Applications and Presbyterian 'Church- in-Westfield; membership and attend weekly' Entries should be mailed by Mother Seton Regional High School Mountain Avenue and Broad Street. OF LOCAL NEWS held Wednesday, at 10:45 a.m. at the auditions can be arranged by con- rehearsals. .All voices are welcome. CALL 08G-77OO Feb. 15 to Coastal Classic Poetry home of Mrs-JoseplrA. McGroarty, Parkway clrde¥vaHev Road, Clark The spring concert, Men- 1 Contest, Great Lakes Poetry tacting' Ruth Boyer. Additional Singers wishing to audition can ... FOR HOME DELIVERY 925 Lawrence Ave., Westfield. information can be "obtained by (atParkwavExltNO,13^) delssohnV 'JElijah," wilt.be per-' . come to the rehearsal , P.O.- Roy SB703, Hnrwnnd -SERVINCTJNIDN7NDRTHERN MIDDLESEy AND SOUTHERN ESSEX COUNTIES —Service — 7G0 m muni ty Heights, 111., 60656. . Westfield and towns of the area Registration for 19B8 Scholarship Saturday, jariuairv 3Uf 9 tb"i 1 -3d a.m: Uhden Catholic ElemeHlary Schools"SHME THESPIWT" complete college Preparatory I Celebrating Catholic Schools Week • and Business Programs" •-•-:. - —Janr31-feb.'6 - — ' Quality Academic and Religious Education 840 North Broad St. Elizabeth, NJ 07208 HonorsPrograms —StrTheresa of the.Child Jesus School Extensive extra-curricular Sister Maureen James, O-P.-Princlpal Sister.M'. Juanila, CSSF • Principal- activities and Interscholastlc. '88 Registration Dates • February 16-19 '88 Registration Dates -February 24-25 sports programs. 9 A.M.-12 Noon 9-11 A.M.; 1-2 P.M.;7-8 P.M. Registration for-Ereshmen and New Students Jan. 30 ' Bus transportation available from above areas. Phone 486-2507 ' -Phone 862-7551 For further Informftiop, For-further-lnformatlon-Pleasecall-382-t95

GATH0LIC Pre K, All Day Kindergarten CATHOLIG Catholic Schools Week Grades 1-8 SCHOOLS WEEK 1/31- ST. JOHN the APOSTLE SCHOOL 2/5 VALLEY ROAD • CLARK «. REGISTRATION AND OPEN HOUSE' FOR NEW STUDENTS Mon.-Peb. 1 st Registration Pee K-7 9:00-11:00 A.M. ' Januarv3Li- Februarys Our Lady of Lourdes ' Open House K-8 1:00-2:00 P.M. rues. Feb. 2nd open House K-8 9:30-11:00 A.M. A Schonl , ••• openHouse Pre K 1:00-2:00 P.M. %}mring-heaus--t —Under s tanding... Frl.Feb.5th Registration P^e-K-7 9:15-10:30 AJW._ THE RIGHT PLTtCETOBE Understanding IfS YOUR CHOICE! IT'S THEIR FUTURE! UNION CATHOLIC REGIONAL HICHSCHOOL COME Leads to .. Take the time to visit St. Johns and meet our hlQhiy,skJlledand 1600 MARTINE AVE., SCOTCH PLAINS TO OUR sensitive professional staff. They will answer vojyr questtons Love about St. John's and Its prooramsrvour visit can help shape FOR ADMISSION INFORMATION OPEN vqur child's future. . — 304 Central Avo. For more Information, and a free descrip- \ CALL HOUSE Mountainside 8B9-16OO For A Personalized Approach e the Spirit" 233=1777 tive b^ochiire call: 388-1360 Wb 4ih from 9-11 a.ttu ——--—To Education- We Promise You You Are-Gorfjally InviTed Catho I ic Schoq I s Week CATHOLIC SCHOOLS NOTHING SHORT OF SHARE THE SPIRIT .Catholic Schools Week EXCELLENCE January 31-February 7,-1988 JThe^trengthoLCathollc school education lies In Its resofve to educate tne : j/t/hole person; to send forth-a-hopeful people, filled with inner light. "Catholic schoojs Share The spirit1' is a message for the whole community. SAINT JAMES SCHOOIT Church History SPRINGFIELD NowTostamont Pr.ictitil Counsoling' - • Teaching Value for 35 years Greek H Principles of - Holvjsplrlt Parish school Now Testament. Bible Study . St. Michael Parish School • come Share the Vision of Peace —Siirvoy-— —Romansand Galattans— Morris Aver& suburban Rd. 1212 Kelly St. rpeacetHiroU!3hunderstat?d"19. -• . union Union .';.;. • understanding through knowledge UnderAUSRlcesofCaldwellDomlhlcans I ROSELLE Registration In I KlnderQart«n«-Pre-schoolT— call for further Info. Reg|stratlon>eb.i-2 P-^to^:30a.\ 1-8'After School care FEE: $39.50 per audit hour : 579;00per-€redlt-houi I CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL '^f^/ 'X V • : 687-8415 OPEN HOUSfea CLASSROOM VISITATION REGISTRATION FEE: $10.00 s Peb. 2.9 to 11 atm & 1 to 2 p.m. Call 322-9300 lor mote Intorrnaiiuii i RariforTRoacJConduced by th« Morli, Rosell^TSt Bfothart of y the referee for driving beautician, who operated Emil's a-member of the Singer 40-Year wrestling team been around in the To his credit. Brandt Hersh gave ?nrieri up with nn ^Jt-i^^y^'- Steinberg, Anne Ziserson amraeah Born in Newark, Mr. Scapicchib Born in Newark, Mr. Kane lived in He had been a maintenance man " i-out-of-bounds for the' Hairdresser in Newark . before Club. Mr. Wilkowski was a Navy days of the Old West, the chances ''Carlos" Anthony Sherman all that Brian Delaney early in the final second straight time, a contention Goreliokr a brother, Avraham, eight lived in Roselle Park for 24 years. • Springfield for 25 years. He was a for_l9years with the A&PStores In : retiring in 1970. - ,. .. \. veteran of World War .'III He was a are good that only the meanest — he could handle for two rounds, with ~ " """ • ••• grandchildren and two great- He worked for the Trinity Bag & maintenance worker, at Anheuser- Newark before his retirement 17 period. Toy pinned his opponent with that lacono "strongly disagreed" Surviving are his wife, Anna; two member of the Holy Rosary Society and probably only tfte craziest — of Hersh, in fact, leading by a 2-1 score grandchildren. Paper Co., Elizabeth, for 35 years Busch Inc., Newark, for 16 years years ago. • just 29 seconds left to go, with this * with. Had it not been for this penalty sons, John Jr. and Emil 2nd; a and the Senior Citizens Club of St. _ gunfighteta would ' have tried to for much of the opening period, until win clinching the match for the and another in the first period — e and retired as plant administrator before retiring, in 1969. He was a • Surviving are his wife, .Rosa T sfetwV Frances Block, and four Hedwig Church, Elizabeth, and the ' stand in the way"""~ ~ ~ Sherman took the lead wltH a Panthers. Toy is now 1f— Elizabeth^eneral-Medlcaieentcrr- 125 pounds 150 pounds Heavyweight Surviving are a) daughter," And by the time it was all over, the Brook, formerly of Union, died Jan; Surviving, are a son, EugenirPrr Sarasota, Fla.,' formerly of.Linden, Born In Russia, Mrs. Reicher lived Much like Hersh, Dayton's Matt After rolling to a 14-0 advantage After breaking a llteraLstandpff —Margaret "Jareskl~afid a sister> boys from Roselle Park had put yet 23 in the Greenbrook Manor-Nursing and a sister, Connie Fautz. Sylvia Illcrman, 82, of Springfield died Jan. 19 in the Hospice Unit of in Newark and Union before moving MaGee came out strong* and over Augie Vonderlinden, Chris over the first 1730 with a takedown, •MargaretO'Neill. ' another notch in their belts — by Home. i . ; • • died Jan. 22 in St.'Barnabas Medical. ^University-Hospital, Tamarao, Fla. .* to Elizabeth seven years ago. Sht. grabbed a 2-0 lead over Anthony, Belle ended It with a pin at the 1:01 , Pete.Auslello made it a perfect day 1 , beating Dayton,'71-O, on the mats'. Of Gallicchlo, only to trail, 3-2, at (he __-Born in-Germany,—Mrs.—Lin-- ---Jemty—Santeussflio-—89;—Of CdnterrEivingsfonf^^—~^ ~ Born In Philadelphia, Pa., Mrs.- had bveen rpanager of the Evelyn . mark of period number two. 50-0', for the Panthers by pinning Andy —Rittffe. James, 87| of Roselle died the 13 individual bouts, only three eiid'oPthe-JHrst period. But Galllc- Greenman with three seconds to go- denfelser lived in .Union for 42 years Elizabeth, formerly of-Union, died Born in Russia, Mrs,. Bierman Nusbaum lived in Linden before Dress Shop in Orange for 35 years RosellePark. Jan.. 22 in the Newton .General went the distance, with the Panthers, ehjo went on to- a 9-2 win. The • in the opening.perlod. 71-0, Roselle. and in Millington for two years •mi«-hf»h Elizabeth Hospital,—lived-in Newark before moving "to—moving to Sarasota in 1972. before^heivretirement 14 year,_ s ago. . * 160 pounds Jiospital.. _.. before moving to Green -gr6ok 13 accumulating eight pins' and two Ranthers were awarded another_ Dave.- Fischer made It four Park.. •.-"•••• Elizabeth -———.-—^r—:- Springfield 17 years ago She-had- - Surviving are - two - daughters/^ MrsrReicher was a member of the technical falls along the way. * —Born—in—Giibertonr- Mrs,——year&a^Or IvnWttr-SariWanio been "co-owneco-ownmr- "with^rhe.with-herr IateInto_ Marie«i- ' Caputo and ^Carolyn—rHadassah, the B.'nai B'rith Women extra point here as well. 20-0, straight pins for his team by pinning "The kids came here to wrestle M • And Dayton', mind you, is no James lived in Roselle Park for 50 Surviving are a daughter, lived in Newark and Union before husband, Benjamin, of Fit-Rite and the Deborah," all of Union. She RosellePark. ; . Kamuran Bayrasll at the 1:08 mark today," said Roselle Park coach Titerington; ason.TheodoreJr,_Jr., slouch. Owning a 5-4 record before •• years. She_wjis_.active in the Elizabeth A. Stewart; a brother, moving to Elizabeth in 1971. She was Dress Shop in Newark for 38 years also was a member of the Women's 130 pounds of period number-one, 56-0, Roselle Sam Appello after the match. 11 grandchildren and three .great- facing the scourge of Union County, Women's Circle of the Community Franz Westermann; two sisters, active in the Nursing Home Ministry before her retirement 11 years ago. grandchildren. Auxiliary of the John J. Pershing With a fat 9-0 lead-to enjoy, Rob-: Park. "Dayton's_a!ifairly .up-and-coming ( the Bulldogs hive shown marked United Methodist Church., Hildegard ' Specht and Marie of. the Assembly of God for the Mrs. Bicrmairfofas a member of the American Legion Post of the Kinney ended thlg.boufcwith a-pin of 171 pounds , . ream. I know they're going to be determination this year, so much so Surviving are two sons, Paul A. 'Schuhrcr, three grandchildren and Evangel Church of Scotch Plains forj Hadassah and B'nai'B'rlth Women, oranges and the Ladles Hebrew Aid Chris Moreno at the 1:39 mark of the .Chris Tokarskl took an 11-0 lead good in the future. We just rose to Thomas ^etrelll, 71, of Union died that head coach Rick lacono feels and James; a daughter, Ruth J. three great-grandchildren, the past 60 years. [ both in Springfield. _ » second period. 26-0, Roselle Park. over Steve Adirlm.after one session, • the occasion todaVj'' ' Jan. 21 in Livingston Community Society of Newark. _ . : v Luckenbvach; two sisters, Alice M. Surviving are, two sons, John and Surviving are a daughter, Beverly 11—Surviving—are—two—daughters^ -"the-pride-is comingrback" to the- 135 pounds thanks to a trio of near-pins. Not'. : "They're much better than we . Dayton wrestling program; But on Townley and Jftary .Davis, • six Itabbi WTllian ZuEer, 83, ol_ Pntec; a daughter,- Josephine Albert; a son, Monroe; a brother, Born in Newark, Mr. petrelll lived Helen Bashover and Esta Pearl; a Senior Joe Brady took a fast. 2-0 long afterward, Tokarski found were at this point," said lacono,' - this particular day, the fireworks grandchildren two great- Roselle, a Talmudic scholar, who Angileri; a brother, Emil Jack Pollack,' five grandchildren in Spring Lake Heights before son, Franklin, seven grandchildren lead via a takedown and neVer himself winning by technical fall. 62- who, while admonishing the two- grandchildren. .was educated in the ' Lubavitch Fabricatorc; two sisters, Katherine . and.three groat-grandchildren> . moving to Unio'n last year. He was and five great-grandchildren, , , *, belonged to Roselle Park. . looked back. After rolling up a 6-0 0, RosellePark. calls against Kisch, emphasized that Tcshivn in.Russia and later became Joseph and Mildred Corragio, nine, , • 103 pounds advantage over Mike Masi In the ,./, "' •—' 189pouiidij ' the officiating throughout ; had Charles E. Sabatlno, ji^Of one of the foremost ihterpreters:rbf grandchildren, Id great-. MargarctrCorbctt, 69, of Cranfof d, Mike Slter-increased his record to first period, Brady kept on goirig . This One was truly a classic bet- nothing to do with the afternoon's Mountainside died Jan. 20 In the !lewJahJtuiuJleiJanJ3JnJeiizabeth.l..grandchildren and • a great-great formerly of^Roselle, died Jan. 22 in- . 11-0 by pinning Steve Cohn with just until the bout was stopped early in , ' ween a~palf~of tigers. Mikc~Heller overall outcome. "This is one of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer "Genera l."-J.-.- Medical Center.- '- - grandchild, i the John F. Runnells Hospital, Obituary Iw'mgs ' five 'seconds remaining in the the third session on a technical fall/ and Chris Kisch-really went at it better teams they've had ...and we Center, New York City. f. . Rabbi Zuber gained international Berkeley Heights. opening period. M, Roselle Park. j»»' which left the Panthers wtth^the*"' from the start; of the second period didn't match up very well. I was • Born in EMzabeth, Mr; Sa'batino acclaim as & "Rabbi's Rabbi,"'and. : 113pounds • same six points that an actual pin on, trading reverses 'and near-pins ' very proud of my team that they . Ivor Simmons, 65, a chemist, and BornJn Elizabveth, Mrs. Corbett BERNINGER—Ernestine, of Lakewood, formerly of Union; Jan. 22. ! lived in Union before moving-to 1 Senior Tom Megles'set the tempo • —didn t-doanything-unsportsmanllke, • was often called upon by rabbis from his wife,- Dr. Frances Simmons, 64, lived in Clark and Rosello before BIERMAN-Sylvia, of Springfield; Jan.22. > would have brought. 32-0,,'Rosgllg__aii|{e,_wJthKisch.overcomlng-aslow Mountainside 12 years ago. He was a -—very-eariy-in-the-matehVand-beat- r 'even though we got penalized.for it., throughout the, world to interpret an associate professor of Linden, moving to Crgiiford"irrl982. She had CiASCA=J.ohn,.of-UnionrJan -i8?- "Parlc ~~~. ~~ ~ 3^) start and pounding out a 10-8 managing director of the Marsh & i . Jason Yee,. 11-2. The margin' of ./Wo are not a defeated team because questibns'of Jewish law and to ad- were-involvedin a fatal automobile been a mallsoriorlor 15 years .witTT" . CORBETT-J-Margaret of Cranford, formerly of Roselle; Jan. 22, 140 pounds ___ .-.._.. advantage late In tho second frame, McLennan Insurance Co. in New ( victory provided the Panthers with-: Witlr-some apparent sharp I'm not going" to allow us to be dress problems of Jewish dilture. ..accident in Williamstown, Mass. Mri the Elizabeth Post Office before her .DILEO—AntoinetteB., of Linden; Jan. 18.' > >._ only to see Heller knot the score York City for 18 yours. Mr. Sabatino an extra team point. 10-0, Roselle defeated." • After^his, graduation -from the Simmons was declared dead at the retirement in 19B0. Mrs. Corbett was HESSE—Emma, of Linden; Jan. 20. . • ^ feelings present early in the bout, after, two. Then, with just six «jne 'Corps from Lubavitclr-Yeshiva, Rabbi • Zuber served'in the M . _. scene,, and ...hi„s wife wa„„„s „.„„.„declare„d „a member „o.f the Wi.nfield Park 3AMESRutht3^Ro^lWark;.Jan,22 1957 to 1960. He was a member of the__ camc_to_the_!JnitecLStates_in-1921. dead_-at_tho=-Berkshire-Medical—Senior Gitizensr —KA-NE=Ffancis T., of Springfield; Jan. 19. settling in New~Haven, Conn./where Center, PittsficldrMassrv - ~.—; Surviving—are- two -sons, KIRKUP-Margaret A., of Berkeley Heights, Surviving are his wife, Annmarie; he taught Jewish law. He moved ot Mr..Simmons had been a chemist Christopher and James; a daughter,- Jormerly of Linden; Jan. 23. lady Dawgs lose two.to Hillside, G.L. two daughters, Rosemary and Julie; Roselle in theltate 1920s and later and direclorjf-the central analytical Susan Conti, and nine grand- LINDENFELSER-Elizabeth, of Green Brook, little went right for Dayton, although a son, Michael;'his parents, Julius—was author of two books on department of t/C& T. Chemical Co., children. ' • formerly of Union; Jan. 23. By MARK YABLONSKY to enter play last week at 5-3, thetwp_ _coming_to_ Hfe Jate in the third Meixher did play well; hitting "double . -. and Rose Sabatino; a brother, Ar- Talmudic law which are showcased Railway, since 1952. ' MAGALDO—Michael, of Union; Jan. 21T^—— Even with Monday's heavy, wet vexing; losses nowmean th.aTDayton guaxter,l_wnen, Weinerman don- . . --thurjTrandasisterrTinivPeper—-;——in thePrinefetoniLIniverslty.LibraryT TDr. Simmons "had- been an : Antoinette TB. DJLCO, 86, of Linden - MC DUFFIE-Maggie, of Lindon; Jan. 23. • snowfall threatening to cancel has to win at least twoof three up- nected on first a three-pointer, and . figures in. points and in rebounds ^-< " " For the past six decades, Rabbi associate professor in the Depart- died Jan. 18 in St. Elizabeth's MONASTERSKY-Gladys, of Union; Jan.22, Tuesday's game at Roselle, the coming games against''either then oh a layup off of a feed from Jennifer Francis, despite'having T. Wilkowski, 68, of Roselle' Zuber shared -his knowledge ol ment of Communication Sciences Hospital, Elizabeth. NUSBAUM—Florence M,'. of Sarasota. Fla.. .Trmnthnn Hnyfnn Rpglnnnl •noseller-Immaoulata-or-Rldgo—In ceTrtertararen^Meixner-tcrmalaritra—hard-luck—a fr^the-foul—liner-still : died Jan.~"22 in_st. Elizabeth Jewish" law with .' members of •nt- Kon" BriRibta tormeny of Linden; Jan. 19. girls' basketball teamJiad enough to order to qualifyrf6r"State playoff, 43-29 game at that point.. " finished with 11 points.' Photo By Bob Drijcknor (Jongregation Beth David, "and... Union, since 1971.. Earlier,.shehad—New—York - City- and -in- Elizabeth —- PETRELLI-ThomasiofUnion; Jan,2i. worry about" after back«to-back action, with the cutoff date coming But that-was the closest Dayton l-lWe.certainly .didn'Lplay. as-well EYEING THE BASK.ET - Sterling Williams of Brearley Bornjn Elizabeth, Mr. Wilkowskf Congregation Emanuel, both in been a tutor, of special education in before moving to-Llnden 27 years, REICHER-Mo'lio. of Elizabeth, formerly of Union; Jan. 22, losses to Hillside^ artd Governor on Tuesday, following the 4 p.m. would come. To their credit, the as wo could have," Krupp said. Regional goes for tvyo points during last week's 64-41 loss to Linden in 1071 and 1972. ,- ago.. • ROTHFUSS-Mary.oBHnion; Jan. 20. ' ' J Livingston last • Thursday and home contest with Ridge. Berkeley Heights-based Highlan- "Had we been-playin. . g- as well as we Roselle ParkPark.. ThThe wj.nieswj.niess bearbears wwill try-to get back-on track ••Mr; Simmons was graduated from Sur-viving-aro two daughters, Sara •»—- Friday, respectively, in Springfield. "We have an uphill battle," ad- ders used a trapping press at both did earlier, we could have won both tommorot w nighihtt .agains itt Manyllle.Mlll' ' " -SABATINO-Charles E., bTTHbuntainside; Jan. 22. Pnmps" v^- ~'* - • • " Death Notice the University of London In 1944 with Riggi and Mary DeRose, nine SANTEUSANIO-Jenny. of Elizabeth, formnrlv nfJUnion^I —^For-one-thingT-theHbady-BulldogSr—;-mitted-Dayton-coaoh-Arthur-Kruppr -ends uf the oourHhahmly-added-to- -a-baeholor-isT-degr-ee-in^analytical—geandchlldr-en—and—1-5—-great: : "TiCSPICCHIO-^-Jerry,, of Roselle Park; Jan. 20. ' in the two defeats, looked less like .who felt "confident" that his 5-5 Dayton's troubles. And to add even science from Stevens Institute of_ grandjchiMreji^. . — SIMMONS—DtvFrancesrof-fcindenrJnn. 18., -. lktldbdifRH more frustration on the night was January IB, .1986; bqloved husbandLot Mrs. Ellioboth AnS.tojaatt-o<-Fprkod—-Scchnology in 1957, last year's squad that struggled to a , "We have to win obviously, two of the fact that when the LadyBulldogs 13R2TBrearley defeats Johnson, R.C, Annck:(Espo»ito)-Cla&car-foth«>r-of—John— Klvor, formerly of Mlllington, grand- Dr. Simmons was graduated from Emma Hesse, 97, of Linden died THIEM—Josephine, of Mountainside; Jan. 18, 7-15 record, due mainly to a per- . our next thre6. It ls~;not~6ut'.of the did shoot on target, the basket got Clasca Jr. and Emil Closca 2d, brother of - mothor of Randy and'Clayton .Stowart New.York University,in 1945 with a Jan. 20 i'ri. Monmouth Medical plexing sluggishness on the court, woods that we are notable to beat Into the act,' rejecting a few field ByBOBBRUCKNER Grappler John Lynch wrestled this trio put 24 points, on Brearley's —-Francos-Block,- also survived by four_ TULCHIN-Blllie-Jea'n, of Mountainside; Jan. 22.. ! —and Mrs; Losll9^A..Boss, also^urvlved by /bachelor's degree in sdciologyTSho Center, Long Branch.; :;L:.'.;' WILKOWSKI—Henry T., of Roselle; JanJfc-"-1 :. that at times; led to costly turnovers..., Immaculata." • goaland free throw attempts that if With" the Union County-Tour- well; against, Jphnson Regional s— side of the Scoreboard when they. grandchildren. The lunoral was from tho -"ono-brotriorTjnd'two.slstors'ln Gormony' •. - w - „-.--I-.- pjnned thclf respective opponents. MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME.J500 'received: a master's degree in Born in New York; City,)', j/frs? •ZORM^MdriKarSpringfleld! Jhn.24, ": ' _ And just as harmful was an inability Governor Livingsfon; behind th6 good, would havakept Dayton irithe nament only about Bix-weeks away, Met:' ' Ca'salal' However, 'Lasald and thratJ groat.grandchlldren. Funeral ,...„, . Brearley Regional wrestlers afe prevailed, 11-7, in theJ25 bout. Also,, Vic Verno followed in the Brearloy_ Morris Ave., Union,, A Funoral Mass' services wore from the-HAEBERLE 8'- humanities and education from Hesse lived in Roselle before moving ZUBER-Rabbi Nathan, of Roselle; Jan. 23,-'- to cash in at the free throw line, with efforts of Julie Riewe and-Amy game, Was offorod.in Holy Spirit Church, BARTH COLONIAL HOME. 1)00 Pino Kean College • in 1965. Before . to Linden 40 years ago. He was' a the team converting just 6 of 22 Walz, raced to a 34-18 half time lead But on this particular_night,lyery_ ^working Jiard_to__impro.vo__their Brearly.-'s Vic Vcrno lost his-matchr winning traditiorTand pinned Kibr ClGNARELlA- "FTIomona"; "Mamlo" Avonuo, "cornor of "Vaux'~Hall Road, receiving" her Ph.D. in English member and past president of the attempts from the penalty stripe •after outscdrlng the Lady Bulldogs team's record. Two strong per- 10-0, while Chris Layton was pinned Chandler at.5:09. And while Andy • (Fuorlno), on January 25, 1988; wlfo of • Union. Inttfrmont wbs In Goto of Hoaven by a 20^6 count in this opening eight formances last week boosted the by Johnson's Eric Lipkin. Klmmel lost the 145-pound bout, his- Comolery, East Hanovor, linguistics, from new York ' \ • against &L., which took full ad-. .. . . thb lato Honry; dovotod mothor of -Univcrsity-in4972,-sho-studiod-for-a ^ • T^—=— :—;—~—: Tyahtagerof-Dayton!s—off-night-in—minutes-of-playJEUewcv-who-ttettcd- |—Boars—to-a-3-3—record;—as—they——After-losing-those-few^boutsr-th teammatepKinneyrpinncd his op- Rlchard~MlcHaol;~A'ntlrow, Anthony^ G.L. — Riewe ,10, Goiger . 9, ROTHFJJSS-. Mary M... (noo Klug), of' semester at Oxford University in • winning, 60-47. 16 points, sank, among others, two defeated Johnson Regional last Bears came back to pin the rest of ponent-ln-lhe-second period. Roccomidjorry Clgnarolla,-Dolly Plsar,'' Union, on Wodnosday, January 20, 19BB, Grnuso 0, Hofman 0, Walz 20, their "opponents and won by an Thpresa CaForrara, Codlla Boyor, ,Jay Engla'nd. ' • ' Guard Staci Weinerman, who had first-quarteq r field goalg s tha..t ggave Saturday and Rosello Catholic Also, Walter Kimmel and age 96; wlfe~of~tho lato Honry Rothfuss, Toole 6, Kalucki 0, Delduca 0, overall 48-22 score. Joe1 Squillaro, Moyors and Joan Vonoilano, slsior of mothor of Mario.CT~Brady and tho lato Mr. Simmons was member of the scored 25 points in a 61-40 win over the Lady_HlghIanders leads of 8-0 earlier last week. ' - . ; •• Siragusa pinneS their opponents. RankuckO.—i. - Jennlo Rlccardollo, .also survived by G6 Jamoi E. Brady, slstor of Alma Klug. Men's Club of the Suburban Jewish -^=~JohnBDn~~RBKional~itr-eiark—last- •and—10-4;—the-latter-oneHn-factr- ^—U-took-Brearley^B-Glintr-Kamiriski- -wrestling—in—the—135-poundesLo.tr •Roselle-eatholitrforfeited-both-th grandchildren and 35 aroat- Fnnornl ..lorvlrns, worn frnm Jho_ —the—Eastern—{ Tuesday night, managed to net 21 came a full minute after Wclner- just 30 seconds to pin his Johnson ;pinned Johnson Regional's Matt 135 and 189-pound weight classes to •-grandchllclrorrr^Horroral'Trorvlras—WOTS Dayton — Drummond Regional opponent. The 103-pounder Pereira with just one second conducted from tho MC CRACKEN ^Irie^lu^i-Analyticaisymposium,,-. i against Hillside, after having set the man's short, driving shot had pulled the Bears. Weinerman 17. Melxner took-TasotiyristlsTdown"irnro"tlme at remaining in the, first period. Ken FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Monls Avonuo., Road, Union, thonco to St. Michpol'i. Dr. Simmons was elected to the school's new all-time scoring mark her team to within four points of Union, N.J.', with a Funoral Mass at St. Pabst 0, Francis 11, Kaminski all to put Brearley on the Kinney, Dan Dechellis and Elio Church, Onion, for a Funeral Mass, New York Academy of Sciences in '• • in girls' action on Jan. 15 against "GXT . Joseph's* ChTTfch"^ bast . urango. bn-. . 9,,.! ' . •" . Scoreboard. The BeaWs Joe Sclama, Siragusa pinned their opponents as tombmonti Hollywood Memorial Park. *'.. Intormont In Holy Sopulchro Comotory. '1975 and for the past two years, was • RoseJlcLCatholic. But Weinerman, Then in the second quarter, atter wrestling.in the..1.12 s]ot^fplldwed~ i;—-in-s-special-shcolars'-progratrrat :"| geSf "well. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Tot suit and pinned his opponent 17 Ann Mnrln (Rlnpnl), ry\ v^ib j—PFinGeton-Uniyersityr-She-waB-an- Often as she usually does in the Riewe hit a pair of free throws to Against Roselle Catholic KonJIworth, N.J., on January 24, 1900; 20-MT13 13- -60- (Amno5o|ISabaiino,•father of give her team a hefty 32-11 ^od- G.L. sccpndrintVtncTs'econd poriwi^Je7f~~Kaminski;~~Sclama and King, the beloved wife of Robert T, Flshor and lecturer of MESSAGE second half of the loss to G.L,, Dayton 6 12 -13 12 43 King, In the 110-pound .match. Benr'sJIrsLthcee-wrestlers, startod- mpthor of Doroon Cancllllori, Dlano and lish specialty although she still led her team's vantage with 3. :21 to play. Although .Dayton's troubles continued,_the_ declsloned Derry McDadc in a their team off on the right track Donn6 Flshor, daughtor ol Elliabeth , Sobotlno, brother of Arthur-J. Sabatino t many courses. To Tfiai Special Pefson scoring effortwith 17 points;. ' "••••• Healey Rlegal Rocho, slstor of.Shirley and Tina Popo, Funeral services-woro- Lady Bulldogs showed signs of technical fall. .' . .'..; against Roselle Catholic. Together, Styor, Patricia takorskl and Paul Rocho, at New York University-in that After winning two straight games from tho MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME., . To Appear In The grandmother of Jonna nad Karra * specialty. She also wrote courses for. Cancllliorl, Funoral sorvicos woro from 1500 Morris Avonuo, Union, A Funoral Mass was offorod at Our Lady of Lourdo's sociolinguistics and~reading. She oop\ tho MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, 1500 was. a member of-the Slstbrhood of • Morris Avonue, Union. A Funoral Mass R.C.. Church, Mountalnsldo. En- FEBRVARYajLth ISSUE was . offered in St. Thorosa's' Church, tombmont, Hollywood Momorlal Park. the. Suburban Jewish Center, the oO.o.p2 WE IN BE RG AND KAPLOW, P. A. Konllworth.' Intormont, Gracoland Huilda Gould Chapter of Deborah SANTEUSA'NIO- Jenny Fabrlcatoro ...on Memorial Park. r January 18, 1989; beloved wife of the and the Hadassah, all of Linden. Score High I • lato Joh~n7 dovotod mothor of Mrs. 00 or •send to JAMES- Ruth E. (Townlay) of Rosollo • Borri in London, Mr, Simmons P.S.A.T. Attorneys At Law Rosarlo (Jose-phlno) Angilorl, J.ohn-and ONLY County Leader On The DICK'S Park, on Friday, January 22, 1988; wlfo lived in New York City and Plains Potor E. Santausanlo, doar slstor of Mrs. The S.A.T. Course With A Proven Record of tho lato William Jamos, mothor of {Katharine) Joseph, Mrs. Mildred field before moving to Linden in - (Pre-Paid) Newspapers _ r Paul A. James and Ruth J. Luckonbach, . Corragio ahd-Emli Fabrlcatoro, - lovlrfg- iJOO To OvBC_aOO Points I jt-Tr-affic-and-Drunk-Driving-Cases- -slstor-of~Allc6~M7Trownro'y~and"Mary grandmothor_oLnlno_flrandchlldron, 19- Linden and Jived inrRoselle before ..—¥. - • Diagnostic Pre-Tost to tlolormino ""•'1'S students por doss Dayls,.also survived by 6 qrandchlldron— —groat-grondehlldren—and—one groat"" •Criniinal .Defense "moving back to Linden in 1955, P.O. BOX 3109 weaknesses /. - - • Use of actual previous S.A.T.'s -orrrd 2' "gTlj a t -frd"n^l c h I Id r on .• groat-grandchlld. Funoral sorvlcos woro Low tultjon Arrangements wore by " tho MC hold at tho MC CRACKEN .FUNERAL Mr.-Simmons and his" wife are Union, N.J. 07083 • Total of 24 hours Instruction In • Low tuition JtEetsonaLInjury ,„._.' ____ SNCHOALES- •"Attontlon'toHndlvldual.Tioodt1 CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Morris HOME, 1500 Morris Avo., Union, Pastor survived, by two daughters,-Ami UNION CLASSIFIED -'matrrand-verbal-skllls •Divorce and Family Law __ _: • • • 3.036 to 50%-OEE-ON— Avonuo, Union. Funoral'. sorvlcos woro Larry Lakey ollklotlng. Intormont In Simmoris and Eva Klcederman; two . Print Message in • Confidanco_gaidino_techniques- SELECT GD"HO"BUILDINGS,' held at tho Community Unitod Mothodist FalrmountComotol-y. : •. CALL 686-7700 —— • "HO".LOCOMOTIVES,'AND a sons, David Simmons nnd • Dr. •Employment Related Disputes . Church Chostnut" Stroot, Ro3pllo Park. Boxes Below CLARK MANY PLASTIC KITS Interment—Graceland MemoVlalnParkr——THIEM-—Josophlno—B7—(Konkol),— of Joshua Kleederman,; her mother, (discharges; discrimination) Kenllworlh"—" ""r~ Mountalnsldo, N.J., on January' 18,1988; Lillian Farber; her brother, Dr. •DISON 16 North Union Ave. wife of tho lato'Edward Thlom, dovotod Morton Farber, and a" grand- _ KINNEY- Nolllo "(Vandonborg),"of mothor of Margaret Jaroskl, sistor of- Apply Itew: Ffnt CoMt, Flrtt S.rv.d - PHONfS OPIN 24 HRS.-7 DAYS •Civil and Criminal Trials Garwood,- N.J., on January 24, 1988; • Margarot O'Nolll, Tho funoral sorvlco daughtor. •':' -766(1 wife ol the late William, dovolod mothor ; LEARNING TREE ASSOCIATES was conducted at the MC CRACKEN -Mary Ruthfuss, 96,'of Union djeu_ of Grace.Mitchko and Evolyn Lord!, also FUNERAL *HOME, 1500 Morris Avo,, Call S.A.T. Hot Line (Tell Fr«) / 1 -800-THE EXAM survived by flvo grandchlldron. olaht fan, N. I Intormont,—Gracolond- JanTZO'ln her home. 80 MORRIS AVE. • SPRINGFIELD • 379-5757 j groat:grandchlldron and Ihroo groat- CLASSES BEGIN IN KB. ^ Memorial Park.'. - SHeTiaffworked for 1T&T in Nutley great:grandchlldron. Tho funoral sorvlco for. many years before- her was conducted at the MC CRACKEN M. % FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Morris Avonuo, ZORN- Mario.(Eldloth), of Springfield, • retirement 24 years ago.' Union, N.J. Intormont, Holy Sopulchro N.J., on. January 24, 1988; wife of the SurviVing-are a daughter, Mario Cemetery. • • • — late Eugono Zorn, devoted mothor of C. Brady, and a sister, Alma Klug; T«rc$tone Valuable Coupons! Eugono Pi Zorn, slstor of Connlo Fautz, •L • • . 1L - LINDENfELSER- Elizabeth . (noo aunt of Vronnlo Mueller. The funeral «• BRIVTS Westgrmann), of Greonbrook Manor sorvlco was conductod at the MC BriicRtine Bernlneer, 72, of Nu,rslng. Homo, Groonbrook, N.J,, CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Morris Lakewood, formerly.of Unjon, died formerly of Mlllington and Tlnlon, N E E EX A PH YSI GAL? Avonuo, Union, '- N.J. Informant, Jan. 22 In the Klmbnll Medical DOES YOU ft Saturday, January 23, 1988, age 82; wlfo Hollywood Momorlal Park, ' Center, Lakowood. IF. It, It, 2 $4 Mountain Avc. 379-2820 " ' *• SUPER BOWL BASH!! -—i^riy^——— a DISCOUNT - Yoiu owe it to your child to OPEN SUPER BOWL 52705 experience the finest in preschool, education L value FUEL SUN6/WT9 AM —1 -piA—tr Now Taking orders for: :''Nursery . ' i pholojv JM Long CARW ASH 1 UP FOR GRABS — That's-pretty much the story here, as out spring training — as well ai the to curtail a highly-lucrative free away from me by not being able^o—chairman —Michael-- Lapolla, and sometime. ••••..-, - ..•—••••- Lady Farmers lost, 61-51, to the Lady Vikings. Watching at first month' of the season -=• a year agent field, Raines,' after opting not —Union and Union Catholic players battle for control of th|ls left is Union forward Andrea Labbnia, 15. , 3hI move," he continued. "But I'm not Elizabeth mayor Thomas Dunn, While- Hoseile~school"bfficials are not commenting at this time, a loose,ball during last Thursday's game In Union where the. .Vi» «« " ago, after being unable to make any to agree to arbitration by the still-' going to be bitter. I'm going to be Linden's Troy Stradford; who Nebraska newspaper has already reported that Baldwin will join the FORWARD headway in a then-frozen fr.ee agent mandatory Jan. 8 deadline, was left nappy playing the game, and no one recently^ completed his rookie Cornhiiskers next fall, according to a caller from Omaha, Neb. on i By Dr. James C.Byrne market, he returned to the Montreal in limbo, unable to even talk with can take,that away from me." . season with the Miami Dolphins ofu Tuesday. '•' •' ' ' • FOOT STRAIN lineup ori May 2 and-socked four hits, Montreal until May 1, and off-limits And how does he feel about seeing the NFL, was at tho dinner as well, - - - .including a loth-inning grand slam to other owners, hone of whom ever himself on baseball cards, a novelty • Funds' collected from the dinner Tool strain may be fell as vague discomfort In the top of the foot after waUdnp a short distance. In many'cascs t Ihc—foot—has—been—somewhat—stiff; A/erbal-Si-Math-ReviBW-for-Springd SHOR'S DRUGS before, pcrlmps as a result of a minor •"-MN?E£w/^WP~""~"'~~~' SKI accident. Often, the foot has been v THE MEDICAL "wrenched** or a person lias been SERVICE CENTElt confined to bed. _for__ a. fairly Innp 6th ONE _* period,, or ajiJasLcr casts has been put "Complete HBjItttCjr*" on the foot without enough padding to Replace those tiraftyhardtoppen windows with (401 N, Wood Ave., Linden allow the foot to spread out naturally; . 486-4155 •"- The Car Spa To case the discomfort, your PREMIUM VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS . FREE DELIVER* podiatrist will generally employ passive •Save UpTo 40%-0n Heating and Cooling Bills Q20 year guarantee CLARION REVIEW COURSE Mon.-Frl. 8:30j.ni, to 10 p.m. IIIUvemulll l'f till Inu jmTits uf t -nO.nln™:~™»|-1->l«n-l~l^ll-K~ «JU>"^ l_i_l_l This Is- usually followed by a program airNewark Academy Sun. 1 Holidays 1:30 i.m. to 6 p'.m* of vigorous activc~~and assisted foot • Maintenance free' • Qtiltin (or easfcleaning B Also in Maplewood arid Montclair • RIHWI Stonr Cjndlw ~"\ ^ Vour UNION exercises. • . . •* | • Double Security Locks . DBows,_casements, sliders 993:6070 Director: A.Pantazes 992-6010 • Film Dtwloplni • Camttlct Mut'trcturp* '. (in the Union Mallet Piikinj Lol) In resistant cases, where the foot | DFully Insured & licensed FQR A COMPLIMENTARY ESTIMATE remains stiff despite these passive'and active exercises, the foot may have to [WITH THIS couroN] be manipulated after an anesthetic Is •; Call 201-241:4338 given, and the patient may'havc to use ENTERTAINMENT ih WELtDONtWINDOWS *Saleends2/15/.a8 ' . , Pi denied In tlio Interest s your Listening • '-. of belter fool care by - I A DIVISION OF WELL DONE CONSTRUCTION * oiler valid with this coupon only Emm Dr.JamesC. ^rne and - ^^1 * ». ^lu^ 7oif«r Expire 2/iltf'Tn - . Podlatrljt-Fpof Doctor easure 964-6990 934 Stuyve$ant Avenue Thursday: Sal Russo Trio All On Sale Now At Savings Unior Friday & Saturday: Frank-Qm41-Tra» JVanAAdK WorV... ' Day and Evening Hours 9:O9OO pm <• JUOO am L Call 080-7700 . — By Appointnr«iil • • MISAJD

ANIMAL MEDICAL SURGICAL HOSPITAL P.A. in MAPLEWOOD 232-7100 Est.J.9.4 5.bv..presenLD'lf8ctnr\ Albert M. Berkclhammer, V.M.D. NO MONEY DOWN TO QUALIFIED BUYERS! Inside Echo Lanei Buidlnga | -Routo-22-Ea»trMountaln>lder Announces the Association of DAVID STOLOFF, D.V.M. PACKAGES STARTING AT 1987 SAFARI SLE^AN Board Certified Veterinary Surgeon Albert M. Berkelhammer, V.M.D. Ossama Barr, D.V.M., Associate % Phone (201) 761-6266 HOURS BY APPOINTMENT: Dally, EvonlngG,_Saturdny & Sunday EVERY SKI BOOT UP JtO 1509 Sprlngllold Avo. » Mnplowood, N.J, Seleetipn includes the | |\| STOCK lUolwopo Buinol & Ooydim Avot.l .- . . '. I /newest rear entry bob_ts THE BEST FITTING BOOTS 5,000 pain In stock . . . for air levels of skiing 8 passcnpcr, V-G Eng!nq,_Automatic, Air Conditioning, Till WE TAKE TttApkilNSU •513085 Wliool. AlWITStoffio, Oporating Convonioncc Package, Int. ability Hurry and save bigl Wipers, and morol • Amid Transmission Failure. USED BOOTS Burnt fluid caused 90% ol Iho 11 million iransmlsslon failures lasl year. A check-up from •*• • and lluld change at Glhrallar today could prouenl a serious problem lomorrow. EVERY 29 11988 s=i 5 Extended Gab li- — «*-—«•—»—• MM IJM M| ' call for an appointment JANUARY 31,1988 4 Wheel Drive Pickup DOWNHILL ***•»' : H0T&T!GOyBUFFET 1205 W. St. George Aw. C • ' SHOP SPECIALS • NEW FLUID • NEW PAN GASKET H - OFFICrAL PRCJGRSMS & ^ SKI 'RENTAL • ADJUST BANDS & LINKAGE | SOUVENIERS AVAILABLE I • CHECK MODULATOR & U-JOINTS .3 IN STOCK • LESSONS^* LIFT TICKET1 SKI TUNE-UP "OUR BEST" • CLEAN OIL LINDEN- V-6 Engino, Automatic^ Air Condilibning, Sunroof, Cruiso Con- 95 00 yi_| Stone Grinding (Next to PATHMHRK) . trol, Tilt Wticol. AM-FM Stereo Cassette, Rear Jump Scat, 518665 Just 15. weekdays | Hot Waxing Foreign & (rani wheel . Ml Extended Warranties. Sliding Roar Window ,- Int. Wipers, Chrome Rear Step Sharpen drlvo cnfn & liQht onlyg trucks nddliolnnl Bumpor, and morol . . • • • Honored per person . Good 'Jan. 8 - Feb. 1 - -Wa may roluu) to porlorm Ihono sarvlcos Coupon Expires J-1B-B0 • TIOTETS MUST BE PUBCHASBD IN ADVANCE > •——~ Good at most Ski areas II n Uans-chMk shows If-o pioblom mny ' Coupon Not Valid With Pick up coupon at any PELICAN STORE 24-HOUR SERVICE 1987DiWIOS;15JIMMY alroadyoxlsl OthorOlfors, "WACKF WEDNESDAYS' DANCING with . WITHDJ. Also Meet The 198 8 SKIWEAR SPAETERCLUB OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCK Billy Mac OF SKI SWEATERS, "^Super Bowl XXIJ V-6 Engine, Automatic, Air Conditioning, Tilt Wheel, AM-FM Choose from: BIBPANTS -AND___- 20o40 Cassette, and morol . , EVERY NIGHT! is ^ STRETCH PANTS 514711 COMEDY NIGHT ROSSIGNOL • K2 • HEAD • FISCHER • DYNASTAR ""Choose from down blends •*;an• d other warm fills. Assorted fabrics FREEHOTDOCS • HEAD • PRE • OLIN • NOTICE* • KASTLE • QLIZZARD .and.the newest fashion colors for men and._womeh, (at half time)- , T. . It's true! Pay zero down and'drive out with .your new (JMC Truck or Van'To- 1 • DYNAMIC • HART Chooio frami • RAVIN •JUMPTHE . •COLMAr) V Schnapps tail flavors) 75«i day. There's over 25 to choose from! Naturally, the ones with the most • KNEISSEL • ATOMIC • SPORTAIM lUMPS f MANALAPAN RD. Hum 'c..-i;,. acKO5s3romJirin's Where Good Sports Always Meet" SCO IS WOOD mm mmrnrnj* TRUCKS 9 i i I I I I I I I I I I I I ^"(Xr~^~tiroVin ORBATLOCA T I o~N s 251-3900 *"• 686.9763 15 South Ave. (nt Ten-ill RoncJ) Fanwood nuulc 10 I in. 22 Union FREE 1111 NFL FOOTBALLS Hurry Before The Truck YouWaniJsJ5one! "322-6800 ' ' I ! ' l.ivlll. N..I I.. Mlit,., , ' """ "'";;' ' ""'*£" ' ' I hlO.I. •••• "l III. II D>l»'i'"i". lll|« »<-5»S JM.09641 6U61O4O 6O9-77I-IO34 ^^^^ SKI SHOPS S34-2S34

• •" i '

• ,|~: 20 — Thursday- January 28, 198B — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS-1,2,3^,5,6*

•••••••••••••• 4 «•••••••••••

The Strength of our Communities • •••••••»•«»••• «-•••••••••-•-• THE NEXT BEST THING TO A NEW CAR... VITOS AUTO ELECTRIC, INC. ANDY'S AUTO SALES Uectric t Diagnostic S«rvice Specialists do years in Business The min who sells («j yooi car. .Service and Parts - UIVICK your HI. Inspection Service .• W'r\mj;n.-Mdomlal caiilonii'rxincd I95J • Fully Stnrictd • flnetune-ups' •170 Room1; • HEATING ONLY THE •gauges . • 66 suites on • 100% lUiii • carburators •Meeting Room •Direct Dial phones —FINEST - •electric windows • AIRCONDITIONING uud cirt* • air conditioning • power seats r --—'Cocktail Lounge— •Full Kltctjens • wiring •Malorcredlt cards • HUMIDIFIERS Carrier QUALITY • horns a wipers •color TV -'. • ATTIC FANS 7 —T~ 2486 Uauxhall Rd. Newark Airport courtesy Car.-Free In Room Movies. • ELECTRONIC ASE certifieed . In Room Steam & Whirlpool Union 686-1886 AIR CLEANERS FREE ESTIMATES j374StuyvesantAve. union Open 24 Hours •.Check in for Comfort Qounty 688-3818 On Highway U.S.'no, 1, Linden »8624500~ CALL 272-2100 309 Lafayette Avenue - Kenilworth' < January 28, 1988 [§# JEWELRY DESIGNERS Section Two ol the Union Loader, Spnngficjd Lu.idcr.^ounl.nnsidc Echo, Linden Leader. The Spectator, kenilworth Leader Over 70,000 Readers

How do you rate againsUhe winter? ANbMANUFACTURERS Winter protecti on OUTSTANDING DIAMOND & COLORED STOftE RINGS ,By LORAINE MVNEWMAN Tals as the central heating'sys- Tennis Bracclets-Madc-to-Order This is tlidk^imeajf year when tcms'of our.hoincs." we loathe thotttoghtofgetting ' '"The. purpose of heat is to in yourfield 50%OFFRETAIL . ensure- that the core ..is kept 467-9832 put of bed and^stepping out of by becoming a .our toasty warm houses into the' .warm.- In the body, as*>in the 268 MORRIS AVE •SPRINGFIELD ' frigid winter, air. JusUhinking of home,. th»,--vital--areas—will- ^Jjl^jfXhid require constaht heat'. If the vital part of This of the car simply makes us, hit•organs _arcjacking in warmth, the "snooze button" one more the flow of blqod to tlic cxtrcmi- ~ Page, "time;"'":. •':" —'^nr1 '.. ~r- ^tics'-willrbc-constricted-'to-pro-- Fine Art* custom Framing ••"As the day bcgins.with decid- vidc" for Hie core," stales We Frame Everything From ing What to' wear, ^*c, sometimes Hackctt.- •".;'.-•. "•• the Usual to the Unusual! -•overi40.frames;.iodaytanip!etl!3ti~-—-— forget, that winteit'tricks us with ForJi6sc_wlio._cnjoy_jwjntcr •100»4 conservation framing . •• •sneclallzlnp In needlework ' • her bcautifoi sunshine. Though spo'rts, he advises that when out -•laraeselection of orlolnalart -•; itlriay"look" like"'tfic^rriiadlclbr riri~lovF^rcnTpcratui"cs~for^an~ ••restoration and ropair work" •we accept commercial accounts- , • April, the plungingJhermomctcr extended period of time, "hypo- •framlno sugoestlons: coins, quilts, : ruos, wedding Invitations, tllos. etc. . . .• : knows t% truth,- ',. . thermia must be avoided." . With fashibri and style on our Hypothermia, says Hackctt, 4 New provldonco Road 23'3-3350 "Mountainside -open 7 days" * formerly The Book Barn .results 'Irom me cow ovcrpow- sensible decisions and practical- ccing tlib'body's ability to heat "Where Future Musicians RESIDENTIAL & COMMERICAI. ity. Some .of"us.'find warm, .itself, cither- by. extreme cold, AMERICAN andfamjly Heirlooms REAL ESTATE '• INSURANCE waterproof boots "ugly" and not wet '.'clothes, exhaustion, or a JtJClC Gel Their Start" —iUZe-CanMandle-AULYour "stylish." For most people, hats combination of.all three." Htacm i5~bcanliing ot Utc^pasiT" by covering your Head witn a Q)HOPPE Real Estate and Irisurance.'Seeds With no hat and only dress hat or a hood, you help keep 'ttQtcritarmviedge- a n d-Expit veine e~== —shoes to insulate their feet on a .your-bedy insulated. This "win FREE LESSONS with Work For. You. AW Care;*- ' sub-frcc7.ing.day, it's'no wonder •prevent 75 to 85 percent of the KEYBOARDS BIERTUEMPFEL/OSTERTAG So many people hate the wintcr-""body's heat loss," Hackctt,says. •-'monthsr—'—••:••-"••. . "Wear ahatj even if you. think Union Market Place AGENCY, INC. Dr. Carl Desiderio of the you look awiul, at lepst bring 2445 Springfield Ave^Union S'.Tvinu Union County for Over nO Yean* Union . HospitaT Emergency . one. A lot.of heat is lost through Frithru Sun 11 to 9 • WEEKDAYS 349-5029 SWArf EXECUTIVE VILLAGE on Route 1-9 in Linden. I MHO Morris Avi\, Unimi • "Room stresses tlic irriportanccof^ an uncovcfeinje'ad." RHAl. liSTATK. 686-065(1 iNSUKANCIi- 6H6-O651 rHIBftSKE'TWIZARI^ g? aTTd "The principle ol trapping Xlr-ed-of-sendlng-flower-s-thatonlv g f-the^iead dead-air space-is essential—This last a couple of days? htinds in cold weatlibj. -is best accomplished on the ; human body by- a layering^ of Well we're your answer-.- Swan Motel all in the family . He says that w& triced a pro- . THE WIZARD WILL DELIVER:. F—MUSICFOR-^ tective air layer between the clothes,' Layering of clothes also" -ilXhe_moEe-things change!, the more they remain "Wo.pretty much know the guests and they know skin and the.outside environ- allows for a constant adjustment ^EWICnUraNYTHINCiN the same." •of the insulating .properties -BASKET TOPERSONAUZE us," said Nathanson, "Much of our business is WEDDINGS ment." Desiderio. adds that wct- -Tha't-often-usedquotation mav-bfldCflnsideredLa epeabbusinessr". " • _ ' ; ' ————^- —ESriCIAUYlYOUKfX- fect .transfer, heat put of the according to the activity and the, EVERYTHING IS RE-USEABLE- cliche by many people, butrto Stanley Nathanson, it DESEHUES THE BESTF body. • . .:,. "~" body^rcaction to the activity","" -^INdLUDING A BASKET! -^describes perfectly the business he andtawrence ^PYerJhe^years, Nathanson andKlne,have_con- ENGAGEMENTS 201-486-6565 tlnually modernizedlhelr facilities to keep"up with" 1 _ The doctor also, advises pcoj^ he advises. . '. . •'..'-.-••_!_ Fine have been running on Route 1-9 in Linden the "UNHiVi "BIZNESSpr Personalized service from -changing; needs.-"Everything-is pretty much up to:— [ pie to avoid alcohol use in'cold •_ Hackctt explains tlie best way -a-full-costumed-Wlzaed! "—- —pastSlyearsrFineand Nathnnsonare theowriers 50'SDANCES 201-382-0695 '241-3371 ~ of the Swan and Benedict motels and the Swan date,!LtcmaH(_ed_Nathat(son. "We have a broad "0B m OTHER OCCASION" , temperatures;' "Alcohol dilates Jo layer clothing.-in his article. Executive Village.-where personal service is still range of facilities to fit all needs." - — HOME (Eves) ,'the'blood vessels.to.the skin," "The first layer should be long the name of the game. . '. At the Swan Executive Village/which has he explains. • . ,. Johns;' polypropylene fabric is units, the accommodations are more elaborate. At a time when tho major motel and hotel chains The Union .Board of Health the best. It wicks moisture away ••- seem to get bigger and more impersonalby.the "Of course, the .Executive Village is_an all suite • from the skin's surface and'still ToReaeh property. It's a more permanent type residence," tells the,public to "drink warm day, customers at any of the three abodes, are Shades '// Zhings liquids like soup, tea and cof- retains its insulating properties treated with the utmost in consideration. Nathanson said. "For all intents and purposes, it's a three-room apartment, There, we get from" . fee" because, it reports, "alcohol even if \vct.Wool is the only "With all the changes in the business, you still other fabric with the ability to Over 70,000 Readers "see the same faces herejhcLvbu-still-Bot-the same -middle management to top level executives^ dilates.your blood vessels and dp this, but nas me qisauyaniagc -servicBr^-said-Nathanson, in his office at the • To all customers, Nathanson and Fine offer a •your body releases heat." •: . Benedict Motel last week. "Even though we have——-wide-range—of—amenit!esr~includlng—the~mostr Otf-you-should-get-frostbitc;,' Of—sometimes-being'-scratchyr gotten bigger, the service hasn't changed." technologically^ advanced security measures and BIG •advises Desiderio, "Wrap tlic Avoid cotton long Johns, which •'. "You're still going to be treated warmly," said courtesy car service to the local airports and local part initially; use gentle warm- can become stiff and cold when Nathanson, "because most of our staff has* been . industry. wet. Gall 686-7700 DISCOUNTS iddhgp d wuh us a long time and most of the~seryices:that- ^Those-bringing-along-their—families-are-also- —The-seeond-1 ay^shoulcFtjc-a s-Jow-1-y—aivd—se*k-^nvedienl- are availableat the big chains are available herS" offored the use of a car for their spouses. VERTICAL BLINDS licht-to-mcdhim-wcifiiu - polyf- /Bitying built the business as a family-oriented _attention." FUELOIL Nathanson and Fine have-been-partners_sincj)_ LGVOLOR BLINDS : 1057 when they took over the Swan Motel, which affalPrNuUiahson andTine are Keeping il in the He says tho emergency tjqom lccce or wool fabric for panla _had_ppetiedJoiir-ycarsj3arlier,.fromiEinols_father,_ family, grooming their sons Jefrey Fine and David SHADES commonly sees many who arc and shirt. TurtlcneckSrWliich do' • , " •'. 1924-19B7 ~ " Joseph. J •••.•.. ~Nathanson tBtakcTovof the"businpssi"asthelr own" MOCKER FURNITURE addicted to drugs and alcohol not allow the body to vent its- 3 Generations of. retirements approach. ; • Friendly Service The two motels and the Executive Village offer a SILK FLOWERS suffering from exposure. ; .. : moisture, arc fine for all but the . (pur 63rd ^nnivorsary) wide range of accommodations for both the short - According to Nathanson, it's all in the name of UNIQUE GIFTS Joe Hackctt, author of an arti- most physically active. -term and longer term customer. At the Benedict off erlng the most personalized service possible, DOLLS cle titled "Respecting the Dan- "Generally' the second, third 'Jaeiter-Geimaine Oil Co.. ol Union is now" and the Swan - are moderately priced "clean, "In today's day and ago, you've got big combines ger of Adirondack Winter Wan- and fourth layers should be modern" rooms for the short term customer, many [ who never see the inside of their properties," said dcrlngs," says,. "Our bodies lightweight wool oivpoiy shirt, of whom are involved in commercial or con- 686-9661 WOOLLEY FUEL CO. Nathanson,' referring to larger hotel and motel function on-thc same fundamen- ' (Continued from Pago 2) HEATING OIL-DIESEL FUEL-KEROSENE struction endeavors and have stayed at the two' chainsi "But we're still "here'-plodding-along-as 2064 Morris Ave., Union , OIL BURNER SALES-SERVICE facilities repeatedly. we've been for the last 31 yearsi" . '.-..' Ellie Ross consultant 1 12 Burnett Ave. at Springfield Ave. Maplewood • 762-7400 - 1 FIN N FEATHER PET SHOP ANNOUNCING^/ Quality for Your Life —239Morrls Ave., Springfield •37G-5G41— ,-' specializing in Tropical Fish WINTER HOURS Beauty for Your Horrte : ! . ;ft. and Large Bfrdi '• '4& "i& 0PEN7OAYS •Custom b«sigri km Rup • OrianUI Rugs • Full llhoof Broatlloonis From AmetlcsTFIn«t Mills • ••W .PARROTS 8AM-6PM (weather permitting) •Vinyl Floor Coverings* LARGEST SELECTION W^i Interest Free, No Money Down for 12 "Months The Best Young Birds-Hand Tamet Car wash in Union County WE CARRY IAMS EUKANUBA^t is... Vac^tlojiing? Leave vour birds with us. ^ Ofootivnuj CommofK • I9ft5 Rout* it Ukst i Scotch Plolns, N«ui J»rs«v 07076 • (Ml) 388-1919 VINYL ^EaiyWay i SINfflU Ellzabtth , To Get an Exciting New • Machine Parts ft E PLACEMENT I Sewing Machine Outlet Store •Trade-ins .Landscaped Look! 7 • Machines SPEEDY CAR WASH I Singer Machines for LOBS i IncreisM property values too. Bought&, Sold Personalized Hand Detailing 4O%66%OW ••Home Services ^nyf.Si •*• Vacuums On Every Car washed I AllBrmuls „•• Lnyawnys . Storm Windows :&3TQNE PRODUCTS •'""•".."of-"'"""" '• Financing 100%BRUSHLESS ~Machlne»- IMURSERY^STOCK ISoltClotliSystPiill ;• 10V. Sr. Clt. Repnlred Discount on . Gentle Tourh, No Srrntrlips or SwirK, Muclilnes Cu.irnnteed deeming wintew.iiis fell«BbcthSewrng"Machlne Outlet'•s 60Yearslot ,„ .'„„•" 2Qe4 Morris Ave:, Union •lt64E.jer.cvSt. Same Location Members of Better BUS. Bureau nafileroBs 51 R I Phifih flwo llninn sprfnOfleld Wrnter protection reads like movre script (Continued from Page 1) hands wanner than gloves/Two .By BEA ITH . and sister, to life witti a'pair of1 sister. She credits the Rosses with learned much from the veteran £ vest and sweater. The outer iay- pairs of socks, preferably a wool including the Frank Sinatras, . "Call Me A; !" Patty Duke's weird managers, John and Ethel •^redesigning Patty, getting her actress, bu^hc admits that aftcfa Senior' and Junior. Duke talks "l.'cr should be a windproof, and pair over a cotton pair, will keep autobiography, lich she wrotc~ Ross, who changed her name radio, film, and television .work; long run, tlie two began to get on 3 possibly waterproof shell,- with a about how-her many roles your feet warmer." , in collaboration Ui author and from Anna Marie to Patty, and but in exchange, encasing- her each other's nerves. Duping their affected her, and how she could b zipper to allow for proper It also emphasizes that "your film critic Kcnni Turan, reads* herexistcncc-to-a-living-prisonrlt- -soul-wilhin-thcir-pcculiar-livcs bllhlpp7yi d not identify wiuThcr ever-popular I venting'.. . body warms up the ajr between more like a movi script_than Ilic alsO runs from Patty's becoming and turning the youngster pretty too hard or slapped too-hard... television scries, "The"' Patty 5 "Depending on the air. temp- the layers, which acts as an life story of an itrcss. Hie youngest person in Holly- much into a "puppet with Still, they, were happy to get Duke Show," in which she play- | craturc and, the activity to be excellent insulation." A moVie bi)f£_M)uld' not be wood to win the Academy Award strings." Life with the Rosses together again to do the movie cd a dual role of identical cou- H> undertaken, the outer layer may surprised to^haar that any day bceaiVie a'living nightmare, she=-yer8ionr:which won Duke an Carl Munzel of. Eastern 1 for her performance" as Helen sins. She "discusses licr peers, her s consist of .anything from-a-light now, a produccikwill be discuss - Keller in "The Miracle Worker," says. No family visits, no friends, Oscar_ , r Many- , ,man ,,--...y years later_ . "out-of-control" temper tantrums, _ Mountain Sports shop, Union, ing its tclcvision^br^rnovie rights 3 windbrcakcr for the very active,- no play time! There only wastime Duke was to play he -Annie Sul- hcr alcoholic fits.JicP illnesses. 3 _Ms advice from their publica- wimDukcT^ran^jiaWilliBfuv for auditions, rehearsals and pcr- hvan role to Melissa Gilbert s " • 1 • 2 •> to a heavy parka for the non- tion onjyintcr clothing. He says s active," Hackclt says. tam Books Inc.', whicji published fdrmifhecs. According to Duke, Helen on - television, and she-:—She rjisnuons-hcr rehabilitation 3 "there arc diffcrcnHypcFrjfoutcr— the book lasfAugusL found herself remembering all -which led to her maturity, her 1 |. The Union Board of Hcajth she attended school then hurried shell 'fabrics: coated nylon, There have becn'miny fascP that-shc had learned-arid actually —varied interests in political activU. .^ D has issuedJipS to residents con- Ibaclc-tblllielRbsscsl-apartmi Gorc-Tcx, which' is a lamination -nating-storics-tiutnof-HollyOTSOd' where she resided during the turning into' Anne, Bancroft- lies,,, .and her new fiTc witli her g s' coming winter protection, called onto a nylon; Ultrcx, ,a cotton/ onrhow child-stars had their^ WcckandcwrituallyTallWtimci AnnTc"Sullivan71twas-one-o'nho^~f°urth husband—and hci—now—fr n ."Keeping Warm This Winter." polyester blend similar to Gorc- 'beginnings, and the. morbid cur- • She ultimately weakened their mosUinforgcttablc experiences of grown sons. She feels now that "^ 3- 'It.states, "Hypothermia is an Tcx but without as much' iosity of the public has caused jr husbands. *wn nhilHiv.n, n her life.- ,'-."' she's "beaten the systcrri" and—™ iciii!> on-lici «ftm tliuyforced her CIU1 5 abnormally low temperature, breathability. - . these talcs to surface .above life-tTmc bout-with manic to make appearances on the ' Duke goes onto talk aboiit the' find peace within her self. —about 95 degrees Fahrenheit or troubled waters. Many, of these depression and ultimately, to Munzol adds that there arc "$64,000 Challenge," which later And perhaps•shi*. lms...hy creat- less.-The people at highest risk stories' began > with a pushing, being elected president of the was investigated by a congrcs- different types of insulation: shoving, friistr'atinply selfish Screen Actors Guild.' ing a . wclUwrittcn, always —arc:infarits-bccausc"of-.thcirlow- -sional-subcommittee Jtoy,J5csLArnaz^Jr,,_shcJcdJiJm... ninrvelousr-informative-autobio^- "Sown =^goosc—down gives • stage: mother. But Patty Duke's pcrccntagc of body fat and the Dukc_pulls noVpunchcs as she Still, it was the Rosses who got and his unabashed mother, Lucil- graphy, "Call Me Anna," which jnOKL-warmlh than oilier down story is just the- opposite. Her peels layers of armor from.her le Ball,-to belicve;tliat she was elderly because of their gencral- types; thinsulatc, a polyester;— the teen-ager .her first real start in includes some beautiful pictures. mother stayed so far in the back- feelings tp nakedly offer her real the business, and that was tlic carrying Arnaz's baby. She states ly lower metabolism. and thcrmolighl, not as bulky as Even though her.dedication at the A WINTER SCENE — A picture-postcard background depicts a serene, yet cold day, In ground throughout' the girl's self to-hcr readers and to those' stage rolcof the blind.dcaf, mute ...... emphaticall y- that, the. . bab-y ^beginning „>of ^tli c boo~k is some- """fife warning signs of hypo- thinsulatc. . career that Patty sometimes for- who care. She talks' about ."her r t b b Echo__Lake Park.-Mountainside,. : __1_J • . , • •' _Helcn_JCc!]_er,_iniJT'!ie.1_Miracle belengcd to John Astin, whom Lwhat puzzling it is an "povcrly-rldden^childhoodrabour 1 "The Complete Book of Run- — go f "she" lfad "aT pa ren'tVTTo"x~ Worker."The teen-ager, awedby" "shclatcrmarried'an"'" '"' —"' ""-d '—had' "~"another" " -humane "^, sentimental dedication. skin, swollen arid puffy face,. ning" by James F. Fixx looks at parcnts.',,or family.' a father who ran"6ff and.left the Anne Bancroft, who starred asJ -son with IiinL_SliCLeven changed ..— inabilityto-thlnk clcarly.-slowcd • the cold weather from.a runner's She rcmains-adamantly defiant family, about a mother who tried Annie Sullivan wim Duke in the her nanwrto Patty Dukc-Astin at "...to rpy husband, my mother, speech' and difficulty forming point of view. Some of its dis- as her story runs from a bug- to raise the children in a Catholic Broadway production, followed Jhetimc. ' ' - • my father, my sister, my..brother, atmosphere and. a • clean- home,, -^__words, usually no chills but a cusslons arc appropriate for any s on using snow throwers infested tenement flat -in New her aboiit, visited Bancroft in her Throughput the fascinating and my children and.theirs, -and- ' single body part may tremble, York City, where the child -lived- and abbut a brother, who-tricd-lo dressing room, anil studied her book, Duke dwells On hcr^rela-. - though it may be, John individual who has the desire lo When the weather outside is the jjpark plug wire. Next, turcr's. directions and recom- get into show business with'his. slowed breathing, tiredness; spend time in the outdoors. frightful) you can case the strain rcmovl the plugged snow from mended maintenance schedule .with her parents and her brother method of acting religiously. She tlonships with many people arid Etliel Ross." trouble getting up after-resting Fixx says, "Since your face is on mind and muscle by following the', discharge chute with some precisely. andunawarcncssofthccold." -usually-cxposcd-no-mattcr-hbw— several precautions whenopcrat- object.lNcvcrusj e your hands or The board emphasizes the cold it is, be on guard against ing your snowthrower, say the feef t Jtl dislodge snow from the importance of "immediate treat- experts at Simplicity Manufj p i chuth e or auger; And frostbite when it's windy and _ingJtac.,_a leadip(i8t ment to prevent damage occur-- 5trrestarrtlie~snowthrower and- cafeteria, 430 Westficld -Ayc.r -in-Scotch Plains-Public-Library, '-severe. Coat your-facc- with~ snowthrowcrs.. ScasOnsClub, East Hanover, "and meeting and social m Red Cross ring' to- the kidneys, liver, pan- cngage the auger two to three Followjng are the winning will meet Jan. 28 at 8 p.m. Mem- - tennis partics.at the Inman Sports. Building, 169 Chestnut St., Nut- 1927 Bartlc Ave. More informa- . Vaseline." "Every year, read your opera- creas and the brain." times to be sure, the snowthrower .New Jersey Lottery -num- Kent Place School 'Gallery, bcrs will sharp collections. Exhi- Club, Edison frpm 8 p.m. to 1 Icy. Information can be obtained tion can be obtained by calling The Union Board .of Health tor's manual before blowing is cleaned out and unplugged. bers for the weeks of Dec. According to the Board of 42 Norwood Ave., Summit, pre- bits includc-antiqucs, collectibles, a.m. Every Saturday tennis par- by calling 9914514 or 667-5580. 469-26Wbr 322-5029; says the same philosophy snow. Also, keep a copy of these Fill tlic fuel tank and check 28,'Jan/4,11 and 18. :/'••• sents an exhibit of paper cuttings handicrafts and_gencalogy^lMore .Kew—Jersey Association of ncallh~'_Thc^following steps applies when your'home docs^ snowlhrowihg safety tips close to the oil after the engine has tics at Maywood Tennis Club, • PICK—ITAND PICK4 —by-Claire Archer -now-through information can be~bbtaincd by Flanders Tennis Club arid Mata- Music .;"•-•- " Women Therapists to hold wint- should be taken if you suspect not have, any heat. They explain, where yonr sriowthrower is cooled. Never fill a hot engine. Dec. 28—118,5366 im .calling 388-8910 orSJS^^^^^n^ni,. club) 8 l0 : The Minstrel Show Coffee- er general membership meeting hypothermia: Get into, bed, to "Pack yourself away under a stored- for 'ready reference," Keep all-childrcnr-pcts^-or-- -0BOrS9—443r-1-968—- UnitKriiih GalleryrUnitanan . ' - -9-6btaincd-by_calling- "HarifiwrPlaza, Sccaucus, at. 8 will have three support groups for World of Mini Mania will Start^ar'sn antry falls. steps should' provide for easy Jan. 21^-201,0253 can be obtained by calling 232-1776. p.m. For information about the women experiencing thecrisis of hold a Polpolirrfin Miniature and ' Always : engage the auger criginc'start and an instant attack Winter's wind and snffvv.. arc peas,, beans, and fruits; cans of '..". Jan. 22—996,1330 757-7171. • club, call Laura' Hagari at a recent separation or divorce; a Doll Show and Sale Jan;-31 at before engaging the traqtion on the next blizzard. here and it's time-to organize , a soup, vcgctables~~and- frails • and Jan. 23—539,4595 Swain Galleries, 703 Watch- 298-0964. -••'....• growth and support-, group? and Newark Airport-Marriott Hotel, winter pantry to prepare for bad fruit juices; canned fish;, lunc- drive. In heavy snow, also, select Every fall, before snow falls, PICK6 ung Ave., Plainfield, is exhibiting.. -George. Street-Playhouse,-J) a slowcr-than-riormal ground -Parents -Without-JPar.tncrs^-.-onc-for-women-going- from full-- -Grand-BallrbDm,-TcrminaLB._10- weather days when you arc unab- heon meat; pork and beans'; and make sure all controls arc in Dec. 28—5,7,12,17,18, antique engravings:by Sir Edwin Livingston' Ave, New Bruns- Wiitclumg-IIill Chapter 418, timc career to full-time mother- a.m. 19 4:30 p.m. More informa- • speed when starting out and take proper-working order. Oil or le to travel to the local grocer, corned beef hash and slew. 25; bonus — 89299. Landsecr now through Feb. 6.' wick, presents "Lear" through dance/social every. second-Mori^ hood. "For information,, call lion can be obtained by calling according to Dairy Council Inc. _on each pass. grease all lubrication points: Pru- Dec. 31— 1;_26, 29, 31^, More information can _bc Jan. 31. "The Meeting," a play by ——A-lwo-vor-thrcc-day supply- of- day.-oL-tlie-month.-.oricntation, 273.7253, ' _382,213Siwcnings._ Iicmsfor—a-^paniry slfcirTliaT -Keep ppy r32r42rbQ'nus-^-1 Q5\Qr fresh milk, cottage • cheese and —obTaincd-by-caliing-756'l-707-; 45i8^0 f.i—Protech-n-support- need- neither refrigerating nor scconds after the forward motion machine ..should include touching Jan. 4—9,13,19,24,38, James Howe Gallery, .yogurt, plus a few cans of tuna. beginning through Feb. 21r For73,*Affnir,JBo!!j.e. 22 groupjbr battered women, meets national, Union County Chnp- freezing might include packages has stopped tq~clcar tlio snow out up any new rust spots, securing 40; bonus — 77455. Vaughn-Eamcs Hall, Kcan Col- salmon or chicken is hclpful-to— f-thc auger. Also keep the dis- tickets and times, call 246r7717. taihside, 527-0479 or 469-7795. Tuesdays from 7:30 to 9:30 p.rii. tcr, to meet Feb. 3 at Wcstwood of non-fat dry milk and enriched O any loose fasteners or parts and Jan. 7—9, 23, 29, 34,38, lege of New Jersey, Union.Twill -Amcrican-Stagc-eon-Bccton Single Faces, dances, Satur- For information, caH355-HELP. ' Restaurant, North Averiiie, Gar- or •whtole_grain_ccrcals;_cvapor=_ have on hanhandd . With thesthosee , items chargh e chuth e as open or as vertii- chc _ __ r and some eggs in the refrigerator,. iikijiJBl -4-1-^bonus-—-08942. _have_Lwo_"dozcn_picccs_by_-lO JElieatcr,_iFalrlcigli-- Dickinson . days, 8:30 p.m.; Sundays, 8 p.m.," Railway Hospital has forme'd wood, at 6 p.m. Rcscrvationscpan ated milk; peanut-butter; dried cal as possible to prevent plug- ing a worn parp t is much casicr'ln . 'Jan. 11—7, 21, 31, 33, artists including furniture,-musi- University, Tcancck, will stage 238-0972 or 679-4311. a bereavement group for. be made by -calling Maureen you can get through scv,cral"mcaF~ ging. AnoTalways try to blow tlic less days without shortchanging warm weather than irnhe middle 37,40; bonus —19929. cal instruments, containers and '"Fast'Girls"-through' Feb. 7. Union County COPO dance/ widowed people which' meets on Broadbcnt at 765-4790. ___ snow downwind. - --- . of a snow storm. Test all traction Jan. 14—15, 18, 21, 25, mirrors exhibited in "Wood Var- -Additional information can be socials for widows and widow- Thursdays from 1:30 to 3, p.m. New' Jersey Chapter of yourself in protein. , If your snowtlirower does get — . 1 . .' and auger drive controls for prop- 26,31-;'bonus — 78586. iations now tlirougrFFcb. 12. obtained by calling 692-7744. _ rs hold dances, on the third For Information and to enroll, National AssociationH"or Pro- Bea Smith — pluggcijVfoIlow several specific C '. If you have a freezer, keep a er movement. J.an. 18—12, 19, 20, 23,. Admission is frco of charge. Wednesday at the Wcstwood in_ fessional Saleswomen, NAPS, prccaiulons JEirst, be sure to shut "Remember to keep copies of 25,32; bonus — 22923^ -••• More ihTdrmation can be - Garwood. For information, call" Mothers' Center.of Central will meet Jan. 28 at Wcstwood one- or two-week supply of meat, 1 Focus Editor off your engine and wait for all the.operator's manual available, Jan. 21—3, 7, 16, 20,31, obtained by calling 527-2371. - Net""Sct~sponsors singles ten- -New-Jcmy-wlll-hold-workshop, Rcsfaurantrr;Qarwoodr- Rcserya— bread and frozen packaged veget- parts tti stop moving. Second, ables and' fruit: checking it frequently throughout 42; bonus —01785. ' Clark Historical Society, nis, racquotball and wallyball Gregory Club of New Jersey, film, discussion on "Traveling tions can be made by calling remove the-key and disconnect Ihe^cason. Follow the manufac- Clark Municipal Building partics-tsvery.FridaFd y at-thtth c FouF r catholihli c SingleSil s GroupG , holdhlds With Children" Feb. 2 at 8 p.m. Mary Ortolano at 308-3515. Bmwn-Funk-£>etmthal- Mr., and Mrs. Joseph M.~ Beauty School, is employed news Brown of Livingston have as beautician by ShcaTDcs- J announced the engagement' liny in Parsippany. -O Onnnnr- - *Cohen~Sande£s of their1 daughter, Kathleen Her fiance, who. was gra- "Afrin, to Ronald~Stc1JnrFan] iualed—from—Uflien-7-High- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald, Cohen of Union hav'o- —DaHes&rp •••••• son of Mr. and Mrs, Ewald School, is a carpenter Fteinhardt announccd the •engagement of their daughter; •A. Funk of Union; ~ 7~ "employed—by~CirrpiShlcfsr Jayno Lori, to Kenneth' Jay Silndcrs, son of Mr. ' Kathleen M. O'Connor, Tlic bridc-clecti who was.- Union Local 620 in Madison. Linda Welter, daughter of Mr."' ' .and Mrs. Joel Sanders of Berkeley Heights. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. Alvin'Weltcr of Hawth-. ., graduated from Livingston An April 1989 wedding is M. O'Connor of Union, was mar- _ome Avenue, Union, was married.— The bride-elect, who attends Rider College in High School and' Orange planned. • •' > ' ricd recently ft> Thomas G. Dal-' recently to Michael Rcinhardt, JLaw.mnccvJlle^-wilLbe_gradnated in June with a liLMdJll |—son-of—Mr^and-Mrs^TIiomas— > bachelor of .science, degree,.in personnel and mas G. Dallcssio of SomerviUc. RcinhardtvOf Marco Island, Fla_ ~~ r Tadovano's The Rev, John P. X. the Rev. Henry E. Dicrk offi- Hcr-fiancc,' who also attended Rider College,. O'Connor, uncle' of the bride, ciated at the ceremony with the where he received a bachelor of science degree in officiated at the ceremony in the -assistance of tlic Rev. Curtis C. • marketing and a master of business administration 'Bfae Shutter Inn < Chapel of the Immaculate Con- Klirigcr in Redeemer Lutheran degree, is employed, by Bamcs and Noble Book- ception, Scton Ji-iaii University," Tglon. A reception ^7~ .storcs, Inc., Newr¥ork.Cily, as a statistical analyst Caterers^ South Orange, ^i reception, fol- completely renovated,..for that, memorable event- ^ followed at tlic Sulphur Springs, ~"~' in the Direct Marketing department. " . Professional Caterers for over • 40YearsBanrlueln , , lowed at'the Old Mansion "in Gilcttc. 'Social Affair* •Elizabeth. _ A spring-1989 wedding is planned. ^Specializing in , • Partioi ' Tlic bride was escorted by her The bride was escorted by her Choice of_3 BcaulifuUy-appolnled [DISTINCTIVE WEDDING Reception Room* =falher^Matrons=of=honor=were RECEPTIONS Nancy Lcpellclior of Wharlon Served ^s maid of honor Brides- KENNETH JAY SANDERS 8*-Spri* maids Were Marycllenjyjcndi of—j . and Lois Holota of Union, both 688-6150" Ampl e Parhinjt New Brunswick, Susan Sher- sisters of the bride. Bridesmaids wood of JPort Richcy, Fla., were Donna Alex of Bantam! Present this ad and receive $100 Discount on Andrca-Pastuck-of-Long-Valley Xonn.;rKarcn JB izzaro:oLEdison,-, \ a 1988 Wedding of 100 people or more. and Kelly Dallaessio of Some- Gail Cronin of Union and Gail" Meetings ~. ~~coupon~oxplron~'l/l S/flB • "T'~—G1J1— rvillc, sister-in-law of the groom. Orlowski of Roscllc Park. Maryn tenuk, Ruth Meislcr. and •• Slira Avenue, Hillside,- .y aat 8 1 Tho-Sunnyflcld Social Club of. Frank, Dallcssio of'SomerviUc "Norton of Shrewsbury served as Linden will mccCal'the Wilson Windman. ." p.m. ' . served as best man for • his flower girl along with Michcle Park Recreation Center Feb. 4 at •',,.. . . .—Shi'rlcy'Bclkbff, program viccr brother. Ushers were Paul Holota of- Union and Allison 12:15 p.m. on Summit Terrace, Use Frank, fund-wising, vice-, president, wiUlcad a group of O'Connor of Manville, brother of Lcpcllcticr of Wharton, both Linden. , -president^ has announced that members in 3" rapsession on tno bride; JQseph ballcssio of nieces of the bride. • . "Entprtainmcnt 88 Books e will Judaism be in the Games will be featured. stilh available. She also has Somccvillc, brother of the groom; Gregory Greenwood of War- year 2000?" . . •• — JDayJdXucas-ofJCini.on-Ealls,-cou-_ —!!Members_ate_rcqucsted^-to- jnnoiincgfl Hint, n •flono6=dinnoL Oli -—"ino education study group will- - sin of the groom, jahd Josh Zuck- pr ~donnnrpiiporproducis as prizes, ..... in June. Morc.infor- meet at the homo of Hannah • „ Ushers_wero_ Thomas. RcinhardL .•: - it was: nnnounccd.lLWomcn jyho nialion, can be obtained by calling ei^pP-Trenton: : ~ Monheit Feb. 23 at 8;.p.m. Rose Mrs. Dallcssio, who was gra- of Ncedham, Mass., brother of plan to join the group arc invited 688-2131. Stein, a member ofVhe group, CARNEVALE f duated from Union High School • the groom; Robert Kennedy of to~attcnd the meeting and to parti.- -will speak on "Jews inuic Arls." A Convent Sla[ion,JyIark>Igrtonof Evelyn'Gingcll, chapler-presi-- and cum laude from Scton Hall —cipateJrutlicprogramof the day. dent, will welcome members, Refreshments will be served by ITALIAN MARDIGRftS Shrewsbury, David-Meyers—of— Tuesday - Feb. 16,1988 - 7:00 p^m. Uxmidnlght .University, where she received a T|ie_club is sponsored by the friends, and their fahulics to the Pearl—Sachato-v-,—liospiLallly__ bachelor of arts degree, is an -Millburn-flnd Donald Slaght of chairman. _GHctlc. David Lepcllcticr of Linden Recreation Department; . meeting and celebration. • $45700 per person complete assistant editor for CORE Medi- • Complete Farnjjy Style blnner^T" "1 cal Journals ofLawrcnccville. Wharlon, nephew of Hie bride, served as ring bearer, - • -OpenBar - ^^ ..'•_. ,' Her husband who was gra- To Make Boom for Continuous Entertalnrftonert t and Dancing : duated from- -Rutgers College, Mrs. Rcinhardt, who.was gra- Clubs in the news Our New Line... •'• received a master of arts degree duated from Union High. School • Comedian , from the Eaglclon institute csf^ and Katharine Gibbs Business, • Nolsemakers .. .. ,. .. . --Politics and-a master--of-eity. -and —] !—School—is-cmploycd-by-A'mT • T-HE-UNION-GHA-PT-ER-of —A-GOMBINED-BOARD-ancL 50%0JFt Crowning of The Kingfi Queen of "Carnevale" A -. 1WR. AND MRS. THOMAS G. DAIXESSIO regional planning degree from- MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL REINHARDT Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill. Hadassah will celebrate the Jcw- general "meeting of Hillside ish holiday of Tu B'Shovat at its Rufgcrs University, New Bruns- Chapter of Hadassah will be held For Reservations and Information wick. He isa legislativc.liaison Her Jhusband.who was., gra-1 next—meeting—Monday-^l—7^45 Clearance duatcd from Ohio: University and . p.m. in Bardy Hall in Congrega- in Temple Shomrei Torah, Salem Call Arlene 276-7775 ifor the New Jersey Office of Baruch College, is "employed by Sale! State Planning, Trenton. tion Beth Shalorrl, Union. A • 572 Boulevard • Kehilworth Nabisco Brands Inc., Parsippany. planting br sowing festival; Tu The ncwlywcds, who took a i honeymoon trip to San Francisco Tho-ncwlywcds, who took a B shcvat or the New Ycar-for_: and Tahiti/and a cruise of French hondymooh^trlpnqrilie "British Trees', "occui's on the 15th day of Virgin Islands, reside in the Jewish month of Shevat Justmovea • Bridals • Polynesia on 111" SRil' ship. Wind : Song, reside in Trenton. branchburg. ~ ~ v?l5CreTin"Israclrt!iirfirst-tilmpnd— • Mothers , blossoms are beginning to appear 11(1* VAIVVVVVVVl/VVWVWVVVVtf\M on the trees." Present-day holiday • Bridesmaids ColneTiy Us...You'll Liketis Stork club- observances includo eating new fmits~and planting ireosin Israel • Proms Daily Dinner Specials An 8-pound, 5'A -ounce Kimbcrly, 2. ^ son of. Mrs. Charlotte. Gold of Parlin. The baby's grcat- V . . • : by proxy,-"buying a tree or. trees. son, Douglas Arthur Mrs. Loesscl, the former Cherry Hill, formerly of Union. . grandparents are Mr. John Kiss to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rusznak -.from the Jewish National Fund." you out. Suitable for GREAT HOME STYLE MEALS -MefyQwnn.; wns bom Dec- Karen Rusak,is the daughter" ^The. maternal great-. of Union and tho late Mrs.: Eli- ,of RQselle_Park,_ ...*...;., ' Sydcllc Spialtcr, p'rogfa.m vice- 10 in.' Hackcttstown' Com- - Mrs. Rusznak, the former Patty Don't warty Hid wondtr ibout luinini your AllSeasons of Mrs. Mae Rusak of Union. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. zabeth Kiss. . i president, lias announced that wiy iround town. Or whil to tM ind do. Or. AT REASONABLE PRICES munity Hospital to Mr. and Her husband is the son of' David Schnciderman of Bayqnno Kelly, is the daughter of Mr. and" special refreshments wjH" be Mrs. James Kelly of Cranford. who to ilk. $ 00 -Mrs... Robert McQowan ,bf Mr._Bcrnhard.. Loessel of and.Mrs. Anne Bccketof Spring-. ddJi IU your WELCOME WUCON HMIMJ, I on Specials under 7 __ ..•—A 14rpQund,.._10-ounco son,- -Her-husbflhxl"i~llrjjrbf"Mr yQ Marshall's Creek, Pa. He Unionand Mrs. Marie Locs- field/The paternal groat- jimplily lh« bulinBi ol illllri uttlid. Hilp Includes: Soup, Salad, Vogetablo, Rnymond Anthony Wcgrzyn'ck, and Mrs. Alexander Rusznak 6f mond, Anita Erman," Evelyn joins a sister, Patricia, 4. sol of • Hillside. Great- grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. was bom Dec. 23 iff Beth Israel, Gingell, Dina Jacoud, Mary Kol- (Mi begin lo'«nl»i( your n«w lo*n,,,iood Potato, Dossort. & Bovorago • - Union. • ----.. l MMGl =grandparcnts— arc—Mr; -and1—4Icrman=Zuckermnn—of—Miami- -Medical-ecnlerrNcwarkrlcpMrr » •Unction*, eummunily oo-' —^BreakfastamJluncheoirSpecials •mcr"Doroihy~bomorackiris ""Mrs":—AdaTn~Rus-ak—of—"BpachiFlar— '• —- -and Mrs.-Edmund"Wcgrzynck"6f" p An 8rpound 14'/i-ounce son; Sunday: Fruit Bar with Breakfast the daughter of Mrs. Mary —Hillside. •'•••- -•- ---••• - ' • •• • •'•••, -LlndcTt; He joins a brother, Vin- Photo charge And my bnk«l li lull ol uutul gilts to Dbmorackf of Linden^ Her, Dominick Christopher Montc- plituyNirlimlly. . ...•.•; An 8-pound,. 2-ounco son, cent; 4. •.'".;. •• : nicre is a $10 charge for wed- And More! -husband is the son of Mr. and 11 _!cone,jyas_bonijjlov, 2-in-Rah-- Tike i br«i> Irow unpieMni ind nil m«. :wA—son'.-^Matthew—Spencer- -Sliniin-Re»iorwas-bom-Janr3-in- —^Mrs^Wcgrzynek,—thc-former ding and engagement pictures. Mr—Eobert-=»McSowan—of— way Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. -•-Fresh-Seafood "Steaks" oldrwas-born-Decr-27Hn-Coop^—OvcrlDok-Hospital, Summit,-to Yolanda Madorma, is the daught-' Glossy photos suggested. Black -Rosclle; ^—'——^~ _Dominick-Bruce^MontclconcvOf- • Chops • Chicken -er-HospitaliUniycrsity^Mcdical Mr. and~MrsT~Mafc~Remo of "er of XanTcTMacIurma and MyrTlc^ aria white preferred—Story -and— Union. He joins a-sister, Marina, ~* Italian Specials • Salad Ccntcri Cnmden.'to Mr, and Mrs. Woodbridgc;- ;••'•' Madorma. Her husband is Die son pjioto must be submitted witliin Houra J A 7-pound, 1-ouncc son, Jeffrey Gold of Cherry Hill. He Bar •Children's Menu Mrs. Remo, tho former Laura of. Mr. and Mrs. "Edmund A. eight weeks of the wedding date. ' Raldenbol Union tSprlnifltld only Mon-.'Wad., Frl., Sat: 10-5. Timothy William Locssclr joins a brother, Dale, 3, Mrs. Monlelcone, the former 1 Kplcdils or Union, is the daught- Wegrzynek; j . ••-.•••. Photos cannot be returned by- •'till:' •. Tuos..&.Thurs,:1-8. . was born Dec. 10 in Over- Mrs. Gold, the former Abbe er" of Mr. Joseph Kolcdils of Par- Norcen Jargicllo, is the, daughter Rt. 22 • Springfield " of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jargicl- mail and must bo picked up at . ? 1300 Sprlngfiold Avonuo. look Hospital, Summit, to .Becker, is the daughter of Mr. lin and the late Mrs. Ilona Kole- A.-7-pound, 2'A -ounce son, Union Leader offlcc, 1291,, Sltiy- UNION. 9643891 DINER Mr. and Mrs. Barry Loesscl lo of Union. Her husband is the V Now Providonco, NJ 07974 376-1259 and Mrs. Leonard Becker of dits. Her husband, is .the son of Kichnrd James Uusznnk, was v'esantAve., within three months SPRINGFIELD 4670132 § (201)665-0445 of Union. He joins a sister, Springfield. Her husbandJs .the •Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rcmo-of- son'of Mr. and Mrs. Dominick A. Cnl1 VWUWUll OPEN 24 HOURS -boiVi-Jan7-6-in-Rahway Hospital, Monlolconc; also of Union. ~ . "oFTfublicaUon. • 686-7700 ' before picTdng up phefto. • op •DAILY CROSSWORD vmliiYounq journalists fa T :<.£§• Jaigobs-Rpsenof % ^Edited by Trade Michel Jaffc ' . . •Aspirin..•-••.g young . writer' s and • -between'Feb - . 1, 1987- , and'Jan. printe^d" copie s of tlic article ifius. t -j „•-. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Jacobs of Nortli Miami Beach; Fla., , ACROSi 5 Latin boat 40 Writer O'Casoy :52 elector have announced tfiMngagementof-their-daughler, Rhonda Lynn 1 Banter • 6 Characteristic 43 Firmament — S5"Approhonds photographers have the opportun- —31,1988. . :be sent with.cntryrFcaturc pifdlo" ofVCoIumbus, Qhio, to David Jason Rosenof of Columbus, son 5 Before man or 7 Singer McEntlre 44* Beseech 56'Ropublic b( ity to be recognized in the Deadline for entries is Feb. 1, ' entrants must submit two original vole 8 Later, later 45 City on the - 1987-88 New . Jersey Press 1988. Envelopes must be post- black and wWlc glossy-candids, v Yemen port 'pf Mrs. Zclda Rosenof of Union and the late Mr. Abe Rosenof. 10 Kiln • ", 9.Friendly inols River 1 .57 Body ol " — Women's annual high school - marked with this date in order to, .. as jvcll-jts^tlie. published-picturc- jBgrdiweddinci ' •, Tlie brldc-elect.iwlib was-praduatcd from Florida ftucmationnl -.. -14-S!are '—-••- 10 Con; Florida crt\r—46'FSSclnated lo¥rhlhg~ ._...... i.—i:—,—>..—i -J.-.J.,^, .—. "witlnrcaptlon; '• ; University, where she received a Hajhclor of science degree, 15 Coliseum 1'1. Pewter and 48 Lighg t brown 58 Colorless received, a master's degree from Barry. University[-She is 16Hlstorian'smuse bronze . 50_Squanders away 62 Larch be offered to entrants in five Entries must be submitted with Smdcnlsjnay-submit as many employed by. CompuServe of Columbus as a technical training 17 To — (besides) 12 Reddish-brown 51~Abundant 63 Craze categories: news stories, features, a covcr,shcct stating the category, entries as they wish. __ 18.SthJgfllo " 13 Thrown . headline "or identifying caption, supervisor.. — '••..;.'' • - " •' .'" 19 Pub serujngs' 21 Aculf . editorials, sports, news and fca- I ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: '(uresi"and photographs. . name of publication and dale All entries'slioyld be sent to __^H_H6tz-of Hcadlcy Terrace, Union, was married ' Her fiance, whpwas. graduated from Union High School and 20 Breakfast treats ,,22 Adlal'— A|N|DJ Carol Oakcs, NJPW. Contest . ^m ]• .recently to Gerard Burdi, sonoFMr. and Mrs. Car- the University of Cincinnati in Ohio, where he received a bachc-v 23 fenngorous " Stevensm Rules for the contest have been published, contestant's name and _. . „_ „ _. . i\i\o M lcrson Road .^M mine Burdi of Douglas Terrace, Union. ^_ lor ofscicncc degree; is employed as a-project estimator by" reptile 23 TV extra" announced for public, private and current grade, -parents- nam^-Sa"P «»'v*?^ ' H The Rev. Robert Furhman officiated at (lie ccrc- —T-arger€onstructiori Co., Columbusr^—" , 25 Grain • • terrostrjol parochial high school students address and" phone, high school Fanwood, NJ 07023. 26 Fort —, Ini 24 Toasdalo 1 ^•_monyjn^SEjyiichacl's Roman Catholic Church, _AnJiugusLWCdding:iS-pIanned4n-Elorida. losonot ol ' Allgood from~gTaTIcTmiTcTIirouginZ~A"lI~ " name. address arid phone and fudges for the contest will be H Onion. A reception followed at tlie Town and~ the clergy 28 Lacerate entries must have been published publication adviser's name. professional journalists and jour- ^* .;Campus.:Wcst-QranKc.----'•••Tlic bride was escorted by• her father. Beverly 29 Garb lor a rani 29 Horr, in Spain in a high school newspaper In addition, two. tcarsheots~or-U-nalism-cducators. Holz served[as jjfaidL of .honor for-her sister. 32 Disheartened '30 — time (novor) Bridesmaids Were Carol Burdi and Mary Jane Unbridfed • -31-Chnck _.Hclil, both ofUnion, sisters'of the groom; Teresa 34 Feign 34 Languish Brides, 37 1942 Sabl) film_ .35 Frenzy- OurJmage o1 Voiir Future RussonlcKo. of Edison, ^cousin,, of the groom, 41 Southoast. 36 Rod Sea vessol Michcle Casserly of Union_and^Cathy Caron of Bridesmaids • * " Mothers of the Bride & Groottf . Asian capilql 38 Light wood Scotch Plains. -•' ' • .42 Lead nnd tin . 39 Cb'ffors • - ... IL Custom Designs': 44 Siamang ELIZABETH GENERAL Nick Burdi olf Union served as bost man for his Cocktail Dresses :'• • 47 Smirk broUicr._ Ushers jycrc^Stcphcruihchl, of -Union, ProwGpu«s -48 Pilll—' brotti'efeMaw of the GldRill \Atieratiow>- 49 Patron saint of of EdjsonEdj , cousiin off thCLgfaom; Joe;Ewanskyof . 982 Siup'esant . France . 51 J&LU*-<=2^1Iouri:ioani. ' '•"59'Casplan Sea . Hcr'liusbarid is cmployed1by Union Paving & leoder 60Tako .. . 558-8045^ Construction Co. •' ' responsibility lor ..-.'.. The ncwlywcds, who took a honeymoon trip to 61 Stjlf collar SCHOOL OF RADIOLOGIC SCIENCES the Carribean and PucrlO'Rico.'idiUl^ _64 Mellow ' "•' ^r. Tolovlslon" ._-.-._ —Radlography-PrAgram— —^~ 66 Scottb'spoclal.ty : Attorneys At Law 67Blyg §hP 68 Curl the lip Limited Licensure Program ' 69 Antarctica All Injury and Death Claims oxpl&ror - ? M% AND MRS. GERAKD BURDI . '••-Auto and All Vehlpl0:Acclderits ' ~~'-. •Medical Malpractice^ 1 Pioco of work : 2 Analyst's . • Sochi photos , , ••••• Work RelatecPlnjur|eS —~, coricorn- NURSING AT OVERLOOK 3 Loss neat - All photos will be held for 2333 Morris Avenue Union 4 Plorro's head —thrccmonths following pubi ica- _ It's The Shiart Choice— RICCIARDI. THE DECORATOR STORE tiori. Unclaimed photos will be 68^8705; »1S87 LM Ani.lt, Times Syndicate ^destroyed. No- photos will bo * NEW RATES _rclurncd.by_mailr.—:—:—.— • pnSunMi: Sani Ch Polish artexhibit WITH INTERIOR DESIGNERS. •*.-'•.• DCWTMISSAWEEK y9$.6«SI7.34 7-.. Admlttod NV& NJ B«rs I,PN Salaryfla'nge$,9.14-$12.Sf I! En p«rl(inc« In Criminal, Dl Tlic Art Gallery of the Polish OF LOCAr, NEWS -Hlghost-ShHt-pifferentlals In Area up to $225 par hr. Cultural Foundation will feature CALL6S6-V700 Agency Competitive Premium Pay ond por Diem Rates' an exhibit of works by^Cfcilia FOH HOME DELIVERY JAEGER OVERHEAD RM Premium Pay up to $624 per wsBksnd (at $26 per hour-12 hour Cieckiewlcz of Edison and Jules shHl) . Wisnicwski ot Cliffsidc: Park. LDQQB- LPN Premium Pay up to $468 per weekend (al $19.50 per hour $ CASH : Tho opening night is Fob; 5 at paid lor women's hourshlfi) ' 7:30 at the foundationjlioadqujir- RW Per Diem Rates SIG-JMperhr. (Unit Based Subs)' nearly now clolhos tcrs, nXBroadway, Clark., . •; and'accossorjos. • LPN Per Diem Rates $12-15 per hr. (Unit Based Subs) RN Float Pool Rates $TY-$21 per hr. . « Tlic paintings will be on cxhi-' Weekend Hourly Differential •••••• READEH AD IN THIS SECTION PREPARED BY CONTRACT ADVDRT1SINO, INC. bit through Marcli-3;-Thcy canbe W. Specializing In Charge Pay $1.35 per hour . V . '. ; ALL RJOHTS RESERVED, 1987 viewed Monday -through Friday tho latest Junior fashion sizes: f84; 3', 5 and prc-twlisj' Wednesdays, which will bo noon rango fronrmlssos 4 and BETTEfrBENEFITS- Nu Dimensions ~^7^^ ~ to 8 p.m. and by appdintment. women's sizes 44.. Also maWrnlty "REPLACE YOUR OLDL fashions. . . There aro-decQrator stores galore to be sure. And certainly enoughJntenpL "iTroiSTDitisrrRalmtJir Dental Services Further inquiries may be made by ^^ifisiga6is_atQund.,ALRicciardt we've "combined trie-two to give you the — WOODEN DOOR NOW! Child Care Prdgram John Chen, DMD & Gaiy Smalt, DMD calling 382-7197. • :- very best in custom design help. We have Interior Designers on staff plus quality Nurse Refresher Course ''*•"* , RosellePark products at affordable prices. Visit one'otttor showrooms for a — $44900 Flexible Scheduling . ' Everyone srxdlwin.ditsamc.bnguagerWth^ropcjTfcnHl'circ, you can 245-8758 •Standard Width 8'or 9' Job Sharing and flexible shifts (Incl. 10 and 12 hr. shifts) feel gnat and look great Nu Dimensions Dental Services, with, two free consultation. Also available,-private home consultations.' * Standard Height V «" or r locations—at 1720 US Highway No. 22 ET*, in Union (in the Bradlccs •WALLCOVERINGS.^ CARPETING • CUSTOM VOlNDOW TREATMENTS Toys-R-TJIs Shopping Center), phone 851-96OO; or at 8/7 St Georges Let us.tell you why wionoiiR VERTICALS • UPHOLSTERY . /Venue in Woodbridgc (Caldor Shop Rite), phoric «IIIOIEU)»K. MAPLEWOOD BLOOMFIELD MORRIST.OWN 99 Beauvolr Ave. at Sylvan Rd. , __...wicncc ana aftordability. raventing dental disease, improving the 1925 Springfield-AVB. 145 South Street JAEGER LUMBER f VUIUUU^IIK>N|,N.I. 285 Bloomfield Ave. 2322 Morris Avenue Summit, Now Jersey 07901-0220 appearance of your teeth and keeping yair_smilc bright^—tlicsc are the OPEN MON. thru SAT. 762-5111 - 748-3900 538-3222 anequal opportunity employer mf/AA/HV ' pnorities of tlic caring statT of professionals at Nu DJnundons Dental BUY-WISE Union NJ. 07083 - Sttvice& New patients and emergencies arc al^vays welcome.' 16S4Stu)rvarU tur American premiere at llie-Papcr sons ago. Ho will fly in from Si#*dy w jlh 6 songs of the 1920s;"'30s and chased from the church provided by Knccse's Mill-Playhouse, Millb'um,. Feb. . England to direct' "Two Into clff Tr*nilormtr ruot. MOs, will take place Saturday office, 4 Waldron Avc. ' accompanist, pianisl^arrangcr "17. It wiJJ-dftTth*eugh March 20. •I , Wvll Orange One." • ' books, at 8 p.m. at The Unilarian R"cTrcshmcnts • at 8 p.m.- • Paul kuclcr.T " ; •_ J*"*" The cwficdic farce is by British olher ^~s>~J& • ; .—\ . . i . CLASSIFIED ADS! ut. and tore. No checkt— /JpnwS!9.s Union., Redfordfc"

7 Union Place, Summit • 277-^540 310 Mlllbum Ave., Mlllburn

—Simple naturatrromanllc WHlrtflrSflicIalllBflnobslw, wwdHsh. Picturesque, atmosphere ullKilnij radiant, toft him Spaelal- Eea'ood, luaQtia. Call for details on'our Lobster NIojit.pQlerlng lies: live troul, Norwegian wlmon, nature loin veal chops. platters nr>d 'dinners. DYOfl. Lunch served fuss. - Sat. COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS AUTO FOR AUTO'-FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE ' . Eirt«fislv*wf»r«l»ldwitn?«fsv*w»r«»dwitn?tftMtlld'W^'t** 1.:3O'2:3O._Djnnar ewved 5 • 10 pm. All majof r-^i *-»-<« TuBi.-Frl. Dinnar suved Sal. 5-10. Sunday'ls pasta extiavagawa ROOM 1974 TOYOTA-Corolla, SR5,i5|juyu^.. i cW9AROZ2^jps, nlQht, served 48:30. DVOQ. Fleservallons r«commftnded. All -CLASSIFIED AD RATES 7 984_OLDSMOBILEBrun2a^lalipjijl major credit cards accepted, Door Lillback, Sport Packnno, Silvor/ louvorG, crogorc, cp'olloro, now brokos, on, loadod, 67,000 milos. Excollont con- (Effective November 1,1986) black. Tilt Whool, AM/FM Storoo. Excol- now dual oxhaust, low miloago, 350-4 dilion. Groat littlo «ar lor chaullorinn tho " Apptannj In all Union County Newspapers and also available in combination lont condition, $5400, 738-8160. barrol onglno. Good condition. Asking kids'around. $4,000. 446-2791. with ten Essen County Newspapers for 3 total leadership of over 195,000!-— $4500, will folk. Coll 687:0009. 197.8 BUICK Estato Wagon-350 V-8, fully 1984 RABBIT G.T.I.-oir condition, sun- •' ~ : . Call686-7700 . lopdod. Excollont condition. 115,000 milos. $1500 or boct ollor. Call allor 7pm, • 1901- FIAT-X19, 75,000 milos. Molallc roof, many oxtros, black w/bluo inlorior, TIFFANY GARBENS BUSINESS DIRECTORY AD DEADLINE: Friday 5 P.M. ' •••• 687-9003r J" ^^' "•"— '- gold, rompvablo hard top, 5 spood, AM- $4600 olr boot ollor. 272-6012, aftor 5pm FM cossotto. Groat condition. 687-0593. • PAGODA CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: Tuesday 2:30 P.M. • wookdays, all day-wookonds. . ' CHINESE RESTAURANT 1979 PLYMOUTH — Volaro, 4 door, TOO LATE TO CUSSIFY DEADLINE: Tuesday 4:45 P.M. T^ [ '—'• '—!— AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE. auto, runs groat, oxcollont condition, must .1637 Vauxhall Rd. & Rt. 22, Union 1984 CHEVROLET Cnprlco Wagon-V8, 1986 BUICK-Pork Avonuo.Tdoor, firo- 1085 Rl. 22 E.» Mill Lone COLOR: Black plus ono color $200' soil, $450. Coll 379-5883. 6BB-BBBB autofnatlo^nir-condltion, .am/fm, powor mist rod' w/whlto carriago roof.' ovor . • . BOX NUMBERS: Avallablo for a $5.00 foo • . 1 ""7BF9777 Btoorlng, powor .brokos, 9 passongor, Ipodod, $13,900. Coll Don, BB7;6888, _G0Dl)k!iUUd almtrtae.-ciniinlhlil anj cluUul miulc. Sp* ' • -.——All classified advortlslntj sub|octto7-% photo reduction J 9Sfl.RON.TIAC Sunbjrdj4 spood irinnunL •79,000 mil0s;-$4,950.-Cal|-964-0256-'- clahles Include Sulootl Splendor, dra»o« OMI. Fulurlng Hunan, 1 now tiros, Bost ollor. 02S-6924. 687-7585: ' : nlbl7^plc7CW5KiirWtn(jsrCi..., (minimum) $5.50 to 11 pm and Sim 12 noon to to pm. Da' laclllllesDanquel and nlglil. Oolsldt catirlno, TsUoul mtmi available Open 7 days, All prlvjln panics aecommdiltd q.isll/. Moderalely nrlcIsrTW majorcredll cards accepted. Each additional 10 words or less. ,—_ ; SL50- major crodll cards accepted. - [our Times or Mom 20 words or less..,,.'...... 7.T7T; ' J4.50 Each additional 10 words or less: ' • • • SI.50— = • If sot in all CAPITALS

-10.woriljOf.lejs.,.l.,.J_i_j....j.!._^j_ 34 Maple Street Each additional 10 words or less; -y% . ot( Spilngllold Avonuo Classilitd Display Rato (ntln.-l column incti)— Surnrnlt • 522-1010 Per inch (Commissionable) 114.00 «H«l.ilirnnl • CONTRACT RATES FOR ADS THAT : Specialist! In Soalood Horltiern llallan culslno ^^ - ^Aiilhflnllo Spanish A American Culslno.— RUN ON CONSECUTIVE WEEKS- _....• . 4 to 12 times V^, 112.00 per inch 31 Harrison Aye,, Harrlun •48S-77S0 Featuring original dishes; Hulled veal clop with 4 cheeses, anoll : Utimosormoro...... \ { *J .'•.... 111.00 per inch (EKyncMKllinjPkwvto28O) hair pasfo with lobslor, filet ol sole with asparagus and sweel red 1 Fresli sialood rltllVKDd dallj. Flrsl Spanish raiuurani In N J poppers, chocolate chip cannoll. B/Ino your own bevornrjo. . Bordered Ads add $4.00 - _'_ MlHif JL UJiuLinri inirlin ln*ti,Mw*r* ainMur! lnli»i«* -i.il«. -I* Atmosphere Is leisurely • luxurious. Open 7 days. Lunch Is served Mon.-Frl. 11:45 lo 2:30. Dinner Mot-Sal. 5:30 III 10pm. Sunday 1 dlnd1JfllJ\lll£Cdllifllc!d Visa and MC aro accepted r* ^^^)'

Classified ads arc payablo within 7 days. II ad is paid by Wednesday before insertion deduct 25 cents,— The Pagoda/ a Chinese treasure in every way! PaymonTfonrahsionr..ads should bo received belore the publication date. Payinegt In advance.lor Out ol town advertisers. Employment Wanted, Apartments Wanted, Wanted to Rent. Wo will not be •'.•••-•••-_..''' ByTeddi Russo •'•. responsible for errors unless they are detected belore the 2nd insertion; County Leader Newspapers-- The Pagoda means "treasure tower" ' insisted on combining this with" a serving reserves the rijht to classify, edit or reject any advertising. No cancellation will bo accepted in of Szechuan stylo string beans, mixed with classified 'advertising after Tuesday noon. Tho final deadline for classified is 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, but In Chinese. After dining there yqji.wiil.fcel earlier roceipfol copy will be appreciated, • • - — _you'vc discovered a true treasure in this minced pork& sauteed In a mild'sauce. It Restaurant . proved an inspired union/for the texture & , & Cocktail Lounge particular tower. The Pagoda is located at COUNTY LEADER Rl. 22 W., Union 1085 Rt. 22 E.& Mill Lane in Mountainside. saiice of these veggies was crisp & suc- P70i. BOX 3109 687-7591 The evening my triond & I dined there was culent. The Pagoda also has a House . 124 Rf. 22 Wsat, Springfield •467-8688 UNION, N.J. 07083 Eloganl almospli«ro:spccltill;lno In Helling srsichuan Cuisine. lnllm.ua silling wllh sunken liar /no) lounge. Conllnenlal. llallan an experience, I say experience because jt Dinners Menu for 2 served with' Pu-Pu New emended menu Including Imenude. chocolate cowed ' «Union Loader •Konilworth Leader !, Cnlun Culilno. leaturlno city's specials nnd ulad bar. was more than just eating: it was the Tray, Deluxe Wonton soup, steamed or ; llaiolntll Ice cream. Open MoluFrl. 12 noon to 11 pm.. Sal. 3-12. •Sprintlield leader •Linden leader EnteTulnmonl Tuos. thru Sal. evillngs. Private parllos nccpnl- Sun. Ml pm. Danquel lacllllUs. Award winning chele. 2 star •Tho Spectator ol Rosolle/Rosello Park moJaled. All'mi or credit cards accwled. OniMasI served Mon. atmosphere, elegant; it was the service, fried rice as'well as ice cream Si cookies N.V. Times review. Flno wines and liquors available. All ma|or •MounlalnsidoEclni'. • Frl. 7 to to am. Lunch Mon. -.Frl. 11 lo 3 and dinner Mon. • ail. * credit cards accepted. '* ~5~.10pm.clo5odSunday. - • impeccable; but most of all itwas the plus a choice ,ot 12 entrees; all for only $13.95 per. person.. A spccialllunclieon -. UNION/ESSEX COMBO RATES-^. -food! We> met one of the owners, Mr. : -G0MB0 DEADL-INE: Monday 5 p.m.' Zeller, who graciously sat and conversed menujists 22 items all very moderately TRANSIENT CLASSIFIED'RATES . with us describing, for our benefit, some prlcedTjetween $3.95;- $5.50. There is fllso 20 words (minimum). , S10.00 of the, many items on their extensive a childrens' menu'included, quito rarein a .Additional 10 words or less,.. -KM- .Chinese, restaurant. The Pagoda has a Classllcd Box Number. J5.00 menu. Of the 12 appetizers offered we BORbERED ADS ; ' :•••••. S10.00, -ANGE&MIN'S- choso their fried dumplings stuffed with a serving bar offering a collection of exotic Jdsdot- . _ » . . CLASSIFIEDOISPLAY • •• ; Norton SSoulhorn llallan Cultlni - spIcy~PO~rE rnixtiJre and lerved""'"~^ ~ ~------=-^.---—•-<-..,,.—^.^..^_:—.„_«=•-yip • Wcrriuilifniwniilfii..-. Classified DisplSy open rate (coitimissionable) •.,-^-$26^00 per Inch py p urn imp it romantic txftcritnet." 740 Boulevard, Konll worth (n.wyE«ii 13Q) special homemade sauce, at once both parties and catering facilities arc also l3wcoJ5 0r-moio_ ....;.;, r. ...;•; J21.00porinch 241-0031 sw«et and pungcnC excellent! For the available. 2443 VauxhkllRoad, Union • 688-4695 CLASSIFIED INDEX . PorluguBEeTspanTsh, Ainerfc'iBi Culsfn'e ___ next course we decided on seafood soup The Pagoda Is open 7 days from 11:30 l.AUTOMOIIVE • 5. SERVICES UPFEREO 8. REAL ESTATE i Atmosptiflro MfltlKorrarwan. Dully lunch & dinner Eneclala mod' —-• 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS "oraioly prlcod. 2 bannuel rooms available. Bat tacllllles. Family for 2, one of 7 soups available. It was a Romantic, -elegant almospliore. Skylight, dine under the slara.- G. MISCELUNEOUS_ 9. RENTALS am to 10 pm, Mon. to Thurs. on Fri., til 11, Spoclally ol (he house: live lobsler - Iroch.soalood. Piano player 3. EMPLOYMENT -ownal-btisln«sUor-2Lyrsaunr*«onj»tt«LMi|itj5alJUZ;M_ luscious, combination of shrimp, scallops. al dinner. Open 7 days. Lunch Served 11:30 lo 2:30. dinner 5 -10 7 PETS • • • 10. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES nm,.[|lnniir Mon..-Thurs. A Sun. 5-10 pm, Fil . & SatTS- II d^ -pmrMonTttrFrlrSatrS-toiHnd&mri-toOrOanquel rooms can. . •" 4JH5IBUCTJIQNS jdlnnor served 2:30 lo closlnrj). All major credit cards accepted. crab meat, snow ''peas, carrots- and 12 to 10 pm. accomodale up to 50 parsons. Ueaulllul hall lor wcddlngs.JMcnlc mushrooms, outstanding. My" choice of grove lacllllles. All major credit cardsacceplmf. entreo was one of their 18 chefs special- " Tlie" Pagoda's inventive kitchen is su- For those of you looking for more than fancy claims and low-ball tics, Seafood Splendor (Shanghai), a gen- pervised by Fuh-Maani a registered dictt- AUTO ACCESSORIES AUTO DEALERS_.-_ pricing -r- we humbly submit the name of-Norrls-Chevrolet. Why? — erous assortment of lobster cubes, chunks tian-wlio-will-be:only_toohappytojiscuss__: _=OLDSMOBILE— . Simple. Wo at the Now Norrls troat people tho way we would like to bo y' --BUY-WISE treated. And In addition to saving them money, we supply something, ' of king crab meat, scallops, shrimp, snow any special dietary needs that you might •• AUTO PARTS Oldest & Lnrgost peas, broccoli & bell peppers, an have. At the end of our sublime ex- Exclusive perhaps even more Important: PEACE OF WIND. With over 200 years Fine Food and Splrlis- WHOLESALE to tho public;. Opon 7 dnysj Olds Doalor In of combined sales experience and a small town, low-keyed at- .'. epicurean. delight,. My friend had the perience, Mr. Zeller. presented us with a I > 75 Main St., M3 M |0 Av8 Sunday Bamto-12 pm, Wodnqsdoy and - Union County— mosphare, Noffls IgJhe^Cheuy-doaler you can bbllovo In — nbw and "o - shrimp '& chicken combination glass-of plum wlner sweet-Hut tangyra— MadlaotT»-371;6B4i'" -Spiurdriy, 7:30..to._5:46pm.. wookdayo VS l*w * w*v*^l I U|)|on „ S5B.O1O1 -:—H:>" ELIZABETH- for years to cornel -' •-'-." (Szechuan), consisting-of diced chicken & perfect compliment to a porfect meal. He II-250 Morrlli Avo., •7:30om lo 7pm. VMOTORS, INC. • —Shrimp -sautced^Wltli^celeryn^bamboo -recounted'a story which, once again rein-— 8prlhQfrald-«r4B7?t 199 "•••• Valuo'RatodUsod'Cnrs- One ol N.J.'s bill, al popular prices. From hamburgers lo Ca un shoots • & hot. wateF • chestnuts. Her- forced for me my feeling of how little the , • .'-, 688-5848 • ,582 Morris Avo, Soilood, prime ribs, dull ribs. Reservations lor prlvale parties VAUXHALL SECTION Elizabolh 354-1050 ' sunaastou. Cocktails and entertainment, onnn dally lor lunch & assessment, tantalizing! With this wo varied world cultures really differ. When Fine lopulai™ built on Ihsse lacier: "Laiga portions 01 consilient. dinner. Opon 7 days 11 am to 2 am. t major credll cards 2091 Sprlnofiold Avo. the Chinese toast each other they call 0OT7: ". ly groat lood al reasonable prices In comfortable atmosphere." SMVTHE VOLVO accepted. wore served a side dish of Vegetables E»lenslve menu Includes largo variety ol sialood, steaks, lobsleri Union Mandarin, broccoli,- water chestnuts, "Gambei," tho equivalent to our "Bot- 1 ramous cut ol Prime nihlMlamburgers I sandwiches available • bamboo shoots, mushrooms, snow peas, toms Up!" My toast is "Cheers," to tho al a limes. Open 7 days lor lunch, dinner 1 cocktailillss . Mos" t majo' r USED TIRES—All olzoflrsnowa-anrj reg- Excluslvo Volvo Pagoda! _ credit urds accepted, we suggest you Iry them soon. ular troad.'Blos & radlnls, $5.0O-$25.OO. Doalor carrots & baby corn. Our charming waiter Call lor noods, 762-7282. .•_ 326 Morris Avo Summit 273-42OP AUTO DEALERS! Authorlrod • 1311 MsuloAvo. -FncrarjrSorvlcD— Become a \Part_ 4es McCHAN'S Lono Torm Loosing loillll'i Chwlnut 8t.TUnlon _r_Unl0fLJL3S2-8228. leasing.inc- Pi»'J'' 887-3250. .: bfthis Moilhun lUllan Cul ilna TFistnllnrj the llnesl Chinese Food west ol llu Hudson. Our menu Aulo Leasing forms " 1200 North Ava., Elbeabalh combines gourmet Chlnesa culslm with sited American dishes. AUTO FOR SALE ' -• {near KunColli«e) 28a-B220 We alto ollir a wide ranoa ol i.olic cocklalls and appellleri. . One to Five Yoars - nutauranl.t cocklall LoungiL. ^First-Class , Garden atmosphere with live plants. Open lor lunch Mon..Frl Dinner 7 daye a wiek and DdslnestLunch Sniclals Mon.-Sat', All Makes and Models 1972 FORD Thundorblrd-Vory good con- Senior Clllien discounts dally V-Cpm. A complels takeout 11-3. Dlnnir Iron) 5-11. Dinner on Sal. 5-12 midnight and Sunday, 1561 Morris Avenue dition. Ono ownor, ABA/FM storoo, nircon- Continental Cuisine' Including large assortment ol Ilih and 1-10. HanqiMl laclllluu and.DrlvnlB.paill»s easily accommodated, menu Is available with packaot goods and son drinks! Malor 2O9CENTRAL AVENUE -chicken entrees. Dally specials, complimentary 2 soups & All major credll cards accepted. crodlt cards are accepted. *~ • -Union", N.J. 07083 . dilion, poworbrakos^ siooririrj, plpctrlp labulous, over 34 Hem salad bar. Open lor lunch II-). 4-11 lor ronr window dofrootbr. Exc'ollont potonllal WESTFIEL.D.NJ 233-0220 dinner. Catering and banquet rooms available urvlng up lo 200. (201) 687-7200 for nnliquo vnluo. Call ouonlngr,, CHEVROLET Call 686-7700 Commercial & Professional 064-5136. - ...- - -.7

AUTO FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE LOST AMD FOUND EMPLOYMENT WANTED HELP WANTED "HEtp-WANTED- HEtP-WftNTEtr HEtP-WANTEtr HEtP WAMTED HELP WANTED » _ 1978 BROWN CHRYSLER-Labaron for 1979 MG MIDGET — Groon, oxcollont FOUND-DOG - In Union. Sandy colorod, salo-2 door-8 Cylindor, automatic, powor condition, $2500. Phono 964-0780. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ,~ modlum slzod malo dog. At Union Pound. Very-busy corporate-hoadquarlors In" DENTAL ASSISTANT — Scotch'Plains, DISTRIBUTOR •—> slooring and brakds, air-conditioning, Timo Is up. 688-0298. " , A-1 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST BANK TELLERS CLERICAL/SECRETARIAL 3 wookdays, 1 ovoning. Various dutlos Ahi-Frf) radio, roar dofrDstor,oloctric win- Summit looking for dopondoblo porson WANT YOUR < Typing dono In my who possoss oxcollont organizational and Full time positions available. Fully proforrod. Quality praclico. X-ray liconso dows and locks, low miloago-$1,200 or •WHOLESALE PRICES LOST — 1 largo whlto, black & gray •15GPOSJTIONS proforrod. Coll 233-7,777, • OWN BUSINESS? , bpst odor. Call 688-3561. A/Resumes lolophono skills, dotail orionlod, good with .paid training program. Wo will clumps, predominantly whlto cat, malo. numbors, ability to work Indopondontly, But you don't havo Invostmont capital? 3 '83 • '85 modols. Carofully solOctod cars. Lost at tho Town & Campus (iro. Roward. •vReports prepare the right Individuals to be i/. $15,000-$30,000 . DENTAL- Frlondly, progrossjvd, Millburn .BUICK- REGAL Tan, Two door, Call, for dotails. CUSTOMLEASE, ploasnnt porsonality, typing 55 + wpm. bank professionals. Excellent em- Cohsidor your won INDEPENDENT n Contact Konnolh Mason at Town & Cam.- 7 Due to tromendous client demand, we have opening's In the following ollico looking (or front dosk pbreon. Don- NEWSPAPER DISTRIBUTOR. Bolng a , - JNSIoorlng, brakos, windows, locks. 687-7600. -i . •v/Letters . Call. Ms Millor,- BURGDORFF REAL- ' ployee bonolits. Call 688-9500, tal background a plus. Ploaso call pusMoto!, 35t63_0Oor .26_6-28_aO, -TORS 273-8000. : '. distributor moans dolivoring printed Good [(inning condition. Noods body r Ext, 209^ '. disciplines: •.--''• ••••'.' 467-0720. •work. $SO0. Call allor 7 PM, 862-0466. 1985 NISSAN^ SENfRA XE Bluo,Jwo Boliovod to bo In tho vldnlty of Koan p matorial to homos~ln"your community 5 Collogo. _ . "•EXEC-SECRETARY •LEGAL-SECRETARY—•SECRETAHY_JB,____ § door, fivo spood, powor stooring, powO •CLERK TYPIST •RECEPTIONIST- , 'ACCTQ CLERK DENTAL- Hygonlst. Frlondly progressive ~oW5ry~Wodnonday~ana~Saturday—No- 1976 CABILUC — Sodan DoVjIlo. Bosl -vStatisllcal Typing.... UNION CENTER invostmont, no collodions or soliciting. brokos, air. AM/FM. Excollont condition. •LOST- CAT - Malo.. largo, black/tan ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISANT 7 •WORD PROCESSOR -BOOKKEEPER «DATA ENTRY' Millburn practico looking for lull-timo or ollor ovor\550. Call 245-8788, 9 lo 6 GO,000 highway milos. $4,000. CALL "964-7392 -I' SMId-HI S20's part-limo hygonlst. Monday's a must. Call Just DEPENDABLE DELIVERY strlpod. Answers to "Tlgor". lirgo bushy NATIONAL BANK All positions offer great benefits, posh surroundings, and advancement :_wgokdays, { ' __ ' 686-4878.' tall.. Coll 664-4168. - OR'.087-7071 Corporotefloal Estato doparlmont mono- .467-0720. • STANDARDS. gor noods soll-motlvalod, organizod indi- 2003 Morris Avo., Union potential. . . •'*_••. EXCXELLENT INCOME • .1979 CAMARaRod/iSHWorior, 6~c7Iirv 1984"qLDSMdBILE'— Toronado, 47k vidual with two plus yoars oxporionco.ln E.O.E. M/F/V/H DENTAL Rooopllonlst-Starl tho Now from a businoss that can holp support two dot; runs otronn, no rust/txcollont condi- DEPENDABLE — Trustworthy porson milosr oir, cassotlo,' all powor, now will cloan your.homo, wookdays or Satur- accountingarons and. computors. Yoar right. Excollont opportunity Jor tho or'moro pooplo. • ' lion. BF Goodridrjo raispdyihilo lottors all brakos, tiros. Excollont condition. $8400 SENSUOUS Rosponsibillllos Includo proporty invon- BEONT.V..—Many noodod forcommor- GENUS.-- right oxporioncod porson to join our con-' A von or small truck is a must. Formor nrm^MusljBooAsWntiJjS^OO or. bosl or bnr.t-olfor. 686-BB41. - day, light or hoavy doaning. Roloroncos . HOC MP"ll AV«., Union. NJ 070113 —LINGERIE-PARTIES— ~avnllnBlo~pponrroquo5tr"Ploasin;al' TtoryrA/prAyR-nndrolatlons-withxrokorsT" -clals-^Ctretlng—Information—(+)- ""FeeTalcT "jjonlalrsBDth orango"olllcoTSalaiyeo7ti~ -dolivory-oxporioneo-o-plus: ; oTlor. OairCralg, 68 lonnnls'. vondoro. WostOrango location. 805-687-6000 Ext. TV-4991. 687-5000 monsurato with oxporlonco. Call Call today. Torritorios aro boing formod 1972 OLDSMOBILE- Vlsth CruiKor. • OILS S NOVELTIES Cathy, 964-5765 or 687-7071. 1979 CAMARO — Mint ibndlllon, 350 No foo/no contract. Call -467-9511. 763-2940. . • . now. Call Linda at 354-5000, oxt. 44. Wagon, automatic transmission, factory HOUSEKEEPERS-Day workors, Rolor- __ong., 4 spood trons., 10 ban pool roar. Call air, powor stoorlng, powor brakos, now FREE HOSTESS GIFTS BRYANT BUREAU oncos and oxporionco. Transportation 7 CL"ERlCArP/T~ Dontal Hyglonlst- Part-timo. Localod: Joo nllor '5:30pm," Vfonday-Friday, snow'tiros, $275. 379-7283. CALL 679-0220 37 East Willow Street , BILLER TYPIST Contor of Summit. Quality praclico, rolnx- 376-7099. providod. Call Amelia,-688-9477. Progrosslvo- Class I trucking" company Small manufacturing ollfco noods clerk DRIVER — For light local dolivorios, must g "Mlllbum, N.J. 07041 CRAFTERS!! od and frlondly atmosphoro. Contact Rita, havo cdr. Ploasant working conditions, g 1970OJ.aSHOBJLE.Cullass Full Powor sooklng ossorlivo skillod candidate with typist lor 2-3 days por wook. Somo bookk- 273-3535. T1906 CAMARO- IROC, Whlto, T-Top, -'40 K on robulll onqlno. $1,700. Union, POLISH-Woman wonts gonoral houso- Idoal lor rotiroo. Part timo or lull timo. Call 3 cloaning. Cnlljrojio, 688-3196. --J\ ' previous oxporionco In motor freight carri- ooplng knowlodgo holpful. Call 686-0099, 16,000 milos. Mint conditidn. $13,000. 687-1924 altor 4 PM. .... or computorizod billing. Part timo casual Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm. Echo Molding, HOBBYIST!" 686-1212. .IP . ' • ' . 668-4249. PERSONALS WOMAN — With oxporioncoijmtiTwfo!- hours avallablo. Flexibility In a fivo day 911 Sprlngllold Road, Union. DENTAL PERSONNEL 1985 OLDSMOBILE-Dolta 88 Brough- _oricos waHs day work houjb cloonlng. ADULT CARRIERS . -wookrMondoy-Frlday.-HfghSchoolgra— -BEYpUROWNBOSS!! Busy office noods dependable, 1986 CADILLAC-CIMARROrJ, am, 4 door, V8, modlum groy, all powor, Pormanon! part tlmo positions nro avail- . consclontlous Individuals, ox- nulomatlc-V6. Eloctrio' instrumontallon, pall 926-5491. duato. Call Elloori botwoon~2 - 4 PMfor fully loadod, now tiros, oxtondad warran- able noar your'homo oarly mornings. Intorvlow appoinlmont. 344-7700, oxt. CLERICAL - - porlpncod or will train. sunroof and luggnqo rack, Chapman lock- ty, 26,500 milos. $9200. 376-2161. < A TRUE PSYCHIC Nowspapor routes oarnlng $350 — $400 .Turn space tlmo ancTtalonts In- DRIVER'S & MOVER'S - -lully-loadod,-Jjririinal-ownor.=GaragGd- -282. • * Growing CPAIirm sooks mnturo, rospon- ^zz_-« Dental Assistants. —MRS.-RHONDA por month-plus-cash-Inconlivoa-wlll-hoto'- slbkvporsonvvltlKiptliudchfo^flgUreEfWll •Establishod-local-movlng-storago-comt— 14kIlg^687B843 Jaao-EPMTIAC - Sunblrd^ExcolonU _I i • , 1 — I • T • ' • ™ - • • | • ~^" -READER-arftDVISOR -HEL-P-WANTED- "you supplomont your Incomo. Mako your train. Light bookkooplng oxporionco a • Recepnomsis pany noodo roliablo, • punctual porson. condition. 45,000 mllos, air conditioning, 400 Delancy Street— Ablffto-rjnndlo hoavy lurnituro. Will train, 19Q.S CHEVELLE— 194 6 cyllndor auto- AM/FM cassotto. Bost odor. Call Bob, „ - . ibs of Roadings and Adi/lco, I oarly mornings produclivo andjjrolilablo. plus. All company bonolits, convonlonl 486-0407 or 687-0945 • File Clerks can and will holp you whoro olhors fallod. I . $230 Wookly Approximatoly 1 — IVt hours por day, Newark, N.J. 07105 Union, NJ location. Call 851-2300 lor 3r\UDl drlvtf^yoar roundund 'work, part, tlmors matic, 2 door hardtop, garngod,. Was 687-9040.. . . • Computer Operators' nsldorod. $1750, Now $850. Bought now car. havo boon osiablishod In Union, slnco STOCKROOM CLERK sovon days. Calf tell Iroo 1 (800) EO.E. M/F/H/V appoinlmont. ' 1968. By appoinlmont 686-9685- or 2.42-08SO or 877.4222. • Full tlmo with bonofltsrColl Mary- 687-3384.. . . • 1900 PONTIAC — Sunblrd, automatic, Wllh Car ~" ' Monday-Friday 6-9 687-0035 air, cassotto, rust Iroo Arizona car, brand 964-7289.1243 Stuyvosant Avo., Union, BOOKKEEPER- Port/limo. Not lor profit CLERICAL- Frlondly, progrosslvo Mill- ann at 864-5408. - -T-1BB1-BHEV-Y- CHEVETTE- Brown, auto- now condltlonrlow-mitosrownor" trons- noar.Foodtown.^Opondaily-from,9-to-9. Pormanont-full-tlmo-work^wlthadvaqco-- ^ADVERTISING.- burn dontal p'racticd looking lor front dosk. .Saturday : ! -9-3- Is thora a morp Interacting business any- "Social Sorvico AgoncyrADP Payroll arid- •"—mnticrpowor brakos, air conditioning, AM/ lorrod to Gormony. 687-33B4. mont opportunities. Must havo roliablo Gonoral Lodgor. Work Monday 9am-5pm porson. Coll 467-0720. . -?r.-_ _ FMcnssqtto, approximately 58,000 mllos, vohiclo to mako 1 dollvorypor day, Work whoro thon roal ostato advorlislng? Loafn .with th6 finest group of advortising spe- with additional 8-16 floxiblo hours por ^ DRIVERS ; • ' :• $2,000 or boot ollor. Cair486-6696altor6 1984 PONTIAC—Flora SE.-Siluor. fully at Nowork Company who Iroo parking. wook. Sond rosumo to Our Houso Incor- • .CLERICAL PM.: :'• oqulppod. $5800 or bost olfor. 687-6010. Bonofits includo Company paid hospital!- cialists. Proofing, computer, filing, typing- CUSTOMER SERVICE BIBLE accuracy a must, groat growth potential. porated, 1823 Sprlngllold Avonuo, Now -- "AbMINISTRATIVE •1970 CHEW- Mohto Carlo.. Drivos woll. 1986 PONTIAC — Trans Am, 5,000 zatlon Insuranco, vacation, pension, don- Provldonco, N.J., 07974, -REPRESENTATIVE F.ULL TIME Over The Road lal plan, and vision caro plan. Start at Woll train pationtly. Call. Ms Millor, ASSISTANT Air conditioning, good tiroo, good sdcond milos, fully loadod,"t-tops. Excollont con- MOMENT 273-8000. ' . Solf-ctnrtor noodod forwlno dopt.piflco Dependable Individual needed to car.. Asking $500 or bost ollor. Call dition. Asking 313,000. Call 376-3341. $230 por wook plus car allowance handle heavy phone-contact-with Roviows In 3 and 6 months. Sond lottor. skills and customor contact oxporionco COVERING NORTHEASTERN STATES 688-5985, (oavo mossago. ~ INVESTIGATE TRUTH? AIRLINES-Now hiring. Flight Attondonts, BOOKKEEPER customers,. Diversified clerical.func- 1982,PONTIAC-Phoonlx, 4 door hatch- tolling about yourso^and listing yoar and Full chargo. Part tlmo floxiblo hours. Pay- roqulrod. Must bo oblo to work Indopon- Travol Anonts, Mochanicfi,. Customor donlly. Full timo, oxcollont bonolits. tions. We are a Class I motor carrier DOMICILED, NEWARK, N.J. EVY5- Cavallor, 4 door, 4 cylincylin- back, auto, PS, PB, A/C, radio, roar ~ PLEASE tKHz mddol olcar to: Mr.Stock, P.O. Box 148, Sorvlco. Lislings. Salaries to $50K. Entry rdll taxos oxporionco roqulrod. Union dai/MC^cltii^t p/b/b , 600060,000 mllosll , askinki g dologgor, 50,000 milos, $3200 or bost Npwark, N.J., 07101. •. lovol positions. Call 805-687-6000,. Ext. location. Roply to Classillod Box 4565, 379-1938 and offer an attractive salary, and $2800.' 064-4392. offor. 687-4363. County Loador NoWGpapor, P.O. Box BASIC REQUIREMENTS: ' AAA APPLICATOR — Work 7 months A-1448. ' benefit package. CRT and trucking 964-6356 3109, Union, Now Jorsoy 07083. background a plus. Located near •Must have 5 years tractor trailer experience 1985 CHEVY — Boauvillo Van, Goals 8, 1982 PONTIAC Borinovlllo-Fully loadod. oquivalont to a yoars salary. Must havo BABYSITTER-Working mom looking for CLERICAL oir, storoo, bod, 2 hoators, 27,000 milos, Original ownor. llko .now. .Must soor knowlodgp of Union, Essqx and Morris _gtandma.typato-boacompanlon to-2 old-— ~i ' Newark Airport Contact Eileen .•Must be 26 years of age $10,000, CallLoo 925-8262, boloro 9pm. 31,000 mllos...Asking $5500. Call Countlps, ond-tho-abillty-lo^dologato" or chi[dron,in my Rosollo fork homo. CAttfET CLEANERS • Busy Union cPA"lirm sdoKs-lntolllgontr between-2"H-PM-only-at-344-7700,- •Have respectable driving record : 851-9842. ' rospohslbilllty. Good . dr!vlng_tQqpxd_ Supervision on .school holidays, also roliaolo porson to fill Important position. 1966 CHYRSLER- NEW YORKER- 440 0550nlinl.-Cal|-273-8588.' .. WEPAVHIGHEII ExL 282. •MusLmeef DOT &-Co. requirements CEMETERY PLOTS . occasional dinnor hour. No cooking, no (UP TO 32*) Compulor oxporionco a plus. Call: Engino. Vory good shapo. Bost ollor. 1980 RABBIT Plosot-AIr condition, 5 HOLLYWOOD • • RED STAR EXPRESS LINES L spoodr45 milos'pojrflDllpn, vory good ,dooning, no loto ovonings. Own transpo- '.Macy's needs you to clean their —92S..0948; T ~ \ ' MEMORIAL PARK ration prolorrod. 241-4924, alter 6pm. 400 Delancy Streot For immediate interview and driving test, a in conditlpn. $1 OOC-CaOor on oppolntmont. customers' carpets & furniture, 1979 DATSUN — 210 Stick, onq owner, ACCOUNTING CLERK 851-2700 ' Newark, N.J. 07105 .353-3050. , • • . • . BACK TO SCHOOLl- BACK" TO We train, provide equipment & person, Monday thru Friday, 9ftM-3:00 NO 79,000 milos. Good gas mllongo, runs Gothhosmano Gardons, Maiisoloums. Full-tlmo position avallablo In our E.O.E. M/F/H/V woll. Asking $800. 464-9525. . RED HOT BARGAINSI — Drug doalors' Olllco: 1500 Sluyvosant Avo., Union. BROKE? Work forn.numborono gift and schedule your appointments. CLERICAL-Posltlon - Full timo. 35 hour CALLS PLEASE. •688-4300 . Gonoral Services aroa. Diversified toy party plan. Frob kit and suppllos. No cars, boats, pianos ropossosood. Surp- clerical dutlos, accounrroconcll- * $76O/wk working hardj& smart. wook. Must typo. Frlngo bonofits. Con- 1901 DATSUN- 280 ZX,, Fivo spood, T- lus. Your aron. Buyors guldo. coljocllnj or dolivory.- Earn $7- $10 por . * $500/wk working hard or Bmart; tact Dlroctor, Mlllbum Public Library, latlon, typing and Data Entry. Will hour. Call Barbara 739-6818. . Robl, lull pow/r, 59,000 original milos. 1-805-687-6000, Ext. S-4991. * $300/wk little pressure or hassle. 376-1006. CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. RED STAR EXPRESS LINES MDSI soil. $6,800 or bost ollor. Call NEW-CREDIT CARD - NO ono rofusodl train. Call Personnel Department, Major Crodit Cards & moro. Got your card *YOJ must have -your, own 864-0342, nfior. 5:30 PM. TAXI CAB — Fully oqulppod. Town of 688-9600. BANKING, 400 Delancy St., Newark, N.J. 07105 todayl Call 1-51Br459-3734 Ext. C-5380, van/wagon or largo hatchback. CLERICAL-POSITION opon In office In Excollont phono-volco-and-abillty to Irvlngton. Plooao call 688-2870, aftor Union, floxlblo hours, stoady omploymont 1904 DODGE — Chargor, 32,000 milos. 24.HRS. - '• 'Call Mr. Guarnerl for details.& handlo pooplo. Top-pay and bonolits. Equal Opportunity Employor M/F/H/V - 8pm. • .-'. . UNION CENTER If so doslrod, good pay. Call 688-4806. $8.00 por hour to' start. FJoxlblo'hours. Sunroof, illr conditioning, roar dologgor, TELLERS —lntervlew-at-SB5-«793-Offloo-ln- : light bluof $3750. 687-3265. 1985 TURISMO -- Hatchback, Sbrots. TIRED? StrossodT'Sot up an appoint- • NATIONAL BANK = ~Cal|-272-2000-forappoln|m6nV — mont. Swodish, sports or'loot massago. -9prlng-ls coming!—~^ZT~ .Mlllburn Interior, Automatic, Storoo Tapo Dock, 2003 Morris Avo., Union CLERK 1900 DOUDGE- Ram 100, wlndowvan: Gift cortillcatos avallablo. Houso Calls. -Look-forword-to-crlspcsunny-days-and-~ 21,000 Miloo, Mochanically Excbllont, 1 to work in payroll dopt of cbrporato olllco DRIVERS PS, PBrAC, automatic olant, 6 onglno. Call Stovon J. Guttmon, CRMT. E'.O.E. M/F/V/H oatlslylhdaffodilsg. noAnwd cdroorwlt look to Thh ogroa Howardt pay, lobon--.r a "CLEANING Pooplo wantod-lor success- Small Sldo Body Damogo,- $2900. (201) -liil—nlnnnlng—cnr.vlcn. Bnnoflts/ In suburban Millburn. Must havo math & -57,0OO-rmn-$4-100,.680-5071i-Bob, ' ^074549: -elitsronflipr.ocpoclsrWohayoimmodlatO"" bbb-iUbU.. , —' oponlngs lor: advancomont. 245-1949. -typing-6kill6^Ploasant-WorklngiondJlioris_ & good bonofits, - CUSTOMER Over the Road 1977 DODGE Royalo Monaco*) door, 8 1979 VOLKSWAGEN; Rabbit. A good ,'..' ACCOUNTING CLERK and'. cyllndor, automatic, PS, PB, "rilr, 59,500 running car, $500 Or bod • ollor. TWO-. Young ladlos who wilnossod qccl- : Exporloncod Individual doslrod to proparo ' • 379-1938 ; : . milqs;- $1650. 467-0869.. ' . dont In Mono/ Storo parking lot, Spfuco SERVICE 596-1921-. ',' • ••"• corporate bank stalomonto and data onlry FULL TIME CLERICAL Stroot,,on Noyombor '12, ^ploaso call UNION . P & D Tractor Trailer 1975FORtk"MUSTANG" Good shapo.' on computer' system. Sond rosumos to ™11 V°_kKSWAGEN- Rabbit, four 686-0388. ;' ' "•' . '. Ms.tvtillor, BURGDORFF..REALTORS, 2784 Morris Avonuo CLERK MuatSQllL$7u8JimuRobulltongino,-Now- REP spood, air pondilionlhg", AM/FM cassotto. 480 Morris Avonuo, Summif, Now JorGoy Wo olfor highly compotitlvo salarlos baso- LEAVE YOUR PART TIME Straight Truck pnlntiob. Call68F<3413botwoon9AM-2 Excollont body and running'condition. 07901. '• . •• d on oxporionco and o.xcollont bonolits PM. • . \ Woll malnlalnod. Call 756-7661 anylimo Including modical, dontal, profit-sharing MARK OPPORTUNITY Challonglno opportunity In our ——($12,00-Per-Hour) — -|978-FORD.-=-Fio: r*t AQ7 i iOn nrif tnr Hill • - ** and tuition rolmbursomont. ; -OustomorSorvlcerDapartniBnHoiT Tking$ ' Convonlont Flox Hours. 52,000 milos, passod, anuary Inspoction, an. Individual with good com- Horo'syour chanco to mako an Impact, by To Fit Your - munication skills and the ability to OVER THE ROAD BASIC REQUIREMENTS: body oxcollont conditii n, 4 cylindor, stick l joining tho dynamic and support™ loam .Busy Llfostylol shift. Call 687-4064. AUTOS WANTED: ACCEPTING- Infants B months to 2% ACCOUNTS PAYABLEX PEAK TIME work woll under pressure. Ro- •Must have 5 years, tractor trailer experience yoars-aLtho-Union-Iownship-Goramunltiltyi _ -Largo comapny looking, forindivlduol with ~Sprlng(leld/Epho- of prolosslonols at HANOVER INSUR- sponslbllltlos Includo oxtenslvo 1 ANCE. As ono ol tho NY/NJ motro area's This Is a groat opportunity In our fast- •Must be 26 years of age 1979 FORD — Van, qlgo/brown, auto- Action Organization Infant toddlor Prog: 5 plus yoors oxporionco. Syslom is man- 871 Mountain Avonuo • phono contact wllh customers, nn- v fast growing P&C organizations, wo pro- pacod Invontory Control Dopt., whoro you malic, V8, air conditioning, powor ram. Union and Vaux Hall rosldonts pro- ually and compulorlzod/good bonolits; Hours _Mon, . Wod, Thurs 8 Frl, sworlng Inquiries, ordor process- 1 11am-2:30pm, Sals, 8:45am-12:30pm. • vldo an olmosphoro In which initiative Is can namo your own hours! (4 hours por •Respectable driving record . slooring/brakos, AM/FM>storoo cassotto, TOP $$$ IN.CASH forrtfd. Coil Ms . Burns for lurthor informa- Coll 926-1010, ask lor Barry. " ing and follow up. 4 captains chairs, carpolud, 83,000 mllesr tion. 686-6150. oncouragod and nccomplishmonte aro day: mornings or altornoons) •Must meet DOT ancfCo, requirements vory good-condition. $40iD0 or bost ollor. For ALL Curs & Trucks ' rowardoal ——'-— Position Involves Interfacing wllh _Ca» 964-5371. • 7 CALL,DAYS • 589-8400 BABYSITTING — Dono In-my Undon Major responsibilities Includo data ontry, P&D TRACTOR TRAILER REQUIREMENTS: $8.13/HOUR! - MOUNTAINSIDE filing,-Invontory control and ovorsoolng' solos, technical, production and 1962 FORD — GolSixy 500. "4 door, or EVES. : 688=2044. homo, oxcollont laclllllos Including play- , . ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Provlons Iqllor/cash handling oxporionco •Must be 2t years of age - room and'yard. ? yoars oxporlonco as a OFFICE purchaso ordors and requisitions. Prior accounting dopartmont.. . Basic ' ongino ro-bullt, comty rusl. $950. Call (Samo day Pick.ups) CLERK. Is prolorrod, but wo will train suilablo appl- data ontry oxporlonco'ls proforrod. knowlodgo of office proceduros •Tractor Trailer P & D driving experii 374-9,191, boloro 8( proschool toachor:' Reasonable ratos. Position nvniloblo Immodialoly. Roal icants. For Immodlato considorallon loll 025-6548.- ploaso apply at tho branch or call: roqulrod. CRT oxporionco a plus. •Must have respectable driving record WE PAY CASH- FOR YOUR.JUNK CAR ostato company in Summit sooking indivi- CLERK - Wo offor n good starting salary along with 1986 HONDA — CRX, bluo; 4 cyllndor, OR TRUCK. 375-1253.IRVINGTON. dual with accounts payabla oxporionco, a ploasant working onvlronmonl. Mlntor- Salary commensurate with back- •Meet DOT & Co. requirements stick shilt, AM/FM rnolp, roar dolrostor, HIGHEST PRICES PAIDI •• BABYSITTER — noodod for 2 small ustxoUBM s/36 and accurate koypunch- (201)533-7467 chlldron In Llndon/Rosollo aroa. Occas- oslod, ploaso call Joan Dowaliby at ground, and oxporlonco, Qood 16,000 milos, ohowoonraonditlon, $7000 Ing roqulrod. Idoal candidate will proparo Whoro wo Invost. In- your, caroor 686-7870,"OXl. 214. . or bost ollor. Call-2-tt>6 240 Sholliold Avonuo Applications avallablo at rocoptlon dosk 400 Delancy St, Newark, N.J. 07105 486-3670. ' " . " homo, 5 days por wook; Call 373-0907, to arranoe an Interview appointment 8:30 AM - 8^0 PM. 273-4242. Equal DELI PERSON — noodod.. Floxiblo TH5?hrt*65T8:" ' Mountalnsldo. NJ 07092 hours. Good pay. Call Fton, 762-7312. Equal Opportunity Employsr M/F/H/V • oqual opportunity omplolyor m/f Opportunity Employor, F/M/hW. !—~_—-V

HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED ,HELP, WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED, HELP WANTED HELP WANTED — PART-TIM EModical office assistant In HELP WANTED MAMMOGRAPHY TECHNOLOGIST Union. Throo mornings and two ovonlngs. EDITOR HOTEL FlpspQnslblo porson lor diversified dutlos. SECRETARY- Oil company locatod in Newly created position available for an ARRT registered or eligible X-Ray POLICE DISPATCHER SECRETARY Union Is sooking a dopondablo. oxpor- SHIPPING/RECEIVING To cover county news and events technologist to work In our Group Practice Facility. Position availablo- Exporionco hblpfui, will train. Call with good administrative skills for fast- Loading Audlo/vidoo Systoms Contractor MAID 736-775O. > Coordinate police and emergency service communication. Prefer ^ex-: loncod'EOcrotary with good typing and and compile special sections for Saturdays.9 AM - 1_P_M. Technologist will performmammography on our paced snlos/markoting oxoculivo. Ploas- olfjco skills. Computor and word Pro- is looking for a maturo-mlndod individual' perlence In radio communication and/of pjjbllc contact. High | school to run-our Stockroom, Shipping, and weekly newspaper In Union Coun- '•» Good pav. aonH benefits. Call new QE/CQR 600T Low Dose unit. Experience preferred but will train. If ant working condltbns, good bonofits. In cessing knowlodgo a must. Crodlt oxporl- graduate or equivalent supplemented by typing course, ability to,think and Millburn's ofllcos of ono on NJ's loading Rocolvlng. Dopartmont. Muct- bo oxpor- ty. Experience necessary. Call:. Interested call Personnel! 277-8633^ PARTTIMF onco a. plus. Compotilivo solpry plus 862-4500 . RECEPTIONIST actjiulckly,. and calmly In emergency situations. Request application' wholosalors of wlrto and liquor. Call oxcoilont bonofits. For 'appolntmont call loncod, roliablo, prompt, valid, drivers lis- (201-232-240d). Mall application to Administrator, Borough of Moun- 379-1938 - conco, and bo familiar with tho Molroppli- Short Hills firm seeks two Individ- Botto, 851-5900. 686-7700, Ext. 34 talnsldd?1385 Rt. 22, Mountainside, NJ 07092. • , % „ QH SEND RESUME-TO: tnn oroa. Full bonofits. Call Mr. Josoph, uals with excellent phone skills. 232-7000, or apply in porson, 1130 Routo Rotating Shift: '• • . . \ JAYDOR CORP. INSTRUCTOR AT&T System 25. Duties Include 22 Wost, .In. Mountamsido. • 120 SUMMIT AVENUE, SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY 07BO1 1988 Salary-511,000. V 16 BLEEKER STREET EXECUTIVE Full time position for air condltlon- moderately heavy switchboard MILLBURN, NJ 07041 • A .non-profit, human rights'or- 3 .Ing, refrigeration, .& hpatlng. Full and light typing. Hours Monday - ganization sooks a congonlol par- VERREX CORPORATION LOOKING — For porson to work out of' Equal Employment Opportunity - Male/female \ ATT: SHIRLEY MILLER o SECRETARY company bonollls. No teaching PART .TIME H.OMEMAKERS Friday 8:30 AM -1:30 PM and.1:30 PERSONNAL MANAGER " son. Full timo. Immodlato oponl.hg. our Cranford office calling on prosontcus- Intorostlng and dlvorslllod posi- Expqrloncbd wlth'typlng and sleno oxporJenco required. CaJ|_Mr. tomors for ro-ordors. Call 276-0170, Earn Extra Monoy Moonlighting soil Intost PM - 8:30" PM. Call Debbie at (or. mortflago banking llrin In Puzlo at: . • -~ ~ bolwoon 9 8 6." Blnck-WhltO' Summor High Fashion 376-1313 between 9-5. . . PERSONNEL tion. Must uso Word Processor. ..SHOP HELP • -8 SprlngfloH. Call 584-BOBO. LINCOLN TECHNICAL Jowolry. No Invoslmonts. High Prolit. For RECEPTIONIST - CARDIO)bOGY FULL TIME Millburn aroa. All bonolits, Four trninoos for chipping, packing and MALEAFEMALE-To work In dry clonnors Froo Samplo,.Call: ASSISTANT Are you Interested In becoming part of a team whoso primary objoctlvo Is to 370-7844 =— sot-up'. Hospilalizolion plan, 12 paid holi- INSTITUTE to assoiriblb clothing. Approximately four PT SECRETARIT ^ Employment— provide quality, patient care? A challenging position Is avallablo In our days, company paid lito-insuranco, work houro-a-dayrlivordnVs—Good-salary— _ 325-3022 '•— Responsible;—mature—Individual- shoos, vacations, slondy iricroasqs. .App- f—964-7800^— Somo sowing oxporlonco nocossnry. Cardiology Department which offers diversified responsibilities in doallng ' needed 4 hours per day for local If publlb contact and holpli .„ , directly with physicians, patlonts and hospitals. Excellent Company paid ly In poropn, Crown Motnl Finishing Co., FACTORY 688-6623. • ' PART TIME- Salary $7 - $10 por hour. SECRETARY 38 Boriglit Avonuo, Konilworlh. (oil 14th INTERESTED — In holping others to Union office.. Answer phones, important to you, thon porhaps you .benefits package Salary commensurate with experience. If.Intorostod Call WORKERS Union ollico. Sludonls occoptod. Hours 6 'bolonglnourfastpacqdPorsonnolOfficol For small manufacturing plant. _ Slroot). ' -dovolop Indopondant living skills? As a TMANAGEn/AsslsTohrHanogaf/Pobl PM - 9 PM. Monday -Thursday,'-No-typ- greet clients and typo. Great for , Porsonnol, 277-8633...... Ono woman, offlco. Gonoral. eubsliluto counselor train1 6- montally Tochnldani (Supervise oponlng/closing) Ina Onll fia7-8B66. returning homomokor. Call Mary Wo havo a position that olfors high visibili- to for Mountajnsido Communluly Pool, Sub- ty and varlod responsibility In addition to clorical, typing, light bookkooplng. rotardod rosldonts In group homo. Homos Ellen at: Hours 0-5. Will consldor part timo. START TO WORK NOW $7.46/Hr. Starting Rale localod In Summit, "Now Provldonco, mit rosumo by Fobruary 10th.to Suo PART/TIME- Dohtal rocoptlonlst, Tuos- requiring Indopondant action and thought. Wlnans, Pool' Adm., 1385 Routo ' 22, THE GENUS CORP Wo'ro looking for candidates with 1-2 Colvln-Frlodmnn Company, 697 Don't lot your lack of oxporionco hold yoy_ Rotating Shirts with Borkoloy Holghts and Mllllngton. Cron- .day's and Thursday's, 9-6 and a V4 day back Irom gottingjho job you want today." Mountalnsido, N.J. 07092. EOE. Saturday. Exporionco proforrod, but will- • yoors offlco oxporionco, typing Morris Turnpike, • Sprlngfiold. • Shift Differential •- llvo, rownrdlng position. Work whon you ; 687-5000 , >20 SUMMIT AVENUE. SUMMIT.-NEW JERSEY 07001 Wb havo a wido varioty of opportunities aro nvailablo. Hours 3-11pm wookdiys ing to train. Call Janlco, 522H133. 45-55WPM, professional poir.o, and 376-44B6. .MANICUHIS.T/SHAMROOEBS.halr,cut -excellent-lnlerpersonal-ekllls-Word-pro— •lor-rosponciblo-cnroor-orionlod-pooplor- ~Papor~con\r

Wl CLASSIFIEDiiDS! Big Results! Id1 other ' CELCAHS. VAJ CLASSIFIED ADS! let, and i cleaned Tear No chocks I oaragel. Ar"' No cirly birds / I lemovnd1 . ' vMrs old. excellent condition , etc. MUrdock 'S- Body4 Feeder P*rts ./ |jam«« naK* ptac«, union v TANI Exl,«"»«ninofc );. .-.'IS • Available at ' • .'. . . HELELPP ! '/ ' .. " a«l±* " i '" ' ' -^ ••;- il EAST ORANGE Ai


UNION — Family wanlod.' A roro find. MAPLEWOOD — Outdoor parking UNION CENTER , ^ DENICOLO TILE CONTRACTORS Spacious 3 bodroom Colonial. Living LOOKING FOR 7" HOMEOWNERS Orlg. Recyclers ol Scrap spacos lor ront in largo loncod In commor- NEW11200 squor6 foot. Availablo about '| Meta room,-dlnlng-room,-largo-kilchon,Jon,- icaNardrldoalfortruckporkingroasortod- -MarchrExcellontlocalionrnmpIo parking^—C7- Established 1935 hardwood floors,, nonr Washington: sizod ovollablo. CAII 762-7282. ' i Idoal for qltbrnoy or accoynlnnt. Call: § ' School and transportation. Low $190'o. Fast Professional MAX KEINSWN SONS, MC. -688-2051 or 992-6107 =• Kitchens, Bathrooms1, Repairs, Gout- Any stylo kltchon chairs rocovorod. Rou- ' Now starting our exciting NEW EXXON Evenings, B. Wolsy, 467-2588. Typesetting service . pholstorlng of bars, booths and couchos. •--- SWCEWZOH— o Ing, Tllo PloojvTub^ Enclosures," •Jow loom rubbot-PlcK-up am) dolivory VINYL SIDING PROGRAM. II you qualify RAY_BELL_ APARTMENTS FOR RENT Showerslalls ' "OFFICE^TO-LET avollablo.- . •. '1 •". ~ your home will display our sOTng at— r . Dally8-S/saf.«:30-12 AND ASSOCIATES Interested In starting a new career, Free Estimates Fully Insured BUSINESS PROPERTY GARWOOD- Throo. bodrooms,,. living 8 HUGE SAVINGS. No money down 100% financing "We Are Your" room, dining room, kiichon, enrpoting, lull g Want to change jobs See us (or type No job top small or too large ' 1001 Vauxhall Rd. CALL NOW AND GET UP TO MM236 HILLSIDE — Olflco'spnco, lurnlshod'. Neighborhood Professionals ntllcandbaspmont. Onocargorago. Oil modorn, sharo phonos and socrptarial M!in9 vour resume. : _$1000,.CA8HJf»EBATE__ CLARK — Brand now offlco condo (or stroot parking.' No pols. Avnilnblo March _192t-Morrls-Ave._Unlon_ ront,-524.sq.It. EicollonlJocollon,-Olf_ sorvicos il noodod. Contral Avo. aroa. ——686-5953 — -1-.-$075plus-utilitios^-1>4-nionths.cocuri.- "023=8444: ; —- :_E.O.-BOX_36951_UnL0])1_Nl HOUSE SALES CONDUCTEDBY TWO GSP.CDII 382-1616 or 382-5042. ty. 276-2258 oftor 4 PM., , - Call 286=2477 PFtlENDS ANTIQUES. KNOWN FOR STERLING — Ollicos, 1st lloor, 1000 TERRIFIC RESULTS. ALL SIZE SALES- IRVINGTON/Maplo\Voodlino,3'/. roomi . sq.lt., altor to suit, main avo., $1000 o-. . -762-0303 CONSIDERED. 272-3386 or 467=1146. all ulilitios suppliod, 1% month security, 1964 CUSTOM — 37' Egd Harbour, -monthT—DoctorT—pontistr-^Accountantr— TRAVEL BUREAUS UNlON_nCKET;S__ HOUSE FOR SALE singlo prqforrod. $420 month~37ra32fc= Lnwyorr Rpailor^-tngineer. Call John' WINDOWS $20,000 or boat ollor. Coll 245-8788,9 lo 2022 Morris Avo., Union uuwyuir n\Juiiui^.ciiui .6 -wookdays . _ INTERESTED - In buying paintings, IRVINGTON- Private) socond lloor ol 2. Marzano, 344*2524, Monday-Friday, — 851-2880 '_ : BERKELEY-HEIGHTS-ChoicoJocalion, Marzano, 344*2524, -Niggle Composition FAR WORLD OFTRAVEL : '"llriorfs, sllvor, OrlohtarrugsVto'ys, vlhlago familyr4 roomsr$485 por-monlh plus hoal- DINING ROOM — Chalre, now, 6 oolld 688-6000 3 bodroom Colonial, 1'/. baths, many 8:30^-4. /__._j ' CLEAN & SHINE " -.KISS lurnituro, otc. Houso-Solos Conductod. and.socurity. Call.375-6427 or 375-5514 i63 Valley Street chorry. Must sncrallco lor $150 ooch. Call • Call Anytimo-Huntor a Owen. 277-6387. oxtrns. Soiling lor $218,500: Principals Comploto Porsonallzod Sorvlco Worl- MAINTENANCE CORP. 379-7197, ollornoons. only. Call 464-15Q8. . MAPLEWOOD — Baso apartment. Hoat, Maplewood dwldo. Chortprs-Honoymoons-Cruisos- •STING INION hot wator, and parking-in small apnrtmonl Cor Rontals-Travol Insuranco-Groups- DRAPES-Two sols oil whllo, lull longlh •YES USEDFURS GOVERNMENT-HOMES from $1.00 (U houso. Port-timo minor work for handy- '. : '- New Jersey Co'mplotb-]anltorlal sorvlco ••' Repair) Foreclosures, Ropos, Tax Doliq- UNION — Furnishod bodroom, quiot, pri- GoltTdnnls-Spoclal Packagos-Multl- . Rosldontial/Commordal Clonning 8'x1O' also boigo opon woavo lor sliding •ZAPPA .WANTED " man. Roforoncos. Call 763-8377. Ungual. — door. All oro fully llnod. $50.00.964-4759. BUY OR SELL CALL uont Proportion. Now sollihg your nroa. vate homo, centrally located. Maturo busi- Floor waxlng-buillng, carpot. window •SUPER BOWL TICKETS Hinhost prlcbs paid lor (ur coats & iockots ness gonlloman. Call 688-3868, alloi : RonLQCNows-Rocdrd Bldg. 3J W..Woslfiold Avonuo -. . Call 1-315-736-^375 Ext. H-NJ-U1 lor .UNION- Throobodroom o you no lonnor woar. FRIEDMAN FURS, ^3 ••. Mon., Tuos;; 7am-5pm FREE i .curronl-list^-a4-HRS7- venieoy$plu&uttilld$?G0 t . Wo'd.,-7am-5pm • FIREWOOD , --• Availnblo immodiatoly. Call 923-0035 FH & Sal 7am to 4pm. WANTED TO BUY. LINDEN- Sunnysido. By ownor. Boauti- days or 687-5830 ovonlngs. WEST ORANGE- Motol rooms available. 241-4422' 992-5987 Spllt-and soasonod hardwood. Ono yoai lul oxpandod capo. Four bedrooms, two. Wookly, dail/ and manthl/ ratos. Maid TOM MICHAELS old. Full cordl • •• . WHITE ; baths, contral air. Many oxlros. Princi- UPPER IRVINGTON- Prlyalo homo. 3 sorvico, color TV. Inquire at Town and CALL: ADJUSTABLEDrossmakors Manoguln. toalty Ronllors 688-4260 pals only,._$_2j!?,000,_. 925.-J503. . room oportmont. All utilitios^suppllod. Campus, 350 Ploasant Valloy Way, Wost ROOFING Roasonablo. Call 486-0407, nftor 7pm. PETS $585~pormonlh. Working couple pro- Orango. TREE SERVICE 636-0278 or 583-5885 lorrod. No pots. Coll 373-9678 anytime FIREWOOD- FOR SALE.- Soosonoc. --ANYLIONEL, FLYER, FREE —'Tb good homo, modlum GIZO WEDDING INVITATIONS wlrod hair Torrior, 3 yonrp old, groat with •"'• CLARK BUILDERS ' oak. Guarantood to burn: Call 379-6041 IVES AND~OTHER VACATION RENTALS TRAINS children and olHor pots, housobrokon. APARTMENYS WANTED NETHERLAND TREE FREE FIREWOOD-Mlxbd coll and hard' Moving. Call 964-7392. ' •• Wychhonneis. NEW YbRK-Skl Chaloj_15 minutp (rom SERVING UNION COUNTYFOR OVER EXPERTS Complolo Lino wood lumbor onds. Pdrloot (or burnlnf Top prlcos paid, SMALL" Family nooda two bodroom Goro Mountain. Fully oquippod kitchon,- 17 YEARS. NEW ROOFING nnd alono or as kindling. Cloon, dry, no nails 635-2058 _ yourgreatest apnrlmont or lloor in two family houso in liroplaco, sloops 6 to 8. Wookly, REPAIR. ALL WORK-GUARANTEED IN In Moplwood. 761-1537, ovonlngo one 334-8700- Union Counly oroa by May 1. No brokers wookonds, mid-wook rohtals, 273-3263.. . WRITING. FULLY INSURED! FREE Prompt Gorvlco, Safety at oil tlmoG. Wedding wookonds. LOW COST ploaso. Call 245-0591, botwoon 12 noon ESTIMATES. CALL: . — Romovnlr, (also stumps), pruning, cablo ATTENTION — Homoownoro. nnrl 10 PM PLAN- This years vacation to an island and cavity work. 100 It. crano sorvlco. Announcements HOUSE SALE — 1300 Barbara Avo. Appliances, furnituro and rubbish romdv- houso. Hilton Hoad,.South Carolina. All SMALL-' Family (two adults, ono-child) modern, two bodrooms, poql, ono block 381-5145 Froo Estiniatos. Fully Insurod, . • : Union, Saturday 10-4. Maplo dining room, al, attics, collars and garagos. Also houso Spaying & • Also wickor lovosoat &' plocos, TV, brass solos conducted, partial or ontlro homos Westfietd? looking for 4 • 5 rooms in privnto homo. from ocean. FREE TENNIS. Call alter 5 iloms, llroplaco oqulpmont, washor^ 4 atvory roasonablo ratos. Call 763-6054. Neutering (or Hillsido/lrvinnton/Vailsburg. Call Mr. & PM, 688-1798. • - • ; PATRICK BUCKLEY Iroozor, small appllahcoo, linons, glass- Cats & Dogs MrG. Colo, 399-4096, loavo mossago... No Job_Too Small or Too Large 752-0165 Napkins and _waro.& baby.Itoms. Cash on|y. •• iBJJ51MESS_0PPS_ •: All Types of Repairs T SouvenirMatches- BOOKS" Jncluding prognant pots "AP7trTTMWrS~TD~SHARE WoJ3uy nnd Soil Books For information call: . Gutters . . Leadors MAKE AN OFFER-ALL MUST ALWAYS'^- mako suro you do'thinhs TYPEWRITER SERVICES Maple GO -321 PARK AVE., PLFD. Animal Alliance (2) PROFESSIONAL.Womnn sooks a 3rd right whonyou start a business.-SCORE • DOTSY LOU - - PL4-3900 woman to sharo 3 bedroom apartment. oxports can holp. Govornmont spon- Roofing Contractors Block naugahydo covon loot sola, $160r, Wolfaro Non-smoker, no pols. Avoilablo March 1. sorod. No cost' to you. Call SCORE Composition 3-by 5. loot butchpr block tablo, $90.00., "- , Union, NJ League of N.J. $290 plus ulilitios. PliJaso call. 762-16,59. 645-3382 Monday to Friday, 9:30-2:30. A-1 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST walnut lormlca tablo, 40 Inch round opons BUYING .. 688-2188 ' • 463 Valloy Slrool to 64 Inchos, $60.00., livo loot light wood WEEKDAYS 9am-5pm DEALERS Wnntod-PrO'Ongirioorod Typing done In my homo (In Ihp roar ol tho drossor, $60., marblo and mahogany col- ANTIUQES . FURNITURE COND0S/TOWNH0USES wood/metal clod building company look- ... WILLIAM H. VEIT Nows-Rocord Building) loo tablo, $135., marblo and walnut colloc All antlquos. Oldor bodroom and dining ing to oxpand with doalors to sell and Roofing + •Sonmloss Guttorc. Froo Esti- ^Resumes room sots. Estato and horrjo contonls. tablo, $10.00, 1 tMO's consolo radio- 574-3981 LINDEN-5 room Condo", oxcollonl loca- orocfour succosslul commorcinl building " moto's. Own work. Insurod. Sinco 1932, \ Reports Maplowood" rocord playor, $50.00., lloor polishor, Oriontal rugs', oil paintings and anything designs. Amorican Eaglo Buildings, 241-7245. old. tion, 2 bodroomo, largo llvlnnroon & ^Letters $10.00,4' dosfc,. $70.00, Tumors, spoak- dining room, ooMn kltchon, air condl- 1-800-232-5347; - .' . «r£rJU(ntablasrlireplacS'BorooiVpo9temr ri^—446J088- ^tSb^bWjnWdtrwItrrprotJtTJtctirtn lion, noul/hol wulor Included. Near all "^Terrn Papers" prints. Call 762-0954. .. DEALERS WANTED — Pro-onginoorod; SUP COVERS-DRAPERIES lad. or state Assist. Prog.) tranBporotlon. Avallablo immodiatoly. /ood/motal clad building company, took- •^/Statistical Typing XOLOR-Portoblo TV-sots and VCR's $780/month. Call allor 5pm, 245-4900. inig to expand with doolors'to soll'qad wantod to buy. any condition. Days, CALL 964-7392 MAUSOLEUM- THREE - Hollywood that's Wychl oroctoiroct oui r cuccosslu_ l commortial'baildinnr 753-7333,- ovonlngs, 464-7496. SP.RINGFIELD- Two bodroam, VA bath designs. Amorican Eaglo Buildings, , CUSTOM- SLIPCOVERS, DRAPERIES OR-687-7071 " Momorlal Park. $3,000 aoch.' Call FLEA MARKETS 687-7146. REAL ESTATE Mmm, the UOOLI lill*. BeamiJiil laiulscapiug. Prestigious Townhouso with NEW oa't-Tn'kilchon', liv- 1-800-232-5347. _\ AND. RE-.UPHOLSQTERY. Guorantood nL'ighlinrhtKHL Spacious IHH\ two and three-bedroom co-tins ing rpom/diriing room, roc room, laundry. • • workmanship. Your fabric or" ours. 36 BIGTINDOOR FLEA~MARKET - Rosollo RUMMAGE SALE — Giant Rummago -ALL CASH- Paid for any homo, 1 - 10 iL'.miriilL; iv;.lLinus living ro_Closo at your convo.nl- Gardens of Wcstlield prnvijes i)ualiiy-living,-cumlurt.iiD!;i HOUSE .FOR JENT LADIES APPAREL. CHILDRENS- STEREO-Am/Fm cassotlo/8 'tro'cW & APPRAISALS onco.—Call 373-2430. . valiK'Tarclyibuml anywhere else. "J$20^$4prVALUE)OR- STORE. PROFESSIONAL UNION- Flvo rooms, collar, garago, hoat, REGULAR STORES CHOOSE FROM -COMPUTERIZED J phono, Atari 800 homo computorwith disk , , dill—' — -- ..GOVERNMENXdHomos _(rom..$.1- (U. '~"WORD PROCESSING FOR SALE drlvo find many gtihTriS; wdrnlil'bo'nch" ropalr).Dollnqaont tax proporty Ropos- Affordable Co^>p& hot wator, kllchon appliances, washor&' JEAN/SPORTS1WEAR, LADIES, - with 130 lbs wolght, now condition. Kitch- dryor included. $1,100. monthly. Ono MEN'S, LARGE SIZES,. PETITE, TYPESETTING Done In My Homo. sosslons. 0,frtt-1^TO6-687-6000, priced front DANCEWEAR/AEROBIC, BRIDAL, CALORIC- 30 Inch gas stovo,' ultra-ray on sot, round with 4 choirs. TV, B/W port- Ext.GH-1448. lor currant ropo list. months socurity. Awollablo Fobruary 15th IBM Hardware, Word Perfect Soft brpllor. Black glass door. Excollont cbndl- ablo 13 Inch, bost olfor. Call Mikor 6B7-7071 or March 1st, 276-4364. • LINGERIE OR ACCESSORIES STORE..; -6S7-7302-or-687-0085.- ^~ BRANDS: LIZ CLAIBORNE, HEALTH- •-Veloxes : .wore, HP Law.-lB* Printer. Mailing -llon^Coll-oltor-6pm,-064-0187r—•• TEXr-C«MP-BEVERL-Y-HIL-LS7-ST— • Ruled Forms Lists, Resumes, Legal- documents, PHONE: — . CEMETERY- Plots. Doublo grnvo.from TELEVISION— 13" portablo, block & HIGHEST PRICES PAID MICHELE, FORENZA—BUGLE BOY, : • Negatives prlvoto ownor. Hollywood Momorial.Park, whito. Good picture Bost olfor takos It. FOR YOUR ' Sales Office open HOUSES TO SHARE. LEVI, ORGANICALLY GROWN, LUCIA,' 851-9.275—--" Non-Soorotarlan. Mako bllor. 245-3748, Call 686-3259 oltor 6pm. _I400JEu«t llKinil St., WeuVvtW Mon.,'1\iet., Thum., Frl., -OVER 2000-OTHERS. OR $13.99 ONE "ANTIQUES"6T0LD THINGS- PRICE OR MULTI-TIER PRICING DIS- CHILD'S- Whlto wood -bedroom not, TIRE RIMS—4 Chryslor Corp. rims and 2 ' (201)2337710, 11 a.m. — 4 p.m. UNION—Now houso, now development, Maple-Composition after 7pm . . Sat. & Sun., 2'/« bath, 1 roommoto wanlod, 2 car gnr- COUNT OR FAMILY SHOE STORE. drossor, chost, Hutch, dock, chair, hoad: Toyota rims In NEW condition. Boalollor. AND • Buying or Sdlling RETAIL PRICES UNBELIEVABLE FOR 463-Valloy.St. Maplowood V V&J TYPING SERVICE— Profoasjgnnl board, box-spring, framo, night stand, Cairaltor 6 pm or wookonds; 686-3259. CoflForDirj 10 a.m. — 4 p.iu. ago," largo mastor bodroom availablo. 1 MAHOGANY FURNITURE Realtor 2i).1-5B85 $500. 377-2607, or 686-7940 altor 8pm. TOP QUALITY SHOES NORMALLY "Roasonablo Rates. rrhiisfe, •Dfejsortn- colling- light, rockor, .mirror, $400, Also • Wo will romovo odds and onds and 31 W. Wostliold Avo., RP PRICED FROM $19. TO $60. OVER 250 025-3422. ' ,-• . ' ' (Roar ol Nows-Rpeord Building) .lions, Torm Papors, 'Roporls, dourna WEDDING- GownSi $99 and up. Brldo'G old (umlluro from your homo. • Exclusive FAUCIN ASSOCIATES BRANDS 2600 STYLES. S17, 900 TO Mon. Tuos. Wod. 7am to 10pm • Submissions, Rosumos, Mailing 'Lists Molds gowns, $65 and up. Also custom UNION-Young malo professional Booking $29,900: INVENTORY TRAINING, FIX- Frl.& Sal.-7arp.to 4pm 'Manuscripts, Corrospondonco, Diolatlon COFFEE TABLE-Largo pvol ohapo GHARbES MIKULIK . IS Tlmo Sharing lor you For n 4 pago mado Prom gowns. Wo supply tho mator- All unltt* Ktitil Hubjuct tu an od^tllii; ilMHUUK*-' in tlie amount al &65.SO.p:r u samo to sharo two bo'drob'm.houso Innico TURES, GRAND OPENING, AIRFARE. Transcriptions, olc. 'Avallablo ovonlngs marblo top.. Excellent condition. Bos roport-sond $2:60 to Chatham Prldo Dis- ETC. CAN OPEN 15 DAYS. CALL MR ollor. .Call oltor 5pm, 245-4382. ' • • lal. Mo.rcodot Bridals, 1201. Sprlngliold • 688-1144 UNION * The loniplete alfaing turnu am in un qlknnjtpldn available from tlw i>|u neighborhood. $450 a month includos oil. CALL 7624303 - • and wook-onds. Call Vlcklo: 374-3008. Avonuo, Irvlnalon. 375-4052. tributors, P.O. Box 1045, Chatham, N.J. Bus to NYC at door. Call 686-2520. LOUGHLIN (612) 808-6555. •.- 07928. '- .. „

.-•V-—» UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED Project of the weqk_ Have your weekends been spent at crowded Also available is.a collection of six spice, utensil RIGHT swap meets and dusty antique"shops~huritlng"for~ ~ and revolving Shelf pattcrns..;Sliclf Packet No.C34 J Saw - 10", % horsepower that special, country piece you've been wanting for for'SS.SO. Our latest Patterns for Belter Living AWAY. a long time? Why not spend tliis weekend at home • catalog, picturing over-700 woodworking and motor with extra blades. ancjjniild it yourschTIt's easy wilh our s(cp-by- handicraft projects, is S3.95. All prices include step instructions to guide you in creating these six ' poslagc and handling. California residents please Good condition. pieces made out of pine, • . " ;. add six percent sales "tax."Send check or money to obtain patterns and plans for all six projects, order to Steve Ellingson, c/o County Leader, P.O. send $4.50 for'Plan No.597, Country Pine Sextet. - Box 2383, Van Nuys-.CA 01409-2383." • . S5M for first 20 words ' USE A PREPAID- *1M each added 10 words' Enclose check _^_or_money_or_der L. I~TC LASSI FIE D~AD~~

NAME— . •• " '.' —r- TELEPHONE,- This^TearSend-A

ADDRESS MESSAGE To That Special Person CITY ZIP To Appear In The FEBRUARY 11 iJi ISSUE

Write your 3d in the spaces below and mail to $ or send to ONLY 5.°° County Leader . (Pre-Paid) Newspapers NEWSPAPERS Deadline; Monday Feb. 8tli, 4 PM For A 20 Word Message in the P.O. BOX 3109 CLASSIFIED ' LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME? Union, N.J. 07083 P.O. Box 3109, Union, N.J. 07083 JQNION CLASSIFIED • llwra er« prtuitily ovar I7S Fiemei r«jxirl«J (or ml« In Union Print Message In Townihlp olon«? ' . " Boxes Below . • lho( II WMIM loli* m ovtro(« pirion ol IHII a 40 hour waa|i la laa IIMM alt? (em) iKat'i |uil Union Two.) ... ' • rixrt « a wtmltr ol Iha G.E.U.C.I.R. Mulll|ili tlillitg Sarvlct, w« (m sava you llntaaml aHari by hdplng you lltid Ida taller wild Mw h«m» Ikol waalj yaur luaJt anywhara wllhln Iha Union .

* • • '

. ___ • • - i •Idol w« (m daaa yau bt wlnJ M naw HillnM Ba(ama ovolloiU an • Jolly IwtliT Fw a cMlldintltl, no «bll|iliM iwie* of youi nuds, till 6J6 D656. t«l «ur pioftnloiul] lliil l«o«in| l« you! You hut nolhinj to IOM and much HIM b UM. ••••.. it, , ' . . • IIEKIUEMf FtWSTtHIHG HGENCY, IKC. — 1U0M0JMISJIVE. UNION 10 ;•; : »i "" """"" } **" • • ' ' •

——-... • ' —Myabt HOMEOWNER 19. AND BUSINESS LOANS lO«r r22. 23. -•-Apply-by-PhonebMo-ReeJI-Rednanc'es- • dredlt Problems-No Problem • Rapid Approvals* Equity Your Best Asset • No Income Verification _ . 25. . • Secondary Mortgage Loans from $5000 486-6800_ 29. 31 HOME MORTGAGE SERVICES v OF NEW JERSEY 62a*lo. Wood Awe., Linden ' Eva«'tllS;00 8' r


•» Horoscope "The .construction-~of- modern log homes Lifesaver tags available roqulrod. You'll reach your goal.by tho end.' AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Fob'. 18) A friend ." PISCES (Fob. 19 to March 20) Although all" nsylvanih~(l'.032) than any other state. North Car- For week of Jan. 28 - . VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) Tho bost way who has come to you for help may not bo aro ln.a duller on tho |ob concerning various accounted for over 5 percent of the custom-built, olina-waa second with 883, followed by Now York - -Your police "departmcnLwilV be distributing free Lifesaver to handle that problom at home Is to face It ol this week and order will be restored, • Tags courtesy of Weichert Realty and Lifc"savcr Charities. ARIES (March J1-AprlM9) Thoso o! you lolling you tho whole story, so you may bo——added- responsibilities, you are moro than single family homes built in; the United States in- with>87.9, Georgia with 877 and Tennessee -with— squarely arid tako firm, action. Others aro reluctant to* loud a hand. Your Instincts aro - . equal to rise to the challong'o: By tho ond of s who have children may havo somo probloms SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Doc, 21) JL986,!!_according..to John R. Kupferer, editor and 865. . • — The Lifesaver Program,.writtcnup inlhc-Npvcmbcr issue of rclylnrjjn you lor answers, and you'll bo . good o.n this one, and It might bo wise not to ' tho weekryoTT will havo everything In order - this wook, but yoj'rp In a good position to You'ro really not sure about embarking on publisher of Log Homes Magazine. • the Reader's Digest, is gaining tremendous' interest across tlie •t ablo to saw tho day. Something which Is got Involved. Tako carp of yousell now. . and progressing smoothly. "There may be as miiny as a quarter of a million ; resolve . thoso Immocdialoly. Romanco nagging you at work becomes clear. . that proposed trip, but .the stars aroin your The 'magazine's 1986 Log Home Production & country. - • ' ' should bo takon slowly. .. favor concerlng this. Don't bo afraid of lira Construction Report revealed tliat 19,291 log mqdcrn.log liorncs in use as primary residences in Tags contain vital, information filled out with an ordinary ball LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) You and a~ unknown since It holds only good things tor the United Stales and Canada,"'says Kupferer. He TAURUS (April 20-May 20) You'll, find homes were produced in the U.S. in 1986 with point pcii to help-police, paramedics and emergency room doc-", friend aro not In agreement about certain ' you right "now. What you need Is scll- yoursolf-unablo to decide which requires bases this estimate on the fact that (hcrr/arc 350 mutual money matters. J3o polsltlvo and confidonco. < another 949 in Canada for a total of. 20,240 homes tors properly deal. with, the injured. Lifesaver Tags arc recom- your attention mriro — domestic concerns log homo producing companies in business today. slick to your convictions. You're right on produced by 350 individual log home producers.' mended for active adults, joggers, walkers, bicyclists, senior citi- or your career. To (acllltato things, It's bust this one. You'll find yeursoll motivate! anew The largest has produced over 14,000 homes in its zens, expectant mothers and tho disabled, as well asjor.children. to tacklo each matter as it comes up. CAPRIcgRN (Doc. 22 to Jan.-19) You A network of 2,731 local log ,home builder/ 25 year history, and the oldest company in tlie at work, dispelling that feeling of bolng In a havo some questions concerning finances Tho art of quilting, still popular today, has been practiced dealer representatives erected 19,003J6g homes in Tho tags "are available free ill all police stalio'ns and Weichert GEMINI (May 2i-Juno 20) Thoso, around rut. . • - • and don't want to make a firm decision. It's for thousands of years.' Soldiors of tho Middle Ages wore quiltod industry, has been producing log homos continu- Real Estate-offices.'. . • you aro not In a very cooperative mood, so the United States and 811 in Canada and 426 log SCORPio (Oct. 23 to' Nov. 21) You'ro best to seek but tho advice of an oxriert who coats and hoods under their'armor. • ously since 1923.' it's not the best time to try to roach any homes were exported to other countries, primarily moving In a straight lino in solving a cortaln can ioll you whether to Invest or not; For, Log Homes Magazines, which was started in momonlous agreements. To allovlalo mat- problom. but that's good-slncd this Is what's your own sako, do somo further rosoach. Japan,—wlicrc—log—homes arc becoming very Offers summer rental tips —loraranhonest chat may-open things up -popular: : : !~ —1984r~is-the~aulhoritat,ivc-source~or-consumer— -information on buying, building and maintaining "Making Iho.Most of Your Rental Property" provides valu- . CANCER (Juno 21 -July 22)>You may llnd The 27 log home producers in Mont«!ia-le.A.clbso rolatlvo will Tlic total sales volume for the industry'was over; really got.poQur.noryos.this week wllh - Ida Wassy-Broker and~rnember of the Million Home Production & Construction Report are of Your Rental Property," is available at the firm's Long Beach somo polty boiiavlof. If "possible, turn a^doaf Dollar Sales Club, Invites you to visit her new $416 millionrwhile the "estimated value of these available to the public, wilhouTcost, by writing to Island Central office,, 2421 Long Beach Blvd. in. Surf City, oar to what's going on. This uncomfortablo Jiomcs after erection on the owners' land exceeded Log Homes Magazine, POBox-370rHcmdonrVar- phase will soon pass. ~' off ice located at": . . ..'.'• 1-800-523-0576, and the firm's Long Beach Island South office, $2 billion, according.to the report. -.' ' • • . .;r, 22070 orby calling 1-800-826-3893, 24 hours a 11501 Long Beach -Blvd., 1-800-523-0564. "" ' - . •• In 1986, more log homes were erected in Peh- day. ' - • UNION UNION 1555 OAKLAND AVENUE . . (corner ol Stuyvesant Avenue) YOU'LL FALL IN LOVE MILLBURN $89,900. . WrT&n you see this beautiful- Washington School Bl-Ievel. UNION The Extra-Effort People LUXURIOUS STUDIO Largb country kitchen, family room with deck, 5 bedrooms" 1 % baths, central air. Maintenance free. Move REALTORS In Prestigious Condominium 687-7722 in condition. Come See. Make Offer- • -; Gomrrlunity Features 19ft. Living Dedicated to excellence, Ida Wass and. her staff_ata_j_| RoomrPlush-Wall-to-Wall-Carpo' "avallaBle to assist you In 'the buying find selling pi Inn and Brand Now Appllancos. Call for Appt. Residential, and ComrrierclalRropertles, Rentals and1 Re- : FABULOUS TERMS MANGELS* CO. location. '. , .-.'*' . / ..*•':' ,.,.'^ ''.L;../..: !''L.O__--^= to Qualified Buyors. Sold thru Roaltor by Prospectus. 688-3000

ELIZABETH $177,800 EDISON $228,000 . Ellnora Aroa - 4 Bedroolm, 114 Balhs LINDEN $109,000 . LINDEN $229,800 . $288,855.00 Tower Suction, 7 Roohw (UNIB12) (UNU14)." Sunnyildo area, 3 bedi{ootna (UNI47O) Baautlhil property, 3 bedroohli (UNI478) LINDEN UNION OFFICE , UNION OFFICE UNION OFFICE 5 liodronm Dl-toval wi UNION OFFICE CALL 087-5050 "/ , .'. , , " CALL 887-5050 CALL 087-5050 ROSELLE .--.••••.•, ••"/••••• ': •'•• $199,900.0$199,900.000 SPACIOUS AND onAGlOUS lllSI (UKribos IM> law m.Vnlcn.inco lloina. FoatuiM.nmlliri «,il In kllchenklh , 33+''•, ']& bedroomsbedrooma, 3 baths, tamlttiimlly rroome , CAC and.2 car ttnrago allnmlilal.n park llko selling. Call WH(or appofolmenll - >; V! MOO, •'•• Detfnan H Boyle $150,000.00 ROSELLE ^il . C^ Real Estato Sinco 1905 ** MOVE IN CONDITION • Large property Mil sldey>tl~ToilfllKnhraimry?tar(|»* kliclion, riaw wall tawall. P.ilcari tomovQ in-nlU3rctluc«d.U'1O76 ; ; -l Decorating Den $187,000.00. DUTCH COLONIAL • Llvt comfortably In Ililaattractive IhraebedroomCotMbSsllljalodInonaolnnsella'll' s llnaallll ';','• i , nelghbojhoods. Featuring. Qfnclousjjvlng room, larao dlnlno room, mfldorn kUchoiuntiWTW^HUutMjTTTST :T?7> • • ON ' '' ' ' ''••-:' :<"••• '••• '• • '.'•' .'. '• ! $178,800.00 ifj! "• CY. CIIAKM AND CONVENIENCE - tevalv 4 bodroom'nll brick Tudor/Capo In Washlngloh School *n.i s-'\ UNION ' $178,500 loulipW l'«.ic(lurd«,iil coil, oni block lo Washington School, odlaciinl lo • • v- • (UNISS3) Aluminum aldad, 3 badroohia (UNI547) Battlehlll-4-BedrooMa, 114 Balha (UNI5BO) EPECrAL APPEALI rtEDUCEDlToplocIs obvo l SSoaclou s living' room••--•—, dlnln• a room.• «al-l- n kltchon...... i-c.,..., 3 bedfoomi s am,,«^,] lalouslgnMn . K-kv> -!i JJNION OFFICE : ! --• UNION OFFICE ' UNION OFFICE _ park. PrWoblo^nerihlriiedlawn.U- Is obvloual-1D7 S1 7 ^ ,:' ,, : . . ."' ' • '.* • t ^ $184,900.00. i.- CALL 887-5050 , CALL 887-5050 CALL 687-5050 UNION

UNlQN .•.•'•'•• '-";'' . ' ""• " • $208,800.00 SPLIT LEVEL • Priuncy --yal In town. Loualy, modern, oracelul one lamlly home. A must seel, Don't buy until r\'A you've tain tills homel.U-Pt " : .. •••..••' ' IM VERTICAL DUNOS WINDOW SHADES UNION UNION •".•'• . , J215.000.00 jaj ]W0 FAMILY • Which aiurtment do you noadfTha thres bedroom or ths one badroom vvllh a drosslng room or a ! ,<>> nursery. Bolhljoora lutvo modern kitchens.' bafMand soperole ulllltlas. The basement luso linlsheu room with ''''' baal ,ind the BKterior Is mainlananco (rae. Don't welt too lonQ. you won't hnvd o choice. U-l 110 DON'T MISS THIS f,.w... •ImnnGdlatG^occupancy-nvallabls In this—exocutlvo_sty|o_3 -},?M UNION •• . . •• .'$179,000:00'V* STAnTEd ROME • Dalllo Mill Starter • 3 ballroom home wllhylnyl tldlno, larga corner lot In one ol Ilia llnul • UNION ' $228,800 UNION $254,800- bedroom"1ft-bath homo NYC buses and tValns a short walk- "M\/D»eor+itrtO Smrvi'cm I* secllona ol Union. U-WIU. •• . . t . NION • ' >$215,0dO 3 bedroom*, Vac room, rnueh more! UNION • J245.D00 4+ Bedroohu, 2 Datht, Fireplace -^ rr*#. Cull **¥ Xwhtvi" away. .Enjoy happy times In family room at $205,750 Orchard Park Center Hall (UNI809) (UNI548) 2 lohill^Llvlncjiton School (UN1S78) (UNI574) CALL 353-4200 UNION OFFICE UNION "OFFICE "' UNION OFFICE , UNION OFFICE CALL 887-5050 - -CALL887-S050 , CALL887-5050 CALL 687-5050

: •• HOUSEHUNTING? I -THE-UNIpN-OEEICE- SCHLOTT 20^687-4800 Weichert Get oH to an early start with Schlott Realtors' SUNDAY MORNING HOME SHOW, 8:30 A.M. Realtors • Check your-T-V listings. tfapery * Furnitura • Carpel w, loerr. SCIM inc. c More tlian 160 olllcos in New Jersey, INCW York, Lonnecticui, i-cnnsyivania am PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING COLLECTION AGENCY CLEANING SERVICE CONCERT TICKETS CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION J.L CAROLAN From IrvinQton CUSTOM INTERIOR • HAVE YOUR BARTHES CONTRACTING INC. PAINTING 1 L&S COLLECTIONS HOME UNION TICKETS SINGLE FAMILY PAINTING GEORGE REASONABLE PAINTING - RJTAVARES r- AND ] . PAINTING GRAND OPENING OF CLEANED PROFESSIONALLY 202Z Morris Avenue VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS - $400 & UP INTERIOR ( EXTERIOR THE "~ Union, New Jersey HOME IMPROVEMENTS HILLSIDE OFFICE Monthly, 'weekly, or' one _• 7/8 Thermal Pane Quality'' PAINTER PLASTERING -.FREE ESTIMATES ROOMS & HALLWAYS 25VeiisEiperi«nt] • Profoaslonal lime. We don't cut corners, 851-2880 ' - Direct From Factory To customer save S$ "Workmanship HJIUIIUIIItXHHIUII REASONflBITRATES • Rolnll we eloan thom.—Honost^ •Addltlons>Dormcrs-Dccks» Rooms _ Hallways Fiee Eslimiles' discreet service. —-ITKISS" •Roofs«Wlndows»Sldlng- CASEMENT WINDOWS $300 & UP — PalnteD & Papornd ——• Commercial DOUBLE HUNG DAY WINDOWS , REASONABLE RATES •OUILHBUV I'AIHl FULLY INSURED" • PHANTOM $33.00 & up BOW WINDOWS* SLIDING WINDOWS' FREE ESTIMATES • Hully Insured Special Discount for Senigr Citizens 32 Years Experience Windows, and Gutters, ' • STING ' . Free Estimates Insurod CARPENTRY ALSO. • Itosoiumt llaies - CULL: aUICK RESULTS •—•-YES INSURED . other services available. 964-5959 STATE LICENSED Froe Eatlmato/Fully Inourod LENNV TUFANO Call Bob, Monday-Friday • ZAPPA AlttiitiiMs "' Attics' 396-0822 or aftor 4pm, 9.tt & Sun after 1 705.9332 All Jr^ork Guaranteed 815-0261 374-5436 or 761-5511 Just Call Ray > SUPER BOWL Basements '. Sheslioclr' "T678-1324 396-1340 273-6025 pm P.O. Box BOOS TICKETS BOB: 964-5813 688-5457 Hillside, N.J. 07205 756-6108 -| Kitchens • <•• 686-8484

PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING/WALLPAPERING' i PAPER HANGING PHOTOGRAPHY DECORATING DRIVEWAYS : ELECTRICIAN ELECTRICIAN FLOOR REFINISHING SPURR ELECTRIC EXPERT FLOOR: PAINTING SINGLE FAMILY $400 & UP WILLIAM E. _SAF_ETY AN01QUALITY SANDING t REFINISHING MARSELLABROS.-PAVING "Gaptura-f he-Moment Forever TIN YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS ~ —R&T PUGLIESI Lie. No. nil B&M FENCE INTERIORS ONLY' ROOMS & HALLWAYS $300 wQuallly Photography HOME DECORATING BAUER Asph.lt Driveways J-D-S All type Installatior •Apts -Houses . • Portrolls HOUSE CALLS _ Professional PREFERRED Blockwork ASPHALT PAVING •R«ess»d Ughtint _. and Repairs. » Giragw QHIcet 2 - .— •.Child, on ELECTRICfllL •Smote DJIKIMI Hirdwood Floors --PAPERHANGING— -R;RrTles No |ob too big or too small —Painting—' ROMAN SHADES DRIVEWAYS CONTRnCTIHC •Yard & Security Ufhtlng r -.- Froo Eslimalo REASONABLE Prolosslonal Backhoe _ • PARKING LOTS •Mtintiim CARPENTRY ALSO. . • Tostolul Boudblrn DRAPERIES « PILLOWS N.I. Stale license •' i ' 24 Hour SeniCo Wallcovering Installation CURBS CONCRETE *New Developmenb °RATES Dumptruck Service CONSULTATIONS Builness Permit no. 7413 - FREE ESTIMATES •Exterior/Interior • Wa|l Preparation No Job Too Shiall WORK Ml woik In compliance wIlhNjIlorul 371-2540 STATE LICENSED Special Christmas Prices IN YOUR HOME EXCELLENT SERVICE (All Horns ImprovMiumts) •Paperhanging • Froo Estlmatos * Piofeuionall. Done Electrical code. REASONABLE RATES Froe Estimates on Any Size CALL 851-2507 IMPACT. Fully Insurod "or >Gf8-3543 INSURED • Insurod " ' ."' CALL 889-6205 762-8848X NO I0B TOO BIG OR SMALL Jobs. Call Dave or Al: CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHS -FrooEstlmatos- No lob to Small or 687-8379 687-227S FMdentlil I Comtnerciil 647-4305 371-0016 964-4942 686-8555 272-8865 964-1245 851-9614 ( 1 . -•• ROOFING ROOFING TYPESETTING TYPING SERVICE HOME IMPROVEMENT HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS PRINTING RESUMES ResutriBg PHIlFESSinHflL IMPROVE YOUR HOME ARTHURS HOME IMPROVEMENTS No-Job-T«j-Small- M&F CALL 762-0303 Fait Proleulonal COMPUTERIZED WORD PROCESSING WITH GIL R&R or Too Large WE STOP LEAKS HOME IMPROVEMENTS EXTERIOR/INTERIOR PAINTING For A Bid On All Type«otllnfl tervlca Clirk Builders, Inc.' TYPESETTINQ DONE IN MY HOME HOME IMPROVEMENTS Wo turn-old homos Into new. Win- N Your Printing Needs Interested In starting a new ca- AIITyj Sarvlrig Union County • Valoym dows, doors,, sldowalks, loaders, gut- No Job too big or too small, i roor Want to change Jobs See us ' IBM Hardware & • GUTTERS. lets Leaders / . ForOwar 18 Years ,,• .Bulod Forrni tors, • carpentry work, painting, . ROOEING Publication printing., lor typesetting your resume. ' • Negatlvaa Word Perfect Software ' -New Roofing & Repair wallpaporlng ._.6loclrlcal. Custom PORCHES , ' DECKS a Specialty Call 762-0303 HP Lasqr Jet Printer HOME IMPROVEMENT DECKS i P Flat Roofing . . Maplp ComnoslHon GENERAL CONTRACTORS Craftsmon, Call Rlctg at ADDITIONS ' 483 Valley Street Specialising In CUSTOM BUILT ITWAIRS BASEMENTS Mapla Composition 4B3 Valley St. Maplawood Mailing Lists • Resumes Small to Medium ' 770-0479 Maplewood, NJ (HI k«k imrintHd in wrillni. (Roar ol Nofts-Ftocord Building) Wood F«ncM I Bjumenb .. RENOVATIONS ' • ATTICS " 4B3 Vallay Stntat Jobs - 8AM til 5PM Rur oH Ntvn-Racord Bldfl. Fully Iniui.d Fi« EillmilK Mon. Tuos. Wod. 7am loJOpm Legal Documents. FIM Estimates ..'• CALL THE PROS Inrurofthe Roofing Cont^iabrs -CALL- • or . Nctw-Rword building Mon., Tu«»., 7am-Sphi Fri..Si Sat.-7_m to <4pm , Phone: 964-8163 ' Union, N.]. 376-6141 ••-:-... JEBEE ESTIMATES . Mon. TUM. Wed. 7arn-10prn. Wed., 7aht-Sprn 381:5145 CALL 762-0303 851-9275, alter 7 PM 688-8285 686-5361 INSURED Frl a Sat yarn to 4prn -=-—Frl - 8BI 7~ 688-2188 • . 964-357S- alter 7 PM. 371-2726 UPHOLSTERY WATER PROBLEMS WEDDINGS WEDDING INVITATIONS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS TILE WORK TREE EXPERTS DENICOLO Complete Llna CONSTANCE CONSTRUCTION CORP. WATER PROBLEMS THE PROFESSIONALS UNITYJNTERNATIONAL TILE CONTRACTORS NETHER-AND ~J~. JG UPHOLSTERY (SETTING MARRIED? Wedding ESTABLISHED 1935 Complete Line 61 Home Renovations •KITCHENS -ATTICS • BASEMENTS • CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ihilt -lch»n cloirt w:n. tlrlnklng SystRms We havo great wedding LAnnouncernents -K.TCHEN>MTHROOMS- ( •Additions '• •Kitchen -BUILDIMGSIrllEMOOttlHG ; WetarerJ Water CondiUorwrs tlowor packaqa specials. —AISO. INTEREST, IMC. • REPLACEMENT WINDOWS* ~~ R£rMRS*GROUTING Kaupholittnni si bin, • Bath . • Finished Bisement 1 DORMERS • ADDITIONS t/Silltf lit Ml rim ••••yv. Sales - Rentals Pufect Flown™ Napkins and Kitchens * Bathrooms ' -ADDITIONS* . TILE FLOORS tth dK — •Plumbing -— -~ • Ele'ctHcaL _____ R.II I |Wu|W ) SuiaSl) For That Parfcot Day :: Sldli~~ TUB ENCLOSURES ^vf ubber Souvenir MatchM :. riuitlnf. C*bla _ Civilly War- Reasonable Prlead Sheetrock SHOWER STALLS 100FI.CriMS

BBHBI 4IBBB HI mjEm •••>


ACTION CRAZY 1987 ALLIANCE 1988 GRAND WAGONEER" 1988PREMEIRLX . ,1988 PREMEIR ES "JEEP, 8 cyl onfj, "aufo trans, pwr EAGLE, 6 cyl cng,auto trans, pwr RENAULT, 4 cyl ono, auto- EAGLE, 6 cyl long, aulo trans, pwr slr/brks/wln/sts/lcks/ant, tilt '' slr/brks/wln/dr Icks/sls, radlals, • slr/brks, a/c.llr mats, rr del, radial, trans, pwr slr/brks, 4-dr, fabric - ' AM/FM/storeo/cass, Loaded, slk' a/c, fir mats, rr dol, radlals, sts, stk No. "067-7. VIM No. AM/FM/storoo,.slk No. 370-8, VIN AM/FM/storeo, stk No. 435-JB. VIN No. 434-8, VIN No. 100876, LIST No. 002842, LIST PRICE $14,559 105506. LIST PRICE $6845 PRICE $25,455 ' ' ' No. 010051, LIST PHICESt77fT3 $ $ $ FULt PRICE 4845 PRICE -19,999 PRICE ~ 12,699 •3* 14,899 SAVES1900 SAVE$2000 . SAVE S55DO SAVE$2200 -

1988 Medallion Wagon DL —198BPREMEIIRLX 1988 MEDALLLONJL ^^1988 PREMEIR ES 1988 MEDALLION DIT RENAULT, A cyl ono, auto trans, -EAGLEr-6-cyl-onorauto-trans,-pwr- -RENAUL-TH'cyl-enoraulo-tranST— •RENAUL-TT^t-cyl-ono.-aulO-tranSr- EAGLE, 6 cyl ono, auto Irani pwr. str/brks/feks, n/c, alum whls, till prstr/brks/lcks, rr del, aVc, tilt str/brfcs/win/lcks, a/c, rr dofrtllt pwr slr/brks, rr dol, tilt will, stk No. pwr slr/brks, rr del, a/c, tilt whl, whl, fir . mats, rr dol, crulso, AM/FM/storoo, stk NO. whl, cruise, cargo cover, whl, radialSi-stl<-Nor437-8, VIN No. -304-8, VIN No. 775125, LIST PRICE AM/FM/st/cass, slk No. 981-8, VIN . AM/FM/storoo/cass, stk No. 164-8,- 010181, LIST PRICE 515,523 338-8, VIN No.778477, LIST PRICE $10,838 No. 002497, LIST PRICE $16,297 'Sf 1,786 • VIN No. B92743, LIST PRICE $ FULL $• FUU $• FULL SQir-IE S* 13,499 PRICE '7829 PRICE 14,099 superconductor r'SAVE$2oao SAVE $3000 SAVES3300 1988 WAGDNEER LIMITED 1988 WRANGLER . 1988 CHEROKEE LAREDO 1084 FIERO 1088 MEDALLION LX —108B MEDALLION LX JEEP, 0 cyl «no, S tpd man Irani, JEEP, 0 cyl eng, aulo Irons, pwr 1986 FIREBIRD RENAULT. 4 cylnng. aulo Irani, LAREDO str/brks/sls/ant/win/dr Icks, loo PONTIAC, B cyl >ng, aulo Irans. PONTIAC, II cyl mg, 5 spd nun nENAULT. 4 cyl ono, oiito trans, -JEEP. 6 cyl »nq. 6 spd nun Irani. , pwr slr/brkiMln/dr Icki, n/c.' nwr itr/l>rlcl/lcks, o/c, 111! whl, lamps, ' . IJallw Int. pwr str/biks. n/e,tt Ml, rally wlds. Irans, man stf; pwf brks/wln/dr pwr str/liiks/wln/ant/locks/sls. nwr slr/toks. ill will, rr iM, log AM/FM/sloim/cass. log lamps, rj- AM/FM/stM«o/cass. slk NO. 41B-B. n/c, crulsn, pwr mlnrf. ir dtl. slk cnilsa. rr dtl, AM/rM/tl«mo/cass. lamps. AMIFWlt«lo/rasi. >tk No dlnls. crulso, nil will, ilk No. sn mrs,, AM/FM/slereo/cass. Icks. rr dfll, n/c. ip rrui. NO, 320D.-VIN No. 715205. LIST slk No. 327-0, VIN No. 714004, 451-8. VIN No.iH3)O.I.IST-MIC6j^-| 4.15&.VIN NoJO48l1.LISirralC£_ VIN No. 1035M. LIST PRICE 24.017 milts, Ilkk No. AU430. VIN AM/FM/sUrtobm 42JI5 mllii. I—WUCHtMSS ; IrlC£i12fl43! -J23352- |~NoTJ15472. ilk No. AU330, VIN Bo. 260501; " $10,436 $14,539 PRICE PRICE $21,152 met $8,984 $4995 SAVE WOOD • SAVE S1 BOO SAWES2200 SAVE S2200 ' 1M3 SEVILLE 1084COHDUL .' J0J3 5D5S :...,• ... 10MC01T 1M3LMUIIN WAOOHttB 1BS4CELEIWITV MITSUBISHI, 0 cyl tug. onto Sr»TIOHW*HW*CCO CIIIWSLER. 0 cyl ing. aulo CAOILI,AC, 0 cyl ong. aulo JEEP, 8 cyl eno, oulo trans. tUROSPMT _trans, • pwr Irani, pwf llr/bikki. a/c. rr « cyl tnq. aulo 'PEUCEOTj.6 cyl ono, .into PLYMOUTH, 4 cyl dig,' auto • Irani, pwf slr/btkE/wln/ilr ~ pair slr/Mkt/tls/wln/dr Icks, slr/hikiAvln/lcks. str/biki/wln/sls/lcks, a/c, till iltl. AMFM/iltrto/ms. radl. CIICVROLET. 0 cyl ing. auto Irani, pwr "su/brks/wln/dr uans. pwr sti/brks. r.uliau, I . Icks. n/c. radials, rr dsl, sp ale. rr till, cnllu. lill whl, daf. a/c, whl, crulu, pwr anl. alo. sp nvs, sunrl, 3B.0IB trnns, pwr slr/brks. n/c. radl- Icki. • o/c. rr dol. i/c, AM/FM slsrto/cass. mrs. AMrFU/sli>u..tlk No. radlals. sp rtus. iroo/cm radlals, AM/FWsltno/cass. 5B.740 mllH.clk.No.U4BS,WVINNo. als. m mrs. 4B.SSS mill!, ilk AWM/sMn/ass. rndlals. "25.501 milt!, stk No. AIMIX AU404. VIN No. 107072. AUfFM/sttrso/casi. 54.100 loi. slk No. AU34S. mils, slk No. AU441. VIN No. 702131, NO..AU414.VINNO..2033B0.. crulii. slk No. AU404. VIN VIN No. 704672. 4S.341 mllM. mllii. ilk No, AU447, VIN No. 60/C02, . •S900, No. 3H20M, 35,404 milts. 140030, FULL tun MICE $4472 MHCI $1995 H& $3995 MICE. $5495 K&-$7864- Z'a $8995 ^E $9969 Prices IncliidoJfclQlit & prep., oxcludo tax and llconso loos. Immediate doll very on all cars In stock. Prices In this ad cancel and supercede all irovlous oilers. Not responsible (or typorjrapli

super people 595 CHESTNUT ST. UNION, NJ 201-686-6566 in business & Industry leffigfr^ppplnfs Arcl/iitect 'discovers7 waterfront financial institution with a Union ing account, Personal Loans TCey clcni :nts in this year's and editorial offices. The build- city plus the revdalization and Lchigh Savings located at 952 First Mortgages, Second Mort- Sluyvcsant Ave., Union, is the perspective., regional deve:lbpmcnt outlook arc ing has been purchased by rehabilitation of the 100-year old Lcf(igh Savings offers business' gages, Equity Loans, Commercial the rcdiscovfc ry of New Jersey's Hawkc Associates and James' R. Armory into a posh, nautical "first .^stockholder-owned savings and Business-Loans are just a few' and loan association to bcchar- ¥s well as individual accounts, waterfronts and adaptive reuse Guerra Architects has been- restaurant site by a private dove- rid ~includlng-savirigS;-intcrest check— 1 of the programs available at . for senior citizen housing. Both assigned to-rcdesign it for adap- f lopcr serve as a "model of what a- ing, "fai-Yicid" CDs arid "Hi- Lchigh. • . of these areas have created a live reuse, as a senior Qiiizcn~~watcrfront programhas to offer ll)is~form ol' iinanciarTnstilution ilLchigh_Savings_also—plans_ over Iu years ago. ~7~ u "YlisWrMorioyMarkct-iiccounlSr- ^'labo7aiory"-forarchitccrrwatci^—hoiislngTnrd"MioTiso-hcallh-care to private and public developers. . Ajnev/( personal chccking_that_ 24-'hour access Jo your money," front, consultant, planner and facility,.. Oilier private waterfront devc- ~ pjhi gh~S avings—hasrn amed— t -says Gary RcSlivo, "when it provided a floating ratc( when tlic entrepreneur James R. Guerra. Waterfront projects include the ...Jopments' in progress include Gary L. Rcsjivo president; Resti- average? balance exceeds $5,000 opens its automatic teller With a staff of 21 diversified development of- the Elizabeth Harbortown of Perth Arnboy; a ve-lias-held .senior officer posi- • is also (iffcrcd as a new-and.inno- machine located in the lobby of professionals assembled over.the watcrfronLcxpansiori, marina and Rarilan River project in New lions in both commercial'banks vativc approach to localbankingT-the bank."We're a full:scrvicc last 10 years, James R. Gucrra's commercial housing; the New- Brunswick; and a marina and aniTsavings institutions'. He was Lchigh's Senior Citizen Check- bank with Union foremost on-our Elizabeth-based architectural port Marina and Yacht Club; alid housing project, in Middlesex prcviously-wilh Family First Fed- • ing provides a full service check- • mind." • ^r office-focuses on the.economic the, cxpartsionHjfMhc Pefih County. ' crnl Savings Bank in. Clifton and aesthetic possibilities crcalcd- Amboy Marina and Harbor In the process of designing where he established all policy by waterfront development and Walkway. waterfront development prog- and procedure rduiuals while urban neighborhood In the "Elizabeth laboratory," rams, Gucrra's own-firm has serving as prcsidenT; chief execu- A source of information . rcvitalization" key factors include tlie Shoreline become an entrepreneurial field tive and operating -olficcr, and_^ cultivating an outgrowth of .The'Union Chamber of Commerce is a source of information about The community, need to create Protection and Green-Acres Prog- director. From 1980 through" ram and a proposaLfor the city of companies. -- — Unior/Townshiprits business community and its ccpnomicclimatc. more housing and health care for 1984 he served as senior vice '.senior citizens has prominent Elizabeth's waterfront park. Also, ' The architectural/planning firm president and manager of Avs^ The Chamber works for civic improvements that will make. Union focus in two James R. Guerra a rcvitalizcd_;public marina has gave start to a mechanical cngi- Checking Department, Money Township a better place in which to live, work and shop....' architectural projects. attracleattracted a commuter ferry scr- ncoringfirm called Matrix Engi- _,.Desk, .arid. Installment Lending T|ic~ Chamber tries to; attract to '•• Union T6wnshlp the .types, of Thc revituli7.alion~of-tlie~Eli»—y-jRu R iiiat has created a water ncerinp.~and then to a construc- Department at Yorkwood Sav-~ bth FordLeonard Towers an t t Wall Street (ion development firm called ^businesses that will.be a ctcdiLto.lhc-community. zabcth Ford-Leonard Towers, an routc to Wall Street. lion development firm called ings, and Loan in Maplewood. 11-story, 126-unit senior housing This opened up-a variety _of Hawkeye Development Inc. —uiu-Chambcr-providcs members with information aboutjhe latest Rcstivo has becn_a-residenrof project included a deteriorating "urBan housing projects and —-Knowing- that growth and 'UniorTToFliino years with his business trends so they can act accordingly. exterior wall. The mission was to investment opportunities for change take time, James R. Guer- rwi fe-andtwodaii ghtcrs._His rnrp- " ' " isiness-andprofessional-commun- Tc=skjn_th._vujviijJtii^i^ii^^"iu?~ - — ~ **- -» j**^™^ '> t- l^/vl lAntiAhii ^\1' i n/H r , riiunily"intcrcsts~1ncludcrbcin'g a- _in'i~ili6fg withouartbi"tlic"'tct disturbing the tenn - ul0 •NowpoTrMaTinarJamcs'R.—the"cbmmunitieS"hc^ervcsrTliis |_U:ustce-on-tl]o_boatd_QLtlicJSi3ys_, ily of Union Township. It uses that voiccTbTtlfe betterment of the~ antsrThcndesign and-manncr in^Gncrra deslgnednlvsrmarina lay- has crdnccrirrciirestarenial'ding :=: and Girls Club of UnionrHc-has cnlifC10WiKliip; — : - which tliis was -conducted has out arili yacht cllib proposal for'-and-prflpcrty^mariagcnTcnt com- : served over. 21~ycars with the Tfie Chamber is a readily accessible link between the business com- rcsultcd in the projcCTs submis- ul0 LO^ Organization. To' win pmiy: Hawke Associalcs. _... United S.tatcs AirJForce Reserves. munity and.you. ~±— ^__^^ -sion—in-the._1988 Pteidcniial t])C_assignm6nt,.jGuerra_aCcom- GUCJTVS pcrsonaj enjoyment , » David, Margolis, chairmimYhas 'l _Thc Chjimber^^sts^Uiic^cJJ[njofiJ]ow«rop-and jls people. Any- __Dcsign Awards Competon by __pnnicd Chairman Sam Lcfrak on in seeing a comftiuniiyVrcsoui^— .the Department of Housiifg and a tour^of the Perth Arhboy Harbor ccs utilized and nurtured Into a. resided and has been in business t one' who("needs'nMofmatiojrpr'assistttqce'on problems concerning in Union for over 35 years. Along Urban Development. 'Walkway and Marina which lie viable economic and attractive. doing business in Union TownsTrip-isJitgcd to call the Chamber. Thcy~ . The second project involves designed in conjunction with the reality will continue to fccd^llic " wiUuGaty^cstiyij1Jiisi;goa]s= want to help. Tlie UntoTTTowiiSlflpChamberof CommerccwasX ^_ News- jjty oflPerlh Amboy andjj state .possibilities for opening "new =EaRPXEONARP_Tj0_W«RS_ to provide Union residents ancT o laboratories" olTcleas and business people a locally based Small Business Administration Resource Center in November"* paper buildmgJrDEcfBTAmboy, Green Acres GranTTTriellramatic pro- GARY REST^IVO/ which housed the printing presses shoreline improvement by the .jeets throughout the region.

V If You Are Abusing Alcohol or Drugs, LEHIGH SAVINGS You May Be Running Out of Time. • i

' I Tlrn6 is the greatest healer, many say. 952 Stuyvesant Avenue • Union, NJ • 686-6655 But if you are addicted to alcohol or'drugs, lime can be ayr .enemy. The'longeryou take to confront your addlc- tlon?"the-beiler_areyour chances of runningiqutj3ltime~""~~~~ There is help. And it Is justaraund-the corner.. ;theDrug and Alcohbl Prograrb-at-UnrorTHospltal. YOUR SAVINGS INVESTMEMT HERE... warinpatientr^utpatient and aftercare services treat the- varied-and special needs of adults and adolescents; We tlsdTncorporate the entire family into the treatment plan. H 1 ^^F

For assistance, call 687-1900, oxtonslon 2141 or 2142. Make tho call lor yoursell or (or sorneona you care about. But take tho time to call now-—before there Isn't any time loft. D Savings Accounts • Checking Accounts ' Srf

D Savings Certificates • Home Equity Loans run Hum u» tmn Call Us. • Adjustable Mortgage Loans Q "Hi-Yield" Money Market W6 Can MON HCSPITM 1000 Galloping Hill Road Union, Now Jorsoy 07083 Overlook-plans" for 1988 PARTNERS IN PROGRESS Cammarota: hometown success § ' At Overlook Hospital in Summit, die ' Scheduled for *88 will be "Fast Track" • Rudolph O. Cammaro'ta, owner of R. and- brokerage, of the complete line of *• focus in 198? is on newer, better, and •—• an urgent-carc component* of the O.CammarotxRealty in Kcnllworth, Is a property, casualty, marine and life insur-. 71 Si _mQi-.-. worth. He boasts that "Kcnilworlh is one. ties Master Plan. * " • under the supervision of Overlook Hospi- ember 31,1987 The R.O. Cammarola Agency; is a full of the most desired towns in Union' Coun- (Vauxhall Section) UNION , ,... . tal's.Radiology Department, is a joint pro- . service. real estate, appraisal and insur- ty, as it enjoys a favorable lax rate and is -••Clustennfrofahc--various-Rchabihlatio^^ ___ -anceJirm.cngagcd.inJisilpg1.scl!ing,:Lcas1 nci|t!y_bn!anped_with attractive -homcs,_ DepartmentDctwrtmcnts will be comnlciercompletedt tinthis venryenr. Tiw jyiRi uscs magnetism Jo generate • Cash anH Duefrom Banks $11,226,S53 ing, marketing and appraising of residen- diversified business and industry, bcingTT PROGRESSES WITH UNION! ' Rehabilitation areas —-these include cross-sectional images-of-tlie body for Investment securities •....:..' 97,98S,S90 tial, commercial and industrial real estate, nice place lo live, work and rear a ,/spccch pathology, audjology, ncurophys- diagnosis. . •. • . • Federal FundsSOld.-T rrrTTrrr ...:.• 13,500,000 including mortgage brokers and the sales family."'.-..--. iology, physical tlicrapy, and occupational Loans (Net oPReserve for Possible Loan . ' .. To help stem the nursing shortage cri- Loss & Unearned Discount) — ... — «9,264;577 (liltbhdJdjii siSi-Ovcrlobk^is-planning-to iriiplcmcrir~ 1932 suites on the first floor. Bank Premises & Equipment .....'.. -:;.: .984,689 several incentives. These include flexible other Assets ;...... :.... ,3,759,312 Mack Boring Tlic Emergency Department will com- work scheduling, flexible employee bene- TOTAL .*.. . . $176,698,321 plete its renovation with the addition of fits, and monetary recognition of nursing Mack Boring andJParls Co., Route 22, vice Departments- and Fuel Injections 56 th Year Union, recently -celebrated its 65th Shops are at all locations to service, four new'trauma rqpms, one of which is a experience. Also in the works .arc plans SERVING UNION pediatric trauma room. .. • • for a child-care center. LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY anniversary in the buslricss"bf-sales, ser- accounts in the northeast general trading' - Deposits '.•...'. '...., $162,032,556 vice-arid rebuilding of internal combus- area.' Mack" Boring also has a Machine AND THE Federal Funds Purchased and Securities , ?>•;! tion engines. Mack Boring has been in Shop that produces both custom and pro- SURROUNDING AREA Sold Under Repurchase Agreements ..' 500,000 Union for over 20 years and employs 70' duction rebuilt engines, kits. RECYCUHG ; ~Othef Uabllltles.-rrrrr— --—...... — 1,158,081— -pcople-locally-pliis-opcratlons-in-Brain^—andxylindcrheadsreuslommachineshop . TotalLlabllltres ...... ^ 163,690,637 =jrc_c1,,Mass:,;andJ3bhcrnia, N.Y. . work is nlwnys nvni]nhlrv_ common stock ($5.00 Par.) 27ooo,ooo. Mack Boring, is a distributor for Chrys-' ' Mack Boring's, facilities-also provide THE-MAOIC IS...BECYCLING PAYS surplus- .-•.•'.•.• ;..'..;...... 3,497,120 •-' Icr Industrial a Marine Engines, and Van- . convenient locations for a scries of dealer Undivided Profits .• ; /.". 7,510,564 mar Portable Generators. Full-time Ser- ... (Continued on page 7) -Total shareholders'Equity.., ,'T-^-T 13,007,68a Computers •Printers • Software* Accessories • Training TOTAL .".'..' 7777.:.. $176,698,S21 Tho Samuels Family started In business In. 1932 when Jacob Samuels opened a uaed car .lot at 2901_SprlnBlleId Ave. IrTthb ~~ iOO's of Software Titles Vauxhall aectlon of Union. I As his 3 sons grew older they Joined Ihe family business and In Stock! DIRECTORS helped It grow to one ol N.J.'a largest. All went well until World War II. whan business conditions forced them to close. At thla Charles p. Woodward point "Pop" Samuels retired.' • :j M; • Sales -.. ._ ' . 'chairman of the Board The 3 boys reopened tho business In 1046 and In 1951 added Hugo Barth III Wallace J.Butler B new, car showroom and automotive aervlce facility. As Ihe •Service ,..'. i; _ Francis E.cardinal John J. Davis buslnesa Kept groWlng~&n~BUto~body-and~palntlng-faGlllty-(tho bonald c. Ke!n—-" Paul Lomakln, jr. largest In Union) waa added In 19S2. The Samuela boys became .• Support ~^' Jack McDonnell Robert c. Miller the largeal Sludebaker-Packard Sales eY Service showroom on Stanley R.Sommer Rudl o. wadle, D.O. tho Eaolorn seaboard. When Studebaker ceased production In 1964 Ihe boys continued their service and body shop business. ~ ~ Complete Introductory and HONORARY DIRECTORS In 1965 a complete turn-around waa accomplished when, In John A. Deltrlch addition to their service and body shop business, thsy converted Advanced Computer Courses Available . Adolph W. Jaeger vtholr auto ahowroom Into the preaent "Buy Wise Auto Parlsl" Maurice A, scotch Martin and. Ervln Samuels completed the construction ol thousands ol additional square feel which made Samuels, Inc. Auto Parts Warehouse the largest In the state. They buy direct OFFICERS system, geared to give instant access from 123 manufacturers, with all the name brand producta on Rent Estate is the single largest hand such as: AC-Delco, Purolalor, TRW, Federal Mogul, Everco -JohnJ^Davls- Tmilljm!fltT*iirtmiriIyrnirt«r -to^-All—listings—in—EsisoXr-Unlon—and_ Prosldont a chief ExocuHvo officer Morris Counties, . ' McCprd,, Turtle WaTCT5Knr6^s7«KretisrEtC7Mauy-Wlse-Aulo—— ftelenMako Whether you're buying, selling, or Parts waa Ihe 1st to aell wholesale to the public. renting, todiij'-'a complex Real .Estate In addition we offer, without cost, at The firm It presently run by Ervln Samuels wllh the able IDS PC-88 TURBO . Senior vice Prailciont.s cashier Home Warranty Plan, covering!the -IDSPC-286 John Heathcote markeVcan bring apprehension and affiliation of Robert. Samuels, & Matt Piano and assisted by Jr. 4.77I8MHZ-640K Eileen J. Torblck first year following purchase. This plan . Sladlord, Junlus Lewter, Dennis Jakubovltz, James Fasalo. 6-8-10 MHZ • 1 MEG-RAM Vlco prosldont,.. vice president conWslon into an otherwise cxcltinp 360K Floppy Drive : will cover virtually any problems with Jornoa Oulcalt, Romalno.Srnlth, Frank Martin and Richard Hall, 1.2 meg Flobpy Drive Thomas s. Nichols^ Rona O'shea and happy experience. ' Enhanced Keyboard Dual Floppy/HD Controller - .aL who have matured with the constant growth of the llrrn and are a nstlitjnt-VIco Prosldone Assistant Vice president At Realty Corner we know this. For the appliances, heating, plumbing, and 8-EKP. Slots Enhanced Keyboard— electrical .systems of the purchased I part of the great future that haa made Buy Wlae Auto Parts known dOS32 Dos 3.2 - _"!••• John s. Zimmerman Lori Brlnton .over US years our family owned unit Assistant Vlco President home. Coverage is also' available for by the phrase "If It's automotive.. .moat likely we have It." Five Users Manuals - I'. Auditor operated business has given 1st priori- Leslie Krok your home while listed with Realty acrea of facilities to servo you with 30 omployaes. — .1 Year Warranty William A, snunders ty to meeting-our clients' personal • Assistant cashlor Corner. , • Anthony c. weagley Assistant cashier needs. At Realty Corner you're not Assistant Cashier ,only a client, but a frjend.__ o Remember, we are here to serve - Staffed by dedicated professionals; "you with old fashioned personal care;— we can fulfill all your Real Estate, . Realty Corner, 649 Morris Avenue, WITH ANY COMPUTER PUHCHASE needs. Providing additional expertise ; Springfield, 376-2300, where you have a 20MEDH/D$329 " 30 MEG, $399 .. is our state-of-the-art communication friend in the real estate business, - TTL MONITOR $120 COLOR RGB MONITOR $329 U»IN OFFICE: Bempity, PmlJml loos^orrls Avenue, union Sknl A. tCJtlur, Sales Mo««(»r 5TOW6 StOEEr DBlUe IN; THE UNION lStt •ssr 2022 Stowc Street. Union" - Pflfltf Pnrlt~Apnifil fittrtnie Rosenberg HVE POINTS BRANCH: - CENTER fernittUe G/onnhtl l«no Rolm«ns> COMPUTER - S5G Chestnut street. Union IARCHMONYOOANCHu NATIONAL Ruth /Austin ghetto Stumpoulos CENTER , 2HS5 Morris Avenue, union k loan Mullet! . -~-^ Attnejomaro 2091 SPRINGFIELD AVE. KIEGflBVTE STUVVESANT BBANCH: BANK Bena O'liury 1016 Stuyvesant Avenue • Union Center 173! StuvvCiant Avonue. Union Oiltu Stall SPRINGFIELD BHANCM: VAUXHALL (UNION) 688-5848 Maureen Ralsten 686-6662 70S Mountain Avenue. Sprlnofleld OPEN 7 PAYSI • Sun. • AM to 3 PM • Sit. t:it PhOhe 688-9500 ' AM to 5:45 PM • WMkdayt 7:10 AM to 7 PM • - MEMBER FEDEOAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE COUP. Cl0MdWl>d.»l 5:45 PM - Bank reaches 'new highs' • .'V Union County Savings -Bank reports conditioning system were installed and " '•- that during 1987 new highs were attained the interior was completely redesigned PROGRESS- in assets, deposits and dividend payments and furnished to better serve our more' • 1988 promises to be a year of for one week, .Monday through significant others arc also helped -social" worker. The -assessment surgical microscope forVascular,' "» : ... at the 104-y4ar:old financial institution. than 30,000,'dcpositors."' — growth and distinction for Union' Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.rru The • (& recover from the devastating will include-a physical and men- plastic surgery and ENT situa- ' 1 Hospital, "according* to' many of purpose of the week is to enhance effects of substance abuse. It is tal clicck of the .patient plus a lions; pulse qximctfers, which "In a year of cconolTiic and financial Founded in 1883 to offer savings and Moving Ahead in 1988 the institution's officials. tlie'cohccpt of the family unit and the treatment and recovery which dclailcd;home visit.to help the monitor a patient's blood oxygen uncertainty, we are-particularly pleased liomefinancing assistance to the people of Union County, the bank has offices at/ Foremost among the hospital's to create an almo'sphorc-of true takes.place within-tlie family that team understand the _r durigsrry;lt with the solid; sle'ndv ftroVlh the bank i •_ -Xou new programs isTTirsIStcp, alT understanding- between family • provides the most tllcrapculic home situation. computer-operated* electrocardio- .exhibited," said Donald C. Sims,- presi- four locations: 320 North Broad .SI. an, • The team of professionals will • dent."Deposits increased by.more tlian 61 Broad St.,. Elizabeth; 642 Chestnut! innovative adolescent substance members. . results. • • " . . . gram system; and. a complete 7 abuse "rehabilitation, education —Aftorcarc follows primary- —Also among the hospital's new then develop a plan to help the endoscopy examination room. • •.$15 million pnd assets, wliich increased . .Union; and 201 North Ave. and the and prevention center. Located Ircatmcnt. and slowly integrates- programs for 1988 is ElderMcd, a patient's family keep that patient . Each of these additions arid by a gratifying 8 percent, now stand at Cranford. ... outside of the hospital, the center the substance abuscr back into ircc- service wnich is aimed at living at home. Periodical checks' growth opportunities emphasizes almost $275lmilliorii ' . , ...-. Sims added, "Union County Savings Township of Union has becn'designed to address ado- socfety and dally life. "Aftercare centralizing the healthcare con- will be established to update tho Union Hospital's' continual ""We believe it is ouL:commilmcnt to Bank/lias concluded a record-breaking lescent substance abuse as a fam- was created because the hospital' cerns of the area's older adults. patient's plan and to help the response to the ever-growing strong customer relationships and to the year, and in 1988 we arc looking ahtyd to ily disease. This special emphasis docs not advocate simply releas- Open to people over 50 years old, family maintain the patient's needs of the community it serves. personal attention, courtesy and under- . another strong growth year and td CHAMBER OF COMMERCE is not intended to indict the fami- ing the..; palienTpnce he/she has ElderMcd offers • free monthly. Jiomclifc. ' . Last year, the hospital served standing oiir staff gives each depositor • -serving our century-old tradition of scc- __ OFFICERS: ly as tho cause ;of the~Uiscase; succpssfully iinis1ica~Uio primary TiSallh screenings «nd seminars, Amongtlfe items of equipment over .50,000 inpalicnts and outpa- . that has inspired this show oT confidence. (. urily, safety and service to our loyal depo- rather, iC has bcon developed to treatment phase. Par too often monthly and quarterly newslet- recently added to the hospital tients in a myriad of ways. 1988 • Many of our long-term associations, in ' sitors who represent tjic bank's strongest Dnvid B. Zurav President incorporate it jnio the recovery this' latter approach places the ters, discounts on national prof which will be ready-fof use in is expected to surpass' that fact, arc second and third gencralion.farn.i- arid most valuable asset." RotM!rlu« Vnn de Beck..., '../.. Senior Vice President process, according to Ron Gam- patienlinji confrontation with the • ducts and items from local phar- 1988 arc:: an emergency"rbom number- ' . "•". ' lies," Sims explained. . •'•• • Eileen J. Torbick J- Vice VrtaAenl Service no, hospital substance abuss ; problems that originally evoked macies, professional help" in filU Sims also pointed out that •interest pay;_ -Dirvld B. Cvnlon ^ , A Vice President Professional program director. ' . \ the substance abuse with mg out Mcdicaid and other —ments—totaling—morc~lhaTT~$T4 million" Er^InSnmuelB...:...r^7r.r..T..^r;T^;.7T7r^.-..-^7^^^..-f..-.Tr...v.-Vic«rl'»«HiljFhrJterflir -Following- pcrtods. of asscss-y nowhere- to—go- for "aid and .insurance-coverage claim-forms- were the result of the bank's strong cam- Mack Bo ring Thomas F. flochc...^ Treo«urer ings._^nic_bank.'s-.sound_surplus_and.. ."..„„ .„,.,„„„ „ Executive Direolor jtnd thc-usc of a physician referral., (ContiriuiMl from pajjc5) - sciVicc. ' _ Plasticscan-berecycled(— reserve position which ranks,among the enters prinjj/y trcntmenTwIicrc With Aftcrcnrc, (lie.patidrit.vis- service seminars, where everything is on DIRECTORS: hc-shc receives individual, group'" "its'the cciilcr thrcc'tlrhcsa week,- —Union Hospital is one of only Recycling is gaining popularity ccsscd into polyester fabric for best in the nation stanfeat more lliajf-SSl J million which represents more/than 13 the agenda from preventive maintenance gricf/angcr—and—recreational—in-theaflcrnoon— aflcr-scliool- rfotir-hospilals statcwidcrand-lhc- -around-lhc country — but many windbrcakcrs. to trouble shooting and boat owner semi- counscling as well as educational — for counseling designed. to only hospital irHh~is~arca to offer consumers do not know that their' Plastic lumber— Milk bottles .percent of deposits," Sims added. Knthlron A. Dunn ... William V. Kraft nars arc also scheduled to familiarize a Louis J, Giucona- —Oftdor Rubin" — classes on physical^ exercise. hclp-theJndLvddiialfa'ce daily life the'ElderMcd program. plastic soft drink, milk, juice_nnd_._ "can be recycled into plastic lurn- "For" over 100. years, we have followed new "dicscl" owner with the basics, v -' : ; Za-c6risistcnt-approacli-oLcmf)liasizihg"ilie Stephen F. Ikhl Saul Wendroff_ "-- -"-hu tri"t=i"pri==im"d— ~' r will-also-see-lhe- -watcr-bojj]ss_cjiD-biarccyeled.—— Ificr, jvliicliscan_be_"m6rdcd7iritoi~ ""MacITBoring's entire staff~is trained" values and-' services-which customers Thcoilnrc N. Jxgger Joseph F. Conlolupo reflection. In-house Alcoholics alcohol. . formation of a local Geriatrics ..'.. Entrepreneurs arc making llieir . lengths suitable for outdoor uses with a commitment to serve their rnost expect --- and deserve — from a bank. It-vin J. Rodale John J. (iuidera . Anonymous/Narcotics Anonyjn- The family, as a unit, continues \-sscssment Center under the aus- mark in tho growing plastics from park benches to boat docks. important asset — the customer.- they 1 And it is this caring and concern, I Martin J. Stollnitky Arinur F-. Harden ous meetings arc also offered. to visit the center, twice a week, pices of Union Hospital. The ccn^ recycling business; Among die. . Garden accessories — Hang- handle only the best lines .'available and believe, that have enabled Union County William P. Pinkniuvage John Ignatowirx During this same lime, the in'lfle evenings, throughout the tcr will serve as the conncpting many products made from plastic ing plastic pots for your patio or back it with old fashioned hard work and Savings Bank to achieve these historic 1 C Dexter Force WilliamS. McKinlay ='•;'i—cntirc*rurhily meets twice a week, phase. . " ' link between all of Union Coun- bottles arc:^x • porch, large planters for landcap- service . '•','..' . in-lhe evening, for individual and Family commitment to the ty's senior citizen services. , ing uses, even lumber for garden highs," Sims said. Reed G. Hagclin Sti'ven SehvyorU' Fiberfill — Soft drink bodies ' Waller Worrall . /-gr6up_counsel]ng .sessions. In the program is imperative. The hos- Patients must be referred to the can be reprocessed into fiberfill terraces — all can be made from ' -"Another highlight of 1987 Audrey L. Hull '• fifth week, the entire family is pital asks for such a commitment center. Once accepted, they will for outdoor. clothing and equip- recycled bottles" completed renovation of our 61 Broad St. =—-required to participate in what the; because it has found that the receive a complete 20 day assess- ment. Five two-liter bottles make Industrial painls — Soft-drink= ffi^Silid^lAlll^g h ' program terms "FamilyAVcck." relapse rate for the addict or alco- ment from a team of healthcare enough fiberfill for an insulated bottles are being reprocessed into major structural workAvas required on the Family Week,enables! the famt_- holic is greatly diminished when professionals including a geriatri- vest; 36 bottles can fill a'sleeping a polyester-based industrial historic"'building, a new roof arid air- GCTRCSUCH ly id go through therapy together family members, loved ones or cian, a psychiatrist, a nurse and a bag. The bottles can evcnbc~pr5-"> coating. . • ; •

To Your —I- Health!

The Union County Medical" Society is As we enter pur 64th Anniversary year, we would pleased to offer our physician. referral like to thank those who made it possible - omvlpyal serylce.j^/eriflecj medical training In- fo rrhatlon wilfbe provided, for physicians employees and customers who have relied upon usjT In all specialties. Use this certificate for A COMPLIMENTARY MARKET MAYOR'S MESSAGE: Our members voluntarily accept juris- business at the same location since its inception in diction of the Society In. all areas of EVALUATION OF YOUR HOME We are a community .of people proud of 1924. "Since our beginning, we have strived to make our grofesslonal conduct. CALL 233-3600 OR 388-0077 our heritage and looking to the future • • i . with confidence. An ""All-America" customers warm friends with the "same slogan as This service will assist you In dotormlnlng the current community of fine residential areas rnnrket value of your real estate properties for estate combined with a good balance of In- always-"Your Comfort is pur Business." planning, Insurance updating or possible resale eval- dustrial and. commercial sections. A I uation. • ' superb school system producing- \y© appreciate your edntinuedfeonfidence. J^ champions both in the classroom and , Member Union County-Wostflold-Mlddlesox' on the playing field. It is the.goal of this Multiple Listing San/Ices JAEGER GERMAINE OIL CO. • For doctors in your area, call; ' administration to keep our community ' J . OF MORRIS AVE., UNION /(your Home Is currbnily listed with a RE broker, please "clean, and attractive within an af- disregard this oiler. foVdable tax rate and b'e responsive, ••••:' __ IS NOW _•• - -••• UNION COUNTY efficient, compassionate and tinder- REAL NEEDS - REAL PEOPLE... standing. .••""•'• WOOLLEY FUEIL CO. MEDICAL SOCIETY THDNVROSSO" esel Fucl/Kcrosenc RBAtTY— MAYOR 12 Burnett Ave. at Springfield Avc. Mnplewood, N. J. 7G2-7400 274-1707_ If you have a Dieselpowered car, we invite you to join our DIESEL FUEL CLUB - Paid for by'Buy WIso.Auto Parts 24 hour availability of Diesel Fuel S5S days a year. Volunteers''saveranimals - population of cats and dogs by People for Animals was estab- newsletter with'a circulation of 650 years of care over 4,500. The board of, direct establishing a model clinic -that lished July 14, 1980. It was views spaying and neutering as created to prevent cruelty to ani- , tors numbers 10, from the fields"' The Alcxian Brothers, who arc a Roman Catholic order, have of industry, business, education an'integral and humane pan of dedicated themselves to caring for the sick, the poor and the mals and promote humane educa- stray animal population control. tion. Both of. these areas are and the professions. needy for more, than 650 years, The Brothers opened their Eli- Small fund raising projects arc Tile service is available to any zabeth hospital at the request of thcJBlshop of Newark cstablish- I directly involved with pet ovcr- : residcnt.of New Jersey-regardless l~jjjjpulatiorirFor-HlHS--rpason-a-4o.w_ Jicld_dj!nn£_ the year in the attempt to support the group's^ "ofincome;— •• — _Today,_Alexian Brothers Hospital continues to provide com- cost^spay/ncutcr clinic was ~programs. •——"~.~.~ ""• — "prchcnsivciicallhcarc serviccs-using-ihc-most-modcrntcchnqlb^ opened Jri-HillsideiZThe;3lli- Tlicxe arc a minimum of 3,500 gy and equipment, The mission of .providing quality healthcare, voluntccr group exists on dona- ^ogs and cats,born evcry-hour.-in- in a considerate, and personal wayito all mcmbcrsoflhc com- tions and fund-raisingievents, the UhTtcTSTalcsTaitdTTDrcnouEh— munity, endures. • . _. . • - providing humane care for : homes for..mosl_of them. Sixty '.'• The280-bcd hospital offers specialized services to lhc.com-- abused and unwanted animals. People for Animals operates a thousand animals die cach.day. In munity. Among these services is the "Day_0ne"'samc:day-siay New Jersey alone, 112,000-ani- surgical suite. Located,oh the second floor of the hospital, the stray rescue and adoption prog- ' .z ram. All animals are examined by ' mals are euthanized .each year GENERATORS • D jinit has been providing" the-highest quality of care, at a reason-- because they arc surplus. Thou- 10 MODELS 10 CHOOSE FROM able cost, since its establishment in 1984. Rc'ccnlly expanded to a veterinarian, immunized, and t '- z spayed or neutered before their sands more roam the streets as 12 beds, the unit allows patients undergoing certain medical and.' strays, and die slow and agoniz- .surgical procedures to-be ttcatcd and to return home in the same • adoption. A Tree speakers bureau is also available; Financial aid for ing deaths due to illness, starva- day. Convenience, comfo.rt itj pleasant surroundings, and the tion, and accidents. These ani- security of rcceiving'carc inside a full-service hospital has made spaying or neutering or emergen- the "Day Onc1? unit popular with patients and physicians alike. cy medical care, is'available to ' mals cannot help themselves, we loan. To mark the new year we've come up with a whole new look... Colonial Savings Bank SLA. ••": Alcxian Brothers Hospital tcmatns jhc'castcnvUnionCourity anyone who is in need. No inlcr- must do it for them. This can be . .1 __Whirh arriirat-ply rp.flpr;t

Don't Settle For Less Than A Winning Hand

I Icntt djscasc is_thc nation's number one killer. Over one St. Elizabeth Hospital's mul n iinlf milltoiTpcnplc linvc tienrt attilcks ench year; Heart Center rriciucninB m Ihosc facts arc, most iwoplccan lower tlieir risk of licnrl iliscasc antl ininintl/c tttc consequences throuBli diet, exercise, enrly diagnosis nncl appropriate mcilicni care,

St. Hliubcth Hospital's Heart Center staiuls-rcady-to-hclp— —yoiuvjiluujntcgratwl approactt to prevention, diagnosis and treatment. St. Elizabeth Hospital boiiMv \

• State-designation as a Regional (jirdiovascular \ Diagnostic Center iij^. • < • ' ' • '' . • The area's most ext'ci\^H|iii or Uoard-Ccrtilicd Cardiologists N13WJED&EY-AMEBICAN \WVTEE> COMPANY I - •_UnionJ36iintjl's only •^•pt|ml-RKf«i\aiiO|:cn)tm system ' ^ • Being among the first •Wtf^erRey hospitals to. Implement' ' color'dopplcr ns a toot inv'tUc diagnosis of hcart-discase'TT1' • • . On January 1, 1988, ' ;•:• ... • New Jersey's most sophisticated Cardiac CalhctcriMtlon we consolidated the operations and financial ' ' , Laboratory • ' • resources oft Commonwealth Water Cpmpany, Monmouth —•-Accesi-lo o full range of liospital support services Consolidated Water Company and New Jersey Water Company : to form the New Jersey-American Water Company, ;: •••••"•'.•' '. . ) • . • " , You may-riot be familiar with our new name, but you will recognize our continued comniitmc... .J service. YES! Send me more information abou{ St. Elizabeth Hospital's The merged companies have provided reliable, quality water Heart Center and how I can lower my risk of heart disease. service for over one hundred years and we, at New Jerscv-American, look forward to continuing this tradition I YES! Send me St. Elizabeth Hospital's free Guide To.Local ; ns the state's largest water purveyor. ' Physicians N • •• We appreciate your support and confidence iivtlie years aliend. Name: ' Address:

Rclum to: Heart Center St. EQnbeth Hosplnl . •-. J25WIHI«msonSir«t St.. Elizabeth Hospital • . : , • '. •' Hliabcih, NJ 07207 UhliiiiR mcdicnl technology witlrtuimnn'rompnsstBH i UCEDC stimulates county's economy Editor'smote: The following arti- Community Development Block plans, who is who on .the slate Tincnlsays she "bejicves^iousing •members.— starting at $20,300 Me is a reprint of one which Grant Funds, and also through and federal levels. This is very will follow jobs. People need-to -for a family of one. appeared in County Leader the Urbanv Development Act lime consuming for business. If be employed in order to have "The .purpose of the organiza- -Ncwspaper&MiLtkauJSj 1987. Grant. we don't have (the information), them buy a home, rehabilitate a tion is lo stimulate new jobs and • By MARIE DUTTER Tlic latter source, "UD"AGs?'~ -iris-our-business-to~gct- it for—-homo—and-bci'tcr_jnajntaiajl)eir_ creale and maintain new lax rat- 'I • Tlic petite, soft-spoken Mau- says •Tincn, results in another ihcm," says Tincn. •. •. • —"homes." ablcs," says Tincn. The Union- reen Tincn, president of the important source of income for Another service is as a "busi- Tincn says the EDC.'s maxi- County EDC has an all-volunteer Union County Economic Deve- her corporation. Under that foY- ness advocate." Tincn explains mum loan is $100,000, ''but it is board < which meets monthly, in lopment Corporation, makes up1 mat, the federal funding stwrce that the EDC would • approach usually for $50,000 or less." She addition lo comniiltec. mcclings z for her lack of physical stature gives the" money lo the EDC cm anollicr_company, such as NJ. nofcs4hat most applicants come . and executive board meeting's. pi^S'S?^ - _ with her thorough enthusiasm for behalf -of a 'qualified applicant. Transit,~on behalf of a company with-another source of income, The term of office for officers is her job. ;.••'"• The EDC, in turn, lends it lothc which might, need a buS line to' and seek co-financing. two years. Tljc chairman is Ken- •8 applicant who pays 'principal and service its employees. 2 Scaled in her office in the EDC "We. arc a lender of last resort. neth M. ftiarchi,' area 'develop- O offipc on Wcstficld Avenue, in interest back to the EDC.. The EDC also publishes a Our poal is to lend below market ment rnanagcr-for-Eublic-Scrvice- 2 .Elizabeth, Tincn warms lo her" "Another important resource for quarterly real estate bulletin rates. Applicants must service or Electric & Gas Company" in D which lists strictly commercial l 2 topic of what the EDC has done Hie EDC is from corporate contri- employ or create new jobs — 51 , Newark. Uhd'what it can do to'stimulate-. butions. Not always in the form properties. Tinen says that .the ..percent-'of-nowrjpbsjmust be for Thcjboard members represent ily, economic base of Union :_0f cash, however. In tills age of bulletin provides business inves- low or moderate income levels." ~~lhc worldsnof-financer banking, a:~Couruy, mDst~cspQCially-in-lhc~ ^tho computer. -TincnlS-Officc has" tors with a complete outline of Tincn says that the income level • education, industry and the -available ^properties from area •Union County ."•' area of small businesses.—Tlie been trying-to-get along without is scaled to the number of family professions. . Qffice.-.too._is-iin(licatiyc of the _o.nc_Iti_tlie-_ncar_futurc.' a bank Realtors. "We are n multiple list- reuse of existing property, being wilf be contributing one — "No Wlilliii smartly housed-in a remodeled one had asked for one before!" oursclvcs." x • ' older one-faniily home. Tinen's ncfrt goal will be to find Tincn says she "sees money Tincn joined the EDC in some company wliich will be tightening up or drying Gar-dealer-marks 20 years .September, .up.,.federal programs are not •' willing—lo-provide computer Thomas Lincolrc-Mcrciiry-Mejkur, located at 369 South Avc., East, ""The EDC is the county's -being funded the way they were. _trairiing. ."•"''. Wcstficld, has celebrated its 20tlrannivcrsftry. The dealership was " ^lesignalcd economic" develop-- r Moncyjvill be severely restricted T"~Tineri lisls llroservicesTwhich foundcdin-bcccmbcr-1967-by Prcsidcnt-T-liomas-Lauricclla,—-— ment arm. We carry out that the EDC provides — "whether to underthc new -tnx-Inw-.-What is, function on their behalf. We are a one person or to a large concern, left is a smaller number of pro- Tliomas Lincoln-Mercury specializes in the sale or lease of new private cntityvalihough'thc coun- but our bent is toward small busi- jects annually, exclusively lim- Lincoln, Mcrcurys and German-made Mcrkurs.'It also sells late model ty manager sils on ourltoard as a ness." They include loan packag- ited to industrial development." used cars. Its most recent new model is the all new 1988 Lincoln voting member, and there is also ing, direct lending, ifhd serving as Tincn says that although Continental, all new from Ihc ground un. a freeholder on ihe-board-who-is- —an-information-rcsourcc.—— businesses which provide scr- _non_vaiing.lL___. • __ "Businesses need to look at a vices arc the fastest growing, Ihc Thomas Lincoln-Mercury-has-always-givcn,top.priotity_.to_cuslonTcr_ Tincn says the EDC receives variety of conditions to make federal govcrnmenris-giving-first=^^atisfaction,^bolhnirp!cijnd_sempCiJMs was reflected recently by Celebrating 10 years of service to the funds from several sources, decisions — demographics, labor priority to industrial the dealership receiving the "Fot^Qmrnly^ure^Award" for customer "including some generated by source, transportation, zoning, development. satisfaction, and the "Lincoln 100 Club" for sales leadership and cus- Union County Business Community ourselves," as well as from the planning regulations, master How about housing needs? tomeTsatisfaction in tho'luxWjLgar field. Selecting the right home for your new plant or i • business takes careful planning and con-

ALEXIAfl BROTHERS siderationjand the rightfinancial advice. Hospital The Union County Economic Development Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Emergency Medicine Department "The East-Jersey-Anesthcsia Group Corporation (UCEDC) is a private, jion-profit corporatimrchafge^^wifhlhetaslTof helping you through this process. We offer direct loans, process all of the state and federal below market rate financing programs, and provide you with the -demographics ^ your planning process. ^The UCEDC also offers site location Donald J. HoHzmiin, M.D., Director of Orthopaedic Dr. El.B. Cnstro.frightX Director, with Dr. Alfredo D. Dru. Ervln Moea flcft), Mcdfcol Staff Prcnldcnt, and, 'Surgery nnd at the Orthopaedic Residency Training Rccano. ' - • ' . . Aaron Bernstein of the Eont Jersey AncBthenui assistance. Program, with students Ronald A. Daly, M.D., and , Group. 'PfckMD • ^JT- Call us and let us introduce you to Union -'- Centers County's 21 diverse, labor-rich communities. It's this commitment-to-excellence and dedication tothe patientthattypifietieach .'.":•:. of these and our other centers of specialization at Alexian Brothers Hospital - V: We are proud of the continuing contributions of both our physicians and staff members. •f At Alexlnn Brothers, care is as up to date a« science can make it...caring in iw dedicated as.six centuries of commitment, hocauflo we're...- Union County Economic Development Corporation (201)527-1166. THE-AtEXIANS- 655 East Jersey Stroot, Elizabeth, New Jorsoy 07206 (201)351-9000 • - Alexian Brothers Hospital ; Ali'Xlan Brothers Hospital is a siibsldlwy of Alexian brothers Health Spicm inc. a National Catholic Health Ctve-Cor/iurutian: Medical courtesy program •?".£ Alien adds Government boosts jobs, ratables PROGRESS IN UNION r c TJ Tlic federal, state and local Development of Marketing trained specialists to guide you them' back' to your place of Senior aTiz§TTs~sortrght TO governments together comprise a Techniques and Strategics to through compliance with tlic fed- business. BUY-WISE AUTO PARTS H o 3 tostaff eral quality assurance" process Organization- of Program _The Senior Citizen Medical Courtesy for seniors who have been approved for _N.J,'s largest Auto Parts Distributor billion dolfar market for every classify your products by > the Program, a joint effort of the Senior Citi- A m The Frod Allen Agency and subcontracting requirements Seminars provides information tlic program. — af209i:Sprrrigf leia:AW., \TaDxrialinO kind, of producLand service^ ima- required government coding sys- zen Council of l)nion County and the Eligible j>cniqrs_ must be"residents of -hns-Iiad-a-vory-aelivc ycar-in tems andiacntify spccificTjuycfs' "70T procurcmentTictivifics"as"ouP~ 7ana a^forum—for-networking— We are celebrating bur 56th year In M z • 1987, Tlyce. new fulilimc iblrT Elibth Dl^o Union County MedicarSocictyJs currcnt- Union Countyrbo" 65^ears"of~agc~~oT" gr Elizabeth Devclop- irrthat-system-seeking to-proeuro-—jincd-in contract-documents. "-— -opportunities.—_ • _. c salespeople havc.bccn added ""ly^acccplingTTtpplicationsHVom-rcligibler^rryoungerif-disabled-and-onMediearcrijnd—-_ Union and still grgyving B z mcTirGonTpany'thatrTcprcscntcd— your products or services. " : Financial Assistance for cligii -senior citizens,—"-——~__ :_ to the staff: Gerard Rcich- Access to our extensive ble Elizabeth businesses includes, must be enrolled.ir^Medicare PartHB arid E ~z millions -of dollars in increased have an income of no more lliafj~$13T650 -o — nrdt, Frod. Cardbsa, and sales and production, an increase Matching of your specific Library of Government Publica- a low interest loan- program to o Bertha Robcrson. "• . capabilities wjth the services and tions which contains complete, hclpiyou prepare for production. ' The purpose of the program is to pro- per year if single or $16,750 if married. c in jobs, and an increase in tax rat- vide access to private medical care for , z The Fred Allen Agency ables within our,service area. products being requested by fed- up-to-date directories, regula- Our One Center/One Phone Tile Council is responsible for app?ov- S 'senior citizens on a limited income. At the has.cxpandcd their relation- Tlic Business Retention Survey eral afttL military procurement tions, and specifications relating Call service- approach puts irig or denying-the .applications. Once an present time there are over 350 volunteer E ship jwiii the Albright Con- conducted in the city-of Elizabeth officers across the country. to government contracting. EPAC's outreach network for applicant has been approved for tho^prog- physicians who have not signed agree- '••'•-•' MOVING AHEAD IN 1988 - struction Company and lias' during. Hie .past two years reve- Technical Assistance with Clients also have access to o.ur information from federal and ram, they will be contacted by the Medi- R ments with-the federal government to Join the rest of progressive Retall-Prolessional-lnrJustrlal also started two new conr aled that less than 20 percent of inicrprctation-oLsolicita'lions, bid microfiche product spccs_ and • slate government buying activity cal Society, receive a Courtesy Card and a—. V accept Medicare assignment on all and Service Organizations In celebrating 33 years of the siriiclion_cpmpanics,-thc Van the businesses in..Elizabeth had preparation, and, pre-award/post- unlimited use of our microfiche "centers" throughout the country list of participating physicians. patients. Instead Uiis group of physicians I Buren Construction' Com- over pursued or been awarded a award-contract administration. viewer-printer. This enables you only one telephone call away" Applications can be obtained from the Have volunteered to participate in this, . , ••• Township of pany, which is constructing government contract: V/c realized Advice and counseling by to copy product specs and take -from you. • Senior-Citizen Council of Union County N lownhouscs (ind the F.A.T. much of this was'duc to lack of . program and accept Medicare assignment at 964-7555. • ' -T- UNION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE... G Construction Company information and hesitation to which is building two-family •become involyod with, the "red > WHO DOES YOUR CHAMBER SERVE? dwellings, both in" the Linden tape" necessary to bid on govcrn- Redeker joins Sylvester-agency Buy Wi^eiJNever say no! - The primary objective of the Chamber is to serve the total community of T Union Township. This service Is offered under the umbrella entitled Community .area,'; ; j .IJ: J _. 'ment contracts.. There was. .Shcri_Rc.dckcr;has_bj?erL.i!PPPiritcdjaIts mana-^ In her first effort as sales manager Rcdekcr Buy-Wise j^utoPartsand_Samucls.Inc,__ '_Pcopjc_cqmc)from allover the stale, toi Development. As this terminology Is all_encompasslrtg, your chamber H Tlic Allen Agency, whiph nowherc-'for --'businesses -without-— ger for Anne Sylvester's Realty Corner, ~ "7evamped"ilie~c6iiTniisslonschedulent Realty Cor^ -endeavors to assist In meeting the immediate needs of, the community and an- has membership in the East- procurement experience to go for Springfield. .'*_•' ncr. After much research and discussion tlic firm Auto Parts Warehouse, 2087-2099 'make their purchase at Buy Wise due to ticipate and plan for the long-range needs that will continue to maintain a ern Union County Board of simple information or guidance. now offers one of the most competitive and gener- • Springfield Ave., in the Vauxhall section their complete inventory. All sales are at healthy community in which to be established, live and work. Union Township Rcdekcr, daughter of the late Anno Sylvester, of Union, is the largest in New Jersey wholesale or lower. All the personnel at has a.business population of over 2100, including retail establishments, -Realtors, has also joined the To fill that void, the Elizabeth who founded the firm 3$ years ago, joincd-ReaUy ous commission schedules to all salespersons. Maplcwood Board- of Rcal- with 80,000 square feet of warehouse Buy Wise are/knowledgeable and can aid business and industry, service companies and the professions. •-..'._. c Procurement Assistance Center Corner in 1969 as a sales assoclatciand obtained Real estate -sales professionals interested in. .They obviously require assistance in numerous areas from the chamber staff, jors arid' is~cxpanding their 1 spaccJcotcd qn^ five acres qfjacilitics _ do-it-yourself people with their problems. was established.iiuOclobcr 1986 .' hcr'rcaLcstatc brokcL'sJiccnse inT1975;';Shc_gra^ joining Rcajty-Corner's-staff-may-call-hc'r-at jrhese members and Chamber staff work together on an Individual and commit- o sales jnto (lie NcwarlcrMllI^ Buy Wisc~handles over 350'wholcsale -teabasisfor the betterment of members.'.their Individual and collective needs -in-a-cooperativeiagrccmcnt-jyjtlu= duatcd in 1978 from the New JcrscylRcal listate" "376=2300 for a confidemlaliTrtervicw= lUiovcriS25millioiDrLpaffsi!iiJ!fl!KL~ M burn and Maplewood areas, the Defense Logistic^ Agency. -HomeowncVs who arc considering selling their [ieyTnrrclriise^difectJrom-l-23-manufac- ac'counts-fmm-OtlipLpacls.-Slorcs. dislribu- • and the Community In general.^ _--r \ „. - " • • ~1 They are now prepared to Institute and in 1979 was one of the first licensees hirers of name brand-products for domes- tors, shops and municipalities. Our bottom line'' goal is to locally to become a certified residential specialist. homo are invite?! to contact the Realty Comer At present our "memB^Hip~cbTisiite~^f"^reF.76OO voting""", show fine homes.throughout tic, foreign and trucks — with this huge . Tlic Samuels family has been in-all members. * • • •' increase your opportunity to bid In 1987 Rcdekcr. qualified for the sixth year as a office to arrange^for a complimentary market the stale of New Jersey. Any- for and wi,n government contracts analysis. . . ' inventory they hardly ever say no! phases of the automotive industry at the ...servicing the people of our great • ] one interestedi Million Dollar Sales Associate designated by the Ninety-five percent of all orders arc filled, same location since 1932. The firm is township of union - , jhrough education and advocacy. N.J. Association of Realtors. . , Sonic of the Services' and on die spot. It is an experience to visit the headed by Ervin Samuels, Robert Jinrnc or finding a new home —7Assalcs manager she will assist the Realty Cor- MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION ' ^ in New Jersey is invited to Inforrrratromvailablc-^to—smalh— gigantic operation. On a typical weekend, Samuels and "Mat Piano, with 30 other T ner staff of professional nssociales-udlli_tull-time' =witll-pcopioJined=up=taking=numbers=to=bc==cmployees=assistingahcm,==a« Contact: Jim Schaefer at 688-2777 hiffilffpi ,minority-owned. - and women-_ = 3= Y inyoIveinenLin ^iidbi!il^l Tl ffi —waited on, Buy Wise has 11 coqnlcr pco- -The Samuels organization has been to'ftrceivc fast and courteous owned businesses through the Thtni an 68 ttltpltonat par 100 wopla In tha Contact: Efvln Samuels at 688-5933 Elizabeth' Procurcmcnt^ssis- with an up-to-date communication system offers UnlUd SUM. Wellington D.C. hM 130 phonaa pie on Saturday and 6 on Sunday to serve -jtcty-aclivc in tlic affairs of the Township results. , • properties in Essex, Union and Morris counties. par 100 paopla. W. maka 163 billion caiU tance Center include: pw v«*"> the public. of Union.

Halpert, Oberst Qiind Company P.O.Box 5IZ I045 East lerscy Sfrect Elizabeth, N.J. 07207-05IZ We own and offeri- • (20I) 289-0262 Middlesex County, N.J. ELIZABETH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY — - Pollution Control Financing Authority FOR AMERADA HESS CORP.

UNION COUNTY RESIDENTS NO MAINTENANCE FEES "Immediate placement If you quallfy- FOR 16 MONTHS! - On-tho-lob training opportunities That's right,wa'v a gotten the ipontor to urM to pay your malnltiunce 11V2% Coupon Bearer Bonds - Guaranteed $5.50 per hour leeiltut Include haoland hot wiler II you buy In • the month ol January.' Maturing Dec. 1,2012 priced @ $110.00 '' • funded through- C1NDEM- -No MalntFaes- -$89,900 LINDEN $74,900 Union County Private Industry Council JTPA Program 12 Months CALLABLE DEC. 1,1992 @ 103 Call. Elizabeth Development Company for Interview Informntlon $7500 Down-1 . rt That's right, wo'vo gotten th3 sponsor to agree to pay your main! .,thu».*' ' ,...11t00lo4i00 289-0262 tons that Include hoat .& hot water II you buy. In iho month ol 8% Interest* , January.* • '" •_ 74% -Gorflcous ono_bodroom..apUiomo3.aLDaLBarton ManorL|ust "lri~town onu bedroom condominium homes with o((*r«d it [Mlc«i «nd Unns oiiutnlMd to mova you to moval redecorated in oxcollont tasto leaturos now kitchen appliances fantastic financing *(8% plus 1 % point) to qualified *ppco«.r60«<(. H.,on«-Ud

International Paint (U.S.A.), Inc. An Invitation From Dutiaerd of Iflne J4ivmeA Eltnwood Ave. • Union * — Sales • Rentals • Insurance World's Largest Supplier _ Pluhibing • Heating ,• Hohie irnprovernents Castle Careers Inc. •• - .- • •••of •••••• '" •••••-- ••.•:•-• A FulL§ervice Recruitment Firm __ Marine Coatings, . Permanent Job Placement ° Why Not Avail Yourself of this Elizabeth Is Proud to Have Been Gomofabuyl A Part of the Professional & Personal Service? Gome See Us Largo 2 family with many ex- tras, plus garage. 3 Bodrooms Union Business Coltifenunity for. Career Placement. oach floor. Llvinrj Room,, Eat- In Kttchon, ono finished' Roc. We Care! ^_ Room, wlno collar & central for the Past B7 Years, air. This won't, last .long at $259,900. _- books Forward to the Secretaries • Clerical • Typist' Next-ST^ears, Accounting • Middle Management • • Sales and Marketing • . Positions with Small, Large, & International Corporations =™™""ra™ CbhrTWHIT¥r~ETvTS»wl^=^----^~ o Pay CALL 925-0202 •486-8024 Castle Careers Inc. FRED ALLEN AGENCY ArineCastellano-President . : 14f South Ave., Fanwood 210 W. St. George Ave. ~.;. 322-9140 Linden •~^— Business Hours Monday-Friday 9am-5pm •.. . • ...... • • • • - • ^~~J/ . St. Elizabeth's expands programs Woo ley4 ready for winter temperatures *. • St. Elizabeth's HQspital.in Eli- vention. and community 1 ; adjaccnt.to tlie Emergency Room Registration Area in June of niorc than 75 percent. OvcrlifWfjIollcy Fuel Oil, 12 Fuel Oil has boughtouL Jaeger decided to try a ton- of, that ger days prompted Wooiley to--' ing them became somewhat of a " •• zabcth will-conlinuc to-lake-inno-—educations to expanded facilities irv the Com- enhanced private outpatient New equipment has also been Burnct Avc., Maplcwood, Nor- and Gcrmainc Fuel Oil' and is- material. . • buy a similar parlor stove dating hobby for Wooiley. tLvativc steps to enhance the health •'— Dr—Ernest Fcdcrici—chicf-of• munity Health Building." registration sccviccs as wclFas purchascd^Tor arthrbscopic man Woolicyland his crew of .16 now servicing all~of that com- -• "Thcrash, wlrich cost 50~ccnis" back- to 4880r-whieh-lie-r«siorod— — Customers can view the anti- g care services it delivers to rcsi- •staff and chief of cardiology, —This was followcdrin-1987Tby--prc-admission-lesliiiE—Moreihan- surgery;—orthopedic cases - havo- ^workers, are ready for thclowcrr pany's cnslnmrrs in m expanded more per ton, held together -with-, and placed in'the showroom. ques and line up efficient service 3 ,"derils of eastern'Union Counly in . states, "The development of thea, renovation of the former clinic -temperaturcs. . ' . service area. out getting into tlic iiir. The historical artifact proved. at 12 Burncl Avc. Monday I 1988. ' . 16,000 private outpatients took .increased more than 30 percent in Heart Center to educate the publ- aVca io provide a permanent advantage of the new; centralized. .Jhc past year, •' The firm's on-sitpJ-Storagc For the Woollcy family, The memory of .thc_coaU~. Jo be such a favorite of customers through Friday from 8 a.m. lo §> . Tlirough belter utilization of ic about the risks of hcar.t discasc- homo, the Oulpalicnt-Prqccdure, facility after its June opening. 1 Obstetrics.. • tanks arc. full to their though, qiiaiily service is a long- cleaning adventures of his yoiin- coining intb the store that collect- 4:30 p.m. ' ; •.•'.'- y facilities and increased,coordina- andto identity-those with cardiac , Area, for minor surgery, endos- Short Stay Surgery St. Elizabeth's Hospital's 300,000-gallon capacity, rcadyjo slanding tradition,as_the company- i- lion among strategic departments, problems is a natural outgrowth copy and outpatient chemother- Manyncw surgical procedures family-centered maternity prog- serve the company 's~ cusTbriicrs is entering ils 64lh year in busi- tlic hospitap l will expanp d keyy cdu= if. technological advancements, apy cases,, which previously were that arc less invasive to the ram, under tlic direction of Dr. within a 12-mile radius in bolh ness in the Union-Essex County 8 cationaltil , didiagnostig i c andd outpa- includinildi g our statc.-of-thc-arfh t car- dffnc .through—the Emergency Union and JEsscx counties.. area. The company lias been -paticntT require shorter ^hospital- Frederick Qarracino, acting.chief ; titient t servicei s in hthenew year, diac cathctcrization laboratory Room. slays, and hasten itcovcry tirnc of obstetrics and gynccology, W ooiiey was quick to note Uiat located on Bumci Avenue for 1 These expanded programs wilUw—'and the use of" color Doppicr for More than 4,000 outpatients arc being practiced at St. Eli-provides unparalleled care for that amount of oil lasts an aver- three generations. -' D_llic result' of foundations laid in diagnosing heart disease." underwent minor surgery, endos- zabeth Hospital. As a result, the newborns and Ihcir mothers. age of about two weeks -during That tradili.on~is-,rcflccicd not 2 1987 with the introduction of The new calh lab, installed last copy and chemotherapy, an hospital's Short Slay Surgical To support llic hospital's tradi- the colder months of January. only in the firm's 'service* but in # three patient-oriented services — year at a cost of $2.1.,million, is' incrcascof more Than 30 percent, -JJnit treated more than 1,700 tional obstetrical delivery and- However, ho said, supplies- arc ils sh6wrop.nv''as-wcllr.wlicrc-a £. the Heart Center, an Outpatient the most sophisticated of its kind. in 1987.. This increase is directly patients in 1987, an Incrcascof homelike birthing ro'om and mid- plentiful and arc not likely to be customcrcan sec do7.cns of coal -o-Proeedurc—Area and. a Testing With the new cquipmcnt.-St. Eli- attributable to the opening of the 30 percent over 1986. wifery services, St. Elizabclh affccled by ihe current Iran-Iraq and-'wood-burning slovss from § Registration Area — that were all zabeth Hospital performed more Outpatient Procedure Area in The greatest increases were provides 24-hour nconatology •Tvar in the Middle Ealtf. tlie past. ' 1883 °- accomplished without the need than 1,100 procedures in 1987, ah April. The number of endosco- staff coverage and equipment that Prices, Wooiley \ Tlie collection of stoves dates 1987 for new construction. increase of' almost 20 percent among ophthalmology, urology ;pics.a!onc,incrcascdI more iiian 75 .and orthopedic-surgery cases, •_.. .far cxcccds.tlicrequirements Fora stable, but a number •pjVbtfdgct back several'-decades, when.,. "The rcsulffs heightened care, over the previous year; "It ~ is~ percent, plans'areavailable^ts^rc senior "Woollcy'sfafher, Norman Sr., comfort and convenience for our cxpoctcd to continue to operate at Dr. Justin Mang recently Level 2 hospital in New Jersey. Thc_jncrcaics_in_o.ulp.nti.ciH_ ... Morc-than -l,065-infants_wcrc citizen discpuntST . noticed a restored parlor stove in patientsj"-stalcs Sister -Elizabeth;—this~capacli5nhrough:1988. procedures coupled wilh rising •cians in.thc state.to begin using a delivered during' 1987, an ~ In-'tlicrhcanUmo; the com-a store window_on Springfield Ann Maloncy, president. Calls to the. Heart- Center's volume in tlic cmcrfiencv room following calar- increase of 8 percent over the j5any's work crews liaye been Avcnuc-in Irvinglon. . St. Elizabeth-maintains a lead- dedicated telephone line have — rcgislrations have increased act surgery with Uie assistance of previous year, working lo update and'replaco- Seeing the stove brought back ership role among area hospitals assisted people who have potcn- equipment at the homes of resi- memories for the senior Woollcy 15 percent to moxcJliart" 25.000 haw_opIUhaImolOBy_C£iuipmcnLin_ -Radiology Trr -in-supporling-numcrous~worlh=—;trallicart^roblcms^itfcfinding~a: — precipitated renovation and tlie operating room. Dr. Mang's Jp^Tizabelli Hospital ' -—•"'" customers with the latest. his younger days when he:was Eof_Qver_lCLOJfears whilc endcamrs that benefit the cardiologist". Nearly 25 percent of expansion of St. Elizabeth's' procedure can b.c done with upgrado-lhc hardware and in technologically advanced oil rewarded at home for keeping the communities it serves. - . all calls to the Heart-Center Emergency Room waiting area in smaller incisi^lljT software—package for its CT boilers, burners and components. coal scuttle full and the ashpit of Cardiology Services resulted in a referral to at least Woollcy crows arc also the parlor stove clear of ashes. Your Center of Security, r Ialc_Ji>87. .This will enable ujcJaat-recovcTyTOvcrall, same-_ Scanner, to permit it to increase With the introduction of the one of I lie hospital's 32 patients and Ihcir famil ay_ophlhalmology cases have llic number of procedures'it pcr- equipped for testing, analyzing, The ashes had lo be dampened" Heart Center in 1987, St. EH= ^cardiologists. -—'•-- whenic^^smytfrcoffifortT zabclh Hospital elevated the level Outpatient Services..-..i. increased more lDan'75 pcrccnl. . fiic clinic, in its first full year Now endoscopic equipment had_a_palicnt throughput of 3,367 burning equipment. . dust from clouding the room. If Safety and Service of cardiology services available St. Elizabeth HosjiiuU-witTcon-, in .the expanded facility, treated • "We usually get all our cquip- that happened, tlic'.boy would be to residents of ^eastern Union has been purchased for the trcat- in 1987, an increase Of 85 percent 3 ^_^_^_^___ » 1™. meeting Ili'an.- 20.000 patients in ment -of- patients with- kidney p ^deniedhis-rcwardsf'"™ " County. ;in 19.88, The hosjijlJU^-HiTc"fcasc1] dcmandsToTi One day-the boy's father told Union County Savings Bank's statement reflects new highs in assets, deposits and plans lo strenglhcr 1987 —.an increase of more than sipnes, gall stones and bleeding compared 16 last year. Wilh the residential custorncrs," said lies-^^^ • Rail Service: PasBenger and Freight -—, This nursing spoclally.pracllco -••©utatandlng Police and Fire D&hartments" '• A Volunteer Ambulance Corps - DfidLcollon. Professianollsm, Expertise. offors the opportunlry to work wjlh criiraren arid their (arhlllos. union counr v sRVinGs Exceptional opportunities tolearn and oxpross your creativity In nursing Main Office: 320 North Broad St., Elizabeth, NJ 354-4600, care. OulslandlnQ working conalllons. Children's 642 Chestnut St., Unlo"nTNJ 964-6060 61' Broad St, Elizabeth, NJ 354-4600 THIOH(y-competlt|vo salaries.- Specialized •••- • . 201 North Avenue West, Cranford, NJ 272-1660 LINDEN ECONOMIC DEV MENTGORP. Pedlatrlc rohab nursing Is for • Hospital . Momtiar Fodaml Doposll Insurance CoipomMn (s horo to holp locate your business industry in Lii known for its low tax rate special peoplo. If you're ono, we'd like very much to speak with you. . Human Resources Department New Providence Rd.. Mounlolnsldo, NJ For more information calls—-•'••' ^ 474-8405 (201)233-3720 f He/p .for battered women St. Elizabeth^ | Alliance reaches 10th year According to the New Jersey Stale dp,vnlnping-.skills-necdcd-lo-liv~lnis~:bcen community-minded profession- ' 5 - •» -•--- an amendment jtrjengthening. the provi- tcr, court advocacy, housing, advocacy,_ c •• _|^bencIiUpaticnls-oC-|]ic_RadioIogy__poor7_pcopleT-Besides-providing- .Jgyilj.s|nift.' ' ..•••• named-inanagcr-of-tlio-Wostfiejd- als, Alliance works-togctlicr"to sions of the Prevention of Domestic Vio-, and child care. In addition: to these shelter - 8 Department,, .' - medical services to more diart Managing the Clark office office. Cuccaro has been a sales assist die public in all their real ; IJcncc Act,-jrhcscadditions_scrvc_to .. oz. since its inception in, 1982, is, associate with Alliance for' the estate needsr" —-- .--— Lscrviccs,_a_support^group-is-offcrcd=in-^— z ~ The new mammography equip- 500, needy individuals during strengthen die protection to victims and Wcstfield for those wqmen^ ;' o t- racnt was used in conjunction .1987,,, St. Elizabeth' Hospital Roberta .Ch'crcgo. Named- 1987 past three years and a consistent serve to deter the violence. Victims may The project" also provides services, to c §' with the Amcriciin Cancer Socic- helped raise money for a prc- Realtor of. the Year by the Grca- high salcS performer, Hcr_past- Tlio size' of a company has obtain^temporar-y— restraining prdcrs_ die community which arc information and z g ty's breast x"a"ncer~"dctcctioii scriplionJund ,to aid those rcquir- Icr Eastern Union CourilJTBoard experience in management,. as ' little to do with its effectiveness through thejuve'nile and, domestic rela- "rcfcrrairpublic cducatibnlo groups and~ ~ z awareness program in May and ing medication. • of Realtors, Chercgo is well well as her'enthusiasm, are surc- .and abilities: Alliance Realty is tions court or when it is closed, through organizations, and training and workshops ISACRIME deserving of-that honor. She was tobenefit both h'cr sales sj.aff.and... proud to be small enough to give ° attracted women from as Jar__v_During •19871__Sk_.Elizabei.h municipal court. Also, the victim may file on the issues of domestic violence. "tlic"cliairworrian-'for GEUCBR die public, clients the attention they deserve D_ away as Blobmficld and Livings-, Hospital and WJDM-AM Radio .___ajcriminal complaint .in. muriicipaLcourtZ ^.ZJf youjmustlcavcyburhomc"'in a -hurry--— "ton for the screening, initialed a "Say No To Drugs" Community Services which won , Over Hie years owner' Joan and large enough to'dcl ivcr; They - • and at the same time a domestic violence and have no place 1Q go, there arc shelters . jjj . Tiie Radiology Department campaign, featuring Lloyd Lind-... ^a State and_NationaLaward_for _ Kocnig Jias_takcn-pridc in tlic. arc happy to.demonstrate, the complaint in juvenile and domestic rela- available foryou and -your children. Your - "overall. Best Community Prog- abilities and effectiveness of her superior quality of their service to ~ui waiting roonrundcrwent acom- say Young. tions court. - . *_u_(- local battered women's.group.can help o plctc renovation to increase sca- . Each year,'hospital employees ram. _ Her enthusiasm carries sales staff. 'Offering total, service anyone who needs a real estate • . The YWCA of Elizabeth has operated a you locate them. Legally, it is not consid- 7 professional. •. g ting capacity; to provide better become involved in projects to through „ in her professionalism, in real estate,. Uicy have devc- battered women's shelter for. the past nine • cred desertion to leave your home' under ' '•'. a-' lighting and to improve patient collect food and toys for needy years. The shelter has been renamed Pro-- - extreme circumstances. Welfare may be1 comfort. families. . . . ."'. jcct:Protcct. The interiors of the shelter able to provide emergency financial assis-'."" Community Scrviqe- " . , 1 7 -have been refurbished andaddltional-lifc-- tance. Your localJatlerfiajwonie_n's group— In addilion to participating in"""-" ~ "'• 'Positive' change in job market —i1— safely renovations have been made possi- also can help you obtain emergency medi- numerous free health screenings "',"". . ______ble by a grantjrom the NewJerse y Diyi- cal care and can providcjranspqriation. _,_and providing community cduca-^ Anne Xlastcllano, who started her, placement jicnt positions; Jias bccrLSUcccssful in_.placing. If you have been bcateii and aren't will- '• • ^service'Castlc"Careers1rn978nias~bccomc rccbg- "~ office positions, middle management, sales, mark- "'. -sion-of Youth and -Family Services. The. 7 tiori, St. Elizabeth"HospitaTiiTa agency has undergone a transformation, a ing or able to contact a battered women's leader in community service nized as a top professional in (lie industry., with 18 eting and executive positions in all areas of organization, wo strongly urge'you imme-. years of experience "networking people into now industry. •'• . • hew administration-and structured board programs that benefit the people .-- It's true that termites do more plan has added a now vitality to the _c|intcly to contact, preferably in person, a who live -in eastern Union than $750 million of damage career opportunities: ' . ' .- _.." Castle Careers is a member of both the National^ agency. ~rclativcor-frierTdTTfiaiicscribo wfiaTliap- nzcounty.; [7"7Tal:li~VCar~irriliis~countfvrBuir —~Slie-looks~baclCT)irIT).years during~wliicirslic3r Association of Personnel Consultants and tfiiTNcw When the AIDS Resource according to International Wild- •"""has seen posilivc""changes resulting in new arid; "Jcyseyi^AlPC7"ATr^osltions are fee paid by their One of the greatest challenges faced by someone after a battering incident you Foundation needed a facility to life magazine,-their ecological challenging onpoHunitics for advancement, cspc- client companies. Since there is no fee to pay or the YWCA is determining what typo of may be without witnesses. ~sT5rv7raTTrtranslllonarhome-for^^ —cially for women inbuslness;""- ;~ contract-to-sign^candidatcs lor' employment use services will be provided to die women of . Regardless q£ whether you want to children infected with the Human harm. Of the 2,000 species, only ..At Castle Careers, Caslcllano's staff includes • the firm's resources to complement their job their communititcs. , leave your home, you can prepare for die qualified career counselors, Gail Cook, Carol . search in order to gain the most rewarding posi- Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV), about 10 percent cause any cco- : Project: Protect is a multi-faceted ser-. future. Counseling or discussion groups tlic virus known to cause AIDS, nomic damage at all. On die other Schlikin and Virginia Kowalczyk—Their-expcrtisc— -tions possible;— jcejragranctejgrjediicaissist victims of with women in similar situations caniiclp" Marc3etycrsargMhJ3ill 7 =StiElizabclhJrIospitaLbffcrcd=tlic=hand^=alUof=tlieitn=bonofit=us= and_cjilluislasniJiaye^enabled-tiiem^to_cstablisli !=you=undcrstand=your='ehoicesijvlany?otthe== use of a house and support scr- because they recycle vast quanti- .. rapport with candidates seeking opportunities with Castcliano extends an invitation to visit Castle towards the empowerment of every 'local battered women's groups offer these viccs. Today, St. Clare's Home tics of cellulose,. making its small, large and international corporations. The Careers and find out more about today's exciting woman by providing her with support and services and can answer questions you For Children remains the only atoms available to living plants. full service recruiting firm, handling only penna- job market, ',"''* alternatives necessary. to assist her in may have about your alternative's.

r ATrnirfrfaVlmstJStuI Is Flllt llicrr Is •:nmr-f nii(| . conimltllng n oihnr., and you ran do nhmilll^ We believe that ^good times or bad times, real.estate ownership has and site's payhifl lot It. He's a If you're Invfilvr'l In n ' always will be a desirable Investment. Real Estate Is not only FOR SALE but ON wife beater. . ..- vlnlni'l sHunllnival hnmr, or SALE Dally." _____; ''- ' ._ CAl^lVfAFLOTA y V $750— women nrn the. vlctjms of IVciill I!'" Domcstic— REALTORS this crime. Even worse!" Vlolcnrr llnlllnr. We'll glvr Our staff consists of realtors, realtor associates, real CASH ASSISTANCE ON SELECTED MODELS! thirty perccnl ol all female ymi tlir Infonnntlon on thr astate-conaultanls and certllied-appralsers, syb- homicide victims are hilled domestic vlolcnrr Inw, ' by their liiishnnds or • i arccss lo rmn«|Miry carp, scribing to and abiding by professional codes of EXCELLENT SELECTION boyfriend.*). Vshcltrr, anil mon1, llolp pill ethics — To Serve You Better. And women aren't the l trnubled Illr harlt In oidn. - • • •."•'• •••• —{ only ones who suffer. Call today. . ^ ;Domestlc violence Is also fJecaiise no nnn should . Rudolph O. Cammarota, OA.S.M.B.E.O, the major, cause of child have to pay foi a cilnir Ilirv . —computeflzed-mulHplo-llslintj-sorvlcasHnUnlon • ~a1juse and ncfllect. illdn'l conmilt. . & Ocean countios . . Anthony Costa . Robert Kohnjien. . JR AN UNLIMITED TIME!* - watorfront proportlos shown by boat in shoro aroa Elizabeth Esposlto Angela Letsoh - exclusive agents lor now homo dovolppmonts In Nancy Cammarota -Natalie Westervelt YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO LIVE YOUR LIFE WITHOUT VIOLENCE! . Konllworth, Railway and Rosollo Park MaryJoKplddzlel. Nanoy Mlllenky SUPERIOR SERVICE Anthony Maurlello Michael Cammarota and the friendly, «rnall-town peraonal ralatlonthlp that tnakea buylns a car al Maria Mula Deborah Llddy •. THOMAS one ol those hard-to-flnd pleasure!. ' . ' When conaldorlng our cohiprehenslvo sales pro- Mark Cammarota Connie Van Nest gram and services, you rnny conclude thSt It Jude Matrograno Denlse Zelenlak doosn't cost to lot ua be your broker — IT PAYS!, Robert Router Edward Ferguson Teresa tlnnlrella JJOMESTIC VIOLENGE CALL PROJECT: PROTECT Insurers • Appraisers • Consultants TQOTALLETTE OFFICE 1006 Grand Central Ave. 510 Boulevard Commercial . . Industrial Sales Box 387 • • Kenilworth, N.J. and Rentals • Lavalletto, N.J, MERCURY 24 HOUR CRISIS LINE (201) 276-3200 - Serving Union County for 30 years - (201)830-1300 '-••'.'•'• i. •'•.•• '• Licensed in N.J., N.Y. and Pennsylvania THOMAS LINCOLN ... a program of 369 South Ave. E., Westfield MERKUR AWW \J\ of Eastern Union County 232-6500 nd entrue e nt rep re n eu r AMC ready for fifth year Altcrnatlvc Medical Center (AMC) in have to wait several days to see a doctor, If you happen to bp driving need to" develop specialty resins rie Tamarclli acquired Dock rial" Association.- njes who have high-tech needs Elizabeth is readying itself for its fifth or even call ahead Jo make an appoint-' THE ' but wish tq avoid severe develop- along West Elizabeth Avenue,'a for companies where research Resins-in 1983 as chairman and year of operation and, under its new med- ment. At AMC, you can simply come in O busy industrial highway in Lin- and development was loo costly chief executive officer. With an Although still a small business, mental and manufacturing costs ical team, foresees nothing but high points and you'll receive prompt medical trcat- O den, you will notice the street is to perform. . extensive background in market- Dock continues to niake advance- that would ordinarily bo incurred. for 1988; • • m In a world of large corporations- ment^in a warm and friendly-atmosphere." dolled with small factories, ware- With very lituVcqujly arid lim- ing, finance and chemical engi- ments in the synthetic resin field. —"ForemostA-saidJDr,-Michacl-Stark Joining-Stark'on-AMCrs-mcdical-tcam- houses an_d the "small company" ited equipment capabilities, Bar- neering, Tamarclli was able to One hundrcd: percent of the. top and high technology, Dock's DEAL MAKERS 2 still exists. As you continue your bancl and his colleagues initiated broaden existing markets and management have degrees as unique manufacturing capability c been participants in Alternative Medical z drive a variety >of. buildings meet the idea of specialized product seek new onesi • \ chemical engineers or chemists meets the demarids of their cus- much more than just your typical neigh- Al the ARCHIE SCHWARTZ COMPANY. riloiial divisions, sold and leased over 5 the eye. New and old are com-- manufacturing, a philosophy still and Dock's specialized product tomers. Dock may be small,-but borhood walk-in facility. AMC is a full- Care for over three years. They both z Tamarclli is proud of the fact- ol a successful business ici.itionshlp II ^^^^^LllfLff A ^^f^BS 600 million dollars in teareal aslalastalo tratrai n lli1 technology is sttonger than ever. there is no' doubt they are a com- service medical facility which can meet served as chief residents of-intcrnal medi- o bined to.mako a.ncatly organized practiced today, even ••• —™ nr continued relationship is what l^pY !!! W'\l? TnBR I acl us. in Ihc first two months of 01 pany .with bigidcas looking tow- nearly- all of your health needs, both cine.at Saint Barnabas Medical Center in makes us Now Jersey's largest deal f • ^^ Q COMPANi Y - 1HEALTOHS II , ^ .. c jndiiatrial area. Many ooff the pcling with other resin manufac- sphere enables the management -Their- innovative Tdcfas^criablc 1968 tiscal year, our company hae al- ard aprospcrousrfulure. • .:.;_ .emergency and non-emergency." Livingston, and are board cligibjc in inter- sollipg nnd I buildings have been • expanded turers. Continuing its advance- team to enjoy good relationships, them toiwork with largcrajmipa- ment in resin-technology, Dock AMC, located at-315 Railway Avc., nal medicine? . ' duslnnl real esinlo .ind corporato allicc |^S£&&ms&Sfi^a| ovor I9D7, and improved to meet -the wflli its cmgjoyccs. Most space, Your business ttonsnclions nre L5SSSS9SSSSSSSSSSU On bchDll al Elmer Schwartz. Chairman! is now supplying' its products Elizabeth, has become an integral part of Assisting the doctors at AMC.arc architectural styles of today. In employees are from. Linden or the Natislia Hassan, radiology technician, and Ihc main renson lor our continued growth and prosperity, nnd Marti Harris, President, we would like to lake this opporiun* throughout the United Statcs.lhe .t!ie_JElizabeth-arca medical community In 19&7, our company's success continued with a growth ol ity to thank you lor our past success and hope lor your con* one of these rejuvenated build-; surrounding area. This was exem- Darjene McDanicl' and Florence Pecker, ings — boasting a sign wiUi large Caribbean and Canada, in both plified at their recent 40lh • since it opened its doors fiyc years ago. !!0'b in tolal volume over ihe previous year. Our tour icf- tjnuod business, A rundtfiokc Is our Uinnks lor your support. bulk and samplc'quantities.- Its medical staff offers a full-service gen- mcdicaLassistants. New additions loathe block letters — is Dock Rcsins- Anniversary cclcbration^~wluclr staff include physical therapist Jerry j Corporation.. _ ._ Dock's original plani was Tamarclli labeled as a "family .- cral practice, treating children, adolcs-. cents, adults and senior citizens while also Friedman and h?ad nurse Elaine DiLclla. • : From its meager beginnings in located in Central New Jersey. _cclcbrai ion." Dock invited all of Friedman, a registered physical therapist, ' 1947 as a small rosin manufactur- •' As the industry fitted changcs~iu its,cmployccs to a dinner parly at' providing important specialty health care to employees of some 180 area holds a master's degree in public health, -eiyDoek4twins-l)as.continuc.!d-U]uI_iecluiologyr-Barbiinel sought new the Smithvillc Inn, followed by a administration from New York Univcrsi- develop and manufacture quality technology for special applica- ,| corporations. - •• . cniio md show jn A an(ic city 1 synthetic resms for all-types.of -tiom- -The --early-products ^MblFof tlie MrplbyeMTlKfrdcd- - Among-the-every-day services-offered - coating applications. In. 1957 the included alkyd varnishes, manu- . and'Riiests were invited by AMC arc general practice medicine, " , Previous y, he had served as director of h Uw physica therapy dcpartmenLs at Union company moved to'its present ^factiStcd at alieir original plant. , . -..../" _. '.... "..._.. minor surgery including" suturing or YY - .-, ... - - • , _ _ location in Linden to accommo-/These-products helped to gen- Safely and environmental pro- slitchcsrclcctrocardiograms and pulmon-—HospitalHl , Umon;JnicJQaclfcCarc_Ccnlcrnl , ary function testing, X-rays and Lintros- Livingston; and the New York Infirmary, datc its over increasing producing v crate a "'small initial investment tcction has .alwaysjjccn of high C V v capacity, and this year the com- \_jiiat allowed for increased capaci-._. priority atJD_6ckrrThis has. been- can breast screening, a breast examination 'A 1) .J'°. r'^ ' ...... — •_ __._„: -pany_is_c.O-Le.bralingjJL'!_lQl]i tyland manufacturing_cjipabjlily^^_accon-mllsl)cd throuRh cquinmciit, which docs not use X-rays. In additionn, ., DiLclla is a graduate of thc.Trumbull anniversary. " " IrTTHSTl-iocIc Resins movedTff~TI^cticcs-and-traimng of-person»- p^ypyu=—Mcpp^^jiJg Accordingto-Philip-Barbancl,—its-present location. Dock added a ,ncl. Dock has also developed tme gynecological examinations and She has been trained in pcdiatric; genatr- president of Dock Resins, the;" second active owner and soon the special coalings thai meet cnvir^ laboratory. services.-It also~maintains a—ic, Inlensivc-andcnticalcilroroncological, company was started to-mcel the^'numbcr of cmpIoyccsinerciiseTd—onmeiiial-standnrds-fer-ihp-coat-^- full-time potlia£risf; on -staff,; Dr. Greg irauma and. orthopedic-imrsinr spccial needs of. particular coat- to. service the- surge in business, ings industry. Tamarclli has been [rTontious; ~ T~ techniques^ •• ing applications. In a-word, Bar- . From 1960 to 1987. Dock enjoyed an officer of the Chemical Indus- The center specializes in lower back AMC is open Mondays, 9 a.m. to 7 bancl is lrir-ue "entrepreneur." a rise in staff from 4 to 40. . ' try Council of New Jersey since injuries and testing and can provide full P-m.; Tuesday, Wednesdays and Fridays, ' WiyTajicgrco in. chemical engi- As Dock's markets increased, 1981 nnd is currently-scrying., as ^examination-services for-lifc^insrfanccT ^l5dThd9 "TuTcrfng from ReiTsseiclff MicHI76Tsomeonowilinrstforig-:^vice-cliairman.-GcncraLManagor_. . pre-cmployment, return to work/assess- 9 p.m. Polytechnic Institute, Barbancl management and marketing back-" Joseph Barbanel recently served- mcnt,-D.O.T,, prc-marilal, school and col- ' Further information on Alternativ and two other investors saw a_- ground w'as needed. Dr. A. Way- as president of the Linden Indust- legc purposes. . Medical Center can be obtained by cnllinj "Best of all, Stark added, "you never doctors Stark and Eigcs at 289-4411.


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Ideally totaled only 30 minutes from New • York City, 10 minutes from Newark Alrporl, 5 minutes (j Pork Thiln. Station, —-pr COMPANY Uirecllyotr Ihe Garden Slate Parkway exit 135. D1N1NGSAND 201J964-066O 800/631-7968 ENTERTAINMENT BANQUET AND MEETING ROOMS ....The Continental Our all new handsomely remodeled banquel and Reslaurdiil and'txtinftc inccling rooms accommodale business and social FOR ANIMALS Is alive wllh a crept funellons Trow 10- in dsn. A.V. -SpecljUst_on_ new sound system In prcmlsc. ' « the evening-and fine LOW GOST SPAY/NEUTER CLINIC Billing ali AH

Luxurious complelcly ^ Ce De Candjvlnc= remodeled 200 gucsl 433 Hillside Ave., Hillside rooms fculurliin dou> ble/douhle or Klnn For appointment plmae call • 964-6887 size Iwddlng, cable TV, Union, N.J. 07083 , Individual climate control, room service SPAY YOUR PET Fomalo Cats SZ0 ^PRICES and pool. ^ MaloCatsS15 -INCLUDE ALL Ovor 100,000 cats & dogs arb Fomalo Dogi $25-35 INNOCULATIONS doslroybd In N.J. annually. MaloOb'gs $20-30 & EXAMINATIONS RAMAD/V HOTEL bscauso thoy aro unwanted. Cut & Save Closed Mondays Exit 135 Garden Slnlc Parkway, Clork New Jersey 07066 (201) 574-0100 Gfftbfslgrit greatest of all a. . _. converts to eoridos Back in September, Middletown resl- pcoplc.in tlic civilized world age <55"and Colfax JVfanor, tfii? 19'1-unit. residential installed. In addition, new-windows were " dent P. Kumaresan, Ph.D. rcceivcdTsFtelc- older, are a cloudiness which develops in NEED-A-PHYSICIAN? complex in Roscllc Park, has been con- . put in place to' maximize the efficiency of —plione call from his 91-ycar:old'fathcr in tlic part of the eye known as-tlic lens,- verted tocondominiurn ownership. thc'neatlngjind air conditioning systems. Madras, India; Who told the son he was which is normally clear and transparent. . : 289-EGMC ^ "The announcement" was macjb by • • Outdoorsr llie GOlon«l-^ll- hors d'qeuvres Burke and .all those who made this ging process •— Hie source of customers' Business tnen surgery possible," said the Middlciown biggest complaints— will be efficiently resident. sircamIined.-ProdiiGls-will-bo-put- on a Avoid the fast food rut and have According to Dr. Burke, who cstab- conveyer belt and sent tlirouRh a lunncL l^d^ll^^aiaract-Surgiieenie^Fnlffee : automatically scanned. "925 EAST JERSEY ST., ELIZABETH, N.J. 07201 yournextlunchiatthwRaven!^^ years ago as an outpatient center for eye At the end of the tunnel, tlicy will be neat- CIRKUS Real Estate Group of Clifton recently handled the coridomlhium ;"' — surgery, iliejiaiicnt did "extremely well." ly wrapped in brown paper to form a'boxv conversion of the sprawling Colfax Manor complex-in Soselle Park. '" 2735 Rt 22 Westrtlnron 687-Z591 Cataracts, which afflict nearly half the with a handle on top for easy transport. Located next to Clinton li/ianor arid the Union Motor Lodge ^O YEARS OB SERVICE.;-. 30 YEARS IN LINDEN What's Initiative? Outpatient Every day * Every hour • Every minute. Th e Spirit To Originate Action. Cataract Manufacturers of Synthetic Resins for:

tit Surgery IU IIJ Sealers Adhesives Adaptive Re-use for Senior Citizen Housing.. Beautlficatlon of Commercial Areas, & Storefrdnts ffffHoTTOs7.Conr3o-OTfices Inks .Innovative Church Desjgn -369SPRINGFIELD AVE., BERKELEY HEIGHTS, NJ 07922 Mechanical Engineering Real Estate Development - Construction Management _ (201)464-4600 Custom Manufacturing^ JAMES R.GUERRAlP.A. Jordan D. Burke, M.D., EA.C.S Overlook's new updated ARGHITEGTS/PLANNERS Overlook Hospital More Eric B. Gurwln, M.D., EI.C.S. Medical Staff Directory 65 Jefferson Avenue ' ~~ Elizabeth, N.J. 07201 is available. 00 (IMUVOIT Ai/anu* tl Cyh/in Raid Gummd N*wJ*rtyOW«KO 201-365-2556 " Call 522-2096 8yumi,lno 4S12 West Elizabeth Avenue Linden, New-Jersey 07036 for your free copy. A msjw wehlna iKJi*i* ol Columbia Itohwitty (204)862-2351 , \ " • • Coming Your Way

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