2i 00 > > — ^0O "See special section 3 0 a 21 — > *—4 .—. 33 > O -O' 7< < —33. *— 6 cr XI r- ~ z. > <r - • (7432 n en * * - •s) County Leader Newspapers en1 ~" VOL.59 NO. 19 . r SPRINGFIELD, N.J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 28,1988—2* ' 33 ' : • • • % '-•' Filing deadline Feb. 11 onto run Three of the four members of.the Springfield Board' accomplished a lot in the past three years. of Education whose terms expire in April said Monday "The major accomplishment," he notes, "is that they "definitely "plan to seek re-election. stability has been brought to the board." ~ V ' . j Responding *tb a story in last week's Springfield If re-elected to a second term, Samblir Hopes to be 1 -Leader which said none of the incumbents was seeking able to help the board maintain-that stability/' ! feel- re-election, the three, Ruth D. Brinen, Ned Sambur and •"I'v' e don" 'e a goo' d••••• job -fo r the town." he.addedd-A- - • -Myrna-Wasscrffian, saldTWonclayThey defirfltelsTplan Wasserman, who is seeking her third term\on _thje__ to seek re-election to the seats which expire in April. board, said she is pleased with accomplishments • The fourth incumbent.-Arthur-Weinberg, said he is—-during her tenure. Among them, she cited 'Vretunf to % "strongly considering" seeking re-election to the, normalcy, solid "leadership coming from A Dr. • unexpired term he now holds. That seat was formerly^ Priedland's offide, the remolding of the middle school held by M. Donald Davidson, who resigned last spring program and the strengthening of the writing when he moved'out of town. Weinberg wasiappnintftrl curriculum," ; . last May to fill the'unexpircd term last May, but by law can only serve until the next election. Davidson's term See editorial on Paged expires livApril 1989. Brinen, who is seeking a second three-year term on If re-elected, Wasserman says she hopes to be able to the board, said that had she not planned on seeking re- improve articulation with the high school, build on election, she would have issued a statement. "I feel I „ curriculum to strengthen it, build student, per- owe that to the people who have supported.me," Brinen " • formance through motivation and challenge and work said Monday. •• ' . effectively^with staff andAdministration,.",; j_m.: —-I-feel-that-in-the past-three years* the Springfield- V WeinHerg said he has enjoyed the opportunity to Board of Educationhas accomplished n lot, Wcworked . serve on the school .'board and is i"strongty con- hard to take Springfield to a place where we are ftcing'" sidering" seeking re-election. ' - • noticed by other districts for our innovative programs. "It is challenging and it is gratifying to be Involved in, The teachers,.bonrd and administration have worked decisions that have a positive impact on children and it Jiard to accomplish.this," „_ li_. „....!......-..'..-, is-gratifying-to work towards a high' level of ex- Brinen said she hopes'that if she is re-elected, she ' cellence," he commented.. ••' ' •.••>,. ' can spend the next throe years (making the Springfield The filing deadline for the school board elections^ public school district oge" which "everyone is talking BLOOD-DRIVE — Girl Scout Sarriantha Holmes, far right, displays one of the 1 scheduled for April 5, is Feb. 11. Interested persons sterile, disposable bags that will be used to collect blood during a drive Sunday about.: ' may obtalnnominating petitions at thft-school-bonrd- from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at4he-former-Ghlsholm=Schoo|-bulldlng on South Springfield Sambur, who was apEgjnted,_to_the-board.i trffice^rloeated in "the Florence M. Gaudlneer School^ AvenoerEach bag Is used once and then discarded. The drive will be conductedby -1984TmanHen won a three-year term the"following South Springfield Avenue, in'the'rear of the^building.1 the North Jersey Blood Center. It Is sponsored by the Washington Rock Girl Scout April, said he also will seek re-election. Vi : Information can be obtained by ca.lling"37.'G-b060'or^7G- Council. • •_ ' • ,-- Sambur, like Brinen, believes the school board has 94G3 anytime between 8 a.m. and 4 p.Ym. daily,'-.- ^*" , ,.ipy; JOHN A. GAVIN. \» resolution in order to enforce this . Reserve Police Department/ »rs'who fall to heed to nan- 2JlawLon'-any_piibIic,pr.opertiCor_any •Approyed-the-appointment of._ budget app roved; dicipped parking restrictions ••in" property -owned by the Peter.Hylkoria, township sanitarian, v ByJOKNA.GAVIN most' difficult things a addition, Friedland adds that municipal parking lots should municipality." . as the township representative on Plahs ipr launching the superintendent of a school . costs have soared because there beware. In Springfield, those ' Mayor Jeffrey Katz-echoed those -the Clean Communities Program, $6,06G,%80.-Springtt6ld school' system has to consider (n n new jare jmore -sludent.'j needing VOLKSWAGENS '87 DODGES violators will be pprokecuted . ' sehtlments addingg that he Is ' •Presented ccrtlflcates_of_ap- -_budget_fbr the 1988-89 school school year with a-budget is "special education and tran; OnTuesday-^vening^pringf ield~~"particulHrl5rseiBltlve'11;oThe issue, preciation to Gary Butler and Ar- year cleared the first hurdle' IN STOCK! IN STOCK! ; ; whether it provides for What sportatlon costs have in- .iTqwnshiphiCitt: ;C,omniltte6- membersb" "It tneve r ceasesrt to amaze meh how thur Goldstein for their efforts in the Monday evening when mem- you don't _antlcipate. Our creased./ ••'.'. unanimously^approTCd an ordinance people who should be so thankful tor membership drive jto attracL _b_ers of. theSpdngfifeld Board Qf_ budgelreallv doesn't have a lot BRAND NEW 1988 DODGE CARAVAN ithe fact.that-they-are-ambulatory- BRAND NEW 1987 VOLKSWAGEN VANAGON GL 7 passenger $ enforcing handicapped parking "^vollfflteers^to'the'SpHngfield First Education approved the ten- of plans in terms of things that Std: Pwr. tlfng./brakas, 3.1 liter EFI 4-cyl. eng., rr. de)o(j. Opt: • • . Std: P>wr. strhg/brks, 4-cyl, ong,, l$onh. fuel lank, drlvor/pass. • Buy For 1 1,999 regulations; "on\ munidipally owned can go and deprive others of han- Auto tranimlHlon,' radio prep, air cond., hooted pwr, mlrron. 1 » ' e .* • A. Ck O O seat, rr. do log. Opt: Aultf trans., conv. spare, deluxe seat trim, 7- Aid Squad. Butler and Goldstein* tative package, are not anticipated." See Page 10 for this passonoer soatinoi value wagon discount packsgo. 1 In 5tk. at dicapped parking spaces," said. InStfc.atlhliprlcBVIN. No. 079210. M.S.R.P. JlT.BJT . Buy rur , | "fy y W property. Police will be authorized contributed their 'professional The school budget will be However, Friedland em- this price VIN No. 53583A.M. S.R.P.S13(3I7. NoBlr cond. ' per month's Student Payments a <0xt249 wllh no money down and 1400 refundabls 4 Payments => AOmlW with ho money down and 1400 refundable , or lease for *196 to issue summonses for illegally Katz. ''It bothers me that it happens wturlty deposit required. , • ' " •' -HL l«a$8 f Or month* services to assist the town in the submitted for approval by the phasizes that much of .the i'n- security deposit required. parkedautomobiles_' —Union—Gounty—superintendent— "crensedxost is the result of the Writes;—— — BRAND NEW 1988 DODGE DAYTONA 2-dr. HATCHBACK Deputy Mayor Jo-AnaPJeper, who ship... Springfield residents. before it is presented to higher expenses in salaries,' BRAND NEW 1988 VOLKSWAGEN SCIROCCO 16V introduced the ordinance/said she is . Katz added that the township will Sid: 5-ipd. man. tram., pwr. ttrna., I.B IH«r li-valve EFI ono., sue Pwr, sirng./Brks., 4-cyl. J.s lltor En ono,, rr. dtloa. Opl: Springfield voters on April 5. hospitalization . and special Although a budget increase pwr. brks., tnl,fll,, rr. dafoo, iteohballod radlall. Opt: Air cond. 1 AiilcrTrnni., AM/FM tteroo csis.v air cond., t/whl., pwr, mlr* pleased about the new legislation still need permission from, private •Approved four students who inSlk.nllliliprlC«.VIN.No.00UWM.S.R.P.115,205 .. ' rorc door mall, llQhl packagD. 1 In Stk. al IJilt prlco VIN No. $9999 Although the new . budget education needs. For example, was expected, Friedland says 3IM«.M.S.R.P.«II,>*8. Noalrcond. - Buy for and emphasized thqt it is necessary property owners to issue similar work with tho Recreation Depart- Paymontt - 60x1734 with no monoy down and S40O njtttdablo exceeds last year's package by Friedland says that salaries that many considerations were iecurl!ydop«l1r«a,ulrod. • ... • » . lease for Paymonl* a 60 KIIA7 with no monoy down and MM refundablo per because too many people seem to summonses. •*-'".•.' ment as employees of that depart- -locudty deposit roqulrod,—'.—• t : —_ __ —moro-than-$400iOOO,-Springfield— have increased by 7- percent" made to save money to tax- f_mbn!hi_ sregardsigns-designatingTwrking- pi othef~business, committee Ditullio as a gymnasium assistant Schools Superintendent Dr._ since last year. Also, he says payers. In fact, ho says the areas for the handicapped. members made the following Gary Friedland labels the" that employee hospital bonofits package is $78,000 below the BRAND NEW 1988 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 2-dr. BRAND NEW 1988 DODGE COLT 3-dr, HATCHBACK "This Is something that we. are and Andy Huber as a.small fry> Std: 1.0 Htor EFI'onoIno, S-ipd. manual Irani,, rock & pinion Sid: 4-tpd. manual trantmlltlon, rack 8, pinion strno., 1.5 liter ' . moves: . proposal as a "tight budget.". like BlueTFoss/Blue Shield state cap. ilrnrj-. pwr. brakes, rr. dofog., body i((Jo mldngt., stool boltod ,.ilcvl. ono., pwr. brkt.-Opt: Rr. dofoo. t In Stk. VIN. No. 0IJB8S. • „...., very proud ^of,'^ said Pleper when •Approved the appointment of scorer/timer. Also, Danny-Mpnaco- rndloli, plui moral 3 In Slk. at this price VIN N0S.WAW4, 003405.
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