District Census Handbook, Kanara
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KANARA DISTRJCT Bhowins Taluk8 .and peta baunda~;es HALIVAL SUPA H s L.,.,., 1 .-=t• G 10 20 I'l1LESt CO~TENTS P.H+ES A. General Population Tables. A-I Area, Houses and Population i-5 A-III Towns and villages classified by population 6-9 A-V Towns i\rranged t.erritorially with population by liveli- hood classes l()...ll B. Economic Tables. B-1 Livelihood classes and sub-classei\ 12-17 B-II Secondll,ry Means of Livelihood 18-25 B-1 II Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Indv,stries and Services by Divisionsand Suh 26-69 Divisions. Index of Non-Agricultural Occupations in the District. 70-74 C. Household and Age (Sample) Tables. C-l Household (Size and Composition) 76-77 C-II Livelihood Classes by Age GrOltpK 78-81 C-III Age ~mcl Civil Conditiull 82-87 C-IV Age and Literacy 88-91 C--V Single Year Age ReturnR 92-95 D. Social and Cultural Tables. D-I Languages--- (i) :Mother Tongue 96-99 (ii) Bilingualism 100-103 D--1I Religion 104-105 D-III Scheduleu ('a,stes and Scheduled Tribei' 104--105 D-V (i) Displ~ced PersonR by year of' arriva.l in Indi:'. 106-107 (il:) Displaced Persons by Livelihood Olasses 108-109 D-VI Non-Inc1i:'m Nationals 110-111 D--VII Livelihood classes by I~duc3tion:'J Sta,ndarcls .. , 112-117 D-VIIT Unemployment by EdllcaJional Standards 118-121 ~. Summary Figures by Talukas and Petas 122-125 Primary Census Abstracts 127-361 Small Se:lle Industries Census-Employment in Establishments .,. 362-365 .MO·I Bk Yo 1-1 1951 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK KANARA DISTRICT. Ther:' h~~ b0~n 1.10 chang" in tht' :~Ollstitl~tioll of this district during the past deearlc. 'Ill,P dlstnct had a popltlatlon \1901 census) of 517,780 and an area of 3,971' 0 sqmH'e miles, according to the area figure furnished by the Surveyor Genera] of India. This handbook contains tables for Kallam Di~trict, compiled after t'v 1951 C~ns~s of India. The main reslllts of t,1-l,P 1951 Census are embodied in the 8tat" Tables published for thl' f;tates of Bombay, Saurashtra and Kutch. In this hq,lldbook, t1lc data au exhil)iterl in greater detail. The llumbers gi'l/en to tables ill this pablicatioll eorrespoihl to those giwn in the State Censlls Report. The following tables for the district hayc, hOKewr, not lwr>n included in this handbook:- A-II Variation in population during fifty years. A-IY TO\\'llS ubssifiecl by population with variations BillC''' 1901. D-I V :\Iigrants. In t)w E. Summar? bl,hle in this handhook, some columns have bee11 olllitted~ In the ease of the C-fl'c'rles of t;tiJIl'~, the data were p~traeted on the basis of a sample ('('nnt of approximatel:' 11) pel' cent. of the CellSllS slips imtead of a full cou.nt of all tIll' "lips. III U)Jl, tJ~l' population figLlres were exhibiteu according to cOll1,nlJnities in the "YilhLge H,mabooks ,. pllblished by the Government of Bombay. In Hlr31, the basifl of daHflification ~1.t til,' Cemms was changed from a social to ;1.11 p{'OnOlUle O'lt'. anrl tbe Ilsur8s for villages given ill tho Primary Censas j,])strJ.cts and in tables A-\T, B-1, B-I1, C-IJ n11(1 E, are according to the follm"ins- eight livelihood chiRses :- Agricultural Classes. 1. Cultivators of land, wholly or mainly owned; and their dependants. II. Cultivators of land, wholly or mainly unownecl; and their depen dants. III. Cultivating labourers; and their dependants. IV. Non-cultivating oWners of land; agricultural rent receivers; and their deppndants. Non-Agricultural Classes. Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood froll1- V. Production other thali oultivation. VI. Oommerce. VII. Transport. VIII. Oth._er services and miscellaneous sources. Dependants, whether earning or non-earning, were classified at the Census accord ing to the pl'ineipal means of livelihood of the persons on ;Whom they were dependant. The Priplary Census Abstracts, which contain basic information in respect of every village and town, have been. arranged according to talukas ana petas, units into which every district is divided for administrative purposes. The taluka was, however, too small a unit to adopt for preparing the main Census tableF. Therefore, in the B, C and D series of tables, figures have been given for tracts and not for talukas and petas. Before sorting the census slips and tabulating the results, tracts w'ere formed by combining the rural and urban areas of two or more talukas or petas. The tracts into which Kanara District was divided for this purpose are sho,,"n below ;- Rural Tracts. (1) Rural areas of Ankola, Karwar, Haliyal, ~Iunclgod anu Yel1apur talukas and Supa peta. (2) Rural areas of Sirsi, . Siclclapur, Honnavar and Kumta talukas and Bhatkal peta. Urban Tracts. (1) 1..1rban areas of Karwar and Haliyal talukas. C~) Urban areas of Sirsi, HOllllavar and Kumta talukas and Bhatkal peta. The urban areas comprise the towns shown in table A-V. Shortly before the 1931 populfttion census, a censu.s of Small Industries was taken and the results of this census are given in the table called c' Small Scale Industrips Census-Employment in Estahlishments ", included in thi,,> handbook. litO-I Bk Yc l-la A-I.-Area" Houses DISTRIM O\!cupied Houses. Area in Taluka or Peta. square Villages. Towns. miles. Total. Rmal. Urban. I .2 3" (} 6 7 -------- Di.triet Total 3,976·j :1,222 t3 '1,639 1'r1:i4 21,535 1. Ankola 348'4 8(t 9)10.) 9,603 2. Bhatkal I:!8' & 53' ;;: 8,o ..n -1.940 3,391 3. HaliyaI 310'2 R6 j 6.36.s 4',1'39 1/;:':9 4. Honnuva:r 278'4 87 3 H,109 9,955 4,1* 5. Karwar 284·2 57 3: 14,!l42 &,886 8,05& 6. Kumta 234'7 1'12 oj 13,SO'): 9.766 4,131 7. lIundgod 257·4, 63 2,754 2,754 S. Siddapur 333:'4; 1:92 6,6;!) 6,679 9. Sirsi 536'4 24(J 1 8,:rol 6,227 2,07. 10. Supa 73:};·g. ]121 Z,~2 3,472 11. Yellapm 508 ·0 1'2.:> 3,03·t 3,031 Note.-(l) The area of the district of Kanara as communicated by the bmveyor General of India is 3,971. 0 square miles. The area figmes shown in column 2 have been obtaint'd from the District Inspet:tor of Land Records, Kanal'a, or from local records. (2) The number of villages shown in column 3 is the number of revenue villages, excluding uninhabited villages and villages which form part of lilinicipaJ areas. (3) The number oftowns given in column 4: is the num];er oftowns shown in Table A· V. In general It town means a municipal area, cantonment area, or a pJace which ha. a population vf 5,000 ()l' more and exhibits urban chaI'acteristias. aDd Population.. 1) KANA~. Po:paIRtion. --~ Persons. lIfales. Females. Total. Rural. Urban. 'fatal Rural. Urban. Total. Rural. Urb!tn. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 517,788 394,120 12a,S6' ~6a,!86 2103,889 .60,167 254,574 191,181 63,393 ,(8, J 81 48,181 23,84,1 28,841 24,340 24,340 .l50,053 26,218 23,835 23,270 12,6S3 10,617 26,783 l&,5~ 13,218 26,516 28,332 ~,184 18,608 1(,4079 . 4,129 17,908 13,853 4,055 '74,490 :i2,03t 22,457 39,~70 2(},82'8 10,842 37,820 :'!'6,205 H,615 '78, iUi 46,7~1 ~1,944 38,426 22,726 15,700 40,299 24,055 16,244 .77,457 ii3,543 23,914 37,865 2i,873 1l,992 :J9,.,)92 37,670 H,922 15;615 la,615 8,480 8,480 7,13;) 7,135 4.1,777 41,777 2#,139 2S,139 18,638 18,638 .ii7,695 44,41;9 13,226 32,314 25,427 6,887 25,381 19,042 6,339 18,159 18,159 9,834 9,834 8,325 8,325 t9,H2 19,H2 10,7iS9 10,759 8,353 8,353 (') The nUlllbe:.; of occtipied 'houses giveq in columns 5, 6 !tnd 7, is the number ofoensti8 hauses that were occllpied at the time of the census. A. house fQr censtis purposes meant -< a dwalling with a separate m·lin entrance". Taus more titan Qlle hOlisenQld m.ight be fOliud in tae sa.me censlis Iwuse. G A-III.-Towns and' Villages DISTRICT Total Population. Total No. of inhabited towns and Taluka or Peb. villages. Persons. 1Iales. Fe1uales. 1 • 2 3· 4, 5 District To tal 1,235 517,780 263,206 254,574 1. Ankola 80 48,181 23,841 '24,340 2. Bhatkal 56 50,053 23,:]70 26,78it 3. Haliyal 87 36,516 18,608 17,908- 4. HOllllilvar 90 74,490 36,670 37,820 5. Karwar 60 78,725 38,426 40,299- 6. Ktimta III 77,457 37,865 39,592 7. ~Iundgod 63 15,615 8,480 7,135 8. Siddapur 192 41,777 23,139 18,638 9. Sirsi 241 [;7,695 32,314 25,381 10. SUpa 127 18,lW 9,834 8,325- 11. YeUapur 125 19,U2 10,759 8,3.33 Classified by Population.