Again' 'i .. • I I enls ' " 'I'm Hersch.1 Loveleu from OHumwa (pause) .. .' ~ r :S.hy Candidate Pays SO.lon a Vi~ii @won I U1 B, KIRK BOYD Lovel ... Makes Stand Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City The first thing you notice about • ~f-':' You- "'-m- mrsehe.l Loveless is how different ...... • .. .,. ...-w,. he. is from Gov. Leo A. Hoegh, the HerseMI LovtJeu, e8Ddidat.t for Iowa City. Iowa, Friday, May 25, 195t man be may oppose in the Iowa guo DemomlUe oomiAaUoa for IOY"- 19, fresh. be~!;~;::I:~%:v:,;~. ::;'dm:-~~o~u:!!~~.u: Might Accept .. , who was SUI Ph .. t L I to do bodily under $1,500 alleged he ; $?3::9;@. ~.~~~~Pos~iI)/~Russ . YSICI eve s Balclwin Lawreoee Plummer, mayor of I· B·d .. a fire cxtjn. Northwood, ~:;"',.~~t~iewed from a prac- nspect,on I • He shook hands in Iowa City, So- ...... 1"" Ion. LOoe Tree and In Kalona, just "We are losing revenue. but we aeross the Johnson County Hne. are DOt ptomotm, temperance," WASHINGTON tII- TIle United That's where the difference ~ Loveleu uJd. "Exam1lle the tem- Statta dramatically DOtlfitd RUSIIa tween Hoe"h and Loveless was the peraace reeords of the statH sur- 'lilunday that U.s. Jolat Chief. • reuncIinl Iowa." most evident. • ContiDuIJI, on revenue ra'.'~ of Stalf would JI(GbabI,. accept 811 Hiielh Is a glad·hander who ...... bwi U t I~.'-'" ...... So Ie ,', amUell' broadly, talks confidently procedures. Lo\,fleD stated be ta on o~...... v t Verbal AEC· , last at '. aDd always has plenty of small would oppoae u bacreue in Iales armed forces - If IUCh _ IDvlta· talk a~ hand. He h' l taL tlon is forth<:omina. t.qveJess Thursday aeted more rle e Love en AdmiU!nI he considered the sales The matter was bandied In l way ~· ' ...... ft t """h hool' "Shaking a Few H4IWs" tall wronl In It.lf, Lo"elesa said ll.., a .. """'s .... sc seDlOt .... l"'~a "X sy".- Is '-...... -I.. to Iirave Do doubt the Soviet ,dt. whOle friends had nominated him ______UK: Uw" ...... \"" ...... "'" Raps Federal Aid (harges Lack 'OJ; clau president against h1$ will. to permit removal of the sales tax el'llDleftt was beLnt ~ to bid Ile ' approached merchants and D '1 Mol I completel,. the American military hlah com- tht'iI; c\lStOmers shyly. put out his on. es "ne t~nl sale. tilt '- CtMl'- mand to visit MOICOW As Socialistic Trend h"-" d II t rted "X' ally accepted. and I would not rtc· . 01· AHenlion "'U' an usua y sa: m ommend chan'I.... It." Lov-'- The UDUluaI altair wa, handled HersclleJ. Lovelc&a from Ottumwa '.. """ DES MOINES ~£. Smythe Cambr II or AUanta. Ga .. pr ldent of 1paule I. I'm out shaking a few R , US said. "But any Lncreaee beyond by the Wbite Houle and the Del tlIe American Bar A n., Thursday sailed fN! ral '0\ rnment Id B baods." e ugees that poIot ia Ultla/r." Department. The State Depai'tment a "mischie\'ous (IcUon" and a a 5t~PplnlZ ston to th " pinnacle or Somelimee his manner was so , a - LoveJeu sunested the necessary remained - perhaps skeptlca.lIy ~ the lOciaUstlc Ideal." To Research ""'polit' ...... th t he h d dd increases in state revenue mlCht be " b It dd •• _.1 the 'de t' I h f lh I 51 t B uu I"," a a to a : 'obtained by revillo, the Iowa in- silent. yam r~ a re .....'U pr 51 n s unc con 0 owa a e ar ., .lOON LIBBY ~!~m~r~mOClrauc caodldate lor Warns Reds come to. He stated the ~ Cordon Gray. I istant rclary A~~.'I s.""ual ~tJng , His hand.shaklng was done In chances wre too complex to pre. of ddense. went over themallerAco~ernmentlsnotaproduc·ReglaStratIIOnProf.JOlCfJaUch.SUItbeoreti- sent In the Ume he had. with UndcrSCCfftary of State Her. live enterprise." Gambrell de· cal physlclst, charged Thursday liard ware stores. taverns. barber· . .. ""rl H J cllrc:d "It doe not ereate wealth that the Atomle EncrfY Comm1s- .bops and cafes. Hc didn·t stop in WI\SHlNGTON IA'I - The Un1ted Turnlni 10 the question of reap. "'" oover r. at a State Depart. . . ; t ("t"- , t Stales told the Communat coun. portJonment Lo\'e1CS5 accused Re· J1ll>nt conlerence "10 an clfort to It does not contribute to the um alon IAECI "baa not paid eDOUlh grocery, ores IICY re a ra ·race pubUcan. 0; alvUsa only "lip serv- understand what was gohIC on," total of economic goods. E d lod attenUon to the need for fundamen- to st)ake haDds in,") trl!:s Thursday to stop entidng ref· .... "I' G Id S tal research Us nuclear physics," m didn't ~utt Into conversations Ice" to t •." iJlue. r., to a reporter. ")( there it a sinlle well to fill n ay or pl,tch games ("that's a good way ugees to go back home. "If tbe ~le of Iowa want r Mllrray Soycler. Wblte HCltIMI as. a community' ~ds for water. too "As a result, this country is ot I.ose votes"). A White House statement de· apportlonrpent, they bad belter .tstaDt press secretary saJd he' man who drains It and then dl tri· rapidly fallin, behind European He didn't try to hand.shake in clared osc who seek asylum in \lOtI.' for Democrats," Lovele said. wouldn't be surprlJed Ii lbe Joint btltl.' the water to his fellow towns· RellL tratlon to vot In the June. and RUNlan lcientisU In funda- th& Senator Estes Kefauver melli· this country have the rlJZht to stay He coaUnued by luuestm, Iowa ClUel. of Stalf would accept an In. /ll('nt upon conditions he c:hoo $ primary and special election on the J f J h mental atomic research," Jauch od, He stopped no one on the here and that the United. Statel .bould have a state utilities com- V!tltlon to visit IJIc Soviet Union. to la,. down Is not furnah!ng aid to $7SS.000 civle center bond Issile ose aue said In an interview with The Dally ~-""t. He didn't tell people l.. missloa ~ ~u1ate utility ratd. He He hut ned to eXJllain Ih t UleY hi nei,hbors. II d od AEC Jia l;allen Dou:n Iowan, "I wu 011 the board of di- 10\" "" .'" means to satl ty Itself tha' any aid" exp-••..-I ...... bt that the pr. h d In I wi en at 5 p.m. l ay. Voters r~tors oC t"'ft Uldwest Universities would appreehtte their IUpport, as I ''''' ... """" uvu e· a no vltat on. "To me, one of the IIrave t ~ .'" '"~ who eave arc dolnlf OA of their ent hlgh .... y pro-am Is "~uat Can register 1·0 the city "Ie ... ··s or· Re·-arch .. ••.... Iatlon ("UR') for Kefauver does. He dldn't ask pea. own free will. ... .,., l' ".. .' a""'4 e. A .pok~man lor the Jo' t Chief threats to American ideals Ls pr . ~ III "" n"""" 1U n • pie. ~hat they thought on political He eall d It a "patChwork': pro- .ald DO offlelal approach for a visit scnted by the Inordinate and per. lic In City Hail. Estes Attacks two years. Durin, that time, we issues. The announcement said: gram referring to the wlde~lDg of by the wbole group of mUltar)' vasive pow r of the purse. By Tuesday, 14,315 person had trite! to get AEC approval for our Id fad, thc discUlsion or politics "The United States is taking ac- 8Cveral 01 tile hllhways WIth the ~aders had been r celved. but "By taxing us and usin the pro- r ,i t red to vot . About 265 per· organization aDd project,'· ~

$AUC. FOR FISH I SPRUCE UP ASPIC Tbese Girls Announce Engagements ~ WODderful sauce Cor fish : Make Deliciou additions to tomato as- . . ',' 'Clubs Elect Officers whipped cream wed·sour with pic: diced avocado, sliced bard- ~. suPr and IeIOOll juice and add cooked us, naked tuna or slivers lange - Tyrrell grated el1~ained c:ueumbers•. t or cooked shrimp. • • I =~"~N"" Irs. Leo C. Tyrrell announce the , rengae ment oC hl.-r daughter, Con· ni , to fro Chari Lange, son of Ir. and Irs. CharI Lan e of Early. SEE GORHAM'. NEW &Ii Tyrrell is a ophomore In the SUI College of Liberal Art mao joring in radio-te]e\·ision. She is pre id nt fo Alpha Chi Omega s0- cial sorority. lItr. L:tnge is a sopho­ more In the SUl College oC Com· merce. PREFERRED OVER ALL OTHER The couple is plannlng August wedding. STERLING DESIGNS

Pipho - Beisner BV TODAV'S YOUNG AMERICANS I f Rox! Beisn r, daughter of 'r. and Mr. Walter Bei ner, Tri· poli, and . tr. Chr' tian Plpho will be married Jun 24 in Tripoli. Ir. Miss Connie Miss Roxie Beisner Plpho Is the son of lr. and .Ir . Erwin Plpho, Suom r. , Mi Belsn r I a nior in mu_ ic Alpha De lta Sigma Seals Club Gamma Alpha Chi In coast·to-coast previews. education at SUI. 1r. Pipho i a J('rrj' Gold tein , A2, Elgin, Ill., young Americans over· Sally Files. A3, Cedar Rapid , reo Donna O'Brien, A3, Muscatine, graduate of Wartburg Coli g and r 'centJy was e1('Cted pr~ ldent of cently was el eted pr(' id('nt of th whelmingly chose "Celeste­ is now teaching In th Iowa City Alpha Oelta igma. profe_, lonal Toe ay was Installed as pre ldent Junior High School. ad\'erti ing and public r lalion. fra· al Club of WRA . of Gamma Alpha Chi, ad vertiaing as their favorite sterling Lernity. frat rnily (or wom n. pattern O\'et today's most Oth r officer are; Alan Rams y. A3. cd r Rnpid , \-jc{"pre Id nt: Other n w orCieers arc: Kilty popular designs. Before II Roth - Portewig Da\e Glidd n, A2 , Logan. cr· Korns, AS, Iowa City, \'Ice-pre J. 10- buy"", sterling, come Mr. and lrs. Paul Portewi, lary; and Jim Witt, A2, Wat('rIO(), Boon ,Ire url!r;.r ry Jo Dennis, d nl ; Pal Petersen, A2, Marshall. Stanw'ODd , annoonce the engage­ in and ~ "Celeste". You tr a ur r, G rce Krolo(r, A3, Chi· AI , .Iar halltown, publicity chair· to~n . secretary; and Lois Camp. ment of their daught('r, ancy, to cago, III., wa appomted publicity man ; and Corley Hamill, AI , Des bell, A2, N wton, trcasurer. can start yOUr "Celeste" set Mr. Eldon Roth, on o( .1r . EI i chairman. (oine , _how director. Roth. lown City_ with a single ~spoon . Miss Portcwlg, 8n ('ducation m:l' PlCKL8 LIQUID Then register your choice )or at SUI, wiJI teach In Wheatland thi fall. 1r. Roth i. employed ilt Don't throwaway the liquid le(t of this b~venJy pattern the Unl vllrsity Library. wh n you'v used a Jar oC sweet with us to be sure your family scholarships, WL-d· No date h:l been t for lh pick! I. USC the liquid in FreDch and friends will always camp posi. ding. dre Inl, instead of vinegar, lor Those in· WRA OFFICERS lenow your preference. (:ole slaw . . Freder· B rbara Hun, A3. CIUtton. f{. School of Barritt - Hill c nlly was l('Cltd prt'sid nt of lht· Womrn", Rcerrotion A _ i tion, Miss Nancy Portewig Miss Joyce Hill MI. Joyc(' Hill, qaughtl'r o( Ir th'r offi r r. ar ': Gln"l'r lIunt. STEWARDESSES I ' Applicatlons and Mrs. Ashley J . Hill of For sl A3, Tipton, yic -pre i IOf r.iI . pi~ ,...~ to 4;50 p.m.: cakes the pans are of a fairly you ha ve gla ovenw8re which BVy ga uge solid metal such a is tempered for both hot and cold 5('curity and work provl ion per· I Linda S~l ,(. At. cntral ily, Or· Ion Pi , ocial fraternity recenlly APPL Y TO: foci. Tall I"" _ hours will be ~ .. aluminum, adviscs WlIma Holcomb temperatures, you can transfer mlts to the studen ,and told tJ In h ' L, and Sally File ,A3, edDr \\0 re honored at lhc chapter's an, ! 11. . o( the SUl Home Economics De· balted dish s (rom ov n to wha t employers mlghl eXp<'C1 nr l Rapid, . al , nual nior B nq ut. J, D. Maxted partment. refrigerator and vice vcrsa , them. In formation sh cis giving -- Pans with a tin plating applied to out wasting time cooling or warm· sugge Uon to tho e looking for PI TAU SIGMA BROILED LAMB 107 University Hall YOttr lor Over a Lhin piece of corrosive melal such ing lhe dish. work eith ron t}\ Ir own or t11fOUgh Paul 1<1 ch, E4, jou Cil, r Sprinkle cube of bon Ie I mb j r:w c/cr ,j() l'c ars as iron are chea per, but the tin • • • the employment pr08ram re di . Cl'nlly \Va ell'cled pr sid nl o( Piho,,!ldl'r with gratcd onion, minced May 28-29 I. FUlKS wil l scratch In cleaning and then ONE TYPE of glass ovenware tribut d at the tllree chools nd nl Tau igma honorary In chanlcal garhc and oregano. Lel sland fo r 9 A M t 4 P M will rust casU)" Mrs. Holcomb ex· has a lid which can be In verted a~d University High & hool and Iowa l'lIginrerlng' fratca'nily. Othcr oW- a couple of hours bef~re threading ,____ • _,_ 0___ ,__ " __ -' 220 E. Washington \llains. used as an exIra s/Iailow baking or ~~ ~~ ~~ : ~~B~~~OO~"~~:o:lli:n~,:. ___~~=;===;;;==;~~~ ~~~~~~ -~ 2~~5~~~ An angel food cake pan with pie dish, saving oven space if you ______stem on a separate bottom which set it on top of the bottom contain· lifts out can also be used as a er. Glass ovenware is round roaster or dish pan. enough even to come to the table. Select onc with "fcel" on the top In buying a roasting pan, Mrs. rim so th at air will circulate under Holcomb advises getting the SPECIAL DELIVERY! · LUCKY DROODLES l' your cake when you invert the pan size which wW fit In your oven to cool angel food or sponge cakes. still leave spaee for air to circulate Cook ie sheets without side edges around It. arc handiest, the SUI instructor Mcat or fowl should nol touch tht' WHA.TIS --..... , " says, since you can Up the pan up edge of the plIO as It roasts, and if THIS? ~ . I and slide off sugar ' cookies and there's extra room, you can always For solllllon, see OU,crs which call for a mi nimum of use it to bake dressing, potatoes, handling. onions, squash or other vegetable, . paragraph below. End edges are good on your You can get by wfth an inexpen· cookie sheet, though, she says, slve roasler, as you won't use it , ince you don 't want cookies slid· nearly as frequently as pans tor ing orf into the ovct1 as you pull the top of the stove, bul you'll be out the sheet. wise to get one with a draining • • • rack and a smooth bottom, Mrs, BUY COOKIE SHEETS oC Cai rly Holcomb says. avy weight. Mrs. Holcomb ad· A ridged bottom is hard to clean ises, since thi n cookies may burn and still doesn't keep the meat up lie/ore they bake on a thin sheet. out oC its juice. The smooth bot· "The Aluminum, stai nless stcel and mo· tom also takes heat better Crom the 'IN. WOODI AT , Uni· el are all good materials for oven. CHllnus kie sheets. ,.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiii~ Virginia Hod! If YOll plan to hang up your RooM!l1Cit If, ookie sheet in storing it, be sure DON'T GET has a hanging hole. Vertical MARRIED ••• or·age is best Cor these larger 'eces of equipment , Mrs. Holcomb , • , wlthevt _I", our eomp.... Irielal Servle.. - In"ltotlon., ys, as il makes them easier to Announcements, Imprinttcl N.,. frrasp and pull oU L lor usc. kin.. Weclcllnt look., "Thenk "The Muffin ti ns need to be of fai rly You" Nott., WocIcIlnt P'*"o . ~ , Uni· cavy weight, too, and will be cas· .tc. r to clean if they are made o( ne piece of metal with the cups HAll'S stamped in rather than being at· 127 South Dubuque -- LUCKIIS liNG 1MI IIU with ooUep ltuden" all HATUCK '01 over the country! The reuon: Luckiel taste bet­ UNWILCOMI GUISTS ter. 'That'. becauae they're made 0( ~ tobacco G~rv Schm itz U.ol fVI$CO".j,. - mild, natUrally good.tasting tobacco that'. TOASTED to taate better. Now check that Droodle above: Lucky-amokinr micWet in tele­ phone booth. He may be abort on stature, but be'. mighty long on IIDOkin, enjoyment, Next

I I time, ask {or Luckiee younelC. You'll laY it'. the beet-tasting cigarette you eve13.0ked! . FUNERAL' HOME DROODL&S, Copyript by Rolft Price A dainty princelll ••• in Jonalhan Logan's WINNING .AlKn AS ..IN ,.OM aALCONf exclush'e Cocolino. The happy blending of Rkhord H idoni 507 E. COLLEGE ST. nylon and COttOD • ' • divinely wa!bable • •' . I I1dI4JID Slale TeocIto. Empire jacket comes off to reveaJ perfect dress 'HONE 3240 for fun filled summcr c\'cnings. administra· Sizes 5 to l5. Plnk and Blue. co,.uGl SMODIS one·inch be 24/32 PlEnl LUCKIES I the obvi· one·inch Luckiellead all other braada, one inch rquIar 01' km, aize, &mODI No. 2; 36.076 coI1ep atudenu qu.­ of 24/32. Or tioaed cout to couto The in FHA cit· n~ber-oDe l'eUOa: Luck_ tate better" , CIGAItETTES the primary Indiana the r had beatell to 4. A,.ut 3 to 2. ' the chances LuCKIES 'ASIE IEIIER - Cletl"." M."er, Smoot/;.,I ng this serlo ~ ~"" T. C.. ..o.¥• • ~ r ... ~r e:,.." """I&&C~ " ' L"O'.CI lU II» II.C;T".. ... or ' ..... IIITT.. --- -- .------,-. - .~ .. -. ~ ....

, ••_ 4-THE DAIL V IOWAN-Iowa City, Ja.-Friday, MaY 25, 195& .. I Iowa CHy lor a ~Vt:t:ch 10 Ihe SUl r Senate Committee Lov.eless- Young Democrats. He plllDJled Ir Iowa"Golle~~ Find Secrel (Ccmti,med from Page 1) to drive to Waterloo Thursday • night, fly to Sioux City for a haM' Finds Sen. Young shaking tour of Woodbury Coanty Big""10 Trackmen ( Solon feed store. "( don't care iI Go In Big 10 Meet G ' ~p Id today, His schedule calls (or more you are a Democrat." o( the same at Webster City ia Iowa golfers tee off today in the roup al I Innocent of Charge. "Damn, I want you to do some· central Iowa Saturday and a trip thin, when you I{et to be gover· to his Oltumwa home for a Su1Iday ~~~m;~~~s ~ifE~~nsf~~,ference USC $71 235 WASHINGTON ~ The Senate nor," said a large, red·faced farm­ with his family. For The two·day tournament - 36 Lobby Investigating Committee an- er 88 be towered over 5-7 Loveless. Conferen:ce Title pall holes eaeh day - will be held at r nounced after a three-bour hearing He launched into his views on soil " I' ve lost 18 pounds the By JACK HOLS I (ive weeks, " he said Thursday. "i DiU,. lowao Sport. Writ .. the suburban Wilmette Golf Club, Thursday that statements made conservation. Loveless said he par 71, with Northwestern the host LOS ANGELES LfI - A "blue· against Sen. Young (R-N.DJ Ily a agl'efd with him. was just excess weight anyhow:' Iowa trackmen go (or the big one school. book" group of 30 Los Angeles civ­ North Dakota political newspaper "Jp.t remember to put your vote "His campaign Is going as good as I\ny," said an Iowa political this weekend when they enter the The Hawkeyes, who have a 3-8 ic leaders was revealed Thursday were "completely unsupported by where it counts," he said. It was as organizer of a secret $71,235 writer who has been covering' all Big 10 outdoor meet at Mjnneapolis record in conference dual compe· any eviden~e whatsoever." the only time during the day that tition, will start John Marschall, fund reportedly used Ior megal candidates for governor and senator The Leader, official publication he asked anyone for a vote, in Iowa. "I've seen some people today and Saturday. Herb Klontz, Clyde Feltes, Dale payments to University of South­ 1'( the North Dakota NonpartisatJ Thoes who struck up conversa· The 17-man squad entered by Hayes, Bud Judish 'and Dick Cana· ern CalUornia athletes. grab Dayton Countryman (attorney League, published an · article last ~01Ul were exceptions. Most per· general and candidate for senator) Coach Fr.ancis CretzmeYer has dy in the championship meet. Records at the county clerk's 0(­ Jo'ebruary about Young's vote on sons just said : "Glad to meet you, and chew him out." rung up an impressive number of Defending champion Purdue, led Oce show the group organized in the natural gas bill under the,head- ~r. Loveless:' and Loveless moved 194? as the Southern California Ed· "We're meeting good reception," victories and broken records in the by NCAA tiUist Joe Campbell, is line "Young Sells Out Again." on. favored to defend its crown, but ucational Foundation. Young asked for Thursday's After SQlon, Loveless rode across said Loveless. " I don't care what interim bet wl\Cn this meet and the the Boilermakers are expected to It includes two judges, a past na- hearing, which was beld behind the county to the Kalona Sales anyone says. People vote for tile conference indoor running last bl! challenged strongly by Ohio tiQnal commander of the American closed doors, to explore what he Barn, w~re about 500 farmers man they've met, not (or a name March when they were second be· States and Michigan. Legion, former USC football heroes described as political inspired ~fe wl\tching hogs being auctioned they've read." hind Michigan. The Hawks are Purdue has a 19-3 record in and prominent business anq civic charges that be "sold out" to nat- off. meets this season, absorbing one since undefllated in seven dual personages. ural gas interests. This was the largest crowd Love- Ruth Ann- ,defeat from the Wol etines' and I. The. articles of incorporation said Chairman McClellan (D.ArIc.> lellli (aced all day, but he didn't I meets and strong improvement in two from the Buckeyes. These we -purpose of the organization is and Vice Chairman Bridges IR- mlJke a speech. Seated at the auc­ (Continued from Page 1) , virtually ~very !Ield has made losses were reversed, however, irt to " worthy high school gra- N.H'> joined in statement after- tionej!rs' l4!at In the pit of the barn's r them a strong contender tor the a round·robin series with the two duates . .. to attain the advan- ward saying that two officials of orena he ' introduced himsel£ and Scout Troop 106 In Iowa City. Lead­ league title, schools. tages·of higher education ... " the newspaper had testified that said limply: er of the troop is Mrs. Robert Col­ Crelzmeyer looks to Les Stevens Ohio State, second in last year's Among those signing as incor- they "knew o( no facts or of any "You've been watching a hog lins. The Iowa City Brownie ~ and Ted Wheeler to brjng home a competition, also has a veteran porators were Superior Judges evidence that would show that'sen. sale. Now I'm a politician here received a letter of commendation pair of victories each for the Hawk Ted Wheeler Les Stevens squad on hand. Clement D. Nye and Clarence Kin- Young was influenced improperly with a little bull. in March from Iowa's Fire Mat­ team, Stevens, who missed 1he in­ Goes for Top Ilurdler The meet will be the last for caid; Lewis K. Gough, former na- on any vote during his tenure in "I'm shaking a (ew hands around shal Ed. J, Herron. She is tIie door running of the hurdles be· Iowa until the National Collegiate tlonal commander of the AmeriCan the Senate." ~ere lind I just wanted to stop in daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Daniel I cause of has since gone championships at( Columbus, Ohio, Legion; Ransom M. Callicott. an4 meet you people. Thank you C. GrifIin, 532 Olive St. through an undefeated outdoor pers·up to the fleet-footed Wheeler, June 24-30. wealthy restaurant owner and now They added: very much for your time." season. His marks are : 14.1 in whi,le Ira Dunsworth and Tom a city councilman; forrn,er USC "It was the decision DC the com- "Belit political speech I ever the 120-yard highs and :23.6 In the Ecker are a pair of good quartl'r football star Marshall Duf(jeld, mittee that the statements made heard:' '!lid a smiiJng farmer. Griffin Family Happy 22O·yard lows. Slevens was also co· milers. Fleck Shoals 68, and Gwynne Wilson , general man- against Sen, Young Were com· Two elderly men recognized winner o( the conference indoor Gardner Van Dyke aod Nick Pi· ager o( Santa Anita race track. pletely unsupported by any evi· Lovel~ss and approached him as In New Home Here high jump title. per are Iowa's top pole vaulters, dence whatsoever and merit no he reaAhed his car l'n the sale barn Off Activities of the foundation were further action by the covuruttee." parking" lot, Ruth Ann Griffin , her parents and Iowa's number one distance·man. wit h Van Dyke the better to date to Good Start in disclosed Wednesday by a promi­ six brothers and sisters are happy nent UCLA alumnus, J. Miller Witnesses at the hearing, in ad· One told him of the financial re- Ted Wheeler, who is unbeaten in 12 with a mark of 14711 . Phil Leahy in their new home on Olive S~t. mile races this year, will go for a will broad jump for Iowa and Dallas Golf Tourney Leavy. He did not identify it by dition to Young, were K. W. Sjm- verses he had suffered the past They moved in two weeks ago. repeat of his indoor double win. Be­ Larry Perry and John Oakley will name but said he had forwarded ons, editor o( the Leader, and R. C. year in farming. "That's rough to The house is completed elcept sides an outdoor mark of