Again' 'i .. • I I enls ' " 'I'm Hersch.1 Loveleu from OHumwa (pause) .. .' ~ r :S.hy Candidate Pays SO.lon a Vi~ii @won I U1 B, KIRK BOYD Lovel ... Makes Stand Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City The first thing you notice about • ~f-':' You- "'-m- mrsehe.l Loveless is how different ... ..... • .. .,. ...-w,. he. is from Gov. Leo A. Hoegh, the HerseMI LovtJeu, e8Ddidat.t for Iowa City. Iowa, Friday, May 25, 195t man be may oppose in the Iowa guo DemomlUe oomiAaUoa for IOY"- 19, fresh. be~!;~;::I:~%:v:,;~. ::;'dm:-~~o~u:!!~~.u: Might Accept .. , who was SUI Ph .. t L I to do bodily under $1,500 alleged he ; $?3::9;@. ~.~~~~Pos~iI)/~Russ . YSICI eve s Balclwin Lawreoee Plummer, mayor of I· B·d .. a fire cxtjn. Northwood, ~:;"',.~~t~iewed from a prac- nspect,on I • He shook hands in Iowa City, So- .......1"" Ion. LOoe Tree and In Kalona, just "We are losing revenue. but we aeross the Johnson County Hne. are DOt ptomotm, temperance," WASHINGTON tII- TIle United That's where the difference ~ Loveleu uJd. "Exam1lle the tem- Statta dramatically DOtlfitd RUSIIa tween Hoe"h and Loveless was the peraace reeords of the statH sur- 'lilunday that t.bt U.s. Jolat Chief. • reuncIinl Iowa." most evident. • ContiDuIJI, on revenue ra'.'~ of Stalf would JI(GbabI,. accept 811 Hiielh Is a glad·hander who ........ bwi U t I~.'-'" ....... So Ie ,', amUell' broadly, talks confidently procedures. Lo\,fleD stated be ta on o~. ....... v t Verbal AEC· , last at '. aDd always has plenty of small would oppoae u bacreue in Iales armed forces - If IUCh _ IDvlta· talk a~ hand. He h' l taL tlon is forth<:omina. t.qveJess Thursday aeted more rle e Love en AdmiU!nI he considered the sales The matter was bandied In l way ~· ' ........ ft t """h hool' "Shaking a Few H4IWs" tall wronl In It.lf, Lo"elesa said ll.., a .. """'s .... sc seDlOt .... l"'~a "X sy".- Is '-... ......-I.. to Iirave Do doubt the Soviet ,dt. whOle friends had nominated him __________ _ UK: Uw" ........ \"" .........."'" Raps Federal Aid (harges Lack 'OJ; clau president against h1$ will. to permit removal of the sales tax el'llDleftt was beLnt ~ to bid Ile ' approached merchants and D '1 Mol I completel,. the American military hlah com- tht'iI; c\lStOmers shyly. put out his on. es "ne t~nl sale. tilt '- CtMl'- mand to visit MOICOW As Socialistic Trend h"-" d II t rted "X' ally accepted. and I would not rtc· . 01· AHenlion "'U' an usua y sa: m ommend chan'I.... It." Lov-'- The UDUluaI altair wa, handled HersclleJ. Lovelc&a from Ottumwa '.. """ DES MOINES ~£. Smythe Cambr II or AUanta. Ga .. pr ldent of 1paule I. I'm out shaking a few R , US said. "But any Lncreaee beyond by the Wbite Houle and the Del tlIe American Bar A n., Thursday sailed fN! ral '0\ rnment Id B baods." e ugees that poIot ia Ultla/r." Department. The State Depai'tment a "mischie\'ous (IcUon" and a a 5t~PplnlZ ston to th " pinnacle or Somelimee his manner was so , a - LoveJeu sunested the necessary remained - perhaps skeptlca.lIy ~ the lOciaUstlc Ideal." To Research ""'polit' ...... th t he h d dd increases in state revenue mlCht be " b It dd •• _.1 the 'de t' I h f lh I 51 t B uu I"," a a to a : 'obtained by revillo, the Iowa in- silent. yam r~ a re .....'U pr 51 n s unc con 0 owa a e ar ., .lOON LIBBY ~!~m~r~mOClrauc caodldate lor Warns Reds come to. He stated the ~ Cordon Gray. I istant rclary A~~.'I s.""ual ~tJng , His hand.shaklng was done In chances wre too complex to pre. of ddense. went over themallerAco~ernmentlsnotaproduc·ReglaStratIIOnProf.JOlCfJaUch.SUItbeoreti- sent In the Ume he had. with UndcrSCCfftary of State Her. live enterprise." Gambrell de· cal physlclst, charged Thursday liard ware stores. taverns. barber· . .. ""rl H J cllrc:d "It doe not ereate wealth that the Atomle EncrfY Comm1s- .bops and cafes. Hc didn·t stop in WI\SHlNGTON IA'I - The Un1ted Turnlni 10 the question of reap. "'" oover r. at a State Depart. ; t ("t"- , t Stales told the Communat coun. portJonment Lo\'e1CS5 accused Re· J1ll>nt conlerence "10 an clfort to It does not contribute to the um alon IAECI "baa not paid eDOUlh grocery, ores IICY re a ra ·race pubUcan. 0; alvUsa only "lip serv- understand what was gohIC on," total of economic goods. E d lod attenUon to the need for fundamen- to st)ake haDds in,") trl!:s Thursday to stop entidng ref· .... "I' G Id S tal research Us nuclear physics," m didn't ~utt Into conversations Ice" to t •." iJlue. r., to a reporter. ")( there it a sinlle well to fill n ay or pl,tch games ("that's a good way ugees to go back home. "If tbe ~le of Iowa want r Mllrray Soycler. Wblte HCltIMI as. a community' ~ds for water. too "As a result, this country is ot I.ose votes"). A White House statement de· apportlonrpent, they bad belter .tstaDt press secretary saJd he' man who drains It and then dl tri· rapidly fallin, behind European He didn't try to hand.shake in clared osc who seek asylum in \lOtI.' for Democrats," Lovele said. wouldn't be surprlJed Ii lbe Joint btltl.' the water to his fellow towns· RellL tratlon to vot In the June. and RUNlan lcientisU In funda- th& Senator Estes Kefauver melli· this country have the rlJZht to stay He coaUnued by luuestm, Iowa ClUel. of Stalf would accept an In. /ll('nt upon conditions he c:hoo $ primary and special election on the J f J h mental atomic research," Jauch od, He stopped no one on the here and that the United. Statel .bould have a state utilities com- V!tltlon to visit IJIc Soviet Union. to la,. down Is not furnah!ng aid to $7SS.000 civle center bond Issile ose aue said In an interview with The Dally ~-""t. He didn't tell people l.. missloa ~ ~u1ate utility ratd. He He hut ned to eXJllain Ih t UleY hi nei,hbors. II d od AEC Jia l;allen Dou:n Iowan, "I wu 011 the board of di- 10\" "" .'" means to satl ty Itself tha' any aid" exp-••..-I ...... bt that the pr. h d In I wi en at 5 p.m. l ay. Voters r~tors oC t"'ft Uldwest Universities would appreehtte their IUpport, as I ''''' ... """" uvu e· a no vltat on. "To me, one of the IIrave t ~ .'" '"~ who eave arc dolnlf OA of their ent hlgh .... y pro-am Is "~uat Can register 1·0 the city "Ie ... ··s or· Re·-arch .. ••.... Iatlon ("UR') for Kefauver does. He dldn't ask pea. own free will. ... .,., l' ".. .' a""'4 e. A .pok~man lor the Jo' t Chief threats to American ideals Ls pr . ~ III "" n"""" 1U n • pie. ~hat they thought on political He eall d It a "patChwork': pro- .ald DO offlelal approach for a visit scnted by the Inordinate and per. lic In City Hail. Estes Attacks two years. Durin, that time, we issues. The announcement said: gram referring to the wlde~lDg of by the wbole group of mUltar)' vasive pow r of the purse. By Tuesday, 14,315 person had trite! to get AEC approval for our Id fad, thc discUlsion or politics "The United States is taking ac- 8Cveral 01 tile hllhways WIth the ~aders had been r celved. but "By taxing us and usin the pro- r ,i t red to vot . About 265 per· organization aDd project,'· ~<lom came up, even when some· tion against Instanees of improper ~I~dr of d ~I~I on each side of that If an invitation did come In " It cced. to purchase compll!nce with sons have regl ter d Ince tho rt'g· B · A dl . (?IURA Is pJannJna a giant atom ~nlm(. stJart.cdthe maercoc... "...vnetrsoarticOunstoWmiethr and Irregular pressure by officials cOl)dJC:~ Loveless expressed .wUl bt given serious consideraUon Its wishes. the federal ,overnment i trhatllon ~tl k OJ)Cil n darter the 0 S SIS m I a, smasher to exceed 30 biUlon elec- Il f .... of Coreign governments fCCklng tb opposltro tJ'a.~ limit for lowa ciepl'ndlll8 upon the collditlons 1m. may arrogate to Itself unlimited c 00 e l ec on Apr 27. tron volts In output.! had nothin, to say after the IntrQ- influence persons wbo bave fOUght hl/thw';" lie ';W he dou~ed posed." control of our lI\'(~s . Approximately 95 person relll - TAMPA, Fla. IA'I - E tcs Kcrau· "The AEC kept III dangling and du~i1on, Loveless didn't try to start il$ylum In this country." s"""" wu a .majbr (~or in acel. Behind aU this was a movo by "By pursuln, polici. which t red Thur d 'I and morc orc ex· ver Thursday revived the bossism the endless trip, we made for ne- a conversation, he just said, "I'm OfCiclals explained there were ctrnt;., , the Soviet 10vernl1lCllt .... hlch ap- make It usele s II not Impo slbl pected today. issu he used 50 successfully in goUations only proved that politic glad , to nieet you , .. just out two reasons (or Issuing the statl!' The meeting )lias the last to be peared 00 too faco of It to be 9f for 811 Lndivldual to carn and .ave [owa City is th only city in ~1Jnn c ota.
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