H I L L S I D E $ I T M £ Charter Study League Is Formally Organized Here
GIVE TO CONQUER CANCER AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY H illside $itm £ 8 * ■■ — ESTABLISHED 1921 OFFICIAL NRWBPAl’KR OF THE TOWNSHIP AND SCHOOL DISTRICT OF HILLSIDE VOL. XXIX, No. 1474 HILLSIDE, N. J„ THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1953 PRICE 8 CENTS plant Twenty Trees On Playground Democratic Unit Parade? Anniversary Dance !* p i f e l L . f $f e ; 1 Elects Officers For Memorial Day Fjxercises Charter Study League Is The Democratic County Commit Plans for Hillside’s annual Mem-*- tee of Hillside elected officers Mon orial Day observance, which this United Spanish War Veterans. He day night at the Poltsh-Amerlcan year will include a dance at night Hall as follows: Chairman, William will be flanked by George Martin, marking the township’s 40th anni Galik, reelected: vice chairman, Commander of the D.A.V.; Irving Formally Organized Here Charles Rausch; vice chairlady! versary, were announced this week Brody, of Hurden-Looker Post 50, Mrs. Emily Noll; recording secre- by the Patriotic Celebrations Com American Legion, and Joseph Ma- Formal organization of the Hillside Charter Study League taiy, Mrs. Rubia J. Kaplan; trea- mittee. took place last night in the War Veterans Memorial with the urer. Mrs. Frank Tully. daio, of Davenport-Dill Post 1722, Paper Collection The usual parade will take place V.F.W. express purpose of “ sponsoring the election of a Charter Com William Dowd, Union County Also in this division will be the Democratic Chairman, congratulat in the morning starting at the high Sunday, May 3 mission'. The group, composed of representatives of more than high school band, members of the ed the local group on Its efficient school at 9:30 o ’clock and moving 20 local organizations, had been tentatively known as the Cen D.A.V., American Legion, V.F.W.
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