PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearing is scheduled for 6:15 p.m., Monday, December 28, 2020 in the City of Zanesville's Council Chambers, 401 Market Street, Zanesville, Ohio to hear a request to amend and revise the zoning map and make permanent zoning in the City of Zanesville, Ohio from 0-1 Local Office District to C-4 Highway Commercial which are 4 parcels in the vicinity to 711 Francis Street and 710 Wabash Avenue. All testimony for and against will be heard. This meeting is a public meeting and you are welcome to attend by phone 1-415-655-0001 US Toll or 1-844-621-3956 Toll Free and use access code 126 750 8098. For more options and instructions to view the meeting go to the web site. City Council Meeting Agenda of Business December 28, 2020

The Lord's Prayer

Pledge of Allegiance to the flag Item no.

A. Roll call

8. Approval of minutes dated December 14, 2020

C. Communications, reports, and resolutions

1. Communication from Mayor Don Mason-Muskingum County Convention Facilities Authority-Mayor Mason hereby recommends the appointment of Ms. Lori Watiker to the Muskingum County Convention Facilities Authority effective immediately. Ms. Watiker's term will expire 12/14/2024.

2. Communication from Mayor Don Mason-Downtown Design Review Board-Mayor Mason hereby recommends the reappointments of Mr. Mike Nelson and Mr. Chip Saunders to the Downtown Design Review Board. He also recommends the appointments of Mr. Mark Kaido and Ms. Beverly Jones to the Downtown Design Review Board. All members' terms will expire December 31 , 2023.

3. Communication from Mayor Don Mason-Board of Zoning Appeals­ Mayor Mason hereby recommends the reappointments of Mr. Pat O'Brien and Ms. Joyce Hill to the Board of Zoning Appeals. He also recommends the appointments of Mr. Al Zakany, Mr. Bill Cochran, and Ms. Karla Frye to the Board of Zoning Appeals. All members' terms will expire December 31 , 2023.

4. Communication from Mayor Don Mason-Historic Preservation Board- Mayor Mason hereby recommends the reappointments of Ms. Lori Wince, Mr. Jeff Jalbrzikowski, and Mr. Brian Addis to the Historic Preservation Board. Ms. Wince's and Mr. Jalbrzikowski's terms will expire December 31, 2021. Mr. Addis's term will expire December 31 , 2026. He also recommends the appointments of Ms. Mollie Winland and Mr. Pete Cultice to the Historic Preservation Board. Ms. Winland's term will expire December 31 , 2021 , and Mr. Cultice's term will expire March 11 , 2024.

D. Proposed ordinances

1. Ordinance No. 2020-147-lntroduced by Council - An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to apply for a loan, accept said loan, and enter into a Cooperative Agreement for the planning of a water system improvements project between the City of Zanesville and the Ohio Water Development Authority (OWDA) and declaring an emergency. (Emergency or First Reading)

2. Ordinance No. 2020-148-lntroduced by Council-An Ordinance amending Appropriation Ordinance No. 2020-32 and declaring an emergency. (Emergency or First Reading)

3. Ordinance No. 2020-149-lntroduced by Council-An Ordinance providing Temporary Appropriations for use during the period January 1, 2021 through March 31, 2021 and declaring an emergency. (Emergency or First Reading)

4. Ordinance No. 2020-150 - Introduced by Council -An Ordinance to adopt new employee handbook setting forth policies and procedures for public employees of the City of Zanesville, thereby superseding all prior employee handbooks, and declaring an emergency. (Emergency or First Reading)

5. Ordinance No. 2020-151 - Introduced by Council -An Ordinance authorizing the City Auditor to pay in invoice that did not receive authorization before services were performed, and declaring an emergency. (Emergency or First Reading)

6. Ordinance No. 2020-152 - Introduced by Council -An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2020-123 establishing wages for unaffiliated employees in the Municipal Service, establishing revised effective date and legacy provision, and declaring an emergency. (Emergency or First Reading)

7. Ordinance No. 2020-153 - Introduced by Council -An Ordinance authorizing the proper City official to advertise for bids and execute a contract to purchase 5 new dispatch center desks. (First Reading)

8. Ordinance No. 2020-154- Introduced by Council -An Ordinance authorizing a maximum schedule of positions for the City of Zanesville's workforce. (First Reading) E. Ordinances for action

9. Ordinance No. 2020-146 Amended - Introduced by Council - An Ordinance authorizing the Public Service Director to enter into a contract with Strand Associates, Inc. for services related to the Gant Stadium Upgrades Project. (Second Reading)

10.Ordinance No. 2020-137 - Introduced by Council - An Ordinance to amend and revise the zoning map and make permanent zoning in the City of Zanesville, Ohio as herein provided. (Third Reading)

F. Traffic orders Traffic Order 2020-07 SECTION ONE: There is hereby established a Reduced Speed Zone from 35 MPH to 25 MPH on Pine Street from Pershing Road to Maysville Avenue. SECTION TWO: The school zones will stay 20 MPH during scheduled school hours. SECTION THREE: The appropriate signs shall be installed in accordance with O.R.C. 4511.09.

G. Miscellaneous and unfinished business

H. Private petitions and communications No Non-agenda item petitions were filed

The next regular meeting is scheduled for January 11 , 2021 .

This meeting is an open meeting and the public is invited to attend by telephonic means to join by phone below or see the website for other options to view the meeting: +1-415-655-0001 U.S. Toll 1-844-621-3956 United States Toll Free Access Code: 126 750 8098 Join from a video conferencing system or application. Open up a web browser and type: Then type in the meeting number where it says Join Meeting 126 750 8098 ZANESVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2020


The Zanesville City Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, December 14, 2020 in the City Council Chambers, 401 Market Street, Zanesville, Ohio.

Mr. Vincent led those present in the Lord's Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

The following members of Council answered roll call in person: Mr. Roberts, Mr. Baker, Mr. Ware, Miss Bradshaw, Ms. Gildow, Mr. Sharrer, and Mr. Vincent.

The following members of Council answered roll call by teleconference: Mr. Foreman and Mrs. Osborn. Mrs. Gentry was connected for portions of the meeting, but did not respond at time of roll call.

Mr. Roberts moved to excuse Mrs. Gentry as she did not respond to roll call. Mr. Baker seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken with all being in favor of excusing Mrs. Gentry. Motion carried. Mrs. Gentry stands excused until hopefully she is able to join us.


Mr. Roberts moved to approve the minutes of November 23, 2020 as printed, seconded by Miss Bradshaw. A voice vote was taken with all being in favor. No one was opposed. Mrs. Gentry did not respond. Motion carries. The minutes stand approved.


Resolution No. 2020-143 - Introduced by Council - A Resolution authorizing the Clerk of Council to act as the designated representative of the members of the Zanesville City Council for purposes of required Public Records Training.

Mr. Vincent: We are at first reading, but with this it is pretty routine.

Mr. Sharrer moved to waive and it was seconded by Mr. Roberts.

Mr. Vincent: Is there any discussion on waiving? As I said this is pretty routine and the Clerk does cover for us as far as going to the open meetings and Council is always welcome and invited to attend these at no cost. We will have roll call vote for waiving of the readings.

Roll call vote on waiving of the readings. 6 Ayes in person 3 Ayes by call-in/video- Mrs. Osborn, and Mr. Foreman. Mrs. Gentry joined the meeting. 0 Nays 0 Absence Motion carries.


Mr. Roberts moved for passage, seconded by Miss Bradshaw.

Mr. Vincent: Is there any discussion? We will get the dates sent out if Council does want . to attend. This just covers us then by the Ohio Revised Code.

Roll call vote for passage. 6 Ayes in person 3 Ayes by call-in/video Mrs. Gentry, Mrs. Osborn, and Mr. Foreman 0 Nays 0 Absence Motion carries. Ordinance is passed.

Mr. Vincent: Welcome, Mrs. Gentry. Glad you were able to get connected. I just wanted to make a note of that.


Ordinance No. 2020-144 - Introduced by Council -An Ordinance authorizing the proper City official to expend CARES Act Funds and declaring an emergency.

Mr. Baker moved to waive and pass as emergency legislation and it was seconded by Mr. Ware.

Mr. Vincent: Is there any discussion on waiving? We will have roll call vote for waiving of the readings.

Roll call vote on waiving of the readings. 6 Ayes in person 3 Ayes by call-in/video Mrs. Gentry, Mrs. Osborn, and Mr. Foreman 0 Nays 0 Absence Motion carries.

Miss Bradshaw moved for passage, seconded by Mr. Baker.

Mr. Vincent: Is there any discussion? Mayor, not to put you on the spot, but you made great use of tapping into these funds for our community and this is additional money, correct?

Mayor Mason: Thank you and let me say that Kade did a real nice job. It might sound silly, but at every stage we had to spend literally all the funds or encumber them in order · to qualify for the next round. So,

Mr. Foreman: I am sorry to interrupt, but those of us on the call, the microphones keep going or at least mine does. Maybe I am the only one.


Mr. Vincent: May be a little close. Lisa, is that the issue being too close to the microphone?

Lisa Hittle: It might be, but I don't think the Mayor usually is. Go ahead.

Mrs. Osborn: Every time you change speakers we don't hear the first fifteen seconds of what is said.

Mayor Mason: Well, I will just talk the entire night, Joey. That will solve that problem for you. (Laughter broke out) Everybody else be quiet.

Mr. Foreman: Sounds good to me.

Mayor Mason: Seriously, Joey, thanks for letting us know. So, again we are very blessed that every stage of this process starting at the very first.

Mrs. Gentry: I cannot hear.

Mr. Vincent: Can you try arching your mic to get it a little further away from you. I know that was an issue the last time. Can you put a little more bend to it?

Mayor Mason: So, the bottom line is we had to expend or encumber all the funds every step of the way in order to especially qualify for this last one. We have been able to push a lot of this out into the community to help a lot of small businesses basically do some of the upgrades and things they had to do in order to go into business or stay in business. Only the last few weeks have we had to use a lot of the money internally for people who had tested positive or who were quarantined. Again, I prefer to use the money, and I think we all do, by putting the money into the community. So, we will just keep our eyes and ears open for the next opportunities we might have. I keep hearing of more stimulus bills that will be introduced or basically have been legislated or are being debated right now. So thank you, Mr. President.

Mr. Vincent: Thank you, Mayor and thank you, Mr. Haddox for working on this. Is there anything else from Council?

Roll call vote for passage. 6 Ayes in person 3 Ayes by call-in/video Mrs. Gentry, Mrs. Osborn, and Mr. Foreman 0 Nays O Absence Motion carries. Ordinance is passed.

Mr. Vincent: Were you able to hear me?

Mr. Foreman: Yes


Mrs. Osborn: Yes

Mr. Vincent: Please let me know if it occurs again and if we need to back up a little bit.

Ordinance No. 2020-145 - Introduced by Council - An Ordinance authorizing the proper city official to grant easements via donation to the Ohio Department of Transportation as part of the MUS-IR70 reconstruction project.

Mr. Vincent: We are at first reading, but I think there was a request to waive.

Ms. Gildow moved to waive the readings and it was seconded by Miss Bradshaw.

Mr. Vincent: Is there any discussion on waiving?

Mr. Roberts: Mr. President, this was discussed at Public Service Committee earlier tonight and Chip Saunders, our City Engineer, had asked us to go ahead and waive this through so we could get the property donated to ODOT.

Mr. Vincent: Thank you, Mr. Roberts. Is there anything else from Council on waiving?

We will have roll call vote for waiving of the readings.

Roll call vote on waiving of the readings. 6 Ayes in person 3 Ayes by call-in/video Mrs. Gentry, Mrs. Osborn, and Mr. Foreman o Nays 0 Absence Motion carries.

Miss Bradshaw moved for passage, seconded by Mr. Baker.

Mr. Vincent: Is there any discussion? The total on this if I did my math right is 0.548 acres. It will save the state some money as far as not having to build overtop of a railroad that is no longer there.

Roll call vote for passage. 6 Ayes in person 3 Ayes by call-in/video Mrs. Gentry, Mrs. Osborn, and Mr. Foreman 0 Nays 0 Absence Motion carries. Ordinance is passed.

Ordinance No. 2020-146 - Introduced by Council -An Ordinance authorizing the Public Service Director to enter into a contract with Strand Associates, Inc. for services related to the Gant Stadium Upgrades Project.


Mr. Roberts moved for first reading, seconded by Ms. Gildow.

Mr. Vincent: Is there any discussion?

Mr. Roberts: Mr. President, I would like to amend Section Two of this Ordinance the final line item to read 101 .3961.54498.

Mr. Vincent: A motion by Mr. Roberts to change that line-item number to basically it is changing the 2 to a 6 in that line item.

It was seconded by Mr. Sharrer

Mr. Vincent: It was seconded by Mr. Sharrer. Is there any discussion on the amendment? Okay, no other discussion so all in favor of the amendment signify by saying aye. Those opposed nay.

All were in favor of the amendment. None were opposed. Motion carries.

Mr. Vincent: We are now at Ordinance 2020-146 as amended.

Mr. Roberts moved for first reading as amended. Miss Bradshaw seconded the motion.

Mr. Vincent: Is there any discussion? Hearing none, all in favor of first reading as amended signify by saying aye. Those opposed nay.

All were in favor. None were opposed. Motion carries.


Ordinance No. 2020-137 - Introduced by Council -An Ordinance to amend and revise the zoning map and make permanent zoning in the City of Zanesville, Ohio as herein provided.

Mr. Baker moved for second reading, seconded by Miss Bradshaw.

Mr. Vincent: Is there any discussion? Hearing none, all in favor of second reading signify by saying aye. Those opposed nay.

All were in favor. None were opposed. Motion carries.

Ordinance No. 2020-139 - Introduced by Council -An Ordinance authorizing the proper city official to grant a pay step adjustment for an employee.


Ms. Gildow moved for second reading, seconded by Miss Bradshaw.

Mr. Vincent: Maybe I can back up here? So, we have a motion and a second for second reading. I was in communication with the Treasurer, and sorry I didn't bring this up sooner, but in communication with David Wolfe, the Treasurer, he no longer needs this ordinance. So, having worked with the Mayor and the Law Director it was recommended to remove this Ordinance from the agenda.

Mr. Roberts moved to remove this ordinance from the agenda.

Mr. Sharrer seconded the motion.

Mr. Vincent: I assume Mr. Tarbert, I think a motion to remove, would that override where we are right now or do I need to get people to withdrawal their motions?

Mr. Tarbert: Well, to make it clean, I would like to have them withdrawal their motions and we need a 2/3 majority of Council to withdrawal from the agenda.

Mr. Vincent: With that the motions were made by Ms. Gildow and Miss Bradshaw.

Miss Bradshaw: I withdrawal my motion to second.

Mr. Vincent: You withdrawal your motion for second reading?

Ms. Gildow: Yes, please.

Mr. Vincent: I have a withdrawal by Miss Bradshaw and Ms. Gildow to withdrawal their motions for second reading.

Mr. Vincent: Mr. Roberts, you made a motion to remove it from the agenda?

Mr. Roberts: Yes.

Mr. Vincent: A motion then by Mr. Roberts to remove from the agenda. It was seconded by Mr. Sharrer. Is there any discussion? Is everyone clear on that? Okay, let's have a roll call vote on that so we are clear on this. We need a 2/3 vote to remove it from the agenda. This was requested by the Treasurer, himself, who provided this ordinance.

Roll call vote to remove this ordinance from the agenda. 6 Ayes in person 3 Ayes by call-in/video Mrs. Gentry, Mrs. Osborn, and Mr. Foreman 0 Nays 1 Absence Mrs. Gentry had lost connection. Motion carries.


Mr. Vincent: It is removed from our agenda. My apologies for not catching that a little sooner before we got started on it.

Ordinance No. 2020-141 - Introduced by Council - An Ordinance authorizing the proper city official to enter into a professional contract with ADR for the final engineering services for the Muskingum Avenue (Dug Road) Improvements, and declaring an emergency.

Mr. Ware moved to waive and it was seconded by Mr. Sharrer.

Mr. Vincent: Is there any discussion on waiving. With that we do have this coming up for the Ways & Means meeting Monday night to discuss financial details on this. We will be figuring out as far as how to fund it. So, we will get started on that this Monday. Is there any other discussion on waiving? We will have roll call vote.

Roll call vote on waiving of the readings. 6 Ayes in person 2 Ayes by call-in/video Mrs. Osborn, and Mr. Foreman O Nays 1 Absence or no response Mrs. Gentry, Motion carries.

Mr. Baker moved for passage, seconded by Miss Bradshaw.

Mr. Vincent: Is there any further discussion? Okay, we will have roll call vote for passage.

Roll call vote for passage. 6 Ayes in person 2 Ayes by call-in/video Mrs. Osborn, and Mr. Foreman 0 Nays 1 Absence or no response Mrs. Gentry Motion carries. Ordinance is passed.

Ordinance No. 2020-142 - Introduced by Council -An Ordinance authorizing the proper city official to enter into a financing agreement to pay ADR & Associates, LTD., and/or reimburse city funds, for the project engineering costs for the Muskingum Avenue (Dug Road) Improvements Project.

Mr. Ware moved to waive and pass as emergency legislation and it was seconded by Mr. Baker.

Mr. Vincent: Any discussion on waiving? We will have roll call vote for waiving of the readings.

Roll call vote on waiving of the readings.


6 Ayes in person 2 Ayes by call-in/video Mrs. Osborn, and Mr. Foreman 0 Nays 1 Absence or no response Mrs. Gentry, Motion carries.

Miss Bradshaw moved for passage, seconded by Mr. Baker.

Mr. Vincent: Is there any discussion? Hearing none, let's have roll call vote for passage.

Roll call vote for passage. 6 Ayes in person 2 Ayes by call-in/video Mrs. Osborn, and Mr. Foreman 0 Nays 1 Absence or no response from Mrs. Gentry Motion carries. Ordinance is passed.

Ordinance No. 2020-135 - Introduced by Council - An Ordinance authorizing the proper city official to advertise for bids and enter into contract for purchase of various insurances.

Ms. Gildow moved for third reading and passage, seconded by Miss Bradshaw.

Mr. Vincent: Is there any discussion? Okay, we will have roll call vote for passage.

Roll call vote for passage. 6 Ayes in person 2 Ayes by call-in/video Mr. Osborn and Mr. Foreman, 0 Nays 1 Absent or no response from Mrs. Gentry Motion carries. Ordinance is passed.

Ordinance No. 2020-136 - Introduced by Council - An Ordinance authorizing the proper city official to enter into a professional contract with Poggemeyer Design Group, Inc. for the development of specifications, bid documents and bid assistance, project management, construction administration, and observations services on the City's Water Meter Replacement Program.

Miss Bradshaw moved for third reading and passage, seconded by Mr. Baker.

Mr. Vincent: Discussion? Hearing none, we will have roll call vote for passage.

Roll call vote for passage. 6 Ayes in person 2 Ayes by call-in/video Mr. Osborn and Mr. Foreman 0 Nays


1 Absent or no response from Mrs. Gentry Motion carries. Ordinance is passed.

TRAFFIC ORDERS No Traffic Orders were filed for this meeting.

Mr. Vincent: We will move on to Miscellaneous and Unfinished Business and we will start with the Mayor.


Mayor Mason: Thank you very much, Mr. President. I will speak and I am hoping I can be heard. Scott and I are working on the locations near school zones to put the rubber speed humps, so I encourage you to email or text Scott if you have additional locations. Again, we are trying to focus these around where we think children are walking to school a little bit more than they otherwise would have and attempt to keep the speed at 25 mph in those zones that are 25 mph. So please let Scott know of your recommendations. Our street crews will be installing them.

Mr. Vincent: Thank you, Mayor. With that, I would like to add to that if people are new to hearing about speed humps. These are what we trialed up on Center Drive and at 25 mph you can drive over them comfortably. So, you don't have to slow down, just do the speed limit and it is no problem. Does anybody want to add anything else to that? Okay, does anybody else have anything?

Mr. Vincent: Okay, we have no private petitions or communications.


No Non-agenda item petitions were filed for this meeting.

Mr. Vincent: Anything else?

Mr. Sharrer: Mr. President, I move we adjourn. It was seconded by Mr. Roberts.

Mr. Vincent: All in favor of adjournment signify by saying aye. Those opposed nay. Motion carries. We stand adjourned. Thank you everyone and Merry Christmas.

The meeting adjourned about 7:23 p.m.

Susan Culbertson Daniel M. Vincent Clerk of Council President of Zanesville City Council

Page 9 of 9 THE CITY OF Zanesville 401 Market Street Zanesville, Ohio 43701 Phone (740) 617-4908 Fax (740) 455-0744 Council-Mayor Government E-mail: [email protected] Donald L. Mason, Mayor


TO: Members of City Council

FROM: Mayor Don Mason

DATE: December 23, 2020

SUBJECT: Board Appointment

Muskingum County Convention Facilities Authority

I hereby recommend the appointment of Ms. Lori Watiker to the Muskingum County Convention Facilities Authority effective immediately. Ms. Watiker's term will expire 12/14124.

Thank you!

DM/pke THE CITY OF Zanesville 401 Market Street Zanesville, Ohio 43701 Phone (740)617-4908 Fax (740) 455-0744 Council-Mayor Government E-mail: [email protected] Donald L. Mason, Mayor


TO: Members of City Council

FROM: Mayor Don Mason

DATE: December 23, 2020

SUBJECT: Board Appointments

Downtown Design Review Board

I hereby recommend the reappointments of Mr. Mike Nelson and Mr. Chip Saunders to the Downtown Design Review Board. I also recommend the appointments of Mr. Mark Kaido and Ms. Beverly Jones to the Downtown Design Review Board. All members' terms will expire December 31, 2023.

Thank you!

DM/pke THE CITY OF Zanesville 401 Market Street Zanesville, Ohio 43701 Phone(740)617-4908 Fax (740) 455-0744 Council-Mayor Government E-mail: [email protected] Donald L. Mason, Mayor


TO: Members of City Council

FROM: Mayor Don Mason

DATE: December 23, 2020

SUBJECT: Board Appointments

Board of Zoning Appeals

I hereby recommend the reappointments of Mr. Pat O'Brien and Ms. Joyce Hill to the Board of Zoning Appeals. I also recommend the appointments of Mr. Al Zakany, Mr. Bill Cochran and Ms. Karla Frye to the Board of Zoning Appeals. All members' terms will expire December 31, 2023.

Thank you!

DM/pke THE CIT Y OF Zanesville 401 Market Street Zanesville, Ohio 43701 Phone (740) 617-4908 Fax (740) 455-0744 Council-Mayor Government E-mail: [email protected] Donald L. Mason, Mayor


TO: Members of City Council

FROM: Mayor Don Mason

DATE: December 23, 2020

SUBJECT: Board Appointments

Historic Preservation Board

I hereby recommend the reappointments of Ms. Lori Wince, Mr. Jeff Jalbrzikowski, and Mr. Brian Addis to the Historic Preservation Board. Ms. Wince's and Mr. Jalbrzikowski's terms will expire December 31 2021. Mr. Addis' term will expire December 31, 2026. I also recommend the appointments of Ms. Mollie Winland and Mr. Pete Cultice to the Historic Preservation Board. Ms. Winland's term will expire December 31, 2021, and Mr. Cu/tice's term will expire March 11, 2024.

Thank you!

DM/pke Public Service Committee Andrew Roberts, Chair

ORDINANCE NO. 2020-147


WHEREAS, the City of Zanesville (hereinafter referred to as the "Local Government Agency" or "LGA") is desirous of planning and designing certain water system improvements; and

WHEREAS, the LGA desires to obtain a loan from the Ohio Water Development Authority (hereinafter referred to as the "OWDA") to finance costs of the planning of such facilities on the terms set forth in the Cooperative Agreement (defined below); and

WHEREAS, the OWDA has indicated its willingness to make a loan for that purpose and on those terms; and

WHEREAS, enactment of this Ordinance is an emergency for the reason that the immediate construction of the Water System Improvements at the earliest possible time is necessary in order to protect the health of the citizens of the LGA by providing safe and reliable water service.


SECTION 1. That this Council and the LGA hereby approve the planning of the aforesaid Water System Improvements in cooperation with the OWDA under the provisions, terms and conditions set forth in the "Cooperative Agreement for State Planning Project" as set forth in Exhibit A (the "Cooperative Agreement") and hereby authorizes the Mayor of the LGA to execute the Cooperative Agreement with the OWDA, substantially in the form set forth in "Exhibit A."

SECTION 2. That this Council and the LGA hereby authorize the Mayor ofthe LGA to apply for loans with the OWDA and further authorize the proper City official to accept said loan funds to be used for the purposes set forth herein.

SECTION 3: That is found and determined that all formal actions of this Council concerning and relating to the passage of this Ordinance were passed in an open meeting of this Council, and that all deliberations of this Council and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action were in meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.

SECTION 4: That this Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety of the City of Zanesvi lle for the reasons set forth herein; wherefore, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and immediately after its passage. ORDINANCE NO. 2020-147

PASSED: ------~ 2020.



DONALD L. MASON LAW DIRECTOR'S OFFICE MAYOR Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-147

OWDA 1/30/2020


TIDS AGREEMENT made and entered into as of the date specified on Schedule I hereto (the "Tenn Sheet," which is fully incorporated herein and made a part hereof) as the "Agreement Date,'' by and between the OHIO WATER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a body corporate and politic organized and existing under the provisions of Chapter 612 l of the Revised Code of Ohio (hereinafter refe1Ted to as the "OWDA") and the governmental body specified as the "LGA" on the Tenn Sheet (hereinafter refe1Ted to as the "LGA"), a governmental body organized and existing under the laws of the State of Ohio and acting pursuant to an ordinance or a resolution passed by the legislative authority thereof on the date specified on the Te1m Sheet as the Resolution Date.


WHEREAS, the OWDA has been created, among other reasons, to cany forward the declared public policy of the State of Ohio to preserve, protect, upgrade, conserve, develop, utilize and manage the water resomces of the state, to prevent or abate the pollution of water resources, to promote the beneficial use of waters of the state for the protection and preservation of the health, safety, convenience, and welfare, and the improvement of the economic welfare and employment opportunities of and the creation of jobs for the people of the state, and to and cooperate with other governmental agencies in achieving such pm-poses through the establishment, operation and maintenance of water development projects pursuant to Chapter 6121 of the Revised Code; and

WHEREAS, the utility system (hereinafter refe1Ted to as the "System") ofthe LGA will require the supply of services from the constrnction, operation and maintenance of new or additional facilities (which facilities are hereafter referred to as the "Project Facilities"); and

WHEREAS, the constrnction of the Project Facilities requires the planning of such facilities and constrnction and the financing of such planning; and

WHEREAS, the OWDA and LGA have determined to enter into this Agreement to set forth their respective obligations with respect to the financing of the planning activities contemplated hereby;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-147


Except where the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following terms as used in this Agreement shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this A1ticle:

(a) "Approved Application" means the application, dated as of the dated specified on the Term Sheet as the "LGA Application Date," submitted to the OWDA together with all attachments, supporting docwnentation, amendments and supplements thereto as approved by the OWDA on the date specified on the Tem1 Sheet as the "OWDA Application Approval Date," together with any amendments thereto approved by the LGA and the OWDA after the date of this Agreement.

(b) "Consulting Engineer" means the firm identified as such in the Term Sheet, from whom the LGA has received a proposal to perform the engineering services contemplated hereby.

(c) "Contract Interest Rate" means the rate specified as such on the Term Sheet.

(d) "Contract Period of Years" means, subject to Section 3.3 hereof, the period commencing on the date specified in the Te1111 Sheet as the "Initial Payment Date" and ending on the earlier of (i) the tenth Payment Date, or (ii) the date on which the LGA obtains long­ term financing for the Project Facilities. In the event that the LGA obtains a subsequent loan from the OWDA for planning costs of the Project Facilities, then the Contract Period of Years for such loan shall expire no later than the expiration of the Contract Period of Years hereunder.

(e) "Default Rate" means a rate equal to the Contract Interest Rate plus three percentage points.

(fj "Eligible Project Costs" shall include, whether incuned before or after the date of this Agreement (but if incwTed prior to the date hereof, subject to the restrictions set forth in the first proviso below), the following planning costs of the Project Facilities costs incurred in the preparation of preliminary engineering data, cost estimates, and schedules for completion of design and construction, schematic flow diagrams, unit processes, design data regarding detention times, flow rates, sizing ofuni ts, descriptions of the selected complete treatment systems of which the proposed facilities are a pa1t, infiltration/inflow documentation, and cost- effectiveness analysis, and preparation of detailed plans, constrnction drawings and specifications; costs of printing and publishing the notices and legislation required; costs inctmed for the acquisition of real property or interests therein, subject to the second proviso set forth below; legal expenses; administrative expenses of the OWDA in the amount of 0.35% of all Eligible Project Costs other than such administrative expenses or $400, whichever is greater; and all other costs and expenses necessary or incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of constructing the proposed Project Facilities or preparatory to the acquisition and construction of the Project Facilities or otherwise described on Exhibit A, minus the amoW1t of any grant applicable to the foregoing costs from the United States of America or any depattment or agency thereof; provided, however, that Eligible Project Costs shall include costs incuned prior to the

2 Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-147

date hereof only if and to the extent that, in the opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel satisfactory to the OWDA, the payment of such costs by the OWDA would not cause the interest on any debt obligations of the OWDA to cease to be excluded from gross income for ptuposes of federal income taxation; and provided further, however, that Eligible Project Costs shall include costs for the acquisition of real property or interests therein (other than casements) only if the OWDA shall have received from the LGA reasonably sufficient assurances as to envirornnental matters related to such real property. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Eligible Project Costs shall not include any commissions, fees and/or expenses which may be owed by the LGA to a broker or finder as a result of or in connection with the OWDA's agreement to pay the Eligible Project Costs to the LGA as provided herein.

G) "Initial Payment Date" means the first Janua1y 1 or July 1 that occurs after the first anniversary of the date of this Agreement.

(I) "Payment Date" means the Initial Payment Date and each January 1 and July 1 thereafter during the Contract Period ofYears.

(g) "Pledged Revenues" means the revenues derived by the LGA from the ownership and operation of the System (including, without limitation, any Special Assessment Funds), net of the costs of operating and maintaining the System and paying all amounts required to be paid under any Mortgage, Indenture, of Mortgage, Trnst Agreement or other instrument heretofore or hereafter entered into by the LGA to secure debt obligations heretofore or hereafter issued or incurred by the LGA for the System.

Q1) "Original Loan Amount" means those Eligible Project Costs that are paid with moneys disbursed out offunds ofthe OWDA, which costs shall in no event exceed the amount specified on the Tenn Sheet as the "Maximum Original Loan Amount."

(i) "Semiannual Payment Obligations" means the amounts payable semiannually by the LGA to amortize the Original Loan Amount over the Contract Period ofYears with interest on the outstanding balance of the Original Loan Amount at the Contract Interest Rate, based upon the following requirements: (i) the Semiannual Payment Obligations payable on the Initial Payment Date and on each Payment Date thereafter to and including the ninth Payment Date shall each consist of one-fortieth (1/40) of the Original Loan Amount; and (ii) the Semiammal Payment Obligation payable on the tenth Payment Date shall, subject to Section 3.3 hereof, consist of:

(A) the Original Loan Amount, minus

(B) the p01tions of the Original Loan Amount paid prior to the tenth Payment Date, plus

(C) interest on each portion of the Original Loan Amount at the Contract Interest Rate from the date of its disbursement by the OWDA to the tenth Payment Date, net of an interest credit at the Contract Interest Rate for each payment of any p01tion of the Oiiginal Loan Amount from the date of such payment to the tenth Payment Date.

3 Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-147

An estimate of the Semiannual Payment Obligations based on the Maximum Original Loan Amount and the Contract Interest Rate is specified on the Term Sheet beneath the Maximum Original Loan Amount.

If any Payment Date occurs prior to the final detennination of lhe Original Loan Amount, the Semiannual Payment Obligation payable on that date shall be based upon the best figures available at the time the computation of such Semiannual Payment Obligation is required to be made. When such final costs are known, the Semiannual Payment Obligation shall be recomputed, and the next following Semiannual Payment Obligation shall be either increased or decreased by an amount sufficient to coITect for any overpayment or unde1payment resulting from underestimate or overestimate of the Original Loan Amount (but not from any prepaymenl of any po1iion of the Original Loan Amount) through the date of such recomputation, so that the total amount received by OWDA over the Contract Period of Years will be the same amount as would have been received had the final 01iginal Loan Amount been used in computing the Semiannual Payment Obligations at the commencement of the Contract Period of Years.

(i) "Special Assessment Funds" means the proceeds from the special assessments to be hereafter levied, if any, by the LGA to pay all or a portion of the cost of the Proj ect Facilities.


Section 2. 1. Subject to the te1ms and conditions of this Agreement, the LGA shall pe1fo1m or cause to be perfonned the planning activities set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a pait hereof, including the employment of the Consulting Engineer pursuant to its proposal.

Section 2.2. The LGA shall keep accurate records of the Eligible Project Costs. All requests submitted by the LGA for the payment or reimbmsement of incurred Eligible Project Costs shall include evidence of the costs incuned and will be prepared so that such costs may be readily itemized and identified as to grant eligible costs and non-grant eligible costs. The LGA shall pennit the OWDA, acting by and through the Executive Director of the OWDA or his auth01ized representatives, to inspect all books, documents, papers and records relating thereto at any and all reasonable times for the purpose of audit and examination, and the LOA shall submit to the OWDA such documents and info1mation as they may require in connection therewith.

Section 2.3. Subject to the tem1s and conditions of this Agreement, the Eligible Project Costs shall be paid by the OWDA.

Section 2.4. The OWDA shall deliver to the LGA a cerlificate, certifying that moneys in the amount necessary to pay the Eligible Project Costs obligated or to be obligated up to the Maximum Original Loan Amount are available or are in the process of collection and have been encumbered by the OWDA. When such Eligible Project Costs have been incurred and payment requested from the OWDA by the LGA in form and detail satisfactory to the OWDA, the OWDA shall cause to be delivered checks in payment of the invoices, demands for payment, approved contractors' estimates or other evidence of cost incurrence to the persons or entities

4 Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-147

entitled to payment in conformity with the encumbrance of funds to pay such obligated Eligible Project Costs.

Section 2.5. The LGA shall promptly notify the OWDA in writing when the planning activities for the Project Facilities have been completed and when no further Eligible Project Costs arc to be paid with OWDA disbursements under this Agreement.

Section 2.6. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the obligation of the OWDA to pay Eligible Project Costs pursuant to the te1111s and conditions of this Agreement shall expire two (2) years from the date hereof. Upon the expiration of the aforesaid period of years, the OWDA shall not be obligated to pay any additional Eligible Project Costs to the LGA hereunder. In the event that the OWDA, in its sole discretion, decides to pay additional Eligible Prnject Costs after the expiration of its obligation to do so hereunder, it shall so notify the LGA. No such decision by the OWDA to pay any additional Eligible Project Costs hereunder shall be deemed to constitute an extension of its obligation to pay Eligible Project Costs hereunder.


Section 3.1. Subject lo the further provisions hereinafter set forth, the LGA agrees to pay, and shall pay, to the OWDA on each Payment Date the Semiannual Payment Obligation, but solely from the Pledged Revenues. In the event that the LGA pays less than the full amount due hereunder on any date, then the amount so paid shall be applied first to interest payable hereunder, then to late charges payable hereunder, and then to the Original Loan Amount payable hereunder.

The obligation of the LGA to pay the charges set forth shall not be assignable, and the LGA shall not be discharged therefrom, without the prior written consent ofth e OWDA. In the event that the LGA defaults in the payment of any of the charges set forth in this Section 3.1, the amount of such default shall bear interest at the Default Rate from the date of the default until the date of the payment thereof. Interest at the Default Rate shall be calculated for the actual number of days of default from the due date until payment on the basis of a 360-day year. If the LGA does not pay any of the charges set forth in this Section 3.1 on or before the 30th day after the due date, in addition to the interest calculated at the Default Rate, a "late charge" of one percent (1 %) on the amount of each default shall also be paid to the OWDA by the LGA for failure to make the payment as provided herein. Thereafter, for each additional 30 clays during which the charges remain unpaid, the LGA shall continue to pay an additional late charge of one percent (I%) on the amount of such default until such charges are paid. Late charges shall apply to defaulted Semiannual Payment Obligations, interest and defaulted interest, and prior late charges. In no event shall the OWDA collect interest or late charges in excess of the maximum amount permitted by law. In addition to the foregoing, in the event of a default as aforesaid, all of the costs incurred by the OWDA in cming such default, including, but not limited to, court costs and attorney fees, shall be paid as part of the Eligible Project Costs hereunder and shall be repaid by the LGA to the OWDA as part of the Original Loan Amount.

Anything in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, neither the general resources of the LGA shall be required to be used, nor shall the general credit of the LGA be

5 Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-147

pledged for the performance of any duty under this Agreement, but any payment to be made under this Agreement shall be required to be made only from the Pledged Revenues, which are hereby pledged to such payment; provided, however, that, if otherwise lawful, nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit the LGA from using, of its own volition, any of its general resources for the fulfillment of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

The LGA may at any time and from time to time pay all or any portion of the Original Loan Amount prior to the time such payment is due hereunder, and may do so from the proceeds of long-tenn financing for the Project Facilities (whether obtained through the OWDA or by other means) or from any other legally available funds. Upon the receipt of any prepayment of all or any portion of the Original Loan Amount, the OWDA shall credit such payment in the same manner that it would credit the payment of a portion of the Otiginal Loan A mount made through the payment of a Semiannual Payment Obligation.

Section 3.2. The LGA hereby agrees that: (a) it will at all times prescribe and charge such rates for the services of the System as shall result in Pledged Revenues, at least adequate to provide for the payments required by Section 3.1 hereof; (b) the LGA will fl.u11ish to the OWDA annually reports of the operation and income of the System and also an annual report of the accounts and operations of the System and will permit the authorized agent of the OWDA to inspect all records, accounts and data of the System at all reasonable times; ( c) the LGA will segregate the revenues, funds and prope1ties of the System from all other funds and prope1ties of the LGA; and ( d) if and to the extent that the Approved Application indicates that any of the payments to be made by the LGA hereunder are to be made from revenues derived from special assessments, the LGA will take all actions required to be taken under all applicable laws of the State and all applicable charter, ordinance or resolution provisions of the LGA to collect such special assessments to the full extent required to pay all amounts payable to the OWDA hereunder in full when due. All of the obligations under this Section are hereby established as duties specifically enjoined by law and resulting from an office, ttust or station upon the LGA within the meaning ofR.C. Section 2731.01.

Section 3.3. If, prior to the tenth Payment Date, the LGA submits a written request, duly authorized by its legislative authority, to the OWDA, stating that the LGA does not expect to obtain long-term fmancing for the Prnject Facilities prior to the tenth Payment Date, and requesting that the Contract Period of Years be extended to permit the LGA to amortize the Original Loan Amount over a longer period, then OWDA may (but shall be under no obligation to) agree to extend the Contract Period ofYears, provided that: (i) on each Payment Date thereafter during the extended Contract Period of Years, the LGA shall be obligated to pay no less than one-fortieth (1/40) of the Original Loan Amount plus all accrued interest on the outstanding balance of the Original Loan Amount at the Contt·act Interest Rate; (ii) in any event, the latest date by which the Original Loan Amount shall be required to be fully repaid with all accrued interest thereon shall th be no later than the fortieth (40 ) Payment Date; (iii) the OWDA shall not approve any such request unless it determines that the LGA has demonstrated to the OWDA's satisfaction that the LGA's Pledged Revenues are and can reasonably be expected to remain sufficient to meet the LGA's payment obligations during the proposed extension of the Contract Pe1iod of Years; and (iv) upon any failure of the LGA to make a full and timely payment of its payment obligations dming the proposed extension of the Contract Period of Years, then the fu ll amount of the outstanding balance of the O1iginal Loan Amount and all interest accmed thereon at the Contract Interest Rate shall become immediately due and payable, with interest thereon accruing thereafter at the

6 Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-14 7

Default Rate. If the OWDA agrees to such an extension of the Contract Period of Years, it shall prepare a revised Te1m Sheet that supersedes the initial Term Sheet, setting forth the length of the extended Contract Period of Years and the Semiannua1 Payment Obligations of the LG A during that pe1iod.


Section 4.1. The LGA hereby represents that:

(a) It is, and the LGA hereby covenants that it shall remain, in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations during the Contract Period of Years;

(b) There is no litigation or administrative action or proceeding pending or, to the best of its knowledge, threatened against the LGA, alleging a violation of any federal, state or local environmental law or regulation applicable to the System except as set forth in the attached;

(c) No judgment or consent order has been rendered against it nor is it a party to any agreement, which consent order, judgment or agreement imposes, will impose or has imposed any fines or monetary penalties for the violation of any federal, state or local environmental law or regulation applicable to the System that have not been paid in full except as set fo1th in the attached; and

(d) If and to the extent that the Approved Application indicates that any of the payments to be made by the LGA hereunder are to be made from revenues derived from special assessments, the LGA has taken all actions required to be taken under all applicable laws of the State and all applicable charter, ordinance or resolution provisions of the LGA in order for such assessments to be levied at the times and in the amounts necessary to enable the LGA to pay all amounts payable to the OWDA hereunder in full when due, and has provided to the Authority a certified copy of all ordinances or resolutions authorizing the levy of such special assessments, all of which are in full force and effect.

Section 4.2. The LGA agrees that each of the following shall be an event of default ("Event of Default") under this AgTeement:

(a) The LGA shall fail to make any payment to the OWDA required pursuant to this Agreement when the same is due and payable, including, without limitation, any amount due and payable pursuant to Aiticle III hereof.

(b) The LGA shall fail to observe and perform any obligations, agreements or provisions herein, which failure shall continue for thi1ty (30) days after receipt of written notice thereof from the OWDA.

(c) AJ.1y representations made by the LGA in Section 4.1. shall at any time during the Contract Peri od of Years prove to be false.

7 Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-147

Section 4.3. Whenever an Event of Default shall have happened and be subsisting, the OWDA may exercise any and all rights and remedies for the enforcement of the obligations of the LGA hereunder. In addition to any other rights or remedies provided herein, by law or othe1wise, the OWDA may, to the extent penn itted under any judgment, consent order or agreement affecting the LGA, require the LGA to agree to subordinate the payment of any fines or penalties imposed for the violation of any federal, state or local enviromnental law or regulation applicable to the System to the payment of the Project Participation Principal Amount and the interest and any late charges due thereon, and the LGA hereby agrees to use its best efforts to effect such subordination.

Section 4.4. No right or remedy conferred upon the OWDA under Section 4.3 hereof is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy given herein, by law or otherwise. Each ri ght or remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given herein, by law or othe1wise.

Section 4.5. The LGA releases the OWDA from, agrees that the OWDA shall not be liable for, and agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to hold the OWDA, its officers, employees and agents harmless against, any loss or damage to prope1ty, or any loss or injmy to or death of any person, or any other loss or damage, that may be occasioned by any cause whatsoever pertaining to the System, the Project, or the use thereof; provided that such indemnity under this Section shall not be effective for damages that result from negligent or intentional acts of the OWDA, its officers, employees and agents. The LGA further agrees, to the fullest extent pennitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the OWDA and its officers, employees and agents against and from any and all cost, liability, expenses and claims arising from any breach or default on the part of the LGA in the perf01mance of any covenant or agreement on the part of the LGA to be performed pmsuant to the terms of this Agreement, arising from the acquisition, constrnction, installation, or improvement of the Project or arising from any act or negligence of or failure to act by the LGA, or any of its agents, contractors, servants, employees or licensees, or arising from any accident, injury or damage whatsoever caused to any person, fum, or corporation resulting from the Project or the System ( other than any accident, injury, or damage that results from negligent or intentional acts of the OWDA, its officers, employees and agents), and from and against all cost, liability and expenses incuned in or in connection with any such claim or action, arbitration or proceeding brought thereon.

In case any action or proceeding be brought against the OWDA by reason of any claim described in this Section, the OWDA agrees to cause written notice of such action or proceeding to be given to the LGA, and the LGA upon notice from the OWDA covenants to resist or defend such action or proceedings at the LGA's expense including all legal and other expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees).

Each party agrees that the venue of any suit, action or proceedings relating to this Agreement will be the courts of the County ofFranklin , Ohio or the Ohio Supreme Court, and each pa1ty irrevocably waives any objection that it may have to that venue and waives any right to trial by jury for any such suit, action or proceedings.

8 Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-14 7


Section 5.1 . Any invoice, accounting, demand, or other communication under this Agreement by either pa1ty to the other shall be sufficiently given or delivered ifit is dispatched by registered or certified mai], postage prep aid, return receipt requested, or delivered personally, and

(i) in the case of the OWDA, is addressed to or delivered personally to the OWDA at:

The Ohio Water Development Authority 480 South High Street Columbus, OH 43215


(ii) in the case of the LGA, is addressed to or delivered personally to the LGA at the address specified on the Te1m Sheet as the "LGA Notice Address," or at such other addresses with respect to either such pa1ty as that paity may from time to time, designate in writing and fo1ward to the other as provided in this Section.

Section 5.2. Any approval of the OWDA required by this Agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld and shall be deemed to have been given on the thirtieth day following the submission of the matter requiring approval to the Executive Director of the OWDA unless disapproved in writing prior to such thirtieth day. Any provision of the Agreement requiring the approval of the OWDA or the satisfaction or evidence of satisfaction of the OWDA, shall be interpreted as requiring action by the Executive Director of the OWDA granting, authorizing or expressing such approval or satisfaction, as the case may be, unless such provision expressly provides otherwise.

Section 5.3. Upon request of the OWDA, the LGA agrees to execute the information repo1t required by Section 149 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as it may be amended from time to time, with respect to this Agreement, such form to be completed by the OWDA on the basis of information provided by the LGA. The LGA hereby agrees that the OWDA may fi le such information repo1t for and on behalf of the LGA witb the Internal Revenue Service.

Section 5.4. This Agreement is made subject to, and conditional upon, the approval of this Agreement as to form by the General Counsel of the OWDA and upon the certification of availability of funds as provided in Section 2.4 hereof.

Section 5.5. This Agreement shall become effective as of the date first set forth hereinabove and shall continue in full force and effect until the final day of the Contract Period of Y cars, or until the day the obligations of the LGA under Section 4.1 hereof have been fully satisfied, whichever day is later.

9 Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-147

Section 5.6. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and to any person, office, board, department, agency, municipal corporation, or body politic and corporate succeeding by operation of law to the powers and duties of either of the parties hereto. Agreement shall not he assigned by the LGA without the prior written consent of the OWDA. The OWDA, at its option, may assign this Agreement without the consent of the LGA. All references to the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States of America or to the Environmental Protection Agency ofth e State of Ohio or to any offices or divisions of either shall include any successors thereto.

JN WITNESS WHEREOF, the patties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized officers as of the day and year first hereinabove written.


by------OWDA General Counsel OWDA Executive Director



10 Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-147

Exhibit A


ExhibiLA Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-147

Schedule I


NOTE: The term sheet will be generated by OWDA after the loan is approved at the board meeting. Ways and Means Committee Ann Gildow, Chair



WHEREAS, it is necessary during the course of the fiscal year to make changes to the City's working budget; and

WHEREAS, to keep the City's estimated revenues and appropriations as current as possible those changes should be made at least on a quarterly basis or when the need arises; and WHEREAS, without appropriate funding City Departments would be in jeopardy of providing efficient and reliable services, it is therefore in the best interest of the residents and visitors of Zanesville, to have this ordinance passed as an emergency.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Zanesville, Ohio, that:

SECTION ONE: Exhibit #A of ordinance No. 2020-32, which established revenues and appropriations from January 1, 2020 through December 31 , 2020, is hereby amended as indicated in Exhibit 1, attached hereto.

SECTION TWO: For the reasons stated above, this ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure. Provided it receives the affirmative votes of six ( 6) or more members of Council, this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval of the Mayor. Otherwise, it shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

PASSED ______, 2020

ATTEST: ______Susan Culbertson Daniel M . Vincent Clerk Of Council President Of Council

APPROVED:______, 2020 This legislation approved as to form:

Donald Mason Law Director's Office Mayor THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE WORKING BUDGET 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 ORDINANCE #2020-148 (Exhibit 1)




101-45101 Sale of Assets 4,000 168,000 172,000

TOTAL RECEIPTS 15,263,510 168,000 15,431,510

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS 19,407,674 168,000 19,575,674

APPROPRIATIONS: 101-7661 MAYOR'S OFFICE 101-7661-532 Contractual Services 12,400 4,000 16,400

TOTAL $162,794 $4,000 $166,794

101-7862 IT MANAGEMENT 101-7862-521 Employee Benefits 23,404 2,200 25,604

TOTAL 292,393 2,200 294,593

101-7951 OTHER DISBURSEMENTS 101-7951-53434 Contingencies 715,147 161 ,800 876,947

TOTAL 2,023,697 161 ,800 2,185,497

TOTAL APPROPRIATION 19,407,674 168,000 19,575,674



REVENUES: 204-4111 8 State and Local Government Highway Tax 20,000 5,000 25,000

TOTAL RECEIPTS 95,800 5,000 100,800

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS 222,560 5,000 227,560

APPROPRIATIONS: 204-6541-532 Contractual Services 15,000 5,000 20,000

TOTAL APPROPRIATION 222,560 5,000 227,560

Page 1 of 5 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE WORKING BUDGET 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 ORDINANCE #2020-148 (Exhibit 1)



REVENUES: 270-46127 EMS Charges 66,000 12,300 78,300 270-49199 Miscellaneous Revenues 302,326 12,200 314,526

TOTAL RECEIPTS 5,735,785 24,500 5,760,285

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS 6,071,394 24,500 6,095,894

APPROPRIATIONS: 270-1041 FIRE DEPARTMENT 270-1041-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 85,000 (40,41 9) 44,581

TOTAL 4,443,677 (40,419) 4,403,258

270-1311 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 270-1311-521 Employee Benefits 922,717 15,800 938,517 270-1311-57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 705,000 49,119 754,119

TOTAL 1,627,717 64,919 1,692,636

TOTAL APPROPRIATION 6,071,394 24,500 6,095,894

BUDGET AMENDING AMENDED 304 Community Development Admin. Fund 2020 AMOUNT BUDGET

APPROPRIATIONS: 304-4361 C.D. ADMINISTRATION 304-4361-510 Salaries and Wages 222,229 (27,000) 195,229 304-4361-532 Contractual Services 25,000 7,000 32,000 304-4361-544 Capital Outlay 5,000 20,000 25,000

TOTAL 272,779 0 272,779


Page 2 of 5 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE WORKING BUDGET 01/01/2020 -12/31/2020 ORDINANCE #2020-148 (Exhibit 1)



REVENUES: 309-49197 Federal Grants 310,000 5,000 315,000

TOTAL RECEIPTS 310,000 5,000 315,000

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS 310,439 5,000 315,439

APPROPRIATIONS: 309-4361-532 Contractual Services 303,701 11 ,738 315,439 309-4361-533 Materials and Supplies 1,000 (1 ,000) $0 309-4361-53452 Travel 2,088 (2,088) $0 309-4361-55304 Transfer to Community Dev Admin Fund 3650 (3,650) $0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION 310,439 5,000 315,439



REVENUES: 352-49197 Federal Grants 2,245,000 333,000 2,578,000

TOTAL RECEIPTS 2,245,000 333,000 2,578,000

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS 2,245,000 333,000 2,578,000

APPROPRIATIONS: 352-7951-56185 Major Projects 2,245,000 333,000 2,578,000

TOTAL APPROPRIATION 2,245,000 333,000 2,578,000

Page 3 of 5 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE WORKING BUDGET 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 ORDINANCE #2020-148 (Exhibit 1)



REVENUES: 603-46129 Metering and Billing Charges 170,000 130,000 . 300,000

TOTAL RECEIPTS 5,708,624 130,000 5,838,624

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS 7,278,079 130,000 7,408,079

APPROPRIATIONS: 603-5470 WATER OPERATIONS 603-5470-544 Capital Outlay 441 000 130,000 571 ,000

TOTAL 5,726,900 130,000 5,856,900

TOTAL APPROPRIATION 7,278,079 130,000 7,408,079


REVENUES: 604-45101 Sale of Assets 50,000 50,000 604-46199 Miscellaneous Charges 369 000 54,000 423,000

TOTAL RECEIPTS 6,327,359 104,000 6,431 ,359

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS 8,380,130 104,000 8,484,130

APPROPRIATIONS: 604-5311 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 604-5311-57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 745,000 98,350 843,350

TOTAL 1,050,462 98,350 1,148,812

604-5450 SEWER OPERATIONS 604-5450-53402 Principal Note Payment 859,229 50 859,279 604-5450-53403 Interest Note Payment 353,289 100 353,389 604-5450-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 75 000 5,500 80,500

TOTAL 7,329,668 5,650 7,335,318

TOTAL APPROPRIATION 8,380,130 104,000 8,484,130

Page 4 of 5 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE WORKING BUDGET 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 ORDINANCE #2020-148 (Exhibit 1)



REVENUES: 700-47270 Reimbursement from Fire Operating Fund 85,000 (40,419) 44,581 700-47604 Reimbursement from Sewer Fund 75,000 5,500 80,500

TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,579,807 (34,919) 1,544,888

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS 1,704,300 (34,919) 1,669,381

APPROPRIATIONS: 700-7631 VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 700-7631-533 Materials and Supplies 924,753 (34,919) 889,834

TOTAL 1,471,495 (34,919) 1,436,576

TOTAL APPROPRIATION 1,704,300 (34,919) 1,669,381



REVENUES: 750-47270 Reimbursement from Fire Operating Fund 705,000 49,119 754,119 750-47604 Reimbursement form Sewer Fund 745,000 98,350 843,350

TOTAL RECEIPTS 5,544,305 147,469 5,691,774

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS S,455,272 147,469 6 ,602,741

APPROPRIATIONS: 750-7641-53240 Claims 5,759,717 73,735 5,833,452 7 50-7641-53299 Miscellaneous Contracts 695,555 73,734 769,289

TOTAL APPROPRIATION 6,455,272 147,469 #NAME?

Page 5 of 5 Ways and Means Committee, Ann Gildow, Chair



WHEREAS, for the City of Zanesville to continue operations at the beginning of the fiscal year 2021, City Council must establish a temporary budget; and

WHEREAS, said budget must be passed and be in effect on or before January 1, 202l;and

WHEREAS, without appropriate funding in place on January 1, 2021, City Departments will not be able to provide services to the residents of Zanesville jeopardizing their health and safety; it is therefore in the best interest of the residents and visitors of Zanesville to have this ordinance passed as an emergency.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Zanesville, Ohio, that:

SECTION ONE: The City of Zanesville's temporary budget for the fiscal year 2021 is attached as Exhibit #1, and during the period January 1, 2021 through March 31, 2021 this exhibit shall be used to meet the daily operations of the City.

SECTION TWO: For the reasons stated above, this ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure. Provided it receives the affirmative votes of six (6) or more members of Council, this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval of the Mayor. Otherwise, it shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

PASSED------~ 2020

ATTEST: ------Susan Culbertson Daniel M. Vincent Clerk Of Council President Of Council

APPROVED: ______,, 2020 This legislation approved as to form:

Donald Mason Law Director's Office Mayor THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01 /2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 101 GENERAL FUND BALANCE AVAILABLE $3,000,000 $4,1 44,164 $3,551,833

REVENUES: 101-41102 Real Estate Taxes $1,132,254 $1,099,276 $1 ,046,745 101-41104 Sales & Intangible Taxes 790,327 790,327 784,601 101-41106 State Liquor Tax 45,000 45,000 45,139 101-41107 State Cigarette Tax 2,000 2,000 1,397 101-41110 Admission Tax 1,000 1,000 662 101-41117 Special Assessment T ax 27,400 27,400 41,230

101-42101 Taxi License $250 $250 $0 101-42102 Curb and Street Cut Permits 1,000 1,000 940 101-42103 Theaters, Shows and Dance Licenses 1,000 1,000 0 101-42104 Bowling and Billiard Licenses 1,000 1,000 0 101-42105 Cable TV Franchise Fee 320,000 320,000 302,724 101-42106 Mechanical Amusement License 4,000 4,000 0 101-42108 Electrician Licenses 5,000 5,000 4,290 101-42109 Parking Lot Licenses 150 150 0 101-42113 Pawnbroker Licenses 400 400 0

101-43101 Residential Building Permits $24,600 $24,600 $22,937 101-43103 Vacant Property Registration Fees 3,000 3,000 3,200 101-43105 Stormwater Drainage Permits 5,000 5,000 4,650 101-43107 Right-of-Way Fees 46,000 46,000 44,250

101-44101 Court Fines and Costs $250,000 $250,000 $278,087

101-45101 Sale of Assets $0 $172,000 $178,767

101-46100 Government Administrative Fees $733,000 $733,000 $738,572 101-46103 Postage Charges 20,000 20,000 20,849 101-46105 Civil Service Testing Fees 0 0 0 101-46110 Commercial Building Charges 40,000 40,000 26,718 101 -46111 Recreation Activity Revenue 4,500 4,500 2,894 101-46119 Building Rent 4,800 4,800 6,400 101-46188 Land Leases and Rental Charges 10,000 10,000 10,000

101-47326 Reimbursement Indigent Defense Fees $15,000 $15,000 $12,563

101-48205 Transfer from Income Tax Fund $9,084,991 $11,451,834 $ 11,853,148 101-48824 Transfer from Unclaimed Monies Fund 3,500 3,500 1,827

101-49101 Interest Income $42,000 $42,000 $41,410 101-49109 Gifts & Donations 0 0 21 ,000 101-49112 Reimb In-Kind Work 0 0 0 101-49140 Returned Check Charges 100 100 115 101 -49175 lnterfund Receivable 8,373 8,373 58,082 101-49194 JEDD Revenues 1,865,000 0 0 101-49196 State Grants 0 0 0 101-49197 Federal Grants 0 0 0 101 -49199 Miscellaneous Revenues 300,000 300,000 300,764

TOTAL RECEIPTS $14,790,645 $15,431,510 $15,853,961

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $17,790,645 $19,575,674 $19,405,794

Page 1 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01 /01/2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 APPROPRIATIONS: 101 -1081 STREET LIGHTING 101-1081-532 Contractual Services $360,000 $360,000 $333,082 101-1081-533 Materials and Supplies 30,000 30,000 29,307

TOTAL $390,000 $390,000 $362,389

101- 1121 PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR 101-1121-510 Salaries and Wages $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 101-1121 -521 Employee Benefits 13,643 13,643 11,326 101-1121-532 Contractual Services 2,500 2,500 977 101-1121-533 Materials and Supplies 2,500 2,500 1,177 101-1121-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 3,000 3,000 0

TOTAL $86,643 $86,643 $78,480

101-1311 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 101-1311-52105 Unemployment Compensation $20,000 $20,000 $2,371 101-1311-57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 900,000 1,000,000 961,230

TOTAL $920,000 $1,020,000 $963,601

101-3281 PARKS 101-3281-510 Salaries and Wages $286,705 $286,705 $203,777 101-3281 -521 Employee Benefits 50,844 50,844 47,491 101-3281-532 Contractual Services 91,400 91,400 56,866 101-3281-533 Materials and Supplies 65,000 65,000 14,003 101-3281-544 Capital Outlay 385,000 385,000 141,378 101-3281-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 27,100 27,100 24,840

TOTAL $906,049 $906,049 $488,355

101-3961 STADIUM 101-3961-532 Contractual Services $14,200 $14,200 $8,121 101-3961-533 Materials and Supplies 2,500 2,500 1,851 101-3961-544 Capital Outlay 55,000 55,000 2,340

TOTAL $71,700 $71,700 $12,312

101 -4381 BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 101-4381-510 Salaries and Wages $31 1,234 $311,234 $216,722 101-4381 -521 Employee Benefits 66,905 66,905 45,680 101-4381-532 Contractual Services 347,210 532,210 169,060 101-4381-533 Materials and Supplies 17,100 17,100 4,294 101-4381 -544 Capital Outlay 0 0 7,699 101-4381-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 7,900 7,900 4,085

TOTAL $750,349 $935,349 $447,540

101 -7661 MAYOR'S OFFICE 101-7661-510 Salaries and Wages $118,650 $1 18,650 $106,845 101-7661-521 Employee Benefits 25,244 25,244 18,590 101-7661 -532 Contractual Services 16,400 16,400 6,269 101-7661-533 Materials and Supplies 4,000 4,000 2,184 101 -7661 -5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 2,500 2,500 1,442

TOTAL $166,794 $166,794 $135,330

Page 2 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01/2021 • 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 101-7681 AUDITOR'S OFFICE 101 -7681 -510 Salaries and Wages $161,714 $161,714 $149,614 101-7681 -521 Employee Benefits 33,226 33,226 25,646 101-7681 -532 Contractual Services 157,600 157,600 92,332 101 -7681-533 Materials and Supplies 3,000 3,000 1,608 101-7681-544 Capital Outlay 0 0 0

TOTAL $355,540 $355,540 $269,200

101-7682 TREASURER'S OFFICE 101-7682-510 Salaries and Wages $335,634 $335,634 $302,083 101-7682-521 Employee Benefits 59,891 59,891 53,796 101-7682-532 Contractual Services 61,500 61 ,500 40,388 101-7682-533 Materials and Supplies 6,000 6,000 4,207 101-7682-544 Capital Outlay 70,000 70,000 62,013

TOTAL $533,025 $533,025 $462,487

101-7691 LAW DIRECTOR'S OFFICE 101 -7691-510 Salaries and Wages $223,455 $223,455 $208,702 101 -7691-521 Employee Benefits 41,459 41,459 36,493 101-7691-532 Contractual Services 29,000 29,000 11,256 101-7691 -533 Materials and Supplies 13,500 13,500 8,162

TOTAL $307,414 $307,414 $264,613

101-7705 PUBLIC SERVICE DIRECTOR 101-7705-510 Salaries and Wages $106,858 $106,858 $145,212 101 -7705-521 Employee Benefits 23,283 23,283 25,432 101-7705-532 Contractual Services 20,000 20,000 13,612 101-7705-533 Materials and Supplies 3,000 3,000 1,102 101-7705-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 3,000 3,000 360

TOTAL $156,141 $156,141 $185,718

101-7711 CITY COUNCIL 101-7711-510 Salaries and Wages $154,775 $154,775 $141 ,975 101-7711-521 Employee Benefits 29,629 29,629 23,082 101-7711-532 Contractual Services 36,600 36,600 23,316 101-7711-533 Materials and Supplies 4,100 4,100 2,015 101-7711-544 Capital Outlay 14,000 14,000 3,274

TOTAL $239,104 $239,104 $193,662

101-7721 MUNICIPAL COURT 101-7721-510 Salaries and Wages $248,783 $248,783 $237,829 101-7721-521 Employee Benefits 43,856 43,856 42,677 101-7721-532 Contractual Services 117,000 117,000 61,548 101-7721-533 Materials and Supplies 8,000 8,000 4,890 101-7721-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 6,000 6,000 4,524

TOTAL $423,639 $423,639 $351 ,468

Page 3 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01/2021 - 03/3 1/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 101-7771 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 101 -7771 -510 Salaries and Wages $46,293 $46,293 $43,816 101-7771-521 Employee Benefits 9,159 9,159 7,478 101 -7771-532 Contractual Services 36,000 36,000 26,882 101-7771-533 Materials and Supplies 1,500 1,500 748

TOTAL $92,952 $92,952 $78,924

101-7781 CITY HALL 101-7781-510 Salaries and Wages $44,211 $44,211 $40,764 101-7781 -521 Employee Benefits 8,270 8,270 6,849 101-7781-532 Contractual Services 76,000 76,000 61 ,680 101 -7781-533 Materials and Supplies 15,500 15,500 5,009

TOTAL $143,981 $143,981 $114,302

101 -7782 CITY MAINTENANCE 101-7782-510 Salaries and Wages $345,115 $345,115 $290,002 101 -7782-521 Employee Benefits 58,880 58,880 51,545 101-7782-532 Contractual Services 85,000 85,000 53,486 101-7782-533 Materials and Supplies 75,250 75,250 59,588 101-7782-544 Capital Outlay 150,000 150,000 35,455 101-7782-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 12,000 12,000 12,069

TOTAL $726,245 $726,245 $502,145

101-7791 ENGINEERING 101-7791-510 Salaries and Wages $116.218 $116,218 $107,263 101-7791-521 Employee Benefits 22,039 22,039 18,112 101 -7791 -532 Contractual Services 384,200 384,200 66,414 101-7791-533 Materials and Supplies 3,700 3,700 1,470 101-7791-544 Capital Outlay 0 0 2,628 101 -7791-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 5,000 5,000 1,261

TOTAL $531 ,157 $531,157 $197,148

101-7861 HUMAN RESOURCE 10 1-7861-510 Salaries and Wages $54,980 $54,980 $51 ,885 101-7862-521 Employee Benefits 15,317 15,317 9,373 101-7861-532 Contractual Services 44,000 44,000 31,110 101 -7861 -533 Materials and Supplies 3, 000 3,000 1,810

TOTAL $117,297 $1 17,297 $94,178

101-7862 IT MANAGEMENT 101-7862-510 Salaries and Wages $124,989 $124,989 $106,277 101-7862-521 Employee Benefits 25,604 25,604 22,123 101-7862-532 Contractual Services 80,000 80,000 43,412 101-7862-533 Materials and Supplies 19,000 19,000 18,304 101-7862-544 Capital Outlay 40,000 40,000 35,945 101-7862-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 5,000 5,000 286

TOTAL $294,593 $294,593 $226,347

Page 4 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01 /2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 101-7863 BUDGET & FINANCE 101 -7863-510 Salaries and Wages $98,553 $98,553 $69,127 101 -7863-521 Employee Benefits 15,650 15,650 12,129 101-7863-532 Contractual Services 224,500 224,500 118,827 101-7863-533 Materials and Supplies 7,000 7,000 4,614

TOTAL $345,703 $345,703 $204,697

101 -7864 PURCHASING 101-7864-510 Salaries and Wages $68,401 $68,401 $66,734 101-7864-521 Employee Benefits 12,116 12,116 10,519 101-7864-532 Contractual Services 18,000 18,000 7,071 101-7864-533 Materials and Supplies 1,500 1,500 961

TOTAL $100,017 $100,017 $85,285

101-7891 CAPITAL OUTLAY 101-7891-544 Capital Outlay $150,000 $150,000 $29,624

TOTAL $150,000 $150,000 $29,624

101-7921 TRANSFERS 101-7921 -55201 Transfer to Police Fund $2,214,915 $2,350,466 $2,298,658 101-7921-55202 Transfer to Auto Gas Fund 595,010 804,810 645,271 101-7921-55250 Transfer to Jail Operating Fund 400,616 454,869 215,034 101-7921-55260 Transfer to Jail Reduction Fund 87,049 87,049 99,359 101-7921-55270 Transfer to Fire Operating Fund 3,544,970 3,599,223 3,600,223 101-7921-55303 Transfer to City Redevelopment Fund 200,000 500,000 0 101 -7921-55304 Transfer to Community Dev. Ad min. Fund 252,894 252,894 196,000 101-7921-55401 Transfer to General Sinking Fund 272,803 272,803 272,618 101-7921-55601 Transfer to Airport Fund 169,918 169,918 155,050 101-7921-55602 Transfer to Cemetery Fund 426,921 426,921 303,5g5 101-7921-55615 Transfer to Airport Capital Fund 0 0 62,500 101-7921-55620 Transfer to Auditorium Operating Fund 250,185 253,802 205,677 101-7921-55700 Transfer to Vehicle Maintenance Fund 179,191 124,079 264,611

TOTAL $8,594,472 $9,296,834 $8,318,696

101-7951 OTHER DISBURSEMENTS 101-7951-53297 Port Authority Subsidy $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 101-7951-53405 MAPT Subsidy 80,000 80,000 80,000 101-7951-53406 Insurance 47,000 47,000 43,812 101-7951-53408 Claims 10,000 10,000 0 101-7951 -53421 Jedd Tax Sharing 300,000 926,500 90o,9g5 101 -7951 -53434 Contingencies 705,780 876,947 0 101-7951-53455 Lorena Expenditures 10,000 10,000 2,680 101-7951-53460 School Tax Exemption Payments 21,700 21,700 17,641 101-7951-56106 Grant Matching Funds (Downtown Wifi) 63,350 63,350 0

TOTAL $1,387,830 $2,185,497 $1,195,129

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $17,790,645 $19,575,674 $15,261 ,630

Page 5 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01/2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 201 POLICE FUND

BALANCE AVAILABLE $482,500 $505,000 $512,105

REVENUES: 201-44106 BMV Confiscated Plates $75 $75 $420 201 -45101 Sale of Assets 0 0 0 201 -46108 User Charges 89,600 89,600 15,149 201-48101 Transfer from General Fund 2,214,915 2,350,466 2,298,658 201 -48211 Transfer from Income Tax Fund--.5% 4,541,631 4,406,080 4,553,208 201 -49109 Gifts and Donations 0 0 5,006 201-49196 State Grants 40,000 40,000 0 201-49197 Federal Grants 53,926 53,926 0 201-49199 Miscellaneous Revenues 589,853 667,100 608,978

TOTAL RECEIPTS $7,530,000 $7,607,247 $7,481,419

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $8,012,500 $8,112,247 $7,993,524

APPROPRIATIONS: 201-111 1 POLICE OPERATIONS 201-11 11-510 Salaries and Wages $4,935,598 $4,935,598 $4,408,131 201-1111-532 Contractual Services 391,536 391 ,536 303,520 201-1111 -533 Materials and Supplies 233,000 233,000 208,582 201 -1111-53406 Insurance 70,000 70,000 59,497 201-1111-53408 Claims 12,000 12,000 0 201-1 111 -53450 Equipment Lease 82,000 82,000 81 ,802 201-1111-53451 Mandatory Training 20,000 20,000 8, 148 201 -11 11-544 Capital Outlay 142,500 155,000 167,171 201-11 11-56106 Grant Matching Funds 10,000 10,000 1,660 201-1 111-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 166,110 166,110 167,282

TOTAL $6,062,744 $6,075,244 $5,405,793

201 -1311 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 201 -1 31 1-521 Employee Benefits $1 ,037,051 $1,064,298 $864,708 201-1311-57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 912,705 972,705 1,218,023

TOTAL $1,949,756 $2,037,003 $2,082,731

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $8,012,500 $8,112,247 $7,488,524

Page 6 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01/2021 • 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 202 AUTO GAS FUND

BALANCE AVAILABLE $170,000 $504,538 $327,478

REVENUES: 202-41 116 Excise Tax $890,000 $890,000 $650,359 202-41118 State and Local Government Highway Tax 220,000 220,000 252,593 202-42110 Auto Licenses 210,000 210,000 201,732 202-4211 2 Motor Vehicle Permissive Tax 115,000 115,000 100,820 202-45101 Sale of Assets 3,200 3,200 13,025 202-46139 Labor Charges (State Highway Fund) 20,000 20,000 20,000 202-48101 Transfer from General Fund 595,010 804,810 645,271 202-49101 Interest Income 600 600 767 202-49112 Reimb In-Kind Work 0 0 0 202-49199 Miscellaneous Revenues 64,500 64,500 54,164

TOTAL RECEI PTS $2,118,310 $2,328,110 $1,938,731

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $2,288,310 $2,832,648 $2,266,209

APPROPRIATIONS: 202-6311 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 202-6311-521 Employee Benefits $141,720 $141,720 $115,586 202-631 1-57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 260,000 270,000 185,266

TOTAL $401,720 $411,720 $300,852

202-6541 STREET OPERATIONS 202-6541-510 Salaries and Wages $861,573 $861,573 $676,596 202-6541 -532 Contractual Services 122,214 122,214 93,610 202-6541-533 Materials and Supplies 449,183 449,183 298,700 202-6541-53406 Insurance 21,000 21,000 13,058 202-6541-53408 Claims 1,500 1,500 50 202-6541-53428 Vehicle Lease Payments 15,688 15,688 15,688 202-6541-544 Capital Outlay 318,932 853,270 270,970 202-6541-5701 Reimbursement to Vehicle Maintenance 96,500 96,500 92,148

TOTAL $1,886,590 $2,420,928 $1,460,820

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $2,288,310 $2,832,648 $1,761,672

Page 7 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01101 12021 • 0313112021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 203 PERMISSIVE LICENSE TAX FUND

BALANCE AVAILABLE $54,000 $226,916 $297,187

REVENUES: 203-42112 Motor Vehicle Permissive Tax $120,000 $104,300 $108,504

TOTAL RECEIPTS $120,000 $104,300 $108,504

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $174,000 $331 ,216 $405,691

APPROPRIATIONS: 203-6531 STREET CONSTRUCTION 203-6531-53402 Principal - Note Payment $38,588 $38,588 $48,391 203-6531-54426 Resurfacing Streets 135,412 292,628 130,384

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $174,000 $331,216 $178,775



BALANCE AVAILABLE $50,000 $126,760 $79,857

REVENUES: 204-41116 Excise Tax $75,600 $75,600 $52,732 204-41118 State and Local Government Highway Tax 25,000 25,000 20,481 204-49101 Interest Income 200 200 244

TOTAL RECEIPTS $100,800 $100,800 $73,457

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $150,800 $227,560 $153,314

APPROPRIATIONS: 204-6541-532 Contractual Services $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 204-6541 -533 Materials and Supplies 130,800 207,560 6,554

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $150,800 $227,560 $26,554

Page 8 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01 /01 /2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 205 INCOME TAX FUND

BALANCE AVAILABLE $0 $38,786 $0 REVENUES: 205-41111 Income Tax .2%-Fire $1,880,869 $1,880,869 $1,990,230 205-41112 Income Tax .2%--Jail 1,880,869 1,880,869 1,990,230 205-41113 Income Tax .5%--Police 4,699,492 4,699,492 4,972,741 205-41114 Income Tax 1% 9,400,770 9,400,770 9,947,372

TOTA L RECEIPTS $17,862,000 $17,862,000 $18,900,573

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $17,862,000 $17,900,786 $18,900,573

APPROPRIATIONS: 205-7683 CITY IN COME TAX 205-7683-53404 Income Tax Refunds $596,000 $1,150,000 $1,453,415 205-7683-53423 Revenue Sharing 4,000 4,000 4,000 205-7683-55101 Transfer to General Fund 9,084,991 11,451,834 11,853,148 205-7683-5521 1 Transfer to Police Fund (.5%) 4,541,631 4,406,080 4,553,208 205-7683-55250 Transfer to Jail Operating Fund 1,817,689 1,763,436 1,822,322 205-7683-55270 Transfer to Fire Operating Fund 1,817,689 1,763,436 1,822,322

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $17,862,000 $20,538,786 $21,508,415



BALANCE AVAILABLE $146,000 $165,631 $165,699 REVENUES: 215-48101 Trf Frm General Fund $0 $0 $0 215-49192 Loan Proceeds 0 0 232,072 215-49196 State Grants 399,975 799,925 575,950 215-49197 Federal Grants 835,000 0 392,198 215-49199 Miscellaneous Revenues 0 0 10,368

TOTAL RECEIPTS $1,234,975 $799,925 $1,210,588

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $1,380,975 $965,556 $1,376,287

APPROPRIATIONS: 215-6531 -53225 Engineering $71,000 $90,631 $16,185 215-6531-54426 Resurfacing Streets 75,000 75,000 386,448 215-6531-54427 Road Construction and Improvements 0 0 232,072 215-6531-54483 2020 City Wide Overlays 399,975 399,975 0 215-6531-54484 2017 City Wide Overlays 0 0 0 215-6531-54485 2018 City Wide Overlays 0 0 399,950 215-6531 -54486 2019 City Wide Overlays 0 399,950 0 21 5-6531-54487 2021 City Wide Overlays 835,000 215-6531-56179 Clearence (Dam Debris) 0 0 176,000

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $1,380,975 $965,556 $1 ,210,655

Page 9 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01/2021 · 03/3112021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 220 INDIGENT DRIVERS FUND

BALANCE AVAILABLE $240,000 $230,146 $210,238

REVENUES: 220-44101 Court Fines and Costs $10,000 $10,000 $19,953

TOTAL RECEIPTS $10,000 $10,000 $19,953

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $250,000 $240,146 $230,191

APPROPRIATIONS: 220-7721 -56111 Administration $20,000 $20,000 $0 220-7721-56132 Addiction Treatment 179,908 179,908 45 220-7721 -56134 SCRAM Monitoring 50,092 40,238 0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $250,000 $240,146 $45



BALANCE AVAILABLE $36,781 $36,781 $36,393

REVENUES: 221-44101 Court Fines and Costs $100 $100 $388

TOTAL RECEIPTS $100 $100 $388

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $36,881 $36,881 $36,781

APPROPRIATIONS: 221-7721-532 Contractual Services $18,440 $18,440 $0 221-7721-533 Materials and Supplies $18,441 $18,441 $0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $36,881 $36,881 $0

Page10of41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01 /01 /2021 • 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 250 JAIL OPERA TING FUND

BALANCE AVAILABLE $85,000 $143,032 $96,405

REVENUES: 250-46150 Prisoner Boarding Charges $9,100 $9,100 $7,615 250-48101 Transfer from General Fund 400,616 454,869 215,034 250-48210 Transfer from Income Tax--.2% Jail 1,817,689 1,763,436 1,822,322 250-49199 Miscellaneous Revenues 86,326 86,326 130,588

TOT AL RECEIPTS $2,313,731 $2,313,731 $2,175,559

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $2,398,731 $2,456,763 $2,271,964

APPROPRIATIONS: 250-1191 JAIL OPERATION 250-1191-510 Salaries and Wages $1,092,749 $1,092,749 $927,189 250-1191-532 Contractual Services 301,982 301,982 252,078 250-1191-533 Materials and Supplies 196,682 196,682 183,054 250-11 91-53406 Insurance 2,000 2,000 615 250-1191-53408 Claims 10,000 10,000 0 250-1191-544 Capital Outlay 191,968 150,000 103,524 250-1191 -55401 Trf To General Sinking Fund 0 0 0

TOTAL $1,795,381 $1,753,413 $1,466,460

250-1311 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 250-1311-521 Employee Benefits $203,350 $203,350 $207,299 250-1311-57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 400,000 500,000 455,173

TOTAL $603,350 $703,350 $662,472

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $2,398,731 $2,456,763 $2,128,932

Page 11 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01 /01/2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 260 JAIL REDUCTION FUND

BALANCE AVAILABLE $10,500 $9,912 $6,760

REVENUES: 260-0000-44104 House Arrest Fees $11,000 $11,000 $9,435 260-0000-48101 Transfer from General Fund 87,049 87,049 99,359 260-0000-49196 State Grants 67,020 67,020 67,020 260-0000-49199 Miscellaneous Revenues 4,931 4,931 7,129

TOTAL RECEIPTS $170,000 $170,000 $182,943

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $180,500 $179,912 $189,703

APPROPRIATIONS: 260-11 61 PROBATION OFFICE 260-1161-510 Salaries and Wages $92,405 $92,405 $81,846 260-1161 -532 Contractual Services 11,620 11,620 10,521 260-1161-533 Materials and Supplies 6,000 6,000 5,451 260-1161-53406 Insurance 500 500 121 260-1 161 -570 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 500 500 336

TOTAL $111,025 $111 ,025 $98,275

260-1 311 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 260-1311-521 Employee Benefits $19,475 $18,887 $13,981 260-1311-57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 50,000 50,000 67,535

TOTAL $69,475 $68,887 $81 ,516

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $180,500 $179,912 $179,791

Page 12 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01 /01/2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 270 FIRE OPERA TING FUND

BALANCE AVAILABLE $335,000 $335,609 $340,538

REVENUES: 270-45101 Sale of Assets $1,500 $1,500 $0 270-46101 Outside Fire Contracts 3,300 3,300 2,433 270-46127 EMS Charges 78,300 78,300 73,453 270-48101 Transfer from General Fund 3,544,970 3,599,223 3,600,223 270-48209 Transfer from Income Tax Fund--.2% Fire 1,817,689 1,763,436 1,822,322 270-49196 State Grants 0 0 0 270-49199 Miscellaneous Revenues 304,241 314,526 238,563

TOTAL RECEIPTS $5,750,000 $5,760,285 $5,736,994

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $6,085,000 $6,095,894 $6,077,532

APPROPRIATIONS: 270-1041 FIRE DEPARTMENT 270-1 041-510 Salaries and Wages $3,785,357 $3,785,357 $3,590,008 270-1 041-532 Contractual Services 198,116 198,116 173,964 270-1041-533 Materials and Supplies 149,708 149,708 141,050 270-1041-53406 Insurance 30,000 30,000 23,982 270-1041-53450 Equipment Lease 59,236 59,236 59,236 270-1041-544 Capital Outlay 79,106 80,000 123,550 270-1041-55401 Trf To General Sinking Fund 56,260 56,260 56,318 270-1041-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 44,581 44,581 70,690

TOTAL $4,402,364 $4,403,258 $4,238,798

270-131 1 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 270-1311-521 Employee Benefits $938,51 7 $938,517 $835,643 270-131 1-57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 744,119 754,119 667,482

TOTAL $1,682,636 $1,692,636 $1 ,503,125

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $6,085,000 $6,095,894 $5,741,923



BALANCE AVAILABLE $12,602 $38,466 $30,530 REVENUES: 275-46119 Building Rent $81,900 $81 ,900 $81 ,900

TOTAL RECEIPTS $81,900 $81 ,900 $81,900

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $94,502 $120,366 $112,430

APPROPRIATIONS: 275-1041-53428 Vehicle Lease Payment $65,594 $65,594 $65,593 275-1041-53440 lnterfund Payable 8,373 8,373 8,372 275-1041-544 Capital Outlay 20,535 46,399 0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $94,502 $120,366 $73,965

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BALANCE AVAILABLE $42,109 $40,683 $35,217

REVENUES: 300-49101 Interest Income $60 $60 $91 300-49171 Homeowner Principal Payback 2,440 2,440 9,388

TOTAL RECEIPTS $2,500 $2,500 $9,479

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $44,609 $43,183 $44,696

APPROPRIATIONS: 300-4130-532 Contractual Services $1,426 $0 $224 300-4130-55304 Transfer to Community Dev. Admin. Fund 650 650 650 300-4130-56105 Emergency Home Repair 0 0 0 300-4130-56106 CHIP Matching Funds 42,533 42,533 3,139

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $44,609 $43,183 $4,013


BALANCE AVAILABLE $35,000 $19,750 $80,098

REVENUES: 303-46119 Building Rent $5,025 $5,025 $5,371 303-46188 Land Leases & Rental Charges 3,480 3,480 3,120 303-48101 Transfer From General Fund 200,000 500,000 0 303-49101 Interest Income 160 160 236 303-49197 Federal Grants 0 0 0

TOTAL RECEIPTS $208,665 $508,665 $8,727

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $243,665 $528,415 $88,825

APPROPRIATIONS: 303-4105-532 Contractual Services $27,415 $27,415 $32,900 303-4105-55304 Transfer to Community Dev Ad min Fund 1,000 1,000 1,000 303-4105-56185 Major Projects 215,250 500,000 35,175

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $243,665 $528,415 $69,075


BALANCE AVAILABLE $30,000 $37,000 $34,021

REVENUES: TRANSFERS: 304-48101 Transfer from General Fund $252,894 $252,894 $196,000 304-48300 Transfer from Mortgage Rehab Fund 650 650 650 304-48303 Transfer from City Redevelopment Fund 1,000 1,000 1,000 304-48309 Transfer from US EPA Brownfields Grant Fund 0 0 0 304-48311 Transfer from Revolving Loan Fund 1,500 1,500 1,500 304-48317 Transfer from FY 17/18 Allocation Grant Fund 0 0 12,043 304-48321 Transfer from FY 19 Allocation Grant Fund 18,400 18,400 0 304-48322 Transfer from FY 17 Critical lnfrast Grant Fund 5,000 5,000 0 304-48323 Transfer from FY 18 CHIP Grant Fund 0 0 0 304-49195 Other Grants 10,400 10,400 10,400 304-49199 Miscellaneous Revenues 10,008 10,008 8,112

TOTAL RECEIPTS $299,852 $299,852 $229,705

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUN DS $329,852 $336,852 $263,726

APPROPRIATIONS: 304-431 1 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 304-431 1-521 Employee Benefits $47,723 $47,723 $28,061 304-4311-57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 20,000 20,000 8,808

TOTAL $67,723 $67,723 $36,869

304-4361 C.D. ADMINISTRATION 304-4361-510 Salaries and Wages $195,229 $195,229 $147,394 304-4361-532 Contractual Services 21,350 32,000 26,160 304-4361-533 Materials and Supplies 7,150 7,150 2,897 304-4361 -53406 Insurance 1,000 1,000 710 304-4361-544 Capital Outlay 25,000 25,000 0 304-4361-56114 Sub-Recipient Funds 10,400 10,400 10,400 304-4361-56158 Fair Housing Administration 2,000 2,000 2,296

TOTAL $262,129 $272,779 $189,857

TOTA L APPROPRIATION $329,852 $340,502 $226,726

Page 15 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01/2021 • 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 309 US EPA BROWNFIELDS GRANT FUND


REVENUES: 309-49197 Federal Grants $310,000 $315,000 $57,976

TOTAL RECEIPTS $310,000 $315,000 $57,976

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $310,000 $315,439 $58,504

APPROPRIATIONS: 309-4361-532 Contractual Services $310,000 $315,439 $58,065 309-4361-533 Materials and Supplies 0 0 309-4361-53452 Travel 0 0 0 309-4361-55304 Transfer to Community Dev Ad min Fund 0 0 0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $310,000 $315,439 $58,065 =wwwwwwww0.3W~w~wwwwwwrowrowwwwwwwwww==ww===~wwwww===


BALANCE AVAILABLE $30,000 $32,688 $31 ,236

REVENUES: 31 1-48322 Trf Frm 14 Allocation Grant Fund $0 $0 $0 311-49101 Interest Income 1,000 1,000 795 311 -49183 Uddin Loan Principal 4,000 4,000 5,037

TOTAL RECEIPTS $5,000 $5,000 $5,832

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $35,000 $37,688 $37,068

APPROPRIATIONS: 311-4106-532 Contractual Services $33,500 $36,188 $2,880 311-4106-55304 Transfer to Community Dev. Ad m in. Fund 1,500 1,500 1,500

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $35,000 $37,688 $4,380

Page 16 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01101 12021 - 0313112021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 321 FY 19 ALLOCATION GRANT


REVENUES: 32 1-49 196 State Grants $184,000 $184,000 $0

TOTAL RECEIPTS $184,000 $184,000 $0

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $184,000 $184,000 $0

APPROPRIATIONS: 321-411 9-55304 Transfer to Community Dev. Admin. Fund $18,400 $18,400 $0 321-4119-56103 Handicapped Centers (CASS MIND Academy) 80,800 80,800 321-4119-56105 Emergency Home Repair 48,000 48,000 0 321-41 19-56157 Fair Housing Activities 9,200 9,200 0 321-4119-56169 Public Services (Housing Outreach} 27,600 27,600 0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $184,000 $184,000 $0 wwwrowrowrowrowrowro<'6rowrowroc,,nowro<>frow==~===0.1rowrowro=wrowro~wrowl 324 ARC DOWNTOWN WIRELESS GRANT


REVENUES: 324-49197 Federal Grants $100,000 $138,350 $0

TOTAL RECEIPTS $100,000 $138,350 $0

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $100,000 $138,350 $0

APPROPRIATIONS: 324-4361-532 Contractual Services $100,000 $138,350 $0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $100,000 $138,350 $0

Page 17 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01 /01 /2021 - 03/31 /2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 328 FY 2020 CHIP GRANT FUND BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019


REVENUES: 325-49196 State Grants $350,000 $350,000 $0

TOTAL RECEIPTS $350,000 $350,000 $0

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $350,000 $350,000 $0

APPROPRIATIONS: 325-411 9-55304 Transfer to Community Dev. Admin. Fund $0 $0 $0 325-4119-56190 Owner Occupied Housing Rehab 350,000 350,000 0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $350,000 $350,000 $0




REVENUES: 350-49196 State Grants $3,729 $3,729 $0 350-49197 Federal Grants 500,000 0 11,172

TOT AL RECEIPTS $503,729 $3,729 $11,172

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $503,729 $3,729 $11,172

APPROPRIATIONS: 350-7951-510 Salaries and Wages $1,452 $1,452 $4,352 350-7951-532 Contractual Services 1,245 1,245 3,730 350-7951-533 Materials and Supplies 501,032 1,032 3,090

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $503,729 $3,729 $11,172

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BALANCE AVAILABLE $862,000 $0 $0

REVENUES: 352-49197 Federal Grants $0 $2,578,000 $0

TOTAL RECEIPTS $0 $2,578,000 $0

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $862,000 $2,578,000 $0

APPROPRIATIONS: 352-7591-56185 Major Projects $862,000 $2,578,000 $0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $862,000 $2,578,000 $0



BALANCE AVAILABLE $0 $0 $0 REVENUES: 401 -48101 Transfer from General Fund $272,803 $272,803 $272,618 401-48250 Transfer from Jail Operating Fund 0 0 0 401-48270 Transfer from Fire Operating Fund 56,260 56,260 56,318

TOTAL RECEIPTS $329,063 $329,063 $328,936

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $329,063 $329,063 $328,936

APPROPRIATIONS: 401-7901 DEBT SERVICE 401-7901-53401 Bond Principal--General Obligation $208,000 $208,000 $202,000 401-7901-53402 Principal --Note Payment 10,025 10,025 9,730 401-7901-53403 Interest -- Note Payment 1,080 1,080 1,374 401 -7901-53409 Bond lnterest--General Obligation 109,958 109,958 115,832 401 -7901-53433 Bond lnterest--Jail Expansion 0 0 0 401-7901-53435 Bond Principal--Jail Expansion 0 0 0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $329,063 $329,063 $328,936

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BALANCE AVAILABLE $27,500 $17,952 $37,864 REVENUES: 601-46112 Zanesville Aviation Rent $8,400 $8,400 $8,400 601 -4611 7 Farm Land Rent 5,680 5,680 0 601 -48101 Transfer from General Fund 169,918 169,918 155,050 601-49199 Miscellaneous Revenues 9,550 9,550 9,190

TOTAL RECEIPTS $193,548 $193,548 $172,640

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $221,048 $21 1,500 $210,504

APPROPRIATIONS: 601-6311 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 601-6311 -521 Employee Benefits $21,434 $21,434 $16,956 601-6311-57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 15,000 15,000 20,354

TOTAL $36,434 $36,434 $37,310

601-6411 AIRPORT OPERATIONS 601-6411 -510 Salaries and Wages $103,569 $103,569 $105,154 601-6411-532 Contractual Services 25,997 25,997 23,680 601-6411 -533 Materials and Supplies 7,500 7,500 4,500 601-6411-53406 Insurance 9,000 9,000 8,698 601-6411 -544 Capital Outlay 24,548 15,000 0 601-6411-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 14,000 14,000 13,210

TOTAL $184,614 $175,066 $155,242

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $221,048 $211,500 $192,552

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BALANCE AVAILABLE $55,000 $66,699 $66,954

REVENUES: 602-45101 Sale of Assets $0 $0 $1,772 602-46161 Care of Veterans' Field 4,500 4,500 4,550 602-46163 Interments 30,000 30,000 35,159 602-46164 Pre-Need Income 5,000 5,000 1,215 602-48101 Transfer from General Fund 426,921 426,921 303,695 602-49103 Endowment Interest Income 9,484 9,484 4,300 602-49105 Trust Fund Interest Income 40,000 40,000 41,950 602-49199 Miscellaneous Revenues 15,000 15,000 20,385

TOTAL RECEIPTS $530,905 $530,905 $413,026

TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $585,905 $597,604 $479,980

APPROPRIATIONS: 602-2171 CEMETERY OPERATIONS 602-2171-510 Salaries and Wages $302,594 $302,594 $204,740 602-2171-532 Contractual Services 86,065 86,065 26,870 602-2171 -533 Materials and Supplies 16,000 16,000 10,938 602-2171-53406 Insurance 7,000 7,000 3,855 602-2171-544 Capital Outlay 25,301 37,000 8,360 602-2171-56116 Cemetery Trust Projects 25,000 25,000 24,549 602-2171-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 23,000 23,000 22,012

TOTAL $484,960 $496,659 $301,324

602-2311 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 602-2311-521 Employee Benefits $54,345 $54,345 $32,992 602-231 1-57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 46,600 46,600 78,964

TOTAL $100,945 $100,945 $111,956

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $585,905 $597,604 $413,280

Page 2 1 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01 /2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 603 WATER OPERATING FUND BALANCE AVAILABLE $1,250,000 $1,569,455 $1,300,674 REVENUES: 603-41117 Special Assessment Tax $25,600 $25,600 $10,141 603-45101 Sale of Assets 15,000 15,000 463 603-46108 Credit Card Convenience Fee 15,000 15,000 16,157 603-46120 Late Charges 76,000 76,000 81,287 603-46121 Water Charges 5,100,000 5,010,000 5,139,235 603-46129 Metering and Billing Charges 300,000 300,000 300,000 603-46131 Walnut Drive Capital Recovery 700 700 705 603-46132 Calvert Street Capital Recovery 3,000 3,000 2,452 603-46199 Miscellaneous Charges 212,722 212,722 280,210 603-49170 Security Deposit Revenue 27,000 27,000 12,747 603-49199 Miscellaneous Revenues 148,602 148,602 130,018 603-49250 Unapplied Credits 5,000 5,000 334

TOTAL RECEIPTS $5,928,624 $5,838,624 $5,973,749

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $7,178,624 $7,408,079 $7,274,423

APPROPRIATIONS: 603-5311 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 603-5311-521 Employee Benefits $287,076 $287,076 $268,116 603-5311 -57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 750,000 800,000 698,038

TOTAL $1,037,076 $1,087,076 $966,154

603-5470 WATER OPERATIONS 603-5470-510 Salaries and Wages $1,325,723 $1,325,723 $1,323,886 603-5470-532 Contractual Services 1,243,959 1,243,959 912,959 603-5470-533 Materials and Supplies 523,698 523,698 388,606 603-5470-53402 Principal Note Payment 574,765 574,765 517,450 603-54 70-53403 Interest Note Payment 243,179 243,179 251 ,139 603-5470-53406 Insurance 38,000 38,000 33,327 603-5470-53407 Security Deposit Refund 22,900 22,900 0 603-5470-53408 Claims 10,000 10,000 0 603-5470-53428 Vehicle Lease Payment 127,000 127,000 0 603-5470-53431 Customer Refunds 27,000 27,000 0 603-5470-53434 Contingencies 300,759 480,214 0 603-5470-544 Capital Outlay 571,000 571,000 317,211 603-5470-55609 Trf to Water Capital Improvement Fund 200,000 200,000 100,000 603-5470-5561 1 Trf to Municipal Water Improvement Fund 329,462 329,462 362,458 603-5470-56108 County Auditor!Treasurer Fees 2,000 2,000 0 603-5470-56109 Deliquent Real Estate Tax Fees 1,000 1,000 124 603-5470-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 137,000 137,000 109,736

TOTAL $5,677,445 $5,856,900 $4,316,896

603-5471 UTILITY BILLING & ACCOUNTING 603-5471 -510 Salaries and Wages $320,416 $320,416 $292,642 603-5471 -532 Contractual Services 131,200 131,200 120,461 603-5471 -533 Materials and Supplies 12,487 12,487 7,225 603-5471-544 Capital Outlay 0 0 1,589

TOTAL $464,103 $464,103 $421,917

TOTAL APPROPRIATI ON $7,178,624 $7,408,079 $5,704,967

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BALANCE AVAILABLE $1,750,000 $2,052,771 $1,558,920

REVENUES: 604-411 17 Special Assessment Tax $20,000 $20,000 $19,562 604-45101 Sale of Assets 50,000 50,000 44,362 604-46108 Credit Card Convenience Fees 12,000 12,000 16,157 604-46120 Late Charges 62,000 62,000 72,601 604-46122 Sewer Charges 5,864,099 5,864,099 6,246,837 604-46124 Sewer Assessment Payments 260 260 250 604-46199 Miscellaneous Charges 423,000 423,000 326,354

TOTAL RECEIPTS $6,431,359 $6,431,359 $6,726,123

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $8,181,359 $8,484,130 $8,285,043

APPROPRIATIONS: 604-5311 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 604-5311 -521 Employee Benefits $305,462 $305,462 $280,447 604-531 1-57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 843,350 843,350 637,082

TOTAL $1,148,812 $1,148,812 $917,529

604-5450 SEWER OPERATIONS 604-5450-510 Salaries and Wages $1,754,558 $1,754,558 $1,553,137 604-5450-532 Contractual Services 1,880,885 1,880,885 1,398,817 604-5450-533 Materials and Supplies 885,000 885,000 473,462 604-5450-53402 Principal Note Payment 859,279 859,279 809,983 604-5450-53403 Interest Note Payment 353,389 353,389 374,360 604-5450-53406 Insurance 41 ,200 41,200 37,877 604-5450-53408 Claims 10,000 10,000 1,965 604-5450-53431 Customer Refunds 19,000 19,000 0 604-5450-53434 Contingencies 395,636 698,407 0 604-5450-544 Capital Outlay 150,000 150,000 64,483 604-5450-55610 Trf to Sewer Capital Equipment Fund 300,000 300,000 333,000 604-5450-55612 Trf to Sewer System Construction Fund 300,000 300,000 182,000 604-5450-561 08 County Auditor/Treasurer Fees 2,100 2,100 0 604-5450-56109 Deliquent Real Estate Tax Fees 1,000 1,000 251 604-5450-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 80,500 80,500 85,408

TOTAL $7,032,547 $7,335,318 $5,314,743

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $8,181,359 $8,484,130 $6,232,272

Page 23 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01 /01 /2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 608 STORM SEWER FUND

BALANCE AVAILABLE $500,000 $193,729 ($94,789)

REVENUES: 608-46126 Storm Sewer Charges $1 ,124,175 $1,124,175 $799,723 608-49192 Loan Proceeds 0 0 489,039

TOTAL RECEIPTS $1,124,175 $1 ,124,175 $1 ,288,762

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $1 ,624,175 $1,317,904 $1,193,973

APPROPRIATIONS: 608-531 1 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 608-5311-521 Employee Benefits $0 $0 $0 608-5311-57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 0 0 0

TOTAL $0 $0 $0

608-5462 STORM SEWER OPERATIONS 608-5462-51000 Salaries & Wages $0 $0 $0 608-5462-532 Contractual Services 886,392 836,392 671 ,244 608-5462-533 Materials & Supplies 150,000 100,000 0 608-5462-53402 Note Principal Payment 221 ,233 221,233 214,236 608-5462-53403 Note Interest Payment 16,009 16,009 23,002 608-5462-53428 Vehicle Lease Payment 15,688 15,688 15,688 608-5462-53428 Contingencies 284,853 78,582 0 608-5462-53440 lnterfund Payable 0 0 49,710 608-5462-54448 Operating Equipment 50,000 50,000 26,364

TOTAL $1,624,175 $1,317,904 $1 ,000,244

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $1,624,175 $1,317,904 $1 ,000,244


BALANCE AVAILABLE $2,171 $119,386 $244,000

REVENUES: 609-48603 Transfer from Water Fund $200,000 $200,000 $100,000

TOTAL RECEIPTS $200,000 $200,000 $100,000

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $202,171 $319,386 $344,000

APPROPRIATIONS: 609-5475-54431 Trucks $0 $0 $0 609-5475-54448 Operating Equipment 202,171 319,386 224,614

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $202,171 $319,386 $224,614

Page 24 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01 /01 /2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 610 SEWER CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND

BALANCE AVAILABLE $24,601 $1 49,044 $42,322

REVENUES: 610-48604 Transfer from Sewer Fund $300,000 $300,000 $333,000

TOTAL RECEIPTS $300,000 $300,000 $333,000

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $324,601 $449,044 $375,322

APPROPRIATIONS: 610-5455-53428 Vehicle Lease Payment $168,000 $168,000 $53,057 610-5455-54448 Operating Equipment 156,601 281,044 173,221

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $324,601 $449,044 $226,278


BALANCE AVAILABLE $1 00,000 $100,000 $100,000

REVENUES: 61 1-48603 Transfer from Water Fund $329,462 $329,462 $362,458 611-491 92 OWDA Loan Proceeds 1,526,000 1,526,000 459,572 611 -49196 State Grants 563,000 563,000 137,303

TOTAL RECEIPTS $2,418,462 $2,418,462 $959,333

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $2,518,462 $2,518,462 $1,059,333

APPROPRIATIONS: 611-5473-53225 Engineering Fees $318,000 $318,000 $68,006 611-5473-53310 Repair and Cleaning Water Wells 75,000 75,000 41 ,760 611-54 73-53402 Note Principal Payment 115,711 11 5,711 79,731 611-5473-53403 Note Interest Payment 31,389 31,389 23,455 611-5473 -53410 Bond Principal Payment 0 0 0 611-5473-5341 8 Bond Interest Payment 0 0 0 611-5473-54457 Water Main Replacements 197,000 197,000 142,933 611 -5473-54458 Water System Improvements 1,781,362 1,781,362 603,448

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $2,518,462 $2,518,462 $959,333


BALANCE AVAILABLE $140,000 $326,453 $215,999

REVENUES: 612-48604 Transfer from Sewer Fund $300,000 $300,000 $182,000 612-49192 Loan Proceeds 1,742,000 1,742,000 199,500

TOTAL RECEIPTS $2,042,000 $2,042,000 $381,500

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $2,182,000 $2,368,453 $597,499

APPROPRIATIONS: 612-5453-53225 Engineering Fees $147,000 $147,000 $42,659 612-5453-54465 Sewer System Improvements 1,632,651 1,819,104 0 612-5453-54499 Miscellaneous Capital Outlay 402,349 402,349 228,387

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $2,182,000 $2,368,453 $271,046



BALANCE AVAILABLE $2,950,000 $2,851,613 $2,636,875

REVENUES: 613-46122 Sewer Charges $631,000 $631,000 $605,477 613--49192 Loan Proceeds 6,000,000 6,000,000 0

TOTAL RECEIPTS $6,631,000 $6,631,000 $605,477

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $9,581,000 $9,482,613 $3,242,352

APPROPRIATIONS: 613-5453-532 Contractual Services $550,000 $550,000 $206,476 613-5453-53402 Note Principal Payment 140,475 140,475 130,798 613-5453-53403 Note Interest Payment 164 164 808 613-5453-544 Capital Outlay 8,890,361 8,791,974 52,656

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $9,581,000 $9,482,613 $390,738

Page 26 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01 /2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1 ) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 615 AIRPORT CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND

BALANCE AVAILABLE $97,000 $176,699 $291,796

REVENUES: 615-46188 Land Leases & Rental Charges $3,000 $3,000 $2,612 615-48101 Trf Frm General Fund 0 0 62,500 615-49196 State Grants 147,000 224,777 103,978 615-49197 Federal Grants 350,000 603,000 107,618

TOTAL RECEI PTS $500,000 $830,777 $276,708

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $597,000 $1,007,476 $568,504

APPROPRIATIONS: 615-6415-54413 Airport Improvements $554,753 $965,229 $391,805 61 5-6415-54498 Capital Improvement Reserve $42,247 $42,247 $0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $597,000 $1,007,476 $391,805 c:,rsroc:,rsroc:,rsroc:,rsro=c:,rsro=c,sllO)(,gtuc,sro<,1roc:,rsroc:,rsroc:,rsroc:,rsroc:,rsrowwc:,rsroc:,rsrowwC6ro===<:8roCl!!lu=0.n


BALANCE AVAILABLE $100,000 $96,383 $111,858

REVENUES: 620-46106 Auditorium Charges $45,000 $45,000 $67,302 620-46108 Credit Card Convenience Fee 1,250 1,250 1,470 620-46138 Ticket Sales-Reimbursable 20,000 20,000 39,622 620-48101 Transfer from General Fund 250,185 253,802 205,677 620-49109 Gifts & Donations 0 0 0 620-49199 Miscellaneous Revenues 6,500 6,500 5,270

TOTAL RECEIPTS $322,935 $326,552 $319,341

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $422,935 $422,935 $431 ,199

APPROPRIATIONS: 620-3261 AUDITORIUM OPERATIONS 620-3261-510 Salaries and Wages $108,107 $108,107 $97,792 620-3261-532 Contractual Services 205,106 205,106 123,282 620-3261-533 Materials and Supplies 20,000 20,000 11,378 620-3261-53406 Insurance 11,000 11,000 9,155 620-3261 -544 Capital Outlay 30,000 30,000 21,913

TOTAL $374,213 $374,213 $263,520

620-3311 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 620-3311-521 Employee Benefits $23,722 $23,722 $17,297 620-3311-57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 25,000 25,000 53,998

TOTAL $48,722 $48,722 $71,295

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $422,935 $422,935 $334,815

Page 27 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01/2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 {Exhibit #1) BU DGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019


BALANCE AVAILABLE $700,000 $438,661 $322,015 REVENUES: 650-45101 Sale of Assets $0 $0 $47,596 650-46104 Commercial Refuse Charges 47,000 47,000 42,839 650-46108 Credit Card Convenience Fees 8,000 8,000 8,079 650-46140 Sanitation Surcharge 1,960,000 1,960,000 1,942,203 650-49196 State Grants 100,000 100,000 100,000 650-49199 Miscellaneous Revenues 60,000 60,000 56,151

TOTAL RECEIPTS $2,175,000 $2,175,000 $2,196,868

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $2,875,000 $2,613,661 $2,518,883

APPROPRIATIONS: 650-5311 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 650-5311-521 Employee Benefits $144,763 $144,763 $108,536 650-5311-57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 250,000 260,000 292,140

TOTAL $394,763 $404,763 $400,676

650-5481 SANITATION OPERATIONS 650-5481-510 Salaries and Wages $741,555 $741,555 $678,294 650-5481-532 Contractual Services 757,284 757,284 642,032 650-5481-533 Materials and Supplies 75,000 75,000 32,275 650-5481 -53406 Insurance 7,700 7,700 7,355 650-5481-53434 Contingencies 315,359 305,359 0 650-5481-544 Miscellaneous Capital Outlay 486,339 225,000 225,115 650-5481-5701 Reimbursements to Vehicle Maintenance 97,000 97,000 94,475

TOTAL $2,480,237 $2,208,898 $1,679,546

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $2,875,000 $2,613,661 $2,080,222



BALANCE AVAILABLE $60,000 $42,945 $96,874 REVENUES: 652-461 40 Sanitation Surcharge $105,000 $105,000 $107,490

TOTAL RECEIPTS $105,000 $105,000 $107,490

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $165,000 $147,945 $204,364

APPROPRIATIONS: 652-5491-53428 Vehicle Lease Payment $72,534 $72,534 $127,323 652-5491 -544 Capital Outlay 92,466 75,411 34,096

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $165,000 $147,945 $161,419

Page 28 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01/2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019


BALANCE AVAILABLE $28,000 $124,493 $26,900

REVENUES: 700-45101 Sale of Assets $0 $0 $1,274 700-46139 Labor Charges 54g,11s 549,118 488,982 700-46170 Other Government Fuel Charges 112,000 112,000 120,600

700-47101 Reimbursement from General Fund $71,500 $71,500 $48,867 700-47201 Reimbursement from Police Fund 166,110 166,110 167,282 700-47202 Reimbursement from Auto Gas Fund 96,500 96,500 92,1 48 700-47260 Reimbursement from Jail Reduction Fund 500 500 336 700-47270 Reimbursement from Fire Operating Fund 44,581 44,581 70,690 700-47601 Reimbursement from Airport Fund 14,000 14,000 13,210 700-47602 Reimbursement from Cemetery Fund 23,000 23,000 22,012 700-47603 Reimbursement from Water Fund 137,000 137,000 109,736 700-47604 Reimbursement from Sewer Fund 80,500 80,500 85,408 700-47650 Reimbursement from Sanitation Fund 97,000 97,000 94,475

700-48101 Transfer from General Fund $179,191 $124,079 $264,61 1 700-49199 Miscellaneous Revenues 29,000 29,000 30,314

TOTAL RECEIPTS $1,600,000 $1,544,888 $1,609,945

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $1,628,000 $1,669,381 $1,636,845

APPROPRIATIONS: 700-7311 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 700-7311-521 Employee Benefits $97,805 $97,805 $67,843 700-7311-57020 Reimbursement to Self Insurance Fund 130,000 135,000 159,348

TOTAL $227,805 $232,805 $227,191

700-7631 VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 700-7631-510 Salaries and Wages $407,292 $407,292 $384,666 700-7631-532 Contractual Services 54,000 54,000 36,098 700-7631-533 Materials and Supplies 848,453 889,834 787,099 700-7631-53406 Insurance 5,950 5,950 4,345 700-7631-544 Capital Outlay 84,500 79,500 72,953

TOTAL $1,400,195 $1,436,576 $1,285,161

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $1,628,000 $1,669,381 $1,512,352

Page 29 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01 /01/2021 - 03/31 /2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 750 SELF INSURANCE FUND

BALANCE AVAILABLE $918,000 $910,967 $907,193

REVENUES: 750-47101 Reimbursement from General Fund $900,000 $1 ,000,000 $961,230 750-47201 Reimbursement from Police Fund 912,705 972,705 1,218,023 750-47202 Reimbursement from Auto Gas Fund 260,000 270,000 185,266 750-47250 Reimbursement from Jail Operating Fund 400,000 500,000 455,173 750-47260 Reimbursement from Jail Reduction Fund 50,000 50,000 67,535 750-47270 Reimbursement from Fire Operating Fund 744,119 754,119 667,482 750-47304 Reimbursement from C.D. Admin. Fund 20,000 20,000 8,808 750-47601 Reimbursement from Airport Fund 15,000 15,000 20,354 750-47602 Reimbursement from Cemetery Fund 46,600 46,600 78,964 750-47603 Reimbursement from Water Fund 750,000 800,000 698,038 750-47604 Reimbursement from Sewer Fund 843,350 843,350 637,082 750-47608 Reimbursement from Storm Sewer Fund 0 0 0 750-47620 Reimbursement from Auditorium Fund 25,000 25,000 53,998 750-47650 Reimbursement from Sanitation Fund 250,000 260,000 292,140 750-47700 Reimbursement from Vehicle Maint. Fund 130,000 135,000 159,348

750-49199 Miscellaneous Revenues 0 0 6,935

TOTAL RECEIPTS $5,346,774 $5,691 ,774 $5,510,376

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $6,264,774 $6,602,741 $6,417,569

APPROPRIATIONS: 750-7641-53240 Claims $5,520,485 $5,833,452 $4,981,854 750-7641 -53299 Miscellaneous Contracts 744,289 769,289 524,748

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $6,264,774 $6,602,741 $5,506,602

Page 30 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 0110112021 - 0313112021 ORDINANCE #2020-1 49 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 801 FIRE PENSION FUND


REVENUES: 801-411 02 Real Estate Taxes $124,686 $121,054 $1 15,168 801-46101 Outside Fire Contracts 1,000 1,000 81 1

TOTAL RECEIPTS $125,686 $122,054 $115,979

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $125,686 $122,054 $115,979

APPROPRIATIONS: 801-1 041-52104 Fire Pension $125,686 $122,054 $11 5,979

TOT AL APPROPRIATION $125,686 $122,054 $115,979




REVENUES: 802-41102 Real Estate Taxes $124,686 $121,054 $115,168

TOTAL RECEIPTS $124,686 $121,054 $115,168

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $124,686 $121,054 $115,168

APPROPRIATIONS: 802-1 111-52103 Police Pension $124,686 $121,054 $115,168

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $124,686 $121,054 $115,168


BALANCE AVAILABLE $40,000 $27,174 $32,640

REVENUES: 810-44105 Computer Court Fees $50,000 $50,000 $47,932 810-49196 State Grants 12,289 0

TOTAL RECEIPTS $50,000 $62,289 $47,932

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $90,000 $89,463 $80,572

APPROPRIATIONS: 810-7721-532 Contractual Services $47,174 $47,174 $35,087 810-7721-533 Materials and Supplies 30,000 30,000 18,312 810-7721-544 Capital Outlay 12,826 12,289 0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $90,000 $89,463 $53,399



BALANCE AVAILABLE $300,000 $294,475 $252,847

REVENUES: 812-44101 Court Fines and Costs $65,000 $65,000 $66,000

TOT AL RECEIPTS $65,000 $65,000 $66,000

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $365,000 $359,475 $318,847

APPROPRIATIONS: 812-7721-532 Contractual Services $185,338 $179,813 $21,524 812-7721-533 Materials and Supplies 179,662 179,662 2,848

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $365,000 $359,475 $24,372

Page 32 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01/2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 820 MANDA TORY DRUG FINES FUND BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019

BALANCE AVAILABLE $166,000 $78,755 $68,551

REVENUES: 820-44103 Mandatory Drug Fines $30,000 $30,000 $41,247 820-45101 Sale of Assets 90,000 71,1 00 5,332

TOTAL RECEIPTS $120,000 $101,100 $46,579

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $286,000 $179,855 $115,130

APPROPRIATIONS: 820-1111 -532 Contractual Services $31,645 $25,500 $17,500 820-1111-54448 Operating Equipment 254,355 154,355 18,875

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $286,000 $179,855 $36,375



BALANCE AVAILABLE $38,129 $45,302 $54,360

REVENUES: 821 -44102 Seizures and Forfeitures $20,000 $20,000 $0

TOTAL RECEIPTS $20,000 $20,000 $0

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $58,129 $65,302 $54,360

APPROPRIATIONS: 821-1111-53293 Other Law Enforcement $53,129 $60,302 $9,058 821-1111 -53395 Community Education/Prevention 5,000 5,000 0

TOTA L APPROPRIATION $58,129 $65,302 $9,058

Page 33 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01/2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 822 FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUND


REVENUES: 822-44102 Seizures and Forfeitures $50 $50 $0 822-49101 Interest Income 50 50 2

TOTAL RECEIPTS $100 $100 $2

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $100 $100 $18,705

APPROPRIATIONS: 822-1111-54448 Operating Equipment $100 $100 $18,705

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $100 $100 $18,705



REVENUES: 823-49197 Federal Grants $10,500 $10,250 $10,228

TOTAL RECEIPTS $10,500 $10,250 $10,228

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $10,500 $10,250 $10,228

APPROPRIATIONS: 823-1111-54448 Operating Equipment $10,500 $10,250 $10,228

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $10,500 $10,250 $10,228


BALANCE AVAILABLE $20,000 $19,537 $19,356

REVENUES: 824-49188 Stale Dated Checks $1,000 $1,000 $2,008

TOTAL RECEIPTS $1,000 $1,000 $2,008

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $21,000 $20,537 $21,364

APPROPRIATIONS: 824-7141-55101 Transfer to General Fund $3,500 $3,500 $1,827 824-7141 -56156 Stale Dated Check Liability 17,500 17,037 0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $21 ,000 $20,537 $1,827

Page 34 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01/2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019


BALANCE AVAILABLE $9,222 * $9,222 $9,222

REVENUES: 825-49131 U.S. Treasury Note Interest $100 $100 $0

TOTAL RECEIPTS $100 $100 $0

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $9,322 $9,322 $9,222

APPROPRIATIONS: 825-2171-54498 Capital Improvement Reserve $9,322 $9,322 $0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $9,322 $9,322 $0

*Balance Available does not include $10,000 considered to be the non-expendable portion of the trust.


BALANCE AVAILABLE $48,000 $34,657 $38,623

REVENUES: 826-49190 Bid Bonds $40,000 $80,000 $57,027

TOTAL RECEIPTS $40,000 $80,000 $57,027

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $88,000 $114,657 $95,650

APPROPRIATIONS: 826-7131-53432 Bid Bond Refunds $88,000 $114,657 $60,993

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $88,000 $114,657 $60,993

Page 35 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01 /01 12021 - 03/3112021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 829 BAUGHMAN LEGACY FUND BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019

BALANCE AVAILABLE $3,346 * $3,346 $3,346

REVENUES: 829-49126 CD Interest Income $100 $100 $0

TOTAL RECEIPTS $100 $100 $0

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $3,446 $3,446 $3,346

APPROPRIATIONS: 829-2171-54498 Capital Improvement Reserve $3,446 $3,446 $0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $3,446 $3,446 $0

*Balance Available does not include $2,000 considered to be the non-expendable portion of the trust.



REVENUES: 832-41120 JEDD Income Tax - Washington Township $2,450,000 $0

TOTAL RECEIPTS $2,450,000 $0 $0

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $2,450,000 $0 $0

APPROPRIATIONS: 832-7833-532 Contractual Services $0 $0 $0 834-7833-534 Revenue Sharing - Washington Township $2,450,000 832-7833-544 Capital Outlay 0 0 0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $2,450,000 $0 $0

Page 36 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01/2021 • 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 834 SPRINGFIELD JEDD FUND BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019


REVENUES: 834-41121 JEDD Income Tax - Springfield Township $55,000 $0 $0

TOTAL RECEIPTS $55,000 $0 $0


APPROPRIATIONS: 834-7833-532 Contractual SeNices $0 $0 $0 834-7833-534 Revenue Sharing - Springfield Township $55,000 834-7833-544 Capital Outlay 0 0 0




REVENUES: 836-411 22 JEDD Income Tax - Newton Township $190,000 $0 $0

TOTAL RECEIPTS $190,000 $0 $0


APPROPRIATIONS: 836-7833-532 Contractual Services $0 $0 $0 836-7833-534 Revenue Sharing - Newton Township $190,000 836-7833-544 Capital Outlay 0 0 0


Page 37 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01/2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019



REVENUES: 838-41123 JEDD Income Tax - Perry Township $150,000 838-49192 Loan Proceeds 0 $1,550,000 $0

TOTAL RECEIPTS $150,000 $1,550,000 $0

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $150,000 $1,550,000 $0

APPROPRIATIONS: 838-7833-532 Contractual Services $0 $50,000 $0 838-7833-534 Revenue Sharing - Perry Township $150,000 838-7833-544 Capital Outlay 0 1,500,000 0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $150,000 $1,550,000 $0 wrowrowrowrowrowrowrowro~ro~rowrowrowrowrowrowrowro~ro~~row=wrowrowroc;srow=~


BALANCE AVAILABLE $21,665 $14,125 $6,586

REVENUES: 841 -41 130 Tax Exemption Revenue $7,540 $7,540 $7,539

TOTAL RECEIPTS $7,540 $7,540 $7,539

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $29,205 $21,665 $14,125

APPROPRIATIONS: 841-7832-56110 Restricted Funds $29,205 $21,665 $0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $29,205 $21 ,665 $0


BALANCE AVAILABLE $47,921 $28,136 $15,854

REVENUES: 842-41130 Tax Exemption Revenue $41,200 $41,200 $41,937

TOTAL RECEIPTS $41,200 $41,200 $41,937

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $89,121 $69,336 $57,791

APPROPRIATIONS: 842-7832-56110 Restricted Funds $89,121 $69,336 $29,655

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $89,121 $69,336 $29,655


BALANCE AVAILABLE $540,000 $653,503 $591,594

REVENUES: 844-41 130 Tax Exemption Revenue $505,717 $505,717 $505,716

TOTAL RECEIPTS $505,717 $505,717 $505,716

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $1,045,717 $1,159,220 $1,097,310

APPROPRIATIONS: 844-7832-53402 Principal Note Payment $151,593 $151,593 $147,144 844-7832-53403 Interest Note Payment 76,299 76,299 80,744 844-7832-56110 Restricted Funds 817,825 931,328 215,919

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $1,045,717 $1,159,220 $443,807

Page 39 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01/2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019


BALANCE AVAILABLE $64,498 $48,452 $32,178

REVENUES: 847-41130 Tax Exemption Revenue $16,274 $16,274 $16,273

TOTAL RECEIPTS $16,274 $16,274 $16,273

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $80,772 $64,726 $48,451

APPROPRIATIONS: 847-7832-56110 Restricted Funds $80,772 $64,726 $0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $80,772 $64,726 $0



BALANCE AVAILABLE $89,105 $170,634 $138,940

REVENUES: 850-46162 Sale of Lots $40,000 $32,500 $31 ,695

TOTAL RECEIPTS $40,000 $32,500 $31,695

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $129,105 $203,134 $170,635

APPROPRIATIONS: 850-2171-544 Capital Outlay $129,105 $203,134 $0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $129,105 $203,134 $0

Page 40 of 41 THE CITY OF ZANESVILLE TEMPORARY BUDGET 01/01/2021 - 03/31/2021 ORDINANCE #2020-149 (Exhibit #1) BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019 851 CEMETERY ENDOWMENT FUND BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL 2021 2020 2019

BALANCE AVAILABLE $678,000 $676,108 $671,882

REVENUES: 851 -46160 Perpetual Care $4,000 $4,000 $3,522 851-46164 Pre-Need Income 1,000 1,000 2,570

TOTAL RECEIPTS $5,000 $5,000 $6,092

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $683,000 $681 ,108 $677,974

APPROPRIATIONS: 851-2171-53270 Pre-Need Trust Expenses $10,000 $10,000 $1 ,865 851-2171-544 Capital Outlay 286,583 286,583 0 851-2171 -56110 Restricted Funds 386,417 384,525 0

TOTAL APPROPRIATION $683,000 $681,108 $1,865

Page 41 of 41 Ways and Means Committee Ann Gildow, Chair



WHEREAS, Ordinance #2020-122 presently governs the pay and benefit policies for unaffiliated employees of the City of Zanesville; and

WHEREAS, the City has determined that summary information concerning employment benefits plans and policies for unaffiliated employees should be set forth in an Employee Handbook and Policy Manual, rather than by an annual ordinance; and

WHEREAS, other terms and conditions of the previous Employee Handbook have been added and amended as deemed necessary for the effective operation of the City; and

WHEREAS, Council for the City of Zanesville believes it is necessary to amend and update the Employee Handbook for public employees of the City of Zanesville; and

WHEREAS, without expedited approval of the Employee Handbook attached hereto, many City employees will be without benefits and governing policy to start the new calendar year. Therefore, it is in the best interest of the City and its employees to have this ordinance passed as an emergency, to preserve the health, safety, and welfare of our citizens and employees.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Council for the City of Zanesville, State of Ohio, that:

SECTION ONE: Council for the City of Zanesville hereby adopts the updated and amended City of Zanesville Employee Handbook which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated as though fully rewritten herein by reference. The Employee Handbook attached hereto supersedes and replaces all prior versions and drafts. All provisions of Ordinances and/or Resolutions in conflict with this Ordinance and Employee Handbook attached hereto shall be and are hereby amended in accordance with this Ordinance.

SECTION TWO: For the reasons stated above, this ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure. Provided it receives the affirmative votes of six (6) or more members of Council, this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval of the Mayor. Otherwise, it shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

Ord #2020-150 Page 1 of2 SECTION THREE: It is hereby found and determined that all formal actions of this Council concerning and relating to the passage of this Ordinance were adopted in an open meeting of Council, and that all deliberations of the Council and any of the decision-making bodies of the City of Zanesville which resulted in such formal actions were in meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements of the State of Ohio.

PASSED: ----~ 2020

Susan Culbertson Daniel Vincent Clerk of Council President of Council

APPROVED: ----~ 2020 This legislation approved as to form:

Donald Mason, Mayor David Tarbert, City Law Director

Ord #2020-1 50 Page 2 of2 Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150 Employee Handbook Summary of Changes

Page Update

1. Front Page UPDATED logo

2. 5.2 25 VACATION • Inserted verbiage from current Unaffiliated Ordinance • All nonunion unaffiliated employees, will earn vacation according to the same schedule. Updated Vacation Schedule. • Added verbiage: Appointed salary positions will not accrue vacation but are guaranteed a minimum of three (3) weeks' vacation per year.

In the current unaffiliated ordinance, there are two vacation schedules. One for Schedule A, one for Schedule S.

Current Schedules

Schedule A Schedules

Vacation Hours Accrued Vacation Hours Accrued Years of Service Years of Service Per Pay Period Worked Per Pay Period Worked

First Year 3.08 hours 0-5 Years 3.10 hours

After 1 Years 3.39 hours After 5 Years 4.60 hours

After 5 Years 4.26 hours After 10 Years 5.54 hours

After 10 Years 5.18 hours After 15 Years 6.2 hours

After 15 Years 6.10 hours After 20 years 6.815 hours

After 20 Years 6.72 hours

Since we are moving to one pay scale, we will only need one vacation schedule, as we will no longer have a pay schedule A and pay schedule S.

Here is the new vacation schedule for Unaffiliated employees.

Vacation Hours Accrued Years of Service Per Pay Period Worked

First Year 3.10 hours

After 1 Years 3.39 hours

After 5 Years 4.60 hours

After 10 Years 5.54 hours

After 15 Years 6.20 hours

After 20 Years 6.815 hours

This option is a hybrid of the schedule A & S. All current unaffiliated on Schedule A would benefit from additional vacation earning. Employees on the current S schedule would not lose anything and it will be the easiest for payroll to maintain. .'~nachmc:nt to Ordinance No. 2 02 0-15 O Employee Handbook Summary of Changes

Section Page U~date 3. 7.2 42 Health Benefits • Updated effective date. As of December 1, 2020, a new employee will no longer need to wait 60 days for their medical benefits to be effective. They will have insurance on day 1 of their employment. • In the 2nd paragraph of section 7.2, added the sentence explaining the dollar ~ mount employees will receive for insurance stipend • Added Health Care Committee section 4. 5.1 24 Holidays • Added verbiage from Unaffiliated Ordinance s. 4.2 23 Overtime Compensation • Added verbiage from Unaffiliated Ordinance 6. 7.9 47 Mileage Reimbursement • ACldE'd verb,age from Unaffiliated Ordinance

7. 7.10 47 Uniform Allowance • Acdea vero1age from Unaffiliated Ord inance Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150


EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

1 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

Table of Contents

1 Introduction & Provisions ...... 4 1.1 Introduction/Disclaimer ...... 4 1.2 Human Resources Objective ...... 5 1.3 Employment Eligibility ...... 6 1.4 Civil Service Commission ...... 6 1.5 Pay and Benefits Ordinance ...... 7 1.6 Collective Bargaining ...... 8 1. 7 Civil Service Law and City Management Rights ...... 8 2 Workplace Standards & Ethics ...... 9 2. 1 Equal Opportunity ...... 9 2.2 Americans with Disabilities (ADA) & Reasonable Accommodation ...... 9 2.3 Genetic Information Non Discrimination Act (GINA) ...... 9 2.4 Commitment to Diversity ...... 9 2.5 Harassment in the Workplace ...... 10 2.6 Ethics of Public Employment ...... 12 2.7 Fraud Reporting ...... 13 2.8 Personnel Files ...... 13 2.9 Public Records ...... 14 2.10 Solicitation ...... 14 2.11 Employment of Relatives ...... 15 2.12 Outside Employment ...... 15 2. 13 Employee Fraternization ...... 16 3 Workplace Safety ...... 16

3.1 Drug Free Workplace ...... 16 Required Testing ...... 17

Department of Public Service and Public Safety Drug & Alcohol Abuse Policy and Testing Program 18

3.2 Tobacco Policy - Smoke Free Workplace ...... 19 3.3 Workplace Violence Prevention ...... 20 3.4 Weapons in the Workplace ...... 20 3.4.1 Effect of Concealed Carry License ...... 21

3.4.2 Violations ...... 21

3.4.3 Exceptions ...... 21

3.5 Severe Weather ...... 21 4 Hours of Work ...... 23

4.1 Hours of Work ...... 23 4.2 Overtime Compensation ...... 23 5 Time Off/Leave of Absence Benefits ...... 24 5. 1 Holidays ...... 24 5.2 Vacation ...... 25 5.3 Sick/Bereavement ...... 26 2 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

5.4 Sick Leave Donation ...... 28 5.5 Personal Leave of Absence ...... 29 5.6 Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) ...... 29 5. 7 Jury Duty ...... 34 6 Employee Conduct, Responsibility, Discipline ...... 35 6.1 Employee Standards of Conduct & Responsibilities ...... 35 6.2 Discipline Reasons ...... 36 6.3 Discipline Procedure - Pre-Disciplinary Conference ...... 36 6.4 Administrative Leave ...... 37 6.5 Discipline Action and Penalties ...... 38 6.6 Prohibited Behavior ...... 38 6 .7 Classified Employee Appeals ...... 41 7 Employee Benefits ...... 42

7.1 Ordinance and Collective Bargaining Agreement...... 42 7.2 Health Benefits (lnsurance) ...... 42 7.3 Life Insurance/Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance ...... 43 7.4 Retirement Benefits (PERS/Police & Fire) ...... 43 7 .5 Deferred Compensation ...... 44 7.6 Longevity Pay ...... 45 7.7 Workers Compensation ...... 45 7.8 Tuition Reimbursement Program ...... 46 7.9 Mileage Reimbursement...... 47 7.10 Uniform Allowance...... 47 7.11 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) ...... 48 8 Computer and Technology Use, Cell Phones ...... 49 8.1 Information Technology Policy ...... 49 8.2 Internet Access, Email, Public Records ...... 50 8.3 Users, Employee Responsibilities ...... 51 8.4 Violations ...... 51 8.5 Email Use Policy ...... 52 8.6 Social Media ...... 52 8.7 Cellular Phone, Electronic Devices ...... 53 9 Important Telephone Numbers for City of Zanesville Employees ...... 55 10 Forms ...... 56 10.1 COZ Record of Instruction and Verbal Reprimand ...... 56 10.2 CO2 Written Reprimand ...... 57 10.3 COZ Notice of Pre-Disciplinary Conference ...... 58 10.4 COZ Disciplinary Action (Pay Reduction, Demotion, Suspension, Removalffermination) ...... 59 10.5 Employee Request for Leave Form ...... 60 10.6 Employee Acknowledgement ...... 62

This handbook was adopted on 5/1/2014 This handbook was updated on 4/1/2016 This handbook was updated on 10/1/2019 This handbook was updated on 10/6/2020

3 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

1 Introduction & Provisions

1.1 Introduction/Disclaimer

Welcome to the City of Zanesville! We are pleased that you have chosen to join our organization and hope that you will enjoy a long and successful career with us. As you become familiar with our culture and mission, we hope you will take advantage of opportunities to enhance your career and further the City of Zanesville's goals.

The City takes pride in its service to the citizens of Zanesville and the community, and believes that, first and foremost, we must be good citizens, set a good example, and fulfill our duties in a conscientious and courteous manner. In return, the City strives to provide a professional, positive, hands-on approach to managing its human resources.

This Employee Handbook addresses issues and policies of a city-wide nature. Individual departmental rules and polices remain applicable, such as Police, Fire and Services Departments for the functions and responsibilities of those departments.

The policies of this Employee Handbook are meant to be read in conjunction with any relevant department policies and rules. Administration will decide, should a conflict arise, which rule or policy should prevail. Employees are encouraged to bring to the attention of their Department Head and the Human Resources Manager any perceived conflicts between the employee handbook and department rules or policies.

Should any information in the handbook conflict with a collective bargaining agreement, the applicable bargaining agreement will take precedence.

This Employee Handbook was designed to help employees acquaint themselves with the City's policies and procedures. The City of Zanesville also reserves the right to interpret the information in this guide and to make determination of appropriate actions in all circumstances. If you have any questions regarding the interpretation or application of the contents of this handbook, you should direct them to your supervisor or to the Human Resources Department.

The information in this guide is not intended to create contractual obligation with respect to any matters it covers, nor is the guide intended to create a contract guaranteeing that you will be employed for any specific period of time.

The City of Zanesville reserves the right to revise and/or change, delete, suspend or discontinue parts or policy in its entirety, at any time without prior notice. Any such action shall apply to existing as well as future employees.

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1.2 Human Resources Objective

The mission of the human resource department is to support the goals and challenges of the City of Zanesville by providing services that promote a work environment that is characterized by fair treatment of staff, open communications, personal accountability, trust and mutual respect. We will seek and provide solutions to workplace issues that support and optimize the operating principles of the organization.

The City believes that a personnel system which recruits and retains competent, dependable employees is important to effective government.

It is the mission of the human resources department to provide the following quality services to the employees of the City of Zanesville:

• Recruitment of qualified individuals • Retention of valuable employees. Maintain recruitment and internal promotional practices which enhance the attractiveness of a career with the City and encourage each employee to give his/her best effort to the City and the public • Training, development and education to promote individual success and increase overall value to the organization • A safe and healthful working environment • Inspiration and encouragement for a high level of employee morale through recognition, effective communication and constant feedback • Promote high morale and foster good working relationships by providing uniform personnel policies and procedures, equal opportunity for advancement, and consideration for employee needs • Encourage courteous and dependable service to the public • Resources for administering benefits, policies and procedures • Ensure all City operations are conducted in an ethical and legal manner

These services are achieved through a team-work philosophy that is inspired through effective organizational skills, proactive efforts and maintaining a balance between professionalism and the ability to have fun!

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1.3 Employment Eligibility

All City employees are subject to applicable federal laws pertaining to citizenship and employment verification. In compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, each new employee, as a condition of employment, must complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form 1-9 and present acceptable documentation.

1.4 Civil Service Commission

The Pendelton Act, sponsored by Ohio Senator George H. Pendelton and signed January 16, 1883 by President Chester A. Arthur established the federal civil service system. The Civil Service Commission (CSC) of the City is composed of three (3) persons who are appointed and serve in the manner provided for in Section 124.40 of the Ohio Revised Code. Rules and Regulations are adopted in accordance with the authority conferred upon the Civil Service Commission by Section 10 of Article XV of the Constitution of the State of Ohio and by Chapter 124 of the Ohio Revised Code.

The CSC rules apply to all Civil Service matters within the jurisdiction of the CSC except to the extent these rules have been modified or superseded by the terms of a valid Collective Bargaining Agreement. Whenever the terms of a valid Collective Bargaining Agreement conflict with these rules, the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement will prevail. (See Ohio Revised Code 4117.10.)

The City follows the civil service laws of the Ohio Revised Code Chapter 124. The application, testing and original appointments to positions in the City are governed by the civil service laws and the rules of the City Civil Service Commission, CSC. The CSC has adopted its own rules which should be consulted.

Employees of the City are either "classified" or unclassified" under the civil service laws. Classified employees have civil service protection and continue to serve the City unless disciplined or laid off following civil service law provisions or the process under the applicable collective bargaining agreement. Unclassified employees are considered exempt from civil service law procedures and serve at the pleasure of the City and are considered "at will." Unclassified employees may be dismissed at any time.

Classified employees are prohibited from engaging in partisan political activity where unclassified employees may engage in partisan political activity. The rules of the CSC outline the prohibited political activity of employees of the City. A classification plan for the positions in the City is maintained by the CSC which lists the titles, and includes the job description, for all positions in the City.

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The CSC is responsible to make available applications for original employment testing.

Applicants and employees are responsible to accurately and completely provide information in the applications as well as submitting all required documentation, such as records or proof of licenses. Applicants may be disqualified from employment for inaccurate or incomplete applications and information. Employees will be held accountable and may be disciplined for inaccurate or incomplete information provided in an employment application. For example, if an employee inaccurately or falsely indicated on an employment application that he/she had a college degree the employee may be disciplined, up to discharge, for submitting the false information.

1.5.2. TESTING

When a vacant position is to be filled by a civil service examination the CSC will conduct the examination, rate and then rank the candidates who pass the examination on an eligible list. The CSC has rules and procedures for the examination process and the procedures to be followed to fill a vacancy. The CSC procedures apply to entry level positions.


The civil service laws provide for appeals of certain actions including layoffs and certain discipline matters for those employees who are classified and not included in a collective bargaining unit. For those employees who are included in a collective bargaining unit their appeal rights are set forth in the collective bargaining agreement.

The CSC provides for hearings of appeals. The CSC jurisdiction, and what appeals it may consider are set forth in the civil service laws. The CSC may not consider appeals or conduct hearings of issues or matters not included in the civil service laws.

1.5 Pay and Benefits Ordinance

The pay and benefits for Employees not included in a collective bargaining unit, i.e. unaffiliated employees, are established by the Administration and approved by the City Council in an ordinance. Pay and benefit questions are to be directed to the employee's Department Head.

The benefits included in the Ordinance which may be modified or eliminated by City Council, include: • Compensation/Pay Plan • Overtime Compensation • Holidays • Vacations • Sick Leave • Leaves of Absence • Longevity Pay • Insurance • Mileage Reimbursement

This handbook does not modify benefits provided by City Ordinance or provided in a union contract and does not grant additional benefits or compensation. This handbook simply provides guidelines and rules for use of these benefits by employees.

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1.6 Collective Bargaining

The pay and benefits for employees in positions included in a collective bargaining unit are provided for in the applicable collective bargaining agreement. Where an issue, benefit, or economic matter is addressed and included in a collective bargaining agreement the provision in the agreement will prevail over the provisions of this Employee Handbook. If questions arise, please contact the Human Resources Manager.

1.7 Civil Service Law and City Management Rights

As noted in the initial provisions of this Employee Handbook, many issues are addressed by the rules of the Civil Service Commission, or are included in civil service laws. Management of a City is responsible to administer many programs to serve the public. As such City Management has authority within the parameters of civil service law, union contracts and employment laws to administer the human resources of the City and its personnel.

Many topics and issues are not specifically addressed in this Employee Handbook nor should every topic be addressed. Those issues and situations will be addressed on an as-needed basis. Questions or comments regarding this Handbook or any other related issue should be directed to the employee's department or to the Human Resource Manager.

MANAGEMENT RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES The policies in this Handbook do not and should not be construed to limit the rights, responsibilities or privileges of the City. The City has the authority to compensate, manage, evaluate and discipline employees of the City in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code, the Rules of the Civil Service Commission of the City, ordinances of the City, and/or collective bargaining agreements negotiated by the City.

The City retains the right to:

• Determine the City's goals, objectives, programs and services and to utilize employees in a manner designed to effectively and efficiently meet these purposes. • Exercise complete control and discretion over the budget, organizational structure, and method of performing the work required. • Manage and determine the location, type and number of physical facilities, equipment and programs and work to be performed. • Determine the adequacy, size, composition and qualifications of the work force, including when a job vacancy exists. • Take necessary action to abolish and create classifications. • Manage and direct employees, including the right to establish methods to select, hire, promote, transfer, assign, evaluate, supervise, layoff, recall, reprimand, suspend, discharge and discipline for just cause and to maintain order among employees. • Determine the hours of work and work schedules including the necessity of overtime. • Determine the work rules, standards of quality, productivity and performance to be maintained and the policies and procedures for all employees. • Implement and enforce rules on workplace safety. • Maintain the security of records and other pertinent information. • Inspect and search employees and/or their personal property when there is a reasonable suspicion of illegal or impermissible activity. • Inspect and search files, electronic media, lockers, desks, cubicles, etc. as these items are provided for employee convenience and remain the property of the City, and are subject to control and search. • Determine and implement necessary actions in emergency situations.

This list is intended to provide a general understanding of the City's responsibilities, and therefore the responsibilities of the employees to carry out the mission and functions of the City for its citizens. The City has those other rights needed and appropriate to manage and administer the mission and functions of the City for rights not listed above.

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2 Workplace Standards & Ethics

2.1 Equal Opportunity

The City of Zanesville provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, age, disability, gender identity, results of genetic testing, or service in the military. Equal employment opportunity applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leave of absence, compensation, and training.

The City of Zanesville expressly prohibits any form of unlawful employee harassment or discrimination based on any of the characteristics mentioned above. Improper interference with the ability of other employees to perform their expected job duties is absolutely not tolerated.

2.2 Americans with Disabilities (ADA) & Reasonable Accommodation

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as amended by the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008, effective January 1, 2009, prohibits discrimination against a qualified individual with a disability in regard to job application procedures; the hiring, advancement, or discharge of employees; employee compensation; job training; and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. To ensure equal employment opportunities to qualified individuals with a disability, the City of Zanesville will make reasonable accommodations for the known disability of an otherwise qualified individual, unless undue hardship on the operation of the business would result.

Employees who may require a reasonable accommodation should contact the Human Resources Department.

2.3 Genetic Information Non Discrimination Act (GINA)

The City of Zanesville strictly prohibits discrimination based on genetic information. GINA prohibits employers and other entities covered by GINA Title II from requesting or requiring genetic information of employees or their family members. In order to comply with this law, we are asking that you not request or provide any genetic information in the workplace or to representatives of the company at any time. 'Genetic information,' as defined by GINA, includes an individual's family medical history, the results of an individual's or family member's genetic tests, the fact that an individual or an individual's family member sought or received genetic services, and genetic information of a fetus carried by an individual or an individual's family member or an embryo lawfully held by an individual or family member receiving assistive reproductive services.

2.4 Commitment to Diversity

The City of Zanesville is committed to creating and maintaining a workplace in which all employees have an opportunity to participate and contribute to the success of the business and are valued for their skills, experience, and unique perspectives. This commitment is embodied in the City's policy and the way we do business at the City of Zanesville and is an important principle of sound management.

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2.5 Harassment in the Workplace

The City of Zanesville strives to maintain a workplace that fosters mutual employee respect and promotes harmonious, productive working relationships. Our organization believes that discrimination and/or harassment in any form constitutes misconduct that undermines the integrity of the employment relationship. The City prohibits discrimination and/or harassment that is sexual, racial or religious in nature or is related to anyone's gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, genetic information or veteran's status. This policy applies to all employees throughout the organization and all individuals who may have contact with any associate of this organization for business reasons, such as, a vendor or customer. Sexual and other unlawful harassment is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), as amended, as well as many state laws.

It is the City of Zanesville's policy to provide a work environment free of sexual and other harassment. To that end, harassment of City employees by management, supervisors, coworkers, or nonemployees who are in the workplace is absolutely prohibited. Further, any retaliation against an individual who has complained about sexual or other harassment or retaliation against individuals for cooperating with an investigation of a harassment complaint is similarly unlawful and will not be tolerated. City of Zanesville will take all steps necessary to prevent and eliminate unlawful harassment.

Definition of Unlawful Harassment. "Unlawful harassment" is conduct that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment; has the purpose or effect of substantially and unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance; or otherwise adversely affects an individual's employment opportunities because of the individual's membership in a protected class.

Unlawful harassment includes, but is not limited to, epithets; slurs; jokes; pranks; innuendo; comments; written or graphic material; stereotyping; or other threatening, hostile, or intimidating acts based on race, color, ancestry, national origin, gender, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, age, disability, veteran status, or other characteristic protected by state or federal law.

Definition of Sexual Harassment. "Sexual harassment" is generally defined under both state and federal law as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature where:

• Submission to or rejection of such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of any individual's employment or as a basis for employment decisions; or • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

Other sexually oriented conduct, whether intended or not, that is unwelcome and has the effect of creating a work environment that is hostile, offensive, intimidating, or humiliating to workers may also constitute sexual harassment.

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While it is not possible to list all those additional circumstances that may constitute sexual harassment, the following are some examples of conduct that, if unwelcome, may constitute sexual harassment depending on the totality of the circumstances, including the severity of the conduct and its pervasiveness:

• Unwanted sexual advances, whether they involve physical touching or not; • Sexual epithets, jokes, written or oral references to sexual conduct, gossip regarding one's sex life, comments about an individual's body, comments about an individual's sexual activity, deficiencies, or prowess; • Displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, or cartoons; • Unwelcome leering, whistling, brushing up against the body, sexual gestures, or suggestive or insulting comments; • Inquiries into one's sexual experiences; and • Discussion of one's sexual activities.

All employees should take special note that, as stated above, retaliation against an individual who has complained about sexual harassment and retaliation against individuals for cooperating with an investigation of sexual harassment complaint is unlawful and will not be tolerated at the City of Zanesville.

Complaint Procedure

Any employee who believes he or she has been subject to or witnessed illegal discrimination, including sexual or other forms of unlawful harassment, is requested and encouraged to make a complaint. You may, but are not required to, complain first to the person you feel is discriminating against or harassing you. You may complain directly to your immediate supervisor or department manager, the HR Manager, or any other member of management with whom you feel comfortable bringing such a complaint. Similarly, if you observe acts of discrimination toward or harassment of another employee, you are requested and encouraged to report this to one of the individuals listed above.

No reprisal, retaliation, or other adverse action will be taken against an employee for making a complaint or report of discrimination or harassment or for assisting in the investigation of any such complaint or report. Any suspected retaliation or intimidation should be reported immediately to one of the persons identified above.

All complaints will be investigated promptly and, to the extent possible, with regard for confidentiality.

If the investigation confirms conduct contrary to this policy has occurred, the City of Zanesville will take immediate, appropriate, corrective action, including discipline, up to and including termination.

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2.6 Ethics of Public Employment

The proper operation of government requires that actions of public officials and employees be impartial; that government decision and policies be made within the proper channels of government structure; that public office not be used for personal gain; and that the public have confidence in the integrity of its government. State law establishes, through the Ethics Commission, standards for public officials and employees. The City recognizes the State standards and the goals of responsible government. Recognition of these goals has led to the establishment of a Code of Ethics as follows for all officials and employees of the City.

No employee shall use their official position for personal gain, or shall engage in any business or transaction or shall have financial or other interests, direct or indirect, which is in conflict with the proper performance of their official duties.

No employee shall, without proper legal authorization, release confidential information concerning the property or government affairs of the City; nor shall employees use such information to advance the financial or other private interest of him or others. No employee shall accept any valuable gift, whether in the form of service, loan, item, or promise from any person, form or corporation which is interested directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever in business dealings with the City; nor shall employees accept any gift, favor or item of value that may tend to influence any decisions of the employee or his supervisor. Any employee offered a gift or favor who is not sure whether its acceptance would be a violation of the Code of Ethics should inform his supervisor. The supervisor will make a decision or refer the individual to the City's Law Director.

No employee shall accept from any contractor or supplier doing business with the City any gifts, material or service for the private use of the employee.

No employee shall represent private interests in any action or proceedings against the interest of the City in any matter in which the City is a party.

State law prohibits employees and officials from having financial interests in companies which do business with public agencies, with minor exceptions. Employees who have any doubt concerning possible violations of these statutes are advised to consult their own attorney.

No employee shall engage in or accept private employment or render services for private interests when such employment or service is in conflict with the proper performance of his official duties or would tend to impair his independent judgment or action in the performance of his official duties. Any employee having doubt as to the applicability of a provision of this Code to a particular situation should consult the Human Resource Manager, the Law Director, or the Ohio Ethics Commission.

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2.7 Fraud Reporting

The Ohio Auditor of State's office maintains a system for the reporting of fraud, including misuse of public money by any official or office. The system allows all Ohio citizens, including public employees, the opportunity to make anonymous complaints through a toll free number, the Auditor of State's website, or through the United States mail.

Auditor of State's fraud contact information Telephone: 1-866-FRAUD OH (1-866-372-8364)

US Mail: Ohio Auditor of State's office Special Investigations Unit 88 East Broad Street P.O. Box 1140 Columbus, OH 43215


2.8 Personnel Files

Personnel files on all employees shall be maintained in the administrative offices of the City. Department heads may maintain files but shall forward copies of all appropriate documents therein to the administrative office. A personnel file may include, but not be limited to, the following:

• Employment application, resumes, evaluations and related documentation. • Letters of reference. • Commendations. • Records of discipline/corrective action. • Performance evaluations. • Instructional memos. • Records of college coursework, attendance at training seminars, etc. • Records of licensure or certifications. • Changes in personal status. • Changes in employment status.

Payroll records shall be maintained separately and in addition to personnel files. The City Treasurer's Office shall maintain City payroll records on all City employees. Such files shall include, but may not be limited to, individual employment data, payroll information, records of deductions, number of exemptions claimed, employee status, and related information.

Medical records shall be handled in accordance with the all recent HIPPA Laws.

An employee shall have a right of reasonable inspection of his or her official personnel file. A supervisor or management employee will be present at the time of inspection.

Employees shall advise their department heads of any change in: name, address, marital status, telephone number, number of exemptions claimed for tax purposes, citizenship, selective service classification, or association with any government military service organization.

The department head shall then forward this information to the Treasurer's Office for purposes of updating the payroll files.

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2.9 Public Records

All public records requests are subject to the City's public records policy. Any questions regarding the policy are to be directed to the Law Director or Department Head.

From time-to-time employees are asked by members of the public or other employees to copy and provide documents which may constitute public records. All public records requests, whether from members of the public or other employees, must first be communicated to the department director before records are released. The director is responsible for releasing the records or referring the request for clarification on the applicability of the law.

Any requests that are made concerning personnel information about any City employee are to be forwarded to the Human Resource Manager for review. The information released will be in accordance with the applicable law.

Employees are never permitted to copy and disseminate documents for themselves, to each other or to the public, even if they have access to the information as part of their position. Violations of this policy may result in corrective action up to and including dismissal of employment.

Records requests received by the Police Department will be subject to the procedure established by the Police Department.

2.10 Solicitation

Employees are never permitted to solicit the general public while on City property during the regular work day, including lunch hours and breaks.

Employees, who feel harassed, pressured, or otherwise disturbed by the solicitations of other employees may notify the Department Director or the Human Resource Manager who will investigate the complaint and determine if the soliciting employee will be instructed to cease any and all solicitations.

With the exception of local charitable organizations, solicitation, distribution or selling among employees is restricted to mutual lunch periods and work breaks in non-work areas.

Violations of this policy resulting in a disruption to the City's operations may be cause for disciplinary action.

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2.11 Employment of Relatives

Members of an employee's family will be considered for employment on the basis of their qualifications. Immediate family members may not be hired, however, if it would:

• Create a direct supervisor-subordinate relationship with a family member; • Have the potential for creating an adverse effect on work performance; or • Create either an actual conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest.

This policy must be considered when hiring, assigning or promoting an employee.

If a circumstance arises that result in a direct supervisory relationship between immediate family or close personal relatives, including marriage, reduction in force, reorganization, priority placement, etc., one of the relatives may be reassigned. During the period that a direct supervisory relationship exists between immediate family members or close personal relatives, the supervisory relative will not be involved in any personnel action involving his or her relative. Typical first-level supervisory responsibilities will be referred to the next higher level in the supervisory chain.

For purposes of this policy, immediate family includes employees mother, father, husband, wife, son, daughter, sister, brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in- law, stepchild, stepparent, grandchild or grandparent. This policy also applies to close personal relatives such as uncles, aunts, first cousins, nephews, nieces or half-siblings.

If two employees become related while employed, or marry, the employees must immediately report the relationship or marriage to their supervisor and the Human Resource Manager.

Questions should be directed to the Human Resource Manager.

2.12 Outside Employment

Under no circumstances shall an employee have other employment which conflicts with the policies, objectives, and operations of the City. In addition, an employee shall not become indebted to a second employer whose interests might be in conflict with those of the City.

An "employment conflict," as set forth in this policy, is when a second job impairs the employee's ability to perform the duties of his or her position with the City.

Full-time employment with the City shall be considered the employee's primary occupation, taking precedence over all other occupations.

Prior to accepting "outside" employment (or becoming self-employed), an employee shall notify his or her supervisor, in writing, of his or her intention to be employed in a secondary job. The supervisor shall confer with the employee to determine whether the "secondary job" presents a conflict with City policies, objectives, interests, and/or operations.

"Outside" employment or "moonlighting" shall be a concern to the Employer only if it adversely affects job performance, or could negatively impact the City's reputation or interests.

If, in the opinion of the Employer, outside employment is adversely affecting an employee's job performance, he or she may be asked to refrain from such activities as a condition of continued employment. Refusal to conform to such a request shall be cause for disciplinary action.

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2.13 Employee Fraternization

The City wants to preserve a working environment that has clear boundaries between personal and professional relationships. This is believed to be the best practice for conducting business in a professional manner. This policy establishes clear boundaries with regard to how relationships develop at work and within the confines of the work area.

• During working hours and in work areas, employees of the City are expected to keep all personal interactions limited and at a professional level to avoid distracting or offending others. • Employees are prohibited from engaging in any physical interactions that would be seen as inappropriate in the work area. What constitutes inappropriate conduct is in the discretion of the City. • Employees who engage in personal relationships with others and allow these relationships to negatively affect the working environment will be subject to disciplinary action.

Romantic relationships between supervising, managing or executive employees and subordinates are strictly prohibited. If a relationship does develop between a supervising employee and his or her subordinate, management should be notified immediately so that a department transfer may be considered.

3 Workplace Safety

3.1 Drug Free Workplace

In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, the City of Zanesville has a commitment to provide a safe, quality-oriented and productive work environment consistent with the standards of the community in which the City operates. Alcohol and drug abuse poses a threat to the health and safety of the City of Zanesville's employees and to the security of the City's equipment and facilities. For these reasons, The City of Zanesville is committed to a workplace free of drug and alcohol use and abuse. Compliance with this Drug Free Workplace Policy is made a condition of employment.

Employees are prohibited from the following when reporting for work, while on the job, on City or customer premises or surrounding areas, or in any vehicle used for City business:

• The unlawful use, possession, transportation, manufacture, sale, dispensation or other distribution of an illegal or controlled substance or drug paraphernalia. • The unauthorized use, possession, transportation, manufacture, sale, dispensation or other distribution of alcohol. • Being under the influence of alcohol or having a detectable amount of an illegal or controlled substance in the blood or urine ("controlled substance" means a drug or other substance as defined in applicable federal laws on drug abuse prevention}. • Other similar conduct deemed a violation of criminal laws.

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Controlled Substances As used in this policy, controlled substances include any drug that is illegal under federal or state law, or that is legally obtainable but has not been legally obtained. The term includes prescribed drugs which are not being used for the prescribed purpose or in the prescribed manner. Examples include but are not limited to: • Marijuana* • Opiates • Amphetamines • Cocaine • Crack, phencyclidine (PCP) • Narcotics, barbiturates • Stimulants, depressants * Despite Ohio House Bill 523, marijuana for medical use is a Drug Enforcement Administration listed Schedule I controlled substance and therefore is prohibited.

Medical Marijuana With respect to medical marijuana, the possession, distribution, and/or use of marijuana, including medical marijuana, is prohibited under federal law. The City of Zanesville prohibits employees from using, possessing, or being under the influence of marijuana in any form, including medical marijuana, while at work or during work time. Any employee who tests positive for marijuana, regardless of whether the marijuana consumed was for medicinal purpose and/or with a prescription, will be considered to have violated this policy, and may be subject to disciplinary action. As such, the City encourages employees to discuss with their providers alternative treatments to the use of medical marijuana.

Any employee violating these prohibitions will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Employees who are taking medication prescribed to them and work in positions where these medications/drugs may affect or impair their ability to perform their job duties must notify their supervisor and Department Director. The City will consider options for employees taking prescription drugs.

The City of Zanesville does not desire to intrude into the private lives of its employees, however, recognizes that employees' off-the-job involvement with drugs and alcohol may have an impact on the workplace. Therefore, the City reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary action for drug use, sale or distribution while off City premises. An employee who is convicted of, plead guilty to or are sentenced for a crime involving an illegal drug is required to report the conviction, plea or sentence to HR within five days. Failure to comply may result in automatic discharge. Cooperation in complying may result in suspension to allow management to review the nature of the charges and the employee's past record with the City.

Drug and alcohol testing will be carried out in compliance with any applicable state and federal laws and regulations.

Disciplinary action will be taken for drug-related crimes, regardless of whether they happened during working hours or on an employee's own time.

It is also understood that employees suffering from alcohol or drug dependence can be treated. We encourage any employee to seek professional care and counseling prior to any violation of this policy.

Required Testing

Employees subject to this policy shall be subject to drug and alcohol testing including, but not limited to the following: pre-employment testing; reasonable suspicion testing; and post-accident testing.

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All applicants must pass a drug test before beginning work or receiving an offer of employment. Refusal to submit to testing will result in disqualification of further employment consideration.

Reasonable suspicion

Reasonable suspicion testing shall be used when there are objective observable reasons to believe that a controlled substance or alcohol use is adversely affecting an employee's job performance or that the employee has violated this policy. Reasonable suspicion referral for testing shall be made on the basis of documented objective facts and circumstances which are consistent with the effects of substance use. Any employee who witnesses an employee who they feel might be under the influence, should report it to management personnel who are trained to detect the signs and symptoms of controlled substance and alcohol use and who may reasonably conclude that an employee may be adversely affected or impaired in the employee's work performance due to the use of a controlled substance or alcohol. The observing supervisor or manager, whether or not the person is the employee's immediate supervisor, is required to complete the appropriate required documentation concurrently with the observation and consideration to impose reasonable suspicion testing.

Reasonable suspicion testing shall be completed whenever possible within two (2) hours of the observation, but in any case no later than eight (8) hours after the observation for breath alcohol testing and thirty-two (32) hours for controlled substance testing.


Employees are subject to testing when they cause or contribute to accidents that damages a vehicle, machinery, equipment or property or result in an injury requiring medical attention.


Employees who have tested positive, or otherwise violated this policy, are subject to discipline, up to and including discharge. Depending on the circumstances and the employee's work history/record , the City may offer an employee who violates this policy or tests positive the opportunity to return to work on a last-chance basis pursuant to mutually agreeable terms, which could include follow-up drug testing at times and frequencies determined by the City. If the employee either does not complete the rehabilitation program or tests positive after completing the rehabilitation program, the employee will be subject to immediate discharge from employment.


Employees who refuse to cooperate in required tests or who use, possess, buy, sell, manufacture or dispense an illegal drug in violation of this policy will be disciplined in accordance with their bargaining unit contract or applicable policy. If the employee refuses to be tested, yet the City believes he or she is impaired, under no circumstances will the employee be allowed to drive himself or herself home.

Employees who test positive for alcohol or illegal drugs under this policy will be disciplined within existing contractual or administrative procedures.

Department of Public Service and Public Safety Drug & Alcohol Abuse Policy and Testing Program

In addition to the above policy, employees of the Departments of Public Service and Public Safety have additional policies with testing standards to comply with federal and state laws applicable to certain positions and persons with licenses subject to these laws.

Employees of the Department of Public Service and Public Safety should consult with the policy for that Department and direct questions to the Department Director. Employees of the Service and Safety Departments are subject to both the Department Policy and the City Handbook.

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3.2 Tobacco Policy-Smoke Free Workplace

The purpose of this policy is to protect the health and safety of employees, customers, and visitors of The City of Zanesville. Smoking is a leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Smoking and secondhand smoke are known causes of lung disease, heart disease, and cancer. The City of Zanesville recognizes the hazards caused by tobacco use and exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke. This policy covers the smoking of any tobacco product, including smokeless tobacco products and electronic cigarettes (regardless of tobacco content), and it applies to both employees and non-employee visitors of The City of Zanesville.

No use of tobacco products, including cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and electronic cigarettes, is permitted on owned or operated property of the City of Zanesville at any time. "Property" means the organization's facilities "curb to curb," including offices, grounds, adjacent sidewalks, parking lots/ramps, City owned vehicles, and employee vehicles parked on owned and leased property. Nicotine is prohibited within direct proximity to locations of ingress and egress to any municipal facility owned and operated by the City. Employees must be at least 20 feet from areas of ingress or egress when smoking.

Responsibility for Reporting Violations

Any employee who witnesses a violation of this policy is requested and encouraged to make a complaint. You may make a complaint directly to your immediate supervisor or department manager, the HR Manager, or any other member of management with whom you feel comfortable bringing such a complaint.

No reprisal, retaliation, or other adverse action will be taken against an employee for making a complaint or for assisting in the investigation of any such complaint or report. Any suspected retaliation or intimidation should be reported immediately to one of the persons identified above.

Discipline Violations of this policy are considered as a work rule violation for which employees may be disciplined.

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3.3 Workplace Violence Prevention

It is the City's policy to provide a workplace that is safe and free from all threatening and intimidating conduct. Workplace violence is "any act of aggression, or threat of an act, that threatens the safety, security, or well-being of an individual who is at work on duty." The City will not tolerate violence or threats of violence of any form in the workplace, at work-related functions or outside of work if it affects the workplace. This policy applies to City employees, clients, customers, guests, vendors and persons doing business with the City.

It is a violation of this policy for any individual to engage in any conduct, verbal or physical, that intimidates, endangers or creates the perception of intent to harm persons or property. Examples include but are not limited to:

• Physical assaults or threats of physical assault, whether made in person or by other means (e.g., in writing, by phone, fax or email}. • Verbal conduct that is intimidating and has the purpose or effect of threatening the health or safety of a co-worker. • Any other conduct or acts that management believes represent an imminent or potential danger to work place safety or security.

Anyone with questions or complaints about workplace behaviors that fall under this policy may discuss them with a Supervisor or the Human Resource Manager. The City will promptly and thoroughly investigate any reported occurrences or threats of violence. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of employees. Where such actions involve non-employees, the City will take action appropriate for the circumstances. Where appropriate and/or necessary, the City will also take whatever legal actions are available and necessary to stop the conduct and protect City employees and property.

All employees are responsible for their conduct during work and work-related matters. Also, employees who witness conduct violating this policy, as well as all other City policies, should report the conduct, incident or violation.

3.4 Weapons in the Workplace

The City of Zanesville is committed to providing its employees a work environment that is safe and secure. This commitment includes prohibiting employees from possessing or having under their control a weapon or other dangerous weapons while conducting city business or on city time, including possession or control of a weapon other dangerous weapons in an employee's personal vehicle, unless specially authorized by the city or as provided in Section 3.4.1 below. The city's prohibition against such unauthorized weapons or other dangerous weapons applies to all contractors and all employees, including but not limited to permanent city employees, contract workers, seasonal workers, consultants, college interns, and anyone else conducting business on city property.

Prohibited Items: Any weapon or other dangerous weapons including firearms except as provided in this policy; knives (switchblades, gravity knives or any knife with a blade longer than three inches), ballistic knife, metal knuckles, explosives and explosive devices (dynamite, black powder, pellet powders, blasting caps, fuse igniters and instantaneous fuses}, bows and arrows and Tasers. Legal, chemical dispensing devices such as pepper sprays that are sold commercially for personal protection are permissible under this policy.

Prohibited Conduct: Employees shall not carry or store a weapon or other dangerous weapons:

• In a facility, building, or portion of a building owned or leased by the city, including parking lots or garages, except as provided in Section 3.4.1 • In a motor vehicle owned or leased by the city; or • While conducting city business or on city time, even when employees are off of city owned or leased property

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3.4.1 Effect of Concealed Carry License

Individuals covered by this policy who have been issued a permit to carry a concealed weapon in the State of Ohio are not exempt from the above provisions. Individuals covered by this policy who carry or possess a weapon must store the weapon in accordance with the law prior to entering an area in which a weapon is prohibited. This section also applies to an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States who meets the requirements under Revised Code Section 2923.126 {E){2) to have the same right to carry a concealed weapon as a person issued a concealed carry license.

Individuals covered by this policy who have been issued a concealed weapon permit may store or transport their weapon and/or ammunition in their privately owned motor vehicle on property owned by the city that is primarily used as a parking facility for motor vehicles {i.e. parking lots and garages), unless otherwise prohibited. The weapon and/or ammunition must remain inside the person's privately owned motor vehicle while the person is physically present inside the motor vehicle, or the weapon and/or ammunition must be locked in the trunk, glove box, or other enclosed compartment or container within or on the person's privately owned motor vehicle while on the above referenced property owned by the city.

3.4.2 Violations

Violations will be subject to legal action as appropriate. Violation of this policy by a city employee may lead to disciplinary action up to an including termination in accordance with the applicable law, rule, or collective bargaining agreement.

3.4.3 Exceptions In accordance with ORC 2923.12, the following City Personnel are exempt from this policy; An officer or authorized agent {law director, mayor, safety director), or employee of this or any other state or the United States, or to a law enforcement officer, who is authorized to carry concealed weapons or dangerous ordnance or is authorized to carry handguns and is acting within the scope of the officer's, agent's, or employees' duties.

3.5 Severe Weather

Severe weather emergencies have the potential to impact and/or disrupt City operations. During such weather-related emergencies, it is important to identify which employees are critical to the continuity of the City's operations. As such, employees may be classified as one of the following: Essential or Non-essential.

Essential Employees Those employees who perform a service-critical activity and must be onsite to perform the work; this includes employees who work in departments/divisions that respond to emergency safety and care of the public.

• Administrative Personnel • Emergency/Public Safety Personnel • Public Services Personnel o All scheduled Public Utilities employees {inclusive of all divisions), unless notified as non-essential by their respective Department Director or designee. o All scheduled Public Services employees {inclusive of all divisions), unless notified as non-essential by their respective Department Director or designee. o All scheduled Parks & Recreation employees, unless notified as non- essential by their respective Department Director or designee.

Non-Essential Employees Those employees who are not critical to maintain basic or emergency services to the public during a weather related or emergency event.

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Notification In the event that a severe weather emergency is declared by the County Sheriffs Office, the County EMA or the Mayor chooses to close City offices for non-essential employees, each Department Director, or their designee, shall be responsible for determining and notifying which employees should report to work or be sent home, dependent upon an employee's status of being considered essential or non-essential to City/Department operations during such a severe weather emergency event. It is the sole discretion of the City to determine which staff is considered essential in responding in a severe weather emergency situation. The City may maintain a list of essential and nonessential positions and employees.

In the event that a severe weather emergency is declared after normal business hours, or on the eve of a regular work week, the City will notify area print and media outlets, or other available means as the City determines regarding closure of City offices.

Compensation With respect to compensation for such severe weather emergencies in which City offices are closed, all non-essential employees, including full-time and permanent part-time personnel, will be compensated for the number of hours they were scheduled to work during the emergency period. Employees not scheduled to work because of scheduled vacation, personal or sick leave will be charged for leave regardless of the declared emergency. If vacation, personal or sick leave ends prior to the end of the declared emergency, no leave time will be charged for the remainder of the emergency.

In the event that the decision is made to not close City facilities during inclement weather, employees who are not able to report to work at their regularly scheduled start time due to inclement weather should contact their respective supervisor and request the use of available vacation, compensatory time or personal leave (in accordance with their collective bargaining agreement) to cover the period not worked. The supervisor will determine whether the leave is justified and will approve of such leave accordingly. If the leave is determined to be unjustified and the employee does not report to work at the scheduled time, the employee will be considered absent without excused leave and may be subject to disciplinary action. Inclement weather is not a valid excuse for the use of sick leave.

During weather emergencies, those departments/divisions req uired to maintain twenty-four hour or emergency service operations may continue to use available personnel beyond regularly scheduled hours to ensure appropriate service coverage and to cover for non-available staff. Eligible employees required to work beyond their regular shift shall be paid overtime, as appropriate.

22 CITY OF ZANESVI LLE EMPLOYEE HAN DBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

4 Hours of Work

4.1 Hours of Work

Each department and officer holder are responsible for establishing the hours of work and schedules for employees, and for enforcement of the schedules and hours of work. Employees in collective bargaining units may have their hours and schedules addressed in their agreements. If not, the hours of work and schedules will be established by their department.

4.2 Overtime Compensation

It is the policy of the City to keep work in excess of established schedules at minimum and to permit such work only when it is necessary to meet urgent City operating requirements.

• Overtime work will include only that work performed by an employee at the direction of a department head or any other authorized representative which exceeds the number of hours comprising the established work week for the position and department. • Except as herein provided, hours worked in excess of forth (40) hours per week will be compensated at the rate of time-and-one-half. Overtime hours worked which are not in excess of forth (40) hours per week actually worked shall be compensated at straight time. • Appointed salary employees are declared exempt from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act and shall not receive compensation for hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week. • For purposes of computing weekly overtime, holidays, vacation, compensatory time, and jury duty during normal work hours shall be counted as hours worked. Sick leave shall not be counted as hours worked. • The proper city official shall designate those administrative and professional classes which shall be entitled to compensatory time off for hours work in excess o the normal week with approval of the proper city official. Employees may accumulate a maximum of 180 hours of accrued compensatory time. Employees who, for whatever reason, have accumulated more than 180 hours of accrued compensatory time may not accrue additional time unless their accumulated hours fall below 180. Upon separation, each employee shall be paid for any net accumulation of compensatory time. • Call-in pay shall be provided when an employee is required to report for work at times other than his regular shift or hours of work. Except as herein provided, employees called in under these circumstances shall receive four hours pay at his/her base rate or pay for time actually worked at the applicable rate, whichever is greater. • The call-in minimum for the Police Chief and Fire Chief shall be three hours. Call-in time for which payment is rendered shall not be used for computing the applicable 40-hour. Hours actually worked under the call-in provisions shall count in determining premium pay. • Certain employees may be assigned by their appointing authority to an on-call status if it is necessary for such employees to remain at or near home and to refrain from certain activities so that they are available to respond to a call-in. Employees in this on-call status who are called in outside their regular hours of work shall receive the minimum call-in pay or pay at their regular rate of pay, whichever is greater.

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5 Time Off/Leave of Absence Benefits

5.1 Holidays

Each full-time and permanent part-time City employee is entitled to a number of paid holidays. Permanent part-time employee's holidays are paid depending on their regular work schedule as well as the number of hours they are paid for a personal day. Depending on whether the employee is in a bargaining unit or not, the days vary in number. Certain City employees may be required to work on holidays, as a number of our departments maintain staffing levels seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. If you are a member of a bargaining unit, refer to your collective bargaining agreement to identify those holidays for which you will be paid. Non-bargaining unit employees will receive each of the following paid holidays:

• New Year's Day • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day • President's Day • Memorial Day • Independence Day (4th of July) • Labor Day • Columbus Day • Veterans Day • Thanksgiving Day • Friday after Thanksgiving • Christmas Day • Three personal holidays selected by the employee with prior approval of the employee's supervisor. Please refer to your bargaining agreement or ordinance for use of your personal holidays. Unaffiliated employees are eligible to take a personal holiday after completion of ninety (90) of service. Personal days are not cumulative and cannot be carried over into the next year.

When once of the holidays listed above falls on a Sunday, the next following Monday shall be observed as a holiday. When one of the holidays listed above falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as a holiday. Holidays occurring during vacation shall not be counted as a day of vacation. For purposes of computing compensation for continuous personnel, the actual date of the holiday shall be used rather than the day the holiday is observed.

Employees required to work on the day observed as a holiday shall be granted premium pay at the time-and-Oone-half or compensatory time off at time-and-one-half for actual hours work. Appointed salary employees shall not receive premium pay for work on a holiday.

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5.2 Vacation

Full-time and Permanent Part-time City employees are eligible to earn vacation leave. For employees who are members of a bargaining unit, specific provisions regarding vacation leave accumulation, use, transfer, and payment upon separation of employment, are covered in the City's various collective bargaining agreements. Permanent part-time employees earn vacation on a prorated basis according to the number of hours they are scheduled to work.

All Unaffiliated (nonunion) full-time employees of the City, shall accumulate vacation leave with pay in accordance with the following schedule for each full pay period of service. Appointed salary positions will not accrue vacation but are guaranteed a minimum of three (3) weeks' vacation per year.

Vacation Hours Accrued Years of Service Per Pay Period Worked First Year 1 3.10 hours After 1 vear I 3.39 hours After 5 vears I 4.60 hours After 10 vears I 5.54 hours After 15 vears 6.20 hours After 20 vears I 6.815 hours

In order to utilize vacation leave, an employee must obtain prior approval from his/her department head by entering their request through the Payroll Employee Self Service (ESS). Vacation leave may be subject to additional restrictions regarding the scheduling of vacation depending upon operational needs or departmental restrictions. Employees should contact their immediate supervisor to request specific information regarding departmental procedures for vacation use. • For unaffiliated employees, vacation with pay will not be scheduled during an employee's first six (6) months of service with the City. Vacations shall be scheduled to meet the operating requirements of the City and the preference of the employees. Under no circumstances will an employee be allowed to take vacation in advance. • Employees occupying the position classification of Police Chief shall accumulate vacation leave with pay at the rate of 6.2 hours per pay period, except that employees with more than twenty years of service shall accumulate vacation leave with pay at the rate of 6.47 hours per pay period • Effective January 1 of each year, employees occupying the position classification of Fire Chief shall be credited with 162 hours of vacation, except that employees with more than twenty years of service shall be credited with 169 work hours of vacation. • Vacation may be accumulated up to the maximum time which is accruable in a two-year period. Employees occupying the position classification of Fire Chief may carry over 540 hours of vacation to a new year. Employees moving into the unaffiliated ranks from a union position in the Sanitation Division shall retain the maximum vacation accrual allowed in their previous position until their vacation accrual falls below the maximum authorized herein but for no longer than two years; after two years, such employees will not accrue additional vacation until their vacation accrual falls below the unaffiliated maximum. • Vacation with pay shall be charged out in no less than one-hour increments. • Upon separation from the City, any accrued vacation owing will be paid to you as a lump sum, less applicable statutory deductions. Payment will be paid through the usual means as part of the pay cycle. • Full-time regular employees in paid status for less than 80 hours in a pay period shall receive a prorated portion of vacation accrual based on actual hours in paid status. Vacation accrual for part-time permanent employees will be prorated according to the number of hours worked per week.

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5.3 Sick/Bereavement Full-time and Permanent Part-time employees, except elected officials, are eligible to earn sick leave. For employees who are members of a bargaining unit, specific provisions regarding sick leave accumulation, use, transfer, and payment upon separation of employment, are covered in the City's various collective bargaining agreements. Part-time employees earn sick leave and bereavement leave that is prorated based on the number of hours they are scheduled to work.

For non- union employees (unaffiliated), full - time employees shall accumulate sick leave with pay at the rate of 4.6 hours for each eighty (80) hours in paid status. Accumulation of sick leave shall be unlimited.

Employees (whether affiliated or unaffiliated), may use sick leave for:

• His/her own illness, pregnancy, injury, or exposure to contagious disease; • Attendance upon members of his/her household whose illness or injury requires the care of the employee if no other competent adult is living in the household; or • A death in the employee's immediate family. Please refer to your perspective bargaining agreement or ordinance for the allowable number of bereavement days. • An employee who has a sick leave absence in excess of three consecutive work days must present a Return to Work slip from their Medical Provider for the absence.

As used in this section, the term "household" shall mean two or more persons living together in a dwelling unit. The term "immediate family" shall mean husband, wife, child, step-child, parent, step-parent, grandparent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother or sister of the employee. The department head may require reasonable evidence to support a claim for sick leave and shall, in case of absence of multiple days, require a doctor's certificate to justify the absence (per the individuals bargaining agreement).

The number of bereavement leave days is determined by the employee's bargaining agreement. Bereavement leave may be used in the event of death in the employee's immediate family; in certain circumstances, the employee's division or department head may authorize more time off using sick leave. For unaffiliated employees, three (3) days leave per occurrence may be used in the event of a death in the employee's immediate family; in certain circumstances, the employee's division or department head may authorize more time off using sick leave


Full-time and permanent part-time employees with ten (10) full years or more of service may elect at retirement to be paid in cash for one-third of the value of his/her accrued sick leave credit. Such payment will be made at the employee's rate of pay at the time of retirement. Payment for sick leave on this basis shall be considered to eliminate all sick leave credit accrued by the employee and shall be made only once to any employee. Employees can refer to their perspective bargaining agreement for maximum hours to be paid.

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Full-time and permanent part-time employees with more than one (1) year of service may have the option of receiving payment in cash for unused sick leave hours at the end of the payroll year, provided such employee was entitled to sick leave pay during said payroll year and provided further that the employee was in said paid status.

• Union employees can refer to their perspective bargaining agreement for other stipulations concerning hours worked and calculation tables. • Unaffiliated employees will be entitled to sick leave benefits during said payroll year and provided further that the employee was in paid status, based on the following calculation tables:

Sick Leave Hours Used Hours Eligible for During Payroll Year Reciprocity Payment Oto 8 48 9to 16 32 17 to 24 24 25 to 32 16 33 or more 0

• For the purpose of sick leave reciprocity computation, any disallowance of sick leave credit shall be considered as hours of sick leave taken during the year • Appointed Salary employees shall not be eligible to receive sick leave reciprocity payments • Eligible full-time employees may elect to receive the Sick Leave Reciprocity Payment or they may retain their accrued sick leave hours. The number of reciprocity hours paid each employee will be subtracted from his/her total accrued sick leave. The reciprocity payment shall be made at the employee's hourly rate in effect on the last day of the final pay period of the previous year.

27 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EM PLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

5.4 Sick Leave Donation

The City of Zanesville recognizes that on rare occasions an employee may not have sufficient sick leave accruals to cover a long-term illness or serious injury. To address such occasions, the City finds it appropriate that other unaffiliated employees be allowed to donate some of their sick leave hours to other injured/ill unaffiliated employees within the parameters of this guideline. For employees who are members of a bargaining unit, specific provisions regarding sick leave donation are covered in their specific collective bargaining agreements.

Unaffiliated employees may donate up to forty (40) hours ~nnually.[RH1] of accrued but unused sick time to another employee of the City, per these guidelines.

The City retains the right to approve the sick leave donation. Sick leave donations are intended for those individuals who need time to recover. Sick leave donation is not intended nor may be used for extending the service time of the employee. Employees may not be on disability or otherwise separated during the time requested for sick leave donation. Employees using donated sick leave will not accrue sick or other leaves.

In order to donate sick leave hours, employees must meet the following requirements: • Donating employees must maintain a balance of 200 hours of sick leave. • Donations must be in no less than four-hour 11 ncrements[RH2J. • Employees may donate up to a maximum of 40 hours in one calendar ~earJRH3). • Donations may only be made to eligible recipients as defined in this guideline.

In order to receive donated sick leave hours, employees must meet the following requirements: • All leave type balances must be depleted. • Must currently be off work for a qualifying serious health condition as defined by the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Unaffiliated employees wishing to donate must complete a Sick Leave Donation Request and Authorization Form, indicating the number of hours they wish to donate and the date and time of the ~onat,on[RH4). Please contact the Treasurer's Office or Human Resources for the Sick Leave Donation and Authorization form.

Donated hours will be used by the recipient according to the date and ~ime[RH5] in which they were donated - first hours donated will be first hours used. This information will be forwarded to the Treasurer's Pffice:[RH6] to ensure time banks are updated accordingly for the employee receiving and the employee(s) donating.

Guidelines • All donations are on a voluntary basis. No employee is guaranteed any donations. • Sick leave hours are to be donated and used with no regard to the pay rate of the donor or the recipient. • Donated sick leave hours will not be available for any cash out, including retirement cash out. • Recipients may not "bank" or save any unused donated hours. • Donated hours will not count against the employees Sick Leave Reciprocity eligibility. • Unused donated hours will not be returned to the donating employee. • Unused donated hours will be cleared from the donor employee's time bank upon their return to work. • Recipients may not pay back hours to those who donated to them.

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5.5 Personal Leave of Absence

Division/Department heads shall have the authority to approve vacation, sick leave, and jury duty. Such leaves of absence shall be requested by the employee, approved by the department head, and reported to the proper city official. Personal Leaves of absence for other purposes, with or without pay, shall be authorized by the Civil Service Commission on recommendation of the proper city official or Human Resources. Employees shall not accrue vacation or sick leave while on a personal leave of absence without pay.

An employee may be granted a Personal Leave of Absence without pay for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months. Leave may be granted for advanced study or other important purposes

5.6 Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

The City of Zanesville is committed to compliance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (the "FMLA"). The purpose of this policy is to provide employees with a basic understanding of their rights and obligations under the FMLA.

Employees are responsible for requesting leave under the FMLA, which is subject to the provisions and standards for FMLA leave. The City reserves the right to designate FMLA leave as needed to any eligible employee.

General Provisions The FMLA is intended "to balance the demands of the workplace with the needs of families." It allows eligible employees to take up to 12 work weeks of unpaid leave during any 12-month period to attend to the serious health condition for:

• Birth of the employee's child and to care for the newborn. Leave for this purpose must conclude within 12 months of the birth of the child; • Placement with the employee of a son or daughter for adoption or foster care and to care for the newly placed child. Leave for this purpose must conclude within 12 months of the placement of the child; • Care for the employee's spouse, son, daughter or parent with a serious health condition; and • A serious health condition that prevents the employee from performing the essential functions of his or her job.

A "serious health condition" is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves either an overnight stay or in-patient care in a medical care facility, or continuing treatment by a health care provider for a condition that either prevents the employee from performing the functions of the employee's job, or prevents the qualified family member from participating in school or other daily activities.

Subject to certain conditions, the continuing treatment requirement may be met by a period of incapacity of more than 3 consecutive calendar days combined with at least 2 visits to a health care provider or one visit and a regimen of continuing treatment, or incapacity due to pregnancy, or incapacity due to a chronic condition. Other conditions may meet the definition of continuing treatment.

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Eligibility Requirements for All FMLA Leaves

To be eligible for FMLA leave, an employee must have been employed by the employer at least 12 months, and worked at least 1,250 hours over the past 12 months, and work at a location where the employer employs 50 or more employees within 75 miles.

The 12-month period is calculated by a "rolling" 12-month window, measured backwards from the date that the employee uses FMLA Leave. The only exception is when FMLA Leave is requested for one of the "Covered Servicemember" situations listed below. In this situation, the 12-month period begins on the first day that leave is taken to care for the covered service member, and ends 12 months after that date.

If An Employee and His/Her Spouse Both Work for the City If an employee and his or her spouse are both employed by the City, they are each separately entitled to 12 workweeks of leave within a 12-month period if the leave is needed due to the employee's own serious health condition or that of the spouse or child. However, the spouses are jointly entitled to a combined total of 12 workweeks of leave to care for the birth or placement of a child, to care for a parent with a serious health condition, or for leave due to any of the "Military Obligations" situations. The spouses are also jointly entitled to a combined total of 26 workweeks of leave during a single 12-month period in any of the "Covered Servicemember" situations.

Requests for FMLA Leave, Medical Certification An employee who wishes to take FMLA Leave must contact Human Resources, obtain the required leave request form and any required certifications (see below), and return these forms signed and completed to Human Resources at least 30 days before the day that the FMLA Leave is to start.

Employees who request FMLA Leave are responsible and will be required to provide a completed and signed certification form that demonstrates the employee's eligibility for FMLA Leave.

If the employee is requesting leave for one of the "Military Obligations" situations, the employee will also be required to provide a copy of the military member's active duty orders or other documentation issued by the military which indicates that the military member is on covered activity duty or a call to covered active duty status, and the dates of the military member's covered active duty service.

Blank certification forms are available from Human Resources. The type of form needed will depend on the reason for the FMLA Leave.

Employees must return the completed certification form to Human Resources within 15 days, or as soon as practicable. Failure of employees to timely return forms may result in the delay of FMLA Leave. Failure of employees to timely return certification forms or medical certifications may result in denial of leave and discipline action as a result of the absence. Employees will be notified if leave used by the employee will be designated as FMLA Leave and the amount of leave counted against the employee's FMLA Leave.

If the need for FMLA Leave was unforeseeable, the employee must submit these signed and completed forms to Human Resources as soon as practicable.

Employees must provide sufficient information to determine if the leave may qualify for FMLA Leave and the anticipated timing and duration of the leave. Sufficient information may include that the employee is unable to perform their essential job functions, the family member is unable to perform daily activities, the need for hospitalization or continuing treatment by a health care provider, or circumstances supporting the need for military family leave. Employees also must indicate if the requested leave is for a reason for which FMLA Leave was previously taken or certified to determine the remaining amount of FMLA Leave, if any.

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Employees will also be required to submit medical certification for their own or family member's serious health condition. The medical certification must be signed by the health care provider, on forms provided by Human Resources. Second or third certifications and periodic recertification may also be required. Employees requesting leave will be informed whether they are eligible under the FMLA, the reason for ineligibility if applicable, any additional information required, and their rights and responsibilities.

Intermittent or Reduced-Schedule FMLA Leave Employees may take intermittent or reduced schedule leave, when medically necessary, for leaves of absences taken in connection with the employee's own serious health condition or that of a spouse, son, daughter, or parent; or under one of the "Military Obligations" or "Covered Servicemember'' situations.

Employees who take intermittent or reduced schedule leave may be reassigned or may be required to transfer temporarily to an alternate position {with equivalent pay and benefits) which better accommodates recurring periods of leave. Employees who take intermittent leave for planned medical treatment may also be required to schedule the treatment so as not to unduly disrupt operations.

Use of Sick, Vacation, Compensatory Leave and Personal Days during FMLA Leave Under the FMLA, Family Medical Leave generally is unpaid. If an employee has unused sick, vacation, compensatory leave or personal days before the start of a FMLA Leave, the employee must use those days as part of his or her FMLA Leave. This means that any unused sick, vacation, compensatory leave and personal days will concurrently with unpaid FMLA Leave and will count against the employee's 12-week {or 26-week covered servicemember) entitlement. Sick time must be used before any other form of paid time off.

Employees absent due to work-related illness or injury that qualifies as a serious health condition will have the absence counted as FMLA Leave.

As long as the employee's FMLA Leave is approved, no additional forms are necessary to receive payment for vacation/personal days when used in this circumstance.

After the employee exhausts all remaining unused sick, vacation, compensatory leave and personal days, the remainder of the employee's FMLA Leave will be unpaid.

Additional Leave after Exhaustion of FMLA Leave After an employee's FMLA Leave is exhausted a request for unpaid leaves of absence may be submitted, which is discretionary. Return from the unpaid leave of absence will be to positions determined if available.

Separation at Expiration of FMLA Leave Employees not able to return to work and perform the duties of their position at the expiration of their FMLA Leave, or the extension by an unpaid disability leave, may, at the discretion of the Employer, be discharged as an involuntary separation, involuntary disability separation or, if eligible under the retirement systems, be retired under the involuntary retirement provisions.

Benefits During Leave Employees will not accrue leave {sick, leave, etc.) during unpaid periods of FMLA Leave or additional unpaid leaves granted following the expiration of the FMLA Leave.

Health Insurance during FMLA Leave During a Family and Medical Leave, the employee's existing coverage under the group health benefit plan will be maintained in the same manner as if the employee was actively working, but the employee will be required to pay his or her share of the cost of coverage, if any, as if he or she was actively at work. 31 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

The City of Zanesville will maintain the employee's benefits, including health, dental, and eye while on an FMLA leave of absence. Additionally, while the employee is on "paid status", their medical premiums will continue to be deducted for their paycheck. If an employee goes into an unpaid status, it will be the employee's responsibility to pay their share of the health insurance premium directly to the City. If applicable, the employee must continue to pay their portion of the benefits, which may be made by check or money order to the City of Zanesville and submitted to the Auditors Office. If the employee fails to pay their portion of the benefits for more than 30 days, the employee and their beneficiaries' coverage{s) will be terminated, and the employee will be offered COBRA to continue benefits, excluding life and disability insurance. The City may recover the employee's share of any premium payments missed by the employee for any FMLA leave period during which the employer maintains health coverage by paying the employee's share after the premium payment is missed.

Returning From FMLA Leave, Fitness for Duty Statement When an employee returns from FMLA Leave, he or she will be given the same or an equivalent position and reinstated to all benefits as before the leave. However, the employee will have no greater rights to reinstatement or to other benefits and conditions of employment than if the employee had been continuously employed during the FMLA Leave period, such as layoffs.

In addition, if the FMLA Leave was due to the employee's own health condition, the employee may be required to provide a fitness-for-duty certification before returning to work. Employees will not be required to submit to a fitness-for-duty examination for each intermittent or reduced schedule leave absence, but may require a fitness-for-duty certification or certification of the serious health condition once every 30 days if the employee is taking intermittent and reduced schedule leave, or if reasonable safety concerns exist regarding the employee's ability to perform the employee's duties. Employees will not be permitted to "make up" days or hours that are missed on account of taking FMLA Leave.

Taking FMLA Leave Due to a Family Member's Military Obligations Employees are eligible for up to 12 workweeks of unpaid FMLA Leave during a single 12-month period in the event of a qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that the employee's spouse, son, daughter or parent is a military member and is on or has been called to covered active duty service in the Armed Forces of the United States in support of a contingency operation and that requires deployment to a foreign country. A "qualifying exigency" may exist in the event of a short notice deployment, or if leave is needed to attend to one or more of the following situations: • military events and related activities • childcare and school activities • financial and legal arrangements • counseling • rest and recuperation, up to a maximum of 15 calendar days • post-deployment activities • parental care, in the event that the military member's parent is incapable of self-care and care such as arranging for alternative care, or providing care on an immediate need basis, or admitting or transferring the parent to a care facility, or attending meetings with staff at a care facility, is necessitated by the military member's active duty

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Taking FMLA leave to Care for a Covered Servicemember The City will provide up to 26 workweeks of unpaid FMLA Leave during a single 12-month period for an employee who is the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin of a covered servicemember, if the covered servicemember is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, therapy, is in outpatient status, or is on the temporary disability retired list due to a serious injury or illness.

A "covered servicemember" means someone who is either: • A current member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient status; or is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a serious injury or illness; or • A veteran who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy for a serious injury or illness. The veteran must be someone who was a member of the Armed Forces (including a member of the National Guard or Reserves), and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable at any time during the 5-year period prior to the first day that the employee in question takes FMLA Leave. In addition, FMLA Leave to care for the veteran must begin no later than 5 years from the veteran's previous active duty service.

FMLA Leave for this purpose is available only if the covered servicemember has incurred a "serious injury or illness."

• In the case of a current member of the Armed forces (including a member of the National Guard or Reserves), a "serious injury or illness" means an injury or illness that was incurred in the line of duty on active duty, or that existed before the beginning of active duty and was aggravated by service in the line of duty on active duty, and that may render the member medically unfit to perform the duties of the member's office, grade, rank or rating . • In the case of a veteran, a "serious injury or illness" means an injury or illness that was incurred by the member in the line of duty on active duty in the Armed Forces (or existed before the beginning of the veteran's active duty and was aggravated by service in the line of duty on active duty in the Armed Forces) and manifested itself before or after the member became a veteran, and that either: (a) is a continuation of a serious injury or illness that was incurred or aggravated when the veteran was a member of the Armed Forces and rendered the servicemember unable to perform the duties of the servicemember's office, grade, rank, or rating; or (b) a physical or mental condition for which the veteran has received a VA Service-Related Disability Rating (VASRD) of 50% or greater, which was based at least in part on the condition precipitating the need for leave; or (c) a physical or mental condition that substantially impairs the veteran's ability to secure or follow a substantially gainful occupation by reason of a disability or disabilities related to military service, or would do so absent treatment; or (d) an injury, including a psychological injury, on the basis of which the covered veteran has been enrolled in the VA's Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers.

33 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

Limitation on Reinstatement for Certain Key Employees Certain "key employees" may be denied reinstatement if necessary to prevent substantial and grievous economic injury to operations. A "key employee" is a salaried eligible employee who is among the highest paid 10% of all employees.

An employee will be advised at the time of a request for, or commencement of, FMLA Leave, or as soon thereafter as is practicable, that he/she qualifies as a key employee and that reinstatement may be denied if substantial and grievous economic injury to its operations would occur if the employee elects not to return to employment.

Outside Work Prohibited, Conduct Inconsistent Employees are prohibited from engaging in any work or activity of any kind that is inconsistent with the employee's condition while on an approved FMLA Leave. Employees may be disciplined for engaging in outside employment or activity inconsistent with the employee's condition during the FMLA Leave. Employees on FMLA Leave are subject to the standards of conduct of an employee and all other policies and procedures for employment.

Discrimination Prohibited Discrimination, harassment or retaliation based on, or interference with any employee's exercise of his or her rights under the FMLA, is prohibited. Employees are encouraged to inform Human Resources of any such conduct directed at them, or other employees, as a result of the use of FMLA Leave by the employee or other employees.

Questions about Family and Medical Leave Any questions regarding this policy, including questions about eligibility for FMLA Leave and the requirements for taking FMLA Leave, may be directed to Human Resources.

5.7 Jury Duty

Employees shall be granted a leave of absence with pay any time they are required to report for jury duty or jury service. In order to receive payment from the City, the employee must furnish a certificate of service and a statement of jury duty compensation signed by the Clerk of Courts. The duty compensation is the payment the employee received for Jury Duty.

34 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

6 Employee Conduct, Responsibility, Discipline

6.1 Employee Standards of Conduct & Responsibilities

As public employees everyone who works for the City is responsible to the public. As such public employees are held by the public to a higher standard of ethical conduct. These rules will provide guidance for City employees, but are not intended to cover every situation. Common sense should also be considered.

The following standards apply to all employees and have been established to ensure:

• Employees conduct themselves in a mature, responsible and professional manner during work hours or while on City premises. • Employees work in an efficient, conscientious and diligent manner. • Employees work in a safe environment, without risk to their health or safety, or the health and safety of others. • That the rights of all employees are protected and honored.

The following outlines the expectations of all employees with respect to appropriate behavior and conduct. In addition to these rules, employees are also required to follow any work rules, policies or procedures established by their respective departments or divisions. An employee in violation of any of these work rules may be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension or termination, dependent upon the seriousness of the offense, the employee's disciplinary history and any other relevant factors. These expectations include all other standards of conduct in this handbook, and all other policies and rules issued.

Commitment to Service Employees are expected to act in a professional and courteous manner. Conduct that is abusive, discourteous, neglectful, purposefully performed incorrectly and against policy or standard procedure, or not performed when required will not be tolerated. Further, speech that is disparaging of the City, its officers, management or fellow employees and is not constitutionally protected shall not be tolerated. To be constitutionally protected, speech must a) address a matter of public concern, and b) outweigh any governmental interests. Speech that is purely job related or of purely personal interest is not a matter of public concern.

Activities Outside of Work While the City recognizes that it cannot control, the actions of employees while away from work, misconduct while not on duty that discredits the employee's or the City's reputation, interferes with the ability to provide services to the public, or otherwise violates any established policy, procedure or agreement will not be tolerated. An employee who is arrested for any criminal offense which arrest could affect their ability to do their job (e.g., OVI) must report such arrest immediately to his/her supervisor. The City will evaluate the impact that the arrest and/or subsequent conviction has on its operations and consider any applicable employment decisions based on that impact.

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6.2 Discipline Reasons

Employees in the classified civil service, upon completion of their probationary period, shall not be disciplined other than as set forth in Ohio Revised Code 124.34. Employees in the classified service may be disciplined for any of the following:

• Incompetency • Inefficiency • Dishonesty • Drunkenness • Immoral conduct • Insubordination • Discourteous treatment of the public • Neglect of duty • Violation of work rules or policies of the City, or City official for whom the employee works. • Violation of Chapter 124 of the Ohio Revised Code or municipal civil service rules • Any other failure of good behavior • Any other acts of misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in his job or conviction of a felony

Employees in the unclassified civil service and serve at the pleasure of the Appointing Authority, are considered employees at-will, and may be disciplined without notice for any reason. If you are a part of a bargaining unit, please refer to your agreement regarding discipline.

6.3 Discipline Procedure - Pre-Disciplinary Conference

Discipline involving a reduction in pay, demotion, suspension or removal/termination of a classified civil service employee entitles the employee to a pre-disciplinary conference as set forth herein. All other discipline may be imposed without a pre-disciplinary conference.

Before imposing a reduction in pay, demotion, suspension or removal/termination to a classified civil service employee, the employer shall hold a pre-disciplinary conference with the employee. The pre-disciplinary conference will be conducted by a neutral supervisor who will be selected by the appointing authority, or his/her designee, from those supervisors not directly in the chain of command of the employee. At the pre-disciplinary conference the appointing authority will explain the charges against the employee and permit the employee the opportunity to respond to the charges. The employee has the right to be accompanied at the pre-disciplinary conference by a representative of his own choosing. The pre-disciplinary conference will be scheduled as promptly as possible by the appointing authority. The employer may impose reasonable rules on the length of the pre-disciplinary conference and the conduct of the participants. The employer may tape record the pre-disciplinary conference, as may the employee or his representative. If the employer determines that the employee's continued employment prior to the conference poses a danger to persons or property or a threat of disrupting operations, the employee may be placed on administrative leave with or without pay pending the pre-disciplinary conference to determine the final disciplinary action.

Prior to the pre-disciplinary conference, the employer shall provide to the employee a list of alleged improper conduct and a summary of the evidence concerning the disciplinary charges. Generally, this information will be provided to the employee at least twenty-four (24) hours before the pre­ disciplinary conference.

The employee may waive the disciplinary conference. A failure to attend the pre-disciplinary conference constitutes a waiver of the pre-disciplinary conference.

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At the pre-disciplinary conference, the employee will be given an opportunity to respond to the allegations. The employee does not have the right to call or cross-examine witnesses. Upon completion of the pre-disciplinary conference the neutral supervisor shall prepare a written report within twelve (12) calendar days and provide a copy to the employee. Thereafter, the appointing authority or his/her designee shall determine the appropriate discipline, if any. The employee will be notified of the disciplinary action taken.

When imposing a demotion, reduction in pay, suspension or fine of forty (40) or more work hours in the case of an employee exempt from the payment of overtime compensation, a suspension of twenty-four (24) or more work hours in the case of an employee required to be paid overtime compensation, demotion, or removal/termination of a classified employee, the appointing authority or her/his designee shall sign a written order of reduction, suspension or removal/termination. The order shall state the reasons for the disciplinary action. The appointing authority or her/his designee shall furnish a copy of the order to the employee.

These provisions on discipline and removal do not apply to employees in the unclassified service. If you are a part of a bargaining unit, please refer to your agreement regarding discipline.

6.4 Administrative Leave

The appointing authority may, at his or her discretion, place any employee of the City on administrative leave, with or without pay, when the appointing authority has probable cause to believe that a serious violation or offense has occurred, that could ultimately lead to termination, and pending any investigation into any alleged violation and/or resolution of any related court proceedings.

The length of any administrative leave, with or without pay, shall be determined by the appointing authority, who shall inform the employee of such leave in writing prior to any such leave taking effect.

Should an employee be placed on administrative leave without pay, and subsequently be found innocent of the alleged charges of misconduct and/or related court proceedings, said employee will be compensated as if he/she had worked for the time spent on administrative leave without pay.

The City of Zanesville will continue to pay its portion of the cost of the employee's benefits, including health, dental, and eye while on Administrative Leave. While on an unpaid Administrative Leave, it will be the employee's responsibility to pay their share of the health insurance premium directly to the City.

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6.5 Discipline Action and Penalties

All decisions regarding disciplinary action will be at the sole discretion of the City. The types of discipline to which employees may be subject include but are not limited to: (1) oral warning; (2) written warning; (3) suspension (unpaid or paid); and {4) termination. While discipline may be progressive in nature, the City has the sole discretion to implement any type of discipline in accordance with factors such as the seriousness and frequency of the violation and previous discipline. Records of disciplinary action shall remain in the employee's personnel file but shall only be considered, in connection with subsequent disciplinary action. Individuals should refer to their collective bargaining agreements concerning time limits of disciplinary action.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the employer may consider an employee's entire employment and disciplinary history in determining the appropriate discipline to be imposed upon the employee.

6.6 Prohibited Behavior

Prohibited Behavior

It is the policy of the City that certain types of behavior are inappropriate and, therefore, are prohibited. Behaviors and conduct set forth in the following Groups are in violation of City policy and subject an employee to discipline. Such behaviors and conduct may, in addition and independently, constitute additional grounds for disciplinary action under other rules and policies as well as standards of conduct expected of public employees.

Prohibited behaviors and conduct are grouped according to seriousness of the offense, with Group Ill being the most serious. The Group within which an offense falls provides a beginning point for determining disciplinary action. Discipline is progressive regardless of the Group in which a current or previous offense falls. Furthermore, behaviors and conduct not listed in any Group may still constitute grounds for disciplinary action. Such behavior or conduct may be subject to discipline under one or more of the grounds set forth in Section 6.2. Alternatively, behaviors and conduct not specifically listed in any Group may be considered as being in the Group in which the most similar behavior or conduct is found.

Discipline for prohibited behaviors and conduct shall be imposed based upon the facts of the offense including, but not limited to, the type of offense, the nature of the offense, the duration or frequency of the offense, any harm to persons or damage to property or risk thereof resulting from the offense and the extent thereof, and the employee's disciplinary history.

In addition, other City policies and procedures, such as the Drug Free Workplace Policy, may contain specific discipline for violations. Employee behavior or conduct violating such policies shall be addressed in accordance with such policies and, generally, shall not be subject to this Section. However, any such violation shall be considered an offense for the purposes of the progressive system of discipline.

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Group I Offense

• Failure to timely "report off' work for any absence. • Failure to commence duties at the beginning of the work period, or leaving work prior to the end of the work period. • Leaving the job or work area during the regular working hours without authorization. • Making preparations to leave work without specific prior authorization before the lunch period, or for any official break time, or before the specified quitting time. • Leaving post of continuous operations prior to being relieved by employee of incoming shift. • Neglect or carelessness in signing in or out. • Unauthorized absence from work. • Creating or contributing to unsanitary or unsafe conditions, or poor housekeeping. • Distracting the attention of others, unnecessary shouting demonstration, or otherwise causing disruption on the job. • Mischief, horseplay, wrestling, or other undesirable conduct, including use of profane or abusive language. • Tardiness in reporting to work. • Failure to cooperate with other employees as required by job duties. • Failure to exercise reasonable care during the use of City property or equipment. • Use of possession of another employee's working equipment without authorization. • Neglect or carelessness in observance of official safety rules, or disregard of common safety practices. • Failure to observe department rules. • Obligating the City for any expense, service, or performance without authorization. • Failure to report accidents, injury or equipment damage. • Disregarding job duties by neglect of work, or reading for pleasure during working hours. • Unsatisfactory work or failure to maintain required standard of performance. • Unauthorized use of telephone for other than business purposes.

Group II Offenses

• Any Group I offense that results in harm to persons or damage to property, or risk thereof, or causes the Employer to incur additional costs. • Unauthorized absence from work for three (3) days or more. • Discourteous treatment of the public. • Reporting for work or working while unfit for duty. • Violation of or failure to comply with any City rule, regulation or policy. • Conduct violating morality or common decency. • Unauthorized use of City property or equipment, or unsafe use or failure to use prescribed safety equipment, or failure to ensure proper use of prescribed safety equipment and/or adherence to safety practices and procedures. • Performing private work on City time. • Failure to sign in or out when required. • Failure to make required reports. • Failure to report for overtime work without good reason after being scheduled to work according to overtime policy. • Solicitation on City premises without authorization. • The making or publishing of false, vicious or malicious statements concerning employees, supervisors, the City, or its operations. • Refusing to give testimony when accidents are being investigated. • Unauthorized posting or removal of notices or signs from bulletin boards. • Distributing or posting written or printed matter of any description on City premises unless authorized 39 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

• Unauthorized presence on City property. • Willful disregard of department rules. • Threatening, intimidating, coercing, or interfering with subordinates or other employees. • Sleeping during hours of work. (This policy does not apply to employees in the Fire Department.) • Misfeasance, Nonfeasance. • Failure to report safety hazards.

Group Ill Offenses

• Any Group I or Group II offense that results in serious harm to persons or serious damage to property, or risk thereof, or causes the Employer to incur additional costs. • Wanton or willful neglect in the performance of assigned duties, or in the care, use, or custody of any City property or equipment. Abuse, deliberate, or negligent destruction in any manner of City property, tools, equipment, or the property of employees. • Signing or altering other employees' time sheets/time cards, or unauthorized altering of own time sheet/time card. • Unauthorized absence from work jeopardizing the health and safety of other employees or citizens and/or interfering with necessary City operations. • Falsifying testimony when accidents are being investigated, falsifying or assisting in falsifying or destroying any City records, including work performance reports; or giving false information or withholding pertinent information called for in making application for employment. • Making false claims or misrepresentation in an attempt to obtain any City benefit. • Gambling during working hours. • Stealing or similar conduct, induding destruction or vandalism. • The illegal use of narcotics/controlled substances or the sale of narcotics/controlled substances. • Use of abusive or threatening language, gestures or behavior toward supervisors, coworkers or the public. • Abusing, fighting, or attempting injury to other employees, supervisors, or persons, inclusive of sexual harassment. • Carrying or possession of firearms, explosives, or weapons on City property at any time without proper authorization. • Knowingly concealing a communicable disease, such as TB, which may endanger other employees. • Misuse, removal or improper release of City records or information without prior authorization. • Instigating, leading, or participating in any illegal walkout, strike, sit-down, stand-in, refusal to return to work at the scheduled time for the scheduled shift, or other concerted curtailment, restriction, or interference with work in or about the City's work stations. • Dishonesty or any dishonest action. • Insubordination by refusing to perform assigned work or to comply with written or verbal instruction of the supervisor. • Giving false testimony or statements during a complaint, grievance, or internal investigation or hearing. • Malfeasance. • Failure to promptly report a traffic violation, traffic related violation, or chargeable accident. • Willful failure to comply with/enforce safety practices and procedures resulting in a safety hazard to self, co-workers, and/or the general public. • Being convicted of a "felony" within the meaning of R.C. 124.34, even if prior discipline has been issued for the underlying conduct. • Failure to abide by or comply with any rule, regulation, policy, procedure, directive or instruction resulting in damage or injury to or risk of damage or injury to City property, other employees or the general public. • Engaging in conduct towards other City employees or the general public constituting harassment based on sex, sexual orientation, race, color, creed, religion or national origin.

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6.7 Classified Employee Appeals

Any classified unaffiliated employee who desires to appeal a disciplinary action resulting in discharge, suspension of more than twenty four (24) hours pay, a demotion, or layoff, shall appeal such disciplinary action to the Civil Service Commission. Classified, unaffiliated employees who are exempt from the payment of overtime under the law may appeal discipline listed in the previous sentence when the discipline is more than forty (40) hours.

Any appeal filed by any classified unaffiliated employee of the City shall be brought within ten (10) calendar days of the employee being served with the notice of such personnel action by filing a Notice of Appeal with the Civil Service Employment Coordinator of the Civil Service Commission. Affiliated employees should refer to their Collective Bargaining Agreement regarding appealing a disciplinary action.

41 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

7 Employee Benefits

Full - time and permanent part-time City employees are eligible for benefits defined in this Section and include a variety of insurance programs. Contact the Human Resources Manager with any questions you may have on these plans.

7.1 Ordinance and Collective Bargaining Agreement

The following benefits are provided in either City Ordinance or union collective bargaining agreements. Any questions regarding application or eligibility for these benefits listed should be directed to the Human Resource Manager.

• Holidays • Personal Days • Vacation Leave • Sick Leave • Unpaid Leave of Absence • Injury Leave • Health Insurance • Mileage Reimbursement

7.2 Health Benefits (Insurance)

Each regular, full-time and permanent part-time employee working 20 or more hours per week is eligible to enroll in the health insurance benefits plan offered by the City for its employees and their eligible family members. These benefits, which are administered through MedBen, include medical, dental, eye and prescription insurance. New employees can enroll on day one, benefits will be effective after on the first day of employment (note, new employees have 30 days to enroll in the insurance plan. If an employee misses the 30 day cut off, they will have to wait until open enrollment to enroll in the benefits). Cost for the insurance (Single/Family) will be communicated to new employees during new hire orientation.

If the spouse of a city employee is employed and is eligible for employer-sponsored health coverage with their employer, the spouse must enroll in that particular health plan. If the spouse cannot obtain coverage through their employer until certain date or open enrollment period, the spouse will be covered under the City's plan until he or she can obtain coverage through their employer. Employees whose spouse has health insurance coverage through an employer shall receive up to one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) per year stipend. If an employee's spouse would be required to pay more than 50% of the insurance premium through their employer, they may be granted a waiver and allowed to stay on the City's plan as a primary member. Spouses can also remain on the City's plan under secondary coverage.

CHANGE IN FAMILY STATUS - Changes to your health care coverage may only be made during Open Enrollment (offered annually), unless you have a change in your family status. A change in family status means to gain/lose a dependent, or loss of other coverage. Enrollment in such instances must be made within 31 days ofthe day of the event. (Refer to your Certificate of Coverage for more detailed information.) Employees are responsible for notifying Human Resources within the 31-day time limit should a change in family status occur. Employees failing to do so will be liable for back payments to the City for additional premiums paid by the City on the employee's behalf

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The City shall establish a health care committee comprised of the Budget and Finance Director, the Mayor, the Law Director, one representative from City Council, two representatives from A.F.S.C.M.E., two representatives from the F.O.P/O.L.C bargaining unit, one representative from the I.A.F.F. and one representative from the unaffiliated employees. This committee shall meet regularly to review the content of the health care plan for the City and shall explore alternative health care plans, cost saving measures, and proposed changes in current coverage before changes are made.

While an employee is on Workers Compensation as a direct result of his/her employment with the City, the City shall continue to pay his/her insurance premiums for up to one year, provided the employee continues paying his/her share of the insurance cost.

7.3 Life Insurance/Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance

On behalf of each full-time and permanent part-time employee of the City of Zanesville, the City provides life insurance (Amounts are based on job title/division and is communicated during new hire orientation). The City of Zanesville shall pay the entire cost of group life insurance policy for each unaffiliated employee which may be concerted upon separation. Eligible employees may also elect to purchase additional life Accidental Death & Dismemberment insurance coverage. Such benefits shall be administered in accordance with the policy of the current provider.

Such benefits shall be payable in addition to any termination pay which may be payable to the employee's named beneficiary. In the event no beneficiary is named, the benefit shall be distributed in accordance with the employee's last will and testament or the statute of descent and distribution then in effect in the State of Ohio, whichever is applicable. Employees are advised to update their beneficiary designations as changes occur.

7.4 Retirement Benefits (PERS/Police & Fire)

The Ohio Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio (OPERS) was created in 1935 to provide retirement allowances for all State employees. Today the program provides retirement, disability retirement and survivor benefit programs for public employees throughout the State. Certain Police and Fire employees contribute to a similar plan, the Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund. All City employees, being public employees, do not contribute to the Social Security System, but are required to participate in the State's retirement system. As a new employee, you will be sent a member handbook from the appropriate retirement system that outlines the details concerning membership, benefits, and health care. You will be required to complete a personal history form on your first day of employment to become a member

ELECTED OFFICIALS: Membership in OPERS is optional for service as an elected official; however, if you do not choose membership in OPERS, you must contribute to Social Security. Membership in OPERS as an elected official is required if you have an OPERS account through previous elected service or if you are an age and service retiree from OPERS or another Ohio retirement system.

As a new employee eligible for OPERS, you have the choice of selecting the retirement plan that provides the features and benefits most suitable for your future financial needs. In order to select the retirement plan most suitable for your needs, it is important you take the time to learn the details of each plan. The choices available include the traditional pension plan, which is a defined benefit plan, a defined contribution plan and a combined defined benefit and defined contribution plan. For specific information about these plans, visit the OPERS website at or see Human Resources. 43 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

As an employee, you contribute a percentage of your eligible earnings to your retirement plan through a pre-tax payroll deduction. The City also contributes, on your behalf, a percentage of your eligible earnings to your retirement plan. If you leave the City before retirement eligibility, you must contact OPERS or the Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund to discuss options for funds available to you in your account. If you have questions regarding your OPERS/Police & Fire Pension contributions or benefits, please contact Human Resources for assistance.

7.5 Deferred Compensation

A 457(b) deferred compensation plan is a retirement plan created to allow public employees like you to put aside money from each paycheck toward retirement. A deferred comp plan can help bridge the gap between what you have in your pension and Social Security, and how much you'll need in retirement. Here are some frequently asked questions about deferred comp plans:

• What sets a 457(b) apart from other retirement plans? A 457(b) may offer benefits other retirement plans can't, like penalty-free withdrawals once you stop working for your public sector employer. • What does tax-deferred mean? Basically, you don't pay income taxes on your deferred comp plan contributions or earnings until you retire and/or begin to take payments from your account. This may lower your taxable income now and in retirement. Withdrawals taken in retirement are taxed as regular income.

The City has four deferred compensation providers you may choose to invest money with.


Ohio Deferred Compensation is a 457 plan. Public employees ("participants") contribute pre-tax money each payday into a custodial trust account set up for them by the 457(b) plan, and invest that money, so that it can grow tax-deferred. When a participant withdraws money from the plan, it's taxed as ordinary income. You can learn more about 457 plans and Ohio Deferred Compensation by visiting their website at or call their service center at (877) 644-6457.


The Buckeye Deferred Comp Plan (BUCKEY457.COM) has been available in Ohio since 2004 and has been adopted by over 50 Ohio municipalities and the Ohio Association of Public Treasurers. Buckeye Deferred Comp offers three different platform choices to manage deferred compensations investments. Choose from 3000+ investment options and get your portfolio professionally managed by a portfolio manager. There are loan provisions with this plan. You can learn more about Buckeye Deferred Comp by visiting or by calling (844) 662-9200.


The OAPFF Deferred Comp Plan is a full-service plan available to all city employees. Serving the OAPFF 457 Deferred Compensation Plan as Investment Advisors is the entire team of knowledgeable dedicated financial professionals of Palanca & Associates Wealth Management. You can learn more by calling (614) 906-1514.


EQUI-VEST Strategies is a group variable deferred annuity that can be used to fund a 403(b) plan. It is a long term financial product that is designed for retirement purposes. Its account value can be invested in a variety of investment option, including stock and bond investment options. To learn more about EQUI-VEST, visit or call (61 4) 975-7534

The City of Zanesville offers these tax-exempt savings benefits to all City Employees.

These plans accept payroll-deducted contributions for participant-directed investing and are intended to help public employees meet long-term savings objectives, such as generating retirement income. 44 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

7.6 Longevity Pay

The City of Zanesville will grant longevity pay to permanent full-time and part-time unaffiliated employees in accordance with the following schedule

Years of Service on Longevity Pay June 30 5 2% of Previous Annual Payroll Earninas 9 3% of Previous Annual Payroll Earninas 13 4% of Previous Annual Payroll Earninas 17 5% of Previous Annual Payroll Earnings 22 6% of Previous Annual Payroll Earnings

Employee who receive longevity pay from the City under the provisions of a labor agreement are not eligible for the for the longevity pay described herein.

• June 30 of each year shall be used to calculate years of service for longevity pay. • Payment shall be made in a lump sum during October of each year during a week when regular payroll checks are not scheduled to be distributed. • Employees on the payroll as of June 30 will be entitled to a prorated share of longevity pay even though they may terminate prior to October 1. This paragraph shall apply only to terminations for those employees who have given a two weeks' notice and not used any benefit pay during those two weeks. • For purposes of this section, "years of service" shall include all years of permanent employment with the City of Zanesville. It shall not include employment with other governmental units.

7. 7 Workers Compensation

The City of Zanesville strives to provide a safe and secure working environment for all employees. When a work related injury or illness occurs (i.e. injuries and illnesses that arise out of, or are incurred in the course of job related activities on behalf of the City), the City shall provide appropriate medical care and treatment to the injured worker through its Workers' Compensation Program.

The Human Resources Department is responsible for administering the City's Worker's Compensation program.

Employee Responsibilities - Reporting an Injury • Immediately notify your supervisor. Your Supervisor will assess the situation, assist with arranging proper medical care and begin the injury reporting process. No matter how minor the injury may seem, it is required that you report it. Promptly cooperate with your Supervisor and the Claims Administrator in the completion of all relevant documents.

Supervisor Responsibilities - Reporting an Injury • Immediately assess the incident and assist the Employee in seeking appropriate medical care or necessary treatment for any work-related injury. Provide the employee with the Injury/Accident Report and the Injury Reporting Kit (only if they require medical attention other than first aid) within 24 business hours. Complete a Supervisor Incident Investigation Report and forward to Human Resources along with the Injury/ Accident Report. Obtain any witness statements and forward to Human Resources along with Supervisor Incident Investigation Report and Injury/Accident Report.

45 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-1 50

When an injury requires medical attention, the City encourages the use of Designated Medical Providers. These providers are familiar with the Workers Compensation process. At times, the Employee may be required to see a provider selected by the City. According to Ohio's workers' compensation laws, an injured employee may seek treatment from a physician of their choice who is certified by the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC).

Returning the Employee to Work -The Medical Provider must complete a Physician's Report of Work Ability and provide it to the Employee and Claims Administrator. The Physician's Report of Work Ability will indicate when the Employee can return to work and whether job modifications are required to accommodate physical restrictions. The Employee will provide a copy of the Physician's Report of Work Ability to Human Resources.

Employees without restrictions can return to their usual work duties.

If the Medical Provider imposes work restrictions, the Supervisor and Human Resources will review the job modifications that are required to comply with the restrictions. Every effort will be made to accommodate the employee's restrictions, however there may be times it may not be possible due to the restrictions and the employee's job description.

The City must be advised and continually updated if an employee continues to be absent due to a work-related injury with an anticipated date of return to work. All requirements for reporting off work must be followed. Employees are responsible for providing the City with their expected date of return.

The City may establish a Wage Continuation Policy. Wage Continuation is not automatically granted when an employee is injured. The City has the sole discretion whether or not to pay Wage Continuation or have an injured worker go on Temporary Total Compensation. Wage Continuation is not intended to last beyond a 12 week period, and if an injured worker is put on Wage Continuation, the City may, at any time, terminate the Wage Continuation and have the injured worker go on Temporary Total Compensation.

The injury or illness must be determined by the City to be compensable. Wage Continuation will be paid only for those periods of lost time that otherwise would qualify the employee for receipt of Workers' Compensation lost time benefits.

While an employee is on Workers Compensation as a direct result of his/her employment with the City, the City shall continue to pay his/her insurance premiums for up to one year, provided the employee continues paying his/her share of the insurance cost.

The City reserves the right to have the employee examined by a physician of its choice at City expense to confirm the medical diagnosis and period of disability.

7.8 Tuition Reimbursement Program

The City of Zanesville is committed to the educational development of City employees. The Tuition Reimbursement Program has been designated to promote continuing education by offering financial assistance to employees for job -related courses.

The City of Zanesville may reimburse full-time, regular employees for education costs for courses approved by the City. The approval for reimbursement will be dependent on the course and its relevance to the employee's current or future potential position. Approval must be obtained prior to commencement of each course per semester.

46 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

• The City may reimburse employees a percentage based on the grade achieved and will cover up to two (2) courses per term (quarter/semester). Payment will not be made for travel to and from the course, time spent in class, study materials purchased for the class, exam fees, parking fees, meals and misc. supplies. • The annual maximum benefit is $2,400.00 per employee • Percentage reimbursement is as follows: . , . UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE Grade Percentage Grade Percentage A 90% A 90% B 75% B 75% C 50% A pass/fail cour.,c will be reimbursed at 75% if passed

• Eligible expenses include: Tuition and general lab fees or similar costs

For complete eligibility and guidelines, please contact Human Resources for full policy.

7.9 Mileage Reimbursement

Employees who are authorized to use their private vehicles for public business shall be reimbursed at the standard mileage reimbursement rate established by the Internal Revenue Service of the United States. (Ord. 10-28).

7.10 Uniform Allowance

Each year, sworn employees of the Police Division will receive a $1,000 uniform allowance. For sworn employees of the Fire Division, the uniform allowance granted shall conform to Part (D) of Article 15 of the contract between the City of Zanesville and Local #88 of the I.A. F.F. E. Employees occupying position classifications which require a CDL, water or wastewater license shall be reimbursed the cot of renewing said license. Employees occupying position classifications which require employee to wear steel toe safety shoes may be reimbursed up to $100.00 per year. The Public Safety and Public Service Directors shall determine if the position classification is eligible for the reimbursement. Allowed reimbursements must be turned into the Budget & Finance Director no later than May 31 st of each year and the employee will receive the reimbursement by June 15th of each year.

47 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

7.11 Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The City of Zanesville provides to all full-time and permanent part-time employees a comprehensive Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The City's EAP provider is AnthemEAP. EAP is a City funded benefit that offers the support and resources you need to address any personal challenges and/or concerns that may affect your personal well-being and/or work performance. It is confidential and free to all City employees as well as their eligible family members, including spouses and dependent children.

Your EAP benefit provides confidential access to licensed professional counselors and work/life specialists who are available for short term assistance. EAP benefits include: • EAP Benefits 24-hour Emergency Hotline • Up to 5 visits per employee per event. This means you can talk either In-person, telephonic or video counseling with licensed professional counselor for concerns such as grief & loss, depression, or anything happening in your life. • Help with work/life service for issues such as childcare, eldercare, financial & legal issues, identity theft and more. • Savings Center which you will have access to discounts redeemable online, through catalogs and select in-store merchants.

Getting started with AnthemEAP: • AnthemEAP Toll-Free Number: 800.865.1044 • Anthem EAP Website: (Enter COZ to log in) • Member Orientation Video: Available on the website

Please call Human Resources at 740.617.4881 for more information.

48 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

8 Computer and Technology Use, Cell Phones

8.1 Information Technology Policy

Employees are provided with Internet access and electronic communications services (which may include, but are not limited to, computers, e-mail, cell phones, iPhones, iPads, PDAs, personal computers and the like) as required for the performance and fulfillment of job responsibilities. All employees are obligated to make effective, safe and responsible use of this technology. This policy applies to all employees, including regular full-time, permanent part-time, temporary, and seasonal employees who are provided access to the technology systems.

The City offers this access to technology for the purpose of increasing productivity and not for non­ work related activities. Specifically, this technology is meant to enhance operations by enabling users to, among other things: locate and retrieve information; communicate more effectively with other departments, employees, and organizations; and more easily publish information of interest to the community and the general public. Users must understand that any connection to the Internet offers an opportunity for non-authorized users to view or access information stored in the system. Therefore, it is important that all connections be secured, controlled and monitored.

Electronic equipment and communications systems provided are considered to be City property to be used for valid business purposes only. All communications and/or information created, stored, received, sent or otherwise transmitted on or through provided technology, including without limitation the Internet, intranet, email, servers, personal computers, iPads, associated hardware and software, online services and other electronic communications services, are considered City property.

There shall be no expected right of privacy for any matter related to using equipment provided, including no personal privacy right in any matter passing through, viewed, downloaded, printed, created, stored, received, sent or otherwise transmitted from City-provided technology and equipment. All employees should understand that the City reserves and intends to exercise the right to monitor, review, intercept, access and disclose all Internet usage, email communications sent or received, and all cell phone, iPhone, iPad and PDA usage, if necessary, to ensure that the system is being used for business purposes in compliance with this policy, to ensure that all other policies (including for instance those related to harassment and discrimination) are being followed, and to be able to access information in an employee's email or other electronic communications system in the event that the employee is unavailable to do so. Electronic audits of Internet activity and other electronic communications by City employees may be implemented to identify and properly deal with unauthorized activity.

49 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

8.2 Internet Access, Email, Public Records

Restrictions may apply to access, of all users, to certain unapproved Internet sites and capabilities (ex: YouTube and instant messenger capabilities).

Emails are public records under State Law and are subject to public records requests. Emails must be maintained and may be deleted only according to the public records policy.

Permitted Use The Internet and electronic communications services are intended for the purposes of conducting City business. Valid business purposes include, but are not limited to:

• Locating, retrieving, collecting and/or disseminating information in connection with business; • Communicating with other departments and employees, as well as with outside contractors, businesses, individuals or organizations currently or potentially doing business with or assisting with the business of the City; • Conducting research to obtain information and material related to City issues; and • Limited personal use that does not result in the disruption of network operation or interfere with productivity at work. Personal use of City technology and electronic devices must be kept to the minimum amount of time needed to address a situation. Excessive use will be determined or a case-by-case basis.

Prohibited Use Internet and electronic communications services should not be used for any prohibited purpose. Prohibited usage may result in the cancellation or loss of privileges. Any non-work related use is defined as a prohibited use. Prohibited usage includes, but is not limited to:

• Conducting personal business activities or seeking personal financial gain. • Playing games during working hours. • Bringing actual or potential embarrassment or harm to the City. • Conducting illegal activities or otherwise violating federal, state, or local laws. • Receiving, transmitting, downloading, viewing, or printing offensive materials of any kind, including any obscene or pornographic materials. • Receiving, transmitting, downloading, viewing, or printing any materials of a derogatory, inflammatory, discriminatory, harassing, sexually explicit, obscene, offensive, defamatory, violent or threatening in nature, or other material which is inappropriate, including any content regarding an individual's or group's race, national origin, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, religion or disability. • Downloading and/or installing software, games or any files or programs which could potentially change system configuration without the consent of authorized Information Technology personnel. • Removing and/or copying software, shared files or programs without the consent of authorized Information Technology personnel. • Any social media use that is unrelated to an employee's duties and responsibilities. • Use of any streaming or websites that impair system operations. • Downloading, distributing or printing copyrighted materials, which include articles, software or intellectual property, in violation of the copyright laws. • Copying programs from City owned systems for personal use or non-City use. • Spamming email accounts or forwarding chain letters. • Disclosing confidential information or otherwise violating the privacy rights of the City or its employees, citizens or business associates.

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• Using the Internet or electronic communications systems of another employee without authorization. • Vandalizing data of another user, including uploading or creating of computer viruses. • Purchasing goods, materials, or services via the Internet using a City credit card or other credit means without having proper authorization. • Violating any state or federal law. • Other uses as determ ined by the City.

8.3 Users, Employee Responsibilities

• Ensuring the security of their accounts and related passwords. Passwords should never be shared between users or be in plain sight. If the integrity of a password has been compromised, it should be changed and/or the Information Technology personnel or Department should be notified. • Abiding by existing federal, state and local telecommunications and networking laws and regulations; • Minimizing unnecessary network traffic that may interfere with the ability of others to make effective use of City network resources and to conduct normal business activities; • Avoiding the overload of networks with excessive data, or wasting other City technical resources; • Exercising good judgment and generally accepted rules of network etiquette when using the Internet or other electronic communications services to avoid offense to others; • Maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of all City information; • Exercising good judgment when providing information to other individuals and using all reasonable safeguards to avoid the mistaken distribution of another's information. The transmission of confidential, sensitive or personal information shall follow current procedures and regulations. Employees should only disclose such information or messages from the electronic communications system to authorized individuals with a need to know. • All dissemination of public records must follow the rules in this handbook and all public records policies and laws. • Access personal email accounts.

8.4 Violations

If it is determined that a user has violated any of the above policy guidelines, the user will be considered to have misused City property and will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, as well as the loss of electronic communications privileges. If necessary, the City will advise appropriate legal authorities of any illegal activities.

51 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

8.5 Email Use Policy

This policy provides the employees with effective, consistent standards in regards to the use of the electronic mail system (email). This policy applies to all employees. All City of Zanesville (COZ) employees will have a COZ email address. This email account will be used for city­ wide/departmental communications, as well as communicating to outside agents on behalf of the City. It will be the employees' responsibility to check their email frequently. This email account will serve as the main communication channel for receiving all city-wide communications. (I.e. Human Resource, insurance/benefits updates, memos from the Mayor, etc.) Reviewing the employee email account on a frequent basis allows for the timely response to any actions that are necessary or needed. This City email account is required to be used when discussing city business. The use of personal email accounts (Hotmail, yahoo, gmail, etc.) is not the City's protocol and is not permitted for use when conducting City business. Violations of any guidelines listed above may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. If necessary, the appropriate legal officials will be advised of any illegal activities.

All electronic communications and stored information transmitted, received, or archived in the City's information system are the property of the City. The City reserves the right to access and disclose all messages sent by email. Employees have no expectation of privacy with respect to any email coming into or going out of City resources, particularly those which come into, or go out of, a City email account. City email accounts are provided in order to carry out communications for City or City-related business only. Employees may not access their personal email accounts through the computer system.

8.6 Social Media

Public employees have responsibilities, higher standards of conduct, and a public image to follow and maintain.

There are many tools available today that enable people to publish and share content on the public Internet. These include social media and networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, YouTube, and foursquare, subscription services such as Angie's List, as well as biogs, blog comments, forum posts, wikis, and other similar sites.

Employees may participate in any of these forms of communication using personal equipment during their personal non-work time. The City respects the right of its employees to use social media sites and other parts of the public Internet as a medium of self-expression, communication, and public conversation. The City does not discriminate against employees who use these media for personal interests and affiliations or for other lawful purposes.

However, employees should keep in mind that their postings can affect how the general public perceives the City. The City has the right to make sure that nobody has made unauthorized use of or discloses confidential information (e.g., personal and protected information about employees and/or citizens). Employees are cautioned that they should have no expectation of privacy while using the public Internet, even on their own personal time, and even when using their own personal equipment. Employees' public postings on social media and other Internet sites can be viewed by anyone, including the City's management.

52 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

The following guidelines apply to all use of social media or the public Internet by City employees, even when on their own personal time and on their own personal equipment:

• Employees are free to identify themselves as a City employee if they wish. (Certain law enforcement positions may be exempt.) However, they should state that their views are their own, and do not reflect those of the City administration. • Only employees who are specifically authorized by the City are permitted to prepare and modify content for the City's website, any official City biogs, and any of the City's official social sites. If an employee is uncertain about whether or not he or she is permitted to post certain content, he or she must discuss the proposed content with his or her supervisor prior to posting. • If an employee sees a posting on the Internet from a member of the public that speaks adversely about any City operation or service, they should forward the post to their supervisor instead of responding directly to the poster. • Employees may not claim to speak on behalf of the City in an official capacity on the public Internet or in any social networking service unless they have been specifically authorized todo so. • Employees may not discuss or disclose on the public Internet or in any social networking service any confidential information they obtained through their employment with the City. • Employees may not post or view any content on social media sites or to the public Internet during working time, except as part of the employee's official assigned job duties. • Employees may not post any threats of violence or any unlawfully harassing or discriminatory content about any of their co-workers, or any person. • Any employee found to be violating this Policy is subject to immediate disciplinary action, including discharge.

8.7 Cellular Phone, Electronic Devices

This policy outlines the use of personal cell phones/electronic devices at work, the personal use of City cell phones/electronic devices and the safe use of cell phones/electronic devices by employees while driving.

Personal Cellular Phones/Electronic Devices While at work employees are expected to exercise the same discretion in using personal cellular phones/electronic devices as is expected for the use of City phones. Excessive personal calls/electronic device use during the work day, regardless of the phone/device used, interfere with employee productivity and distract others. Employees must limit personal calls and electronic device use to non-working time (i.e., authorized breaks and lunch periods) and ensure that friends and family members are aware of the City's policy. Flexibility will be provided in circumstances demanding immediate attention or for emergencies.

Where an employee's duties require immediate access to an employee the City may issue a pager, cellular phone or a hand-held radio (i.e., a "walkie-talkie") to an employee for work-related communications.

Employees in possession of City equipment are expected to protect the equipment from loss, damage or theft. Upon resignation or termination of employment, or any time upon request, the employee may be asked to produce the equipment for return or inspection. Employees unable to present the equipment in good working condition within the time period requested (i.e. 24 hours) may be expected to bear the cost of a replacement.

53 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

Safety Issues for Cellular Phone/Electronic Device Use

• Certain employees may be provided cellular telephones to provide communications needed to perform job duties and responsibilities on behalf of the City of Zanesville. Employees who are issued cellular telephones under the City plan shall be selected at the sole discretion of the appointing authority, in consideration of business need, and to enhance the efficiency and economy of City services. Appointing authorities are responsible for ensuring that only those employees whose job demands require use of mobile telecommunications shall be issued a City cellular telephone. • When personal telephone calls on City cellular phones are necessary, they are to be brief in duration, and limited in number, in order to avoid tying up the cellular telephone on non­ business related matters. • City issued cell phones are the property of the City and as such may be accessed and inspected at any time by the City. There are absolutely no rights or expectations of privacy for any contents on the City owned phone. • Lost, stolen or broken City cell phones shall be reported by the Employee to the appointing authority immediately. • Each employee, who makes personal telephone calls on his or her City issued cellular telephone, shall be required to reimburse the City in fu ll, for any costs associated with said personal calls. • Upon a department's receipt of its monthly cellular telephone bill, the appointing authority or designee shall review the statement. If the statement indicates any charges related to an Employee's calls, the appointing authority shall submit a copy of the bill to the Employee and said Employee shall promptly reimburse the City for the cost of any personal calls. • At an Employee's option, and as an alternative to using the City cellular telephone, the Employee may, with the appointing authority's approval, use his or her own personal cell phone for City business. If said use results in the Employee being billed for City business related usage, the Employee may submit a copy of his bill to his or her appointing authority and seek reimbursement for said expenses from the City. • When using a City issued cellular telephone in a City or personal vehicle, the Employee is required to first pull over and stop the vehicle at a safe location, prior to placing the call or texting. When receiving a cellular telephone call while driving, the employee is required to pull over, as soon as it is safe and practicable to do so. If needed to remain safe, the Employee receiving a cell phone call should place the caller on hold, or advise that the Employee will return the call, when the Employee can safely park the vehicle. For the safety of the Employee and other drivers, the employee is required to remain parked during the entire telephone conversation. No texting while driving. • Upon termination of employment, any employee who has been issued a City cell phone shall turn said phone into the appointing authority. If the employee desires to keep the cell phone, he shall advise the appointing authority that will refer the matter to the City Auditor who will determine the cost for purchasing the phone.

54 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

9 Important Telephone Numbers for City of Zanesville Employees

Office Contact Phone Number Ma or's Office Ma or Don Mason 740 617-4913 Public Service Director Community Development Matt Schley Director _Pu_b_l_ic_S_a_fe__,.__D_i_re_c_to_r___ D_ o_u~______,_ 7_4_0_,__6_1_7-_4_9_14---t Budget & Finance Kade Haddox (740) 617-4912 Director Ci Law Director David Tarbert 740 617-4887 Auditor's Office Andrew Bod 740 617-4873 Treasurer's Office David Wolfe 740 617-4898 Pa roll Knsta Bonnett 740 617-4899 Civil Service Billie Corns 740 617-4877 Human Resources Darla Wooten 740 617-4881 Information Technolo Lisa Hittle 740 617-4911 Ci Council Clerk Sue Culbertson 740 617-4875 Insurance MedBen 800-686-8425 EAP AnthemEAP 800-865-1044 Pension OPERS 800-222-7377 Police & Fire Pension Ohio P&FP 888-864-8363 877 -644-6457 Workers Com 888-247-7799 Fraud Hotline 866-372-8364

55 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

10 Forms

10.1 COZ Record of Instruction and Verbal Reprimand


Employee Name:

Employee Classification:

Date Issued:


Date Violation Occurred: Location Where Violation Occurred:

Type of Violation: Chapter 124 Violation Inefficiency Conviction of Crime Insubordination Discourteous Treatment of Public Malfeasance Dishonesty Misfeasance Drunkenness Neglect of Duty Failure of Good Behavior Nonfeasance Immoral Conduct Violation of Work Rules or Policies of the City Incompetency Other:

Description of Violation:

(attach addltional sheet(s] if necessary)

This RECORD OF CAUTION is issued as a corrective measure in an effort to help you improve your conduct. Any further violations could result in more severe disciplinary actions.

Signature of Person Issuing Warning Title Date

I hereby acknowledge that a copy of the above RECORD OF VERBAL WARNING was provided to me this day.

Signature of Employee Date

cc: Employee Employee Personnel File

56 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-1 50


Employee Name:

Employee Classification:

Date Warning was Issued:


Date Violation Occurred: Location Where Violation Occurred:

Type of Violation: Chapter 124 Violation Inefficiency Conviction of Crime Insubordination Discourteous Treatment of Public Malfeasance Dishonesty Misfeasance Drunkenness Neglect of Duty Failure of Good Behavior Nonfeasance Immoral Conduct Violation of Work Rules or Policies of the City Incompetency

Description of Violation:

(attach additional sheet[s] if necessary)

This WRITTEN REPRIMAND is issued as a corrective measure in an effort to help you improve your conduct. Any further violations could result in more severe disciplinary actions.

Signature of Person Issuing Warning Title Date

I hereby acknowledge that a copy of the above WRITTEN REPRIMAND was provided to me this day.

Signature of Employee Date

cc: Employee Employee Personnel File

57 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

10.3 COZ Notice of Pre-Disciplinary Conference



TO: Name of Employee

A pre-disciplinary conference concerning you will be held at:

Time Location Date

The purpose of the conference is to provide you with an opportunity to respond to the following allegations of misconduct:

You have the right to: (1) appear at the conference to present an oral or written statement in your response; (2) appear at the conference and have your chosen representative present an oral or written statement on your behalf; or (3) elect in writing to waive your opportunity to have a pre-disciplinary conference. Failure to respond or respond truthfully may result in further disciplinary action.

At the conference you may present any testimony, witnesses, or documents which explain whether or not the alleged conduct occurred. You may be represented by any person you choose, whether such individual is an employee or not. You shall provide a list of witnesses to the designated neutral conference supervisor no later than one (1) hour prior to the pre-disciplinary conference. It is your responsibility to notify witnesses that their attendance is desired. No conference will be delayed more than twenty-four (24) hours to enable your representative to attend.

A written report will be prepared by the neutral supervisor concluding as to whether or not the alleged conduct occurred. A copy of this report will be provided to you within five (5) days following its preparation. The pre-disciplinary conference will be conducted by:

If you have any question in regard to this procedure, please contact the above individual or consult the City's personnel policy manual.

Signature of Appointing Authority or Designee Date

cc: Neutral Conference Supervisor Employee Personnel File

58 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EM PLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

10.4 COZ Disciplinary Action (Pay Reduction, Demotion, Suspension, Removal/Termination)

CITY OF ZANESVILLE DISCIPLINARY ACTION (Pay Reduction, Demotion, Suspension, Removal/Termination)

Employee Name:

Department: ______Employee Classification:


Date Violation Occurred: Location Where Violation Occurred:

Type of Violation: Chapter 124 Violation Inefficiency Conviction of Crime Insubordination Discourteous Treatment of Public Malfeasance Dishonesty Misfeasance Drunkenness Neglect of Duty Failure of Good Behavior Nonfeasance Immoral Conduct Violation of Work Rules or Policies of the City Incompetency

Description of Violation:

(attach addttional sheet[sJ if necessary)

Signature of Person Requesting Action Title Date


Date of Pre-Disciplinary Conference Disciplinary Action Taken:

Signature of Person Imposing Action Title Date

Signature of Person Issuing Action Title Date I hereby acknowledge that a copy of the above DISCIPLINARY ACTION was provided to me this day.

Signature of Employee Date cc: Employee; Employee Personnel File

59 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

10.5 Employee Request for Leave Form

Employee Request for Leave Form Name: ------Date form completed: ______Date(s) of Requested leave (enter date(s) only- list hrs. in correct category:)

List of Hours Below For Each Leave Requested:

Personal medical, dental, optical examination or treatment for employee Personal illness or injury Immediate family illness, injury or medical, dental or optical appointment Death in family, bereavement leave for immediate family Death in family, sick leave for extended family (relationship ______, Vacation Personal Holiday Civil leave, jury duty, etc. Military Compensatory time Family medical leave Unpaid leave - describe:


By signing, the employee verifies the use of the leave requested and compliance with Department Leave Policies.

Administrative Action:

The approval and/or recommendation signified does not prevent issuance of disciplinary action for abuse of leave or violation of the leave policy.

__ Approved __ Disapproved Hours Approved:

Comp Time Admin. Approval Date Vacation Personal Holiday Sick Leave


60 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

61 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-1 50

10.6 Employee Acknowledgement


Employee Name: Department: Date: -----

I hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of the City of Zanesville Employee Handbook. I hereby acknowledge that I understand that it is my responsibility to familiarize myself with the Employee Handbook and I agree to comply with all of the policies and procedures contained in the Handbook.

I further understand that if I have any questions as to the applicability or meaning of any policy, I can direct my questions to my supervisor, department head, Human Resources or the Mayor's Office.

I further understand that this Handbook is not an employment contract and that changes may occur to this Handbook.

Signature Date

This form must be completed and signed at the time ofthe issuance ofthis Handbook. A copy of this acknowledgment is to be placed in the employee's personnel file.

62 CITY OF ZANESVILLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-150

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WHEREAS, Civica provides License, Support and Maintenance for the City' s 9-1-1 High Availability System; and,

WHEREAS, a purchase order was not obtained for the service period (1 1/1/2020 - 10/31/2021), making it necessary for City Council to approve payment; and,

WHEREAS, failure to pay this particular invoice for the 9-1-1 system could affect public safety and security.

WHEREAS, an emergency exists so the vendor can be paid on a timely basis.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Zanesville, Ohio, that:

SECTION ONE: That the City Auditor is hereby authorized to pay the following invoice from Civica in the amount of $15,960.00 for services performed prior to the purchase order being secured.

SECTION TWO: For the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, this ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure. Provided it receives the affirmative votes of six or more members of Council, it shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. Otherwise, this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

PASSED______, 2020

ATTEST: ------Susan Culbertson Daniel M. Vincent Clerk of Council President of Council Ordinance No. 2020-151

APPROVED:------~2020 This legislation approved as to form:

Donald Mason Mayor

Law Director's Office David Wolfe, Treasurer

ORDINANCE 2020-152


WHEREAS, the City determined that its existing compensation and classification systems should be updated, and therefore engaged an external consultant to review and to recommend updates to the City's classification and compensation practices;

WHEREAS, the City passed Ordinance 2020-123 which will govern the pay and benefit policies for unaffiliated employees of the City of Zanesville with an approximate effective start date of December 24, 2020;

WHEREAS, because the effective date of December 24, 2020 is in the middle of a pay period for City employees, the City Treasurer has deemed it necessary to amend Ordinance #2020-123 to correspond to a full pay period; and

WHEREAS, without an amendment to the effective date of the pay ordinance and the declaration to maintain certain employees in their current pay status, it is possible that some City employees might not receive appropriate pay and/or benefits thereby necessitating an emergency for the welfare of the citizens and employees of the City of Zanesville.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Council for the City of Zanesville, State of Ohio, that Ordinance 2020-123 which reads as follows:


(A) This ordinance shall apply to employees in the service of the City who are not seasonal, elected, covered by collective bargaining agreements, or any others which are governed by separate ordinances.

(B) For the purpose of this ordinance the employees of the City, with the exception of those mentioned in Paragraph (A), shall constitute the unaffiliated group in the municipal service who will perform work and be employees full-time or part-time throughout the year, or for a temporary period of time.


(A) The civil service of the City shall be divided into the unclassified service and the classified service. The classified service shall comprise all persons in the employ of the City not specifically included in the unclassified service.

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{B) Appointment to a position in the unclassified service is at the discretion of the appointing authority, and the incumbent may be removed, suspended, or reduced in pay or position at the pleasure of the appointing authority.

(C) All appointments to the classified service are governed by Chapter 124 of the Ohio Revised Code and rules and regulations of the Zanesville Civil Service Commission.

(D) The Civil Service Commission shall maintain such records as are necessary or required to accomplish the provisions of this ordinance, including but not limited to, a list of current classification titles, a copy of each job description, and a record of the pay range to which each position has been assigned. The Civil Service Commission may also maintain other records re lated to the City's unaffiliated employees, including but not limited to, a current roster of employees with a record of their service including dates of service; classification assignments, compensation history, and such other information as may be deemed appropriate.

{E) The Civil Service Commission and the appointing authority are hereby authorized to develop any additional regulations necessary to implement the policies established in this ordinance.


(A) A classification plan has been established for unaffiliated positions in the City. The Classification Plan is maintained by the City Administration through the Department of Human Resources. The classification plan consists of a point factor job evaluation system that provides a method for quantitative and qualitative assessment of positions. Within the Plan, classifications within the City are ranked by point factor score. Classifications with relatively similar point factor scores are grouped into similar pay grade assignments.

(B) The City Administration shall be responsible for completing point factor evaluations of new and existing classifications, as needed.

(C) The City Administration shall be responsible for maintaining the Classification Plan and for recommending any changes to the plan, the factors, the scoring methodology, and/or the pay grades. The Civil Service Commission shall review any changes to the Classification Plan that are recommended by the City Administration, and issue a recommendation to the City Council regarding approval of the changes. Council shall approve any changes to the Classification Plan.


(A) All employees subject to the provisions of this ordinance shall be paid a wage in accordance with the attached Schedules. The City Administration shall be responsible

Page 2 of 10 Ordinance No. 2020-152

for determining wage rates for unaffiliated personnel, which shall be not inconsistent with the Schedules in this Ordinance.

(B) Schedule A establishes the pay grades for unaffiliated employees subject to the provisions of this ordinance, and the pay ranges that correspond to each pay grade.

(C) Schedule B establishes the pay grade assignments for the positions subject to this ordinance.

(D) The pay rates for some employees in the Legal Department and the Municipal Court are paid from two different sources. Pay increases for those affected employees shall be paid from said funding sources. The percentage to be paid from each funding source shall be determined between the City and the applicable appointing authority.

(E) Other than the original pay rate adjustments established in Schedule A of this ordinance, the administration must acquire Council approval for increases in pay greater than five percent {5%) of an employee's current pay rate.


Ordinance Nos. 20-36, 19-39, and 18-35A, their amendments, and any other ordinance and/or resolution or any part of an ordinance and/or resolution inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.


If any part of this ordinance is found to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, such unconstitutionality, illegality, or invalidity shall affect only such part of this ordinance and shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions of this ordinance. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Council for the City of Zanesville that this ordinance would have been adopted had such unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid part thereof not been included herein.


This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

Is hereby amended to read:


(A) This ordinance shall apply to employees in the service of the City who are not seasonal, elected, covered by collective bargaining agreements, or any others which are governed by separate ordinances.

Page 3 of 10 Ordinance No. 2020-152

(B) For the purpose of this ordinance the employees of the City, with the exception of those mentioned in Paragraph (A), shall constitute the unaffiliated group in the municipal service who will perform work and be employees full-time or part-time throughout the year, or for a temporary period of time.


(A) The civil service of the City shall be divided into the unclassified service and the classified service. The classified service shall comprise all persons in the employ of the City not specifically included in the unclassified service.

(B) Appointment to a position in the unclassified service is at the discretion of the appointing authority, and the incumbent may be removed, suspended, or reduced in pay or position at the pleasure of the appointing authority.

(C) All appointments to the classified service are governed by Chapter 124 of the Ohio Revised Code and rules and regulations of the Zanesville Civil Service Commission.

(D) The Civil Service Commission shall maintain such records as are necessary or required to accomplish the provisions of this ordinance, including but not limited to, a list of current classification titles, a copy of each job description, and a record of the pay range to which each position has been assigned. The Civil Service Commission may also maintain other records related to the City's unaffiliated employees, including but not limited to, a current roster of employees with a record of their service including dates of service; classification assignments, compensation history, and such other information as may be deemed appropriate.

(E) The Civil Service Commission and the appointing authority are hereby authorized to develop any additional regulations necessary to implement the policies established in this ordinance.


(A) A classification plan has been established for unaffiliated positions in the City. The Classification Plan is maintained by the City Administration through the Department of Human Resources. The classification plan consists of a point factor job evaluation system that provides a method for quantitative and qualitative assessment of positions. Within the Plan, classifications within the City are ranked by point factor score. Classifications with relatively similar point factor scores are grouped into similar pay grade assignments.

(B) The City Administration shall be responsible for completing point factor evaluations of new and existing classifications, as needed.

Page 4 of 10 Ordinance No. 2020-152

(C} The City Administration shall be responsible for maintaining the Classification Plan and for recommending any changes to the plan, the factors, the scoring methodology, and/or the pay grades. The Civil Service Commission shall review any changes to the Classification Plan that are recommended by the City Administration and issue a recommendation to the City Council regarding approval of the changes. Council shall approve any changes to the Classification Plan.


(A) All employees subject to the provisions of this ordinance shall be paid a wage in accordance with the attached Schedules. The City Administration shall be responsible for determining wage rates for unaffiliated personnel, which shall be not inconsistent with the Schedules in this Ordinance.

(B) Schedule A establishes the pay grades for unaffiliated employees subject to the provisions of this ordinance, and the pay ranges that correspond to each pay grade.

(C} Schedule B establishes the pay grade assignments for the positions subject to this ordinance.

(D) The pay rates for some employees in the Legal Department and the Municipal Court are paid from two different sources. Pay increases for those affected employees shall be paid from said funding sources. The percentage to be paid from each funding source shall be determined between the City and the applicable appointing authority.

(E) Other than the original pay rate adjustments established in Schedule A of this ordinance, the administration must acquire Council approval for increases in an employee's pay that would result in a five percent (5%) or greater pay increase for said employee during any consecutive twelve-month period. It shall not be necessary for the administration to obtain Council approval for pay raises resulting from promotions or transfers by an employee to a new position.

(F) An unaffiliated payroll spreadsheet is attached hereto as Schedule C and is incorporated as though fully rewritten in the body of this Ordinance. Schedule C lists all unaffiliated employees and his or her pay rate at the time of the passage of this Ordinance. This Council hereby authorizes and approves the adoption of the figures on the spreadsheet detailing the continued and/or new rates of pay for said employees as of January 1, 2021.

(G) Any employee whose current rate of pay is above t heir stated pay range at the time of the effective date of this Ordinance shall not receive a reduction in pay, but shall have his or her pay "legacied" and shall continue to be paid their current rate of pay. Stated differently, this Ordinance shall not cause any employee to receive a reduction in pay.

Page 5 of 10 Ordinance No. 2020-152


Ordinance Nos. 20-36, 19-39, and 18-35A, their amendments, and any other ordinance and/or resolution or any part of an ordinance and/or resolution inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed as of January 1, 2021.


If any part of this ordinance is found to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, such unconstitutionality, illegality, or invalidity shall affect only such part of this ordinance and shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions of this ordinance. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Council for the City of Zanesville that this ordinance would have been adopted had such unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid part thereof not been included herein.


This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on January 1, 2021.


For the reasons stated herein, this Ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure. Provided it receives the affirmative votes of six or more members of Council, it shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. Otherwise, this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

PASSED: ----~ 2020

Susan Culbertson Daniel Vincent Clerk of Council President of Council

APPROVED: ----~ 2020 This legislation approved as to form:

Donald Mason, Mayor Law Director's Office

Page 6 of 10 Ordinance No. 2020-152


PAY ANNUAL SALARY HOURLY EQUIVALENT GRADE MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM 1 $20,280.00 $27,040.00 $33,800.00 $9.75 $13.00 $16.25 2 $22,135.62 $29,514.16 $36,892.70 $10.64 $14.19 $17.74 3 $24,161.03 $32,214.71 $40,268.38 $11.62 $15.49 $19.36 4 $26,371.76 $35,162.35 $43,952.94 $12.68 $16.90 $21.13 5 $28,784.78 $38,379.71 $47,974.63 $13.84 $18.45 $23.06 6 $31,418.59 $41,891.45 $52,364.31 $15.11 $20.14 $25.18 7 $34,293.39 $45,724.52 $57,155.65 $16.49 $21.98 $27.48 8 $37,431.23 $49,908.31 $62,385.39 $18.00 $23.99 $29.99 9 $40,856.19 $54,474.92 $68,093.65 $19.64 $26.19 $32.74 10 $44,594.53 $59,459.38 $74,324.22 $21.44 $28.59 $35.73 11 $48,674.93 $64,899.91 $81,124.89 $23.40 $31.20 $39.00 12 $53,128.69 $70,838.25 $88,547.81 $25.54 $34.06 $42.57 13 $57,989.96 $77,319.95 $96,649.94 $27.88 $37.17 $46.47 14 $63,296.04 $84,394.73 $105,493.41 $30.43 $40.57 $50.72

Page 7 oflO Ordinance No. 2020-152


Pay Job Classification Grade Accounting Specialist 7 Admin Asst. to Auditorium Manager 4 Adm in Secretary to Community Dev Director 5 Adm in Secretary to Safety Director 5 Administrative Secretary to Public Service Director 5 Airport Manager 9 Assistant Jail Administrator 8 Assistant Law Director 13 Associate Planner for Planning & Zoning 7 Auditing Specialist 5 Auditorium Manager 9 Budget and Finance Director 14 Building Inspector 10 Cemeteries & Parks Supervisor 11 Chief Probation Officer 9 City Architect 13 City Engineer 13 City Maintenance Supervisor 9 Civil Service Employment Coordinator 5 Code Enforcement Officer 6 Code Enforcement/Building Inspector 9 Community Development Director 14 Council Clerk 7 Court Bailiff 6 Deputy Auditor 10 Deputy Court Bailiff 5 Deputy Court Clerk 4 Deputy Director/Public Service 11 Deputy Income Tax Administrator 9 Deputy Treasurer 9 Deputy Wastewater Superintendent 11 Engineering Technician 6 Environmental Coordinator 10 Executive Secretary to Mayor 6 Fair Housing Coordinator 5 Fire Chief 13 Fl eet Manager 11 General Service Worker City Maintenance 4 GIS Specialist 11 Human Resources Manager 11 HVAC Technician/Inspector City Maintenance 7 Income Tax Administrator 10 Income Tax Auditor/Investigations 7

Page 8 of 10 Ordinance No. 2020-152

., Income Tax Clerk II 4 Income Tax Clerk Ill 5 IT Administrator 11 IT Technician 9 Jail Administrator 11 Maintenance Garage Coordinator 4 Master Electrician 10 Municipal Court Bookkeeper 2 Municipal Court Clerk 7 Paralegal 5 Payroll Manager 5 Planning & Zoning Administrator 8 Plant Maintenance Mechanic/Foreman - Sewer 9 Police Chief 13 Public Safety Director 14 Public Service Auditor 8 Public Service Director 14 Purchasing Coordinator 5 Redevelopment Administrator 7 Refuse Collection Supervisor 7 Secretary for Parks and Cemeteries Superintendent 4 Secretary to Fire Chief 4 Secretary to Probation Officer 4 Secretary to Superintendent of Streets and Refuse 4 Secretary to Wastewater Superintendent 4 Secretary to Water Superintendent 4 Sewer/Drain Maintenance Crew leader 6 Sewer/Drain Maintenance Supervisor 7 Storm Water Program Manager 11 Street & Refuse Superintendent 11 Street Maintenance Supervisor 7 Traffic Signal Crew Leader - City Maintenance 8 Traffic Signal Tech 1 - City Maint 6 Utility Billing Clerk I Unaffiliated - Part-Time 4 Utility Billing Supervisor 9 Victim/Witness Coordinator 5 Wastewater Lab Supervisor 9 Wastewater Superintendent 12 Water Maintenance and Metering Supervisor 7 Water Maintenance Crew Leader 6 Water Maintenance Crew leader 6 Water Superintendent 12 Weed, Litter, and Property Preservation Manager 5

Page 9 oflO Ordinance No. 2020-152

Schedule C Current Pay Rates and Rates of Pay effective January 1, 2021

Page 10 of 10 Schedule C

Employee in Pay Rate Under New Job Classification Management Level Position Pay Scale Public Safety Director 1-Director Doug Merry 31.25 Budget and Finance Director 1-Director Kade Haddox 32.09 Community Development Director 1-Director Matt Schley 32.09 Below Minimum Threshold - Automatic Increase Public Service Director 1-Director Scott Brown 43.00 Proposed Wage Increases City Engineer 2- Sr. Manager Chip Saunders 41.87 *Anyone accidently left off of this list will come Fire Chief 2- Sr. Manager Jeff Bell 42.75 into the pay scale at their current rate or be Police Chief 2- Sr. Manager Tony Coury 46.31 bumped to the minimum mandated by this Fleet Manager 3- Superintendent Billy Rosser 29.82 ordinance. Street & Refuse Superintendent 3- Superintendent Ike Van Dyne 31.63 Cemeteries & Parks Supervisor 3- Superintendent Richard Stevens 29.82 Wastewater Superintendent 3- Superintendent Scott Brown 33.51 Water Superintendent 3- Superintendent Scott Bryant 33.51 Jail Administrator 4-Manager Chad Smith 29.82 Human Resources Manager 4-Manager Darla Wooten 24.66 Airport Manager 4-Manager Jim Witte 21.26 Income Tax Administrator 4-Manager Kathy Robinson 29.82 IT Administrator 4-Manager Lisa Hittle 32.73 Auditorium Manager 4-Manager Rick Sabine 20.03 Wastewater Lab Supervisor 5-Supervisor Amy Hursey 27.01 Assistant Jail Administrator 5-Supervisor Ben Lambes 24.58 City Maintenance Supervisor 5-Supervisor Craig Stemm 29.92 Utility Billing Supervisor 5-Supervisor Debbie Wall 24.58 Deputy Income Tax Administrator 5-Supervisor Don Bush 20.03 Refuse Collection Supervisor 5-Supervisor Don Crom 25.73 Assistant Law Director 5-Supervisor Emily Tarbert 43.26 Plant Maintenance Mechanic/Foreman - Sewer 5-Supervisor Joe Sneddon 29.82 Water Maintenance and Metering Supervisor 5-Supervisor John Smtih 26.06 Street Maintenance Supervisor 5-Supervisor Mike West 25.73 Deputy Auditor 5-Supervisor Paul Medich 29.40 Assistant Law Director 5-Supervisor Scott Eickelberger 43.26 Deputy Treasurer 5-Supervisor Krista Bonnett 22.57 Sewer/Drain Maintenance Supervisor 5-Supervisor Steve Shirley 26.06 Building Inspector 5-Supervisor Tim Smith 32.11 Sewer/Drain Maintenance Crew Leader 6- Crew Lead Chris Fleming 24.58 Traffic Signal Crew Leader - City Maintenance 6- Crew Lead Fred Lane 24.66 Water Maintenance Crew Leader 6- Crew Lead Gary Reed 24.58 Water Maintenance Crew Leader 6- Crew Lead Jonathan Spring 24.58 Paralegal 7-Employee Allison Buck 14.02 Administrative Secretary to Public Service Director 7-Employee Amanda Flegle 15.38 Income Tax Clerk II 7-Employee Amy Nicewanger 13.25 Traffic Signal Tech 1 - City Maint 7-Employee Andrew Champ 15.81 Admin Secretary to Community Dev Director 7-Employee Ann Bennett 15.38 Auditing Specialist 7-Employee Bailey Neff 14.92 Civil Service Employment Coordinator 7-Employee Billie Corns 17.80 General Service Worker City Maintenance 7-Employee Byan Lyons 17.80 General Service Worker City Maintenance 7-Employee Jordan Neff 17.80 Secretary to Wastewater Superintendent 7-Employee Cindie Smith 14.44 Chief Probation Officer 7-Employee Cody Stickdorn 21.92 Court Bailiff 7-Employee Dan Arter 13.84 Associate Planner for Planning & Zoning 7-Employee Dane Miller 17.80 Engineering Technician 7-Employee David Kerr 22.57 IT Technician 7-Employee Glen Gregor 26.00 Public Service Auditor 7-Employee Grace Hackney 19.64 Deputy Court Bailiff 7-Employee James Jones 18.32 HVAC Technician/Inspector City Maintenance 7-Employee Jamey Brannon 24.66 Income Tax Clerk III 7-Employee Jennifer Brown 15.81 Code Enforcement/Building Inspector 7-Employee John Benson 26.14 Utility Billing Clerk I Unaffiliated - Part-Time 7-Employee Julie Hartman 16.31 Deputy Court Clerk 7-Employee Keely Matz 24.66 Environmental Coordinator 7-Employee Kevin Allendar 27.01 Victim/Witness Coordinator 7-Employee Lisa Davis 14.44 GIS Specialist 7-Employee Malcolm Meyer 27.73 Secretary to Water Superintendent 7-Employee Marge Shawger 14.44 Code Enforcement Officer 7-Employee Mari Grant 19.48 Redevelopment Administrator 7-Employee Maria Brent 20.03 Purchasing Coordinator 7-Employee Mary Bush 30.29 Admin Secretary to Safety Director 7-Employee Mendi Farnsworth 15.75 Secretary to Fire Chief 7-Employee Michelle Barstow 20.03 Deputy Court Clerk 7-Employee Nicole Barr 18.90 General Service Worker City Maintenance 7-Employee Oscar Coleman 18.90 Executive Secretary to Mayor 7-Employee Pam Edwards 18.32 Weed, Litter, and Property Preservation Manager 7-Employee Ronald Grant 16.31 Admin Asst. to Auditorium Manager 7-Employee Ronda Birkhimer 14.07 Secretary to Probation Officer 7-Employee Saundra Fraunfelter 18.90 Redevelopment Administrator 7-Employee Stephanie Winland 20.03 Council Clerk 7-Employee Sue Colburtson 21.92 Secretary to Superintendent of Streets and Refuse 7-Employee Susy Lambes 21.26 Secretary for Parks and Cemeteries Superintendent 7-Employee Tricia Lews 14.92 Municipal Court Clerk 7-Employee Vicky Kirk 16.63

1 Mayor - Donald L. Mason

ORDINANCE NO. 2020-153


WHEREAS, the City of Zanesville's Police and Fire Dispatch Center at 332 South Street is in the need to expand/move to the 2nd floor of the Safety Bldg.; and

WHEREAS, the City of Zanesville will advertise for bids; and

WHEREAS, it is vital that this move occurs to comply with social distancing for COVID, and still allowing the communication operators to perform their job in a workable and manageable area for the welfare of the employees; and

WHEREAS, the City needs to purchase new furniture for dispatch that will be ergonomically proficient for their 24x7 operation; and NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Council of The City of Zanesville, State of Ohio: SECTION ONE: The proper city officials are hereby authorized to advertise for bids and to execute a contract with the lowest and best bid that meets the following specs for the furniture that is needed in this area: - High Sound Absorptive panel system - Moveable/Ergonomic Table Work Surfaces - comer and straight - Pedestal Drawer - CPU (computer tower) Enclosures with locking access doors, pullout shelves, and fans for active ventilation - Cable Management bridge for cable organization - Data dock - Keyboard surface cable organizer (8) USB Ports, (1) CAT6 Port - Monitor Mounting System to mount up to 5-10 monitors - LED Status Indicator light - to allow other operators to know when someone is on the phone - Freight - Installation/Professional Services

SECTION TWO: The cost associated with this furniture is estimated to be approximately $75,000 and will be paid for from Line Item(s) 201-1111-54450 and 820-1111-54448 SECTION THREE. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

Page 1 of 2 Ordinance No. 2020-153

PASSED ------~ 2020

ATTEST: ------Sus an Culbertson Daniel M. Vincent Clerk of Council President of Council

APPROVED: ______,2020 This legislation approved as to form:

Donald L. Mason, Mayor Law Director's Office

Page 2 of 2 Mayor Donald L. Mason



WHEREAS, Ordinance #2020-100 presently governs authorized workforce positions for the various City offices and departments; and

WHEREAS, a periodic update ofthe Maximum Strength Ordinance is necessary to incorporate changes made necessary by the operational needs of the City.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Zanesville, State of Ohio; that:

SECTION ONE: The following maximum schedule of positions for the various city offices and departments, effective with the passage of this ordinance, be and hereby is authorized. Each of the following sections, numbered 101-1121, etc., is hereby declared to be a separate and distinct section for the purposes of this ordinance.


101 -1121 PUBLIC SAFETY: Parking Enforcement Officer (Seasonal) 1 Public Safety Director 1

101-3281 PARKS: Crew Supervisor (Recreation) 1 Crew Supervisor (Recreation) (upgrade only) 1 Maintenance Worker 4 Maintenance Worker (Seasonal) 7 Maintenance Worker Trainee 1


101-4381 BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT: Building Inspector 1 City Architect 1 Code Enforcement Officer/Building Inspector 1 Code Enforcement Officer 1 Crew Supervisor (Seasonal) 2 Maintenance Worker (Seasonal) 6 Weed, Litter and Property Preservation Manager, Code Enforcement Officer 1

101-7661 MAYOR: Executive Secretary

101 -7681 AUDITOR: Accounting Specialist 1 Auditing Specialist 1 Deputy Auditor 1

101-7682 TREASURER: Deputy Income Tax Administrator 1 Deputy Treasurer 1 Income Tax Administrator 1 Income Tax Auditor/Investigations 1 Income Tax Clerk II 2 Income Tax Clerk III 1 Payroll Clerk (part-time) 1

101-7691 LEGAL DEPARTMENT: Assistant Law Directors (80% of wages paid by City): C~il 1 Prosecutions 1 Paralegal (70% of wages paid by City) 1 Victim/Witness Coordinator (100% paid by City) 1

101-7705,-7791 PUBLIC SERVICE ADMINISTRATION: Administrative Secretary to Public Service Director 1 City Engineer 1 Deputy Director/Public Service 1 Engineering Technician 1 GIS Specialist 1 Public Service Director 1


101-7712 CITY COUNCIL: Clerk of Council 1

101-7721 MUNICIPAL COURT: Court Bailiff (60% of wages paid by City) 1 Deputy Court Bailiff 1 Deputy Court Clerk 3 Municipal Court Clerk (60% of wages paid by City) 1 Municipal Court Bookkeeper (part-time) 1

101-7771 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION: Civil Service Employment Coordinator 1

101-7781 CITY HALL: Custodial or Maintenance Worker 1

101-7782 CITY MAINTENANCE: City Maintenance Supervisor 1 Traffic Signal Crew Leader 1 Traffic Signal Supervisor/Programmer 1 General Service Worker 3 Traffic Signal Technician I 2 HV AC Technician/Inspector 1 Master Electrician 1

101-7861 HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT: Human Resource Manager 1

101-7862 IT DEPARTMENT: Information Technology Administrator 1 IT Network Technician 1

101-7863 BUDGET & FINANCE: Budget & Finance Director 1

101-7864 PURCHASING: Purchasing Coordinator 1


201-1111 to 201 -1115 POLICE: Communications Operator 11 General Police Secretary 2 Custodial or Maintenance Worker 1 Police Captain 2 Police Chief 1 Police Lieutenant 3 Police Officer 49 Police Officer (6-month training, Max 13 pay periods) 2 Police Records Clerk 4 Police Sergeant 4 Secretary to Police Chief 1

202-654 l ,-6571,-6651,-6991 STREETS: Maintenance Worker 8 Maintenance Worker (Seasonal) 7 Maintenance Worker Trainee 1 Secretary to the Street and Refuse Superintendent 1 Sign Painter 2 Sign Painter (upgrade only) 1 Street Maintenance Supervisor 1 Street and Refuse Superintendent 1 Vehicle Operator I 3 Vehicle Operator I (upgrade only) 1 Vehicle Operator II 2 Vehicle Operator II (upgrade only) 1

250-11 91 JAIL: Assistant Jail Administrator 1 Corrections Officer 23 Corrections Officer ( 6 month training) 1 Jail Administrator 1 Senior Corrections Officer (upgrade only) 1 per shift

260-11 61 PROBATION: Chief Probation Officer 1 Secretary to Probation Officer 1


270-1041 FIRE: Assistant Fire Chief (56 hr.) 3 Assistant Fire Chief ( 40 hr.) 1 Fire Chief 1 Fire Fighter 42 Fire Fighter (6-month training, Max 13 pay periods) 2 Fire Fighter/EMT - Basic (Upgrade Position) 2 Fire Fighter/EMT - Intermediate (Upgrade Position) 2 Fire Fighter - Paramedic (Upgrade Position) 2 Fire Lieutenant 9 Fire Lieutenant/EMT - Basic (upgrade Position) 2 Fire Lieutenant/EMT - Intermediate (Upgrade Position) 2 Fire Lieutenant - Paramedic (Upgrade Position) 2 Secretary to the Fire Chief 1

304-4361 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Administrative Secretary to CD Director 1 Associate Planner 1 Community Development Director 1 Fair Housing Coordinator (Upgrade Position) 1 Planning & Zoning Administrator 1 Redevelopment Administrator 2

601-6611 AIRPORT: Airpo1t Attendant 1 Airport Manager (part-time) 1 Maintenance Worker (Seasonal) 1 Maintenance Worker Trainee 1

602-2171 CEMETERY: Cemetery & Parks Superintendent 1 Maintenance Worker 2 Maintenance Worker (Seasonal) 6 Maintenance Worker Trainee 1 Secretary to Parks & Cemeteries Superintendent 1 Vehicle Operator I 1 Vehicle Operator I (upgrade only) 1


603-5470,-5471,-5472,-5473 WATER: Maintenance Worker 10 Maintenance Worker (Seasonal) 3 Maintenance Worker Trainee 1 Plant Maintenance Mechanic II 1 Public Service Auditor 1 Secretary to the Water Superintendent 1 Utilities Billing Clerk I 3 Utilities Billing Clerk I (Part-Time) 1 Utilities Billing Clerk II 1 Utilities Billing Clerk III 1 Utilities Billing Supervisor 1 Vehicle Operator I 3 Vehicle Operator I (upgrade only) 1 Water Lab Analyst 1 Water Maintenance Crew Leader 2 Water Maintenance & Metering Supervisor 1 Water Meter Reader 2 Water Meter Reader (upgrade only) 1 Water Meter Service Technician 3 Water Meter Service Technician (upgrade only) 1 Water Plant Operator I 2 Water Plant Operator II 1 Water Plant Operator III 2 Water Superintendent 1

604-5451,-5452 SEWER: Deputy Wastewater Superintendent 1 Environmental Coordinator 1 Industrial Wastewater Technician I 1 Industrial Wastewater Technician I (upgrade position) 1 Industrial Wastewater Technician II 1 Industrial Wastewater Technician II (upgrade position) 1 Maintenance Worker 5 Maintenance Worker (Seasonal) 5 Maintenance Worker Trainee 1 Plant Maintenance Mechanic I 3 Plant Maintenance Mechanic I (upgrade position) 1 Plant Maintenance Mechanic II 1 Plant Maintenance Mechanic II (upgrade only) 1 Ord #2020-154 Page 6 of 8 Plant Maintenance Mechanic Foreman


604-5451 ,-5452 SEWER CON'T: Secretary to the Wastewater Superintendent 1 Sewer /Drainage Maintenance Crew Leader 1 Sewer/Drainage Maintenance Supervisor 1 Sewer/Drainage Technician 1 Vehicle Operator I 3 Vehicle Operator I (upgrade position) 1 Vehicle Operator II 1 Vehicle Operator II (upgrade position) 1 Wastewater Field Technician 1 Wastewater Field Technician (upgrade position) 1 Wastewater Laboratory Analyst 1 Wastewater Laboratory Supervisor 1 Wastewater Plant Operator I 4 Wastewater Plant Operator II 1 Wastewater Plant Operator III 1 Wastewater Superintendent 1

608-5462 STORM SEWER: Storm Water Program Manager

620-3261 SECREST AUDITORIUM: Maintenance Worker (Seasonal) 1 Secrest Auditorium Manager 1 Administrative Assistant to Auditorium Manager 1 Stage Technician 15 Technical Director 1 Stage Hand/Custodian 30

650-5481 REFUSE: Litter/Recycling Coordinator (upgrade only) 1 Maintenance Worker (Seasonal) 4 Maintenance Worker Trainee 1 Refuse Collection Crew Leader 5 Refuse Collection Crew Leader (upgrade only) 4 Refuse Collection Supervisor 1 Refuse Collector 10 Ord #2020-154 Page 7 of 8 NUMBER OF CLASSIFICATIONS SECTION BY DIVISION

700-7631 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE: Fleet Manager 1 Maintenance Garage Coordinator 1 Maintenance Worker (Seasonal) 2 Maintenance Worker Trainee 1 Vehicle Mechanic 4 Vehicle Mechanic (upgrade only) 1 Vehicle Service Worker 1

SECTION TWO: Ordinance #2020-100 and any other ordinances or resolutions or any part of an ordinance or resolution inconsistent herewith is hereby repealed.

SECTION THREE: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

PASSED: ------' 2020

Susan Culbertson, Daniel M. Vincent, Clerk of Council President of Council

APPROVED: _____, 2020 This legislation approved as to form:

Donald L. Mason, Law Director's Office Mayor

Ord #2020-154 Page 8 of 8 Public Service Committee Andrew Roberts, Chair

ORDINANCE 2020-146 Amended


WHEREAS, Strand Associates, Inc. ("Strand") was selected through the O.R.C. Chapter 153.69 "Request for Qualifications" process to provide services for the Gant Stadium upgrades project (the "Services"); and

WHEREAS, Strand has submitted a proposal for performing the Services, to be substantially similar to those set forth on the attached Exhibit A (attached hereto); and

WHEREAS, it has been determined that the Services are necessary to preserve, maintain, and improve Gant Stadium.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Council ofthe City ofZanesville, State of Ohio, that:

SECTION ONE: The Public Service Director is hereby authorized to enter into a professional contract with Strand Associates, Inc. to assist the City with the Gant Stadium upgrades project.

SECTION TWO: The cost of these services is estimated to be $56,000 and shall be paid from Line Item 101.3281.53299, Line Item 101.3281.53399, Line Item 101.3281.54422, and Line Item 101.3961.54498.

SECTION THREE: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.

PASSED: ______,2020

ATTEST: SUSAN CULBERTSON, DANIEL M. VINCENT, Clerk of Council President of Council

APPROVED: ------~ 2020 This legislation approved as to form: DONALD MASON, Mayor

Law Director's Office Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-146

Strand Associates, lnc.e 425 W. Nationwide Boulevard, Suite 100 Columbus, OH 43215 ~!, (P) 614.835.0460 STRAND ASSOCIATES•

November 17, 2020

City of Zanesville 401 Market Street Zanesville, OH 43701

Attention: Mr. Scott Brown, Public Service Director

Re: Agreement for General Services Gant Stadium Upgrades Predesign

This is an Agreement between the City of Zanesville, Ohio, hereinafter referred to as OWNER, and Strand Associates, Inc.®, hereinafter referred to as ENGINEER, to provide engineering services (Services) for the Gant Stadium Upgrades Predesign project. This Agreement shall be in accordance with the following elements.

Scope of Services

ENGINEER will provide the following Services to OWNER.

1. Participate in up to five predesign review meetings with OWNER and project stakeholders. OWNER's existing InFocus video conferencing system will be used. The meetings are as follows:

a. An on-site kickoff meeting to discuss updates to the predesign evaluation scope and schedule, and gather site information.

b. A video conference to review initial questions from ENGINEER.

c. An on-site meeting with representatives from the Muskingum Valley Old-Timers Association.

d. An on-site meeting to review outstanding questions and concerns.

e. A video conference to review the draft 30 percent design memorandum.

2. Evaluate the feasibility and opinions of probable project cost (OPPC) associated with rehabilitating and reusing the existing third base line structure to serve as an umpire staging area and two locker rooms.

3. Evaluate the feasibility and OPPC associated with using a removeable pitching mound on the to allow it to be used for softball games.

4. Evaluate the feasibility and OPPC associated with developing a new football/soccer field layout which shares a portion of its area with the existing baseball field. This includes evaluating two options for the sports lighting system and two options for site fencing.

DOOgjc\R\COOIDocuments\Agroemeots\Z\Zanesvillo, Citt of(OH)\GamStadilKDl,\>gradesPredesi!!ll20'10\Agi\42S7.006.docx

Arizona I Illinois I Indiana I Kentucky I Ohio I Texas I Wisconsin · Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-146

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City of Zanesville Page 2 November 17, 2020

5. Evaluate up to four locations for the new public restroom facility based on the public restroom facility design that was included in the previous 2019 Gant Stadium Upgrades Pre-Design evaluation prepared by ENGINEER. Two locations anticipate the site includes only baseball and softball fields and the other two locations anticipate the site includes baseball, softball, and soccer/football fields. Each of the four scenarios anticipate that access to existing seating on top of the third base line structure will be restricted so that additional code-compliant restroom fixtures will not be needed. Two of the four locations included in this evaluation are included as part of the evaluation of improvements to the first base line structure in Item No. 9.

6. Evaluate two alternatives to the public restroom facility design that was included in the previous 2019 Gant Stadium Upgrades Pre-Design evaluation. One alternative includes integrating an umpire staging area into the new public restroom structure; the other includes integrating both an umpire staging area and a concessions facility into the new public restroom structure.

7. Consult with local and state building code officials to evaluate the ability to reduce the number of permanent restroom fixtures by using rented or OWNER-purchased portable restroom facilities during larger events.

8. Evaluate the following five potential scenarios for improving the existing home plate stadium seating structure: a. No changes. b. Convert the existing concessions area to a storage area. c. Relocate the concessions facility to a larger area under the home plate stadium seating structure. d. Extend the existing home plate stadium seating structure at the concessions stand to create a larger concessions area. e. Renovate available space under the home plate stadium seating structure to accommodate new permanent public restrooms.

9. Evaluate the following three potential scenarios for improving the first base line area: a. No changes. b. Locate the new public restroom facility, or a proposed variation of this structure, in the area currently occupied by the existing bullpen and batting cages. Relocate the bullpen and batting cages to the third base line if available space allows. c. Locate the new public restroom facility, or a proposed variation of this structure, in a portion of the existing parking lot along the first base line.

10. Evaluate locations and OPPC associated with installing protective fencing for parked cars in the east side parking lot.

11. Review existing documentation provided by OWNER. Gather information from the site following one or more of the three pre-design review meetings attended. The site visit will include a visual review of the existing third baseline structure to gather data related to potential rehabilitation and reuse ofthe structure. Structural review of the existing third baseline structure by a structural engineer is not included and will be considered additional services.

DOOgje\R:\COO\Documonts\Agreements\Z\Zanesville, City of(OH)\GantStruliumlJpgradesPredoog,,.2020\AgM2S7.006.doo< Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-146

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12. Update the preliminary OPPC that was developed as part of the 2019 Gant Stadium Upgrades Pre-Design evaluation prepared by ENGINEER to include OPPC associated with up to five project scenarios based on OWNER-selected alternatives identified herein.

13. Review State of Ohio Building Code and OWNER codes and ordinances applicable to the project. Review fire protection system and stormwater requirements as they relate to the proposed upgrades. Discuss proposed changes to existing utility, municipal water, and municipal sanitary sewer loading and infrastructure with site utility providers.

14. Discuss permitting requirements with OWNER's public service director, local community development department, Muskingum County Building Department, and Mid-East Ohio Building Department.

15. Update site drawings and floor plans that were included in the previous 2019 Gant Stadium Upgrades Pre-Design evaluation prepared by ENGINEER for the five project scenarios selected by OWNER for final evaluation as described under Task Item 12 above.

16. Incorporate one round of combined review comments from OWNER and key project stakeholders into the final 30 percent design memorandum, as appropriate. Submit the memorandum to OWNER in portable document format.

Service Elements Not Included

The following services are not included in this Agreement. If such services are required, they will be provided as noted.

1. Additional Site Visits and/or Meetings: Additional OWNER-required site visits or meetings will be provided through an amendment to this Agreement or through a separate agreement with OWNER.

2. Archaeological or Botanical Investigations: ENGINEER will assist OWNER in engaging the services of an archaeologist or botanist, if required, to perform the field investigations necessary for agency review through a separate agreement with OWNER.

3. Bidding- and Construction-Related Services: Bidding- and construction-related services for the project will require a separate agreement with OWNER.

4. Drawings and Specifications: Final design services including drawings and specifications, if provided by ENGINEER, will be provided through an amendment to this Agreement or through a separate agreement with OWNER.

5. Flood Studies: Any services involved in performing flood and floodway studies, if required, will be provided through an amendment to this Agreement or through a separate agreement with OWNER.

6. Geotechnical Engineering: Geotechnical engineering information will be required and provided through OWNER and OWNER's geotechnical consultant. ENGINEER will assist OWNER with defining initial scope of geotechnical information that is required to allow OWNER to procure geotechnical engineering services. Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-146

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City of Zanesville Page4 November 17, 2020

7. Land and Easement Surveys/Procurement: Any services of this type including, but not limited to, a record search, field work, preparation of legal descriptions, or assistance to OWNER for securing land rights necessary for siting sanitary sewer, tanks, and appurtenances will be provided through a separate agreement with OWNER.

8. Preparation for and/or Appearance in Litigation on Behalf of OWNER: This type of service by ENGINEER will be provided through a separate agreement with OWNER.

9. Revising Designs, Drawings, Specifications, and Documents: Any services required after these items have been previously approved by state or federal regulatory agencies, because of a change in project scope or where such revisions are necessary to comply with changed state and federal regulations that are put in force after Services have been partially completed, will be provided through an amendment to this Agreement.

10. Services Related to Buried Wastes and Contamination: Should buried solid, liquid, or potentially hazardous wastes or subsurface or soil contamination be uncovered at the site, follow-up investigations may be required to identify the nature and extent of such wastes or subsurface soil or groundwater contamination and to determine appropriate methods for managing of such wastes or contamination and for follow-up monitoring. Investigation, design, or construction-related services related to buried solid, liquid, or potentially hazardous wastes or soil or groundwater contamination will be provided through a separate agreement with OWNER.


OWNER shall compensate ENGINEER for Services a lump sum of $56,000.

Only sales taxes or other taxes on Services that are in effect at the time this Agreement is executed are included in the Compensation. If the tax laws are subsequently changed by legislation during the life of this Agreement, this Agreement will be adjusted to reflect the net change.

The lump sum for the Services is based on wage scale/hourly billing rates, adjusted annually on July 1, that anticipates the Services will be completed as indicated. Should the completion time be extended, it may be cause for an adjustment in the lump sum that reflects any wage scale adjustments made.

The lump sum will not be exceeded without prior notice to and agreement by OWNER but may be adjusted for time delays, time extensions, amendments, or changes in the Scope of Services. Any adjustments will be negotiated based on ENGINEER's increase or decrease in costs caused by delays, extensions, amendments, or changes.


Services will begin upon execution of this Agreement, which is anticipated the week of January 25, 2021. Services are scheduled for completion on July 19, 2021.

Standard of Care

The Standard of Care for all Services performed or furnished by ENGINEER under this Agreement will be the care and skill ordinarily used by members of ENGINEER's profession practicing under similar circumstances at the same time and in the same locality. ENGINEER makes no warranties, express or implied, under this Agreement or otherwise, in connection with ENGINEER's Services. Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-146

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City of Zanesville Page 5 November 17, 2020

OWNER's Responsibilities

1. Assist ENGINEER by placing at ENGINEER's disposal all available infonnation pertinent to this project including previous reports, previous drawings and specifications, and any other data relative to the scope of this project. 2. Furnish to ENGINEER, as required by ENGINEER for perfonnance of Services as part ofthis Agreement, data prepared by or services of others obtained or prepared by OWNER relative to the scope of this project, such as soil borings, probings and subsurface explorations, and laboratory tests and inspections of samples, all of which ENGINEER may rely upon in performing Services under this Agreement.

3. Provide access to the site as required for ENGINEER to perform Services under this Agreement.

4. Guarantee access to and make all provisions for ENGINEER to enter upon public and private lands as required for ENGINEER to perform Services under this Agreement.

5. Examine all reports, sketches, estimates, special provisions, drawings, and other documents presented by ENGINEER and render, in writing, decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the performance of ENGINEER. 6. Provide all legal services as may be required for the development of this project.

7. Pay all permit and plan review fees payable to regulatory agencies.

Opinion of Probable Cost

Any opinions of probable cost prepared by ENGINEER are supplied for general guidance of OWNER only. ENGINEER has no control over competitive bidding or market conditions and cannot guarantee the accuracy of such opinions as compared to contract bids or actual costs to OWNER. Changes

1. OWNER may make changes within the general scope of this Agreement in the Services to be performed. If such changes cause an increase or decrease in ENGINEER' s cost or time required for performance of any Services under this Agreement, an equitable adjustment will be made and this Agreement will be modified in writing accordingly. 2. No services for which additional compensation will be charged by ENGINEER will be furnished without the written authorization of OWNER. The fee established herein will not be exceeded without agreement by OWNER but may be adjusted for time delays, time extensions, amendments, or changes in the Scope of Services.

3. If there is a modification of local, county, or state building electrical code requirements relating to the Services to be performed under this Agreement subsequent to the date of execution ofthis Agreement, the increased or decreased cost of performance of the Services provided for in this Agreement will be reflected in an appropriate modification of this Agreement.

Extension of Services

This Agreement may be extended for additional Services upon OWNER's authorization. Extension of Services will be provided for a lump sum or an hourly rate plus expenses.

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OWNER shall make monthly payments to ENGINEER for Services perfonned in the preceding month based upon monthly invoices. Nonpayment 30 days after the date of receipt of invoice may, at ENGINEER' s option, result in assessment of a 1 percent per month carrying charge on the unpaid balance.

Nonpayment 45 days after the date of receipt of invoice may, at ENGINEER's option, result in suspension of Services upon five calendar days' notice to OWNER. ENGINEER will have no liability to OWNER, and OWNER agrees to make no claim for any delay or damage as a result of such suspension caused by any breach of this Agreement by OWNER. Upon receipt of payment in full of all outstanding sums due from OWNER, or curing of such other breach which caused ENGINEER to suspend Services, ENGINEER will resume Services and there will be an equitable adjustment to the remaining project schedule and compensation as a result of the suspension.

Data Provided by Others

ENGINEER is not responsible for the quality or accuracy of data nor for the methods used in the acquisition or development of any such data where such data is provided by or through OWNER, contractor, or others to ENGINEER and where ENGINEER's Services are to be based upon such data. Such data includes, but is not limited to, soil borings, groundwater data, chemical analyses, geotechnical testing, reports, calculations, designs, drawings, specifications, record drawings, contractor's marked-up drawings, and topographical surveys.


This Agreement may be terminated with cause in whole or in part in writing by either party subject to a two-week notice and the right of the party being terminated to meet and discuss the termination before the termination takes place. ENGINEER will be paid for all completed or obligated Services up to the date of termination.

Third-Party Beneficiaries

Nothing contained in this Agreement creates a contractual relationship with or a cause of action in favor ofa third party against either OWNER or ENGINEER. ENGINEER's Services under this Agreement are being performed solely for OWNER' s benefit, and no other party or entity shall have any claim against ENGINEER because of this Agreement or the performance or nonperformance of Services hereunder. OWNER and ENGINEER agree to require a similar provision in all contracts with contractors, subcontractors, subconsultants, vendors, and other entities involved in this project to carry out the intent of this provision.

Dispute Resolution

Except as may be otherwise provided in this Agreement, all claims, counterclaims, disputes, and other matters in question between OWNER and ENGINEER arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach thereof will be decided first by mediation, if the parties mutually agree, or with a bench trial in a court of competent jurisdiction within the State of Ohio.

DDG:gjc\R:\COOO)oaunems\Agr,emen1>"1Z\Zanesville, Qty of(OH)\G:mtSt>diumUpgradcsPrcdesigJ>.2020\A!P',42.17.006.doot Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-146

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Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions of this Agreement will apply to the Services defined in the Scope of Services. OWNER-supplied purchase order is for processing payment only; terms and conditions on the purchase order shall not apply to these Services.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement.



Joseph M. Bunker Date Date Corporate Secretary Mic Services Director

DOO:gjc\R:\COO'IDocuments\Agreements\Z\Zaoesville, Otyof(OH)\GantSwliumUpgradesPredesi!!il-20201AgM257.006.doc< Community Development Committee Mark Baker, Chair



WHEREAS, an application has been duly made requesting a zone change from 0-1 Local Office District to C-4 Highway Commercial; and

WHEREAS, proper notification of the intent of this Council to consider this request to rezone the below described property was given to abutters within 200 feet of the requested rezoning and in a newspaper of general circulation; and

WHEREAS, after testimony and discussion the Zanesville Planning Commission recommended to City Council that the zone change request further identified on Exhibit "A", be approved.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAJNED by the Council of the City of Zanesville, State of Ohio; that

SECTION ONE: The application for rezone change with respect to the real property hereinafter described and shown in Exhibit "A" is hereby approved and the zoning with respect to said property is so changed.

SECTION TWO: The Zoning Map of the City of Zanesville, Ohio, and the same is hereby amended and revised by changing the zoning as follows:

From 0-1 Local Office District to C-4 Highway Commercial, situated in the City of Zanesville, County of Muskingwn, and State of Ohio, and bounded and described as follows:

Auditors Parcel #86-10-03-000, recorded in Deed Volume 2, Page 75 1/2 being located in the Muskingum County Recorder's Office.

Auditors Parcel #86-10-03-09-000, recorded in Deed Volume 2, Page 75 1/2 being located in the Muskingum County Recorder's Office.

Auditors Parcel #86-11-01-02-000, recorded in Deed Volume 7, Page 25 being located in the Muskingum County Recorder's Office.

Auditors Parcel #86-11-01-01-000, recorded in Deed Volume 7, Page 25 being located in the Muskingum County Recorder's Office.

SECTION THREE: This Ordinance shall take effect upon the approval of the Mayor and from and after the earliest period allowed by law .

PASSED: ______, 2020.


APPROVED: ______, 2020. This Legislation Approved as to Form

DON MASON Law Director's Office MAYOR Attachment to Ordinance No. 2020-137 Sketch or area o be rezoned with various colors.

{ 50ft

EXHIBIT "A" Prepared by Douglas J. Merry Director of Public Safety


Traffic Order 2020-07 December 28, 2020

SECTION ONE: There is hereby established a Reduced Speed Zone from 35 MPH to 25 MPH on Pine Street from Pershing Road to Maysville Avenue.

SECTION TWO: The school zones will stay 20 MPH during scheduled school hours.

SECTION THREE: The appropriate signs shall be installed in accordance with O.R.C. 4511.09.

DOUGLAS J. MERRY, Director of Public Safety

Date Filed With Clerk: December 23, 2020

SUSAN CULBERTSON, Clerk of Council

Date Work Completed


TO: Traffic File Service Department/Street Division Municipal Court Police Department