PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearing is scheduled for 6:15 p.m., Monday, December 28, 2020 in the City of Zanesville's Council Chambers, 401 Market Street, Zanesville, Ohio to hear a request to amend and revise the zoning map and make permanent zoning in the City of Zanesville, Ohio from 0-1 Local Office District to C-4 Highway Commercial which are 4 parcels in the vicinity to 711 Francis Street and 710 Wabash Avenue. All testimony for and against will be heard. This meeting is a public meeting and you are welcome to attend by phone 1-415-655-0001 US Toll or 1-844-621-3956 Toll Free and use access code 126 750 8098. For more options and instructions to view the meeting go to the coz.org web site. City Council Meeting Agenda of Business December 28, 2020 The Lord's Prayer Pledge of Allegiance to the flag Item no. A. Roll call 8. Approval of minutes dated December 14, 2020 C. Communications, reports, and resolutions 1. Communication from Mayor Don Mason-Muskingum County Convention Facilities Authority-Mayor Mason hereby recommends the appointment of Ms. Lori Watiker to the Muskingum County Convention Facilities Authority effective immediately. Ms. Watiker's term will expire 12/14/2024. 2. Communication from Mayor Don Mason-Downtown Design Review Board-Mayor Mason hereby recommends the reappointments of Mr. Mike Nelson and Mr. Chip Saunders to the Downtown Design Review Board. He also recommends the appointments of Mr. Mark Kaido and Ms. Beverly Jones to the Downtown Design Review Board. All members' terms will expire December 31 , 2023. 3. Communication from Mayor Don Mason-Board of Zoning Appeals­ Mayor Mason hereby recommends the reappointments of Mr. Pat O'Brien and Ms. Joyce Hill to the Board of Zoning Appeals. He also recommends the appointments of Mr. Al Zakany, Mr. Bill Cochran, and Ms. Karla Frye to the Board of Zoning Appeals. All members' terms will expire December 31 , 2023. 4. Communication from Mayor Don Mason-Historic Preservation Board- Mayor Mason hereby recommends the reappointments of Ms. Lori Wince, Mr. Jeff Jalbrzikowski, and Mr. Brian Addis to the Historic Preservation Board. Ms. Wince's and Mr. Jalbrzikowski's terms will expire December 31, 2021. Mr. Addis's term will expire December 31 , 2026. He also recommends the appointments of Ms. Mollie Winland and Mr. Pete Cultice to the Historic Preservation Board. Ms. Winland's term will expire December 31 , 2021 , and Mr. Cultice's term will expire March 11 , 2024. D. Proposed ordinances 1. Ordinance No. 2020-147-lntroduced by Council - An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to apply for a loan, accept said loan, and enter into a Cooperative Agreement for the planning of a water system improvements project between the City of Zanesville and the Ohio Water Development Authority (OWDA) and declaring an emergency. (Emergency or First Reading) 2. Ordinance No. 2020-148-lntroduced by Council-An Ordinance amending Appropriation Ordinance No. 2020-32 and declaring an emergency. (Emergency or First Reading) 3. Ordinance No. 2020-149-lntroduced by Council-An Ordinance providing Temporary Appropriations for use during the period January 1, 2021 through March 31, 2021 and declaring an emergency. (Emergency or First Reading) 4. Ordinance No. 2020-150 - Introduced by Council -An Ordinance to adopt new employee handbook setting forth policies and procedures for public employees of the City of Zanesville, thereby superseding all prior employee handbooks, and declaring an emergency. (Emergency or First Reading) 5. Ordinance No. 2020-151 - Introduced by Council -An Ordinance authorizing the City Auditor to pay in invoice that did not receive authorization before services were performed, and declaring an emergency. (Emergency or First Reading) 6. Ordinance No. 2020-152 - Introduced by Council -An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2020-123 establishing wages for unaffiliated employees in the Municipal Service, establishing revised effective date and legacy provision, and declaring an emergency. (Emergency or First Reading) 7. Ordinance No. 2020-153 - Introduced by Council -An Ordinance authorizing the proper City official to advertise for bids and execute a contract to purchase 5 new dispatch center desks. (First Reading) 8. Ordinance No. 2020-154- Introduced by Council -An Ordinance authorizing a maximum schedule of positions for the City of Zanesville's workforce. (First Reading) E. Ordinances for action 9. Ordinance No. 2020-146 Amended - Introduced by Council - An Ordinance authorizing the Public Service Director to enter into a contract with Strand Associates, Inc. for services related to the Gant Stadium Upgrades Project. (Second Reading) 10.Ordinance No. 2020-137 - Introduced by Council - An Ordinance to amend and revise the zoning map and make permanent zoning in the City of Zanesville, Ohio as herein provided. (Third Reading) F. Traffic orders Traffic Order 2020-07 SECTION ONE: There is hereby established a Reduced Speed Zone from 35 MPH to 25 MPH on Pine Street from Pershing Road to Maysville Avenue. SECTION TWO: The school zones will stay 20 MPH during scheduled school hours. SECTION THREE: The appropriate signs shall be installed in accordance with O.R.C. 4511.09. G. Miscellaneous and unfinished business H. Private petitions and communications No Non-agenda item petitions were filed The next regular meeting is scheduled for January 11 , 2021 . This meeting is an open meeting and the public is invited to attend by telephonic means to join by phone below or see the coz.org website for other options to view the meeting: +1-415-655-0001 U.S. Toll 1-844-621-3956 United States Toll Free Access Code: 126 750 8098 Join from a video conferencing system or application. Open up a web browser and type: zanesvillecity.webex.com Then type in the meeting number where it says Join Meeting 126 750 8098 ZANESVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2020 ZANESVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING-MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2020 The Zanesville City Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, December 14, 2020 in the City Council Chambers, 401 Market Street, Zanesville, Ohio. Mr. Vincent led those present in the Lord's Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The following members of Council answered roll call in person: Mr. Roberts, Mr. Baker, Mr. Ware, Miss Bradshaw, Ms. Gildow, Mr. Sharrer, and Mr. Vincent. The following members of Council answered roll call by teleconference: Mr. Foreman and Mrs. Osborn. Mrs. Gentry was connected for portions of the meeting, but did not respond at time of roll call. Mr. Roberts moved to excuse Mrs. Gentry as she did not respond to roll call. Mr. Baker seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken with all being in favor of excusing Mrs. Gentry. Motion carried. Mrs. Gentry stands excused until hopefully she is able to join us. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Roberts moved to approve the minutes of November 23, 2020 as printed, seconded by Miss Bradshaw. A voice vote was taken with all being in favor. No one was opposed. Mrs. Gentry did not respond. Motion carries. The minutes stand approved. COMMUNICATIONS, REPORTS, AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution No. 2020-143 - Introduced by Council - A Resolution authorizing the Clerk of Council to act as the designated representative of the members of the Zanesville City Council for purposes of required Public Records Training. Mr. Vincent: We are at first reading, but with this it is pretty routine. Mr. Sharrer moved to waive and it was seconded by Mr. Roberts. Mr. Vincent: Is there any discussion on waiving? As I said this is pretty routine and the Clerk does cover for us as far as going to the open meetings and Council is always welcome and invited to attend these at no cost. We will have roll call vote for waiving of the readings. Roll call vote on waiving of the readings. 6 Ayes in person 3 Ayes by call-in/video- Mrs. Osborn, and Mr. Foreman. Mrs. Gentry joined the meeting. 0 Nays 0 Absence Motion carries. Page 1 of 9 ' ZANESVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2020 Mr. Roberts moved for passage, seconded by Miss Bradshaw. Mr. Vincent: Is there any discussion? We will get the dates sent out if Council does want . to attend. This just covers us then by the Ohio Revised Code. Roll call vote for passage. 6 Ayes in person 3 Ayes by call-in/video Mrs. Gentry, Mrs. Osborn, and Mr. Foreman 0 Nays 0 Absence Motion carries. Ordinance is passed. Mr. Vincent: Welcome, Mrs. Gentry. Glad you were able to get connected. I just wanted to make a note of that. PROPOSED ORDINANCES Ordinance No. 2020-144 - Introduced by Council -An Ordinance authorizing the proper City official to expend CARES Act Funds and declaring an emergency. Mr. Baker moved to waive and pass as emergency legislation and it was seconded by Mr. Ware. Mr. Vincent: Is there any discussion on waiving? We will have roll call vote for waiving of the readings. Roll call vote on waiving of the readings. 6 Ayes in person 3 Ayes by call-in/video Mrs. Gentry, Mrs. Osborn, and Mr. Foreman 0 Nays 0 Absence Motion carries. Miss Bradshaw moved for passage, seconded by Mr. Baker. Mr. Vincent: Is there any discussion? Mayor, not to put you on the spot, but you made great use of tapping into these funds for our community and this is additional money, correct? Mayor Mason: Thank you and let me say that Kade did a real nice job. It might sound silly, but at every stage we had to spend literally all the funds or encumber them in order · to qualify for the next round. So, Mr. Foreman: I am sorry to interrupt, but those of us on the call, the microphones keep going or at least mine does.
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