Book Catalogue JANUARY 2018

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Book Catalogue JANUARY 2018 Book Catalogue JANUARY 2018 YOUR IMAGE Insert>Photo> Picture From file 8.1cmx5.6cm 957x661px BURAQ BOOKS [email protected] Telford, Shropshire 07784 926444 CONTENTS Miscellaneous 3 Hazrat Mawlana Muhammad Musa Ruhani al-Bazi 37 Hazrat Mawlana Abd al-Halim Chisti 14 Hazrat Mawlana Muhammad Nafi 39 Hazrat Mawlana Sufi Abd al-Hamid Swati 16 Hazrat Mawlana Muhammad Qasim Nanotwi 42 Allama Abd al-Hayy Lacknawi 19 Hazrat Mawlana Muhammad Sarfaraz Khan Safdar 43 Allama Abd al-Rashid Numani 20 Hazrat Sayyid Nafis al-Husaini 50 Hazrat Mawlana Abd al-Sattar Tonswi 21 Hazrat Mawlana Nasir al-Din Ghorghushtwi 51 Hazrat Mawlana Ahmad Ali Lahori 22 Shah Abd al-Aziz 52 Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri 23 Shah Rafi al-Din 53 Hazrat Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanwi 25 Shah Waliyyullah 54 Hazrat Mawlana Husain Ali 26 Allama Shams al-Haq Afghani 55 Mufti Jamil Ahmad Thanwi 27 Mufti Taqi Usmani 56 Allama Khalid Mahmud 29 Mufti Zafar Ahmad Thanwi 57 Hazrat Mawlana Sayyid Manazir Ahsan Gilani 30 Shaykh al-Hadith Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyya 58 Mufti Muhammad Ashiq Ilahi al-Barni 33 Hazrat Mawlana Sayyid Zawwar Husain Shah 59 Mufti Muhammad Farid 34 Dars Nizami 60 Mawlana Muhammad Fayad Khan Swati 36 Qirat 75 BURAQ BOOKS | 07784 926444 | WWW.BURAQBOOKS.CO.UK | 2 AHKAM AL-QURAN (ARABIC) 18 Vol #1 Price: £129.99 For many years only the first five volumes of Ahkam al-Quran were available. Dr. Khalil Ahmad Thanwi edited the remaining volumes and published them taking the total number of volumes to eighteen. The first five volumes do not include his tahqiq and are printed by Idara al-Quran Wa al-Ulum al- Islamiyyah. The following scholars have authored the voluminous work: Volume 1 part one & part two and volume 2: Mufti Zafar Ahmad Thanwi Volumes 3 and 4: Mufti Muhammad Shafi Volume 5: Mawlana Idris Kandhlawi Volumes 6, 7, 8 and 9: Mufti Sayyid Abd al- Shakur Tirmidhi Volumes 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16: Mufti Jamil Ahmad Thanwi Volumes 17 & 18: Mawlana Idris Kandhlawi & Mufti Sayyid Abd al-Shakur Tirmidhi YOUR IMAGE Insert>Photo> Picture From file 8.1cmx5.6cm BURAQ BOOKS | 07784 926444 | WWW.BURAQBOOKS.CO.UK | 3 TAFSIR AL-HASAN AL-BASRI (ARABIC) 5 Vol #2 AAP HADITH KESE TALASH KAREIN (URDU) #3 AL-KALAM AL-MUFID FI TAHRIR AL-ASANID YOUR IMAGE Author: Shaykh Sher Ali Shah Madani Price: £24.99 AutYOURhor: Mawlana IMAGE Muhammad Muhsin Gulzar Price: £4.99 (ARABIC)YOUR IMAGE#4 Insert>Photo> This work includes a two hundred and eighteen ThisInsert>Photo> book introduces a student to the different Author:Insert>Photo> Mawlana Ruh al-Amin Qasmi Price: £9.99 page intoduction to Sayyiduna Hasan al-Basri by Picture From file worksPicture of Hadith,From file teaches how to locate a Hadith ThisPicture work coverFroms filethe Asanid of thirteen works of Shaykh Sher Ali Shah Madani. The work includes 8.1cmx5.6cm thro8.1cmx5.6cmugh knowing only one word, when knowing Hadith with a biography of each of the narrators in two thousand four hundred and eleven narrations 8.1cmx5.6cm 957x661px only957x661px the name of the narrator, when only knowing the various Asanid and an explanation of & quotes taken from over a hundred works. The the beginning of the Hadith and many questions 957x661px the terminologies used in the science of Asanid. narrations have also been graded. HB 2090pp. and masail pertaining to the science of Hadith The Asanid of the Ulama of Deoband. HB 614pp. have been answered. HB 348pp. DIRASAT FI USUL AL-HADITH ALA MANHAJ AL- AL-YAWAQIT AL-GHALIYAH (ARABIC & CHIHIL HADITH (ARABIC & URDU) #6 YOUR IMAGE HANAFIYYAHYOUR IMAGE (ARABIC ) #7 Author:YOUR Mujaddid IMAGE Alf Thani Price: £3.99 URDU) 4 Vol #5 Author:Insert>Photo> Shaykh Abd al -Majid Turkmani Price: £9.99 Insert>Photo> TheInsert>Photo> Arbain collection of Mujaddid Alf Thani Author: Shaykh Yunus Jaunfuri Price: £24.99 The book outlines the principles of hadith study Picture From file ShaykhPicture Ahmad From alfile-Sirhindi. Arabic text with Urdu Picture From file A compilation of answers given by Shaykh Yunus explicated by the jurists of the Hanafi school and 8.1cmx5.6cm and English translation. Edited and translated by 8.1cmx5.6cm to many queries regarding different hadith and 8.1cmx5.6cm highlights the importance of understanding where Dr. Humayun Abbas. HB 106pp. other academic issues. Also includes many rasail the hadith transmitters (muhaddithun) diverged in Arabic on various topics relating to the from the jurists (fuqaha’), and in particular the science of hadith. HB 2053pp. Hanafi jurists. HB 690pp BURAQ BOOKS | 07784 926444 | WWW.BURAQBOOKS.CO.UK | 4 MAJALIS ABRAR (URDU) #8 RASAIL USUL HADITH (URDU) #9 SAHIFAH HAMMAM IBN MUNABBIH YOUR IMAGE Author:YOUR Shaykh IMAGE Ahmad Rumi Price: £7.99 Author:YOUR Mufti IMAGE Ilahi Baksh Price: £2.49 (ARABICInsert>Photo> & URDU ) #10 A Insert>Photo>collection of one hundred majalis consisting of ArabicInsert>Photo> and Persian rasail on Usul al-Hadith by Author: Dr Muhammad Hamidullah Price: £5.99 Picture From file nasiha,Picture masail, From incidents file from the lives of Sahaba MuPicturefti Ilahi FBakshrom fileKandhlawi. Translated by The Sahifah of Hammam ibn Munabbih is and8.1cmx5.6cm awaliya, and thousands of ilmi fawaid. Each Mawlana8.1cmx5.6cm Nur al-Hasan Rashid Kandhlawi. PB considered8.1cmx5.6cm to be the oldest Hadith collection majlis957x661px is based on a hadith from the hadith work 39pp.957x661px in 957x661pxthe world. This work includes a valuable fifty- Masabih. HB 714pp. eight page introduction. HB 288pp. ZUBDAH AL-MANASIK MA UMDAH AL- KAWTHAR AL-NABI FI USUL AL-HADITH HALAL GIZA JADID TIB AUR SCIENCE YOUR IMAGE MANASIK (URDU) #13 ALYOUR-NABAWI IMAGE (ARABIC ) #11 (URDU) #12 YOUR IMAGE Insert>Photo> Author: Mawlana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi Price: £5.99 Author:Insert>Photo> Allama Abd al-Aziz Parharwi Price: £3.99 Author: Mawlana Sarfaraz Muhammad Price: £4.99 Insert>Photo> Picture From file Mawlana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi authored a APicture work on From Usul al file-Hadith by the author of al- A collection of forty fatawa on various topics. Picture From file risalah on the Masail of Hajj by the name of Zubdah Nibras8.1cmx5.6cm Fi Sharh al-Aqaid Mawlana Abd al-Aziz Gelatin,8.1cmx5.6cm rennet, tatoos, GM food, abortion, test 8.1cmx5.6cm tube baby, blood transfusion, organ transplant, al-Manasik. Mawlana Sher Muhammad Sindhi al-Parharwi . HB 179pp. IVF, contraception, E-numbers, post-mortem and Muhajir Madani authored the commentary Umdah other topics are covered.HB 196pp. al-Manasik on the Risalah. HB 528pp. BURAQ BOOKS | 07784 926444 | WWW.BURAQBOOKS.CO.UK | 5 AL-ALIM WA AL-MUTAALLIM (ARABIC) #14 AL-FIQH AL-AKBAR (ARABIC & URDU) #18 YOUR IMAGE AL-DURR AL-YATIM FI IMAN ABAAI AL-NABI YOUR IMAGE Author: Shaykh Zahid al-Kawthari Price: £3.99 YOUR IMAGE Author: Al-Imam al-Azam Abu Hanifah Price: £1.99 AL-KARIM SIRAT (URDU) #15 ThisInsert>Photo> work includes the following texts with the Insert>Photo> AnInsert>Photo> Urdu translation of al-Imam al-Azam Abu tahqiqPicture of FromAllama file al- Kawthari: 1. Al-Alim Wa al- Author:Picture Shah From Ali Anwar file al-Qalandar Price: £3.99 Hanifa’sPicture ArabicFrom filework al-Fiqh al-Akbar. Translated Mutaallim8.1cmx5.6cm 2. Risalah Abi Hanifa Ila Uthman al-Batti Al-8.1cmx5.6cmDurr al-Yatim Fi Iman Abaai al-Nabi al-Karim of by8.1cmx5.6cm Sufi Abd al-Hamid Swati Sahib in 1959. This Mawlana Shah Ali Anwar al-Qalandar Urdu 3. Al957x661px-Fiqh al-Akbar – Riwayah Abu Muti an Abi 957x661px work957x661px also includes a comprehensive Hanifah 4. Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar of al-Imam Abu translation with Arabic text & Rahmat Li al-Alamin introduction to Imam Abu Hanifah authored by Mansur Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Maturidi Ke Walidayn Sharifayn Jannati He by Muhaddith Hazrat Mawlana Sarfaraz Khan Safdar. PB 54pp. al-Samarqandi. PB 100pp. Mawlana Abd al-Khaliq Multani. PB 155pp. DALIL AL-MUSHRIKIN (ARABIC & URDU) #17 ILM AL-KALAM (URDU) #18 ADILLAH KAMILAH (URDU) #19 YOUR IMAGE YOUR IMAGE Author: Mawlana Ahmad al-Din Bughwi Price: £5.99 Author:YOUR Hazrat IMAGE Mawlana Idris Kandhlawi Price: £5.99 Author: Shaykh al-Hind Mahmud Hasan Price: £3.99 Insert>Photo> MawlanaInsert>Photo> Muhammad Husain Batalwi a leading An Urdu translation of Mawlana Ahmad al-Din A Insert>Photo>comprehensive work on Tawhid, Risalah, Bugwi’sPicture Arabic From work file Dalil al-Mushrikin. The work Picturescholar of From the Ahle file Hadith set out a challenge Qiyamah,Picture From Qada, file Qadr, Sifat Mutashabihat and discusses8.1cmx5.6cm Shirk in depth and mentions the twenty many other topics related to Aqaid. HB 463pp. and8.1cmx5.6cm offered a reward for any person who can 8.1cmx5.6cm prove ten particular masail from authentic types of Shirk in great detail. Mawlana Sufi Abd al-Hamid also added an introduction to the work ahadith. This work of Shaykh al-Hind Mahmud & the author. PB 260pp. Hasan Deobandi answers the ten questions that were put forward. HB 229pp. BURAQ BOOKS | 07784 926444 | WWW.BURAQBOOKS.CO.UK | 6 HADITH AUR AHLE HADITH (URDU) #20 SIFAT MUTASHABIHAT AUR SALAFI AQAID TARGHIB AL-MUTALAQIYAYN (URDU) #22 Author:YOUR Mawlana IMAGE Anwar Khurshid Price: £6.99 (URDUYOUR) #21 IMAGE Author:YOUR Mawlana IMAGE Abd al-Ghaffar al-Iraqi Price: £2.99 In this work the author proves that it is masnun to SomeInsert>Photo> claim that the Hanafi Fiqh is based on the Author:Insert>Photo> Dr Mufti Abd al-Wahid Price: £4.99 Insert>Photo> use two hands during Musafahah. The second opinionsPicture of From Imam file Abu Hanifah and it contradicts ThisPicture book isFrom a good file refutation of the Salafi Picture From file work al-Qawl al-Asna Fi Rad al-Maqala al-Husna hadith.8.1cmx5.6cm This book covers the masail of Salah under beliefs8.1cmx5.6cm about Allah and His attributes.
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