Congressional Record—Senate S7401
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May 24, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7401 250th birthday of James Madison and land of Okinawa, he introduced it there A RETROSPECT OF V-E DAY honoring his many accomplishments. in 1910 and was the first master of the The surcharges raised from the selling Okinawan Karate-Do system. Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, an of the coins goes to the National Trust In 1956, for the first time, American issue of the journal entitled Uniformed for Historic Preservation for the cre- servicemen were accepted as students Services Journal, May-June 1995, con- ation of a permanent fund for the pres- in the Okinawan Karate-Do schools. tains an article entitled, ‘‘World War II ervation and renovation of Madison’s One of them settled in the Boston area Revisited: A Retrospect Of V-E Day home, Montpelier. after his military discharge and began and the Events Leading Up To It.’’ This is an important endeavor, Mr. teaching this art form to people in the The article includes recollections of President, because James Madison is area. Walter Mattson of Framingham, some of the distinguished Members of one of our nation’s most brilliant and MA, is the senior American instructor. the Congress who participated in World significant founding fathers. A Vir- Over the years, there has been a con- War II, among them Senator STROM ginian and a distinguished statesman, tinuing cultural exchange between the THURMOND, Senator BOB DOLE, Senator Madison was the principle drafter of Masters on Okinawa and practitioners DANIEL INOUYE, Congressmen TOM BE- the United States Constitution and the here in North America. Mr. Mattson is VILL, SAM GIBBONS, SONNY MONT- Bill of Rights. He served his country as primarily responsible for this 35-year GOMERY, and others. the fourth President the United States. exchange program. This summer, Sen- It is an excellent reminiscence of His home, Montpelier, is located in ior Instructor Peter McCrae from their experiences and their views about Orange County, Virginia, not far from Plymouth, MA, will be studying on the significance of V-E Day and their his friend Thomas Jefferson’s Monti- Okinawa with Master Shintoku personal involvement in the events cello. Takara. leading up to that occasion. Many Americans have found in Oki- It is extremely important, Mr. Presi- I ask unanimous consent that a copy dent, that we act today to both honor nawan Karate-Do a physical and men- tal discipline which promotes positive of the article from the Uniformed Serv- James Madison’s 250th birthday and to ices Journal be printed in the RECORD. create a permanent fund for the preser- attitudes, good health, and self-mas- vation of Montpelier. Doing so will en- tery. Our young people have found in it There being no objection, the article sure that Madison’s legacy is sustained an alternative to the streets and, in its was ordered to be printed in the instructors, positive role models. We for future generations of the great na- RECORD, as follows: are grateful for this Japanese import tion he helped create. WORLD WAR II REVISITED: A RETROSPECT OF I urge my colleagues to support this and we hope that this positive ex- change between our two countries con- V–E DAY AND THE EVENTS LEADING UP TO IT important legislation. tinues for many years.∑ (By Cathy Lumsden) f f World War II (WW II) represents many HONORING SOUTHEAST GUILFORD WILMER JONES-HAM RECEIVES things to many people. It represents sac- HIGH SCHOOL rifice, freedom and hope for a better tomor- MAHALIA JACKSON AWARD ∑ Mr. FAIRCLOTH. Mr. President, it is row. The road to freedom was paved with ∑ Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I would death and destruction. Many of you are fa- a pleasure and a privilege for me to rise like to recognize the recent achieve- miliar with Jim Pennington’s stories of WW today on the floor of the Senate to ment of Wilmer Jones-Ham. On April 1, II at retiree recognition programs, chapter honor the accomplishments of South- 1995 she received the Mahalia Jackson events and in the USJ, some more than once. east Guilford High School. This group award for community service. Wilmer But these stories and memories that follow are more than just stories. In today’s cli- of young people and educator from Jones-Ham is a dedicated woman who Greensboro, NC, made it to the na- mate of historical revisionism and political commits great energy to develop a correctness, they remain as one of the few tional finals in the recent 1995, ‘‘We sense of hope in youth, the under or un- The People . The Citizen and the accurate eye-witness accounts of the making employed, and homeless in the Saginaw of American history in the Great War that Constitution’’ national competition community. She is the founder of the literally saved the world. We cannot forget held in Washington, DC, April 29–May Saginaw Soul Children’s Choir, the why we fought WWII, ‘‘the war to end all 1. These outstanding young people Saginaw Interdenominational Gospel wars’’ or the men and women who fought the competed against 49 other classes from Music Workshop, and the First Mayor’s war. The thoughts and feelings that follow throughout the Nation and dem- Scholarship Black and Gold Ball. She are real. Take the time to read and under- onstrated a remarkable understanding stand the contributions these Americans has been a teacher for more than 17 made in the fight for freedom. of the fundamental ideals and values of years and developed an after school American constitutional government. program at her home to help students SENATOR STROM THURMOND The accomplishments of Christine who need additional instruction in Sen. Thurmond was serving as a Circuit Youmans, educator, and students Lau- their subjects. It is my honor to con- Judge in his home state when war was de- rie Camp, Ivan Canada, Keith gratulate and thank her for all her ac- clared on Germany. On that day, he called Cockerham, Kamyra Crawford, Joshua complishments.∑ President Roosevelt and volunteered, even Curtiss, Crystal Delgado, Matthew Ful- though he was exempted from service. Ap- f ton, Terri Galinski, Kristin Gerner, Al- proximately a year later in 1943, LTC Thur- lison Gillus, Brent Gonet, Andrew APPOINTMENTS BY MAJORITY mond, USA was a member of the 82nd Air- Hamilton, Toby Kennedy, Jennifer Lee, AND MINORITY LEADERS borne Division assigned to First Army Head- quarters in Europe. He is the only Senator Sara Manning, Brandon McGinnis, Jen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The still serving in Congress who participated in nifer Michael, Hope Moorman, Lanae Chair, on behalf of the Majority and the Normandy Invasion on D–Day. Muse, Daniele Neese, Megan Randall, Minority Leaders of the Senate and the He was one of three men who volunteered Aisha Rawlins, Christy Shaffer, Speaker and Minority Leader of the to land in Normandy aboard a glider. The Zachary Smith, and Mary Sullivan, are House of Representatives, pursuant to fire was so heavy that his glider was forced appreciated by myself and their home Public Law 104–1, announces the joint to go north to find a safer spot to land. In- State of North Carolina.∑ appointment of the following individ- stead of it getting safer, it got worse. The f uals as members of the Board of Direc- glider landed in an apple orchard nearby. He tors of the Office of Compliance: Glen was injured in the landing in the forehead, OKINAWAN KARATE-DO IN D. Nager, of Washington, D.C., for a hand and knee. However, LTC Thurmond MASSACHUSETTS term of 5 years and to serve as Chair; still joined the rest of the forces in the sub- ∑ Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, Massa- sequent battles of the Invasion. LTC Thur- Virginia A. Seitz, of Washington, D.C., mond would have preferred to have jumped chusetts is proud to be home to the for a term of 5 years; Jerry M. Hunter, but there wasn’t sufficient time to train for North American Okinawan Karate-Do of Missouri, for a term of 4 years; the jump. After the invasion, he returned to Association. Early in this century, James N. Adler, of California, for a Army Headquarters just as his unit got Kanbum Uechi studied this ancient art term of 4 years; and Lawrence Z. ready to go into St-Lo and into Paris. on the mainland of China where it was Lorber, of Washington, D.C., for a term On V–E Day, LTC Thurmond was in Leip- first developed. Returning to his home- of 3 years. zig, Germany when he learned of the end of VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:09 May 28, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00121 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\1995_F~1\S24MY5.REC S24MY5 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS.