University of Oklahoma College of Law University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 12-11-1883 Right of way to Dakota Central Railway through Sioux Reservation, Dakota. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting communication from the Secretary of the Interior relative to certain agreements with the Sioux Indians and right of way to Dakota Central Railway through Sioux Reservation Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Indian and Aboriginal Law Commons Recommended Citation H.R. Exec. Doc. No. 11, 48th Cong., 1st Sess. (1883) This House Executive Document is brought to you for free and open access by University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 by an authorized administrator of University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. 48TH CoNGREss, } HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. {Ex. Doc. 1st Session. No. 11. RIGHT OF WAY TO DAKOTA CENTRAL RAILWAY THROUGH SIOUX RESERVATION, DAKOTA. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TRANSMITTING Communication from the Secretary of the Interior relative to certain agree ments with the Sioux Indians and right of way to Dakota Oentral Rail way tlwough Sioux Reservation. DECEMBER 11, 1883.-Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. To the Senate and House of Representatives: I transmit herewith a communication from the Secretary of the In terior of the 3d instant, submitting, with accompanying papers, draft of a bill '' to accept and ratify certain agreements made with the Sioux Indians, and to grant a right of way to the Dakota Central Railway Company through the Sioux Reservation in Dakota." The matter is presented for the consideration of the Congress.