8/20 2014 Lecture : Main sponsor : Center for Asia-Pacific Studies Joint sponsor : Department of Policy Studies

Date: 21st May 14:00-15:30 Speaker: Dr. Mayumi Allinson ( Research Fellow at CAPIM, University of Melbourne) Commentator: Michiyo Obi (Professor, Center for Asia-Pacific Studies, Department of Policy Studies, ) Title: Environmental Policy in : Pollution Recognition Venue: Room C103, C building, Seto campus

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FY 2013 2014 Seminar : Main sponsor: Department of Asian Studies Joint sponsors : Center for Asia-Pacific Studies and Society for Southeast Asian Studies

Date: 27th March 13:00-18:00 /28th March 9:30-17:00 2014 Title: Rethinking in the World History Venue: P-room, 1st floor of J building, campus

2014 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific Studies

Date: 18th March 2014 17:00-19:00 Speaker: Kazuhiro Asano (Professor, Faculty of Law, Sapporo University Title: Japan-US Summit Talks and "Gaiatsu (Foreign Pressure)" Venue: P-room, 1st floor of J building, Nagoya campus

2014 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific Studies

Due to the speaker's inconvenience, the below lecure has been cancelled. We ask for your kind understanding for those who had planned to attend the lecture.

Date: 20th February 2014 16:00-19:00 Speaker: Chou Wan-yao (Professor, Department of History, National University Title: Multiple Colonial Experiences and Taiwan-centered Historical Narratives Venue: Conf. room, 1st floor of R building, Nagoya Campus

2014 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific Studies

Date: 20th January 2014 17:00-19:00 Speaker: Tseng Wen Liang (Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Taiwan History of Academia Sinica Title: The Indigenous Peoples, Customs and State Law in Taiwan under Japanese Rule Venue: P-room, 1st floor of J building, Nagoya campus

2014 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific Studies

Date: 10th January 2014 17:00-19:00 Speaker: Wang Baoping (The Dean of Japanese Language and Culture School of Zhejiang Gongshang University, China. Visiting Professor of Graduate School of Letters of Kyoto University Title: The Early Meiji People and Shanghai: A Focus on Osho Hojyo Venue: P-room, 1st floor of J building, Nagoya campus

2013 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific Studies http://www.ic.nanzan-u.ac.jp/ASIAPACIFIC/workshop/english.html 2018/03/16 9/20

Date: 9th December 2013 11:35-13 05 Speaker: Shukuko Koyama (ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Crisis Specialist, Chief Technical Advisor for the Japan Earthquake Project Title: ILO's Response to the Post-Natural Disasters and Post-Conflicts in Asia Pacific Region Venue: Room 305, B Building, Seto Campus

2013 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific Studies

Date: 5th December 2013 17:00-18:30 Speaker: Dr. A. Budi Susanto S.J. (Director, Foundation Title: Cosmopolitan Bataks in Tarutung, North Sumatera Venue: Conf. room of Insutitute for Social Ethics, N building, Nagoya Campus

2013 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific Studies

Date: 18th November 2013 15:00-17:00 Speaker: Hsu Shih-chia (Lecturer, Faculty of Literature and Social Sciences, Yamagata University Title: The Limits of the Social Autonomy Under Colonialism: A Case Study of the Queue-Cutting Movement by the Archives, Journalism and Diaries Venue: P-room, 1st floor of J building, Nagoya campus

2013 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific Studies

Date: 11th November 2013 17:00-19:00 Speaker: Yoshiteru Okamoto (Visiting resercher of the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies, Nanzan University Title: Look East Policy: Aspects of the Past 30 Years and Future Challenges Venue: Conf. room of Insutitute for Social Ethics, N building, Nagoya Campus

2013 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific Studies

Date: 8th November 2013 17:00-19:00 Speaker: Dr. Euis Nurlaelawati (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Title: Islamic Justice in Indonesia: Family Law Reforms and Legal Practices in the Religious Courts Venue: Conf. room of Insutitute for Social Ethics, N building, Nagoya Campus

2013 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific Studies

Date: 11th October 2013 17:00-19:00 Speaker: Aiko Kurasawa (Emeritus Prof. of Keio University Title: Postwar Japan-Indonesia Relation; from War Reparation to Malari Anti-Japanese Riot Venue: P-room, 1st floor of J building, Nagoya campus

2013 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific Studies

Date: 15th July 2013 17:00-19 00 Speaker: WANG Xiaokui (Ph.D and East China Normal University Professor) Title: From TangShan to WenChuan: About the Transition of Disaster Subculture in China Venue: Conf. room of Insutitute for Social ethics, N building, Nagoya Campus

2013 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific Studies http://www.ic.nanzan-u.ac.jp/ASIAPACIFIC/workshop/english.html 2018/03/16 10/20 Date: 26th June 2013 15:00-17 00 Speaker: Wang Jian (Professor, Chinese Academy of Social Science) Title: Studying Taiwanese history in China - Current research trends and future tasks - Venue: Conf. room of Insutitute for Social ethics, N building, Nagoya Campus

2013 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific Studies

Date: 26th June 2013 15:15-17:30 Speaker: Taikan Ono (Researcher, Japan Center for Asian Historical Records) Title: An Introduction to Our Organization (Japan Center for Asian Historical Records) and Resources Venue: Room R31, R Building, Nagoya Campus

2013 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific Studies

Date: 24th June 2013 17:00-19:00 Speaker: Ken Sugimura (Senior Researcher, Research Planning and Coordination Department, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute) Title: Biodiversity-based ecosystem services: sustainability in the East and Southeast Asia Venue: Conf. room of Insutitute for Social ethics, N building, Nagoya Campus

2013 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific Studies

Date: 13th June 2013 16:00-17:30 Speaker: Barbara M. Weiss, Ph.D. (Associate Professor, SolBridge International School of Business, ) Title: Comprehensive Security and Sustainability -Interdependent security in global Asia - Venue: Conf. room, 1st floor of R building, Nagoya Campus

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FY 2012 2013 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific studies

Date: 22nd February 2013 14:00-16:00 Speaker: Youichiro Tateiwa (Journalist, International planning and broadcasting department Title: The present condition and the subject of an investigative reporting on USA Venue: Conf. room, 1st floor of R building, Nagoya campus

2013 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific studies

Date: 28th February 2013 16:00-18:00 Speaker: Chen,Kuang-hui (Professor, Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University Title: Economic Development and Regional Inequality in China: Can we expect an Inverted- U Curve? Venue: P-room, 1st floor of J building, Nagoya campus

2012 Lecture: Center for Asia-Pacific studies

Date: 14th December 2012 17:00-19:00 Speaker: Liao, Chao-heng (Reserach Fellow, Academia Sinica /Visiting professor, the university of Tokyo Title: If you know the sea, understand a saint - the literary works about the interaction of envoys in early modern East Aisa Venue: P-room, 1st floor of J building, Nagoya campus http://www.ic.nanzan-u.ac.jp/ASIAPACIFIC/workshop/english.html 2018/03/16