Three Centuries Under Three Flags
THREE CENTURIES UNDER THREE FLAGS THREE CENTURIES UNDER THREE FLAGS GOVERNORS ISLAND, FROM THE SOUTH New York City in background, Hudson River at left, East River at upper right, Buttermilk Channel at lower right THREE CENTURIES UNDER THREE FLAGS The Story of Governors Island from 1637 Published by HEADQUARTERS FIRST ARMY Governors Island, New York 1951 Printed in the United States of America by the POLYGRAPHIC COMPANY OF AMERICA, NEW YORK, N. Y. land, 1637-1937" (New York, 1937); Ganoe, Colonel W. A. — "History of the United States Army" (New York, 1926); Gilder, Rodman — "The Battery" (Boston, 1936); Gover nors Island Tercentenary Committee — "Tercentenary Pro gram" (New York, 1937) ; Hay, Ian — "The King's Service" (London, 1938); Hemstreet, Charles — "The Story of Man hattan" (New York, 1901); Meyer, Isabel Ingram — "His torical Sketch" (New York, 1949); Regimental Chaplain, The — "Story of the 16th Infantry in France" (Germany, 1919); Smith, Chaplain Edmund Banks — Governors Is land" (New York, 1923); Society of the 1st Division — "His tory of the 1st Division, A. E. F." (Philadelphia, 1922); Spalding, E. Wilder — "His Excellency George Clinton" (New York, 1938); Sullivan, Mark — "Our Times" (New York, 1926, et seq.); Tuckerman, Bayard — "Peter Stuy- vesant" (New York, 1898); Wiltsach, Paul — "Hudson Riv er Landings" (Indianapolis, 1933). Headquarters First Array A. C. M. A Z O Y Governors Island, N. Y. COLONEL, USAR CONTENTS Acknowledgments CHAPTER I "DUTCH COMPANEE —" 1 II RULE BRITANNIA 10 III CAME THE REVOLUTION 20 IV FRESH START 30 V WAR OF 1812 42 VI GROWING PAINS 48 VII BLUE AND GREY DAYS 60 VIII BREATHING SPELL 67 IX WAR AND PEACE AGAIN — AND AGAIN ...
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