Vol.02, No. 2, 2019 Studi Aktivitas Pemasaran Film Independen: Kasus di Indonesia Achmad Eriansyah Utama Putra, Agnes Juliarti, Dimas Mohammad Wibowo, Figra Ardham, Vera Julianti School of Business and Economics Universitas Prasetiya Mulya JL. RA. Kartini (TB Simatupang), Cilandak Barat Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta 12430 Indonesia. *. Corresponding Author:
[email protected] Abstract ARTICLE INFO The independent film industry in Indonesia is both interesting and unique sector because it has different characteristics from the commercial film Keywords: independent industry. The study was conducted to identify independent film film, marketing activities, marketing activities through a marketing mix and the factors that can marketing mix, influence the marketing activities of independent films in Indonesia. This qualitative research is a qualitative research using in-depth interview as the main method. Interviews were conducted to nine participants in the film industry representing three chains of production, distribution and exhibition that forms the synergies in the film industry. The main research finding is eight factors influenced independent film marketing activities: idealism, story line, expressions, aspirations, actualization, film distribution channels, promotional activities, and regulation. Abstrak Industri film independen di Indonesia merupakan sektor yang menarik Kata kunci: film dan unik karena memiliki karakteristiknya yang berbeda dari industri independen, aktivitas film komersial. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi