The HSRCA 1960s Racing Cars Groups M and O Newsletter No.18 March 2012 Ed Holly (Registrar)
[email protected] Welcome to the first M and O Racing newsletter for 2012. What a year it is shaping up to be, plenty of new cars debuting, or about to, and the interest is already building for the most important M & O event every 2 years with the running of the 4th Tasman Revival in November. In fact it looks like being a very busy end to the year with the with the 50th anniversary of the AGP at Caversham being celebrated with an Historic event at Barbagello. This weekend is also the traditional Sandown weekend and is only 2 weeks before the Tasman Revival itself. Post Tasman there is the New Zealand meetings at Hampton Downs over consecutive weekends with the theme being a tribute to Denny Hulme. Planning for the Tasman Revival is continuing apace. The Tasman Revival committee has employed the services of an event and marketing company, Lehman and Associates, and to produce the programme to a very high standard, a graphic arts and publishing company. On the next page you will see the flyer produced by the latter company. It is nice to see Spencer Martin in Paul Moxham’s Brabham Alfa BT23D selected as the subject, as Spencer is the only Australian Tasman driver to also run in the Tasman Revival. Overseas interest too is solid, and expectations are that we should have at least as many overseas cars as previously. Sir Jack Brabham named as one of Australia’s 100 Living Treasures.