NEW TITLES: 2017 - 2020 (In Chronological Order)

9/2/2020: Dr. John W. Van Cleve, Augsburg College, Julius of Taranto by J.A. Leisewitz and The Twins by F.M. Klinger: Two Tragedies of the German Sturm und Drang Theater ISBN: 978-1-4955-0833-2 226 pp

8/30/2020: Dr. R. Baxter Miller, University of Georgia, Arc of Modernity: The Rise of American Poetics from Langston Hughes to Gwendolyn Brooks ISBN: 978-1-4955-0835-6 260 pp

8/24/2020: Dr. Anthony J. Blasi, Tennessee State University, An Urban Ecological Sociology of Religion: The Case of San Antonio, Texas ISBN: 978-1-4955-0829-5 440 pp

8/04/2020: Dr. Christopher Vasillopulos, Eastern Connecticut State University, Sonnets in Defiance of Time ISBN 978-1-4955-0831-8 29 pp

7/29/2020: Dr. Nadya Chishty-Mujahid, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, The Political Chess King: A Drama ISBN 978-1-4955-0816-5 64 pp

7/25/2020: Dr. Mohamed Cherkawani, University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Sa’di’s Rose Garden as Political Literature: A Thirteenth-Century Persian Poem ISBN 978-1-4955-0823-3 116 pp

7/15/2020: Dr. Joseph H. Silver, Atlanta University, Pandemic, Health, Race, and Class: The American Challenge ISBN 978-1-4955-0824-0 115 pp

7/6/2020: Dr. James R. Wicker, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, There are Three Different Heavens: What the Bible Teaches ISBN 978-1-4955-0826-4 88 pp

6/29/2020: Dr. Samuel Rogal, Illinois Valley Community College, The 1909 Critical Edition of Hymns Ancient and Modern: The Hymnal as a Major Reference Work with Biographical and Historical Notes ISBN: 978-1-4955-0822-6 220 pp

6/15/2020: Dr. Dana R, Ulloth, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Constitutions Of The American States Before The American Constitutional Convention (1789): The Original Texts, with Notes ISBN: 978-1-4955-0820-2 556 pp

5/26/2020: Dr. Steven T. Moore, Abilene Christian University, The Cry of Black Rage in African American Literature from Frederick Douglass to Ta-Nehisi Coates ISBN: 978-1-4955-0819-6 208 pp

5/20/2020: Dr. Dana Reynolds-Marniche, Mount Meru Inc., The African and Arabian Origins of the Hebrew Bible: An Ethnohistorical Study ISBN: 978-1-4955-0817-2 404 pp

5/5/2020: Dr. Olga Breskaya, European Humanities University, Understanding the Role of Religious Freedom in Society: A Sociological Analysis ISBN 978-1-4955-0815-8 400 pp

4/21/2020: Dr. Carolyn Gascoigne, Compiler, University of Houston, Linguistics: An Annotated Catalog of Titles in Linguistics Published by the Edwin Mellen Press ISBN: 978-1-4955-0811-0 100 pp

4/7/2020: Dr. Jennifer Mei, , Dr. Xueqing Xu, York University, Translators Marriage in China Today: Stories by Chinese Women Authors ISBN: 978-1-4955-0809-7 316 pp

4/6/2020: Dr. Jennifer Mei, University of Toronto, Dr. Xueqing Xu, York University, Translators, Contemporary Short Stories about Women's Lives in China Today ISBN: 978-1-4955-0806-6 328 pp

3/26/2020: Dr. Barry W. Birnbaum., Northeastern Illinois University, Assessment of Children with Special Needs: A Guide to Practical and Theoretical Frameworks ISBN: 978-1-4955-0805-6 244 pp

3/25/2020: Dr. Karen Sasha Anthony Tipper, Nichols College, Sir William Wilde, 1815-1876: Surgeon, Scholar, and Father of Oscar Wilde (Two Volumes) ISBN: 978-1-4955-0802-8 744 pp

3/23/2020: Dr. Dana R, Ulloth, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Changing the Regulation of Guns by Reinterpreting The Second Amendment: How the Supreme Court has Contradicted the Intent of the Founding Fathers ISBN 978-1-4955-0802-1 104 pp

3/12/2020: Dr. Herbert Richardson, University of Toronto The Sexual Love of Mothers for Their Children: The Phèdre Complex ISBN: 978-1-4955-0794-6 72 pp

3/11/2020: Dr. Larry L. Miller, A Dictionary of Rivers of the World: Names, Locations, Lengths, and Mouths ISBN: 978-1-4955-0798-4 832 pp

3/11/2020: Dr. Dana R, Ulloth, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, The Politics of the Second Amendment: How Subsequent Generations have Dealt with its Substance ISBN: 978-1-4955-0767-0 432 pp

2/05/2020: Dr. Herbert Richardson, University of Toronto, A New Explanation of the Holocaust: The Hitler/Trump Analogy ISBN: 978-1-4955-0745-8 72 pp

1/30/2020: Dr. William G. Hinkle, Chowan University, Dr. Drew Lazzara, Portland State University, A History of the Indiana State Prison (1860-1910) ISBN: 978-1-4955-0793-9 768 pp

1/21/2020: Dr. Jennifer Margaret Fox Eades, Edge Hill University, Well-Being in Education: A Study of Theory and Practice ISBN: 978-1-4955-0797-7 368 pp

12/18/2019: Dr. Jiagan Yuan-Gee, Lehman College, Dr. Sheau-yueh J. Chao, Baruch College The Five-Hundred-Year History of the Yuan Shikai Family of China: The Yuan Chronicle ISBN: 978-1-4955-0792-2 360 pp

12/10/2019: Dr. Grant Moss, Pittsburg State University, Speak the Way You Write and Write the Way You Speak: A Guide to Effective Communication ISBN: 978-1-4955-0791-5 80 pp

12/4/2019: Dr. Simcha Fishbane, Touro College, Dr. Julia Stern Joseph, Yeshiva University Women's Literacy in Eastern Europe During the 18th and Early 19th Centuries: The Case of Haye Adam ISBN: 978-1-4955-0790-8 80 pp

12/2/2019: Dr. Kevin Anthony, University of California, Irvine, An Annotated Bibliography of Research of Robert Moog: His Life, Writings, and Contributions ISBN: 978-1-4955-0783-0 56 pp

11/21/2019: Dr. Samuel Rogal, Illinois Valley Community College, John Wesley's Vegetarianism: Should a Spirit-Filled Christian Abstain from Eating Animals? ISBN: 978-1-4955-0789-2 108 pp

11/14/2019: Dr. James B. Whisker, West Virginia University, Dr. Kevin R. Spiker, Ohio University, Capital Punishment in Religious and Philosophical Thought ISBN: 978-1-4955-0788-5 360 pp

10/30/2019: Dr. Kazimierz Braun, SUNY Buffalo, Dr. Justyna Braun, Chesterton Academy of Buffalo, D The Great Reform of the Theatre in Europe: A Historical Study ISBN 978-1-4955-0787-8 384 pp

10/28/2019: Dr. Samuel Rogal, Illinois Valley Community College, Shakespeare's Church and It's Churchmen ISBN: 978-1-4955-0784-7 264 pp

10/23/2019: Dr. Rick Herrick, Tulane University, A Christian Foreign Policy: New Ways to Think About a Problem ISBN: 978-1-4955-0785-4 104 pp

10/15/2019: Dr. Brian Keith-Smith, Bristol University, One Hundred Poems by Shizue Ogawa ISBN: 978-1-4955-0775-5 208 pp

9/19/2019: Dr. Arthur T. Coumbe, Dr. William C. Taylor, West Point, Should American Soldiers be Religious? A Political History of the Chaplain's Job at West Point ISBN: 978-1-4955-0773-1 344 pp

8/29/2019: Dr. Olga Legg, Woodbury University, Bakhtin's Dialogism and Semiotics in the Context of Visual Culture: A Case Study of the Film O'Baile Directed by Ettore Scola ISBN: 978-1-4955-0772-4 120 pp

8/13/2019: Dr. Mary Kathryn Brewer, University of Missouri, The Art Songs of Giuseppe Verdi: A Catalog of Texts and a Musicological Analysis ISBN: 978-1-4955-0752-6 252 pp

8/13/2019: Dr. Robert Llizo, Houston Baptist University, The Urban Asceticism of St. Francis of Assisi: Living a Life of Spiritual Self-Denial Within the Walls of a Medieval City ISBN: 978-0-7734-4495-5 208 pp

8/6/2019: Dr. James Mc Elroy, University of California, The Literature of Northern Ireland: A Reinterpretation of the Poetry and Prose of Northern Ireland ISBN: 978-1-4955-0768-7 556 pp

8/1/2019: Dr. William Harold Hardy, Tennessee State University, How Africans Shaped Biblical History: The Descendants of Ham ISBN: 978-1-4955-0749-6 116 pp

7/18/2019: Dr. Wesley J. Weaver, SUNY Cortland, Las Valientes Novelas del Nuevo Milenio de Alvaro Pombo ISBN: 978-1-4955-0766-3 512 pp

7/16/2019: Dr. Linda C. Lopez, Western New Mexico University, Mexican-Americans who Attended Schools During the Era of Segregation: Case Studies from Southwest New Mexico ISBN: 978-1-4955-0763-2 224 pp

7/2/2019: Dr. Thomas R. Erdmann, Elon College, How Saxophonists Understand Their Music: Five Interviews ISBN: 978-1-4955-0761-8 176 pp

7/1/2019: Dr. Melinda J. Boyd, University of Northern Iowa, Three Women Opera Composers: A Musicological Interpretation of Ingeborg von Bronsart, Ethel Smyth, and Thea Musgrave ISBN: 978-1-4955-0759-5 296 pp

6/25/2019: Dr. Nadya Chishty-Mujahid, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, Twins in Literature and Fiction: Bonding, Individuation, and Identity ISBN: 978-1-4955-0754-0 116 pp

6/25/2019: Dr. Alexander Jacob, University of Toronto, Istanbul, the Geopolitical Capital of The of Europe, Russia, and Asia ISBN: 978-1-4955-0757-1 80 pp 6/24/2019: Dr. Alexander Jacob, University of Toronto, The Geopolitical Unification of of Europe, Russia and Central Asia: Creating a Unitary Transcontinental Multinational State ISBN: 978-1-4955-0756-4 72 pp

6/5/2019: Dr. Isabel Gil-Naveira, University of Oviedo, Cuatro Mujeres Escriben Africa: el desarrollo de la identidad en la narrativa A.A. Aidoo, B. Emecheta, G. Ogot y Magona ISBN: 978-1-4955-0753-3 304 pp

5/22/2019: Dr. Daniel Lipori, University of Minnesota, Duluth, A Research and Information Guide on the Bassoon ISBN: 978-1-4955-0751-9 1000 pp

5/17/2019: Dr. Camacia Smith-Ross, Louisiana College, Six Tactics to Renew Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Educating Readers for the 21st Century ISBN: 978-1-4955-0747-2 180 pp

5/9/2019: Dr. Steve Minett, Consciousness as Feeling: A Theory of the Nature and Function of Consciousness ISBN: 978-1-4955-0742-7 624 pp

5/7/2019: Dr. Xose Manuel Sanchez Rei, University of A Coruna, Dr. Catalina T. Castillon, Lamar University, Editors, Traditional Galician Cancioneiro Compiled by Cipriano Torre Enciso: Volume I: Studies and Volume II: Edition ISBN: 978-1-4955-0743-4 1,307 pp

5/1/2019: Dr. Ana Isabel Carballal, University of Nebraska at Omaha., What Makes Galicia a Nation? Postcolonialism and Subalternity in Alfonso Rodriguez Castelao ISBN: 978-1-4955-0739-4 324 pp

4/24/2019: Dr. Rajub Bhowmik, City University of , Abnormal Psychology: Reconnoitering Anomalies in Human Behaviors ISBN: 978-1-4955-0741-0 328 pp

4/18/2019: Dr. John W. Van Cleve, Augsburg College, Country Pastors by J.C. Kruger and Good Women Triumphant by J.E. Schlegel: Two Comedies of the Early Enlightenment ISBN: 978-1-4955-0737-8 264 pp

4/15/2019: Dr. Lawrence Margolis, Tarleton State University, What is the Most Important Thing that makes a Developing Nation Economically successful? Education, Trade, Democracy, Women or Other ISBN: 978-1-4955-0730-4 116 pp

4/2/2019: Dr. Drissa Kone, Unification Theological Seminary, The Greatest Virtues are Peace, Unity, and Forgiveness: The Alternatives are Jihad, Revenge, and War ISBN: 978-1-4955-0728-1 116 pp

3/7/2019: Dr. Aida O. Azouqa, University of Jordan, The Literary Influence of the Medieval Arabian Nights on Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Novelists of the Arab World: Magical Realism Between East and West ISBN: 978-1-4955-0718-2 248 pp

2/14/2019: Dr. Robin Majumdar, Barber-Scotia College, The Southern Agrarians and Their Criticism of Industrial Culture: John Crowe Ransom, Allen Tate, Robert Warren Penn, David Davidson, Andrew Lytle, Cleanth Brooks ISBN: 978-1-4955-0699-1 144 pp

1/29/2019: Dr. Peter D. Browning, Drury University, A Review of the Literature on Obesity, Health Measurements, and the Food Industry: A Theological Commentary on Three Approaches to these Problems ISBN: 978-1-4955-0707-6 156 pp

1/8/2019: Dr. Jonathan Knight, Grey College, Durham, The Theology of the Ascension of Isaiah : A First New Synthesis ISBN: 978-0-7734-4363-1 168 pp

11/20/2018: Dr. Isabel Gil-Naveira, University of Oviedo, How African Women Writers Have Created A New Identity for African Women: A.A. Aidoo, B. Emecheta, G. Ogot, S. Magona ISBN 978-1-4955-0713-7 292 pp

11/15/2018: Dr. Steen Ledet Christiansen, Aalborg University, Postbiological Science Fiction: A Study of Five Stories (Splice, Pandorum, 28 Days Later, The Windup Girl, Prometheus) ISBN: 978-1-4955-0712-0 120 pp

11/6/2018: Dr. Marcia Morgan, Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service, Black Women Prison Employees: The Intersectionality of Gender and Race ISBN: 978-1-4955-0708-3 272 pp

10/24/2018: Dr. Ben J. Kadil, Mindanao State University, A Critical Study on the Genealogy of Mindanao ISBN: 978-1-4955-0706-9 488 pp

10/18/2018: Dr. Patricia Youmans, Florida State University, How to Teach Children to Read: Motivational Skills and Guidelines for Primary School Reading ISBN: 978-1-4955-0661-1 104 pp

10/17/2018: Dr. Paul Cliteur, Leiden University, Philosophical Criteria to Identity False Religion: Why Halal Animal Slaughter, Child Marriage, Circumcision, and the Burqa are Crimes ISBN: 978-1-4955-0710-6 164 pp

10/5/2018: Dr. Peter D. Browning, Drury University A Review of the Literature on Obesity, Health Measurements, and the Food Industry: A Theological Commentary on Three Approaches to these Problems 160 pp ISBN: 978-1-4955-0707-6

10/3/2018: Dr. Michael Turner, Appalachian State University, Religion and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Britain: Secularism, Conservatism, and Anti-Semitism ISBN: 978-1-4955-0705-2 184 pp

9/28/2018: Dr. Zhanna Yablovoka, Manhattan Community College, CUNY, A Critical Study of Vladimir Nabokov's Theory and Practice of Translation ISBN: 978-1-4955-0702-1 116 pp

9/24/2018: Edna Mazya, Dr. Michael Taub, Editor, Purchase College, Three Plays by Edna Mazya: Games in the Backyard, The New Criminals, The Back Room ISBN: 978-1-4955-0703-8 288 pp

9/17/2018: Dr. Dana Ulloth, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, How Elevators and Air Conditioning Changed American Polity: An in Architectural Technology ISBN: 978-1-4955-0701-4 136 pp

9/17/2018: Dr. Robert J. Scholnick, College of William & Mary, Poe's Eureka, Erasmus Darwin, and Discourses of Radical Science in Britain and America, 1770—1850 ISBN: 978-1-4955-0695-6 140 pp

9/10/2018: Dr. Andrew Wilson, Unification Theological Seminary, The Problem of Circumcision: Sexual, Social, and Theological Issues ISBN: 978-1-4955-0691-8 100 pp

9/10/2018: Dr. Jody Spedaliere, California University of Pennsylvania, The Construction of Fiction Through Personal Experience in the Work of William Saroyan and Jack Kerouac: The Autobiographical Component of Literary Experience ISBN: 978-1-4955-0700-7 200 pp

8/24/2018: Dr. Don Garlington, University of Durham, A Commentary on the Greek Text of Second Corinthians ISBN: 978-1-4955-0606-2 676 pp

8/17/2018: Dr. Michael Cassella-Blackburn, Peninsula College, Radical Anti-Communism in American Politics after World War II, 1945-1950: William C. Bullitt and the Campaign to Save Nationalist China ISBN: 978-1-4955-0675-8 180 pp

8/14/2018: Dr. Han Goo Lee, Seoul National University, The Objectivity of Historical Knowledge: How We Can Know the Past ISBN: 978-1-4955-0697-0 460 pp

8/8/2018: Dr. Herbert Richardson, University of Toronto, A Seminary Education: The Formation of a Christian Soul ISBN: 978-1-4955-0698-7 328 pp

8/3/2018: Dr. William Miller, Binghamton University., Passion And Paradox In George Herbert's “The Sacrifice”: A Close Reading ISBN: 978-1-4955-0696-3 56 pp

7/20/2018: Dr. Yolanda Aixela-Cabre, the Instituto Mila i Fontanals (Barcelona), The Management of Religious, Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Europe in the 21st Century: The Variety of National Approaches ISBN: 978-1-4955-0693-2 208 pp

7/18/2018: Dr. Herbert Richardson, University of Toronto, Jonathan Edwards' Understanding of the Unity of God-and-the World: vis-a-vis Boyle, Locke, Newton, Hutcheson, & Shaftesbury ISBN: 978-1-4955-0692-4 416 pp

7/17/2018: Dr. Mahgoub El-Tigani Mahmoud, Tennessee State University, Muhammad-The Hadith Jurisprudence: The Development of Islamic Law after the Qur'an ISBN: 978-1-4955-0690-1 548 pp

7/11/2018: Dr Thomas Bowie Slater, Mercer University, Afrocentric Interpretations of Paul and the Pauline Tradition: Things That Black Scholars See That White Scholars Do Not See ISBN: 978-1-4955-0687-1 252 pp

7/10/2018: Dr. Aminu Musa Audu, University of Liverpool, Police Corruption and Community Policing in Nigeria: A Sociological Case Study ISBN: 978-1-4955-0689-5 408 pp

7/9/2018: Ito, Michio, Dr. David Ewick, Dr. Dorsey Kleitz, editors, Tokyo Women's University, Michio Ito's Reminiscences of Ezra Pound, W.B. Yeats, and Other Matters: A Translation and Critical Edition of a Seminal Document in Modernist Aesthetics ISBN: 978-1-4955-0688-8 124 pp

6/29/2018: Dr. Suogui Li, Qiongzhou University, Russian Words Borrowed into Modern Chinese: A Contact Linguistic Approach ISBN: 978-1-4955-0679-6 252 pp

6/29/2018: Dr. Simcha Fishbane, Touro College, Witches in the Talmud: A Social Anthropological Study ISBN: 978-1-4955-0684-0 52 pp

6/29/2018: Dr. Simcha Fishbane, Touro College, Menstruating Women and Menstrual Blood in the Mishnah: A Social Anthropological Study ISBN: 978-1-4955-0686-4 60 pp

6/29/2018: Dr. Simcha Fishbane, Touro College, Prostitutes in the Talmud: A Social Anthropological Study ISBN: 978-1-4955-0685-7 52 pp

6/11/2018: Dr. Roger Clarke, University of the West of England, The Journalistic Career of John Buchan (1875-1940): A Critical Assessment of Its Context and Significance ISBN: 978-1-4955-0675-5 252 pp

6/11/2018: Dr. Roger Clarke, University of the West of England, The Journalistic Writings of John Buchan: Selected Essays, Reviews, and Opinion Pieces ISBN: 978-1-4955-0677-2 340 pp

6/11/2018: Dr. Roger Clarke, University of the West of England, John Buchan: A Bibliographic Catalogue of His Uncollected Journalism ISBN: 978-1-4955-0678-9 744 pp

5/30/2018: Dr. Matthew Yeager, Editor, King’s University College at Western University, Canada, Reforming American Prisons: A Memoir of My Time at Sing Sing Prison by Warden Thomas Mott Osborne ISBN: 978-1-4955-0670-3 604 pp

5/22/2018: Dr. Maria Marta Lobo de Araújo, University of Minho, Dr. Alexandra Esteves, Portuguese Catholic University, The Dowry System in Rural Mediterranean Europe: A Case Study of Peasant Families in Minho, Portugal ISBN: 978-1-4955-0668-0 272 pp

5/21/2018: Dr. Joseph Wayne Smith, Prof. Guy Maddern, University of Adelaide, Why Climate Change is Creating New Catastrophic Medical Problems: The Crisis of Surgery ISBN: 978-1-4955-0646-8 312 pp

5/21/2018: Dr. D. Susan Kendrick, Southeast Missouri State University, Dr. Gwenn Davis, University of Oklahoma, Dr. Beverly A. Joyce, University of Oklahoma, A Bibliography of 13,632 Novels Written by British and American Women From 1500-1900: Listed and Cross-Listed by Birth Name and Married Name (4 Volumes) ISBN: 978-1-4955-0667-3 2,288 pp

5/14/2018: Dr. Arthur T. Coumbe and William C. Taylor, West Point, God at West Point: A History of the Place of Religion Within the Educational Program of the U.S. Military Academy ISBN: 978-1-4955-0664-2 908 pp

5/11/2018: Dr. Maxim Todd Simcovitch, New York Institute of Technology, D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation : A Guide for Filmmakers, Critics, and Scholars ISBN: 978-1-4955-0666-6 204 pp

5/8/2018: Dr. Tobias Timm, York University, The Intellectual Crisis in the Life of Richard Rorty: The Shift from a Philosophy of Experience to a Philosophy of Language ISBN: 978-1-4955-0665-9 156 pp

5/7/2018: Dr. Qader Saleem Shammo, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Yezidis in Iraq: Between Citizenship and Policies of Marginalization (1958-2005) ISBN: 978-1-4955-0658-1 560 pp

4/26/2018: Dr. Anthony J. Blasi, University of Dallas at San Antonio, A Methodological Guide for Social Inquiry into Earliest Christianity ISBN: 978-1-4955-0662-8 100 pp

4/20/2018: Dr. Chris Seeman, Walsh University, A Parabolic Analysis of the Trial of Jesus in Mark’s Gospel: How Literary Form Shapes the Description of a Historical Event ISBN: 978-1-4955-0659-8 128 pp

4/19/2018: Dr. Anatoly Liberman, University of Minnesota, The Saga Mind and the Beginnings of Icelandic Prose ISBN: 978-1-4955-0652-9 148 pp

4/18/2018: Dr. Georgie Ann Weatherby, Gonzaga University, Six Cases of Mass Murder – Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora Movie Theatre, Sandy Hook, PULSE Nightclub, Las Vegas: Explaining Why People Kill ISBN: 978-1-4955-0655-0 100 pp

4/16/2018: Dr. Andre E. Johnson, Memphis Theological Seminary, An African American Pastor Before and After the American Civil War, Volume 6 ISBN: 978-1-4955-0657-4 148 pp

4/13/2018: Dr. Georgie Ann Weatherby, Gonzaga University, Theories of Deviant Behavior: An Introductory Textbook ISBN: 978-1-4955-0656-7 216 pp

4/6/2018: Dr. Maryellen Toman Mori, Santa Clara University, Mirror, Gems, and Veil: The Life and Writings of Takahashi Takako (1932-2013) ISBN: 978-1-4955-0644-4 708 pp

4/5/2018: Dr. Bradley Kaye, Broome Community College, The Philosophy of Lao Tzu: The Text and Commentary on the Tao Te Ching ISBN: 978-1-4955-0651-2 172 pp

4/2/2018: Dr. Muhammad Munir, International Islamic University, Islamabad, The Law of War and Peace in Islam: Causes and Conduct of Jihad and Non-State Islamic Actors under Islamic Law ISBN: 978-1-4955-0649-9 584 pp

3/30/2018: Dr. Eyal Lewin, Ariel University, The Spiritual Disorder of the Jews and the Need for a Zionist Renaissance: A History of the Ongoing Debate ISBN: 978-1-4955-0643-7 480 pp

3/23/2018: Dr. Dana R. Ulloth, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, How American Popular Television was Created (1946-1956): Recollections of Three-Programming Pioneers - Stanley Quinn, Edmund Rice, and Harry Herrmann ISBN: 978-1-4955-0648-2 388 pp

3/22/2018: Dr. Harri Palmu, University of Helsinki (Ph.D.), A Study of Labor Conditions in Church Work Places: Is A Religious Job Better Than a Regular Job? ISBN: 978-1-4955-0645-1 132 pp

3/22/2018: Christophe Wieland, Dr. John W. Van Cleve, Translator, Augsburg College, Two Plays by Christoph Martin Wieland in English Translation: Lady Jane Grey (1758) and Clementina of Porretta (1760) ISBN: 978-1-4955-0647-5 260 pp

3/1/2018: Dr. Jamail A. Kamlian, Mr. Juvanni Caballero, Mindanao State University, Informal Credit (Pagsanda) Among the Tausug of Sulu, Mindanao, Philippines: The Interrelation of Economic, Social, and Religious Factors ISBN: 978-1-4955-0641-3 212 pp

2/28/2018: Heinz Wetzel, Dr. Raleigh Whitinger, Translator University of Alberta, How 300 Idealistic Young Germans Fought to Liberate the Greeks From 500 Years of Muslim Tyranny: A Novelistic History of the Greek War of Independence (1821-1832) ISBN: 978-1-4955-0642-0 580 pp

2/16/2018: Dr. Yona Dureau, St Etienne University, Why it is Impossible to Write a Biography of William Shakespeare: Multiple Names, Contradictory Sources, and Political Purposes ISBN: 978-1-4955-0636-9 260 pp

2/9/2018: Dr. Kenneth Post, McMaster University, The Love of Parents for Their Children as the Foundation of a Just State: Close Readings of Plato's Republic and The of Job ISBN: 978-1-4955-0639-0 664 pp

2/8/2018: Dr. Brett Weaver, Fort Hays State University, The History of Scholarly Research into the Writings of J.D. Salinger (1986-2016): A Companion to the Annotated Bibliography ISBN: 978-1-4955-0638-3 152 pp

2/6/2018: Dr. Barbara Freitag, Dublin City University, A New Interpretation of Irish Round Towers: Their Secular Origin and Function in the Tenth to Twelfth Centuries ISBN: 978-1-4955-0637-6 304 pp

1/31/2018: Dr. Jeffrey Haynes, London Metropolitan University, The United Nations Alliance of Civilisations and the Pursuit of Global Justice (UNAOC): Overcoming Western versus Muslim Conflict and the Creation of a Just World Order ISBN: 978-1-4955-0634-5 196 pp

1/26/2018: José Ferris, Dr. Grant Moss, Translator, Pittsburg State University, A Translation of Miguel Hernádez: Passiones, Cárcel y Muerte de un Poeta (Passions, Imprisonments, and Death of a Poet by José Luis Ferris ISBN: 978-1-4955-0635-2 920 pp

1/25/2018: Dr. Brett Weaver, Fort Hays State University, An Annotated Bibliography (1982-2016) of Works Published About J. D. Salinger, ISBN: 978-1-4955-0633-8 216 pp

1/23/2018: Dr. Eric N. Newberg, Oral Roberts University, Charles G. Finney and the Civil War: How Evangelical Religion Affects American Politics ISBN: 978-1-4955-0622-2 388 pp

1/18/2018: Dr. Solomon Wachira Waigwa, Wiley College, The Akorino Church in Kenya: An Indigenous Original Pentecostal Church ISBN:978-1-4955-0632-1 352 pp

1/16/2018: Dr. Mark W. McMonagle, Northeastern Seminary, Rochester, The Use of a Western Liturgical Rite by Eastern Orthodox Christians in Europe and North America: It is the Holy Spirit Who Offers the Sacrifice ISBN: 978-1-4955-0631-4 252 pp

1/10/2018: Dr. M. Srinivas Chary, University of California, Berkeley, Explaining Why Compassion is the Highest Value of Buddhism: An Analysis of an Ideal Religious Type ISBN: 1-978-4955-0630-7 300 pp

1/8/2018: Dr. Cristiana Senigalia, University of Trieste, University of Passau, Max Weber's Theory of Parliamentary Democracy: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Bureaucracy ISBN: 978-1-4955-0629-1 584 pp

1/8/2018: Dr. Paul Kriese, Indiana University East, What Do Midwestern African Men Think About Religion, Family, Race, Gender, Education, and Jobs?: A Researcher's Guide to Oral Interviews Deposited in Indiana Libraries ISBN 978-1-4955-0607-9 68 pp

1/8/2018: Dr. Lutz Presser, Girne American University, Cyprus Art of Man Ray: Text and Images: Book 1: An Interpretation of Fetishism in the Art of Man Ray and Book 2: 429 Images Exemplifying the Art of Man Ray ISBN: 978-0-7734-0052-8 866 pp

12/22/2017: Dr. Bernard Dhuicq, Dr. Yona Dureau, Editor, St Etienne University, Reevaluating the Achievement of Aphra Behn (1640-1689): The Collected French and English Essays in Literary Criticism by Bernard Dhuicq ISBN: 978-1-4955-0628-4 608 pp

12/19/2017: Mr. Max Ostovsky, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Military Globalization: Geography, Strategy, and Weaponry ISBN: 978-1-4955-0623-9 384 pp

12/19/2017: Dr. Jurema Oliveira, Federal University of Espírito Santo-Ufes, The Theme of Urban Violence in Three Lusophone Novelists: António Lobo Antunes, Paulo Lins, Boaventura Cardoso ISBN: 978-1-4955-0608-6 336 pp

11/29/2017: Mr. Terry Jenkins, University College, London, The Royal Licensing of London Theatres in the Seventeenth Century: A History of the Killigrew and Davenant Patents Granted by Charles II ISBN: 978-1-4955-0615-4 212 pp

11/29/2017: Dr. Simcha Fishbane, Touro College, The Pilgrimage to the Temple and the Giving of the Torah: Rabbinical Interpretations of the Festival of Shavuot ISBN: 978-1-4955-0620-8 76 pp

11/29/2017: Dr. Simcha Fishbane, Touro College, The Slaughter of a Rooster at the Jewish Festival of Yom Kippur: An Explanation of the Ritual of Kapparot ISBN: 978-1-4955-0619-2 56 pp

11/29/2017: Dr. Simcha Fishbane, Touro College, Why Jewish Women are not Permitted to Work on the Festival of Rosh Hodesh: An Anthropological Explanation ISBN: 978-1-4955-0618-5 64 pp

11/29/2017: Dr. Simcha Fishbane, Touro College, Jewish Mourning Customs During the Spring Season (Sefirat Haomer): A Ritual Act of Collective Memory ISBN: 978-1-4955-0617-8 52 pp

11/29/2017: Dr. Simcha Fishbane, Touro College, The Meaning of the Jewish Festival of Purim: What Its Rituals and Customs Symbolize ISBN: 978-1-4955-0616-1 128 pp

11/29/2017: Dr. Thomas B. Slater, Mercer University, The Son of Man in Second Temple Judaism: Reviewing and Advancing the Scholarly Debate ISBN: 978-1-4955-0621-5 48 pp

11/15/2017: Dr. J. David Gillespie, Presbyterian College, The Trial of White Nationalist Dylann Roof: Killer of Nine Black Christians in Their Charleston Church ISBN: 978-1-4955-0612-3 224 pp

11/14/2017: Dr. Eyal Lewin, Ariel University, Blaming Jews for Acting Like Nazis: The Rhetoric of Holocaust Inversion ISBN: 978-1-4955-0614-7 112 pp

11/10/2017: Dr. David Bukay, University of Haifa, The Ethnic Cleansing, and Genocide of Christians from the Middle East : The Islamic War Against Christianity ISBN: 978-1-4955-0611-6 136 pp

11/6/2017: Dr. Anne Stalsberg, The Norwegian University of Technology and Science, Vlfberht, the Sword Master: A Re-Evaluation Based on 9th – 11th Century Swords with the Signature Vlfberht on the Blade and on Contemporary Written Sources ISBN: 978-1-4955-0610-9 72 pp

11/2/2017: Dr. Michael J. Turner, Appalachian State University, Churchmanship and Education Reform in Victorian Britain: The Case of A.J. Beresford Hope ISBN: 978-1-4955-0609-3 144 pp

10/25/2017: Dr. John Steckley, Humber College, The Problem of Translating Catholic Doctrine into the Language of an Indigenous Horticultural Tribe: A Study of Jesuit Father Jean de Brebeuf's 1630 Catechism of the Wendat (Huron) People ISBN: 978-1-4955-0600-0 264 pp

10/19/2017: Dr. Lola Hidalgo-Calle, Dr. Mark Putnam, University of Tampa, Translators, More Andalusian Women Poets: The Artistry of Southern Spain (Matilde Cabello, Araceli Franco, Inés Maria Guzmán, María del Carmen Guzmán, Isabel Pérez Montalbán, Balbina Prior, Ana Patricia Santaella) ISBN: 978-1-4955-0602-4 184 pp

10/17/2017: Dr. Karen Sasha Anthony Tipper, Nichols College, The Aesthetic Life of Charles Baudelaire and His Influence on Oscar Wilde: The European Precursors of Spiritual Love ISBN: 978-1-4955-0603-1 324 pp

10/5/2017: Dr. Cleophas Karooma, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Rwandan Refugees In Southwestern Uganda: Their Attitudes and Responses to Repatriation 1994-2012 ISBN: 978-1-4955-0601-7 320 pp

9/27/2017: Dr. Tom McNeill, Queen's University, Belfast, The First 150 Years of Protestant Church Building 1517-1700: A Study in the History of Religious Architecture ISBN: 978-1-4955-0597-3 279 pp

9/26/2017: Dr. Martha C. Beck, Lyon College, Why Do Feminists Undervalue Motherhood? A Classicist's Review of Margaret King's How Mothers Shaped Successful Sons and Created World History ISBN: 978-1-4955-0558-4 68 pp

9/21/2017: Dr. Lydia Reid, St. John’s College. University of Durham, How Religious Students Negotiate the Secular Culture of a State University: A Sociological Study of the University of Manchester ISBN: 978-1-4955-0596-6 352 pp

9/7/2017: Dr. Thomas DeLio, University of Maryland in College Park, Analytical Studies of the Music of Ashley, Cage, Carter, Dallapiccola, Feldman, Lucier, Reich, Satie, Schoenberg, Wolff, and Xenakis: Essays in Contemporary Music ISBN: 978-1-4955-0592-8 380 pp

9/6/2017: Dr. Qader Saleem Shammo, University of Duhok, Who Are the Yezidis?: The History and Genocide of an Ancient People ISBN: 978-1-4955-0594-2 60 pp

9/6/2017: Dr. Paul Anthony Petruzzi, Drew University, How Their Medical Knowledge Shaped the Poetry of Two Physician Poets: John Keats and William Carlos Williams ISBN: 978-1-4955-0593-5 124 pp

8/23/2017: Dr. Robert L. Crist, University of Athens, An Experiential Theory for the Interpretation of Poetry: Why We Like What We Like ISBN: 978-1-4955-0585-0 232 pp

8/22/2017: Mychelle Hadley Smith, Weber State University, How to Teach About the Use of Profanity in Teenage Literature: An Analysis of The Catcher in the Rye and The Chocolate War ISBN: 978-1-4955-0591-1 192 pp

8/17/2017: Dr. Shaul Bartal, Bar-Ilan University, New Forms of Palestinian Terror Against Israel: A Profile of the Al-Quds Intifada ISBN: 978-1-4955-0576-8 168 pp

8/15/2017: Dr. Richard E. Yaklich, Florida Memorial College, The Orchestral Scores of Eugene Ormandy: Creating the Philadelphia Sound ISBN: 978-1-4955-0584-3 196 pp

8/11/2017: Dr. John Wyatt, University of Southampton, How Archaeological Artifacts Inspire Imagination. A Study of Two Dozen Poets and Novelists Who Describe the Prehistoric Past ISBN: 978-1-4955-0590-4 636 pp

8/10/2017: Dr. Christine M. Danelski, California State University, Los Angeles, Last of the Mohicans and Five Film Versions 1909-1992: Narrative, Trauma, and Typology ISBN: 978-1-4955-0493-8 360 pp

7/28/2017: Dr. Serjinger Singh, University of Glasgow, Sikh Names: The History and the Process of Naming Persons in the Sikh Tradition ISBN: 978-1-4955-0580-5 704 pp

7/24/2017: Dr. Rosella Faraone, Messina University, Giovanni Gentile, The Philosopher of Fascism- Cultural Leadership in Fascist and Anti-Semitic Italy ISBN: 978-1-4955-0583-6 272 pp

7/14/2017: Dr. Laura Giacomini, Politecnico of Milan, Privata Commoditas et Publica Elegantia: Case da nobile seu palatij nella Milano borromaica (1560-1631) ISBN: 978-1-4955-0556-0 472 pp

7/13/2017: Dr. Herbert Richardson, University of Toronto, How to Write a Scholarly Book: Preparing Your Manuscript for Peer Review ISBN: 978-1-4955-0384-9 52 pp

7/10/2017: Dr. Fernando González-Moreno, Dr. Margarita Rigal-Aragón, University of Castilla-La Mancha, The Portrayal of the Grotesque in Stoddard's and Quantin's Illustrated Editions of Edgar Allan Poe (1884): An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Relations Between the Visual and the Verbal ISBN: 978-1-4955-0569-0 312 pp

7/5/2017: Mr. Eddy Keymolen, Hoger Instituut voor Handels-en Bestuurswetenschappen, Un Glosario de Lengua Hablada Americana y Argot Traducido al Esponal/ A Glossary of American Spoken Language and Slang Translated into Spanish ISBN: 978-1-4955-0581-2 264 pp

7/5/2017: Dr. Ben J. Kadil, Mindanao State University, The Moro Wars in the Philippines, 1565 to the Present: The Mindanao War of 2003 and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front ISBN: 978-1-4955-0578-2 300 pp

6/29/2017: Dr. Charles Brewer, Florida State University College of Music, William Billings, An Early American Composer of Music and His Seditious Song Chester: The Cultural Significance of Tune Names During the American Revolution ISBN: 978-1-4955-0579-5 188 pp

6/26/2017: Dr. Juwen Zhang, Williamette University, The Records of Mongolian Folklore by Xiao Daheng (1532-1612) and Two Rhapsodies on the Xun Flute from Tang China (618-907). Two Primary Sources in the History of Chinese and Mongolian Folklore and Music ISBN: 978-14955-0577-5 244 pp

6/22/2017: Dr. José A. Sanchez Fajardo, University of Alicante, A Dictionary of 1,000 English Loan Words in Cuban Spanish With Usages, Synonyms, and Etymologies ISBN: 978-1-4955-0574-4 324 pp

6/22/2017: Dr. Lee L'Clerc, University of Guelph, Textual Representations of Works of Art in Three Spanish-American Novels: Images of Opposition and as Corroboration of Words ISBN: 978-1-4955-0575-1 336 pp

6/20/2017: Dr. Charles Frederick Frantz, Westminster Choir College of Rider University, The Fin-de-siecle Elements in the Music of Claude Debussy. His Redefinition of Musical Time, Color, and Narrative (Comparisons with Whistler, Hiroshige, Kandinsky, and Emile Galle) ISBN: 978-1-4955-0572-0 236 pp

6/19/2017: Dr. Samuel Rogal, Illinois Valley Community College, Julia Ward Howe's Battle-Hymn of the Republic ISBN: 978-1-4955-0573-7 168 pp

6/13/2017: Dr. Sung Jin Park, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Typology in Biblical Hebrew Meter: A Generative Metrical Approach ISBN: 978-14955-0568-3 496 pp

6/13/2017: Dr. Tatsushi Hirono, Austin Peay State University, Interviewing Buddhist Clergy in Fukushima, Japan: Buddhist Clergy's Disaster Relief Efforts from the Nuclear Power Plant Accident ISBN: 978-1-4955-0559-1 104 pp

6/8/2017: Dr. John T. Willis, Abilene Christian University, Diverse Water Symbols in the Psalms. Seas, Rivers, Streams, Wadis, Rain, Hail, Dew, Tears ISBN 978-1-4955-0526-3 272 pp

6/7/2017: Dr. Sherifa Zuhur, University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Marlyn Tadros, Northeastern University, Editors, Conflicting Interests in Egypt: Political, Business, Religious, Gender, Popular Culture ISBN: 978-1-4955-0551-5 232 pp

5/25/2017: Dr. Albina Leibman-Klix, Columbia University, Two Theoretical Studies in Viennese Psychoanalysis, Toward a Theory of Life and Eros and Psyche (1901-1902) ISBN: 978-1-4955-0560-7 512 pp

5/17/2017: Dr. Gerald Emem Umoren, Federal University of Uyo, The Experience of the Israelite Exiles in Psalm 137 Compared with the Displaced Persons in Nigeria Today: A Presentist Interpretation of the Bible ISBN: 978-1-4955-0557-7 56 pp

5/9/2017: Dr. Richard Hall, Fayetteville State University, Josiah Royce's Proposal How to Establish World Peace Using Business Rather Than International Law. An Alternative to Immanuel Kant's Perpetual Peace ISBN: 978-1-4955-0553-9 136 pp

5/2/2017: Dr. Samuel Rogal, Illinois Valley Community College, The 1783 Shipwreck of the Antelope in the Western Pacific: The Journal of Captain Henry Wilson / A Neglected Event in British Maritime History ISBN: 978-1-4955-0552-2 180 pp

4/27/2017: Dr. Brian Jordan, St. Francis College, The Heroic Priesthood of Father William B. Farrell, 1867-1930: Fighting Anti-Catholicism, Government Corruption and Waterfront Gangsters in New York ISBN: 978-1-4955-0549-2 204 pp

4/21/2017: Dr. Sabine Asmus, University of Szczecin, Dr. Sven Grawunder, Christian – Albrechts University, Editors, Vowel Length in Welsh Monosyllables, Its Interrelation with Irish and Other Related Problems: An Acoustic Study and Its Didactic Implications ISBN: 978-1-4955-0547-8 128 pp

4/19/2017: Dr. John W. Van Cleve, Augsburg College, Palisades Island: A Translation of Insel Felsenburg by J.G. Schnabel ISBN: 978-1-4955-0548-5 792 pp

4/18/2017: Dr. Daniel A. Métraux, Mary Baldwin College, How Journalists Shaped American Foreign Policy: A Case Study of Japan's Military Seizure of Korea ISBN: 978-1-4955-0543-0 268 pp

4/14/2017: Dr. Lesley Margaret Williams, University of Western Australia, Developing Academic Talent of the Schools of Western Australia: A Case Study of Students Who Scored in the Top 5% on Their Tests ISBN: 978-1-4955-0546-1 512 pp

4/13/2017: Dr. Ramón Espejo Romero, University of Seville The History of the Performance of American Drama in Spain 1912-1977: Theatre as a Weapon Against Political Authoritarianism (Three Volume Set) ISBN 978-1-4955-0529-4 1,524 pp

4/12/2017: Dr. George M. Roure, University of Technology, The 16th Century Spanish Plan to make Australia the New Holy Land: Pedro Fernández de Quirós and his Utopian ideas about Terra Australis Incognita ISBN: 978-1-4955-0545-4 288 pp

4/11/2017: Dr. Gerald S. Nordé, Sr., Delaware State University, The Sociological Theory of the Skin Color Syndrome Together with Explaining the Origin of White Racism in the American South ISBN: 978-1-4955-0542-3 156 pp

4/10/2017: Dr. William McGaw, Macquarie University, A Modernized Edition of the Complete Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey ISBN: 978-1-4955-0544-7 292 pp

4/7/2017: Dr. Simcha Fishbane, Touro College, The Rabbinic Discussion About Bat Mitzvah Celebrations: Girl Puberty Rites in Judaism ISBN: 978-1-4955-0540-9 100 pp

4/5/2017: Dr. Brandon Lupton, University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein Seminary, St. Paul as an Exemplar of Holiness and Pastoral Leadership in the Writings of Pope Gregory the Great: A Study of Personal Sanctity ISBN: 978-1-4955-0539-3 276 pp

3/23/2017: Drs. Patricia Bazan-Gonzalez, Fairleigh-Dickinson University, Salvador J. Figueras, Hudson County Community College, The Hispanicization of the United States: The Latino Challenge to American Culture ISBN 978-1-4955-0525-6 152 pp

3/20/2017: Dr. Manana Sanadze, University of Georgia, Chronology of Georgian Kings and Patricians of the Ancient Period and the Early Middle Ages: The Pagan Georgian Kings (Vol. 1 of Two Volume Set) ISBN: 978-1-4955-0528-7 512 pp

Chronology of Georgian Kings and Patricians of the Ancient Period and the Early Middle Ages: The Christian Georgian Kings and Patricians. (Vol. 2 of Two Volume Set) ISBN: 978-1-4955-0530-0 660 pp

3/20/2017: Dr. Joseph J. O’Malley, Editor, Marquette University, Errol E. Harris. Oxford Writings 1931-1933: Origins of an Idealist World View ISBN: 978-1-4955-0538-6 316 pp

3/13/2017: Dr. Samuel Rogal, Illinois Valley Community College, Montefiore: The History of a Jewish Family ISBN: 978-1-4955-0535-5 304 pp

3/13/2017: Dr. Itzá A. Zavala-Garrett, Morehead State University, La Revolución En La Literatura Mexicana (How the 1968 Massacre of Tlatelolco Shaped the Development of Mexican Literature): A Study of the Intellectual Subject, Literary Genres, and Post-Modern Style ISBN: 978-1-4955-0537-9 224 pp

2/20/2017: Dr. Jody Spedaliere, California University of Pennsylvania, The First Post-Modernist Poets – Edgar Allen Poe and Emily Dickinson:. A New Way of Reading Classic Texts ISBN 978-1-4955-0527-0 124 pp

1/26/2017: Dr. Denise Holland, Brown University, Transitional Role of the Reverend Solomon Stoddard in 17th - Century New England Religion: From National Covenant Through Halfway Covenant to Evangelical Revival ISBN: 978-1-4955-0521-8 90 pp