
AP US HISTORY UNIT 5 GUIDE Covering Pageant Chapters 13-14

KEY PEOPLE Twelfth Amendment Cabinet John C. Calhoun Tariff of Abominations Henry Clay Eaton Affair South Carolina Exposition William Crawford Maysville Road Peggy Eaton Annexation John Quincy Adams "favorite son" Daniel Webster Tariff of 1832 Denmark Vesey Specie Circular Robert Hayne "Trail of Tears" Nicholas Biddle panic of 1837 Osceola Force Bill Stephen Austin Semionle Indians Williams Harrison Divorce Bill Sam Houston Bank of the John Tyler Lone Star Santa Ana Independent Treasury Black Hawk Whig Party William Travis Industrial Revolution Samuel Slater Transportation revolution Cyrus McCormick Nativism Eli Whitney Cult of domesticity Carl Schurz Cotton gin Robert Fulton Clermont Samuel F. B. Morse Boston Associates DeWitt Clinton Clipper ships Catharine Beecher "Molly Maguires" Pony Express KEY CONCEPTS Commonwealth v. Hunt Nullifcation Tammany Hall Spoils system Order of the Star Spangled Banner Anti-Masonic party


1. The text's authors describe the Tariff of 1828 as "dishonest," and it was dubbed by angry Southerners the "Tariff of Abominations." Why? What purposes lay behind passage of this tariff law?

2. What basic assumptions are contained in John C. Calhoun's doctrine of nullification? Compare and contrast it to the and Virginia resolutions and to the doctrine of secession. Why did Calhoun put forward this view of constitutional propriety?

3. The text's authors state that "the West, with its raw frontier, was the most typically American part of America [in the early nineteenth century]." Explain what they mean by this remark. Do you agree or disagree? Why?