A Governors Guide to Children's Cabinets
A Governor’s Guide to Children’s Cabinets ©NGA CENTER FOR BEST PRACTICES, 444 NORTH CAPITOL STREET, SUITE 267, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001 Page ii A Governor’s Guide to Children’s Cabinets About NGA The National Governors Association (NGA), founded in 1908, is the instrument through which the nation's governors collectively influence the development and implementation of national policy and apply creative leadership to state issues. Its members are the governors of the 50 states, three territories and two commonwealths. Through NGA’s standing policy committees, the governors examine and develop policy and address key state and national issues. The NGA Center for Best Practices is considered the nation’s leading authority on state innovation, helping governors and their policy advisors develop and implement effective solutions to governance and policy challenges facing them in their states. The Center works in a number of policy arenas including education, health, technology, human services, workforce development, homeland security and the environment. The Center provides tailored technical assistance, tracks and evaluates state innovations and best practices, and helps governors and their staffs develop cutting-edge solutions to stay ahead of problems. NGA also provides management and technical assistance to both new and incumbent governors. Copyright August 2004 by NGA Center for Best Practices, 444 North Capitol Street, Suite 267, Washington, D.C. 20001-1512. All rights reserved. For more information on other publications by the NGA Center for Best Practices, visit the Center’s website at www.nga.org/center. ©NGA CENTER FOR BEST PRACTICES, 444 NORTH CAPITOL STREET, SUITE 267, WASHINGTON, D.C.
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