Variables on Sunday, August 29, 2021 Tone 1 / Eothinon 10 Beheading of the Forerunner and Baptist John Venerable Theodora of Thessalonica; Theopistis and Joseph the Sanctified of Samaka NOTE TO : Remember to include this special petition in the Great Litany before the one for the head of state, as directed by the Antiochian Archdiocese. ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ : For Metropolitan Paul, Archbishop الشمممم م ن أجل ال تروبوليت بوُل َس وال ط ارن John, and for their quick release from ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ يوحن وَف ك أ سممِرم و َو وَتهم سمم ل َ ينى الر ال ر captivity and safe return, let us pray to the Lord. َن طُلب.  During the Little , chant the Resurrectional Apolytikion. The Eisodikon (Entrance ) is “O come, let us worship… save us, O Son of God, Who art risen from the dead…” After the Little Entrance, chant the apolytikia in the following order: RESURRECTIONAL APOLYTIKION IN TONE ONE إ نَّ َّالحجر َّلما َّخِتم َِّمن َّاليَّهود، َّوجسَّدك َّالطا ِهَّرََّّ While the stone was sealed by the Jews, and the َ َ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ,soldiers were guarding Thy most pure body ِ ِ ِ ِ ُحف َظ َّم َن َّال ُجْنْدَّ، َُّق ْم َت َّفي َّالَيََّّْوِم َّالثالَّث َّأُّيهاَّ ,Thou didst arise on the third day, O Savior المَّخََِّّلصَّ، َّماِنحا َّالعالم َّالحياة. َِّلَّذِلَّكَّ َّقََّّواتَّ granting life to the world. For which cause the ُ َ ُ ً ََ َ ُ ُ heavenly powers cried aloud unto Thee, O giver ِ ال سَّماوات، َّهتَُفوا َّإلي َك َّيا َّواه َب َّالحياة: َّال َم ْجَُّدَّ ,of life. Glory to Thy Resurrection, O Christ ِلَِّقَّيامِتكََّّأيَّهاَّالمَّسيح،َّالمجَّدَِّلمل ِكك،َّالمجَّدَِّلتدبيِرك،َّ ,glory to Thy kingdom, glory to Thy providence َ َ ُّ َ ُ َ ْ ُ ُْ َ َ ْ ُ َْ .O Thou Who alone art the lover of mankind ِ ياَّ ُمح بَّالَبَّ َشَّرَََّّوْحََّدَّك. َّ APOLYTIKION OF THE BAPTIST’S BEHEADING IN TONE TWO تذكار َّال ِصدي ِق َّبالمديح، َّأما َّأنت َّأيها َّالسابقَّ The memory of the righteous is celebrated with َْ ُ َ ِ ْ َ ُّ ُ songs of praise, but the Lord’s testimony is ِ ِ َفتَ ْكفي َكَّ َشهاَدةَُّال ر ب.َّأل ن َكَّ َظَهْرَتَّبال َحقيَقةَّأَ ْشَر َفَّ sufficient for thee, O Forerunner. Thou wast ِمن َّكِل َّاألَنبياء، َّإذ َّقِد َّاستْأهلت َّأَن َّتعِمد َّفيَّ shown indeed to be the most honorable of the ْ ُ ْ ْ َ ْ َ َْ َ ْ َُ َ prophets, for in the waters thou didst baptize Him ِِ ِ ِ ال َمجاريَّ َم ْنََّكَرزواَّ ُهْمَّبه.َّوم ْنَّثَ مَّإْذَّجا َهْد َتَّ َعنَّ Whom they had proclaimed. After suffering with الح ِق َّمسرو ار، َّب شرت َّالذين َّفي َّالجحيِم َّباإللِهَّ joy in behalf of the truth, thou didst proclaim َ َ ْ ً َ ْ َ َ َ َ even to those in Hades the God Who appeared in ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ الظاهرَّبال َج َسد،َّال ارف ِعَّ َخطيَئ َةَّالعاَلم،َّوالمان ِحَّإ ياناَّ ,the flesh, Who taketh away the sin of the world and granteth us Great Mercy. ال رْح َم َةَّالُع ْظمى. َّ  Now sing the apolytikion of the patron saint or feast of the temple. OF THE NATIVITY OF THE IN TONE FOUR ِإ نَّيوا ِكيمَّوحنـــــةَِّمنَّعاِرَّالعقِرَّأُقِلقا،َّوَدمَّوحواءَّ By thy holy nativity, O pure one, Joachim and َُ َ َ َ َ ْ َ ُْ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ Anna were delivered from the reproach of ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ م ْنََّف َســـادَّال َمْوت،َّب َمْولدكَّال ُمَق ديََّياَّ َقاهَرةَُّأُ ْعتَقا.َّ barrenness; and Adam and Eve were delivered فلهَّيعِيدَّشـــــِب ِك،َّوقدَّتخ لَّصَِّمنَّوصـــــمِةَّال ِ ِت،َّ from the corruption of death; thy people do ََ ُ َُ ُ َ ْ ُ َْ َ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ celebrate it, having been saved from the stain of

1 صـــــــــــــــاِرخـاَّنحوِك:َّألعـاِقرَّتِلـدَّواِلـدةَّا ِإللـِهَّالم ـِذيـةَّ iniquity, crying unto thee: The barren doth give َ ً َ ْ َ َ ُ َ ُ َ َ َ َ ُ َ َ َ .birth to the Theotokos, who nourisheth our life َحَياتََنا. َّ THE (For the Beheading) ِ ِ ِ .The righteous shall rejoice in the Lord َيْفَرُحَّالص دقَّبالرب. استَم ْعَّياَّهللاَّل َصْوتي. َّ .Hearken unto my voice, O God فصل ِمن أو ِل الرسِل القِديسين. The Reading from the Acts of the ٌ ُ (Holy Apostles. (13:25-33 ِِ ِ ,In those days, as John was fulfilling his course في َّتْل َك َّاألياِم َّل ما ََّبَل َغ َّيوَحنا َّقضا َء َّ َس ِْيه َّ َقف َقَّ يقولَّ:َّمنَّتحسبونَّأِنيَّأنا؟َّلستَّأناَّإياهَّول ِكنَّ he said, “Who do you suppose that I am? I am ُ ُ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ ُ ُ ْ not He. But behold, there comes One after me ِ ِ ِ ِ هوذا َّيأتي ََّب ْعدي َّ َم ْن َّ َّأستَح ُّق َّأن َّأ ُح ل َّحذا َءَّ the shoes of whose feet I am not worthy to قدميه.َّأيهاَّالِرجالَّاإلخوةَّبِنيَّ ِجن ِسَّلب ارهيمَّوالذينَّ unloose.” Men, brethren, children of the stock of ََ َْ ُّ ُ َ ُ َ ْ َ َ ,Abraham, and those among you who fear God ِ ِ يتُقوَنَّهللاَََّبْيَن ُكم،َّإَلْي ُكمَّأُْرسَل ْتََّكَّلَّ َمَّةََُّّهذاَّالخالص.َّ .to you is the word of this salvation sent forth أل ن َّالسا ِكنين َّفي َّأورشليم َّورؤساءهم، َّمن َّحيثَّ For those who dwell in Jerusalem, and their َ َ َ َ َ َ ُ َ ْ ُ rulers, because they did not know Him, nor yet ِ ِ إ نُهمََّلْمَّيعِرُفوهَُّو َّأقوا َلَّاألنبياءَّالتيَّتُْتلىَّفيَّك لَّ the voices of the prophets which are read on سَّبَّ تَّ،َّأتمواَّبالقضاِءَّعليه.َّومعَّأ نهمَّلمَّي ِجدواَّعليِهَّ every Sabbath, fulfilled these by condemning َ ْ َُّ َ َ َ َْ َ ُ َْ Him. And though they found no cause of death ِ ِ ِ ِ و َّعل ًةَّلْل َمْوتَّ،َّ َقَلبُواَّمَّ ْنََّّبيال ُق َسَّأ ْنَّيُقَتل.َّوَل ماَّ in Him, yet they asked Pilate that He should be أتمواَّك لَّماَّكِتبَّعنه،َّأنِلوهَّع ِنَّالخشبِةَّووضعوهَّ slain. And when they had fulfilled all the things َُّ ُ ُ َ َُ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ ُ ُ that were written of Him, they took Him down ِ ِ فيََّقْبرَّ.ََّلك نَّهللاََّأقا َمهَُّمَّ ْنََّّبينَّاألموات،َّوتََّراءىَّ from the tree, and laid him in a tomb. But God أياما َّكثيرة َّلل ذين َّصِعدوا َّمعه َّمن َّالجليِل َّإلىَّ raised Him from the dead; and for many days He ً ً َ َ ُ َ َ ُ was seen by those who came up with Him from ِ ِ أورشليَمَّ،ََّوُهْمَّ ُشهوٌدَّاآل َنَّعنَدَّالشعبََّّبَّأ نَّهللاََََّّقْدَّ Galilee to Jerusalem, who are now His witnesses أت مهَّلناَّنحنَّأو دهم،َّإْذَّأقامَّيسوع. َّ to the people. And we bring you the good news َ ُ ُ َ ُ َ of the promise made to the fathers, that God has fulfilled the same to us their children, in that He raised up Jesus again. THE GOSPEL (For the Beheading) The Reading from the Holy Gospel َفصل شريف ِمن ِبش رِة الِقدي ِس مرُقس اإلنجيل ِي ٌ َ ٌ َ َ (according to St. Mark. (6:14-30 ِ ِ ِ الَبشيِر وال ت ل يذ الط مر. ,At that time, Jesus’ Name had become known ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ and King Herod heard of it. Some said, “John فيَّذل َكَّالِمانَّ َســــَّمَّ َعََّّهيروُد ُيَّال َمل ُكَّب َخَبرَّيســــوعََّ the Baptizer has been raised from the dead; that )أل نَّاســــــــــــــمهََّّكانََّقَِّدََّّاشــــــــــــــَّتَّهر(،َّفقالَّ"إ نَّيوحناَّ َ ُ ُ َ ْ َََ َ is why these powers are at work in Him.” But ِ ِ ِ ِ ال َمَّ ْعَّ َمــَّدا َنََّقــْدَّقــاَمَّمنَّبْينَّاألموات،َّمنَّأ ْجــلَّذلــ َكَّ others said, “It is .” And others said, “It is ِ a prophet, like one of the prophets of old.” But تَْع َم ُلَّبهَّالُقَّ َّوات."َّوقا َلََّ َخُروَنَّ"إنهَُّايليا"،َّوَخروَنَّ when Herod heard of it he said, “John, whom I "إنهَّنِبيَّ،َّأوَّكأحِدَّاألنبياء".َّفَل ماَّســــــــــِمعَّهيروديَّ ُ َ َ َ ُ ُ beheaded, has been raised.” For Herod had sent

قا َلَّ:َّ"إنماَّهذاَّ ُهَوَّيوحناَّالذيََّق َط ْع ُتَّأَناَّ أرَســــــــــــــهُ،َّ 2 إنــهَّقــدَّقــامَّمنَّبي ِنَّاألموات".َّأل نَّهيروديَّهــذاَّ and seized John, and bound him in prison for the َ ُ َ ْ َ ُ َ ,sake of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife نف َســــــــــهَُّكا َنَّقدَّأْرَســــــــــ َلَّوأ ْم َســــــــــ َكَّيوحناَّوأْوثََقهَُّفيَّ because he had married her. For John said to ِ ِ ِ ِ Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have your الســــــــــ ْج ِنَّمنَّأجلَّهيرودياَّام أرةَّأخيهَّفيلُّبَّسَّ،َّأل نَّهَُّ َ brother’s wife.” And Herodias had a grudge كانَّقدَّتِوجها.َّفكانَّيوحناَّيقولَّلهيروديَّإ نَّهَّ َّ َ َ َ َ َ ُ ُ َ ُ against him, and wanted to kill him. But she ِ َيح ُّلَّل َكَّأنَّتكوَنَّل َكَّام أرةَُّأخيك.َّفكاَن ْتَّهيرودياَّ could not, for Herod feared John, knowing that ِ ِ ِ he was a righteous and holy man, and kept him حانَق ًةَّعليهَّتريُدَّقْتَلهَّ،ََّفَلمَّتَســـــــــتَطع،َّأل نَّهيروُديَّ ُ ْ ْ ْ َ safe. When he heard him, he was much ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ كانَّيخا ُفَّم ْنَّيوحناَّلعْلمهَّبأنهَُّرُج ٌلَّبا رََّّوق دي ٌسَّ perplexed; and yet he heard him gladly. But an ِ ِ ويُحاف ُظَّعليه،َّوكا َنَّيصن ُعَّأمو اًرَّكثيرةًَّعلىَّ َح َسبَّ opportunity came when Herod on his birthday ماَّســِمعَّمنهَّ،َّوكانَّيســمعَّمنهَّبانبســا .َّوَل ماَّكانَّ gave a banquet for his courtiers and officers and َ َ ُ َ َ ْ َ ُ ُ َ ’the leading men of Galilee. For when Herodias ِ ِِِ يوٌمَّمواف ٌقَّ،َّوقْدَّ َصــــــَن َعَّهيروُد ُيَّفيَّمولدهَّ َعشــــــا ًءَّ daughter came in and danced, she pleased Herod ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ لُع َظمائهَّوُق وادَّاأللُوفَّوأعيا ِنَّالجليلَّ،ََّد َخَلتَّابنةَُّ and his guests; and the king said to the girl, “Ask me for whatever you wish, and I will grant it.” هيرودياَّهِذِهَّوَّرَقصتََّّفأَعجبتََّّهيروديَّواْلمت ِكئينََّّ َ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ ُ َ ُ َ And he vowed to her, “Whatever you ask me, I ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ َمَعــهَُّ.َّفقــا َلَّالملــ ُكَّلْل َصــــــــــــــب يــةَّ:َّ"ا ْقلُبيَّم نيَّ َمْه َمــاَّ will give you, even half of my kingdom.” And ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ she went out, and said to her mother, “What أرْدتَّ،َّفأعطيكَّ."ََّوَحَل َفََّلَهاَّأ ْنَّ َمْه َماَّ َقَلْبتَّمن يَّ shall I ask?” And she said, “The head of John أُع ِطيـــ ِكَّوَلوَِّنصــــــــــــــفَّممَلكِتي.َّفخرجـــتَّوقـــاَلـــتَّ ْ َ ْ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ْ the Baptizer.” And she came in immediately ِ أل مَهــــــا:َّ"مــــــاذاَّأقلــــــ ُبَّ؟"،َّقــــــاَلــــــ ْتَّ: َّ" أر َيَّيوح نــــــَّاَّ with haste to the king, and asked, saying, “I want ِ ِ ِ ِ you to give me at once the head of John the ال َمَّ ْعَّ َمــَّدان."َّولْلَوْقــتََّد َخَلــتَّعلىَّالملــكَّبســــــــــــــرَعــةَّ وقلبــتَّقــائلــةَّ:َّ"أريــدَّأنَّتعطيَّنيَّعلىَّالفوِرَّ أريَّ Baptist on a platter.” And the king was َََ ً ُ ُْ َ ْ َ exceedingly sorry; but because of his oaths and ِ ِ ِ يوحنَّاَّال َمَّ ْعَّ َمَّدانَّفيَّ َقَب قَّ."َّفاســـــــــــــْت َحْوَذَّعلىَّالملكَّ his guests he did not want to break his word to ِ ِ ِ ِ her. And immediately the king sent a soldier of حٌِْنَّشـديٌدَّ،َّوَل كَنهَُّمَّ ْنََّّأ ْجَّلَّالَيَّمي ِنَّواْلمتَّ كئَينَّمعهَُّ،َّ ُ ُ َ َ the guard and gave orders to bring his head. He لمَّيَِّردَّأنََّّيصـــ دها.َّوِلســـاعِتِهَّأنفذَّســـيافاَّ،َّوأَمرَّأنَّ َْ ُ ْ ْ ُ َ َ َ َ ً ََ ْ went and beheaded him in the prison, and ِ ِ ِ ِ يُْؤتَىَّب ْأرسهَّ.َّفان َطَل َقَّوَق َط َعَّ أرَسهَُّفيَّالس ْجنَّ،َّوأَتىَّ brought his head on a platter, and gave it to the ب أرِســِهَّفيَّ َقب قَّ،َّوأعطاهَِّلْلصــِب يِةَّ،َّوالصــِب يةَُّأع َطتْهَّ girl; and the girl gave it to her mother. When his َ ُ َ َ ُ disciples heard of it, they came and took his ألِمهــــا.َّوســــــــــــــِمعَّتالميــــذهَّ،َّفجــــاءواَّورفعواَّجث تــــهَّ َ َ ُُ ُ ََ ُ ُ َ ُ body, and laid it in a tomb. The Apostles

َوَو َضـــــــــُعوهاَّفيََّقْبرَّ.َّواجتََم َعَّالُرُســـــــــ ُلَّإلىَّيســـــــــوعََّ returned to Jesus, and told him all that they had ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ .done and taught وأخبُروهَُّبُك لَّشيءَّ،َُّك لَّماَّ َعملُواَّوُك لَّماَّ َعل ُموا. َّ  The Divine Liturgy of St. continues as usual with the following variable. KOINONIKON ( HYMN) FOR THE BEHEADING ِ ِ ن ِ In everlasting remembrance shall the righteous تَْذكاُر َّالص ديق ََّيكوُ َّإلى َّاألَبد. َّو ََّي ْخشى َّم َنَّ .be; he shall not be afraid of evil tidings. Alleluia ِ السما ِعَّالخبيث.َّ َهللوييا. 3 THE الك من َّأيهاَّالمسيحَّإلهناَّالحقيقي،َّياَّمَّنَّ قامَِّمنَّ Priest: May He Who rose from the dead, Christ ُ َ ُ ُ َ َ ْ َ our true God, through the intercessions of His ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ بي ِنَّاألموات،َّب َشــــــــــــــفـــاعـــاتَّأُ مـــ َكَّال ُك ل يـــةَّال َطهـــاَرةَّ ;all-immaculate and all-blameless holy Mother ِ ِ ِ by the might of the Precious and Life-giving والَبريَئــةَّم ْنَُّكــ لَّ َعْيــب وبُقــْد ِرةَّالصــــــــــــــليــبَّال َكريِمَّ َ Cross; by the protection of the honorable المحيي وِب ِطلبــــا ِتَّالقوا ِتَّالســــــــــــــمــــاِويــــِةَّالمكرمــــِةَّ ُ ْ ْ ُ َ ُ َ َ Bodiless Powers of Heaven; at the supplication العاِدمِةَّاألجســــــــــاِد َّوالنِبيَّالكريِمَّالســــــــــاِب ِقَّالمجيِدَّ َ ْ َ ِ َ َ of the honorable, glorious Prophet, Forerunner ِ ِ ِ and Baptist John—whose beheading we يوَح ناَّال َم ْع َمدانَّالذيَّنُقيُمَّتَْذ َكاَرََّقط ِعَّ َها َمتهَّاليو مَّ ِ ِ ِ ِ commemorate today—of the holy, glorious والقدي ســــي َنَّال ُم َشــــ رفي َنَّالُّرُســــلَّال َجديري َنَّبُك لَّ َمديح َّ and all-laudable apostles; of our father among وأِبيناَّالجِليِلَِّفيَّالِقِديِسينَّيوح ناَّالذهِبيََّّالفمَّرئي ِسَّ َ َ َ ْ ْ َ ُْ َ َْ َ ِ َْ ْ َ the saints, John Chrysostom, archbishop of ِ ِ Constantinople, whose Divine Liturgy we have أســـاِقَفةَّاْلقســـطنطيِنَّ ية، كاِت ِبََّّهِذِهَّال ِخدمةَّال َشـــريَفة َّ َ َ ْ َ -now celebrated; of the holy, glorious and right ِ ِ ُّ ِ ِ ِ والق ديســـــــــي َنَّال َمجيدي َنَّالشـــــــــَهداءَّال ُمتَأَ لقي َنَّبال َظَفرَّ؛َّ -victorious Martyrs; of our venerable and God ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ وَبائناَّاألْب اررَّال ُمتََو شـــــــحي َنَّبا َّوالق ديسَّ)ـــــــــــــــــــــة(َّ bearing Fathers; of Saint N., the patron and protector of this holy community; of the holy and )فُالن،َّفُالنة(َّشِفي ِعَّ)شفيعَّــــــــــــِة(َّوحامي)ــــــــــــِة(ََّّهِذِهَّ َ ْ َ َ َ ;righteous ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ال رعي ةَّالمُقَ دسة َّ وَّالق دي َسْينَّالص ديَقْينَّ َج ديَّالَمسي ِحَّ of the holy and Venerable Theodora of ِ ِ اإللــــ هََّّوالقممم د يسمممممممممي َن ثيوتورا التسمممممممممممم لون ممم ى Thessalonica; and Theopistis and Joseph the Sanctified of Samaka, whose memory we وثيوب سمم ت س ويوسمم ف الَل َذ ي ِن ِم ن سممم م ىَّالذينَّ َ ُ َ َ celebrate today, and of all the saints: have mercy ِ نُقيُمَّتَـــْذكـــاَرُهُمَّالَيْوَم َّوَجمي ِعَّقـــ ديســــــــــــــيـــ َك،َّاْرَحمنـــاَّ on us and save us, forasmuch as He is good and ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ .loveth mankind وَخ ل ْصناَّبماَّأن َكَّصال ٌحَّوُمح بَّلْلَب َشر. َّ الك من: ِبصلوا ِتََّباِئناَّالِقديسين،َّأيهاَّالربَّيسوعَّ ,Priest: Through the prayers of our holy fathers َ َ َ ُّ ُّ َ ُ Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy upon us ِ ال َمسي ُحَّإلُهنا،َّاْرَح ْمناَّوَخ ل ْصنا. َّ .and save us الجوق ََّمين. َّ .Choir: Amen These texts have been prepared by the Department of Liturgics of the Antiochian Archdiocese Portions of the Archdiocesan Service Texts include texts from The , The Great , The , The , and The of the Seventy, which are Copyright © Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, Massachusetts, and are used with permission. All rights reserved. These works may not be further reproduced, beyond printing out a single copy for personal non-commercial use, without the prior written authorization of Holy Transfiguration Monastery.