Research at the Norwegian University College


Research at the Norwegian Police University College 2019 STRATEGI 2017-2021

2019 was the third year of the strategic period 2017–2021. This strategic period emphasizes four areas:

• Educating a learning police service • Educating a police service that is at the forefront of developments in society and crime • Educating a police service that prevents and fights crime in a digitalized society • Being a leading centre for police research Introduction One of the primary ten funded by PHS and a collaboration Police in a Digital Society. It highlights ­focuses of the Norwegian partner. The above shows that the central aspects of police work in a Police University College number of projects with external society constantly changed by new (from now on referred funding continues to be high. technology. The article also sheds light to as PHS) in the current One of the aims of the PHS on other research and dissemination strategic period is “Being research groups is to strengthen the activity at PHS along similar lines. a leading centre for po- various academic environments at the This demonstrates the relevance of the lice research”. This focus university across departments and research at PHS and its significance is being operationalised campuses. Our nine groups are actively for the evidence-based education and through the following working to achieve this aim. Their development of the Norwegian police subsidiary goals: research fields cover various technical in a rapidly changing society. • Further developing police science police challenges, organisation and Relevant research and knowledge and increasing the share of exter- management, police education and development are vital for the nally financed research research methods. Norwegian police and legal sector. • Being a lucid and active commu- Following a slight dip in 2018, This is particularly important given the nicator of knowledge in academia 2019 was a new record year for the time of rapid change in which we find and the police/justice sector and number of publications. The number ourselves. The work at PHS is helping an active participant in the public of scientific articles is almost double the police to have an evidence-based debate. that of last year, and 2019 also saw approach to work at all levels and in all This publication will show how we an increase in the number of scientific types of assignments. We are making are actively working to attain these chapters and opinion pieces. Our staff this possible through multi-channel goals. members clearly continue to develop dissemination of research findings, Researchers at PHS have for a long police research as well as actively as well as through the bachelor and time enjoyed extensive collaboration participate in the public debate. master courses, extension studies and with colleagues from other educa- This year’s introductory article The continuing education. Our academic tional and research institutions both Police in a Digital Society is based on staff help to ensure that the university nationally and abroad. The last few the book Det digitale er et hurtigtog!: is an exciting and research-driven years have seen good progress with Vitenskapelige perspektiver på workplace. Thank you to all who, applications to the Research Council of politiarbeid, digitalisering og teknologi every day, work to make PHS a leading (NFR) and the EU framework (The digital express train: Scientific environment of police research. programme. At the end of 2019, PHS perspectives on policing, digitalisation was participating in three projects with and technology) which was published EU financing and five financed by the in September 2019. The book is Research Council. In addition, there edited by Inger Marie Sunde and Nina are four projects funded by Nordforsk, Sunde, and contains chapters written two from other external sources and by members of the research group The


The Police in a Digital Society 9 Being a Clear and Active Communicator of An expanding research field 9 Knowledge in Academia and the Police/­Judiciary, Research and dissemination 10 and an Active Participant in Public Debate 89 Reflection 12 Scientific and academic lectures 89 The 2019 Research Conference 15 Scientific and academic publications 91 Prevention and Intelligence 16 Publication points 92 Investigation and intelligence 17 National Knowledge Repository (NVA) 93 Technology and legal safeguards 19 Scientific monographs 95 Scientific anthologies 95 The Contribution of the National Academic Coordinator Scientific chapters (in anthologies) 95 to a Knowledge-based Police 21 The administration and development system 22 Reported publications in 2019 95 National academic coordinator (NF) 22 Scientific articles 97 Systematic learning by doing 23 Textbooks/academic literature 100 Increasing the national and international research Academic chapters/introductions (in edited books) 100 & development collaboration 25 Academic articles 101 Abstract 103 Further Develop Police Science and Increase the Share of Opinion pieces 103 Externally Funded Research 25 Editorials and Research Projects in 2019 33 readers’ letters 105 Projects funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme 33 Book reviews 105 Projects funded by the ­Research Council of Norway (NFR) 36 Doctoral theses 106 Projects funded by Nordforsk 41 Licentiate dissertation 106 Projects funded by ­other ­external collaboration ­partners 43 Masters dissertations 106 Projects funded by PHS and collaboration partners 44 Reports 106 Projects Funded by PHS 49 Increasing and Retaining the Proportion of Conference papers, academic presentations and posters 2019 109 Academic Staff with Research Competence 65 Posters 118 The R&D Committee 65 Interviews 119 Research Groups 66 Media contributions 2019 119 Qualifying Groups 72 Radio and TV appearances 122 Doctoral Projects at PHS 75 List of abbreviations (in alphabetical order) 123 Thesis defence 2019 88

The Police in a Digital Society

A little water trickles out of the ground. Gradually, with the increased pressure, the water becomes a brook, maybe a small river. But the forces applying the pressure are formidable, and in the end they prevail. A flood engulfs the landscape and changes it for ever.

An expanding research field a strong foothold at PHS, and (ii) investigations on the dark Digitalisation is driving perma- has contributed to establishing web, (iii) the handling of digital nent change in our society. The PHS as a respected research evidence in criminal cases, and changes are continuous and affect institution in this field. The (iv) police use of drones. Two all parts of society. The biggest Nordic Cybercrime Conference judicial projects dealt with changes also alter the role and in October 2019 at PHS clearly online grooming and whether working methods of the police. demonstrated how wide the cyber security can be regarded This means that the way the po- scope of this field is. The projects as a fundamental human right. lice now have to proceed in order that were being presented There was also a presentation to, according to the Norwegian spanned the whole spectrum concering a very future-oriented Police Act, be “a link in society’s from the purely theoretical project on possible mechanisms collective effort to promote the se- (an analysis of technological for safeguarding democratic curity, safety and general welfare neutrality in penal legislation), control in the use of artificial of citizens” is also changing. to the very practical. Projects on intelligence in the fight against Research into the effects of the practical side were (i) a com- crime. The topic “Artificial intelli- how digitalisation has effected parison of online drug markets gence in the police” is also being the way police work has gotten between the , developed further by members

9 of the research group The Police Flinterud. The starting point of er et hurtigtog!: Vitenskapelige in a Digital Society, who are the the project is that digitalisation is perspektiver på politiarbeid, digi- academic editors of the special an explicit part of police strategy talisering og teknologi (see trans- issue “AI and Policing” which will today. At the same time, the lation above, from now on referred be published as the second issue police are expected to have an to as: ‘The digital express train’) in of the Nordic Journal of Studies evidence-based work approach Autumn 2019, edited by Professor in Policing (previously Nordisk and as well as producing secure Inger Marie Sunde and police Politiforskning) during the knowledge themselves. The /research fellow course of 2020. researchers first and foremost Nina Sunde. The book illustrates PHS has become an attractive want to investigate how digital the wide-ranging significance of partner in extensive collab- tools are integrated into the technological development in the oration with other research work and communication of work of the police in society in institutions both in Norway and the police. Secondly they will seven peer-reviewed chapters. internationally, and in addition study how digital technologies Technological development receives research funding shape the work on producing creates dilemmas around police linked to digital matters from secure knowledge, for example effectiveness, surveillance and external calls. The allocation of how digitalisation affects what control, and privacy protection, nearly NOK 10 million from the are considered facts and what is and has consequences for public Research Council of Norway’s regarded as irrelevant. The grant confidence in the police. The research programme on the cul- is for three years, starting in ability to have a healthy dialogue tural conditions underlying social December 2020. around these questions is impor- change (SAMKUL) at the end of tant for the legitimacy of the use 2019 was particularly welcome. Research and dissemination of new technology. In the chapter The award was for the research New knowledge acquired through “Attitudes to high technology”, project “A matter of facts: Flows research provides an important Associate Professor Jens Erik of knowledge through digitalized and useful contribution to a mod- Paulsen focuses on how feelings police practices”, carried out by ern and forward-looking content and prejudice may affect one’s Professor Brita Bjørkelo (leader), in police education. With this in attitude to using new technology. Associate Professor Johanne Yttri mind, members of the research By giving the reader an insight Dahl, and senior researchers Jen- group The Police in a Digital Soci- into the underlying reasons for ny Maria Lundgaard and Guro ety published the book Det digitale one’s own points of view – and

10 those of others – about the by virtue of being digital. has been debated for some introduction of new technology, Sunde also discusses measures to time. The discussion is not over, Paulsen is improving the condi- maintain legal safeguards when even if every police sergeant tions for dialogue. In addition, handling digital evidence. Her these days is equipped with a he provides an outline of a way PhD project “Dataetterforskers smartphone with a camera. It has of thinking which can safeguard rolle i konstruksjonen av digitale simply moved from questioning the fundamental values of police bevis i straffesaksetterforskning” whether body cameras should work, while at the same time (The role of computer forensics be introduced to questioning neutralising the influence of investigators in the construction the purpose of the cameras and emotional factors. of digital evidence) builds on this which guidelines to follow. In the Sources of error linked research. chapter “Kroppskamera og Norsk to the human handling of The Community Police Reform politiarbeid” (Body cameras and digital evidence is a new field includes the implementation Norwegian policing), Associate of research. A lack of human of the digitalisation strategy professor Joshua M. Phelps and communication, interaction and and intelligence doctrine of the police superintendent Trond technical competence may entail police. Professor Helene O. I. Kyrre Simensen provide an the risk of error, which may be Gundhus (PHS/UiO), Associate excellent introduction to what is significant given the importance Professor Christin Thea Wathne required for the police to make of digital evidence in criminal (OsloMet) and researcher Olav use of body cams in a legally proceedings. In the chapter Niri Talberg (Fafo) use empirical safeguarded and confidence-in- “Digital evidence – human error”, analysis to investigate the prac- spiring way. police superintendent/research tical outcomes of the reform and Illegal publication of personal fellow Nina Sunde demonstrates how these effects are understood. photographs on social media is a how evidence can be lost because The chapter” “Politiskjønnet digital everyday crime which can of poor communication between under press” (Police discretion hit someone very hard. A mini- the tactical investigator and under pressure) discusses these mum requirement for effective the data specialist. Further, she questions with particular em- is knowledge of explores how evidence may be phasis on the effects on frontline the relevant provisions in crim- misinterpreted because of a lack policing. inal legislation for such sharing of technical insight and may The introduction of body of personal photos. The most be given too much significance cameras in operational policing important provision is somewhat

11 tucked away in Section 104 of ment in the capacity for data for documentation are also a the Norwegian Copyright Act. In analysis. However, the access to central topic. Documentation can the chapter “The police and per- data may pose a problem. In the for example be produced by body sonal protection: On the right to chapter “Police Data Systems”, cameras while they are used in one’s own picture, especially in Associate Professor Johanne operational policing. A regis- social media”, Professor Morten Yttri Dahl and researcher tration function in the camera Holmboe sheds light on this Heidi Fischer Bjelland look at the logs the use and stores the reg- provision and gives guidelines for opportunities that exist to learn istrations. The registrations can possible sanctions. about investigative practice in later be retrieved and reviewed. Online abuse of children is a the police, seen from STRASAK1, This is also the case for computer serious crime which is now wide- BL2 and eDNA3. Making data programmes used in automated spread. Technology which can such as these available poses processes in online police work. increase the effectiveness of the questions of personal protection The question is not solely wheth- police effort in this problem field and confidentiality; however if er the police are able to make use has been developed. It consists of these questions can be answered, of the data, but also whether the a chatbot that has the user profile data in police registers constitute role of the police is affected by of a child, and has functions for comprehensive raw material for the increased opportunities for storing electronic traces and new knowledge. registration and documentation. conversation logs. In the chapter One question that might be “Sweetie – et politibarn eller en Reflection asked is whether the use of body politistyrke på internet?” (Sweetie The authors of ‘The digital cameras could weaken the trust - a ‘police child’ or a police force express train’ have different in the police if the camera were on the Internet?), Professor Inger professional viewpoints, yet they turned off in a critical situation, Marie Sunde goes through the have made some common ob- or if a video only shows part current legal framework for the servations. Many of them point of an incident and thus gives method, and concludes that the to the need for new and mul- an incomplete picture of it. In law allows the police to use it. ti-disciplinary competence in the addition, we should consider the Technological tools are police force. The consequences consequences of getting used contributing to a steady improve- of increased digital opportunities to having access to digitised 1 STRASAK is the police register of criminal cases and the basis of crime statistics. 2 BL (Basis Løsning) is the computer system used to create documents, register and store all information linked to criminal proceedings. 3 eDNA is the police database of DNA-profiles used for investigating criminal cases.

12 information. For example, objective than other information. introduction of new technology. what about the credibility of a The requirement for police work New technology always has a statement to the police if it is not to be evidence-based presuppos- long-term effect which manifests supported by a video or a log? es that the knowledge is based on itself beyond the original pur- The question is whether we really balanced, good quality informa- pose. We therefore need to take want a future where increased tion. Without that there is a risk into account that technological opportunities for documentation of a systematic distortion of the innovation in the police may bring about a demand for even “digital memory” of the police. It result in considerable changes more documentation. risks the police patrol becoming in how the police carry out their The access to an increasingly a “confirmatory machine” social responsibility. A willing- greater abundance of data also directed towards problems which ness to adopt new technology is generates more and bigger tasks are pre-defined without sufficient necessary; however the question for the police. One result of this contextual knowledge, e.g. of whether the introduction is is longer investigations. The qual- about particular local conditions. “worth it” needs to be asked in ity of an investigation increases, Another question is what kind each individual case. the more comprehensive and of emphasis should be put on Some of the issues that were thorough the information avail- local knowledge, the practicing uncovered during the work on able; however in order to move of police discretion and on “soft” ‘The digital express train’ are the case forward it is important information which is not digitally being investigated further in to be aware of having reached documented, for example wit- new projects. Firstly, there is the a point when the information ness statements. previously mentioned project “A available is actually sufficient. Amara’s law4 states that matter of facts: Flows of knowl- Yet another general point we generally overestimate the edge through digitalized police concerns whether technology importance of technology in the practices”, which, among other can have a greater influence on short term, but underestimate things, is investigating what our understanding of reality it in the longer term. The law constitutes secure knowledge in than it really should. For several has an important message in the context of the use of digital reasons, digital information may terms of rationalisation, which technology. This important be perceived as more reliable and often is the reason behind the question is discussed from

4 Andersen, E. & Seres, S. (9 March 2016) De gode nerdelovene. Aftenposten. Taken from

13 different angles in the chapters seizure. Extensive use of external of the project “Following the of N. Sunde, Phelps & Simensen assistants to sift out such data police from ground to air: The and Gundhus, Talberg & Wathne, also involves considerable cost, introduction of drones in the and to a certain extent also by and the need to use the courts to Norwegian Police”, which began Holmboe. get clarification leads to serious in 2019. Drone technology is Secondly, issues in relation delays in the handling of criminal closely related to digitalisation to big data are particularly cases. For these reasons, in since drones collect and store discussed in the chapter by N. 2019, the Norwegian Ministry of data digitally. The task execution Sunde in the context of the Justice and Public Security asked is data controlled, and the process of data investigation, Professor Inger Marie Sunde drones operate with increasing and in the chapter by Gundhus, to investigate the possibility of independence. Senior researcher Talberg & Wathne in connection more transparency in the legal Jenny Maria Lundgaard will with first-line intake of large regulation of digital evidence, follow the Norwegian National amounts of data. Large amounts and thus ensure greater Police Directorate’s testing of of data secured as evidence in efficiency of the administration drones in three police districts an investigation also give rise of justice without endangering with trained police drone pilots. to difficult questions of criminal fundamental security according Through fieldwork, Lundgaard procedure. In the absence of to laws protecting personal data. will look at the interaction clear legislation, such questions Other issues are also coming to between police and technology have for many years had to be the fore, in particular regarding when drones are introduced to decided by the courts, and at the securing of evidence from the police. Among the questions least two such cases have been mobile phones and cloud ser- to be answered are how the use referred to the European Court vices. Sunde’s study also relates of drones changes the classic role of Human Rights (ECHR). The to the work on a new criminal and work of the police, which questions have in particular been procedure act5. assignments drones are used for, about how the police can be giv- Thirdly, the chapters of and whether drones work as a en access to evidence contained Phelps & Simensen and I. M. supplement or a replacement in in data which have been secured, Sunde investigate issues of the the execution of assignments. at the same time as protecting interface between humans and data which are exempt from technology. This is also a topic

5 NOU 2016: 24. (2016). Ny straffeprosesslov. Taken from

14 The 2019 Research Conference

The of the 2019 PHS ​ today police are expected to be were how the convergence of Research Conference was one step ahead, working both policing methods affect the Politimetoder i endring – føre proactively and reactively to mandate, social function and var og etter snar (approximate combat breaches of the law. This rationale of the police. What translation: Changing methods requires the police to be given are the coordination problems of policing – proactivity and knowledge of breaches of the that arise in interdepartmental, responsiveness). The annual and potential crime, both interdisciplinary collaboration? conference investigated the on-going and at the planning How do the specialist agencies dilemmas and questions which stage. This is exactly where interact with the police districts? arise with the use of new policing intelligence, proactive investi- How does the existence of the methods, the new role of the gation and crime analysis play Norwegian National Authority police in the community, and the an important part. At the same for Investigation and Prosecution blurring of distinctions between time, the development of new of Economic and Environmental proactive and reactive methods technology and digitalisation of Crime (Økokrim) affect the of policing. Traditionally, crime society present the police with selection of cases? And what is prevention and investigation fresh challenges. the effect of the new, digital work have been separate areas, but Questions that were debated processes of the Community

15 Police Reform on the relationship protection”. A few highlights are Experience from the pilot between the police and the pub- presented below. project was shared, and it showed lic? There are many questions, that there is still considerable and the least we can do is to illu- Prevention and Intelligence autonomy among police patrol minate and discuss them through The first speaker was Adrian staff and that there was only a research into police practice. James (Liverpool John Moores small degree of management University). He comes from by objectives in their preventive Based on the huge interest and a background as a Scotland work. Prioritisation in individual long waiting lists, it was clear Yard , and in 2012 he operational units was to a large that the 2019 conference caught completed a doctoral thesis on degree based on personal the attention of both the police the implementation of the British initiatives, and less on the basis force and academics. The confer- national intelligence model, NIM. of crime analysis. There was also ence formed part of the project He has also recently completed a insufficient knowledge of local “Changing Police Methods” fund- study for the College of Policing priorities across workplaces and ed by the Research Council of (the professional body for people operational units. The pilot has Norway within the programme working for the police service in demonstrated the importance of Strategic University College England and Wales), on “what competence in intelligence work Projects. The project “Changing works” in terms of the intelligence in order to secure the best possible Police Methods” was initiated in practice of the police. From his grounds for decision-making 2015 and is due to continue until research on practical intelligence in terms of prioritisation and 2021. The aim of the project is work, James reflected on and crit- action. The pilot has in particular to capture the changes in the ically assessed whether new strat- demonstrated the importance methods used in policing and egies and policing methods – such of professional management contribute new knowledge about as for example intelligence-led in all phases – from the use of the quality of police work and the and evidence-based policing – intelligence, prioritisation, the role of police in society. may contribute to improvements establishment of new measures, The research conference in policing and what may be fit for and operationalisation, to the consisted of three main parts: purpose. evaluation of all these. The police “Prevention and intelligence”, The next paper dealt with the districts that took part in the pilot “Investigation and intelligence” Directorate’s pilot experienced considerable benefit, and “Technology and legal project “Evidence-based policing”. and the speakers emphasised their

16 hope and belief that also other improve knowledge about future and more repressive at the cost of police districts will experience risks. Police officers on patrol prevention, services to the public, the same when the project is are concerned about what will collaboration and proximity. His rolled out nationally in Autumn happen when control technology message was clear that we should 2019. The paper was presented replaces local knowledge. This continue to define prevention by Torgeir Winsnes (Agder Police gives rise to the question of how it as effort made before a crime is District) and Eirik Steen (the affects data entered in the system, committed. National Police Directorate). communication and interaction Helene O. I. Gundhus (the between the police and the public, Investigation University of -UiO)/PHS), and the management of what and intelligence Christin Thea Wathne (Oslo patrols are supposed to be doing The second part of the conference Met/AFI) and Olav Niri Talberg and focusing on. put the spotlight on investigation (Fafo) presented the paper Retired Erling and intelligence. Heidi Fischer “Politiskjønnet under press: Børstad led the audience through Bjelland (the Norwegian National Etterretningsdoktrinen i praksis” the history of prevention in his Criminal Investigation Service, (Police discretion under pressure: paper ” “Skride advarende og ) and Annette Vestby (PHS) The intelligence doctrine in regulerende inn”. (Intervening presented the paper “More tools in practice). An important point with warnings and regulations). the toolbox: Coordination across made in this paper was how the Børstad concluded that research government agencies in the Lime digitalisation strategy6 along with into police reform and evaluations case”. Cross-agency collaboration the intelligence doctrine7 are of the on-going reform show that is viewed as an important factor carriers of a new logic and know- the division between intelligence in the fight against crime that how which are laying the ground and prevention is getting blurred, traverses the areas of responsi- for, and legitimising, the use of a that effort is directed at those bility of the various government more covert information handling who have already committed a agencies. Vestby and Bjelland in the police. The purpose of the crime and those who with a great described how the investigators “new” approach is to create a deal of probability will commit a of the much-discussed Lime case more up-to-date, accurate crime crime, and that police strategies coordinated their work across situation report, in order to and methods are becoming more the various agencies and areas of

6 National Police Directorate. (2016). Politiets digitaliseringsstrategi. Version 1.1 (PowerPoint). [Oslo]: National Police Directorate. 7 National Police Directorate. (2014). Etterretningsdoktrine for politiet: Version 1.0 (POD publication 2014/11). [Oslo]: National Police Directorate.

17 professional expertise. It was im- published on the open market, the sequence of events and facts portant to build trust in this group does to some extent allow for an of this case. It was precisely the in order to facilitate and support open and critical discussion with combination of communication sharing information – information professional groups including control and knowledge about that, as a starting point, already outside the police. Kolflaath, who the phenomenon which enabled was permissible to share. This has followed the course “Continu- central investigative steps to be form of collaboration, which also ing education in investigation” as taken. involved police investigators and an observer, pointed to the need The academic content of employees from the Norwegian to clarify concepts, and warned the first day of the conference Tax Administration and the against rushed and uncritical use concluded with a “sofa debate” Norwegian Labour and Welfare of scientific theory in the field of which posed the question “For Administration (NAV) sharing investigation. Instead, he advo- whom is intelligence most benefi- premises, widened the opportuni- cated for developing a distinct cial – those who prevent or those ties for sanctions and investigation methodology. who investigate?” The moderator by using both administrative and Tarjei Istad and Joachim was Kai Spurkland (PHS). Both penal resources in a goal-oriented Schjolden (both from the practitioners and academics took and deliberate way. Norwegian National Authority part in the debate, and the various In his paper “Forskning versus for Investigation and Prosecution participants stated clearly what etterforskning” (Research versus of Economic and Environmental they regarded as strengths and investigation), Eivind Kolflaath Crime, Økokrim) presented weaknesses in the implementation (University of ) discussed “Politimetoder og etterforskning i of the investigation doctrine. how academic research strategies ulvesaken” (Policing methods and The aim of this sofa debate was influence criminal investigation, investigation in the wolf case). precisely to illuminate the benefits for example an ever increasing In this paper they illustrated the and challenges of intelligence as a focus on the use of hypotheses use of various types of undercover starting point for both preventive in the investigative process. The investigation which were used in and investigative police work, and book Etterforskning: Prinsipper, the wolf case, and presented the the advantages and disadvantages metoder og praksis (Investiga- legal argument for these. They of this from various viewpoints tion: Principles, methods and also presented elements of the were clearly expressed. practice) (Bjerknes & Fahsing, open investigation which were 2018), which was recently important in order to uncover

18 Technology and invitation to a wide collaboration New technology and the oppor- legal safeguards both nationally and interna- tunities it presents were discussed The third focus point of the tionally in order to solve the in the paper “Norwegian ’ conference was “Technology formidable challenges presented use of Palantir – collaboration and legal safeguards, dilemmas, by cybercrime. Internationally, in streams of information” by surveillance”. Kira Vrist Rønn NC3 will be collaborating with Bård Karsten Reitan (Norwegian (University College Copenhagen) ’s cybercrime centre in Customs). Reitan said that many opened the session with her paper the Netherlands and other police of Norwegian Customs’ accessible “Do we have the right to privacy authorities. At home, NC3 are data sources on the Palantir in digital public spheres?”. Using collaborating with the twelve new platform are being integrated in interviews with police officers police districts, who in parallel order to give its users everything who are using social media in with the development of NC3 also from searches and simple and investigations as her starting will have their cybercrime com- accurate data presentation, point, Rønn encouraged a discus- petence reinforced. In addition, to tools for compound risk sion about ethical boundaries in NC3 would like close cooperation assessments and assessments the use of social media in different with industry and commerce in from predictive models. Users investigative and intelligence general and the financial sector in will in addition have new tools contexts. She also debated particular. for analysis and opportunities for the relevance of the division In his paper “Indicia – how cooperation and sharing. Work is between what someone exercising credible and reliable is the also going on to further integrate authority, legally can do and what information?”, Torstein Eidet work processes. This is a platform they ought to do from a moral (PHS) asked how reliable and intended to make it easy for users perspective. valid are the assessments made by at Norwegian Customs to comply Olav Skard Jørgensen present- individual police officers “coding” with laws and regulations on the ed the new police cybercrime information in the national police handling of relevant data. centre, NC3, of which he is the intelligence register, Indicia. He The Director of the Norwegian director. The centre will be the further reflected on the factors National Criminal Investigation most important police resource in affecting an individual’s assess- Service (Kripos), Ketil Haukaas, the fight against ever increasing ments, and the practical value of posed the question whether public computer-oriented crime. The such data validation for proactive safety, privacy protection and effi- NC3 director emphasised their and reactive police work. ciency really are incompatible. He

19 20 The Contribution of the National Academic Coordinator to a Knowledge-based Police

argued that increased surveillance information, and argued that this the suitability of probability cal- does not necessarily imply weaker neither promotes efficiency nor culations for predicting complex privacy protection,and that it can strengthens privacy protection. problems like crime, compared be one condition for maintaining The conference concluded with other approaches within risk it – since increased public safety with Per Morten Schiefloe research. can implicitly entail better privacy (Norwegian University of Science The 2020 research conference protection. Rather than setting and Technology, NTNU) on “Risk will be organised by the PHS one violation against another, and risk assessment”. Schiefloe research group Organisation Haukaas argued that public safety, made us sit up and take notice by and Management, and will shed privacy protection and efficiency talking about the fundamental light on the management and are central dimensions of the concepts, thinking and methods leadership of an institution like same debate without necessarily of risk analysis and discussing the police today. The research working against each other. He the opportunities and limitations conference in 2021 will focus on also commented on the challenges of these approaches in different the centenary of PHS. accompanying ever more detailed types of incidents and different and fragmented legislation on time horizons for decision-mak- police handling of personal ing. There was a discussion about

21 The administration ational crime analysis, securing National academic and development system of financial leads, digital forensics coordinator (NF) In the field of criminal investiga- and internet-related investigation, A national academic coordinator tion, the National Police Direc- international criminal investiga- (in the following referred to as torate (POD) has established an tions and covert methods. The NF) was formally established in administration and development administrative responsibility for January 2019 and is organised system with the aim of: seven of the subject areas has as a separate unit at PHS. The • Securing an evidence-based been further delegated to the unit reports on academic matters and well integrated academic National Criminal Investigation to the Police Directorate (POD), administration and further de- Service, Kripos and one has been and today consists of three staff: velopment of the research field. delegated to the National Author- a manager with a police back- • Creating greater consistency in ity for Investigation and Prose- ground and two specialist librari- how criminal investigation is cution of Economic and Environ- ans with library and information carried out and followed up. mental Crime, Økokrim. Specialist literacy competence. A decisive The establishment of the sys- groups have been established to premise for establishing the tem is an implementation of initi- prepare and further develop na- administration and development ative no. 1 in the Handlingsplan tional guidelines, procedures and system was that the development for løft av etterforskningsfeltet8 support documentation within of the investigative field shall (action plan for improving the each subject area. These groups be evidence-based. This is field of investigation) (p. 20). consist of representatives from reflected in the appointment of The Norwegian Director the prosecuting authority, police two employees with information of Public Prosecution and the districts and special units. PHS is literacy. Everything in the new Police Directorate (POD) are the academic coordinator and is system will be developed and the competent authorities for responsible for coordination and compiled according to a defined the field of police investigation, quality assurance of the work and method in order to safeguard which is divided into eight subject contributing to dissemination and requirements for quality and areas: interviews, forensics, implementation. verifiability. NF will ensure that investigation management, oper- this method is followed.9

8 National Police Directorate. (2016). Handlingsplan for løft av etterforskningsfeltet. [Oslo]: National Police Directorate. Taken from: globalassets/05-om-oss/03-strategier-og-planer/handlingsplan-for-loft-av-etterforskningsfeltet.pdf 9 National Police Directorate. (2018). Rammeverk for systematisk erfaringslæring – June 2018. Taken from:æring.pdf

22 NF is first and foremost work. The specialist groups then The NF is part of the network a coordinating unit, but an wrote a mandate for each meas- for those with academic and important task is also gathering ure, with contributions from educational responsibilities in and systematising knowledge in the NF. Quality assurance is, as the investigation field (FOAs). order to support the specialist we see, one of the main tasks They also arrange telephone groups in developing guidelines of the NF, and as of February meetings for the network every and procedures to ensure that 2020, they have got as far as three weeks. This forum provides new measures or processes are completing the mandates. As the opportunities for sharing based on the necessary updated specialist groups begin the work experiences and knowledge, and knowledge. on the specific measures, the NF gives the FOAs the opportunity During the initial phase, the is involved as a supervisor and to highlight any problems so that specialist groups reviewed their collaborative partner. Several the competent authority can clar- own academic areas in terms of systematic literature searches ify them for the NF. The groups what functioned well and where will also be made in order to meet in person twice a year. A there was potential for improve- secure the broadest possible regular dialogue is important ment. During its first year, the knowledge base. since the group members are NF spent a lot of time carrying When guidelines, routines, closely involved in the latest de- out systematic literature searches checklists and other support docu- velopments in their field and are requested by the specialist mentation have been through the able to come up with excellent groups, for example to identify administration and development suggestions for improvement. gaps in the research or research system, the NF has the crucial role about how various methods and of disseminating them. The unit Systematic learning measures function (also known will help present the documents by doing as “what works” research). in a way that is easily understood In May 2019, the police force Based on this review, the spe- on the KO:DE portal and in adopted the improvement cialist groups proposed a series other channels, and facilitate system, Synergi. One aim of of measures to improve practice knowledge transfer to Obligatory the police is to create a culture in their fields. The proposals annual training, and other classes characterised by openness were sent to the competent and courses at PHS. In this way it and trust, where decisions are authority to prioritise and select is hoped the new practice will be knowledge-based and where measures for the groups’ further easier to implement. learning comes from both

23 mistakes (practice which does officers, will be a central source combined with research-based not work) and positive feedback. of learning by doing. NF knowledge in order to identify Synergi will also help managers receives, monitors and handles best practice and further develop to more clearly see what ought suggestions for improvement. it through national guidelines, to be prioritised. The aim is for Suggestions pointing to a recur- routines and support documen- the police to work for continuous ring problem will be presented to tation. Ultimately it is the ability improvement in a systematic the competent authority so that of the academic institutions to way.10 they can assess the need for any implement this practice which Going forward, contributions necessary measures. will decide whether systematic to Synergi either via the FOAs To sum up, the best of learning by doing will succeed. or from individual police experience-based practice will be

10 National Police Directorate. (2018). Rammeverk for systematisk erfaringslæring – June 2018. Taken from:æring.pdf

24 Further Develop Police Science and Increase the Share of Externally Funded Research

It is a feature of the PHS strategic a continued focus on the further qualifying groups at all levels – plan for 2017–202111 that a main growth of national and interna- professor, docent, and PhD. goal is for PHS to be a leading tional research and development Below we will take a closer centre of police research. We (R&D) collaboration. look at what we have achieved in are working towards this goal We place great emphasis on these areas in 2019. through continuous development the framework conditions of of our research portfolio, which our staff, and we are continually Increasing the national now consists of a large number working to increase and maintain and international research of projects across the whole field the proportion of academic staff & development collaboration of police research.Opportunities with research competence. The The researchers at PHS are for research are created through research is organised through strongly involved in national a strong focus on increasing the Research and Development and international projects the share of externally funded Board, and a range of research and networks within police research. Our professionalism groups with participants across science – both as participants is strengthened and our all departments have been and prime movers. Academic opportunities improved through established. At PHS we also have networks are established on both

11 PHS (2016). Strategi 2017-2021. Oslo: PHS.

25 institutional and personal levels, arranged at PHS in . project “Taking surveillance apart” and they play an important part The theme for 2020 will be (p. 42) as Professor II at PHS, and in the further development of organised crime, particularly Professor Helene O. I. Gundhus research at the institution. Of the directed towards environmental works with the externally funded established networks and collab- crime, but also trafficking. project “New trends in modern oration partners, the following policing” (p. 30) as Professor II are the most important: The Faculty of Law at PHS. at the University of Oslo Many of the researchers at IOR Cross-Border Crime Colloquium PHS collaborates with several de- have working on central issues partments at the Faculty of Law: to do with crime and criminal Cross-border Crime Colloquium the Department of Criminology proceedings which are important is a group of European research- and Sociology of Law (IKRS), the to PHS. Senior researcher Ingvild ers in the field of transnational Department of Public Law (IOR) Bruce (IOR) is participating in organised and economic crime and the Centre for Computers the PHS research group Police in who have been meeting since and Law (SERI). a Digital Society ​(p. 68). The Pun- 1999. The focus is on research PHS-staff participate in the ishment, Penology and Criminal covering . The Colloqui- Young Nordic Police Research Law research group at the Facul- um aims at building bridges in Network (p. 32) which is led ty of Law has members from both three respects: between Eastern by Martin Nøkleberg at IKRS; IKRS, IOR and PHS. The group and , between and IKRS is also an important is led by Professor Johan Boucht researchers and practitioners and collaboration partner in police of IOR and Professor Thomas between established and young science through their staff who Ugelvik of IKRS. Participants researchers. are conducting research on the from PHS are Professor Inger Annual seminars are arranged, police. Three of their professors Marie Sunde, Associate Professor where research in the field is are also directly connected to Morten Holmboe, senior presented and documented with PHS: Professor Emerita Liv researcher Jeanette W. Hegna a report in book form. Paul Lars- Finstad is Professor II at PHS and senior executive officer -An son from PHS has participated in and leader of the professorship nica Allvin. The research group the seminar and keeps in touch qualifying groups at PHS (p. 73), collaborates with local, national with its management. The plan Professor Heidi Mork Lomell and international institutions, is for the 2020 seminar to be works with the externally funded among them PHS, and consists of

26 researchers with a background European Network Grant COST: Policing Research, University in criminal law, criminal Police Stops College Ghent (Belgium), Cardiff proceedings, administrative law, University School of Social criminology, sociology of law, Police Stops is a 4-year Sciences (Wales), PHS (Norway), ethics and international human (2018–2021) European research Uppsala University (), rights. Research is carried out network funded by European Police College of Finland, on criminal law, and criminal Cooperation in Science and Tech- Linnaeus University (Sweden) proceedings, the legitimacy of nology (COST). The network and Manchester Business School punishment, the everyday sociol- consists of 29 countries and takes (England). ogy of punishment, punishment a closer look at various aspects The task of the consortium is and globalisation processes and of situations where the police to help build bridges between the various forms of punishment. stop people and possibly proceed policy and police practice on the This research field lies in the with a search, known as “stop one hand and academic/scientif- intersection between law and and search”. The aim is to get an ic knowledge and research on the social science. overview of available research other. PHS was represented by SERI is a central collaboration on police practice and the people Tor-Geir Myhrer, Gunnar Thom- partner for PHS through the who are subjected to stop and assen and Bjørn Barland at the research project “Security in in- search, as well as academic conference in the Netherlands in ternet governance and networks: exchange. Participants from Nor- June 2019, where the report on analyzing the law” (p. 41), which way are Randi Solhjell (PHS), changes in attitudes to general is led by SERI. The collaboration Helene O. I. Gundhus (UiO/PHS) arming of the Norwegian police12 involves, among other things, and Gunnar Thomassen (PHS). was presented at a workshop. supervision of a senior research- Kai Spurkland also participated er in the field of computer European Police Research Institute this conference with his PhD crime and participation at and Collaboration (EPIC) project (p. 84). PHS has offered contributions to conferences and EPIC is a consortium with to arrange EPIC-2020. workshops. partners from several countries: Police Academy of the Neth- erlands, Scottish Institute for

12 Thomassen, G., Skjevrak, P. E., Strype, J., Barland, B. & Myhrer, T.-G. (2019). Alltid våpen i tjenesten?: Politiets holdning til bevæpning (PHS Forskning 2019: 2). Oslo: PHS. Taken from

27 European Union Agency for Law Psychology (PSI). The projects at Stavern with 200 participants Enforcement Training (CEPOL) have been on-going over several from all over the world. years, and focus on organisation- Several institutions The European Union Agency al psychological factors in police participate in a formalised for Law Enforcement Training work. The continuing collabo- collaboration through iIIRG, (CEPOL) is an EU agency of ration is formalised in an MOU including Newcastle University which PHS is an official partner. between the institutions, and (England) and PHS. Several CEPOL develops and implements has resulted in several academic other institutions use iIIRG for and coordinates training for articles and MA dissertations at professional development – e.g. European police officers in a PSI and PHS. the International Criminal Court range of technical and crime in the Hague (ICC), the UN De- areas, e.g. police management, International Investigative velopment Programme (UNDP) investigation methodology, Interviewing Research Group and The Kids Internet Safety organised crime, cybercrime and (iIIRG) Alliance (KINSA) in Canada. economic crime. In collaboration These institutions have trained with among others Europol iIIRG is an international network field operatives (investigative and Eurojust, CEPOL arranges for practitioners and academics interviewers) with the use of the a series of conferences and aca- in the field of investigative professional ­expertise offered by demic seminars. It also publishes interviewing. The network was iIIRG. iIIRG is also represented research journals and other established in 2007 by Trond in the steering group of the UN specialist publications. Myklebust and Gavin Oxburgh Anti-Torture Initiative and The (Newcastle University), and Association for the Prevention Work and Organisational today comprises around 350 of Torture, which is led by Psychology at the Department of members from over 30 coun- Juan E. Mendez (former UN Psychology, University of Oslo tries. Special Rapporteur on Torture Through the projects “The police iIIRG publishes the peer-re- and Other Cruel, Inhuman as an organisation” (p. 42) and viewed journal Investigative In- and Degrading Treatment or “The police study” (p. 82) , PHS terviewing: Research and Practice Punishment). collaborates with the research (IIRP) and arranges an annual group Work and Organisational international conference. The Psychology at the Department of 2019 iIIRG-­confernce was held

28 Consortium for Research on MOU between PHS, School of So far there is no dedicated and International Crime Psychology (Newcastle University) secretariat arranging conferences­ the Department of Psychology and running the network. The og-sentre/Konsortium-for-forskning-paa-­ (University of Oslo) conferences have grown from terrorisme-og-internasjonal-kriminalitet­ PHS has entered into a collab- having 10-12 participants to the The consortium is a collaboration orative agreement (MOU) on current parallel sessions with between the main Norwegian research and teaching with the often over 100 delegates from all research institutions in the field two above institutions. The three the Nordic countries (the major- of terrorism and international collaborative partners contribute ity from Norway and Sweden). crime: PHS, the Norwegian to each others’ MA-programme The conferences cover research Institute of International Affairs and collaborate on various from a wide variety of academic (NUPI), Centre for Research projects, such as “The police as disciplines, but with the common on Extremism (C-REX) at the an organisation”. (p. 48) . theme of police science research. University of Oslo, and the The aim of the conferences – Norwegian Defence Research The Nordic Police Research besides strengthening research Establishment (FFI). The consor- Network in the field – is to contribute tium constitutes a mechanism for to better dissemination of the research dissemination, informa- utbildning/forskning2/nordiska-polisfors- research to practitioners and tion exchange and the building of kningsnatverket/ managers in the field. The aim expertise across institutions. The The network stems from the is for the conferences to be a PHS researchers participating police education units in the meeting-place for researchers in the consortium are Ingvild Nordic countries and is an active and practitioners. Police science M. Gjelsvik (senior researcher), network of police researchers is a rapidly developing academic Randi Solhjell (postdoc) and with the aim of stimulating field, and research-based knowl- Tore Bjørgo (C-REX / Professor Nordic police research through edge is disseminated through II, PHS). regular publication of newslet- the network. The network is also ters (around ten per year) and open to students, and informa- by arranging a Nordic police tion about new student work in research conference every two the form of MA dissertations is years. shared in the network newsletter.

29 Norwegian University of Life laboration on the investigation Police Experts Network (PEN) Sciences (NMBU) of cybercrime with the Center for The EU Horizon 2020-funded Cyber and Information Security department/noragric/research/clusters/ project “Community-based (CCIS) at NTNU at Gjøvik. Two chsd/projects-and-activities/ict4cop policing and post-conflict police on-going projects are “ArsForen- PEN is a large international reform” (ICT4COP) (p. 33) is sica” (p. 36) and the doctoral network with around 45 police coordinated by the International project of Jul Fredrik Kaltenborn experts who, on a voluntary Environment and Development (p. 80) . The collaboration basis, advise researchers on the Studies Institute (Noragric) also includes research on the EU project “Community­based at the Faculty of Landscape handling of computer evidence, policing and post­conflict police and Society at NMBU. PHS is for which Professor Inger Marie reform” (ICT4COP) (p. 32) . The responsible for one of 11 work Sunde is the contact person. purpose of PEN is to combine packages linked to this project, For PHS the collaboration so far the practical experience and and the working group Police has resulted in the development knowledge of the police with Experts Network (PEN) (p. 32). of an experience-based MA the academic knowledge of the The ICT4COP-project focuses programme on data security and researchers. PEN members act as on youth, gender, technology cybercrime, and the develop- advisors in the research process, and police training in eleven ment of research-based academic and are responsible for commu- focus countries from Southeast literature. NTNU are respon- nicating new knowledge back Europe, East , South sible for the general modules to their respective institutions. and . Fifteen comprising data security, and The administrator of PEN is Tor different institutions participate PHS for modules dealing with Damkås at PHS. in the project. Ten are located in the securing of evidence and different parts of Europe, one in analysis. The target group for the New Trends in Modern Policing East Africa, two in South Asia, programme is public sector staff The project leader for the one in and one in in the Nordic countries who are network New Trends in Modern Central America. working on investigation of cy- Policing (p. 37) is Helene O. I. bercrime. Police superintendent Gundhus (UiO / Professor II, Norwegian University of Science Ulf Bergum is the PHS contact PHS). Other PHS project mem- and Technology (NTNU) at Gjøvik person for the collaboration on bers are Professor Paul Larsson, The police have established a col- the MA programme. Associate Professor Johanne Yttri

30 Dahl, and the senior researchers Results from the first two phases legal psychology. It is therefore Heidi Fischer Bjelland and will be published by Routledge in positive that the field of legal Annette Vestby. Other collabo- book form in March 2020. psychology is growing strongly rating partners are the Linnaeus internationally. University, the Swedish National Research Unit for Criminal, Legal Council for Crime Prevention and Investigative Psychology Centre for Research on Extremism: (Brå), and the University of Oslo. (CLIP) Right-wing extremism, hate crime CLIP is a research group at the and political violence (C-REX) Recruitment, Education and Department of Psychology, Careers in the Police: A European University of Gothenburg which C-REX develops empirical Longitudinal Study (RECPOL) focuses on legal psychology. and theoretical knowledge PHS is the coordinator of the Research in this field involves on the reasons for and the European research network uncovering knowledge of psy- consequences of right-wing RECPOL (p. 63) , which exam- chology which is important in extremism and related ines recruitment, education and the judicial system and turning phenomena. C-REX is based career paths in the police. With it into practice. Legal psychol- at the University of Oslo, with the use of questionnaires, police ogy can contribute to making PHS, the Norwegian Center for students in seven European police investigation more ef- Holocaust and Minority Stud- countries (Norway, Sweden, fective and better maintenance ies, the Norwegian Institute of , Iceland, Scotland, of legal safeguards, as well as International Affairs, the Peace Belgium and Spain) are followed ensuring that the assessment of Research Institute of Oslo through three or four phases – at evidence by the courts is more and the Norwegian Defence the start of their training, at the objective and fair. Most of us Research Establishment as end of their training and three want a judicial system which is partners. In addition there are and (possibly) six years into their modern, effective and humane, also the following international professional careers – in order to and which maintains the legal partners: Handa Centre for the get a picture of how their educa- safeguards. Fulfilling these Study of Terrorism and Political tion and practical job experience requirements is no mean feat. Violence (CSTPV), University influence their attitudes, values One important piece of the jig- of St. Andrews (Scotland); and views on police work and saw is having access to relevant Institute of Security and Global society during the four phases. high-level academic research on Affairs (ISGA), Universiteit

31 Leiden (the Netherlands); The International Police Executive and defence mechanisms to Institut für interdisziplinäre Symposium (IPES) prevention. Konflikt und Gewaltforschung IPES is the annual symposium The network provides regu- (IKG), Universität Bielefeld of the research journal Police, lar, professional contact with (Germany). C-REX funds half Practice and Research, which practitioners in this field. Sev- a post-doctorate research publishes international eral researchers and academics position at PHS on the policing research in all academic police at PHS are active participants in of extremism and hate crime. areas – from police patrols to the network, which has mailing top management. The annual lists about new research and The European Association of symposium reinforces the annual conferences in any of the Psychology and Law (EAPL) interdisciplinary and cultural Nordic countries. development of professional EAPL has three main objectives: policing by bringing together Young Nordic Police Research 1) promoting research in researchers and practitioners. Network psychology and law, 2) promoting PHS is regularly represented at the teaching of psychology and the annual symposium. ch/networks/nordic-police-research/ law, and 3) promoting academic This is a research network interchange in the field of psy- The Nordic Network for Research aimed at younger researchers, chology and law. The organisation on Psychology & Law (NNPL) and researchers at the start of has members from the whole of­ their career, with an interest Europe and from North America, research/network/nnpl/ in issues around the police, Australia and New Zealand. The The network is a Nordic crime control and policing in research field is applied psychol- organisation for researchers and a Nordic context. The network ogy with a focus on perpetrators research stakeholders within is led by senior researcher and victims of crime, prevention, the field of psychology and the Martin Nøkleberg (Department detection, sentencing, punishment law. A considerable part of the of Criminology and Sociology and rehabilitation. The organ- development of investigative in Law, University of Oslo). It isation publishes the research techniques is based on research arranges several seminars and journal Psychology, Crime & Law in psychology and law, from workshops throughout the year. and arranges annual conferences the causes of crime to criminal The aim of the network is to in Europe. investigation, rehabilitation encourage a creative and sup-

32 portive academic environment, throw some light on the on-going stretches over a 5-year period where younger researchers research projects which contribute (from 2015). can exchange research ideas, to both the development of police The main aim of the project is present theoretical and empir- science as a separate discipline to improve the safety of people ical analyses, and launch and and to the strengthening of re- living in post-conflict areas develop research collaboration. search within the profession. The and explores how to develope Given that research on the projects are presented according sustainable and trust-based rela- police and policing by nature to the source of funding, with tionships between the communi- is interdisciplinary, there is the exception of the PhD projects ty and the police. The project is also a wish for the network which will be described in more also examining how information to generate discussion from detail in a separate subchapter and communication technology a range of perspectives and (p. 75) – and alphabetically (ICT) can be developed and exchange across disciplines like according to their title, below leveraged to strengthen these criminology, political science, each subheading. PHS staff are relationships. sociology, anthropology and not listed under the unit they are The project is organised into history. part of. the following work packages: • Three work packages with Research Projects in 2019 Projects funded by the EU responsibility for coordination External research funding is a Horizon 2020 programme and technical aspects: “WP1 prerequisite for the continued Management and coordina- strengthening of police research Community-oriented policing tion of the project”, “WP2 at PHS. In the past few years, and post-conflict police reform Community-oriented policing the college has therefore focused (ICT4COP) in comparison”, “WP11 Disse- especially on submitting applica- Anne Rød, Tor Damkås, mination and exploitation of tions e.g. to the Research Council Jaishankar Ganapathy results”. of Norway and the EU Framework & Ingvild Magnæs Gjelsvik • Four thematic work packages: Programme for Research and In- PHS is one of ten organisations “WP3 Technology develop- novation, which has resulted in an from Norway, Germany, ment”, “WP4 Police training increase in the share of externally England, and Ireland that and education”, “WP5 Youth funded projects. make up the research consortium issues”, “WP6 Gender issues”. This part of the report will behind ICT4COP. The project

33 • Four work packages based on with practical experience from, The project will develop a geographical area: “WP7 East and knowledge of the specialist standard for the investigation of Africa” (Kenya, Somalia and area. These police experts assist mobile phones in Europe, and South Sudan), “WP8 South with advice on how to identify and deliver a unique course package Asia” (Afghanistan and Pakis- evaluate best practice and point on law enforcement. As the tan), “WP9 Central America” out potential areas of improvement leader of “WP7 Training for law (Guatemala, Nicaragua and El in the assembled material. enforcement”, Salvador), “WP10 Southeas- Jaishankar Ganapathy is a PHS is particularly involved in tern Europe” (Bosnia Herzego- participant in WP8. The group the development of this course vina, and Serbia). will study experiences of COP in package. WP4 is led by Anne Rød and Afghanistan and in order The project is led by the Tor Damkås at PHS. One of the to see whether improved commu- University of Applied Sciences aims of this work package is to nication and interaction between Mittweida (HSMW) in Germany. develop an e-learning programme the police and local communities They are also leading “WP5 for international police advisors can contribute to better security for Decoding mobile data”, “WP9 working on community-oriented the inhabitants through improved Project management” and “WP10 policing (COP) in post-conflict efficiency and accountability on Ethical requirements”. Other areas. The programme will have the part of the police. partners are: open access and will be accessible • Netherlands Forensic Institute on the UiO platform from June From mobile phones to court (NFI). Leader of “WP4 Acqu- 2020. PHS has already gathered (FORMOBILE) isition of challenging mobile training material connected to data”. community policing from the Rune Nordvik • Micro Systemation AB project’s 11 key countries, the EU, The aim of the FORMOBILE project (MSAB), Sweden. Leader the UN and other actors, and made is to develop a complete “mobile of “WP6 Analysis of mobile the material available to all the forensic” investigative process data”. researchers on the project through from the scene of a crime to court, • Austrian Standards Internati- a database established by PHS. and also to develop new tools to onal (A.S.I). Leader of “WP3 A reference group, PEN, has also help collect more data from mobile Development of the forensic been established. It has around 45 phones. The project is divided into standard for mobile phones”. international police experts, all ten work packages (WP). • Zentrale Stelle für Information-

34 stechnik im Sicherheitsbereich Communication, Disseminati- shared between several legal au- (ZITiS), Germany. Leader of on and Exploitation”. thorities in different countries, in “WP1 Definition of law enfor- • Time.Lex, Belgium. accordance with secure and legal cement agencies’ requirements • Strane Innovation, France. standards of evidence developed and application tests”. • Kyrgyz State Technical Univer- in other Horizon 2020 projects. • Home Office (HO), England. sity named after I. Razzakov, The role of PHS in the • Spanish National Police Kyrgyzstan. INSPECTr-projected is to: • The Polish Police Regional • Coordinate the development Headquarters in Poznan. Intelligence network and secure and use of the “Living Labs”14 • . platform for evidence correlation which have been set up in the • Portuguese Judicial Police. and transfer (INSPECTr) legal authorities that are in- • Delft University of Technology Yves Guillaume L. Vandermeer volved. (TUD), the Netherlands. The aim of the INSPECTr-project • Design the development of • University of Patras, Greece. is to deliver a software framework dedicated data sets for testing • Foundation for Research and to facilitate and improve the work and validation purposes. Technology Hellas (FORTH), of crime mapping by integrating • Assist with end-user interfaces Greece. outputs from digital forensic tools for crime mappers and the • Norwegian Ministry of Justice – including PCs, smartphones, integration with existing case and Public Safety (via PHS). network traffic and web scraping handling solutions. Leader of “WP7 Training for law – by standardising the traces • Validate ethical and legal as- enforcement agencies”. after an open taxonomy based on pects in cooperation with oth- • Law and Internet Foundation, the CASE-standards13. Classical er members of the consortium. Bulgaria. Leader of “WP2 Legal algorithms supported by machine • Validate the open-source ap- and ethical issues”. learning technology will then cor- proach15. • Polish Platform for Homeland relate and improve the integrated Security. Leader of “WP8 traces. Electronic evidence may be

13 CASE stands for “Cyber-Investigation Analysis Standard Expression”, and is a standard format (documentation language) used for the documentation of electronic evidence. 14 A “Living Lab” is a computer infrastructure (hardware, software, network) linked to the existing infrastructure of the law enforcement authorities. Four countries, each with their own “Living Lab”, will use the tools locally. 15 The open-source approach implies the publication of data codes, not only the compiled drivable version. This gives an insight into how the software has been written and enables potential errors to be identified and addressed. In the INSPECTr-project it will also help enable law enforcement authorities in countries not involved in the project to use the services free of charge.

35 Projects funded by the following the project managed The article “Knowledge-based ­Research Council of Norway by NTNU at Gjøvik. The project is police work – knowledge to trust?” (NFR) funded by NFR’s IKTPLUSS. by Handegård and Berg has been accepted and is about to be Computational forensics for Evidence-based prevention in the published by the journal Nordisk large-scale fraud detection new police organisation politiforskning. (ArsForensica) Associate Professor Tina Luther Katrin Franke (Norwegian Uni- Handegård (project leader) & po- Police action against the illegal versity of Science and Technology, lice superintendent/PHS lecturer hunting of wolves NTNU, at Gjøvik) (project leader) Charlotte Ryen Berg Paul Larsson, Olve Krange (Nor- & Jul Fredrik Kaltenborn The aim of this research project wegian Institute for Nature The project is funding seven is to describe and analyse the Research, NINA) & Ketil Skogen research fellows, among them conditions of police work on evi- (NINA) Jul Fredrik Kaltenborn from PHS. dence-based prevention. Central The project looks at the work The project is examining the research questions are: carried out by the police and the use of different types of artificial • How is evidence-based preven- Norwegian Nature Inspectorate intelligence in the analysis of big tion understood and what does (SNO) in the field of illegal wolf data, with the goal of uncover- the police do when working in hunting. It is based on case ing, preventing and investigating an evidence-based way? studies and interviews by local economic crime. Kaltenborn’s • What are the conditions that police interviewers, the National project (p. 80) systematises need to be present in order for Authority for Investigation and and finds theoretical links in the police to be able to work in Prosecution of Economic Crime technology-neutral law, and tries an evidence-based way? (Økokrim) and people in SNO to contribute to insights into the • What preparations have been responsible for predators – 14 advantages and disadvantages made for evidence-based people so far. of solving legal questions from a ­preventive work in the new The project looks at how you starting point of technology-neu- police organisation? investigate “hopeless cases”. By tral law. • How is the collaboration with hopeless cases we mean cases Kaltenborn is a PhD candidate other government agencies/ with few leads, tips of variable at the Law Faculty of the Univer- actors in the evidence-based quality, interviews that do not sity of Oslo, and is in addition preventive work? work, lack of remains and other

36 technical evidence. The public one step ahead, working both and in Norway. The project will are often not very helpful in such proactively and reactively on thus contribute to new empirical cases because they feel the police a variety of criminal offences, knowledge and theory devel- should not be prioritising them. such as economic crime, labour opment, both important for the The police themselves are also di- market crime, environmental education of a highly qualified vided in their view of the severity crime, crime for profit and art police service. of such breaches of the law. Data crime. This requires the police The subprojects are as follows: collection for the project has now to have knowledge of crime finished, and work is underway that is being planned and crime 1. Trends in policing crime for profit to prepare the research for pub- that is being carried out. In this Johanne Yttri Dahl lishing. The group is currently context, intelligence, proactive The aim of the project is to planning possible future projects. investigation, crime analysis, examine how the police work surveillance and provocation to combat cross-border crime New trends in modern policing are of vital importance. The for profit, and how changes in Johanne Yttri Dahl (project lea- project will explore dilemmas the relationship between police der), Paul Larsson, Annette Vestby, and questions arising from the prevention, intelligence and Helene O. I. Gundhus (UiO / Pro- use of new police methods, the investigation are visible in this fessor II, PHS), Siv Rebekka Run- new role of the police in society area. One part of this project hovde & Pernille Erichsen Skjevrak and the blurring of differences is a focus on covert methods of The aim of the project is between proactive and reactive policing, in particular covert to examine the increasing methods of policing. The focus surveillance. intertwining of police methods of the Community Police Reform used before a criminal offence is on professionalism, new working Publications 2019: committed (proactive policing) methods, evidence-driven Dahl, J. Y. (2019). Spaningsblik- and measures taken by the police processes and intelligence is ket – en utforskning av politis- after the criminal offence has examined in a series of ongoing paneres lesning av omgivelsene. occurred (reactive policing). subprojects. Based on carefully Tidsskrift for samfunnsfors- Traditionally, crime prevention selected cases, the project will kning, 60(3), 211–227. and investigation have been develop knowledge of areas of separate police methods. Today policing where little research has issn.1504-291X-2019-03-01 the police are expected to be been done, both internationally

37 Dahl, J. Y. & Bjelland, H. F. One of the goals is to discuss (Økokrim) and people in SNO (2019). Politiets datasystemer how Norwegian authorities may responsible for predators. som kilde til innsikt i politets take a more preventive approach The project looks at how you etterforskningspraksiser. I I. in the field. This is a two-year investigate “hopeless cases”. By M. Sunde & N. Sunde (Red.), research project. “hopeless cases” we mean cases Det digitale er et hurtigtog!: with few leads, tips of variable Vitenskapelige perspektiver Lectures 2019: quality, interviews that do not på politiarbeid, digitalisering Runhovde, S. R. (2019, Septem- work, lack of remains and other og teknologi (s. 209–225). ber). Losing Munch: A tale of technical evidence. The public Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. neglect and criminal facilita- are often not very helpful in such tion. Presented at EuroCrim cases because they feel the police Lectures 2019: 2019, Ghent, Belgia. should not be prioritising them. Dahl, J. Y. (2019, September). Runhovde, S. R. (2019, Novem- The police themselves are also di- Front seat research. Presentert ber). Stealing Munch. A tale vided in their view of the severity på EuroCrim 2019, Ghent, of opportunities and motives. of such breaches of the law. Belgia. Presentert ved ASC Annual meeting, San Francisco, USA. Lectures 2019: 2. Theft and trafficking of art: A Larsson, P. (2019, januar). study on policing, prevention and 3. Police methodology: From Mellom barken og veden – security covert to dialogue-based police lokalpolitiets arbeide med Siv Rebekka Runhovde strategies illegal ulvejakt. Paper given The study deals with the combat- Paul Larsson at a conference on predatory ing of art and cultural heritage The project looks at the work animals, grazing animals and , France and carried out by the police and the society/community . Italy, and seeks to uncover what Norwegian Nature Inspectorate Larsson, P. (2019, mai). characterises the control regime (SNO) in the field of illegal wolf Investigating illegal hunting. in this area, which public and hunting. It is based on case Presented to the Nordic Rese- private institutions assist in such studies and interviews by local arch Council for Criminology, controls and to what degree the police interviewers, the National Helsingør, Danmark. work is characterised by a proac- Authority for Investigation and Larsson, P. (2019, May). tive versus a reactive approach. Prosecution of Economic Crime Wolf-hunting as organized

38 crime. Presented at the intelligence and new management Gundhus, H. O. I., Talberg, O. Cross-border Crime Colloqui- structures. Some of the questions N. & Wathne, C. T. (2019). um, Utrecht, Nederland. being asked are to what extent Politiskjønnet under press. I I. new framework conditions and M. Sunde & N. Sunde (Red.), 4. Changing methods of policing: objectives – in particular the Det digitale er et hurtigtog!: Police risk management and the police reform’s emphasis on Vitenskapelige perspektiver på public goal-oriented management, politiarbeid, digitalisering og Helene O. I. Gundhus (UiO / Pro- standardisation, intelligence and teknologi (s. 83–115). Bergen: fessor II, PHS) specialisation – contribute to Fagbokforlaget. The overriding purpose of the changing the role and identity Wathne, C. T., Talberg, O. N. project is to examine how eradica- of the police in the community. & Gundhus, H. O. I. (2019). tion of the divisions between the The project began in 2017, and Nærpolitireformen og politiets policing methods of prevention, is based on document analysis, relasjon til publikum (AFI-rap- intelligence and investigation interviews (individual and focus port 01-2019). Oslo: Oslo affect police risk management of groups), observations, and ques- Metropolitan University. different target groups. Through tionnaires sent to all professional a variety of cases – from empirical police officers in the autumn of Chronicles 2019: examination of police officers’ -ex 2018. Pernille Erichsen Skjevrak, Wathne, C. T., Gundhus, H. O. perience of the Community Police a research assistant on the project, I. & Talberg, O. N. (2019, 2. au- Reform, the use of intelligence in has interviewed police officers gust). Publikum får ikke kontakt police control of immigration to on how intelligence is used in the med politiet. Dagens Næringsliv, the prevention of youth crime – prevention of youth crime. Kronikk. the project will illuminate how the Hentet fra increasing intertwining of police Publications 2019: Wathne, C. T., Gundhus, H. methods affects the knowledge Gundhus, H. O. I. & Jansen, P. T. O. I. & Talberg, O. N. (2019, 22. platform, prioritisation and (2019). Pre-crime and poli- august). Er politiet på full fart i handling of the different target cing of migrants: Anticipatory feil retning? Dagens Næringsliv, groups in police work. This will be action meets management of Innlegg. Hentet fra examined in the light of the police concerns. ­Theoretical crimino- reform’s emphasis on specialisa- logy, 24(1), s. 90–109. ­­https:// tion, standardisation, digitisation,­­ 10.­ 1177/1362480619873347­

39 Lectures 2019: Publications 2019: Vestby, A. & Bjelland, H. F. Gundhus, H. O. I., Wathne, C. Bjelland, H. F. & Vestby, A. (2019). (2019, August). Flere verktøy i T. & Talberg, O. N. (2019, “It’s about using the full san- verktøykassa: Om tverretatlig april). Nærpolitireformen og ction catalogue”: On boundary koordinering i Lime-saken. politiets relasjon til publikum. negotiations in a multi-agency Presented at a Fag seminar for Lansering av og debatt om organised crime investigation. Kripos, Oslo. AFI-rapport 01-2019, Oslo. I B. Dupont, C. Whelan & P. K. Vestby, A. & Nordkvelle, J. (2019, Gundhus, H. O. I., Wathne, C. T. Manning (Red.), Policing across October). Is it necessary to be & Talberg, O. N. (2019, juni). organisational boundaries: a techie in order to understand Politiskjønnet under press. Developments in theory and AI? A methodology for Presentert på Politihøgskolens practice (s. 74–89). Abing- non-techies to understand AI. Forskningskonferanse 2019, don-on-Thames: Routledge. Presentert på Nordic Cybercri- Oslo. Vestby, A. & Vestby, J. (2019). me Conference 2019, Oslo. Gundhus, H. O. I. (2019, Flere bør diskutere kunstig Vestby, A. & Vestby, J. (2019, september). Abstract police. intelligens i politiet [Kronikk]. April). Machine learning and Comments on the concept. Politiforum, 2019(9), 44–45. the police: Asking the right qu- Presentert på EuroCrim 2019, Vestby, A. & Vestby, J. (2019). estions. Presentert på seminar i Ghent, Belgia. Machine learning and the po- forskergruppen PIDS, Oslo. lice: Asking the right questions. 5. Organised or economic crime?: Policing: A Journal of Policy and Media contributions 2019: The significance of police Practice, pax035. Stranden, A. L. (2019, 8. juni). organisation and competence Norges største menneskehan- Annette Vestby del-sak ble løst med kreativt The authorities’ institutional Papers 2019: samarbeid [Artikkel om Vestby constructions of organised Vestby, A. & Bjelland, H. F. & Bjellands presentasjon «Flere and economic crime, and their (2019, June). «Flere verktøy i verktøy i verktøykassa»: Koordi- role in the choice of cases and verktøykassa»: Koordinering nering på tvers av etatsgrenser i methodology. This PhD project is på tvers av etatsgrenser i Lime-saken på Politihøgskolens described in more detail on p. 87. Lime-saken. Presentert på Forskningskonferanse 2019]. Politihøgskolens Forsknings- Hentet fra https://forskning. konferanse 2019, Oslo. no/a/1346409

40 Security in internet governance Projects funded by Nordforsk within the organisations, as well and networks: analyzing the law as analyses of related policy and (SIGNAL) Gender equality, diversity and decision-making processes. The Inger Marie Sunde societal security project is administrated by the The project deals with normative Dag Ellingsen (project leader), Work Research Institute (AFI) at aspects of cyber security with Ulla-Britt Lilleaas (Centre for OsloMet. the emphasis on the effects Gender Research, Oslo), Fia Sun- of the EU’s NIS-directive and devall (Stockholm University), Nordic multiagency approaches the General Data Protection Alma Persson (Linköping Univer- to handling extremism: Policies, Regulation (GDPR), as well as sity), Anders Ahlbäck (Stockholm perceptions and practices the Convention on Cybercrime University/Åbo Akademi), Beate Tore Bjørgo (C-REX / Professor II, of the Council of Europe. PHS Sløk-Andersen (Copenhagen Busi- PHS) (project leader) & Randi Sol- is a partner in the project which ness School) & Johanna Hjertquist hjell (work package leader WP3) is led by Professor Lee Bygrave This research project is an & Ingvild Magnæs Gjelsvik (project at SERI (University of Oslo). empirical and theoretical assistant) Research Fellow Luca Tosoni examination of the connection This is a Nordic research project writes about privacy protection between increased divsersity in which examines the inter-agency and cyber security in the field police and military personnel collaboration between schools, of cybercrime, and investigates and changing perceptions about health services, social services and whether cyber security can be trust and security in the Nordic the police in order to prevent and regarded as a basic human right. countries. The project combines manage violent extremism among Tosoni is a PhD fellow at the empirical studies from Norway, young people in Finland, Norway, Law Faculty and Professor Inger Sweden, Denmark and Finland. Sweden and Denmark. The project Marie Sunde is his academic The research team is evenly looks at how the various agencies co-supervisor. The project is represented across the Nordic and establishments collaborate funded by the Research Council countries and has a strong in- and exchange information and of Norway’s IKTPluss. terdisciplinary profile. Research which institutional and legal topics include the organisation frameworks these collaborations of everyday practice in the are based on. It also examines security forces, the perception what promotes and what prevents of diversity and security work this collaboration.

41 The project period is Police on the TOR- Sweden respectively. The 2018–2022, and the project is a network: A study on tensions Norwegian part of the project is collaboration between the uni- between privacy and crime headed by Professor Inger Marie versities of Aarhus, Gothenburg fighting Sunde, who is also the academic and Turku - in Denmark, Sweden Inger Marie Sunde supervisor of Jeanette Westlund and Finland respectively. Professor Inger Marie Sunde and Hegna in her doctoral project on senior research fellow Jeanette international legal frameworks Publication 2019: Westlund Hegna (PHS) partici- of virtual jurisdiction in the Sivenbring, J. & Malmros, R. pate in this project about police investigation of the TOR-network A. (2019). Mixing logics: investigation of the TOR­network (p. 78) . Multiagency approaches for (part of the Dark Web). The countering violent extremism. central issue is the tension be- Taking surveillance apart Göteborg: Segerstedt institu- tween privacy and other human Heidi Mork Lomell (UiO / Profes- tet. [With contributions from, rights on the one hand, and the sor II, PHS) & Guro Flinterud among others, Tore Bjørgo and interests of effective investigation The project will chart the legal Randi Solhjell.] and prevention of criminal frameworks that already exist acts on the TOR­network on the and those that are developing Lectures 2019: other. The fundamental idea is in Norway, Finland and the UK Solhjell, R. & Bjørgo, T. (2019, to compare daily policing with relating to police intelligence November). Practices in Inte- the demands relating to securing and investigation activity on ragency Collaboration against evidence and legal rights. the Internet. It will further Violent Extremism at the City The project is headed by identify how the parties in the Level. Presentert på Nordic Professor Wouter Stol (Open Uni- debate about online surveillance Multiagency Approaches to versiteit Nederland). Additional articulate and justify their Handling Extremism: Policies, participants are Professor Tim positions. As a third avenue, the Perceptions and Practices, Wilson (Northumbria University, project will study people’s online Aarhus universitet, Danmark. England), Professor Oliver Popov behaviour, their perception of (Stockholm University, Sweden). risk, the expectations they have The project provides funding of privacy and protection and for three PhD candidates from their perceptions of online police Norway, the Netherlands and surveillance. The project began

42 on 1 May 2017 and will conclude phs-xmlui/handle/11250/2600751 Reform. In addition, the re- in July 2020. Flinterud, G. (2019, oktober). searchers explore issues related Surveillance and Storytelling: to police management as change Dissemination 2019: Temporalities and identity in management in general and PHS Library (2019, 21 May). the Norwegian surveillance practical police management in Overvåkingssamfunnet debate. Presentert på Ameri- particular. 2.0 - hvem bryr seg? Debate can Folklore Society Annual In 2019 four MA theses on at the Litteraturhuset, Oslo Meeting, Baltimore, USA. management and organisational [introduction by Guro psychology were completed at Flinterud; moderator Heidi Projects funded by ­ the Norwegian Business School Mork Lomell; panellists: Jon other external­ (BI), and one MA dissertation Wessel-Aas (lawyer), Torgeir collaboration partners­ on police science was completed Waterhouse (IKT Norway), at PHS, based on qualitative Sofie Nystrøm (E-tjenesten) & Evaluation, implementation and studies of issues linked to the Jon Fitje Hoffman (the Norwe- outcomes of the Community project – supervised by Cathrine gian Police Security Service, Police Reform Filstad. Follow-up interviews, PST)]. jf. https://www.facebook. Cathrine Filstad (Professor BI / based on the original interviews com/events/353493405301042/ Professor II, PHS) (project lea- with 25 police contacts from Flinterud, G. & Lomell, H. M. der), Trude H. Olsen (School of 2018 by research assistant Iselin (2019, 10. juni). Er det greit Business and Economics at UiT, Gjeruldsen, were also carried at du blir sett på?, Dagsavisen, the Arctic University of Norway), out. Cathrine Filstad completed Kronikk. Taken from https:// Anja Thomassen (Aalborg Uni- four months full-time field versity), Tom Karp Kristiania studies in . greit-at-du-blir-sett-pa-1.1535493 University College), Liz Solberg The project is financed by the Flinterud, G. (2019). Norsk (BI) & research assistant Iselin Agency for Public Management overvåkningsdebatt under Gjeruldsen. and eGovernment (Difi, now lupen: Interessenters syn på The project conducts research DFØ) and will conclude in myndighetenes tilgang til into the characteristics of February 2020. overvåkning og informasjons- change processes and outcomes innhenting på nett [Notat]. in connection to the implemen- Hentet fra tation of the Community Police

43 Projects funded by PHS and Publications 2019: project carries out reviews of Filstad, C. & Karp, T. (2019). Nordic country literature as well collaboration partners Evaluering, implementering as a pilot study of the urban og resultater av nærpolitire- planning project “Oslo South”, Ethics, social media formen (PHS report). Oslo: in particular of the establish- and teacher training PHS. ment of a crime prevention Brita Bjørkelo, Ingrid Helleve Filstad, C. & Karp, T. (2019, team in the Søndre Nordstrand (UiB) & Aslaug Grov Almås (Wes- 14 February). Noe galt med district. What is the knowledge tern Norway University of Applied lederkulturen? Det finner vi base on which we build crime Sciences) ingen bevis for. Politiforum. prevention efforts, and what are This project is the Norwegian part Taken from https://www. the preventive measures that of an international collaborative have been initiated? How do project initiated by Brita Bjørkelo lederkulturen-det-finner-vi-ingen- we approach such a fragmented and Zoe Morris of Monash Univer- bevis-for/458008 field where young people sity (Melbourne, Australia). All commit crimes on their own, members of the project are former Presentation 2019: but at the same time potentially members of the research group Filstad, C. & Karp, T. (2019, have links to or membership of “Digital Learning Communities” januar). Evaluering, imple- criminal networks? based at the Department of mentering og resultater av The project period is 2018 Education, Faculty of Psychology, nærpolitireformen. to Spring 2020. The project is at the University of Bergen. Presentasjon av internrapport. funded through “the Consorti- The main research questions PHS, Oslo. um for Research on Terrorism concern how student teachers and International Crime”16. experience the ethical aspects of “The gang project” / Facebook use, and how they man- Interdisciplinary crime prevention age the use of social media in the Randi Solhjell (project leader) & transition from private individual Pernille Erichsen Skjevrak to professional teacher. The pro- Trends in youth crime oscillate. ject also aims to compare the What do we know of preventive experiences of Norwegian student measures in the field? This teachers with similar student


44 groups in Australia, something 46(2), s. 324–336. [Publisert replacement, and if so, for what? which also was thematised in online 5. mars 2019]. https://doi.­ ­ The project began in 2019 Morris’s 2016 doctoral thesis 17. org/1080/19415257.2019.1585381 and will be concluded in 2021. On the basis of a publication18 It is funded by the PHS and the from the project, a meeting was Following the police from ground Ministry of Justice. held in a which to air: The introduction of drones in works on ethical guidelines for the the Norwegian Police Lessons from crime prevention use of social media in schools. Jenny Maria Lundgaard in preventing violent extremism Work is currently underway In this project, Lundgaard will (PVE) by police to complete other publications be following the National Police Tore Bjørgo from the project. Data from the Directorate’s testing of the use (C-REX / Professor II, PHS) parts of the project which PHS of drones. Tests are carried out The project is funded by Radicali- have ownership of (parts two and in three different police districts, sation Awareness Network (RAN), three) were uploaded to the NSD where police drone pilots have and will result in a RAN Issue Paper data archive in 2019, ­­ been given training in the rules for the RAN police working group and regulations for, and the use (RAN POL), which is being written cord-type[0]=study of drones. Through her fieldwork, with policymakers and practitioners/ The project period is Lundgaard will examine the inter- experts as target groups. The project 15.7.2010–1.1.2021. More action of people and technology, examines how insights from general information about the project and look at what happens when crime prevention may be used in the can be found here: https://app.cristin. drones are introduced into the prevention of violent extremism, and no/projects/show.jsf?id=411053 police. Among the questions to is to a large extent structured around be answered are how the use of the nine preventive mechanisms Publication 2019: drones will change the classic role previously developed by Bjørgo in Helleve, I., Almås, A. G. & and work of the police, what kind works on prevention in general and Bjørkelo, B. (2020). Becoming of assignments the drones will be terrorism in particular. The project a professional digital compe- used for, and whether the use of will conclude with the publication of tent teacher. Professional drones to carry out an assignment its report in January 2020. Development in Education, will act as a supplement or a 17 Morris, Z. A. (2016). Teacher Professional Boundaries: Online & Offline (Doctoral thesis, Monash University). Taken from 832bebaa6 18 Bjørkelo, B., Almås, A. G. & Helleve, I. (2012). Sosiale medium og Facebook: Eit etisk dilemma for læraren. Bedre skole 2012(1), 76–80.

45 Diversity in education and the and public sectors will come up Lectures/Presentations 2019: police service with a recommendation of how Bjørkelo, B. & Bye, H. H. (2019, Brita Bjørkelo, Hege Høivik Bye the can mars). “Coping with the (UiB), Marit Egge, Jai Ganapathy better recruit, develop, retain aftermath”: Diversity and the & Mariann Stærkebye Leirvik and phase out competence. experience of whistleblowers (OsloMet) The project members have also in the Norwegian Police. Paper The project examines diversity worked with Norsk Politihistorisk presented at the Street Level in education and the police Selskap (Norwegian Police His- Bureaucrats research seminar service, and consists of three tory Society) (NPHS) and PHS series, Northumbria Univer- subprojects. Part one focuses on on the seminar “A historical per- sity, Newcastle. Hentet fra study environment and diversity spective on police recruitment” (Egge/Ganapathy), part two in the context of the project m-research-seminar-series-2019/ on ethnic diversity among uni- “2020: A hundred years of Police Bjørkelo, B., Bye, H. H., Egge, M., formed police (Leirvik) and part Education”. Ganapathy, J. & Leirvik, M. S. three shines a light on diversity, The project is funded by (2019, mai/juni). Diversity in work environment and career PHS and the University of education and organisation: development among employees Bergen. The project period is From political aims to practice of the Norwegian police force 1.1.2015–30.6.2025, and more in the Norwegian Police Ser- (Bjørkelo/Bye). Data collection information can be found here: vice. Paper presented at EA- (qualitative/quantitative/field WOP Congress 2019, Torino, studies) has been completed. A jsf?id=465586 Italy. Hentet fra http://eawop2019. collective summarising article as org/program/program-overview/ well as part publications from the Publication 2019: Bjørkelo, B. & Bye, H. H. (2019, subprojects are in the pipeline. Ellefsen, H. B. & Leirvik, M. November). Uhøflighet på Members of the project have, S. (2019, 2 November). jobb: Er ansatte som tilhører during 2019, provided contri- Problematisk at politiets ulike minoritetsgrupper mer butions to, among others, the toppledelse ikke tar til mot- utsatt? Paper presented at Svendsen Committee (an exter- mæle. Politiforum. Taken from NEON 2019, Lillehammer. nal committee, headed by Berit Bjørkelo, B. & Leirvik, M. S. Svendsen), which by gathering problematisk-at-politiets-toppledel- (2019, September). Kulturelt inspiration from both the private se-ikke-tar-til-motmaele/477957 mangfold i et kapasitets- og

46 kompetanseperspektiv: til praksisansvarlige på PHS, the history of ideas and political Erfaringer fra politiet. Stavern. and literary science. The aim of Paper presented at Forsvarets Leirvik, M. S. & Ellefsen, H. B. the work on the project was to likestillings- og mangfoldskon- (2019, September). Contra- contribute to new knowledge feranse, Oslo. dictory policing in a mul- about the historical prerequisites Bye, H. H. & Bjørkelo, B. (2019, ti-ethnic society – ideals and for the emergence of various May/June). Perceived career practices. Paper presentert på public institutions in the Nordic support: The interaction of EuroCrim, Ghent, Belgia. countries after 1815. The subordinate and supervisor Leirvik, M. S. & Egge, M. (2019, sub-project of Heivoll and Flaat- gender in the Norwegian Po- november). Rekruttering av ten was a collaboration between lice Service. Paper presentert etniske minoriteter. Presen- the University of Oslo and PHS. på EAWOP Congress, Torino, tasjon for Politihistorisk lag, In 2017 they published the book Italia. PHS, Oslo. Rettslige overgangsformer. The Bye, H. H. & Bjørkelo, B. (2019, project was concluded in 2019 in August). Mangfold – sett fra The public sphere and freedom of connection with publication of politiorganisasjonen. Presen- expression in the Nordic countries the anthology Frie ord i Norden?: tasjon på Mangfoldsseminaret, Geir Heivoll & Sverre Flaatten Offentlighet, ytringsfrihet og PHS, Oslo. The work of Flaatten and Heivoll medborgerskap 1814-1914. Egge, M. (2019, august). Unifor- was part of the project “The mert mangfold. Presentasjon public sphere and freedom of Publication 2019: på Mangfoldsseminaret, PHS, expression in the Nordic coun- Heivoll, G. (2019). «Stedse Oslo. tries”, a collaboration between være forsynet med tilstrækelig Leirvik, M. S. (2019, August). the faculties of law, humanities magt til at undertrykke urolige Fortellinger om etnisk mang- and theology at the University bevægelser»: Christian Magnus fold i patruljetjeneste. Presen- of Oslo, the National Library Falsen om sikkerhet, politi og tasjon på Mangfoldsseminaret, and the National Archives of folk i det offentlige rom. I R. PHS, Oslo. Norway and an associated Hemstad & D. Michalsen (Red.), Leirvik, M. S. (2019, October). Nordic research network. The Frie ord i Norden?: Offentlighet, Etniske minoriteter i patrul- researchers represent many ytringsfrihet og medborgerskap jetjeneste – inkludering og different academic disciplines, 1814-1914. Oslo: Pax. ekskludering. Presentasjon such as history, law, theology,

47 Personality, stress effect, Bartone, P. T., Hansen, A. knowledge about change in po- information gathering and L. & Johnsen, B. H. (2019). lice organisations and to create a situation awareness in police Physical fitness and knowledge base for the Norwe- operational simulator training psychological hardiness as gian police as an institution. Asle M. Sandvik, Espen S. predictors of parasympathetic In 2018–2019 six Master Gjevestad, Einar Aabrekk, Peter control in response to stress: students from the Department of Øhman & Per Ludvik Kjendlie A Norwegian police simulator Psychology wrote their disserta- This is a joint project with training study. Journal of Po- tions as part of this project. the Department of Psychosocial lice and Criminal Psychology, The project is funded by the Science at the University of Ber- 2019, s. 1–14. https://doi. Norwegian National Police gen and the Clinic for Physical org/10.1007/s11896-019- Directorate, the University of Medicine and Rehabilitation 09323-8 Oslo and PHS. at the Hospital of Vestfold. The objective is to increase The police as an organisation Police management before and knowledge about personality and Trond Myklebust (project leader) now: A question of leadership, its significance in terms of how & Cato Bjørkli (University of Oslo) attitudes and culture? stress is experienced, the ability In collaboration with the Brita Bjørkelo & Emma Villman to gather information and the Work and Organisational (PhD research fellow at the Univer- formation of situation awareness Psychology research group at the sity of Helsinki) during police operations. The Department of Psychology at the A contribution to the forthcom- effect of physical fitness on the University of Oslo, the research ing centenary book on PHS is mastering of stress, perception department at PHS initiated currently underway, based on and situation awareness will also the project “The police as an this project. The background to be examined in the project. organisation” (2016–2020). The this project is that PHS, post-22 The project period is project seeks to illuminate the July 2011, began work, led by 2016–2022. organisational and psychological Bjørkelo, aimed at increasing factors that inhibit and promote knowledge-sharing between the Publication 2019: change in the police, mainly in different part of the organisation. Sandvik, A. M., Gjevestad, E. the context of the Community Earlier in the project, academic S., Aabrekk, E., Öman, P. H., Police Reform. The overall aim assistant Benedikte Årseth (Nor- Kjendlie, P. L., Hystad, S. W., of the project is to provide new wegian Business School (BI)/

48 PHS, Master in Management and Sheep in wolf’s clothing? The Norway showed clear vigilante Organisational Psychology) and taming of the Soldiers of Odin in and anti-Islam traits, the group Cathrine Filstad (Norwegian Norway turned out to be less militant and Business School (BI) / Professor Tore Bjørgo (C-REX / Professor II, right-wing extremist than the II, PHS) also provided assistance. PHS) & Ingvild Magnæs Gjelsvik original organisation, Soldiers The sharing and analysis of In many countries, vigilante of Odin in Finland. The chapter previous assignments handed in groups are patrolling the streets takes a closer look at why the by participants on PHS manage- with the aim of protecting Norwegian Soldiers of Odin were ment courses are an integral part local communities against the a more moderate version of the of the project work. The assign- threat they perceive is posed phenomenon, and why the group ments were originally going to by criminal immigrants. Such – whose aim was to contribute be shredded after having expired groups claim that the police to safer streets – attracted a par- from the PHS library collection have neither the capacity nor the ticular type of member, namely in the Spring of 2015, however will to protect native citizens, young men with a criminal Villman obtained consent and and legitimise their activities by background. The chapter is part has scanned all the previous claiming to assist the police in of the book Vigilantism Against management assignments that keeping the streets safe. The Sol- Migrants and Minorities, edited were still available. The assign- diers of Odin is such a group. In a by Tore Bjørgo and Miroslav ments for which consent was short time they have established Mareš (Masaryk University, obtained and which therefore themselves as a fast growing Brno), which was published by could be digitised have been up- movement in many countries. Routledge in 2019. loaded onto the academic portal, The book chapter “Sheep in KO:DE, and can thus also be kept wolf’s clothing? The taming of Projects Funded by PHS for the future. The contribution the Soldiers of Odin in Norway” to the PHS centenary book describes the rise and fall of the Firearms project – part 2 analyses what police managers Soldiers of Odin in Norway. The Tor-Geir Myhrer (project leader), educated at PHS have written Norwegian group communicated Bjørn Barland, Gunnar Thomas- over time, who they are and what clearly to the world that they sen, Jon Strype & Pernille Skjevrak this may have meant for practical were neither a vigilante group This two-part project examines police management. nor right-wing extremists. Even how the police force experienced though the Soldiers of Odin in the temporary arming of the

49 Norwegian police in the period 2011 to 2017, PHS carried out an Characteristics and from November 2014 to Feb- equivalent survey in the autumn understandings of practice ruary 2016. It also looks at the of 2017. The second survey was placement across professions attitudes of the police and the directed towards the general (CUPP) public to the question of whether public and is an adapted version Marie-Louise Damen, ­ Norwegian police should carry of the one described above. Brita Bjørkelo & Olav Dahl guns when on duty. Telephone interviews with a The research project CUPP The first part of the project representative group of 1000 (Characteristics and understand- was an evaluation of the tem- individuals have been carried ings of practice placement across porary period of carrying arms. out by Opinion. This part was professions) will contribute to This was commissioned and also carried out in autumn 2017. giving students an education funded by the National Police Analysis of the data from the which is relevant and which Directorate. The second part of survey was begun in late autumn prepares them for their working the project is based internally in 2017, and the findings from the life. the department and funded by police survey were published in The project group comprises PHS. the “PHS Research”-series 2019. researchers and professionals The project involves two The general public survey will be from the fields of education, questionnaires. One is aimed published during 2020. medicine, health care (nurses),

at police personnel and has


been carried out through a Publication 2019: SKJEVRAK •

technical collaboration with the Thomassen, G., Skjevrak, P. E., STRYPE


• Gunnar Thomassen

Norwegian Police Union. This Strype, J., Barland, B. & Myh- MYHRER • Pernille Erichsen Skjevrak • Jon Strype

• Bjørn Barland • Tor-Geir Myhrer questionnaire is to a large extent rer, T.-G. (2019). Alltid våpen TJENESTEN? I VÅPEN ALLTID Alltid våpen i tjenesten?

a recycling of the questions i tjenesten?: Politiets holdning Politiets holdning til bevæpning drawn up by Professor Liv til bevæpning (PHS Research Finstad for the survey conducted 2019:2). Oslo: PHS. Hentet fra by the Police Union among their

Politihøgskolen Slemdalsveien 5 Postboks 5027, Majorstuen members in 2011. In order to 0301 Oslo Tlf: 23 19 99 00 investigate whether the attitudes PHS Forskning 2019: 2 to carrying arms among union PHS Forskning 2019: 2 members had changed from

50 policing, psychology and the Robert K. Merton, and asks to The transcendence of ethics: interdisciplinary programme at what extent Merton’s theories On inner unity in epistemology, the Center for Interprofessional on deviation can explain the use axiology and ethics in the Workplace Learning (TVEPS) at of muscle-building substances in philosophy of Edmund Husserl. the University of Bergen. By com- modern-day body culture. The A phenomenological contribution bining research across various main question is whether use of to professional ethics professional educational fields, these substances can be under- Egil H. Olsvik this project will produce new stood as an attempt to live up to In his PhD project, Olsvik wishes knowledge on how to structure society’s demand for a perfect to contribute to a considerable and facilitate future organisation body. The project will conclude strengthening of the theoretical and collaboration between in the last quarter of 2020. basis for professional ethics in educational establishments and general and in the police in par- the workplace. Digital Hour (DDT) ticular. The project will lay the The project is applying Inger Marie Sunde groundwork for nuancing and for funding via the Research Digital Hour is a series of semi- a deeper understanding of the Council of Norway’s FIN- nars for PHS staff, students and fact that underlying and silent NUT-programme. The project police colleagues. There are 3-4 ethical principles characterise is a collaboration between the seminars per semester. The aim and motivate policing. The thesis University of Bergen, Western is to highlight developments in concludes that by formulating a Norway University of Applied digital technology, social media set of norms for a new concept Sciences, VID Specialized Univer- etc. and to create awareness of of values-based professional sity (Stavanger), PHS, Radboud opportunities and challenges in practice, known as VAP. Universiteit (the Netherlands) all areas of policing. The initia- On a deeper level, the and Katholieke Universiteit tive is research-driven and run thesis is an attempt to use the Leuven (Belgium). by the research group Police in a transcendental phenomenology Digital Society, who have estab- of Edmund Husserl (1859–1938) Conformity through deviance lished a programme committee in a police context, in order to Bjørn Barland for Digital Hour. The aim is to give better insight into hitherto This project examines modern contribute to the development not clarified aspects in the body culture and doping against of professional policing in the field. The project also presents the background of the work of digitised society. entirely new knowledge based

51 on the reading of unpublished, has been an increased focus on decision support – not only in the hand-written manuscripts stored the importance of intelligence context of crisis management, in the Husserl archive in Leuven and investigation in policing. but also generally in police (Belgium). New insights into Intelligence is often linked to management, governance, coor- Husserl’s theory of ethics are also preventive police work, but intel- dination and the prioritisation of presented. So far this has been ligence (and investigation) have resources. little known in Norway, despite also become more important in Husserl being regarded as one of police emergency preparedness Ethics and learning the most influential thinkers of and management of exceptional during in-field training our time. events. The overall topic of this Linda Hoel, Erik Christensen study is how the police use intel- (Nord University) & Johannes Sjo Intelligence and decision support ligence as decision support for Steinsvåg in police crisis management crisis handling and management This project examines police Linda Hoel & Monica Lillevik on all levels. students’ views of themselves as This study builds on findings Data will be collected among second-year (B2) students. The from evaluations (based on operational managers and study builds on surveys with observations and interviews) chiefs of staff in the police who open-ended question categories of the PHS programme for staff use information provided by among 277 students. and leader development.19 police staff with responsibilities The project concludes in April The topic of the study is using and jobs linked to intelligence 2021. intelligence as a decision support and investigation to assess the in police crisis management. probability and risk of future Publication 2019: Based on previous evaluations events which must be prevented. Hoel, L. (2019). Politiarbeid and findings, the issue to be Through the intelligence experi- i praksis. Politibetjenters more closely examined is: What ence of such staff members, the erfaringer (2. utg.). Oslo: prevents and what promotes study will uncover new knowl- Universitetsforlaget. intelligence-based crisis manage- edge about where in the police ment? there is a problem with using In the past few years there intelligence-based information as 19 Hoel, L. & Barland, B. (2017). Store endringer kommer på kattepoter: En evaluering av stabs- og lederutviklingsprogrammet på Politihøgskolen (PHS Research 2017:2). Oslo: PHS.; Hoel, L., Barland, B. & Lillevik, M. (2019). Ville ikke vært det foruten: Evaluering av Stabs- og lederutviklingsprogrammet ved Politihøgskolen (PHS Research 2019:1). Oslo: PHS.

52 Evaluation of the Staff and Sector Conference and Training which took place between wom- Leadership Development Centre at (JKØ). en’s refuges and the authorities Programme The new Chief of Staff role during the 1970s and 1980s. Linda Hoel, Bjørn Barland and the significance of this The negotiations were conducted & Monica Lillevik for the implementation of the on many levels, and highlight the This project is a comprehensive programme. dilemmas that arise when the evaluation of the Staff and Lead- Local training in police dis- same organisation both creates ership Development Programme tricts, including the importance policy and provides practical under the auspices of PHS and of competence enhancement services. The examination of the Police Directorate. We have measures for the management the negotiations has two parts: followed the programme closely of joint (SAR), one focuses on negotiations through participating observa- immediately prior to these between the refuges and the tions at gatherings and drills, exercises. welfare authorities, the other and carried out interviews with deals with negotiations between members of staff. The evaluation Publication 2019: the refuges, the police and has had a formative approach Hoel, L., Barland, B. & Lillevik, political authorities with the aim in that we have followed the M. (2019). Ville ikke vært of bringing about prosecutions. ­development of one initiative det foruten: En evaluering av The project will highlight the – the Staff and Leadership stabs- og lederutviklingspro- significance that both of these Development Programme – with grammet ved Politihøgskolen types of negotiation have had the aim of providing concrete (PHS Forskning 2019:1). on our understanding of victims feedback to the actors in the Oslo: Politihøgskolen. of domestic violence, and how programme on how it can be we deal with domestic violence improved. The evaluation is From hidden violence to policy in today. limited in line with the mandate practice: focus on the growth of of the evaluation assignment, refuges in the 1970s and 1980s Hate crime against LGBTIQ- and includes three main areas: and its significance for current persons: subjectivation, co- New training concept (a new understanding of domestic citizenship and homo-nationalism scenario and an emphasis on violence Henning Kaiser Klatran investigation and intelligence) Solgunn Eidheim Hate crime has, during the past for the programme at the Justice The study examines negotiations 20 years, developed from being

53 a crime on which the police did a large extent happened within Lectures 2019: not particularly focus to being a discourse where tolerance Klatran, H. K. (2019, november). identified by the Director of towards homosexuals emerges Hatkriminalitet mot LHBTI- Public Prosecutions as one of as a Norwegian value, whereas Q-personer: Fornærmelse, the priorities for investigation. homophobia and several types of subjektivering og motstand. Hate crime legislation, which crime are linked to immigration Presentasjon på konferansen includes queer people, can be and “the foreigner”. One issue Kjønnsforskning NÅ!, Senter understood as an expression which deserves more attention for kvinne- og kjønnsfors- of the citizenship of LGB- is therefore whether individual kning, Universitet i Tromsø, TIQ-persons in a Norway which understanding of queer citi- Tromsø. increasingly is characterised by zenship risks contributing to tolerance towards homosexuals. the exclusion of the racialised Hate crime and hate speech: At the same time, the legislation “others” from ”the Norwegian The work of the police and illustrates that queer people still us”. experiences of protected groups are a vulnerable minority and The project includes qualita- Randi Solhjell therefore need particular legal tive interviews and text analysis. The background to the study is protection. The risk of being The analysis is theory-driven and that the police have been asked by exposed to harassment, threats does to a large degree build on the Director of Public Prosecutions and violence has consequences important contributions within to pay special attention to hate for queer people’s openness queer and post-colonial theory. crime; all violations concerning and use of public space. Queer hate crime are to be given priority, people have thus in a relatively Publication 2019: regardless of the degree of severi- short time gone from fighting Klatran, H. K. (2019). «Jeg prøver ty. However, there is little research against criminal prosecution å fremstå så mandig som jeg on hate crime generally in Norway, by the state, to seeing carceral kan»: Fornærmelse, subjek- and in particular in a police justice and state violence as a tivering og motstand blant context. The aim of the study system that ensures their safety LHBTIQ-personer. Tidsskrift is therefore to interview police and enables their self-expression. for kjønnsforskning, 43(3), officers working on the topic of The establishment of hate crime 213–229. hate crime in Norway, and review as both a crime- and identi- issn.1891-1781-2019-03-06 a number of criminal cases in order ty-political phenomenon has to to understand considerations and

54 priorities, as well as the internal resource contributes to a gen- The Role of Attitudes in the competence development of the uine change in attitudes and Evaluation of Technology. police. Victims of hate crime will behaviour during the students’ Presentasjon på seminaret also be interviewed. in-field training. The project Pearls in Policing arrangert av The project will run until May aims to establish a baseline International Action Group, 2022. for knowledge and skill in PHS, Oslo. the students before they are Paulsen, J. E. (2019, desember). Can the ability of police students exposed to the topic, and this Integrity and Dirty Hands. to build trust in vulnerable groups includes studying the use of the Presentasjon på Workshop, be strengthened through digital digital resource, evaluation of Oslo Lecture PHS, Oslo. teaching aids? the functionality and effect of Jens Erik Paulsen, Joshua Marvle the KSE resource, and dissem- Publications i 2019: Phelps, Trond Kyrre Simensen & ination of the results through Paulsen, J. E. (2019a). Hold- Rick Trinkner (Arizona State Uni- scientific articles, workshops ninger til høyteknologi. I I. versity) and conference papers. M. Sunde & N. Sunde (Red.), This project, which is a Det digitale er et hurtigtog!: collaboration between PHS and Lectures 2019: Vitenskapelige perspektiver på Arizona State University, will Paulsen, J. E. (2019, januar). politiarbeid, digitalisering og contribute knowledge about Etikk i Etterforskningsledelse. teknologi. Bergen: Fagbokfor- how digital teaching aids affect Presentert på seminaret laget. the students’ ability to create Funksjonsrettet ledelse for Paulsen, J. E. (2019b). A trust in their work – particular- etterforskningsledere, PHS, Values-based Methodology ly in contact with vulnerable Oslo. in Policing. Nordic Journal of groups. Paulsen, J. E. (2019, april). Applied Ethics, 13(1), 21–38. In Autumn 2020, PHS will Skjønnsutøvelse, moralsk le- launch a digital learning re- gitimitet og verdienes Paulsen, J. E. & Simensen, T. K. source for police students in the rolle. Presentasjon på seminar (2019). Generalistens rolle i new subject “Communication, for Bachelorpåbygget i etterretningsstyrt politiarbeid. society, ethics” (KSE).The straffegjennomføring, KRUS, Nordisk politiforskning, 6(2), research project will examine Lillestrøm. 169–181. to what degree this digital Paulsen, J. E. (2019, mars).

55 Charting values in different types Økokrim from the other public (2) What does the legal control of policing bodies regulating economic be- of capital tell us about respon- Jens Erik Paulsen haviour. sibility within the economic This project charts values that In the relationship between system? are important in the various punishment and regulation, the (3) What are the challenges types of police work. It is first and understanding of responsibility that have arisen in connection foremost based on interviews is key. Differences in allocation with this work from today’s with nine experienced police between the police and other current free flow of capital? officers, whose main areas of regulatory bodies also reflects The three questions above are work are police patrols, crime the different meanings of re- the main focuses in the research prevention and investigation sponsibility in economic life. In project “Control of capital”. This (three from each area).The aim today’s Europe, the control of is in the field of what within of the project is to use these capital is central in discussions economic history and sociology insights to improve police educa- of responsibility and control. The is known as “Polanyi’s thesis”. tion at all levels – both Bachelor flow of capital has not been as free According to this thesis there is a and beyond. since the time of the gold standard structural relationship between in the early 20th century. Europe is democratic control and the flow Control of capital: experiencing economic unrest and of capital: On the one hand, Police-free zones and the crises, and a series of scandals and democratic control of capital can strategic basis for criminal justice leaks have given us an insights into restrain the necessary flow of Sverre Flaatten considerable control challenges. capital; on the other hand, the The police are one of several Given the general responsibility free flow of capital can attack bodies tasked with protecting the of the police and the particular and undermine democratic economic infrastructure of a socie- responsibility of Økokrim for the institutions. Internationally, ty. The particular responsibility of legal controls, we are asking the Polanyi’s thesis is debated in the the Norwegian National Authority following three questions: light of today’s economy, but for Investigation and Prosecution (1) In what way and to what it has not, either nationally or of Economic and Environmental extent does the work of the internationally, been examined Crime (Økokrim) is linked to the police in the control of capital with the legal control of capital as control of the economic system by contribute to safeguarding a starting point – despite the fact criminal justice. This distinguishes economic stability? that the democratically anchored

56 criminal justice highlights the principles which traditionally Lectures 2019: problem. The project “Control of have imposed limits on the Flaatten, S. (2019, april). Sure rog- capital” is an attempt to fill this police and criminal justice. nebær og strafferettens strategiske research gap. With its focus on causes and utgangspunkt. Presentasjon på In his work on the project, historical change, the project Nasjonalt fagseminar for bekjem- Flaatten has established will be able to contribute to pelse av økonomisk kriminalitet the two analytical concepts informing the strategic decisions og miljøkriminalitet, Oslo. ‘police-free zones’ and ‘the stra- of the police and prosecution Flaatten, S. (2019, juni). Accumula- tegic basis of criminal justice’. authorities, as well as political tion and illegality. Presentasjon The notion of police-free zones choices of direction. på konferansen Accumulating refers to the parts of society Capital: Strategies of profit and where police control tradition- Publications 2019: dispossessive policies, Université ally does not have an assigned Flaatten, S. (2019). The laws of Paris Dauphine–PSL, Paris. role, and particular justification the economy: Decriminalizing Flaatten, S. (2019, mars/april). is required for any intervention. business transgressions in the A-krim i større sammenheng. Modern business enterprises late 19th century. Management Presentasjon på Opplæring av are examples of this. ‘The stra- & Organizational History, a-krimpersonell, Stavern. tegic basis of criminal justice’ 14(4), 337–349. refers to the division between 1080/17449359.2019.1702886 Criminology in a Nutshell the norm violations which Flaatten, S. (2019). Vedtyve- Paul Larsson are characterised as criminal rienes rett og politikk. I C. Kriminologien i et nøtteskall offences and are covered by C. Eriksen (Red.), Den unge (Criminology in a Nutshell) is criminal law, and the norm Marx: Rett, samfunn og viten- a book project in the Gyldendal violations that are outside the skapsteori (s. 91–111). Oslo: “Nutshell Series”. The project is still scope of criminal justice. Both Cappelen Damm Akademisk. on-going. The book will provide these concepts have been devel- Flaatten, S. (2019). Tjenesteper- basic knowledge on perspectives oped through studies of legal sonens lojalitet. I C. C. Eriksen and theories in criminology, update history. In the project the two (Red.), Den unge Marx: Rett, classical theories and contribute to concepts are used to analyse samfunn og vitenskapsteori bringing this academic field into the how modern economic crime (s. 175–202). Oslo: Cappelen 21st century. challenges the motives and Damm Akademisk.

57 Knowledge-based prevention in edge to trust?) has been accepted ging av radikalisering og voldelig the new police organisation and is being published in the ekstremisme: Norske handlemåter Senior research fellow Tina Luther journal Nordisk politiforskning. i møtet med terror (Prevention Handegård (project leader) & police of radicalization and violent superintendent/PHS lecturer Char- Values-based methodology extremism: Norwegian methods lotte Ryen Berg (project participant) in policing in dealing with terrorism), which The aim of this research project Jens Erik Paulsen was published in June 2019. The is to describe and analyse the The objective of this study is to book looks at how Norway uses qualifications of the police to work develop an appropriate method- preventive measures against radi- on knowledge-based prevention. ology for values-based policing. calisation and violent extremism. Important research questions are: The method has been tried out The aim is to provide knowledge • What do we understand by and developed in the Occupational of and discuss the challenges faced knowledge-based prevention, Ethics Programme at PHS in Oslo. by Norway in such prevention and what do the police do when Paulsen participated with the pro- work. This is illuminated through they carry out knowledge-based ject in two international network the experiences of various actors work? workshops in 2015 and 2016. who are implementing preventive • What conditions need to be measures, and people or groups present in order for the police to Publication 2019: who are or may be in the target be able to work in an knowled- Paulsen, J. E. (2019). A Values-ba- group of the initiatives. ge-based way? sed Methodology in Policing. Our contribution to the book • What preparations are being Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics deals with the role of the police made for knowledge-based pre- 13(1), 21–38. and the instruments they have at ventive work in the new police their disposal in their preventive organisation? Thinking several thoughts work against radicalisation and • How is the collaboration with at once: Preventive policing violent extremism. We discuss both other agencies in knowledge-ba- against radicalisation and violent what the police do and what they sed preventive work? extremism must not do. The chapter first and Handegård and Berg’s article Ingvild Magnæs Gjelsvik & Tore foremost describes the develop- Kunnskapsbasert politiarbeid Bjørgo (C-REX /Professor II, PHS) ment and organisation of the work – kunnskap til å stole på? (Knowl- This project has led to a book of the police against radicalisation edge-based police work - knowl- chapter in the anthology Forebyg- and violent extremism in the past

58 few years. We then look at the Dissemination 2019: aim is to reach out to the police proactive work, where dialogue is Gjelsvik, I. M. (2019, 3. juni). service with regular information frequently used as a first reaction Norsk politis forebyggende about new research publications in cases of concern. When a crime arbeid mot radikalisering from PHS. The column com- is committed, reactive measures og voldelig ekstremisme. ments on doctoral theses and are put into effect, and we discuss Studio 2 –P2 [Radioprogram]. other peer-reviewed material in more detail the preventive Hentet fra such as articles, book chapters effect these may have. Finally, we studio-2-p2/MKRD04011019/03-06- and monographs. It also gives discuss the various grey zones and 2019. information on the PHS library dilemmas which the police may Gjelsvik, I. M. (2019, 12. service, which can help those face in connection with proactive august). Hvordan overvåkes interested in studying these and reactive initiatives in their potensielle terrorister? Studio publications to obtain them. The encounters with extreme groups 2 – P2 [Radioprogram]. column has been running since and individuals, and compromises Hentet fra April 2018. that have to be made in these studio-2-p2/MKRD04016019/12-08-2019 situations. Lid, S. & Gjelsvik, I. M. (2019). The police as Forebygging av radikalisering a learning organisation Publications 2019: og voldelig ekstremisme. Fag- Linda Hoel & Bjørn Barland Gjelsvik, I. M. & Bjørgo, T. bokpodden fra Nettavisen lyd. The study builds on data from (2019). Med flere tanker Hentet fra the evaluation of the Staff i hodet samtidig: Politiets serie/fagbokpodden/forebygging-av-ra- and Management Leadership forebyggende arbeid mot dikalisering-og-voldelig-ekstremisme/ Programme at PHS.20 The radikalisering og voldelig project looks more closely at how ekstremisme. I S. Lid & G. News from PHS Research leaders at different levels (chief Heierstad (Red.), Forebygging Inger Marie Sunde , chief of staff and av radikalisering og voldelig Nytt fra PHS Forskning is a operations manager) understand ekstremisme: Norske handle- regular column in Politiforum, the concept of ‘learning by måter i møtet med terror (s. the members’ journal of the doing’, and discusses the findings 133–151). Oslo: Gyldendal. Norwegian Police Federation. Its in light of Dewey’s theory on

20 Hoel, L. & Barland, B. (2017). Store endringer kommer på kattepoter: En evaluering av stabs- og lederutviklingsprogrammet på Politihøgskolen (PHS Research 2017:2). Oslo: PHS.; Hoel, L., Barland, B. & Lillevik, M. (2019). Ville ikke vært det foruten: Evaluering av Stabs- og lederutviklingsprogrammet ved Politihøgskolen (PHS Research 2019:1). Oslo: PHS.

59 learning by doing as well as conscious of the role played by that the police in the north of the other relevant organisational the police in the deportation of country had a different way of research in the field. The study Jews. Much of what happened at operating from what we know of also examines the conditions of the time is shrouded in silence. police methods in other places, for learning by doing, and concrete The general view seems to be that example in Oslo. initiatives which may be carried most of it happened in and around This study is in the main based out in order to reinforce learning Oslo, and some in . on archive material and local by doing in crisis management. The role of the police in the historical records. Frantzen has The article “A lesson to learn? in Oslo and Akershus, so far studied literature, searched A study of how various police and to some extent in the larger in the public archives in Tromsø leaders understand the concept towns in Southern Norway, is well and Trondheim and the National of ‘learning from experiences’” is documented in various studies.21 Archives, and had conversations expected to be published during This project examines the with local historians. the first quarter of 2020. role of the police in the actions against Jews in Northern Norway, The role and work The role of the police: where several Jews lived, were of the police in a digital society Deportation of Jews from registered, and from where they Inger Marie Sunde Northern Norway 1942–43 were deported. None of the The role and work of the police Evy Frantzsen Jews deported from Northern in a digital society – “digital po- In 2012, the Head of the Norway survived. Did any of licing” – is a priority area for PHS Norwegian Police Directorate, them escape? Did they get help? and includes work in the fields of Odd Reidar Humlegård, officially Were any of them interned by the research, education and devel- apologised to Norwegian Jews ? Was anyone warned, opment. The research deals with for the involvement of the police and if so, how? There is not much topics in the possible conflict in the and deportation of knowledge of the role of the ordi- zone between on the one hand Jews to the German concentration nary police in Northern Norway, the expectation of a reasonable camps in 1942–43. However, it with the exception of a piece of degree of efficiency in preventive is not clear to what extent the work22 on Jews living in and de- and investigative police methods, police in the whole of Norway are ported from Tromsø. It is possible and on the other the requirement 21 See e.g. Johansen, P. O. (Ed.). (2006). På siden av rettsoppgjøret. Oslo: Unipub.; Refseth, J. S. (2016). Politiets fortidsbearbeidelse: Okkupasjonshistorien i det norske politiets egne framstillinger 1945–2015 (Masteroppgave). University of Oslo, Oslo. 22 Broberg, H. (2014). Da byen ble stille. Tromsø: Margbok.

60 to uphold the rule of law and in Education (NOKUT) for the in-field training in 2018. recognise fundamental rights. period 2014–2020. Paulsen has focused on data The interdisciplinary research Results from the project will collection in 2019. He is carrying group “The Police in a Digital be published in journals as out this study as part of the Society” (p. 68) was established articles and as a report in the project “Kartlegginger av moralske in order to stimulate research in series PHS Research. The project utfordringer blant politistudenter this field. period is 2018–2021. i praksisåret” (Mapping moral An important activity in 2019 challenges among police students was the Nordic Cybercrime Con- The moral perception during in-field training). ference in October – a conference of police students for Nordic researchers who, from Jens Erik Paulsen & Jon Strype Police educators’ planning various academic disciplines, are The purpose of the project and facilitating for examining the significance of “The moral perception of police coherence and relevance technological development for students” is to study whether – and Marie-Louise Damen the crime picture, the role of the if so, how – the moral attitudes of & Anne Kathrine Hagen police and the handling of crim- police students change during the Much of the research into coher- inal cases. Participants strongly course of their in-field training ence in police education is directed agreed that it is important to (B2). For this purpose we have towards how the students experi- organize similar conferences for obtained permission to use a ques- ence connections. In this project police staff in the future.. tionnaire which was previously we examine the police educators’ used by understanding and experience Police students: under the leadership of Professor of coherence and its relevance Student satisfaction Jonathan Haidt (New York Univer- in police education. We ask how and learning outcomes sity). The questionnaire has been police educators contribute to Jon Strype translated into Norwegian and is creating a meaningful connection This project examines how currently being tested. The first between theoretical knowledge police students perceive their pilot study has been carried out, and professional practice for own study situation. Data for the and adjustments to the question- Norwegian police students through study are provided by the student naire were made following the first their teaching practice and various barometer of the Norwegian follow-up study of the 2nd year learning activities. Agency for Quality Assurance students who returned from their

61 A centenary of police to stimulate R&D projects that Politiutdanningen 100 år. education in 2020 illuminate the development of Innlegg på medlemsmøte for Vanja L. Sørli (project leader), police education, dissemination in Norsk politihistorisk selskap, Marit Egge peer-reviewed channels, podcasts PHS, Oslo. & Hjørdis Birgitte Ellefsen and reports, as well as at the PHS Egge, M., Ellefsen, H. B., The project marks the centenary Research Conference 2021 and Sørli, V.L., (2019, 2. desember) of education in arrangements at Litteraturhuset Presentasjon for Justisdeparte- Norway. Much has happened and the study sites in 2020 and mentet. PHS, Oslo. since 1920, when continuing 2021. education became available to Participants in this project The effect of physical fitness, council-employed in the are current and retired staff sleep, diet and quality of life on St. Hanshaugen neighbourhood from PHS and the police, Norsk police shift work in Oslo. The courses lasted three Politihistorisk Selskap (Police Espen Gjevestad (project leader) months and had 24 constables at a historical society), academic staff & Asle Makoto Sandvik time. Today there are around 2000 at the University of Oslo, OsloMet, The aim of the project is to police undergraduates and around the Holocaust Centre. The project increase knowledge about how 3000 police officers receiving period is 2018–2021. working-rotating shifts affects continuing education every year at the health of individual officers the various PHS campuses in Oslo, Dissemination 2019: on police patrol. Bodø, Stavern and Kongsvinger. Egge, M., Ellefsen, H. B., Sørli, V. The concept ‘good health’ The aim of the project is to con- L., (2019, 8. april) Kick off-se- is many-faceted. The degree solidate, develop and disseminate minar for jubileumsantologien. of ‘good health’ in this project knowledge about police education KRUS, Lillestrøm. will be examined by looking at in the past, present and future. Sørli, V. L., (2019, 16. oktober) the following factors: physical The purpose is partly to increase Jubileumsprosjektet. Presenta- fitness, maximum strength, body the understanding of what police sjon for Politihøgskolens styre. composition. blood pressure, education means for the police (2019, 16. oktober). PHS, Oslo. sleep quality, diet and quality of and society, and partly to reinforce Ellefsen, H. B., Egge, M., Leirvik, life. Mental strength will also be the shared identity of colleagues M. S., Damen, M.-L., Sørli, V. charted. Increased knowledge in as police educators. The project L., Valaker, G. N. & Wathne, this field will be advantageous is among other things intended C. T. (2019, 14. november). to police education and will

62 contribute to our understanding study programmes in Norway. The project will lead to a of how to reduce the possible The study provides a unique monograph. The end date of the increased strain of shift work for opportunity for comparative project is 1 August 2020. each individual. analysis, and several articles The project period is have already been published. Storytelling in the police 2017–2021. An anthology edited by Tore Bjørn Barland Bjørgo and Marie-Louise Damen The project is an ethnographic Recruitment, education and a with contributors from several analysis of how storytelling affects career in the police: A European European countries will be how the police perceive the carry- comparative and longitudinal published in March 2020. ing of firearms. The project builds study (RECPOL) on interviews with police officers Tore Bjørgo (C-REX/Professor II The rule of law and emergency about their experiences of the tem- PHS) & Marie-Louise Damen Steinar Fredriksen porary arming of the Norwegian Using questionnaires, this In the project “The rule of law police. The project problematises study follows police students and emergency” three main the fact that politicians do not through three phases: when issues are examined: want a generally armed police they start their course, when • On which legal basis can force, but the police themselves they graduate, and three and norms about necessity as an have a clear wish to be generally (possibly) six years into their authority to intervene be built armed. This has become a situation professional career. This enables in Norwegian law? where the police must legitimise us to understand how the police • What are the norms about a view which is not supported students’ attitudes, values and necessity? outside the police. Police attempt views in terms of the profession • What are the limits set by the to create this legitimacy through are shaped by their studies and Norwegian constitution and storytelling. their encounters with working international human rights The project is a follow-up life. The study is being carried frameworks for the right of of previous publications23 on out in several European countries government agencies to invoke the arming of the Norwegian with different systems of police jus necessitates as authority police and is expected to end in training, and in many academic for intervention? November 2020. 23 Thomassen, G., Skjevrak, P. E., Strype, J., Barland, B. & Myhrer, T.-G. (2019). Alltid våpen i tjenesten?: Politiets holdning til bevæpning (PHS Research 2019:2). Oslo: PHS.; Barland, B., Høivik, J., Myhrer, T.-G. & Thomassen, G. (2017). «Som før, men tryggere»: Politiets vurdering av 14 måneders midlertidig bevæpning (PHS Research 2017:3). Oslo: PHS.

63 The course “An introduction to modules with the following In 2016, the former UN leadership” workflow: reading of syllabus rapporteur on torture, Juan E. Ragnhild Holm, Emma Villmann literature, watching videos, Mendez, presented his report (senior research fellow at Helsinki doing practical assignments, an- to the General Assembly. This University) & Maren Skjelbreidalen swering reflective assignments led to the initiation of a process The project group has devel- and online discussions as well as to develop a universal set of oped the online course “An in- taking part in obligatory online standards for interviewing troduction to police leadership” meetings. The course demanded methods, with the emphasis which is worth ten ECTS credits. that the students chose one of on human rights. Through the It was completed for the first the observations/conversations iIIRG network the research time in Autumn 2018. with a leader, wrote a reflective department at PHS has contrib- 75 students were enrolled in piece around this and shared it uted academic input to, and an Autumn 2019. They met for a in the core group. There were international overview of, on- two-day group meeting at PHS also video meetings where the going research as well as input in Oslo before embarking on assignments were discussed one on interviewing and the training the actual online course. The by one. The core group mem- of police interviewers. There is students were organised into bers helped each other with the a desire for PHS to continue its three smaller groups. Maren understanding and analysis of academic contributions to the Skjelbreidalen was responsible the observations based on the project through its role in the for one of them and Ragnhild theory linked to the modules. iIIRG steering group. Holm for the other two. Core In this way, theory and practice groups of four people who were were linked and discussed. Lectures 2019: to cooperate during the course Finally, in order to be allowed Myklebust, T. & Oxburgh, G. were established at the group to sit the exam, the students (2019, February). Intervi- meeting. had to hand in their reflective ewing vulnerable and/or reluc­ The course is built on proac- assignment to the teacher for tant witnesses. Paper at the tive forms of learning where the approval. conference Quality Control participants observe and talk to in Criminal Investigations, the leaders in their organisation Universal standards for Centre for International Law nine times during the 12-week non-coercive interviewing Research and Policy, New duration of the course. The and procedural safeguards Delhi. course was structured into nine Trond Myklebust

64 Becoming a police officer – A The project is due to end in proportion of time allocated longitudinal study of professional December 2020. to research and are therefore development and professional not entitled to apply to the socialisation through the Publication 2019: R&D committee. The Research education and experiences of Hoel, L. (2019). Police students’ Department is responsible for police superintendents experiences of participation the Masters programmes at PHS, Linda Hoel & Tina Handegård and relationships during thus securing the link between This project is a two-part study. in-field training.Police Practice Masters degrees and research. Part one studies the experiences and Research. had by police students during 0/15614263.2019.1664302 The R&D Committee their in-field training, with par- R&D work shall at all times ticular focus on the importance be carried out in the various of their training supervisor for Increasing and educational departments at PHS. their learning and socialisation. Retaining the Proportion All staff in permanent teaching The study is based on in-depth of Academic Staff with positions are entitled to time for interviews with twelve police Research Competence R&D every three years, and are students. Research is currently being obliged to complete R&D work Part two of the study examines carried out in all academic every five years. Since 2012, the experiences of twelve police departments at PHS. Senior staff in senior lecturer posts have superintendents after three lecturers on the undergraduate been entitled to 25 % R&D. It years’ service, with particular and post-graduate programmes is an expressed goal for PHS to regard to their understanding have 25 % of their time allocated increase the proportion of staff of the role of the police in the to research, but may apply to the with senior lecturer competence, transition from student to police R&D committee to increase this and a number of university college officer. This part of the study is percentage. University college lecturers have been granted R&D based on in-depth interviews lecturers with no research time resources in order to attain higher with the same informants who may apply to the committee for qualifications. participated in the first part time to undertake R&D projects The R&D committee at PHS on the experiences of police or to complete a PhD. PHS also allocates resources for one students during their in-field has its own Research Depart- academic year at a time. In 2019 it training. ment, where staff have a larger allocated resources corresponding

65 to 9. 25 full-time equivalents. The Kjendlie, Head of the Research tactics, decision-making, simula- majority of funds were allocated Department Haavard M. Reksten tion in training, arrest techniques, to five staff members qualifying and Vice Principal Tor Tanke sport, physical fitness and health, to become senior lecturers and to Holm, who heads the committee. as well as requirements and ten PhD projects. In addition, the In August Morten Holmboe capacity analysis of operational R&D committee granted resources replaced Reksten, and Kjendlie personnel. to 12 different research projects. took over as leader. Senior Our aim is to create a strong The period also witnessed a wide Advisor Bodil Stabell Haug is the research environment for opera- range of themes both in PhD and committee secretary. tional policing which contributes research projects; however what to developing PHS as a leading they all in their various ways Research Groups interdisciplinary research institu- have in common is that they are The research groups at PHS tion in fields directly relating to directed towards the police and were established in 2016. One the operational work of the police. policing. The R&D committee of the objectives of the groups At the end of 2019 the group also granted funding to nine is to strengthen the academic had a total of 17 members. The research groups for the academic environment at PHS across the majority are from PHS, but there year 2019–2020 (more on these various departments and sites. are also external members from below). More information about Work is now well under way, and other organisations. The group’s the research groups is presented many of the groups are working external collaboration partners on the PHS website. on concrete projects. are: In 2019 the R&D committee • The Operational Psychology consisted of Professor Paul Operational Policing Research Group at the Faculty Larsson, Associate Professor Tina The group is led by Associate of Psychology, University of Luther Handegård, Associate Professor Asle M. Sandvik Bergen. Professor Steinar Fredriksen, This is an interdisciplinary • National Defence University, Senior Lecturer Hugo Hansen, research group focusing on Washington D.C., USA. University College Lecturer operational policing in the area of • Physical Medicine and Rehabi- and Research Fellow Kristina public order and emergency pre- litation Clinic, Kysthospitalet Kepinska Jakobsen, Associate paredness. Our areas of research at Stavern, Vestfold Hospital. Professor Vanja Lundgren Sørli, include stress, stress mastery, • Regional Centre for Research Head of Department Per Ludvik perception, situational awareness, and Education in Forensic

66 Psychiatry and Psychology, studies of both national and of the population, and the Bergen. international policing. consequences this may have for • Bjørknes University College, The group conducts research the legitimacy of both the police Oslo. and development on the police as and the state. • School of Economics a profession, its organisation and The research group members and Political Science, England. how it is managed. The aim is to are involved in several projects increase knowledge about factors which examine the outcomes Organisation and Management affecting the actual work of the and consequences of the Group led by Assistant Chief police, from their educational Community Police Reform, and Constable Trond Myklebust, journeys to police officers and have been active contributors Professor Brita Bjørkelo managers. This knowledge will to the work of the Norwegian & Associate Professor Linda Hoel provide concrete contributions Agency for Public Management The research group consists of to the question of how they can and eGovernment (Difi) on researchers, staff qualifying as carry out their work in society, evaluation of the reform. senior lecturers, Masters and both nationally and internation- Through several publications PhD students as well as indi- ally. and lectures in 2019, the vidual researchers from other, research group members have collaborating institutions. This Police Reform contributed to an enlightened is an interdisciplinary group. Its Group led by Associate Professor public debate about the members have both practical and H. Birgitte Ellefsen consequences of the Community academic backgrounds from the The aim of the research group Police Reform for the police and police, psychology, sociology, Police Reform is to contribute society. The report of Filstad political science, education, to demonstrating how present and Karp, Ledelse, implement- criminology, professional prac- and past reforms in Norway ering, effekter og resultater av tice, practical knowledge and and other countries affect nærpolitireformen, which was economics. The research group the police and society. The published in January 2019, operates at an independent level group examines how reforms received widespread attention and is not linked to a particular affect the role, tasks, working from both media and politi- research project. methods and problem- solving cians. This was also the case for The research areas comprise of the police, how they affect the report Nærpolitireformen og all parts of the sector and include the welfare, safety and security politiets relasjon til publikum by

67 Wathne, Gundhus and Talberg, research is to further develop Professor Joshua M. Phelps & Seni- which was published in spring theory and practice related to or Research Fellow Nina Sunde 2019. investigation strategies, interview The police operate in an ever The research group has an methods, decision-making, more complex and changing extensive foreign network, and psychological factors, treatment world. The growth of technolo- has presented and discussed of informants, quality dimensions, gy affects the safety of our soci- research results at a series of standardisation and professional- ety, the extent and geographical conferences, seminars and isation, work ethic, miscarriage of reach of criminality and the network events in Norway and justice and human rights, among methods and tools of the police. abroad in 2019. others. The police is required “contin- The group’s members represent uously to develop their ways Police Investigation Methods all PHS sites, and thus link the of working and to be prepared Group led by Police Bachelor studies with the Contin- and equipped to encounter the Superintendent Ivar Fahsing uing Education Programme. The unexpected”24. This research group focuses in group has around 30 internal and The focus of this research particular on research on police external members from a series group is to contribute to the investigation methods in order to of collaboration partners, among positive development of the achieve increased transparency, them Oslo Police District, Kripos, police at a time when both clarity and methodological the Faculty of Law (University of basic values and human rights, development in a somewhat Bergen), the Norwegian Centre national jurisdiction and legal closed and new research field. for Human Rights (University safeguards are being challenged The methodological perspective of Oslo), University College by global sensor and commu- is multi-disciplinary and Copenhagen (Denmark), Linnæus nications systems, artificial ranges from phenomenological University (Sweden), the Uni- intelligence and an omnipresent philosophy to practical policing, versity of Uppsala (Sweden) and Internet. This is an interdisci- emphasising e.g. the theoretical, OsloMet. plinary research group, which psychological, digital, epistemo- is reflected in the backgrounds logical and ethical dimensions in The police in a digital society (PIDS) of its leaders (law, social psy- the crime investigation methods Group led by Professor Inger Marie chology, policing/criminology), of the police. The purpose of the Sunde. Its vice-chairs are Associate looking at all aspects of policing

24 PHS (2016). Strategi 2017-2021. Oslo: PHS.

68 in society. The members are that connection established an role of the police in society and from PHS, the University of Oslo academic editorial team. The the blurring of the distinction (the Faculty of Law and the Fac- special issue will be published in between proactive and reactive ulty of Social Sciences) and the August 2020. police methods have not been Norwegian University of Science given the attention they deserve and Technology (NTNU) at Changing police methods in the field of police research. Gjøvik. Other participants are Group led by researcher There is therefore a need for a police staff with a doctorate or a Siv Rebekka Runhovde new conceptual and theoretical relevant Masters degree or who The role of the police is framework in order to get a are preparing for PhDs. Many changing. Traditionally, crime better understanding of this of the researchers participate in prevention and investigation shift in police work. international research projects. have been separate areas. Today Questions which will be The most important activities the police are expected to be on discussed in this research group of this research group in 2019 top of things and to work both are: were, in addition to academic proactively and reactively at the • How is the blurring of the dis- meetings, the publication of same time on many different tinction between prevention, the anthology Det digitale er types of crime. This requires the intelligence and investigation et hurtigtog!: Vitenskapelige police to have knowledge about empirically manifested in perspektiver på politiarbeid, public disorder and potential ­police practice? digitalisering og teknologi crime which is being planned • How can hybrid forms of po- (The digital express train) and and is being committed. In lice strategies be understood, the arrangement of the Nordic this connection, intelligence, and what distinguishes them Cybercrime Conference (24–25 proactive investigation and from the more traditional ty- October). The anthology and crime analysis become greatly pes of policing? the conference are described in important. Technological de- • What are the implications more detail in the introduction. velopment and the digitisation of a possible shift, both on a (p. 9). The group also took of society also pose fresh chal- practical level and in relation the initiative for the special lenges for the police. Dilemmas to legal questions? issue Artificial Intelligence and and questions which arise in It is the aim of the research Policing in the Nordic Journal connection with the use of new group to examine the practical of Studies in Policing, and in methods of policing, the new and normative consequences of

69 this shift in police work, as well knowledge is missing, and thus central part of the research focus as any dilemmas and questions help to gain important insights in the project “A matter of facts: which arise. The ambition is to into police practice which is vital Flows of knowledge through dig- contribute to the development of for the development of organi- italized police practices” (p. 10) , theory by discussing empirically sational learning and knowledge which is funded by the Research based knowledge. The goal is production. Developing the Council of Norway (NFR). When re-conceptualisation and theo- potential for using these data this project gets up and running retical innovation. The research registers is an extension of some it will be in close collaboration group will invite external projects already initiated at PHS, with the project and the research participants – both researchers, and exemplifies methodical pio- group PolReg. academic police staff and prac- neering work in police science. titioners – to discuss empirical This research group is a meeting Police, law and society findings in the light of this. place between researchers and Group led by Associate Professor practitioners who use police Sverre Flaatten Police registers (PolReg) registers as data sources in their The research group is currently Group led by Associate Professor work, and researchers from organising 25 researchers. They Johanne Yttri Dahl different institutions. The group also arrange the annual open The purpose of the research includes members from PHS, the lecture “The Oslo Lecture in group PolReg is to (further) Central Bureau of Statistics at Society and Policing”. In 2019 it develop the potential for the University of Oslo, OsloMet, was given by Professor Emeritus using data from the police’s own the Norwegian Institute of Public John Kleinig of John Jay College registers for research purposes. Health, Oslo Police District of Criminal Justice in New York. There are several police registers, and the Police Directorate. The The title of his lecture was “Ends such as STRASAK, BL, eDNA, PO, research group facilitated inter- and means of policing”. Indicia, AFIS and AGENT, which disciplinary and inter-agency The new elective course “Poli- contain data representing an collaboration in a field which ti- og påtalerett” (Police and the exciting and relatively little used will contribute to knowledge and right to prosecute) was offered source for researchers. Data from knowledge development relevant for the first time by the Depart- these registers can contribute to to the police, police science and ment of Public and International opening so-called “black boxes”, the field of criminal policy. Law (IOR) at the Faculty of Law, i.e. areas where systematised Police registers will be a University of Oslo in Autumn

70 2019. One of our internal group Erik Paulsen and Trond Kyrre research group members, among members, Associate Professor Simensen published “General- them Birgitte Ellefsen and Marit Steinar Fredriksen, contributed istens rolle i etterretningsstyrt Egge. to the design of the academic politiarbeid” in the journal Henning Kaiser Klatran is course content, and also gave Nordisk politiforskning in 2019. working on the project “Hate two lectures on the topic. Steinar Fredriksen is in crime against LGBTIQ-persons: One ongoing research the final phase of the project Subjectivation, co-citizenship project in the group is “Metodisk “Rettsstat og nødtilstand” and homo nationalism” (p. 53). verdibasert evaluering av (p. 63) which is due to result in a Klatran published the article politiarbeid” (p. 58) by Jens monograph with the same title. “‘Jeg prøver å fremstå så mandig Erik Paulsen, who in this Sverre Flaatten is working on som jeg kan’: Fornærmelse, connection published the article the project “Kontroll av kapital: subjektivering og motstand blant “A Values-based Methodology in Politifrie rom og strafferettens LGBTIQ-personer” in the journal Policing” in the journal Nordic stra­tegiske utgangspunkt” (p. 56). Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning in Journal of Applied Ethics in In 2019, his published work 2019. 2019. included the article “Laws of Another project is “Kan polit- the economy: Decriminalizing Police education, learning istudentens evne til å bygge tillit business transgressions in the environment and students (PULS) hos utsatte grupper styrkes gjen- late 19th century” in the journal Group led by Associate Professor nom digitale læremidler?” (p.55) Management & Organizational Marie-Louise Damen by Jens Erik Paulsen, Joshua History. In 2020, Flaatten is PULS is a meeting-place for Marvle Phelps, Trond Kyrre working on an archive study researchers, administrators and Simensen and Rick Trinkner of “ØKOKRIM”-cases. Flaatten practitioners who base their work (Arizona State University). This also spent time talking about on police educational research. project is a collaboration with economic crime to the police The purpose of this research Arizona State University, which force in 2019. group is to facilitate collabora- will contribute knowledge of how Vanja Lundgren Sørlie led the tion and competence-sharing digital teaching material affect work on the PHS centenary (p. 62). in PHS research on police the students’ confidence-building In this connection, a scientific education, learning environment ability, particularly in their con- anthology will be published with and police students. Seminars tact with vulnerable groups. Jens contributions from several of the are organised to discuss current

71 R&D projects on police educa- to good learning” (Raaheim, and Research Management tion, learning environment and 2011, p. 56)26. Research-based (BALANSE) for the project students. The group is not linked teaching presupposes that police “Building competence to retain to any specific research projects educators know who the police competence / Fix the system or a single educational pathway. students are, and how they learn, and achieve unique institutional According to the government in order to enable them to solve goals” (FIKS). The completion strategy for educational research problems and also live up to the report from the project showed 2020–202425, this type of intention of lifelong learning however that increasing the research includes R&D on as professional practitioners. number of female professors teaching and learning, education R&D projects carried out by had not happened as quickly content and assessment types, members of the PULS group aim as expected. One reason for professional education and to contribute to research-based this is the time allocated to professional practice, educa- teaching at PHS. research, and the distinctive tional technology, management, quality of PHS as an institution. leadership and organisation of Qualifying Groups A new application was sent by the educational sector and the PHS has for several years worked PHS to the Research Council’s role of the education system in hard to increase the proportion BALANSE programme in 2018 society and the workplace. This of academic staff with senior for support to a project which also includes research on the lecturer competence, including would delve a bit deeper into educational system as an arena increasing the number of the topic. There was a large for integration. professors/senior lecturers in number of applications for Systematic research on police general and the number of fe- support from BALANSE and the education and police students male professors/senior lecturers PHS 2018 application was sadly is also necessary in order to in particular. not successful. meet both internal and external During the period 2015– In Autumn 2018 a collabora- demands for, and expectations 2018, PHS received support tion was initiated between PHS, of, research-based teaching. from the Research Council of the University College of the Teaching which is built on “what Norway’s programme Gender Norwegian Correctional Service research has demonstrated, leads Balance in Senior Positions (KRUS) and the Norwegian De- 25 Ministry of Education and Research. (2020). Forskning, kunnskapsmegling og bruk: Strategi for utdanningsforskning 2020–2024. Oslo: Ministry of Education and Research. 26 Raaheim, A. (2011). Læring og undervisning. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

72 fence University College (FHS) groups, managers from the research and publishing activity, on common professor and institutions as well as external organisation and prioritisation docent qualifying groups. The participants interested in the of their own activities, and help responsibility for running this research at the institutions. with writing applications for collaboration has been given promotion to professorship when to a coordination group with The professorship the time is right. representatives from PHS, KRUS qualifying groups A joint “guided retreat” was and FHS, as well as Professor Led by Professor Emerita Liv Fin- arranged in May 2019. A total of Emerita Liv Finstad (UiO). In stad (University of Oslo) ten participants from PHS, FHS 2019, KRUS was responsible for Four of the professorship qual- and KRUS took part, supervised leading the coordination group, ifying groups were continued by Professor Annick Prieur. which met six times throughout into 2019. Twenty-one associate the year. The main items on the professors from PHS, ten from The docent qualifying group agenda for these meetings were FHS and three from KRUS par- Led by Associate Professor Harald the running of the qualifying ticipated in these groups. Each of Jarning (University of Oslo) groups, a ”guided retreat”, a the groups have had two group A docent qualifying group was joint seminar, and changes to meetings in 2019. established in 2018. There are the regulation on promotion. The purpose of the groups is three participants from PHS, There has also been a mutual to provide academic support and three from KRUS and one from exchange of information on the motivation to the participants in FHS. organisation of, and commit- their qualifying round and help There was little activity in the ment to, research activity at the them to apply for promotion group during 2019 because of respective institutions. “at the right time”. The aim is difficulties with coordinating In Autumn 2019, the for the groups to be an arena joint meeting times. The group coordination group for the for developing an academic was invited to the “guided collaboration arranged a joint profile and to clarify how every retreat” as well as to the joint seminar with the main topic individual’s research activity is seminar on R&D collaboration. “Research and collaboration relevant to PHS, KRUS, FHS and The coordinating group hopes between KRUS, FHS and PHS”. the police and correctional ser- to appoint a new supervisor for The seminar was aimed at the vices. Participants in the groups the group from 2020. participants in the qualifying are given advice and support on

73 The senior lecturer group In 2019 only one joint group • Charlotte Berg Aas: “Kunn- Led by Senior Lecturer meeting was held in addition to skapsbasert politiarbeid i den Tore Rokkan, University College individual feedback and contact nye politiorganisasjonen”. of the Norwegian Correctional between the group members. • Cecilie Torvik: Evaluering av Service (KRUS) This meeting was organised fordypningsoppgave i operativ The senior lecturer group is as a writing workshop, where tjeneste i praksisåret: Hvordan an arena for academic staff at the language consultant and skape meningsfulle sammen- PHS and KRUS wishing to obtain textbook author Aage Rogsaa henger mellom teori og prak- promotion to senior lecturer. The from Fremgang AS held a writing sis?”. aim of the group is to motivate course directed towards academ- • Karsten O. F. Ingvaldsen: “Det and support academic staff in ic texts and articles. Many of the pedagogiske grunnlaget for their R&D work. The group is group participants also took part sosiologiundervisningen”. also a resource in the develop- in the joint seminar on research • Maya Brenna Nielsen: “Digita- ment of profile documents and and research collaboration be- le læringsressurser”. senior lecturer applications, and tween PHS, KRUS and FHS at the • Vidar Skogvoll (KRUS): Work a forum for sharing experiences end of September. The seminar on the profiling document from such processes. also discussed whether the group “Hva tjener evig skapen i det The senior lecturer group of candidates from FHS could blinde, når det skapte skal meets 2-3 times per year with participate in the group. forsvinne?”. relevant lectures, introductions The participants in the senior • Per Christian Granheim and discussions on current topics lecturer group and their projects (KRUS): “Fengselsbetjenten: linked to the promotion process are: Kvalifisering og profesjon”. and senior lecturer competence. • Ragnhild Holm: “Pedagogisk This is not a complete picture At these group meetings the forsknings- og utviklings- of the work of the senior lecturer participants are also expected to arbeid med særlig vekt på group participants; many of present their own work and the studentaktive læringsformer them are working on one or more development of the work. Group og digitalt arbeid”. Approved research and/or development participants support each other, as senior lecturer 23 August projects in addition to their work and the group leader gives indi- 2019. on profile documentation and vidual feedback and supervision • Anne Kathrine Hagen: “Veiled- possible promotion applications. between the group meetings. ning og evaluering”.

74 The PhD group • Working on PhD dissertations dence in criminal investigations. Led by Associate in the police, led by Heidi The focus is on tools used to Professor Jon Strype Fischer Bjelland, Kripos. secure computers that are active The PhD group is an offer to all • Course in digital studying and thus has content which staff working on doctoral theses techniques led by Marianne is continually changing. The at PHS. The objective of the PhD Hagelia, Østfold University thesis statement is to develop group is to offer a learning en- College. techniques and methods which vironment which will stimulate • Managing challenging attenti- will be able to verify data even and support work on doctoral on around one’s own research, if the original data are changed dissertations, as well as offer led by Ingvild Magnæs Gjels- during the process of recovering our PhD candidates an academic vik, PHS and Sandra Magnus- them. community based on police sen, PHS. research. This is done through Facing complexity: text seminars and discussions Police officers’ reasoning and about relevant topics such as the Doctoral Projects at PHS response to human trafficking thesis statement, method, writ- The projects are presented Heidi Fischer Bjelland, Institute of ing process and other challenges alphabetically according to the Sociology and Social Geography, linked to the work towards a research fellow surname. Unless Faculty of Social Sciences, doctorate. In addition to internal otherwise stated, the projects are University of Oslo and mutual peer work, the group funded by PHS. The project examines the work of also invites senior researchers to the police in the field of human contribute with their expertise, Creation and evaluation of live trafficking. The aim of the project e.g. in connection with final data forensic testbed software is to examine how the Norwegian seminars for those in the final Senior Research Fellow Ulf police deal with the global writing phase of their PhDs. At Bergum. Faculty for Social and phenomenon of human traffick- the end of 2019 the group had Applied Sciences, Canterbury ing and what challenges this 17 members. The PhD group had Christ Church University, UK. ever-changing crime field pose four group meetings in 2019, all The project takes a closer look for the local police organisation. of them in Oslo. at the validation of computer Using analysis of interviews and A snapshot of this year’s technology tools which are used internal police investigations and meetings: for the collection of digital evi- prosecution data, the study looks

75 at practices linked to identifica- such regulatory instruments in shown that money laundering tion, investigation and case out- order to prevent and uncover can only be combatted with come in reported cases of human profit-motivated crime in a more the involvement of the private trafficking. In addition, the appropriate way. sector. This begs the question of study examines inter-agency and Proceeds from crime are how best to regulate and enforce interdisciplinary collaboration different from profit from legal anti-money laundering initiatives in the field of human trafficking activities in that the former in order to encourage compliance and the potential coordination cannot be spent in the legal with the Money Laundering Act. difficulties that may arise in economy without the origin of this kind of collaboration. The the money being uncovered. Police patrol officers’ project was financed by PHS, Money laundering is a method encounters with children who the Department of Justice and used by criminals in order to live with domestic violence: A Public Security, and the Police disguise the origin and real phenomenological study of police Directorate. Bjelland presented ownership of money by making patrol practice her thesis in 2019. the proceeds from crime appear Oddbjørg Edvardsen, PhD pro- to have been derived from a gramme in Professional Practice Regulated entities: legitimate source. There is an Studies, Nord University. Gatekeepers or professional element of money laundering in The study examines police enablers of money laundering? practically all profit-motivated practice in encounters with Senior Research Fellow Anne crime. Criminals need the help children in operations where Marthe Bjønness, Norwegian of “gatekeepers” of the financial there is a suspicion of domestic School of Economics. system in order to position the violence. Fifteen experienced The aim of this PhD project is proceeds of crime in the legal police sergeants with practical to gain better insights into the economy through financial trans- experience from three different risks of money laundering and a actions. Such gatekeepers, all towns in Norway were inter- better understanding of the mo- with a reporting obligation, are viewed about their encounters tivation of those with a reporting bound by the Money Laundering with children in such cases. The obligation to comply with their Act and include banks, securities questions the project has sought duty in accordance with money firms, estate agents, auditors, to answer are what, in the police laundering legislation. This will accountants and lawyers. Recent officers’ experience, constitutes contribute to the adaption of money laundering scandals have appropriate help for children

76 exposed to violence, and what perspective which is so central to the various actors involved. The are the challenges and problems the authorities’ target-oriented police were among those who which arise in the patrol officers’ management of police resources, were severely criticised, and as a encounters with the children. contributes to the protection result of the 22 July attacks we The dissertation shows of children from violence and have seen a shift in the police to- the role and importance the abuse. Another important ques- wards an emphasis on increased authorities have given police tion is how the work of police emergency preparedness. patrol officers in revealing, patrol officers can safeguard Having a police force ready to stopping and preventing violence children’s rights and their need handle potential terror attacks is against children, based on the for care and protection, as set of vital importance, however it legislation, conventions and out in the UN Convention on the is equally, if not more, important guidelines that the work of the Rights of the Child. for the police to be one step police is subjected to. Police Edvardsen presented her ahead and to prevent various practice in the encounters with thesis in 2019. forms of violent extremism. Pre- children is illuminated from vention is a primary strategy in a humanist and social science The role of the police in preventing the police reform, and radicalisa- perspective. The data renders violent extremism in Norway: tion and violent extremism have visible how interpersonal and Opportunities, limitations and a high priority. Central questions relational circumstances, which dilemmas in policy and practice in this regard are “What is the arise between the police officers, Senior Research Fellow Ingvild actual role and mandate of the the child and the family when Magnæs Gjelsvik, Department police and their instruments in the police arrive at the child’s of Political Science, University of preventing radicalisation and home, affect the police officers’ Oslo. violent extremism?” “What are ability to act. Questions about In the aftermath of the 22 the opportunities, limitations the culture and knowledge-base July attacks many fundamental and dilemmas faced by the police of the police and questions about discussions arose around the in this work?”. To answer these the organisation, management question “How could this hap- questions, Gjelsvik is conducting and interaction with other sup- pen?”. Several investigations and fieldwork and interviews with port agencies are also discussed. evaluations were initiated, with a relevant police and collaborating One important question asked in particular focus on the response agencies in different parts of the the thesis is whether the criminal and handling of the attacks by country, as well as analysing

77 texts in central policy documents. ability of the police to investigate empowerment and cooperation This PhD project is part of the criminal acts committed on are expressed and balanced in larger research project “Nordic anonymous networks, and can the treatment of prisoners in multiagency approaches to the traditional understanding in Norway. The aim of the study is handling extremism: Policies, international law of sovereignty to increase our knowledge of how perceptions and practices” (HEX- and territory be maintained empowerment and collaboration NA). HEX-NA compares different during investigations on the are played out in the treatment practices, institutional structures TOR­network when the police of incarcerated substance users and perceptions of inter-agency do not have concrete knowledge which can encourage a practice collaboration models in the of a website’s location?”. An where there is agreement between prevention of violent extremism important aim of this doctoral ideals and reality in the treatment across the Nordic countries. thesis is to use legal methodology of prisoners. to analyse and identify the rules Empowerment has become Police detectives on the TOR- of international law enforcement a key concept in modern drug network: A study on tensions for virtual jurisdiction and the treatment and rehabilitation. This between privacy and crime procedural right of the police emphasises the importance of fighting to conduct investigations of supporting substance users to be Senior Research Fellow Jeanette anonymous networks. able to cope with their own prob- Westlund Hegna, PhD programme lems and achieve (more) control at the Faculty of Law, Punishment and welfare in and agency in their own life. To University of Oslo. prisoner treatment of substance help develop empowerment, The topic of this doctoral users: A qualitative analysis of collaborative work processes, thesis is virtual jurisdiction on empowerment and collaboration in which cut across organisational anonymous networks. Hegna Norwegian drug counselling units and professional borders and examines the international Senior Research Fellow Janne H. I. which involve users in the design legal frameworks for virtual Helgesen, Department of Crimino- of services and their own change jurisdiction in investigations logy and Sociology of Law (IKRS), processes, are to be established. on the TOR­network. The main Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. The doctoral project examines research question is: “How do This doctoral project examines Norwegian drug counselling the rules of the international how modern punishment units. Such units have been legal frameworks affect the and welfare ideals about established in Norwegian prisons

78 in the past few years in order to Terrorists and targets: A How do Norwegian police train for give incarcerated substance users relationship based on bad and exercise coercive force? an adapted way of serving time intentions, limited capacities and Senior Research Fellow Steinar in prison which is anchored in risk willingness Vee Henriksen, PhD programme modern principles of punishment Cato Hemmingby, on risk management and public and welfare. The study builds on University of Stavanger security, Faculty of Social Sciences, a wide selection of data consisting This project is a study of target University of Stavanger. of focus group and individual selection by terrorists and the The overall goal of this research interviews as well as participating factors that influence the project is to develop new and observations at five drug decision-making of such actors in relevant knowledge about how the counselling units. The informants their choice of physical targets in Norwegian police exercise coercive are high-level managers in the an operational context. force in general and the use of legal and health fields, managers The study consists of three firearms in particular. A further goal in the correctional services and main parts. The first part is that the project will contribute prisons, staff working in the drug presents a theoretical and me- research-based knowledge to the counselling units (psychologists thodical model as an approach to operative education/training of the from Special Health Care, care the research question. Based on police, and also contribute to future workers and prison officers from this approach, the second part research on the Norwegian police. the prisons) as well as prisoners in provides an analysis of Anders The project consists of three five high security Norwegian drug Behring Breivik and the attacks main parts. Part one charts the counselling units. The doctoral of 22 July, with particular em- extent and characteristics of police discussion builds on scientific phasis on the planning phase and use of physical force and coercive debates on prisons, interdisci- his decisions related to the actual measures. Part two deals with plinary prison research with the targets. Finally, in the third part, police decision-making in the use of main emphasis on organisational there is an analysis of the target firearms, and part three compares sociological theory, and treatment preferences of militant Islamists basic firearms training in Norway and rehabilitation theory. operating in Western Europe. and New Zealand. The project has produced The project is financed by the The project is funded by the three articles and will conclude Ministry of Municipal Services. Ministry of Justice and Public in Spring 2020. Hemmingby presented his Security and is being written in thesis in 2019. English.

79 Interviewing the traumatised and Sociology of Law at the Associate Professor Steinar Senior Research Fellow Kristina University of Oslo. The project Fredriksen is the academic su- Kepinska Jakobsen, Department of will conclude in Spring 2019. pervisor and Associate Professor Criminology and Sociology of Law, Maria Astrup Hjort (University Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. Publication 2019: of Oslo) is co-supervisor. The The purpose of the project is to Jakobsen, K. K. (2019). Empathy project is funded by the Research gain a better understanding of in investigative interviews of Council of Norway and is part police procedure in interviews victims: How to understand of the bigger research project with traumatised individuals. it, how to measure it, and how “ArsForensica” led by the Norwe- It focuses especially on how to to do it? Police Practice and gian University of Science and set up and conduct interviews Research. Technology at Gjøvik (p. 36). in a way that considers police 4263.2019.1668789 and judicial requirements as Publications in 2019: well as the mental state of the An analysis of technological Kaltenborn, J. F. (2019). interviewee. neutrality as a starting point for Teknologinøytralitet og The data material comprises the administration of justice datakriminalitet – særlig om video recordings of 20 injured Senior Research Fellow Jul Fredrik klassifiseringen av begrepet parties, interviews with the 18 Kaltenborn, Department of Public datasystem. Tidsskrift for investigators who conducted the and International Law, Faculty of strafferett, 19(2), 148–167. interviews of the injured parties, Law, University of Oslo. and interviews with the 20 Legislation and judicial decisions 9537-2019-02-03 injured parties. are increasingly referred to ­as Kaltenborn, J. F. (2019, 4. april). The project is part of a larger ‘techno­logically neutral’. The project Når de ressurssterke ransakes. project examining the effects of systematises and finds theoretical Dagens næringsliv, Kronikk. the legal process on the mental links in such techno­logically neutral Hentet fra health of the youth of Utøya, justice, and tries to contribute innlegg/jus/politi/tidal/nar-de-ressurs- and is a collaboration between insight into advantages and dis- sterke-ransakes/2-1-579800 the Norwegian Centre for advantages of judicial decisions Violence and Traumatic Stress in criminal justice practice being Lecture in 2019: Studies (NKVTS), PHS and the made on the basis of technologically Kaltenborn, J. F. (2019, okto- Department of Criminology neutral justice. ber). Teknologinøytralitet – på

80 søken etter et bedre begrep. the Police Security Service (PST) calls about everything from Presentation at Nordic Cyber- with people whom the police non-significant to serious and crime Conference, PHS, Oslo. have concerns about in terms time- critical incidents. In her of radicalisation and violent PhD project, Lundgaard has, Dialogue in the police as a method extremism, as well as people who through comprehensive field- of crime prevention are suspected of constituting a work at police control rooms in Senior Research Fellow Elisabeth concern for people in authority. Norway and Scotland, looked Myhre Lie, Department of The dialogues and work on into the role and mandate of an Criminology and Sociology of the streets by the street patrols operation which continuously Law, Faculty of Law, to prevent intoxication and handles unpredictability and University of Oslo. crime among people under the uncertainty. This doctoral project examines age of 18. Through technology, how dialogue as a method in In her analysis, Lie looks categorisation and discretionary crime prevention work affects the at how dialogue is an identity selection processes, lack of culture and identity of the police. marker for the police, what the clarity and confusion are The methodological approach different practices described as transformed into manageable has been fieldwork, and Lie has dialogue are, how the different chunks – into what will, or will taken a closer look at the follow- units function as bridge-builders not, become police operations. ing areas of police work: between the perspectives of the In this way the control room The work of the ‘dialogue po- police and the public, as well as has a gatekeeper function. The lice’ and the chief of operations ideals and realities in the use of control room is described as with activists and others who dialogue as a method of crime both an object and a subject arrange demonstrations and prevention. of power and government. It public protests, as well as public holds a position above that of order risk supporters (football). Critical knowledge: The becoming the patrols, and it is shaped by The dialogues between rad- of meaning and decision-making control and management both icalisation contacts and people in the police control room from within the police and from whom the police have concerns Jenny Maria Lundgaard, Faculty political government, profes- about in terms of radicalisation of Law, University of Oslo. sionalisation and increased fo- and violent extremism. Operators in police control cus on emergency preparedness. The preventive dialogues of rooms answer emergency The thesis demonstrates how

81 the control room attempts to further knowledge to how cases in order to achieve an engaging create structures in order to deal involving intellectually disabled working life that promotes health with both the complexities they people are handled by the police for all employees in the police encounter every day and that and to a more consistent prac- force. which may occur in an imagined tice among the coordinators in The study uses the job future. this field. The aim of the project demands-resources model (the Lundgaard presented her is to further clarify and develop JD-R-model developed by Bakker thesis in 2019. practice. and Demerouti (2007) and fur- ther developes previous studies Police experience of intellectually Challenging and demanding work: in the field. disabled persons subjected to Operational and organizational The first article of the project abuse – with a particular look at work – demands and individual is a scoping review where the investigation and prevention and organizational resources as methods used to measure the Senior Research Fellow Karianne predictors of health and work experience of stress among Moen, PhD programme in Pro- engagement in the Norwegian police staff in many parts of the fessional Practice Studies, Nord Police Service (The Police Study) world are mapped and assessed. University. Senior Research Fellow Lillis Rab- The study will illuminate and This project examines the bing, PhD programme in Health problematise the national and practice of family and special Psychology, Department of Psycho- organisational context of the operations coordinators in logy, Faculty of Social Sciences, measurement methods. their encounters with disabled University of Oslo. people who have been subjected The project deals with specific Lectures in 2019: to abuse. The study focuses differences in working conditions Rabbing, L. & Bjørkelo, B. (2019, in particular on what the with significance for muscular februar). Challenging and coordinators experience in and skeletal pain, work engage- Demanding Work: Operative their practice in terms of what ment and coping at work among and Organisational Work – has been challenging and various employee groups in the Demands and Individual and what has been helpful for the Norwegian police. Increased Organizational Resources as intellectually disabled in police knowledge of how working Predictors of Health and Work handling of such cases. The conditions can affect the way a Engagement in the Norwegian study will be able to contribute job is done is greatly important Police Service. Presentation at

82 Policing and Society Conferen- and fabricated statements of alibi police powers, the unified police ce, Akureyri. witnesses, and how consistent force and the police-educated Rabbing, L., Lau, B. & Bjørkelo, these witness statements are. profession. Bluntly stated, the B. (2019, januar). Challenging The project aims to contribute police monopoly is in the process and Demanding work: Opera- to the research literature on of being eroded at the edges by tive and Organizational Work alibis and the statements of alibi private actors and hollowed out – Demands and Individual and witnesses. This is a little studied by personnel who have only been Organizational Resources as topic in forensic psychology. The granted limited police powers. Predictors of Health and Work project has two parts. Firstly, The overall research question Engagement in the Norwegian based on a cognitive approach to of this project is whether the Police Service. Presentasjon på lie detection, the project wishes resources available to the årssamling for forskergruppen to illuminate the strategies various disciplines of the police «Organisasjon og ledelse», used when suspects claim true monopoly are being used in an PHS, Oslo. and false alibis supported by appropriate manner. The project witnesses This knowledge will will examine this question in the Poster 2019: then be used to develop strategic following four sub-categories: Rabbing, L., Lau, B., Bjørkelo, B. interview methods that can (1) Rules and practice in the & Fostervold, K. I. (2019, mai/ potentially improve reliability areas of police monopoly and juni). assessments in individual cases. private policing. Employee Study. Posterpresen- The project is funded by PHS and (2) Rules and practice in the tasjon på EAWOP Congress the University of Gothenburg. area of limited . 2019, Torino. (3) Comparative analysis of The core and outer limit of police similar countries. How to discriminate between monopoly – privatisation and the (4) Assessments and opportuni- truthful and fabricated alibis use of limited police authority ties for Norway going forward. Senior Research Fellow Senior Research Fellow Per Håkon The project will attempt to Marthe Lefsaker Sakrisvold, Sand, PhD programme in Law, Fa- clarify the content of the internal Department of Psychology, culty of Law, University of Bergen. statutory provisions applying University of Gothenburg. Private actors and civilian per- to police monopoly and limited The project examines the sonnel with limited police au- police authority, and explain the strategies employed in truthful thority are currently challenging framework for various types of

83 civilian policing. It will also con- legal framework conditions for considerations which come to duct surveys of the extent and type operational assistance by the Nor- determine the degree to which the of civil policing and limited police wegian armed forces to the police. military may assist the police. authority in Norway. The research Such assistance to the police has The thesis deals with the follow- will clarify whether the activities at times been controversial, both ing four main research questions: are organised in accordance with in legal and political terms: from • What are the police tasks that the regulations, and shed light on the 19th century peasants’ revolt, can be executed with assistan- the extent of resources available via the Menstad conflict, other ce from the armed forces? in the different areas. The project inter-war conflicts, and the Alta • In what situations can the will then undertake comparative conflict in 1979–1981, to the police request help from the research of similar countries, debate on the role of the military armed forces? which will be included in an in the aftermath of the 22 July • What kind of assistance can overall assessment of opportunities attacks of 2011 and other recent the armed forces provide to and appropriate future solutions terror attacks. There is little the police? in Norway. Regulations will be direct regulation in Norwegian • How should this assistance be reviewed and discussed using law on this topic; one provision carried out? doctrinal legal methodology, and in the Constitution (Article 101 The thesis will first and fore- the surveys will be conducted us- third section) and a relatively most analyse the current legal ing quantitative methods. Finally, new regulation in Article 27a of situation, but will also touch assessments pertaining to legal the Police Act are two examples. on the political aspects of such policy will be undertaken. In addition there is a regulation assistance. (the Assistance Instruction) The project is funded by Oslo Military assistance to the police, which provides further details on Police District and PHS. The the- with the emphasis on issues certain aspects of such assistance. sis was handed in for assessment relating to the conditions for such However, many questions either in 2019. assistance remain unregulated or are poorly Senior Research Fellow regulated in the above-mentioned Mindset and decision-making in Kai Spurkland. Faculty of Law, provisions. The thesis will police operations University of Oslo. therefore attempt to chart the Senior Research Fellow Kristin The project looks at the other regulations, principles and Stenshol, Department of Psychoso-

84 cial Science, Faculty of Psychology, formed the basis of an article data sources were also con- University of Bergen. in the journal Politiforum on ducted with the respondents The project examines potential 3 October 2019 with the title from the same group. The data connections between mindset “Tankesett og beslutninger i material consists of scores from and decisions made in police skarpe operative situasjoner”. the survey, video recordings operational situations. The (Mindset and decision-making from the exercise with accom- project has two main parts. in operations involving critical panying completed observation The first examines the mindset situations). The article also sheets, sound recordings from of police students in opera- gave information about the debriefings and qualitative tional situations, and whether subsequent, second main interviews. The analysis of different ways of thinking can investigation. these data will form the basis of influence the police operational The first main investigation two articles. decisions that are being made was carried out in Autumn in a training scenario. If any 2019. All third-year students at The role of digital forensics connections are found between PHS in Oslo were invited to par- detectives in the construction of mindset and decision-making, ticipate. Of all the students who digital evidence these results would be the start- volunteered, 89 ended up com- Senior Research Fellow Nina ing-point of a mental training pleting all the elements of the Sunde, Department of Crimino- programme in order to support investigation. The investigation logy and Sociology in Law, decision-making processes in consisted of a survey related to Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. operational situations. The mindset and an observational Research in the field of digital testing of such a training pro- study in the training simulator forensics has for many years gramme represents the other where decisions were measured been aimed at the development main part of the project. according to predetermined of procedures, tools and In Autumn 2018 a pre-in- indicators and accompanying technologies. The role of the vestigation was carried out on debrief questions linked to digital forensics investigator has six students who tested the what the respondents were been given scant attention from measuring instruments and thinking, contemplating and researchers. design of the first main investi- doing in the exercise. Ten This project will build on gation. The qualitative findings qualitative in-depth interviews theory and methods from from this pre-investigation linked to the topics of the other social science, digital forensics

85 and cognitive psychology, and Publications 2019: Sunde, N. & Sunde, I. M. (2019, seeks to advance the theoretical Sunde, I. M. & Sunde, N. (Red.). 17. mars). Å tenke sakte understanding of how digital (2019). Det digitale er et på det digitale hurtigtoget. evidence is constructed, and hurtigtog!: Vitenskapelige Politiforum. Hentet fra how the various actors in the perspektiver på politiarbeid, criminal justice process influence digitalisering og teknologi. artikler/a-tenke-sakte-pa-det-digita- the end result. One key issue Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. le-hurtigtoget/460527 in this respect is how notions Sunde, N. (2019). Digitale Sunde, N. & Bergum, U. (2019). like ‘objectivity’ and ‘reliability’ bevis – menneskelige feil. I I. Dataetterforskning – en are understood among digital M. Sunde & N. Sunde (Red.), ungdom med voksesmerter. forensics detectives (DFD). This Det digitale er et hurtigtog!: Hentet fra knowledge will form the basis Vitenskapelige perspektiver på norges-politilederlag-5410-406272/ of increased understanding politiarbeid, digitalisering og aktuelt/dataetterforskning-en-ung- of normative challenges with teknologi (s. 53–82). Bergen: dom-med-voksesmerter transparency in relation to the Fagbokforlaget. objectivity of DFDs and the Sunde, N. (2019). Strukturert Lectures 2019: reliability of the digital evidence. hypoteseutvikling i etterfors- Sunde, N. (2019, februar). Cyber This will in turn form the basis kning: En metode for å oppnå Investigation Process. Gjeste- of further discussion around et bredt og objektivt utgangs- forelesning på Masteremnet normative aspects in relation to punkt for etterforskning. I E. Cybercrime investigation, digital forensics investigations H. Olsvik & P. Risan (Red.), NTNU, Gjøvik. and digital evidence, and render Etterforskning under lupen (s. Sunde, N. (2019, mars). The Hu- visible the need for further 35–59). Oslo: Politihøgskolen. man Factor in the Construction empirical research. The research Sunde, N. & Dror, I. E. (2019). of Digital Evidence. Presenta- question is: “To what degree Cognitive and human factors sjon på seminaret Pearls in may an increased understanding in digital forensics: Problems, Policing, PHS, Oslo. of the role of the DFD in how challenges, and the way Sunde, N. (2019, april). The hu- digital evidence is constructed forward. Digital Investigation, man factor in digital forensics. within a criminal investigation 29 (June 2019), s. 101–108. Presentasjon på International enable mitigation of errors and weeks at PHS, PHS, Oslo. protection of the rule of law?”. diin.2019.03.011 Sunde, N. (2019, mai). Unboxing

86 digital evidence: The digital problem influence the strategies questions. Policing: A Journal forensic detectives’ role in the that are chosen and methods that of Policy and Practice. construction of digital evidence are used? Are there any signs in criminal investigation. of change in the relationship Vestby, A. & Vestby, J. (2019, 19. Presentasjon på NSfK´s 61st between police operations that oktober). Flere bør diskutere Research Seminar 2019, take place before and after a kunstig intelligens i politiet. Helsingør. crime has been committed? Politiforum. Hentet fra The project will analyze data Organised or economic crime? from interviews, observation, flere-bor-diskutere-kunstig-intelli- The significance of police document studies and recorded gens-i-politiet/476849 organisation and competence in data from the crime intelligence the understanding of crime in the register, Indicia. Media contributions 2019: workplace The project is funded by the Stranden, A. L. (2019, 8. juni). Senior Research Fellow Annette Research Council of Norway. Norges største menneskehan- Vestby, Department of Crimino- del-sak ble løst med kreativt logy and Sociology in Law, Faculty Publications 2019: samarbeid [Artikkel om Vestby of Law, University of Oslo. Bjelland, H. F. & Vestby, A. & Bjellands presentasjon What do the supervisory author- (2019). «It’s about using the «Flere verktøy i verktøykassa»: ities’ institutional configurations full sanction catalogue»: On Koordinering på tvers av of organised and economic boundary negotiations in a etatsgrenser i Lime-saken på crime look like, and how do they multi-agency organised crime Politihøgskolens Forsknings- affect the choice of cases and investigation. I B. Dupon, konferanse 2019]. Hentet fra procedure? Empirically and ana- C. Whelan & P. K. Manning lytically, the boundaries between (Red.), Policing across organi- economic and organised crime sational boundaries: Develop- Lectures 2019: are not crystal clear, and crime in ments in theory and practice (s. Vestby, A. & Bjelland, H. F. the workplace is an area of crim- 74–89). Abingdon-on-Thames: (2019, juni). «Flere verktøy i inal activity which may include Routledge. verktøykassa»: Koordinering elements from both of these cate- Vestby, A. & Vestby, J. (2019). på tvers av etatsgrenser i gories. How does the supervisory Machine learning and the Lime-saken. Presentasjon på authorities’ understanding of the police: Asking the right Politihøgskolens Forsknings-

87 konferansen 2019, PHS, Oslo. the police. The project examines in • Kappen i PIA: http://hdl.handle. Vestby, A. & Bjelland, H. F. (2019, particular what types of students net/11250/2583289 august). «Flere verktøy i choose a police education, and their • Jenny Maria Lundgaard. Kri- verktøykassa»: Om tverretatlig identity management during their tisk kunnskap: Meningsdan- koordinering i Lime-saken. studies at PHS, both in practical nelse og beslutningsprosesser Presentasjon på Fagseminar police work and in their spare time – ved politiets operasjonssentral Kripos, Oslo. in other words: among the students (Doctoral dissertation). Vestby, A. & Vestby, J. (2019, themselves, between students University of Oslo. oktober). Is it necessary to be a and teachers, in interaction with techie in order to understand AI? practicing police officers and in other arrangementer/disputaser/2019/jenn- A methodology for non-techies social scenarios that the students are y-maria-lundgaard.html to understand AI. Presentasjon part of. på The Nordic Cybercrime • Oddbjørg Edvardsen. Politi- Conference 2019, PHS, Oslo. Thesis defence 2019 patruljens møte med barn som Vestby, A. & Vestby, J. (2019, • Cato Hemmingby. Terrorists lever med vold i hjemmet: En april). Machine learning and and targets. A relationship ba- fenomenologisk undersøkelse the police: Asking the right sed on bad intentions, limited av politipatruljens praksis questions. Presentasjon på capacities and risk willingness (Dctoral dissertation). NORD seminar for forskergruppen (Doctoral dissertation). Univer- University, Bodø. PIDS, Oslo. sity of Stavanger, Stavanger. kalender/Sider/Disputas-oddbjorg-ed- Becoming a police officer: Class, ticleID=135216&categoryID=23287 vardsen.aspx?fbclid=IwAR2ey6xFl- culture, identity (working title) n8K5QuEJ7q4ZBj8E_azu8Bb8yJ-n84s- Senior Research Fellow Pål • Heidi Fischer Bjelland. Facing 579hyvx8g6iYUZb_JE4 Winnæss, Department of Crimino- complexity: Police officers’ rea- The dissertation in PIA: http:// logy and Sociology in Law, Faculty soning and response to human of Law, University of Oslo. trafficking(Doctoral thesis). The project seeks to find ou what University of Oslo. shapes police students, and how they shape themselves on their journey tuelt/arrangementer/disputaser/2019/ towards a professional career in disputas-heidi-fischer-bjelland.html

88 Being a Clear and Active Communicator of Knowledge in Academia and the Police/­Judiciary, and an Active Participant in Public Debate

A focus on knowledge dissem- Since 2011, registration of all debate in its specialised fields, ination in academia and the types of publications and their and to demonstrate its compe- police/justice sector is incor- dissemination at PHS has been tence both to society in general porated in the PHS strategy for done in CRIStin, which is a joint and to the judicial sector in par- 2017–202127. The importance research information system for ticular. Academic staff therefore of being an active participant in the health, research institute and have a special responsibility to social debate is also emphasised. higher education sectors in Nor- participate in the public debate Registrations in CRIStin (Current way. One of the most important and to make contributions that Research Information System objectives of CRIStin is to gather can lead to better decisions and in Norway) provide basic infor- the registration and reporting of assessments in the police and the mation about publications and research activity within the three rest of the judicial sector. papers produced by PHS staff in sectors in a common system. 2019. The sections “Reported Table 1 shows that the total publications” and “Reported Scientific and number of registered lectures conference papers and academic academic lectures given in academic, police-related presentations” give a detailed PHS aims to be an active and and popular science circles is overview. clear contributor to the social almost unchanged from 2018 to

27 Politihøgskolen [2016]. Strategi 2017-2021. Oslo: Politihøgskolen.

89 2019. What is different in 2019 colleagues do not register oral Figures for media contri- is the registration of roughly dissemination at all. The main butions in previous years are the same number of scientific focus at PHS is still to register incomplete and have been as academic/popular science as comprehensively as possible collected in different ways.28 lectures. all written, credit-bearing work, Again in 2019, staff members As in previous years there however there is also a strong have registered different types of is reason to believe that the wish that oral presentations media contributions in CRIStin, number of lectures given is con- also be registered in CRIStin in and the registered number has siderably higher than what is reg- order to illustrate the diversity in almost doubled compared to istered in CRIStin because many activities at the college. 2018. 29 30 31 32 3334


Type of activity 2010-13 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Scientific lectures 192 33 29 49 39 46 63

Academic/popular 135 66 6529 64 92 85 69 science lectures

Posters 15 3 1 - 1 1 2

695 Media contributions 89430 - - 12 23 44 (estimat)

28 Se tidligere utgaver av Forskningen ved Politihøgskolen for flere detaljer om dette. 29 54 registrert i CRIStin + 11 rapportert utenom. 30 1 = omtale i artikkel/intervju. 31 32 33 34

90 Scientific and academic publications reported in CRIStin. important to remember that publications Following a slight reduction work completed in one calendar Table 2 shows the number of from 2017 to 2018, the collected year is not necessarily published reported published written number of publications rose in the same year since the actual works in 2019 by the type of again in 2019. It is nevertheless publishing process can take a


Type of publication 2010-13 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Scientific monographs 6 1 2 8 3 3 1

Scientific chapters 42 10 17 17 20 21 23

Articles in scientific journals 64 28 21 32 41 18 34

Anthologies - 2 4 6 4 2 1

Textbooks/academic literature 12 3 2 3 4 5 3

Academic chapters/articles in 42 12 13 21 15 1931 29 books, journals and encyclopaedias

Opinion pieces, editorials, etc. 30 22 17 17 9 18 31

Total reports in CRISTIN32 36 6 6 4 11 15 4 PHS Research33 21 4 4 - 534 6 3

Doctoral theses 6 2 0 2 4 2 4

Masters dissertations 5 4 2 3 1 1 3

Total number of works 269 88 88 114 112 102 136

31 Including “Short communications”. 32 Number of reports written by staff at PHS. 33 In the “PHS Research” series, reports may have been written by others who are not PHS staff. 34 Four unique publications and one report in both Norwegian and English versions.

91 long time. It is therefore difficult other credit-bearing publishing In 2015, a change in how pub- to say whether any increase or channels) whenever possible. The lication points are calculated was decrease from year to year is report series “PHS Research” does introduced after an evaluation of genuine. Only by looking at the not provide publication points. the Norwegian publishing indi- development over a longer period cator35 by the Danish Centre for can we form a correct picture of Publication points Studies in Research and Research “production” at PHS, however we Publication points are calculated Policy at Aarhus University have never before had a higher based on the type of publication commissioned by Universities number of publications than in and the level of the publication Norway (UHR) in 2013. In 2014, 2019! vehicle. A scientific monograph the evaluation was followed up The greatest change from 2018 – that is to say a book with one by UHR Publishing who drew up to 2019 is that the number of author – provides five points if a new system of calculating pub- scientific articles has almost dou- it is published by a “level one lication points at an institutional bled. There are two more scientific publisher”, but eight points if level. This has been in force since chapters. The number of scientific it is published by a “level two 2015. The calculation criteria monographs has gone down from publisher”. The number of for joint publications were also three in 2018 to one in 2019. The monographs published at an changed from the start of the number of academic chapters and institution will therefore strongly reporting year 2015. The new opinion pieces has increased in manifest itself in terms of the calculation method is intended 2019 – around half the opinion total number of publication to be more academically neutral, pieces in 2019 dealt with various points awarded to the institution. and to further facilitate collab- aspects linked to the cut in the An article in a journal written oration in academic publishing number of students at PHS. by a single author published in a across institutions and countries. Only four reports were “level one journal” provides one The institutions are still required published in 2019 – three of them point, while an article in a “level to share publication points where in the series PHS Research. The two journal” is worth as many several institutions are linked to number of reports will vary from as three points. Where there are a publication, but the new cal- year to year, but PHS would like several authors the points are culation method helps to reward staff primarily to publish in the shared between them. collaboration by giving all col- journal Nordisk politiforskning (or laborating partners more points

35 Aagaard, K. (2014). Evaluering af den norske publiceringsindikator. Aarhus: The Danish Centre for Research and Research Policy, Aarhus University.


Type of publication 2011-13 2014 201536 2016 2017 2018 2019

Monograph 28 5 10 39,2 12,07 15 8

Anthology article with /ISBN 19,4 5,52 11 11,3 14,06 13,9 14,32

Journal article with/ ISSN 40,61 15,62 19 24,8 39,26 15,32 29,14

Total number 88,01 26,14 40 75,3 65,39 43,22 51,46 of publication points for their contributions than was from 2018 to 2019, which also National Knowledge the case with the old model resulted in a gratifying increase Repository (NVA) (up to and including 2014); in the number of publication Unit (The directorate for ICT and international collaboration pro- points. 36 joint services in higher education vides more points than national The number and scientific lev- and research) – in collaboration collaboration. PHS benefitted el of published monographs are with representatives of univer- from this again in 2019, because the two single factors that most sities and research institutes PHS staff are increasingly finding strongly affect publication points. – is working to realise the new collaboration partners outside As seen in Table 2, we have only national knowledge repository Norway. one scientific monograph in (NVA) which is due to be ready In Table 3 we present the 2019, but this is at level two and for testing at selected institutions total number of publication therefore gives as many as eight during Spring 2020. points, with the points divided points. The increase in the num- The background to the between the three credit-bearing ber of publication points from establishment of NVA is official publication types in CRIStin. As 2018 to 2019 was mainly due guidelines approved in 201737, shown in Table 2, the number of to the increase in the number of stating the government’s inten- scientific publications increased scientific articles. tion that all Norwegian public-

36 New model for the calculation of publication points from 2015. 37 Ministry of Education and Research (2017). Nasjonale mål og retningslinjer for åpen tilgang til vitenskapelige artikler (Letter dated 22 August 2017). Taken from lige-artikler.pdf

93 ly-funded scientific articles shall will look after the needs which a foundation of common data. be open-access by 2024. The plan are today covered by the local The aim is to avoid duplication is to make NVA a joint platform knowledge repositories – like our of data and be able to “work for the archiving of all types of own institutional archive, PIA. smarter” through more efficient scientific publications (articles, In addition, the functionality of and cost-saving work processes books, chapters, reports), today’s CRIStin will gradually be linked to the registration and research data, research dissem- closely linked to NVA in such a rights clearance of publications ination, student assignments way that CRIStin and NVA will and other material in NVA. etc. The new joint platform emerge as a unit and operate on

94 Reported publications in 2019

Scientific monographs Scientific chapters investigation. I B. Dupon, Solhjell, R. (2019). Dimensions (in anthologies) C. Whelan & P. K. Manning of African Statehood: Everyday Aarset, M. & Glomseth, R. (Red.), Policing across organ- Governance and Provision (2019). Police leadership isational boundaries: Develop- of Public Goods. Abing- during challenging times. I J. ments in theory and practice (s. don-on-Thames: Routledge. F. Albrecht, G. den Heyer & 74–89). Abingdon-on-Thames, P. Stanislas (Red.), Policing England: Routledge. Scientific anthologies and minority communities: Bjørgo, T. & Gjelsvik, I. M. Sunde, I. M. & Sunde, N. (2019). Contemporary issues and global (2019). Sheep in wolf’s Det digitale er et hurtigtog!: perspectives (s. 29–53). Cham, clothing?: The taming of the Vitenskapelige perspektiver på Switzerland: Soldiers of Odin in Norway. politiarbeid, digitalisering og Springer International. I T. Bjørgo & M. Mareš (Red.), teknologi. Bergen: Fagbokfor- Bjelland, H. F. & Vestby, A. Vigilantism against migrants laget. (2019). «It’s about using the and minorities (s. 257–271). full sanction catalogue»: On Abingdon-on-Thames: boundary negotiations in a Routledge. multi-agency organised crime Bjørgo, T. & Mareš, M. (2019).

95 Comparative perspectives Eriksen (Red.), Den unge Politiskjønnet under press. I I. on vigilantism against Marx: Rett, samfunn og viten- M. Sunde & N. Sunde (Red.), migrants and minorities. I T. skapsteori (s. 175–202). Oslo: ­ Det digitale er et hurtigtog!: Bjørgo & M. Mareš (Red.), Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Vitenskapelige perspektiver på Vigilantism against migrants Flaatten, S. (2019). Ved­ politiarbeid, digitalisering og and minorities (s. 305–334). tyverienes rett og politikk. ­I teknologi (s. 83–115). ­Abingdon-on-Thames, C. C. Eriksen (Red.), Den unge Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. ­England: Routledge. Marx: Rett, samfunn og viten- Gunnerud, G. A. R., Evjen, S., Dahl, J. Y. & Bjelland, H. F. skapsteori (s. 91–111). Oslo: Søfting, R., Lædre, O., Kjesbu, (2019). Politiets datasystemer Cappelen Damm Akademisk. N. E. & Lohne, J. (2019). som kilde til innsikt i politiets Flinterud, G. (2019). Child Stars ­Project managers: Gatekeep- etterforskningspraksiser. I I. at the Zoo: The Rise and Fall ers or inside men?. I I. Lill & M. Sunde & N. Sunde (Red.), of Polar Bear Knut. I T. Mc- E. Witt (Red.), 10th Nordic Det digitale er et hurtigtog!: Donald & D. Vandersommers Conference on Construction Vitenskapelige perspektiver (Red.), Zoo Studies: A New Economics and Organization på politiarbeid, digitalisering Humanities (Chapter 8). (Emerald Reach Proceeding og teknologi (s. 209–226). Montreal: McGill-Queen’s Series, vol. 2) (s. 69–75). ­Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. ­University Press. Bingley, Evjen, S., Gunnerud, G. A. R., Gjelsvik, I. M. & Bjørgo, T. England: Emerald Group. Lædre, O., Søfting, R. & Loh- (2019). Med flere tanker i ho­ Hansen, A. L. & Sandvik, A. M. ne, J. (2019). Sub-Contractors’ det samtidig: Politiets forebyg- (2019). Mindboost. I B. H. perception of contracting: The gende arbeid mot radikalise- Johnsen & J. Eid (Red.), Ope- Case of crime. I I. Lill & E. Witt ring og voldelig ekstremisme. rativ psykologi 2 (s. 149–162). (Red.), 10th ­Nordic Conference I S. Lid & G. Heierstad (Red.), Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. on Construction Economics and Forebygging av radikalisering Heivoll, G. (2019). «Stedse være Organization (Emerald Reach og voldelig ekstremisme: Norske forsynet med tilstrækelig Proceeding Series, vol. 2) (s. handlemåter i møtet med terror magt til at undertrykke 59–67). Bingley, England: (s. 133–151). Oslo: Gyldendal ­urolige bevægelser­ »: Christian Emerald Group. Akademisk. ­Magnus Falsen om sikkerhet, Flaatten, S. (2019). Tjeneste­ Gundhus, H. O. I., Talberg, O. politi og folk i det offentlige personens lojalitet. I C. C. N. & Wathne, C. T. (2019). rom. I R. Hemstad ­& D.

96 Michalsen (Red.), Frie ord i Abingdon-on-Thames, and governance (s. 168–189). ­Norden?: Offentlighet, ytrings­ England: Routledge. London: Zed Books. frihet og medborgerskap 1814- Paulsen, J. E. (2019). Holdninger Sunde, I. M. (2019). Sweetie, et 1914 (s. 259–277). Oslo: Pax. til høyteknologi. I I. M. Sunde politibarn eller en politistyrke Heivoll, G. (2019). Å ikke se sko- & N. Sunde (Red.), Det digitale på internett?. I I. M. Sunde & gen for bare trær: Anakronis- er et hurtigtog!: Vitenskapelige N. Sunde (Red.), Det digitale mer som metodisk utfordring perspektiver på politiarbeid, er et hurtigtog!: Vitenskapelige for den politirettshistoriske digitalisering og teknologi ­ perspektiver på politiarbeid, forskningen. I J. Ø. Sunde, (s. 23–49). digitalisering og teknologi (s. Fordom og forventning: Ei Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 177–205). handbok i rettshistorisk metode Phelps, J. & Simensen, T. K. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. (Oslo Studies in Legal History) (2019). Kroppskamera og Sunde, N. (2019). Digitale (s. 72–89). norsk politiarbeid. I I. M. bevis – menneskelige feil. I I. Oslo: Akademisk Publisering. Sunde & N. Sunde (Red.), M. Sunde & N. Sunde (Red.), Holmboe, M. (2019). Politiet Det digitale er et hurtigtog!: Det digitale er et hurtigtog!: og personvernet: Retten til Vitenskapelige perspektiver Vitenskapelige perspektiver på eget bilde, særlig i sosiale på politiarbeid, digitalisering politiarbeid, digitalisering og medier I I. M. Sunde & N. og teknologi (s. 117–142). teknologi (s. 53–82). Sunde (Red.), Det digitale er Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. et ­hurtigtog!: Vitenskapelige Sandvik, A. M. (2019). perspektiver på politiarbeid, Konflikthåndtering: Med Scientific articles digitalisering og teknologi ­ oppdragsløsning i fokus I B. H. Aas, G. (2019). Kampen om (s. 145–176). ­ Johnsen & J. Eid (Red.), Ope- norsk politiutdanning. Tids- Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. rativ ­psykologi 2 (s. 231–250). skrift for professions­studier, Mareš, M. & Bjørgo, T. (2019). ­Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. 15(28), 26–34. Hentet­ fra http:// Vigilantism against migrants Solhjell, R. (2019). Garbage col​ and minorities: Concepts and lection in Bukavu: «The polit­ical Aas, G. (2019). Policing the goals of current research. I class does not take care of Gar- penal provisions on repeated T, Bjørgo & M. Mareš (Red.), bage here». I T. De Herdt & K. and severe domestic violence. ­Vigilantism against migrants Titeca, Negotiating public ser- Nordisk politiforskning, ­6(2), and minorities (s. 1–30). vices in the Congo: State society 93–110.

97 Hentet fra http://hdl.handle. E. & Granhag, P. A. (2019). the economy: Decriminalizing net/11250/2635304 The mental representation of business transgressions Aas, G., Thomassen, G. & true and false intentions: A in the late 19th century.­ Sund, A. K. (2019). Holder comparison of schema-consis- ­Management & Organizational norsk politiutdanning mål tent and schema-inconsistent History,14(4), 337–349. https://­ (slik politiet selv vurderer tasks. Cognitive Research: den)? Nordisk Tidsskrift for ­Principles and Implications, Gamian-Wilk, M. & Bjørkelo, B. Kriminalvidenskab, 106(2), 4(1). https:// ­ (2019). The role of personality 188–210. Hentet fra http://hdl. in the form of temperament in Dahl, J. Y. (2019). Spanings- relation to bullying at work. Berge, J., Støren, Ø., Hertel, J. blikket: En utforskning av Polish Psychological Bulletin, K., Gjevestad, E. S., ­Småstuen, politispaneres lesning av 50(3), 237–246. M. C. & Hjelmesæth, J. omgivelsene. Tidsskrift for Granhag, P. A., Oleszkiewicz, S., (2019). Associations between samfunnsforskning, 60(3), Sakrisvold, M. L. & Kleinman, ­cardiorespiratory fitness and 211–227. S. M. (2019). The Scharff weight loss in patients with issn.1504-291X-2019-03-01 technique: training military severe obesity undergoing an Dillern, T. (2019). The Act of intelligence officers to elicit intensive lifestyle intervention knowing: Michael Polanyi information from small cells of program: Retrospective ­meets contemporary natural­ sources. Psychology, Crime and cohort study. BMC Endocrine science. Foundations of Law. Disorders, 19(1), 1–9. https://doi. Science, 1–13.­ Hentet fra http://hdl. 6X.2019.1669600 org/10.1186/s12902-019-0394-z Gundhus, H. I. & Jansen, P. T. Blocq, D. & Damen, M.-L. Filstad, C., Traavik, L. E. M. & (2019). Pre-crime and poli- (2019). Social (Dis)Approval Gorli, M. (2019). Belonging cing of migrants: Anticipatory and Collective Action at work: The experiences, action meets management of Participation: Reevaluating ­representations and meanings concerns. Theoretical crimi- the Positive Linearity Thesis. of belonging. Journal of nology, 24(1), 90–109. https://­ Sociological inquiry, 89(4), Workplace Learning, 31(2),­ 10.1177/­ 136248061987334­ 7 727–749. 116–142. Hentet fra http://hdl. Helleve, I., Almås, A. G. & soin.12320 ­Bjørkelo, B. (2019). Becoming Calderon, S., Ask, K., Mac Giolla, Flaatten, S. (2019). The laws of a professional digital compe-

98 tent teacher. Professional Avverging av mishandling i 9537-2019-02-03 Development in Education, nære relasjoner: En flerfaglig Klatran, H. K. (2019). «Jeg 46(2), 324–336.­ 10.­ ­ tilnærming: Del I. Tidsskrift for prøver å fremstå så mandig 1080/­ 19415257.­ 2019.­ 1585381­ familierett, arverett og barne- som jeg kan»: Fornærmelse, Hoel, L. A. (2019). Police vernrettslige spørsmål, 17(2), subjektivering og motstand ­students’ experience of partici- 114–130. blant LHBTIQ-personer. pation and relationship during issn.0809-9553-2019-02-02 ­Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning, in-field training.Police Practice Holmboe, M., Leer-Salvesen, 43(3), 213–229. https://doi. & Research. K. & Vatnar, S. K. B. (2019). org/10.18261/issn.1891-1781-2019-03-06 15614263.2019.1664302 Avverging av mishandling i Nordvik, R., Toolan, F. & Holgersson, S. (2019). nære relasjoner: En flerfaglig ­Axelsson, S. (2019). Using the ­Whistleblowing within the tilnærming: Del II. Tidsskrift object ID index as an investi- Swedish Police. Nordisk for familierett, arverett og gative approach for NTFS file ­politiforskning, 6(1), 24–45. barnevernrettslige spørsmål, systems. Digital Investigation, 17(3), 263–280. https://doi. 28(April 2019), 530–539. 8693-2019-01-04 org/10.18261/issn.0809-9553-2019- Holgersson, S. & Wieslander, 03-05 Nordvik, R., Georges, H., Toolan, M. (2019). Conducting Jakobsen, K. K. (2019). Empathy F. & Axelsson, S. (2019). critical research on powerful in investigative interviews of Reverse engineering of ReFS. organisations: Challenges victims: How to understand Digital Investigation,­ (30), for ­research independence. it, how to measure it, and 127-147. Nordisk ­politiforskning, 6(2), how to do it? Police Practice & diin.2019.07.004 136–155. Hentet fra http://hdl. Research. Nyborg, I. L. P., Ganapathy, J. 15614263.2019.1668789 & Nimruzi, A. (2019). From Holmboe, M. (2019). Kommen- Kaltenborn, J. F. (2019). guns to roses: Understanding tar til L. 14.06.2014 nr. 49 Teknologinøytralitet og community-oriented policing Konfliktrådsloven.Norsk ­ Lov- datakriminalitet – særlig om in Afghanistan. Journal kommentar. Oslo: Gyldendal klassifiseringen av begrepet of ­Human Security, 15(2), rettsdata. datasystem. Tidsskrift for 54–69. Holmboe, M., Leer-Salvesen, strafferett, 19(2), 148–167. johs2019.15020054 K. & Vatnar, S. K. B. (2019). Paulsen, J. E. (2019). A

99 ­Values-based Methodology in skolebesøk på Oslos østkant. Textbooks/academic Policing. Etikk i praksis, 13(1), Nordisk politiforskning, 6(2), literature 21–38. 156–168. Fredriksen, S. & Spurkland, K. V13I1.2547 issn.1894-8693-2019-02-06 (2019). Ordensjuss. Oslo: Pedersen, T. & Jansen, P. T. Sunde, I. M. (2019. Datakrim- ­Gyldendal Juridisk. (2019). Seduced by secrecy retten i «fugleperspektiv». Heivoll, G. & Fredriksen, S. – perplexed by complexity: Tidsskrift for strafferett, (2019). Forvaltningsrett for ­Effects of secret vs. open- (2), 129-147. https://doi. politiet: En innføring. Oslo: source on intelligence credi- org/10.18261/issn.0809- Cappelen Damm Akademisk. bility and analytic confidence. 9537-2019-02-02 Heivoll, G. & Fredriksen, S. ­Intelligence and national Sunde, I. M. (2019). Har vi (2019). Forvaltningsrett for ­security, 34(6), 881–898. behov for straffebud om politiet: Oppgaver med løs- ­ datakriminalitet? Tidsskrift for ningsforslag. Oslo: Cappelen 2019.1628453 strafferett, 19(2), 168–185. Damm Akademisk. Sandvik, A. M., Gjevestad, E. S., Aabrekk, E., Öman, P. H., 9537-2019-02-04 Academic chapters/intro- Kjendlie, P.-L., Hystad, S. W., Sunde, N. & Dror, I. E. (2019). ductions (in edited books) Bartone, P. T., Hansen, A. Cognitive and human factors Holmboe, M. (2019). Ungdom, L. & Johnsen, B. H. (2019). in digital forensics: Problems, sex og straff – om straffbortfall Physical fitness and psycholo- challenges, and the way og straffnedsettelse på grunn gical hardiness as predictors forward. Digital Investigation, av jevnbyrdighet i alder og of parasympathetic control in 19(June 2019), 101–108. utvikling. I K. E. Sæther, K. response to stress: A Norwe- Kvande R. Torgersen & U. gian police simulator training Vestby, A. & Vestby, J. (2019). Stridbeck (Red.), Straff & frihet: study. Journal of Police and Machine learning and the Til vern om den liberale rettsstat Criminal Psychology. https://doi.­ police: Asking the right (s. 315–336). Oslo: Gyldendal org/10.1007/s11896-019-09323-8 questions. Policing: A journal Juridisk. Solhjell, R. (2019). «Hele skolen of Policy and Practice. https://doi. Holmboe, M. (2019). Ungdoms- trenger ikke den oppmerk- org/10.1093/police/paz035 straff og ungdomsoppfølging: somheten»: Etniske minori- Juridiske vurderinger og teters opplevelser av politiets forslag til lovendringer. I T. M.


metodologi i etterforsknings- Det digitale er et hurtigtog!: Egil H. Olsvik og Patrick Risan (Red.) Risan Patrick og Olsvik H. Egil

Egil H. Olsvik og Patrick Risan (Red.) læren. I E. H. Olsvik & P. Risan Vitenskapelige perspektiver på Etterforskning under (Red.), Etterforskning under politiarbeid, digitalisering og

Egil H. Olsvik og Patrick Risan (Red.)

lupen (s. 181–191). Oslo: teknologi (s. 15–19). Bergen: ETTERFORSKNING UNDER LUPE UNDER ETTERFORSKNING

Etterforskningsfaget har i de senere årene Etterforskning gjennomgått en stor utvikling. Fra å støtte Politihøgskolen.­ Fagbokforlaget.­ seg på erfaringsbasert kunnskap er faget nå i større grad preget av profesjonalisering og vitenskapeliggjøring. under Denne antologien utgis fra forskningsgruppen Risan, P. & Madsen, K. (2019). Undersøkelsesmetoder medlemmer fra forskjellige som institusjoner er etablert vedog fagområder, PolitihøgskolenPolitiets som men har politietterforskere, filosofer, litteraturvitere og psykologer. Academic articles Publikasjonen søker å kaste nytt lys over ulike dimensjoner i Politiavhør av traumatiserte

etterforskningsprosessen, og henvender seg til både akademikere N og praktikere. vitner: Et mellommenneskelig Bjerknes, O. T. (2019). Blir

Politihøgskolen Slemdalsveien 5 Postboks 5027, Majorstuen 0301 Oslo perspektiv. I E. H. Olsvik & P. mistenkte «Gjort kjent med Tlf: 23 19 99 00

PHS Forskning 2019: 3 Risan (Red.), Etterforskning saken» slik lovkravet tilsier? under lupen (s. 127–155). Politiforum, 2019(10). Hentet fra PHS Forskning 2019: 3 Oslo: Politihøgskolen. Sunde, I. M. (2019). Patruljering Ellefsen, B. & Leirvik, M. Andrews & A. K. Eide (Red.), på internett. I K. E. Sæther, S. (2019, 2. november). Mellom hjelp og straff – fun- K. Kvande, R. Torgersen & Problematisk at politiets topp- gerer nye straffereaksjoner for U. Stridbeck (Red.), Straff & ledelse ikke tar til motmæle. ungdommer etter intensjonen? frihet: Til vern om den liberale Politiforum­ . Hentet fra https://www. (NF-rapport nr. 2/19) (s. rettsstat (s. 597–608). Oslo:­ 180–199). Bodø: - Gyldendal Juridisk. at-politiets-toppledelse-ikke-tar-til- forskning. Sunde, N. (2019). Strukturert motmaele/477957 Myhrer, T.-G. (2019). Avklarin- hypoteseutvikling i etterfors- Ellefsen, B. (2019). Konstabel- ger og utvikling i forståelsen kning: En metode for å oppnå reformens strateger. Årsskrift av straffeprosessloven §§ 224- et bredt og objektivt utgangs- Norsk Politihistorisk Selskap, 226 i perioden 1987-2019. I K. punkt for etterforskning. I E. 25(2019), 25–38. E. Sæther, K. Kvande, R. Tor- H. Olsvik & P. Risan (Red.), Filstad, C. & Karp, T. (2019, 14. gersen & U. Stridbeck (Red.), (s. 35–59). Oslo: Politihøg­ februar). Noe galt med leder- Straff & frihet: Til vern om den skolen. kulturen? Det finner vi ingen liberale rettsstat (s. 461–473). Sunde, I. M. & Sunde, N. (2019). bevis for. Politiforum. Hentet fra Oslo: Gyldendal Juridisk. Å tenke langsomt på det Olsvik, E. H. (2019). Om digitale hurtigtoget. I I. M. noe-galt-med-lederkulturen-det-finner- integrasjon av humanistisk Sunde & N. Sunde (Red.), vi-ingen-bevis-for/458008

101 Fulland, J., Haugen, B. S. H., tatlig samarbeid. Bedre Skole, straffeprosess 2018.Tidsskrift Nordfjeld, Ø. & Larsson, P. 2019(1), 24–31. for strafferett, 19(3), 313–336. (2019). Storhotell midt i Holm, R. & Nymo, K. (2019, Holmboe, M. (2019). Utvalgte byparken?. Fortidsvern, 44(2), 23. januar). På nett med høyesterettsavgjørelser i 36–41. lederopplæring.­ Norsk politile- strafferett 2018.Tidsskrift for Glomseth, R. (2019). Britisk derlag, Aktuelt. Hentet fra https:// strafferett, 19(1), 53–84. Hentet rapport om organisert krimi- fra nalitet: Hvilke lærdommer opplaering-5410-406443 Paulsen, J. E. & Simensen, T. K. kan politiet i Norge trekke ut? Holmboe, M. (2019). «Døm (2019). Generalistens rolle i Politiforum­ , 2019(5), 61. ikke!». Nytt norsk kirkeblad: etterretningsstyrt politiarbeid. Glomseth, R. (2019). Hva er or- for teologi og praksis, 2019(3), Nordisk politiforskning, 6(2), ganisasjonskultur, og hvorfor 105–111. Hentet fra https://www. 169181. bry seg med den?. Magma issn.1894-8693-2019-02-07 – Tidsskrift for økonomi og nytt-norsk-kirkeblad/nnk-i-pdf/­ Sand, P. H. (2019, 14. mai). Poli- ledelse, 2019(2), 11–14. Hentet nnk-2019-3.pdf tiet gir stadig oftere begrenset fra Holmboe, M. (2019). Faglig politimyndighet til ansatte Glomseth, R. (2019, 22. februar).­ frihet for teoretikere og uten politiutdanning. Politifor- Ledere sosialiseres inn i praktikere. Kritisk juss, 45(1), um. Hentet fra https://www.politiforum. politi-ledelseskulturen. 6–17. Hentet fra http://hdl.handle. no/artikler/politiet-gir-i-stadig-storre-­ ­Politiforum. Hentet fra https://www. net/11250/2607515 -grad-begrenset-politimyndighet-til- Holmboe, M. (2019, 20. ansatte-uten-politiutdanning/465211 res-inn-i-politi-ledelseskulturen/458551 november). Politihøgskolens Stenshol, K. & Knudsen, S. Glomseth, R. & Glomseth, A. styre har samme faglige (2019, 3. oktober). Tankesett (2019, 13. august). Tre ting ansvar og autonomi som andre og beslutninger i skarpe, ope- motiverer ansatte. Dagens høgskoler. Politiforum. Hentet rative situasjoner. Politiforum. ­Perspektiv, Synspunkt. Hentet fra Hentet fra https://www.politiforum. fra https://www.dagensperspektiv. politihogskolens-styre-har-samme-fag- no/artikler/tankesett-og-beslutnin- no/2019/tre-ting-motiverer-ansatte lige-ansvar-og-autonomi-som-an- ger-i-skarpe-operative-situasjo- Handegård, T. L. & Berg, C. R. dre-hogskoler-br/479414 ner-br/475620 (2019). Politiets forebyggende Holmboe, M. (2019). Utvalgte Sunde, N. & Sunde, I. M. (2019, innsats i tverrfaglig og tverre- høyesterettsavgjørelser i 17. mars). Å tenke sakte

102 på det digitale hurtigtoget. vigilantism against Migrants Hentet fra Politiforum. Hentet fra https://www. and Minorities in Europe. ringen-har-vist-at-den-ikke-er-eg- Right Now! Hentet fra https://www. net-til-a-styre-en-politiutdan- te-pa-det-digitale-hurtigtoget/460527 ning/424680?fbclid=IwAR2rN9JIGp- Sørli, V. L., Ellefsen, B., Egge, events/right-now/2019/vigilantism.html 5s7NylIZKaDkQOfJBmCc3svCn87DimQI- M., Filstad, C., Glomseth, Ellefsen, B. (2019, 20. august). XDTm6pChWAcRbVCNM R. & Larsson, P. (2019, 18. Aldri før har lokaldemokratiet Ellefsen, B. (2019, 6. desember). oktober). Regjeringens bestemt mindre over politiet. I sin beslutningsiver glemte mål om politidekning er Aftenposten. Hentet fra https://www. regjeringen å spørre seg utdatert. Politiforum. Hentet fra om beslutningsgrunnlaget MRp6nJ/Aldri-for-har-lokaldemokratiet-­ var godt nok. Politiforum. regjeringens-mal-om-politidek- -bestemt-mindre-over-politiet--Birgitte- Hentet fra https://www.politiforum. ning-er-utdatert/476826?fbclid=IwAR- Ellefsen no/artikler/i-sin-beslutningsi- 1RdWlRclo8gB6M9ElFCRPfesJ6dFksp- Ellefsen, B. (2019, 17. oktober). ver-glemte-regjeringen-a-spor- BPEcu4M9FP2mXfkfMHNZWABS-s Regjeringen vil ha færre re-seg-om-beslutningsgrunnla- politiutdannede, dårligere get-var-godt-nok/480436?fbclid=IwAR- Abstract politiutdanning og mindre po- 3c6xjtJ2RSzdDOJnnqm7WxAbH3DpgW- Hegerstad, C., Dillern, T., Giske, litiforskning. Khrono. Hentet fra mINbwlCl0mLI_tZsk05dcbx0 R. & Shalfawi, S. A. I. (2019). Ellefsen, B. & Birkeland, The relationship between mental ninger-phs/regjeringen-vil-ha-faerre-po- Å. (2019, 24. oktober). toughness and physical Perfor- litiutdannede-darligere-politiutdan- Politihøgskolen uenige med mance test in police college stu- ning-og-mindre-politiforskning/412521 Adresseavisen på lederplass: dents. Journal of Sports Sciences, Ellefsen, B. (2019, 3. desember). Regjeringen feilinformerer om 37(sup1), 27. Taust fra maktas høye tind. politiutdanningen. Adresseavi- 2640414.2019.1671688 Klassekampen, Debatt. Hentet fra sen. Hentet fra https://www.adressa. no/meninger/ordetfritt/2019/10/24/Po- Opinion pieces 12-03/debatt-taust-fra-maktas-hoye-tind litihøgskolen-uenige-med-Adresseavi- Bjørgo, T. (2019, 18. november). Ellefsen, B. (2019, 5. desember). sen-på-lederplass-Regjeringen-feilinfor- Taking the law into one’s Regjeringen har vist at den merer-om-politiutdanningen-20227920. own hands? On the nature, ikke er egnet til å styre en ece?fbclid=IwAR3946TeXVokKHTn91_Ur organization and rationale of politiutdanning. Khrono. Ellefsen, B., Flaatten, S. &

103 Fredriksen, S. (2019, 22. Khrono. Hentet fra https://khrono. desember). Hvor langt kan oktober). Står politiutdan- no/akademisk-frihet-forskning-mor- regjeringen instruere styret ningens høgskolestatus for ten-holmboe/hvem-skal-vokte-forsker- ved Politihøgskolen?. Rett24. fall?. Hentet fra ne/256394 no, Kommentar. Hentet fra https:// Holmboe, M. (2019, 27. januar). utdanningens-hogskolestatus-for-fall/ Uten frihet til å kritisere, ringen-instruere-styret-ved-politihog- Glomseth, R. (2019, 25. januar). gir enighet ingen mening. skolen Politilederes bakgrunn. Lens- Khrono. Hentet fra https://khrono. Kaltenborn, J. F. (2019, 4. april). mannsbladet – Politilederen. no/eikremsaken-ytringsfrihet/uten- Når de ressurssterke ransakes. Hentet fra https://www.politilederen. frihet-til-a-kritisere-gir-enighet-ingen- Dagens næringsliv, Innlegg. no/nyheter/2010-politilederes-bak- mening/258189 Hentet fra grunn Holmboe, M. (2019, 2. april). jus/politi/tidal/nar-de-ressursster- Glomseth, R. (2019, 13. Kan forskeres ytringer skade ke-ransakes/2-1-579800 november). Lederskap og kon- universitetets omdømme?. Lundgaard, J. M. (2019, 27. tekstuell intelligens. Dagens Forskersonen, Kronikk. desember). Det operative poli- Perspektiv, Synspunkt. Hentet fra tiets portvoktere. Politiforum. Hentet fra https://www.dagensperspek- forskningsetikk-kronikk-om-forskning/ Hentet fra kan-forskeres-ytringer-skade-universi- artikler/det-operative-politiets-portvok- ell-intelligens tetets-omdomme/1319739 tere/481714 Glomseth, R., Hætta, E. K. & Holmboe, M. (2019, 3. juli). Skal Nordsletten, C. (2019, 23. okto- Skjønborg, Ø. (2019, 12. du tale eller tie?. NRK, NRK ber). Vil rasere politiutdan- april). Dårlig idé å slå sammen Ytring. Hentet fra ningen: Regjeringen foreslår Politihøgskolen og Kriminal- ytring/skal-du-tale-eller-tie_-1.14613031 å fjerne 7 av 10 studieplasser omsorgens utdanningssenter. Holmboe, M. (2019, 10. ved Politihøgskolen i Oslo. Dagens Perspektiv, Synspunkt. november). Faglig kvalitet Dagsavisen, Debatt. Hentet fra Hentet fra https://www.dagensperspek- ved Politihøgskolen er et styreansvar. Khrono. Hentet fra det-eneste-fornuftige-a-gjore-na-er-a- litihogskolen-og-kriminalomsorgens-ut- trykke-pa-pause-1.1605121 danningssenter hogskolen/faglig-kvalitet-ved-politihog- Nordsletten, C. & Johnsen, R. Holmboe, M. (2019, 15. januar). skolen-er-et-styreansvar/418082 C. (2019, 29. oktober). Hva Hvem skal vokte forskerne?. Holmboe, M. (2019, 3. er sannheten om politidek-

104 ningen?. Aftenposten, Debatt. forskningsformidling-kronikk-media/ ansvaret. Politiforum. Hentet Hentet fra vi-trenger-kyndig-og-noktern-formid- fra meninger/debatt/i/AdBlgz/hva-er-sann- ling-av-statistikk/1334039 artikler/a-ta-vekk-patalemyndighe- heten-om-politidekningen-nordslet- Sunde, N. & Bergum, U. (2019). tens-integrerte-ledelse-vil-svekke-kon- ten-og-johnsen Dataetterforskning – en trollen-og-pulverisere-ansvaret/469392 Sakrisvold, M. L. (2019, 10. okto- ungdom med voksesmerter. Nordsletten, C. & Johnsen, R. C. ber). Vi bør drepe myten om at Hentet fra https:// (2019, 12. november). Feil, ulike historier skal tolkes som justisminister?. Aftenposten, løgn. Forskersonen, Kronikk. lag-5410-406272/aktuelt/dataetterfors- Debatt, s. 26. Hentet fra kning-en-ungdom-med-voksesmerter Nordsletten, C. & Johnsen, R. C. kronikk-meninger-psykologi/vi-bor- Vestby, A. & Vestby, J. (2019, 19. (2019, 28. november). Kjære drepe-myten-om-at-ulike-historier-skal- oktober). Flere bør diskutere framtidige politikollega: Den- tolkes-som-logn/1575299 kunstig intelligens i politiet. ne er til deg som vil bli politi. Skarpenes, N. (2019, 1. novem- Politiforum. Hentet fra https://www. Fra to som er politi. Dagbladet, ber). Politiutdanningen i spill. Debatt. Hentet fra https://www. Khrono. Hentet fra https://khrono. re-kunstig-intelligens-i-politiet/476849 no/meninger-nina-skarpenes-phs/ ge-politikollega/71862159 politiutdanning-i-spill/416986 Editorials and Solhjell, R. (2019, 8. april). readers’ letters Book reviews Politiets skolebesøk oppleves Editorials Ellefsen, B. (2019). Jørgen som skremmende. Aftenposten, Holmboe, M. (2019). Ytring: Mührmann-Lund: Borgerligt Debatt. Hentet fra https://www. Etterretning og avvergings- regimente. Politiforvaltningen plikt. Tidsskrift for strafferett, i købstæderne og på landet Opk58A/politiets-skolebesoek-opple- 19(1), 3–7. under den danske enevælde. ves-som-skremmende-randi-solhjell issn.0809-9537-2019-01-01 Historisk Tidsskrift, 98(3), Strype, J., Sakrisvold, M. L. & 286–289. Thomassen, G. (2019, 9. mai). Readers’ letters Glomseth, R. (2019). Motstands- Vi trenger kyndig og nøktern Kaltenborn, J. F. (2019, 8. juli). - kamp i Trøndelag (anmeldelse formidling av statistikk. Å ta vekk påtalemyndighetens av Tor Busch: Motstandskamp Forskersonen, Kronikk. integrerte ledelse, vil svekke fra Trondheim). Politiforum, Hentet fra kontrollen og pulverisere 2019(19), 54–54.

105 Lie, E. M. (2019). Peter Lind- Edvardsen, O. (2019). Politipa- Masters dissertations ström og Ulf Sempert (Red.): truljens møte med barn som Bjerknes, O. T. (2019). «Gjort Kriminologi och poliskunskap. lever med vold i hjemmet: En kjent med saken»: En Mötet mellan forskning och fenomenologisk undersøkelse undersøkelse om hvilken praktik. Nordisk politiforskning, av politipatruljens praksis informasjon den mistenkte 6(1), 80–84. (Doktoravhandling). NORD gis om anklagen i forkant av issn.1894-8693-2019-01-07 universitet, Bodø. politiavhøret (Mastergrads- Solhjell, R. (2019). Strong Hemmingby, C. (2019). Terror- avhandling). Politihøgskolen, NGOs and Weak States: ists and Targets - A Relationship Oslo. Pursuing Gender Justice in the founded on bad intentions, Furuhaug, R. A. (2019). Open Democratic Republic of Congo limited capacities and risk will- Source Intelligence Methodolo- and South Africa. Forum for ingness (Doktoravhandling). gy (Mastergradsavhandling). Development Studies, 46(3), Universitetet i Stavanger, University College Dublin, 579–581. Stavanger. Dublin. 039410.2019.1639919 Lundgaard, J. M. (2019). Kritisk Underdal, H. (2019). Hvordan Solhjell, R. (2019). Hva er kunnskap. Meningsdannelse forholder praksisveiledere i statsvitenskap. Internasjonal og beslutningsprosesser ved politiet seg til forskningsbasert Politikk - Skandinavisk politiets operasjonssentral kunnskap?: En studie av tidsskrift for internasjonale (Doktoravhandling). Universi- nåsituasjon og mulige påvirk- studier, 77(3), 323–326. https:// tetet i Oslo, Oslo. ningsfaktorer (Mastergradsav- handling). Oslo Met, Oslo. Licentiate dissertation Doctoral theses Sakrisvold, M. L. (2019). Honest Reports Bjelland, H. F. (2019). Facing and deceptive alibi witnesses: Filstad, C. & Karp, T. (2019). complexity: Police officers’ Their strategies and the Evaluering, implementering og reasoning and response to consistency of their stories (Li- resultater av nærpolitireformen human trafficking(Doktora - sensiatavhandling). Göteborgs (PHS rapport). Oslo: Politi- vhandling). Universitetet i Universitet, Göteborg. høgskolen. Oslo, Oslo.

106 Flinterud, G. (2019). Norsk over- og lederutviklingsprogrammet Thomassen, G., Skjevrak, P. våkningsdebatt under lupen: ved Politihøgskolen (PHS E., Strype, J., Barland, B. & Interessenters syn på myndig- Forskning 2019:1). Oslo: Myhrer, T.-G. (2019). Alltid hetenes tilgang til overvåkning Politihøgskolen. Hentet fra http:// våpen i tjenesten?: Politiets og informasjonsinnhenting holdning til bevæpning (PHS på (Notat, juni 2019). Oslo: Olsvik, E. H. & Risan, P. (Red.). Forskning 2019:2). Oslo: Politihøgskolen. Hentet fra http:// (2019). (PHS Forskning Politihøgskolen. Hentet fra http:// 2019:3). Oslo: Politihøgsko- Hoel, L., Barland, B. & Lillevik, len. Hentet fra http://hdl.handle. M. (2019). - Ville ikke vært det net/11250/2634563 foruten...: Evaluering av Stabs-

107 108 Conference papers, academic presentations and posters 2019

Andersen, S. N., Skardhamar, Bjørgo, T., Solhjell, R. & Carls- aftermath»: Diversity and the T. & Holmboe, M. (2019, son, Y. (2019, november). experience of whistleblowers in september). The effect of Practises in Interagency the Norwegian Police. Presenta- increased sentence length on Collaboration against Violent sjon på seminaret Street level recidivism and employment: Extremism at the City Level. bureaucrats research seminar A reform study of violent Presentasjon på konferansen series, Newcastle. offenders sentenced to prison. Nordic Conference on Violent Bjørkelo, B. & Bye, H. H. (2019, Presentasjon på 19th annual extremism, Aarhus university, november). Uhøflighet på jobb: conference of the European Aarhus. Er ansatte som tilhører ulike Society of Criminoloy, Ghent. Bjørkelo, B. (2019, august). minoritetsgrupper mer utsatt?. Andreassen, N. & Bjørkelo, B. Etiske dilemma, sosiale medier Foredrag på konferansen (2019, november). Organisa- og etikk i profesjoner. Presenta- NEON 2019, Lillehammer. sjonsteori om krisehåndtering: sjon på seminaret NordSTEVA: Bjørkelo, B., Bye, H. H., Egge, M., Teori og praksis. Presentasjon Efterforskeres anvendelse af Ganapathy, J. & Leirvik, M. S. på konferansen NEON 2019, sociale medier, København. (2019, mai/juni). Diversity in Lillehammer. Bjørkelo, B. & Bye, H. H. (2019, education and organisation: mars). «Coping with the From political aims to practice

109 in the Norwegian Police Service. University’s Interdisciplinary Egge, M. (2019, august). Et Presentasjon på konferansen Doctoral School Series: The urettferdig politi? Presentasjon EAWOP congress 2019, Challenges of the Humanities på Arendalsuka, Arendal. ­Torino. of the 21st Century, Wroclaw. Egge, M. (2019, oktober). Er det Bjørkelo, B. & Ellingsen, D. Bye, H. H. & Bjørkelo, B. (2019, vår skyld? Presentasjon på (2019, oktober). FIX’ing expe­ mai/juni. Perceived career Fagseminar, PHS, Oslo. riences: Results from projects support: The interaction of Egge, M. & Ganapathy, J. (2019, aimed at increasing gender bal- subordinate and supervisor august). Fortellinger om etnisk ance in top research positions at gender in the Norwegian mangfold i utdanning og etat. the Norwegian Police University Police Service. Presentasjon på Presentasjon på seminaret College. Presentasjon på konfe- konferansen EAWOP congress Mangfold i utdanning og etat, ransen g19, Gøteborg. 2019, Torino.­ PHS, Oslo. Bjørkelo, B. & Eriksen, B. (2019, Bye, H. H. & Bjørkelo, B. (2019, Ellefsen, B. (2019, februar). november). Arbeidsgivers og august). Mangfold – sett fra ­Politiens politikk og politikkens lederes ansvar og roller ved politiorganisasjonen. Presenta- politi. Fagprat med Liv Finstad varsling i arbeidslivet. Presen- sjon på seminaret Mangfold i i Forskergruppen «Politi, rett tasjon på konferansen NEON utdanning og etat, PHS, Oslo. og samfunn», PHS Oslo. 2019, Lillehammer. Dahl, J. Y. (2019, september). Ellefsen, B. (2019, mars). Bjørkelo, B. & Leirvik, M. S. Frontseat research. Presentas- Nærpolitireformen i et historisk (2019, september). Kulturelt jon på 19th annual conference perspektiv. Presentasjon på mangfold i et kapasitets- og of the European Society of Årsmøte i Norsk Politihistorisk kompetanseperspektiv: Erfarin- Criminoloy, Ghent. Selskap, Kripos, Oslo. ger fra politiet. Presentasjon Damen, M.-L. & Van Stekelen- Ellefsen, B. (2019, april). Hva på Forsvarets likestillings- og burg, J. (2019, september). står på spill? Fremtidens politi mangfoldskonferanse, Oslo. Crowd-Cleavage alignment: Do sett i lys av fortidens erfaringer. Bjørkelo, B., Nielsen, M. B. & protest-issues and protesters’ Presentasjon på Politiets Matthiesen, S. B. (2019, cleavage position align? Pre­ fellesforbunds kongress, april). Whistleblowing and sentasjon på The European Gardermoen. workplace bullying: A linear, Con­sortium for Political Ellefsen, B. (2019, mai). Politire- circular or mixed relationship? Re­search (ECPR) General formen: Hva står på spill? Pre- Presentasjon på SWPS Conference, Wroclaw. sentasjon på Politikerseminar,

110 Senterpartiet, Hamar. Flaatten, S. (2019, juni). derkurs, Stortinget, Oslo. Ellefsen, B. (2019, juni). Historie- Accumulation and illegality. Ganapathy, J. (2019, august). skrivning i politivitenskapen. Presentasjon på konferansen Cultural Communication, Presentasjon på konferansen Accumulating Capital: Strate- Awareness and Humility. Norske historiedager 2019, gies of profit and dispossessive Gjesteforelesning på Interna- Tønsberg. policies, Université Paris tional Public Health, OsloMet, Ellefsen, B. (2019, november). Dauphine–PSL, Paris. Oslo. Hvem har bestemt over politi- Flaatten, S. (2019, mars/april). Ganapathy, J. (2019, oktober). utdanningen? Presentasjon for A-krim i større sammenheng. Om Cultural Communication, Norsk Politihistorisk Selskap, Presentasjon på Opplæring av Awareness and Humility. PHS, Oslo. a-krimpersonell, PHS, Stavern. Gjesteforelesning på Interna- Ellefsen, B. & Leirvik, M. S. Flinterud, G. (2019, oktober). tional Public Health, OsloMet, (2019, september). Contradic- Surveillance and storytelling: Oslo. tory policing in a multi-ethnic Temporalities and identity in Ganapathy, J. (2019, oktober). society: Ideals and practices. the Norwegian surveillance Om kultur, kulturforståelse og Presentasjon på 19th Annual debate. Presentasjon på Amer- tillit. Presentasjon for Enhet Conference of the European ican Folklore Society Annual Oslo Øst, Oslo politidistrikt, Society of Criminology, Gent. Meeting, Baltimore. Kripos, Oslo. Filstad, C. & Karp, T. (2019, Ganapathy, J. (2019, mars). Ganapathy, J. (2019, oktober). januar). Evaluering, imple- Exploring Youth Issues: Pre- Kulturforståelse. Presentasjon mentering og resultater av liminary results from Kosovo, på forberedende kurs for nærpolitireformen. Afghanistan & Pakistan. nyansatte grensekontrollører, Presentasjon av internrapport. Presentasjon på workshop for Gardermoen. PHS, Oslo. «Work group 9», Antigua. Ganapathy, J. (2019, november). Flaatten, S. (2019, april). Sure Ganapathy, J. (2019, april). Mangfold i utdanning og etat. rognebær og strafferettens Kulturforståelse. Presentasjon Presentasjon på workshop for strategiske utgangspunkt. på Kurs for nyansatte grense- Forsvarsdepartementet, Oslo. Presentasjon på Nasjonalt kontrollører, Gardermoen. Gjelsvik, I. M. (2019, februar). fagseminar for bekjempelse Ganapathy, J. (2019, april). Høyreekstremisme i Norge: av økonomisk kriminalitet og Kulturforståelse og mangfold. Utviklingstrekk, konspirasjons- miljøkriminalitet, Oslo. Gjesteforelesning på Vaktle- teorier og forebyggingsstrate-

111 gier. Presentasjon på Fagdag ring av og debatt om AFI-rap- offentlige rom. Presentasjon av radikalisering og voldelig ek­ port 01-2019, Oslo Met, Oslo. forskningsprosjekt på Boklan- stremisme, Vest Politidistrikt, Gundhus, H. O. I., Wathne, C. T. sering ved UiO, Oslo. Voss. & Talberg, O. N. (2019, juni). Heivoll, G. (2019, oktober). Pre­ Gjelsvik, I. M. (2019, mai). Com­ Politiskjønnet under press. sentasjon av forskningsprosjek­ munity Policing: From policy Presentert på Politihøgskolens tet det norske politiets rettshis- to practice. Presentasjon på Forskningskonferanse 2019, torie. Prosjektpresentasjon ved UN Policing Predeployment Oslo. Universitetet i Bergen, Bergen. cour­se, PHS, Stavern. Gundhus, H. O. I. (2019, septem- Heivoll, G. (2019, november). Gjelsvik, I. M. (2019, oktober). ber). Abstract police. Com­ments Anakronismer som metodisk Høyreekstremisme i Norge. on the concept. Presentert­ på utfordring­ . Presentasjon på dok­ Presen­tasjon på parole, EuroCrim 2019, Ghent. torgradskurs ved UiO, Oslo. Sentrum politistasjon, Oslo. Hagen, A. K. & Damen, M.-L. Heivoll, G. (2019, november). Glomseth, R. (2019, oktober). (2019, august). Connecting «…dog saaledes at det ikke an­ Ledelse og politireform. Presen- theory and practice in police sees som lovlig Næring for ugifte tasjon for Ledernettverk nivå 2 education: Police educators’ Fruentimmer at gaae omkring “FOT” – området, Værnes. planning and facilitation for som Sælgersker» Grunnloven § Glomseth, R. (2019, november). coherence and relevance. Pre- 101 og politivesenets myndighet Masterseminar: Hvordan skrive sentasjon på konferansen The til å gripe inn i befolkningens masteroppgave? Presentasjon European Higher Education arbeid, næring og handel. på Seminar for masterstuden- Society (EAIR) Conference, Presentasjon på bokpro- ter, NTNU, Ålesund. Leiden. sjekt-workshop ved UiO, Oslo. Glomseth, R. (2019, november). Heivoll, G. (2019, januar). Å Heivoll, G. (2019, november). Politiledelse. Presentasjon på skrive det norske politiets retts- Lovens lange arm eller bor- Ledersamling for ledere med historie. Prosjektpresentasjon, gerskapets instrument? Straff personalansvar i Trøndelag Universitetet i Bergen, Bergen. og disiplin i Christiansand politidistrikt, Værnes. Heivoll, G. (2019, juni). «…stedse politirett 1774-1814. Presen- Gundhus, H. O. I., Wathne, C. T. være forsynet med tilstrækelig tasjon på seminar for Paul & Talberg, O. N. (2019, april). Magt til at undertrykke urolige Leer-Salvesen, Universitetet i Nærpolitireformen og politiets bevægelser»: C. M. Falsen om Agder, . relasjon til publikum. Lanse­ justis, politi og folk i det Hemmingby, C. & Bjørgo,

112 T. (2019, juni). Anders B. av stabs- og lederutviklings- Stavanger. Breivik and the 22 July attacks. programmet. Presentasjon Holmboe, M. (2019, april). Presentasjon på STR confe- på Stabssjefssamling, PHS, Faglig frihet og høy kvalitet: rence 2019 – Utøya excursion, Stavern. Hvem skal styre forskerne? Pre- Utøya. Holmboe, M. (2019, januar). sentasjon på konferansen Fra Henriksen, S. V. (2019, januar). Dyrevelferd, avvergingsplikt og høgskole til universitet – Hva How do Norwegian police varslingsplikt. Rundebordskon- vil vi med de nye universitete- train and exercise coercive feranse II om sammenhengene ne? OsloMet, Oslo. force. Presentasjon på Royal mellom vold i nære relasjoner Holmboe, M. (2019, juni). Tale College, og vold mot dyr, Oslo. eller tie: Om avvergingsplikt og Wellington. Holmboe, M. (2019, januar). Tale varslingsplikt. Presentasjon på Henriksen, S. V. (2019, februar). eller tie: Om avvergingsplikt Presteforeningens landskonfe- How do Norwegian police train og varslingsplikt i juridisk lys. ranse, Gardermoen. and exercise coercive force. Pre- Pre­sentasjon på Fag­dag for Holmboe, M. (2019, juni). Hva er sentasjon på Police National Fag­forbundet TeoLOgene, Oslo. rettsforskeren ute etter? Presen- Headquarters, Wellington. Holmboe, M. (2019, januar). Tale tasjon på seminaret Dommer Henriksen, S. V. (2019, novem- eller tie: Om taushetsplikt, av- som forskningsmateriale ber). Våpeninstruks og beslut- vergingsplikt og varslingsplikt. – perspektiver, tilnærminger, ningsprosess. Presentasjon på Foredrag for Partnerdrapsut- muligheter, UiO, Oslo. Skarpskytterutdannelse for valget, Oslo. Holmboe, M. (2019, august). IP3 (UEH) mannskaper, PHS, Holmboe, M. (2019, februar). Mellom hjelp og straff: Juri- Stavern. Tale eller tie: Om avvergings- diske vurderinger og forslag til Hoel, L. A. (2019, mars). plikt etter straffeloven og regelendringer. Presentasjon Hvordan lede erfaringslæring i opplysningsplikt etter barne- på konferansen Ungdomsstraff staben? En presentasjon om å vernloven. Presentasjon på Den og ungdomsoppfølging – eva- lede læringssprossser. Presen- norske kirkes bispemøte, Oslo. luering av de nye straffereak- tasjon på Stabssjefssamling, Holmboe, M. (2019, mars). Tale sjonene for ungdom, Justis- og PHS, Stavern. eller tie: Om taushetsplikt, av- beredeskapsdepartementet, Hoel, L. A. (2019, mars). vergingsplikt og varslingsplikt. Oslo. «Ville ikke vært det foruten»: En Gjesteforelesning for Juss i Holmboe, M. (2019, september). presentasjon av evalueringen barnevernfaglig arbeid, UiS, Tale eller tie: Om avver-

113 gingsplikt og varslingsplikt. med å rekruttere kvinnelig Klatran, H. K. (2019, november). Presentasjon på Fagdag for IP3. Presentasjon på seminar, «Jeg forsøker å fremstå så man- Søndre Aker prosti, Oslo. Politidirektoratet, Oslo. dig som jeg kan»: Fornærmelse, Holmboe, M. (2019, september). Jon, N. (2019, juni). Vold. subjektivering og motstand Forskning og akademisk frihet. Gjesteforelesning på rapport- blant LHBTIQ-personer. Presentasjon på Fellessamling lansering, Oslo Politidistrikt, ­Presentasjon på konferansen for KRUS og Forsvarets Oslo. Kjønnsforskning NÅ!, Tromsø. høgskole, Oslo. Jon, N. (2019, september). Larsson, P. (2019, januar). Holmboe, M. (2019, oktober). Gender and policing in the Mellom barken og veden: Personbilder på sosiale medier. equality country. Presentasjon Lokalpolitiets arbeid med illegal Presentasjon på Den digitale på konferansen Eurocrime ulvejakt. Presentasjon på Kon- timen, PHS, Oslo. 2019, Gent. feranse om rovvilt, beitedyr og Holmboe, M. (2019, november). Jon, N. (2019, oktober). Gutter & samfunn, Hamar. Ungdomsreaksjoner: Juridiske slåssing. Gjesteforelesning på Larsson, P. (2019, februar). vurderinger og forslag til Frokostseminar for SLT i Nes Politireform. Presentasjon på regelendringer. Presentasjon kommune, Årdal. Møte med Arbeiderpartiets på Erfaringskonferanse, Jon, N. (2019, oktober). Kjønn- justisgruppe i Stortinget, Oslo. Gardermoen. sperspektiv på kriminologien. Larsson, P. (mars). Kriminali- Jensen, T. (2019, mai). Forelesning på IKRS Krim tetsutvikling og politireform. Digitale praksisfortellinger i 2000, UiO, Oslo. Presentasjon på seminar for politipraksis – økt refleksjon og Kaltenborn, J. F. (2019, oktober). Politiets fellesforbund, Hamar. ny kunnskap. Presentasjon på Teknologinøytralitet – på søken Larsson, P. (2019, april). Narko- Læringsfestivalen for UH-sek- etter et bedre begrep. Presen- tikareform. Presentasjon på toren, NTNU, Trondheim. tasjon på Nordic Cybercrime KoRus-Øst møte, Kongsvinger. Jensen, T. (2019, november). Conference, PHS, Oslo. Larsson, P. (2019, mai). Illegal Profesjonsetikk i politiutdan- Klatran, H. K. (2019, januar). hunting of wolves: The use of ningen. Presentasjon på semi- Kjønnsstereotypisering, new methods of investigation. naret Etikk og samfunnsansvar andregjøring og vold: Hatkrimi- Presentasjon på NSfK´s 61st i praksis, Høgskulen på nalitet mot LHBTIQ-personer. Research Seminar 2019, Vestlandet, Haugesund. Presentasjon på Etikkdagen Helsingør. Jon, N. (2019, juni). Utfordringer 2019, Chateau Neuf, Oslo. Larsson, P. (2019, mai). Wolf

114 hunting as . Lundgaard, J: M. (2019, ansvarlige OPS, Oslo. Presentasjon på Cross-Border september). Grenser for selvdi- Lundgaard, J. M. (2019, novem- Crime Colloquium, Utrecht siplinering og selvsensur i politi- ber). Operasjonssentralene University, Utrecht. forskning. Prøveforelesning for i endring. Presentasjon på Larsson, P. (2019, september). ph.-d.-graden, UiO, Oslo. forskerseminar om nærpoliti- On the belief in punishment. Lundgaard, J. M. (2019, reformen, Oslo. Presentasjon på Nordic Re­ oktober). Å følge politiet fra Myhrer, T.-G. & Holmboe, M. form Conference, DOGA, Oslo. bakken til lufta: Introduksjonen (2019, april). Om politiattester Leer-Salvesen, K., Vatnar, S. K. av droner i norsk politi. Presen- og vurdering av skikkethet. B. & Holmboe, M. (2019, ok- tasjon på Nordic Cybercrime Presentasjon på Personvern- tober). Mandatory Reporting Conference 2019, PHS, Oslo. rådgiversamling i Kripos, Oslo. of Intimate Partner Violence: Lundgaard, J. M. (2019, Myklebust, T. & Oxburgh, G. Evidence and Challenges. november). Decision-making (2019, februar). Interviewing Presentasjon for Helse- og in the Police Control Room: vulnerable and/or reluctant omsorgsdepartementet og Here and Now, If and When. witnesses. Foredrag på konfer­ Justisdepartementet, Gaustad. Presentasjon på AFTER WORK ansen Quality Control in Crim- Leirvik, M. S. & Egge, M. (2019, SEMINAR: Politi(k) i en inal Investigations, Centre for november). Rekruttering av «terrortid», Københavns Pro- International Law Research etniske minoriteter. Presen- fessionshøjskole, København. and Policy, New Delhi. tasjon på Årsmøte i Norsk Lundgaard, J. M. (2019, novem- Paulsen, J. E. (2019, januar). politihistorisk lag, PHS, Oslo. ber). Following the police from Etikk i Etterforskningsledelse. Lundgaard, J. M. (2019, april). ground to air: Introducing Presentasjon på seminaret Droner i norsk politi: Et politi- drones in the Norwegian Police. Funksjonsrettet ledelse for blikk fra luften. Presentasjon Presentasjon på NordSTEVA etterforskningsledere, PHS, på fagmøte, PHS, Oslo. Final Conference: Technology Oslo. Lundgaard, J. M. (2019, mai). and Security, Copenhagen. Paulsen, J. E. (2019, mars). A police gaze from afar and Lundgaard, J. M. (2019, no- The Role of Attitudes in the above? Introducing drones in vember). Meningsdannelse og Evaluation of Technology. Pre- the Norwegian Police. Presen- beslutningsprosesser ved opera­ sentasjon på seminaret Pearls tasjon på NSfK 61st Research sjonssentralen. Presentasjon på in Policing (International Seminar 2019, Helsingør. samling for fag og opplærings­ Action Group), PHS, Oslo.

115 Paulsen, J. E. (2019, april). in the Norwegian Police Service. rativ psykologi. Presentasjon Skjønnsutøvelse, moralsk Presentasjon på Policing and på Innsatslederkurs – Helse, legitimitet og verdienes Society Conference, Akureyri. Prehospitale tjenester, Skien. rolle. Presentasjon på seminar Risan, P. (2019, mai). Investiga- Sandvik, A. M. (2019, septem- for Bachelorpåbygget i tive interviewing of traumatized ber). Vold i nære relasjoner: straffegjennomføring, KRUS, interviewees. Presentasjon på Tverretatlig samhandling. Lillestrøm. konferansen Forensic Inter- Presentasjon på Sikkerhets- Paulsen, J. E. & Simensen, T. K. viewing Conference 2019: seminaret 2019, Skien. (2019, mai). Sier studenter Vulnerability, Justice and Skjevrak, P. E. (2019, januar). ifra? Presentasjon på samling Communication, University of Ungdoms- og gjengkriminalitet: for praksisveiledere, PHS, Portsmouth, Portsmouth. Ulike bilder. Presentasjon på Oslo. Sakrisvold, M. L. (2019, septem- KROM Konferansen 2019, Paulsen, J. E. (2019, desember). ber). Jakten på Pinocchios nese. Storefjell. Integrity and Dirty Hands. Presentasjon på Forsker Grand Solhjell, R. (2019, februar). Rus- Presentasjon på Workshop, Prix, delfinale, Oslo. politikk og minoritetsungdom. Oslo Lecture in Society and Sakrisvold, M. L. (2019, septem- Deltagelse i debatt på seminar, Policing, PHS, Oslo. ber). Jakten på Pinocchios nese. Oslo. Phelps, J. M. & Bjørkelo, B. Presentasjon på Forsker Grand Solhjell, R. (2019, august). (2019, mai). Whistleblowing Prix, nasjonal finale, Stavanger. Building trust or creating ex- and other «varslings-»related Sakrisvold, M. L., Granhag, P.-A. clusion?: Policing high schools concepts as seen from social & Mac Giolla, E. (2019, juni). in Oslo, Norway. Presentasjon (and organizational) psycholo- The consistency of corroborated på konferansen Nordic gy. Presentasjon på Gresshol- alibi statements and the role of Youth Research Symposium menseminaret, Gressholmen. salience. Presentasjon på iIIRG (NYRIS), Aarhus. Rabbing, L. & Bjørkelo, B. (2019, 12th Annual Conference 2019, Solhjell, R. (2019, september). februar). Challenging and De- Stavern. Exclusion and Control: Policing manding Work: Operative and Sandvik, A. M. (2019, mai). Kri- highschools in Oslo, Norway. Organisational Work Demands tiske beslutninger. Presentasjon Presentasjon på konferansen and Individual and Organisa- på Innsatslederkurs – Helse, Eurocrim 2019, Gent. tional Resources as Predictors of Prehospitale tjenester, Skien. Solhjell, R. (2019, oktober). Mi­ Health and Work Engagement Sandvik, A. M. (2019, mai). Ope- noritetsungdommers møte med

116 politi. Gjesteforelesning på the internet. Presentasjon på Sunde, N. (2019, april). The hu- seminaret Kunnskap om kultur Annual workshop PDTOR man factor in digital forensics. og mangfold, Kripos, Oslo. Norforsk project, Newcastle. Presentasjon på International Solhjell, R. (2019, oktober). Ung Sunde, I. M. (2019, november). weeks at PHS, PHS, Oslo. og minoritet i Oslo. Presenta- Kriminalitetsforebygging på Sunde, N. (2019, mai). Unboxing sjon på Ungdomskonferanse internett, rettslige aspekter. digital evidence: The digital 2019, Oslo. Presentasjon på Fagdag for forensic detectives’ role in the Solhjell, R. (2019, oktober/ påtalejurister, Kripos, Oslo. construction of digital evidence november). Minoritetsung- Sunde, I. M. (2019, mars). in criminal investigation. dommers møte med politi. Research concerning the Role of Presentasjon på NSfK´s 61st Gjesteforelesning på seminaret the Police in a Digitized Society. Research Seminar 2019, Kunnskap om kultur og mang­ Presentasjon på seminaret Helsingør. fold, Kripos, Oslo. Pearls in Policing (IALG) – Sunde, N. (2019, august). Digital Solhjell, R. (2019, november). internasjonalt politilederutvi- evidence and miscarriages of Practises in Interagency Colla­b­ klingstiltak, PHS, Oslo. justice in Norway. Presentasjon oration against Violent Extrem­ Sunde, I. M. & Holmboe, M. på semiaret Justice for all, Åbo. ism at the City Level. Presenta­ (2019, oktober). Automatisk Sunde, N. (2019, oktober). Fag- sjon på Nordic conference on patruljering på Internett for fellevurdering av datatekniske violent extremism, Aarhus. å forebygge kriminalitet. Pre- undersøkelser. Presentasjon på Solhjell, R. (2019, desember). sentasjon på AI-konferansen, Nordic Cybercrime Conference Dimensions of Statehood: A Oslo. 2019, PHS, Oslo. conceptual approach. Presen- Sunde, N. (2019, februar). Cyber Torvik, C., Evensen, R. & Fossli, tasjon på London School of Investigation Process. Gjeste- E. L. V. (2019, november). Economics, London. forelesning på Masteremne SAMOT-prosjektet – kvar er vi Sunde, I. M. (2019, august). Dig- Cybercrime investigation, no: Presentasjon av arbeidet ita Forensics & the Rule of Law. NTNU, Gjøvik. med utvikling av undervis­ Gjesteforelesning på NTNU Sunde, N. (2019, mars). The ningsopplegg på tvers av ut­dan­ Summer School Scientific Human Factor in the Con- ningsprogram. Presentasjon Program, Lillehammer. struction of Digital Evidence. på konferansen SAMOT: Sam­ Sunde, I. M. (2019, oktober). Presentasjon på seminaret virke mellom grunnutdannin­ Enforcement jurisdiction on Pearls in Policing, PHS, Oslo. gene om arbeid mot vold og

117 overgrep, Drammen. a ­techie in order to understand Posters Vestby, A. & Bjelland, H. F. AI? A methodology for Rabbing, L., Lau, B., Bjørkelo, B. (2019, juni). «Flere verktøy i non-techies to understand AI. & Fostervold, K. I. (2019, mai/ verktøykassa»: Koordinering Presentasjon på The Nordic juni). Norwegian Police Service på tvers av etatsgrenser i Cybercrime Conference 2019, Employee Study. Posterpre- Lime-saken.­ Presentasjon på PHS Oslo. sentasjon på EAWOP congress Politihøgskolens Forsknings- Vestby, A. & Vestby, J. (2019, 2019, Torino. konferansen 2019, PHS, Oslo. april). Machine learning and Sakrisvold, M. L., Luke, T. J., Mac Vestby, A. & Bjelland, H. F. the police: Asking the right Giolla, E. & Granhag, P.-A. (2019, august). «Flere verktøy i questions. Presentasjon på (2019, juli). Counter-interview verktøykassa»: Om tverretatlig seminar i forskergruppen strategies of honest and decep- koordinering i Lime-saken. PIDS, Oslo. tive alibis. Posterpresentasjon Presentasjon på Fagseminar på Annual Conference of Kripos, Oslo. the European Association of Vestby, A. & Vestby, J. (2019, Psychology and Law, Santiago oktober). Is it necessary to be de Compostela.

118 Media contributions 201938

Interviews Ellefsen, B., Klatran, H. K. & Gjelsvik, I. M. (Intervjuobjekt). Birkeland, Å. & Ellefsen, B. Lohne Lie, A. (Intervjuobjekt). (2019, 12. august). Hvordan (Intervjuobjekt). (2019, 17. (2019, 23. oktober). Politihøg­ overvåkes potensielle terroris- oktober). Forskere reagerer skulen protesterer på detalj­sty­ ter? [Radioprogram]. NRK P2. sterkt på politisk overstyring ring frå regjeringa. NRK. Hentet Hentet fra av Politihøgskolens styre: – Et fra studio-2-p2/MKRD04016019/12-08- helt vanvittig forslag. Khrono. hogskulen-protesterer-pa-detaljsty- 2019#t=1m8.44s Hentet fra­ ­ ring-fra-regjeringa-1.14750059?fbclid=I- Glomseth, R. (Intervjuob- ellefsen-phs-politihogskolen/­ wAR27RI2rXs5-3haPaX4TRHwowrCM3l- jekt). (2019, 29. april). forskere-reagerer-sterkt-pa-politisk- ke315ypuHVMU4CR1edEh_QVyM9crE Frykter at sammenslåing overstyring-av-politihogskolens-styre-­ Gjelsvik, I. M. (Intervjuobjekt). av Politihøgskolen og et-helt-vanvittig-forslag/412413 (2019, 3. juni). Norsk politis Kriminalomsorgens høgskole Ellefsen, B. (Intervjuobjekt). forebyggende arbeid mot er vedtatt på bakrommet. (2019, 28. oktober). Mis­­tenker radikalisering og voldelig ek­ Khrono. Hentet fra https://khrono. snikstenging. Klassekampen­­ . stremisme. NRK, Studio 2 – P2 no/fusjon-kriminalomsorgen-krus/ [Radioprogram]. frykter-at-sammenslaing-av-politihog-

38 All media contributions are listed under the same category as the one they are registered under in Cristin.

119 skolen-og-kriminalomsorgens-hogsko- Holmboe, M. (Intervjuobjekt). articles/lagdommer-var-inhabil--over- le-er-vedtatt-pa-bakrommet/275524 (2019, 23. juli). Island felt i to grepssak-ma-ga-pa-nytt Holmboe, M. (Intervjuobjekt). saker for EMD. Rett24. Hentet fra Klatran, H. K. (Intervjuobjekt). (2019, 16. januar). Foreldre- (2019, 6. september). Skeive par mishandlet barna over en to-saker-for-emd tilpasser væremåten for å periode på åtte år – fikk 120 ti- Holmboe, M. (Intervjuobjekt). unngå trusler, trakassering mer samfunnstraff.NRK . Hentet (2019, 29. november). Profes- og vold. Hentet fra sor mener regjeringen åpner fra drepar-mishandlet-barna-over-en-peri- for å bestemme strukturen ved alitet-mobbing-partner/skeive-tilpas- ode-pa-atte-ar-_-fikk-120-timer-sam- alle universiteter og høgskoler. ser-vaerematen-for-a-unnga-trus- funnstraff-1.14385641 Khrono. Hentet fra https://khrono. ler-trakassering-og-vold/1559261 Holmboe, M. (Intervjuobjekt). no/professor-mener-regjeringen-ap- Klatran, H. K. (Intervjuobjekt). (2019, 15. mars). Professor ner-for-a-bestemme-strukturen-ved-al- (2019, oktober). Styret om falske anklager: Svekker le-universiteter-og-hogskoler/423952 ved Politihøgskolen med tilliten til reelle ofre. Dagbla- Holmboe, M. (Intervjuobjekt). kraftig signal til politisk det. Hentet fra https://www.dagbladet. (2019, 2. desember). Kan gå ledelse: Mener vedtak griper no/nyheter/svekker-tilliten-til-reelle-of- ned for telling. Klassekampen. direkte inn i styrets autonomi. re/70873677 Hentet fra https://dagens.klassekam- Khrono. Hentet fra https://khrono. Holmboe, M. (Intervjuobjekt). no/autonomi-justisdepartementet-phs/ (2019, 29. april). Minstestraff telling styret-ved-politihogskolen-med-kraf- for å skremme – men ikke for Holmboe, M. & Dietrichson, M. tig-signal-til-politisk-ledelse-me- å sikte. Rett24. Hentet fra https:// (Intervjuobjekt). (2019, 8. ner-vedtak-griper-direkte-inn-i-sty- januar). Færre dissenser og rets-autonomi/414801 skremme--men-ikke-for-a-sikte mindre straff.Rett24 . Hentet fra Klatran, H. K. (Intervjuobjekt). Holmboe, M. (Intervjuobjekt). (2019, november). Politihøg- (2019, 25. mai). Livet ødelagt ser-og-mindre-straff skolens styre håper Stortinget av falske anklager. Dagbladet. Holmboe, M. & Elden, J. C. skal sikre styrets autonomi Holmboe, M. (2019, 11. juni). (Intervjuobjekt). (2019, 16. — men sliter med å få gehør. Nytt i strafferetten i 2018.Juri ­ mai). Lagdommer var inhabil Khrono. Hentet fra dika Innsikt. Hentet fra https://juridi- – overgrepssak må gå på nytt. nyheter/419519 Rett24. Hentet fra Lundgaard, J. M. (Intervju­

120 objekt). (2019, 2. oktober). minoritetsungdom-blir-oftere-stop- Sunde, I. M. (Intervjuobjekt). Politiet drar sjeldnere på pet-av-politiet/1280915 (2019, 17. februar). Tidal-sak oppdrag. NRK, Dagsnytt 18 Solhjell, R. (Intervjuobjekt). avgjør hva politiet får lov til i [Radioprogram]. (2019, 12. februar). cyber-etterforskninger. Dagens Lundgaard, J. M . (Intervjuob- Minoritetsungdom stoppet på Næringsliv, s. 1, 28-29. jekt). (2019, 3. oktober). gata: Skaper mot politiet. Sunde, N. (Intervjuobjekt). «Beklager, men du må ringe TV2. Hentet fra https://www.tv2. (2019, 23. juni). Digitale bevis tilbake senere, nå er det mye no/a/10403979/ kan være mindre sikre enn som skjer her». Politiet dro Solhjell, R. (Intervjuobjekt). antatt. Hentet fra på 64.000 færre oppdrag. (2019, 31. juli). Minoritets- Aftenposten. ungdoms opplevelser av politi- litihogskolen/digitale-bevis-kan-vae- Sandvik, A. M. (Intervjuobjekt). et. NRK Østlandssendingen, P1 re-mindre-sikre-enn-antatt/1349209 (2019, 17. april). Trening [Radioprogram]. Sørli, V. L. (Intervjuobjekt). hjelper deg å takle stress. Strype, J. (Intervjuobjekt). (2019, 17. januar). Forskere Hentet fra https:// (2019, 20. mai). Statistikk - slår alarm om norsk politi. hvordan leser vi den? Holm, TV2 Nyhetskanalen. Hentet fra len-stress/trening-hjelper-deg-a-takle- NRK P1+ [Radioprogram]. stress/1326679 Hentet fra Sørli, V. L. & Rabbing, L. (Inter- Solhjell, R.( Intervjuobjekt). serie/holm/DMTO01009919/20-05- vjuobjekt). (2019, 22. okto- (2019, 16. januar). Forholdet 2019#t=25m49.76s ber). Direktorater ønsker selv mellom politi og ungdom. NRK Sunde, I. M. (Intervjuobjekt). å fylle leder­posisjonene ved Østlandssendingen, P1 [Radio­ (2019, 11. januar). Om en ny justishøgskole: — Opp- program]. Hentet fra https://radio. kriminelles bruk av kryptering siktsvekkende, sier tillitsvalgt. og politiets utfordringer. Khrono. Hentet fra https://khrono. landssendingen#t=2h8m58.24s Aftenpostens nyhetspodcast no/krus-phs-politihogskolen/direktora- Solhjell, R. (Intervjuobjekt). ­FORKLART. ter-onsker-selv-a-fylle-lederposisjone- (2019, 17. januar). Minoritets­ Sunde, I. M. (Intervjuobjekt). ne-ved-en-ny-justishogskole--oppsikts- ungdom blir oftere stoppet (2019, 11. januar). Om vekkende-sier-tillitsvalgt/414040 av politiet. kriminelles bruk av kryptering Vestby, A. (Intervjuobjekt). Hentet fra og politiets utfordringer. NRK (2019, 8. juni). Norges største kriminalitet-partner-politihogskolen/ P2 Nyheter [Radioprogram]. menneskehandel-sak ble

121 løst med kreativt samarbeid. Holmboe, M. (Intervjuobjekt). [Radioprogram]. Hentet fra https:// (2019, 5. desember). Politi- Sunde, I. M. (Intervjuobjekt). høgskolens autonomi. NRK, (2019, 11. januar). Om storste-menneskehandel-sak-ble-lost-­ Debatten [TV-program]. kriminelles bruk av kryptering med-kreativt-samarbeid/1346409 Solhjell, R. (Intervjuobjekt). og politiets utfordringer. NRK (2019, 5. august). På hvilken P1 Nyhetsmorgen [Radio­ Radio and TV appearances måte bør politiet møte de program]. Ellefsen, B. (Intervjuobjekt). unge?. NRK P2 [Radiopro- Thomassen, G. (Intervjuobjekt). (2019, 5. desember). gram]. Hentet fra (2019, 5. mai). Om bevæpning Faglig frihet og kvalitet i poli- serie/studio-2-p2#t=14m2.48s av politiet i «Desse dagar». tiutdanningen. NRK Debatten Solhjell, R. (Intervjuobjekt). NRK P2 [Radioprogram]. [TV-program]. Hentet fra https:// (2019, 9. september). ­Solhjell Hentet fra om politi på skoler. NRK desse-dagar NNFA51120519 P2, Nyhetsmorgen [Radio­ Sørli, V. L. & Bolstad, S. (Inter- Holmboe, M. (Intervjuobjekt). program]. vjuobjekt). (2019, 17. januar). (2019, 10. januar). Hemme- Solhjell, R. (Intervjuobjekt). Resultater av politireformen. ligholdet i bortføringssaken. (2019, 9. september). Intervju TV2 Nyhetskanalen [TV-­ NRK, Dagsnytt 18 [Radio­ om minoritetsungdoms program]. program]. Hentet fra https://tv.nrk. hyppige besøk av politi på no/serie/dagsnytt-atten-tv/201901/ videregående skoler i Oslo. NNFA56011019/avspiller NRK Østlandssendingen, P1

122 List of abbreviations (in alphabetical order)

AFI = Arbeidsforskningsinstitut- kerhet), NTNU i Gjøvik. tenskapelige fakultet, UiO. tet, OsloMet, Oslo. (Frem til CEPOL = European Union CRIStin = Current Research 30.01.2018: HiOA). Agency for Law Enforcement Information System In AOP = Arbeids- og organisa- Training, Budapest, Ungarn. ­Norway. [Registreringssystem sjonspsykologisk prosjekt. (Frem til 30.06.2016: The for forskningpublikasjoner og [Prosjekt]. European Police College). -formidling]. APC = Article Processing Charge. CLIP = Research unit for Crim- CSTPV = Handa Center for the Publiseringsavgift et tidsskrift inal, Legal and Investigative Study of Terrorism and Politi- krever for kostnader knyttet til Psychology. [Forskningsgrup- cal Violence, University of St. redaksjonelt arbeid. pe]. Andrews, Fife, Skottland. B2 = Det andre året på PHS’ COP = Community-oriented Difi = Direktoratet for forvaltning Bachelorstudium, hvor stu- policing. [Arbeidsmetode/-­ og IKT. Ble nedlagt 31. desem- dentene er ute i praksisåret. tilnærming]. ber 2019. Den 1. januar 2020 Brå = Brottsförebyggande rådet, C-REX = Senter for ekstremisme- ble Altinn, deler av fagmiljøet Sverige. forskning: Høyreekstremisme, for informasjonsforvaltning CCIS = Center for Cyber and hatkriminalitet og politisk i Brønnøysundregistrene og Information Security (Senter vold (Center for Research on Difi samlet i det nyeDigitalise - for cyber- og informasjonssik- Extremism), Det samfunnsvi- ringsdirektoratet.

123 DDT = Den Digitale Timen. and innovation programme. HUMINT = Human intelligence. [Forskningsdrevet tiltak for å EVU = Etter- og videreutdanning. HVL = Høgskulen på Vestlandet, bidra til politifaglig utvikling i Fafo = Fagbevegelsens forsknings- Bergen. det digitaliserte samfunnet.] organisasjon, Oslo. ICC = International Criminal DFØ = Direktoratet for for- FFI = Forsvarets forskningsinsti- Court (Den internasjonale valtning og økonomistyring. tutt (The Norwegian Defense straffedomstolen), Haag, statens fagorgan for økonomi, Research Establishment), ­Nederland. styring, ledelse og organisering Lillestrøm/Horten. ICT4COP = «Community-Based i staten. DFØ fikk overført fag- FHS = Forsvarets høgskole (The Policing and Post Conflict området offentlige anskaffelser Norwegian Defence. University Police Reform». [Prosjekt]. fra Difi fra 2020. College (NDUC)). IKG = Institut für interdisziplinäre EAPL = The European Association FIKS = Bygge kompetanse for å Konflikt- und Gewaltforschung of Psychology and Law. beholde kompetanse (Fix the (Institute for Interdisciplinary e-ledelse = etterforskningsledel- system and achieve unique Research on Conflict and se/-leder. institutional goals). [Prosjekt]. Violence), Universität Bielefeld, EPIC = European Police Research FOA = Etterforskningsfeltets fag- Bielefeld, Tyskland. Institute Collaboration. og opplæringsansvarlige. IKRS = Institutt for kriminologi ERC = European Research FoU = Forskning og utvikling. og rettssosiologi, Det juridiske Council (Det europeiske GDPR = General Data Protection fakultet, UiO. forskningsråd). Regulation (personvernforord- IKT = Informasjons- og kommuni- Eurojust = The European Union’s ningen). kasjonsteknologi. Judicial Cooperation Unit, HIG = High-Value Detainee Inter- iIIRG = International Investiga- Haag, Nederland. rogation Group – a FBI unit. tive Interviewing Research Europol = The European Union HiOA = Høgskolen i Oslo og Group. [Forskningsnettverk]. Agency for Law Enforcement Akershus; fra 31.01.2018 IOR = Institutt for offentlig rett, Cooperation (Den europeiske ­OsloMet. Det juridiske fakultet, UiO. unions byrå for politisamarbeid HL-senteret = Senter for studier IPES = The International Police innen kriminaletterretning), av Holocaust og livssynsmi- Executive Symposium. [Net- Haag, Nederland. noriteter (Center for Studies tverk]. EU H2020 = The European of Holocaust and Religious ISGA = Institute of Security and Union’s Horizon 2020 research Minorities), Oslo. Global Affairs, Universiteit

124 Leiden, Leiden/Haag, Nederland. systematisk utarbeidelse, struktur. Holder til i Oslo. JD = Justis- og beredskapsde- forbedring og implementering NOVA = Norsk institutt for partementet. (Frem til 2012: av nasjonale metoder.] forskning om oppvekst, Justis- politidepartementet). NFR = Norges forskningsråd / velferd og aldring (Velferds- KINSA = The Kids Internet Safety Forskningsrådet. forskningsinstituttet NOVA), Alliance, Mississauga, Canada. NIM = The National Intelligence OsloMet, Oslo. KO:DE = Fagportal/fagforvalt- Model (NIM). [Britisk etterret- NPM = New Public Management. ningssystem for politiet. ningsmodell.] [Fellesbetegnelse for en KRUS = Kriminalomsorgens NINA = Norsk institutt for rekke prinsipper og metoder høgskole og utdanningssenter, naturforskning, Trondheim for organiseringen og styringen Oslo. (hovedkontor). av offentlig virksomhet, som MOU = Memorandum of Under- NIS-direktivet = Europaparla- har utgangspunkt i marked- standing (Omforent memo- mentets og Rådets direktiv (EU stenkning. NPM forbindes randum). [Samarbeidsavtale, 2016/1148) av 6. juli 2016 særlig med den nyliberalistiske avtale som gjenspeiler en felles om tiltak som skal sikre et høyt politiske orienteringen som forståelse; ikke nødvendigvis felles sikkerhetsnivå i nettverks- Ronald Reagan og Margaret bindende.] og informasjonssystemer i EU. Thatcher var eksponenter for.] MSTU = Murmansk State Tech- NMBU = Norges miljø- og biovi- NSD = Norsk senter for nical University, Murmansk, tenskapelige universitet, Ås. forskningsdata, Bergen. Russland. NNPL = The Nordic Network for NSfK = Nordisk Samarbeidsråd NArFU = Northern (Arctic) Fed- Research on Psychology & Law. for Kriminologi (Scandinavian eral University, Arkhangelsk, [Nettverk]. Research Council for Crimino- Russland. NORAGRIC = Institutt for inter- logy). NF =Nasjonal fagkoordinator. nasjonale miljø- og utviklings- NTNU = Norges teknisk-natur- [Enhet ved PHS som er studier, Fakultet for landskap vitenskapelige universitet sentral i et nyetablert nasjonalt og samfunn, NMBU, Ås. (Norwegian University of system for fagforvaltning og NordForsk = Organisasjon Science and Technology). Har -utvikling. Systemet skal sikre under Nordisk ministerråd som campuser i Trondheim, Gjøvik kontinuerlig, enhetlig og kunn- finansierer og tilrettelegger og Ålesund. skapsbasert videreutvikling av for nordisk samarbeid innen NUPI = Norsk utenrikspolitisk etterforskningsfeltet gjennom forskning og forskningsinfra- institutt (Norwegian Institute

125 of International Affairs), Oslo. program for samfunnsutviklin- informasjonssystem beregnet OPD = Oslo Politidistrikt. gens kulturelle forutsetninger. på å muliggjøre elektronisk OsloMet = OsloMet – storby­ SAMRISK = Program for sam- anonymitet; del av det «the universitetet (Oslo Metropo- funnssikkerhet. [Forsknings- dark web»]. litan University). (Frem til program underlagt NFR og UiT = Universitet i Tromsø (The 30.01.2018: HiOA). finansiert av Justisdepartemen- Arctic University of Norway). PEN = Police Experts Network. tet, Kunnskapsdepartementet, UI = University of Iceland, Island. [Nettverk]. Samferdselsdepartementet og UiB = Universitetet i Bergen. PIA = Politihøgskolens (åpne) Forsvarsdepartementet.] UiO = Universitetet i Oslo. institusjonsarkiv. [Vitenarkiv i SERI = Senter for rettsinforma- UiS = Universitetet i Stavanger. Bragekonsortiet.] tikk, Institutt for privatrett, Det UNDP = The United Nations PFI = Pedagogisk forskningsinsti- juridiske fakultet, UiO. ­Development Programme. [FNs tutt, UiO. SIGNAL = Security in Internet utviklingsprogram]. PHS = Politihøgskolen (The Governance and Networks: UNIS = University Center in Sval- Norwegian Police University Analyzing the Law. [Forskning- bard, Longyearbyen, Norge. College). Har avdelinger i sprosjekt underlagt Institutt Unit = Direktoratet for IKT og Oslo, Stavern, Bodø og på for privatrett, Det juridiske fellestjenester for høyere Kongsvinger. fakultet, UiO.] ­utdanning og forskning. POD = Politidirektoratet. SIPR = Scottish Institute for Polic- PRIO = Peace Research Institute ing Research, School of Social Oslo (Institutt for fredsfors- Sciences (Geography), Univer- kning), Oslo. sity of Dundee, Dundee, Skot- PSI = Psykologisk institutt, tland. [Samarbeidskonsortium Det samfunnsvitenskapelige mellom politiet i Skottland og fakultet, UiO. 14 skotske universiteter]. PST = Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste. SNO = Statens naturoppsyn. RECPOL = Recruitment, Educa- [Del av Miljødirektoratet og tion and Careers in the Police: miljøforvaltningens operative A European Longitudinal feltorgan.] Study. [Prosjekt]. SSB = Statistisk sentralbyrå. SAMKUL = Norges forskningsråds TOR = The Onion Router. [Et