A Selected Bibliography of Publications by, and about, Max Planck Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 28 August 2020 Version 1.66 Title word cross-reference 12 × 5 [Pic25]. 14 × 22 [C.49]. $2.40 [Pic25]. 2:7◦ [Noe73]. $3.75 [C.49]. $6 [Hie68]. α [Pla06d, Pla06e, Pla07a, Why50]. β [Pla06d, Pla06e, Pla07a]. C2 [Has14, Men17, VD47]. ::: [Hof08a]. h [Ano47c, Bir19, Mil16]. -. [Sch65]. -Strahlen [Pla06d, Pla06e, Pla07a]. [Sch65]. /Almost [KSB63]. /Aufs¨atze [Ano48e, Ano48f]. /Butterflies [Ano46c]. /Death [Ano46c]. /Dr. [Ano46c]. /Einigkeit [MSQM63]. /Experiment [Ano46b]. /Fast [KSB63]. /Ferromagnetism [HD48]. /Friedrich [MKD+91]. /Fritzsch [MKD+91]. /Goethe [Ano46c]. /Is [MSQM63]. /Ist [MSQM63]. /Lenz [Ano48i]. /Max [BT58, Cah99, DT58, vBL96]. /Max-Planck-Medaille [BT58, DT58]. /Nobel [Ano46c]. /Papers 1 2 [Ano48e]. /Pasteur [Ano46c]. /President [Ano46c]. /The [Ano46c]. /Unity [MSQM63]. 0-520-05710-4 [San87]. 1 [Pla15a, Pla46a]. 1/B [Ano46b]. 1/Zerst¨orung [Ano46b]. 100th [HD01, Max58, vL58]. 10th [Pla57d]. 11 [You68]. 12 [Pla31e]. 12.14.1930/Albert [Ano69]. 130th [Gri87]. 14.12.1930/Albert [Ano69]. 15 [Pla14f, Pla16e, Pla23h]. 15.25 [San87]. 150 [Sta10]. 150th [Ano08f, Ano08a, Bec09, Jac08b]. 15s [McK27]. 16 [Pla94a]. 1646 [Pla46a]. 18 [Pla27b]. 1889/91 [Pla15c]. 1890 [Pla50a, Sti84]. 1893 [Pla94a]. 1894 [Pla94a]. 19 [MSQM63]. 1900 [Br¨u48b]. 1902 [Gae03]. 1906 [Pla06f]. 1908 [Pla09c]. 1909 [Pla09b, Pla10a].