Nietzsche's Zukunftsphilologie: Leopardi, Philology, History
Nietzsche’s Zukunftsphilologie: Leopardi, Philology, History* Angela Matilde Capodivacca When the past speaks it always speaks as an oracle: Only if you are an architect of the future and know the present will you understand it. --Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future Why do we have to learn so much history? What’s wrong with the future? --Marcy in the movie Legally Blonde 2 0:34:46-50 In November 1492, Politian gave his inaugural lecture, Lamia, for a course on Aristotelian philosophy in which he advocated a new understanding of philology.1 In this address, Politian redefined the relationship between philology, literature, and philosophy by affirming the preeminence of what he calls the grammaticus (grammarian, philologist)2 over the philosopher as the best interpreter of all texts, philosophical works included. Politian writes: Indeed, the functions of philologists are such that they examine and explain in detail every category of writers – poets, historians, orators, philosophers, medical doctors, and jurisconsults. Our age, knowing little about antiquity, has fenced the philologist in, within an exceedingly small circle. But among the ancients, once, this class of men had so much authority that philologists alone were the censors and critics of all writers. (2010, 245) For Politian, philology is the art of reading through the past: philosophical analysis, history, anthropology, sociology, and so on are but ancillary to it. Almost four hundred years later, in 1869, Friedrich Nietzsche made a similar move *I would like to thank Andrew Cutrofello, David Lummus, Giuseppe Mazzotta, Arielle Saiber, Francesca Trivellato, and Patrick Waldron for reading earlier versions of this essay.
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