Journal of Pi^Oceedings

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Journal of Pi^Oceedings Vol. XVII. THE TRANSACTIONS Journal of Pi^oceedings DUMFRIESSHIRE AND GALLOWAY Nafural History and Antiquarian Society FOUNDED NOVEMBER, 1862. SESSIONS 1900-1901 TO 1904-1905. PRINTED AT THE STANDARD OFFICE, DUMFRIES. 1906. — — — ————— — — —————— — INDEX TO VOLUME XVII. Page. Annual Meetings 1,118,237,313, 367 Exchanges and Donations ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,443 445 Field Meetings 109, 113, 223, 229, 365, 438 Parish of Luce (Hoddom) George Irnrifj ... ... ... ... ... 5 Vertebrates of Solway, a Century's Changes Robt. Service, M. B.O.U. 11, 15 Meteorological Observations Rev. W. And-ion ... 33, 156, 265, 353, 378 Notes on above with Reference to Health Dr J. Maxwell Ro'^s 38, 271, 355, 384 Variation of Plants— .S'. .4rno«, 2="./?. i7..? ... 41 Dr Archibald's "Account of the Curiosities of Dumfries" and "Account " about Galloway The late Dr James Macdonald, J''.S.A. (Scot.) 50 Bird Notes iromEskdi\\e -Richard Btll 64 Forts and Connecting Trenches in Eskdalemuir Richard Bell ... 76 Concerning the Market Cross Jamen Barbour, F.S.A. (Scot.)... ... 85 Scottish Burghal Life in 16th and 17th Centuries, illustrated by Extracts from Kirkcudbright Records — IFi^/ia?)! Z)icHe ... ... 90 Etymology of Word " Ruthwell "— £/. /. Ghinnock, LL.D 103 Botanical Notes for 1899 James RPAndrew ... ... ... ... 106 Mosses, Hepaticee and Lichens of District, Addenda and Corrigenda of James M'Andrew ... ... ... ... ... 121 Phenological Observations J. Rutherford ... ... ... ... 125, 161 Loehrutton Crannog— /rtWifi-s j5aj'/wM)-, /"..S'.^. ('.9co<.^ ... ... 128 Pre-historic Forts near Dnnscore, a Contrast in Rev. R. Simpson, B.D. 1-36 Birds of Glencairn DrJ. W.Martin 140 Phenological Observations at Moniaive in 1901 John Corrie 164 Fauna of Glencairn —i>r /. W.Martin 166 Edward I. at Sweetheart Abbey E. J. Chinnock, LL.D 172 Irvings of Hoddom, The Georrje Irvinrj ... ... ... ... ... 175 Lag's Elegy and other Chap Books Frank Miller ... ... 203 Geology of Dumfries Basin James Waft ... ... ... ... ... 216 Cinerary Urn found at Holywood— ZJr J. W.Martin ... ... ... 238 Nith and its Estuary, a Year's Observations of the Temperature of the—i^ey. W. Andson 2.S9 Lake Dwelling and Earthworks at Loch Urr John Corrie ... ... 242 Toxic Effects of Colchicums on Bees—6'. ^rno«, i^.i?.//.& 246 Lochrutton Crannog, Further Excavations at James Barbour, F.S.A. (Scot.) 246 Greyfriars' Monastery, Dumfries, Excavations on the Site of the James Lennox. F.S.A. (Scot.) ... ... ... ... ... ... 254 — — —— ——————— — ——— — — — iv. Index. Evolution, The Ideas of Professor Scott-Elliot 257 Comyn, The Assassination of the Red, from Contemporary Records E. J. Chinnock, LL.D 263, 298 The Sparrow Hawk—i?o6er< .Serwce, il/. 5.0. C''. 273 .Scottish Life in the 17th Century W.Dickie 279 Burial Mound at Bogrie—7?o6e?-< .S'eri'ice, 71/. 5.0. £7 309 Arrow Heads and Stone Whorls from Townhead of Closeburn Robert Service, M.B.O.U. 309 Pre-historic RedDeer of Solway— 7?o?)ert 5'e)-m-e, J/.S.O.U" 309 Merkland Cross and the Rere Cross Georrje Irving ... ... ... 310 Trees Professor Scott- Elliot ... ... ... 314 Edward I. at Sweetheart Abbey E. J . Chinnock, LL.D. 318 How the Royal Burgh of Annan built a Bridge James Barbour, F.S.A. (Scot.) 320 Diurnal and ISIocturnal Raptorial Birds of the Solway Area Robert Service, M.B.O.U. 327 The^nowdi-o^—S. Arnott, F.R.H.S. 339 Laws of Fines for the Pi-esbytery of Dumfries- -i?er. /?. W. Weir ... 358 Scottish Words found in Old English Writers E. J. Chinnock, LL.D. 358 Geological Notes James Watt ... .. ... ... 3f>9 Vestiges of the Castle of Dumfries James Barbour, F.S.A. (Scot. J ... 362 Chi\e— Professor Scott- Elliot 368 Eorests : Wild and Cultivated Augustine Henry, M.A., F.L.S., <SsC... 375 Biblical Money, and Coins of the Holy Land Rev. H. A. Whitdaw ... 376 Burial Urns found in Maxwelltown Park ... ... ... ... ... 377 Japanese Larch and Larch Fungus W.Murray ... ... ... 386 Birds observed on Solway—5. J/' Ca« 388 Annan, Extracts from Burgh Records of James Barbour, F.S.A. (Scot.) 390 Sedum Telephium— IF. il/'dtdcAeon, 5.S(- 394 An Antiquary's Notes George Neilson, IjL.D. ... ... ... ... 395 Some Local and other Popular Plant Names— .S'. Arnott, F.R.H.S. ... 404 Declaration of Loyalty by Inhabitants of Closeburn 410 Letter from Francis Carlyle, grand-uncle of Thomas Carlyle ... ... 411 The Weavers' Incorporation of Dumfries W.Dickie ... ... ... 411 Kinnelhead, Notes on the Ruins at J. T. Johnstoi'e ... 421 Rarer Birds of the Solway Aren—Robert Service, M.B.O. U. 423 Experiments with Cutting the Leaves of Plants— Mrs Atkinson ... 436 Price 3s. Vol. XVII., Parts 1 and 2. THE TRANSACTIONS JoUPxNAL OF Pl^OCEEDINGS DUMFRIESSHIRE AND GALLOWAY Natural Historf and Antiquarian Society rOUNDED NOVEMBER, 1862. SESSIONS 1900-1901, 1901-1902. PRINTED AT THE STANDARD OFFICE, DUMFRIES. 1905. Vol. XVII., Parts 1 and 2. THE TRANSACTIONS Journal of J^i^oceedings DUMFRIESSHIRE AND GALLOWAY Nalural Hislory and Antiquarian Socieff FOUNDED NOVEMBER, 1862. SESSIONS 1900-1901, 1901-1902. PRINTED AT THE STANDARD OFFICE, DUMFRIES. 1905. Note as to the Publication of the Transactions. The Council of the Society desire to intimate that to facilitate the binding of the Annual Transactions it has been resolved that a Volume shall consist of Five Annual Publications. The Volume now published for the years 1900-1, 1901-2 is therefore numbered Volume XVII., Parts 1 and 2, and the next issue for the years 1902-3, 1903-4 will be numbered Volume XVII., Parts 3 and 4, the succeeding- issue being Part 5, which will contain the Transac- tions for the year 1904-5, and will complete Volume XVII. The pages of the parts forming each volume will be numbered con- secutively throughout. Each volume will have a complete Index. Dumfries, March, 190.5. Addendum to List of Honorary Members. James M'Andrew, 21 Gillespie Crescent, Edinburgh. Council for Session 1904^5; Ipi-e6i5ent. GEOROE F. SCOTT-ELLIOT, of Newton, Dumfries, .M.A., B.Sc, F.L.S., F.R G.S. Dice=iprcsi&cnts. ROBERT MURRAY, George Street, Dumfries. ROBERT SERVICE, Seedsman, Maxwelltown. JAMES BARBOUR, F.S.A.(Scot.), Architect, Dumfries. JAMES MAXWELL ROSS, M.D., Medical Officer of Dumfriesshire, Duutrune, Maxwelltown. Secvetavg aiiD STicasurcr. J. A. MOODIE, Solicitor, Bank of Scotland, Dumfiies. Xibvarians ano Cuiatois of /llbusemn. Rev. WM. ANDSON, Ivy Bank, Dumfries, and JAMES LENNOX, F.S.A.(Scot.), Edenbank, Maxwelltown. (Iuratoi-6 of Iberbarium. The PRESIDENT a.\d Miss HANNAY. ©tbcr /iftcnibers. Rev. JOHN CAIRNS, M.A., Ivy Lodge, Albany, Dumfries. J. W. MARTIN, M.D., Holywood. WILLIAM M'CUTCHEON, B.Sc, the Academy. JAMES DAVIDSON, F.I.C., Sumraerville, Maxwelltown. WILLIAM SEMPLE, M.A., B.Sc, Ph.D., the Academy. SAMUEL ARNOTT, F.R.H.S., Carsethorn, by Dumfries WILLIAM DICKIE, Merlewood, Maxwelltown. JOHN TOCHER, Chemist, Dumfries. Miss HANNAY, Langlands, Dumfries. Miss CRESSWELL, Nunholm, Dumfries. — — —— ——— —— —— — — —— —— — COUSTTEHSTTS SESSION 1900-1. Page. Secretaiy's Report ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Treasurer's Report ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 The Parish of Luce (Hoddam) Mr George Irviurj ... ... ... ... 5 Vertebrates of Sohvay, a Centurj-'s Changes Mr Robert Service ... 15 Meteorology of 1900 Ber. Win. Andson ... ... ... ... ... 33 Some Observations on the Variation of Plants under Cultivation Mr Samuel Arnott ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 Dr Archibald's "Account of the Curiosities of Dumfries" and "Accouut " anent Galloway — 7'Ae late Dr James Macdonald, F.S.A. (Scot.) ... 50 Some Bird Notes from Eskdale —J/ >• ^jcAacfZ i?e// 64 Forts and tlieir Connecting Trenches in Eskdalemuir Mr Richard Bell 76 Concerning the Market Cross Mr JainC'i Barhonr, F.S.A. (Scot.) ... 85 Scottish Burghal Life in the 16th and 17th Centuries, illustrated bj' Extracts from Kirkcudbright Records Mr William Dickie ... 90 " Etymology of the word " Ruthwell Dr Chinnoch ... ... ... 103 Botanical Xotes for 1899— 3/;- /a??ie< J/'.4Hfire(f 106 Field Meetings 109 SESSION 1901-2. Secretary's Report .. 119 Treasurer's Report ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 120 Addenda and Corrigenda of Lists of Mosses, Hepatica', and Lichens of the District Mr Jame-t M'Andrew ... ... ... ... 121 Phenological Observations taken at Jardington during 1900 Mr J. Rutherford ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. 125 First Account of the Excavations of Lochrutton Crannog Mr James Barbour, F.S.A. (Scot.) 128 A Contrast in Prehistoric Forts near Dunscore Rev. Richard Simjyson, B.D., Dumrore 136 List of Birds of Glencairn—D;- J/ar<Jn, .ffo/ywoorf 140 Meteorological Report for 1901 Rev. Wm. Andson 156 Phenological and Weather Observations taken at Jardington for 1901 Mr J. Rutherford 161 Phenological Observations taken at Moniaive during 1901 Mr John Carrie, Moniaive ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 164 The Fauna of Glencairn Dr Martin, Holywood .. 166 Edward First at Sweetheart Abbey Dr Chinnoch 172 The Irvings of Hoddom Mr Geonje Irving 175 Lag's Elegy, and other Chap Books—ITr /"mjii- J/i7to- 203 Geology of the Dumfries Basin Mr Jame^ Watt 216 Field Meetings 223 PROCEEDINGS AND TRANSACTIONS OF THE DUMFRIESSHIRE AND GALLOWAY NATURAL HISTORY I ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. SEssionsr, isoo-i. 26th October, 1900. ANNUAL MEETING. Mr James Barbour, F.S.A., Architect, in the chair. JVeiv Me7nbers. —Mr R. Y. Pickering of Conheath ; Mr Eobert G. Mann, Cairnsmore, Dumfries ; Mr W. H. Veitch, Hoddom Estate Office ; Mr Charles Watson, Solicitor, Anuan ; Mr James Ballautyne, Editor, Courier and Herald ; and Mr Bertram M'Gowan, Solicitor, Dumfries. Donations and Exchanges. —Memoirs of Peabody Museum I., 1, 2, 3, 4. New York Academy of Sciences, the Devonian Lam- prey. Transactions of Canadian Institute, semi-Centenuial Memorial Volume ; Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala; Communicaciones del Museo Nacional de Buenos .Ayres, Tomo I., 6 ; Year-book of the Department of Agriculture, U.S.A., 1899 ; Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land, 1898-99 ; Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, X., 1 ; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Legislation for Protection of Birds, Revision of American Voles — ; 2 Annual Meeting.
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