\ l







'' He ouly deserves to be remembered by posterity who treasures up alld preser11es tlze ltistor31 of lzis aucestors.'' -BURKE.

ST. PA'CL, MIN'.:\. 1899.


The result of our labors for the past two years is included in this volume and ready for your inspection. It is not the design of this work to carry out the female branches of the family further than the second or third generation. Unwearied pains have been taken to be correct in all state­ ments and details. If we have erred it has not been for want of industry or an endeavor to give statements which we believed to be correct. Such as it is, it is now before you, and we ask our readers to judge leniently, and bear in mind that it has been a labor of love rather than one of profit. We expect to acquire neither fame nor fortune by it, but instead to incur many criticisms, whether deserved or not. The work of compiling this genealogy has been no easy task, which will be readily understood by those who are familiar with genealogical work and know what the obstacles are which one has to encounter in tracing the various lines of descent, where family records are non-existent and· the infor­ mation desired must be obtained as best we can from Church, Town, Probate and Land records, many of them very incomplete, and in many cases imperfectly kept; in others they have been destroyed by fire, rendering the research both tedious and expensive. It also becomes necessary to make search in hundreds of volumes of historical works and other genealogies, finding here a little and there a little, until we are able to make connecting links and fill out the record. If the records of the First Church at Hartford, which was organized in 1636, were not missing prior to 1682, we might have been able to give a more complete record of our ancestor, iii !V PREFACE.

Joseph Easton and his family, who were prominent members of that Church. After two or three generations the descend­ ants begin to scatter, and succeeding generations grow up knowing little or nothing of their kindred, who are scattered in other parts of the country until they are entirely lost sight of to each other, resulting in the fact that they have no records of their ancestry further back than their grandfather. Such has been the case in our own family, till different branches have been lost to view more than a century and have been discovered and their identity traced only by laborious research. Some descendants of several families of our ancestor are ~upposed to still exist, the parents of whom left their old homes more than a century ago, leaving no trace behind. Among the obstacles to be encountered by the genealogist are the indifference and suspicions of some of his own kindred. He obtains the address of some kinsman who he believes may feel some interest in his family history and addresses to him a letter of inquiry, enclosing postage stamps for a return answer. Scores of such letters never meet with the least attention and are never heard from, although known to have been received, as the return card would insure their return were it otherwise. Others remain weeks and months without attention, holding the genealogist in suspense, not knowing whether he may expect to receive the record or not; in the meantime holding pages and numbers open at a great inconvenience and delay, for every individual must have a proper number in rotation, and in the generation where he belongs. In other cases respondents to letters indicate a suspicion of some speculation at their expense, although not asked to contribute one cent, and scores of letters are returned unclaimed. The foregoing remarks should not be construed as applying to correspondents in general, only to give a general idea of the trials and tribulations of a genealogist. The greater number have responded quickly to our letters, furnishing and obtaining family records for us, expressing an interest in the work and an PREFACE. V anxiety to assist in rendering efficient aid, for which they have our thanks. To enumerate them all would require a long list. We are under special obligations to James Easton, of Otisville, N. Y.; Jason C. Easton, of La Crosse, Wis.; Frederick S. Easton, of Lowville, N. Y.; William S. Easton, of Kansas City, Mo.; Robert E. Easton, Berkeley, Cal.; Carroll F. Easton, Aberdeen, South Dakota; Augustus B. Easton, Stillwater, Minn.; Gilbert R. Easton, Lowville, N. Y.; Prof. M. W. Easton, Philadelphia, Pa.; and Miss Ettie Cleland, Cassadaga, N . Y. Some may ask, '' What good does it do to rake up these old records?'' We respond: '' What good does it do to erect a monument to the name of your relatives or friends?'' To die and be forgotten by all your friends is a thought repugnant to the heart of every one possessed of human instincts. A history of the family is to the family what a history of the State is to its inhabitants, and if properly written should prove a piece of valuable literature. It is a source of regret that the work of the writer could not have fallen into more able and younger hands, but if we have succeeded in rescuing from oblivion the history of our family, or have contributed to awaken an interest in the subject, our object has been accomplished. WM. S. EASTON. St. Pazil, Minn., March 30, 1899. HISTORICAL..

The New England pilgrims were Puritans and Non-Con­ formists, who came to this country for the purpose of seeking religious liberty and freedom. They had endured hardships and per~ecution, owing to the severity of Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, in his hatred of heretics. The Colony of which our ancestor was a member came to this country as an organized body and was known as the Hooker colony, settling first at Newtown, (now Cambridge,) Mass., arriving there during the years 1632-3. It was composed of persons who had become attached to the religious principles as taught by the Rev. Thomas Hooker in England, who arrived in this country to become their pastor, Sept. 4, 1633, on the ship "Griffin," with some 200 other passengers, the names of these not obtainable; our ancestor may have been one of them. The first official record we find of him is in the Colonial Records of Massachusetts, which stated that March 4, 1634, he took the oath as a freeman. On May 3 1, 1636, the colonists, after due consideration, started on their exodus to Connecticut, where the previous year a delegation had gone to procure a location and purchase land from the Indians. Our ancestor, as one of the original proprietors, owned shares in what might be called in this day a syndicate. The journey was an arduous and perilous one of about one hundred miles through the wilderness, and about two week's duration from Cambridge to Hartford. Trumbull, in his history, says that it was a picturesque pilgrimage. Men and women of refinement and delicate breeding turned explorers of primitive forests in search of a wilderness home. The lowing of 160 head of cattle sounded through the forests; the bleating vi HISTORICAL. Vll of sheep and the squealing of swine summoned them to each morning's advance. They came under the guidance of men of pure and fervent piety, of elevated social position and learning in their own country, of large estates and large hearts. They were all men of religious principles at a period when to hold religious opinions cost something, even banishment from home and imprisonment. Once here, each seemed to find his appropriate sphere of usefulness, and all conspired together with one mind and one heart to convert the wilderness into the happy home of civilized man, and as the crowning glory of such homes there were among them women of education, prudence and piety, fit to be the wives of such men and mothers of a noble race. We find in the records of Hartford, that Deacon Joseph Easton was chosen chimney viewer in 1649, surveyor of high­ ways 1652 and 1656, and constable in 1658.


In the old cemetery in Hartford, Conn., located in the rear of the First Congregational Church, on Main street, repose together most of the first settlers of Hartford. Our ancestor must have been buried there; but although careful search has been made, we have been unable to find any single stone to his memory ~lthough it was the only burial place at the 7 time of his death, thereby depriving us of obtaining any information from that quarter. The tombstones of that time were many of them of a poor quality of stone, and owing to dampness in the cemetery have disintegrated and fallen to pieces. In the center of the cemetery is a venerable granite monument, erected about sixty-three years ago to the memory Vlll THE CEMETERY. of the "Founders of Hartford," and bearing the following names:

John Haynes, William Andrews, Joseph Easton, Thomas Hooker, Samuel Wakeman, Richard Olmsted, George Wyllys, Jeremy Adams, Richard Risley, Edward Hopkins, Richard Lyman, Robert Bartlett, Matthew Allyn, VVilliam Butler, Thomas Root, Thomas Welles, Thomas Lord. John Wilcox, John Webster, Matthew Marvin, Richard Seymour, William Whiting, Gregory Wolterton, Benjamin Burr, John Talcott, Andrew Bacon, John Bidwell, Andrew Warner, John Barnard, Nathaniel Ely, William Pantrey, Richard Goodman, Thomas Judd, ·william Westwood, Nathaniel Richards, Richard Lord, James Olmsted, John Pratt, William Kelsey, Thomas Hosmer, Thomas Birchwood, Richard Butler, Nathaniel ·ward, George Graves, Robert Day, William Wadsworth, William Gibbons, Seth Grant, John White, Edward Stebbing, Thomas Spencer, John Steele, George Steele, John Baysey, Thomas Scott, George Stocking, William Pratt, William Goodwin, Joseph Mygatt, Thomas Bull, Thomas Stanley, William Bloomfield, William Holton, Samuel Stone, William Hill, Francis Andrews, John Clark, William Hyde, James Cole, John Crow, John Arnold, John Skinner, James Ensign, Arthur Smith, Thomas Hale, Stephen Post, John Maynard, Samuel Hale, Stephen Hart, William Hayden, Thomas Olcott, William Spencer, Thomas Stanton, Thomas Selden, John Moody, John Hopkins, William Parker, William Lewis, Nicholas Clark, Samuel Greenhill, "William Rusco, John Marsh, Ozias Goodwin, Timothy Stanley, Edward Elmer, Thomas Bunce, Richard Webb, Richard Church, Clement Chaplin, Zachariah Field,


It is natural for a person of common intelligence to have a desire to know something of his ancestry. An honorable ancestry is a source of honorable pride. F A'.\HL Y CONNECTION ABROAD. lX

It is ''evident from various English records that the Easton family vvas one of considerable prominence and standing in the old cot·l\ntry. From what part of England our ancestor came we ha,ve been unable to ascertain. With this in our possession. we n~1ight have been able to trace back his ancestry across the ocea 'n without much trouble. Failing, therefore, in this, we mu·~.st look for a clue in the parish registers of England. This is Ha task beyond our limited resources to undertake, requiring dJie employment of a professional genealogist there, at a large er xpenditure of money; and this is not always attended with · satisfactory results. \Ve have to a limited extent, by correspondence with the rectors of several churches, endeavored to ascertain the locality from which he came, but have been unsuccessful. We have also made a careful research of the English histories and genealogical publicatioi:s, to obtain information \especting the Easton family. The name Easton or Eston ( as it was sometimes written) appears in several of the counties of England, and we will give some quotations from English records of what we have found; not that we can make any connection with any of them, but we give them for the consideration of our readers. In the '' General Armory of England and Ireland,'' by Sir Bernard Burke, is given the arms and crest of the Easton family as follows, viz: "Easton of Easton, County Devon, Per chev. gu. and or. three sea dragons ducally crowned, counterchanged. (Another as dragons sans wings.) Crest, a yew tree, ppr.'' Fairbairn, in his "Crests of Great Britain," gives two crests of the family: "Easton, of Devon (Eng.), a yew tree ppr. Easton (Scotch), a demi chevalier in armour brandishing a sword, ppr.'' In the visitation of the County of Devon, England, in the year r 564, by the Harleian Society, for obtaining a list of the gentry of that county, we find the arms of the family given and the pedigree of Edward Easton, which we give. EAS'J'ON. /ln11s, Party chevron, gules and or, three sea lions crowned, counterchange

i I ]CHIN EA:c;TON. RICHARD EASTON 2, EDWARD 3. -r of Braunscombe. -!---I---~~- I -I I JOHN ]UNO THOMAS EASTON-= JOHN EASTON RICHARD EASTON MARGARET, d. of EASTON brother and h. of . Jun., of Kingston Co., JOHN COWELL of Sen. WILL Exeter, gent. ob. ofTawton Somerset, Rawleswell, Co. ob. s. p. \VINSLAIJE. s.p. 111. ob. s. p. m. gent. Somerset. (") 0 a I I z tzj a]OHN EASTON of Kingston, cousin and.hejr·-~-1- ALICE, d. ofVi'ILL RICHARDS, JOHN EASTON, male of JOHN EASTON of of Churchenford, Co. Devon. (")..., Tawton, aforesaid...... C I z JOHN EASTON CHRISTIANA, d. of GF.oRGE lvIJCHELL, >­ t:d of Easton of Cleve, Co. Somerset. ::c --1- I ~-·-1·~-I I 0 I ► JOHN EASTON 2, MARY. MABEL JANE. ANl'i:E, GRACE. tJ 2. JOHN EASTON. MARGARET, d. ofSmjoHN ARUNDELL. _____I I JOHN EASTON, ofMorchard, Bishop,. RANCES, d. ofGEo. EVELEIGH, (and had issue) RoBERTDowRrSH. == MABEL, d. ofjoHN Eston ofEston, Co. Devon. \V1LLIAM \VINSLADE. = JoAN, d. of jOHK Eston ofEston, Co. Devon. THEO. WoLCOT. MARGERIE, d. and co-heir of jOHK DAVY and Margery his wife, d. and co-~'.. of THos. Eston, of Morehard, Bishop. FAMILY CONNECTION ABROAD. X

In vol. 3, page 3 I 4, of the '' Genealogist:'' '' Charles Wren, of Feltwell in Norfolk, and also of Ely, (son of Rt. Rev. Matthew Wren, first Bishop of Hereford, afterwards of Norwich and last of Ely), married Dorothy, daughter of -- Easton, in Norfolk.'' We are informed by a member of the Easton family that there is a tradition that the family was at an early day verr closely connected with the royal family, and we are in receipt of the following pedigree, which we will give just as we received it, which appears to confirm the tradition.

ADEL!ZA, Ovo, Earl of Champagne (Sister of William and Earl of Albemarle, ( died 1096) the Conqueror.) I STEPHEN, HAWSEY, daughter of 2d EarlAlb., RALPH DE MORTIMER. \ . WM. DE GROSSE, CICELY, daughter of WM. FITZ DUNCAN, 3d Earl Alb., a nephew of MALCOLM, KING died 1179. of Scotland. I I HAWSEY. WM. DE FoRTIBUS, AM!CIA EsToN. Earl Alb., ~, died 1194. I I "WM. DE FoRTIBUS, AVELINE RANUPH EsTON Earl Alb. ~I MuNFICHET. (Ralph) after 1212. I I \VM. DE FoRTIBUS, ISABEL, dau. JOHN ESTON Earl Alb., BALDWIN, died 1259. -I Earl Devon. 1~ I AVELINE EDMUND PLANTAGJ(ET, JOHN ESTON 2d. son of HENRY III. Aveline was the only surviving child of Wm. de Fortibus. She died soon after her marriage, and left no children. She was heiress to the earldoms of Albermarle and Devon. After the death of this last Aveline, John Eston 2d claimed the title of Earl Albermarle. This was about the year r270. He was bought off by land in Thornton. -XU NUl'vIBERING EXPLAINED.

\Vhether there is any connection between these Estons and the family of Edward Easton in the Devon visitation, we do not know. Neither do we know that there is any proof of our connection with this family, but it is the earliest mention of an Easton family that we have found.


In this work the object has been to make the system of numbering as simple as possible. Each person who is mentioned more than once has his own particular number. The index gives the page on which a name first appears. As an example we will take the name of Agis Easton. On turning to Index No. I, we find that it refers to page 39, where we find his name, and at the left of it is the number 69, which is his family number and is afterwards indicated by large figures placed in the center of a page. By turning the leaves forward until we find this number 69, in the center of the page (which is on page 56), we there find his family record. It states that his eldest child was Elizabeth, and the number 142 appears at the left of her name. Now turn forward again until you find this number in the center of the page (which is on page 94), and there you will find her family record, which states that she was the daughter of Agis ( 69), th us referring back to her father's number. Now by turning back to this number (in center of the page), we find that Agis was the son Daniel (43), who was the son of Silas ( 30), the son of Timothy ( I 8), etc. By using the numbers in brackets the ancestry is traced easily. The small exponent figures above and at the right of names in italics indicate the generation and line of descent. Abbreviations used: b. for born. m. for married. d. for died. ch. for child or children. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Joseph Easton, the emigrant, was born in England about 1602, and came to New England probably in 1633 or '34. He settled first at Newtowne, afterwards called Cambridge, Mass. We find in the Proprietors' Record of that town, page 33, an entry of land owned by him, of which we give a copy: "Joseph Easton, in Westend aboute two Ackers, John Barnard fouth eaft, Robt. Day north eaft, James Auftin north weft, the highway to Watertowne fouth & weft '' Also that on March 4, 1634, he was listed as a freeman, having taken the oath entitling him to vote. In the spring of 1636 he was one of the colony under the leadership of Rev. Thomas Hooker, that removed from Cam­ bridge and founded the present city of Hartford, Conn., and was one of the original proprietors of that town. His home lot in r 639 was on the south side of the highway ( now Elm street) near the west end. He held the office of deacon of the first church, that office in those days being one of great dignity and honor. He d. in Hartford, August 19, 1688, aged 86. His children were- r JOHN. 2 JOSEPH, d. Dec. 30, r711; m. Hannah Ensign. 3 MARY. SARAH, m. Richard Shirley; he d. in 1711.

Memoranda. After diligent search we have been unable to ascertain who was the wife of Joseph Easton. Historians have given it that it was Hannah Ensign, the danghter of James Ensign, but we must disagree with them in this matter. It (r) 2 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. will be seen by an examination of the land, probate and church records, from which we give extracts, under the family record of his son Joseph, that it was the son who married Hannah Ensign, and not the father. Also that Joseph Easton Sr. and James Ensign appear from the best information we can obtain to have been persons of about the same age, and further, their children appear to have been of about the same ages. Joseph Easton Sr. had two daughters, Sarah and Mary, and our conclusion is that the name of his wife was Sarah or Mary. The same conincidence occurs in the names of Sarah and Mary, daughters of his son John, who would be likely to name one after his mother. Again, Joseph Easton Jr. named his first daughter Hannah, and the church record states that Hannah, daughter of Hannah Easton, was baptized Sept. 9, 1673, also that Elizabeth was baptized May 12, 1676. These were children of Joseph Easton Jr., and show conclu­ sively that the name of the wife of Joseph Easton Jr. was Hannah. For further confirmation see extracts from land records, memoranda Joseph Easton Jr. We quote the following from the land records:

J.fartford Land Records, February, I639, page 228. (Distribution.) "Several parcels of land in Hartford, upon the River Connecticut, belong- ing to Joseph Eason [Easton] and his heirs forever. [The name was some­ times written Eason.] "Viz: One Parcell on which his dwelling house now standeth with other Outhouses, yards or gardens therein being; contayning by estimation two acres (more or Jesse) abutting on the highway lying on the south-side of the Little River on the North, and on the highway leading from Georg Steels to the south Meadow on the south, and on Jeremie Addams' land ou the west. '' One Parcell of Land contayning by estimation three acres one rood and eighteen Perches (more or less) abutting on the highway leading from Georg Steels to the Great Swamp on the east, and on land now common on the west and on William Holtons land on the South, and on Georg Steels land on the North. '' One Parcell lying in the little Meadow contayning by estimation thirty Perches (more or less) abutting on Math. Marvens Land on the east, and on James Olmsteads Land on the west, and on the highway leading from the Town to the Great River on the North, and on Georg Stockings Land on the South." Pag-e 229. '' One Parcell lying in the south Meadow, contayning by estimation three acres, and three roods more or less abutting upon Thomas Bulls Land on the North, and on Mr. ·wells his Land on the south and on the Great Swamp on the East, and on the Oxpasture on the west. '· One Parcell of Swamp lying in the Great Swamp contayning by estima­ tion four acres (more or less) abutting upon Georg Grave, his land on the East, and on Willm. Gibbons his land on the west and on Thomas Bulls land on the North, and on Jeremie Addams his land on the south. •' One Parcell of Swamp lying on the east side of the Great River which he bought of Thomas Watts contain. by estima. four acres be it more or less DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 3

abutting on the Great River on the west, and on Thomas Olcotts land on the East, and William Clarks land on the south, and on Thomas Silldens land on the North. "One Parcell of Woodland which he had of the Town contain. by estima. Twelve acres be it more or less, and lyeth in a Gretter Psell in which John Bayse, and Paul Peck have a Partt which Gretter Psell abutteth on '' Rocke Hell" [Rocky Hill] on the west, and on a highway on the East. One Parcell of Swamps lying on the East Side of the Grett River which he bought of Richard Olmstead Contain. by Estima. two acres be it more or less abutting on the Grett River on the west, and on Thomas Olcotts land on the East, and on land belonging to the sayd Joseph Eason on the South, and on Richard Church his land on the North."

Will of :Joseplz Easton, I688. "The twenth. day of January 1687 1 Joseph Easton of Hartford Sounr. in his Maijst. Territory or Dominion of New England Being weak in body but of perfect memory & Remembrance praised be god do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament, in manner and form as followeth. "first I Bequeath my Soul into the hand of god my Maker hopeing for acceptance of him only in and by Jesus christ my only Saviour, and as for my · Body to be burried in Christian Burial at the discretion of my Executor here­ after to be named. '' My will is that all my just debts be truly paid to whom 1 am indebted. "ltem. I give unto my son Joseph Easton, fourty Shillings Besides what Lands or other goods I have formerly given him. "Item. I give unto my son in law John Skiner, fourty Shillings beside what he has already received of me. "Item. I give unto my son in law Robert Sheirley, ten pounds, which with the other legacies above named is to be paid to the several Legatees above named within twelve months after my decease. "Item. I give unto my four children to say John Easton, Joseph Easton, Mary Skiner, Sarah Sherley, all my houseall goods that do appear to be properly mine or belonging to me att my Decease to be equally divided among them. Excepting what I have particularly given to them in my \,Vil! & as to goods bought since my son John married are a_lready his. "Item. I do give to my son John Easton, my arms or that is to say three guns two swords & two belts also my Great Bible and Divinity book, of Mr. Thomas Good wins works to him and to his heires for eaver. '' Also 1 do give unto my sd. son John Easton, all the rest of my Houses, Leases, Lands, Tenements, and goods what soever: all my Rights, titles, Properties, in or belonging (in) Hartford or else where to him my said son John Easton, and his heirs for eaver. I doe Ordain, and appoint that my Son John Easton, shall have the first choice of my Houseall goods, that 1s to be divided between my fouer children above mentioned. "I do also appoint my son Joseph Easton, to pay his proportion of the charges of the pronouncing & approving of this my Will, and of the Inventory in proportion to what he has or will have from my estate. "I do also make my son John Easton sole executor of this my last will and 4 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Testament upon condition that he pay all my debts and legacies. I do also re­ quest and appoint my worthy friends the Hon'd John Allyn Esq. Lieut. Joseph Whiting & Ensign Nathaniel Stanley to be my overseers to ye perform­ ance of this my last will & Testament revokeing all other Wills & Testaments In witness whereof I have in the presence of these witnesses set to my hand and seal this day and year above written." JoSEPH EASTON. [Seal.] Signed and sealed in the Presence of us THOMAS BUNCE. JOHNATHAN BULL. Proved 8 Dec. 1688 1 John Easton, son of Joseph the emigrant, was born in Hartford, Conn,, about 1646 or 1 7. He was a deacon of the second or south church, owned the covenant Feb. 12, 1669, and admitted into the church Aug. 28, 1670; his wife Elizabeth was admitted into church June 23, 1678 John Easton d. Nov. 2, 1716, and Elizabeth Easton d. Jnne Io, I 7 I I . Their children were- SARAH, b. July r8, 1670; d. young. MARY, b. Dec. z6, r672; d. young. 4 SARAH, b. Nov. 15, r675. JOHN, b. June ro, r679; d. young. 5 MARY, b. Oct. 1, r68r. 6 MEHITABLE, b. Jany 17, r683. 7 ABIGAIL, b. Mar. r6, r687. 8 JOHN, b. Oct. 22, 1689. Memoranda.

llartfi?!-d /.a11J Reconls, tivi, I, pa,g'e 99. "Land on Connecticut Belonging to John Easton, and his heirs forever given him by his Father Joseph Easton, by his Last Will & Testament, 1688. "One parcell of Land wth. messuage or Tenement, Standing thereon, together with out house yards & Garden thereon containing by estimation two acres be it more or less & abutts on a highway lying on the south side the rivulet on the north & on Samuel Burr's Land on the west & Joseph Easton's Land on the sowth & on George Grave's & Joseph Easton's Land on the east. '' One parcell Lying in the south meadow containing by estimation Six acres & one rood be it more or less & abutts the Land of Nathaniel Standley, on the north & Beuel ·water's Land on the South & on Mr. Richards his Land west & on Land of James Steel, on the east Saye!. Easton, is to mayntain six rod of fence for the Land. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 5

'' One parcel! lying in the south meadow in the Indian Land contammg by estimation three acres one rood be it more or less & abutts on the high way leading to the fourty acres on the east on John Baysee's Land south Stephen Hopkins, Land North & Thomas Bunce, Land on the west. "One parcel! of Land lying by and upon Rocky Hill, contayning about ten acres be it more or less & a butts on a high way on the north & on the South & on the west & on Land belonging to John Baker & Land of Joseph Easton, on the east. •' One parcell of Land lying by Rocky Hill, contayning by estimation fouer acres & a halfe be it more or less & abutts on a highway on the North, and on the west & on Joseph Butts Land south & on John Bakers Land & on the east. ••One parcell of Land lying on the east side of Rocky Hill contayning by estimation eighteen acres be it more or less & a butts on Land of John Skinner, and John Bunce, on the south and on the high way leading from James Steels, to the great swamp on the east, & on Land belonging to the heirs of John Baysey, North, & on Rocky Hill, on the West. '' One parcel! of Land lying on the east Side of the Great River, contayn­ ing by estimation two acres be it more or less & abutts on the great River on the west and on Mr. Olcotts Land on the east on John Biddolls Land North & John Church his Land on the south. '' One parcel! of Land on the east side of the Great River in the swamp contayning by estimation eleven acres and a halfe abutting on the Great River on the west on Mr. Olcotts Land on the east on Obadiah Spencers Land on the north and on the South. '' Onely Richard Goodman, hath one acre and a halfe more or less in the midst of this almost. "One parcell of upland lying in the west Division contayning by esti­ mation fifteen acres be it more or less & is five rods wide abutts on Farmington -Bounds, on the west Hartford Commons on the east on Barth. Barnards, Land on the north paul pecks land on the south." (These Parcels of Land were taken out of the 1st Book of Records.) '' One parcel! of Land which he bought of Sergt. Thomas Spencer, Lying on the east side of the Great River, contayning by estimation one acre and a halfe be it more or less & abutts on Mr. Thomas Olcotts Land east on Thomas Spencers Land west on the Sayd John Eastons Land on the south & on John Church his Land on the North as appears by his deed dated 22 March 168¾'. acknowledged 22 March 168¼' before John Allyn Assistant Recorded 25 Feb. r688."

Hartford Probate Records, vol. 9, page IDS. Last Will of 'Jo!zn Easton, Late of Hartford, Deceased, dated 3 December, I7I2. (Preamble*** omitted.) "Item. I give and bequeathe unto my loving Son John2 Easton of Hartford*** (in the Colony, etc.) to him and his heirs forever. My Dwelling House & Barn and all the buildings trees fences and Land thereunto belonging namely all my land at home and also all my land in Hartford my two lotts at Rocky Hill and all my Land in the South meadow in Hartford, and also all 6 1JESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. my Land lying on the east side of the Great River, and all my Land at the west Division 'in Hartford, I do Hereby give him my Son John Easton all my Lands in Hartford and elsewhere that I now stand possessed of or may by lawfull right ever hereafter have right unto with all the profits privileges and appurtenances that do or may at any time hereafter belong to them or any part of them the butts and bounds of all my lands herein given may and will appear on record. ''Further I give unto my son John Easton and his heirs forever all my moveable estate both without and within doors and within the House of what­ ever nature or kind in particular all my arms and ammunition and also my .Great Bible and Divinity Book of Mr. Thomas Goodwins works. I say all my estate both Real and personal I give to my said son John Easton and his heirs forever he paying all the Legacies hereafter appointed and named in this my Last will. '' Item. I do hereby give and bequeath unto my four daughters Sarah Goodwin (wife of Nathaniel Goodwin) Mary Butler (wife of Johnathan Butler) Mehetable Merrell. Abigail Easton, (wife of Richard Burnham) to them that is to each of them ye heirs etc. the full sum of Fourty pounds in cy. as current money of the colony which sd. sums or legacies I do hereby ap­ point my son John Easton, to pay or see paid and completed and it is always hereby to be understood and I do appoint that whatsoever any of my daught,ers have already received shall be excepted, and counted as part of their portions, and John to make it up to them the Fourty pounds. "Further I do as a token of my love to my d,rnghters give to each of them beside their portions above named, the sum of four pounds as money, and do appoint my son John to pay the same unto each of them within the space of two years after my decease." (John Easton to be sole executor etc.) (Signed) JOHN EAsTo:,,i SEN. Witness CALER BULL Inventory 28 Dec. 1716 Eowo. ALLYlS £756 10-1 I. Page wg. 2 Josephi Easton, son of Joseph ( r) the emigrant, was probably born in Hartford about 1648, as in October, 1669, he was recorded in the Town Records as a freeman. He was chosen March S, I 67 4, as one of the grand jurors to serve for the ensuing year. Chosen April, 1691, one of the deacons of the First Church in Hartford. He married Hannah Ensign, dau. of James and Sarah Ensign, who were of the original proprietors of Hartford, Conn. Dea. Joseph Easton d. Dec. 30, I 7 r I. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTOl\. 7

Their children were- 9 JOSEPH, b. abt. 1669. 10 JAMES, b. March 10, 1671. II HANNAH, bap. Sept. 9, 1673. 12 ELIZABETH, bap. Mar. 12, 1676. 13 JONATHAN, bap. Mar. 14, r68o. TIMOTHY, bap. Dec. 6, 1685; probably d. young. 14 THANKFULL, bap. Dec. 4, 1687.


We will give here abstracts from the will of James Ensign, father in law of Joseph Easton. Previous to his decease (which occurred Nov. 1670) Mr. Ensign had by deed of gift conveyed to Joseph Easton Jr., his son in law, several tracts of land. The will was admitted to Probate 1771, and after his bequest to his son David, it states: "I do also give to my son Joseph Easton and to his heirs forever one acre and half of land in the Indian ground, which land I had of the widow Watts. "I give to my son Joseph Easton the remainder of Goodman Phillips, his swamp Iott on the east side of the Great River, with two thirds parts of the Barn standing thereon, he paying such legacies as 1 shall appoint to the value of Thirty pounds." An abstract from the wil\ of Sarah Ensign, widow of James Ensign, who d. May, 1676. states: '· I give to my beloved daughter Sarah Smith," '' l give to my dear daughter Hannah Eastern," "To my Grand children, Ruth Rockwell, Sarah Rockwell, Lydia Rockwell," "I give to my son David's children, to Joseph Easton her grand child 20 pounds, to James Ensign, 5 pounds, if the estate will bear it." VJhile it appears that Joseph Easton Jr. was deacon of the First Church, it also appears th~t his wife Hannah had her children baptized in the South or Second Church, of which her father and mother were members.

Vol. I llartfonl Land NcrNJs, p,,ge 44, 45. Date I698. "Lane. in Hartford upon the River Connecticut, belonging to Joseph Easton Jr. and his heirs forever. "One Parcell of land which he received part by deed of Gift from his Father Joseph Easton Senior & part by purchase from Steven Hopkins together with his dwelling house & all other buildings standing thereon which said parcell of land contains by estimation about two acres & abutts on the highway leading from James Steels into the Sowth Meadow on the sowth on Thomas Bunce Jr. & Capt. Tho. Bulls, their land on the east, on Joseph Eastons Sen. land on the North & on Joseph Easton Sen. & Samuel Burrs, land on the west. "One Parcell of Land lying on the East side of the Connecticut River which he received by deed of Gift from his Father James Ensign, as by his last Will & Testament may appear which said Parcell contains about fourteen acres & abutts on David Ensigns Land south the Great River west and Richard Goodmans Land on the North, and the Land of Nicholas Clark, or long lotts east. 8 DESCENDANTS 01:'' JOSEPH EASTON.

··One Parcell of Upland which James Ensign, gave him by his last Will and Testament & was formerly Wm. Phillips & Lyeth in the cow Pasture & contains by estimation eleven acres & two rods be it more or less & abutts on the Little River on the west & on a highway on the east, on Land formerly Ralph Hectors land, on the Sowth & on Land now common North. "One Parcell of land which James Ensign, gave him by his last will, and Testament & was formerly Wm. Phillips & contains by est_imation fourteen· acres one Rood & twenty Perches, be it more or less abutting on the Little River on the west on Richard Churches, Land on the south & on John Talcotts Land on the North & on a highway on the east. "One Parcell of Land lying in the oxpasture which James Ensign, gave him & was Wm. Phillips, containing by estimation Fourteen acres be it more or less & abutts; a butting on the highway le"1ding from the Town to the Little River on the North on Seth Graves Land on the east on Capt. Olmsteads Land on the west. •' One Parcell of land lying in the long lotts on the east side of the Great River Given him by his Father James Ensign & was Wm. Phillips & Wm. Calseys Land abutting on the swamp lotts on the west the common on the east & Nicholas Clarks Land on the North & John Maynards Land on the south. '' One Parcell of Land lying in the long lotts on the east side of the Great River given him by his Father James Ensign and was Wm. Phillips purchased of Nathaniel Kellogg and contains by estimation eighteen acres more or less & abutts on the swamp Lotts east the common west Serj. Goodmans Land North & Capt. Olmsteads Land on the South." Here we have very convincing proof that not Joseph 1 Easton the emigrant but Joseph2 Easton his son married Hannah Ensign, and that the writer of the Memorial Hist. of Hartford Co. was not correct.

Tlte Last Will and Testament o.f J'oseplt 2 Easton late o.f .Hartford, deceased. /lartjord Probate RecorJs, vol. 8, page 59. '' I Joseph Easton Seniour of Hartford being Sensible of my daily nearer approach to the end of my Days here on Earth and knowing it to be my duty to set my house in Order before I Dye for the disposeing the estate that God hath graciously given me. I make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament, hereby makeing void all former wills by me made or declared. ''Item. I give to my Son Joseph, and to his heirs forever the house in which he now Dwelleth with the Iott on which it stands extending to the coun­ try highway on the East with all the priviledges and appurtenances thereto belonging. "Item. half my meadow Lott to be divided by a line from east to west Item. half my two meadow lotts which I bought of Samuel Andrews. Item. half my boggy meadow all lying on the East Side of the Great River, these I give to my son Joseph and his heirs forever and he upon the division of said lotts to hive his first choice. Item. I give to my son James, the house in which he now Dwelleth with the house Lott on which it standeth extending from the highway on the west eastward the whole breadth of my lott till ten acres be fully made up with all the priviledges and appurtenances thereto belonging. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 9

'' Item. the other half of my meadow Iott commonly called Phillips Lott with the other half of the two Lotts I bought of Samuel Andrews, and the re­ maining half of my boggy meadow all lying on the East Side of the Great River which l give to my Son James, and his heirs forever. '' Item. all the remainder of my upland Iott on the East Side of the Great River, with all its priviledges, with all my rights of land there I give to my sons Joseph, and James, and their heirs forever to be equally divided between them Item. I give to my Son Johnathan my house in which I now Dwell with the House Iott on which it Standeth with the additions of land I have made to it with all its priviledges and appurtenances to him and to his heirs forever. "Item. I give him those several parcells of Land Viz. my pasture Iott commonly called Skinners Iott and my Iott lying in the old ox pasture adjoyning to Edward Cadwells land also my Iott at the blue Hills, with my Iott at four Mile Hill with all my meadow lying in the south meadow as also my two pastures the one I bought of Mr. Blackleach the other given to me by my Father. "Item. I give to him my two meadow lotts lying over the Great River, the one called Stedmans lott the other called Spencers Iott which I bought of John Michell those several parcells of Land I give to my Son Johnathan, and to his heirs forever. "Item. I give to my Son Jonathan, all my goods & chattels whattsoever. Item. I give to my Son Richard Miles, besides what I have already given him ten pounds Current Country pay. "Item. I give to my two daughters Elizabeth and Thankfull Six pounds to each of them in Current Country pay. "Item. 1 do appoint my Son Johnathan, to be sole executor to this my last Will and appoint him out of what of my estate I have given him to pay all my Just debts and funeral! charges with the legacies I have given to my Son in law Richard Miles, and my daughters Elizabeth, and Thankfull, and I allow him the full term of one year after my decease to pay the legacies. "For confirmation of all the above written I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Eight day of February in the year of our Lord the One Thousand seven hundred Animo." JOSEPH EASTON [Seal.] Sealed and declared in Presence of TIMOTHY WOODBRIDGE SEN. TIMOTHY WOODBRIDGE JUN.

Will exhibited in Court March 3, 1712, by Johnathan Easton, executor. J Mary" Easton, dau. of Joseph1 Easton, b. --- m. John Skinner of Hartford ( son of John Skinner, one of the Hooker party and one of the original proprietors of that place). John Skinner d. Sept. l 5, 1690. Mary Skinner d. June 18, 1695. IO DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Their children were- MARY SKINNER, b. Dec. r, r664; m. Joshua Carter May 2r, r691. JOHN SKINNER, b. Mar. r, 1666-7; m. Rachell Pratt Feb. 22, r693, who d. Aug. 17, 1748, age 77. He d. Oct. 27, 1748. JOSEPH DA VIS SKINNER, b. Aug. 26, 1669; m. Mar. 16, 1694, Mary Grant, who d. Aug. 26, 1734. He d. May 31, 1729. NA THANIEL SKINNER, b. Apr. 5, 1672: m. Mary Gillett June 18, 1706, removed to Colchester, Conn., was father of Rev. Thomas Skinner, pastor of W. Chester Church 1740-62. RICHARD SKINNER, b. Jan. 16, 1674; m. Sarah Gaines Dec. 23, r702. Shed. Nov. r8, 1753. He d. June 20, 1758, aged 78. SARAH SKINNER, b. Nov. 4, 1677. THOMAS SKINNER, b. Nov. 15, 1680; m: Sarah Grant July 19, 1705. He d. Mar. 16, 1761. 4

3 1 Sarah Easton (John2, Joseph ), dau. of John [1] and Elizabeth Easton, was.b. in Hartford, Conn., Nov. 15, 1675, and m. Sept. 14, 1699, Nathaniel Goodwin Jr., b. July, 1665, son of Nathaniel and Sarah (Cole) Goodwin. Mrs. Sarah Goodwin d. Jan. 2, 1740. Mr. Nathaniel Goodwin d. Mar. 12, 1746. Their children were - TIMOTHY GOODWIN, b. Jan. 14, 1yor; d. young. THANKFUL GOODWIN, b. Apr. 29, 1703; d. youug. DANIEL GOODWIN, b. Jan. 15, 1705; d. Jan. 6, 1772, leaving an estate of over £10,000. TIMOTHY GOODWIN, bap. Jan. 12, 1707. THANKFUL GOODWIN, bap. Feb. 28, 1709; d. Dec. 24, 1792. She m. 1st Nathaniel Marsh Jr. Shem. 2d Daniel Collier May 21, 1736. SARAH GOODWIN, bap. Mar. 18, 1711. RACHEL GOODWIN, bap. Jan. 22, 1716; d. July 23, 1763. Shem. Mar. 14, 1738, Moses Seymour and was the great grandmother of Origen S. Seymour, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Con­ necticut; also of Hon. Horatio Seymour, Governor of the State of New York. ELIZABETH GOODWIN, bap. June 5, 1719; m. John Coles. 5

3 1 Mary Easton (John2, Joseph ), dau. of John ( 1) and Elizabeth Easton, was b. in Hartford, Conn., Oct. 1, 1691, and m. Sept. 18, 1707, Jonathan Butler. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. I l

The administration of the estate occurred Feb. 2 8, I 7 5 6. Their children were- JONATHAN BUTLER, bap. June 26, 1708; d. Oct. 2, r758. ELIZABETH BUTLER, bap. Jan. 21, 1710; m. Jacob Mygatt Nov., 1730. DANIEL BUTLER, bap. Mar. 8, 1713; m. Sarah Bull Oct. ro, 1759. MOSES BUTLER, bap. Aug. 30, 1716. MARY BUTLER, bap. Apr. 20, 1718; d. Sept. 20, 1795; m. Richard Edwards Feb. 21, 1750, and d. Mar. 5, 1770. SARAH BUTLER, bap. Aug. 14, 1720; m. Apr. 28, 1746, Hezekiah Merrells. JOHN BUTLER, bap. Sept. 27, 1721. REBECCA BUTLER, bap. June 23, 1723; m. -- Barrett. GEORGE BUTLER, bap. July 27, 1729. DOROTHY BUTLER, bap. June 13, 173r. 6

1 Mehitable3 Easton (lohn2, Joseph ), dau. of John (1) and

Elizabeth Easton, was b. Jan. r 7, 168 3, and m. March 5 1 17I 1, Abel Merrells, b. Jan, 25, 1675, son of John Merrells. Their children were- THANKFUL MERRELLS, b. Mar. 25, 1712. MARY MERRELLS, b. Nov. 7, 1713. THOMAS MERRELLS, b. Nov. 25, 1715. ABEL MERRELLS, b. Jan. 25, 1718. ELIJAH MERRELLS, b. Mar. 9, 1720. SUSANNA MERRELLS, b. July 7, 1722. 7

1 Abigail3 Easton (John2, Joseph ), dau. of John ( 1) and Elizabeth Easton, was b. Mar. 16, 1687, in Hartford, Conn., and m. May S, 1715, Lieut. Richard Burnham, b. July 6, 1692, son of Richard and Sarah (Humphries) Burnham. Richard Burnham d. Feb. II, 1754. Their children were- ELISHA BURNHAM, b. June 22, 1717; d. July 18 1770; m. Feb. 5, 1742, Sarah Olmsted. AARON BURNHAM, b. May 5, 1719; d. Sept. r4, r760; m. Nov. r2, 1742, Hannah Pitkin. EZARA BURNHAM, b. July 16, 1721; d. Dec. 8, r776; m. May 13, 1758, Mindwell Spencer. MOSES BURNHAM, b. Aug 20, 1723; d. Dec 29, 1798; rn. Aug. 15, 1744, Naomi Anderson. ABIGAIL BURNHAM, b. June 3, 1725; m. Sept. 26, 1750, Henry Arnold. 12 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


3 1 John Easton (.lohn2, .foseph ), son of John (1) and Elizabeth Easton, was b. in Hartford, Conn., October 22, 1689, and d. March IO, 1725. Hem. December II, 17I2, Sarah Butler, who d. in Stratford, Conn., March 10, 1750, in the 59th year of her age. Their children were­ IS SARAH, b. May 27, 1714. 16 JOHN, b. April 15, 1717. ELIAS, b. July 16, 1719; d. June 1, 1742. 17 MARY, b. Aug. 21, 1721. A monument in the cemetery at East Hartford, erected in memory of John and Elias, is a stone table supported by five pillars, inscribed 1725~1742.


3 1 Joseph Easton (loseph2, .foseph ), son of Joseph (2) and Hannah (Ensign) Easton, and grandson of Joseph, one of the first settlers, was b. in Hartford about 1669, and d. in East Hartford in 1735. He m. in 1694, Sarah Spencer, dau. of Samuel Spencer and Sarah Meakins, his wife. Samuel Spencer was the son of William and Agnes Spencer, one of the first settlers in Hartford from Cambridge, Mass., where in 1634-38, he was a representative to the General Court of Massachusetts, lieu­ tenant of militia and one of the founders of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. In 1639 was deputy to the General Court in Connecticut, and was appointed with Mr. Wyllis and Mr. Webster to prepare the first revision of the laws for that year. Residence East Hartford, Conn. Their children were- 18 TIMOTHY, bap. August II, 1695. 19 JOSEPH, bap. October 16, 1697. 20 SARAH, bap. January 2, 1700. 21 SAMUEL, bap. February 14, 1702. ELISHA, bap. March II, 1705. 22 ELIJAH. LEMUEL, b. June 13, 1710; died young. Sarah Spencer, wife of Joseph Easton, was a descendant of the Spencer's of Southampton, Bedfordshire, England. (See Appendix for her ancestry.) DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. I 3

Hart.ford Land Rerords, vol. 4, page u5, also abstract of Deeds oJ :Josepl1 Easton. "Know all men by these Presents that Joseph Easton of Hartford*** for divers good causes*** especially Love and Affection which I bear to my Son Joseph Easton Jr. of the same Hartford Have given & granted*** unto him my son Joseph Easton one half part of a certain parcel of land 6,½ acres more or less which half part is on the north part of Sd. Lands etc. Also,½ of my House Lott containing in whole 4 acres more or less Lying on the north side thereof * * * Together with one half of my Dwelling house half of Barn Standing on Home Lott Half of Orchard etc. * * * 7 Sept. 1727." JOSEPH EASTON [Seal.]

On 29 of April 1734 Joseph Easton gave to Elisha Easton of Hartford and Elijah (ions of Joseph Easton of Suffield, the other half of his House and House Iott. May 1st 1735 Joseph Easton gave his Son Elijah Easton some land held in Partnership with his Brother James Easton. "Know all Men by these presents that I Joseph Easton, of Hartford, in the County of H:ntford, in the Colony of Connecticut & in New England, for and in Consideration of Love good Will and Affection, which I have and bear To­ wards my Son Timothy Easton, of the Same Town County, and Colony. Aforesd. HAVE Given and Granted and by these presents Do freely Clearly and Absolutely give and grant unto ye Said Timothy Easton, his heirs Execu­ tors or Admins. One piece of Land being in Hartford, on the East Side of Connecticutt River containing by Estimation three Acres butted and bounded North on a Highway South on Land belonging to Deacon Olmstead, and Nehemiah Olmstead West on my own Land and East on James Eastons Land To HAVE and to Hold and that the said Timothy Easton, his heirs and assigns Shall and may from time to time and all times forever Hereafter by force and Virtue of these presents Lawfully peaceably and Quietly HAVE HOLD use Occupye and Enjoy ye Above sd. three Acres of Land with ye Appnrtenances free and Clear, and freely, and Clearly Acquitted exonerated, and Discharged, of from, and all manner of former and other gifts, grants bargains, Sales, Leases, Mortgages, Wills, Entails, Joyntuts, Dowries, Judgements, Executions, and extents. '' FURTHERMORE I the Said Jos. Easton, for myself my heirs executors Admins. Do Covenant and Engage ye Above Demised premises to him ye Said Timothy Easton, his heirs, and Assigns Against ye Lawfu\l Claims or Demands of an_v persons whatsoever forever Hereafter to Warrant and Defend. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this tenth of Decem­ ber, In the Sixth year of his Majesties Reign Anno ye Dom. 1720. JoSEPH EASTON [Seal 1 ARON Coox. JOHN Coox. 10 James3 Easton ( Josepli,2 .foseplt1), son of Joseph ( 2) and Hannah (Ensign) Easton, was b. in Hartford, Conn., March 14 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH ,EASTON.

10, 1671, d. Jan. 4, 1756, aged 85; m. Jane --- who d. Dec. 2 I' I 7 5 5, age 70. Residence East Hartford, Conn. No children.

Will of :James Easton, of Hartford. "Wherein He gives to his beloved wife Jane all his Estate both real and personal except the legacies hereinafter mentioned which she is to pay. "Item. I give for the use and benefit of the Publick School in the part of the society where I dwell Two Acres of meadow Land which I bought of Benjamin Burr Lying upon ye North Side of Said Lott to be used, and im­ proved for ye benefit thereof forever. "Item. I give to the Revd. Mr. Edward Ells, of Middletown, a Sufficient Sum out of my Estate to enable him to Educate one of his sons at the 'Colledge,' which son I choose should be James Ells, that is to say a Sufficiency for the whole expense from the time of entering Colledge until he hath taken his first degree to be paid by my executrix hereafter named as ye same shall be wanted for ye purpose aforesaid. '' Item. I give to Timothy Easton, Elisha Easton, and Elijah Easton, Sons of My brother Joseph Easton Deceased. "Item. I give to Samuel Easton Son of my Nephew Samuel Easton, "Item. I give to James Easton and Eliphalet Easton, Sons of Joseph Easton, Jr., deceased. "Item. I give to Johnathan Easton and Thomas Easton, Sons of my brother Johnathan Easton Deceased. '' Item. I give to my kinsman Joseph Miles Son of Richard Miles of New Haven, and to Stephen Trowbridge, son of my Sister Trowbridge of New Haven, to each of them the sum of ten pounds. "Item. I give unto Elizabeth Green daughter of Samuel Green, of New London, deceased the sum of Three Hundred pounds money of the present Currency upon condition she behaves well & dwells with me or my Wife as long as either of us live or until she arrives at the age of Eighteen years or Marry with our or either of our approbation and consent to be paid by my ex­ ecutrix hereafter named. "And I do Hereby Nominate Constitute and Appoint my well beloved wife Jane Sole Executrix*** etc. 15 Jan. 1754." JAMES EASTON [Seal] Witness W!LLM. OLMSTEAD THADEUS OLMSTEAD WILLIAM STANLEY. Proven Jan. 16, 1756.

Hm·tford, February 22, I757.

Pursuant to an Order from the Court of Probate for the District of Hartford for Distributing the Intestate Estate of Mr. James Easton late of Hartford deceased. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. I 5

To the Heirs of Joseph Easton of Hartford Dec. To the Heirs of Johnathan Easton late of Hartford Dec. To t/,e Heirs of Hanna/, Easton alias flfi!es of New Haven and to Thankfull Easton alias Trowbridge of New Haven, an equal share. We the Subscribers distributed and set out to each of the above named persons & Heirs in manner and form following Viz. To the Heirs of Joseph Easton*** (Value) £I 19-1-3. To the Heirs of Johnathan Easton*** (Value) [II9-1-3. To the Heirs of Hannah Easton*** (Value) alias Miles and To Thankfull Easton alias Trowbridge (Value) £238-2-6. Pursuant to an Order from the Court of Probate of the District of Hauford to Distribute and Set out a fourth part of the Intestate Estate of Mr. James Easton, late of Hartford deceased to Timothy Easton, and Samuel Easton, two of the sons of Joseph Easton deceased to the heirs of Elisha Easton, and John Bidwell, who has purchased Elisha Eastons Right in said Estate. We the Subscribers Distributed and set out the Land in the following manner Viz. To Timothy Easton. To Samuel Easton. To John BidwelI on the Right of Elisha Easton. To Elijah Eastons Heirs. The Rev. Mr. EDWARD ELLS l Ad • • t t Mr. WILLIAM STANLEY. f mmis ra ors.

Distribution oj Movables. To Ruth Cadwell £4-10-1. To Hannah Goodwin £4-10-4. To Johnathan Easton £4-14-7-2. To Timothy Easton £6-9-3-2. To Samuel Easton £6-12-1-3. To Timothy Kimball £7-15-8-2. To William Olmstead £7-J5-7-3. To Edward Ells £8-19-0-2. To William Bidwell £6-10-8-2. To Caleb Shilden * £7-16-3-3. To Daniel Pratt £7-14-3-2. To Elisha Easton £6-3-10-2. To Elijah Easton £5-1-4-0 11

3 1 Hannah Easton (Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Joseph ( 2) and Hannah (Ensign) Easton, bap. Sept. 9, 1673, in Hartford; m.------Richard Miles, of New Haven, Conn. Theil!' children were- ELIZABETH MILES, bap, May r7, 1696; m. Josiah Thompson, of New Haven. *Sheldon no doubt. 16 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

MARY MILES, bap. Mar. r5, 1698; m. David Gilbert. JOSEPH MILES, SAMUEL MILES. 12 Elizabeth3 Easton (Joseph2, Josepli1) dau. of Joseph ( 2) and Hannah (Ensign) Easton, bap. Mar. 12, 1676, in Hartford; m. June 2, 1709, Thomas Bunce, Jr., (son of Thomas.) He d, about IJI r-12 aged 36. Mrs. Elizabeth m. Caleb Bull April l, l 714. One child- SUSANNA BUNCE, b. Oct. 22, 1710. 13

3 1 Jonathan Easton (loseph2, Joseph ), son of Joseph ( 2) and Hannah (Ensign) Easton, was b. in Hartford, bap. Mar. 14, 1680, and d. Dec. 17, 1724; m. May 26, 1709, Elizabeth CadwelJ, b. Dec. 5, 1687, dau. of Edward Cadwell and Elizabeth his wife. Their children were- 23 HANNAH, b. Mar. 4, r7ro. 24 JONATHAN, b. July 22, r7rr. ELIZABETH, b. Aug. 22, 1714. 25 RUTH, b. Mar. 24, r717. DANIEL, b. Sept. 14, r718; d. young. THOMAS, b. Nov. 6, 1720; d. prior to July 7, 1761. THANKFULL, b. Oct. 6, 1723; m. John Spencer.

ll!femoranda. Letters of administration granted to Elizabeth Easton, the widow, Jan. 20, r725. From the Probate Records of Hartford, it appears that Elizabeth Easton, the widow of Jonathan, had prior to Jan. 2, r729, m. Jonathan Butler. 14 Thankfull3 Easton (loseph2, Joseph'), dau. of Joseph ( 2) and Hannah (Ensign) Easton, bap, Dec. 4, 1687 in the Second or South Church, Hartford; m. May 27, 1712, Stephen Trowbridge, b. Sept. 7, 1688, son of Thomas and Sarah (Winston) Trowbridge, of New Haven, Conn. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 17

Stephen Trowbridge d. Jan. 2, 1734, leaving a large estate. Thankfull d. in 1757. Their children were- MARY TROWBRIDGE, h. June 28, 1715; m. Mar. 22, 1744, Rev. Ben- jamin Woodbridge. CALEB TROWBRIDGE, b. Jan. 8, 1717; d. single in 1748. THOM)',.S TROWBRIDGE, b. May 8, 1720; d. in 1748. SARAH TRO\VBRIDGE, b. Sept. 22, 1722; m. May 24, 1770, Deacon John Whiting, being his second wife, and d. Apr. 15, 1795, age 73. ELIZABETH TROWBRIDGE, b. Nov. 2, 1724. STEPHEN TROWBRIDGE, b. Aug. 26, 1726; m. Jan. 31, 1748, Lydia Burroughs. 15

1 Sarah" Easton (lolzn3, John2, Joseph ), dau. of John (8) and Sarah (Butler) Easton, was born in East Hartford, May 27, 1714, and rn. in 1736, Thomas Olcott, of Stratford, Conn., great grandson of Thomas Olcott, one of the first settlers. Sarah Olcott d. Mar. 30, r 7 56. Their children were - JOSIAH OLCOTT, b. July 17, 1737; d. May 3. 1747. SARAH OLCOTT, b. Aug. 17, 1742; d. Jan. 15, 1805; m. Thomas Hawley. JOHN EASTON OLCOTT, b. July 24, 1749; m. Hannah Sands. 16

4 1 John Easton (lohn,3 John2, Joseph ), son of John (8) and Sarah (Butler) Easton, was b. in East Hartford. Conn., April 15, 1717, and m. Sarah Ward, b. Sept. 2, 1726, dau. of James Ward, Jr., and Sarah (Thrall) Lord of Middletown, Conn., ( widow of James Lord Saybrook.) Residence of Capt. John Easton, Middletown, Conn. He d. July 9, 1774, age 57. Sarah Easton, his wife, d. June 13, 1768. It does not appear that they had any issue, and therefore 1 the male line of John , the son of Joseph the emigrant, became extinct. The marriage of Capt. John Easton to his wife must have occurred prior to August 14, 1746, as on that date he gave her a power of attorney. 2 18 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Memoranda. We are in receipt of a letter from Mr. James S. Savage, Lowell, Mass., in which he states; "I purchased a desk which was doubtless owned by Capt. John Easton, in which were found a number of papers, bearing date from 1740 to 1774. '' I infer that the papers had been undisturbed in their hiding place from about that date, and that the desk may have been his property. If so, he had a good piece of furniture, for though plain, it is of solid mahogany, of good quality." As a matter of curiosity we give copies of a few of the papers found. "Received the 29th Decem. 1758 of Capt. John Easton in an amount settled this day fifty pounds Lawfull money in full for a Negro man named Gambo which I hereby warrant against all claims whatsoever." SARAH WARD. "Rece'd ye 21st April 1767 from Capt. John Easton One Hundred & five pounds Lawful] money with Lawful intereft on it being in full for one fourth part of ye Sloop Delight John Fairchild Master as she was as she came in from Sea last October with the appurtenances thereto belonging." R1cH'D ALSOP. '' Rece'd ye 21st April 1767 from Capt. John Easton the sum of one Hundred pounds Lawful money with the Intereft from July last being in full for one fourth part of the Brigg Olive as she was last June when she came in from Sea togather all the appurtenances thereto belonging." JER. WETMORE.

Jvliddldown Probate Records, vol. 3, page £96. Will of :Jolm Easton. '' In the name of God Amen. "I John Easton, of Middletown in the County of Hartford and Colony of Connecticut being at this time in good health and of sound mind and memory calling to mind the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament, hereby revokeing and declaring null and void all other Wills and Testaments by me made and executed and first I bequeath my Soul into the hands of its Creator in hope of mercy thro' our Redeemer, and my body to a Decent Burial at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named and after my just debts and funeral expenses are paid and discharged which it is my will should be first done. '' I give and bequeath all my Estate Real and Personal of which I shall die seized and possessed to my Nephew John Stocking Channey, of Sd. Middletown, and his heirs forever and I do hereby constitute & appoint him the said John Stocking Chauncy, the executor of this my Last Will and Testament, In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 12 day of July A.D. 1770. JoHN EASTON [Seal] '' Signed Sealed published and declared by Sd. John Easton, to be his Last Will and JoHN TREADWELL Testament, in presence of us witnesses who JABEZ HAMLIN JUN. Set to our hands in presence of Sd. Testator TITUS HOSMER and of each other." DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 19

'' At a Court of Probate held in Middletown in and for the District of Middletown on the 13th day of July A.D. 1774 then this instrument was exhib­ ited in court as the Last Will and Testament of Capt. John Easton, late of Middletown Deceased, which was proved and by this court approved and ordered to be recorded in the Registry of this Court. And John Stocking Channey who is appointed sole executor to the same personally appeared be­ fore this Court and accepted the Trust reposed in him." Test JABEZ HAMLIN JuN. Clerk.

Middletown Probate Records, vol. 3, page 202-3-4-5-6. An Inventory of the Real and Personal Estate of Capt. John Easton late of Middletown Deceased, taken by us Subscribers under oath this 16th day of July A.D. 1774. Amount £1492-05-04. P. MORTIMER } COMFORT SAGE Appraisers under oath. ELIHU STARR


4 1 Mary Easton ( Jolzn3, J olzn2, Joseph ), dau. of John ( 8) and Sarah (Butler) Easton, was b. in East Hartford, Conn., Aug. 21, 1721. Shed. March 9, 1774, in Middletown, Conn., and m. first John Stocking, (see will), m. second Nathaniel Chauncy, Jan. ro, 1750, who was b. Jan. 21, 1720, son of Rev. Nathaniel Chauncy, of Durham. Nathaniel Chauncy was a graduate of Yale, 1740. Resided at Middletown, Conn., and d. 1798. Their children were- JOHN STOCKING CHAUNCY, b. Aug. 21, 175r. He was a light horse­ man in the American army and was killed Dec. 14, 1777, by the British cavalry, near Schuylkill, Pa., after he had surrendered. SARAH CHAUNCY, m. Oliver Stanley, of Wallingford, Conn. MARY CHAUNCY, b. Dec. 9, 1754; d. Sept. 30, 1812; m. 1st, Thomas Johnson, of Middletown, 1774; m. 2d, Rev. Elijah Parsons, Nov. 5, 1792, East Haddam. ABIGAIL CHAUN CY, b. Sept. 15, 1756; d. Sept. 30, 1799; m. 1st, Normand Morrison, of Hartford; m. 2d, Caleb Bull, of Hartford, 1788. NATHANIEL CHAUNCY, b.-; m. Abigail Olcott, of Hartford. CATHARINE CHAUNCY, b. July 3, 1763; d. Nov. 1763.

Will of John Stocking, of Middletown, Dec. 2, r746. "I John Stocking of Middletown being bound on a Voyage to Sea and knowing that my time on earth is uncertain etc. * * * "I give and bequeath to my Honoured Mother Stocking the improvement of one half of my dwelling house barn and Home lott also the use and improve- 20 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. ment of my negro girl Rose for and during ye term of my said mother's Natural Life. "I give to my Beloved wife Mary all my Estate Both Real and personal to be to her and to her heirs forever. Reserving the improvement aforesaid as afor'sd. In case I should have a child born of her body then and in such case my will is that ye said child whether male or female shall have two thirds of my Personal estate and all my Real estate** * Reserving to my said wife the use and improvement of one third part of my real estate during her natural life and in case I should have a child and it Die before it arrive at lawful age to inherit then my said wife shall have my estate as aforesaid Reserving to my Mother the use and improvement aforesaid. And my further will is that all my negro servants that survive my said wife shall go out free In case she sur­ vives my mother Stocking. I do appoint my beloved wife Mary to be Sole ex­ ecutrix of this my Last Will and Testament." JOHN STOCKING [Seal.} In presence of THOS. GOODWIN MATTHEW T ALLCOTT 2 December r746 JABEZ HAMLIN Proven r750

John Stocking Channey made his Will August r3, 1776, being about to go into the Army of the . Will proven April 6, 1778. Legatees, Sister Abigail Channey, Sister Mary Johnson.


1 Timothyt Easton, ( J oseph3, J oseph2, J oseph ), son of Joseph (9) and Sarah (Spencer) Easton, was b. in East Hartford, bap. Aug. 1 r, 1695. He m. Prudence. Buckland, b. Feb. 1699, dau. of William and Elizabeth (Weils) Buckland. Timothy Easton d. in East Hartford, Feb. 27, 1777, age 82. Prudence Easton d. in East Hartford, Oct. 15, 1797, age 98. Their children were- 26 .RHODA, b. -- 1721. 27 PRUDENCE. b. -- 1721 JANE, -·- -- m. -- Williams. 27Yz SARAH, 28 TIMOTHY, b.-­ MARY, OLIVER, b. abt. 1733; d. Jan. 15, 1760, age 27. 29 ABEL, b. abt. 1735. 30 SILAS, b. abt. r745. lvfemoranda. Inscription on monument in East Hartford cernetery to Prudence, wife of Timothy Easton : DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 21

"This monument was erected as a testimany of Paternal Affection by her youngest son and child, Silas Easton, 1827." Hartford Probate Records, vol. 22, page 326. Abstract of will of Timot!iy Easton. "I do give to my loveing wife Prudence Easton "I give to my daughter Rhoda Bidwell "I give to my daughter Prudence Skinner "I give to the children of my Dec. Daughter Jane Williams '' I give to my Grandson Timothy Gains "I give to my daughter Mary Easton "I give to my Son Silas Easton "I give to my Sons Timothy and Abel Easton '' I constitute my Sons Timothy Easton and Abell Easton to be executors of this my Last Will and Testament." TIMOTHY EASTON [Seal.] Signed Sealed Pronounced & declared in Presence of us ASA CoWLES AsHBEL PITKIN 13 January 1773 DAVID WATSON. 19

1 1 Joseph Easton (Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Joseph (9) and Sarah (Spencer) Easton, was bap. Oct. 17, 1697; d. about 1735; m. about 1727, Susanna Burnham, b. Mar. 30, 1705, dau. of Richard and Sarah (Humphries) Burnham, of East Hartford, Conn. Residence East Hartford. Their children were- 31 JAMES, bap. June 9, 1728. SUSANNA, b. July, 1730. 32 ELIPHALET, b. Aug. 9, 1732.


Hartford Probate Court Records, vol, I2, page 36. '' At the request and by the desire of Susanna Easton, widow and relict of Joseph Easton Jr., late of Hartford, dec'd. This court do appoint Michael Burnham, of Hartford, in Hartford County, to be a Guardian to tl,ree of t!,e cl,ildren of the Deceased, viz: James Easton, aged 7 years, Susanna, aged 5 years in July last, and Eliphalet Easton, aged 3 years the 9th of August last, and the said Michael Burnham appeared in court and gave bond in £200, etc. Court held in Hartford, Nov. r8, 1735." It is our belief that there was another child. The probate record of Guardianship·" states three of the children," and we find a Joseph Easton in East Hartford, probably born about 1734, whose parentage we have been un­ able to place elsewhere and whose descent will be found in the appendix. 22 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


4 3 1 Sarah Easton (Joseph , Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Joseph (9) and Sarah (Spencer) Easton, bap. Jan. 2, 1700; m. Mar. 3 1, I 721, Joseph Drake, of East Windsor, Conn. He d. in 1726. She died in 1741. Their children were- SARAH DRAKE, b. Jan. 15, 1722; m. Joel Rockwell. LEMUEL DRAKE, b. Sept. 12, 1723; d. April 15, 1780; m. Abigail, dau. of John Morton. SAMUEL DRAKE, b. 1725; d. 1796; m. Dec. 14, 1752, Martha Pratt, dau. of William Pratt, Hartford. 21

3 1 Samuel• Easton (foseph , foseph2, Joseph ), son of Joseph (9) and Sarah (Spencer) Easton, was born in East Hartford, Conn., bap. Feb. 14, 1702, and d. April 20, 1761. He m. - Sarah-, who d. Nov. 21, 1779, aged 69. Residence, East Hartford, Conn. Their children were- 33 LEMUEL, b. -, 1730. 34 SAMUEL, b. Aug. 16, 1733. ABIGAIL, b. -; d. Jan., 1777. 35 MABEL, b.­ CONTENT, b. - LUCRETIA, b. -; m. - Belding. SUSANNA, bap. April 2, 1749; m. 1st - Bigelow, probably m: 2d Eli Haws, of Ashford, Conn., prior to Oct. 29, 1783. 36 SARAH, bap. April 2, 1749. 36,½ THANKFULL, bap. April 2, 1749. HANNAH, bap. July 7, 1749; m. - Smith. ANNE, bap. June 21, 1752. Memora1Zda. llaJ'tford Probate Records, z•o!. I8, page IJO. "The Court grant Letters of Administration on the estate of Samuel Easton, late of Hartford, deceased, unto Sarah Easton, widow of the sd. Dec. who gave with William Forbs of sd. Hartford, Bond of £200 that she will faithfully discharge the duties of an Administrator according to law upon sd. Estate and took Letters of Administration 7 July 1761." Vol. I9, paNe 9I. " 1763 Dec. 6. An order of the Court for a Distribution of the Estate of Samuel Easton, late of Hartford, deceased, DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 23

"1. Messrs. Russell Woodbridge, David Hills and William Forbes ap­ pointed Distributors.'' [This was for some reason deferred.]

Vo!. 2£, page 45. "Petition of Sarah, the Widow of Samuel Easton, late of Hartford, dee . .that her right of Dower be set out to her. rn March, 1770." Page 90. "24 Dec. r771. On a motion made to the Court for an order of Distribu­ tion on the Real Estate of Samuel Easton late of Hartford deceased, Where­ upon this Court appoints and impowers Messrs. David Hills, Johnathan Wells, & Nathaniel! Crawford, of Hartford, or any two of them, to make a distribu­ tion of said Estate, Viz. To Lemuel Easton, eldest son of sd. deceased a double portion or share of sd. Real Estate and to Samuel Easton, Abigail Easton, & to the heirs of Mabel Grant, Content Easton, & to the Heirs and legal Repre­ sentatives of Lucretia Belding, Susannah Bigelow, Sarah Smith, Thankful Janks, & Hannah Smith, all children of the sd. Dec. to each of them an equal ·single share of the sd. Real Estate, accounting what each one hath already received either in Real or Personal Estate as part of their portion and make return of your doings to this Court," 22

4 3 Elijah Easton (losepft , Josepft2, Josepft1, son of Joseph (9) and Sarah (Spencer) Easton, b. 1706, in East Hartford, Conn.; m. June 19, 1735, Elizabeth Winchell, b. Feb. 1, IJI3, (dau. of Capt. Joseph Winchell and Sarah Taylor, his wife, of Suf­ field, Conn.) Elijah Easton d. in Suffield, Conn., Jan. 24, 1756. Elizabeth Easton d. July 24, 1761. Residence Suffield, Conn. Their children were- 37 ELIJAH, b. July r4, r736. 38 BILDAD, b. Aug. 25, 1737 39 AHIMAZ, b. Sept. 19, 1739. 40 JOSEPH, b. Mar. 7, 1742. ELIZABETH, b. Oct. 24, 1744; d. young. MARY, b. Feb. 3, 1746. 41 ELIZABETH, b. April 28, 1752. SILENCE, b. Dec. 22, 1755; m. Reuben Hickok April 28, 1779, Washing­ ton, Litchfield County, Conn.

Memoranda. Hartford Probate Records, vol. r7, page 76. "At a court of Probate held at Hartford 27 May 1756 Present Bucking­ ham Judge. It was Certified to this Court by Samuel .Kent Justice of the 24 DESCENDANTS OF JOSZPH EASTON. peace that Ahimaz Easton a minor 17 years of age Joseph East'.ln aged 14 years Sons of Elijah Easton late of Suffield Deceased made choice of their Mother Elizabeth Easton to be their Guardian which choice this Court allows. And this Court also appoint the Sd. Elizabeth Easton to be a Guardian to Mary Easton, about IO years old Elizabeth, a.bout 4 years of age & Silence about 4 months old children of the Sd. Deceased and the Sd. Elizabeth widow of the Sd. Deceased Acknowledged herself bound in the sum of £100 etc. It was Certified to this Court by Joseph \Villcoxon Justice of the peace that Bildad Easton, a minor aged about 18 years and three quarters made choice of Joseph Forward of Symsbury to be.his Guardian, which choice this Court allows The above named minor was Son of Elijah Easton of Suffield Deceased."


4 3 1 Hannah Easton, (fo1Zathan , Joseph2, Joseph ), b. Mar. 4, r 7 ro, dau. of Jonathan ( I 3) and Elizabeth (Cadwell) Easton; m. Sept., 1730, Eleazer Goodwin, of New Hartford, Conn., son of Nathaniel and Mehitable (Porter) Goodwin. Residence, New Hartford. Eleazer Goodwin d. Jan. 19, 1766. Hannah Goodwin d. - 1765.

Their children were- JONATHAN GOODWIN, b. Oct. 13, 1731; m. Esther Benham. MEHITABLE GOODWIN, b. Nov. 8, 1733; m. Nathan Smith. MICHAEL GOODWIN, b. Jan. 25, 1736; m. Elizabeth Smith. ELIZABETH GOODWIN, b. July 30, 1739; m. Timothy Barnes. ELEAZER GOODWIN, b. June 27, 1741; m. Mehitable Ca.dwell. HANNAH GOODWIN, b. Aug. 9, 1743; m. Solomon Woodruff. SAMUEL GOODWIN, b. Feb. 20, 1746; d. Dec. 7, 1775. MOSES GOODWIN, b. April IO, 1750; m. Lois Barnes. 24

4 1 Capt. Jonathan Easton (Jonathan3, Joseplz2, Joseph ), bap. July 22, l7I I, son of Jonathan (13) and Elizabeth (Cadwell) Easton; m. --- Jerusha Cole, b. June 17, 1716, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Goodwin) Cole, of Hartford, Conn.

Their children were­ ELIZABETH, bap. Nov. 23, r755. JERUSHA, bap. Dec. rr r758; m. Moses Ferrey, had a dau. Mary, b. Aug. 30, 1787; m. Nov. 13, 1820, Eli Stoddard, who d. Sept. 1, r82:z; m. 2d George Francis, of Wethersfield, Mar. 3, 1835. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 25

25 4 1 Ruth Easton (fonathan3, Joseph2, Joseph ), bap. Mar. 24, 1717, dau. of Jonathan (13) and Elizabeth (Cadwell) Easton; m. Dec. 6, 1739, in Hartford, Edward Cadwell Jr., of Hart­ ford, Conn. Their children were- RUTH CADWELL, bap. Aug. 14, 1740. RUTH CADWELL, bap. Aug. II, 1745: d. Sept 12, 1754. THEODORE CADWELL, bap, Sept. 3, 1749. PRUDENCE CADWELL, bap. Aug. 26, 1753. RUTH CADWELL, bap. Aug. 24, 1755. 26

5 3 1 Rhoda Easton ( Timothy', Joseplz , Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Timothy (18) and Prudence (Buckland) Easton, b. - 1721; m. Roger Bidwell, of East Hartford, who was b. r7I4, son of John and Hannah (Pitkin) Bidwell. Residence East Hartford. Rhoda Bidwell d. Aug., 1782. Roger Bidwell d. - 1782. Their children were- TRYPHEN A BIDWELL, b. Nov. 5, 1749: d. Sept. 30, 1750. ASHBEL BIDWELL, b. Aug., 1751. ADONIRAM BIDWELL, b. Aug., 1753; d. Feb. 17, 1777. ENODIAS BIDWELL, b. Mar. 1758; d. - 1818. DARDA BIDWELL, b. Nov., 1761; d. June, 1782. Memoranda. Darda served in the Revolutionary war and died unmarried at or near New York, in British prison. 27

2 1 Prudence° Easton ( Timothy"-, J oseph3, J oseplz , J oseph ), dau. of Timothy ( r 8) and Prudence (Buckland) Easton, b. - I 72 1 ; m. Nov. 9, 1747, Benjamin Skinner, b. July 20, 1716, son of Richard Skinner and Sarah Gains, his wife. Prudence Skinner d. Oct. 18, 1776, age 55. Benjamin Skinner d. Dec. 15, 1768, age 52. Their children were- PRUDENCE SKINNER, b. Dec. 31, 1750; d. Mar. 13, 1753. THEODOSIA SKINNER, b. Aug. 22, 1752; d. Nov. 6, 1753. 26 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

PRUDENCE SKINNER, b. Mar. 20, 1755. THEODOSIA SKINNER, b. Jan. 7, 1760; d. Nov. 23, 1762. BENJAMIN SKINNER, bap. Apr. 21, 1762; d. -­ BENJAMIN SKINNER, b. June 20, 1763. 27;/z 5 1 Sarah Easton ( Timothy4, Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Timothy (18) and Prudence (Buckland) Easton; m. --­ Simon Gains, of East Hartford, Conn. Their children were­ TIMOTHY, b. Oct 29, 1758. SARAH, b. June 24, 1764; d. 1764. SARAH, b. Mar. 30, 1765. MARY, b. July 17, 1768. 28 5 1 Timothy Easton (Timothy•, Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Timothy ( I 8) and Prudence (Buckland) Easton; m. first wife, Hannah Benton, Mar., 1753, dau. of Ephraim Benton: Second, Catherine (Treat) Hollister, Feb. 15, 1767, b. Sept. 16, 1738, widow of Robert Hollister, of Glastonbury. He married third, Thankfull Wickham. Timothy d. Oct. 5, 181 r, Glastonbury, Conn. Hannah d. July 7, 1765, age 32. Thankfull d. Oct. 28, 1811. Children by first wife, Hannah - THEODOSIA, b. -- HANNAH, b. --; m. William Witherell. Children by second wife, Catherine­ EPHRAIM, bap. Dec. 7, 1768. RUE, bap. April 8, 1770; m. Harris Hamlin. Memoranda. The muster roll of company under the command of Captain Samuel Gerrish Jr., of Newburgh, in the Crown Point expedition, gives the name of Timothy Easton, of Salisbury, as corporal. The service of the company was from Sept. 15, to Dec. 17, 1755. 29 1 Abel5 Easton (Timothy', Joseph3, .!oseph2, Joseph ), b. - 1735, in East Hartford, Conn., son of Timothy (18) and Prudence (Buckland) Easton; m. - Sarah. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 27

Abel Easton d. Jan. 3 I, 177 5, age 40. Sarah Easton d. Aug. I, 1811, age 70. Their children were - 41½ SARAH, bap. Oct. 31, 1762; m. Jonathan Chandler. OLIVER, bap. June 30, r765. TRYPHENA, bap. Feb. 1, 1767; m. Asher Isham. RACHAEL, bap. July 20. 1769; m. John Holmes. ABEL, bap. Sept. 13, 1772; d. a minor. lvfe11toranda. The inscription upon the monument to Abel Easton in the cemetery at East Hartford, Conn.: "Death is a debt to nature due Which I have paid and so must you."

An inventory of the estate of Abel Easton was filed in court April 17, 1775, fsra-3-9. From the Probate Records it appears that Sarah, the widow, married "William Corning.

Suffield, July 20, I784, 110!. 23, page I44- ,' William Corning and Sarah his wife late Sarah Easton, & widow of Abell Easton Dec. adm's on the estate of Abell Easton Dec. ask of the Court per­ mission to sell Real Estate to raise £40-14-9 to Pay remaining Debts. After this ask for a Distribution, when it is shown that the Son Abel Died a minor and without children consequently the Court orders a distribution among the 4 surviving children etc." 30

5 3 1 Silas Easton ( Timothy', Joseph , J oseph2, Joseph ), b. m East Hartford, Conn., m r745, son of Timothy (18) and Prudence (Buckland) Easton; m. Aug. 7, 1770, Susanna Pratt, b. - 1753. Silas Easton d. Mar. IO, r 829, age 84. Susanna Easton d. Jan. 19, 1830, age 77. Their children were- 42 SILAS, bap. Dec. 29, 1771. MARGARET, bap. Oct. 3, 1773. SlJSANNA, bap, Nov. 12, 1775; d. Dec. 24, 1796; m. Ephraim Roberts. MABEL, bap. Nov. 9, 1777; m. Daniel Roberts, Jnly 8, 1794. CLARISSA, bap. Sept. 5, 1779; m. Silas Hills, Nov. 7, 1799; ch. Electa, b. June IO, 1800; John, b. Jan. 3, 1801. 43 DANIEL, b. Jan. 20, 1782 44 NORMAN, b. April 2, 1783. OLIVER, bap. May 9, 1784. 28 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Memoranda. Inscription on tombstone of Silas Easton in the cemetery, East Hartford, Conn. '' A farmer by profession An honest man by practice."

At the Lexington alarm April, 1775, Silas Easton with others started under the command of Col. Geo. Pitkin, for the relief of Boston. In service 6 days.


5 1 Col. James Easton (Joseph', .Toseph3, .Toseph2, .Toseph ), son of Joseph ( 19) and Susanna (Burnham) Easton, was b. in East Hartford, Conn., hap. June 9, 1728, and d. at Pittsfield, Mass., in May or June, 1796. Hem. first Rachel Seymour, dau. of Timothy and Rachel (Allyn) Seymour, who d. in 1751, age 18. Hem. April 26, 1753, for second wife, Eunice Pomeroy, bap. Aug. 7, 1733, who d. April 14, 1778, age 45, at Pittsfield, Mass., the dau. of John and Rachel (Sheldon) Pomeroy, of Litchfield Co., Conn. He m. for third wife Mary --, who survived him. Child by first wife­ RACHEL, who d. young.

Children by second wife- 45 JOSEPH, b. Oct. 8, 1754. JAMES JR., b. Jan. 10, 1756; m. Feb. g, 1778, Sylvia Williams, who d. Oct. 13, 1780, age 20, dau. of Col. William Williams. POMEROY, b. Dec. 20, 1756. 46 NORMAND, b. June 25, 1758. 47 RACHEL, b. Jan 8, 1760. EUNICE, b. Jan. 18, 1762; m. Josiah Wright Jr. LOIS, b. July 7, :r764. JOHN CALVIN, b. Jan. 28, 1766. LUCY, b. April 26, 1768; m. Amos Lay. OLIVER, b. Aug. 31, 1770. Memoranda. Col. James Easton was born in East Hartford, Conn., removed first to Litchfield county, then in 1763, to Pittsfield, Mass. He joined the Church there by letter in May, 1764, and was chosen deacon the next September. He was a builder, also kept a store and tavern. He was from the first a promi­ nent citizen, taking an active part in all public affairs concerning the welfare of the people. As Colonel of a regiment of Berkshire county militia, he was an DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 29

active participant in the stirring events prior to and during the early years of the American Revolution for independence. Upon the outbreak of hostilities, plans for the capture of Ticonderoga were at once rife in the secret councils, not only of Massachusetts, but also of Connecticut. To the latter belongs the honor of initiating and organizing the expedition which successfully executed the plans. The expedition being a secret one, it became necessary to obtain funds for the expenses. This was un­ dertaken by Col. Samuel H. Parsons and five other gentlemen, who, in Hartford, Conn., procured from the Colonial treasury £300 on their personal obligations, with which they started north, halting at Pittsfield, where they were joined by Col. James Easton, with about fifty of his men and Major Brown. They proceeded on to Vermont, where they were joined by Col. Ethan Allen with about 100 of his men (he being Col. of a regiment of Green Mountain boys). As Col. Allen (by historians) has been given the full credit of the capture of Ticonderoga, it might be proper to here state that Col. Allen and Col. Easton were warm personal friends, both having been residents of Litchfield county, Conn., at the same time, and that in selecting officers to comman.d the expe­ dition, they were selected according to the number of men furnished by each. Col. Allen rst, Col. Easton 2d and Seth Warner 3d, there being but a small number from Connecticut. Col. Allen in his report to Congress writes: ·· The soldiers were composed of about roo Green Mountain boys and nearly fifty veteran soldiers of the Massachusetts Bay. The latter were commanded by Col. James Easton, who behaved with great zeal and fortitude, not only in council but in the assault, "The soldiers behaved with such resistless fury that they so terrified the king's troops that they durst not fire on their assailants, and our soldiers were agreeably disappointed. The soldiers behaved with uncommon rancor when they leaped into the fort, and it must be confessed that the Col. has greatly contributed to the taking of that fortress as well as John Brown, who was per­ sonally in the attack." Col. Easton was sent to announce the capture to the Provincial Congress, where he was received and introduced to the floor of that body to which he was accredited, that he might give the details of the capture. After listening to Col.-Easton the congress at Cambridge passed suitable resolutions, with which he was dispatched to Hartford, where he was again received with enthusiasm and handsomely entertained by the Connecticut authorities. Col. Easton also commanded a regiment in the expedition against Canada, under Gen. Montgomery. Col. Easton retired from active service in the field soon after the Canada expedition, although continuing to use his influence at home for the benefit of his country, He had four sons in the army, viz.: Joseph, Lieut. James Jr., Normand and Calvin. Col. Easton expended his fortune in the service of his country and.died a poor man. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


5 1 Eliphalet Easton (Joseph\ Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Joseph (19) and Susunna (Burnham) Easton, b. Aug. 9, 1732, in East Hartford, Conn.; m. July 7, 1755, Mary Gold or Gould, b. May 2, 173 1, dau. of John and Hannah (Slawson) Gould, grandaughter of Lieut. Gov. Nathan Gold or Gould. Eliphalet Easton d. July 22, 1816. Residence, Woodbury, Conn.

Their children were­ MARY, b. July 21, 1756. LUXINA, b. Mar. - 1759. JULIAN, b. May - 1762. ELECTRA, b. June 12, 1765. SUSANNA, b. Mar. - 1767. 48 BREWSTER GOULD, b. June 15, 1769. ELIPHALET, b. May 17, 1772; d. Dec. 12, 1841, age 69, buried Trinity Church, Seymour, Conn.

Memoranda. Eliphalet Easton was a Revolutionary pensioner. Enlisted May 21, 1777, in Capt. Stoddard's company, 8th regiment, Col. John Chandler, discharged May 23, 1780. Julian Easton, his son, was a musician in the Revolutionary army.


1 Lemuel5 Easton (Samue!4, Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Samuel (21) and Sarah Easton, b. in East Hartford, Conn., - 1730; d. Aug. 14, 1784, age 54; m. - 1754,. Elizabeth Buckland, dau. of William Buckland, of Hartford. Residence, East Hartford, Conn.

Their children were- ANNA, b. Mar. 24, 1755; m. John Butler, of New Hartford. ELIZABETH, b. Mar. 1, 1756; d. Nov. 14, 1789; m. -- Clark. 49 ASHBEL, b, Sept. 15, 1757. RUTH, b. Aug. 13, 1759. AURELIA, b. May 13, 1762; d. May ro, 1765. LEMUEL, b, June 12, 1764; d. June - 1782. 50 JAMES, b. Feb. 18, 1766. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 3 I


Will o.f Lemuel Easton. East Windsor Probate Records, vat. I, page 95. "In the name of God Amen. '' I Lemuel Easton of East Hartford in the County of Hartford and State of Connecticut of lawful age and Sound mind & Memory do make this my Last Will and Testament in the manner following Imprimis * * * "rst. I give to my beloved wife Elizabeth Easton, one third part of all my Household Furniture to be at her own disposal also the use and improvement of one third part of all my Lands and of one third part of my Dwelling House during her natural life. "2nd. I give unto my Daughter Ruth Easton, the bed and Furniture four new chairs & a Table which are now called hers also fourteen pounds law­ ful money to be paid in one year after my decease out of that part of my estate hereinafter given to my son James Easton." "3d. I give unto my son James Easton my Dwelling House Barn and Shop and so much of my land in the home lot so called to be laid out on the North side as shall with Sd. buildings make one half of the value of all my Real Estate by appraisement, the whole of sd. lot is bounded east on Land of Joseph Case, west on the Country Road North on Land of Russell Kilbourn, and south, on Land of Israel Dunning, and David Warren with the Incumbrance of the thirds above given to my wife, the sd. James paying the fourteen pounds above given to my daughter Ruth, and the legacies hereafter given to my daughters Anne Butler and Elizabeth Clark. '' 4. I give to my son Ashbel Easton the remaining part of my Land in the above said home lot beside what I have above given to my son James Easton, and all my other Lands be the same more or less with the Incum­ brances or the thirds given above to my wife. "5th. I give unto my daughter Anne Butler, ten shillings lawful money to be paid out of my estate by my son James as above said in addition to wbat I have heretofore given her. '' 6th. I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Clark ten shillings lawful money to be paid out of my estate by my son James as above said in addition to what I have heretofore given her and if there is any moveable estate of mine left after my just debts are paid my will is that it be equally divided between my sons Ashbel and James. "I do hereby appoint and constitute my beloved wife Elizabeth Easton and my son Ashbel Easton executors of this my Last will & Testament hereby revokeing all former wills & Testaments and ratifying and confirming this to be my Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 5 day of August A. D. 1784 Signed Sealed Delivered and Pronounced to be his Last Will & Testament." LEMUEL EASTON [Seal.1

In Presence of us



1 SamueP Easton (Samuet4, Joseplz,\ JosepJ/, Joseplz ), son of Samuel (21) and Sarah Easton, b. Aug. 16, 1733, m East Hartford, Conn.; m. --- Zerviah Risley, b. ---- dau. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Risley, of East Hartford. Samuel Easton d. about 1773. Zerviah Easton d. - 1783.

Their children were-

51 SAMUEL, b. May 1, 1761. 52 GILES, b. Apr. 22, r763. RUSSELL. b. Oct. 23, r770; d. young.

llfemoranda. It appears from the Probate and Land Records, extracts from which we give below, that after the death of Samuel Easton, Zerviah, his widow, married David 'Niles or Wyllis, and that they had a child born to them named Clarissa Wyllis.

East Hart.ford Land Records, vol. I, page 302. "David Wiles of East Hartford, Sells to Samuel Easton and Giles Easton, by Quit claim all such Right & Title as I the said David Wiles have or ought to have in or to four Pieces of Land lying in East Hartford, being the estate of my late wife Zerviah vViles, deceased. One Piece Butted & bounded as fol­ lows viz. being the Home lot containing three acres and half with the House thereon standing bounded North on Land given to Samuel & Giles Easton, by Deborah Risley South on Land of Johnathan Hills East on a highway and west on land of David Hills 20 May 1784." "Letters of administration on estate of Zerviah Willis late of East Hartford dee., granted unto Samuel Easton, who gave bond with William Warren in £500, June ro, 1783. "Distribution of estate Zerviah Wyllis, late of East Hartford, deceased, Dec. 15, r785. '' To Samuel Easton, oldest son. "To Giles Easton, "To Clarissa Wyllis, daughter." JOHNATHAN WELLS l D' t 'b t DAVID HlLLS ) JS n u ors.


1 Mabel5 Easton (Samuel4, Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Samuel (zr) and Sarah Easton, b. in East Hartford, Conn., d. in East Windsor, Conn., Oct. 28, 1767; m. May 30, 1751,


Aaron Grant, of East Windsor, b. Dec. 12, 1724, son of Samuel and Theophylet (Bartlett) Grant. Their children were- MABEL GRANT, b. April 4, 1753; d. Oct. r, 1834, age 8r. AARON GRANT, b. Aug. 14, 1755; m. Lucy Sadd, EUNICE GRANT, b. July 23, 1757; m. - Hurlburt. LUCRETIA GRANT, b. April 10, 1759; d. June 8, 1803. SARAH GRANT, b. Sept. w, 1761; m. Levi Deming. 36

1 Sarah" Easton (Samuel\ Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Samuel (21) and Sarah Easton, bap. April 2, 1749; m.-­ Eldad Smith, of East Hartford. Eldad Smith d. - 1787. Their children were - JOSEPH SMITH, bap. July 20, 1765. AURELIA SMITH, bap. Jan. 9, 1767. SIMEON SMITH, hap. July 24, 1768. LEVI SMITH, bap. Sept. 9, r770. REUBEN SMITH, bap. Sept. 13, 1772.. JERUSHA SMITH, hap. July 17, 1774. ~TH SMITH, bap. Jan. 22, 1777. i'ERRY SMITH, bap. Jan. 2, 1780. NATHANIEL SMITH, bap. Jan. 27, 1782. SARAH SMITH, bap. Sept. 17, 1784. 36,½

1 Thankful" Easton (Samuel', Joseph3, Josepk2, .loseph ), dau. of Samuel (21) and Sarah Easton, was bap. April 2, 1749, in East Hartford, Conn., and m. -- Obadiah Jenks, of East Hartford, who d. before Jan. 13, 1789. ThE,ir children were- ALICE JENKS, b. Oct. 28, 1771. EBEN JENKS, I ANNE JENKS, ) b. June 12, 1774. 37

5 1 Elijah Easton (E!ijalz4, Joseph3, Joseph2, .loseph ), son of Elijah ( 22) and Elizabeth (Winchell) Easton, b. in Suffield, 3 34 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Conn., July r4, r736; m. Sept. 12, 1757, Abigail Noble, b. in Suffield, April 15, 1736, dau. of Ebeneazer Noble. Mr. Easton removed near the close of the Revolution to Wilmington, Vt., where it is supposed that he died. Mrs. Abigail Easton removed to Bainbridge, N. Y., where she died, -- 1830, age 94. Their children were- 53 ELIJAH, b. June 16, 1758. ABIGAIL, b. May 16, 1759; m. Sept. 3'J, 1783, John Grant. IRIS, b. July 29, 1760; m. John Tyrell, removed to Manchester, Vt.; d. about 18rr, 54 ANNA, b. Aug. 15, 1762. 55 OLIVER, b. Nov. 20, 1765. 56 JOEL, b. Dec. 3, 1767. 57 POLLY, b. May 7, 1777. Memoranda. Au Elijah Easton served in Capt. John Harmon's 8th company, Col. Erastus Wolcott's regiment, called out by Gen. Washington, which formed part of the detachment before Boston Jan. to March, 1776.


5 1 Bildad Easton (Elijalz', Joseplz3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Elijah (22) and Elizabeth (Winchell) Easton, b. in Suffield, Conn., Aug. 25, 1737; m. Jan. 24, 1759, Mercy Forward, b. Feb. IO, 1739, dau. of Joseph Forward and Mercy Lourton, his wife, of Symsbury, Conn. Their children were­ BILDAD, b. May 3, 1760. CHARITY, b. Jan. 13, 1762. RACHI<;L, b. Feb. 12, 1764; m. July 4, 1784, in St. Ann's ch., Symsbury, to Rttdout Moore. DAIDAMIA, b. Jan. 30, 1769. MARY, b. June 2, 1771. Memoranda. From the historical record of Vermont we find that Bildad Easton was a resident of Westminster, or its vicinity, in 1775, and achieved considerable notoriety as deputy sheriff, for the part he took in the controversy between the officials of the State of New York and those of the New Hampshire grants. The territory between Lake Champlain on the west and the Connecticut river on the east, and extending from the Massachusetts line northward to the DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 35

Canada territory, was claimed alike by the government of New Hampshire and New York, a fact which led to a fierce and long contested struggle between the settlers and Gov. Tryon of the latter province. This culminated May 15, 1775, at Westminster, in an open conflict between the settlers and the officers who were acting under the authority of Gov. Tryon. Bildad Easton, as deputy sheriff, being one of the number. On that day a court was to be held, and the settlers took possession of the court house, determined that no court should be held. Thereupon the sheriff with a large number of armed men at­ tempted to drive tbe seti\ers from the court house, firing upon them, killing one man and wounding several others. The settlers then dispersed, sending messengers through the country, and soon assembled a large force of men, over­ powering the officers and their associates, arresting thirty-six of them. They were tried in court, pleading not guilty and that they were acting under authority of Gov. Tryon. Eight of them were fined; some £50, some £25, some £20, others £10; among the latter number was Bildad Easton. Owing to his noted tory proclivities and the part be took in the Westminster affair he obtained the name of" that notorious Bildad Easton."


3 1 Ahimaz" Easton (Elijah', Joseph , Joseph2, Jossph ), son of Elijah (22) and Elizabeth (Winchell) Easton, b. in Suffield, Conn., Sept. 19, 1739, and d. May 20, 1795, in the 55th year of his age; m. -- Mary Phelps, b. July 12, 1739, dau. of Isaac Phelps, of Westfield, Mass. Ahimaz Easton, it appears, stttled first in Westfield, and re­ moved to Washington, Mass. Their children were-

58 AHIMAZ, b. Aug. II, 1765. 59 JOSEPH, b. May 23, 1767. 60 ISAAC, b. about 1770. 6r WILLIAM. 6z CHARLES, b. 1778. 63 MARY, b. April 22, 1789. Jl;J emoranda. We give from the Land Records a few abstracts of deeds showing that Ahimaz Easton was buying and selling lands in Westfield, Mass., also from the town records of Washington, Mass., showing that he took an active part in the affairs of the town and was twice elected to represent the town in the General Court.

Spring.field Land Records, vol. 3, page JOI. "Daniel Bagg Sell to Ahimaz Easton of Westfield 15 acres of Land £14-00-00 29 July 1762." DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Vol. 3, page 296. "Ahimaz Easton Sells to Elisha Parks House & Lot one and one half acre £35-00-00 28 January 1764."

Vol. 3, pag·e 404. "Ahimaz Easton Sells to Bildad Fowler £16-05-00 3)4 acres of Land 9 August 1764-" "Ahimaz Easton Sells to John Phelps-Joiner of Westfield £20-00-00 a House Lot 17 January 1765."

Vol. 7, page 556-7. "Ahirnaz Easton Sells to Aaron Dewey of Westfield 17 ½ acres of Land £15-00-00 27 April 1767."

Vol. 8, page 212. November 2, 1767. "Ahimaz Easton of Westfield for consideration of £73-00-00 Sells to Seth. Loomis his home lot with mansion house and barn and 1 ;£ acres of Land and another parcell of Land of about 15 acres." Signed AHIMAZ EASTON [Seal.) MARY EASTON [Seal. 1

f?rotll Records of votes 1 To1JJn of Washington, Jl,fass. •·Voted Capt. George Sloan Lieut. Jabesh Cornish John Phelps Ahimaz Easton and Azariah Ashl~y be a committe to send a petition to the General Assembly -26 June 1779. "29 Oct. 1779 Voted to raise £300 to procure clothing for the Continental Soldiers. '' Voted Ahimaz Easton, Amos Bacon, and Abner Beard, be a committe to collect sd. clothing. '' Voted Jabish Cornish, William Spencer, & Ahimaz Easton, be a com­ mitte to make a Draft of the above Vote: and send it to Boston, to ye Agents of Stockbridge, & Great Barrington, to join in Pettition to the General Court."

April 24, 1780. '' Voted that there be a Committee to replace the meeting Honse. "Voted for the above business William Scott, Ahimaz Easton, Amos Berd, Stephen Sikes, and John Phelps." Several votes were passed in which Ahimaz Easton appears, when the particular object does not so clearly appear; on several occasions he was a committee on Town business.

At Was!t,:ngton, lYlay 29, I780. "Voted Ahimaz Easton to Represent the Town at the Great and General Court. '' Voted that Ahimaz Easton, go to General Fellery in Order to get the Bill of Abatement answered to our Taxes. 4 Sept. 1780. '' Voted that Ahimaz Easton shall have two Dollars per day if he get the Bill answered if not then he is to have nothing the two dollars to be paid in wheat at 4s. per bushel or other money equivalent." DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 37

Oct. 3, I780. "Voted Mr. Ahimaz Easton Be Representative to Represent the Town in the Great and General Court."

:June 8, I78I. '' Voted a Committee of three men to give Ahimaz Easton his Instructions." 40 Joseph5 Easton (Eli.fall, Josep!t3, Joseplz2, Josep!i1), son of Elijah (22) and Elizabeth (Winchell) Easton, 6. in Suffield, Conn., March 7, r 7 42; d. at Easton Corners, Canada, Sept. 8, 1824, in the 83d year of his age. He m. in May, 1766, Mehitable Baker, in Washington, Litchfield county, Conn. Shed. Sept. 20, 1820, age 70. Their children were~ JOSEPH, b. April 28, 1767. MEHITABLE, b. May rr, 1769; m. 1st Thomas Truman Parmely, June 22, 1786; m. 2d Ezekiel Clark. 64 ELIJAH, b. Aug. 30, ,771.. 65 RUFUS, b. May 4, 1774. CYNTHIA, b. Nov. 3, 1776; m. James Covill. BRITTANIA, b. Feb. 7, 1780; m. 1st -- Starr; m. 2d Dr. Brown. 66 WILLIAM HENRY, b. April 11, 1782. 67 SARAH, b. Sept. 24, 1784. 68 RODERICK, b. May 17, 1787. HARLEY, b. Feb. 8, 1793, d. unmarried.

lvlemoraizda. Joseph Easton resided at Washington, Litchfield Co., Conn., where his children were born. In the year 1792 he removed to Canada, where he obtained a large grant of land near ·wolford, now Easton Corners, Ontario. He was an adherent to the British crown during the American Revolution.

41 Elizabeth" Easton ( Eli:fa!z4, Iosep!/, Joseplz2, Josep!i1) dau. of Elijah (22) and Elizabeth (Winchell) Easton, b. April 28, 1752, in Suffield, Conn., d. in 1777, in Washington, Litchfield Co., Conn.; m. May 6, 1771, Ephraim Baker, of Washington, Conn. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Their children were- ELIZABETH BAKER, b. Jan. 3r, 1772. LEMITIA BAKER, b. Dec. II, 1774. HEMAN BAKER, b. June 28, 1777; d. April 16, 1828, age 5r. 41,¼

6 5 1 Sarah Easton (Abel , Timothy', 7oseph3, 7oseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Abel (29) and Sarah Easton, was b. Oct. 3 I, 1762, in East Hartford, Conn. She m. Jonathan Chandler, of East Hartford. He probably removed to Chenango Co., N. Y., about 1804. Their children were- SAMUEL CHANDLER, b. Dec. 2, 1781. OLIVER EASTON CHANDLER, b. Sept. 21, 1783. JONATHAN CHANDLER, b. Feb. 12, 1786. WALTER CHANDLER, b. June 15, 1788. HORACE CHANDLER, b. Aug. 12, 1792. LOWELL CHANDLER, b. June 22, 1794. ABEL CHANDLER, b. Feb. 12, 1797. SALLY CHANDLER, b. Sept. 28, 1800. 42 6 5 2 1 SilaS -Easton (Si!as , TimothJl, Joseph\ Joseph , Joseph ), bap. Dec. 29, 1771, at East Hartford, Conn., son of Silas (30) and Susanna (Pratt) Easton; m. June 30, 1794, Rachel Nye, b. Sept., 1772, dau. of Levi Nye, of Lee, Mass. Silas Easton removed from East Hartford to Lee, Mass., where he died prior to I 8 I 7. Their children were- POLLY, b. Jan. 15, 1795; d. Jan. 30, 1795. THOMAS NYE, b. Oct. 20, 1796; m. Temperance Crocker. SARAH FREEMAN, b. Dec. 4, 1800. JJ;fcmoranda. May 19, 1817, Rachel Easton, widow of Silas, appears from Probate records as the wife of Samuel Porter. 43

6 1 Daniel Easton (Silas5, Timothy', Joseph3, Joseph2, 7oseph ), son of Silas (30) and Susanna (Pratt) Easton, b. in East Hart- DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 39 ford, Conn., Jan. 20, 1782; d. May 3, 1845, age 63; m. May 15, 1804, Margaret Ely Pratt, b. Feb. 4, 1788, d. July 22, 1849, age 61, dau of Eliab and Margaret (Ely) Pratt. Daniel Easton was Justice of the Peace. Residence, East Hartford, Conn. Their children were- 69 AGIS, b. Nov. 2, 1805. AD ELIZA, b. May 29, 1807; m. Sidney Spencer, of Springfield, Mass., Sept. 27, 1837. SUSANNA, b. Feb. 3, 1809; d. Oct. 24, 1874, age 65, unmarried. MARY J ., b. Nov. 9, 1816; d. March 23, 1880, unmarried. ELLEN E., b. Oct. 16, 1829; d. May 3, 1893, unmarried. Memoranda. Daniel Easton, Sergeant under Capt. Amherst, Regiment Light Artillery, Aug. 3, 1813, to Sept. 16, 1813, at New London, . {Vil! of Danid Easton, August ,, ,839. '' In the name of God Amen. '' I Daniel Easton of East Hartford in Hartford County and State of Connecticut being of a Sound and disposing mind and memory do make and ordain this my Last Will & Testament in manner and form following that is to say. "I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Margaret the use and im­ provement of the one third of my Real and Personal Property including all the Interest that may accrue on whatsoever notes I may die possessed. I more­ over give unto her the full and entire disposal of all the Household furniture in any way and manner she shall think proper. "I give and devise unto my daughters Adeliza, Susannah, Mary J. Ellen E. the Principal of any and all promissory notes of which I may die possessed. Together with the lot of land and the appurtenances thereto belonging situated on the Upperquag road at the four corners to be equally divided and appor­ tioned among them, provided however that if Agis shall choose to pay unto his Sisters aforesaid the sum of Six Hundred DolJars within one year after the Proveing of this Will or give satisfactory security then the said lot of land shall belong to him and his heirs forever. '' I do give and Demise unto my Daughter Susannah one lot of young wood called the Woodbridge lot containing about four acres of land lying south of the dwelling house of the late Timothy Forbes, Deceased. "I give and demise unto my daughter Ellen Ely, one lot of land East of Sand Hill on the Manchester road measuring about three acres and a half, and growing up young wood. I give unto my unmarried daughters jointly with their mother the entire use and control of my Dwelling House well, and South Garden with other necessary appurtenances and the privilege of Pasturing a Cow, in the home pasture so long as they remain Sole and unmarried and should Agis purchase the lot on the south road as Devised aforesaid. Then the unmarried sisters to have and hold the right of cutting sufficient hay in home 40 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. lott to winter the cow aforesaid. Provided that but one of my daughters remain unmarried at any future period the right of a home in the dwelling house the keeping of a cow and the South Garden only shall belong to her so far as this part of the property is considered." August 28 1839. "In the name of the Most High furthermore being of a Sound and disposeing mind I Daniel Easton, do give unto my son Agis and his heirs and assigns forever, All the rest remainder and residue of my property lands and hereditaments Goods and chattels of every name or nature whatever to be by him holden posessed and improved the Real Estate consi·sting of the Warren lot one acre the home lot and lands annexed thereto Fifty- seven acres and the great Hill lot 20 acres with all the appurte­ nances and privileges thereunto annexed, not devised in any previous clause in this Will. "Lastly I do make and constitute Agis Easton, Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revokeing all former Wills and Testaments. '' In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 28 day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and thirty nine." DANIEL EASTON [Seal.J SAMUEL RILEY HORACE RILEY PERSEY RILEY Hartford County S. S. East Hartford August 28th 1839. Personally appeared SAMUEL RILEY HORACE RILEY PERSEY RILEY

and made Solemn Oath that they attested the foregoing Will of Daniel Easton and Subscribed the same iu presence of the testator and in the presence of each other Jointly as Subscribeing Witnesses to said Will and that said Testator at the time of the execution of said will was of sound and disposeing mind and memory and signed said will in Presence of Each and all the Subscribeing Witnesses thereto before me Daniel Easton Justice of the Peace. The foregoing will is a curiosity, the testator taking the proof of his own will. 44

6 1 Norman Easton (Silas", Timot!t;i4, Josep!t3, Josep!z2, Joseph ), son of Silas (30) and Susanna (Pratt) Easton, b. April 2, 1783, in East Hartford, Conn., who d. Oct. 29, r813. Hem. April 15, r8rr, Elizabeth Salisbury, of Providence, R. I., who d. Oct. 16, 1859. Their children were- 70 SUSAN ELIZABETH, b. April 2, 1812. 71 NORMAN, b. Oct. 17, 1813. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


6 1 Joseph Easton (James5, Joseplt4, Joseph3, Joseph2, loseph ), son of James (31) and Eunice (Pomeroy) Easton, b. Oct. 8, r],54; m. Dec. - /J79, Sarah Goodrich. He resided at Pittsfield, Mass., and was a soldier in the army of the Revolution.

Their children were - ELECT A, b. Sept 5, 1780; m. Stephen Brewster. OLIVER POMEROY, b. March 19, 1784. JOSEPH, b. March 9, 1786. SARAH, b. Feb. 1, 1788; in. Frederick Drake, April 16, 1803. PARTHENA, b. Feb. II, 1790. JAMES, b. Feb. 20, 1792. EUNICE, b. May 21, 1703; d. 1893, age 10 LUCY, b. Jan. 26, 1795. POMEROY, b. Sept. 13, 1796. HARRIET, b. July 6, 1798. 46

6 5 1 Normand Easton (fames , Joseph", Joseph3, Joseph2,Joseph ), son of Col. James (31) and Eunice (Pomeroy) Easton, b. June 25, 1758, in Litchfield Co., Conn.; d. May 12, 1806. at Greenville, Green Co., N. Y.; m. Feb. 12, 1781, at Wood­ bury, Conn., Merab Perry, b. Oct. 16, 1758. dau. of Michael Perry. Shed. June, 1851, in Orangeville, N. Y.

Their children were- NORMAN, b. April 31, 1784; d. after 1820, in Greenville, N. Y. POLLY, b. Jan. r5, 1786; d. Jan. 17, 1810. ALMIRA, b. March 6, 1788; m. Robert Frazer, of Warsaw, N. Y.; d. before 1850. 72 MICHAEL PERRY, b. Jan. 8, 1790. The four children above were b. in Woodbury, Conn. 73 EUNICE, b. Aug. 22, x792. 74 CALVIN, b. Feb. 25, 1795. JAMES, b. Dec 3, 1797; d. July 14, 1820, at Milford, Pa. 75 CAROLINE, b. Nov. 6, 1803. The above four children b. in Greenville, Green Co., N. Y. Memoranda. Normand Easton served as a soldier in the war of the American Revolu­ tion. 42 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 47

6 2 1 Rachel Easton ( James5, Joseph', Joseplz3, Joseplz , Joseplz ), dau. of Col. James (31) and Eunice (Pomeroy) Easton, b. Jan. 8, 1760; m. Feb. r, 1778, Dr. Timothy Childs, b. in Deerfield, Mass., April 9, l 7 48, son of Capt. Timothy and Mary (Wells) Childs. Dr. Timothy Childs d. at the age of 76. Residence, Pittsfield, Mass.

Their children, born in Pittsfield, Mass. - PERRY G. CHILDS, bap. 1779; m. in 1807, Catherine Ledyard. DAVID W. CHILDS, b. r781; m. Susan Trowbridge, of Utica, N. Y. HENRY H. CHILDS, b. Jan. 7, r783; m. Sarah Allen. TIMOTHY CHILDS, b. - 1785; m. Miss Dickinson. SOPHIA CHILDS, b. Oct. 4, 1789; m. Jan. r5, r8r6, Samuel Ledyard, who d. in Pultneyville, N. Y., Nov. 27, r866. Their children were: Rachel C., b. Dec. IO, 1816; Benjamin B., b. April 27, 1819; Samuel F., b. Feb. 27, 1821; Timothy C., b. Aug. 3, 1822; John H., b. May r7, 1824; T. Scott, b. June 12, 1827; Margaret C., b. June r3, 1830, m. June 1850, Dr. David C. Powers; she was a resident of Coldwater, Mich., in Sept., 1897. GLEN C. CHILDS, b. June 21, 1834. Memoranda. Dr. Timothy Childs was in command of a company of minute men at the battle of Lexington, April, 1775. 48

5 Brewster" Gould Easton (E!iphalet , Joseplz4, Joseplz3, Joseplz2, 1 Joseplz ), son of Eliphalet (32) and Mary (Gould) Easton, b. June 15, 1769; d. in 1834, age 65. Hem.-- Ruth Ann Tuttle; shed. May 15, 1816, age 40, in Woodbury, Conn.

Their children were- 76 FLORA, b. - DANIEL, b. - CA THERINE, b. - 77 CURRENCE, b. - MARY, b. - ELIPHALET, b. - RUTH ANN, b. - 78 BREWSTER GOULD, b. Oct. IO, r8IO. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 43


6 5 3 2 1 Ashbel Easton ( Lemuel , Samuel! Joseph , Joseph , Joseph ), son of Lemuel ( 3 3) and Elizabeth (Buckland) Easton, b. Sept. 15, 1757, in East Hartford, Conn.; m. Aug. 22, 1784, Sarah Arnold, b. Sept. 1 5, r 7 5 8, in Eart Hartford. Ashbel Easton d. in Southwick, Mass., Oct. 9, 1836. Sarah Easton d. in Southwick, Mass., Sept. 4, 1805. Their children were- SARAH, b. Nov. 3, 1784; d. - 1841, single. 79 LEMUEL, b. Dec. n, 1786. 8@ ASHBEL, b. Feb. 23, 1789. 81 JULIUS, b. May r, 1791. 82 OLIVER, b. June 9, 1793. 83 SHUBAL, b. July 20, 1797.

Ashbel Easton m. second wife, Diodema --, b. July 22, 1765; d. 1837. Their child- JEMIMA, b. 18n; d. Jan. 13, 1847, age 36; m. Sept. 28, 1846, James Dewey, of Westfield, Mass. Memoranda,

Ashbel Easton served in the Army of the Revolution, enlisting April 21, 1777, for the war, under Capt. James Horton, of Guilford, and Lieut. John Spencer, of East Hartford, Company of Artificers. The Regiment was at Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, etc. Letters of adm. granted on the estate of Ashbel Easton, Nov. 12, 1836, to Lemuel Easton. Inventory, $1367.90. 50

6 5 3 1 James Easton (Lemuel , Samuel', Joseph , Joseph2, loseph ), son of Lemuel (33) and Elizabeth (Buckland) Easton, b. in East Hartford, Conn., Feb. 18, 1766; m. March 11, 1789, Lois Wait, b. July 26, 1769. James Easton d. Feb. 25, 1818, age 52, at Southwick, Mass. Lois Wait Easton d. March 14, 1841, age 72. Their children were- 84 CLADA, b. Jan 26, 1790. 85 WAIT, b. March 22, r79r. 44 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

BETSEY, b. Nov. r2, r792; m. Isaac Hastings, May 26, 1812; m. 2d, Abraham Rising, March 4, 1853, after the 'death of Clada. FANNY, b. Aug. 8, 1795. A son, b. Feb. 2, 1798, d. same day. 86 CHAUNCY, b. Dec. r4, 1804. Memoranda. Will of James Easton, dated 1814, filed for Probate 1818, Lois Easton, the widow, with Wait Easton, the eldest son, named as executors. He gives to his dearly beloved wife one third of his estate; to each of his three daughters, Clada, Betsey and Fanny, $500, less amount charged to them on book. He gives his estate to his two sons, they to pay the legacies. Wait was to receive $200 more than Channey. Inventory filed April 7, 1818, amount $7,775.45.


5 Samuel" Easton ( Samuel , Samuel4 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, 1 Joseph ), son of Samuel (34) and Zerviah (Risley) Easton, b in East Hartford, Conn., May 1, 1761; m. - 1783, Ann Denison, of Hartford, b. Oct. 25, 1761, dau. of Thomas and Katherine (Starr) Denison. Samuel Easton d. May 22, 1800. Ann Denison Easton d. March 27, I 800. Residence, East Hartford, Conn. Their children were- 87 SAMUEL, b. June 20, 1784. ANN, b. lune z, 1786; d. Feb. 22, 1788. THOMAS, b. Aug. 17, 1788; d. Nov. 9, 1843, at Palatine Bridge, N. Y. 88 STARR, b. March 25, 1791. HARVEY, b. May 5, 1793; d. July 9, 1794. llfemora7lda. Samuel Easton was a soldier in the army of the American Revolution. He enlisted as a private, April 12, 1777, for the war, in Capt. Charles Whiting's company, Col. Samuel B. Webb's Regiment of Additional Infantry; corporal, Sept., 1778; promoted sergeant, March 22, 1781. The ancestry of Ann Denison, wife of Samuel Easton, was Thomas, Daniel, George, John and Capt. George Denison. Capt. George Denison was born in England in 1618. He came to America in 1631, with his father, William, and two brothers, and settled at Roxbury, Mass. In 1640 he married Bridget Thompson, of Stonington, by whom he had two daughters. Upon her death in 1643, Capt. Denison returned to England and engaged in the civil war which was then going on there, served under Cromwell in the army of the Parliament, won distinction, was wounded at DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 45

Naseby, taken to the home of Mr. John Borodil, of Cork, a gentleman of wealth, who had an only daughter, Ann Borodil, who became a ministering angel to him in his critical condition. He recovered and persuaded her to J1Jarry him, and to share his fortunes in the new world. They were married in 1645; she was 30 years of age and he 27. He returned to Roxbury and settled at Stonington, Conn., in 1654. Capt. George Denison d. in Hartford, Oct. 23, 1694, while in attendance on the General Assembly. His widow d. Sept. 26, 1712, age 97. Capt. George Denison was representative from Stonington to the General Assembly for fifteen years. Capt. George and Ann had seven chil­ dren; John, George, William, Ann, Margaret, Borodil and Mary. They were remarkable for both magnificent and personal appearance and for force of mind and character. She was always called Lady Ann. They held a foremost place in Stonington. He has been described as the Miles Standish of the settlement, bnt he was a greater and more brilliant soldier than Miles Standish. He had no equal in any of the colonies for conducting a war against the Indians, excepting perhaps, Capt. John Mason. He was a natural military leader, and, though holding the rank of captain. he often commanded expeditions against the Indians, and was always most suc­ cessful when commander-in-chief. He participated in the Swamp fight against the Narragansets, at the capture of the chief Cannochet, who was taken to Stonington and shot. Miss Calkins, in her history of New London County, says of him: "Our early history presents no character of a bolder and more active spirit than Capt. George Denison; he reminds us of the border men of Scotland. In emer­ gencies he was always in demand, and was almost constantly placed in important public positions. 52

6 5 4 3 2 1 Giles Easton ( Samuel , Samuel , Josep!i , Josep!i , Joseph ), son of Samuel (34) and Zerviah (Risley) Easton, b. April 22, 1763, in East Hartford, Conn.; m. Sept. 22, 1790, Anna Haskins, b. April 24, 1773, in Winterbury, Conn. Giles Easton d. June 28, 1828, at West Martinsburgh, N. Y., buried in Mausoleum. at Lowville, N. Y. Anna, his wife, d. April 24, 1853. Their children were - ZERVIAH RISLEY, b. Nov. 12, 1792; m. Sept. - 1808, Ganis Alexander, of West Martinsburgh. 89 GILES JR., b. Dec. r3, 1797. 90 HENRY RUSSELL, b. Oct. 2, 1802. Memoranda. Giles Easton was a soldier in the army of the American Revolution. He enlisted Dec. 1, 1779, in Capt. William Barton's company of Col. Flower's Regiment of Artificers, and was a pensioner. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Will of Anna Easton. '' I Anna Easton of the Town of Martinsburgh County of Lewis and State of New York of the age of seventy-six years and being of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say "First. I give bequeath and devise to my daughter Zerviah R. Alexander all my wearing apparel and one bed. '' Second, I give and bequeath to my son Giles all the remainder of my household furniture, beds, and bedding of every name kind and description. "Third. I give and bequeath to my three grandsons Jason C. Easton, Giles C. Easton and Russell J. Easton two cows each. "Fourth. All the rest and residue of my personal property of every kind and description all monies in my possession or due to me from the United States or from individuals by obligation or otherwise, I give and bequeath to my grand children Jason C. Easton, Giles C. Easton Russell J. Easton Francis M. Easton and John V. Easton to be equally divided between them, share and share alike. '' Fifth. I hereby appoint my son Giles Easton sole executor of this my last will and testament. '' In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the ninth day of June in the year One Thousand eight hundred and forty-nine." ANNA EASTON. Will was Probated the 23d day of May, 1853. 53

6 5 3 2 Elijah Easton Jr. (Eli:fah , Elijalz', Joseph , Joseplz , 1 Joseph ), son of Elijah (37) and Abigail (Noble) Easton, b. in Suffield, Conn., Jan. 16, 17 58; removed to Wilmington, Vt., where he m. Nov. - 1793, Hannah Locke, b. at Hardwick, Mass., Aug. 26, 1770, dau. of Capt. Josiah and Persis (Matthews) Locke, removing to Berkshire Co., Mass., in r 805. He d. Aug. 28, 1815, in the town of Pittsfield, Mass., age 57. Soon after the death of her husband, Mrs. Easton removed with her children to Cedarville, Herkimer Co., N. Y., where her father then resided. In 1830, Mrs. Easton m. Daniel Talcott, of Warren, N. Y., who d. about 1847. She d. Aug. 27, r 8 5 1 , age 8 1 . Children by first marriage, all born in Wilmington, Vt., except the last three- 91 HENRY LAURENS, b. Sept. 26, 1794. MELISSE, b. July 22, 1796; d. Aug. II, 1872, at Jordanville, N. Y.; she m. June 13, 1837, Russell Warren, who d. Oct. r, 1850, leaving no children. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 47

CANDACE, b. July 23, 1798; d. at Sherburne, N. Y.; m. Elam Locke, her cousin, April 16, 1826, at Litchfield, N. Y., who d. June 20, 1827; they had one child that d. young. CHARITY, b. July 24, 1801; d. Nov. 16, 1824, unmarried. 92 HARVEY, b. Oct. 14, 1803. 93 WILLIAM LYMAN, b. March 13, 1806. 94 FANNY, b. June 8, r8o8. 95 CHARLES L., b. Oct. 26, r8ro.

lvfemoraitda. We are in receipt of a letter from the Town Clerk, of Wilmington, Vt., in which he states '' that Elijah Easton Jr., was Proprietors' Clerk here once upon a time, and must have been one of the leading men of the town." The Probate records of Pittsfield, Mass., state that Hannah Easton, widow o{ Elijah Easton, deceased, was appointed administratrix of the estate of said deceased, Oct. 3, 1:815. Elijah Easton served as a soldier in the army of the American Revolution, in Capt. John Harmon's 8th company, Col. Erastus Wolcott' sRegiment, called out at the request of Gen. Washington, which for.med part of the detachment before Boston, January to March, 1776. It appears also from the records of Litchfield Co., Conn., that Elijah Easton re-enlisted in 1777 (company and regiment not given) for three years, was taken sick at Mud Fort, Nov,, 1777, and transferred to the hospital at Trenton, N. J. At the time the hospital was removed seventy miles, the wagoners employed to transport the invalids ran off with the wagons, leaving him to make his way on foot. He afterwards petitioned the General Assembly for relief and the sum of 30 pounds was granted him. 54

6 3 2 1 Anua Easton (Elijah", Elifalz", Joseph. , Joseplz , Joseplz ), dau. of Elijah (37) and Abigail (Noble) Easton, b. in Suffield, Conn., Aug. 15, 1762; m. Jan, 9, 1783, Simeon Crane, son of Nathaniel and Eunice (Kelsey) Crane, of Killingworth, Conn. Their children were- JOEL CRANE, b, May 27, 1783. LAURA CRANE, b. Nov. 9, 1785. ORMAN CRANE, b. April rs, 1788. Jvlemoranda. Simeon Crane was a volunteer in response to the call for troops at the Lexington alarm, April, r775, also served in Capt. John Harmon's 8th com­ pany, Col. Erastus V>/olcott's Regiment, called out by Gen. Washington, which formed part of the detachment before Boston, Jan. to March, 1776. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


6 5 4 2 1 Oliver Easton (Elijalz , Eli.fah • Joseph3, JosejJh , Joseph ), son of Elijah ( 3 7) and Abigail (Noble) Easton, b. in Suffield, Conn., Nov. 20, 1765. Hem. Dec. 31, 1794, Delight Cook, dau. of Jesse and Ann (Smithson) Cook. Oliver Easton went to Wilmington, Vt., with his father soon after the Revolution; removed to the State of Massachusetts in r 804, from thence to Bainbridge, Chenango Co., N. Y., in the year 1809, where he d. Dec. 11, 1839. His wife, Delight, d. Jan. 5, 1860, in Afton. N. Y.

Their children were- 96 CHAUNCY G., b Jan. r7, r796. EBENEZER NOBLE, b. Sept. 25, r797; d. --; no children. 97 JESSE COOK, b. July r3, r799. 98 LOUISA, b. Oct. 4, 18or. 99 LEICESTER. b. Nov. 24, r803. The five children above b. in Wilmington, Vt. roo LUCRETIA, b. Dec. 9, r805. 101 RUFUS, b. Feb. 2, 1808. 102 RILEY, b. Sept. 13, 1809. 103 ABBEY ANN, b. Oct. II, 181r. 104 ELIJAH, b. May rS 1815. CYNTHIA, b. Jan. II, 18r8; d. June 3, 1846; m. Jesse C. Flagg.


6 1 Joel Easton (Eli.fah5, Eli.fah4, Joseph 3, Josepli2, Joseph ), son of Elijah (37) and Abigail (Noble) Easton, b. in Suffield, Conn., Dec. 3, 1767; m. -- Louisa Bird, b. May 28, 1770. Mr. Easton removed from Suffield, Conn., to Delaware Co., N. Y., and d. at Delhi. Their children were - ro5 GEORGE A., b. Oct. 17, 1792. HENRY S., b. Feb. 6, r794. 106 ELECTA, b. July 14, 1797. IRIS, b. Oct. 15, 1800. HORACE, b. May 30, 1802. 107 ELIZABETH, b. July 31, 1806. ABELINE, b. Aug. 28, 1812. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 49


5 3 1 Polly" Easton (E!ijalz , E!ija!z±, losep/z , Joscplt2, Joseplz ), dau. of Elijah (37) and Abigail (Noble) Easton, b. May 7, 1777, in Suffield. Conn.; m. at Wilmington, Vt., Dec., 1794, Enoch Winslow, b. June 16, 1775, at Rochester, Mass. He d. June 30, 1856, at Bennington, Vt. She d. Oct, 9, 1850.

Their children b. in Wilmington - DAVID B. WINSLOW, b. Feb. 2, 1797; m. ElectaEaston. SALLY WINSLOW, b. Sept. 27, 1798; d. April 6, 1866; m. Lewis Berry. PAMELIA WINSLOW, b. Jan. 3, 1801; d. June 4, 1852. MARY EASTON WINSLOW, b. Feb. 4, 1803. ABIGAIL NOBLE WINSLOW, b. Feb. 4, 1805; m. Nov. 14, 1824, Charles Drake, Bennington. ENOCH -- WINSLOW, b. Jan. - 1809; d. in infancy. CLARISSA HARLOW WINSLOW, b. Jan. 29, 1810; d. Aug 25, 1870, at Manchester, Vt.; m. at Bennington, Vt., Dec. 1, 1836, Zadoc Lovell Taft. SUSAN WINSLOW, b, March 30, 1813; m. Dec. 8, 1835, Hiram Thomas, of Stamford, Delaware Co., N. Y., removed to Athens, Pa. CHARLAMA FOOTE WINSLOW, b. May 27, 1815; d. Oct. 30, 1864. IRIS ROSETTA WINSLOW, b. July 7, 1818; m. Nov. 6, 1842, at Bennington, Vt., William Wilder Sherman, Fayston, Vt., removed to Chicago, Ills.


6 5 3 Ahimaz Easton (Alzimaz , Elijalz •, Josepli , Joseplz 2, 1 Joseplz ), son of Ahimaz (39) and Mary (Phelps) Easton, was b. Aug. rr, 1765, in Westfield, Mass., and d. Dec. 14, 1817, aged 52 years, 4 months and 3 days. He m. Feb. 8, 1790, at Spencertown, Columbia Co., N. Y., Mariah Van Buren, b. Dec. 6, 1770, bap. Dec. 23, 1770, in the Reformed Church, at Kinderhook, N. Y.; shed. Dec. 16, 1857, aged 87 years 10 days, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elsie B. Standring, in Deer River, N. Y., and was buried at Johnstown, N. Y. Mrs. Mariah Van Buren Easton was the daughter of Harmon Van Buren and Eva Van Slyck, his wife, who d. April 6, 1803, age 68. Residence, Johnstown, N. Y. 4 50 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Their children were- 108 ANN, b. Sept. 4, 1790, in Kinderhook, N. Y. ro9 CHARLES, b. Nov. 13, 1792, in Mayfield, N. Y. HARMON, b. Jan. 25, 1795, in Johnstown; d. April 13, 1796. 1ro HARMON VAN BUREN, b, Feb. 26, 1797, in Johnstown. LUCRETIA. b. July 16, 1799; d. Feb. 12, 1824; m. at Johnstown, May 24, 1821, Daniel P. Cady, MARIA EVELINE, b. Oct. 2, 1801; d. Nov. 7, 1822. AHIMAZ PHELPS, b. March 2, 1805; d. unmarried. rrr ELIZABETH, b. July 14, 1807. II2 HARRIET LOUISE, b. Sept. 4, 1809. 113 ELSIE BRONK, b. May r r, 1812.

Memoranda. Harmon Van Buren, the father of Mrs. Mariah V. B. Easton, was a major in the 7th Regiment, Albany Co. Militia, Col. Van Alstyne, in the Revolution. Mariah V. B. Easton, widow of Ahimaz, received a pension from the govern­ ment for services of her husband in the Revolutionary war.

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. BUREAU OF PENSIONS. WASHINGTON, D. C., July 25, 1898. Mr. William S. Easton, St. Paul, Minn. SIR :-In compliance with a request on the part of Hon. F. C. Stevens, I have the honor to advise you that Maria, widow of Ahimaz Easton, made an application for pension on Sept. 15, 1843, at which time she was 73 years of age and residing in Fulton County New York, and her pension was allowed for the actual service of her husband as a private in the Conn. troops, Revolutionary war, for a period of two years; a part of the time he served under Col. Shepherd. Place of his enlistment not stated. Very respectfully, H. CLAY EVANS, Commissioner. 59

6 5 3 2 1 Joseph Easton (Ahimaz , Elijah t, Joseplt , Joseph , Joseph ), son of Ahimaz (39) and Mary (Phelps) Easton, b. in Westfield, Mass., May 23, 1767. Hem. Dec. 28, 1786, Mary Wood, b. Jan. 7, 1766. Joseph Easton was a farmer in Hawley, Mass., until Aug., 1816, when he removed to Mesopotamia, Ohio, where he d. March 28, 1827. His wife, Mary, d. Oct. 23, 1818. Their children, all b. in Hawley, Mass. u4 MARY, b. July 24, 1788. n5 JOHN, b. Dec. 8, 1790. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 51

n6 TAMAR, b. June 28, 1793. II7 JAMES, b. April 22, 1795. n8 JOSEPH, b. Sept. 15, 1797. ng JUSTUS, b. July 30, 1799. 120 ALEXANDER, b. Sept. 25, 1801. 121 ORLANDO, b, July 8, 1803. 122 LUMAN, b, April 21, 1806. 60 6 5 3 1 Isaac Easton (Ahimaz , Elijah•, Josepli , Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Ahimaz (39) and Mary (Phelps) Easton, b. about 1770; d. at Norway, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Jan. 9, 1816, age 46. Hem. Peace Chadwick. Residence, Norway, N. Y. Their children were- ISAAC C., b. --; m. Miss St. John, no children. MARIA, b. --; m. John T. Mabee.

Memoranda. The will of Isaac Easton was filed for probate in Herkimer, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Jan. 9, 1817. The widow, P. Easton and Charles Easton, a brother of said deceased, were named as executors. Children named were Isaac C. and Maria Easton, 61

6 2 William Easton (Altimaz5, Elijah\ Joseph3, Joseph , 1 Joseph ), son of Ahimaz (39) and Mary (Phelps) Easton, was b. in Washington, Mass., and m. Fanny Cornwell. William Easton was a resident of Broadalbin, Fulton Co., N. Y., removing later to Brooklyn. Their children were-

CAROLINE, b. March 6, 1806, in Johnstown, New York. HARVEY, b. Feb rn, 1808, in Johnstown. ANNETT, b. --; m. --, Mr, Mann, of Allegan, Mich. SUSAN, b. --; m. --, Mr. Witherell.


6 2 1 CharleS Easton (Ahimaz&, Elijah\ Joseph 3, Joseph ,Joseplz ), son of Ahimaz (39) and Mary (Phelps) Easton. was b. in Wash- DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. ington, Berkshire Co., Mass., about 1778, and d. in New York City, May 14, 1859, age 81 years. Hem. -- Lucy Wells, of Johnstown, N. Y., b. March 20, 1780, dau. of John Wells and Lois (Foote Merrells), his wife. Charles Easton was a resident of Utica, N. Y., for about 36 years, removing to the city of New York before 1849. We find in the history of Oneida Co., N. Y., that Aug. 2 7, 1798, he had an advertisement in the Whitestown Gasette and Cato Patrol, of his business in Utica as a painter and glazier, also dealer in paints, oils and glass. It is stated that in 1 8 I 3 he was an extensive dealer in paints, oils, etc. We have at this time been unable to obtain his family record, although using our best effort to obtain them. We give below copy of letter received from Charles H. Easton, of New York City, a great-grandson of Charles, which will show that he had one son, Nathan Vvells Easton. The blanks which he states he enclosed were never received, although we wrote three several times in regard to them; to these letters we failed to receive any reply. If we should receive them in time, we will insert them in the appendix. NEW YORK, April z, 1898. Wm. S. Easton, Esq., St. Paul Minn. Dear Sir :-In reply to your favor of the 9th of Feb. which I have been some time in answering, owing to the fact that I was trying to get the required information that your blanks demonstrate that you wanted. I know very little of the family, beyond my grandfather. l know that my grandfather's name was Nathan Wells Easton, and that his father married a \Veils, and that their home was Johnstown, N. Y. My father was Nathan 'vi/ells Easton, Jr. I en­ close blanks of myself and my father filled out. Very truly yours, CHAS. H. EASTON. 63

6 5 3 Mary Easton (Alzimaz , Elijalz', Joseplz , Joscplz2, Josep!t'), dau. of Ahimaz (39) and Mary (Phelps) Easton, was b. Aug. 22, 1789, and d. in May, 1861, at Fulton City, Ills., while there on a visit to her son. She m. April 20, I 809, Daniel Leonard, of Kingsborough, N. Y., b. Oct. 15, 1781; hed. in 1862, They removed from Kingsborough to Gloversville, N. Y. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 53

Their children were- EDWARD LEONARD, b. March 16, 1810; m. March 27, 1832, Clarissa Briggs. POLLY LEONARD, b. Sept. 23, 18n; m. Rev. Stephen W. Champlin; shed. April 10., 1861. ELIZABETH LEONARD, b. Dec. 5, 1813; m. June 6, 1835, Samuel Jennison Giles. JOSIAH LEONARD, b. April 15, 1816; m. 1st Sarah Parsons, 2d Mary • Smith, 3d Eliza Isham. ANNA LEONARD, b. Dec. 24, 1817; m. 1st Newton Hayes, 2d DeWitt Smith. DANIEL LEONARD, b. Feb. 25, 1822; m. Sarah A. Smith. MARCELLUS GILBERT LEONARD, b. May 20, 1823; m. Mary Root.


5 1 Elijah" Easton (Joseph , Eli.Jah\ Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Joseph (40) and Mehitable (Baker) Easton, was b. Aug. 30, 1771, in Washington, Litchfield Co., Conn. Hem. for first wife Lydia Winters, May 3, 1793, she was b. April 10, 1775, and d. Feb. 9, 1799; m. second wife, Sally Niles, Feb. 16, 1800; she was b. March 9, r78r. Residence of Elijah Easton, Whitestown and Oriskany, N.Y. Hed.Oct.21,1847.

Children by first wife- HENRY WINTERS, b. March 31, 1794; d. July 29, 1812. ANNA, b. Aug. ro, 1795. HARMON, b. Sept. 30, 1797. Children by second wife- RUFUS NILES, b. April 19, 1803; d. July 12, 1845. ANNIE NILES, b. May 22, r805. BRITT ANIA NILES, b. April 29, 1808; d May 4, 1826. JULIA NILES, b. Aug. 3, 1810. SALLY GILBERT, b. May 23, 1812. 12.3 MARINUS WINTERS, b. July 8, 1814. 124 WILLIAM HENRY, b. Feb. 14, 1816. MARY ELIZABETH, } d. Sept. 9, 1821, JAMES TALMAGE, triplets, b, Sept, 10, 1820, LAURA TALMAGE, • 125 JASPER GILBERT, b, Dec, 29, 1825. 54 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 65

6 5 1 Rufus Easton (Joseph , Elijalt', Joseph3, Joseph2, Josep/1 ), son of Joseph (40) and Mehitable (Baker) Easton, was b. in Washington, Litchfield Co., Conn., May 4, I 77 4, and m. abt. 1799, at Rome, N. Y., Alby Abial Smith, b. Dec. 4, 1783, in Dudley, Duchess Co., N. Y. Rufus Easton d. in St. Louis, Mo., July 5, 1834. Alby Abial Easton d. in St. Charles, Mo., Feb. 21, 1849. Their children were- 126 MARY SMITH, b. Jan. 24, r8oo. 127 JOANNA ALBY, b. Dec. 23, r8or, in Rome, N. Y. 128 LOUISA BAKER, b. March 23, 1804, in Rome, N. Y. 129 ALTON RUFUS, b. Jan. 23, 1807, in St. Louis, Mo. 130 RUSSELLA, b. Nov, 27, 1809, in St. Louis, Mo. 131 JOSEPH GEORGE, b. March 2r, r8rz, in St. Louis, Mo. 132 LANGDON CHEEVIS, b. Aug. ro, 1814, in St. Louis, Mo. 133 ALBY ABIAL, b. June 16, 1818, in St. Louis, Mo. 134 SARAH, b. Oct. 4, 1820_, in St. Louis, Mo. 135 MEDORA, b. Aug. 4, 1823, in St. Louis, Mo. 136 HENRY CLAY, b. April 3, 1826, in St. Louis Mo.

Memoranda. Rufus Easton was born May 4, 1774, in Washington, Litchfield County, Conn., receiving a go'.)d education before entering upon the study of law. In February, 1791, he became a student in the office of the Hon. Ephraim Kirby, a prominent lawyer of Litchfield, Conn., and remained with him for two years, completing his studies elsewhere. In 1798, we find him in Rome, Oneida County, N. Y., where he was practicing his profession. The county of Oneida had just been organized as a county from a portion of Herkimer. At the first Term of the Oneida Common Pleas and General Sessions of Oneida Co., held at the school house near Fort Stanwix, on the first Tuesday in May, 1798, Judge Sanger presiding, a rule was adopted, that all attorneys who had been admitted as such to the Herkimer Common Pleas be allowed to practice in this Court upon taking the oath of Office. The name of Rufus Easton appears to have been one of the number that took it. In the History of Oneida Co., we find that in November, r8oI, that Hon. Rufus Easton, with thirteen other prominent men, held a banquet at Whitesboro to celebrate the election of as President. The banqueters had procured a cannon for the celebration, but when they were ready to use it, they found that some evil disposed person had spiked it. Mr. Easton soon became known as a promising young lawyer, and attracted the attention of the leading men of the country, and was consulted regarding Federal app0intments in Western New York.


Mr. Easton spent the winter of 1803 and 4 in Washington, while there he determined to remove to New Orleans and left for that purpose early in March. He did not, however, visit that place but located at Vincennes, Ind., where he remained but a short time, removing the same year to St. Louis, which became his permanent residence. In March, 1805, he was appointed by Mr. Jefferson judge of the Territory of Louisana, and the first postmaster of St. Louis. In 1814, Judge Easton was elected a delegate to Congress from the Territory of Missouri and served for four years. In 1821, upon the organization of the State government he was appointed Attorney General of the State and continued in that office until 1826. ] . Thomas Scharf in the history of St. Louis Co., says: '' The man whose advent in St. Louis in 1804 was probably of the greatest importance to the community and State, was Rufus Easton, one of the most profound lawyers of that brilliant era, when such luminaries as Geyer, the Bartons, Gamble, Spaulding, Allen, Lawless, Bates and Leonard, were leaving their impress upon the laws, statutes and institutions of Missouri. The fame of these men filled the State and any one of them would have held a place in the front rank of any professional brotherhood." , Attorney General under the administration of President Abraham Lincoln, read law in the office of Judge Easton. Judge Easton owned the ground upon which the present city of Alton, Ills., is situated, which was named after his son Alton, and the streets after his other children. During the long and varied career of Judge Easton he was actively engaged in the practice of his profession. As a public officer he discharged his duties with ability and fidelity. As a private citizen he was esteemed as a man of very kind heart, charitable to the full extent of his means. He and his accomplished wife dispensed a most generous hospitality, and few strangers of note visited St. Louis without receiving an invitation to his house. He died July 5, 1834, and his remains were deposited in Lindenwood cemetery at St. Charles, Mo. 66

6 5 2 William Henry Easton (Joseph , E ti;ah 4, Joseph 3, Joseph , Joseph'), son of Joseph (40) and Mehitable (Baker) Easton, was b. in Washington, Conn., April II, 1782. Hem. -­ Mary Kilborne. Residence, Easton Corners, Ontario, Canada.

Their children were- MARINUS, b. -- 1809. 137 SAMUEL STARR, b. Jan. - 18u. CAROLINE, b. - 138 ELIZABETH, b. - 1816. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

r39 HIRAM, b. Oct. 3, r820. 140 WILLIAM HENRY, b. Nov. 3, 1824. 67 6 5 4 2 Sarah (or Sally) Easton ( Joseph , E!ifah , Josephs, Joseph , 1 Joseph ), dau. of Joseph (40) and Mehitable (Baker) Easton, was b. Sept. 24, 1784, in Washington, Conn., and d. A.pril 23. 1855, at Albany, N. Y.; she m. Oct. 9, 1808, Marinus W. Gilbert, b. Sept 1, 1786, who d. June 7, 1839, son of Joseph and Zilpah (Fellows) Gilbert. Residence, Watertown, N. Y. Marinus W. Gilbert was for many years a merchant at Watertown; held many important county and town offices, was Justice of the Peace at the time of his death. Their children were- JASPER WILLETT GILBERT, b. Jan. 15, 1812; m. Jan. r4, 1847, Katherine A. Horn, dau. of James Horn, City of New York. In 1897 resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. HENRY EASTON GILBERT, b. March 25, 1814; d. June 22, 1821. MARIN US WILLETT GILBERT, b. Jan. 29, 1816; d. Jan. ro, 1846. HORATIO.GATES GILBERT, b. July 27, 1818; d. May 26, 189r. He m. Oct. 15, 1846, Mary A. Bacon, dau. of John F and Prudence Bacon, of Hudson, N. Y. FRANCES REBECCA GILBERT, b. Nov. 25, 1823; d. March 26, 1825. 68 6 5 1 Roderick Easton (Joseph , Eli.fali 4, Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Joseph (40) and Mehitable (Baker) Easton, was b. May 17, 1787, in Washington, Litchfield Co., Conn, and d. Feb. 25, 1824. Hem. Jan. 28, 1812, Candace Baldwin, b. Jan. 15, 1790, who d. Jan. 31, 1854. Their children were- 141 GEORGE, b. Dec. 19, 1812. HENRY, b. Oct. 23, 1815; d. JAMES, b. Nov. 3, r818; d. - JULIA BRIT ANIA, b. Feb. 17, 1821; d. June 2, 1856. 69 7 5 Agis Easton (Daniel", Silas , Timothy4, Joseph3, .Toseph2, 1 Joseph ), son of Daniel (43) and Margaret (Pratt) Easton, was DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 57 b. Nov. 28, 1805, in East Hartford, Conn., and d. Dec. 17, 1877, age 7 2. He m. for first wife Mary Goodwin, who d. Oct. 7, 1847, age 35. Hem. for second wife Harriet Symonds, who d. March 23, 1850, age 27. Hem. for third wife Frances Robinson. Agis Easton was a civil engineer and farmer, residence, East Hartford, Conn. His widow, Frances, resides at Burn­ side, Conn., 1898. Childqm by first wife - :142 ELIZABETH,b. Aug. 9, 1833. 143 KATHERINE, b. Nov. 5, 1836. EUNICE, b. July 23, 1838; d. Sept. 5, 1891. 144 VIRGiNIA, b. Sept. 5, 1841. A~AGO, b. Dec. - 1842; m. Adella Fitzpatrick. Children by third wife- 145 FRANCES LOUISA, b. March 24, 1853. 146 CLARENCE DE WITT, b. Jan. 29, r856.

lfiemoranda. The fVil! of Agis Easton. '' In the name of God the Father of Beaven Amen. '' I Agis Easton, of East Hartford county of Bartford, & State of Connecti­ cut Revokeing alJ former wills (Retain this my last) in manner as follows : '' To first pay all legal claims against my estate by the Sale of the meadow lot and part of great Bill and stock or let the large claims remain by paying the interest on them as may be considered best by the Trustees & Executors to be named hereafter on 2nd page. "2nd. To my wife Frances so long as widowd .the use of my Dwelling house (North) together with so much of the Farm as shall make it equal one half of the whole less the claims. '' 3d. To my eldest son Arago the Red or Old House and the use of the Middle or Chapel Dwelling so long as my sisters may live. Also the use of half the Farm to use and improve the above named Pr~perty so long as he may live but not to lease or Rent without the consent of the Trusteed Executors. After Arago is Deceased the property above named to him is to go to his eldest son if he have one if none to his half Brother (Clarence) eldest son if he have one if neither have a son to my cousin Norman Easton's eldest Grandson, by the name of Easton, or great grandson if there be one of the name of Easton. To my son Clarence D. W. Easton The half of the Farm named to his mother provided he be good and share with her subject to the same conditions named to Ar\i,go. After his decease and during his life he is to work and improve the Farm and not lease or Rent witho:it the consent of the Trustees. '' To my wife Frances the life use of the Household furniture to be after­ wards equally divided between my unmarried daughters if any. if none it is for her to dispose of.


'' To my married Daughters Eliza.beth, Catherine E. Virginia the love and care of their Husbands my unmarried Daughters so long as unmarried Fannie a home with her Mother and Brother, E. Emma with her Brother Arago. The Executors & Trustees of this property & will I appoint Nortus S. Turner and his son George Turner of East Hartford. '' Together with Hubbard Griswold of the Town of Manchester to see too and carry out the conditions of this will to make the distribution of the property and decide all questions relating thereto under Oath, and from them there shall be no appeal and no claims by the Heirs to be allowed previous to this date under penalty of loss of all rights. "Lastly the middle Dwelling the Rent if Arago does not use it is recom­ mended to be used for repairing the Barn if held in common." AGIS EASTON. Signed in presence of East Hartford 18 June 1870. GEO. G. LOCKWOOD MOSES CHANDLER E. D. CHANDLER.

"Note. It was intended to have added that any vacancy in the Nu~ber of the Trustees be filled by the other twos choice of a third." A. EASTON.

Proven & Approved 23 June 1878.

70 Susan7 Elizabeth Easton (Norman6, Silas5, Timothy', 1 1oseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Norman (44) and Elizabeth (Salisbury) Easton, was b. April 2, 1812·, in Providence, R. I., and d. Aug. 26, 1892, in Fall River, Mass. Shem. April 15, 1828, (in Providence), Jefferson Borden, b. Feb. 28, 1801, who d. Aug. 22, 1887, son of Thomas and Mary (Hathaway) Borden. Mr. Jefferson Borden was a manufacturer and resided at Fall River, Mass.

Their children were- ELLEN BORDEN, b. Dec. 23, 1830; m. Aug. 13, 1850, Walter Paine, b. Aug. 7, 1827. ELIZA OWEN BORDEN, b. May 23, 1835; d. July 23, 1892; m. Dec. 6, 1855, George B. Durfee, b. Dec. 6, 1832, at Fall River. EUDORA S. BORDEN, b. March 20, 1839; m. July 2, 1873, Geo. W. Dean, b. Nov. 4, 1825. E. CORINNA BORDEN, b. Nov. 16, 1841; d. July 12, 1886; m. Dec. 11, 1867, Wm. W. Keen, M. D., b. Jan. 19, 1837, at Philadelphia. JEFFERSON BORDEN, b. June 2, 1844; m. Feb. 4, 1869, Ellen Westall, b. Feb. 8, 1846. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 59

SIDNEY BORDEN, b. July 29, 1846; d. Oct. 19, 1847. SPENCER BORDEN, b. June ro, 1849; m. Aug. 9, 1871, Effie A. Brooks, b. Nov. 24, 1847. NORMAN EASTON BORDEN, b. Dec. 31, 1850; d. Jan. 22, 1884; m. Jan. 1, 1874, Nannie J. Brayton. CHARLES BORDEN, b. Oct. 21, 1852; d. Oct. 21, ~852.

71 Norman7 Easton Jr. (Norman6, Silas", Timotlty4, .loseph3, 1 Joseph 2, loseph ), son of Norman (44) and Elizabeth (Salisbury)

Easton, was b. Oct. 17, 1813 1 and d. Dec. 21, 1872. Hem. April 27, i836, Ann White, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Their children were- 147 ALEXANDER DORRANCE, b. April 3, 1837. 148 MARY ELIZABETH, b. Sept. 28, 1840. 72 Michael7 Perry Easton (Norman\ James", Joseph 4 Joseph3, 1 Joseph2, .loseph ), son of Norman (46) and Merab (Perry) Easton, was b. Jan. 8, 1790, in W~odbury, Conn., and d. May 9, 1858, near Monroeville, Ohio. He m. Nov. 28, 181 I, Sally Raymond, b. - in Litchfield, N. Y., who d. Dec. 29, 1872, at Monroeville. Their children were- 149 JAMES D., / · bOt 86 r50 JOHN C., I twins, . c . 5. I 1 . CORNELIA, b. - 1824. 73 7 5 3 Eunice Easton (Normmz6, James , Joseplr4, Josepli , loseplt2, 1 Joseph ), dau of Norman (46) and Merab (Perry) Easton, was b. Aug. 22, 1792, in Greenville, Green Co., N. Y., and d. in 1881; she m. -Craig Cowdin, who was b. Oct. 25_, 1783, and d. Oct. 6, I 846 1 son of Thomas and Mercy (Ferrington) Cowdin. Their children were-

151 GILES COWDIN, b. Jan. 1, 1814- JAMES COWDIN, b. Dec. 25, 1815; d: Oct. 7, 1822. 60 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

JAMES M. COWDIN, b. May 23, 1824. NAT COWDIN, b. April 4, 1828; d. 1842.

74 7 5 Calvin Easton (Norman 6, James , Joseph\ Joseph 3, Joseph 2, 1 Joseph ), son of Norman (46) and Merab (Perry) Easton, was b. Feb. 25, 1795, in Greenville, Green Co., N. Y., and d. Dec. 12, 1826. Hem. Sept. 13, 1821, Charlotte Neuman. b. Dec. 14, 1802, at Milford, Pike Co., Pa., who d. July 28, 1859, in Lehman Township, Pike Co., Pa., dau. of Thomas and Nellie (Randall) Neuman. Their children were- 152 OPHELIA, b. May 9, 1822. 153 JAMES, b. Jan. 15, 1824. 75

5 3 Caroline7 Easton (Norman6, James , Joseph\ Joseph , 1 Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Norman (46) and Merab (Perry) Easton, was b. Nov. 6, 1803, in Greenville, Green Co., N. Y., and d. Dec. 2, 1873, in Green Co., N. Y.; she m. March 9, 1825, Jehiel Tyler, of East Durham, Green Co., N. Y., who d. about 1840.

Their children were- DAR WIN LAZETTE TYLER, b. April 27, 1826; d. Aug. 21, 1857. SALMON EASTON TYLER, b. Jan. 28, 1828. HELEN C. TYLER, b. April 12. 1833; d. Sept. 30, 1850. 154 JULIA A. TYLER. b. April 2, 1839. 76 7 5 Flora Easton (Brewster G.6, E!ipha!et , Joseph', Joseph3, 1 Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Brewster G. (48) and Ruth Ann (Tuttle) Easton, was b. abt. 1797, and d. Sept. 26, 1858, age 61, in Woodbury, Conn.; she m. Hezekiah Booth, b. abt. 1794, who d. Aug. 29, 1874, age So, in Woodbury.


DANIEL BOOTH, b. -; m. Sarah Stetson, of North Carolina; one child, Theo. F., of New Haven, Conn. FINETTE BOOTH, b. -; m. Sept. 23, 1841, John G. Law, at Woodbury; one child, Walter B. Law, New Haven, Conn. AUGUSTA BOOTH, b. -; m. Oct. 3, 1858, Maro P. Blackman. FRANCESBOOTH,b.- CORNELIA BOOTH, b. abt. 1832; d. Oct. r4, 1854, age 22.


0 5 4 Currence7 Easton ( Brewster G. , Eliplzalet , Joseplz , 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseplt ) dau. of Brewster Gould (48) and Ruth Ann (Tuttle) Easton, was b.-, and m. May 19, 1825, Thomas B. Bristol, of Brookfield, New Haven Co., Conn. 78

7 5 4 Brewster G. Easton Jr. (Brewster G. 5, Eliplzalet , Josep!z , 1 Joseph3,Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Brewster Gould (48) and Ruth Ann (Tuttle) Easton, was b. Oct. IO, 1810, in Woodbury. Conn., andd. June IO, 1849, at Evansville, Ohio. Hem. June 29, 1839, Mrs. Sophronia H. (Farrin) Larrabee, b. Aug. 6, 1810, in Brunswick, Me., who d. March 22, 1864, at Yellow Springs, Ohio. Their children were - 155 DAVID AUGUSTUS, b. Aug. 10, 1843. EMMA GOULD, b. May 9, 1847; d. April 7, 1869, at Brunswick, Me. 79

5 LemueF Easton ( As/1bel6, Lemuel , Samuel 1, Joseph 3, 1 Josep/12, Josep/1 ), son of Ashbel (49) and Sarah (Arnold) Easton, was b. Dec. I 1. 1786, in East Hartford, Conn. He m. Dec. r, 1814, Rebecca Pomeroy, b. Jan. 31, 1790. Lemuel Easton was a farmer; d. Feb. 12, 1875, at South­ wick, Mass. His wifed. Feb. 7, 1859. Their children were- AMOS P., b. June 2, 1817; d. Feb. 27, 1872. Hem. Aug. 2, 1842, Sarah E. Byington. No children. 156 LEMUEL JAMES, b. March 28, 1819. 62 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


6 5 3 2 Ashbel7Easton (Ashbel , Lemuel , Samuel',Joseph , Joseph , 1 Josepli ), son of Ashbel (49) and Sarah (Arnold) Easton. was b. Feb. 20, 1789, in East Hartford, Conn.; he m. Feb. 12, 1826, for first wife Ruhamah Warner, who d. March 19, 1839, at Chicopee, Mass.; hem. for second wife Amanda P. Thompson, Nov. 20, 1839, who d. Sept. 8, 185 1, at Mitteneague, Mass. Ashbel Easton d. April, 1862, age 80. Child by first wife- LYDIA ANN, b. Nov. 5, 1827; unmarried. Children by second wife- HELEN FRANCES, b. Sept. 3, 1842; unmarried. ASHBEL THOMPSON, b. March 2, 1845; d. July 26, 1846. RUHAMAH AMANDA, b. Jan. 29, 1850; d. Sept. 19, 1851.


7 5 4 3 Julius Easton (Ashbel~, Lemuel , Samuel , Joseph , Joseph 2, 1 Joseph ), son of Ashbel (49) and Sarah (Arnold) Easton, was b. May I, 1791, in East Hartford, Conn. He m. July 29, 1817, Artemisia Manchester, b. in 1792, in Dover, Dutchess County, N. Y. Julius Easton d. Dec. 29, 1880, in Guilford,· Ohio. Artemisia Easton d. Sept. 15, 1881. Their children were- 157 JAMES D., b. Nov. 27, 1818. 158 MARIA L., b. Oct. 20, 1820. 159 CAROLINE, b. Aug. 15, 1822. 160 LUCIEN A., b. Nov. 15, 1824. SARAH ANN, b. Oct. 16, 1828; m. William Stokes. 161 HARRIET, b. Sept. 25, 1831. 162 GILES M., b. July 22, 1833. 82

7 2 Oliver Easton (Ashbel6, Lemuel 5, Samuel 4, Joseph 3,Joseph , 1 Joseph ), son of Ashbel (49) and Sarah (Arnold) Easton, was b, June 9, 1793, in Suffield, Conn. He m. Nov. IO, 1816, Nancy Clapp, b. Sept. 23, 1798, dau. of Apollos and Isabel Clapp. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Oliver Easton d. March 5, 1871, in Suffield, Conn. Nancy Easton d. June 13, 1883, in Suffield, Conn. Oliver Easton was a farmer. Residence, Suffield, Conn. Their children were- I63 HENRY A., b. Sept. IO, 1817. 164 ASHBEL, b. May 3, 1819. 165 OLIVER, b. Feb. rr, 1821. GEORGE, b. Aug. 3, 1823; d. June, 1879. No children. 166 ALBERT, b. July 4, 1825. 167 FRANCIS, b. July 1, 1827. 168 ALONZO, b. Sept. 23, 1829. 169 CELIA A., b. Aug. 24, 1831. HARRIET, b. March 29, 1833; m. Oct. 6, 1852, John Ulrich. 170 EMELINE, b. Feb. rr, 1836. APOLLOS D., b. Feb. 9, 1838; unmarried.


5 ShubaFEaston (Ashbel6, Lemuel ,Samue!', Joseph 3, Joseph 2, 1 Jossph ), son of Ashbel (49) and Sarah (Arnold) Easton, was b. July 20, 1797. He m. Nov. 22, 1835, Maria S. Post, of Springfield, Mass. Shubal Easton d. May 16, 1854, in Southwick, Mass. Maria S. Easton, d. Dec. 22, 1880, age 72, in Southwick, Mass. Their children were- OSCAR F., b. -; m. May 31, 1888, Bertha V. Morehouse. MORTIMER, b. - 84

7 5 3 2 Clada Easton (James 6, Lemue/ , Samuet4, Joseph , Joseph , 1 Josep!t ), dau. of James ( 50) and Lois (Wait) Easton, was b. Jan. 26, 1790, in East Hartford, Conn. Shem. May 4, 1809, Abraham Rising Jr., b. -, 1789. Abraham Rising Jr. was a farmer and d. Aug. 1867, in Southwick, Mass. Clada d. Jan. 23, 1850. Their children were- LOUISA RISING, b. March 15, 1810; d Oct., 1866; she m. rst Roland Boyington; m. 2d Luther Fowler. EASTON QUINCY RISING, b. Dec. 6, 18u; m. Sarah Stiles. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

ALMA RISING, b. May 25, 1814; d. Jan. 27, r839; m. Laban Smith. EMILY RISING, b. May 15, 1816; d. -, 1871 ; m. May 27, 1842, Lemuel Faucher. ABRAM RISING, b. Sept. 2, 1818; d. Nov. 16, 1889; m. Nov. 25, 1841, Huldah Clark. MARTEN HAM RISING, b. Feb. 15, 1821; m. Mary Ann Breed. CLADA RISING, b, Sept. 16, 1824; m. May 20, 1851, Frank H. White. JACKSON MORTON RISING, b. Aug. 7, 1826; d. March 16, 1839. CALVIN RISING, b. Dec. 16, 1829; m. Eliz;.beth Banks. DIANTHA RISING, b. Dec. 28, 1832; m. Oct. 19, 1857, William H. Boyle, who d. Sept. 3, 1883. Their child was Laura Diantha, b. Dec. 27, 1864; she m. E. S. Phinney, Oct. 20, 1885; he d. March 28, 1894; no children. BENNETT RISING, b. Dec. 2, 1834; d. March 13, 1839. 85 7 5 3 Wait Easton (James6, Lemuel , Samuel', Joseplz , Joseph2, 1 Joseplz ), son of James (So) and Lois (Wait) Easton, was b. March 22, 1791, in Southwick, Mass. Hem. Nov. 25, 1812, Phoebe Hastings, dau. of Apollos Hastings. Wait d. at Southwick, Mass. Nov. 18, I 880, age 90. Phoebe d. at Southwick, Mass. Oct. 1 r, 1834.

Their children were- 171 WILLIAM WAIT b. July 8, 1813. 172 OLIVER H., b. Aug. 13, 1817. 173 JAMES, b. Oct. 3, 1819. 174 LOIS, b. March 10, 1822. 175 CANDACE, b. March 20, 1824- 176 ANDREW J., b. Oct. 17, 1827. WAIT EASTON m. a second wife and had a son Ralph. 86 7 4 3 Chauncy Easton (James6, Lemuel", Samuel , Joseph , 1 Joseph 2, Joseph ,) son of James (So) and Lois (Wait) Easton, was b. Dec. 14, 1804. Hem. Oct. r6, I 823, Mary Ensign, b. Oct. 2, 1805, dau. of Isaac Ensign Jr. Chauncy Easton d. June 24, 1848. Mary Easton d. - 1883. Their children were- 177 ADALINE M, b. Feb. 27, 1825. 178 ISAAC ENSIGN, b, Dec. 27, 1827. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 65

ELIZABETH, b. March 27, 1830. ALMA / . m. Elbridge Dickinson. EMER,ETTE, \ twms, b. March 7• 1832 ; d. March 19, 1834. ENSIGN, b. Aug. 2, 1836, d. March 16, 1837. 87 Samuel 7 Easton (Samuel6, Samuel", Samuel', Joseph 3, 2 Joseph , Joseph'), son of Samuel ( 5 r) and Ann Denison Easton, b. in East Hartford, Conn., June 20, 1784; he married Fanny Ives, at Hillsdale or Spencertown, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1809; she was b. --. Removed to Western, Oneida Co., N. Y., April 20, 1828. Then to West Martinsburgh, N. Y. He d. at West Martinsburg March 7, 1835. Shed. at West Martinsburg March 6, r 8 3 5. Their remains buried in Easton vault at Lowville, N. Y. Their children were- 179 ELSIE b. Feb. r, 18n. ANN AL., b. Nov. 23, 1812; d. May 22, 1872; m. rst Benjamin Townsand, 2nd Mr. Shrader, of Abingdon, Ill. CYNTHIA, b. April 9, 1815; m. Jno. Osmer and d. at Macomb, Ill., Aug. 27, 1858. 180 HARVEY STARR, b. April 27, 1817. 181 ANSEL IVES, b. March 19, 1819. 182 ASAHEL, b. Aug. 16, 1821. 183 DENISON MITCHEL, h. Sept. 25, 1823. CLARISSA MALVINA, b. March 25, 1825; d. - 1883. 184 GILES ALEXANDER, b. May 25, 1829. 185 FANNY BISHOP, b. March 11, 1831. 88

6 5 3 2 Starr7Easton (Samuel , Samuel , Samuel', Josep/i , Joseph , 1 Joseph ), son of Samuel ( 5 1) and Ann ( Denison) Easton, was b. March 25, 1791, in East Hartford, Conn.; he m. Clarissa Burgess, b. Sept. 13, 1800, dau. of John and Deborah (Terry) Burgess, Windham, Conn. Starr Easton d. June I 2, I 8 2 5, in Colchester, Conn. ; Clarissa m. second time Lewis Sherill, of New Hartford, N. Y.; she d. May 20, 1890 at Franklin, N. Y., in the goth year of her age. Child of Starr and Clarissa­ WILLIAM ST ARR, b. Dec. 3, 1821. 5 66 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


7 5 Giles Easton Jr., (Giles6, Samuel , Samuel4, Joseph3, 1 Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Giles ( 52) and Anna (Haskins) Easton, was b. Dec. 13, 1797, in East Hartford, Conn. He m. Feb. 22, 1822, Olive Green; b. March 14, 1702, the dau.of Oliver Green, of Petersburg, N. Y., who was b. April 7, 1778, and d. May II, 1872, in Copenhagen, N. Y. Giles Easton Jr. d. Aug. 15, 1856, at West Martinsburg, N. Y. Olive Easton d. June 7, 1874.

Their children were - 187 JASON CLARK, b. May 12, 1823. 188 GILES CHARLES, b. Nov. 21, 1824. 189 RUSSELL JAMES, b. March 7, 1827. 190 HARRITT NEWELL, b. July 28, 1829. 191 FRANCIS MARCELLUS, b. March 10, 1833. 192 OLIVE AUGUSTA, b. Feb. 19, 1836. JOHN VARY, b. Oct. 20, 1841, d. Feb. 9, 1874; unmarried.

ll1emoranda. Died Aug. 15, 1856, in \Vest Martinsburg, Lewis Co., N. Y., Giles Easton, aged 56. He sought the Lord in early life and joined the Methodist Episcopal church. When obscure and struggling up through many difficulties in the wilds of Northern New, York he ever clung to the Saviour and when sore, difficulties and trials encompassed him he fled to Christ as his refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. For many months previous to the last sad hour, he was fully aware that he would soon leave this proba­ tionary state of sorrow, and has left every evidence that he was prepared to join his sainted mother in mansions of rest and glory. G. C. E. August rs, 1856. 90

7 6 5 4 3 Henry Russell Easton ( Giles , Samuel , Samue/ , Joseph , 1 Joseph2, Josepli ), son of Giles (52) and Anna (Haskins) Easton, wasb.atHartland, Conn., Oct. 2, 1802. Hem.Oct. 15, 1844, Rachel Bush, of Lowville, Lewis Co., N. Y. Henry R. Easton, d. June 22, 1848. Their child was- ELIZABETH, b. Aug. 22, 1845; she m. Dr. George Hewitt, of Carthage, N. Y. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 67

91 Henry7 Laurens Easton (Elijah", Elijah", Elifah 1, Joseph 3, 1 Joseph 2, Josep!z ), son of Elijah (53) and Hannah (Locke)Easton, was b. Sept. 26, 1794, in Wilmington, Vt., and d. April, 7 1867, in Cedarville, N. Y: Hem. Dec. 30, 1827, Elizabeth Devendorf, b. July 23, 1806, who d. June 30, 1882, dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth Devendorf. Their children were- 193 HANN AH E., b. Feb. 5, 1829. 194 ELLEN M., b. May 26, 1830. 195 MAHLON D., b. March 9, 1834. 196 CHARLON E., b. May r6, 1836. 197 FRANCIS E., b. Oct., 20, 1841. Memoranda. Henry L. Easton was a farmer at Cedarville, Hfrkimer Co., N. Y., a Justice of the Peace, also served as a member of the New York State Legislature. 92

1 6 5 Harvey Easton (Elijah , Elijah , Elijah 4, Joseph3, Joseph 2, 1 Joseph ), son of Elijah (53) and Hannah (Locke) Easton, was b. Oct. 14, 1803, in Wilmington, Vt., and d. May 3, 1881, in Postville, Iowa. He m. Oct. 9, 1832, Maria Hume, b. May 2, 1809, who d. Nov. 13, 1858, in Martinsburg, N. Y., the dau. of Stephen Tyler and Sarah (Buck) Hume. Harvey Easton was a farmer in Martinsburg, Lewis, Co., N. Y. Elected Supervisor of the town April 19, 1845. Their children were- 198 CHARLES HUME, b. Nov. 8, 1833. 199 TALCOTT BUCK, b. June 13, 1836. 200 LYDIA ANN, b. Aug. 30, 1838. 201 MARIA ORTENSIA, b. Jan. 25, 1846. CHESTER BUCK, b. May 6, 1848; d. Jan. ro, 1868. 93· William7 Lyman Easton (Elijah 6, E!ijalz5, E!ijah',Joseph3, 1 Josepft2, Joseph ), son of Elijah (53), _and Hannah (Locke) 68 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Easton, was b. March 13, 1806, in Hancock, Berkshire Co., Mass., and d. March 7, 1865, at Lowville, N. Y. Hem. Feb. 5, 1828, Emeline Henry, b. March 2, 1810, in Lowville, dau. of James and Lucy (Ward) Henry.

Their children were- CANDACE C., b. Sept. 12, 1829; d. Aug. 7, 1847. 202 EMILY H., b. July 22, 1831. JAMES HENRY, b. Nov. 28, 1833. WILLIAM L., b. Nov. 28, 1835; d. Aug. 1, 1845. MARY, b. Oct. 14, 1837; d. Jan. ro, 1838. CHARLES, b. April 17, 1839; d. April 22, 1839. CHARLES LOCKE, b. June ro, 1840; single. 203 MARY E., b. Sept. 16, 1842. 204 ELLEN, b. April, 25, 1844. FANNIE, b. March 20, 1846; d. April 6, 1846. 205 WILLIAM LOCKE, b. May 3, 1847. AMELIA C., b. Nov. 4, 1848; d. May 13, 1894; she m. Feb. 24, 1870, Isaac W. Norcross, at Lowville. 206 FREDERICKS., b. Dec. 28, 185r.

Memoranda. William Lyman Ea.wlon was a resident of Lowville, Lewis Co., N. Y., locating there in the year 1825, where on October 19th he began the publica­ tion of the Black River Gazette, which he continued to publish for several years. He took an active part in the political affairs of the country and was an active and successful business man. He held the office of Surrogate of Lewis Co., for four years, from Feb. 7, 1840. When the bank of Lowville was organized and commenced business July 1, 1839, he was one of the directors, elected cashier March 31, 1840, vice president March 18, 1851, and president April 19, 1855.


1 5 3 2 Fanny Easton ( Elijah 6, Elijah , Elijah 4, Joseph , Joseph , 1 Joseplt ), dau. of Elijah (53) and Hannah (Locke) Easton, was b. June 8, 1808, in Hancock, Berkshire Co., Mass., and d. June 17, 1864; she m. Aug. 3, 1831, in Warren, N. Y., Dr. Francis B. Etheridge, b. July l I, 1806, who d. Aug 20, 1873, at Hastings, Minn., the son of Nathaniel and Barbara B. Etheridge, Dr. Etheridge resided at St. Johnsville, N. Y., and was a physician. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 69

Their children were- CHARLES ETHERIDGE, b. Nov. 20, r833; d. March 7, 1892; m. Oct. 22, 1861, Bertha Sprague. EMMA M. ETHERIDGE, b. Jan. 5, 1836; m. Oct. 16, 1860, William G. Swan, b. Feb. 9, 1822, and d. Nov. 9, 1886; their child, Ada M., b. May 23, 1865; m. J. Herbert Rollins, Sept. 23, 1886. LOCKE ETHERIDGE, b. Dec. 1, 1837; d. Nov. 9, 1865, single. 207 SARAH B. ETHERIDGE, b. Jan. r3, 1840. 208 FRANCIS ETHERIDGE, b. Jan. 20, 1842. JAMES HENRY ETHERIDGE, b. March 20, 1844; m. June, 1864, --Powers. MARY C. ETHERIDGE, b. Aug. 12, 1846; d. Oct. 3, 1847.


7 5 3 Charles L. Easton ( Eli:fah 6, Eli/ah , Eli:fah ", Joseph , 1 Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Elijah (53) and Hannah (Locke) Easton, was b. Oct. 26, 1810, in Lanesboro, Mass., and d. March 2, 1886, in Sherburne N. Y. He m. Jan. 19, 1836, for first wife, Sophronia Starkweather, who d. Dec. 6, 1836. He m. again July 14, 1848, for second wife, Clarissa Locke, b. April 23, 1814, who d. Nov. 14, 1871, the dau. of Collins and Elizabeth (Burroughs) Locke. Charles L. Easton was a physician at Sherburne, N. Y.

Their children were- SOPHRONIA ELIZABETH, b. Aug. 2, 1849; d. Feb. 22, 1851. CLARA MELISSA, b. May, 16, 1852. , 209 CHARLES LEE, b. Sept. 15, 1853


7 Chauncy G. Easton (Oliver", Eli/alt 5, Eli/ah 4, Joseph 3, 1 Josep!t_2, Joseplz ), son of Oliver (5 5) and Delight (Cook) Easton, was b. Jan. 17, 1796, in Wilmington, Vt., and d. Sept. 24, 182 5. He married Lucinda Pollard.

Their children were- POLLY, m. Frederick Haven. PHYLINDA, m. Phylo Newton. 70 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


3 Jesse7 Cook Easton (Oliver6, Elijah 5, Elijah 4, Joseplz , 1 Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Oliver ( 5 S) and Delight (Cook) Easton, was b. July r3, 1799, in Wilmington, Vt., and d. Dec. 2, 188r, at Wellsville, N. Y. He married Oct. 12, 1825, for first wife, Irene Stone, b. Sept. 5, 1797, and d. July 18, 1834. He m. May I 2' l 8 3 5' for second wife' his cousin, Elizabeth Easton (Moore), b. July 3 r, I 806, the dau. of Joel and Louise (Bird) Easton. Elizabeth d. April 23, 1846, at Mehoopany, Pa. Jesse C. Easton was a carpenter, at Wellsville, N. Y. Children by first wife-

2 IO FIDEL:tA A., b. Aug. 13, r826. 2u EDGAR, b. Sept. 20, r828. ELLEN L., b. Feb. 2, r83r. CHARLES, b. July 3, 1833 ; d. April 4, 1863. Children by second wife- 2r2 MARYE., b. July 8, 1836. FRANCIS A., b. Oct. 4, 1843; d. July 20, 1873; m. Feb. IO, 1868, G. E. Farnum ; no children. 98

7 6 Louisa Easton ( Oliver , Elijah 5, Eli.falz 4, Joseplz 3, Josep!i 2, 1 Joseph ), dau. of Oliver (55) and Delight (Cook) Easton, was b. Oct. 4, 1801, at Wilmington, Vt., and d. Feb. 13, 1848, at Coventry, N. Y.; she m. Oct. 25, 1827, Stephen Williams, b. March rs, 1802, and d. Dec. 15, 1857, son of Caleb and Mehitable (Walker) Williams. Their children were- SAREPTA WILLIAMS, b. Aug. 27, 1828; d. Feb. 8, 1848. ANN DELIGHT WILLIAMS, b. Dec. 22, 1829; d. March r7, r855. JENNETT WILLIAMS, b. Feb. 26, 183r; d. Nov. 1852. LOIS WILLIAMS, b. Nov. 1, 1832; d. Sept. 6, r853. DARIUS WILLIAMS, b. April 3, 1834; d. April 17, 1855. ELLINA WILLIAMS, b. April 3r, 1836; d. March 29, r876; m. Elisha W. Sanders, in 1859; left one son, Dewey Sanders, Oshkosh, Wis. THEODORE WILLIAMS, b. Feb. r, 1838; d. Sept. 24, 1863. _POLLY WILLIAMS, b. Sept. 18, 1839; d. July r4, 1856 . .OLIVER WILLIAMS, b. Jan. 28, 1842; m. Sept. IO, 1865, Frances Delamater. He goes by the name of Oliver Judd, and resides at Harpersville, N. Y. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

WILLARD WILLIAMS. b. Jan. z4, r844; m. in 1866, Lucy Moulton CHAUNCY WILLIAMS, b. SepL r, r845; m. May l, 1878, Callista Hutchinson; resides at Coventry, N. Y.

99 Leicester7 Easton ( Oliver 6, Elijah 5, Elijalz ", Joseph 3, 1 Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Oliver (5 s) and Delight (Cook) Easton, was b. Nov. 24, 1803, at Wilmington, Vt., and d. May l2, 1876, at Afton, N. Y. Hem. May I 1, 1826, at Bainbridge, N. Y., Asenath Nichols, b. Nov. 4, 1805, who d. Jan. 25, 1868, dau. of Luke and Polly Nichols. Leicester Easton was a farmer at Afton, N. Y.

Their children were- 213 C. ALONZO, b. Feb. 23. 1827. 2r4 H. DEVILLO N., b. Oct. 23, 1828. POLLY MILISSA, b. April 17, 1831; d. Aug. 18, 1853. MARY D., b. Oct.· 28, 1843; d. July 20, 1845. 215 GEORGE, b. Sept. 2, 1846. 100

1 5 3 Lucretia Easton (Oliver6, Elijah , Elijah', Joseph , 1 Josepli 2, Joseph ) dau. of Oliver (5 5) and Delight ( Cook) Easton, was b. Dec. 9, 1805, and d. Sept. 22, 1884, in Afton, N. Y.; she m. Oct, 7, 1827, Heman Smith, b. Sept. 11, 1803, who d. Aug. 21, 1858, son of Cornell and Clarissa Smith. Residence Afton, N. Y.

Their children were- CHAUNCY SMITH, b. Feb. 15, 1829; d. Dec. r. 1830. SA.RAH ELIZABETH SMITH,. b. Oct. 6, 1831; d · Aug. 16, 1894. RUFUS E. SMITH, b. June rr, 1834.


7 3 2 Rufus Easton ( Oliver 6, Eli:falt 5, Elijah', Josepli , Joseph , 1 Joseph ), son of Oliver (55) and Delight (Cook) Easton, was b. Feb. 2, 1808, and d. Sept. ro, 1845, in South Bainbridge, N. Y. Hem. Dec 31, 1835, Prudence De Wolf, b. June 23, DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

r8r6, who d. Nov. 9, 1887, dau. of Amasa and Diantha De Wolf. Rufus Easton was a lumberman at Little Mehoopany, Pa. Their children were- 216 OLIVER, b. Feb. 18, 1840. ANN ELIZA, b. Sept. 8, 184r. 217 ANNIS A., b. Oct. 13, 1844. 102

7 6 Riley Easton ( Oliwr , Elijah 0, Elijah•, Joseph 3, Joseph 2, 1 Joseplz ), son of Oliver (55) and Delight (Cook) Easton, was b. Sept. 13, 1809, in Bainbridge, N. Y., and d. March 27, 1887, in Afton, N. Y.; m. Sept. 1, 1836, Betsey Bateman, b. July 14, 1817, in Bainbridge, and d. Nov. 16, 1884, in Afton, the dau. of Nathan and Dolly Bateman. Riley Easton was a lumberman, residence Afton, N. Y. Their children were- 218 DRAPER B., b. April 8, 1838. EMERETTA, b. Sept. 30, 1839; d. Nov. 3, 1846. BETSEY A., b. Nov. g, 1842; unmarried. Residence 1898, Afton.


1 5 Abby Ann Easton (Oliver6, Elijalz , Eli:fah<, Joseph 3, 1 Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Oliver (5 5) and Delight (Cook) Easton,

was b. Oct rr, r8rr, in Bainbridge, N. Y., and d. March 27 1 1854, in Bainbridge. Shem. Feb. 9, 1837, Samuel Carpenter Bump, b. Aug. 6, 1808, at Bainbridge, and d. Dec. 4, 1889, at Baltimore, Md., the son of Reuben and Margaret ( Carpen­ ter) Bump.

Their children were- CHARLES RUFUS BUMP, b. Dec. g, 1837; m. at Afton, N. Y., in the spring of 1861, Jane Bunce, a few weeks after he enlisted in a N. Y., regiment of volunteers, and d. in 1862, of yellow fever in Louisiana; no children. ORLANDO FRANKLIN BUMP, b. Feb. 28, 1841; d. Jan. 29, 1884; m. July 27, 1870, at St. Andrews P. E. ch. Baltimore, Elizabeth Weathers, dau. of Joseph and Araminta (Graff) Weathers; children (1) Charles Weathers, b. Dec. 13, 1872; A. B. Johns Hopkins University, 1892, DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 73

and since 1890, connected with the editorial staff of the Baltimore Sun; (2) Arthur Remington, b. Nov. 15, 1874; d. July 3, 1875; (3) Herbert Franklin, b. July 31, 1878; d. July 21, 1892; (4) Orlando Weathers, b. Feb. 25, 1884. JESSE EASTON BUMP, b. June 4, 1845; m. Jan. 7, 1869, Mary Frances Hughes, of Baltimore, dau. of Scott and Rebecca (Knapp) Hughes; children (1) Mary Ella, b. July 2, 1870; Georgia Hollins, b. June 27, 1875 ·, Maggie Hughes, b. April 7, 1878; d. Feb. 2, 1879; Alberte, b. Dec. 8, 1879. The daughters all unmarried, (1898); they are honor graduates of the Eastern Female High School of Baltimore, and teachers in the public school. ELLA --- BUMP, b. April 23, 1850; d. May 16, 1855.

JJ/I emoranda. By Charles \V. Bump, grandson of Abby Ann Easton Bnmp. '' Samuel Carpenter Bump was one of the pioneers in railroad construction in this country, for in 1828 and 1829, he built the celebrated Gravity Railroad from Carbondale to Honesdale, Pa., the first completed railroad in the U. S. Later he also built a portion of the Erie R. R. During the entire period of his married life he operated a grist mill at South Bainbridge, N. Y., now Afton, on a creek called Bump's Creek. He removed to Baltimore after the death of Abby Ann Easton Bump and on Oct. 31, 1857, married a second time Henrietta Graff. They had no children. She is still living. In Baltimore Samuel C. Bump was a builder and during the Civil War was prominent in the work of the Union Relief Association which cared for thousands of sick and wounded soldiers in the hospitals of the city. "Orlando F. Bump graduated in 1861 from the Deleware Literary In­ stitute at Franklin, N. Y., and in 1863 from Yale, with the degree of A. B. (honorary A. M. in 1876). Studied law in Baltimore and was admitted to the bar Sept. 14, 1865. Gained a high reputation among legal fraternity of Mary­ land, but was widely known throughout the U.S., by several standard works on federal law, among them Bump on Bankruptcy, which ran through ten editions, and Bump on Fraudulent Conveyances, which had four editions, In all he wrote about twelve legal works, besides many articles and much editorial work. He was an editorial writer on political topics for the Baltimore Ameriwn, and a leader of republican politics in Maryland, though never a candidate or aspirant for office, because of his large practice. '' Jesse Easton Bump fought through the Civil War with a N. Y. regiment. He has for many years been a travelling salesman, with Baltimore as his home." 104

7 4 3 2 Elijah Easton (Oliver6, Eli.fah5, Elifalz , loseplz , Joseplz , 1 I oseph ), son of Oliver ( SS) and Delight (Cook) Easton, was b.

May r8, 1815 1 in Afton, N. Y. Hem. Feb. 22, 1839, Jerusha 74 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

E. Jones, b. April 9, 1817, in Windsor, Vt., and d. July 31, I 87 5, dau. of Anthony and Catherine Jones. Elijah Easton ( 1898) is a retired farmer ; resides at Owatonna, Minn. Their children were - CHAUNCY OLIVER, b. Dec. 25, 1840. 219 HARRIET DELIGHT, b. July 20, 1842. MARY L., b. Aug. 21, 1845; d. Feb. 25, 1895. 220 ELLEN LUCRETIA, b. Jan. 6, 1848. 221 JEREMIAH POLLARD, b. Feb. 2, 1852. GEORGE, b. March - 1854; d. March - 1854. 222 LIZZIE VERNON, b. April 17, 1858. 1//1emoranda. Elijah Easton settled first in Wisconsin (in 1842), was a member of the State Legislature in 1849, also in 1858; removed to the state of Minnesota in 1866, and was a member of the State Legislature in 1868. Postmaster of Owatonna from 1870 to 1876. His home at this time (May, 1898) is Owatonna, Minn., where his daughter, Mrs. Robson, resides, although passing some of ; his time visiting the homes of his other children. Mr. Easton has arrived at the ripe old age of 83 years, and after a busy and useful life is quietly awaiting the time when he will cast off the material form, in full confidence that there is no death, only a change from the material to the spiritual body. 105 7 George A. Easton (foel6, Elijah 5, Elijah", Joseph3, Joseph 2, 1 Joseph ), son of Joel (56) and Louisa (Bird) Easton, was b. Oct. 17, 1792, in Delhi, N. Y., and m. -- Clarissa Farrington, dau. of Gen. Putnam Farrington. Their children were- AUGUSTUS, b. Dec. 3, 1824; single (1898). LIBBIE, b. Feb. 22, 1826. 223 MARY H., b. Feb. 1, 1828. 224 MORGAN PUTNAM, b. Dec. 23, 1830. 225 THOMAS F., b. Nov. u, 1832. RUFUS, b. --d. age 18. FRANCIS, b. Feb. 22, 1838; single (1898). 226 ZEN AS, b. July 24, 1839. 106 7 5 Electa Easton (Joel6, Eli.fah , Elijah', Joseph3, Joseph2, 1 Joseph ), dau. of Joel (56) and Louisa (Bird) Easton, was b.


July 14, 1797, in Delhi, N. Y., and d. Dec. 8, 1841, at Kort­ right, Deleware Co., N. Y. She m. Oct. 8, 1818, David Winslow, b. Feb. 7, 1797, son of Enoch and Polly (Easton) Winslow. He was a manufacturer of woolen goods af Daven­ port Center, N. Y., and d. July r6, 1878.

Their children were- SEYMOUR WINSLOW, b. May 26, 1820; m. Catherine Snider. WILLIAM H. WINSLOW, b. Feb. 27, 1822; d. Sept. 13, 1825. LAFAYETTE WINSLOW, b. Jan. 12. 1824. MARYL. WINSLOW, b. July 7, 1826; d. April 28, 1860. ELIZABETH WINSLOW, b. March 26, 1830. FRANCES D. WINSLOW, b. Sept. 15, 1835.


7 5 2 Elizabeth Easton (Joel 6, Eli:fah , Elijalz4, Joseph 3, Joseplz , 1 Joseph ), dau. of Joel (56) and Louisa (Bird) Easton, was b. July 31, 1806, in Delhi, N. Y., and d. April 23, 1846, in Mehoopany, Pa.; she m. for first husband, Solomon Moore, of Bethany, Pa., who d. Oct. 31, 1831. She m. for second husband, Jesse C. Easton (her cousin), May 29, 1835, son of Oliver and Delight (Cook) Easton.

Child by first husband- SOLOMON MOORE, b. May 16, 1832, d. Aug. 22, 1891.

Children by second husband- MARY E. EASTON, b. July 8, 1836. FRANCES A. EASTON, b. Oct. 2. 1843.


7 5 Ann Easton (Ahimaz6, Ahimaz , Elijah\ Joseph 3, Joseph2, 1 Joseph ), dau. of Ahimaz (58) and Mariah (Van Buren) Easton, was b. Sept. 4, 1791, in Johnstown, N., Y. Shem. Feb. 22, 1810, William B. Visscher, b. May 19, 1776, son of Col. Frederick and Gazena (De Graff) Visscher. William B. Visscher d. Oct. 2 I, 1847. Ann Easton Visscher d. Sept. 28, 1872. Their residence was a few miles east of Fonda, N. Y. 76 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Their children were- FREDERICK VISSCHER, b. Dec. 9, r8IO; m. Dec. 9, r841, Elizabeth W. Lightfoot. DANIEL W. VISSCHER, b. Feb. 22, 18r2; m. Oct. rz, 1847, Amelia E. La Treat. WILLIAM C. VISSCHER, b. Dec. 25, 1815; m. March 29, 1841, 1st Eliza Moultenner; m. 2d, Oct. 3r, 1867, Catherine Booth. JACOB G. VISSCHER, b. Oct. u, r817; m. Aug. 9, 1870, Lydia A. Doolittle. HENRY H. VISSCHER, b. July 24, r819; m. Oct. 18, r859, Mary Reynolds. MARIA L. VISSCHER, b. Aug. IO, 1824; m. Charles W. Burdick, M.D., Aug. IO, r848_; he was b. Dec. 26, 1815, in Rutland, Vt., and d. Feb. 5, r88r, in Watertown, N. Y. Their children were: William T., b. Nov. 9, 1850; Catherine A., b. Aug. 7, 1853; d. Feb. 25, 1855; Julia M., b. Sept. 23, 1858; d. Feb. 7, 1873. Mrs. Burdick m. 2d time Daniel A. Maxwell, Syracuse, N. Y. JOHN B. VISSCHER, b. July 1, 1826; m. Sept. 24, 1857, Lydia Rowley.


1 6 Charles Easton (Ahiinaz , Ahimaz5, Elifalz4, Joseph3, 1 Joseplz2, Joseph ), son of Ahimaz (58) and Mariah (Van Buren) Easton, was b, Nov. 13, 1792, in Mayfield, N. Y., and d. May ro, 1868, in West Troy, N. Y., in the 76th year of his age. Hem. April 15, 1817, at Johnstown, N. Y., Ann Eliza Silliman, b. Sept. 19, 1794, in Waterford, N. Y., who d. March 15, 1875, age 81. Children. It appears from the church records at Johnstown, N. Y., that they had a child, Charles Davis, b. May 25, 1819, who probably d. young. They had an adopted daughter, Josephine S. Easton, b. April 27, 1839, who m. Hen,y P. Luger, of West Troy, N. Y. Memoranda.

Charles Easton was vestryman of the P. E. church, at Johnstown, N. Y., in 1829; sheriff of Montgomery Co., N. Y., from 1825 to r829; removed from Johnstown to West Troy in the year r832, where he was in the lumber business.

"At West Troy, March ro, Charles Easton, in the 76th year of his age. "The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from his late residence, on Thursday, March 12, at 2 o'clock P.M." DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 77

~"DEATH OF A PROMINENT WEST TROJAN.-Charles Easton, one of the oldest and most respected residents of West Troy, died last evening at the advanced age of seventy-five years. Mr. Easton removed from Johnstown to this city in 1832, and was connected in business with Lewis Rousseau. In 1835 Mr. E. removed to West Troy, where with his partner, Mr. Rousseau, a large lumber business was prosecuted in connection with a steam planing mill. About four years ago Mr. E. relinquished business, and for a year past has been in failing health, so much so that for a few months past his mind has been greatly impaired. Mr. E. has filled creditably several places of trust, and has been particularly identified with the North Reformed church as a ruling elder. His death, though not unexpected, will cause a deep feeling of regret among a large circle of friends. The funeral will take place on next Thursday after­ noon at 2 o'clock."

'' On Saturday morning, May r5th, 1875, a large circle of relatives and friends were stricken with sorrow. One of West Troy's oldest citizens passed to her last rest. Mrs. Ann E. Easton, wife of the late Charles Easton, in the 81st year of her age. To all who knew her she was the noblest of women-­ changeless-ever the same pleasant smile, kind words and acts of kindness, won to her a host of friends. Her funeral obsequies were performed at her residence-where she had resided thirty-nine years-by Dr. Gregory and Rev. A. Hutton, Wednesday afternoon."

110 Harmon 7 Van Buren Easton (Ahimaz", Altimaz5, Eli:falz", 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Ahimaz (5 8) and Mariah (Van Buren) Easton, was b. Feb. 27, 1797, at Johnstown, N. Y. Hem. Jan. 1, 1824, for first wife Elizabeth Grinnell, b. Feb. 8, I 807, dau. of Caleb Grinnell, of Amsterdam, N. Y. He m. Feb. 9, 1840, for second wife Mary Ann Livingston Stearns, b. Nov. r6, 1809. Harmon V. B. Easto(l resided at Johnstown and Amsterdam, N. Y.; he d. March 17, 1874, in Amsterdam. Elizabeth, his wife, d. March 4, 1838, in Johnstown. Mary, his wife, d. Sept. 19, 1897, in Amsterdam. Children by first wife- 227 MARY, b. Nov. 22, 1824. CHARLES DAVIS, b. June 17, 1826; d. March 4, 1862; m. Oct. 12, r847, Sarah De Forrest. 228 JAMES GRINNELL, b. June 20, 1828. 229 ELIZABETH, b. April 30, 1830. MARTIN V. B., b. July 15, 1832; d. Aug. 6, 1832. EMILY, b. June 26, 1834; d. Sept. 26, 1834. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

230 ANN G., b. Sept. 27, 1835. CLARK G., b. Jan. r, 1838. Children by second wife- JULIA POTTER, b. Aug. 29, 1842; d. June, r844. GEORGE LIVINGSTON, b. Jan. 31, 1844, EDWARD BROCKWAY, b. May 12, 1846; d. Jan. 16, 1847. EDWARD BROCKWAY, b. Dec. 31, 1849; d. Feb. 5, 1854.


7 5 3 Elizabeth Easton (Ahimaz6, Ahimaz , Elijah4, Joseph , 1 Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Ahimaz (58) and Mariah (Van Buren) Easton, was b. in Johnstown, N. Y., July 14, 1807, and d. May 19, 1843, at Fonda, N. Y.; m. Feb. 18, 1829, George D. Ferguson, at Troy, N. Y. Residence, Fonda, N. Y. His profession, a lawyer. Their children were- WILLETT FERGUSON, b. Jan. 5, 1831; d. Nov. II, 1885, in West Troy, N. Y.; m. Ann Holt, at Fort Plain, N. Y. BRYAN FERGUSON, b. Feb. 9, 1833; d. Aug. 19, 1853. AMELIA FERGUSON, b. Jan. 5, 1835; m. in Deer River, N. Y., April 17, 1856, Daniel A. Rousseau, residence, 1898, Jersey City, N. J.; their children (1) Cornelia L., b. April 9, 1857; (2) George F., b. May 4, 1859; (3) Charles R., b. Nov. 22, 1861; d. Jan. II, 1865; (4) Edward B., b. Feb. 15, 1864; all b. in West Troy, N. Y. LEWIS FERGUSON, b. Aug. 17, 1837 ·, d. Dec. 21, 1897; m. Sept. 26, 1872, in Albany, N. Y., Elizabeth Hoffman; their children (r) Amelia, b. July II, 1875; she m. Ernest Vivian Huntley; (z) Lena E., b. Sept. 5, 1879; (3) George D., b. Nov. 21, 1885; (4) Elsie W., b. Oct. 4, 1887. RAYMOND FERGUSON, b. Oct. r5, 1839; m. Dec. 1, 1858, in Fulton­ ville, N. Y., Louisa A. Burton; their children, Laura Amelia, b. Sept, rr, 1859; she m. Feb. 16, 1881, Nathan Cole, of Fonda, N. Y.; (z) Frances Louisa, b. Dec. 27, 1861; m. Charles Francis Carpenter; (3) Helen, b. Feb. z, 1864; m. Ira Hanford Carpenter, Oct. 14, 1885; (4) Burton, b. Sept. 20, 1866; d. April 25, 1867. ELIZABETH FERGUSON, b. April r3, 1843; d. Jan. 17, 1844. 112

6 5 3 Harriet7 Louise Easton (Ahimaz , Ahimaz , Elijah•, Joseph , 1 Joseph2, Joseplz ), dau. of Ahimaz (58) and Mariah (Van Buren) Easton, b. in Johnstown, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1809; d. June 15, DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 79

1867; m. Nov. II, 1829, Daniel Bedford, of Johnstown, who was b. Feb. IO, 1810, and d. July 18, 1877, son of Daniel D. and Dorothy (Yeanny) Bedford. Residence, Johnstown, N. Y. Occupation, Deputy County Clerk.

Their children were- AHIMAZ EASTON BEDFORD, b. Oct. 23, I830; d. March 27, 1857. JOHN BEDFORD, b. Aug. 21, 1832; d. Oct. IO, r868. ELIZABETH F. BEDFORD, b. July 9, 1834. HENRY H. BEDFORD, b. May 20, 1836. MIRIAM BEDFORD, b. June 20, 1839; d. March 31, 1856. DAVID BEDFORD, b. Sept. r8, 1841; d. Sept. 3, 1842. SIDNEY S. BEDFORD, b. Feb. 13, 1845; m. Oct. 2, 1867, Emma Fledden, of Rockmont. Residence, Johnstown, N. Y. ALBERT BEDFORD, b. Jan. 19, r852; m. June 3, 1885, Ella Tefft, of Johnstown. 113

7 5 Elsie Bronk Easton (Ahimaz6, Ahimaz , Elijah', Joseph 3, 1 Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Ahimaz (58) and Mariah (Van Buren) Easton, was b. May 11, 1812, in Johnstown, N. Y.; d. July 14, 1893, and m. Sept. 23, 1833, Sidney L. Standring, of Johnstown, b. Dec. 23, 1807; d. April I I, 1887, at Deer River, Lewis Co., N. Y. Occupation, a farmer.

Their children were-

LEONARD STANDRING, b. April 2, 1835; d. April 28, 1893; m. Mary A. Protheroe, of Decorah, Iowa. WILLIAM CHARLES STANDRING, b. March 24, 1837; d. Jan. 13, 1838. JOHN THOMAS STANDRING, b. March 17, 1840; m. Elizabeth Hammond, of Corwith, Iowa. ELSIE MARIA STANDRING, b. July 21, 1844; d. March 6, 1866; m. Joseph M. Haswell, West Troy, N. Y. EMMA FRANCES STANDRING, b. Sept. 7, 1847.


7 5 3 2 Mary Easton (Joseph 6, Ahimaz , Elijah 4, Joseplz , Joseplt , 1 Joseph ), dau. of Joseph (59) and Mary (Wood) Easton, was 80 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. b. in Hawley, Mass., July 24, 1788, and m. Nov. 12, 1807, Noble Strong, b. Dec. 15, 1783, son of Amasa and Sarah (Noble) Strong, of Westhampton. Mass. (Sarah Noble the wife of Amasa Strong, was b. in Westfield, Mass., June 30, 1750, and d. June 9, 1823). Noble Strong removed from Westhampton in 1828, to Huntsburgh, Ohio, where he d. May 29, 1857. His wife Mary d. Jan. 24, 1856. Their children were- MARIA STRONG, b. July r7, 1809. ALMIRA STRONG, b. Sept. 23, 18r6 ; m. Joseph Lepper. IRA STRONG, b. July 12, r823. LYMAN STRONG, b. Nov. 25, r827. LUMAN STRONG, b. April 7, 1829.

115 John7 Easton (Joseph6, Ahimaz5, Eli:fah4, Joseplz3, Joseph2, 1 Joseplz ), son of Joseph (59) and Mary (Wood) Easton, was b. Dec. 8, 1790, in Hawley, Mass., and m. March 9, 1815, Sophia Densmore, b. June, 24, 1797. John Easton was a farmer at Mesopotamia, Ohio; he d. Dec. 3, 1875. HiswifeSophiad.April8, 1887. Their children were- ABEL D., b. July r, 1816; d. March 20, r885. LA URA, b. May rr, 1818; m. Job Griffin, Sept. 13, 1846 North Bloom­ field, Ohio. SOPHIA, b. Aug. 22, 1821; d. Oct. 14, 1896; m. Joseph Wilcox. 231 JOHN RANSFORD, b. Oct. 26, 1823. MARY. b. Jan. 15, 1826; d. July 7, 1897; m. Isaac Lepper. ADIN RANDOLPH, b. Dec 15, 1828; resides at Petoskey, Mich. 231Yz IRA, b. Aug. 1, 1831; d. April 2, 1883. 231}.( EMILY, b. May 12, 1834; d. April 12, 1875; m. Myron Chaffee.Windsor, 0. 232 LUMAN, b. Dec. 15, 1836. 116

7 3 Tamar Easton (Joseph 6, Ahimaz5, Elijah 4, Joseph , Joseplz 2, Joseph 1,) dau, of Joseph (5 9) and Mary (Wood) Easton, was b. in Hawley, Mass., June 22, 1793, and d. in Brecksville, Ohio, Jan. 1, r88r. Shem. Oct. 15, 1812, Carey Oakes of Brecks­ ville, Ohio, a farmer. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. Sr

Their children were- MARY OAKES, b. Aug. 21, r8r3; d. Apr. 18, 1888. FRANCIS OAKES, b. May 2, 1815; d. Apr. 27, 1888. ISAAC OAKES, b. Dec. 5, 1817; d. Dec. r6, 1893. MARTHA OAKES, b. April 4, 1820; d. Aug. 12, 1828. CALEB OAKES, b. Dec. 8, 1822. HENRY M. OAKES, b. April 24, 1825 ; m. Oct. 10, 1849, Ann Charlton; their children: Tamar E. b. Aug. 1, 1850, m. Nov. 26, 1876, H. M. Matthews; Wiliiam H. b. Feb. 2, 1852, m. April 22, 1883, Lizzie Sauer; Martha L. b. Nov. 14, 1855, m. Feb. 22. 1883, H. W. Chaffee; George W. b. Oct. 20, 1858; Edward C. b. Feb. 22, 1864, m. March 1, 1894, Eva M. Chaffee. MARTHA ANN OAKES, b. Nov. 12, 1828; d. Feb. 21, 1831. TAMAR E. OAKES, b. April 12, 1831; d. Aug, 27. 1853. CARY OAKES, b. June-, 1833; d. Aug. 8, 1896. HARTLEY OAKES, b. May 26, 1837. 117

7 5 James Easton (Joseph", Ahimaz , Elijah\ Joseph 3, Joseph 2, 1 Joseph ), son of Joseph (59) and Mary (Wood) Easton, was b. April 22, 1795, in Hawley, Mass., and m. Jan. 23, 1817, for first wife, Esther Thorp, b. June - r 797, d. Sept. I 5, I 82 5 ; m. for second wife, Abiah Wildman, b. Feb. 24, 1806; d. Jan. 5, 1877. James Easton d. Nov. 23, 1870.

Children by first wife- JOSEPH, b. Oct. 19, 1817; d. July 12, 1836. MARY, b. Nov. 22, 1819; d. Nov. 24, 1820. DAVID T., b. March 23, 182i; d. May 22, 1823. THOMAS L., b. May 23, 1825; d. Jan. 10, 1840.

Children by his second wife- CAROLINE, b. Jan. 26, 1827; d. Jan. 23, 1866; m. -. Willey. CLARISSA, b. March n, 1828; d. March 14, 1852. 233 JAMES, b. April 22, 1829. TALMAN, b. Dec. 29, 1830; d. Jan. 16, 1831, CHARLES, b. March 1, 1832. TIRZA, b. Jan. 13, 1834; d. March 17, 1872. 233_¼ LEVI W., b. Sept. 29, 1835. MARYL., b. Jan. 20, 1837. FRANCIS 0., b. March 13, 1839; d. Nov. 3, 1865. EZRA W., b. Feb. 13, 1841. 233,½ JOHN H., b. Jan. 3, 1843. WILLIAM H. H., b. Feb. 21, 1845, LYDIA A., b. Feb. 14, 1847. SALLY J., b. Oct. 23, 1849



7 5 Joseph Easton (losep!i6, Ahimaz , Elijalz', Joseph 3, Joseph 2, 1 Joseph ), son of Joseph (59) and Mary (Wood) Easton, was b. Sept. 15, 1797, in Hawley, Mass. He m. May 25, 1819, Lucinda Sanderson, of Vermont, who was b. April 8, 1794. Joseph Easton was a farmer, d. Feb. 28, 1878, at Mesopo-• tamia, Ohio. Lucinda d. March 27, I 886, Mesopotamia, Ohio. Their child-

LUCY E., b. Feb. 22, 1821; d. Feb. II, 1885; m. April 23, 1838, Robert Willcox, of Mesopotamia. 119

7 5 3 Justus Easton (Joseph6,Ahimaz , Elijah 4, Joseph , Joseph", 1 Joseph ), son of Joseph (59) and Mary (Wood) Easton, was b. in Hawley, Mass., July 30, 1799. He m. Aug. 16, I 821, Lydia Hunt, b. June r2, r802, in Worthington, Mass., dau. of David and Polly Hunt, of Worthington, Mass. Justus Easton came west to Mesopotamia in Jan. 1816, where he died March 24, 1863. He made the trip on foot from Hawley to Mesopo­ tamia, being six weeks on the road. Lydia, his wife, d. Nov. 28, 1859.

Their children were - 234 FORDYCE 0., b. April 20, 1824; d. Dec. 30, 1855. MARY LOUISA, b. March II, 1826; d. Jan. 24, 1836. 235 AUGUSTUS B., b. March 1, 1828. MATHEW HENRY, b. Jan. 14, 1830; d. April 12, 1844. ALEXANDER, b. Nov. 21, 1831; d. Dec. 3, 1855. ERASMUS D., b. March 5, 1838; d. Feb. 21, 1892.


7 5 1 Rev.Alexander Easton (Joseph 6, Ahimaz , Elijah', loseph: , 1 loseph2, Joseph ), son of Joseph (59) and Mary (Wood) Easton, was b. in Hawley, Mass., Sept. 25, 1801. He m. Sept. 27, 1827, Hannah Lee, b. Jan. 5, 1811, dau. of Abijah and Lois Lee. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Rev. Alexander Easton d. Nov. I, I 8 80, Braceville, Ill. Hannah Lee Easton d. Dec. 7, 1843. Their children were- 236 TAMAR, b. July 20, 1830. 237 HARRIET, b. Oct. 30, 1832. 238 WILDER MACK, b. April 20, 1835. 239 ALCINOUS, b. July 25, 1837. 240 MARION, b. Sept. g, 1840. 241 CYRUS MONROE, b. Oct. 23, 1842.

Rev. Alexander Easton m. March 27, 1844, for second wife, Rhoda Lee. Their child - 242 CASSIUS CLAY, b. March 21, 1845.


7 6 5 3 2 Orlando Easton (Joseph , Ahimaz , Elijah\ Josep/i , Joseph , Joseph'), son of Joseph (59) and Mary (Wood) Easton, was b. in Hawley, Mass., July 8, 1803, and m. Sept. 6, 1825, Sally Hunt, b. Feb. 18, 1806, who d. Aug. 21, 1865. Orlando Easton d. Jan. 9, 1883, at Rollo, Mo. Their children were- 243 ORISSA, b. June 12, 1826. ORSAMUS, b. July g, 1828, d. Feb. 2, 1874, Chillicothe, Ohio, m. Emma Belden Aug. 23, 1847, Farmington, Ohio. 244 ROSAMOND, b. Dec. 24, 1831. CAREY 0., b. June 25, 1846, d. May II, 1865, in Bristol, Ohio.


7 5 Luman Easton (loseph6, Ahimaz , Elijah\ Joseph3, Joseph 2, 1 Joseph ), son of Joseph (59) and Mary (Wood) Easton, was b. in Hawley, Mass., April, 2 I, 1806. Hem. -- Nancy Griffith, b, May 18, 1806, dau. of Clement and Isabella (Sterling) Griffith, of Thompson, Ohio. Luman Easton d. March 28, 1833. Their child - 45 MARY JANE, b. - DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


7 6 5 Marinus Winter Easton (Elijah , Joseph , Elifah 4, Joseph 3, 1 Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Elijah (64) and Sally (Niles) Easton, was b. July 8, 1814, and m. -- Jane Dubois.

Their children were- 246 JAMES K., b. Oct. 19, 1844. CHARLES, b. -- Oriskany, N. Y. 247 EDGAR M., b. Jan. 15, 1858. There were other children as follows - MRS. A. C. BECKWITH, Newark, N. J. MRS. D. C. NELSON, Oriskany, N. Y.


7 5 -William Henry Easton (Eli/ah 6, Joseph , Elifah\ Joseph 3, 1 Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Elijah (64) and Sally (Niles) Easton, was b. Feb. 14, 1816, in Whitestown, N. Y. Hem. Oct. 14, 1838, in the town of Marcy, N. Y., Maroa Warren, b. Nov. 18, 1820, dau. of Ebenezer and Avilla (Brown) Warren William H. Easton d. April 3, 1898, at Milwaukee, Wis.

Their children were- MAROA, b. Jan. 4, 1840, d. Jan. 20, 1840. AGNES M., b. March 26, 1842; d. June 4, 1891. She m. July 4, 1863, Geo. P. Ballough. WILLIAM H., b. June 22, 1844; d. Sept. 19, 1863. ANNA A., b. Nov. 24, 1846; m. Aug. 31, 1867, Alonzo N. Lamb. JULIAR., b. Sept. 17, 1848; m. Dec. 25, 1865, Edwin L. Jones. CHARLES B., b. March 17, 1850; d. Oct. 17, 1851. WALLACE W., b. Feb. 27, 1852; d. March 29, 1856. SARAH ELLA, b. March 20, 1853; d. Aug. 22, 1883. Shem. Sept. 12, 1872, James B. Clark, Chesapeake City, Md. LILLIE A., b. July 16, 1855; m. May 14, 1878, Daniel J. McLaughlin, at Brooklyn, N. Y. 248 JASPER GILBERT, b. Feb. 14, 1859.


7 Jasper Gilbert Easton (Eli/ah 6, Joseph 5, Elijah', Joseph 3, 1 Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Elijah (64) and Sally (NilesHEaston, DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 85 was b. Dec. 29, 1825. Hem. Hannah A. Salisbury, b. June 5, 1827. Jasper G. Easton d. Dec. 26, 1891, at Waterville, N. Y. Hannah A. Easton d. Dec. 2 5, r 89 r, at Waterville, N. Y.

Their child - 249 ELLA M., b. May 18, 1849.


7 6 3 Mary Smith Easton (Rufus , Joseplz5, Elijah', Joseph , 1 Joseplz2, Joseph ), dau. of Rufus (65) and Alby Abial (Smith) Easton, was b. Jan. 24, 1800, in Rome, N. Y. Shem. Aug. 10, --, Major George Champlin Sibley, at St. Louis, Mo., who was b. April r, 1782, in Great Barrington, Mass., the son of John Sibley. Maj. George C. Sibley d. Jan. 31, 1863, St. Charles, Mo. Mary S. Sibley d. June 20, 1878, age 78, St. Charles, Mo. No children. Jvfemoranda. Mary S. Easton Sibley received a liberal education, attending a female institute in Lexington, Ky., to which place and back to St. Louis she made the journey on horseback. She was married to Maj. Sibley when about fifteen years of age, and they removed at once to the Indian country, at Fort Osage, near where Independence, Mo., is now situated, Maj. Sibley being in the employ of the government as Indian Agent. Here they remained for several years, after which they returned to St. Louis, whence they again started for the Indian country, by land to St. Charles, with the view of taking a boat for Fort Osage. While waiting for a boat in that place, it occured to Maj. Sibley to examine a tract of land which he had located there, and seeing it for the first time, he was so pleased with the quality of the soil and surroundings that they resolved to settle on it permanently. With this object in view they erected a log cabin where now stand the improvements which have grown up under their fostering care. This was in 1828, and from that time to the day of her death Mrs. Sibley resided on the Lindenwood property, dispensing with a liberal hand the many charities suggested by the generous impulses of herself and husband, leading a useful and Christian life, and enjoying the respect and esteem of the community, with the love and devotion of all who knew her intimately. Mrs. Sibley was a lady of fine literary taste and with her husband founded and endowed the Lindenwood Female Seminary at St. Charles, giving the land on which it is built. 86 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


7 3 Joanna Alby Easton (Rufus6, Joseph 5, Eli/ah', Joseph , 1 Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Rufus (65) and Alby Abial (Smith) Easton, was b. Dec. 23, 1801, in Rome, N. Y. She d. Oct. 15, 1837 in St. Louis, and m. -- first Dr. Quarles, who d. -- ; m. for second husband, Hon. Henry S. Geyer, b. 1798 in Frederick Co., Md., who d. March 5, 1859, age 61, in St. Louis.

Children by first husband- M ARY QUARLES. MARTHA QUARLES.

Children by second husband­ HENRY GEYER. EDWARD GEYER. Memoranda. Hon. Henry S. Geyer was five times chosen to the Legislature of the State of Missouri, serving as Speaker for the first three General Assemblies of that State. He declined the position of Secretary of War, tendered him by President Fillmore, in 1850, and was then elected U. S. Senator over Thomas H. Benton, on the fortieth ballot by a majority of five votes. He served from 1851 to 1857, and while at Washington he was one of the counsel in the Dred Scott case. 128

7 5 Louisa Baker Easton (Rufus6, Joseph , Eli:fah', Joseph 3, 2 1 Joseph , Joseplz ), dau. of Rufus ( 6 5) and Alby Abial (Smith) Easton, was b. March 23, 1804, in Rome, N. Y. Shem. July 3, r 82 r, Archibald Gamble of St. Louis, b. -- 1 794 in Winchester, Va., son of Joseph and Anne (Hamilton) Gamble. Archibald Gambled. -- Sept.-, 1866. Louisa B. Gambled. Feb. 5, 1879.

Their children were- 250 JOSHUA BARTON GAMBLE, b. Aug. 8, 1823. MARY EASTON GAMBLE, b. Nov. 4, 1825; m. Dr. J. C. Page. ELIZA GAMBLE, b. April rr, 1828; m. John M. Clarkson. 251 VIRGINIA GAMBLE, b. Oct. 2, 1830. ANNE HAMILTON GAMBLE, b. Jan. 29, 1834; m. John Flourney. ARCHIBALD GAMBLE, b. July 4, 1837; d. Sept. 15, 1845. RUFUS EASTON GAMBLE, b. Jan. 19, 1840. 252 JOSEPH GAMBLE, b. Sept. 6, 1842. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 87


7 1 Alton Rufus Easton (Rufus6, Joseph5, E!ijah , Joseph3, Joseph 2, Joseph'), son of Rufus (65) and Alby Abial (Smith) Easton, was b. Jan. 23, 1807, in St. Louis, Mo. He m. for first wife, Eliza Ott, in 1849, at St. Charles, Mo., who was b. in Albany, N. Y., 1818, and d. in St. Louis, Oct.-, 1859, dau. of James C. and Catherine (Crandall) Ott. He m. for second wife, E)lleline Noye, in 1862, who d. in St. Louis, 1883. Alton R. Easton d. Dec. II, 1893, in St. Louis, Mo.

Children by first wife - 253 ALBY ABIAL, b. Feb. 3, 1850. 254 ARCHIBALD G., b. Nov. 24, 1851. 255 ALTON RUFUS, b. Oct. 17, 1853. CA THERINE, b. --, 1855; d. in infancy FRED. K., b. --. 1857; d. in infancy. Children by second wife- LANGDON, b. --, 1862; d. in infancy. DANIEL GARRISOC'l, b. -­ GEORGE SIBLEY, b. --, 1871.

Memoranda. Col. Alton R. Easton entered the military academy at West Point in 1824, At the end of two and a half years he resigned, and in the winter of 1827 returned to St. Louis and engaged in the study of medicine with Dr. Samuel Merry. This gentleman was also receiver of public money, and as he was in poor health, Easton was often left in charge of the office, and ultimately practically the receiver himself. Several years of this confining service affected his health unfavorably, and he left the office, and for four years was engaged almost exclusively in hunting and fishing. In 1832 he started with his rifle, a solitary volunteer, to engage in the Black Hawk War, but peace was concluded before he .reached the field of action. About the year 11333 the "St. Louis Grays" were organized, and became the crack company of the city, and Mr. Easton was for many years their captain. The organization of other companies in due season necessitated the formation of a regiment, and Captain Easton was chosen Colonel of the famous "St. Louis Legion." In May, 1846, when Gen. Taylor, after the brilliant battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, appealed to Gen. Gaines for reinforcements, the Legion promptly responded to the requisition of Gen. Gaines. Within three days the regiment was recuited to about nine hundred men, and on its way down the river to Mexico, with Col. Easton in command. The Legion spent the summer at Bureto, on the Rio Grande, far from the theatre of war, and in the fall returned to St. Louis without having participated in any engagements.


Early in the following year a requ1s1tlon for volunteers was made and St. Louis raised a battalion, with Col. Easton in command, and dispatched it southward. The force crossed the plains from Fort Leavenworth to Santa Fe. On arriving at Santa Fe, affairs were found in an extremely unsettled condition, and Col. Easton took the reins as Military Governor and restored order. On being relieved by Gen. Sterling Price, he led his command to Chihauhua, arriving there in March, 1848. The rumors of an armistice then prevailing prevented the battalion from engaging in any military movements, although there was brisk fighting at Santa Cruz, only sixty miles away. Peace having been declared, the regiment was ordered home and was mustered out of the service in Oct. 1848. When the Territory of New Mexico was organized, President Fillmore offered him the secretaryship, but he declined the honor. In 1853 Mr. Fillmore appointed him Assistant Treasurer of the United States, and he retained this office until removed by President Pierce. After the war, Col. Easton was strenuously urged to run for Congress, but declined. From 1860 to 1864, he was a member of the County Court. During his term the Court House was finished and the Insane Asylum was in process of building. From 1861 to 1864 he was Inspector General of the State of Missouri under the celebrated "Order No. 90", which authorized the equipment and maintenance of a body of troops raised in Missouri, under the authority of the Federal Government and bearing allegience thereto, but to be employed exclusively for the defense of the State. In this capacity Col. Easton showed great ability as an organizer, and rendered the Union cause the most indefati­ gable and efficient service, his duties at times leading him into situations of extreme personal peril. In 1873 he was appointed Assessor of Internal Revenue by President Grant, of his own motion and without the customary consultation with the Missouri delegation. Col. Easton held this office until it was legislated out of existence, and soon after that event, was appointed Pension Agent by Presi­ dent Grant, who was still anxious to show his regard for an old and trusted friend. He was often consulted by the President concerning appointments in St. Louis, and his recommendations were usually concurred in. In May, 1875, President Grant tendered to Col. Easton the office of Collector of Internal Revenue, but he did not accept it. At the expiration of his term as Pension Agent, in 1877, he retired to private life, and spent the remainder of his life in the enjoyment of well earned rest. 130

7 5 3 Russella Easton (Rufus6, Joseph , Elijah\ Joseplz , 1 Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Rufus (65) and Alby Abial (Smith) Easton, was b. Nov. 27, 1809, in St. Louis, Mo. Shed. Dec. 1, 1840, in St. Charles, Mo., age 31, and m., April 19, 1832, Hon. Thomas L. Anderson, b. Dec. 8, 1808, in Green Co., Ky., and d. March 6, 1885, at Palmyra, Mo. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


7 Joseph George Easton (Rufus\ Joseph 5, Elijah\ Joseph 3. 1 Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Rufus (65) and Alby Abial (Smith) Easton, was b. March 21, 1812, in St. Louis, Mo. He m. Oct, 9, 1839, Jane Charlotte Smith, at New Haven, Conn., b. Nov.28, 1821,inNewHaven, dau. of Hon. Nathan Smith, U. S. Senator from Conn., and Sarah (McCracken) Smith. Joseph G. Easton d. March 18, 1877, at Hannibal, Mo. His wifed. Oct. 22, 1892, at Hannibal, Mo.

Their children were- RUSSELL . I n· d. · f LANGDON CHEVIS, f ie m l1l ancy. 256 EDWARD BATES, b. Jan. 2, 1844. SARAH, b. --; d. ~•--, age 9. 257 MADORA BARTLETT, b. May 20, 1849. 258 LOUISA GAMBLE, b. Jan. 9, 185r. JOSEPH GEORGE, I · - - f JENNIE JOSEPHINE, I Died m m ancy. 259 MARY SIBLEY, b. Sept. 1, 1863.

Memoranda. Joseph George Easton graduated at Jacksonville College and in the Law Department at Yale College. After practicing for years in the legal profes• sion, he turned his attention to other business for which his legal attainments fitted him. For the last ten years of his life he was the leading member and principal officer of the Banking House of J. G. Easton & Co.

132 Brevet Major-Gen. Langdon7 Chevis Easton (Rufus\ 1 Joseph.5, Elifah4, Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseplz ), son of Rufus (65) 10 and Alby Abial (Smith) Easton, was b. Aug. 1 1814 1 in

St. Louis, Mo., and d. in New York city, April 29 1 1884. He m. Jan. 26, 1848, for first wife, Elizabeth Lloyd Beall Porter, b. Feb. 25, 1827, (widow of Lieut. Theoderick Porter, brother of Admiral D. D. Porter, U.S. Navy,) dau. of Col. Benjamin Lloyd and Elizabeth (Taylor) Beall. Shed. July 23, 1850, Gen. Easton m. June 18, 1861, for second wife, Elizabeth Majors, dau. of Alexander Majors of Nebraska City, Neb. 90 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Children by first wife - 260 MEDORA ABIAL, b. Oct. 26, 1848. 261 ELIZABETH LLOYD, b. July 15, 1850. Children by second wife- JOSEPH GEORGE, b. May 4, 1862, at Nebraska City, Neb. LANGDON CHEVIS, b. Nov. 7, 1863, at Fort Leavenworth, Kas. SUSAN MAJORS, b. Feb. 28, 1867, at Fort Leavenworth, Kas. ALBY WATSON, b. Sept. 15, 1876, at Englewood, N. J.

Memoranda. Gen. Langdon C. Easton entered the U. S. Military Academy at West Point in 1833, graduated in 1838 as zd Lieut., and was assigned to the 6th Infantry. He was promoted to be 1st Lieut. July 23, 1839. He served in the Florida and Mexican, also during the Civil War. He became Assistant Quartermaster, with the rank of Captain, March 3, 1847, and Quartermaster, with the rank of Colonel, Aug. 2, 1864- He was Chief Quartermaster of the Armx of the Cumberland from Dec. 15, 1863, to May 4, 1864, and of the army commanded by Maj. Gen. Sherman, from May 4, 1864, till June 27, 1865, being present during the operations of the campaign from Chattano~ga to Atlanta, a.nd subsequently at the capture of Savannah, on the march from the latter city to Goldsborough, N. C., and thence to Washington, D. C., via Raleigh and Richmond. He acted in the same capacity after the close of the war, and was stationed in Mississippi and Missouri. He was brevetted Lieut.-Colonel, Colonel and Brigadier General, Sept. 17, 1864, for distinguished and important services in the Quartermaster's depart­ ment in the campaign terminating in the capture of Atlanta, Ga., and Major General, March 13, 1865, for meritorious service during the war. He was promoted to be Colonel and Assistant Quartermaster General, June 6, 1872, retiring from active service, June 24, r88r.

133 Alby1 Abial Easton (Rufus6, Joseph5, Eti/ah1, foseph3, 1 Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Rufus ( 6 S) and Alby Abial (Smith) Easton, was b. June 16, 1818, in St. Louis, Mo; d. Feb. 13, 1877, in St. Louis. Shem. at St. Charles, March 25, 1841, James S. Watson, b. Sept. 17, 1·815, who d. Feb. 25, 1889. Residence, St. Louis.

Their children were- RUSSELLA EASTON WATSON, b. Jan. 20, 1842; m. Aug. 9, 1860, William C. Walker, at St. Louis; their children (1) Alby Maria, b. May 18, 1861 ; (2) Etta, b. June 18, 1863; (3) Russella, b. Jan. 18, 1866, d March 29, 1866; (4) James Stewart, b. June 13, 1868; (5)


Willis Collins, b. July 23, r870, d. Nov. 10, 187r; (6) Maurice Alexander, b. Dec. r5, 1873. MARY ALBY WATSON, b. Nov. 20, 1845; m. March 20, 1867, John W. Donaldson, of St. Louis; ch. Alby Easton, b. Nov. g, 1868, who m. Dec. 4, r895, John J. McCarthy. 134

7 5 Sarah Easton ( Rufus 6, Joseph , Elijah 4, Joseph 3, Joseph 2, 1 Joseph ), dau. of Rufus (65) and Alby Abial (Smith) Easton, was b. Oct. 4, 1820, in St. Louis, Mo., and d. --, 1878, m Palmyra, Mo. She m. ---- , Col. Samuel South, of Palmyra. Col. South was cashier Branch Bank of Missouri, at Pal­ myra, Mo. 135 Medora7 Easton (Rufus 6, Joseph 5, Elijah 4, Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph'), dau. of Rufus (65) and Alby Abial (Smith) Easton, was b. Aug. 4, 1823, in St. Louis, Mo., and d. Jan. 23, 1895, in New York city. She m. Oct. 23, 1844, Abner Bartlett, of New York city, who was b. Feb. 27, I818, and d June 1 3, I 894, son of Ivory H. and Betsey (Clark) Bartlett Mr. Abner Bartlett was a merchant, then manager Astor Estate, New York city.

Their children were- GRACE MEDORA BARTLETT, b. Dec. 9, 1845; m. April rr, 1877, Dr. Samuel S. Stryker, Philadelphia. MARY SIBLEY BARTLETT, b. April 3, 1847; m. April 3, 1874, John West Horner, New York city. CORNELIA BARROWS BARTLETT, b. Sept. 20, 1848; m. Oct. 28, 1868, Jonas Butler Kissam, New York city. GEORGE SIBLEY BARTLETT, b. -. EASTON BARTLETT, b. --. ABNER BARTLETT, JR., b .. Feb. 20, 1854; m. Jan. 20, 1883, Elizabeth Menzelli, Newark, N. J. 136

7 3 Henry Clay Easton (Rufus6, Joseph", Eli:fah4, Joseph , 1 Joseph2, Joseph ) son of Rufus (65) and Alby Abial (Smith) 92 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Easton, was b. April 3, 1826, at St. Charles, Mo. He m. Oct. IO, 1849, at St. Louis,Mo., Mary Lucretia Blair. Residence of Henry C. Easton, St. Charles, Mo.

Their children were- LOUISA GAMBLE, b. Sept. 3, 1850; d. Nov. 4, 1851. 262 RUFUS, b. Nov. 8, 1852


5 SamueF Starr Easton (William H. 6, Joseph , Elijah\ 3 1 Joseph , Joseph2, Joseph ), son of William H. (66) and Mary (Kilbone) Easton, was b. Jan.--, 181 I, at Easton Corners, Canada. Hem. --- Lucy McCrea, b. --, 1813, and d. ---, 1891, dau. of Walter McCrea. Samuel Starr Easton was a farmer at Wolford, Ontario, Canada; he d. March --, I 863.

Their children were - PHOEBE, b. --; m. Henry Merrick, ex-M. P. of Merrickville. ANNIE, b. --; m. Starr Merrick. JULIA, b. --; m. John K. West. HENRY ST ARR, b. --; m. Hattie Wait. GEORGE WALTER b. __ . m. J 1st, Rebecca McKi~. ' ' / 2d, Maggie McMartin.


7 5 Elizabeth Easton ( William H. 6, Joseph , Elijalz ', Joseph 3, 2 1 Joseph , Joseplz ), dau. of William Henry (66) and Mary (Kilbone) Easton, was b. ---, 1816, at Easton Corners, Ontario, Canada. Shem. --- in 1839, Joseph McLean. Joseph McLean d. --- Elizabeth McLean d. ---, 1895, Minneapolis, Minn.

Their children were- NILES McLEAN, b. --. MARINUS McLEAN, b. -. MALCOLM McLEAN, b. -. ELIZA McLEAN, b. --. IDA McLEAN, b. -. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 93


7 6 5 Hiram Easton (William H. , .foseph , Elijah•, .Joseph 3, 1 .foseph2, Joseph ), son of William H. (66) and Mary (Kilbone) Easton, was b. Oct. 3d, 1820, at Easton Corners, Ontario, Canada. Hem. Mary Young.

Their children were­ WILLI AM HENRY. MARINUS. RODERICK M. --; d. July, ~, 1897. SIMON. 140 William Henry7 Easton, Jr., ( William H. 6, Joseph 5, Elijah\ 3 Joseph , .1oseph2, Joseph1,) son of William Henry Easton (66) was b. Nov. 3, 1824, at Easton Corners, Ontario, Canada; he d. Aug. 6, 1884, at Easton Corners, and m. Sept. 21, 1852, Hester A. Brown, b. Aug. 21, 1836, dau. of John and Isabella (Goodfellow) Brown. William H. Easton, Jr. was a farmer, Wolford Tp., Ontario. Canada.

Their children were- MARY, b. July 27, 1853; d. Feb. 8, 1888. CHARLES LESLIE, b. Oct. 6, 1856. He is a physician at Smith's Falls, Ont., Canada. GEORGE BYRON, b. June 17, 1861. WILLIAM HENRY, b. Feb. 26, 1867. Pastor (1898) of the M. E. church, Little Falls, Minn. CLARENCE SEYMOUR, b. July 31, 1869.

141 George 1 Easton ( Roderick 6, Joseph 5, Elijah 4, Joseph !1, 1 Josepli2, Joseplt ), son of Roderick (68) and Candace (Baldwin) Easton, was b. Dec. 19, 1812, at Brockville, Canada. Hem, Oct. 5, 1 840, Isabella I. Crawford. Mr. George Easton is Collector of Customs, at Brockville, Ontario, Canada. 94 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Their children were - 263 FRANCES ISABELLA, b. March 24, r842. GEORGE CRAWFORD, b. --. He is a banker and resides at Galt, Canada. MARGARET CANDACE, b. -- ANNIE, b. --- ; m. Nov. r6, r878, E. S. Clouston, a banker, at Mon­ treal, Canada. 142

8 5 Elizabeth Easton (Agis7, Daniel 6, Silas , Timothy', 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, foseph ), dau. of Agis (69) and Mary (Good­ win) Easton, was b. Aug. 9, 1833, in East Hartford, Conn., and m. Aug. r9, 185 r, George Forbes, who d. April 14, 1876. Residence, Burnside, Conn.

Their children were- MARY H. FORBES, b. June 18, 1852; m. Oct. 22, 1874, John H. Burn­ ham, of East Hartford. GEORGE L. FORBES, b. Mayr, 1864. 143

8 5 Katherine Easton (AJ[is7, Daniel6, Silas , Timothy\ 1 Joseph3, foseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Agis (69) and Mary (Good­ win) Easton, was b. Nov. 5, 1836, in East Hartford, Conn., and m. Sept. 15, 1856, Albert Scranton, b. April 18, 1825, in Middletown, Conn., who d. March 19, 1895, the son of William and Martha (Davis) Scranton. Residence of Mrs. Katherine E. Scranton, (1898) Meridan, Conn. Their children were-

HARRIET ]. SCRANTON, b. Aug. 2. 1857; d. June 5, 1894. MARY G. SCRANTON. b. Feb. 22, r86r. BENJAMIN D SCRANTON, b. Jan. 3, 1867; d. Aug. 10, 1893. LEWIS A. SCRANTON, b, April r4, 1871. 144 Virginia 8 Easton (Agis7, Daniel6, Silas 5, Timothy 4, 2 1 loseph3, Joseph , Joseph ), dau. of Agis (69) and Mary (Good- DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 95 win) Easton, was b. Sept. 5, 1841, in East Hartford, Conn., and m. Sept. 28, 1867, for first husband, George Lewis Hobart, b. Oct. 16, 1842,,and d. Aug. 4, 1877, son of David Hobart. Their child was- LEWIS PARSONS HOBART, b. Jan. 14, 1873. Resides in New York city (r898). Mrs. Virginia (Easton) Hobart m. June 2, 1886, for second husband, Rev. Frank H. Church, Rector of St. Luke's (P. E.) Memorial Church, Tacoma; Wash. (1898). 145

1 6 5 FrancesB Louisa Easton, (Agis , Daniel , Silas , Timothy;, 3 1 Joseph , Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Agis (69) and Frances (Robinson) Easton, was b. May 24, 1853, in East Hartford, Conn., and m. Sept. 16, 1875, Richard Birch, b. Aug. 30. 1853, in Shropshire, England, son of John and Mary Birch. Richard Birch is a plumber; residence, East Hartford, Conn. Their children were--

HERBERT RICHARD BIRCH, b. July 4, 1876; m. Nov. 20, 1894, Jennie Lewis, b. Dec. 27, 1878, dau. of John C. and Julia Lewis; ch. Richard Lewis, b. July 16, 1895. FRANCES LOUISA BIRCH, b. March 10, 1878. CLAKA VIRGINIA BIRCH, b. May 7, 1879; d. Jan. 3, 1885. MARY AGNES BIRCH, b. Nov. 9, 1882. DOROTHY BIRCH, b. June II, r890. 146 Clarence 8 DeWitt Easton, (Agis7, Daniel", Silas'', 1 Timothy"-, Joseph3, Joseph2, loseph ) son of Agis (69) and Frances (Robinson) Easton, was b. Jan. 29, 1856, in East Hartford, Conn., and m. Feb. 19, 1879, Ella A. Fay, b. May 30, 1859, dau. of Cordan E. and Esther (Leaming) Fay. Mr. Easton is a farmer; resides at Burnside, Conn

Their children were-

S USIE FAY, b. March 20, 1881. HAROLD, b. Aug. 5, 1883; d. Aug. 12, 1894. 96 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

BESSIE LOUISE, b. Dec. 26, 1887. CHARLES HUGO, b. Sept. 20, 1886. ESTHER MARGUERITE, b. Feb. 23, 1896.


8 5 Alexander Dorrance Easton, (Norman1, Norman6, Si!as , 1 Timothy4, Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Norman, Jr., (71) and Ann (White) Easton, was b. April 3, 1837, in Brooklyn, N. Y., and m. Sept. 27, 1865, Mary Anna Davol, b. Sept. 29, 1844, dau. of Stephen and Sarah F. (Chase) Davol. Mr. Easton is a cotton broker; resides at Fall River, Mass.

Their children were- HARRIET BRADFORD, b. Mayr, 1868. NORMAN SALISBURY, b. Sept. 28, 1871. ALICE FREEBORN, b. Sept. 16, 1875.

148 Mary8 Elizabeth Easton (Norman7, Norman\ Silas", 1 Timothy\ Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Norman, Jr. (7 I) and Ann H. (White) Easton, was b. Sept. 28, 1840, in Brook­ lyn, N. Y., and m. Jan. 21, 1864, Jesse F. Eddy, b. July 27, 1836, and d. Aug. 6, 1889; son of John and Huldah (Larkin) Eddy. Residence, New Rochelle, N. Y.

Their children were - ELIZABETH EASTON EDDY, b. Jan. 23, 1868; d. March 22, 1868. LOUISE LARKIN EDDY, b. April 2, 1869; d. Sept. 26, 187r. GERTRUDE EDDY, b. Nov, 26, 1873.

149 James D. 8 Easton(Michael 1 P., Norman6, James 5 ,Joseph4, 3 Joseph , Joseph2, Joseph'), son of Michael P. (72) and Sally (Raymond) Easton, was b. Oct. 5, 1816, in Gorham, Ontario County, N. Y., and d, July 8, 1895, in Monroeville, Ohio. He m, Oct. 12, 1848, Jane Barker, b. Oct. i:5, 1819, in DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 97

Scipio, Cayuga Co., N. Y., who d. March 15 1 1895; dau. of Abraham and Lydia Barker. Residence, Monroeville, Ohio. Their children were- IDA S., b. Oct. 6, 1853; unmarried (1897); resides at Los Angeles, Cal. 264 JOHN PERRY, b. Dec. 6, 1855.

150 John C. 8 Easton (Michael P.' Norman 6, lames°, Joseph\ 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Michael, P. (72) and Sally {Raymond) Easton, was b. Oct. 5, 1816, in Gorham, Ontario Co., N. Y., and d. Aug. 3, 1898, in Paris, Texas. Hem. Oct. 6, 1844, Selah Ann Estes, in Louisville, Ky., dau. of E. W. and M. H. Estes. John C. Easton has held the office of Judge of the Supreme Court of Texas, and Internal Revenue Collector for Arizona, and at time of his demise, U. S. Commissioner for Eastern District of Texas. Their child - 265 EUGENE, b. March 22, 1846. 151

5 Giles Cowdin\ (Eunice\ iVorman6, Janzes , Joseph', 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Josef ft ), son of Eunice Easton (73) and Craig Cowdin, was b. Jan. I, 1814, and m. Oct. 7, 1840, Mary Ann Webster, b. Feb. 11, 1818, who d. Dec. r, 1889, dau. of James A. and Orpah (Curtis) Webster. Their children were- CHLOE ADELA.ID COWDIN, b. Oct. 4, 1842; m. C. A. Ward, Buffalo, N. Y. CRAIG NAT COvVDIN, b. Dec. 20, 1844; m., no children. Resides at North Java, Wyoming Co., N. Y. ELIZABETH BELL COWDIN, b. June 28, 1846; m. Sept. 30, 1862, E. B. Norton, North Platte, Neb. JAMES RAE COWDIN b. Nov. 7, 1853; resides at Eaton, Col. FLORIDA LEWELLA COWDIN, b. July 25, 1851; m. Oct. 25, 1869, F. L. Chapin, San Jose, Cal. CHARLES ATHERTON COWDIN, b. Oct. 7, r856. 7 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


8 6 5 Ophelia Easton ( Calvin 7, Norman , James , Joseph 4, 3 2 1 Joseph , Joseph , Joseph ), dau. of Calvin ( 7 4) and Charlotte (Newman) Easton, was b. May 9, 1822, in Milford, Pa. She m. Dec. 31, 1845;Andrew J. Brodhead, b. May 14, 1822, son of Garret and Cornelia (Dingham) Brodhead. Residence of Andrew J. Brodhead in I 897 is Flamington, Hunterdon Co., N. J. He is a railroad contractor, and a nephew of Richard Brodhead, deceased, who was U. S. senator from Pennzylvania. Their children were- 266 CALVIN EASTON BRODHEAD, b. Dec. 27, 1846. 267 GARRET BRODHEAD, b. Feb. 1r, 1848. 268 JOHN ROMEYN BRODHEAD, b. June II, 1849. 269 JAMES EASTON BRODHEAD, b. Feb. 22, 1851. 270 ANDREW DOUGLASS BRODHEAD, b. Aug. 17, r853. CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH BRODHEAD, b. Dec. 11, 1855; m. Oct. 5, 1887, Franklin Clark Burle No cb. 271 JEAN STRUTHERS BRODHEAD, b. Nov. 21, 1857. 272 ROBERT PACKER BRODHEAD, b. Oct. 12, r861. 273 EMILY LINDERMAN BRODHEAD, b. June 1, 1862. 274 RICHARD HENRY BRODHEAD, b. Nov. 4, 1864.


8 5 James Easton ( Calvin 7, Norman 6, James , Joseph", 1 Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Calvin (74) and Charlotte (Newman) Easton, was b. Jan. 15, 1824, in Milford, Pike Co., Pa., and m. Feb. 24, 1849, Hannah Elizabeth Corwin, b. Jan. 20, 1832, dau. of Horton and Jane (Wheat) Corwin. James Easton is a merchant. Resides at Otisville, N. Y. Their children were- 275 NELLIE R., b. Nov, 21, 1849. 276 THOMAS HORTON, b. Jan. 25, 1853. ADA. b. Feb. 23, 1855; d. March 26, 1856.

lvfemoranda. The subject of this sketch, James Easton, was born at Milford, Pa., on Jan. 15, 1824. He was the son of Calvin and Charlotte (Newman) Easton. His grandfather, Thomas Newman, moved on a farm twelve miles below


Milford, in the Delaware valley, in the spring of r825. The parents of James Easton accompanied him, and in December, 1826, Calvin Easton died at Milford, where he was engaged in teaching school. After the death of his father, James Easton lived with his grandfather, until the spring of 1839. His education was obtained in the common schools of that period, and they were not of the best. His first school days, in the summer of r829, were passed in a log house on the farm of Dr. John J. Linder­ man,_ in what is now Lehman Township. The teacher was Mrs. Maria Seaman, a sister of Richard Brodhead, who afterwards became U. S. senator from Pa. His last winter in school was at what is now Walpack Center, N. J., his grandfather having moved there in the spring of r833. His home in this State was on the banks of the Delaware river, in Walpack Township, directly opposite to the farm on which he first lived. Moses Van Gorden married Mrs. Charlotte Easton in 1834, and in March, 1839, James Easton left school and during the summer he worked on his stepfather's farm. In the fall of the same year he left the farm and entered the store of T. J. Newman, at Maple Grove, Pa., where he remained until June, 1841, when he engaged as clerk in the store of J. C. Bevans, at Sandi­ ston, Sussex Co., N. J. In the spring of 1845 he left the store and served an apprenticeship of three years at the trade of a millwright, with Webb Wallace. After completing his term he worked as a journeyman for one year. On Fe):,. 24, 1849, he married Hannah Elizabeth Corwin. In June, 1850, he removed with his family to Duukirk, N. Y., where he was at the opening of the Erie railroad in May, 1851. In the fall of r85r he came to Howells Depot, and in October, r855, opened a country store in partnership with H. Bevans, with the firm name of Easton and Bevans. He continued in business with fair success until r86r, when the partner­ ship was dissolved. In 1863 James Easton removed to East Saginaw, Michigan, and remained there one year, when he decided that Orange Co. N. Y., was good enough for him, and so came to Otisville, where he owned a storehouse. On April 15, 1864, he commenced business. In May, 1884, his store was burned, but he immediately rebuilt, and is still in business at the same place. James Easton has won the respect of friends and enemies alike by his uncompromising honesty and straightforwardness. In business affairs his advice is sought by many, marked, as it is, by sagacity and fairness. In politics he has been a life-long Democrat. His character is a very decided one, and he is fearless of speech, never hesitating to speak his convictions, even if such expression injures his business interests. He makes a good friend, for, once having made up his mind about a person, nothing can alter his devotion, except actual unworthiness in the object of it. Like most men of firm and decided character, he makes a good hater as well as a good lover, but he would not willingly injure an enemy. He has been very fortunate in his home relations, his wife being of the kind praised by Solomon in the Book of Proverbs, and his devotion to the interests of those whose natural protector he is, will serve as an example to those who follow him. ANNIE E. 0. KAUFMANN. April 22, 1898. IOO DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


Julias A. Tyler (Caroline7, Norman", James", Joseph', 3 1 Joseph , Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Caroline Easton (75) and Jehiel Tyler, was b. April 2, 1839, in Green Co., N. Y., and d. Aug. 19, 1878, in East Durham, N. Y. She m. Aug. 27,. 1862, Elias B. Earl, b. April I 1, 1838, son of Moses B. Earl, Residence, East Durham, Green Co., N. Y.

Their children were- HELEN P. EARL, b. Sept. 30, r864, in East Durham ; m. Oct. 7, r891. Dr. Frank Reed Howdle of Chicago, Ill. Their ch., Harmon Barrett. b. Feb. 20, 1894, and Marjorie May, b. Aug. 23, 1896. MARCUS R. EARL, b. Jan. 19, r868. LAZELLE EASTON EARL, b. May 18, 1875.


Davids Augustus Easton (Brewster; G., Brewster6 G., 5 3 2 1 Eliphalet , Joseph', Joseph , Joseph , Joseph ,) son of Brewster G. (78) and Sophronia H. (Farrin Larrabee), was b. Aug. IO, 1843, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He m. Dec. 7, 1869, Margaret Ellen Corser, b. March 27, 1845, at Portland, Me., dau. of Solomon Taft and Margaret Fairbanks Corser. Rev. David A. Easton, d. March I, 1894, at Cambridge. Mass. Mrs. Margaret Easton ( 1898) is a resident of Cambridge, Mass.

Their child- EMMA GOULD, b. March r, 1872.


Rev. David A. Easton was a Congregational Minister from 1869 to r88o; banker and member N. Y. Stock Exchange from r88o to 1893. The change from the ministry to business was made on account of his health. Pastor of the First Church of Christ, (Scientist) Boston, r893-4. His ministerial work was very successful. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. IOI


6 5 Lemuel s James Easton (Lemuel7, Ashbe/ , Lemuel , 4 1 Samue/ , Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Lemuel (79) and Rebecca (Pomeroy) Easton, was b. March 28, 1819, in East Hartford, Conn. Hem. --- , Alvira Bills, b. about r823, dau. of Cyrus and Charlotte Bills. Lemuel J. Easton was a cigar maker; died at Southwick, Mass., Aug. 26, 1875.

Their children were - \ SARAH JANE. b. Dec. 28, 1841. 2 77 ( ELLEN ALVIRA, b. Sept. II, 1844. 278 GEORGE A., b. Jan. 23, 1846. 279 CHARLES C., b. April 2, 1852.


James D. 8 Easton (lulius1, As/zbel6, Lemuel5, Samuel4, Joseph3, Joseph 2, Joseph1,) son of Julius (Sr) and Artimi_sia (Manchester) Easton, was b. Nov. 27; 1818, in Manlius, Onondaga Co., N. Y. Hem. May 20, 1848, Maroa Rickard, b. Jan. 28, 1827, dau. of Peter and Eunic:e (Hotchkiss) Rickard. James D. Easton is a retired farmer; resides at Medina, Ohio. No Children. 158

8 7 6 5 Maria L. Easton ( Julius , Ashbel , Lemuel , Samuet•, 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Julius ( 8 1) and Artimisia \Manchester) Easton, was b. Oct. 20, 1820, in Manlius, Onon­ dagu Co., N. Y. Shem. Jan. 24, r838, Daniel Miller, of Guilford, Ohio, who was b. May 13, 1815, son of Jacob and Amy (Dix) Miller. Daniel Miller was a farmer; d. Jan. 19, 1897, Guilford, Ohio. Maria L. Millerd. April 28, 1853, at Montville, Ohio. 102 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Their children were- MARY L. MILLER, b. Dec. 26, 1838; m. Dec. 29, 1859, R. C. Fenn, Medina, Ohio. ELLEN M. MILLER, b. Dec, II, 1841; m. Nov. 24, 1864, W. A. Brazell, Ottawa, Kansas. DELOS G. MILLER, b. Dec. IO, 1843. HENRY E. MILLER, b. Jan. 17, 1846. JULIUS E. MILLER, b. Aug. 24, 1849. SARAH A. MILLER, b. Dec. IO, 1851; m. Sept. 3, 1883, A. B. Bieler. Ottawa, Kansas. WILLIE R. MILLER, b. July 25, 1854. ETTIE E. MILLER, b. Sept. 2, 1856; m. March 24, 1880, Charles Beedle, Medina, Ohio. JENNIE B. MILLER, b. May 5, 1862 ; m. March ro, 1886, H. A. Paull, Medina, Ohio. 159 Caroline 8 Easton (Julius 7, Ashbel6, Lemuel 6, Samuel', 1 Joseph3, Josep}z2, Joseph ), dau. of Julius (81) and Artimisia (Manchester) Easton, was b. in Manlius, Onondaga Co., N. Y., Aug. 15, 1822. Shem. Aug. 25, 1846, Riley Potter Wilson, b. Aug. 3, 1823, son of David and Abigail Wilson. Riley P. Wilson was a lecturer and author. Residence, New York city. He d. April 23, 1892. Caroline, his wife, d. Nov. 7, 1880, Youngstown, Ohio.



8 5 Lucius A. Easton (Jul£us7, Ashbel6, Lemuel , Samuel\ 1 Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Julius (81) and Artimisia (Manchester) Easton, was b. Nov. 15, 1824, in Manlius, N. Y. He m. Oct. 12, 1853, Martha J. Earll, b. Feb. 20, 1830; she d. Feb. 22, 1886, dau. of Artimas and Anny Earll. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 103

Lucius A. Easton a farmer, resides at Guilford, Medina Co., Ohio. Their children were- ARTIE ANN, b. Sept, 18, 1854; m. Feb. 25, 1895, M. 0. Fahey, Guilford, Ohio. FRED S. b. Oct. 25, 1855; d. Nov. 15, 1888.


8 5 Harriet Easton (Julius7, Ashbel6, Lemuel , Samuel\ 3 1 Joseph , Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Julius (8 r) and Artimisia (Manchester) Easton, was b. Sept. 25, 1831; she m. June 14, 1854, Albert Munson, b. Aug. 8, 1829, son of Lyman and Nancy (Porter) Munson. Mr. Albert Munson is an attorney, resides (1898) at Medina, Ohio. Their children were- CORA E. MUNSON, b. Feb. ro, 1857. LYMAN E. MUNSON, b. March 3, 1862.


8 5 Giles M. Easton (Julius7, Ashbel6, Lemuel , Samuel", 1 Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Julius (81) and Artimisia (Manchester) Easton, was b. July 22, 1833, in Manlius, Onondaga Co., N. Y.; hem. Dec. 9, 1858, Mary Caughey, b. Aug. 29, 1834, dau. of James and Jemima Caughey. Giles M. Easton is a farmer, resides ( 1898) at Guilford, Medina Co., Ohio. Their child -

JULIUS JAY, b. June 21, 1863; d. Feb. 9, 1898.


8 7 Henry A. Easton ( Oli11er , Ashbel6, Lemuel", Samuel', 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Oliver (82) and Nancy (Clapp) Easton, was b. Sept. 10, 18 I 7, in Suffield, Conn.; hem. April 11, 1841, Susanna Tillotson, b. Nov. 30, 1823. ' ro4 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Henry A. Easton d. Aug. 1, 1876, in Windsor Locks, Conn. Susanna Easton d. Oct. I4, 1872, in Westfield, Mass. Their children were- 280 CHARLES H., b. April 21, 1843. MARYE., b. June 1, 1845; d. March 26, 1851. 281 EMMA, b. March 16, 1846. SUSANNA, b. June-, 1849; d. July 4, 1849. IDA F., b. April, 1853; d. Sept. 16, 1853. GEORGE, b. Aug. 1, 1854; d. Aug. 13, 1854. ARTHUR H., b. April, 1856; d. Sept. 7, 1856. ALFRED, b. June, 1857; d. Oct. 6, 1857. FREDDIE, b. March, 1860; d. Aug. 7, 1860. 282 WILLIS WALTER, b. Nov. 27, 1859. HATTIE, b. June 15, 1862; d. Feb. 6, 1871.


5 Ashbel8 Easton ( Oliver 7, Ashbel6, Lemuel , Samuel', 3 1 Joseph , Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Oliver (82) and Nancy (Clapp, Easton, was b. May 3, 1819, in Suffield, Conn. He m. May 20, 1846, Lucretia Rogers, b. Nov. 21, 1828, dau. of Richard D. and Samantha Rogers. Ashbel Easton a farmer at Suffield, Conn.

Their children were- 283 MARY I., b. June 28, 1847. EDGAR M., b. Aug. 25, 1851; d. Oct. 7, 1878. He m. Dec. 24, 1876. Clara Van Gelder. 165 Oliver8 Easton Jr. ( Oliver 7, Ashbel6, Lemuel 5, Samuel', 3 1 Joseph , Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Oliver (82) and Nancy (Clapp) Easton, was b. Feb. 11, 1821. and d. Oct. I, 1862. He m. Oct, I 8, I 847, for first wife Sabrina Leonard; she d. Hem. for second wife Charlotte Hall, Nov. 22, 1850, who was b. Sept. 25, 1829, dau. of Moses and Alice (Wells) Hall, of Brookfield, Mass. Residence of Mrs. Charlotte Easton ( 1 898) \,Vindsor, Conn.

Children of Oliver and Charlotte- 284 ISADORE, b. Aug. 18, 1854. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 105

FRANK, b. April 6, 1856; d. Nov. tz, r857. HARRIET, b. Oct. 20, 1858; d. Nov. 12, 1858. 285 WILFRED, b. Dec. 31, 186L 286 OLIVER, l>. Feb. 3, r863. 166 Albert8 Easton ( Oliver7, Ashbel6, Lemuel", Samuel', Joseph\ 1 Joseph2,Joseph ), son of Oliver (82) and Nancy (Clapp) Easton, was b. July 4, 1825. Hem. Feb. - 1855, EmmaC. Osborn, b. Dec. 30, 1833, Windsor, Conn. Their children were- 287 WILLIAM A., b. Dec. 4, 1855. 288 JOHN B. b. Sept. 19, 1860. 167 Francis8 Easton (Oliver7, Ashbel6, Lemuel", Samuel', 1 Joseph3, Joseplt2, Joseph ), son of Oliver (82) and Nancy (Clapp) Easton, was b. July 1, 1827, in Suffield, Conn. He m. Feb. 2, 1852, Mary Jane Card, b. April 3, 1832, dau. of Charles and Mercy (Perry) Card, of Lebanon, Conn. Mrs. Francis Easton (1898) resides in Hartford, Conn. Their children were- ADA, b. April r8, 1853; d. in infancy. IDA BELL, b. Sept. 5, 1860; d. in infancy. FRANK, b. Aug. 18, 1866; unmarried.

168 Alonzo8 Easton (Oliver', Ashbe/6, Lemuel", Samuel', Joseph", 2 1 Joseph , Joseph ), son of Oliver (82) and Nancy (Clapp) Easton, was b. Sept. 23, 1829, in Suffield, Conn. Hem. Oct. 17, 1860, Fanny E. Butler, b. Jan. 19, 1840, who d. March 17, 1885, dau. of William and Jennett (Ensign) Butler, of \Nindsor Locks, Conn. Alonzo Easton ( 1 898) resides at Hartford, Conn. Their children were - BERTHA L.. b. Jan. 1, 1862; m. Sept. 26, 1895, Robert T. Alcorn. ARTHUR, b. July 10, r864; unmarried. 106 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

169 Celia8 A. Easton ( Oliver 7, Ashbel6, Lemuel°, Samuel\ 3 1 Joseph , Joseph2, Joseph ) dau. of Oliver (82) and Nancy (Clapp) Easton, was b. Aug. 24, I 83 l, in Suffield, Conn.; she m. Sept. 22, 1850, Joseph W. Wallace, Suffield, Conn.

Their children were- ORDELLA WALLACE, b. Dec. 24, 1851. MILTON WALLACE, b. Nov. 19, 1854. ROBERT WALLACE, b. Oct. 14, 1856. HERBERT WALLACE, b. July 27, r86o. GEORGE E. WALLACE, b. Feb. 27, 1864.

170 Emeline8 Easton (Oliver1, Ashbel6, Lemuel", Samuel\ 1 Josepl-t3, Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Oliver (82) and Nancy (Clapp) Easton, was b. Feb. r I, 1836, in Suffield, Conn. She m. April 3, 1859, Thomas Jefferson McKenzie, b. Nov. I 5, 1835, in Ellicott City, Md., son of Evan and Eliza McKenzie. Mr. McKenzie d. July 27, 1894. Mrs. McKenzie's resi­ dence, Hartford, Conn.

Their children were- FRANK F. McKENZIE, h. Feb. 15, r86o. NANNIE E. McKENZIE. b. April 8, 1863. HATTIE L. McKENZIE, b. Aug. r8, 1865; m. June 16, r888, Mr. Merryman, of Baltimore, Md. CHARLES H. McKENZIE, b. Feb. 16, 1867; d. Oct. 12, 1890. CARLTON McKENZIE, b. June 9, 1876.

171 William8 Wait Easton ( Wait7, James6, Lemue/5, Samuel\ 1 foseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Wait (85) and Phoebe (Hastings) Easton, was b. July 8, 1813, in Southwick, Mass. Hem. March 31, 1835, Mary E. Phelps, b. Oct. 2, 1816; she d. April 11, 1840. Mr. Easton m. Nov. 1, 1841, for second wife Margaret M. Bagg, b. May 5, 1822. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 107

William Wait Easton d. July 6, 1898. Margaret M. Easton d. Feb. 24, 1898. Residence, Southwick, Mass.

Child by first wife-

SHERMAN, b. Oct. 20, 1836; d. Dec. 20, 1836.

Children by second wife- 289 ELLEN ELMA, b. Mayr, 1843. 290 LUTHER WAIT. b. Aug. 30, 1846. EMILY SILVIRA, b. July 12, 1848; d. Aug. 7, 1866. MARTAIN, b. April 5, 1852; d. Aug. 30, 1855. ALVIN, b. April 29, 1854; d. Dec. 28, 1859. 291 JAMES HALE, b. Sept. 12, 1861.

172 Oliver8 Hastings Easton ( Wait7, James 6, Lemuel", Samuet•, 1 foseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), was b. Aug. 13, 1817, in Southwick, Mass., son of Wait (85) and Phoebe (Hastings) Easton. He m. Sept. 15, 1840, Emeline Maria Brace, b. Oct. 28, 1818, dau. of Manning and Lucy (Webster) Brace. Oliver H. Easton d. July 28, 1894.

Their child - 292 MORTON W., b. Aug. 18, 1841.


5 Jamess Easton ( Wait1, James 6, Lemuel , Samuel\ Joseph 3, 1 foseph2, .foseph ), son of Wait (85) and Phoebe (Hastings) Easton, was b. Oct. 3, 1819, in Southwick, Mass. He m. Dec. 2, 1841, Lucinda Herrick, b. Dec. 15, 1822, who d. Sept. 17, 1885. Their residence was North Adams, Mass. James Easton in 1898, lives with his son Carroll W., at Hoosick Falls, N. Y.

Their children were- 293 ANNA C., b. Aug. 3, 1843. -i94 CARROLL W., b. Oct. 19, 1845. 295 MARYE., b. May 16, 1848. ADELAIDE S., b. Jan. 31, 1850; d. Dec. 26. 1850. 108 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


8 3 Lois Easton (Wait1, James6, Lemuel5, Samue/4, loseph , 1 Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Wait (85) and Phoebe (Hastings) Easton, was b. March 10, 1822, and d. Dec. 'r, 1884. She m. for first husband Levi Humason Oct. l, 1840, who d. Dec. 26, 1853. She m. for second husband George W. Taylor, Sept. 12, 1858. Children of Lois and Levi Humason- 296 EDWIN LEVI HUMASON. b. July 14, 1841. PHOEBE LOIS HUMASON, b. March 26, 1843; unmarried. ELLA CANDACE HUMASON, b. Nov. 6, 1844; m. 1st, Jan. 16, 1868, Charles C. Henry, who d March 18. 1871; m. 2d, Rev. John S. Orr, Sept. 24, 1893; no children. 297 JAMES K. HUMASON, b. March 7. 1847. 298 HEMAN RANDOLPH HUMASON, b. Sept. 14, 1848. 299 CHARLES HENRY HUMASON, b. Aug.' 7, 1850. 300 JANE ELIZABETH HUMASON, b. Aug. 19, 1852, GEORGE HUMASON, b. Jan. 3r, 1854.

Child by second husband, Taylor- FREDINELLE TAYLOR, b. Feb. 20. 1866; d. May 3, 1891; m. in Boston Feb. rz, r888, Mamie F. O'Neil, had two children. 175 Candace 8 Easton ( Wait1, James 6, Lemue/5, Samue/4, Joseph'\ 1 Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Wait (85) and Phoebe (Hastings) Easton, was b. March 20, 1824, in Southwick, Mass., and d. Oct. 12, 1881. Shem. May 17, 1848, William B. Stanley. Residence, Suffield, Conn. Their children were- 301 SANFORD L. STANLEY, b. Aug. 30, 1854. JENNIE STANLEY, b. - 302 FR·ANCIS W. STANLEY, b. May 17, 1863. 176 Andrew 8 J. Easton ( Wait7, James", Lemue/5,, Smnue/4, 1 Joseph3, foseph2, Joseph ), son of Wait (85) and Phoebe (Hastings) Easton, was b. Oct. 17, 1827, in Southwick, Mass. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 109

He m. Sept. 24, 185 1, Mary E. Moore, dau. of William C. Moore. Shed. Dec. 24, 1898. Andrew J. Easton' s residence, Suffield, Conn.

Their child~ 303 ADDIE SOPHIA, b. July 3, 1859.

177 Adelinei M. Easton (Clzauncy7, James", Lemuel°, Samuel', foseplz 3, Joseplz 2, loseplz '), dau. of Chauncy (86) and Mary (Ensign) Easton, was b. Feb. 27, 1825, in Southwick, Mass. Shem. April 18, 1841. Aaron Lee Hays.

Their children were--

GEORGE A. HAYS, b. Jan. 2, 1842; m. Nov. 6, r867, Adeline E. Fisk, of Chester, Mass. HEMAN S HAYS, b. Oct. u, 1843; d. in infancy. HENRIETTA M. HAYS, b. Jan. 15, 1846; m. Aug. 30, 1872, John M. Stewert, Cleveland, Ohio. JAMES F. HAYS, b. May 1, 1848; m. March 18, 1874, Frances Phelps. AARON C. HAYS, b. April 12, 1850; m. Jan. r, 1872, Esther Smith. ISAAC G. HAYS, b. Sept. r, 1851; m. Nov. 24, 1876, Carrie J. Jenkins, Westfield, Mass. CARLOS A. HAYS. b. March ro, 1855; m. April 29, 1887, Myra Corness. 178

6 4 Isaacs Ensign Easton ( Chauncy", James , Lemuel", Samuel , 3 2 1 J oseplz , Joseph Joseplz ), son of Chauncy (86) and Mary (Ensign) Easton, was b. Dec. 27, r'827, in Southwick, Mass. Hem. July 5, 1852, Sybil L. Chapin, at Chicopee, Mass., b. Nov. 2, 1828, who d. June 2, 1898, dau. of Bela and Roxana Chapin. Isaac E. Easton is a carpenter and farmer, resides at Granby, Mass.

Their children were- ARTHUR ENSIGN, b. July 26, 1854; unmarried. 304 HERBERT LESLIE, b. Oct. 25, 1855. IDA MARY R., b. Nov 16, 1856; unmarried. 305 EDWARD CHAUNCY, b. Oct. 8, 1858. I I 0 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

WILLIS IRVING, b. April 5, 1860; d. Aug. 7, 1560. 306 SUSAN EVERLINE, b. June 23, 1862. AMY ISABELL, b. Dec, 23, 1870; unmarried.

179 Elsies Easton (Samuel7, Samuel\ Samucl5, Samuel', 3 1 Joseph , Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Samuel (87) and Fanny (Ives) Easton, was b. Feb. I, 18 I I, in Hillsdale, N. Y ., and m. Sept. 21, 183 l, Albert S. Ewing, b. Oct. 23, 1810, son of John Ewing, of Vermont. They resided in Mt. Morris and Rochester, N. Y. Albert S. Ewing d. Sept. 29, 1883. Elsie his wifed. July 2 5, r 884, both buried in Greenwood Cemetery, New York City.

Their children were- MARY M. EWING, b. Feb. 12, 1833; d. - 1893, in New York City; m. July 20, 1853, Daniel Brown. 307 CYNTHIA A. EWING, b. Dec. 13, 1836. ALBERT STARR EWING, b. Aug. 23, 1837; killed at the battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864. JULIA A. EWING, b. May 5, 1840; unmarried. EMMA A. EWING, b. March 1, 1842; d. - 1893, in New York City; m. July 15, 1863, Perrin Sumner. FRANCES EWING, b. June 11, 1845; d. March 15, 1846. JUSTUS E. EWING, b. Dec. 3, 1851; m. June - 1871, Minnie Calahan, New York City. Memoranda. Albert and Elsie Ewing lived for a time in Mt. Morris, N. Y., afterward in Rochester. He was in early life a school teacher, afterwards a merchant. They were noted for their hospitality and their lives for good works.

180 Harvey 8 Starr Easton ( Samuel 7, Samuel", Samuel5, 3 1 Samuel4, Joseph , Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Samuel (87) and Fanny (Ives) Easton, b. at Palatine, N. Y., April 27, 1817; hem. Eliza Banks, of Yates Co., N. Y. Harvey S. Easton d. May 18, 1892, in Penn Yan, N. Y. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. I I 1

. Their child - E. A. EASTON, b. Oct. zu, 1847; d. April 17, 1870; m. Calvin P. Bliss, of Oil City Penn., 1865, who d. - 1880.

Memoranda. Harvey Easton was a successful merchant and farmer, a very careful business man, industrious and economical. Known in Penn Yan, where he resided for fifty years, as Deacon Easton, of the Methodist church.

181 Ansel 8 Ives Easton (Samuel1, Samuel6, Samuel5, Samuel\ 1 loseph 3, Joseplt 2, Joseph ), son of Samuel ( 87) and Fanny (Ives) Easton, was b. in Mt. Washington, Columbia Co., N. Y., March 19, r819. Hem. Aug. 20, 1857, Adeline Mills, sister of D. 0. Mills, dau. of James and Hannah (Ogden) Mills. Ansel I. Easton d. Aug. 22, 1868, in San Francisco. Adeline Mills Easton (1898) resides at San Mateo, Cal. Their children were-

308 ANSEL MILLS, b. May 22, 1865, in San Francisco. 309 JENNIE ELLA MARINE, b. June 21, 1858.

Memoranda. Ansel L Easton, in 1847, was keeping the Croton Hotel, New York City. He came to San Francisco in 1850 and engaged in the laundry business, also the making of mattresses for the Pacific Mail S. S. Co., and accumulated a fortune of $100,000 182

8 6 Asahel Samuel Easton (Samue/7, Samuel , Samuel", 1 Samuel\ Joseplz\ Josep!z\ foseplz ), son of Samuel (87) and Fanny (Ives) Easton, was b. Aug. 16, 182 I, in Hillsdale, N. Y. Hem. first, Georgietta Tilton, at San Bruno, Cal., June 25, 1862. She d. Feb. 23, 1878; m. second, Mary Thompson. Asahel S. Easton d. Feb. 2 I, r 886, in San Mateo, Cal. No children. Memoranda. Asahel S. Easton spent his boyhood in the family of W. E. Dodge, gov­ ernor of New York. He was a good surveyor, a superior mathematician, settled street grades of San Francisco in 1854, when city engineer, made map I I 2 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

of State of Jndiana in 1844 for the government, received good pay for his services. Paid for the education of his brother Giles A. and sister Fanny at the Seminary. 183 Denison 8 Mitchell Easton (Samuel 7, Sarnuel6, Samuel5, 1 Samuel 4, Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Samuel (87) and Fanny (Ives)Easton,wasb.in.Hillsdale, N. Y.,Sept. 25, 1823; hem. at Rockport, Mass., March 25, 1851, Mary Lyle, b. Feb. 18, 1829, in Devonshire, England, dau. of Rev. George and Mary Lyle. Denison M. Easton resides at Arcola, N. J. ( I 898).

Their children were- 310 MARY ELLA, b. Jan. 25, 1854, in Manchester, Mass. 311 EDWARD DENISON, b. April ro, 1856, in Gloucester. 312 FANNY IVES, b. June 20, 1860, in Brooklyn, N. Y.

184 Rev. Giles 8 Alexander Easton (Samuel1, Samuel 6, Samuel", 1 Samuel', Joseph~, Joseplt 2, Joseph ), son of Samuel (87) and Fanny (Ives) Easton, was b. May 25, 1829, in Western Oneida Co., N. Y. Hem. Nov. 30, 1864, in Grace church, San Francisco, Mary Esther Gushee, b. in New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 12_, 1 842, dau. of Horace Gushee and Esther Johnson Eastman. Horace Gushee was of Huguenot descent. His father, rector for fifty-five years of a Church at Dighton, Mass.; his mother Bathsheba, dau. of Rev. Samuel Tobey, pastor of a church at Berkeley, Mass. Residence of Rev. Giles A. Easton, 1898, Berkeley, Cal.

Their children were - 313 KIMBAL GUSHEE, b. Sept. 25, 1865, in San Francisco. BERKELEY, b. Jan. 2, 1868, in San Francisco. 314 MARY ELIZABETH, b. Jan. 14, 1870. STANLEY ALEXANDER, b. April 7, 1873, in San Francisco. ROBERT EASTMAN, b. Sept. 15, 1875, in San Francisco. Memoranda. Rev. Giles A. Easton was left an orphan at the early age of six years; his parents both died March, 1835, leaving a young family of ten children. In DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. I I 3

1845 he became a clerk for Goodrich & Easton, at Penn Yan, N. Y. In 1846, they removed to Milwaukee, Wis., and young Giles went with them. His health became impaired with malarial fever (fever and ague) and he soon returned east to Gouverneur, N. Y., where some cousins of his father (the Van Burens) resided. From there he went to \Vest Martinsburgh, where, under the skillful nursing of his kind aunt, Olive Easton, (mother of J. C. E.) he soon got • rid of his fever and ague. At West Martinsburgh, he came in contact with talented Giles C. Easton, (after whose father he was named) and by him was induced to obtain a collegiate education. In 1847, he entered the Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary, his sister Fanny attending the same Seminary, the expense being paid by his brother, Asahel, who held a good position in the Government Land Office, in Washington, D. C. He graduated from the Seminary in 1849, then taught school in N. Y., then went to Delaware to take the place of Giles C., who went to Trinity College. He next was a clerk in Newell's large store in New York City, who loaned him $1,000 to go to Trinity College in 1850. In 1852, he got a furlough, left for California across the isthmus of Panama, became assistant cashier of the Pacific Mail S. S. Co., under Capt. Eben Knight, the gold shipments at that time being $5,000,000 per month. He returned east in 1853 and graduated from Trinity College in 1854, when he returned to California with his sister Fanny. He again returned east in 1855, entering Berkeley Divinity School and graduated. Ordained Deacon 1858, was assistant to Bishop Cox, at Grace church, Baltimore, Md. Ordained Priest by Bishop Whittingham. Rector two years at Norwich, Conn., called to Grace church, San Francisco, Cal., by Bishop Kip, in 1862, arriving there July 3; officiated six weeks at St. John's, San Francisco, and also preached in old Old Grace church, Powell street, Sept. 28, 1862, at opening of new Grace church. In 1865, began St. Luke's church, also St. Matthew's, San Mateo, also St. Peter's, Redwood, Cal. Returned to San Francisco, 1866, remained there until 1869, thence to Santa Cruz, thence 1875, to Benicia, thence to West Berkeley, 1878. Rector of St. Mark's church, Berkeley, 1888. Rector Emeritus, June, 1895. Rev. Giles A. Easton is now (1898) a resid_ent of Berkeley, Cal., having nearly reached the three score and ten years of life, in the active discharge of the various duties of his calling, and is entitled to rest from his labors, and pass the declining years of his life in peace and quietness in the family circle.


8 5 Fanny Bishop Easton (Samuel1, Samuel6, Samuel , 3 Samuel', Joseplz , Joseph 2, Joseph'), dau·. of Samuel (87) and Fanny (Ives) Easton, b. May I I, 183 I, in West Martinsburgh, N. Y.; was m. by Bishop Kip, in Grace church, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 9, 1855, to Edward Taylor, b. in Middletown, N. J.,


June 26, 1819. He was cashier of the Pacific Mail S. S. Co., for forty years, and d. Dec. 27, 1887. Mrs. Fanny B. Taylor resides at San Mateo, Cal.

Their children were-

EDW ARD IVES TAYLOR, b. in San Francisco Nov. 2, 1856; d. in San' Mateo, Jan. 2, 1880, buried with his uncle Ansel I. Easton, in Laurel Hill Cemetery, San Francisco. WALTER COMSTOCK TAYLOR, b. in San Francisco, May 6, 1858; d. in Tuscon, Cal., Aug. 31, 1881. HARRY HUNTLY TAYLOR. b. in San Francisco, Dec. 1, 1859. FRANCES EASTON TAYLOR, b. in San Mateo, June 23, 1866. ADELINE MILLS TAYLOR, b. in San Mateo, March 26, 1871; m. - 1893, Frederick Paxson Howard; their children: Edward, b. 1895; Adeline Mills, b. 1897.


William 8 Starr Easton (Starr 7, Samuel6, Samuel", Samue/4, 3 1 Joseph , Josep!z2, Joseph ), son of Starr (88) and Clarissa (Burgess) Easton, was b. Dec. 3, 1821, in Colchester, Conn.; he m. Sept. 21, 1847, at Ottawa, Ills., Sarah Jane Bacon b. Jan. 12, 1830, dau. of Edward and Elizabeth (McBurney) Bacon. Residence ( l 898) St. Paul, Minn.

Their children were- WILLIAM S., b. April 17, 1849, in Milwaukee, Wis. 315 MARY ELIZABETH, b._Aug. 29, 1851, in Ottawa, Ills. 316 EDWARD JAMES, b. Feb. 3, 1854, in Ottawa, Ills. 317 ELIZA McBURNEY, b. Aug. 22, 1858, in Ottawa, Ills. HENRY C., b. Sept. 23, 1860; d. Sept. 30, 1860, in Ottawa, Ills. 318 SARAH BACON, b. Oct. 10, 1861, in Ottawa, Ills. 319 LOUISE EBERHARD, b. Jan. 5, 1868, in Ottawa, Ills.


8 5 Jason Clark Easton (Giles7, Giles6, Samue/ , Samuel', 1 Joseph 3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Giles (89) and Olive (Green) Easton, was b. in West Martinsburgh, N. Y., May 12, 1823. Hem. Sept. IO, 1851, Sarah Johnson, b. June 23, 1826, in


Deer River, N. Y., the dau. of Abner A. and Annah (Wells Gilbert) Johnson. Residence (1898), La Crosse, Wis.

Their child was-

320 LUCIEN FREDERICK, b. June 2, 1859.

Memoranda. Jason Clark Easton is a native of Lewis County, New York, and was born in West Martinsburgh, on the 12th of May, 1823. His parents were Giles and Olive (Green) Easton. His father, grandfather and great-grandfather were born in Hartford, Conn., where his ancestor, Joseph Easton, who was one of the original proprietors of the present city of Hartford, settled in the year 1636. His grandfather, Giles Easton Sr., was an artisan in the revolutionary army. The Greens were from Rhode Island. The subject of this biography prepared for College at Lowville, New York, and entered Yale College in 1847, but his health failed and he left in the fresh­ man year. On the 2d of February, 1848, he purchased at Lowville the Nort/1- ern :Journal, a whig newspaper, and conducted it the most of the time for about five years. Mr. Easton was in the military service of the state of New York, being commissioned in 1851 as paymaster.on the general staff, with rank of Captain in the New York State militia, and served in that capacity until he moved west in 1856. He also joined the Masonic fraternity and was made a Mason by the Lowville Lodge No. 134, April 15, 1851; that on the zoth of March, 1857, a demit was granted to him from that Lodge and soon thereafter he joined the Lodge at Chatfield, Minnesota. At this time he had begun to realize the opportunities opening to young men in the great northwest, and in the spring of 1856, made a change of location that opened before him a career of unusual usefulness and material success. Locating at Chatfield, Fillmore County, Minnesota, he, from the first became one of the business and financial forces of that new section; he opened the Root River Bank, a private institution, continuing its proprietor until May, 1888. He also owned a private bank at Lanesboro, and had an interest in five others, being of the firms of Smith, Wilkins & Easton, Austin; Farmer & Easton, Spring Valley; Easton & Armstrong, Winnebago City; Sprague & Easton, Caledonia; Lovell & Easton, Grand Meadow; and First National Bank, Owatonna, all in Minnesota, but has disposed of his interests in that direction, although most of them continue in succ.essful operation. From the first Mr. Easton dealt largely in real estate. He became at one time during his residence in Minnesota an extensive owner of cultivated lands, owning something like thirty small improved farms which he rented, in addition to several that were cultivated under his personal direction. He also became the owner of some of the best stock in Minnesota. In addition to the improved property, including his two stock farms, he possessed some fifteen or twenty thousand acres of wild land in Minnesota, and a large amount in the Sioux Valley, Dakota. I I 6 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

During 1872 and 1873, Mr. Easton was engaged on a large scale in the purchase and shipment of grain and other farm products along the Southern Minnesota railroad. As his operations enlarged and his capital increased, he decided to have a part in the great and developing railroad interests of that section, keenly foreseeing the greatness to which they would grow. In 1875 he purchased a controlling interest in the stock of the Southern Minnesota, a line extending from La Crescent, a town in Minnesota on the west bank of the , opposite the city of La Crosse, to Winnebago city, a distance of one hundred and sixty-seven miles. Soon after that purchase Mr. Easton was elected a member of _its board of directors. In 1877 the Southern Minnesota Railway Extension Company was organized, of which Mr. Easton was a director and the president. This company was organized for the purpose of extending the Southern Minnesota railroad to the west line of the State, under the provisions of a land grant from Congress. All the stock of the extension was owned by the Southern Minnesota Railroad Company. The road was completed in December, 1878, to Flandrau, Dakota, ten miles west of the State line, and three years before the time fixed in the act of the legislature of Minnesota, and the rich grant of land secured to the company. The road was subsequently built from Flandrau to Sioux Falls, Dakota. The company also acquired by purchase a line of road (the Minnesota and Northwestern) from Wells to Mankato, making a total length of road of over four hundred miles. In May, 1879, Mr. Easton and his associates sold a majority of the Southern Minnesota Railroad Company's stock to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R;iilway Company, and soon afterwards the latter company purchased all of the bonds of the Southern Minnesota Railroad Company, and the entire property conveyed by deed to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, and merged into that great system of railway. In June, 1879, Mr. Easton was elected a director of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company and remained a member of that board until 1889, when he retired from the board, but has continued since that time a large stockholder. In 1881 he organized the Chippewa Valley & Superior Railway Company, or which he was made the president. He constructed a line of road from Wabasha, Minnesota, including the bridge across the Mississippi river to Eau Claire, Wisconsin, with a branch to Menomonie in the State last named. In 1882 Mr. Easton and associates purchased the entire stock and was made president of the Chicago & Evanston railroad. With characteristic energy he completed this line from the union depot to the village of Evanston, a distance of twelve miles. He expended in the construction and acquirement of this property about three million dollars. Mr. Easton was also president of the Dakota & Great Southern railway, with a line of railway from Madison to Harlem, Dakota, a distance of one hundred and fifty-six miles of completed road. He was also one of the original promoters and stockholders of the Fargo & Southern railway, a line of com­ pleted road from Fargo, Dakota, to Ortonville, Minnesota. All of these rail­ way properties have been acquired and are now owned by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, and are part of that great system. In r883 Mr. Easton removed from Minnesota to La Crosse, \Visconsin, where, having invested a large sum in a residence and grounds, he now resides DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 117

practically retired from active business, g1vmg bis business affairs only a general oversight, leaving the details to his son L. F. Easton, and nephew,• R. E. Shepherd, of the law firm of Shepherd & Catherwood, Austin, Minnesota. As may be learned from the foregoing, Mr. Easton has been too closely engrossed in business affairs to seek office, leaving the offices for those who love to bold them, although a close and interested observer of National and State affairs. He cast his first vote for Henry Clay for president, in 1844, and was identified with the Whig party until 1856, since which time he has voted with the Republicans. During the war of the rebellion he was an ardent supporter of the government and was a liberal contributor with his means for bounties for men to fill the drafts for men on his town and county. Mr. Easton well deserves by his honorable method of business, generosity and high ability, the respect and confidence which he enjoys all through the Northwest, and is recognized as a marked example of what a man can achieve when he industriously sets himself to the performance of the labors of life.

188 Giles 8 Charles Easton ( Giles 7, Giles 6. Samuel", Samuel\ Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph1,) son of Giles (89) and Olive (Green) Easton, of West Martinsburgh, N. Y., was b. Nov. 2 r, 1824, and m. Oct. 13, 1857, Esther Amelia Johnson, b. Dec. 1, 1830, dau. of Abner A. a~d Annah (Wells Gilbert) Johnson. Giles C. Easton d. July 25, 1867, at Lowville, N. Y. Esther A. Easton d. Oct. 20, I 862.

Their children were- 321 HATTIE LOIS, b, April 4, 1859. ABNER JOHNSON, b. May 28, 1861; d. Jan. 6, 1895; unmarried.

Memoranda. Prof. Giles Charles Easton graduated from Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., in 1847, and became professor of mathematics at Russellville College, Kentucky; later he settled in Lowville, N. Y., where he was a trustee and elder in the Presbyterian church, aud superintendent of the Sunday school.


7 5 Russell8 James Easton ( Giles Giles 6, Samuel , Samuel4, 1 Joseph\ Joseph 2, Joseph ), b. March 7, 1827, in West Martins­ burgh, N. Y., son of Giles (89) and Olive ( Green) Easton, m. I 18 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Sept. 23, 1851, Jane Rogers, b. April 18, 1832, dau. of Jonathan and Elizabeth Rogers, of Lowville, N. Y. Russell J. Easton d. Nov. 17, 1897, at Lowville, N. Y. Jane his wife d. Feb. ro, 1894, at Lowville, N. Y. Mr. Easton was a commission merchant in Lowville, N. Y.

Their children were - 322 GILBERT RUSSELL, b. Sept 18, 1857. 323 GILES NELSON, b. May 17, 1860, FRANK ROGERS, b. Oct. 30, 1869; d. July 5, 1893, at Lowville, N. Y.

l/1Jemora11da. It is only occasionally that enough of unusual interest and action can he found to make the life of any individual prominent above the restless surging of the present age. But there are some, however, who, catching the first flood of the tide of our modern life, so well unclerstand its direction, and so successfully keep abreast of it. that they fairly epitomize the movement and become its exponents. It is always a subject of regret wheu, as is too often the case in our busy world, the lives of such prominent and useful men are permitted to pass into oblivion when the grave closes over their career. A iife of useful labor is an object of contemplation far too fruitful and suggestive to be suffered to pass qnickly out of memory. The man may live. may toil, may shape the tendency of his time, and the restless waves of busy human life, despite family tradition and family love, soon erase the most cherished recollections, unless gathered up and crystallized into some more permanent and abiding form. To preserve in some measure from oblivion, the deeds and memory of those whose honorable and useful lives demand our reverence. this history of Lewis County is given to the public. Of the men and families who deserve to be remembered when the dark river shall have swept them forever from our sight, none are more worthy than those mentioned in this sketch. Russell James Easton was horn March 7. 1827. He was educated in the common school at \Ve_st Martinsburgh, and in a select school kept by John Vary. At the age of seventeen he took up his father's occupation of farming and general merchandising. His first venture was in the purchase of wool with A·uon \.Yo::id for a partner. This experiment, which led them a long distance from home, proved discouraging to \Vood, who sold his interest in the business to Mr. Edston and withdrew from the partnership. His next partner was \.Yiliiam I,ook, with whom he continued the business, to ,vhich was afterward added the manufacture of potash, Beginning at the lowest round of the commercial !arider, and '' despising 11ot the day of small things," he built up a large and lucrative tracte, having for his partners at different times. his father and his brothers, Francis and Giles. In 1$()). the real active business of his life began. On the 24th-of January of that year, he formed a partnership with his brother Giles. at Lowville. under the firm name of G. C. & R. J. Easton, general commission merchants. He continued to live on the old farm until the spring of 1863, when he mm·ed

DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. I 19 his family to Lowville, locating on Dayan street, in what is known as the Bowen house. He there entered actively into the labors which have resulted in the improvement of that village. During the year 1863-64. he purchased in the central part of Lowville, thirty-three acres of land, most of which was then a rude cow pasture, owned by men mostly of no enterprise, and erected thereon, in the same year, five buildings, the first built on Easton street, which thoroughfare he opened and which was named for him. He has been an extensive dealer in real estate, and the western part of the village owes its growth to his enterprise. This once neglected tract of land is now occupied by fine residences and has become the homes of the solid men of Lowville, His business as commission merchant increased during these years, and from the small beginning of the youth of seventeen, has grown to proportions which place him in the front rank of the business men of the county. In this department of the business of his life, he has probably done as large a trade as any man in the county, if not larger, averaging fully a yearly sum of a quarter million of dollars. On the 12th of February, 1875. he took his son Gilbert into partnership, and on the rst of April, 1881, his son Giles was added to the firm. The firm name was then changed to the one it now bears, R. J. Easton & Sons. In 1869 Mr. Easton was appointed United States assistant supervisor of internal revenue. under the administration of President Grant. At the break­ ing out of the rebellion, Mr. Easton furnished a substitute, and at the call of President Lincoln for 500,000 volunteers, was appointed chairman of the war committee of Lowville, and promptly filled the quota of the town. The quota consisted of forty-six men, which he filled mostly by procuring substitutes in New York City, and the balance by securing volunteers from Lowville and Watertown. In this work of raising soldiers to put down the rebellion and to secure a united country, Mr. Easton did valuable work which entitles him to the gratitude of the people of Lowville. Commencing life under discouraging circumstances; struggling upward with an earnest desire to accomplish some good work in this life, he is emphatically a self-made man, and deserves to rank among those men whose names we should not willingly let die. In 1840 his father Giles 2d, Henry Curtis and Noah Harger, built the Methodist Episcopal church in West Martinsburgh, now standing there. Mr. Easton joined the society of that church in 1838, in which he has been steward for thirty-one years. On the 23d of September, 1851, he was married to Jan·e Rogers, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth Rogers, of Lowville, one of the pioneers of Lewis County, who was born in Lowville, April 18, 1832. The children of this marriage were: Gilbert Russell, born in Martinsburg, September 18, 1857; Giles Nelson, born in Martinsburgh, May 17, 1860, and Frank Rogers, born in Lowville, October 30, 1869. His wife, Jane Rogers Easton, died February IO, 1894, he continuing his home and an active business life, and in the year 1895, erected in the village of Lowville, what is known as the Easton Block, which stands as a memorial to his energy as an· enterprising and esteemed citizen of Lowville. Was active until the time of his death, which occurred November 17, 1897. 120 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

190 8 6 Harriet Newell Easton (Giles7, Giles , Samue/5, Samuel\ 1 Joseph3, Joseph2, foseph ), b. July 28, 1829, in Martinsburgh, N. Y., dau. of Giles (89) and Olive (Green) Easton, m. March 5, 1861, at Martinsburgh, Seymour Shumway, b. Jan. 2, 1823. Mr. Shumway d. Feb. l I, 1864, in Chatfield, Minn. Mrs. Shumway d. April 25, 1867, in Chatfield, Minn.

Their children were- HERBERT SEYMOUR SHUMWAY, b. Feb. 11, 1864; d. April 1, 1870. FRANCIS GILES SHUMWAY, b. April 25, 1867. An accountant, resi- dence 1898, Chicago, Ills. Hem. Sept. 4, 1889, Mary P. McKenny. b. April 8, 1868, dau. Duvall and Hortense McKenny. No children. 191

8 6 Francis Marcellus Easton, ( Giles 7, Giles , Samuel", 1 Samuel', Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Giles (89) and Olive (Green) Easton, was b. in West Martinsburgh, N. Y., March IO, 1833,. He m. at West Martinsburgh, Nov. 25, 1856, Amelia Elvira McCartey, b. in Turin, Lewis County, N. Y., June 24, 1835, dau. of Sophira Buell and Guy Carlton McCartey (Scotch MacArtey's) Sophira, dau. of Rowland Buell, of West Martinsburgh, N. Y. Mr. Easton d. at Lowville, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1868, and buried in Lowville, Rural Cemetery. He was a farmer and later, at time of his death, a dry goods merchant in Lowville. Their children were- 324 CARROLL FRANCIS, b. Aug. 31, 1857. OLLIE AMELIA, b. May 13, 1860; m. June 2, 1886, at Lanesboro, Minn., Spencer Narrengang, b. at Danville, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1861, son of Harriet Lemont and Lynford Narrengang. Shed. at Aberdeen, South Dakota, Dec. 8, 1894. No children. 192

8 5 Olive Augusta Easton ( Giles 7, Giles 6, Samuel , Samuel', 1 Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseplt ), dau. of_Giles (89) and Olive (Green) DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 121

Easton, of West Martinsburgh, N. Y., was b. Feb. r9, 1836, and m. March 6, 1860, Rev. Thomas Bemister Shepherd, of Milltown, New Brunswick, who was b. June 24, 1835. Residence 189 7, Oswego, N. Y.

Their children were- 325 RUSSELL EASTON SHEPHERD, b. Dec. 15, 1860. 326 MARY LORETTA SHEPHERD, b. Jan. 4, 1863. FRED BEMISTER SHEPHERD, b. Aug.4.1865, in Cleveland, N. Y.: m. Nov. 26, 1891, Nellie T. Irlam, in Ilion, N. Y., b. Oct. 1, 1863; He is in business at Oswego, N. Y., 1897. No children. GEORGE FLETCHER SHEPHERD, b. Feb. 6, 1868, in Syracuse, N. Y.: m. Elizabeth A. Conway, June 30, 1896. He is a returned missionary from Japan. GERTRUDE ALICE SHEPHERD, b. Feb. 13, 1869, in Syracuse, N. Y .. a teacher in the Higb school, Oswego, N. Y., and in 1897 unmarried. LUCIEN HERBERT SHEPHERD, b. Oct. 9, 1871, in Auburn, N. Y. He is a physician and surgeon, in Oswego, N. Y.; Oct. 1897, unmarried. 193 Hannah~ E. Easton (Hmry 1 L., E!ija!t6, Elijah 5, Elija!t', 1 Joseplt3, Joseplt2, Joseph ), dau. of Henry L. (91) and Elizabeth ( Devendprf) Easton, was b. Feb. 5, I 829, in Cedarville, N. Y., and m. Jan. 4, 1848, William S. Holcomb, of Litchfield, N. Y., b. May 12, 1827, who d. Sept. 4, r85r, age 24.

Their children were- EDWARD B. HOLCOMB, b. Jan, 17, 1849. RALPH HOLCOMB, b. June 27, 1850. WILLIAM L. HOLCOMB, b. --; d. about 1872.


8 7 5 Ellen M.Easton (Henry L., E!ifa!t6, Elifa!t , Elija/14, 2 Joseph 3, Joseplt ; Joseph'), dau. of Henry L.(91) and Elizabetr (Devendorf) Easton, was b. May 26, 1830, in Cedarville, N. Y .. and m. April 20, 1854, Lucien B. Devendorf, b. July 27, I 827 son of Henry S. and Elizabeth B. Devendorf. Lucien B. Devendorf is a dealer in monuments at lJ tica New York. 122 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Their child - HENRY E. DEVENDORF, b. Nov, 1857; m. Sept 13, 1882, Anna Wright; their ch. Raymond E., b. Oct. 11, 1883; Grace, b. Nov. 9, 1885.


8 7 6 5 Mahlon D. Easton (Hmry L., E!i.falt , E!i:falt , Elijah', Joseplz3, Joseplz2, Joseplz'), son of Henry L. (91) and Elizabeth (Devendorf) Easton, was b. March 9, 1834, in Cedarville, N. Y., and m. Dec. 27, 1857, Sarah M. Bliss, at German Flats, N. Y., who was b. July 4, 1836, in Salisbury, N. Y., dau. of John R. and Eveline Bliss. No children.

196 CharlonElijah 8 Easton (Hemy7 L. ,E!i.fa!t 6, Ell/alt", E!i.falz4, 1 Joseph\ Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Henry L. (9 1) and Elizabeth (Devendorf) Easton, was b. May 16, 1836, in Cedarville, N. Y., and m. Dec. 4, I 860, Mary Elizabeth Coa-pman, b. May 23, 1841, dau. of John and Hannah Coapman. Charlon E. Easton is a contractor and builder at Richfield Springs, N. Y.

Their children were-

328 FRED EDWARD, b. Dec. 18, 1'861.

WINIFRED MAUD, -- m. June 2, 1897, Dallas Dodd, of Utica, N. Y.

197 Francis 8 E. Easton ( Hemy 1 L., Eli:falt 6, E!i.falt °, E!i.fa!t ', 3 Josep/z , Joseph2, Josep!t'), son of Henry L. (91) and Elizabeth \ Devendorf) Easton, was b. Oct. 20, I 84 I , in Cedarville, N. Y., and m. April 30, 1890, Mrs. Frances J. Carder nee Hamilton, who was b. Nov. 13, 1837, dau. of Reuben S. and Maria F. Hamilton. Francis E. Easton is a newspaper publisher at Ilion, N. Y. No children. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 123


8 7 4 Charles Hume Easton (Harvey , Elijalz6, Elijah\ Elija!t , 1 Joseplt 3, Joscpft 2, Joseph ), son of Harvey (92) and Sarah Maria (Hume) Easton, was b. Nov. 8, 1833, in Martinsburgh, N. Y .. and d. Oct. 25, 1878. Hem. June 21, 1866, Sarah Jane Barclay.

Their children were- EMMA LOUISA, b. Aug. 19, 1872; m. Aug. g, 1894, William A. Luce, o[ Sheriden, Wyoming. One child, Harvey Easton, b. l\Iay 28, 1895. ORTENSIA MARIA, b. Jan. 24, 1874.


8 7 Talcott Buck Easton (f-larvq , E!ija!t", Elijalt:'. E!ijalz', Joscplt\ Joseplt2, Joscp!t'), son of Harvey (92) and Sarah Maria (Hume) Easton, was b. June l 3, l 836, in Martinsburgh, N. Y., and m. Oct. - 1867, for first wife, Helen Frances Babcock. who cl. Sept. 27, 1876. He m. May 20, 1884, for second wife, Addie Sparks. Mr. Easton is a farmer and trader at Garner, Iowa.

Children by first wife- ANN AH LUCY, b. July 16, 1869. CHARLES HARVEY, b. ~ov. 2, 1872.

Child by second wife -

LEON .'\.lZD LOCKE, Li. Oct. 10, 1890.


8 4 Lydia Ann Easton (HarvC)'', F!ija/2", E!ija!t", Eli;ir/1 • 2 1 Joscplt3, Joscp!t , Joscplt ), dau. of Harvey (92) and Sarah ;\1aria (Hume) Easton, was b. Aug. 30, 1838, in '.\Iartin~burgh. N. Y., and m. Nov. r, 1865, Alva R. Prescott, b. Aug. 19. 1S34, in Newport, I\laine, son of Jeremiah and I\lary (I\li\e,;\ Prescott. Residence, Postville, Iowa. 124 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Their children were- THEODOSIA MARIA PRESCOTT, b. Oct. 25, 1866; d. April rS, 1878. MABEL PRESCOTT, b. June 2, 1870; m. July 10, 1895, Charles R. Williams, of St. Louis Park, Minn. SARAH HUME PRESCOTT, b. May 29, 1872. ALVAH RALPH PRESCOTT, b. May 3, 1875. 201

8 0 Maria0rtensia Easton(Harvcy7, Elifah6,. E/ijah , Elijah', 3 1 Joseph , Joseph2, Joseplz ), dau. of Harvey (92) and Sarah Maria (Hume) Easton, was b. Jan. 25, 1846, in Martinsburgh, N. Y., and m. April 23, 1866, Hall Roberts, son of Hiram R. and Ruth (Ham) Roberts, of Rollinsford, N. H. Mr. Hall Roberts is a farmer and dealer in stock and grain at Postville, Iowa.

Their children were - HIRAM ROLLINS ROBERTS, b. March 4, 1869; d. Aug. 19, 1870. HARVEY EASTON ROBERTS, b. Dec. 2, 1871. BESSIE ELLA ROBERTS, b. Nov. 22, 1875. RUTH ROBERTS, b. Oct. 30, 1882. 202

8 7 Emma H • Easton (William L ., Elijah6, Eli_jah6, Elijah\ 3 2 1 Joseph , Joseph , Joseph ), dau. of William L. ( 93) and Emeline (Henry) Easton, was b. July 22, r83r, in Lowville, N. Y., and m. Nov. r I, r 852, De Witt C. West, who d. Aug. 27, 1880. Their child - DE WITT CLINTON WEST, b. April 7, 1864. 203

8 7 Mary E • Easton (William L ., Elifah6, Elifalz5, Elijah\ 1 Joseplz3, Joseplz2, Joseph ), dau. of William L. (93) and Emeline (Henry) Easton, was b. Sept. 16, 1842, in Lowville, N. Y., and m. Sept 3, r 868, Leroy Crawford, of Lowville. Their child - EMMA E. CRAWFORD, b. June 9, 1870. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 125


8 1 5 Ellen Easton ( William L ., Eli_jalt6, Elijah , Elijah•, 1 Joseplz3, Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of William L. (93) and Emeline (Henry) Easton, was b. April 25, 1844, in Lowville, N. Y., and m. July 3, 1865, W. D. V. Rulison, of Carthage, N. Y., who was b. March 25, 1844, and d. May 26, 1891, at Watertown, N. Y.

Their children were- LOCKE DEVINE RULISON, b. June 16, 1869; d. May rr, 1874, FREDERICK SHAW RULISON, b. Nov. 12, 11373; d. July 27, 1879, EMMA GRACE RULISON, b. Jan. 6, 1876; d. July 19, 1879. 205

8 6 5 William Locke Easton ( William L7. ,Elijah , Elijah , Elijali4, 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of William L. (93) and Emeline (Henry) Easton, was b. May 3, 1847, in Lowville, N. Y. He m. Sept. 24, 1874, Louise Manville, at Watertown, N. Y. No children. 206

8 1 6 4 Frederick S. Easton ( William L ., Eli_ja/z , Elijah", Elijalt , 1 Josepli3, loseplz2, Joseph ), son of William L. (93) and Emeline (Henry) Easton, was b. Dec. 28, 1851, in Lowville, N. Y., and m. Oct. 6, 1880, Anna S. House, of Rouseville, N. Y. Frederick S. Easton is in the banking business at Lowville, New York.

Their children were- GRACE HELEN, b. Dec. 31, 1881. FREDERICKS. JR., b. Aug. 29, 1883. 207

8 6 Sarah B. Etheridge (Fanny 7, Eli.fah , Elijah 5, E!ifa!t ', 3 1 Josep!t , Joseph 2, Josepli ), dau. of Fanny Easton (94) and Dr. Francis B. Etheridge, was b. Jan .. 13, 1840, in Warren, N. Y., 126 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. and d. Sept. 9, 1874. Shem. Nov. 16, 1863, Lyman J. Gage, of Chicago, Ills., son of Eli A. and Mary Gage.

Their children were- LOC KEE. GAGE, b. April r, 1865; d. Feb. 1868. ELI A. GAGE, b. July, 1867; m. Oct. 18, 1893, Sophie Weare. FANNY GAGE. b. June, 1869; d. May, 1880.

Memoranda. Lyman J. Gage has been a resident of Chicago for more than forty years, and during that time has come to be known as one of the leading financiers, not only of that city, but also of the nation. He is a native of Madison Co., N. Y., and was born in 1836, the son of Eli A. Gage, one of the early settlers of that county. When seventeen years of age Lyman closed bis studies in school and accepted a position in the Oneida Central Bank at Rome, New York, began that business career in which he achieved a most laudable success and made for himself an honorable name. In 1855 he removed to Chicago and for some three years was employed by a lumber and planing mill firm. His natural liking for the banking business, however, led him to make a change as soon as a suitable opportunity offered, and in 1858 he became book-keeper for the Merchants Loan & Trust Company, of Chicago, and held that position until 1863, when he was made assistant cashier of the bank. During this time Mr. Gage made a careful study of the banking business, familiarizing himself with all its minute details and came to be known in local financial circles as a man of progressive, yet conservative ideas, and unusual executive ability. In recognition of this ability and fitness he was a few months later made cashier of the First National Bank, of Chicago, which had been organized May 1, 1863. In May, 1882, a new organization of the bank with increased capital was effected with Mr. Gage as vice-president, and subsequently became president. During the time since the new organization, Mr. Gage has been the general manager and chief executive of the institution, and has come to be recognized as among the most far sighted, broad minded and substantial bankers of his time. ·In recognition of his ability as a financier he was by President McKinley in 1898 appointed as Secretary of the U. S. Treasury.

208 Francis 8 Etheridge (Fanny\ Elijalz6, Eli:falz5, Eli_jalz', 1 J osep!z 3, Joseplz 2, Joseplz ), son of Fanny Easton (94) and Dr. Francis B. Etheridge, was b. Jan. 20, 1842, in St. Johnsville, N. Y., and m. March 17, 1865, Anna E. Wilson, dau. of Charles and Anna Wilson. Francis Etheridge resides in New York city. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. r27

Their children were- FRANCIS ETHERIDGE, b. March - 1866; d. Oct. 1869. LOCKE CHARLES ETHERIDGE, b. April, 1868; m. Aug. 1, 1897, Dorothy Vedder. LYMAN J. ETHERIDGE, b. June, 1870; d. Dec., 1873. SARAH ETHERIDGE, b. May, 1873; d. Aug., 1881. EMMA C. ETHERIDGE, b. May :.24, 1883. WILLIAM L. ETHERIDGE, b. April 23, 1890.


8 1 Charles Lee Easton (Charles L ., Elijah°, Elijah 5, Elijah', 1 Joseph\ Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Dr. Charles L. (95) and Clarissa (Locke) Easton, was b. Sept. 15, 1853, in Sherburne, N. Y., and m. Sept. 26, 1883, Ella May Gillson, b. Nov. 26, 1859, dau. of William W. and Amanda P. (Kane) Gillson. Charles L. Easton resides at Sherburne, N. Y. Their child- CHARLES LEE, b. Jan. 30, 1887. 210

8 7 6 5 4 Fidelia A. Easton (Jesse C., Oli1>er , Elijah , Eli:falt , 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Jesse C. (97) and Irene (Stone) Easton, was b. Aug. 13, 1826, in Bainbridge, N. Y. Shem. S. E. Darrow, b. July 3, 1814, who d. May 15, 1892, the son of Jedediah and Alcha (Teachard) Darrow. S. E. Darrow was a clergyman. Residence, Lakewood, New York. Their children were- ELLEN I. DARROW, b, March r8, 1853; m. April 6, 1870, George Daniels. CORA A. DARROW, b. July ro, 1859; m._ June 4, 1879, Dewey Pierce. MOTT W. DARROW, b. April 26, 1863; m. April 11, 1892, Adele Berean. MINNIE G. DARROW, b. June 7, 1865. 211

8 5 Edgar Easton (Jesse 7, Oliver\ E lifah , Elijah\ J oseplt 3, 1 Joseplz2, Joseph ), son of Jesse C. (97) and Irene (Stone) 128 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Easton, was b. Sept. 20, 1828, in Afton, N. Y., and m. Oct. 27, 1859, Amanda Sigler, b. Sept. 18, 1835, dau. of John T. and Mary Carleton Sigler. Edgar Easton resides at Kansas City, Mo.

Their children were- 328 NELLIE, b. Sept. 4, r86o; d. May 20, r896. 329 JESSE COOK, b. March 28, 1864. 330 CHARLES EDGAR, b. Dec. 26, 1866. 331 IDA MAY, b. Sept. rr, 1869.


8 7 4 Mary E. Easton (Jesse C., Oliver6, E!ijalz5, Eli.fah , 3 1 Joseph , Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Jesse C. (97) and Elizabeth (Moore) Easton, was~- July 8, 1836, in Wellsville, N. Y., and m. Jan. 27, 1857, Dickinson Clark, b. July 19, 1832, son of Calvin and Frances (Fuller) Clark. Dickinson Clark is a manufacturer, residence, Wellsville, New York.

Their children were- EDWIN D. CLARK, b. Dec. 31, 1857; m. Jan. 28, 1879, Janette Early. WILLIAM C. CLARK, b. Jan. r, 1859; m. Dec. 22, 1890, Susie Quinn. CHARLES E. CLARK, b. May 5, 1863; m. Feb. 17, 1892, Minnie J. Haskins. MARY F. CLARK, b. Dec. 7, 1866; d. March 21, 1872.


8 5 C. Alonzo Easton (Leicester7, Oliver6, E!ijah , Elijah', 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Leicester( 99) and Asenath (Nichols) Easton, was b. Feb. 23, 1827, in Bainbridge, N. Y. Hem. Sept. 28, 1848, Betsey Aylesworth, b. Sept. 26, 1826, dau. of Thomas and Betsey Aylesworth. C. Alonzo Easton is a farmer at Afton, N. Y.

Their children were- 332 MARY M., b. May 22, 1850. WILLIAM E., b. Oct. 30, 1853; d. Dec. 22, 1860. WILLIAM C., b. Nov. 4, 1861; d. Sept. 12, 1883. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 129

214 H. Deville 8 N. Easton (Leicester 7, Olz'ver6, Eli.falz ", Elijah 4, 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Leicester (99) and Asenath

(Aylesworth) Easton, was b. Oct. 23, 1828 1 in Bainbridge, N. Y., and d. June 2, 1881, at Afton. Hem. Sept. II. 1855, M. Lucretia Newton, b. June 16, 183 I, in Bainbridge, dau. of Marshall and Prudence Newton. Mr. Easton was a farmer at Afton, N. Y.

Their children were- 333 E. MELISSA, b. April r9, 1859. 334 MERTON E., b. March 3r, 1861.

215 George 8 Easton ( Leicester 7, Oliver6, Elijah 5, Eli:fah \ 1 fosepiz3, Josepiz2, Joseph ), son of Leicester (99) and Asenath (Nichols) Easton, was b. Sept. 2, 1846, in Bainbridge, N. Y., and m. Nov. 16, 1869, Frances M. Pollard, b. July 7, 1845, · dau. of Lysander and Harriett Pollard. George Easton is a farmer at Afton, N. Y. Their child - BERTHA A., b. Aug. 21, 1871; m, Nov. 6, 1889, Clarence G. Bowers, North Norwich, N. Y. 216 Oliver8 Easton (Rufus7, Oliver6, Elijah5, Elijah', loseph3, 1 Joseph", loseplt ),

ELIZABETH M., b. Nov. 1, 1862; m. Nov. 5, 1881, Minor J. Place, at Mehoopany, Pa. RUFUS B., b. Jan. 1, 1865. MINNIE F., b. March 5, 1867; m. Sept. 27, 1897, Frank Ames, in Mehoopany, Pa.


ELIJAH R., b. Aug. 25, 1870; m. May 21. 1890, Ella Shafer, i:Vlehoupany. ANNIS A,, b. May 28, 1873; d. May 11, 1891. BESSIE, b. March 20, 1875. HENRY D.; b. April 17, 1878. HENRY D,, b. Dec. 18, 1879.

217 Annis 8 A. Easton (Rufus7, O!iver6, E!ijah5, E!i.fah', 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2. Joseph ), dau. of Rufus (101) and Prudence (DeWolf) Easton, was b. Oct. 13, 1844, in Little Mehoopany, Pa., and d. May 19, 1872. She m. Oct. 13, 1865, George Jayne, b. Feb. 28, 1839, who d. June 27, 1874.

Their children were- ORIN B. JAYNE, b. Aug. 14, 1866; d. Nov. 6, 1866. HARRY JAYNE, b. Oct. 16, 1868; d. Oct. 7, 1876. FRANCIS JAYNE, b. Feb. 20, 1870.


8 5 Draper B. Easton (Ri!ey1, O!iver6, E!i.fah , E!ij'ah4, Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph 1,) son of Riley ( 102) and Betsey (Bateman) Easton, was b. April 8, 1838, in Afton, N. Y. He m. Sept. 15, 1869, Mrs. Mary A. (Hovey) Loomis, b. Jan. 14, 1842, dau. of Simon and Betsey A. Hovey. Draper B. Easton is a farmer in West Bainbridge N. Y.

Their child -

OLIN D., b. May rg, 1872; Ill. Sept. 12, 1894, Dora E. Ingersoll. b. Feb. II, 1877, dau. of Hamilton E. and Lovina Ingersoll.


8 Harriet Delight Easton (E!i.fal,7, O!iver6, Elijah 5, E!i:J'ah', 3 2 1 Joseph , Joseph , Joseph ), dau. of Elijah ( 104) and J erusha (Jones) Easton, was b. July 20, 1842, in Bingham, Potter Co., Pa., and m. Nov. 18, 1866, James Harlow Bagley. Residence ( I 898) State Center, Marshall Co., Iowa. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Their children were- J AMES H. BAGLEY, b. July 6, 1868. JOHN H. BAGLEY, b. June 9, 1871. HORACE EASTON BAGLEY, b. May 28, 1873. SIDNEY W. BAGLEY, b. April 25, r875. WAYNE E. BAGLEY, b. April 13, 1881. 220

8 5 Ellen Lucretia Easton ( Elijalz7, Oliver\ Eli_jah , Eli_jah 4, 1 Joseph 3, Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Elijah ( 104) and Jerusha (Jones) Easton, was b. Jan. 6, 1848, in Walworth, Wis., and m. Sept. 8, 188 I, Dr. Charles W. Niles. Residence (1898) Calumet, Mich. Occupation, general merchandise.

Their children were- CHARLES W. NILES, b. May 14, 1885. KATHARINE LUCY NILES, b. Jan. 14, 1888. 221

8 5 Jeremiah P. Easton ( Elijah 7, Oliver6, Elijah , Elijah", 1 Joseph 3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Elijah (104) and Jerusha (Jones) Easton, was b. Feb. 2, 1852, in Walworth, Wis., and m. Oct. 20, I 87 5, Anna M. Magoon, b. March 30, 1854, dau. of James and Mehitable Magoon. Residence 1898, Warren, Minn.

Their children were -

FANNIE E., b. June 20, 1876; d. March 30, r877. SUSIE K., b. April 21, 1879. LEORA ANNA, b. Aug. 6. 188r. DANA MAGOON, b. March 31, 1885. CHAUNCY C., b. June 9, 1890. 222 Lizzie 8 Vernon Easton (Elijah 1, Oliver 6, Elijah 6, Elijah 4, Joseph3, loseph2, Joseph'), dau. of Elijah (104) and Jerusha (Jones) Easton, was b. April 17, 1858, and m. Oct. 10, 1881, 132 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. first to James H. Cruickshank, b. April 12, 1844, who d. Dec. 25, 1881. Shem. Aug. 6, 1890, for second husband, James H. Robson, son of James and Martha Robson. James H. Robson 1898, is a merchant at Owatonna, Minn.

Their children were-

HARRIET ROBSON, b. June 10, 1891; d. May 6, 1894- JOHN EASTON ROBSON, b. June 14, 1895. 223

8 1 5 Mary H. Easton (George A., Joel6, Eli.fah , Elifa/14, 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseplz ), dau. of George A. (ms) and Clarissa (Farrington) Easton, was b. Feb. 1, 1828, in Delhi, N. Y., and m. March 23, 1848, James Anderson, b. March 23, 1823, son of Marshall Anderson. Mr. Anderson is a farmer at Owego, N. Y. Their children were- CHARLES A. ANDERSON. b. March ro, 1850; d. April r, 1875. WILLIAM 0. ANDERSON, b. June 1, 1860; m. Nora Scott. JOHN J. ANDERSON, b. May 23, 1864; m. -- Lila Hickols. 224

8 1 Morgan P. Easton (George A., Joel", Elijah 5, Elijah 4, 1 Joseph 3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of George A. (ro5) and Clarissa (Farrington) Easton, was b. Dec. 23, 1830, in Delhi, N. Y., and m. Oct. 27, 1858, Rhoda Mariah Howard, b. June J, 1839, at Candor, Tioga Co., N. Y., dau. of Charles 0. and Laura 0. Howard. Mr. Easton is a farmer at Ida Grove, Iowa.

Their children were- 335 MAE ELIZABETH. b. July r, 1860. 336 ALICE MINERVA, b. Feb. 3, 1863. 337 MORGAN ZENUS, b. July 24, 1867. SAMUEL BENJAMIN, b. July 29, 1869; d. June 4, 1871. THIRZA LAURA, b. April 12, 1873; m. June 22, 1897, Everett A. Shaw. HOW ARD GORTNER, b. Feb. 1, 1877. HERBERT ARTHUR, b. Sept. 12, 1881. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 133 225 Thomas 8 Farrington Easton (George 7 A., Joel6, Elijah5, 1 Eli:fah', Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of George A. (105) and Clarissa (Farrington) Easton, was b. Nov. rr, 1832, in Delhi, N. Y., and m. Oct. 8, 1857, Mary A. Durfey, b. Oct. 11, 1831, dau. of Lyman and Hannah (Hatch) Durfey. Thomas F. Easton was a farmer and carpenter ; resided at Grand Rapids, Mich., and d. Dec. 24, 1897. Their children were- 338 GEORGE F., b. April n, 1859. RUTH A., b. Nov. 17, 1861; d. Feb. 27, 1897. 226

8 1 5 3 Zenas Easton (George A., Joel", Eli:fah , Eli:fah', foseph , 2 1 Joseph , Joseph ), son of George A.( I 05) and Clarissa (Farrington) Easton, was b. July 24, 1839, in Delhi, N. Y., and m. Sept. 28, 1865, Eliza Hubbard, b. July 22, 1837, in Candor, N. Y., dau. of George and Sophronia (Judd) Hubbard. Residence, Candor, N. Y. Their children were­

FRANCIS, b. July 20, 1866. GEORGE H., b. April 28, 1868. CHARLES J ., b. April 18, 1872; m. April 30, 1897, Carrie Martin. FRED R., b. May 18, 1874. BURT A., b. April 10, 1877. 227

8 7 5 Mary Easton (Harmon V. B., Ahimaz~, Alzimaz , Elijah', 2 1 Joseph3, Joseph , Joseph ), dau. of Harmon V. B. (110) and Elizabeth (Grinnell) Easton, was b. Nov. 22, 1824, in Johns­ town, N. Y. Shem. Jan. 25, 1855, Orio Horton, b, Oct. 19, 1822, son of Joel and Abigail Horton, Covert, Seneca Co., New York. Odo Horton d. May 13, 1890, a farmer at Covert, N. Y. His widow Mary resides at Covert. 134 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Their children were - JULIA E. HORTON, b. Nov r4, 1855; unmarried. JOEL HORTON, b. April 21, 1857; m. Jan. 8, 1887, Celia Robison, of New Castle, Pa. Residence, Covert, N. Y. ANNA FRANCES HORTON, b. Dec. 23, r859; d. June 30, 1882; m. Aug. 25, 1880, Dr. Frank Caldwell, of Brooklyn, N. Y. CHARLES E. HORTON, b. Jan. 4, 1862; d. Feb. - 1862. 228

8 7 6 5 James Grinnell Easton ( Ifarm on V. B. , A himaz , A himaz , 1 Elijah', .Joseph 3, .Joseph 2, .loseph ), son of Harmon V. B. ( I IO) and Elizabeth (Grinnell) Easton, was b. June 20, 1828, in Johnstown, N. Y. Hem. Sept. r, 1859, Louise P. Fairchild, b. April 26, 1829, dau. of Joseph ;ind Salina (Candee) Fairchild. James G. Easton, d. Nov. 14, 1873. Louise P. Easton d. March 6, 1876. Their children were- LOUISE. b. Aug. - 1860; d. -- 339 JOSEPHINE, b. April 19, 1866. 340 MARY LOUISE, b. March 13, 1868. 229

8 7 6 Elizabeth Easton (Harmon V. B., Ah.imaz , Ahimaz5, 1 Elijah', .Joseph 3, .Joseph 2, foseph )', dau. of Harmon V. B. (1 IO) and Elizabeth (Grinnell) Easton, was b. April 30, r 8 30; she m. Jan. 2, r 8 50, at Deer River, N. Y., Gilbert• Brainard Johnson, son of Abner A. and Annah (Wells) Gilbert Johnson. Gilbert B. Johnson is a banker at Carthage, N. Y.

Their child- MARY ELIZABETH JOHNSON, b. Oct. 16, 1853; she m. Aug. 18, 1874, Charles H. Loomis, b. Aug. 18, 1853, son of J. H. and Louisa (Francis) Loomis. They reside at Carthage, N. Y. Their ch.: Fred. J., b. Oct II, 1875; Elizabeth, b. Oct. 17, 1878; Gilbert B., b. Feb. 1, 1886. 230

8 7 6 5 Ann G. Easton (Harm on V. B. , Ahimaz , Ahimaz , Elijah', /oseph3, .loseph2,.loseph 1 ),dau. of Harmon V. B. (110) DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 135 and Elizabeth (Grinnell) Easton, was b. Sept. 27, r 83 5; she m. Jan. 9, 1868, E. H. Devenbaugh, b. Jan, 25, 1834, son of John F. Devenbaugh. Residence, Amsterdam, N. Y. Their children were- HANN AH V. B. DEVENBAUGH, b. Dec. ro, r868; d. July 3r, 1869. A. S. DEVENBAUGH, b. Feb. 14, 1870; d. March 23, 1887. EDWIN E. DEVENBAUGH, b. Oct. 4, r871. CARRIE DEVENBAUGH, b. Jan. 23, 1875. MARIAH DEVENBA UGH, b. Sept. 29, 1873; d. July 25, 1874. CHARLES E. DEVENBAUGH, b. July 9. 1876. 231

8 7 6 5 John Ransford Easton (John ., Joseph , Ahimaz , E li:fah •, 1 Joseplt3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of John (115) · and Sophia (Densmore) Easton, was b. Oct. 26, 1823, in Mesopotamia, Ohio, and m., Dec. 30, 1857, in Lenox, Ohio, Gratia I. Southwell, of Farmington, Ohio. Residence, Buckingham, Kankak~e Co., Ills. Their child- .341 RANSFORD P., b. Dec. 23, r858. 231,½

7 6 5 3 Ira i Easton (John , Joseph , Ahimaz , Elijah", Joseph , 1 Joseph2, Josep/1 ), son- of John (r 15) and Sophia (Densmore) Easton, was b. Aug. I, 183 r, and d. April 2, 1881 in Mesopo­ tamia, Ohio. Hem. Sept. 17, 1854, Harriet V. Pratt, b. Feb. 22, 1830, dau. of Grotius and Lucy (Stockwell) Pratt. Their children were- 342 CHARLES F., b. Oct. 21, 1855. ALLEN JAY, b. July 24, 1867; m. Oct. 12, 1890, Mame Brown, at Canfield, Ohio, who d. March 11, 1895, at Hudson, N. Y. He is now (1898) a junior at Ann Arbor College, Michigan. 231¾

3 5 4 Emily Easton (John 7, Joseph 6, Ahimaz , Elijah , Jose.ph3, 1 Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of John (r IS) and Sophia (Densmore) 136 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Easton, was b. May 12, 1834, in Mesopotamia, Ohio, and d. April r2, 1875. Shem. March 19, 1856, Myron Chaffee, b. March 28, 1836, Residence, Mesopotamia, Ohio. Their children were-

EMMA SARAH CHAFFEE, b. Jan. 4, 1857; d. Nov. 2, r873. WILLIAM WALLACE CHAFFEE, b. Oct. 23, 1859; m. Dec. 24, 1878, Cora C. Smith, b. March 5, 1859. Their ch.: (1) Maude E., b. Oct. 16, 1880; (2) Mabel H., b, May 12, 1882; (3) Blanche B., b. July 24. 1885; (4) Vincent S., b. May 4, 1890; (5) Vera Isma E. A., b. Jan. 3, 1893; (6) Cora Marguerite, b. June 7, 1897. Residence, Washington, Iowa. 232

8 7 5 Luman Easton (John , Joseph~, Ahimaz , Elijah•, Joseph•, 1 Joseph2, Joseph ), son of John (115) and Sophia (Densmore) Easton, was b. Dec. 15, 1836, in Mesopotamia, Ohio. He m. Sept. 13, 1859, Martha Cole, b. June 23, 1839, dau. of John and Nancy Cole. Luman Easton is a farmer; resides at Mesopotamia, Ohio, (1898). Their children were - EDITH, b. May 5, 1862. 343 EMORY, b. May 18, 1865. 344 JOHN L .. b. Aug. ro, 1867. BERTA J.. it . j b. July 29, 1872; d. March rs. 1875. 345 BERTHA M., I wms, i " " CARL R., b. April 23, 1878. Memoranda. Luman Easton served as a volunteer in the U S. army during the late civil war or rebellion of 1861. 233 James 8 Easton (James 1, Joseph 6, Ahimaz", Elijah', Joseph 3, Joseph2, Joseph1,) son of James ( 117) and Abiah (Wildman) Easton, was b. April 22, 1829, and m. Jane Belden about 1855, who d. in 1863. He m. Nov. 8, 1866, for second wife, Martha Rush. Residence, Missouri Valley, Iowa. DESCENDA:K'fS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 137

Child by first wife­ ORA, b. --

Children by second wife- JOHN D., b. Oct. 19, 1869. KATIE M., b. Mayr, 1876. FRANK P., b. March 26, 1878. HUBERT R., b. March 20, 1880 . .JAMES A., b. SepL 4, 1882.

233¼ Levi8 W. Easton (James1, Joseph\ Ahimaz6, Elijah', 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of James (117) and Abiah (Wildman) Easton, was b. Sept. 29, 1835, in Windsor, Ohio; hem. Oct. 4, 1860, Rose M. Teter, b. Aug. 24, 1840, in McConnelsville, Ohio.

Their children were- 346 ORLANDO, b. Aug. 31, 1862. 347 OZRO J., b. March 29, 1864. 348 FRANK E .. b. Feb. 28, 1868. TRUMAN L., b. Aug. 2, 1870; m. Sept. g, 1894, Phoebe A. Cowan. No issue. Memoranda. Levi W. Easton is a clergyman of the Wesley M. E. church, and a pensioner for services rendered as a volunteer in the late civil war. He resides at Dedham, Io;,,a.


7 6 5 Johns H. Easton (lames , Joseph ,Ahimaz , Elijah•, Joseph~, 1 Joseph 2, Joseplt ), son of James (117) and Abiah (Wildman) Easton, was b. Jan. 3, 1843, in Middlefield, Ohio; m. March - 1863, for first wife, Elizabeth Helton, b. in 1846, and d. March, 1866; m. Aug. 29, 1868, for second wife, Elizabeth Davies, b. April 18, 1845, in England.

Children by first wife - ALBERT, b. -- d in infancy. HENRY 0., b. March 22, 1865. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Children by second wife - ALBERTA, b. July 30, r869. MAUDE M., b. Dec. 4, r870. WALTER, b. April 5, r875.

Memoranda. John H. Easton is the postmaster at Atwood, Illinois. He enlisted in r861, in the U. S. army as a volunteer in the late civil war, served for fifteen months, when he was discharged for disa_bility.;.

233¾ Lucy 5 E. Easton (Joseph1, Joseph6, Ahimaz5, Elijah', 1 Joseph3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Joseph (118) and Lucinda (Sanderson) Easton, was b. Feb 22, 1821, and d. Feb. 11, 1885. She m. April 23, t838, Robert Willcox, of Mesopo­ tamia, Ohio.

Their chi.ldren were- ROBERT A. WILLCOX, b. Aug. g, r840. JOSEPH E. WILLCOX, b. March 2r, 1842. JOHN M. WILLCOX, b. March'rr, 1844. ALASC'O W. WILLCOX, b. Oct. 13, r845. ALBERT J. WILLCOX, b. Feb. rr, 1848; d. July rr, 1872, killed by lightning. LUCY M. WILLCOX,, b. April 30, 1849. MARILLA WILLCO:/(, b. - 1851; m. Henry Parker. THOMAS A. WILLCOX, b. Jan. 10, 1853. MARTI:\f E. WILLCOX, b. May 29. 1855; d. March 29, 1893- LYDIA WILLCOX, b. Nov. 8, 1859.


8 7 5 Fordyce · 0. · Easton (Justus Joseph 6, Ahimaz , Elijah\ 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Josep/1 ), son of Justus (I 19) and Lydia (Hunt) Easton, was b. in Mesopotamia, Ohio; April 20, 1824, and d. Dec. 30, 1855. Hem. Dec. - 1853, Elizabeth Porter. Residence ( 1 898) of Elizabeth, Pawtucket, R. I.

Their child - ELIZABETH, b. Dec. - 1854; d. April 16, 1896; m. Nov. 28, 1894, J. Eliot Davison; left one child, Ralph Easton Davison, b. April 14, 1896. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 139


8 5 Augustus B. Easton (Justus7, Josefh6, Ahimaz , Elijah 4, 1 Joseph3, Joseplz2, Joseph ), son of Justus (119) and Lydia (Hunt) Easton, was b. in Mesopotamia, Ohio, March r, 1828. Hem. Oct. 14, 1849, Julia Burke, b. July 20, 1828, Lockport, N. Y., dau. of Thomas and Mary Burke. Mr. Easton is a resident of Stillwater, Minn. Their children were- 349 WILLIAM EDWARDS, b. Dec. 27, 1850. ADELAIDE, b. March 11, 1854; d. Nov. 19, 1858. 350 ANTOINETTE L., b. Nov. 17, r858. 351 CHARLIE LINCOLN, b. Nov. 13, 1860. 352 GERTRUDE LOUISE, b. July 24, 1866. Memoranda. Augustus B. Easton's grandparents on both sides, as well as his father and mother, were born in Massachusetts. His father, Justus Easton, in 1815, when sixteen years old, made the journey on foot and alone, from Hawley, Mass., to Mesopotamia, Ohio, where Augustus was born, March 1, 1828, and grew to manhood. He attended the village school, graduating from the high school at an early age, and taught a district school one term before he was eighteen years of age. On Oct. 14, 1849, while in his twenty-second year, he married Miss Julia Burke, who had been his schoolmate, and whom he had known from girlhood. Accompanied by his family, Mr. Easton removed to Minnesota in 1857, landing in Stillwater, Aug. 7, where he has since resided. He was connected with the Messenger from the fall of 1857 until the spring of 1868, being editor and proprietor of that paper most of the time during the last years of the civil war. In 1870 he established the Weekly Gazette, the first issue bearing date August 7. It is now the leading paper of the St. Croix Valley, and is published daily and weekly. Mr. Easton has never sought office, although chosen city assessor by the council, serving one term. He is at present on the editorial staff of the Daily Gazette. He has a comfortable residence on the South Hill, in Stillwater, where with the wife of his youth, and surrounded by their numerous descendants, four grown-up sons and daughters, and half a dozen grandchildren, his physical and mental faculties unimpaired, he seems as robust and jolly as ordinary men of fifty, although past the scriptural three score years and ten.

236 Tamarg Easton (Alexander7, Joseph 6, Alzimaz5, Elijah 4, 1 Joseph3, Jos11ph2, Joseph ), dau. of Alexander (120) and Hannah ( Lee) Easton, was b. July IO, 1830, in Farmington, Ohio, and

140 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. d. March I, I 88 5, at Gardner, Ills. She m. July 22, I 848, Davis R. Doud, b. June 29, l 826. Residence, Gardner, Ills. Farming.

Their children were- ALEXANDER LEE DOUD, b. Jan. 1r, r851; m. Sept. 12, 1875, Libbie Bennett, Denver, Col. FLOR.ILLA A. DOUD, b. Oct. 8, 1855; m. April 1, 1875, Gilbert Gowey. Residence, Gardner, Ills. ROLLIN DOUD, b. Aug. 27, 1859; m. May 6, 1885, Lizzie Wilson, Gardner, llls. AMOS ROGERS DOUD, b. Feb. 9, 1862; m. May 12, 1892, 1st, May Wessels, who d.; m. 2d, Melinda Bates, Sept. 8, 1897. HATTIE LUELLA DOUD, b, May 29, r864; d, Oct. 1, 1883; m. Feb. 8, 1882, Wm. Paxton. TAMAR LUCINDA DOUD, b, Sept. 25, 1867; m. March 1, 1888, Arthur Burleigh, Mazon, Ills. 237

8 5 Harriet Easton (Alexander7, Joseph6, Ahimaz , Eli_jah', Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph'), dau. of Alexander (120) and Hannah (Lee) Easton, was b. Oct. 30, 1832, and d. Sept. 14, 1894. Shem. April 29, 1852, William W. Jenkins, b.July 12, 1830, in Huntsburgh, Ohio, son of David and Maria (Strong) Jenkins.

Their children were- ELBERT A. JENKINS, b. Oct. 21, 1853; d. Oct. 21, 1·874. FRANK C. JENKINS, b. June 10, 1857; d. Aug. 31, 1892. 353 WALTER M. JENKINS, b. April 6, 1861.


5 Wilder 3M. Easton (Alexander 7, Joseph 6, Alzimaz , Elijah', Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph'), son of Alexander ( I 20) and Hannah (Lee) Easton, was b. April 20, 1835, in Mesopotamia, Ohio, and m. April 25, 1867, for first wife, Lydia A. Easton, b. Feb. 14, 1847, who d. Feb. 20, 1883, dau. of James and Abiah (Wildman) Easton. He m. Sept. 19, 1884, for second wife, Abbie L. Parker. Wilder M. Easton is a farmer; resides at Albat

Children by first wife­ FLORILLA, b. Feb. g, r868. HANNAH JANE, b. Oct. 30, 1869. SALLIE, b. Jan. 8, 1875. EDMUND SMITH, b. Nov. 20, 1876. EARL, b. Feb. 10, 1881. Children by second wife- LEE, b. Aug. 2, 1889. ELSIE LOUISA, b. Nov. r7, 1896.

Memoranda. Wilder M. Easton is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, having served as a private soldier in the late civil war, enlisted Company E. 89th IJlinois Infantry. 239

8 5 1 Alcinous Easton (Alexander 7, Joseph", AJzimaz , Eli:fah , 1 Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Alexander (120) and Hannah (Lee) Easton, was b. July 25, 1837, in Farmington, Ohio; he m, April 21, 1857, Mary Doan, b. Oct. 25, 1841, dau. of Seth and Lucy Francis Doan. Mr. Easton is a farmer; resides at Cambridge, Neb.

Their children were- EVA J., b. June 28, 1859; d. Nov 18, 1860. HANNAH ADDIE, b, April 1, 186-i. HENRY MONROE, b. July 28, 1864. EMERY ALEXANDER, b. Dec. 3, 1866; d. Feb. 13, 1867. ELMER, b. Feb. II, 1868; d. March 19, 1868. FREDA WALLACE, b. June 25, 1870, ALMON WALTER, b. Jan. 17, 1873. HOWARD ELBERT, b. Oct. g, 1876 MARY EMMA, b. June 25, 1879. EFFIE MABEL, b. Nov, 8, 1881. ORA ALCINOUS, b. Oct. 3, 1884. 240

8 6 5 Marion Easton (Alexander7, Joseph , Allimaz , Elijalz\ 1 Joseph 3, Joseplt2, Joseph ), dau. of Alexander (I 20) and Hannah (Lee\ Easton, was b. Sept. 9, 1840, in Farmington, Ohio, and m. Sept. 18, 1862, E.W. Traver, of Morris, Ills., who was 6. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Oct. 14, 1838, son of Walter and Katherine (Tichenor) Traver. Resides at Davenport, Neb.; occupation, farming. Their children were-

ALBERTIE TRAVER, b. Feb. 2, r864; m. March, r882, Wm. H. Jackman, Davenport, Neb. ELLA M. TRAVER. b. Jan. 12, r866; m. May 28. 1896, James H. Johnson, Davenport, Neb. LORAN W. TRAVER. b. Aug. 7, 1869. GUSSIE B. TRAVER, b. Feb. 5, 1872; d. Sept. 2r, r875. LILLIE A. TRAVER. b. Sept. 7, 1874; m. Oct. 28, 1897, John W. Warren, Sheridan, Wyo. HARRY G. TRAVER, b. Nov. 25, 1877. DAVIDE. TRAVER b. Jan. 14, 1882.

241 Dr. Cyrus 8 M. Easton (Alcxander7, Joseph\ Ahimaz", 2 1 Eli:fah4, Joseph 3, Joseplz , Joseph ), son of Alexander ( 120) and Hannah (Lee) Easton, was b. Oct. 23, 1842, in Farmington, Ohio, and m. Aug. 20, 1867, Mary Ann Armstrong, b. Sept. 13, 1843, dau.ofW. G. and Grace (Glass) Armstrong. Mr. Easton is a physician; resides at Hebron, Neb. Their children were-

354 CORA MAY, b. July 10, r869. 355 LEN A A., b. Aug. 19, 1870. 356 RUFUS W., b. Feb. rr, 1875. 242 Cassius 8 C. Easton (Alexander7, Joseph 6, Ahimaz5, Elijah', 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Alexander ( 120) and Rhoda ( Lee) Easton, was b. March 2 I, I 845, in Farmington, Ohio; hem. Sept. 27, 1866, Mary } .. Spiller, b. May 19, 1849, dau. of John and Joanna Spiller. Mr. Easton is a farmer; resides (1898) Gardner, Ills. Their children were-

357 ADDISON M., b. Jan. 2, 1868. ROWLAND J., b. Oct. 4, 1871; m. Nov. 12. 1896, Winnie Small; resides at Rosalie, Butler Co., Kansas. RHODA BELLE, b. July 28, 1880. CASSIUS CLIFFORD, b. June 14, 1885. DESCENIJANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 143 243

8 5 Orissa Easton (Orlando7, Joseph6, Ahimaz , Elifaft', 2 1 Joseph\ Joseph , Joseph ), dau. of Orlando (121) and Sally (Hunt) Easton, was b. in Mesopotamia, Ohio, June 12, 1826, and m. Jan. 29, 1845, Lawrence Winfield Guild, b. Jan. 29_, 1821, at Windsor, Ohio, son of Oliver R. and Mary (Chappell) Guild. Orissa Easton Guild d. Jan. I2, 1862, Dover, Ohio. where Lawrence W. Guild ( I 897) resides.

Their children were-

FAYETTE W. GUILD, b May 11, 1850. HELEN M. GUILD, b. April 23, 1855; m. William Tiffals. ALVIN W. GUILD, b. July 4, 1857; m. Josephine, dau. of RA. and Josephine (Quimby) Washburn, March 15, 1882. ELMER 0. GUILD, b. April 3, 1860; m. - 1886, Ida McCalpin, Hawleysville, Iowa. 244

8 5 Rosamond Easton (Orlando1, Joseph6, Alzimaz , Elijah', 1 Joseph3, Joseph2, foseph ), dau. of Orlando ( 121) and Sally (Hunt) _Easton, was b. in Mesopotamia, Ohio, Dec. 24, 183 I. and m. Dec. 15, 1853, in Farmington, Ohio, Wellington Jay Guild, b. Aug. 4, 1829, son of Oliver R. and Mary (Chappell) Guild. Residence (1897) Rolla, Mo.

Their children were- EVERETT LEROY GUILD, b. June 17, 1855; d. Feb. 6, 1856. FRANK DUET GUILD, b. Sept. 30, 1857; m. Nov. 29, 1882, }<-'nnie Lemar; resides at Lebanon, Mo. EMMA ORISSA GUILD, b. Jan. 16, 1862: d. Aug. 22, 1882. WALTER CLEVELAND GUILD, b. July n, 1863. MARY ADELIA GUILD, b. Oct. 28, 1867. 245

5 MaryR Jane Easton (Luman 7, Josep/1\ Aliimaz , Eli.jalt', 1 Josepe, Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Luman (122) and Nancy 144 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

(Griffith) Easton, was b. in Huntsburgh, Ohio, and m. Dec. 30, 1846, Solomon A. Pratt, b. April 18, 1824. He is a carpenter; resident (1897) of Chardon, Ohio. Mary Jane Pratt d. June 16, 1897.

Their children were- ADELAIDE PRATT, b. Feb. 17, 1849. BO RACE 0. PRATT. b. Sept. 30, 1851.

124 (Completed with the full family record.) Marinus 1 Winters Easton (Elijah6, Joseph5, Elijah\ 1 Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Elijah (64) and Sally (Niles) Easton, was b. July 8, 1814, in Whitestown, Oneida Co., N. Y., and m. - 1835, Jane Dubois, b, Feb. 22, 1815, dau. of John and Catherine Dubois. Marinus W. Easton was a farmer; residence, Oriskany, New York.

Their children were- 245_½ CHARLES L., b. Jan. 18, 1836. JAMES L. b. March - 1838; d. Aug. 16, 1840. ELIZABETH T., b. Feb. - 1841; d. Jan. 14, 1844. GEORGE, b. Nov. 29, 1843; d. Jan. 29, 1844. 246 JAMES K., b. Oct. 19, 1844 246_½ SARAH J., b. Jan. - 1846. GEORGE, b. Nov. _25, 1852; d. Nov. 25, 1856. WILLIE, b. - 1853; d. Nov. r8, 1860. 247 EDGAR M., b. Jan. 15, 1858. 247_½ CORA B., b. Feb. 21, 1861.


8 1 5 Charles L. Easton (Marinus W ., Elifah6, Joseph , Eleffah 4, 2 1 Joseph3, Joseph , Joseph ), son of Marinus W. (123) and Jane (Dubois) Easton, was b. Jan. 18, 1836, in Oriskany, N. Y., and m. Dec. 15, 1858, Elizabeth F. Niles, b. April 29, 1835, dau. of Jeremiah and Deborah F. Niles.

Charles L. Easton resides at Orisl,rnny I N. Y. DESCENDANTS O.F JOSEPH EASTON.

Their children were­ CHARLES M._, b. May 18, 1860. HATTIE J., b. Aug.17.1862. FANNlE, b. Oct 10, 1867°; d. Aug. 6, 1890. JESSIE M., b. July 24, i870. ALVIN C., b. Dec. 7, 1874. BURTON P., b. Feb. 16, 1876. ETTA E., !_ • b J l EFFA B., { twins, . u yr 6 , I 8 79. 246

8 5 James K. Easton (Marinus7, Elefjah6, loseph , Eli:fah', 1 Joseplt3, Joseph 2, Joseph. ), son of Marinus W. (123) and Jane (Dubois) E~stori, was b. Oct. 19, 1844, in Oriskany, N'. Y. He m. Jan. 21, 1866, Eliz~beth Nelson, b: Oct. 10; 1847, dau. of James and Jane Nelson. James K. Easton is a pattern maker; resi<;ies at Unskany' New York. Their children were- 358 FRED W., b. Jan. 8, 1867. 359 E. HAROLD. b. Jan. 1: 1871 J. IRWIN, b. March 23, 187::i; unmarried 1891:\; ,resid,es Syracuse, 1'<. ,Y. MARINOS W., b Jan. 31, 1878; unmairried 1898:· . ,; BESSIE M., b. Dec. 7, 1884. SAMUEL P., b. Feb. II, 1890;,d. April 23, 1890. 246½ 7 5 Sarah s J. Easton (M arinu.s. W ., Elijah 6, Joseph , .£ li:fah 4; 3 2 1 Josep/z , Joseph , Josep!z ) 1 dau. of Marinus W. (123) and Jane (Dubois) .Easton, b, Jan., 1847, in Q.riskany, N. Y., and m. Nov. 9, 1865, Alvin C. Beckwith, b. Jan. 4, 1847. Residence, Newark, New Jersey. Their children were- WILLIAM C. BECKWITH, b. Aug. 2, 1867. EDGAR E. BECKWITH, b. June 2, 1871. JANE M. BECKWITH, b. July 7, 1875.

8 7 6 Edgar M. Eastorl.(A:forinus W ·.,Eliah ,' :loseph5, Etifalz\ 1 Joseph 3, Joseph\ Joseph ); son, of Marinus'W: (123) and Jan~' 10 146 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

(Dubois) Easton, was b. Jan. 15, r858, in Oriskany, N. Y. He m. Aug. 9, 1880, Sadie A. Coe, b. Oct. 4, 1860, dau. of Ralph W. and Anna M. (Cooper) Coe. Edgar M. Easton is a piano tuner; resides at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Their child - FLORENCE AGNES, b. June 21, 1888.


8 1 Cora B • Easton (Marinus W ., Eli,fah°, Joseplt5, Eli/ah', 3 1 Joseph , Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Marinus W. (123) and Jane (Dubois) Easton, was b. Feb. 21, 1861, in Oriskany, N. Y., and m. June 18, 1884, David Charles Nelson. Residence, Oriskany, N. Y.

Their children were- LEON DAVID NELSON. b. Jan. 25, 1887. EMERSON STANLEY NELSON, b. Dec. 10, 1889. LUCY DUBOIS STANLEY, b. March 17. 1892. GILBERT DODGE NELSON, b. June 19, 1894.


8 1 5 Jasper Gilbert Easton (Willia1n H., Elijah6, Joseph , 3 1 Elijah', losepli , Joseph2, Joseph ), son of William H. (124) and Maroa (Warren) Easton, was b. Feb. 14, 1859, in Juneau, Wis. He m. Feb. 9, 1890, Sarah J. Coe, dau. of John Coe. Jasper G. Easton resides in Chicago, Ills.

Their child-

FRANCIS M., b. April 9, 1891; d. April 20, 1892.


8 7 5 Ella M. Easton, (Jasper G., Elijah6, Joseph , Elijah 4, 3 1 Joseph , Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Jasper G. ( 12 5) and Hannah A. (Salisbury) Easton, was b. May 18, 1849. Shem. July 20, DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 147

1870, Emmert C. Terry, b. Aug. 10, 1849, son of Charles Terry. Residence, Waterville, N. Y. Their children were-

RAYMOND E. TERRY, b. Dec. 19, 1871; d. Dec. 20, 189:,. GILBERTE. TERRY, b. Feb. 22, 1879. LEON C. TERRY, b. Nov. g, 1882. BERTHA E. TERRY, b Jan, 18, 1886. 250 7 6 5 Joshua8, Barton Gamble (Louisa B,, Rufus , Joseph , Eli:fah4, 1 Joseph 3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Louisa Baker Easton ( 128) and Archibald Gamble, was b. Aug. 8, 1823, Hern. --­ Ruth Lupton. Residence, St. Charles County, Mo.; a farmer. Their children were- ARCHIBALD GAMBLE. EDWARD B. GAMBLE. MARY ELLEN GAMBLE. MARGARET GAMBLE. CHARLES G. GAMBLE. ANNIE GAMBLE. 251 8 7 5 Virginia Gamble ( Louisa B., Ru/us 6, Joseph , Elijah', 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Louisa Baker Easton ( 128) and Archibald Gamble, was b. Oct. 2, 1830, in St. Louis, Mo. Shem. May 29, 1851, Charles Gibson, b. Feb. 16, 1825, son of Hugh and Elizabeth (Rutledge) Gibson. Mr. Charles Gibson is a lawyer; a resident of St. Louis, Missouri. Their children were- LOUISE G. GIBSON, b. May 16, 1852; m. Luther H. Conn, 1871. VICTOR R. GIBSON, b. Aug. 7, 1854- ARCHIE GIBSON, b. Sept. 18, 1856; d. Jan. 26, 1881. PRESTON GIBSON, b. Sept. 19, 1858. CHARLES GIBSON, b. Oct. 28, 1860; m. May P. Gilbert, 1894 ELIZABETH R. GIBSON, b. Oct. 29, 1862; m. Richard E. Perry, 1885. GEROLT GIBSON, b. Dec. 29 1864- EASTON RlJFUS GIBSON, b. Dec. 14, 1873; in 1898, a 2d lieut. 9th U. S. Infantry; he participated in the capture of Santiago, Cuba. 148 DESCENDANTS OF· JOSEPH EASTON.

252 Rev. Joseph 8 Gamble (Louisa 7 B., Rufus6,Joseph5, Elijah 4, 3 2 1 Joseph , Josep!t , Josepli ), son of Louisa Baker Easton (128) and Archibald Gamble, -was b. Sept. 6, l 84.2,, in St. Louis, Mo.; he m. April 25, 1867, Mary McGill, dau. of Rev. Alexander T. McGill, D.D. and Eleanor Acheson McCullock, of Princeton, New Jersey. · · Rev. Joseph Gamble, D. D. (1897) is pastor of First Pres.byterian church, Plattsburgh, N. Y . •

Their children were-

ELEANOR ACHESON McCULLOCK GAMBL;E, b. March 2, r868. ARCHIBALD GAMBLE, b. July 19, 1870; d. July 19, 1870. RUFUS EASTON GAMBLE, b. July 23, 1874; d. Jan. 28, 1881. MARY McGILL GAMBLE, b. Dec. 18, 1876; d. Dec. 13, 189r. ALEXANDRA McGILL GAMBLE, b. May 9, 1881.


8 7 Alby Abial Easton (Alton R ., Rufus 6, Josepli 5, Elijah', 1 Joseph\ Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Alton R. (129) and Eliza (Ott) Easton, was b. Feb. 3, 1850, in St. Louis, Mo., and m. June l, 1869, at St. Louis, George H. Plant, b. Dec. 11, 1847, in St. Louis, son of Samuel and Olive (Snow) Plant. George H. Plant is a manufacturer of flour; resides in St. Louis; Mo. No children.

254 Archibald 8 G. Easton (Alton 7 R., Rufus\ Joseph5, Elijah', 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Alton R. (129) and Eliza (Ott) Easton, was b. Nov. 24, 1851, in St. Louis, Mo. Hem. Sept. 14, 1882, Annie Stella Dean, dau. of Thomas A. and Jennie W. Dean. Residence of Archibald G. Easton, St. Louis, Mo.

Their child- ROBERT DALTON, b. Aug. 5, 1894. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 149


8 1 5 Alton Rufus Easton (Alton R., Rufus", loseph , Elijah4, 1 Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Alton R. (129) and Eliza (Ott) Easton, was b. Oct. 17, 1853, in St. Louis, Mo. Hem. for first wife, Ada Florence Johnston, March z, I 87 5, in St. Louis, Mo., b. May 2, 1853, in Wright City, Mo., who d. Sept. 7, 1887, in Sedalia, Mo., the dau, of Lavinia (Wright) Johnston and Beni,amin Johnston. Mr. Easton m. for second wife. June 19, 1889, at Seqalia, Mo., Cora Jeane DeMuth, b. April 29, 1853, in.,Urichville, Ohio, dau. of Christopher and Mary (Macdonald) DeMuth. Alton R. Easton is an abstractor of titles; residence, Sedalia, Mo.

Children by first wife -

EMELINE NOYE, b. April II, 1876, St. Louis, Mo. 360 HAZEL KIRKE, b. Aug. 6, 1877. AL TON RUFUS, b. Nov. 7, 1879. MARIE ELOIS, b. Nov. 15, 1882; d. Sept. - 1883, in Sedalia. HAROLD BRUGMAN, b. July 5, 1885; d. Nov. rr, 1887. WRIGHT JOHNSTON, b. Dec. 25, 1886, Sedalia, Mo ..

Children by second wife- AMY ADELE, b. June rr, 1890; d. June rr, 1890, in Sedalia. HENRY EVANS, b. April 17, 1892; d. Oct. 28, 1893. Sedalia. THEODORE DEMUTH, b. Jan. 31, 1895. 256

8 7 5 Edward Bates Easton (Ioseph G., Ru/us 6, Joseph , 1 Elijah4, Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Joseph G. (131) and Jane Charlotte (Smith) Easton, was b. Jan. 2, 1844, at Palmyra, Mo.; he m. May 14, 1868, at Hannibal, Mo., Martha Page La Fon, b. March 31, 1843, at Palmyra, Mo., dau. of Dr. Joseph La Fon and Paulina Bowe(Hatch) La Fon. Residence of Edward B. Easton, Kansas City, Missouri; general accountant. Thei.r children born in Hannibal, Mo. - 361 JOSEPH GEORGE, b. Jan. 25, 1870. PAULINA SMITH, b. Aug. 18, 1872. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

WILLIAM SMITH, b. Jan. 25, 1875. CATHERINE LA FON, b. May 28, 1877. BENJAMIN LA FON, b. Oct. 25, 1882.

257 Medora 8 Bartlett Easton (Joseph 1 G., Rufus6, Joseph5, 1 Elz:fah', Joseph 3, Joseph2, .foseph ), dau, of Joseph G. (131) and Jane' Charlotte (Smith) Easton, was b. May 20, 1849, at Waterbury, Conn., and m July 6, 1870, Barton W. Smith, b. Sept. 29, 1838, at Watertown, N. Y., ~on of John J. and Mary A. Smith. Residence ( 1898) Wausau, Wis.

258 Louisa 8 Gamble Easton (Joseph 1 G., Ru/us6, Joseph\ 3 1 Elifah \ Joseph ,Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Joseph G. ( I 3 I) and Jane Charlotte (S?1ith) Easton, was b. Jan. 9, 1851, at Water­ bury, Conn., and m. Oct. 29, 1874, at Hannibal, Mo., George Benton Bohon, b. Oct. r8, 1851, at La Grange, Mo., son of William J. and Mary J. Bohon. Residence ( 1898) La Grange, Mo.

259 Mary 8 Sibley Easton (Joseph 1 G., Ru/us6, Joseph5, Elijah\ 1 Joseplz3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Joseph G. (13 r) and Jane Charlotte (Smith) Easton, was b. Sept. I, I 863, at Palmyra, Mo., and m. Nov. IO, 1896, at Kansas City, Mo., Henry Kloes, b. Nov. 9, 1861, at Milwaukee, Wis., son of Adam and Mary Kloes.

Mr. Henry Kloes ( 1 898) is paying teller, First National Bank, Milwaukee, Wis. No issue Jan. r5, 1898. DESCENDANTS DF JOSEPH EASTON.


8 1 Medora Abial Easton (Langdon C., Rufus", .Joseph 5, 2 1 Elijah\ .Joseph 3, Joseph .foseph ), dau. of Gen. Langdon C. (132) and Elizabeth L. (Beall Porter) Easton, b. Oct, 26, 1848, ;,tt Fort Leavenworth, Kas. She m. April I 5, 1867, at Fort Leavenworth, .Lieut John P. Walker, now Captain U. S. Army (retired). Residence, St. Charles, Mo. Their children were- LANGDON EASTON WALKER, b. March 21, 1868, at Ft. Sully, Dakota. ELIZABETH LLOYD WALKEU, b. June 17, 1869, at Fort Sully, Dakota ALBY MEDORA WALKER, b. Jan. 13. at Keokuk, Iowa. MARY BEALL WALKER, b. Oct. 24, 1872, at Sidney Barracks. Neb. JOHN PERRY WALKER, b. Aug. 27, 1874, at·Ft. McPherson, Neb.

261 Elizabeth 8 Lloyd Easton (Langdon 1 C., Rufus6, .foseph5, 1 Elijah\ Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Gen. Langdon C. (132) and Elizabeth L. (Beall Porter) Easton, was b. July 15, 1850, at Santa Fe, New Mexico. She m. April 8, 1873, at Philadelphia, Pa., Capt. Charles Morton, of the 3d U. S. cavalry, b. 'VIarch 18, 1846, at Chagrin Falls, Ohio, son of Charles E. and Huldah A. (Noah) Morton. Their children were- CHARLES EASTON MORTON, b. March 14, 1874, at Sidney Barracks, Nebraska. ELIZABETH LLOYD MORTON. b. Aug. 22. 1875, at Sidney Barracks Neb. Shem. Dec. 10, 1893, at Waukesha, Wis., Edmund R. Spence, of Milwaukee. EMMET CRAWFORD MORTON, b. Oct. 29, 1877, at FL Larimie, Wyoming. SIBLEY MORTON. b. Jan. 1, 1880; d. Dec. 3, 1880, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. ADELE PICOT MORTON, b. Aug. 31, 1881.

Memoranda. Charles Morton, before becoming a cadet, volunteered April, 1861, in a Home Guard Company, for the protection of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railway; enlisted July 27, 1861, in the 13th Missouri Infantry, subsequently DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

reorganized as the 25th, and then as rst Missouri Vol. Engineers; being engaged in the battle of Shiloh, sieges of C~rinth and Atlanta, action of Lovejoy's Station, battle of Jonesboro', etc.; and Sept. 13, 1864, was discharged with a certificate of having participated with his regiment in all its marches, campaigns, skirmishes and battles, and distinguished himself for bravery in action. After his discharge from the volunteers, en route home, he narrowly escaped the Centralia massacre, Sept. 27, 1864. He assisted in organizing the enrolled militia in his neighborhood, and met the famous guerrilla, "Bill Anderson" and band, Oct. 16, 1864. on Fishing River, Ray Co., Mo .. having a sharp and severe engagement, which resulted in the killing of that notorious chieftain and fifteen of his followers, thus avenging the fate of old comrades who fell at Centralia. He entered the U. S. Military Academy Jnne 9, 1865; and graduated June IS; 1869, when he was assigned as a 2d lieutenant to the 3d Cavalry, serving in New Mexico. In the spring of 1870, he went with his regiment to Arizona, where in June, 1871, he was complimented in general orders for services in engagements with hostile Apaches.. In 1872, his regiment went to Wyoming, and he participated in most of the campaigns against the the Sioux Indians, until the autumn of 1878, when he was sent on the mounted recru1tmg service. Notable among the campaigns. in which he participated, are the engagements of Crazy-Horse V,llage, Wyoming, March 17, 1876; Tongue River, June 9, 1876, and Rosebud, June 17, 1876, Montana; and Slim Buttes, Dakota, Sept. 9, 1876. In 1875, he was engineer officer of the Black Hills expedition, and for five months he explored and surveyed that, until then, unexplored region, and the following winter made maps of that country. Promoted rst lieutenant 3d U. S. Cav. Sept. 25, 1876. Promoted captain 3d U. S. Cav. Nov. 27, 1883. Member of Loyal Legion and G. A. R. Served from March, 1881, to May, 1882, at McKinney, Wyoming; from May, 1882, to April, 1885, in Arizona; May, 1885, to March, 1892, in Texas; March, 1892, till Oct., 1894, in recruiting service, at Milwaukee, Wis.; Fort Sill, Ind. Ter., to April, 1895; professor of Military Science and Tactics, De La Salle Institute, New York city, from May 4, 1895, until the declaration of war with Spain, in 1898, when he was ordered to join his regiment.


8 7 Rufus Easton (Henry C., Rufus\ Joseph 5, Elijah', 1 Joseph 3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Henry C. (136) and Mary L. (Blair) Easton, was b. Nov. 8, 1852, at St. Charles, Mo. He m. --- Sarah Cheffey. Rufus Easton was killed Feb. 3, I 880, m a railroad accident.

Their children were-- HENRY CLAY, b. Oct. 15, 1875; resides at Oloa, Hawaii. JOHN DONALDSON, b. Oct. 1, r877; resides at Hilo, Hawaii. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. I 5 3


8 5 Frances Isabella Easton ( George 7, Roderick°, Joseph , Elifah4, Joseph 3, Joseph2, Joseph'), dau. of George ( 141) and Isabella (Crawford) Easton, was b. March 24, 1842, in Brock­ ville, Canada, and m. Aug. 28, 1867, Dr. Albert E. Senkler, b. March - 1842. Dr Senkler is a physician and surgeon; resident (1898) of St. Paul, Minn.

Their children were- GEORGE EASTON SENKLER. b. June 12, 1870. AGNES ISABELLA. SENKLER, b. Aug. 19, 1872.

264 John 9 Perry Easton (lames 8 D., Michael 1 P., Norman°, 1 James5, Joseph\ Joseph", Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of James D. (149) and Jane (Barker) Easton, was b. Dec. 6, 1855, in Peru, Huron Co., Ohio. He m. April 22, 1884, Harriet Fitch, b. Aug. I, I 8 58, dau. of Orlando H. and Harriet Fitch. John P. Easton is a grain and seed merchant at Monroeville, Ohio.

Their children were­ EUNICE, b. Dec. r, 1888. CANDACE. b. Feb. II, 1891. MERAB or MERAH, b. April 12, 1897. 265 Eugene 9 Easton (John 8 C., Micltael 1 P., Norman°, James\ Joseph\ Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph1,) son of John C. (150) and Selah Ann (Estes) Easton, was b, March 22, 1846, in Taylors­ ville, Ky. He m. April 22, 1866, Maggie J. Campbell, of Knoxville, Tennessee, who d. Oct. 1, 1874, dau. of James Campbell. He m. for second wife, Alice Bonner. Eugene Easton is a lawyer; residence, Antlers, Indian Territory. r 54 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Children by first wife-

362 ANNIE C., b. Aug. 2, 1867. JOHN C., b. Sept. r3, 1869. JAMES D, b. Oct. 18, 1871. THOMAS, b. April - 1874; d. Nov. 1, 1874.

Children by second wife -

NELLIE, b. Jan. II, 1877. EUGENE JR., b. Nov. 29, 1879. RAY, b. April rr, 1884. 266

9 8 7 Calvin Easton Brodhead ( Ophelia , Calvin , Normann, James 5, Joseph', Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph'), son of Ophelia Easton ( I 52) and Andrew J. Brodhead, was b. Dec. 27, r 846, in Pike Co., Pa. He m. Dec. 6, 1870, Laura Clewell Leisenring, b. Aug. 9, 1848, who d. Jan. 16, 1874, dau. of Alexander W. and Ann (Ruddle) Leisenring. Mr. Brodhead is a civil engineer and railroad contractor; residence ( 1 897) Flemington, N. J.

Their children born in Mauch Chunk, Pa. - ANNA LEISENRING BRODHEAD, b. Nov. 12, 1871. EMILY EASTON BRODHEAD. b. Nov. 3, 1872. ALEXANDER W. L. BRODHEAD, b. Jan. 1, 1874. Mr. Brodhead m. for second wife Maria Lewis, a native of Canada. No children. 267

9 6 5 Garret Brodhead (Oplzelia , Calvin7, Norman°, James , 3 1 Joseplz\ Joseph , Joseplz2, Joseph ), son of Ophelia Easton (152) and Andrew J. Brodhead, was b. Feb. l I, 1848, in Pike Co., Pa. Hem. Sept. 17, 1872, Anna Kocher, b. Aug. 25, 1849, dau. of Conrad and Catherine (Wasser) Kocher, of East Mauch Chunk, Pa. Mr. Brodhead in I 897 is a resident of Perth Amboy, N. J.

Their children were- CONRAD KOCHER BRODHEAD, l t . J b, July rg, r873. ANDREW JACKSON BRODHEAD, f wms, / b. July 19, 1873. d. May 3, 1876. The above born in East Mauch Chunk, Pa. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 155

ALONZO BLAKSLIE BRODHEAD, b. Dec. 16, 1875, in Metuchen, New Jersey. CAL VIN EASTON BRODHEAD, l LAURA LEISENRING BRODHEAD, \ b. Sept. 21, 1878, Metuchen, NJ. RUTH RANDALL BRODHEAD, b. March 7, 1884, in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. GARRET BRODHEAD JR., b. Jan. 3, 18~8. in Perth Amboy, N. J. 268 9 8 John Romeyn Brodhead (Oplzelia , Calvin7, Norman6, James 5, Joseph 4, Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph 1,) son of Ophelia Easton (152) and Andrew J. Brodhead, was b. June 11, 1849, and m. Nov. 13, 1882, Mary Martha Holbert, of Chemung, N. Y., who was b. March 22, 1858, dau, of Joshua S. and Catherine Van Houton (Ryerson) Holbert. Residence of John R. Brodhead in 1897, Buffalo, N. Y. Their children were- HENRY HOLBERT BRODHEAD, b. Sept. 29, 1883. ARTHUR SAGER BRODHEAD, b. Nov. 26, 1886. 269 9 8 1 6 James Easton Brodhead ( Oplielia , Calvin Norman , James5, Joseph•, foseph3, foseph2, Joseph'), son of Ophelia Easton (152) and Andrew J. Brodhead, was b. Feb. 22, 1851, in Pike Co, Pa., and m. May r, 1877, Hattie Locklin Boyd, - of New York city, b. July 11, 1852, dau. of Nathaniel and Jane (Curren) Boyd. Residence ( I 897) Flemington, N .J. Their children were~ WALTER BRODHEAD, b. March 9, 1878, in Clinton, N. J. JOHN ROMEYN BRODHEAD, b. Sept. 25, 1880, in Clinton, N. J. FREDERICK MOON BRODHEAD, b. July 31, 1883, in Flemington, New Jersey. NATHANIEL BOYD BRODHEAD, b. June 22, 1891, in Flemington, New Jersey. 270 9 8 7 Andrew Douglas Brodhead ( Ophelia , Cal11in , Norman", 3 1 fames 5, Joseph•, Joseph , Joseph 2, Joseplz ), son of Ophelia Easton DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

(152) and Andrew J. Brodhead, was b. Aug. 17, 1853, in Mauch Chunk, Pa. He m. Oct. l 5, 1878, Margaret Lewis Martin, b. Jan. 15, 1859, in Perth Amboy, N. J., dau. of Moses and Sarah Augusta (Lewis) Martin.

Their children were- EDITH EASTON BRODHEAD, b. Nov. 3. 1879; d. March 29, 1882. FRANK MARTIN BRODHEAD, b. Feb. 5, 1882, in Perth Amboy, N. J. LEWIS DINGMAN BRODHEAD, b. Oct. 5, 1884, in Perth Amboy, N. J. ANDREW JACKSON BRODHEAD, b. Oct. 3, 1886, in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. 271

9 8 Jean Struthers Brodhead ( Ophelia , Calvin 7, Norman 6, 5 3 1 James , Joseph', Joseph , Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Ophelia Easton (152) and Andrew J. Brodhead, was b. Nov. 21, 1857, in East Mauch Chunk, Pa., and m. Oct. r5, 1885, Charles Ashley Blakslie, b. July 4, 1859, in Mauch Chunk, Pa., son of James Irwin and Caroline Jones (Ashley) Blakslie. Residence ( 1897) Mauch Chunk, Pa.

Their children were- GERTRUDE EASTON BLAKSLIE, b. June 21, 1887, in Mauch Chunk, Pa. OPHELIA EASTON BLAKSLIE, b. Jan. 9, 1895, in Mauch Chunk, Pa.

272 Robert 9 Packer Brodhead (Ophelia8, Ca!vin7, Norman6, 5 2 1 Jmnes , Joseph', Joseph3, Joseph , Joseph ), son of Ophelia Easton (152) and Andrew J. Brodhead, was b. Oct. 12, 1861, in East Mauch Chunk, Pa., m. May 22, 1889, Fanny Vaughn Loveland, b. July 23, 1861, in Kingston, Pa., the dau. of William and Lydia (Hurlburt) Loveland. Residence (1897) Kingston, Pa.

Their children were- ROBERT PACKER BRODHEAD JR., b. April rr, 1890, in Kingston. WILLIAM LOVELAND BRODHEAD, b. June ro, 1891, in Caledonia New York. LYDIA HURLBURT BRODHEAD, b. June 11, 1893, in Geneva. N. Y. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 157

MARY BUCKINGHAM BRODHEAD, b. Aug. 29, 1895, in Kingston, Pennsylvania. FRANCIS LOVELAND BRODHEAD, b. Oct. 16, 1896, in Kingston, Pennsylvania. 273

9 8 7 6 Emily Linderman Brodhead ( Ophelia , Calvin , Nonnan , 1 James 5, Joseph 4, Joseph 3, Joseph 2, .foseplt ), dau, of Ophelia Easton (152) and Andrew J. Brodhead, was b. June l, 1862, in Mauch Chunk, Pa., and m. Oct. 6, 1881, Frederick Moon, b. Sept. 30, 185 1, in Easton, Pa., son of Samuel and Matilda (White) Moon.

Their child- FREDERICK WILES MOON. b. July 27, 1882


9 8 7 6 Richard Henry Brodhead ( Ophelia , Calvin , Norman , 5 1 James , Joseph", Joseph 3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Ophelia Easton (152) and Andrew ]. Brodhead, was b. Nov. 4, 1864, in East Mauch Chunk, Pa., and m. March 6, 1890, Jane Vandever Smock, b. Oct. 15, 1861, in Marlboro, N. ]., dau. of Daniel P. and Sarah Jane Smock.

Their children were- ESTELLE SMOCK BRODHEAD. b. Nov. 26, 1890, in Roper, N. C MARY OPHELIA BRODHEAD, b. April 2, 1892, in Marlboro, N. J. JEAN BLAKSLIE BRODHEAD, b. July 3, 1893; d. July 27, 1893.


9 6 Nellie R • Easton (Jamesg Calvin7, Norman , James5, 3 1 Joseph\ Joseplt , Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of James (153) and Hannah E. (Corwin) Easton, was b. Nov. 2 I, 1849, in New Vernon, N. Y., and d. Aug. 20, · 1896. She m. Feb. 28, 1882, in Otisville, N. Y., Schuyler D. Frazer, b. March 27, 1848, in Bethel, Sullivan Co., N. Y., who d. Jan. IS, 1890, . the son of Reuben and Elizabeth (Duryea) Frazer. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Their children were- J AMES EASTON FRAZER. b. Nov r8, 1882. SCHUYLER D. FRAZER, b. Feb. 3, 1886; d. Oct. ro, 1887. CHARLES BURTON FRAZER, b. Dec. 3, r888. Obituary. It is with deepest regret we a~nounce the death of our esteemed friend, Schuyler D. Frazer, of Otisville, which took place on Wednesday morning, Jan. 15th, at the residence of his father-in-law, James Easton. Mr. Frazer was born at Bethel, Sullivan County, N. Y., March 27, 1848. He moved to Otisville when a small boy and was for a number of years a faithful and trusted clerk in the store of Mr. Easton. In 1869 he went to Athens, Pa., and soon bnilt a profitable and prosperous business for himself. In 1873 he moved to Elmira, taking in partners and engaging in an exclusively wholesale trade, and in 1878 he connected himself with the "Mile End" Thread Co., doing a very large and successful business on the road till 1883, which he increased by taking up several threads. Finally taking up Chadwick's thread he made a very profitable engagement with that company when they first came into this country, and succeeded iu building up their business largely until his health failed and he was obliged on that account to retire, living at Otisville with his family till his d"eath. He leaves a young and devoted wife, Nellie, only daughter of Mr. James Easton, and two little children, Easton and Charles, to mourn his early death. His father, Mr. Reuben Frazer, bis mother, four sisters and two brothers also · survive. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. R H. Craig and Rev. J. Service on Saturday at Otisville, and the interment took place at Howells beside his little son, Schuyler, who died two years ago. Mr. Frazer rests in peace, having lived a spotless life and having proved during the long and wearisome years of his last illness that he possessed a faith in God and trust in his Redeemer which grew in strength and clearness up to the last moment of life.-Orange County Press, :January 2I, I890. 276 9 8 7 Thomas Horton Easton (James Calvin , Norman 6, James 5, 3 1 Joseph', Joseph , Joseplt2, Joseph ), son of James (153) and Hannah E. (Corwin) Easton, was b. Jan. 25, r 853, at Howell's Depot, N. Y. Hem. March 14, 1875, at Otisville, N. Y., N. Frances Wilkin, b. Aug. 4, 1855, in Otisville, dau. of Dimmick and Sylvia A. (Cadwell) Wilkin. Thomas H. Easton is a farmer at Otisville, N. Y. Their children were- 363 HARRIET DODGE, b. Feb. rr, 1877. NELLIE WILKIN, b. June r4, r88r. SYLVIA ELIZABETH, b. Sept. 10, 1885. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 159 277

Sarah9 Jane Easton (Lemuel J8., Lemuel 7, Ashbel6, Lemuel5, 1 Samuel', Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Lemuel J. ( I 56) and Alvira (Bills) Easton, was b. Dec. 28, 1841, in Southwick, M;:i.ss. She m. Nov. S, r 860. William B. Cornwell, b. Aug. 18, 1839, in Enfield, Conn , son of Chauncy and Grace Cornwell. Mr. William B. Cornwell is a blacksmith; resides ( r 898) Westfield, Mass. Mrs. Sarah J. Cornwell d. June 19, 1864, at Westfield.

Their children were- NELLIE CORNWELL, b. Oct. 14, 1861; d. April 16, 1864. JENNIE CORNWELL, b. June 6, 1864; d. Nov. 30, 1864. Mr. William B. Cornwell m. Aug, 17, 1865, Ellen A. Easton, sister of his first wife, Sarah J. No issue.


9 8 6 5 George A. Easton ( Lemuel 1 ., Lemuel7, Ashbel , Lemuel , 1 Samuel\ Joseph\ Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Lemuel J. (156) and Alvira (Bills) Easton, was b. Jan. 23, 1846, in Southwick, Mass He m. April 23, 1871, in Westfield, Mass., Ellen L. French, dau. of Louis and Louise French. George A. Easton is a blacksmith at Westfield, Mass.

Their children were - FRED G., b. Oct. 30, 1876. MINNIE G., b. July 26, 1878. 279

9 7 6 5 Charles C. Easton ( Lemuel J8., Lemue/ , Ashbe/ , Lemuel , 3 2 1 Samuel4, Joseph , Joseph , loseph ), son of Lemuel J. (156) a:nd Alvira (Bills) Easton, was b. April 2, 1852, in Southwick, Mass. Hem. Oct. 3, 1876, Jennie M. Wright, b. April 7, "185 r, dau. of Orrin Wright. 160 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON,

Charles C. Easton 1s a blacksmith; resides (r898) at Westfield, Mass. Their child - WILLIAM C., b. March 27, 1878. 280 Charles 9 H. Easton (Henry~ A., Oliver1, As!zbel6, Lemuel\ 1 Samuel', Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Henry A. (163) and Susanna (Tillotson) Easton, was b. April' 2, 1843, at Windsor Locks, Conn. He m. March 21, 1866, Margaret Dunlap, b: May 14, l 849, dau. of John and Nancy (Patten) Dunlap ' Charles H. Easton ( 1898) is a resident of Windsor Locks, Conn.; served as a soldier in the civil war. Enlisted in Company C, 12th Regiment.Conn. Volunteers, Nov. 20,. 1861; re-enlisted vet., Jan. r, r864; discharged Aug. 12, 1865. No children. 281

9 8 7 Emma Easton (Henry A ., Oliver Ashbel6, Lemuel\ 2 1 Samuel', Joseph3, Josep!z , Joseph ), dau. of Henry A. (163) and· Susanna (Tillotson) Easton, was b. March 16, 1846, -and d.' April 2, 1887; she m. Jan. ro, 1866, at Windsor Locks, Conn., Henry Mullen, who in 1898 is chief of police, Westfield, Mass.

Their children were-

CHARLES HENRY MULLEN, b. Aug. 21, 1868. LOTTIE ESTELLE MULLEN. b. -· 282 Willis Walter 9 Easton (Hcnry 3 A., Oliver7, Ashbel\ 5 1 Lcmuel , Samuel', :foseph3, .foseph2, Joseph ),.son of Henry A: (163) and Susanna (Tillotson) Easton,was b. Nov. 27, 1859. He m. Dec. 25, ·1878, for first wife, ld

Mass.; hem. for second wife, Clara M. Potter, dau. of E. C. rotter. Residence, Westfield, Mass.

Child by first wife- ] AMES A., b. --

Chiidren by second wife - CHARLES WILLIS, b. Nov. rr, 1888. EUNICE E., b. Dec'. 30, 1889. HENRY, b. Aug. 7, 1891. JANE MARIA, b. -- 283 Mary9 I. Easton(AshbelS,Oliver7,Ashbel6, Lemuel5,Samuel', 2 1 Joseph 3, Joseph , Joseph ), dau. of Ashbel (164) and Lucretia "(Rogers) Easton, was b. June 28, 1847, in Suffield, Conn.; she m. Nov. 23, 1870, Cornelius Van Delinda, b. May 6, 1845, son of John B. and Hannah (Adams) Van Delinda. Residence ( I 898) Springfield, Mass.

Their children were- ADA VAN DELINDA, b. Feb. 14; 1872; m. Oct. 29, 1890, William M. McIntire, b. Sept. 5, 1864; he is assistant cashier, N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Freight Office, Springfield, Mass. Their ch.: Edgar F., b. Jan. r, 1893; Ernest C., b. Dec. 25, 1894. HARRY VAN DELINDA, b. Oct. 27, 1874; m. Sept. 29, 1897, Hattie W. Wright, Merrick, Mass. 284 Isadore 9 Easton ( Oliver 8, Oliver 7, Ashbel", Lemuel 5, 1 Samuel', Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Oliver ( r 6 5) and Charlotte (Hall) Easton, was b. Aug. 18, 1854. She m. March 20, 1878, Charles T. Elliott, of Windsor, Conn.



285 Wilfred 9 Easton ( Oliver8, Oliver 7, Ashbel6, Lemuel5, 1 Samuel"', Joseph3, Joseph2, loseph ), son of Oliver (165) and Charlotte (Hall) Easton, was b. Dec. 31, 1861. Hem. 1894, Eva Brown, b. Dec. 25, 1877. Residence (1898) Brookfield, Mass.

Their children were­ OLIVER. HAROLD. 286

9 Oliver Easton ( Oliver 8, Oliver 7, Ashbel6, Lemuel 5, Samuel\ Joseph 3, Joseph2, Joseph'), son of Oliver (165) and Charlotte (Hall) Easton, was b. Feb. 3, 1863, and m. Oct., 1888, Flora Searles, of Windsor, Conn.

Their children were­ FRANK OLIVER. RAYMOND 287

9 8 William A. Easton (Albert , Oliver7, Ashbel6, Lemuel5, 1 Samuel', Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Albert ( r66) and Emma C. (Osborn) Easton, was b. Dec. 4, 1855, at Windsor Locks, Conn. Hem. Oct. 6, 1880, Emma L. Bissell, b. Nov. 11, 1859, dau. of Harrison Bissell. Residence of William A. Easton, Hartford, Conn.

Their children were - ANNE E., b. June 26. 1882. HARRY W., b. Oct. 21, 1883. 288

9 5 John B. Easton (Albert8, Oliver 7, Ashbel6, Lemuel , 1 Samuel\ Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph }, son of Albert (166) and Emma C. (Osborn) Easton, was b. Sept. 19, 1860, in Windsor DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Locks, Conn. He m. Dec. 7, 1887, Marrietta Hatch, b. June - 1858, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth Hatch, Mr. Easton is baggage master; resides in Boston, Mass. (1898). No children. 289

9 8 Ellen Elmal1aston (William W ., Wait7, James6, Lemuel5, 3 1 Samuel', Joseph , Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of William W. (171) and Margaret M. (Bagg) Easton, was b. May 1, I 843, in Southwick, Mass., d. April 8, 1861; she m. Oct. 10, 1860, Elbridge G. McIntire, b. Dec. 10, 1839.

Their child - ELMER EASTON McINTIRE, b. Jan. 12, 186I. Hem. April 12, 1885, Martha H. Warner, b July 9, 1866. Their ch.: Cora Elizabeth, b. 'Oct. 8, 1888; Elbridge Raymond, b. Feb. 12, 1893; d. Aug. 19, 1893. 290 Luther 9 Wait Easton (William wa., Wait7, James\ 6 1 Lemue/ , Samuel\ Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of William Wait (171) and Margaret M. (Bagg) Easton, was b. ~g. 30, 1846, in Southwick, Mass. He m. Oct. 26, 1870, at Suffield, Conn., Harriet Louise Rising, b. Oct. 24, 1847. Luther W. Easton d, June 5, 1894. Their children were- EDW ARD LUTHER, b. July 13, 1874. ELWOOD TRACY, b. March n, 1876. MARION LOUISE, b. March 14, 1878. CARROLL ASHTON, b. Jan. 21, 1883. KENNETT HAYDEN, b. April r, 1892. 291

9 8 7 6 James Hale Easton ( William W ., Wait , James 6, Lemuel , Samuel\ Joseph3, Joseph_2, Joseph'), son of William Wait (171) and Margaret M. (Bagg) Easton, was b. Sept. 12, 1861, in Southwick, Mass. He m. Oct. 27, 1874, Susan Francis Sperry, b. Jan. IO, 1857. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Their children were- ARTHUR W. b. Oct. 4, 1876; m. March 31, 1897, Alice Rebecca Whaley. LIZZIE MABEL, b .. Sept. 5, 1878. GEORGE HARMON, b. Feb. 25, 1886. 292 Morton 9 W. Easton (Oliver 8 H., vVait7,'James6, Lemuel5, 1 Samuel\ Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Oliver Hastings (172) and Emeline 1\1. (Brace) Easton, was b. Aug. 18, 1841, in Southwick, Mass. He m. June 15, 1875, Maria Stille Burton, of Philadelphia, Pa., b. July 17, 1849, dau. of Selden M. and Phoebe Stille Burton. Prof. Morton W. Easton ( I 898) is a resident of Philadelphia, Pa.; a professor in the University of Pennsylvania.

Their children were- EDITH BURTON, b. - 1876; d. at three months. BURTON SCOTT, b. Dec. 4, 1877. WILLIAM HASTINGS, b Feb. 22, 1880. ETHEL STILLE, b. April 21, 1882. 293 Anna 9 C. Easton(James8, Wait7, James 6, Lemuel5, Samuel', 3 1 Josep/z , Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of James (173) and Lucinda 1 (Herrick) Easton, was b. Aug. 3, 1 843, in North Adams, Mass. ;

and d. Sept. 19, 1879; she m. Oct. 4 1 1864, John H. Orr, b. April 1 1, 1843. Residence, North Adams, Mass.

Their children were -

MARY E. ORR, b. July 21, 1865; she m. Dec. 18, 1886, Charles Whitney, of North Adams. Their ch.: William Orr, b. July 1, 1889; and Arthur 0., b. Jan. r, 1891. CARROLL E. ORR, b. March 30, 1867; d. Oct. 18, 1875. HERBERT F. ORR, b. Feb. 22, 1869; m. Sept. 24, 1891, Josephine A. Moore, b. May 2, 1869. JAMES A. ORR, b. March 23, 1872; d. May 25, 1872. JENNIE J. ORR, b. April 24, 1873. ELLA L. ORR, b. May 29, 1875. WILLIAM H. ORR. b. Dec. 8, 1877. D'ESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 165

-294 9 7 5 Carroll w. Easton tJclmes8, Wait : · James\ Lemuel , 3 Samuel", Joseplt , Joseph2, Joseph)), son of James (173) and Lucinda (Herrick) Easton,.was b. Oct. r9, r845, in North Adams, Mass. Hem. Dec. 18, 1867, Mary C. Clark, b. Nov. 2 5' 1849. Carroll W. Easton ( I 898) is. a _dealer in lumber, coal, wood and agricultural implements, at Hoosick Falls, N. Y.

Their children were-

364 LILLIAN M., b. Sept. JI, 1868. 365 PEARL J., b. May 17, 1871. CARROLL 0., b. April 19, 1876; d. Feb. 10, 1892. LOIS H., b. Sept. 11, 1888. . MABEL A., b. April 14, 1890. 295

9 5 Mary E. Easton (lames 8, Wait 7, James\ .Lemuel , Samuel", 3 1 Joseph , Josepli2, Joseph ), dau. of James (173) and Lucinda (Herrick) Easton, was b May 16, 1848, in North Adams, Mass.; she m. May 16, 1867, Charles E. Butler, b. Nov. 2, 1845. Residence, North Adams, Mass.

Their children were- HARRY BUTLER, b. March 15, 1869; d. - Aug. 1869. ALICE M. BUTLER, b. April 16, 1872; m. Oct. 31, 1895, Wynn Tatro. Their ch.: Harold Butler Tatro, b. March 4, 1896. 296 Edwin 9 Levi Humason (Lois8, Wait7, James6, Lemuel°, 1 Samuel\ Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Lois (174) Easton and Levi Humason, was b. July 14, 1841, in Chicopee, Mass. He m. Oct. 29, 1862, Sarah E. Austin, b. June 30, 1840, at Suffield. Conn., the dau. of Thomas H. and Miranda (Messenger) Austin. Residence, Suffield, Conn. 166 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Their children were- EMMA M. HUMASON, b. Sept. 20, 1863; m, Warren H. Higley. ARTHUR E. HUMASON. h. Aug. 19, 1867; <;f. Dec. 1, 1867. NELSON S. HUMASON, b. April 23, 1869; m. Lida Adams. ADA L. HUMASON. h. Nov. 1, 1870; m. Clinton D. Tdwn. CLARA B. HUMASON, b. July 27, 1875. ESTELLA M. HUMASON, b. Aug. 19, 1880. CLARENCE L. HUMASON, b. May 2, 1883. 297

9 5 James K. Humason (Lois8, Wait7, James6, Lemucl , 1 Samuel', Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Lois Easton ( l 7 4) and Levi Humason, was b. March 7, 1847, in Suffield, Conn. Hem. Sept. 21, 1873, Flora Louise Markle, b. Jan. 7, 1856, at Corning, N. Y. They reside at Gladwin, Mich. Their children were- HARRISON HENRY HUMASON, b. Feb. 6, 1876. EDNA MABEL HUMASON, b. Feb. 0 24, 1880. ELLA LOUISA HUMASON, b. Aug. 21, 1887. JESSE LORENZO ISAAC HUMASON, b. Aug. 20, 1891. 298

9 8 Heman R. Humason (Lois , Wait7, James6, Lemuel5, 1 Samuel 4, Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joeeph ), son of Lois Easton ( r 7 4) and Levi Humason, was b. Sept. 14, 1848. He m. Jan. 2, 1874, Angene Kent, b. July 24, 1856. Residence, Feeding Hills, Mass. Their children were- ALICE MAY HUMASON, b. March 16, 1876. ARTHUR HENRY HUMASON, b. May 19, 1877. DAISY BELL HUMASON, b. Jau. 23, 1881. BERTHA GRACE HUMASON, b. Nov. r,:, 1882. MABEL LOIS HUMASON, b. Nov. 21, 1889. 299

9 8 5 Charles H. Humason (Lois , Wait7, James6, Lemuei , 3 1 Samuel', Joseph , Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Lois Easton (174) and DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 167

Levi Humason, was b. Aug. 7, 1850. Hem. July 3, 1871, Hattie Jane Kent. Residence, Springfield, Mass.

Thei,r children were - CHARLES HENRY HUMASON, b. Nov. 22. 1872; d. March 16, 1873. CLAUDIA MERLIN HUMASON, b. Jan 5, 1874; rn. May 25, 1893, Charles H. Cooley. Their ch.: Hazel Merlin, b. Feb. 27, 1894. EVA BELL HUMASON, b. Oct. r, 1875. CHARLES HERBERT HUMASON, b. Nov. 30, 1877.

300 Jane 9 Elizabeth Humason (Lois 8 Wait7, James\ Lemuel", 3 2 1 . Samuel', Joseph , Joseph , Joseph ), dau. of Lois Easton ( I 7 4) and Levi Humason, was b. Aug. 19, 1852, and d. June 8, 1898. She m. March 26, 1870, Asa_d Lyman Thompson, b. Aug. 30, 1846. Residence, Galena, Kansas.

Their children were- HADLEY ALEXIS THOMPSON, b. March 6, 1872. IRA DWIGHT THOMPSON, b. March 30, 1878; d. Sept. ro, 1882. JUSTIN EDWARD THOMPSON, b. March 8, r88r. HOWARD PAYSON THOMPSON, b. Aug. 5, 1886.

301 Sanford 9 L. Staniey (Candace\ Wait7 James\ Lemuel", 1 Samuel', Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Candace Easton ( 175) and William B. Stanley, was b. Aug. 30, 1854, in Suffield, Conn. He m. May 26, 1880, Catherine Tirzah Barnett, b. May 9, 1854, in West Suffield, dau. of Henry and Emily (Tucker) Barnett. Their residence ( 1898) Springfield, Mass.

Their children were- EMILY CANDACE STANLEY, b. Jan. 4, 1882. MARIAR LOUISA STANLEY, b. Dec. 3, 1883. KATE BARNETT STANLEY, b. Feb. r, 1885. WILLIAM HENRY STANLEY, b, Aug. 21, 1887. 168 DESCENDANTS ,OF JOSEPH EASTON.


9 8 Francis W. Stanley (Candaoe- , Wait7;James6, Lemuel", Samuel\ Joseph\ Joseph2, Joseph1,) son of .,Candace Easton (175) and Wiljiam B'. Stanley, was b. Ma:v,)7, 1863, in ~uffield, Conn. He m. Oct. 6, 1885, Ev_eli~a ~ardwell, b .. April. 7, 1865, dau. of William H. and Marv- E. (Bartlett) Bardwell. Francis W. Stanley resides in N'ew Haven, Conn.

Their children were-

EVELINA STANLEY, b. Dec. 2, r887. MARJORIE MAY STANLEY_, b. Oct, I6, .Sgo.


9 8 Addie Sophia Easton (Andrew , Wait7, James\ Lemuel°, 2 1 Samuel\ Joseph 3, Joseph Joseph ), dau .. of Andrew J. (176) and Mary E. (Moore) Easton, was b. July 3, 1859, in Suffield, Conn.; she m. Dec. 15, 1885, Ja_mesE. Perkins, b. Sept. 22, 1856, son of Samuel and Cynthia Perkins. James E. Perkins is a farmer at Suffield, Conn.

Their children were- LEN A EASTON PERKINS, b. Dec r7, 1886. LADRA PHEBE PERKINS, b. Aug. r2, r8go.


9 8 Herbert Leslie Easton (Isaac E ., Chauncy 7, James\ 1 Lemuel", Samuel", Joseph 3, Joseplz2, Joseplt ), son of Isaac E. (178) and Sybil L. (Chapin) Easton, was b. Oct. 25, 1855, in Chicopee, Mass. Hem. Jan. I, 1890, Laura A. Weatherby, of Granby, Mass., b. Aug. 31, 1868, dau, of George A. and Laura E. Weatherby. Herbert L. Easton resides at Granby, Mass.; a farmer and manufacturer of lumber and shingles. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Their children were- LAU_RA ESTHER, b. Oct. 5, 1890; d. Aug. 28, 1891. WILBUR HERBERT, b. Dec. 9, 1891. MYRTIE INEZ, b. Aug: 14, 1893. MABEL A., b. July 20, 1895. ADALLA GERTRUDE, b. July II, 1896. 305

9 3 Edward Chauncy Easton (Isaac E ., Clzauncy1, James«, 1 Lemi,el5, Samuel", Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseplz ), son of Isaac E. (178) and Sybil E. (Chapin) Easton, was b. Oct. 8, 1858, in Chicopee, Mass. He m. May 21, 1885, at Holyoke, Mass., Mary Ann Daly, b. May 13, 1862, in Stockbridge, Mass., dau. of Denis and Mary Jane (Devan~ey) Daley. Edward C. Easton resides at Granby, Mass.; a carpenter and farmer. Their children were- MARY IRENE, b. No:v. r, 1886. EDWARD RAYMOND, b. April 5, 1892. 306

9 8 Susan Everline Easfon (Isaac E ., Chauncy 1, James\ 3 1 Lemuel", Samuel', foseph , Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Isaac E. (178) and Sybil L. (Chapin) Easton, was b. June 23, r862, in Chicopee, Mass. She m. Nov. 23, 1881, Lucius E. Daven­ port, at Chicopee, b. Nov. 30, 1861, in Colerain, Mass., son of Ganeo and Caroline (Gould) Davenport. Lucius E. Davenport is a farmer at Granby, Mass. Their children were- NELLIE SUSIE DAVENPORT, b. Feb. 15, 1886; d. July 7, 1898. CORA EVERLINE DAVENPORT, b. July 8, 1889. GRACE ADELLA DAVENPORT, b. Feb. 20, 1891. GILBERT BELL DAVENPOl<.T, b. Sept. 5, 1894. 307

9 8 Cynthia A. Ewing ( Elste , Samuel 7, Samuel 6, Samuel~, 3 1 Samuel', Joseph , Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Elsie Easton ( 179) 170 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.·

and Albert S. Ewing, was b. Dec. l 3, I 836, in Pembroke, N. Y., and m. Sept. 20, 1854, in Caneadia, N. Y., to James B. Spaulding, b. Oct. IO, 1829, in New Marlborough, Mass., the son of Daniel Spaulding. Mr. James B. Spaulding was very extensively engaged in the nursery business at Spaulding, near Springfield, Ills.; he d. Nov. IO, 1897, at Springfield.

Their children were- FRANK EWING SPAULDING, b. April r2, 1859; d. Aug. 8, 1898; .m. in 1885, Elizabeth Ewart, in Kearney, Neb. CYNTHIA EMMA SPAULDING, b. April 30, 1863; m. Nov. 24, 1886, Frank R. Fisher. Springfield, Ills. ALBERT STARR SPAULDING, b. Jan. 23, 1866; m. Jan. 15, 1890, Nellie L. Burrows, Canton, M.o. RVING EASTON SPAULDING, b, Dec. 23, 1867, Springfield, IIJs.


9 8 5 Ansel Mills Easton (Ansel , Samuel7, Samuel~, Samuel , 1 Samuel 4, Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Ansel I. ( 181) and Adeline (Wells) Easton, was b. in San Francisco, Cal., May 22, r865; m. Dec. 19, 1888, Sarah Louise Adams. Ansel M. Easton now resides on property left him by his father in San Mateo Co., Cal,

Their children were- ANSEL MILLS JR., b. June 23, 1890; d. May 13, 1893. JENNIE OLIVE, b. Dec. 27, 1891. LOUISE HENRIETTE, b. April 29, 1893. LAURENCE PARSONS, b. Oct. 6, 1896.


9 8 5 Jennie EllaM. Easton (Ansel ,Samuel7, Samuel\ Samue/ , 3 1 Samuel', Joseph , Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Ansel I. (r8r) and Adeline Mills) Easton, was b. in San Francisco, June 2 1, I 8 5 8 ; d. Feb. 26, 1887. She m. Sept. 2, 1880, Charles Frederick Crocker, vice-president Southern Pacific R. R., who d. Aug. l 897.) DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

AA ei c i\dren were- I '1:J!.J-"""'-1.:U-'--. b. Sept. 7, 1881. TEMPLETON, b. Sept. 2, 1884. ~ b. Feb. 24, 1887. JENNI€ 310

9 5 Mary Ella Easton (Denison 8, Samuel 7, Samuel 6, Samuel , 3 1 Samuel4, Joseph , Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Denison M. (183) and Mary (Lyle) Easton, was b. Jan. 25, 1854, in Manchester, Mass.; she m. Nov. 10, 1874, Herbert C. Budlong, who d. July 9, I 884. Residence of Mrs. Budlong (1897) Washington, D. C.

Their children were-

HERBERT A. BUDLONG, b. March 20, 1876. PERCY EASTON BUDLONG, b. Feb. 14, 1878. WM. LYLE BUDLONG, b. Jan. 6, 1880; d. April 8, 1885.


9 8 Edward Denison Easton ( Denison , Samuel 7, Sa1nuel6, 5 3 2 1 Samuel , Samuel', Joseph , Joseph , Joseph ), son of Denison M. (183) and Mary (Lyle) Easton, was b. April 10, 1856, in Gloucester, Mass.; he m. Jan. 26, 1876, for first wife, Hattie Kaldenbach, b. - 1857, and d. April 17, 1881, age 24. He m, for second wife, Helen M. Jefferis, May 24, 1883, at Washington, D. C., dau. of John Paul and Mary A. Jefferis. Edward D. Easton in 1898 is president of the Columbia Phonograph Company, with offices in New York city. His residence, Arcola, New Jersey.

Children by first wife­ HATTlE D., b. Aug, z, 1877. EDWARD LYLE, b. Dec. r, 1878; d. July 26, 1879.

· Children by second wife-

MARY JEFFERIS, b. Sept. 2, 1884. MORTIMER DENISON, b. Feb. 26. 1888. FLORENCE LYLE, b. June 5, 1890. HELEN GODWIN, b. April 17, 1895. r72 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


9 8 5 Fanny Ives Easton ( Denison , Samue/7, Samuel\Samuel , 1 Samuel', Josephs, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Denison M. (183) and Mary (Lyle) Easton, was b. June 20, 1860, in Brooklyn, N. Y. She d. Dec. 30, 1890, in Washington, D. C.; m. June 6, 1882, Cornelius L. Demarest, b. Aug. 28, 1857, son James and Matilda Demarest. Mr. Demarest is a physician; residence ( r 897) Washington, District of Columbia.

Their children were- REG IN ALDO EASTON DEMAREST, b. April 25, 1884. OLIVE LYLE DEMAREST, b. Feb. 28, 1887.


9 8 Kimbal Gushee Easton ( Giles A ., Samue/7, Samuel~, 5 2 1 Samuel , Samuel4, Josephs, Joseph , Joseph ), son of Giles A. (r,84) and Mary E. (Gushee) Easton, was b. Sept. 25, r865, in San Francisco Cal. He m. Oct. 4, 1892, Katherine Olden.

Their children were - ALEXANDER OLDEN, b. March 28, 1895; d. April 3, 1895. DOROTHEA ALICE, b. Mayr, 1897.


9 8 Mary Elizabeth Easton ( Giles A ;, Samuel7, Samuel\ 5 1 Samuel , Samuel', Josephs, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Giles A. ( 184) and Mary E. (Gushee) Easton, was b. Jan. 14, 1870, in Santa Cruz, Cal.; m. Aug. 23, 1893, Warren .Reynolds Porter. Residence (1898) Loma Prieta, Cal.

Their children were-

JOHN EASTON PORTER, b. July 20, 1894. WARREN REYNOLDS PORTER, b. March 20, 1896; d. May - 1897. MARY FRANCES PORTER, b. Oct. 4, 1898. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 1 73


9 8 7 6 Mary Elizabeth Easton ( William , Starr , Samuel , 1 Samue/5, Samuel', Joseph3, Joseph2, loseph ), dau. of William S. (186) and Sarah J. (Bacon) Easton, was b. Aug. 29, 1851, iri Ottawa, Ills.; she m. at Oskaloosa, Iowa, Dec. 25, 1877, John C. Bosworth. Residence ( 1898) Manly, Iowa.

Their children were- NELLIE BARGER BOSWORTH, b. Aug. 30, 1880, Oskaloosa, Iowa. GEORGE EASTON BOSWORTH, b. April 22, 1884, Duluth, Minn FRANK ALONZO BOSWORTH, b. Feb. 4, 1887, Bolan, Iowa. HARRY LYLE BOSWORTH, b. July 12, 1890, Lyle, Minn. 316

9 8 7 6 5 Edward James Easton ( H7itliam , Starr ,Samue! , Samue/ , 1 Samuel', .1oseph3, Joseph 2, .foseph ), son of William S. ( 186) and Sarah J. (Bacon) Easton, was b. Feb. 3, 1854, in Ottawa, Ills. Hem. Dec. 27, 1876, at Oskaloosa, Iowa, Leona Wells, b. June 22, 1853, dau. of William and Alvira (Hogan) Wells. Edward ]. Easton ( 1898) is storekeeper N. P. R. R. Co., St. Paul, Minri..

Their children were-

HELEN IRVING, b. Nov. 2, 1877; d. Aug. to, 1885. HORACE BIGELOW, b. Nqv. 22, r879. EDWARD JAMES JR., b. Sept. 18, 1883. IRVING WELLS. b. Aug. 18, 1886. LEONA MAE, b. Nov. 30, 1889. 317

9 8 1 Eliza McBurney Easton ( William , Starr , San-mer, 5 3 2 1 Samuel , Samuel', Joseph , Josep!i , Joseph ), dau. of William S. (186) and Sarah J. (Bacon) Easton, was b. Aug. 22, 1858, in Ottawa, Ills. She was m. Sept. 24, 1889, at St. Paul, Minn., in the Church of the Good Shepherd, by Rt. Rev. Bishop Whipple, to Rev. William Cox Pope, who was b. April 1 74 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

2 r, 1841, in Philadelphia, Pa , son of Daniel Newhall Pope and Charlotte Sitgreaves (Cox) his wife. Rev. Wm. C. Pope (1898) is rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd (P. E. ,) St. Paul, Minn., which position he has filled for the past twenty-eight years.

Their children were- WILLIAM COX POPE JR., b. April 17, 1891; d. April 24, 189r. EMILY HEWSON POPE, b. April 7, 1892. JAMES DE KOVEN POPE, b. July 24, 1894. ELIJAH EASTON POPE, l . CHARLES SITGREAVES POPE, f twms, b. June 1 • 1 S96.


9 8 7 6 5 Sarah Bacon Easton ( Willi.f:m , Starr , Samuel , Samuel , 1 Samuel\ Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of William S. ( 186) and Sarah J. (Bacon) Easton, was b. in Ottawa, Ills., Oct. IO, 1861; she m. March 20, 1884, at St. Paul, Minn., Everett C. Cromwell, b. April 14, 1860, son of Edward and Martha W. (Birdsall) Cromwell, of New York city. Sarah B. Cromwell d. Feb. 13, 1885, at St. Paul, Minn.

Their child -



9 8 Louise Eberhard Easton ( William , Starr 7, Samuel\ 1 Samttel5, Samuel', Joseph 3, Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of William S. (186) and Sarah J. (Bacon) Easton, was b. Jan. 25, 1868, at Ottawa, Ills.; she was m. Oct. 10, 1895, by the Rev. William C. Pope, in the Church of the Good Shepherd, at St. Paul, Minn, to Edmund A. Montgomery, b. Sept. 20, 1868, in St. Peter, Minnesota, son of Thomas and Sarah Ann (Purnell) Montgomery, of St. Paul, Minn. Mr. Edmund A. Montgomery is a lawyer and ( r 898) member of the law firm of Hale, Morgan & Montgomery, Minneapolis, Minn, his residence. No children (1898). DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 175


9 8 5 Lucien Frederick Easton (Jason C ., Giles7, Giles6, Samuel , 1 Samuel', Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Jason Clark ( I 87) and Sarah (Johnson) Easton, was b. June 2, 1859; hem. Dec. 30, 1885, Marie Estelle Losey, b. Jan. I, 1865, dau. of Joseph W. and Florence Losey, of La Crosse, Wis. Residence, La Crosse, Wis. Their children were- FLORENCE LOSEY, b. Sept. 26, 1886. SARAH JOHNSON, b. Oct. r9, 1887. LOUISE FANNY, b. Feb. 16, 1890. MARGARET, b. June 9, 1891. JASON CLARK, b. Dec. rr, 1892. JOSEPHINE BEHREND, b. March 4, 1897; d. April 19, 1897.

Memoranda. Mr. Easton is a graduate of the Shattuck Military School, Faribault, Minnesota, and Law Department, University of Michigan. He is in charge of the business of his father, Jason C. Easton, La Crosse, Wis.


9 8 6 Hattie Lois Easton ( Giles C ., Giles 7, Giles 6, Samue/ , 1 Samuel4, Joseph3, Joseph2, loseph ), dau. of Giles Charles (188) and Esther Amelia (Johnson) Easton, was b. April 4, 1859, in Lowville, N. Y.; a graduate of St. Mary's Hall, Faribault, Minn., and attended Wellesey College, Mass., for two years. Shem. June 25, 1884, Dr. Thomas, McDavitt, b. May 15, 1857, in St. Louis, Mo., son of Virgil and Caroline (McGinnis) McDavitt, of Kentucky. Dr. McDavitt graduated in I 8 79 from the Chicago Medical College. After practicing as a physician and surgeon for several years, he is now ( I 898) practicing as a specialist for diseases of the eye and ear, at St. Paul, Minn.

Their children were- ESTHER EASTON McDAVITT, b. June 13, 1885. SARA CAROLINE McDAVITT, b. Aug. 13, 1887. MARY McDAVITT, b. Dec. 9, 1889; d. June 8, 1890. HARRIET ELIZABETH McDAVITT, b. Oct. 16, 1897. 176 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


9 Gilbert Russell Easton (Russell8, Giles 1, Giles°, Samuel5, 1 Samuel\ Joseph3, Joseplz2, Joseph ), son of Russell J. (189) and Jane (Rogers) Easton, was b. Sept. 18, 1857, in Martinsburgh, N. Y.; he m. Sept. 6, 1876, Estelle Rossetta Barrett, of Leyden, N. Y., b. Dec. 6, 1855, dau. of James W. and Mary H. Barrett. In I 897 Mr. Easton is in the commission business, at Lowville, N. Y.

Their child- PERN AL BARRETT, b. Oct. 18, 1878, in Lowville.


9 1 Giles Nelson Easton (Russell8, Giles , Giles6, Samuel5, 1 Samuel', Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Russell J. ( I 89) and Jane (Rogers) Easton, was b. May 17, 1860, m Martinsburgh, N. Y.; he m. Jan. 15, 1894, Mary Chandler Phillips, b. Dec. 25, 1867, dau. of John W. and Anna M. (Pierce) Phillips. Mr. Easton is a commission merchant ( 1898) in Chicago, Illinois.

Their children were- ANN JANE, b. June 8, 1895. RUSSELL PHILLIPS, b. Aug. rr, 1896.


6 Carroll9 Francis Easton .(Francis MR., Giles1. Giles , 5 3 1 Samuel , Samuel4, Joseph , Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Francis· Marcellus ( 19 I) and Amefot Elvira (McCartey) Easton, was b. Aug. 31, 1857, in West Martinsburgh, N. Y. Hem. June 7, I 883, at Caledonia, Minn., Eva Burns, b. at Caledonia, Feb. 4, 1858, dau. of Thomas W. and Macha Damron Burns.


Mr. Easton is a resident ( 1898) of Aberdeen, South Dakota, and president of First National Bank. Their children were- RUSSELL BURNS, b. Aug. 3, 1884, at Aberdeen. VIOLET, b. Sept. 2, 1888, at Aberdeen. HAZEL, b. April rn, 1891, at Aberdeen. Memoranda. Carroll F. Easton was born in West Martinsburgh, New York, August 31, 1857. His father was a farmer and later, at the time of his death, a dry goods merchant in Lowville, N. Y.; he died leaving a young family without resources. Young Carroll worked on a farm for several years for his board and three _months yearly schooling. At the age of fourteen he went to Philadelphia, Pa., as a clerk in a store; from there, in 1874, he went to Lanesboro, Minnesota, where he was in a bank, belonging to J. C. Easton. Removed to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, in 1880, and engaged in banking there, and subsequently became interested in the banking business at Tracy, Minnesota, Yankton and several other points in South Dakota. In the year 1881, he removed to Aberdeen in the same State, where he has since made his home. Mr. Easton is president of the First National Bank of Aberdeen, and is interested in numerous other financial institutions, having handled large amounts of money for eaatern investors, and aided materially in the development of the Territory and State of South Dakota.


8 Russell9 Easton Shepherd ( oave A ., Giles 7, Giles°,

5 4 3 1 Samuel , Samuel , Joseplz , Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Olive A. Easton (192) and Thomas B. Shepherd, was b. in Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1860, and m. Oct. I, 1884, Nellie Kelton, of Red Wing, Minn., who was b. Jan. 3, 1863, dau. of Corliss Whipple and Delia Ann Kelton. Mr. Shepherd is a lawyer and the attorney for his uncle, J. C. Easton, of La Crosse, Wis., and a member of the law firm .of Shepherd & Catherwood, Austin, Minn., in 1898. Mr. Shepherd is a graduate of the Ilion Academy, at Ilion, N. Y., class 1879, and the law department of the University 0f Michigan, class 1883. Their children were - RUTH ELIZABETH SHEPHERD, b. Aug. 19, 1886, in Chatfield, Minn. HELEN AUGUSTA SHEPHERD, b. Sept. 16, 1889, in Austin, Minn. IRENE KELTON SHEPHERD, b. Sept. 30, 1897, in Austin, Minn. 12



9 8 Mary Loretta Shepherd ( Olive , Giles 7, Giles 6, Samuel\ 3 2 1 Samuel4, Joseph , loseph loseph ), dau. of Olive A. Easton ( 1 92) and Thomas B. Shepherd, was b. in Pulaski, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1863; m. April 22, 1885, Rev. Eugene H. Joy, at Ilion, N. Y., who was b. Sept. 13, 1856, son of Henry L. and Mary Elizabeth (Payne) Joy. Rev. Henry L. Joy in 1897 was pastor of the M. E. church, Camden, N. Y.

Their children were- JASON SHEPHERD JOY, b. Aug. 7, r886, in Clayville, N. Y. AUGUSTA MARY JOY, b. Feb. 29, r888, in Clayville, N. Y. EUGENE LEWIS JOY. b. July r3, 1889; d. Jan. 14, 1896. 327 Fred Edward 9 Easton (Charlong E., Henry 7 L., Elijah 6, 1 Elijah\ Eli/ah\ Joseph\ Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Char!on E. (196) and Mary E. (Coapman) Easton, was b. Dec. 18, 1861, and m. Oct. 5, 1886, Celestia Edna Richardson. Dr. Fred E. Easton graduated May 2 I, 1884, at the Long Island Hospital College, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; resides at Syracuse, New York. 328

9 8 6 5 Nellie Easton (Edgar , Jesse 7, Oliver , Elefjah , Elijah\ 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Edgar (21 r) and Amanda (Sigler) Easton, was b. Sept. 4, 1860, in Jacksonville, Ills., and d. May 20, 1896, in Payson, Ills.; she m. June 22, 1891, Talcott Cook, b. - 1859, son of Alonzo and Susan Cook. Residence, Payson, Ills. No children. 329

9 5 Jesse Cook Easton (Edgar8, Jesse7, Oliver6, Eli.fah , 3 2 1 Eli.fah "', Joseph , Joseph , Joseph ), son of Edgar ( 2 11) and DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 179

Amanda (Sigler) Easton, was b. March 28, 1864, in Jackson­ ville, Ills, and m. April 20, 1892, Gertrude Shirley. Jesse C. Easton is an engineer ; resides at Kansas City, Mo. No children. 330

9 8 5 Charles Edgar Easton (Edgar , Jesse 7, Oliver\ Elijah , 3 2 1 Elijah"', Joseph , Joseph , Joseph ), son of Edgar ( 2 11) and Am~nda (Sigler) Easton, was b. Dec. 26, 1866 in Jacksonville, Ills., and m. Nov. 25, 1896, Olave Ayres, b. Jan. 3, 1873, dau. of Stephen D. and Adaline Ayres. Charles E. Easton is a collector; resides at Kansas City, Mo. No. children. 331

9 8 Ida May Easton (Edgar , Jesse 1, Oliver6, Elijah 5, Elefjah4, 1 Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Edgar (21 r) and Amanda (Sigler) Easton, was b. Sept. 11, 1869, in Jacksonville, Ills., and m. Nov. 19, 1890, Robert Easterday, b. Feb. 21, 1862, in Easton, Pa., son of Stephen and Rebecca Easterday. Residence, Kansas City, Mo.

Their child-

NELLIE EASTERDAY, b. Aug. 20, 1891.

332 Mary 9 M. Easton ( C. Alonzo\ Leicester 1, Oliver6, Elijah 5, 3 Elijah4, Joseplz , Joseph2, Joseph'), dau. of C. Alonzo (213) and Betsey (Aylesworth) Easton, was b. May 22, 1850, at Afton, N. Y. Shem. Sept. 19, 1877, Marius J. Morgan. Residence, Afton, N. Y.

Their children were-

FRANK L. MORGAN, b. Oct. 21, 1878. ALONZO I. MORGAN, b. Sept. 27, r88o. GLEN W. MORGAN, b. July 2, 1886. 180 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

333 E. Melissa 9 Easton (H. Devillo 8, Leicester 7, Oliver 6, 5 3 1 Eli/ah , Elefj'ah 4, Joseph , Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of H. Devillo N. (214) and M. Lucretia (Newton) Easton, was b. April 19, 1859, at Afton, N. Y., and m. Oct. 16, 1877, Albert C. Derby. Residence, Canajohari, N. Y.

Their children were - HOW ARD DERBY, b. May r8, 1882. ARLlEN DERBY, b. May 15, 1892.


Merton 9 E. Easton ( H. Devillo 8 N., Leicester 7, Oliver 6, 5 1 Elijah , Elijah', Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of H. Devillo N. (214) and M. Lucretia (Newton) Easton, was b. March 3 r, 1861, in Afton, N. Y., and m. Jan. 30, 1884, Anna Lynch, of Belden. Residence, Afton, N. Y.

Their child -

LAWRENCE, b. Dec. 1, 1887.


Mae 9 E. Easton (Morgan 8 P., George 7 A., Joel°, Elijah\ 1 Elijah 4, Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Morgan P. ( 224) and Rhoda Mariah (Howard) Easton, was b. July 1, 1860, in Tioga Co., N. Y., and m. Feb. I, 1883, George W. Walters, b. Feb. 22, 1861, son of Henry and Mary (Thompson) Walters. Mr. Walters is a farmer at Ida Grove, Iowa.

Their children were- RALPH E. WALTERS, b. Nov. 23, 1884. CORAM. WALTERS, b. June 23, 1890. ALICE L. WALTERS, b. July 26, 1892. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 181

336 Alice 9 M. Easton(Morgan 8 P., George 7 A., Joel6, Eti.fah", 1 Eli/ah4, Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Morgan P. (224) and Rhoda Mariah (Howard) Easton, was b. Feb. 3, 1863, near Owego, N. Y., and m. March 3, 1887, Alfred M. Daniels, b. March 5, 1862, son of John M. and Kate (Carey) Daniels. Mr. Daniels is a stock dealer at Bancroft, Neb.

Their children were- MABEL C. DANIELS, b. Feb. 6, 1888. FLORENCE ALICE DANIELS, b, Feb. 8, 1891. 337

9 8 7 5 Morgan Z. Easton (Morgan P., George A., Joel\ Eli:fah , 1 Elijah", Joseph3, Josephi, Joseph ), son of Morgan P. (224) and Rhoda Mariah (Howard) Easton, was b. July 24, 1867, and m. Aug. 30, 1893, Sarah L. Shaw, b. Sept. 6, 1872, dau . .· of John S. and Sarah B. Shaw. Morgan Z. Easton is a grain and stock dealer at Bancroft, Nebraska.

Their child - RHODA MARIE, b. Dec. 24, 1894, 338

9 1 George F. Easton (Tho1nas8, George A., Joel6, Elijah 5, 1 Elijah', Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Thomas F. ( 22 5) and Mary A. (Durfey) Easton, was b. April II, 1859, in Coopersville, Mich., and m. Feb, 28, 1883, Kittie L. Blakeney, b. in Lamont, Mich., dau. of William and Matilda Blakeney. George F. Easton resides in Allendale, Mich.

Their children were- WILLIAM B,, b. Nov, 7, 1884, MARYL., b. June 9, 1886, HARRISON, b. Oct. 23, 1888, 182 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

GEORGE F., b. March 7, 1890. RUTH, b. Jan. 20, 1892. LILY M., b. July 8, 1896. 339

9 8 7 Josephine Easton (James G., Harmon V. B . , Ahimaz 6, 5 3 1 Alzimaz , Elijah', Joseph , Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of James G. (228) and Louise P. (Fairchild) Easton, was b. April 19, 1866; she m. Aug. I, 1889, William 0. Pardee, of New Haven, Connecticut. Their children were- MARY LOUISE PARDEE, b. Aug. 25, 1890. WILLIAM EASTON PARDEE, b. July 31, 1897. 340

9 8 7 6 Mary Louise Easton (James G ., Harmon V.B ., Ahimaz , 2 1 Ahimaz5, Elijah', Joseph3, Joseph , Joseph ), dau. of James G. (228) and Louise P. (Fairchild) Easton, was b. March 13, 1868; she m. Nov. ro, 1887, William H. Forsyth. Residence, Westville, Conn.

Their children were- LESLEY EASTON FORSYTH, b. Aug. 24, 1888. THOMAS FORSYTH, b. Jan. 1, 1890. 341

9 8 5 Ransford P. Easton (John R ., John 7, Joseph6, Ahimaz , 1 Elijah', Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of John P. (231) and Gratia (Southwell) Easton, was b. Dec. 2 3, r 8 5 8, in Mesopo~ tamia, Ohio, and m. Sept. 2 I, 1882, Katie Munger, b. March 22, 1862, in Lisbon, Ills., dau. of Reuben C. and Lydia A. Munger. Mr. Easton is a banker; resides at Hersher, Kankakee Co., Illinois.

Their children were -

NELLIE M., b. Feb. II, 1884, in Chebanse, Ills. CLYDE M., b. April 25, 1895, in Chebanse, Ills. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


9 8 7 4 5 Charles F. Easton (Ira , John , .Joseph , Ahimaz , Elijah l' Joseph3, loseph2, loseph1,) son of Ira (231½) and Harriet V. (Pratt) Easton, was b. Oct. 21, 1855, and m. April 4, 1885, Abbie K. Spencer, b. June II, 1859,. dau. of Horace and Caroline (Jones) Spencer. Charles F. Easton is a teacher and resides. at Chesterland, Geauga Co., Ohio.

Their children were­

RUTH, b, May 2, 1886. JAMIN, b. Oct. 17, 1890. Memoranda.

Charles F. Easton was born Oct. 21, 1855, and from his earliest boyhood he evinced a determination to secure an education; and so well did he improve (Lil the advantages which presented themselves that he became a teacher of a district school when sixteen years of age. In 1877, he graduated at Grand River Institute, of Austinburgb, Ohio, and completed his education by graduating from the Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1883. Mr. Easton has been the principal of the Geauga Seminary for fourteen years, and during that time he served for ten years as county examiner of teachers. This seminary is noted for having been the school at which James A. Garfield received his education as teacher. Mrs. Garfield attended the school at the same time. Mrs. Charles F. Easton is an accomplished lady of fine literary attain­ ments, and has acquired an enviable celebrity as an autho:resss and newspaper contributor. Their family consists of two unusually bright and promising children­ one boy and one girl.


9 5 Emory E. Easton (Luman8, John7, Joseph6, Ahimaz , 1 Elijah4, Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Luman (232) and Martha (Cole) Easton, was b. May 18, 1865, in Mesopotamia, Ohio. He m. July 29, 1887, Cora M. Sprague, in Windsor, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, dau. of Francis and Emma K. Sprague. Einory Easton is a farmer; resides at Mesopotamia, Ohio, 1898. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Their children were- ENA L. b. Jan. 5, 1889. HAZEL D. b. April 16, 1891. NELLIE M. b. May 23, 1897. 344 John 9 L. Easton (Luman 8, John 7, Joseph 6, Ahimaz5, 2 1 Elijah\ Joseph3, Joseph , Joseph ), son of Luman (232) and Martha (Cole) Easton, was b. Aug. lO, 1867, in Mesopotamia, Ohio. Hem. June 11, 1890, at Warren, Ohio, Anna E. Gooding, dau. of John and Caroline Gooding, of Orwell, Ohio. John L. Easton is a farmer, at Mesopotamia, Ohio.

Their children were- ELWIN C., b. May 22, 1891. VERN H .. b. Aug. 31, 1892. LETA C., b. Jan, 19, 1894. DENSMORE L., b. July 16, 1895.

345 Bertha 9 M. Easton (Luman 8, John 7, Joseph 6, Ahimaz5, 1 Eli:fah', Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Luman (232) and Martha (Cole) Easton, was b. July 29, 1872, in Mesopotamia, Ohio, and m. Feb. 16, 1893, Fred Gooding, of Mesopotamia, b. May 16, 1867, in Devonshire, England.

Their child - BERTIE GOODING, b. Aug. 15, 1893. 346

9 8 6 Orlando Easton (Lei1i W ., fames7, Joseph\ Ahimaz , 1 Eli/ah', Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Levi W. (233¼) and Rose M. (Teter) Easton, was b. Oct. 31, 1862, and m. Sept. 3, 1885, Fanny M. Sharp. Orlando Easton is a railroad man, farmer and auctioneer, at Dedham, Iowa. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

Their children were­ ARTHUR, b. Aug. r4, 1888. NEVA, b. Oct. 20, 1891. EDWARD W., b. Feb. 15, 1898. 347

9 8 Ozro J. Easton (Levi W ., James7, Joseph\ Ahimaz°, 3 1 Elijah4, Joseph , Joseph2, loseph ), son of Levi W. (233¾) and

Rose M. (Teter) Easton, was b. March 29, 1864 1 and m. March 2, 1890, Mattie M. Mabry, who d. June 7, 1895. Their children were - LEVI A., b. Jan. 12, 1892. JOHN A., b. April 9, 1894; d. June 9, 1895.

He m. for second wife, March I, I 896, Lou Pratt. Their child- ORA JAMES, b. Feb. -zr, 1897. 348

9 8 Frank E. Easton (Levi W ., James 7, Joseph\ Ahimaz6, 3 1 Eli/alt\ Joseph , Joseph 2, .foseph ), son of Levi W.(233¾) and Rose M. (Teter) Easton, was b. Feb. 28, 1868; he m. Sept. 28, 1890, Annie B. Cowan. Their child- LOCA ROSA, b. Aug. 18, 1892. 349

9 8 William Edwards Easton (Augustus B ., Justus7, Joseph\ 1 Ahimaz6, Elijah 4, Joseph 3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Augustus B. (235) and Julia (Burke) Easton, was b. Dec. 27, 1850, in Mesopotamia, Ohio, and m. Dec. 19, 1878, Josephine McGowan, dau. of John and Mary Elizabeth (Stone) McGowan. . Mr. Easton is a member of the firm of Easton & Masterman, publishers, proprietors and editors of the daily and weekly \\


Gazette. He has also been appointed and confirmed as post­ master of Stillwater, Minn., to take effect February I 5, I 899. Their children were- NED W., b. July 15, 1882. FLORENCE L., b. April 22, 1891. 350

9 1 6 Antoinette L. Easton (Augustus Es., fustus , Joseph , 5 1 Ahimaz , Eli.falz', Joseph 3, Joseph2, Joseph ), dau.of Augustus B. (235) and Julia (Burke) Easton, was b. Nov. 17, 1858, in Stillwater, Minn., and m. Nov. 14, 1882, Wellington C. Masterman, b. Jan. I 8, r 8 5 8, in Stillwater, son of Joseph N. and Abigail Masterman. Resides (1898) Stillwater, Minn. He is a member of the State Senate, and junior partner of the firm of Easton & Masterman, editors and publishers of the Stillwater daily and weekly Gazette. Their child - JULIA F. MASTERMAN, b. March 17, 1887. 351

9 7 6 5 Charlie L. Easton (Augustus Bs., Justus , Joseph , Ahimaz , 1 Eli:fah4, Joseph 3, foseph2, Joseph ), son of Augustus B. (235) and Julia (Burke) Easton, was b. Nov. 13, 1860, in Stillwater, Minn., and m. Oct. 9, 1883, Caroline L. Hughson, b. Sept. 4, 1862, dau. of Egbert E. and Lorain (Luce) Hughson, St. Paul, Minnesota. Charlie L. Easton ( I 898) is assistant inspector for the Minneapolis Underwriters Association, at Minneapolis, Minn. Their child-

EGBERT B., b. Feb. 10, 1886. 352

9 8 Gertrude Louise Easton (Augustus B ., Justus 7, Josep.h 6, 5 3 2 1 Ahimaz , Eli.fah •, Joseph , Joseph , Joseph ), dau. of Augustus DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

B. (235) and Julia (Burke) Easton, was b. July 24, 1866, in Stillwater, Minn., and m. Nov. 17, 1886, Fred. P. Doe, of Stillwater, Minn., b. in Stillwater, Jan. 1866, son of A. K. Doe. Residence ( I 898) Stillwater, Minn.; deputy clerk district court.

Their children were- MARY ANTOINETTE DOE, b, Dec. 18, r888. KINGSLEY E. DOE, b. Jan. rr, 1892.


9 7 6 Walter M. Jenkins (Harriet8, Alexander , Joseph , 5 3 1 Ahimaz , Elijah", Joseph , loseph2, Joseph ), son of Harriet Easton (237) and William Jenkins, was b. April 6, 1861, in Mazon, Grundy Co., Ills., and m. Nov. 20, 1878, Helen Garrity, b. April 16, 1858, in Chicago, Ills., dau. of James and Catherine (Patterson) Garrity. Walter M. Jenkins ( I 897) residence, Chicago, Ills.

Their children were - IDA H. JENKINS, b. Aug. 23, 1879. JAMES E. JENKINS, b. March 3, 1881; d. May 19, 1896. HELEN JENKINS, b. July 3, 1883. CATHERINE JENKINS, b. Jan. 8, 1885.


9 5 Cora May Easton ( Cyrus 8, Alexander 1, Joseph 6, Ahimaz , 1 Eli.fah4, Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of CyrusM. (241) and Mary Ann (Armstrong) Easton, was b. July 10, 1869, in Norton. Kankakee Co., Ills., and m. May IO, 1893, Bertie D. Ashbrook, b. Sept. 6, 1868, son of Oscar A. and Mary S. (Duncan) Ashbrook. Mr. Bertie D. Ashbrook ( I 898) is a mortgage, loan and real estate broker, at Hebron, Neb.


355 Lena 9 A. Easton (Cyrus8, Alexander7, Joseph6, Alzimaz5, Elijah', Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph'), dau. of Cyrus M. (241) and Mary Ann (Armstrong) Easton, was b. Aug. 19, 1870, in Norton, Kankakee Co., Ills., and rn. Aug. 26, 1886, Charles C. McLeese, b. March 23, 1867, son of Daniel and Agnes (McKillip) McLeese. Mr. Charles C. McLeese is a druggist, at Davenport, Neb.

Their children were-

MERLE EASTON McLEESE, b. Sept. 1, 1889; d. May 12, 1891, GARTH HOLODA Y McLEESE, b. Aug. 2, 1892. 356

9 8 Rufus W. Easton(Cyrus , Alexander7, Joseph', Ahimaz5, 1 Elijah\ Joseph 3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Cyrus M. (241) and Mary Ann (Armstrong) Easton, was b. Feb. II, 1875, in Gardner, Ills. Hem. Dec. 24, 1895, Delin Burdick, b. April 23, 1880, dau. of Myron 0. and Allie (Trudell) Burdick. Residence, Edgar, Neb,

Their child- DWIGHT MONROE, b. March 8, 1897.


Addison 9 M. Easton .(Cassius\ Alexander1,. Joseplz6, Ahimaz5, Elijah", Joseph\ Joseph 2, Joseph'), son of Cassius C. (242) and Mary J. (Spiller) Easton, was b. Jan. 2, 1868; he m. Jan. 24, 1891, Emma C. Wessels, b. Jan. 21, 1871, dau. of Thomas N. and Amanda J. Wessels. Mr. -Easton is engaged in stockraising; resides at Rosalie, Butler Co., Kansas (1898).

Their children were- HAZEL WESSELS, b. Dec. 18, 1892. WENDELL ADDISON, b. Jnly 31, 1896. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

358 Frederick 9 W. Easton (James 8 K., Marinus7, Eli.fah', 1 Joseph\ Elijah', Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of James K. (246) and Elizabeth (Nelson) Easton, was b. Jan. 8, 1867, in Oriskany, N. Y., and m. Nov. 7, 1894, Ella E. Salisbury, b. May 3, 1869, dau. of Henry and Sophia R. (Graham) Salisbury. , Mr. Easton is a stenographer; resides in Oriskany, N. Y. No children. 359

E. Harold 9 Easton (James 8, Marinus7, Elijah 6, Joseph 5, 1 Elijah', Joseph3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of James K. (246) and Elizabeth (Nelson) Easton, was b. Jan. 1, 1871, in Oriskany, N. Y. Hem. Jan. 2, 1894, Emma J. Bunnell, b. Oct. 15, 1869, dau. of Calvert and Jane (Corbitt) Bunnell. Resides at Oriskany, N. Y.

Their children were- RUTH GENEVIEA, b. Nov. 17, 1894. ELIZABETH INEZ, b. Nov. 10, 1897.


9 5 Hazel Kirke Easton (Alton Rs., Alton R7, Rufus\ Joseph , 1 Elijah', Joseph3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Alton R. (255) and Ada Florence (Johnston) Easton, was b. Aug. 6. 1877, in St. Louis, Mo., and m. Sept. 22, 1897, in Sed~lia, Mo., Fritz Emmett DeMuth, son of Oliver DeMuth. Residence (1898) Cleveland, Ohio.


Joseph 9 George Easton (Edwards B., Joseph 7 G., Rufus\ 5 1 Joseplz , Elijah\ Joseph 3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Edward Bates (256) and Martha Page (La Fon) Easton, was b. Jan. 25, DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

1870, at Hannibal, Mo. Hem. March II, 1896, Ida C. Guiberson, at Denver, Col., b. April rr, 1875, dau. of Col. William Radcliff Guiberson (U. S. Army) and Lula (Du Bois) Guiberson. Joseph G. Easton ( I 898) is commercial agent, U. P. D. & G. R. R. Co., Colorado Springs, Col. No children.


9 1 5 Annie C. Easton (Eugene8, John C ., Michael P~., James , 1 Joseph", Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Eugene (265) and Maggie J. (Campbell) Easton, was b. Aug. 2, 1867, in Narasota, Texas; she m. July 4, 1888, Clifford D. Kelley, b. May 5, 1860, son of Henry C. and Olive Kelley. Mr. Kelley is a wholesale and retail druggist, in Paris, Texas.

Their child- OLIVE KELLEY; b. Sept. 7, 1890.

363 Harriett 10 Dodge Easton (Thomas 9 H., James8, Ca!vin7, 6 3 2 1 1Vorman , James~, Joseph•, Joseph , Joseph , Joseph ), dau. of Thomas H. (276) and N. Francis (Wilkin) Easton, was b. Feb. 11, 1877, in Otisville, N. Y., and m. Oct. 7, 1896, Henry A. Holley, of Otisville, b. Oct. 7, 1873, son of D. M. and Annie (Arnoys) Holley.

Their child- HEN RY EASTON HOLLEY, b. Aug. 26, 1898.


10 9 8 Lillian M. Easton (Carro!/ W., James , Wait7, James°, 5 3 2 1 Lemue/ , Samuel', Joseph , Joseph . Joseph ), dau. of Carroll W. (294) and Mary C. (Clark) Easton, was b. Sept. 11, 1868, DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 191 in North Adams, Mass.; shem. April 15, 1891, William L. Maxon, March 30, 1863. Residence, Ballston, N. Y.

Their children were- LOIS MABEL MAXON, b. April 29, 1892. S. EASTON MAXON, b. May 31, 1894.


Pearl 10 J. Easton (Carroll 9 W., James 8 Wait 7, James°, 5 3 1 Lemuel , Samuel4, Joseph , Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Carroll W. (294) and Mary C. (Clark) Easton, was b. May 17, 1871, in Florida, Mass.; she m. May 17, 1893, Willie L. Thorpe, b. Nov. 12, 1870. Residence, Hoosick Falls, N. Y., 1898. No children. 192 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.



1 Elisha• Easton (Joseph3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Joseph (9) and Sarah (Spencer) Easton, was bap. March Ir, 1705. He probably died between the years 1764 and 1774. We have been unable to find any records of his marriage, although there is collateral evidence that he had a wife and children, as will be shown from the land and probate record, extracts from which we will give. He was a resident of East Hartford, in that part known as Oxford Parish, the records of which Parish are not in existence, which has made it very difficult to obtain his family record. First, to establish the fact that he was a householder, we will give copy of a deed from vol. IO, page 436, Hartford Land Records, to John Grant, Jr.

Vol. IO, page 436. "Elisha Easton, for £36.00.00 Conveys to John Grant Jr. of ·windsor, One certain Piece of Land lying in Hartford, in the five miles so called, in the second tier from Bolton line, is on the south side of the Lott on which I the said Easton, now Dwell; containing 18 acres, and is bounded as follows Viz east & west on a highway; south on land laid out to John Dix, now in the improvement of Simon Gains, and is to extend North twelve Rods in breadth from Simon Gains North Line and is the South side of the Lott laid out to Thomas Cadwell." 25 April 1764. ELISHA EASTON, [Seal]

Second, to establish the fact that Elisha Easton had a daughter that married John Grant Jr., we will give copy of a deed from John Grant, in which he states that Elisha Easton was his father-in-law.

Vol. IJ, page I99, Hartford Land Records. '' I John Grant of East Windsor in the County of Hartford and Colony of Conn. in New England, In consideration of Thirty pounds money Received to DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 193 my full Satisfaction of Joseph Keeney, Lemuel Easton, & Abel Easton, al!' of Hartford in the County of Hartford, Do give grant, Bargain. Sell, and Confirm unto the said Joseph Keeney Lemuel Easton, & Abel Easton, All my Right Title and Interest in and to A Certain Piece of Land That I have by Virtue of a Deed from my Father in law Elisha Easton, Said Piece of Land lyeth in Said Hartford in Oxford Parish, and is bounded South· on Land belonging to Simon Gains and as otherwise bounded by Said Deed Reference thereto being had and Twelve Rods wide North and South Containing eighteen acres To Have and to Hold, etc." Witness JoHN GRANT. [Seal] JOHN PITKIN NEHEMIAH ABBE. Dated 3 February 1774-

We find also a Hannah Easton, b. April 25, 1761, in Manchester, Coqn., who married Cephas Mills. She was brought up in the family of her uncle; John Grant, and that the name of his wife was Mary. We also find from the record of baptisms in the First Congregational church in East Hartford, that Thankful Easton, a dau. of Joseph, was baptized Jan. 4, 1758, and a son, Justin, Oct. 14, 1763. Now t6 show who this Joseph Easton was, and that he was also the father of Hannah, we have the statement of Albert P. Cleland, a resident at this time (1898) in Minneapolis, Minn., about seventy years of age, and a great grandson of Thankful Easton, (who married John Cleland), who states that in the year 1836 he was a resident of Niles, Mich., and that at that time a Cephas Mills, a son of Hannah and Cephas Mills, was a resident of Niles and well acquainted with him, and knows the fact that Hannah, the ' mother of Cephas, was a sister of his great grandmother, Thankful. This also shows that Joseph, the father of Hannah and Thankful, was a son of Elisha. The foregoing shows very conclusively that Mary, the wife of John Grant, was a daughter of Elisha Easton, and the aunt of Hannah. Also that Hannah was the granddaughter of Elisha; and Hannah being a sister of Thankful establishes the fact that Joseph, their father, was a son of Elisha. We will therefore give as the children of Elisha- 371 JOSEPH, b.-- MARY, b. --; she d. April 4, ,799, was buried in the cemetery at Wapping, Conn.; she m. John Grant Jr., who was b. Jan. 1, 1720. son of John and Mary (Chapman} Grant; he d. Dec. 12, 1802. 13 194 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


5 3 1 Joseph Easton (Elisha\ Joseph , Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Elisha (370) Easton, was b. in Ea.st Hartford, Conn., and m.----- unknown. It is a tradition in the family that Joseph and his wife both died young, leaving a young family, and it will be shown by the following from the Probate Court, of East Windsor, vol. r, page 79, at a court of Probate holden Nov. 2 8, I 7 86, Joel Easton, a minor aged seventeen years, son of Joseph Easton, late of East Hartford, deceased, made choice of Elisha Buckland to be his guardian. Bond, £100.

Their children were- 372 THANKFUL, bap. June 4, 1758; b. April 12, 1757. 373 HANN AH, b. April 25, 1761. 374 JUSTIN, bap. Oct. 14, 1763. 375 JOEL, b. about 1769. 372

3 Thankful° Easton (Joseph5, Elisha\ Joseph , Joseph2, 1 Joseph ), dau. of Joseph (371) Easton, was b. April 12, 1757, in East Hartford, Conn.; hap. June 4, 1758, in First Congre­ gational church, in East Hartford, Conn.; shed. in Stockton, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Jan. 19, 1847, in the ninetieth year of her age; she m. April 27, 1780, John Cleland, b. Feb. 16, I 7 58, who d. Feb .. 16, I 827, on his sixty-ninth birthday, in Charlotte, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. John Cleland was a farmer of Scotch descent, a soldier in the army of the American Revolution; he ·enlisted Feb. 28, 1778, for the war, in Capt. Thomas Abbe's Company, of Enfield, in 3d Regiment, Connecticut line; discharged Feb. 23, 1780.

Their children were- BERIAH CLELAND, b. March 15, 1781; d. July 15, 1853. EDNA CLELAND, b. June 23, 1782; d. Aug. 8, 1870; she m. Elisha Page, Jackson, Mich. SAMUEL CLELAND, b. Sept. 1, 1784; d. July 4, 1787. JAMES CLELAND, b. Sept. 26, 1786; d. July 8, 1787. SAMUEL CLELAND, b, May 14, 1788; d. June 20. 1879; hem. Lizzie Holdridge. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 195

THANKFUL CLELAND, b. April 22, 1790; m. Smith Jenks, lived in Upper Lyle, Broome Co., N. Y. JOHN CLELAND JR., b. Feb. 1, 1792; d. Aug. 26, 1876; hem. Hannah Picket April 12, 1812, who d. in 1873. Their ch. were: (r) Darius, b. July, 1813; (2) Augustus, b. May, 1816; d. Oct. 1895; hem. Lavinia Jones, in 184r; (3) Emily, b. Aug. 1818; rn. Otis Maxham, in 1848; (4) Marilla, b. Nov., 1820; d. April, 1895_; m. Hosea Todd, in 1848; (5) John Wilder, b. April, 1823; d. in 1894; rn. Sylvia Brost, in 1847; (6) Hannah, b. May, 1825; rn. Perry Louck, in 1853; (7) Bryon, b. Oct., 1830; m. Lucinda Hill, in 1856, who d. Aug., 1894. JAMES CLELAND, b. Feb. 19, 1792; d. April 16, 1792. OLIVER CLELAND, b. Oct. 25, 1793; d. - 1878; m. Betsey Marsh. NATHAN CLELAND, b. March 5, 1795; d. Sept. 10, 1887; hem. Electa Bachellor, Nov., 1820. MARTIN CLELAND, b. April ro, 1797; d. Aug. 17, 1872.


6 6 1 Hannah Easton (Joseph , Elisha 4, Joseph 3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Joseph (371) Easton, was b April 25, 1761, in Manchester, Conn., and d. Aug. 21, 1850, in Tolland, Mass.; she m. March 21, 1778, Cephas Mills.

Their children b. in East Windsoi:, Conn. - ELIZABETH, CHAUNCY, NANCY, CHARLES,

Their children b. in Ellington, Conn.­ LUCY, ACHSAH, Their children b. in Tolland. Mass. - HANNAH, CEPHAS; was a resident of Niles, Mich., in 1836; d. in Buffalo, N. Y., about 1840. It is reported his family went to Montreal. CHESTER, JOHN, AMELIA, POLLY, PHILO, 374

6 6 3 1 Justin Easton (Joseph , Elisha\ Joseph , Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Joseph (371) Easton, was b. in East Hartford, Conn.; I 96 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

bap. Oct. 14, I 763; he m. - Prudence Dewey, of East Hartford. Justin Easton was a paper maker; he d. Nov. 20, 1845, at North East, Pa. Prudence Easton d. June, 1845. Their children were-- JUSTIN JR., bap. Oct. 2, 1791; d. Jan. 23, 1868; his wife Mary d. Oct. 20, 1858. No children. 376 PRUDENCE, b. Feb. 8, 1793. BETSEY, b. about 1796; d. 1867, in Centerville, Pa. 377 CHAUNCY, b. about 1798. 178 ZENAS, b. 1806. 379 NANCY, b. 1809. JOHN, b. 1810. 375

5 2 1 Joel6 Easton (.7oseph , Elisha', Joseph 3, Joseph , loseph ), son of Joseph ( 37 I) Easton, was b. in East Hartford, about 1769; hem .. Mabel Bidwell, b. Sept. 13, 1774, dau. of Elisha and Lydia (Loomis) Bidwell. Their children were­ JOSEPH, bap. Jan. 28, 1792 MABEL, bap. Feb. 5, 1797. 376

7 5 Prudence Easton (Justin 6, Joseph , Elisha"', Joseph 3, 1 Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Justin (374) and Prudence (Dewey) Easton, was b. Feb. 8, 1793, at East Hartford, Conn.; she m. July I"\, 18II, Stephen Symonds, who was b. June 25, r 787, son of A. Symonds, Manchester, Conn. Prudence d. May 17, 1881, at North East, Pa. Stephen d. - 1828, a sea captain; residence, Niagara Falls, N. Y.

Their children were-

EDWIN SYMONDS, b. Dec. 13, 1813; d. July 1, 1877. SARAH SYMONDS, b. April 22, 1815; d. Aug. 6, 1839. STEPHEN SYMONDS, b. Feb. 8, 1817; d. March 27, 1817. ELIZABETH SYMONDS, b. Feb. 5, 1818; d. Sept. 17, 1-S87. MINERVA A. SYMONDS, b. June 22, 1820. 380 MARY ANN SYMONDS, b. Jan. 23, 1823. JULIA SYMONDS, b. March 30, 1825. JOHN HENRY SYMONDS, b. Nov. 12, 1827; d. Sept. - 1853. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 1-97

377 Chauncy 7 Easton (Justin\ Joseph", Elisha\ Joseph3, 1 loseph2, Joseph ), son of Justin (374) and Prudence (Dewey) Easton, was b. - 1798, in East Hartford, Conn., and d. in Hackensack, N. J., Jan., 1851. Hem. May 20, 1819, Fanny Shepherd, 1)1 in 1801, in Coventry, Conn., who d. Jan. 9, 1879, at North East, Pa. Chauncy Easton was a manufacturer of paper. No children.


7 2 Zenas Easton (Justin\ Joseph5, Elisha\ Joseph 3, Joseph , 1 Joseph ), son of Justin (374) and Prudence (Dewey) Easton, was b. in 1806, in East Hartford, Conn.; d. Feb. r, 1845. Hem. Nov., 1830, Almira Hadlock, at Niagara Falls, N. Y., who d. Dec. 30, 1840, at Columbus, Ohio.

Their children were- 38r FRANCES LOUISA, b. Oct. r, 1833. JOHN WESLEY, b. April 7, 1835, at Niagara Falls, N. Y. CHAUNCY, b. July 3, 1839, at Columbus, Ohio. OSCAR, b. Dec. 25, 1840. 379

7 5 Nancy Easton (Justin 6, Joseph , Elisha\ Joseph 3, Joseph", 1 Joseph ), dau. of Justin (374) and Prudence (Dewey) Easton, was b. in East Hartford, Conn., 1809; she m. Oct. 4, 1829, in Manchester, Conn., Henry House. Nancy House d. Dec. 20, 1836, in Manchester, Conn. Henry Housed. Jan. 8, 1837, in Manchester, Conn.

Their children were- JOHN HENRY HOUSE, b. - 1830; m. Aug. 27, r86r, Elizabeth Bartlett. Their ch.: Seymour B., b. Aug. 17, 1862; Mary Etta, b. Sept. 16, 1864; d. July 7, r866; Frank H., b. Jan. 2, 1867; Loµis M., b. Aug. 15, 1869; d. June w, 1879; George H., b. Sept. 17, 1873: d. May 31, 1879; Julius C., b. April 8, 1877; d. Aug. 18, 1883. SARAH HOUSE, b. - 1833; d. Dec. 15, 1860. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTO~.


8 6 Mary Ann Symonds (Prudence 7, Justin , Joseph", Elisha",, 1 Joseph 3, Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Prudence Easton (376) and Stephen Symonds, was b. Jan. 23, I 823, in Rochester, N. Y.; she m. April 27, 1846, Alexander B. Crawford, b. Sept. 24, 1821, and d. July 7, 1858, son of William and Nancy B. Crawford. Alexander B. Crawford was a farmer; resided" at North East, Pa.

Their children were- CHARLES E. CRAWFORD, b. Feb. 28, 1847; m. Emma McIntyre. ROSE M. CRAWFORD, b. Jan. 30, 1849. HARRIET I. CRAWFORD, b. Sept. 16, r850; m. John E. Kendig, WILLIAM B. CRAWFORD, b. Feb. 11, 1854; d. March 23, 1857. BERTHA A. CRAWFORD, b. Nov. 23, 1856. ANNIE B. CRAWFORD, b. Nov. 27, 1858; rn. Wm. C. Hull.

381 Frances Louisa 8 Easton (Zenas 7, Justin 5, Joseph 5, Elisha", 1 Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Zenas (378) and Almira (Hadlock)Easton, wasb. Oct. 1, 1833, in Evans, Erie Co., Pa., and rn. Oct. 4, 1853, Warren Graham, b.. Oct. 2, 1831, in North East, Pa. Frances Louisa d. Aug. 28, 1862.

Their children were- WILLIAM EASTON GRAHAM, b. Sept. rr, 1856; he m. March 28, 1882, Martha W. Pease, who was b, May 10, 1861, dau. of David and Martha A. Pease. Their ch.: David W., b. July 2, 1883; d. Dec. 2, 1885; Max A., b. Jan. 17, 188-; Ralph W., b. Jan. 8, 1895. ALICE MAY GRAHAM, l t . j b. July 25, 1859. FRANCIS GRAHAM, f wms, l " " " d. Aug. 29, 1859.

382 Refer to (32) page 30. Julian Gould Easton, b. in 1784, in Litchfield County, Conn.; [he was probably the son of Julian Gould Easton, son DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON, 199 of Eliphalet (32) and Mary (Gould) Easton.] Hem. in 1826, Mary Southworth, of Washington, Duchess Co., N. Y., who was b. in 1800, and d. in 1895.

Their children were- 383 DAVID T., b. - 1828. MARY, b. --; d. --. 384 ANN, b. Oct. 3, 1834.


8 7 5 David T •. Easton (Julian G ., Julian G&., Eliphalet , 3 1 Joseph4, Josepk , Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Julian G. (382) and Mary (Southworth) Easton, was b. - 1828, in Dover Plains, Duchess Co., N. Y. He m. Mary Ann Orrell, b. in May, 1827, who d. Jan. 12, 1888, dau, of Edward K. and Mary Orrell. Residence of David T. Easton, Lownsbury, Tioga Co., New York,


7 5 Anus Easton (Julian G ., Julian G&., Elipkalet , Joseph\ 2 1 Joseph3, Joseph , Joseph ), dau. of Julian G. (382) and Mary (Southworth) Easton, was b. Oct. 3, 1834, in Dover Plains, Duchess Co., N. Y. Shem. Aug. 23, 1865, Benjamin Burton, b. June 10, 1827, who d. Oct. 11, 1874, the son of Stephen and Hannah Burton. · Mr. Burton was a farmer and resided at Appalachin, Tioga Co., New York,

Their children were-"7 ANNA BURTON, b. Sept. 13, 1866; m. Aug. 19, 1883, in Appalachin, N. Y. HANNAH BURTON, b. Feb. 17, 1868; m. June 15, 1895, in Brooklyn, New York. MARYE. BURTON, b. Aug. 3, 1869. · BENJAMIN BURTON, b. March 23, 1871. JULIA BURTON, b. July 5, 1872. SUSIE BURTON, b. Feb. 12, 1874. 200 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.

385 Addition to (62) page 57. Nathan Wells Easton, b. about 1840, who d. in New York city, April 18, 1886, age forty-six, was the son of Nathan Wells Easton, son of Charles (62) and Lucy (Wells) Easton. Hem. Louise M. Matthews, who is a resident of New York city ( I 898).

Their child - 386 CHARLES HENRY, b. April 26, 1864.


9 1 Charles Henry Easton (Nathan w~., Nathan W ., 1 Charles\ Alzimaz5, Elijah\ Josep}t3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Nathan W. (385) and Louise Miami (Matthews) Easton, was b. April 26, 1864, in New York city, and m. Sept. 12, 1888, Mary Lawrence Goldsborough, b. Sept. 29, I 8-, dau. of Commodore John Roberts Goldsborough, U. S. N. and Mary Lawrence Pennington Goldsborough. Mr. Charles H. Easton is a real estate broker and agent, New York city. Has also taken orders as a clergyman in P. E. church ..

Their child- JOHN GOLDSBOROUGH, b. Dec. 17. 1889.

38 From page 3 4, with additions.

5 4 3 2 1 Bildad Easton ( Elifah , Joseph , Joseph , Joseph ), so·n of Elijah (22) and Elizabeth (Winchell) Easton, was b. in Suffield, Conn., Aug. 25, 1737; hem. Jan. 24, 1759, Mercy Forward, b. Feb. ro, 1739, dau of Joseph Forward and Mercy Lourton, his wife, of Simsbury, Conn. Bildad Easton removed from Simsbury to Vermont about 1771, where he had several children born, and also married DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 201

a second time, wife's name unknown. Bildad Easton was in Whitingham, Vt., in I 798, which is the latest information we have of him.

Their children were- BILDAD JR., b. May 3, 1760; d. in Whitingham, Vt., prior to Aug. 18, 1801; Plinny Easton was administrator for the estate. CHARITY, b: May 3, 1762. RACHEL, b. Feb. 12, 1764; m. July 4, 1784, in St. Ann's church, Simsbury, Ridout Moore. DAIDAMIA, b. Jan. 30, 1769. MARY, b. June 2, 1771. The five children above were born in Simsbury, Conn.

387 FUNNY, b. abotit 1772. ROXEY, b. ---; m. 1st, -- Ransom, in Vt., who d.; m. zd, Abner Chapin, in Canada. 388 SOLOMON, b. about 1782. A daughter m. Sidney Colvin,' in Vermont. There were probably other children.


6 5 3 1 Plinny Easton(Bildad , Elijah 4, Joseph , Joseph 2, loseplz ), son of Bildad (38) and Mercy ( Forward) Easton, was b. about 1772; he d. March 9, 1847, in Jacksonville, Vt., age seventy­ six, and m. for first wife, Mary Pooler. Hem. April r, 1832, Mrs. Sylvia Russell, who d. Dec. 11, 1871. He also may have had a third wife, Polly. His residence was Whitingham, Vt.

Their children were- 389 WILLIAM, b. Jan. 17, 1801. SARAH, b. --; m. -- Bennett. PLINNY P., b. Sept. 15, 1808; d.--; he m. April 12, 1835, Hannah Gleason; No issue. SOLOMON, b. --; probably d. young. MARY, b. April 27, 18rr; m. Jacob Simons; d. July 8, 1859. A dau. Mrs. S. E. Combs, resides in Lansingburg, N. Y. 390 CAROLINE, b. April 4, 1816. dau. of Polly. 391 MARTHA ABIGAIL, b. Aug. 5. 1835; d. Sept. 30, 1888. 392 SOLOMON G., b. April 13, 1840. 393 CHAUNCY C., b. Nov. 12, 1842. 202 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


6 5 Solomon Easton (Bildad , Elijah', Joseph 3, Joseph 2, 1 Joseph ), son of Bildad (38) Easton, was b. in Whitingham, Vt. about 1782, and d. March 24, 1845, age sixty-five, in Brockville, Canada; hem. in 1807, Aurillia Galusha, of Shaftsbury, Vt., who was b. about 1789, and d. Nov., 1857, in Brockville, dau. of Capt. David Galusha.

Their children were - 395 OLIVE, b. Oct. 10, 1809. PAMELIA, b, 1810; m. Harvey Miller; d. 1873. AMOS, b. 1812; m. - Bachelor; d. 1888. SEYMOUR G., b. 1814; m. Caroline Dunham; d. 1894. MARY ANN, b. 1818; m. Richard R. Glassford; lives in Chicago. JOEL P., b. 1816; m. Ann Morey; d. 1880. SIDNEY, b. 1824; d. 1895. SOLOMON, b. 1820, Brockville, Canada. EDWIN COLVIN, b. 1826; d. in Gouverneur, N. Y., 1898. 396 JAMES DUNHAM, b. 1828; m. Lydia L. Hoover, July, 1852, who d. Feb., 1891.

All born in Brockville, Canada.


7 5 3 William Easton (Plinny 6, Bildad , Elifah •, Joseph , 1 Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Plinny (387) and Mar·y (Pooler) Easton, was b. Jan. 17, 1801; he d. Dec. 25, 1884, in Sandy Creek, Oswego Co., N. Y., and m. March 29, 1842, Elizabeth Steele, who was b. May 12, 1803, in Bennington, Vt., and d. in Albion, Sept. 4, 1877, the dau. of Joseph and Mary (Patterson) Steele.

Their child - 394 MARY ELIZABETH, b. Sept. 20, 1843.


7 3 Caroline Easton (Plinny 6, Bildad \ Eli/ah\ Joseph , 1 Joseph2, Joseph ), dau. of Plinny (387) and Polly Easton, was DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 203 b. April 4, 1816, in Whitingham, Vt., and d. Nov. 9, 1890, in Pelham, Mass; she m. Nov. - 1841, John B. Peck, b. July 6, 1816, who d. Feb. - 1852, the son of Lemuel and Rhoda Peck.

Their children were-

EMMA C. PECK, b. Jan. II, 1846, in Bennington, Vt.; she m. Nov .. 26, 1868, Theodore F. Cook, of Pelham, Mass. Their ch.: Frederick H., b. April 30, 1873; Carrie E., b. April 28, 1875. ABNER C. PECK, b. May 26, 1850; m. Nov. 25, 1875, Delphia Cook, of Pelham, Mass. ABSALOM K. PECK, b. May 26, 1850; m. Sept. 21, 1876, Maria L. Kimball, of Pelham, Mass.


7 5 3 Martha Abigail Easton (Plinny6, Bildad , Elifah4, Joseph , 1 Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Plinny (387) and Sylvia (Russell) Easton, was b. Aug. 5, 1835, in Whitingham, Vt., and d. Sept. 30, 1888, in Delta, Pa.; she m. June 4, 1857, Levi Marsh, b. June 30, 1830, in Montague, Vt., son of Joshua and Mary (Hawley) Marsh.

Their children were -

CLARENCE ELBERT MARSH, b. Dec. 2, 1858; d. July 8, 1859. CLARA ELBERT A MARSH, b. March 13, 1860. MARY FIDELIA MARSH, b. March rs, 1862; m. Dec. 27, 1882, Jacob Edwin Yerkes, of Cecil Co., Md., b. July 31, 1856.


7 5 3 Solomon G • Easton (Plinny~, Bildad , Eli:fah •, Joseph , 2 Joseph , Joseph1,) son of Plinny (387) and Sylvia (Russell) Easton, was b. April 13, 1840, in Whitingham, Vt., and m. Oct. 3, 1886, Elvira Briggs, dau. of Jared Briggs. Solomon Easton is a carpenter and resides at Jacksonville, Windham Co., Vt. He enlisted as a soldier in the late civil war, Sept. 3, 1862, for nine months, in company commanded by 1st Lieut. Henry O. Gillett, and was present at the battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 2 and 3, I 863. 204 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


7 3 Channey C Easton (Pfinny6, Bildad5, Eli:fah\ .foseph , 1 Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Plinny (387) and Sylvia (Russell) Easton, was b. Nov. 12, 1842, m Whitingham, Vt., and m. Nov. 21, 1866, Finett J. Hicks, b. Oct. 13, 1849, in Florida, Massachusetts. Resides at Woodford, Bennington Co., Vt.

Their children were- LESLIE C., b. March 13, r868; d. April 14, 1897; he m. April 5, rg94 Amy L. --. Their ch.: Amy A., b. Jan. 13, 1896. NEWTON H., b. Dec. 12, 1872; d. Sept. 2, 1875.

Memoranda. Channey C. Easton served in the late civil war; enlisted from Whitingham Vt., Jan. 5, 1864, for three years in the 8th Vermont Regiment as a private, but was afterward assigned to the commissary department, and served until the close of the war. 394

8 1 6 5 Mary Elizabeth Easton ( William , Plinny , Bildad , 1 Elijah 4, .foseplz3, Joseplz2, Joseph ), dau. of William (389) and, Elizabeth (Steele) Easton, was b. Sept. 20, 1843, and was m. July 4, 1866, by the Rev. N. F. Whiting, Rector of St. John's church, Cape Vincent, N. Y., to Charles Cobb, of Sandy Creek, N. Y.

Their child- CORINNA ELIZABETH COBB, b. Dec. 23, 1872; m. Nov. 23, 1892, William D. Boothe; residence, Ricard, N. Y.


7 6 Olive Easton (Solomon 6, Bildad , E li:fah •, foseph 3, 1 Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of Solomon (388) and Aurillia (Galusha) Easton, was b. Oct. IO, 1809, in Brockville, Canada, and d. Feb. 14, 1892, in Shaftsbury, Vt.; she m. - 1838, Heman Vaughn, b. in 1811, in Shaftsbury, who d. March 12, 1892. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 20j

Their children were-

MARTHA C. VAUGHN, b. March 20, 1839. DANIEL VAUGHN, b. April 3. 1842; d. Nov. 30, 1897. LYDIA A. VAUGHN, b. Dec. 28, 1843; m. March 5, 1863, Jewett D. Barrett, who d. May 25, 1877. Their ch.: (1) Herman; (2) Burton: (3) Mabel; (4) Fred. Mrs. Barrett m. Jan. 4, 1886, for zd husband, S. A. Elwell, of Shaftsbury. ELIZA VAUGHN, b. Feb. 7, 1845. MARRIETTE VAUGHN, h. Feb. 10, 1848. CURNEL VAUGHN, b. May 7, 1850. 396

7 5 James Dunham Easton (Solomon 6, Bildad , Eli.fah 4, 1 Joseph3, Joseph2, Joseph ), son of Solomon (388) and Aurelia (Galusha) Easton, was b. - 1828, in Brockville, Canada, and m. July - 1852, Lydia L. Hoover, who d. Feb. - 1891. James D. Easton (1899) is a resident of Gouverneur, N. Y. Their children were- 397 SEYMOUR A., b. about 1858; m. Sarah Drake. Their ch.: Ruth, b. April - r892. 398 EVA CAROLINE b. about 1864; m. E. F. Rennon, of Watertown, N. Y. One ch.: Frances, b. Nov. r897. 397 8 7 Seymour A • Easton (James D ., Solomon 5, Bi/dad", 3 1 Eli.fah 4, Joseph , Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of James D. (396) and Lydia L. (Hoover) Easton, was b. Sept. 23, 1858. and m. Sarah Drake, June 15, 1887. Residence, Gouverneur, N. Y. Their child - RUTH, b. April 2, 1892. 398 8 1 5 4 Eva Easton (James D ., Solomon 6, Bildad , E!i.fah , 1 Joseph3, Joseph 2, Joseph ), dau. of James D. (396) and Lydia L. (Hoover) Easton, was b. Sept. 23, 1864, and m. Feb. 15, 1896, E. F. Rennon. Residence, Watertown, N. Y. Their child- FRANCES EASTON RENNON, b. Nov. 14, 1897. 206 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


Major Charles Morton, (pages 151-152). Additional in­ formation received since the former record was in print. Captain Charles Morton on his own application participated in the Santiago campaign, in which he comma~ded a squadron, and the skirmish line in the successful assault of the enemy's trenches at San Juan. After nearly thirty-eight years in the service, having participated in the melee of over thirty engage­ ments, he was promoted major, Sept. 23, 1898, and assigned to the 4th U. S. Cavalry, and command of Fort Walla Walla, Wash. His son, Charles Easton Morton, enlisted in Company B, 19th Infantry, Aug. 28, 1894, became corporal, sergeant and sergeant-major, participated in Porte Rican campaign, war with Spain, promoted second lieutenant and assigned to the 22d U. S Infantry to date Oct. IO, 1898; sailed with his regiment in the Senator, from San Francisco, January, 1 899, for Manila, participated in encounters there. He married Jan. 22, I 898, Anna Estelle Schassberger, of Detroit, Mich., born Oct. 2, 1879. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 207


Names of those of the name of Easton, also those who mar-ried an Easton, that served in the various wars of this country, or rendered important sc;rvices entitling their descend­ ants to join the various patriotic organizations. There were probably others whose names have not been reported. French War. Timothy Easton (28), page 26, served in the Crown Point expedition, r 7 5 5. Joseph Easton (40), page 37, was a private soldier in the company from Suffield .and Windsor, in the regiment of Gen. Phineas Lyman in camp at Montreal, Sept. 4, 1760, and who were engaged in ilscapture from the French by the Colonial and British troops. Those Colonial troops who served in this war and remained loyal to the British crown during the Ameri­ can Revolution received grants of land in Canada for their services. Joseph Easton received a grant of land near Wood­ ford, now Easton Corners, Ontario, Canada.

War of the American Revolution. Silas Easton (30), page 27. Col. James Easton. (3 r), page 28. Lieut. James Easton (3 r), page 28. Calvin Easton (3 r), page 28. Eliphalet Easton (32), page 30 Julian Easton (32), page 30. Elijah Easton (37), page 34. Ahimaz Easton (39), page 36. Joseph Easton (45), page 41. Normand Easton (46), page 4r. 208 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON,

Dr. Timothy Childs (47), page 42. Ashbel Easton (49), page 43. Samuel Easton ( 5 1), page 44. Giles Easton ( 52), page 4 5 . Elijah Easton (53), page 46. Simeon Crane ( 54), page 4 7. Ahimaz Easton (58), page 50. John Cleland (372) page 194. Solomon G. Easton (392), page 20 3. Chauncy C. Easton (393 }, page 204. Daniel Easton, war of 1812, page 39.

The Rebellion or Civil War of I86I. Col. Alton R. Easton (129), page 87. Gen. Langdon C. Easton (132), page 89. Luman Easton (232), page 136. Levi W. Easton (233¾'), page 137. John H. Easton (233½), page 137. Wilder M. Easton (238), page 140. Major Charles Morton ( 26 1). page rs I. Charles H. Easton (280), page 160. Adin R. Easton ( 1 1 5), page So. Oliver Easton Jr. ( 165), page ro4.

War with Spain, I898.

Major Charles Morton, page 15 1. 2d Lieut. Charles Easton Morton, page 1 5 r . 2d Lieut. Easton Rutledge Gibson, page r 47. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 209

By request we give the ancestry of Sarah Spencer, the wife of Joseph Easton (9).

1. JOHN SPENCER, Gent., Southampton. 14 Edward IV.

Peck, of Bedfordshire, Gent. 2. ROBER'!' SPENCER Gent., -) ANNE.

Baker. 3. JOHN SPENCER, Gent., CHRIS'I'IAN. Southampton. -I

Clark of London. 4. JOHN SPENCER, Gent., ANNE. Buried at Edworth Church, June 9, 1558. -,

5. MICHAEL SPENCER, --1- ELIZABE'I'H, Gent., d. April, 1616. Buried at Stotfold, Nov. 18, 1599. ----~----"------.

6. GERARD SPENCER, RICHARD SPENCER, of Stotfold, Gent., of London, Gent., hap. May 20, 1576. bap. July 9, 1580. GERARD SPENCER, ALICE. of Stotfold, Gent. -! Four sons.

a. WILLIAM SPENCER, of Stotfold, Gent., bap. Oct. 4, 1601. b. THOMAS SPENCER, b. March 29, 1607. c. MICHAEL SPENCER, b. May.15, 1611. d. GERARD SPENCER, bap. April 25, 1618. The above four came to New England.

a. WILLIAM SPENCER, AGNES. Cambridge. Mass., and Hartford, Conn., JoHN BIDDLE, to Hartford, d. 1640. 1639, d. 1687. MARY BIDDLE, ~\ JOHN MEAKINS, d. 1725, d. 1706, age, 78. East Hartford. !-~1 SAMUEL SPENCER, --l- SARAH MEAKINS. b. about 1639; d. about 1716.

1694 SARAH SPENCER. JOSEPH EAS'I'ON (9) March 17, 1645, Richard Spencer, Gent., of London, leaves by his will £50 · apiece to his nephews and the children of William Spencer, another nephew. Descendants of"William Spencer are admitted to the Society of Colonial Wars. 14 210 DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON.


It would be absurd to assert that a work composed largely of names, dates and statistics, and collected from so many different sources and individuals, would be void of some errors, notwithstanding the utmost care. The causes are numerous, a few of which may be named. One prolific source of errors arises from indistinct manu­ script furnished by correspondents. In the giving of dates and names, sometimes names of a similar character, where the addition or substitution of one letter will change the name entirely, occurs. Transcribing and typographic errors will also sometimes unavoidably occur. Again, different members of the same family often furnish conflicting reports. These are some of the difficulties we have had to encounter. But we have been able as yet to discover but a small number which are chargeable to ourselves.

Page IO, in 17th line from bottom, Timothy,_ b. 1601 read instead 1 7 o 1 . Page 33, in 21st line from top, read Perry instead of Terry Smith. Page 34, ·in 9th line from bottom, read Ridout instead of ·Redout Moore. Page 41, in 3d line from top, instead of 1854 and 1879 read 1754 and 1779. DESCENDANTS OF JOSEPH EASTON. 2 I I

Page 62, in 9th line from bottom, read Lucius instead of Lucien. Page 98, in 5th line from top, read Dingman instead of Dingham. Page 98, in 6th line from top, read Flemington instead of Flamington.

Page I 14, in 5th line from bottom, read b. Jan. 25, instead of 5.

Page I r8, in 4th line from top, read Feb 4, instead of Feb. IO ; also on page I I 9, in 5th line from bottom, read Feb. 4, instead of ro. Page 144, the family number 124 should be 123. Page 147, in 2d line from bottom, instead of Easton Rufus, read Easton Rutledge.

Page I 54, in I 3th line from bottom, read Mary instead of Maria Lewis. Page 156, in the 1st and 7th line from bottom, read Hurlbut instead of Hurlburt. 212 lNDEX NO. I.

Index No. 1.-To Those of ihe Name of Easton.

PA.GE. PAGS .. Abby Ann ...... 48 Almira ...... 41 Abel ...... 20 Almon W ...... 141 Abel...... 27 Alonzo ...... 63 Abel...... 80 Alonzo C ...... 71 Abeline...... 45 Alton R...... 54 Abigail...... 4 Alton R ...... 87 Abigail...... 22 Alton R ...... 149 Abigail...... 34 Alvin ...... 107 Abner] ...... 117 Alvin C ...... 145 Ada ...... 98 Amelia ...... 68 Ada ...... 105 Amos ...... 202 Adalla G ...... 169 Amos P ...... 61 Addie S ...... 109 Amy A ...... 204 Adelaide ...... 139 Amy Adelle ...... 149 Adeline...... 64 Amy 1...... 110 Adeliza...... 39 Andrew] ...... 64 Addison M ...... 142 Ann ...... 44 Adin R...... 80 Ann ...... 50 Agis...... 39 Ann ...... 199 Agnes M ...... 84 Ann Eliza...... 72 Ahimaz ...... 23 Ann G ...... 78 Ahimaz ...... 35 Ann Jane ...... 176 Ahimaz P ...... 50 Anna ...... 30 Albert...... 63 Anna ...... 34 Alberta ...... 138 Anna ...... 53 Alby Abial...... 54 Anna A ...... 84 Alby AbiaL...... 87 Anna C ...... 107 Alby W ...... 90 Anna L ...... 65 Alcinous...... 83 Anna L ...... 123 Alexander O ...... 172 Anne E ...... 162 Alexander...... 82 Annett...... 51 Alexander...... 51 Annie ...... '.. .-:...... 22 Alexander D...... 59 Annie...... 92 Alice F...... 96 Annie ...... 94 Alice M ...... 132 Annie A ...... 130 Allen] ...... 135 Annie C ...... 154 Alma ...... 65 Annie N ...... 53 INDEX NO. I. 213

PAGE. PAGE, Annis A ...... 72 Candace...... 68 Ansel I...... 65 Candace ...... 153 Ansel M ...... 111 Carey 0 ...... 83 Ansel M. Jr ...... 170 Carl R ...... 136 Antoinette L...... 139 Carroll A ...... 163 Apollos D...... 63 Carroll F ...... 120 Arago ...... 57 Carrol1 0 ...... 165 Archibald G...... 87 Carroll W ...... 107 Asahel S...... 65 Caroline...... 41 Ashbel...... 30 Caroline...... 51 Ashbel...... 43 Caroline...... 55 Ashhel...... 62 Caroline...... 62 Ashbel...... 63 Caroline...... 81 Arthur ...... 105 Caro1ine ...... 201 Arthur ...... 109 Cassius C...... 83 Arthur ...... 185 Cassius C ...... 142 Arthur W ...... 164 Catherine...... 42 Artie Ann ...... 103 Catherine...... 87 Augustus...... 74 Catherine La Fon ...... 150 Augustus B...... 82 Celia A ...... 63 Aurelia...... 30 Charity...... 34 Charity...... 47 Benjamin La Fon ...... 150 Charles...... 35 Berkeley ...... 112 Charles...... 47 Bertha A ...... 129 Charles...... 50 Bertha L...... l 05 Charles...... 70 Bertha M ...... 136 Charles...... 81 Bessie B ...... 130 Charles...... 93 Bessie L...... 96 Charles C ...... 101 Bessie M ...... 145 Charles D...... 77 Betsey...... 44 Charles E ...... 128 Betsey...... 72 Charles F ...... 135 Betsey ...... 196 Charles H...... 67 Bildad ...... 23, 200 Charles H...... 96 Bildad ...... ,...... 34, 200 Charles H ...... 104 Brewster G...... 30 Charles H ...... 123 Brewster G...... 42 Charles H ...... 200 Brittania ...... 37 CharlesJ ...... 133 Brittania ...... 53 Charles L...... 67 Burt A ...... 133 Charles Lee...... 69 Burton P ...... 145 Charles L ...... 127 Burton 8 ...... 164 Charles L ...... 144 Charles M ...... 145 C. Alonzo...... 71 Charles W ...... 161 Calvin...... 41 Charlie L ...... 139 Candace ...... 47 Charlon E...... 6.7 Candace...... 64 Channey ...... 44 214 INDEX NO. I.

PAGE, PAGE. Chauncy ...... 74 Edith ...... 136 Chauncy ...... 196 Edith B ...... ' ...... 164 Chauncy ...... 197 Edmund S ...... 141 Chauncy C ...... 131 Edward B ...... 78 Chauncy C ...... 201 Edward B ...... 80 Channey G...... 42 Edward C...... 109 Chester B...... 67 Edward D ...... 112 Clada ...... 43 Edward J ...... _ 114 Clara M ...... 69 Edward]...... 173 Clarence...... 93 Edward L ...... 163 Clarence D<' Witt...... 57 Edward Lyle ...... 171 Clarissa ...... 27 Edward R ...... 169 Clarissa...... 65 Edward W ... : ...... 185 Clarissa...... 81 Edwin C ...... 202 Clark G ...... 78 Effa B ...... 145 Clyde M ...... 182 Effie M ...... 141 Content ...... 22 Egbert B...... 186 Cora B ...... 144 Eleda ...... 41 Cora May ...... 142 Electa...... 48 Cornelia...... 59 Electra...... 30 Currence...... 42 Elijah ...... ·...... 12 Cynthia ...... 37 Elijah ...... 23 Cynthia ...... 48 Elijah...... 34 Cynthia ...... 65 Elijah...... 37 ~ ·:...... 83 Elijah ...... 48 Eliphalet...... 30 D'aidamia...... 34 Eliphalet...... 42 Dana M ...... 131 Ella M ...... 85 Daniel ...... 16 Ellen...... 68 Daniel...... 27 Ellen ...... 70 Daniel ...... 42 Ellen A ...... 101 Daniel G ...... 87 Ellen E...... 39 David A ...... 61 Ellen Elma ...... 107 David T ...... -.... 81 Ellen M...... 67 David T ...... 199 Ellen L...... 74 Denison M...... 6S Elsie...... 65 Densmore ...... 184 Elsie B...... 50 Dorothea Alic<: ...... 172 Elsie L ...... 140 Draper B ...... 72 Elias...... 12 Dwight M ...... 188 Elisha ...... 12 Elisha ...... 196 Earl ...... :-...... 141 Eliza M ...... 114 E. Harold ...... 145 Elizabeth...... 7 Ebenezer...... 48 Elizabeth...... 16 Edgar ...... 70 Elizabeth...... 21 Edgar M...... 84, 144 Elizabeth...... 23 EdgarM ...... 104 Elizabeth...... 23 INDEX NO. I. 215

PAGE.] PAGE. Elizabeth...... 24 Eva] ...... 141 Elizabeth ...... 30 Ezra W ...... 81 Elizabeth...... 48 Elizabeth...... 50 Fannie ...... 68 Elizabeth...... 55 Fannie ...... 131 Elizabeth...... 57 Fannie ...... 14-5 Elizabeth ...... 65 Fanny...... 44 Elizabeth...... 66 Fanny ...... 47 Elizabeth...... 77 Fanny B ...... 65 Elizabeth ...... : ...... 138 Fanny Ives ...... 112 Elizabeth ...... 189 Fidelia...... 70 Elizabeth L...... 90 Flora ...... 42 Elizabeth M ...... 129 Florence A...... 146 Elizabeth R ...... 130 Flo1·ence Lyle ...... 171 Elwin C ...... 184 Florence Losey ...... 175 Elwood T ...... 163 Florence L ...... 186 Ena L ...... 184 Florilla ...... 141 Ensign ...... 65 Fordyce 0...... 82 Emerette...... 65 Frances A...... 70 Erneretta ...... 72 Frances 1...... 94 Emeline ...... 63 Frances L...... 57 Emeline N ...... 149 Frances Louisa ...... 197 Emily ...... 68 Francis...... 63 Emily ...... 77 Francis...... 74 Emily...... 80 Francis ...... 133 Emily R ...... 64 Francis E...... 67 Emily S ...... 107 Francis M...... 66 Emma ...... 104 Francis 0...... 81 Emma G ...... 61 Frank ...... 104 Emma G ...... 100 Frank ...... 105 Emma L ...... 123 Frank E ...... 137 Emery A ...... 141 Frank 0 ...... 162 Emery E ...... 136 Frank P ...... 137 Ephraim ...... 26 Frank R ...... 118 Erasmus...... 82 Fred£ ...... 122 Esther M ...... ,...... 96 Fred G ...... 159 Ethel S...... 164 Fred K ...... 87 Etta E ...... 145 Fred S ...... 103 Eugene ...... 97 Fred R ...... 133 EugeneJr ...... , ...... 154 Freda W ...... 141 Eunice...... 28 Frederick S...... 68 Eunice ...... 41 Frederick S. Jr ...... 125 Eunice ...... ,.... 41 Frederick W ...... 145 Eunice...... 57 Eunice ...... 153 George ...... 56 Eunice E ...... 161 George...... 63 Eva C ...... 205 George...... 71 216 INDEX NO. I.

PAGE. PAGE. George...... 74 Harrison ...... 181 George A ...... 48 Harry W ...... 162 George A ...... 101 Harvey...... 4-4 George B...... 93 Harvey ...... 47 George C...... 94 Harvey ...... 51 George E ...... 182 Harvey 8 ...... 65 George F ...... 133 Hattie ...... 104 George H ...... 133 Hattie D ...... 171 George H...... 164 Hattie] ...... 145 George L ...... 78 Hattie Lois ...... 117 George S...... 87 Hazel ...... 177 Geo1-ge W ...... 92 HazelD ...... 184 Gertrude L...... 139 Hazel K ...... 14-9 Giles...... 32 Hazel W ...... : ...... 188 Giles...... 45 Helen F...... 62 Giles A ...... 65 Helen G ...... 171 Giles C...... 66 Helen 1...... 173 Giles M...... 62 Henry ...... 161 Giles N ...... 118 Henry ...... 56 Gilbert R ...... 118 Henry A ...... 63 Henry C ...... 54 Hannah...... 7 Henry C ...... 152 Hannah ...... 16 Henry E ...... 149 Hannah ...... 22 Henry D ...... 130 Hannah ...... 26 Henry L...... 46 Hannah ...... 194 Henry M ...... 141 Hannah A ...... 141 Henry 0 ...... 137 Hannah E ...... 67 Henry R ...... 45 Hannah] ...... 141 Henry S...... 48 Harley...... 37 Henry S ...... 92 Harmon ...... 50 Henry W ...... 53 Harmon ...... 53 Herbert ...... 109 Harmon V. B ...... 50 Herbert A ...... 132 Harold...... 95 Hiram ...... 56 Harold ...... 162 Horace ...... 48 Harold B ...... 149 Horace B ...... 173 Harold E ...... 145 Howard E ...... 141 Harriet...... 41 Howard G ...... 132 Harriet...... 62 Hubert R ...... 137 Harriet...... 63 Harriet...... 83 Ida Bell...... 105 Harriet ...... 105 IdaMary ...... 109 Harriet B...... 96 Ida May ...... 128 Harriet D...... 74 Ida S...... 97 Harriet Dodge ...... 158 Ira...... 80 Harriet L...... 50 Iris...... 34 Harriet N...... 66 Iris...... 48 INDEX NO. I. 217 •

PAGE. PAGE. Irving W ...... 173 Joel ...... 194 Irwin J ...... 145 JoelP ...... 202 Isaac...... 35 John...... 1 Isaac C...... 51 John...... 4 Isaac E...... 64 John ...... 12 Isadore ...... 104 John...... 50 John A ...... 185 J. Irwin ...... 145 John B ...... 105 James...... 7 John C...... 28 James ...... 21 John C ...... 59 James Jr ...... 28 John C ...... 154 James...... 30 John D ...... 137 James...... 41 John D ...... 152 James ...... , ...... 41 John G ...... 200 James ...... : 51 John H...... 81 James...... 53 John L ...... 136 James...... 56 John P ...... 97 James...... 60 John R ...... 80 James...... 64 John Vary ...... 66 James...... 81 John Wesley ...... 197 James ...... 161 Jonathan...... 7 James ...... 183 Jonathan...... 16 James A ...... 137 Josephine ...... 134 James D ...... 59 Josephine B ...... 175 James 0 ...... 62 Joseph...... 1 James 0 ...... 154 Joseph...... 1 James Dunham ...... 202 Joseph...... 7 James Grinnell...... 77 Joseph...... 12 James H ...... 68 Joseph ...... _...... 23 James Hale ...... 107 Joseph...... 28 James K ...... 84 Joseph...... 35 Jane...... 20 Joseph ...... ·...... 37 Jane Maria ...... 161 Joseph ...... 41 Jason Clark...... 66 Joseph...... 51 Jason Clark ...... 175 Joseph...... 81 Jasper G...... 53 Joseph ...... : ...... 193 Jasper G...... 84 Joseph ...... 196 Jemima ...... 43 Joseph G...... 54 Jennie E. M ...... 111 Joseph G ...... 90 Jennie 0 ...... 170 Joseph G ...... 149 Jeremiah P ...... 74 Julia...... 53 Jerusha ...... 24 Julia...... 92 Jesse Cook...... 48 Julia B...... 56 Jesse C ...... 128 Julia P...... 78 Jessie M ...... 145 Julia R...... 84 Joanna A ...... 54 Julian G...... 30 Joel...... 34 Julia.n G ...... 198 218 INDEX NO. I.

PAGE, PAGE. Julius...... 43 Louisa G ...... 92 JuliusJ ...... 103 Louise E ...... 114 Justin ...... 194 Louise F ...... 175 JustinJr ...... 196 Louise H ...... 170 Justus ...... 51 Lucien...... 62 Lucien ...... 115 Katherine...... 57 Lucius A...... 62 Katie M ...... 137 Lucretia...... 22 Kenneth H ...... 163 Lucretia...... 48 Kimball G ...... 112 Lucretia...... 50 Lucy ...... 28 Langdon ...... 87 Lucy...... 41 Langdon C...... 54 Lucy ...... 82 Langdon C ...... 90 Luman ...... 51 Laura ...... 80 Luman ...... 80 Laura E ...... 169 Luther W ...... 107 Laura T ...... 53 Luxina ...... 30 Laurence P ...... 170 Lydia Ann...... 62 Lawrence ...... 180 Lydia Ann...... 67 Lee ...... 141 Lydia A ...... 81 Leicester...... 48 Lemuel...... 12 Mabel...... 22 Lemuel...... 22 Mabel...... 27 Lemuel...... 30 Mabel ...... 165 Lemuel...... 43 Mabel ...... 196 Lemuel]...... 61 Mabel A ...... 169 Lena A ...... 142 Mae E ...... 132 Leona Mae ...... 173 Mahlon D ...... 67 Leonard L ...... 123 Margaret...... 27 Leora Anna ...... 131 Margaret ...... 175 Leslie C ...... 204 Margaret C...... 94 Leta C ...... 184 Maria ...... 50 Levi A ...... 204 Maria...... 51 Levi W...... 81 Maria L ...... 62 Libbie ...... 74 Maria 0 ...... 67 Lillian M ...... 165 Marie E ...... 149 Lillie A...... 84 Marinus ...... 55 Lily ...... 182 Marinus ...... 93 Lizzie M ...... 164 Marinus W...... 53 Lizzie V ...... 74 Marinus W ...... 144 Loca Rosa ...... 185 Marinus W ...... 145 Lois ...... 64 Marion ...... 83 Lois ...... 28 Marion L ...... 163 Lois H ...... 165 Maroa ...... 84 Louisa ...... 48 Martha A ...... 201 Louisa B ...... 54 Martin ...... 107 Louisa G ...... 89 Martin V. B...... 77 INDEX NO. I. 219

PAGE. PAGE. Mary...... 1 Me hi table...... 4 Mary...... 4 Mehitable...... 37 Mary ...... : ...... 12 Melissa...... 46 Mary ...... 20 Melissa E ...... 129 Mary...... 23 Merab ...... 153 Mary ...... 30 Merton E ...... 129 Mary ...... 34 Michael P ...... 41 Mary ...... 35 Minnie F ...... 129 Mary ...... 39 Minnie G ...... 159 Mary ...... 42 Morgan P ...... 74 Mary ...... 50 Morgan Z ...... 132 Mary ...... 53 Mortimer...... 63 Mary ...... 74 Mortimer 0 ...... 171 Mary ...... 77 Morton W ...... 107 Mary ...... 80 Myrtie 1...... 169 Mary ...... 93 Mary ...... 193 Nancy ...... 196 Mary ...... 201 Nathan W ...... 52 Mary Ann ...... 202 Nathan W ...... 200 Mary D ...... 71 Ned W ...... 186 Mary E ...... 59 NeJlie...... 98 Mary E ...... 68 Nellie ...... 128 Mary E ...... 70 Nellie ...... 154 Mary E ...... 104 Nellie M ...... 182 Mary E ...... 107 Nellie M ...... : ...... 184 Mary E ...... 112 Nellie W ...... 158 Mary E ...... 114 Neva ...... 185 Mary E ...... 202 Newton H ...... 204 Mary Ella ...... 112 Norman ...... 27 Mary Emma ...... 141 Norman ...... 40 Mary H ...... 74 Norman ...... 4•1 Mary 1...... 104 Norman S ...... 96 Mary Irene ...... 169 Normand ...... 28 Mary Jane...... 83 Mary Jefferies ...... 171 Olin 0 ...... 130 Mary L ...... 81 Olive A ...... 204 Mary L ...... 82 Olive Augusta...... 66 Mary L ...... 134 Oliver...... 20 MaryL ...... 181 Oliver...... 27 Mary M ...... 128 Oliver...... 27 Mary S ...... 54 Oliver ...... 28 Mary S ...... 89 Oliver...... 34 Matthew H ...... 82 Oliver...... 41 Maude M ...... 138 Oliver...... 43 Medora ...... 54 Oliver...... 63 Medora A ...... 90 Oliver...... 72 Medora B ...... 89 Oliver ...... 135 220 INDEX NO. I.

PAGg. PAGE, Oliver ...... 162 Roderick M...... 93 Oliver H ...... 64 Rosamond...... 83 Ollie Amelia ...... 120 Rowland ...... 142 Ophelia...... 60 Roxey ...... 201 Ora A ...... 141 Rufus...... 37 Ora James ...... 185 Rufus...... 48 Orasmus ...... '...... 83 Rufus...... 74 Orissa ...... 83 Rufus...... 92 Orlando...... 51 Rufus B ...... 129 Orlando ...... : .. 137 Rufus N...... 53 Ortrnsia ...... 123 Rufus W ...... 142 Oscar ...... 197 Ruhamah ...... 62 Oscar F...... 63 Russell...... 32 OzroJ ...... 137 Russell B ...... 177 Russell J ...... 66 Russell P ...... 176 Pamelia ...... 202 Russella ...... 54 Parthena ...... 41 Ruth ...... 16 Paulina S ...... 14-9 Ru,th...... 26 Pearl] ...... , ..... 165 Ruth ...... 30 Perna! B ...... 176 Ruth ...... 42 · Phoebe...... 92 Ruth ...... 182 Phylinda...... 69 Ruth ...... 183 Plinny ...... 201 Ruth ...... 205 Plinny P ...... 201 Ruth A ...... 133 Polly...... 34 Ruth G ...... 139 Polly...... 41 Polly...... 69 Po11y M ...... 71 Sallie ...... 141 Pomeroy ...... 28 Sally...... 53 Pomeroy ...... 41 Sally]...... 81 Prudence...... 20 Samuel...... 12 Prudence...... 196 Samuel...... 22 Samuel...... 32 Rachel ...... 27 Samuel...... 44 Rachel...... 28 Samuel B ...... 132 Rachel...... 34 Samuel P ...... 145 Ralph ...... 64 Samuel S...... 55 Ransford P ...... 135 Sarah...... 1 Raymond ...... 162 Sarah...... 4 Rhoda ...... 20 Sarah...... 12 Rhoda B ...... 142 Sarah...... 12 Rhoda M ...... 181 Sarah ...... 20 Riley ...... 48 Sarah...... 22 Robert D ...... 148 Sarah...... 27 Robert E ...... 112 Sarah ...... 37 Roderick...... 37 Sarah ...... 41 INDEX NO. I. 221

PAGE. PAGE. Sarah ...... 43 Thankful...... 22 Sarah...... 54 Thankful...... 194• Sarah...... 89 Theodore...... 26 Sarah ...... 201 Theodore DeMuth ...... 149 Sarah Ann...... 62 Thirza L ...... 132 Sarah Bacon ...... 114 Thomas...... 16 Sarah Ella...... 84 Thomas ...... 44 Sarah F ...... 38 Thomas ...... 81 Sarah J ...... 144 Thomas ...... 154 Sarah Jane ...... 101 T.homas F...... 74 Sarah Johnson ...... 175 Thomas H ...... 98 Seymour ...... 202 Thomas N ...... 33 Seymour A ...... 205 Timothy...... 7 Shubal ...... ·...... 43 Timothy...... 12 Sidney...... 202 Timothy ...... 20 Silas...... 20 Tirza...... 81 Silas...... 27 Truman L ...... 1B7 Silence...... 23 Tryphena...... 27 Simon ...... 93 Solomon ...... 201 Vern H ...... 184 Solomon ...... 202 Violet ...... 177 Solomon G ...... 201 Virginia ...... ,.... 57 Sophia ...... 80 Sophronia E...... 69 Wait ...... 43 Stanley A ...... 112 Wallace W...... 84 Starr ...... 114 Walter ...... 138 Susan...... 51 Wendell A ...... 188 Susan E ...... 40 Wilbur H ...... 169 Susan E ...... 110 Wilder M ...... 83 Susan F ...... 95 Wilfred ...... 105 Susan K ...... 131 William ...... 35 Susan M ...... 90 William...... 81 Susanna...... 21 William ...... 201 Susanna ...... 22 William A ...... 105 Susanna...... 27 William B ...... 181 Susanna ...... 30 William C ...... 160 Susanna...... 39 William E ...... 139 Susanna ...... 104 William H...... 37 Sylvia E ...... 158 William H...... 53 William H...... 56 William H...... 84 Tamar ...... 51 William H...... 93 Tamar ...... 83 Wm. H ...... 93 Talcott B...... 67 Will1am Hastings ...... 164 Talman...... 81 William Lyman ...... 47 Thankful...... 7 William Locke...... 68 Thankful...... 16 William Starr...... 65 222 INDEX NO. I.

PAGE. PAGE. William S ...... 114 Zenas...... 74 William Smith ...... 150 Zenas ...... 196 William Wait...... 64 Zerviah Risley...... 45 Willis Walter...... 104 Winifred M ...... 122

Index No. 2.-To Names Other than that of Easton.

PAGE. PAGE. Adams. Austin. Lida ...... 166 Sarah E ...... 165 Sarah L ...... 170 Aylesworth. Alexander. Betsey ...... 128 Ganis ...... 45 Ayres. Alcorn. Olave ...... 179 Robert T ...... 105 Allen. Babcock. Sarah ...... 42 Helen F ...... 123 Ames. Bachellor ...... 202 Frank ...... 129 Electa ...... 195 Anderson. B,i,con. Charles A ...... 132 Mary A ...... 56 James ...... 132 SarahJane ...... 114 John} ...... 132 Bagley. Naomi ...... 11 James H ...... 130 Thomas L ...... 88 James H ...... 130 William 0 ...... 132 John H ...... 130 Armstrong. Horace E ...... 130 Mary A ...... 142 Sidney W ...... 130 Arnold. Wayne E ...... 130 Henry ...... 11 Bangs. Sarah ...... 43 Margaret M ...... 106 Ashbrook. Banks. Bertie D ...... 187 Elizabeth ...... 64 Mary K ...... 187 Eliza ...... 110 INDEX NO. 2. 223

PAGE. PAGE, Baker. Beckwith. Mehitable...... 37 Alvin C ...... 145 Ephraim ...... 37 Edgar E ...... 145 Elizabeth...... 38 Jane M ...... 145 Lemitia ...... 38 William C ...... 145 Heman ...... , ...... 38 Beedle. Baldwin. Charles ...... 102 Candace ...... 56 Bedford. Ba!lough. Ahimaz E ...... 79 George P ...... 84 Albert ...... 79 Barclay. Daniel...... 79 Sarah] ...... 123 :David ...... 79 Elizabeth...... 79 Bardwell. Henry H ...... 79 Eveline ...... 168 John...... 79 Barker. Miriam ...... 79 Jane...... 96 Sidney 8 ...... 79 Barnes. Belden. Lois ...... 24 Emma...... 83 Timothy ...... 24 Jane ...... 136 Barnett. Belding...... 22 Catherine 'I' ...... 167 Benham. Bartlett. Esther...... 24 Abner...... 91 Benton. Abner ...... 91 Hannah ...... 26 Cornelia B...... 91 Bennett. Easton...... 91 Libbie ...... 140 George S ...... 91 Ben·y. Grace M ...... 91 Lewis ...... 49 Mary 8 ...... 91 Elizabeth ...... 198 Berean. Adele ...... 127 Barrett. Bidwell. Estelle R ...... 176 Ashbel...... 25 Burton ...... 205 Adoniram ...... 25 Fred ...... 205 Darda ...... 25 Heman ...... 205 Enodias ...... 25 Jewett D ...... 205 Mabel ...... 196 Mabel ...... 205 Roger ...... 25 Bateman. Tryphena...... 25 Betsey...... 72 Bieler. Bates. A. B ...... 102 Melinda ...... 140 Bigelow ...... 22 Beall. Bills. Elizabeth L...... 89 Alvira ...... 101 224 INDEX NO. 2.

PAGE. PAGE, Bird. Boyd. Louisa ...... 48 Hattie L ...... 155 Birch. Boyington. Clara V ...... 95 Rowland ...... 63 Dorothy...... 95 Boyle. Francis L...... 95 Laura D ...... 64 Herbert R...... 95 William H...... 64 Mary A ...... 95 Booth Richard...... 95 Augusta...... 61 Richard L...... 95 Cornelia...... 61 Bissell. Daniel ...... 61 Emma L ...... 162 Pinette.'...... 61 Blackman. Frances...... 61 Maro P...... 61 Hezekiah...... 60 Blair. Catherine...... 76 Mary L ...... 92 Boothe. Blakeney. Wm. D ...... 204 Kittie L ...... 181 Brace. Bliss. Emeline M ...... 107 Calvin P ...... 111 Brayton. Sarah M ...... 122 Nancy] ...... 59 Blakslie. Breed. Charles A ...... 156 Mary A ...... 64 Gertrude E ...... 156 Opal E ...... 156 Briggs. Bohon. Clarissa...... 53 George B ...... 150 Elvira ...... 203 Bonner Bristol. Alice ...... 153 Thomas B ...... 61 Borden. Brodhead. Charles...... 59 Andrew D ...... 98 E. Corinna...... 58 Andrew J ...... 98 Eliza Owen...... 58 Andrew J...... 154 Ellen...... 58 Andrew J ...... 156 Eudora ...... 58 Alexander ...... 154 Jefferson...... 58 Alonzo B ...... 155 Norman E ...... 59 Anna L ...... 154 Sidney...... 59 Arthur 8 ...... 155 Spencer...... 59 Charlotte E...... 98 Bosworth. Calvin E ...... 98 Frank A ...... 173 Calvin E ...... 155 George E ...... 173 Conrad ...... 154 Harry L ...... 173 Edith E ...... 156 Nellie B ...... 173 Emily E ...... 154 Bowers. Emily L ...... 98 Clarence G ...... 12:, Estelle S ...... 157 INDEX NO. 2. 22 5

PAGE. PAGE. Brodhead. Bull. Francis L ...... 157 Sarah...... 11 Frank M ...... 156 Caleb ...... 16 F1·ededck M ...... 155 Caleb...... 19 Garret...... 98 Bump. Garret...... , ...... 1fi5 Alberte ...... _,...... 73 Henry H ...... 155 Arthur R...... 73 James Easton...... !:l8 Charles R...... 72 Jean 8...... 98 Charles W...... 72 Jean B ...... , ...... 157 Ella...... 73 John IL ...... 98 George H ...... 73 John R ...... 155 He1·bert F ...... :...... 73 Laura L ...... _, ...... 155 Jesse E ...... 73 Lewis D ...... 156 John H ...... 72 Lydia H...... 156 Maggie H ...... 73 Mary B ...... 15ii' Mary E ...... 73 Mary 0 ...... 157 Orlando W...... 73 Nathaniel B ...... 155 Samuel C ...... 72 Richard H...... 98 Bunce. Robert P ...... 98 Thomas ...... 16 Robert P ...... 1G6 Susanna...... 16 Ruth ...... 155 Bunnell. Walter ...... 155 Emma ...... ·189 William L ...... 156 Burdick. Brost. Catherine...... 76 Sylvia ...... 195 Carles W ...... 76 Delin ...... 188 Brooks. Julia M...... 76 Effie A...... 59 William M...... 76 Burgess. Brown. Clarissa...... 65 D ...... , ...... 37 Daniel ...... 110 Burk. Franklin...... 98 Eva ...... 162 Hester A...... 93 Burke. Mamie ...... 135 Julia ...... 139

Buckley. Burn11am. Abigail...... 11 Prudence...... 18 Aaron ...... 11 Elizabeth ...... , 30 Elisha...... 11 Budlong. Ezra...... 11 Herbert 1\...... 171 John H...... 94 Herbert C ...... 171 Moses...... 11 Percy E ...... 171 Ric11ard...... 11 William Lyle ...... 171 Susanna ...... 21 Burleigh. Bttrns. Arthur ...... _, ...... 140 Eva ...... 176

"15 226 INDEX NO. 2.

PAGE, PAGE. Bush. Caldwell. Rachael...... 66 Frank ...... , ...... 134 Burton. Callahan. Anna ...... 199 Minnie ...... 110 Benjamin ...... 199 Campbell. Benjamin ...... 199 MaggieJ ...... 158 Hannah ...... 199 Card. Julia ...... 199 Mary) ...... 105 Mary E ...... 199 Carder. Susie ...... 199 Frances ) ...... 122 Maria S ...... 164 Carpenter. Louisa A ...... 78 Charles F...... 78 Burrows. Ira H ...... , ...... 78 Nellie L...... 170 Carter. Joshua...... 10 Burroughs. Caughey. Lydia ...... 19 Mary ...... 103 Butler. Chadwick. Alice M ...... 165 Peace...... 51 Charles E ...... 165 Chaffee. Daniel...... 11 Blanche B ...... , ...... 136 Dorothy ...... 11 Cora M ...... 131 Elizabeth...... 11 EmmaS ...... 131 Fanny E ...... 105 Eva M ...... 81 George...... 11 H. W ...... 81 Harry ...... ·:··· 165 Mabel H ...... 131 John...... 11 Maude ...... 131 John ...... : .. 30 Myron ...... · ...... 131 Jonathan...... 10 Vincent S ...... 131 Jonathan...... 11 Vera I. E. A ...... 131 Mary ...... 11 William W ...... 131 Moses...... 11 Rebecca...... 11 Champlin. Stephen...... 53 Sarah...... 11 Sarah ...... -...... 12 Chandler. Alice...... 38 Byington. Sarah E ...... 61 Horace...... 38 Jon a than ...... 38 Jonathan ...... 38 Cady. Lowell...... 38 Daniel P...... 50 Oliver...... 38 Cadwell. Sally...... 38 Edward ...... 25 Samuel...... 38 Elizabeth ...... 16 Walter ...... 38 Mehitable ...... 2.f Chapin. Prudence...... 25 Abner...... 201 Theodore ...... ,...... 25 F. L ...... 91 Ruth ...... 25 Sybil L ...... 109 INDEX NO. 2. 227

PAGE Charlton. Cleland. Ann...... 81 Marilla ...... 195 Channey. Martin ...... 195 Abigail...... 19 Nathan ...... 195 Catherine...... 19 Oliver...... : ...... 195 John Stocking...... 19 Samuel...... 195 Mary ...... 19 Thankful...... 195 Nathaniel...... 19 Clouston. Nathaniel...... 19 E.S...... 94 Sarah ...... 19 Coapman. Cheffey. Mary E ...... -...... 122 Sarah ...... 152 Cobb. Childs. Charles ...... 204 David W ...... 42 Corinna E ...... 204 Glen C ...... 42 Coe. Henry H ...... 42 Sadie A ...... 146 Perry G ...... 42 Sarah} ...... 146 Sophia ...... 42 Cole. Timothy ...... 42 Jeremiah...... 24 Timothy ...... 42 Nathan ...... 78 Church. Martha ...... 136 Frank H ...... 94 ·coles. Clapp. John ...... 10 Nancy ...... 62 Collier. Clark ...... 30 Daniel ...... 10 Charles E ...... 128 Colvin. Dickinson ...... 128 Sidney ...... 201 Edward D ...... 128 Combs. Ezekiel...... 37 S. ·E ...... 201 Hul

PAt';E. PAGE Corness. Crncker. Myra...... 109 Charles F ...... 170 Corning. Jennie ...... 171 William ...... 27 Mary ...... 171 Templeton ...... 171 Cornwell. Temperance...... 38 Fanny ...... 51 James ...... 159 Cruickshank. Nellie ...... 159 James H ...... 132 William 8 ...... 159 Corser. Daniels. Margaret E ...... 100 Alfred M ...... 181 Corwin. Florence A ...... 181 Hannah E ...... 98 George ...... 127 Covill. Mabel C ...... 181 James ...... 37 Daly. Cowan. Mary A ...... 169 Anna B ...... 185 Darrow. Phoebe A ...... 137 Cora A ...... 127 Cowdin. Ellen 1...... , ...... 127 Charles A...... 97 Minnie C ...... 127 Chloe A...... 97 Mott W ...... 127 Craig ...... 59 S. E .... , ...... : ...... 127 Craig N...... 97 Davenport. Elizabeth B...... 97 Cora E ...... , ...... 169 Florida L...... 97 Gilbert B ...... 169 Giles...... 59 Grace A ..... : ...... 169 James M ...... 60 Lucius...... 169 James R ...... 97 ' Nellie S...... 169 Nat ...... 60 Davies. Crane. Elizabeth ...... 137 Joel ...... 47 Davison. Laura ...... ·...... 47 Elliot ...... 138 Orman ...... 47 J. Ralph E ...... : ...... 138 Simeon ...... 47 Davol. Crnwford. Marv A ...... 96 Alexander B ...... 198 Dean. Anna B ...... 198 George...... 58 Bertha A ...... : ...... 198 Anna S ...... 14-8 Charles E ...... 198 Emma E ...... 124 De Forrest. Harriet ...... 198 Sarah...... 77 Isabella I...... 93 Delamater. Leroy ...... 124 Frances...... 70 Rose M ...... 198 Deming. William B ...... 198 Levi ...... , ...... 33 lNDEX NO. 2. 229

PA.GE. PAGE. Demarest. Donaldson. Cornelius l...... 172 Alby E ...... 91 Olive L ...... 172 John W ...... 91 Reginald E ...... 172 Doolittle. De Muth. Lydia A ...... 76 Cora Jeane ...... 149 Doud. Fritz Emmett ...... 189 Alexander L...... 140 Amos R ...... 140 Denison. Davis R ...... 140 Ann...... 44 Florilla A ...... 140 Densmore. Hattie L ...... 140 Sophia ...... 80 Rollin ...... 140 Derby. Tamar L ...... 140 Albert C ...... 180 Drake. Arlien ...... 180 Charles...... 49 Howard ...... 180 Joseph...... 22 Lemuel...... 22 Devenhaugh. Samuel...... 22 A. S ...... 135 Sarah ...... 22 Carrie ...... 135 Sarah ...... 205 Charles E...... 135 Edwin E:...... 135 Dunham. E. H ...... 135 Caroline...... 202 Hannah V. B ...... 135 Dunlap. Mariah ...... 135 Margaret ...... 160 Durfee. Devendorf. George B ...... 58 Elizabeth...... 67 Durfey. Grace ...... 122 Mary A ...... 133 Henry E ...... 122 Lucien B ...... 122 Ear1. Raymond E ...... 122 Elias B ...... 100 Dewey. Helen P ...... 100 James ...... 43 Lazelle E ...... 100 Prudence ...... 196 Marcus R ...... 100 De Wolf. Martha] ...... 102 Prudence...... 71 Ear1y. Dickinson...... 42 Japette ...... 128 Easterday. Elbridge C...... 65 Nellie ...... 179 Doan. Robert ...... 179 Mary ...... 141 Eddy. Dodd. Elizabeth E...... 96 Dallas ...... 122 Gertrude...... 96 Doe. Jessie F ...... 96 Fred P ...... 187 Louise L ...... 96 Mary A ...... 187 Edwards. Kingsley E ...... 187 Richard...... 11 230 INDEX NO. 2.

PA.G:8. PAGE. Elwell. Farrin. S. A ...... 205 Sophronia H ...... 61 Elliot. Farrington. Charles T ...... 161 Clarissa...... 7 4 Charles W ...... 161 Faucher. Burton ...... 161 Lemuel ...... 64 Noel ...... 161 Fay. Thomas ...... 161 Ella A...... 95 Ralph ...... 161 Ferguson. Ensign. Amelia ...... 78 Hannah...... 6 Amelia ...... 78 Mary ...... 64 Bryan ...... 78 Etheridge. Burton...... 78 Charles...... 69 Elizabeth ...... 78 Emma M ...... 69 Elsie W ...... 78 Emma C ...... 127 Frances L...... 78 Francis...... 69 George D ...... 78 Francis ...... 127 George D ...... 78 Francis B...... 68 Helen ...... 78 James H ...... 69 Laura A ...... 78 Locke ...... 69 Lena E ...... 78 Locke C ...... 127 Lewis ...... 78 Lyman]...... 127 Raymond ...... 78 Mary C ...... 69 Willett...... 78 Sarah B ...... 59 Sarah ...... 127 Ferrey. William L ...... 127 Moses ...... 24 Estes. Mary ...... 24 Selah Ann...... 97 Fitch. Ewart. Harriet ...... 153 Elizabeth ...... 170 Fisher. Ewing. Frank R ...... 170 Albert 8 ...... 110 Fisk. Albert Starr ...... 110 Adeline E ...... 109 Cynthia A ...... 110 Emma A ...... 110 Fitzpatrick. Frances ...... 110 Adella...... 57 Julia A ...... 110 Flagg. Justus E ...... 110 Jesse C...... 48 Mary M ...... 110 Fledden. Emma ...... 79 Fahey Flourney. M. 0 ...... 103 John ...... 86 Fairchild. Forbes. Louise P ...... 134 George ...... 94 Farnum. George L ...... 94 G. E ...... 70 Mary H ...... 94 INDEX NO. 2. 231

PActE, PAGE. Forsyth. Gamble. Lesley E ...... 182 Mary Easton...... 86 Thomas ...... 182 Mary Ellen ...... 147 William H ...... 182 Mary McGill...... 148 Forward. Margaret ...... 147 Mercy ...... , .. 34 Rufus Easton...... 86 Fowler. Rufus Easton ...... 148 Luther...... 63 Virginia...... 86 Francis. Garrity. George...... 24 Helen ...... 187 Fraser. Geyer. Robert ...... 41 Edward ...... 86 Frazer. Henry ...... 86 Charles B ...... 158 Henry S ...... 86 James E ...... 158 Gibson. Schuyler D ...... 157 Archie ...... 147 Schuyler D ...... 158 Charles ...... 147 French. Charles ...... 147 Ellen L ...... 159 Easton R ...... · ..... 147 Elizabeth R ...... 147 Gage. Gerolt ...... 147 Eli A...... 126 Louise G ...... 147 Fanny ...... 126 Preston ...... 147 Locke E ...... 126 Victor R ...... 147 Lyman J ...... 126 Gilbert Gains or Gaines. David ...... 16 Mary ...... 26 Frances R...... 56 Simon ...... 26 Henry E ...... 56 Simon ...... 26 Horatio G...... 56 Sarah...... 26 Jasper W...... 56 Sarah ...... -...... 10 Marinus W...... 56 Timothy ...... 26 Marinus W ...... 56 Galusha. May P ...... 147 Auri11a ...... 202 Giles. Gamble. Samuel J ...... 53 Annie ...... 147 Gillett. Anne H ...... 86 Mary ...... 10 Archibald...... 86 Archibald...... 86 Gillson. Archibald ...... , 147 Ella M ...... 127 Archibald ...... 148 Glassford. Aleirnndra McG ...... 148 Richard ...... 202 Charles G ...... 147 Gleason. Edward 8 ...... 147 Hannah ...... 201 Eleanor A. McC ...... 148 Goldsborough. Eliza ...... 86 Mary L ...... 200 Jose9h...... 86 Gould or Gold. Joshua B ...... 86 Mary ...... 30. Gooding. 184 Gregory...... 160 !;:.:::::::::::·:::::::::::::::::::: ...... ~!! Ida J...... Bertie ...... Griffin.Job ...... 80 Goodrich. Griffith. Sarah ...... ······················· 41 Nancy ...... 83 Grinnell. Goodwin...... 10 Daniel...... 24 Elizabeth·········· Eleazer...... 24 Guiberson.Ida C ...... 190 Ele~ec...... 10 Guild...... 143 Elllabcth ····· · · ·······...... 24 Ahin W ...... · ···· ·· ···· ·······...... 143 EJllaheth ...... :·:::::::::::·::: 24 Elmec 0 ...... ·· 143 Hannah•················ 10 Emma 0 ...... ··············:::...... 14-3 ~M"gf;;:~ ? •• E ~:;:~:,: m ...... Helen M...... 143 Moses ...... 10 Law=tt W ...... 143 Nath,n...... 10 Macy A...... 143 Rachel...... · ······ ·· ·· ...... 24 w ultec C ...... · ··· ·· ··· · · · ··· · · ··· 143 Ss::~~'.::::::::::::::::::::::::::... 10 Wellington] ...... ············· Thankful...... ,Timothy ...... 10lO Gushee.Mary E ...... ········ ...... 112

Gowey...... 140 Gilbert•················· Hadlock...... 197 Grant...... 33 Almira .. ··············•· ········· Hall...... 104 Charlotte...... 198 William C ......

Hamlin.Ha1-ris ...... 26 }L{~Jt••·························:·Mabel...... 10 Hamilton...... l!l Frances] ...... 122 ...... Mary...... 10 Hammond. Elizabeth ...... 79 ;:::~::::::::::.:;:::::::::::::::::...... 33 Haskins...... 45 Graham. 198 Alice May ...... ::::: 198 ~~::;~·j:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ...... 128 David W...... 198 Hastings...... 44 Isaac...... 64 r~~.{.~::•••:::::•m Phoebe ...... Haswell...... 79 Williatn E ...... Joseph M ......

Green...... 66 Haws. _22 Olive ...... ······ Eli ...... ···················· INDEX NO. 2. 233

PAGE. PAGE. Hays. Holmes. Aaron C ...... 109 John...... 27 Aaron L ...... 109 Holley. Carlos A ...... 109 Henry A ...... 190 George A ...... 109 Henry E ...... 190 Heman S ...... 109 Hollister. Henrietta ...... 109 Catherine...... 26 Hays. Holt. Isaac G ...... 109 Ann ...... 78 James F ...... 109 Hoover. Hayes. Lydia L ...... 205 Newton ...... 53 Horn. Hatch. Catherine A...... 56 Marrietta ...... 163 Horner. Helton. John W ...... 91 Elizabeth ...... 137 Horton. Henry. Anna F ...... 134 Charles C ...... 108 Charles E ...... 134 Emeline...... 68 Joel ...... 134 Herrick. Julia E ...... 134 Lucinda ...... 107 Orio ...... 133 Hewitt. House. George...... 66 Anna S ...... 125 Hicks. Frank H ...... 197 Finnett ...... 204 George H ...... 197 Hickok. Henry ...... 197 Reuben...... 23 John H ...... 197 Hickols. Julius C ...... 197 Lila ...... 132 Louis M ...... 197 Higley. Mary Etta ...... 1•97 Warren H ...... 166 Sarah ...... 197 Hill. Seymour B ...... 197 Lucinda ...... 195 Hovey. Hobert. Mary A ...... 130 George L ...... 95 Howard. Lewis P ...... 95 Adeline M ...... 114 Hoffman. Edward ...... 114 Elizabeth...... 78 Frederick P ...... 114 Holbert. Rhoda M ...... 132 Mary M ...... 155 Howdle. Holcomb. Frank R ...... too Edward B ...... 121 Harmon B ...... 100 Ralph ...... 121 Marjorie M ...... 100 William L ...... 121 Hubbard. William S ...... 121 Eliza ...... 133 Holdridge. Hughes. Lizzie ...... 194 Mary F ...... 73 234 INDEX NO. 2.

PAGE. PAGE. Hughson. Ish,rn1. Caroline L ...... 186 Asher...... 27 ·Hume. Eliza ...... 53 Sarah M ...... 67 Ives. Humason. Fanny ...... 65 Ada L ...... 166 Alice May ...... 166 Jayne. Francis ...... 131 Arthur E ...... 166 George ...... 130 Arthur H ...... 166 Harry ...... 131 Bertha G ...... 166 Orin _B ...... 131 Charles Henry ...... 108 Charles Herbert...... 167 Jackman. Clara B ...... 166 William ...... 142 Clarence L ...... 166 Claudia M ...... 167 Jefferies. Daisy Bell ...... 166 Helen M ...... 171 Edna M ...... 166 Jenks. Edwin L ...... 108 Anne ...... 33 Ella C ...... 108 Alice...... 33 Ella Louisa ...... 166 Eben ...... 33 Emma M ...... 166 Obadiah ...... 33 Estella M ...... 166 Smith ...... 195 Eva Bell ...... 167 George ...... 108 Jenkins. Harrison H ...... 166 Carrie] ...... 109 Heman R ...... , ...... 108 Catherine...... 187 James K ...... 108 Elbert A ...... 140 Jane E ...... 108 Frank C ...... 140 Jesse L ...... 166 Helen ...... 187 Levi ...... 108 Ida H ...... 187 Mabel L ...... 166 James E ...... 187 Nelson S ...... 166 Walter M ...... 140 Phoebe L ...... 108 William W ...... 140 Hunt. Johnson. Lydia ...... 82 Esther Amelia ...... 117 Sally...... 83 Gilbert B ...... 134 Huntley. James H ...... 142 Ernest V...... 78 Mary E ...... 134 Sarah ...... 114 ·Hurlburt ... :...... 33 Thomas ...... 19 Hutchinson. Calista...... 71 Johnston. Ada F ...... 149

Ingersoll. Jones. Dora ...... 130 Edwin L ...... 84 Irlam. Jerusha E...... 73 Nellie T ...... 121 Lavinia .. .- ...... 195 INDEX NO. 2. 235

PAGE. PAGE, Joy. Ledyard Augusta M ...... 178 John H ...... 42 Eugene H ...... 1 78 Margaret...... 42 Eugene L...... 17 8 Rachel C...... 42 Jason S ...... 178 Samuel...... 42 Samuel F ...... 42 Kalenbach. Timothy ...... 42 Hattie ...... 171 T. Scott ...... 42 Keen. William W ...... 58 Lee. Hannah ...... 82 Kelley. Rhoda ...... 83 Clifton D ...... •.... 190 Oliver ...... 190 Leisenring. Kendig. Laura C ...... 154 John E ...... 198 Leonard. Kent. Anna ...... 53 Angene ...... 166 Daniel...... 52 HattieJane ...... 167 Daniel...... 53 Kilborne. Edward ...... 53 Mary ...... : ...... 55 Elizabeth...... 53 Josiah...... 53 Kimball. Marcellus G...... 53 Maria L ...... 203 Polly...... 53 Kintner. Sabrina...... 104 Mary J ...... 129 Lepper. Kissam. Isaac...... 80 Jonas B...... 91 Joseph...... 80 Kloes. Lewis. Henry ...... · ...... 150 Jennie...... 95 Kocher. Maria ...... 154 Anna ...... 154 Lightfoot. Elizabeth W ...... 76 La Fon. Locke. Martha P ...... 149 Clarissa...... 69 Lamar. Elam ...... 47 Jennie ...... 143 Hannah ...... 46 Lamb. Loomis. Alonzo N ...... 84 Charles H ...... 134 Larrabee...... 61 Elizabeth ...... 134 La Treat. F1·ed J ...... 134 Amelia ...... 76 Gilbert B ...... 134 Law. Mary A ...... 130 Walter B...... 61 Losey. Ledyard. Marie E ...... 175 Benjamin ..... ,...... 42 Louck. Catherine...... 42 Perry ...... f95 236 INDEX NO. 2.

PAGE. PAGE, Luce. Maxwell. Harvey E ...... 123 Daniel A ...... 76 William A ...... 123 Merrells. Luger. Abel ...... , ...... 11 Henry P ...... 76 Elijah...... 11 Lupton. Hezekiah ...... -...... 11 Ruth ...... 147 John...... 11 Lyle. Mary ...... 11 Mary ...... 112 Susannah...... 11 Lynch. Thankful...... 11 Anna ...... 180 Thomas ...... 11 Menzelli. Mabry. Elizabeth...... 91 Mattie M ...... 185 Magoon. Merrick. Anna M ...... 131 Henry ...... 92 Starr...... 92 Majors. Elizabeth...... 89 Merryman ...... 106 Manchester. Miles. Artemisia...... 62 Elizabeth...... 15 Mann ...... 51 Joseph...... 1.5 Mary ...... 15 Manville. Richard...... 15 Louise ...... , ...... 125 Samuel...... 15 Markley. Flora L ...... 166 Miller. Daniel ...... 101 Marsh. Delos G.,...... 101. Betsey ...... 195 Ellen M ...... 101 Clara E ...... 203 Ellie E ...... 101 Clarence ...... 203 Harvey ...... 202 Levi ...... 203 Henry E ...... 101 Mary F ...... 203 Jennie 8 ...... 101 Nathaniel...... 10 Julius E ...... 101 Martin. Mary L ...... ·.. 101 Margaret L ...... 156 William R ...... 101 Masterman. Mills. Wellington C ...... 186 Adeline ...... 111. Julia F ...... 186 Amelia ...... 195 Macthews. Achsah ...... 195 H. M ...... 81 Cephas ...... 195 Louise M ...... , ...... 200 Cephas ...... 195 Maxham. Charles ...... 195 Otis ...... 195 Chauncy ...... 195 Maxon. C bester...... 195 Lois M ...... 191 Elizabeth ...... 195 S. Easton ...... 191 Hannah ...... _, ...... 195 William L ...... 191 John ...... -...... 195 INDEX NO. 2. 237

PAGE. PAGg, Mills. Mygatt. Lucy ...... 195 Jacob...... 11 Nancy ...... 195 McCalpin. Philo ...... 195 Ida ...... 143 Polly ...... 195 McCartey. Moon. Amelia E ...... 120 Frederick ...... 157 McCarthy. Frederick W ...... 157 John]...... 91 Montgomery. McCrea. °Edmund A ...... 174 Lucy...... 92 Morey. McDavitt. Ann ...... 202 Esther E ...... 175 Morgan. Harriet E ...... 175 Alonzo ...... 179 Mary ...... 175 Frank L ...... 179 Sarah C ...... 175 Glen W ...... , ...... 179 Thomas ...... 175 Marius J ...... 179 McGill. Mary ...... 148 Moore. McGowan. Josephine A ...... 164 Josephine ...... 185 Mary E ..... , ...... 109 McIntire. Ridout...... 34 Solomon ...... 75 Cora E ...... 163 Edgar F ...... 161 Solomon ...... 75 Elbridge G ... , ...... 163 Morehouse. Elmer 163 Bertha...... 63 E ...... William M ...... 161 Morrison. Mclntyre. Norman ...... 19 Emma ...... 198 Morton. McKim. Abigail ...... 22 Rebecca...... 92. Adeline P ...... ' ...... 151 Mc Kenny. Charles ...... "...... 151 Mary P ...... 120 Charles E ...... 151 Mc Kinzie. Elizabeth L ...... : ...... 151 Carlton ...... 106 Emmet C ...... 151 Charles H ...... 106 Sibley ...... 151 Frank F ...... 106 Moulton. Hattie L ...... 106 Lucy ...... ······· 71 Nancy E ...... 106 Mullen. Thomas J ...... ·····--···--·· 106 Charles H ...... 160 McLaughlin. Henry ...... 160 Daniel] ...... 84 Lottie E ...... 160 M~Lean. Munger. Eliza...... 92 Katie ...... 182 Ida ...... :...... 92 Munson. Joseph...... 92 Albert ...... 103 Malcolm ...... 92 Cora E ...... 103 Marinus...... 92 Lyman E ...... , ...... 103 Niles...... 92 INDEX NO. 2.

PAGE. PAGE. McLeese. Oakes. Charles C ...... • 188 Hartley ...... 81 Garth H ...... 188 Henry M ...... 81 Merle E ...... 188 1saac...... 81 McMartin. Martha...... 81 Maggie...... 92 Martha A ...... 81 Martha L...... 81 Narrengang. Mary ...... :... 81 Spencer ...... 120 Tamar E ...... 81 Nelson TamarE ...... fl1 David C ...... 146 William H ...... , 81 Gilbert E ...... 146 Olcott. Elizabeth ...... 145 Abigail...... 19 Emerson S ...... 146 John E ...... 17 Leon D ...... 146 Josiah ...... : ...... 17 Lucy D ...... 146 Sarah...... 17 Neuman. Thomas ...... 17 Charlotte...... 60 Olden. Newton. Katherine...... 172 Lucretia ...... 129 Olmstead. Nichols. Sarah...... 11 Asenath ...... 71 Niles. Orr. Charles W ...... : ..... 131 Carroll E ...... 164 Charles W ...... 131 Ella L ...... 164 Elizabeth F ...... 144 Herbert F ...... 164 Katherine L ...... 131 James A ...... 164 Sally...... 55 Jennie J ...... 164 Sally...... 84 John H ...... 164 ·Noble. John S ...... 108 Abigail...... 34 Mary E ..... , ...... 164 Norcross. William H...... 164 Isaac W ...... :...... 68 Orrell. · Norton. Mary Ann ...... 199 F. B ...... 97 Osborn. Noye. Emma C ...... 105 Emeline...... 87 Nye. Osmer. Rachel...... 38 Jno...... 65 Ott. Oakes. Eliza...... 87 Caleb ...... 81 Carey...... 80 Page. Carey ...... 81 Elisha ...... 194 Edward C ...... 81 J. c ...... _ ...... 86 Francis...... 81 Paine. George W ...... 81 Walter...... 58 INDEX NO. 2. 239

PAGE. PAGE. Pardee. Pollard. Mary L...... 182 Frances M ...... 129 William E ...... 182 Lucinda...... 69 William 0 ...... 182 Pomeroy. Parker. Eunice...... 28 Abbie L ...... 140 Rebecca...... 61 Henry ...... 138 Pooler. Parsons. Mary ...... 201 Elijah...... 19 Pope. Sarah...... 53 Charles s .. ·...... 174 Paull. Emily H ...... 174 H. A ...... 101 Elijah E ...... 174 Paxton. James De K...... 174 William ...... 140 William C...... 1 73 Pease. Porter. Martha W ...... 198 Elizabeth ...... 138 Peck. Elizabeth L. 8...... 89 Abner C ...... '...... 203 John E ...... 172 Absalom E ...... 203 Mary F ...... 172 Emma C ...... 203 Samuel...... 38 John B ...... 203 Warren R ...... 172 Perkins. • Warren R ...... 172 James K ...... 168 Post. Laura P ...... 168 Maria S ...... 63 Lena E ...... 168 Potter. Perry. Clara M ...... 161 Merab ...... 41 Powers. Richard E ...... 147 David C ...... 42 Phelps. Pratt. Frances ...... 109 Adelaide ...... 144 Mary ...... 35 Harriet V ...... 135 Mary E ...... 106 Horatio 0 ...... 144 Phillips.' Lou ...... 185 Mary C ...... 176 Margaret E...... 39 Phinney. Martha ...... 22 E. S ...... 64 Rachel...... 10 Picket. Solomon A...... 144, Hannah ...... 195 Susannah ...... :...... 27 Pierce. Prescott. Dewey ...... : 127 Alva R ...... 123 Pitkin. Alvah R ...... 124 Hannah ...... 11 Mabel ...... 124 Place. Sarah H ...... 124 Minor J ...... 129 Theodore M ...... 12.J. Plant. Protheroe. George H ...... 148 Mary A ...... 79 INDEX NO. 2.

PAGE. PAGE. Rockwell. Quarles...... 80 Joel...... 22 Mary ...... 86 Rogers. Martha ...... 86 Jane ...... 118 Quinn. Lucretia ...... 104 Susie ...... 128 Rollins. J. Herbert...... 69 Raymond. Root. Sally ...... 59 Mary ...... '...... 53 Rennon. Rousseau. E. F ...... 205 Charles R...... 78 Frances E ...... 205 Cornelia L...... 78 Reynolds: Daniel A ...... 78 Mary ...... 76 Edward B ...... 78 Richardson. George F ...... 78 Celestia E ...... 1 78 Rickard. Rowley. Marvin ...... 101 Lydia ...... 76 Rising. Rulison. Abraham ...... 44 D. V ...... 125 Abraham Jr...... 63 Emma G ...... 125 Abram ...... 64 Frederick S ...... 125 AI-ma...... 64 Locke D ...... 125 Bennett...... 64 Russell. Calvin...... 64 Sylvia ...... 201 Clada ...... 64 Dianthia ...... 64 Sadd. Easton Q ...... 63 Lucy...... 33 Emily ...... 64 Salisbury. Ja-,kson M...... 64 Eliza beth ...... 40 Louisa...... 63 Ella E ...... 189 Martin H...... 64 Hannah A ...... 85 Harriet L...... 163 Sanders. Risley. Dewey ...... 70 Zerviah ...... 32 Elisha W ...... 70 Roberts. Lucinda...... 82 Bessie E ...... 124 Sauer. Hall ...... ' ...... 124 Lizzie...... 81 Harvey E ...... 124 Searles. Hiram R ...... 12-t. Flora ...... 162 Ruth...... 124 Scott. Robson. Nora ...... 132 James H ...... 132 Scranton. John E ...... 132 Albert...... 94 Harriet ...... 132 Benjamin D...... 94 Robinson. Harriet J...... 94 Celia ...... 134 Lewis A...... 94 Frances...... 57 Mary G ...... ,...... 94 INDEX NO. 2. 241

PAGE. PAGE. Senkler. Skinner. Albert E ...... :...... -.. 153 Benjamin ...... ,...... , ...... 25 Agnes I...... 153 Benjamin...... 26 George E ...... , . 153 John ...... :...... 9 Seymour. Jo]ln .... _...... _...... 10 Horatio...... 10 Joseph D...... 10 Moses ...... , ...... , 10 ¥1!-_l"Y ...... 10 Origen 8 ...... 10 Nathaniel...... 10 Rachel...... 28 Pruden~e ...... -...... 26 Richard...... 10 Shafer. Sarah ...... 10 Ella...... 130 The~dosia: ...... ,... 26 Sharp. Thomas ...... 10 Fanny M ...... :: ... 184 Shaw. Small. Everett A ...... 132 Winnie ...... , ..... 142 Sarah L ...... :...... 181 Smith. Shepherd. Allly Ahia!...... ,...... 54 Fanny ...... 197 Aurelia...... 33 Fred B ...... 121 Barton W ...... 150 Ge·orge F ...... 121 Channey ...... 71 Gertrude A ...... 121 De.Witt...... 53 Helen A ...... '177 Eldad ...... 33 lre1ie K...... '..: ...... 177 Elizabeth...... 24 Lucien H ...... , ...... 121 Esther...... 109 Mary L ...... 121 Heman ...... 71 Russ~ll E ...... , ...... 121 Jane C ...... 89 Ruth E ...... -...... ·...... -...... 177 Jane v ...... 157 Thomas B ...... 121 Jerusha· ..... ::...... 33 Sherman. Joseph...... 33 William W ...... ,:...... 49 Laban ...... 64 Shirley. Levi...... 33 Gertrude ...... , . .- ...... 179 M·ary ...... :'...... 53 Richard ...... ,...... 1 Nathan...... 24 Shrader.:::...... :...... 65 Nathan ...... ;...... 33 Terry ...... 33 Shumway. Reuben ...... 33 Francis G: ...... 120 H~rbert s.: ...... i20 Rufus E ...... 71 Sat•ah ...... :...... 33 S~ymour ...... :...... :...... 120 Sa.rah A ...... 53 Sibley. Sarah E...... 71 . George C ... , ...... , ...... , ... _...... 85. Seth...... 33 Sigler. Simeon...... 3is Amanda ...... 120 South. Silliman. Ann E ...... , .... 76 Samuel ...... 91 Simons. Southwell. Jacob ...... ;;,., ..201 . Gratia ...... 135

16 INDEX NO. 2.

PAGE. PAGE. Southworth. Steele. MRry ...... 199 Elizabeth ...... 202 Spaulding. Stetson. Albert S ...... ·.. 170 Sarah ...... 61 Cynthia E ...... , 170 Stewart. Frank E ...... 170 John M ...... 109 Irving E ...... 170 Stocking. · James B ...... , ...... 170 John ...... , ...... 19 Sparks. Stoddard. Addie ...... 123 Eli ...... 24 Spence. Stiles. Edmund R ...... 151 Sarah ...... 63 Spencer. Stokes. Abbie K ...... 183 William ...... 62 John ...... , ...... 16 Stone. Mindwell ...... 11 Irene...... 70 Sarah ...... 12 Strong. Sidney...... 39 Almira ...... 80 Sperry. Ira...... 80 Susan F ...... 163 Luman ...... 80 Spiller. Lyman ...... 80 Mary J ...... ,...... 142 Maria ...... 80 SprRgue. Noble ...... 80 Bertha ...... 69 Stryker. Cora M ...... 183 Samuel S ...... 91 Standring. Sumner. Elsie M ...... 79 Perrin ...... 110 Emma F ...... 79 Swan . . John T...... 79 Ada M ...... 69 Leonard...... 79 William G...... 69 Sidney L ...... 79 Symonds. William C...... 79 Edwin ...... 196 Stanley. Elizab1:th ...... 196 Emily C ...... :'...... , ...... 167 Harriet...... 57 Evelina ...... 168 John ...... 196 Francis W ...... 108 Julia ...... 196 Jennie ...... 108 Mary Ann ...... 196 Katie B ...... : ...... 167 Miner...... 196 Marjorie May .... : ...... :...... 168 Sarah ...... 196 Mariah L ...... '...... 167 Stephen ...... 1'96 Oliver ... ,...... 19 Stephen ...... 196 Sanford L ...... 108 William B ...... 108 Taft. William H ...... 167 Zadoc L ...... 49 Starkweather. Tatro. Sophronia...... 69 Harold B ...... , ...... 165 · Starr ...... ,...... 37 \Vynn...... 165 INDEX NO. 2. 2 43

PAGE. PAGE. Taylor. Traver. Adeline M ...... 114 Albertie ...... '.... 142 Edward ...... 113 David E ...... 142 Edward 1...... - ...... •... 114 E.W...... 141 Ferdinelle...... 108· Ella M ...... 142 -Frances E ...... 114 Gussie B ...... 142 George W ...... 108 Harry G ...... 142 Harry H ...... , ..... 114 Lillie A ...... 142 Walter C ...... 114 Loran W.'...... 142 Tefft. Treat. Ella...... 79 Catherine ...... :.. 26 Terry. ' Trowbridge. Bertha E ...... 147 Elizabeth...... 17 Emmeret C ...... 147 Mary ...... 17 Gilbert E ...... ,.. 147 Sarah ...... 17 Leon C ...... 147 Stephen...... 16 Raymond E ...... 147 Stephen...... 17 Teter. Susan ...... : ...... 42 Rose M ...... 137 Thomas ...... 17 Thomas. Tuttle. Hiram ...... 49 Ruth Ann ...... 42 Thompson. Tyler. Amanda P ...... 62 Darwin L ...... 60 Asad L ...... 167 Helen C ...... 60 Hadley A ...... 167 Jehiel...... 60 Howard P ...... 167 Julia A...... 60 Ira D ...... 167 Salmon E ...... 60 Josiah...... 15 Tyrell. Justin E ...... 167 John...... 34 Mary ...... : .... 111 Van Buren. Thorpe. Harmon ...... 50 Esther...... 81 Mariah ...... 49 Willie L ...... 191 Van Delinda. Tiffals. Ada ...... 161 William ...... , ...... , ... ,. 143 Cornelius ...... 161 Tilton. Harry ...... 161 Georgietta ...... 111 Van Gelder. Tillotson. Clara ...... 104 Susanna...... 103 Vaughn. Curnel ...... 205 Todd. Daniel ...... 205 Hosea ...... 195 Eliza ...... 205 Town. , Heman ...... 204 Clinton D ...... 166 Lydia A.: ...... 205 Townsend. Mariette ...... , ...... 205 Benjamin...... 65 Martha C ....· ...... 205 244 INDEX NO. 2.

PAGE. PAGE. Vedder. Warren. Doro.thy ...... 127 John ...... , ...... 142 Visscher. Maroa ...... 84 Daniel W ...... 76 Russell .... :., ...... ,...... 46 Frederiek ...... 76 Washburn. Henry H...... 76 Josephine ...... i43 Jacob G...... 76 Watson. John H...... 76 James S.·...... U0 Maria L ...... ,...... 76 Mary Alby...... 91 William B ...... : 75 Russella E...... 90 William C ...... : .... 76 · Weare. Wait. Sophia ...... , .. 126 Hattie...... 92 Weathers. L

PAGE, PAGE. Wilcox. Winslow. Alasco W ...... 138 Abigail N...... 49 Albert J ...... 138 Charlama F ...... 49 John M ...... 138 Clarissa...... 49 Joseph E ...... 138 David B ...... 49 Joseph...... 80 David ...... 75 Lucy M ...... 138 Elizabeth...... 75 Lydia ...... 138 Enoch ..... :...... 49 Marilla ...... 138 Enoch ...... 49 Martin E ...... 138 Frances...... 75 Robert ...... 113'8 Iris R...... 49 Robert A...... 138 Lafayette...... 75 Thomas A ...... 138 Mary ...... 75 Mary E ...... 59 Williams...... 20 Pamelia ...... 59 Aun Delight...... 70 Sally...... 59 Charles R ...... 124 Seymour ...... 75 Channey ...... 71 Susan...... 59 Darius...... 70 William H...... 75 Ellina...... 70 Jennett...... 70 Winters. Lois ...... 70 Lydia ...... 53 Oliver...... 70 Witherell...... 51 Polly...... 70 William ...... 26 Sarepta...... 70 Stephen...... 70 Wood. Sylvia...... 28 Mary ...... 50 Theodore...... 70 Woodbridge. Willard...... 70 Benjamin...... 1 7 Wilkin. Woodruff. N. Frances...... 158 Solomon ...... 24 Wilson. Wright. Anna E ...... 126 Anna ...... 122 Carrie ...... 102 Hattie W ...... 161 Charles ...... 102 Jennie M ...... 15H Ella E ...... 102 Lizzie ...... 140 Wyliss. Odell ...... : ..... 102 Clarissa...... 32 Olin ...... 102 Olina ...... 102 Yerkes. Riley P ...... 102 Jacob E ...... 203 Winchell. Young. Elizabeth...... 23 Mary ...... 93




6 5 3 2 Cha:des Easton (Ahimaz , Eli:falz4, Iosep/t , Joseplz , 1 Joseph ), son of Ahimaz (39) and Mary (Phelps) Easton, was b. in Washington, Berkshire Co., Mass., about 1778, and d. in New York city, May 14, 1859, age Sr years. Hem.--, Lucy Wells, of Johnstown, New York, b. March 20, 1780, dau. of John Wells and Lois (Foot Merrels) his wife.

Their children were- CHARLES, b. -; d. of yellow fever in the South. 393 LUCY ANN, b. March 1, 1808. 394 THOMAS, b. March 26. r8n. 385 NATHAN WELLS, b. -. MELINDA; b. -; unmarried. SUSAN, b. -; m. rst Samuel Dibble, of Stamford, Conn; m. 2d Henry Sloane. JANE, b. -; m. rst Mr. Lyon; m. 2d Mr. Latham.

393 Lucy Ann 7 Easton (Char!es6, Ahimaz5, E!i.fahi, Joseph\ 2 1 Joseph , Joseph ), dau. of Charles (62) and Lucy (Wells) Easton, was b. March 1, 1808, in Utica, N. Y., and m. Col. Ichabod Lee Scranton, of New Haven, Conn.

Their child- MARY AUGUSTA, b. June 8, 1848; d. July 2, 1848. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.


7 5 3 Thomas Easton (Charles6, Ahimaz , Elijah4, Joseph , 1 Joseplt2, Joseph ), son of Charles (62) and Lucy (Wells) Easton, was b. March 26, 1811, in Utica, N. Y.; he d.March7, 1870, and m. July ro, 1831, Harriet Lincoln, b. Jan. 14, 1813. Shed. Feb. 13, 1850. Residence, Utica, N. Y.

Their child-

395 THOMAS, b. June 13, 1834.


8 6 6 Thomas Easton (T!tomas7, Charles , Ahimaz , Elijah4, 3 2 1 Joseplz , Joseph Joseph ), son of Thomas ( 394) and Harriet (Lincoln) Easton, was b. June 13, 1834, and d. Feb. 4, 1899. Hem. Nov. 23, 1861, Eliza Maria Cary, b. Dec. 30, 1841. Their residence, Bayonne, N. J.

Their children were- 396 CHARLES BRACKETT; b. Nov. 5, 1862. ALFRED CARY, b. Nov. 13, 1864; d. Aug. rr, 1882. MA UDE LOUISE, b, July 26, r868. 397 GEORGE CLARKE, b. Aui;. r, 1870. ERNEST CREPlN, b. April r3, ,1879.


0 8 7 Charles Brackett Easton (Thomas , Tlzo11zas, Charles6, 3 1 Altimaz5; Elijah\ Joseplt , Joseph 2, Joseph ), son of Thomas (395) and Eliza M. (Cary) Easton, was b. Nov. 5, 1862, and m. March 27, 1894, Ida May Oakley, b. April 1, 1874. Residence, r'899, Bayonne, N. J.

Their children were- ALFRED OAKLEY, .b. June 28, 1896. THOMAS CARY, b. Oct. 18. 1898. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.


George Clarke 9 Easton (Thomas8, Thomas7, Charles\ 5 3 1 Ahimaz , Eli/ah', Joseph , Joseph", Joseph ), son of Thomas (395) and Eliza M. (Cary) Easton, was b. Aug. I, 1870, and m. Dec. 15, 1892, Alice Cary Lane, b. Aug. 3, 1870. Residence 1899, Bayonne, N. J.; place of business, 295 Church street, New York city, manufacturing stationer.

Their children were- BLANCHE STEW ART, h. March 23, 1894- DORIS LOUISE, b. Nov. 4, 1897.