Drc Survey: an Overview of Demographics, Health, and Financial Services in the Democratic Republic of Congo
DRC SURVEY: AN OVERVIEW OF DEMOGRAPHICS, HEALTH, AND FINANCIAL SERVICES IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON STRATEGIC ANALYSIS, RESEARCH & TRAINING (START) CENTER OVERVIEW REPORT TO THE BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION MARCH 29, 2017 PRODUCED BY: NAUGHTON B, ABRAMSON R, WANG A, KWAN-GETT T EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The DemOcratic Republic Of COngO is One Of Africa’s largest cOuntries, but ranks near the bottom in most glObal indicatOrs. Weakened by decades Of viOlence, instability, and unchecked epidemics, the DRC faces challenges On many frOnts, with a nearly collapsed and Overburdened health system, crippled infrastructure, humanitarian crises, and persisting cOnflict in the Eastern regions. Despite these formidable challenges, and with the suppOrt Of private, bilateral, multilateral, and nOn-profit organizations, the DRC has seen imprOvements in sOme areas Over the past few decades. However, further investments targeted at the key catalysts Of develOpment are required as the cOuntry seeks health, financial, and physical security amidst a rapidly changing and uncertain landscape. To help infOrm strategic investments in the DRC, the Integrated Delivery team asked the Strategic Analysis and Research Training (START) Center at the University of Washington (UW) to develop an overview of demographics, health, and financial well-being in the DRC. The START team fOund concerns abOut the quality of much of the published data on the DRC. The data that was available showed stark health and social disparities by gender, class, geography, and urban vs. rural setting. Key challenges that were identified in the DRC include the fOllOwing: Demographics & Infrastructure § Weak infrastructure is a majOr hindrance tO ecOnOmic develOpment.
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